February 2008 HB Mag

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February 2008


Beginnings lifestyle magazine


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


LIFE SPA healing from the inside out


Free Far Infrared Sauna Session with First Visit I’m a 55-year young woman on a journey back to health and this is my story. For the past 6 years I have been in and out of hospitals for various surgeries and I was sick all the time! On top of catching every illness that crossed my path, I had horrible back pain for as long as I can remember. The pain was getting so horrible that I could hardly move. I scheduled lower back surgery for June 2007. Before I had my back surgery I fell down and hurt my good shoulder. I still had severe back pain after my surgery and my shoulder started to get worse. I reluctantly went to my doctor to find out what I did to my shoulder. I was sure it would end up in another surgery. He diagnosed me with tendonitis and gave me a prescription for steroids. That was it... I’d had enough! Instead of getting the prescription, I called Janet at Circle of Life Spa… I wanted my life back!! I met with Janet and she explained to me that my body was full of toxins from all the surgeries and medications. She had me get in the floating tank and then the infrared sauna. I was so amazed at what one visit to Circle of Life did for my body – I wanted more! I got started on a weekly routine of mineral wraps, floating tank and infrared sauna sessions to detox my body. I’ve been detoxing for only 4 months but the results are incredible! I see changes in my body every day and so do others – I’ve had many people tell me that I glow! I’ve lost 27 pounds and all the pain in my body is gone!!!! You can’t put a price on good health and I’m so thankful for Circle of Life Spa for helping me to get my health back.


Success Story

Far Infrared Saunas . Flotation Tank . Power Plate . Mineral Body Wraps . Nutrition



Body Wraps

Biophysiologist Dr. Grange will assess your personal health and nutrition by using metabolic profile evaluations. He then can design a personalized nutritional program to bring your body back to optimal health.

For an appointment call: 775.825.7727 Dr. Grange has a Masters of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Ph.D. in Nutrition and a Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton University.

Lose the appearance of inches today. Reduce cellulite, slenderize your body, improve circulation, hydrate your skin.

Power Plate

Vibration training on the Power Plate creates an intense, vigorous workout affecting virtually every muscle while dramatically reducing strain on joints, ligaments and tendons.

Dance Classes . Massage . Counseling . Meeting Rooms


5301 longley lane, ste. a8 & a7, reno February 2008





Neuroplasticity... 8


Dreams in Psychotherapy... 13

CONSCIOUSHEALTH... 10 Oriental Medicine

Spice Up Your Love Life... 16


Fighting Insomnia... 24


Spice Up Your Love Life

SUPPLEMENTS101... 20 Pumping Up Your Iron Levels

Osteoporosis Treatment... 35


FITNESS... 22 Core Training With The Bender Ball™

rBGH... 14

BOOKREVIEW... 30 The Divine Matrix




DENTALHEALTH... 36 Why Good Teeth Go Bad


Pumping Up Your Iron Levels... 20 Core Training With The Bender Ball™... 22


Finding A Compassionate Heart

HEALTHYPETS... 40 Keeping The Puppy Love Affair Alive


GREENLIVING... 43 The Best Energy-Efficient Dishwasher



Cleansing Retreats in Hawaii




Organic Cosmetics – Check The Label!




Yoga For The Special Child™

HEALTHYCOOKING... 60 Red Wine & Dark Chocolate

February 2008



Healthy Beginnings

To contact Healthy Beginnings: Publisher/Editor

Dawn M. Gowery

lifestyle magazine



ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends regarding Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a Natural, Holistic and Healthy Lifestyle.

Content Editor Carole Bucher


Contributing Writers Ariana Purcell Carole Bucher Kallie Wilbourn Lauren Birtwhistle Sara Piccola

Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' advertisers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. We feature articles by national authors as well as local leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

Creative Design & Layout Dawn Gowery

Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles and newsbriefs. Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Ads, CRG and Calendar listings.

Bailey Simantel bailey@HBMag.com

Sales & Marketing

To advertise in Healthy Beginnings, simply call 775-828-4547. To review a Media Kit visit www.HBMag.com



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HB Magazine is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

February 2008


Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 20,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification.

www.HBMag.com © 2008 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.




By Carole Bucher Dicentra Spectabilis, known as the Bleeding Heart. This charming flower is a natural choice for our February cover and Valentine’s Day. As you might imagine, the Bleeding Heart plant signifies love, especially enduring or undying love, and fidelity – qualities of nearly mythic proportions in today’s world of disposable relationships. Whom do we know that really loves without condition or requirement, whose loyalty endures, no matter what? Perhaps our parents or grandparents, a long-time friend, a spouse or partner; without doubt, our animal companions, who clearly have an easier time in life-long unconditional relationships than we humans. That is why animals are so often used in therapeutic situations, hospitals, group homes, and hospice settings. Constant, nonjudgmental love truly heals. The emotional nourishment of unconditional love – whether platonic, romantic or bridging across species opens and heals our hearts. We become more vulnerable and at the same time less afraid. With the help of a loved one, human, furred or feathered, we are more able to bear life’s trials and to get through the long, dark night. Let us cherish the love and healing that come through forgiveness and acceptance, and carry them out into the day. Give these gifts freely to everyone you meet! Happy Valentine’s Day.

PUBLISHER Dear Readers, While January is typically the month we establish personal or physical expectations for the New Year, February is the month many of us think about our heart. Heart in the sense of love; the love we have for others and equally important, the love we have for our self. Is not love an issue of respect? For, if we do not love who we are, then how are we able to love and respect others? We may ask ourselves if we are happy and is it happiness that denotes love? Do we enjoy our life? Do we enjoy what we are doing for a living? Are our emotional needs being met? Are we living to make a living or are we making a living to live? These can be difficult questions on their own; however, at times the more difficult task is truthfully answering these emotionally charged questions. In this issue you will find a variety of articles that relate to the topic of love: Dr. Taylor Donovan’s column, A River Runs Through Us, delves into connecting with the feeling of love. Chesa Keane writes about finding a compassionate heart and what that really means. We also bring you some simple steps to keep your puppylove affair going in a good direction. And there are two great articles on Hypnotherapy, to help guide you along

February 2008


your journey of healthy change. To get your work-out routine rolling, HB has a product review article on: “Core Training with the Bender Ball™.” If sleeping is a challenge for you, evaluate the role your bed may be playing. Also check out the article on “Good Night, Sleep Right with an abundance of earth-respecting bedding,” and “Spice up your Love Life… with L-Arginine.” Each month the Healthy Beginnings team works diligently to bring you the latest trends and straight facts in natural health care. We hope you benefit from the February Issue! Until next time… Best in Health and Happiness,

Dawn M. Gowery




Product Plunder Of The Week: Splenda Goes To Court

Jungian Psychotherapy and Dreamwork Now Available in Reno

A federal court has rejected a request for summary judgment in a lawsuit launched by the Sugar Association against Splenda. The plaintiff alleges Splenda is falsely advertising with its marketing slogan “Made from sugar so it tastes like sugar”. Splenda is the synthetic compound sucralose, discovered by scientists seeking a new pesticide formulation. The artificial sweetener is made by replacing hydroxyl groups in the sugar molecule with chlorine. There are no long-term studies of the side effects of Splenda in humans. The manufacturer’s own short-term studies showed that sucralose caused shrunken thymus glands and enlarged livers and kidneys in rodents. The FDA decided that because these studies weren’t based on human test animals, they were not conclusive. As a result, Splenda is one of the most ubiquitous ingredients in low calorie processed foods. Learn more: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_9306. cfm

Dr. Andy Drymalski, a Jungian psychologist and Nevada licensed psychologist, invites you to explore the world of your dreams. Jungian psychotherapy is a comprehensive approach to the human psyche based on the psychology of Carl Jung. This psychotherapeutic approach combines work with dreams, body symptoms, and life events to embrace the innate healing power and creative energy of the psyche. Jungian psychotherapy is appropriate for persons dealing with depression, stress, anxiety and grief/loss issues, as well as those who just want to learn more about themselves and their dreams. Weekend and evening appointments, sliding scale fees, and insurance billing are available. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call: (775) 786-3818; or visit: www.renopsychologist .com.

You May Be Eligible For A Free Mamogram

If you are a daughter, mother, wife or sister, this important information is for you. Men, make sure that the women in your life read this message. The Susan G. Komen for The Cure and the Barton HealthCare System want to make sure that every woman gets her annual mammogram. The Komen foundation granted $42,500 to Barton to pay for mammograms for uninsured, underinsured and underserved women and men. The best protection against breast cancer is early detection and now Barton is offering the latest in technology with its two new digital mammography machines. The Barton HealthCare System is also helping by offering a softer, warmer mammogram. Call (530) 543-5537 or stop by the Barton Community Clinic to pick up an application for free mammogram.

Get In shape With Baby Boot Camp’s Fitness Challenge February 4 - May 2 Baby Boot Camp prenatal and postpartum stroller fitness classes are designed to help moms get fit. Classes combine strength-training exercises, cardiovascular drills, and mat work, all with baby in tow. In this 13 week fitness competition for all levels, participants will be paired up with a challenge buddy, take fitness tests at the beginning and end of the program, get measurements, are able to attend special classes, have additional challenge cardio blasts, come to monthly “meet and touch base meetings”, and are held accountable for their goals. There will be 3 winners: Most inches and pounds lost overall, Pregnant Mama, and best increased percentage in athletic performance. Fantastic prizes to be awarded at a special Mother’s Day celebration class on May 9. For more information contact Skye Garman at 775.848.4613, skye. garman@babybootcamp.com ; www.babybootcamp.com

February 2008

Healthy & Slender is Your Natural State Healthy and slender without dieting, exercise, deprivation or willpower! Sound too good to be true? Your mind has great potential in creating health, happiness and the life you choose. Lasting success is attained by getting your thoughts and beliefs in alignment with your goals. Call Marc Hiscox (775-267-9501) about the Healthy Weight Management Workshop that teaches tools to empower your life.

Sleep Study Now Available for Home Dr. Scot Bennick of Abundant Health Chiropractic is proud to offer Laser Therapy. The Microlight ML830 Laser is the first to produce a Class 3B laser. Unlike most therapeutic lasers, which are fancy laser pointers that do not penetrate tissues very deep, the ML830 penetrates 5 cm (2 in.) deep. This laser light triggers biochemical reactions deep that stimulate the cells to heal. FDA approved for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the ML830 is powerful relief for TMJ, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and many other conditions. Abundant Health is located at 1130 Selmi Dr. #605 Bentley Drive, Reno. For more information or to schedule a laser therapy appointment or no-charge consultation; call 775-815-3048 or www.microlightcorp.com.

Got back pain? “Building Better Backs” is a new, focused 6-week Feldenkrais® ATM Series Beginning Tuesday, February 12th at 6:30 pm, The Spiritual Element will present a new Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) class targeted specifically to help you improve all the movements that your back is capable of performing. This includes flexion, extension, twisting and reaching movements. Learn how the movement of your back impacts every part of your life. Classes will be held at The Spiritual Element, 501 Casazza Dr. at Locust, behind the Shoppers’ Square. Please call 775-336-9766 to register.




Karen Tenaglio

Join us on Tuesday, February 5th from 6:00pm to 8:30 Shall Adams will be hosting a totally Raw Valentines Candy demo, sure to knock your socks off. you will be amazed and delighted after tasting these RAW chocolaty scrumptious treats. You won’t want to miss this. For more details call RAWJUVENATION @ 775-323-3000.

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New eBook With Resources For Healing Brain Injury, Fms, Cfs 20 million Americans struggle with injuries and illnesses that change their sense of Self. Each year 2.5 million survivors join their ranks. If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine or Other “Medical Mystery” contains online resources, inspirational stories from 13 contributors, and 52 Healing Hints from a Medical Intuitive. Life Coach Laura Bruno, M.A., RMT offers this eBook as a much needed, comprehensive resource for people with big health challenges and big dreams. www.ifionlyhadabraininjury.com.

New Natural Sleep Formula RESTABS, Inc., a new company in the Reno area, has introduced a new all-natural sleep supplement. RESTABS™ Sleep Formula contains a proprietary blend of 8 natural ingredients, formulated to help users get to sleep faster, stay asleep longer, and improve the quality of sleep, without the unwanted side-effects of prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids. The tablet features a unique sustained-release property, and a special blue coating provides an instant-release layer. RESTABS, Inc. can be contacted at their Verdi offices at (775) 345-1500. For more information about RESTABS™ Sleep Formula, or to order online, go to www.restabs.com.

OCA Declares Victory in its “Frankenbucks” Campaign The OCA launched its Starbucks campaign nearly seven years ago. One of the main demands of this campaign has been to force the world’s #1 coffee purveyor to stop using rBGH-laced milk in its products. Due to health concerns, rBGH, a genetically engineered cow hormone, is banned in most of the world, but is legal in the U.S. After hundreds of OCA organized rallies at Starbucks around the world, and years of grassroots pressure, Starbucks announced, as of January 1, 2008, all of Starbucks products will be rBGH-free. The OCA will continue to pressure Starbucks to increase its sales of organic and Fair Trade coffee and start selling Fair Trade chocolate. Learn more: http://www. organicconsumers.org/starbucks

February 2008

Build a sales career and an income that has no ceiling $$$$$$. Explore the possibilities with Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Relationship sales background a plus! Independent, assertive and a self-starter. Call Dawn



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Neuroplasticity By Lauren Birtwhistle


ou may have heard that after a certain age, your brain becomes fixed. You become stuck in your ways and learning new things such as a different language is very difficult, if not impossible. Well, the results of recent studies are definitely in disagreement with these theories. The key, they say, to keeping your brain in shape, lies precisely in the brain’s ability to change at any age, also known as neuroplasticity. This concept was not always a popular theory. In 1913, the Spanish neuroanatomist, Santiago Ramon y Cajal stated that the adult human brain was “fixed, ended, immutable.” For example, scientists at that time believed that if an adult lost their sight, their visual cortex (the area in the brain where visual stimuli are processed) would become a neuronal black hole. It was believed that only children had malleable brains, capable of readily absorbing information and receptive to whatever programming instrumentalminded adults tried to cram into them. The rest of us were stuck with our rusty memories and our insufficient mastery of French; there was no way to stop and call for a brain do-over. Around 1920, scientists began to question these theories and take a deeper look into our brain’s abilities. Today, people’s curiosity about how the brain works, combined with quickly advancing technology, scientists have discovered that adult brains are much more capable of changing and rewiring then we ever thought. Welcome to the age of neuroplasticity! Studies are showing that neuroplasticity may have enormous implications not only for our physical health but for our mental health. What exactly is neuroplasticity? It is a physical process that explains the thickening or shrinking of the grey matter in the brain. It explains the brain’s ability to forge and refine neural connections or weaken and sever (aka “prune”) them. These physical changes of the brain manifest as changes in our abilities. An example; each time you learn a new dance step, new “wires” (neural pathways) are made to give instructions to our bodies on how to perform the step. Each time we forget something, e.g. someone’s name, it also represents a physical change. Neural pathways that once connected to the memory have been degraded, or even severed. Of course, at a younger age, the brain flourishes, gobbling up new sights, tastes and experiences. What recent research has shown, however, is that under the right circumstances the older brain can grow, too. Although certain brain machinery tends to

February 2008

decline with age, there are steps people can take to tap into plasticity and reinvigorate the mind. HOW? Read on… Exercise your brain. There are scientifically designed, plasticity-based programs that target specific brain machinery to improve function; but there are also simple routines that you can do on your own. Based on their detailed understanding of the brain, neuroscientists suggest you choose activities that fit these criteria: • They should teach you something new. By continually developing new skills, you can keep your brain strong. • They should challenge you. Activities should demand your full and very close attention to drive chemicals into the brain. • They should be progressive. You can begin an activity at an easy level, but make sure to keep progressing. Try improving on old activities you enjoy. • They should engage your greater brain processing. Activities that require you to focus and distinguish between what you hear, see or feel and make decisions using that information to achieve complex goals drive the brain to change its abilities on different levels. • They should be rewarding. Rewards amplify brain changes, leading to improved learning and memory. They turn up the production of crucial brain chemicals that contribute to learning, memory, and good spirits. • They should be novel or surprising. New, positive and surprising experiences exercise the brain machinery that makes you bright and alert. The benefits of keeping your brain in shape are numerous and valuable to living a long, healthy and aware life. Brain exercises can improve sharpness and memory. One study even suggests that mental training allows your brain to attain a greater level of consciousness. The basic message that science is sending today is that the brain becomes stronger with training and weaker with idleness. Keep your mind on its toes and these rewards will continue into the rest of your life. References: 1. http://www.slate.com/id/2165040/ 2. http://bfc.positscience.com/about/neurogenesis.php 3. http://bfc.positscience.com/about/lose_it.php 4. http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/science-proves-you-can-improve-your-mind/ 5. The Potent Self: A Study of Spontaneity and Compulsion, by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.SC.




Leslee Bender Passionate About Pilates By Sara Piccola

Leslee Bender has a one word response for why she only took 4 days off last year – PASSION.


ith over 25 years of experience in the Pilates industry, Leslee Bender still shows up to work everyday with a smile on her face and the drive to change people’s lives. She loves Pilates, and explains why… Pilates puts your mind more in tune with your body. It offers numerous benefits including helping to alleviate lower back pain, increase energy levels, lower stress and improve bodily movement and performance. Elite dancers have been benefiting from Pilates exercises for decades. Today however, this innovative system of mind-body exercises is readily available and you don’t have to be a dancer to benefit. Bender is the founder of Reno’s Pilates Coach studio and the creator of the Pilates Coach Training Systems. With her unique training methods, the studio offers a bio mechanically safer approach to core training. One of Leslee’s motivations in developing a new method was her personal struggle with back and knee pain. Once Bender personally experienced the benefits of her system, she recognized a public need for her program. Thus the Pilates Coach method focuses, among other things, on back pain with an emphasis on the need to extend the spine rather than to flex it.

Bender is proud to own the only international Pilates school in Reno. Her training reaches far beyond our local area: She has taught in more than 30 countries and her Bender Ball infomercial is one of the top performers in the US.

In order to make her system available to the masses, Bender certifies thousands of trainers around the world. Instructors also undergo personal body-analysis and posture assessment training; Bender’s mission is to develop instructors who are critical thinkers and who understand the purpose of every move they make.

She has not let her success get in the way of working with people personally. Leslee loves observing the change in people and continues to teach classes at her studio. Every instructor at The Pilates Coach shares her passion and is individually trained with a mentor. Additionally, the studio is the only facility in Reno that has a doctor on site, Dr. Robert Johnson, DC.

Leslee believes that Pilates classes should be as personal as possible. For this reason, she emphasizes one-on-one sessions and reminds us that Pilates classes were not meant to include more then 6 students per class. Its flexible exercise system was designed to address individual needs. The Pilates Coach method adjusts exercises to fit every client’s personal and medical requirements.

February 2008

Many people feel that Pilates targets women aged 20 to 40. In reality, however, seniors need Pilates more then any other age group, especially because of arthritis. Pilates has been proven to be beneficial in treating the symptoms of arthritis. The older we become, the more important movement and flexibility are to maintain our health.

Leslee personally embraces the philosophy she teaches in her studio. She enjoys life and everything it has to offer, and stresses that people too often go through life blinded, forgetting to open their eyes. In summary, she advises us to “take a moment everyday and just really appreciate something.” Find ad on page 23.





By Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD


ven though Oriental Medicine is over 4,000 years old, many people in the West are still not familiar with it. Over the next few issues of Healthy Beginnings we’ll present articles exploring this ancient healing art and demystifying how it works. But first it will help to know exactly what Oriental Medicine is. At its core, Oriental Medicine includes Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Dietary Modifications, Therapeutic Exercise (Qigong), and Body Therapies. We’ll be exploring each of these in-depth in future articles. Today we will explore the underlying ideas that form the foundation for all of these specific healing approaches. If you could distill thousands of years of experience and wisdom from Oriental Medicine into one word, it would be the word, “balance.” According to this view,

all symptoms of illness stem from imbalance in the body, emotions or thoughts of the person experiencing them. For example, if someone has pain, it either means there is a blockage of some kind or else a weakness in the area that hurts. And because it began before modern scientific terminology existed, the ways Oriental Medicine describes these imbalances sound somewhat like a weather report. An illness can come from too much heat or too much cold. It can result from excessive moisture or dryness. People can feel ill whenever there is a blockage of natural vitality or not enough of it. The key, then, is identifying what imbalances exist and determining the best approach to correct them. Once corrected, symptoms go away and good health returns.

February 2008


Another characteristic part of Oriental Medicine’s approach to healing is that each person is seen as a unique individual. There is no ‘one size fits all’ treatment for a specific disease. A great example of this is the symptom of cold hands and feet. On the surface of it, you’d think that the best way to approach these symptoms would be to warm the person up. And in some cases it is. However in some cases warming someone up is the worst approach. For these people, cold hands and feet actually come from too much heat. This internal heat binds the body’s ability to freely circulate energy and blood, creating the symptom of cold extremities. If you treat such a person by warming them up, their symptoms only get worse. Instead, you must reduce the internal heat and relieve the internal constriction. Circulation returns and the person’s hands and feet warm up. From the above example you can see that identifying the underlying state of imbalance is very important in deciding on the right treatment. And to further complicate it, as we get older we tend to accumulate many layers of imbalance. This is our body’s way of compensating for any unresolved imbalances early in life. As a result, the symptoms of a 20 year-old are usually much easier to diagnose and treat than those of a 60 year-old. The Oriental Medical Doctor uses a variety of techniques to assess the health of each patient. These include an extensive personal and family health history, feeling the qualities of their radial pulse in 12 places, observing the appearance of their tongue and face and even listening to the quality of their voice. The overall diagnostic process uses all of these observations to identify the deeper underlying pattern or patterns of imbalance creating symptoms. Once the underlying imbalance is identified, the next step for the Oriental Medical Doctor is to decide how best to correct it. He or she may decide on a specific herbal formula, acupuncture treatment or dietary change that can rebalance things. Once the right treatment starts, patients usually see noticeable


improvement very quickly. It may still require additional treatments to be symptom-free, but progress should be obvious early in the process. But this isn’t the end of the process. As the treatments progress and the patient sees improvement, symptoms will change. This requires the physician to adjust the treatment based on the new state of balance. Your doctor needs to get updates about how treatments are progressing at every visit. This helps him or her decide how to modify treatments to match the changes. Even though the concepts behind Oriental Medicine sound simple, when applied correctly they can be profoundly effective for alleviating symptoms and returning health. Watch for next month’s article where we will explore acupuncture’s role in Oriental Medicine. We’ll address how it works, what it can help and what is involved in treatment. Be sure to watch for the March installment of Healthy Beginnings’ continuing series on Oriental Medicine and related modalities! References: 1. Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide To Chinese Medicine, Beinfeld, Harriet & Korngold, Efrem, Ballantine Books, 1992 2. Voices of Qi: An Introductory Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Holland, Alex & Lanphear, Fred, North Atlantic Books, 2000 3. Wood Becomes Water: Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life, Reichstein, Gail, Kodansha America, 1998

For more info, call Dr. Eichelberger at (775) 827-6901. Find ad on this page.

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People do business with people they like and trust. You want to evalute the quality of your customer service regularly. And ask the question “Am I the kind of person I would want to do business with? For more info, contact Jenn August at 775-219-4901. Find ad on page 39.

Beauty From Nature

w w w. my j a f ra . c o m / P DA H L I N

February 2008



Pat Dahlin 775.329.0436

Luckily, you have your choice of several better bedding options. Organic cotton is farmed with natural controls and no hazardous chemicals. Alternative fibers such as bamboo, hemp and wood pulp (also sold under the trade names Lyocell, Tencel and Legna) can be grown sustainably, without chemical pesticides and herbicides.

Good Night,

Sleep Right

Some alternative fibers are equal or superior to cotton in texture, luster or warmth, though some are less durable when subjected to dryers, irons, hot water or conventional detergents. Ask about fabric care before you purchase.

With an abundance of earth-respecting bedding options, maybe it’s time to change the sheets!

People have slept on wool and silk since ancient times, but modern production methods are friendlier to the animals that produce these fibers. In conventional silk production, the larva is killed when the cocoon is harvested, but for “wild” or “organic” silk, the cocoon is collected after the moth has left it. Wool is sheared from living sheep. Concerned farmers raise free-range sheep that graze on pesticide-free land and use the most humane shearing techniques possible. Wool produced this way is also frequently called “organic.” It can be difficult to determine just how organic a product really is. Look for products that are certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Other “organic” labels or seals may or may not be meaningful. Numerous organizations certify fiber farming or production, but they don’t all share the same standards. Buying local or domestic products is always best, but if you’re buying imported fibers, look for fair trade certification, awarded to businesses that pay reasonable wages to workers in developing countries.

Choose Healthy Hues

By Misty McNally


s demand for green products increases, bedding is getting a makeover. Natural fibers offer respite for those with sensitivities to chemicals and dyes, and most natural fibers are hypoallergenic and softer than their synthetic counterparts. Mattress makers have reintroduced all-natural, rubber-tree latex foam as an alternative to petroleum-based foam and synthetic latex blends, for a healthier night’s sleep.

Picking Cotton and Other Fibers Cotton sheets are cool, absorbent and durable. They hold up to hot-water washings, making them ideal for babies and hospitals. Unfortunately, conventional cotton farming is responsible for much of the world’s pesticide use-25 percent of the total in the United States and more than 10 percent worldwide, according to the Sustainable Cotton Project (www.SustainableCotton. org). While the risk of pesticide contamination through cotton fibers in bedding is negligible, the effect on soil and water is enormous.

February 2008


Conventional bedding manufacturers use a variety of finishes and chemical treatments to produce a sheen or prevent wrinkles and stains. For example, most permanent-press fabrics are treated with formaldehyde resins. Environmentally responsible companies are unlikely to use such chemical treatments. Once limited to muted tones and pastels, organic bedding is now available in brilliant hues derived from vegetable and mineral dyes. If white sheets are your style, look for those treated with peroxide-based bleaches rather than chlorine, which pollutes water supplies. Undyed, unbleached bedding offers simplicity and purity-often preferred for baby cribs.

Earth-Friendly Bedding and Mattress Materials Dreaming of the perfect bedding ensemble? Rest assured— we’ve put together a chart of the 13 most common green choices, which will be featured in the March issue of Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Excerpted from Natural Home magazine. www.naturalhomemagazine.com. Copyright 2007 Ogden Publications, Inc.


The Importance of


in Psychotherapy By Andy Drymalski, EdD


reams speak a language of metaphor and symbol. When we are unfamiliar with this language it is easy to disregard our dreams as meaningless. However, if we take the time to remember, record, and study our dreams, and to examine their relationship to our waking life, certain meanings and themes begin to emerge. In time we may come to see their purposefulness. We may also see that our dreams spring from a part of our being quite different from our ordinary, daily consciousness. With patience, study, and careful observation we may begin to unravel the mystery of their symbolic language. It is estimated that Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology, worked with over 67,000 dreams during his lifetime. In addition, he intensively studied the world’s religions, cultures, mythologies and philosophies. Through his studies Dr. Jung observed that there are specific developmental challenges that people tend to go through in the course of life. Certain types of dreams are associated with these periods. For instance, dreams of dying often occur when we are experiencing depression. These dreams indicate that a change needs to take place in our life. All significant change and growth usually involves the death of our current worldview. Jungian psychology, which differs from Freudian psychology in that it is based on spiritual and metaphysical beliefs rather then biological and psychosexual material, views depression as an opportunity for learning and transformation in life. It does not seek to simply eradicate uncomfortable symptoms but to gain insight from the symptoms on how to live life in a more vital and creative way.

Sometimes our dreams give us useful information about our relationships. A woman dreams that she is in a car with her boyfriend driving. He loses control of the car and they crash. Dr. Jung observed that in our dreams the part played by the dreamer is reflective of the dreamer’s conscious attitude towards some aspect of life. The vehicle he or she is in is an extension of these attitudes or worldview. So, to be in a car that is out of control suggests that her life is out of control. Perhaps she’s even letting her boyfriend run her life. Every dream must be interpreted within the context of the dreamer’s life. A “cookbook approach” to dream interpretation, such as looking up the meaning of dream images in a dream dictionary, is not a very accurate method for interpreting dreams. On the other hand, knowledge of the archetypal, or mythic and crosscultural meaning of dream symbols is important. This is because the dreammaker utilizes both personal and collective, or universal, themes in communicating ideas. Sometimes emphasis must be given to the dreamer’s personal associations to dream images, at other times emphasis must be given to the archetypal meanings of those images. The right interpretation should resonate with the dreamer. Jungian psychotherapy seeks to alleviate psychological problems and promote personal growth through the development of a more harmonious relationship between the conscious mind and the Self. Dreams are especially useful in this regard because as spontaneous products of the unconscious they provide a “snapshot” of our current life situation. However, Jungian psychotherapy can be very helpful even if a person has difficulty remembering their dreams. A person’s life story is like a

February 2008


novel. The same symbolic structure used in dreams is woven into a person’s life story. As a person learns how to look at life symbolically he or she is transformed. References: 1. Sanford, John A. Dreams and Healing. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. 2. Sanford, John A. Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1989. 3. Kaplan-Williams, Strephon. Dreamworking: A Comprehensive guide to Working with Dreams. San Francisco: Journey Press, 1991.

For more info, contact Andy Drymalski at 775 786-3818. Find ad on this page.

Andy Drymalski, Ed. D. Lic. Psychologist, Jungian Psychologist


renopsychologist.com "To me dreams are part of nature, which harbors no intention to deceive, but expresses something as best it can," —Carl Jung.




What’s On The Label & What’s Not

By Lauren Birtwhistle

ecombinant Bovine Growth Hormone or Posilac (aka rBGH), is an injection of hormones that is commonly administered to dairy cows in the US. Thus rBGH is found in many of the dairy products we consume everyday, even though it has been banned in Europe and Canada, to protect consumers. rBGH is a potent, chemically synthesized variant of the natural growth hormone produced by cows. It increases milk production in cows by 10 percent – a dream come true for dairy owners. But why is this 10 percent increase needed? The US has had a milk surplus for several years now. In fact, since 1980 the US government has spent 18 billion dollars sopping up America’s milk surplus to prevent milk prices from falling. The production and use of this hormone is supported by the FDA. However, as with many other ingredients, long term testing to prove the safety has not been conducted on rBGH. There is significant evidence that shows the FDA’s stamp of approval left questions unanswered. Cows that receive the injection get sick. The product label on rBGH cautions that injected cows are at increased risk of mastitis (an utter infection) and may have reduced pregnancy rates. Dairy owners treat mastitis with antibiotics that may be transferred to the dairy products that we consume. This may result in antibiotic-resistance. rBGH milk is chemically and nutritionally different than natural milk. Based on 37 published scientific studies, excess levels of IGF-1 in rBGH milk pose major risks of breast, colon and prostate cancers.

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Pennsylvania is the first state in the US to face this frightening new battle. As of February 1, Pennsylvania will be permitted by law to label the difference between milk products that are natural, and ones that include rBGH. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has forbidden dairies that don’t use the hormone from stamping that fact on milk-bottle labels. Monsanto continues to lobby for this law in other states. Monsanto’s “Milk is Milk” campaign is part of their efforts. It targets “misleading” labels that may influence people to believe that this growth hormone is unsafe. If this hormone is safe, as they claim, why would they want to take away our right to choose? If the government must permit dairies to use this highly questionable hormone, it seems unconscionable to disallow consumers to know whether or not they are buying products that contain this unnatural hormone. References: http://www.organicconsumers.org/rBGH/milkismilk20405.cfm http://www.organicconsumers.org/rbgh/oakhurst101003.cfm http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/food/dairy/bovine-growth-hormone/fullstory-rbgh-free-labels-1 http://www.awionline.org/farm/rbgh-s99.htm

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February 2008

Monsanto, the company that produces rBGH claims that the product, despite criticisms and the connection with IGF-1, is safe. They are also, of course, bringing in a huge profit. But at what cost? rBGH is already banned in Europe, Canada and several other countries, yet in the US, we are fighting simply to allow labeling so that consumers may know whether or not rBGH is in the dairy products we consume.



Far Infrared Saunas Help You Lose Weight




By Peter Zulim

ar infrared (FIR) saunas are well known for their excellent detoxification and pain relieving capabilities. Perhaps just as intriguing, Far Infrared saunas also offer a healthy weight loss solution without exercising! Yes, it’s true. Weight loss is another of the many benefits of regular use of far infrared saunas. This is great news, as a lot of us tend to overeat during the holidays and put on weight. Moreover a lot of us find it hard to get out and exercise in the cold winter months. So imagine relaxing in a warm far infrared sauna while the holiday pounds metaphorically melt away. Weight loss is accomplished through the use of a far infrared sauna by speeding up the metabolic process of vital organs and endocrine glands which results in a substantial caloric loss during the sauna session. Studies have shown that a 30 minute far infrared sauna session can burn from 200 to 600 calories. As the body works to cool itself during FIR sauna use, there is a substantial and beneficial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Similarly, studies conducted on whole body hyperthermia have shown that blood flow may rise from 5-7 quarts per minute (normal) to as much as 13 quarts per minute. That’s a good workout! A moderately fit person may sweat as much as one pound of sweat in a 30 minute far infrared sauna session, equivalent to running 2-3 miles. While it is true that the weight of the water expelled in the sauna may be regained by rehydrating with water, the calories burned up during a far infrared sauna session are real and do contribute to weight loss. Therefore, it is not water loss that causes the loss in weight. The weight loss is from an increase in calories burned due to an increase in the metabolic processes. When dieting, fasting and/or burning fat, toxins such as PCBs, pesticides, and heavy metals stored in fat tissue are released, sometimes causing intense headaches. Saunas can rapidly help to remove these toxins and to relieve headaches. As skin temperature increases, the layer of fat and oil found just below the surface of the skin liquefies and moves out through the skin’s sweat glands, taking the toxins with it to the surface of your skin. Following a good shower, the body’s toxic load is reduced. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that obesity is the leading and key cause of many serious health problems, including heart attack, diabetes, and stroke. In such cases, a sauna can provide double benefits by aiding in weight loss, and delivering other health and restorative benefits. Repeated far infrared sauna use has been shown to improve blood vessel function in patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Thus saunas may play a preventative role in our good health, as well as reverse damage caused by obesity.


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Continued on page 42... February 2008




Spice Up Your

Love Life

This Valentine’s Day With L-Arginine

By John Morgenthaler


t’s the disorder no one wants to talk about, yet according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 43% of women and 31% of men suffer from sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction is broadly defined as the inability to fully enjoy sexual intercourse. Women generally experience it as loss of libido (sexual drive) and/or the inability or difficulty in achieving an orgasm. Men experience it as impotence, known technically as erectile dysfunction.

and muscle cells in and around the penis—strips away a nitrogen atom (N) from a passing molecule of the amino acid L-Arginine … and combines it with an atom of oxygen (O).” In other words, in order to produce nitric oxide in the body, a nitrogen atom must combine with an oxygen molecule in the blood. The enzyme called nitric oxide synthase controls this reaction.

L-Arginine Has a Similar Effect in Women

Based on dozens of studies, arginine (available in supplement form as L-Arginine), an essential amino acid and one of the building blocks of proteins in the body, has become known as a safe and effective prosexual nutrient for men and women.

Higher blood flow makes clitoral and vaginal tissues more sensitive and responsive to sexual stimulation, and helps increase the possibility of reaching orgasm. Although there haven’t been nearly as many Both Men & Women studies done on arginine suppleCan Benefit From This mentation in women as in men, one study found that postmenopausal Natural Amino Acid Here’s Why: women who took a supplement L-Arginine is a precursor of nitric including L-Arginine experienced oxide (NO) in the human body. In the heightened sexual response. 1990s, scientists discovered that not only is NO an essential Another study involving 77 women of all ages found that compound that helps blood circulation, but it is important after four weeks, 73.5% of the women who took a supplement to normal sexual function in both men and women. Without including L-Arginine experienced greater sexual satisfaction, arginine in the diet, there would be no NO, and without NO including heightened desire and clitoral sensation, frequency men would not be able to have erections. of intercourse and orgasm, and less vaginal dryness.

How L-Arginine Works

Insufficient blood flow is a major cause of incomplete erection in men. L-Arginine has been shown to improve blood flow to the genital area by dilating blood vessels and helping the penis to engorge to its full capacity, thus increasing the size, hardness and frequency of erections. Nutritional expert, Dr. Jonathan Wright, explains the mechanism in men: “Molecules of NO are generated when an enzyme called NO synthase (NOS)—which is abundant in the nerve February 2008


Stronger Libido… Greater Endurance Both men and women report that L-Arginine seems to increase their libido or desire for sex, and some also report that L-Arginine gives them greater endurance. Reports also suggest that L-Arginine supplements can improve fertility in men who have low sperm counts or poor sperm motility (activity). One study on rats, however, concluded that elevated nitric oxide production resulting from arginine supplementation might inhibit fertility. www.HBMag.com

Scientific Studies The powerful effect of L-Arginine was illustrated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the British Journal of Urology International in which researchers evaluated the nitric oxide levels of 50 men with erectile dysfunction. The men were given either L-Arginine or a placebo for six weeks. Nine of the 29 men (31%) given L-Arginine reported a significant improvement in their sexual performance. These nine men had low nitric oxide levels at the start of the trial, but their levels doubled by the end of the study. It is important to note, however, that erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, diabetes and other endocrine disorders. L-Arginine may be effective only in those men whose erectile dysfunction is due to low levels of nitric oxide. In fact, in one study in which the participants suffered from impotence for a variety of reasons, L-Arginine was found to be effective in only 17% of the patients.

Animal Studies Studies done on animals provide some evidence for effectiveness as well. In a laboratory study, two groups of rats were given free access to L-Arginine, which was dissolved in their drinking water. Both groups had greater serum and penile concentrations of arginine, and exhibited a significant increase in intra-penile pressure or “hardness.” Serum and penile tissue levels of L-Arginine in the treated rats were increased by 64-148% compared to control animals. The penile nitric oxide levels also increased nearly 100% in the L-Arginine treated groups compared to the control groups. The researchers concluded that these data support the use of dietary supplements for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The Positive Benefits of L-Arginine Go Beyond Sexual Enhancement This remarkable amino acid helps build muscle mass, enhance immune function, improve blood pressure, increase memory, and speed wound healing. Arginine-de-

rived nitric oxide has also been found to play a supporting role in the cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems and has been validated by hundreds of studies. L-Arginine is essential to several systems in the body. Among its many roles, L-Arginine: • Is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) • Promotes circulation resulting in improved blood flow • Stimulates the release of growth hormone • Improves immune function • Reduces healing time of injuries • Plays a role in the formation of bone and tendons • Increases muscle mass, while reducing body fat • Supports male infertility, improving sperm production and mobility • Reduces risk of blood clots and stroke • Supports normal blood pressure • Improves vascular function for patients with angina • Helps recovery after heart attack • Helps prevent and treat cardiovascular disease Clearly, L-Arginine is an important amino acid to overall health and well being. The fact that it also supports healthy sexual function in both men and women is a wonderful bonus. If you would like to spice up your love life this Valentine’s Day, consider giving L-Arginine a try.

crossover study. Urol Int. 1999; 63(4): 220-3. 4. Moody JA, Vernet D, Laidlaw S, Rajfer J, GonzalezCadavid NF. Effects of long-term oral administration of L-arginine on the rat erectile response. J Urol. 1997 Sep; 158(3 Pt 1): 942-7. 5. Amrani M, Gray CC, Smolenski RT, Goodwin AT, London A, Yacoub MH.The effect of L-arginine on myocardial recovery after cardioplegic arrest and ischemia under moderate and deep hypothermia. Circulation. 1997 Nov 4; 96(9 Suppl): II-274-9.

For more information please visit www. smart-publications.com. Find ad on this page.

PLEASE NOTE: L-Arginine may exacerbate herpes symptoms. Do not use L-Arginine if you are herpes positive. Also, pregnant or lactating women should avoid L-Arginine, and people who take blood pressure medication should consult a physician before supplementing with L-Arginine. References: 1. Laumann et al. Sexual Dysfunction in the United States: Prevalence and Predictors. JAMA.October 6, 1999; 281: 537-544. 2. Chen, J. et al. (1999). “Effect of oral administration of high-dose nitric oxide donor L-arginine in men with organic erectile dysfunction: Results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.” British Journal of Urology International; 83(3): 269–73. 3. Klotz T, Mathers MJ, Braun M, Bloch W, Engelmann U. Effectiveness of oral L-arginine in first-line treatment of erectile dysfunction in a controlled

February 2008





ost people have heard about the health benefits of fiber. Among the many forms of fiber available today, the oldest by far is flax. As the source of linen fiber, Flax has been cultivated since at least 5000 B.C. The medicinal properties of Flax seeds were known to the Greeks. Hippocrates recommended them for inflammations of the mucous membranes and digestive disorders. In eighth-century France, Charlemagne passed laws requiring the seeds to be consumed to keep his subjects healthy. In North America, the use of flax dates back to 1617, when L. Hebert, the first farmer in Canada, brought it to New France. Today, the crop is widely grown on the prairies of Canada for its oil-rich seeds. Commercially, the seed oil (linseed) is an important ingredient in the manufacture of paint and varnish, while the stems are used to make high quality paper and linen cloth. Most important, flax seed contains a wealth of nutritional benefits. The fat in flax seed (>70%) includes the polyunsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linoleic acid (the parent of Omega-3) and linolenic acid (the parent of Omega-6). These “good fats” are required for proper infant growth and development, to maintain the

structure of cell membranes, the permeability of skin, and for the production of the hormone-like prostaglandins, which are vital for many bodily functions. Yet, the body cannot manufacture these essential fatty acids, so we must obtain them entirely through dietary consumption. Flaxseeds are not only rich in Omega-3 and Omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids, but other important nutrients as well, including calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, vanadium, zinc, protein, mucilage, digestive enzymes, saponin, beta carotene, B-vitamins and vitamin E. Omega 3’s are crucial for good brain and nerve function, reduce the inflammation and pain of conditions like arthritis, play an important role in bone health, naturally help to keep cholesterol low, aid the body in oxygen absorption and help to balance many female issues. There is also evidence that an anti-cancer effect may be present in the Omega 3’s derived from flax seed oil.

Concentrated Natural Organic Flax Hulls Flax hulls (lignans) are the natural shell of the flaxseed, without any seed or oil. The shell of the flax seed is known and proven to contain very high levels of botanical lignans especially SDG (secoisolariciresinol diglucoside). The lignanrich hulls are removed from the seed with a precision no-heat process. This process allows the lignans to maintain their full nutritional value. The resulting highly concentrated natural dietary supplement contains hundreds of times the amount of SDG lignans per gram as compared to traditional ground flaxseed. Lignans are powerful free radical scavengers that help stop excessive free radical activity which deplete the body’s immune system. In this way, lignans help boost the immune system. Flax hulls are also nutritious fibers containing both soluble and insoluble fibers and Vitamin B12 in the form of Cobalamin. ARAI – the non-profit AIDS Research & Assistance Institute is collaborating in the testing of the “Flax Hull Lignan” supplement. Scientific research has shown that the flax hull lignan is one of the most powerful immune system builders known. Unfortunately a person must take gallons of flax seed per day (impossible) to get enough of the lignans to make a difference in the immune system. Recently, the extraction process has been improved so that a person can obtain the lignan properties equivalent to eating gallons of whole flax seed in just one tablespoon.

Continued on page 42...

February 2008



What is HypnoCoaching? A Path to Self-Actualization By Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC 1. Goal Achievement via Auto-Suggestion: Develop decision making, will to learn, heightened sensory awareness, emotional control and expression and goal empowerment.

2. Memory and Performance Enhancement: Develop your photo/phonographic memory, speed reading, sports performance, mental data correlation and test taking.

3. Creativity and Inspiration: Remove creative blocks to feel inspired at will for speaking, writing, painting, acting, musical performance and composition.

4. Financial and Professional Success: Empower you to


take action steps coupled with intense desire and belief, while overcoming blocks and limitations to success. Discover one’s passion and get paid handsomely. Live abundantly.

HypnoCoaching can not only help you find your way, it can accelerate your growth. What is HypnoCoaching? It is a dynamic blending of Life Coaching with Hypnotherapy that provides the tools, processes, guidance, accountability, and mental training to achieve your life’s purpose and deepest desires. It provides a roadmap to self-actualization.

6. Intuitive and Healing Powers: Accelerate spiritual

… such a small word, and yet so big. Universal questions spring from this word. Who am I? What am I? Where am I going in life? It is natural to contemplate these questions... to look for meaning in your life and to strive to become the best you can be. The challenge is in getting there; overcoming the obstacles and finding your way.

What does it mean to self-actualize? Maslow described self-actualization as a “spurt in which the powers of the person come together in a particularly and intensely enjoyable way, and in which he is more integrated and less split, more open for experience, more idiosyncratic, more perfectly expressive or spontaneous, or fully functioning, more creative, more humorous, more ego-transcending, more independent of his lower needs, etc. He becomes more truly himself, more perfectly actualizing his potentialities, closer to the core of his being, more fully human. Not only are these his happiest and most thrilling moments, but they are also moments of greatest maturity, individuation, fulfillment - in a word, his healthiest moments.” In short, self-actualization is reaching one’s fullest potential. HypnoCoaching can help your spirit soar as you maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit. It helps you identify and clarify your motivations, challenges and deepest desires. Next, it provides a personalized roadmap to your success. It provides powerful tools and techniques to achieve success, happiness and fulfillment in seven key areas. February 2008


5. Health, Weight loss and Control: Develop mind/body control, alleviate stress, lower blood pressure, or release excess weight. Learn to alleviate pain, enhance vision, rejuvenate and heal. Enhance healthy longevity. growth, psychic development and Life Mission discovery. Psychic Diagnosis and Healing Touch development.

7. Relationship Enhancement or Attracting a Mate: Learn to choose, find and attract a quality relationship with your soul mate, and/or enhance current relationships. Learn how to relate to people of all ages and backgrounds. HypnoCoaching also helps you discover subconscious response patterns, which may be limiting or blocking your path to self-fulfillment. The more conscious you become of how one’s “Internal Map of Reality” creates one’s reality, the more you realize that life experiences come from within you, rather than from outside of you. The more your awareness expands, the more empowered you become. You then develop more resourceful ways of thinking, acting and responding to previously stressful situations. You learn to live consciously and passionately with deliberate intent and expectancy. You Self-Actualize. References: 1. Terry Brussel-Gibbons, PhD, The Spiritual Spark, 2003, Success Center 2. A.H. Maslov, A Theory of Human Motivation, Psychological Review 50 (1943):370-96. 3. Bill Harris, Thresholds of the Mind, 210-211. 2007 Centerpointe Research Institute

For more info, call Virginia Parsons at 775-850-5823. Find ad on page 23.



Pumping Up Your

Iron Levels By Kurt Grange, PhD, ND

The main symptom of iron deficiency is anemia, which leads to chronic tiredness, loss of mental alertness and sluggish metabolism. Anemia is created when there is an inadequate production or incomplete formation of red blood cells. This situation can be caused by too little iron, copper or B vitamins in the diet. Also, any condition that leads to the too-rapid destruction or loss of red blood cells (hemorrhage, menstrual flow and flowing wounds) can bring about anemia. Other signs of iron deficiency are brittle hair, difficulty swallowing, digestive disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, fragile bones, hair loss, inflammation of the tissues of the mouth, nails that are spoon-shaped or have ridges running lengthwise, nervousness, obesity, pallor, slowed mental reactions and “restless leg” syndrome.


he most important function of iron in the body is the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin (a form of hemoglobin found in the muscle tissue that stores oxygen) and the oxygenation of red blood cells. Iron is the most abundant mineral in the blood. It is essential for the formation of many metabolic and digestive enzymes. It contributes to overall growth. Iron is also required for a healthy immune system and for energy production. Iron deficiency is most often caused by insufficient iron in the diet. However, it may also result from: • intestinal bleeding • excessive menstrual bleeding • a diet high in phosphorus (meat and cola type soft drinks) • poor digestion (lack of digestive enzymes) • long-term illness • ulcers • prolonged use of antacids • excessive coffee or tea consumption • Strenuous exercise and heavy perspiration.

Because iron is stored in the body, excessive iron intake can also cause problems. Too much iron in the tissues and organs leads to the production of free radicals and increases the need for vitamin E. High levels of iron have also been found in association with heart disease and cancer. The buildup of iron in the tissues has been associated with bronze skin, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes and heart disorders.

Sources of Iron

Iron is found in eggs, liver, meat, poultry, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. Other food sources include almonds, avocados, beets, blackstrap molasses, brewer’s Iron is also yeast, dates, dulse kelp, kidney and lima beans, lentils, millet, peaches, pears, dried prunes, required for a pumpkins, raisins, rice and wheat bran, sesame healthy immune seeds, soybeans, and watercress.

system and for energy production.

February 2008

Herbs that contain iron include alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, dandelion, dong quai, eyebrite, fennel seed, fenugeek, horsetail, kelp, lemongrass, licorice, milk thistle seed, mullein, nettle, oats straw, paprika, parsley, peppermint, plantain, raspberry leaf, rose hips, sarsaparilla, uva ursi and yellow dock.



Intake of iron and iron reserves are often lower among vegetarians and vegans, particularly amongst female vegans and vegetarians, than the general public. Vegetarian diets may contribute to the risk of iron deficiency. The RDA recommendation for supplemental iron is 10-15 mg. per day. The optimal suggested intake of supplemental iron is 15-30 mg per day. Any iron supplementation should be augmented with supplemental copper and ionic calcium.

Excessive amounts of zinc and vitamin E interfere with iron absorption. Iron utilization may be impaired by rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. These diseases can result in anemia despite adequate amounts of iron stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Iron deficiency is also prevalent in people with candida or herpes infections.

High levels of iron have also been found in association with heart disease and cancer.

The best forms of supplemental iron for the body to absorb and assimilate are colloidal ionic iron, and chelated ferrous iron. There must be sufficient hydrochloric acid (HCl) present in the stomach in order for iron to be absorbed. Copper (a vital bonding element for iron during hemoglobin production), manganese, molybdenum, vitamin A and the B-complex vitamins are also needed for complete iron absorption. Taking vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30 percent. Supplemental ionic calcium is synergistic with iron for hemoglobin production. NOTE: If you are eating correctly and utilizing the iron rich foods listed above, your iron level should be easily maintained. Do not take additional iron supplements with out the direction and observation of a qualified health practitioner.

February 2008


CAUTION: Do not take iron supplements if you have an infection. This is because bacteria require iron for growth. The body “hides� iron in the liver and other organs when an infection is present. Taking extra iron at this time will encourage the growth of harmful bacteria in the body.

References: 1. Dallman PR. Biochemical basis for the manifestations of iron deficiency. Annu Rev Nutr 1986;6:13-40. [PubMed abstract] 2. Andrews NC. Disorders of iron metabolism. N Engl J Med 1999;341:198695. [PubMed abstract] 3. Haas JD, Brownlie T 4th. Iron deficiency, J Nutr 2001;131:691S-6S. [PubMed abstract] 4. Corbett JV. Accidental poisoning with iron supplements. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 1995;20:234. [PubMed abstract]

For more info, call Dr. Grange at 775-825-7727 or write him at doctorgrange@aol.com. Find ad on inside, front cover.




Make Core Training Programs Safer with the Bender Ball™ By Carolyn Booker and Leslee Bender


heir effectiveness in targeting the abdominals has made Swiss balls and medicine balls standard core training equipment at most gyms and health clubs. However, a recently published research study shows that when it comes to using exercise balls for workouts, smaller may be better – and safer – especially if the smaller ball is a Bender Ball™. Published in the Journal of Applied Research (Volume 7, No. 1, 2007), the study reported that intense exercises with the Bender Ball™, a seven-inch mini stability ball, were as much as four times the work of abdominal crunches per second of exercise. The study also reported that when exercise with the mini-ball was varied from 50 to 90 degrees, dramatically increasing rectus abdominus activity, there was almost no increase in back extensor activity. The abdominal muscles were isolated without increasing stress on the back muscles. The mini stability ball also offered a significant advantage over the larger diameter Swiss ball in terms of working the muscles harder and at a greater range of motion.

Size Matters According to Leslee Bender, creator of the Bender Ball™, which was used in the research study, she first employed the seven-inch mini stability ball in her Pilates training programs to reduce the risk of back injuries in students performing mat-based exercises. “Once we started using the mini ball with certain exercises, we saw a dramatic increase in students’ ability to perform them correctly and without stressing their backs. “I think one of the most interesting observations that came out of research study was that the mini ball created good back support in spite of its size,” Ms. Bender said. “Whether it’s for isolating and working the abdominal muscles harder or reducing the potential for back injuries, it appears size does matter – at least in terms of exercise balls.”

Mini-ball Makes the Grade Researchers from the Departments of Physical Therapy at Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, California) and Loma Linda University (Loma Linda, California), tested three levels of core exercises using abdominal crunches, the Swiss ball and the seven-inch Bender Ball™. The ball is marketed by California-based Savvier Fitness.

February 2008


Each exercise level for the mini stability ball was progressively more difficult and included three different angles of extension. The subjects included men and women ranging from 18 to 35 years, who were fit and didn’t have cardiovascular, neuromuscular or orthopedic injuries. Muscle activity during the exercise was assessed by electromyogam (EMG). Two electrodes and a ground electrode were placed above the active muscles in the subject to record EMG.

Greater Flexion, More Work The lightest exercise with the mini-ball – a sitting crunch with the ball placed under the lower back – was about half of the work per second as a floor crunch. However, the most intense exercises with the mini-ball were as much as four times the work of abdominal crunches per second of exercise. The greatest difference was seen when the degree of flexion/extension increased from 50 to 90 degrees. “The Swiss ball provides greater extension and flexion than an abdominal crunch. However, the movement is limited by the diameter of the ball. The larger the diameter of the ball, the less the movement,” explained lead researcher Dr. Jerrold Petrofsky of Loma Linda University. “The smaller diameter of the mini stability ball provided a significant advantage in working the muscles harder and at a better range of motion. You just can’t accomplish that degree of flexion with standard floor crunches or the Swiss ball. The increased instability associated with using the mini ball also caused more muscle use in the oblique muscles compared with rectus abdominis muscles.” Although not measured in the study, the mini ball’s small diameter allowed for further extension than 90 degrees, which could increase the exercise even more, Dr. Petrofsky added. A separate study by Dr. Petrofsky’s team was also conducted to assess how the Bender Ball protects against injuries. Results of that study will be released in the near future.

Safer is Better “Both the research and our experiences in using the Bender Ball™ offer strong support for making it an integral part of any core training program,” Ms. Bender said. “Because the Bender Ball™ makes abdominal exercises safer, it helps clients achieve better results with less risk of injury. Ultimately, that’s what will keep clients happy – and safer.”


Bender Ball™ Sample Abdominal Exercises 1. HALF ROLL DOWN WITH THE BENDER BALL™ Targets: Rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, oblique muscles • Begin in a seated position with the knees bent and the mini ball behind the tailbone (figure 1) and feet flat on the floor. Arms should be extended in front of the body in the scapula plane. • Inhale to prepare and exhale slowly, rolling the spine over the mini ball (figure 2). • Draw the abdominals towards the spine. • Relax the shoulders and drop the scapula into the back pockets. • Hold the position briefly and then slowly return with the same breath. • Close eyes and feel the movement. • Avoid straining the neck and moving too quickly.



Figure 1

Figure 2

2. BICYCLE (BENT KNEE OR STRAIGHT) Targets: Transverse abdominis, iliopsoas, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes • Begin in a supine position with the ball under the sacrum. • Bring the knees up in a tabletop position. • Inhale to prepare, and then extend the right leg 45° with the exhale. • Repeat with the left leg in a circular motion, foot flexed, as if pedaling. • Reverse the direction. • Avoid moving too quickly and not performing a full range of movement.

Figure 1

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Figure 2

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For more information visit www.thepilatescoach.com or www. benderball.com. Find ad on this page.

February 2008



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INSOMNIA By Carole Bucher

or some lucky people, sleep comes as soon as their head hits the pillow. For most of us, it’s much harder. According to National Sleep Foundation polls, more and more Americans are getting less than eight hours of sleep per night every year. Chronic sleep deprivation has effects from mild to disastrous.


Be sure also to go to www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/ sleep/profiler/, whether you have sleep difficulties or not, and find out what your sleep profile is!

1. Several studies, including one published in the journal

Choose The Right Bed & Look After Your Back!

SLEEP in 2005, indicate that sleeping less than 8 hours a night leads to obesity.

2. A Harvard study found that the less people sleep, the more likely they are to suffer from a major illness.

3. People who sleep less

than 5 hours a night are 60 percent more likely to get high blood pressure, a Columbia study found. According to a British study, they are also twice as likely to get heart disease.

Meanwhile, here are some suggestions to help you shop successfully for a bed if you need to – one that will optimize and support the health of your back and your relationship too! Every year 40 percent or more of the population suffers a bout of back pain and if you’re one of the unlucky ones, you will find that the state of your bed will quickly become a priority. A good bed, providing correct support and comfort, has an important role in relieving and preventing back pain. Here are some tips: • Don’t just buy a bed because it says it’s good for your back. A bed that’s supportive and comfortable is key. But it is important to remember that people’s requirement for support will differ depending on their weight and build.

4. People who sleep less

than 6 hours a night increase by 50% their chance of getting a virus.

• The term ‘orthopedic’ generally just means an extra firm bed; it is not based on any medical or other common standard.

5. A Princeton study found

that lack of sleep leads the body to slow down production of brain cells. So how do we get a good night’s sleep? There are literally millions of books, journals and websites that are devoted solely to this question, not to mention hundreds of thousands of research projects, commissions, and councils around the world also searching for solutions – from the psychological, to the ethereal, to the strictly functional. Among these possibilities, the bed you sleep in is usually one of the top 10 items cited which may make a profound difference in your ability to achieve more restful sleep. People who suffer from back or other musculoskeletal pain, whether periodic or chronic, are among those who would benefit most from a quick mattress appraisal. To see how your current bed stacks up, go to www.sleepcouncil.com/BedAdvice/index. cfm and take the British Sleep Council’s Bed Analysis Test.

February 2008


• Firmness is not determined by price. Comfort, luxury and durability and added features such as adjustability come with higher price tags. • There is no single right bed to ease a back problem and each different back problem also may require a different solution. The best approach is to research the options carefully, take time to try them out and choose what you personally find supportive and comfortable, regardless of labels or price tags. • Narrow your choice down to two or three and then spend plenty of time lying on these in your normal sleeping positions. Five or 10 minutes should be the minimum for each bed. • Look for a supportive rather than a hard bed. Do not assume that orthopedic or firmer beds are the best option. Often a medium firm bed with proper cushioning is better.


• A bigger bed will benefit both the back pain sufferer and their partners – with less partner disturbance. Purchasing two twin long beds (which equals a king size bed) is a good option if firmness preferences differ widely or where a future requirement for two separate beds is identified. • Think about the height of the bed: can you get in and out of it with relative ease? An adjustable bed might be an option if this is an area of concern – it also offers variable sleeping positions. • Many mattresses need to be turned regularly to ensure even wear and tear. If this is likely to prove difficult (and good quality mattresses are heavy!) then look for a mattress which does not need regular turning – there are many options of all types of construction now on the market. • Pay attention to choosing the correct pillow. It must support the neck in alignment with the rest of the spine. Too many pillows thrust the head forward or sideways (depending on your sleeping position); too few allow the head to tip backwards: both create a crick in the neck. • Try and adopt a sleeping position which creates less physical stress on the back (e.g. lying on your side is better than lying on your front with your neck twisted to one side!). And remember – selecting a new bed takes time – be willing to invest testing each mattress (that means lying in various positions on them) that you are considering. Take as long as you need – even 20 minutes per bed or more. You will probably find that mattress and bed sales people are very supportive of your research! And, rest assured that the results will be worth your effort, for many years to come. #




Ear Candling By Karen Tenaglio There’s nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache. Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, dirt and residue from past medications. the Orient as well as European cultures. Ear Candling may also help with dry This simple, gentle treatment removes hacking cough (a result of a sinus inwax from the ear, improving your sense fection) sinus headache, tinnitus, and of well-being, physical, mental and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking even spiritual. The candle is a long alternatives to digging in the ear with hollow tube made from unbleached Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear solution, after it dries the cone is then Candling is a relaxing, natural, nondipped into beeswax. The cone or intrusive treatment. candle is placed into the ear opining and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm Reference: white smoke billows down the tube into Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995. the ear and softens the wax. The flame For more info, call Karen Tenaglio at of top of the cone creates a vacuum that 775-337-2525. Find ad on page 7. pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, ("EGIN PDF 0-








References: + 1. http://www.mahalo.com/Category:Health 2. ABC News: Sweet Dreams: The Science of Sleep (2007) 3. The Washington Post: Scientists Finding Out What Losing Sleep Does to a Body (2005) 4. BBC News: Bad sleeping ‘doubles heart risk’ (2005) 5. BBC News: No sleep means no new brain cells (2007) 6. www.sleepcouncil.com/BedAdvice/index.cfm


February 2008



Ionic (Organic) Calcium Is Found To Be Critical To Good Health

Practically everything you need to know about calcium… By Kurt Grange, ND, PhD


cientists have found that healthy The body needs almost double the people have body fluids that are amount of ionic calcium as any other alkaline, whereas the body fluids mineral. However, all forms of calcium of sick people are acidic. Acidosis are not created equal. While organic (overly acidic body) is the primary indica- ionic calcium comes from a biological tor of Calcium Deficiency Disease. Scien- source, elemental inorganic calcium tists have also found that originates from rocks. over 200 degenerative Calcium lactate and “Every disease is diseases are linked to calcium phosphate are Calcium Deficiency - inlike plaster. Calcium directly linked to cluding cancer, diabetes, carbonate is like chalk. an ionic mineral kidney and gall stones, Only 5 percent of these and, many so called elemental calciums can deficiency.” “degenerative diseases”. be absorbed by the body Calcium is involved in in 20 hours. These calover 170 critical body functions and is ciums make good plant fertilizer but are considered critical to good health. not the best source of calcium for huIonic (organic) calcium and other man bodies. In most 1000-mg calcium minerals are absolutely necessary to initi- capsules found in health stores today, ate and maintain the metabolic function 600 mg is carbonate, which, except for of the body. The only place we get organic about 40 mg, is absolutely unusable. That minerals is from a biological source, the is why people who take certain calcium fruits, plants and animals we eat. How- supplements are still sick. The inorganic ever, several years ago, congressional form of calcium they are taking is unacdocument number 23476 stated that ceptable to the body and provides very there are not enough minerals in the soil little health benefit. of our food growing regions to support health for our bodies. The minerals have to be in the soil first in order to get into our food products. In the last ten years alone the mineral content of our food has decreased ten percent. Unfortunately, elemental (inorganic) minerals (rocks) that make up the majority of todays over the counter mineral supplements do not have the same beneficial effect as organic minerals. Every mineral has a critical use in the body. Dr. Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize twice, said, “Every disease is directly linked to an ionic mineral deficiency.”

Sango coral calcium is weathered reef-building coral. It is gathered from under the pristine waters of the Nansei Islands of Okinawa. Its status as a natural food additive was officially recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in July 1989. Because of its biological origin, Sango coral calcium is an ionized source of calcium oxide and over 70 other ionic trace minerals including magnesium. The maximum amount of absorption from other forms of calcium is a maximum of 30 percent of what you start with (i.e., the milligrams stated on the container). When added to water, Sango coral calcium is instantly bio-available and is 100 percent bio-absorbable in just minutes. You need a calcium supplement with a high absorption rate and Sango coral calcium is that calcium.

Because Sango coral calcium is ionic, what isn’t needed or used by the body will be passed out through the various excretory channels, or it will be reformed into other needed calcium based compounds. In Okinawa, Japan, you will find You cannot take too much ionic Sango very little chronic disease. These people coral calcium (calcium oxide), but, if you just do not get sick with the diseases we take the elemental, non-ionic chalk kind face in America. The one (calcium carbonate) you thing that makes them might become constidifferent from us is that Calcium is involved pated or worse. All other they ingest thousands of of supplemental in over 170 critical forms milligrams of ionic calcalcium, including forms cium daily because it’s of coral calcium other body functions. found naturally in their than Sango coral, are drinking water. People composed of calcium have been ingesting ionic Sango coral carbonate. The body has to change this calcium in Japan and in European coun- calcium carbonate into calcium oxide tries for years. However, it has only been before the body can use it. Sango coral in the United States since 1995.

February 2008



calcium, when it is placed into distilled or reverse osmosis water diffuses calcium oxide into the water. Some forms of coral calcium are harvested from fossilized coral washed up onto the shore and dug out of beach mines. This “above ground coral” contains less than one percent magnesium and very little other minerals. This is due to the fact that marine (salt water) coral breaks down when exposed to fresh water (such as rain water) and the minerals it contains disintegrate and are lost. Marine grade coral from under sea sources, on the other hand, has 12 percent magnesium which balances the 24 percent calcium, making the perfect biological 2:1 calcium/magnesium ratio. Authorities on calcium, consider marine grade Sango coral calcium to be the most ideal way to consume calcium for health. Sango Coral calcium is not a stranger to the medical community. It has been used in America in hospitals, doctor and dental offices for spinal and bone surgeries, bone transplants, bone grafts, and other bone related reconstruction because it has the same chemical makeup as human bone. However, medically it was never offered as a calcium supplement until now.

Calcium Found To Help Degenerative Diseases • Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Alzheimer’s and 150 other degenerative diseases are running rampant and unopposed in America today. • At the turn of the 20th century cancer was striking 3 percent of Americans. It has risen steadily to where today cancer strikes 40 percent of Americans. By the year 2020 cancer will strike 50 percent of Americans. At this rate, by the end of the century every American will have to deal with cancer. • Alzheimer’s, a disease that did not even exist at the turn of the century, is now striking 50 percent of Americans over 70.

• Diabetes has risen 400 percent in just the last two decades. • Although vaccinations have dramatically reduced viral diseases in the past century, we are badly losing every war on every degenerative disease in America, to the point where we shall soon be overwhelmed with disease. • It has been estimated that seven out of every ten women have osteoporosis, mostly due to diet, stress, medications and lack of exercise.

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Millions of people around the world (such as the Russian Georgians, the Chinese Bamas, the Pakistan Hunzas, the Peruvian Titi Cacas, and the Japanese Okinawans) seldom get degenerative diseases such as cancer and diabetes and live much longer than we do. The common denominator for this is the fact that they all consume many times the recommended daily allowances (RDA) of all minerals including calcium. If you are one of the millions of Americans suffering in agony from a degenerative disease the two most important questions in your life are, can the disease be prevented, and can the disease be cured? The answer to both of these questions can be “Yes”, and “Yes.” Can calcium cure cancer? National newspapers, such as the New York Times, magazines, such as the Readers Digest, and medical journals, such as the Journal of the American Medical Association all say “Yes”! Can degenerative diseases be cured by nutrition? Once again national newspapers, magazines and medical journals all say “Yes”! They are reporting on the work published in scientific journals and books. The book, The Calcium Factor documents hundreds of these publications, with dozens of references to Nobel Prizes winners.

Continued on page 46...

February 2008



Hypnosis Myths By Tonda Adams, JD, CCHT


magine a pendulum moving slowly in front of your eyes. Keep your focus on the pendulum…slowly moving back and forth…back and forth…Maybe you are experiencing something…Perhaps a feeling… or nothing at all… Eyes getting tired and heavy… so heavy… eyes wanting to close and it is okay to resist….Perhaps it’s just easier to simply let them close. Hypnotist or Snake Oil Salesman? If you are a skeptic about Hypnosis, you may want to read further.

Hypnosis is the temporary quieting of the rationalizing mind and an expanding of the greater consciousness so that you experience things happening in two or more places at the same time. It is similar to that which you experience in your everyday conscious state. You can become aware of that which is near and that which is distant at exactly the same moment. The expansion or contraction of your consciousness is dependent entirely upon your desire. You can choose to be conscious of a certain tree or flower in a park or of the entire park at the same time. You can use the same faculties of sight to see both. When you wish to see both, you enlarge its activity until it takes in all you desire. Much like a camera. You can expand the focus to take in the entire park or zoom in on one little flower.

The first experience of Hypnosis for many people is the fun and entertaining Stage Show Hypnotist. The hypnotist, at the very beginning of the show, has a few simple tests to see who will be most responsive to suggestion. He/she then calls those individuals to the stage. Those who go on the stage have an underlying desire to be part of the entertainment and enjoy themselves, otherwise the suggestions would not work. Those who choose to stay in their seat, no harm; they simply remain in the audience and enjoy the rest of the show. A common myth about hypnosis is that you are unconscious or unaware during hypnosis. Generally you are not unconscious or unaware during hypnosis. In fact, if a fire started in the building the hypnotized person would most likely be aware before the hypnotist. There are four levels of hypnosis: (a) Light, (b) medium, (c) deep or Somnambulism, (which is best used for direct suggestion; the greater the depth, the more awareness, and the better the results of hypnosis), and (d) very deep which is a comatose state. This state is used for performing surgery without anesthesia. It is rarely used outside of a surgical context and only a small fraction of clients can ever reach this level. Most hypnotherapy is done in a light or medium state. You are completely under the control and direction of your own free will at every moment. No one can hypnotize you without your consent.

February 2008


The larger expansion still includes the smaller, so you see, you can be conscious of the full control of all your faculties in both places at the same time. By exactly this same process, you can be conscious of sounds in a room and also be aware of sounds outside, i.e. cars going by, dogs barking, or wherever you place your attention. You can expand it or contract it. Hypnosis expands your everyday consciousness so that you have an even greater awareness of past events, feelings and hidden motives. This greater expansion of your own consciousness enables an awareness that is not available through ordinary everyday limited consciousness. Anytime a suggestion or posthypnotic suggestion is given that is contrary to the wishes or beliefs of the client, it can be voluntarily rejected. If the suggestion were of such a nature that harm might result, there would be an immediate return to the ordinary conscious state. Another common myth is, you are weak minded if you can be hypnotized. The susceptibility to hypnosis has nothing to do with a strong or a weak mind or the intelligence of the


individual. In fact the stronger minded or intelligent person often has the most beneficial results, primarily because once they experience the power of their greater consciousness during hypnosis, they drop all defenses and trust in the process. Can you be hypnotized? Most people can be. In fact we all are in trance everyday. When you drive your car, watch TV, eat, drink, even having sex, you are generally in an altered state. Have you ever driven your car, reached your destination and wondered, “How did I get here?” having no memory of getting from Point A to Point B. You were in trance. It is like being in the movie the Matrix, you think you are really conscious, but you are not.

Two things are required for hypnosis to be affective: you must (1) have the sincere desire to do or change something and (2) trust in the process. Hypnosis does not work for everyone because not everyone has the sincere desire to change or the trust in the process. Hypnosis, like alternative medicine, is rapidly moving into the forefront of healing modalities in conjunction with conventional medical treatment. Many well known psychotherapists and psychiatrists used hypnosis in their practice such as Sigmund Feud, Carl Gustav Jung, and Milton Erickson, just to name a few. Milton Erickson, a psychologist and psychiatrist, pioneered the art of indirect suggestion in hypnosis. Erickson is primarily responsible for shaping our modern view of hypnosis and its official acceptance by the American Medical Association.

The average person spends most of their time in an altered state. The body is on autopilot while your mind is continuously thinking about your job, taking the kids to school, what chores need to Myths are a fictitious story often be done that day etc., and you are not having some historical basis. Hypnosis present. A qualified myths have been Clinical Hypnotheraexaggerated by the Hypnosis is the temporary strange behavior of pist can assist you to relax the body and quieting of the rationalizing those participants quiet the mind so who seemed to be that you have greater mind and an expanding of mysteriously conclarity and peace; in the greater consciousness. trolled by the mad addition, for those scientist with a penwho have insomnia, dulum. In fact, little fifteen minutes of hypnosis is equal to was known about how hypnosis worked approximately three hours sleep. until Richard Bandler and John Grinder One of the greatest myths is that studied Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and hypnosis is some kind of magic and you other notable geniuses. They succeeded in come in for a session in a conscious state making explicit the syntax of how people and are hypnotized and go unconscious avoid change and how to assist them in and awaken miraculously healed. Believe changing. They developed a model of it or not this can happen; however, the communication, visual, auditory, olfacperson is usually in trauma or has an ad- tory, and kinesthetic, that has broken the diction and is already in an altered state spell of ignorance about hypnosis. You of unconsciousness when they come in. can now open your eyes. The Hypnotherapist can put them into a deep state of relaxation and bring them back into the conscious state. This process can often create spontaneous healing. It is the awareness of taking back ownership of your own life that creates the healing. It only seems like magic. It is not unusual to have a profound insight in the first session and want to return to continue working on other blocks to your sense of wellbeing.

References: 1. Frogs into Princes, by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, 2. The Magic Presence, by Godfrey Ray King and Innerquest School of Hypnotherapy.

For more information, contact MtnQuest Hypnotherapy at 775 825-2588. Find ad on this page.

February 2008


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Part 1: Discovering the Divine Matrix: The Mystery that Connects All Things.

Part 2: The Bridge between Imagination and Reality: How the Divine Matrix works.


Part 3: Messages From the Divine Matrix: Living, Loving


pace, Bridging Time, S f Miracles & Belie n

By Gregg Brade

Reviewed by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


hat would it mean to you if you clearly understood at a deep level that you are the architect of your own reality? You’ve heard this before, and you may have dismissed it by remembering your past actions and therefore feeling that you don’t really want (or can’t handle) that much responsibility. But what if it could be scientifically proven? Gregg Braden researches quantum physics as a bridge to understanding spirituality, ancient wisdom and what we call ‘miracles.’ He has been researching these subjects for over 20 years and is now considered a leading authority on relating the wisdom of the past to the science and technology of the future. Braden is a former senior computer systems designer (for Martin Marietta Aerospace), has worked as a computer geologist (for Phillips Petroleum) and was a technical operations supervisor (for Cisco Systems). His other works include Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, Walking between the Worlds, The Isaiah Effect, and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. The scientific discoveries in quantum physics that have been revealed since 1993 demonstrates that we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation. What would it mean to you in your daily life if you could consciously plan your day, knowing that your precise intentions were entering The Field of Potentiality, and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that that Field was being impacted, and was reacting to your desires and expectations? This book is a synopsis of Braden’s previous books, videos and lectures, is sprinkled with personal experiences which illustrate these ideas, and is divided into three parts: February 2008


and Healing in Quantum Awareness. The experiments that Braden describes show that we are not just observers in the universe, but instead are participators in every sense of the word. We are co-creators through our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Indeed, our beliefs, expectations and feelings are the language that the Divine Matrix (the Field) recognizes. This Field can be described as being everywhere all the time…it already exists…within the molecules that make up our cells, between your eyes and the print on this page, everywhere. And unlike a broadcast from a TV or radio station that has to be created in one place before being sent, then received somewhere else, the Divine Matrix seems to be everywhere already. The work being done in quantum theory is changing the way we think about ourselves and the world we live in. Particularly helpful are the “20 Keys of Conscious Creation.” Four of these show that this is a book of immense practicality as well as being an easily understandable venture into quantum physics. Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world, of the relationships that we create in our beliefs. Key 18: The root of our “negative” experiences may be reduced to one of three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self-worth or lack of trust. Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships. Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things that we choose to experience in our world. More and more people are beginning to be able to consciously create their reality, by intention and by understanding that they themselves are part of the Divine Matrix, connected to all things. Books such as Matrix Energetics by Dr. Richard Bartlett, The Reconnection by Dr. Eric Pearl, Busting Loose from the Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Esther Hicks, all begin with the premise that you understand and realize that you are a vital part of the Divine Matrix, that you are a magnificent creator, and that you create through your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Is it not time that we let go of the idea that we are separate from everything else, that we are just observers passing through life, trying to get ahead in one way or another, and instead get a grip on who we really are and the power we really have? This book is infinitely practical, inspiring and informational, and will give you a chance to start understanding, scientifically, why you get what you get out of life. For more info, call June Milligan at 775-786-9111. Find ad on page 39. www.HBMag.com

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Home Remedy for Coughs By Bonnie K. McMillen, RN, BSN


t soothes an irritated throat and relieves chest congestion and phlegm. The bad news: it tastes terrible – it really does – but if you have a persistent cough, it’s worth a try, unless you know you cannot tolerate one or more of the ingredients: • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger • 1 Tablespoon honey • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar • 2 Tablespoons water Mix and take by the teaspoon. NOTE: The recipe didn’t indicate how much to take. I took 3 teaspoons the first time because I had a bad dry cough for over three weeks, and I was desperate for some relief. It worked and I got a good night’s sleep. I have been recommending it to others ever since, and many have confirmed my positive results.

Consider the beneficial effects of the individual ingredients:

Ginger (zingiber officinale) has long been

used and recommended for arthritis and bursitis, because it is a natural anti-inflammatory. According to Home Herbal, by Penelope Ody, D.K. Publishing, June 1995, ginger is a natural antihistamine. It has also been used for motion sickness and nausea, and in addition, it’s known for relieving chest congestion, according to Dr. Andrew Weil, Herbal Medicine Chest, http://cgi. pathfinder.com/drweil/herbal/medchest.

Cayenne (capsaicin) reduces pain, ac-

cording to Herbs for Health and Healing, by Kathi Keville, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA, 1996. The same substance that makes cayenne peppers hot relieves the pain by suppressing a chemical that carries the pain message from nerves in the affected area to

the brain. According to Home Herbal, by P. Ody, cayenne is warming and stimulating, it is a good cold remedy and eases chills and will even ease the lingering pain from shingles.

Vinegar has so many healthful uses. See

my article, Vinegar: Ancient Medicine and Popular Home Remedy http://www.pitt. edu/~cjm6/s98vinegar.html.

Honey according to Home Herbal by

P. Ody, will draw pus and poisons out of wounds and it is useful for relief from colds.

Water is probably added to make it less strong tasting but it is still strong!

Bonnie K. McMillen is a College Health Nurse, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA.

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(Aniseed) By Kallie Wilbourn


nise, or aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) is a plant native to the Middle East. Both plant and seeds have been used medicinally since prehistoric times, and their use has been dated to 1500 B.C., in Egypt. The Romans used aniseed as a carminative (a digestive aid that relieves flatulence), to ward off epileptic attacks, insomnia, and nightmares, and to freshen their breath. Because of its exceptional medicinal value, laws mandating its cultivation were in force in Charlemagne’s kingdom and the Virginia Colony. King Edward I kept the London Bridge in repair with taxes on aniseed. There is contemporary evidence that aniseed contains a phytoestrogen called anethole, which protects against brain function disorders as well as breast, bowel, prostate and other cancers, cardiovascular disease, menopause symptoms, and osteoporosis. Anethole also contains expectorant properties, and aniseed is a common ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges. In aromatherapy, aniseed oil is used to help with anxiety and depression, and as an anti-spasmodic (a few seeds taken with water are said to stop hiccups), diuretic, and laxative. Combined with eucalyptus oil, it also makes a good chest rub, and serves as a remedy against lice and scabies. Aniseed’s longstanding popularity as an ingredient in Middle Eastern liqueurs – Turkish raki, Greek ouzo, Arab arrak, Egyptian kibib – attest to its efficacy as a digestive aid. In some parts of the Middle East, Europe, and India, it is chewed after meals. The French also use aniseed, in the well-known cordial called pastis, and in Pernod and Ricard. In Thailand the seeds are brewed in tea. Italians often use aniseed in baked goods such as biscotti, and in Sambucco, a licorice-flavored liqueur. The anise plant is an annual propagated by seed in early spring. It should be planted in light, loamy soil, in a sunny but sheltered area. It does not transplant well, nor thrive in pots. The plant grows up to two feet tall, with broad, serrated lower leaves. The upper leaves are smaller, divided and narrow. Flowers are small and whitish, and grow in umbrels (similar to those of its cousins: dill, fennel, coriander, cumin, and caraway). The anise plant needs a long, hot summer to produce seeds, which are harvested as they change to grey-green. Flower stems

February 2008


are cut and hung upside down in a dry place, and the seeds collected as they fall. The seeds are oval-shaped, brownish or gray-green, and striated, and have a sweet, licorice taste. They lose their flavor quickly, and should be kept out of light and ground as needed. Anise is often confused with fennel (which, to add to the confusion, is sometimes called ‘sweet anise’ in recipes). Any ‘sweet anise’ recipe that instructs in the preparation of a bulb is actually referring to fennel. Nor should ‘star anise,’ a frequent ingredient of Chinese recipes, be confused with aniseed, though aniseed may be substituted for the more difficult-to-find star anise. You may need to experiment with new recipes to use aniseed in your kitchen, but this spice’s delicious, mildly licorice flavor makes that well worth the effort, and makes aniseed very palatable for medicinal use as well. References: www.wikipedia.org www.theepicentre.com www.ageless.com


OSTEOPOROSIS A Safe, Effec t ive, Na t ural Trea t men t

By Frank Schallenberger, MD, HMD


n the last issue of Healthy Beginnings we talked about the dangers of drugs known as bisphosphonates. These drugs (eg. Fosamax®, Zometa®, Aredia®, Boniva®, and Actonel®) are commonly used to treat osteoporosis. But as several studies are now showing, they actually weaken bones when used for more than one year! (See references on page 37.) Once again the pharmaceutical industry is selling you drugs that are not only dangerous, but are not necessary. Dangerous, because the condition they cause, called “frozen” bone, can result in spontaneous fractures of the legs and arms, as well as a serious and painful dental condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw. Not necessary because osteoporosis can be treated just as effectively with a simple combination of exercise, vitamins, bio-identical hormones, and when necessary a nutrient called ipriflavone.

refuse to replace their deficient hormone levels even when they have documented osteoporosis. Also, the use of hormones in women with a history of breast cancer is contraindicated. So in these cases the clear choice is to use ipriflavone. Ipriflavone, combined with vitamin D, vitamin K, and daily exercise almost always results in significant increases in bone density. Ipriflavone is a bioflavonoid commonly found in vegetables. It is also a “phytoestrogen”, which means that its chemical structure resembles that of estrogen. Therefore, just like estrogen, it can both prevent and treat osteoporosis. The dosage of ipraflavone required for treatment of osteoporosis, however, cannot adequately be derived through diet, thus individualized supplementation must be employed.

In a two-year, double-blind, placeboNotice that calcium wasn’t named controlled study ipriflavone produced a among these supplements. A study of significant increase in bone density in over 36,000 women published in The women with postmenopausal osteoporoNew England Journal of Medicine in sis. The dose was 600 mg a day. In fact, 2006 finally lays the calcium issue to rest. ipriflavone increased bone density a lot This well done study found that calcium - by as much as 3% to 9% within three supplements result in little to no im- to nine months. That is a remarkable degree of improveprovement in bone ment, and is very density. If they can’t even improve bone ...daily exercise slowed down similar to what can density, they can’t the rate of aging more than be achieved using hormones. And ipribe of much value any other single therapy... flavone can be safely as an osteoporosis used in women with therapy. breast cancer. These Osteoporosis is caused by hormone women have a much greater risk for deficiencies. So in our “correct-the-probosteoporosis, so ipriflavone is a perfect lem-by-treating-the-cause” mentality, the therapy for them. preferred treatment for osteoporosis is to replace sagging hormone levels. Unfortunately, a lot of unnecessary fear about hormones has been created as a result of inaccurate news reporting on their so-called harmful effects. Some patients

In addition, for best results, two vitamins should be used along with ipriflavone. Both of these vitamins, vitamin D3 and vitamin K, appreciably enhance the bone stimulating effects of ipriflavone.

February 2008


Depending on their need, dosage would be from 5-10,000 units of vitamin D3, and 15 mg of vitamin K each day. Safe, natural, and effective! One thing you should know about ipriflavone, however. It can cause an overall reduction in certain blood cells called lymphocytes. In a recent of review of ipriflavone in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the women taking it had a 30% average decrease in their lymphocyte levels. Although 90% of those treated maintained healthy levels despite the decrease, 10% developed abnormally low levels. Their levels returned to normal once they stopped the treatment. One important thing to note was that even in those with decreased levels there were no side effects, or signs of immune weakness. Patients who are taking ipriflavone must check their lymphocyte levels every six months for the first two years just to monitor levels.

Continued on page 37...



Why Good Teeth Go Bad (Part One) By Tom Cornwell


little over thirty years ago Robert O. Nara embarked on a course in his dental career which would ultimately cost him his license to practice dentistry. That, in turn, led to his publishing two books; Money by the Mouthful - What you should know about the health of your mouth and body that no doctor is going to tell you! followed by How to Become Dentally Self Sufficient. To say that he ruffled a few feathers in the dental community would be an understatement. To say that the cat was out of the bag would be more accurate. Fortunately, his unorthodox message of dental prevention and self-healing caught a lot of attention beyond the northern regions of Michigan. The most significant things one might cull from Dr. Nara’s work is the observation that there were 7 factors or principles at play in keeping one’s teeth and keeping them healthy for life. Based on his last lecture while working with the National Health Federation, Bob had revealed these factors, which he says took him the better part of a year to distill. Contrary to popular (and professional) belief, one never had to lose a tooth or suffer any type of gum decay due to disease - it was all preventable and for the most part, reversible. Imagine that: One could reverse tooth decay and gum disease! It certainly made sense if one considered the healing abilities of the rest of the body. The question is, why did we never before really consider this inherent ability?

That question led to one of Dr. Nara’s first factors: ‘Frame of Reference.’ With the ‘frame of reference’ or perception we had about dental disease and dentistry in general, we were doomed to ‘brushing twice a day, avoiding sweets and visiting the dentist twice a year.’ That was it. That was the best we could do and yet even today periodontal disease is considered an epidemic. Bob Nara wrote that if we took a look at the nature of the disease, understood the cause and cure and adjusted our hygiene and eating habits accordingly, the last thing we should ever have to worry about was a lifetime of expensive and painful dental work. The key is understanding and changing the perception of our oral environment. “There are all kinds of research studies that show that seeing the dentist twice a year doesn’t lower the incidence of dental disease. ...it’s not a preventive thing at all. If you go there and have your teeth scraped, x-rays taken and a few other things, that’s really not a preventive service, it’s preventing nothing. It may be catching up with all of the bad things that have happened, but it prevents nothing. In fact, Health and Human Services data shows that at age 65, blacks and whites in this country have the same number of

February 2008


missing teeth. At age 65, however, the white segment has about seven times more fillings than the blacks and across the board spends about 20 times more money in a lifetime. But at 65 they have the same number of missing teeth, what does that tell you? That means that they’re not getting a whole lot for their 20-times-more-money and those seventimes-more-fillings – really don’t keep those teeth lasting any longer. This isn’t your fault, by the way. This is the fault of the dental profession.” In future articles we will take a look at six other factors in keeping the teeth and gums healthy, including nutrition, and why even the healthiest vegan or raw food diets will often lead to poor oral health. Reference: The Seven Factors Transcript from Dr. Nara’s speech to the National Health Federation, 1986.

For more info, contact Tom Cornwell at www.Mizar5.com.


OSTEOPOROSIS A Safe, Effective, Natural Treatment Continued from page 35. Finally, just one really big reminder of the power of exercise. A recent study of 37, 70+ year old men and women was conducted to see what was the single most effective therapy they were using to slow down the aging process. Bio-Energy Testing (see www.bioenergytesting.com) was used to determine their rate of aging. It turned out that daily exercise slowed down the rate of aging more than any other single therapy. More effective than hormone therapy, vitamins, or special diets. And, oh yes, one last thing. There are two more important advantages to exercise. First, women who exercise increase their spinal bone density by a whopping 4.4%. And second – it’ free! Where else can you get so much for so little? In the next issue we will talk bout why taking more than 250 mg per day of calcium supplements is often deleterious to your health. Until then, remember that one of the most incredible mysteries of life is that God designed your body to heal itself. All you have to do is to help it. The opinions of Dr. Shallenberger are his own and do not necessarily reflect that of Healthy Beginnings. The reader is encouraged to refer to the references included in the article for further details. Dr. Shallenberger provides the information in this article for educational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute in any way for the advice of your own medical doctor. References: 1. Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, Gass M, Wallace RB, et al. Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of fractures. N Engl J Med. 2006 Feb 16;354(7):669-83 2. Angusdei, D., et al. Effects of ipriflavone on bone mass and calcium metabolism in post-menopausal osteoporosis. Bone and Mineral. 19(Supplement 1)S43-S48, 1991. 3. Alexandersen P, Toussaint A, et al Ipriflavone in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2001 Mar 21;285(11):1482-8 4. Shallenberger, F. The Best Way To Slow Aging Is Free; Personal clinical research, 2007.

For more info, call Dr. Shallenberger at 775-884-3990. Find ad on page 21.

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Finding a

Compassionate HEART By Chesa Keane


ost people think of themselves as compassionate, having a heart for those less fortunate than themselves. After all, it’s easy to feel compassion for the parents of a small child with leukemia, or for someone who has lost a family member unexpectedly, or for any number of daily tragedies that you view on the news or through your life’s associations. Unfortunately, compassion is often curtailed by judgmental attitudes. That is, if one thinks that a person has caused their own suffering through poor judgment or bad decisions, the layers of compassion begin to peel away. However, true compassion exists when you observe another’s suffering and you desire only to see that person find relief from their pain, regardless of who they are, how their suffering began, and no matter how well they are dealing with it. The point? When all can experience true happiness and joy, free from the suffering of life’s challenges, the world will be a better place. Does compassion take away their pain and suffering? No, it does not. But it does prevent the judgmentalism of the world from adding to their burden and just maybe, if they can feel the support and compassion of others, they can start the healing process. This meditation is an experiment in finding true compassion. Begin by relaxing and finding a center of calm. Everyone has someone with whom they disagree or don’t see eye-to-eye. There is someone in your life with whom you have conflict. Close your eyes, and let that person’s face come into view. Notice how your muscles become tight and how your breath is no longer slow and even. Keeping their face before you, focus on your breath as you slow it down again, relaxing and returning to your state of calm. As you visualize this person’s face, begin to shift the point of view from your eyes looking at them to their eyes looking at you. Feel the tension they must also feel in this relationship and see if you can let go of your position and see the situation from

February 2008


their point of view. For just a few moments, let go of your viewpoint entirely. Set it up on a shelf that you can retrieve later. Let your heart become their heart; let your mind become their mind; let yourself be someone else for just a few moments. See if you can be that person long enough to feel that person. As you get closer to being in their skin, feel your heart in your skin growing in energy and size. As your heart grows outside the physical boundaries of your being, feel the draw of their heart attracting your heart into a bond of mutual understanding. Don’t let your preconceived thoughts of how you think they think of you prevent the melding of these two hearts. You are not trying to change your mental or emotional position on how you feel about the problems the two of you might have. Instead you are trying to broaden your understanding of another person’s world, opening your heart and your mind to a viewpoint that is difficult for you to embrace. And as you open yourself, you find not only compassion for that person, but compassion for yourself as well. Focus on the energy bond at the heart level between the two of you. See this bond of energy as a golden light that flows back and forth between you, deepening in its color and consistency. Feel the color, feel the bond for several minutes of deep breathing. Finally, begin to see the color lighten, the density lessen, and the energy withdraw back to each of your hearts. Let this person’s face fade from your visualization but let the warmth of the exchange remain at your heart level. Know that each connection you make with another that comes from a place of understanding and compassion is a stronger bond with self and a strengthening of your inner nature. This method of dealing with interpersonal conflict removes stress, releases guilt and opens the way to better communication. You are in control of your life, how you think and how you feel. This technique will prove it to you. Copyright ©2008 TAO Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. www.taototem.com.


“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” – In memory of John O’Donohue, a rare form of human possibility.


et’s jump right in this time, headfirst. Let’s give a little love to love; after all, it’s what you’re made of. Some of us just have to dig a little deeper to get to the truth of who we are. Give thanks for the opportunity to join into something larger than ourselves that helps us transcend the myopic confines we entertain about our lives. I’ve heard it said that with love “all boats rise to the highest tide.” When there is love around, joy is always close by and when these are your co-pilots you’ve got reason to sing and put a little joy in every heart you connect with.

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If we choose autopilot we tend to live our lives with a pretense of expectation and an exterior of composed orchestration. But those that have known death or practice meditation know that swimming underneath this polished storyline is a realm of uncertain persuasion. So live and love in the moment! So what is love to you? It’s worth a few of your precious moments to ruminate and directly look at your love-concept that informs your life. It’s an ineffable feeling that we drape words over and they keep falling off. A definition that I have enjoyed coming to terms with goes as follows: Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth. I’ll dive headfirst into that. I hope that all of you will let me send you a postcard I created as my own contribution to the “Tell Someone You Love Them” campaign. Or you can check it out on my website blog which appears underneath my name at your fingertips. My last good idea for now: go outside for the full lunar eclipse on February 20th peaking at 7:26 PM and do whatever sets you the most free. And one last dunking: love tells me I’m everything while wisdom tells me I’m nothing, between these two shores my life has flowed. So let us learn to give love generously, to express love honestly, and to receive love graciously. With Love, Dr. Taylor G. Donovan www.renohealthforlife.com

February 2008


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Keeping The Puppy Love Affair Alive! Management Tools & Training Will Keep it Blooming By Pamela “PJ” Wangsness, CPDT

want and change every behavior you don’t want. Let’s train a puppy with our brains, not through administering or utilizing pain. It is very simple: If you wish a behavior to increase, make sure something desirable happens - If you wish a behavior to decrease, be sure something desirable goes away. While dogs do not speak English, they do have the ability to learn 200 words through association. However, while you develop this common language you’ll need to use some good management techniques. Puppies are impressionable at an early age. They are willing to bond with you if you remain calm, patient, and consistent. Remember, your puppy has the ability to make choices; let’s guide and manage him to increase better choices and do as we ask.

What Is Good Management?


ew owners usually chose a new puppy by falling in love at first sight and believe simply loving the new bundle of joy will keep things happy. The sad reality however, is a new puppy or newly adopted dog can be a handful without proper training and socialization.

Start Off Your Training On The Right Track A few keys to begin a lasting relationship with your puppy include enrolling him in a kindergarten class taught by Certified Pet Dog Trainers. Choose a trainer that uses methods such as operant and classical conditioning. The trainer should instruct you how to train your puppy with POSITIVE training methods. In addition, you’ll want to learn how to use invaluable management tools to aid you while teaching your puppy. The training center should have the ability to sanitize floors to insure your young puppy’s health is considered. The kindergarten class should provide supervised, interactive play while the young puppy learns. It is important to understand your puppy or dog already knows everything you are going to teach him in class. He can sit, lie down, walk by your side and come bounding from a short distance. Of course, this is usually when he wants to do it. Early training will help teach him that he wants to sit, lie down, come and walk when he is asked because there is something good in it for him. You will teach him every behavior you February 2008


Until training has begun and continuing, there are many occasions when management is imperative. If your puppy is not housetrained, you manage him by constantly supervising him, taking him outside frequently, or putting him in a crate, safe room or pen when you are not at home, while you sleep or when you are too preoccupied to keep your eyes on him. If your dog does not come when you call him, you can manage this behavior by not letting him off-leash in an open area until you have trained him to respond to come when asked. You can manage your new dog with a leash. Yes, it is acceptable to use a leash inside…go figure. Try tethering your puppy in a room you are occupying. You then allow him to be with you while avoiding possibilities of getting into trouble. Puppies deprived of human interaction for long periods will often resort to attention-getting behaviors such as vocalizing, running and play biting. If a puppy is too boisterous try the Gentle Leader® head collar (Premier Pet Products, Richmond, Va.) and a leash to help keep better control. Develop a routine for your puppy to become familiar with for eating, eliminating, and playing. Strive for positive interactions, not negative ones. He should see you as a source of affection, interaction and comfort. Be prepared to spend time with your puppy and reward him for desired behaviors. Simple rewards will increase your dog’s behavior. However, it is important to know that some behaviors are not something we as humans consider rewarding, i.e., raiding the litter box, chewing your new shoes, digging or other ‘fun things.’ Consider rewards through your puppy’s eyes. www.HBMag.com

Management Is Not Training What management does is prevent your dog from repeating unwanted behaviors. This keeps you from getting angry at the puppy for undesirable behaviors. Remember, the more the dog is allowed, willingly or unwillingly, to repeat the inappropriate behavior, the more embedded that behavior becomes and the harder it is to change it.

What Is Training? Dog training as defined by Wikipedia. com: “is the process of teaching a dog (Canis lupus familiaris) to perform certain behaviors under various circumstances and in certain roles on command. It is a general term not describing by itself either what or how the dog is taught.” Dogs like to get good things and wish to avoid bad things, but you do not have to physically punish your dog in order to make a behavior not rewarding; instead make the right behavior more rewarding so he chooses to do the good behavior instead of the inappropriate one. Young puppies and some adolescent dogs are easily intimidated. Keep this in mind when disciplining them. Harsh physical punishment is unnecessary and is not training. It may also frighten the pup and make him hand-shy or may lead to possible aggression. A properly trained puppy minimizes the need for discipline while establishing you as the leader. When discipline is required use a noise distraction or a change in vocal intonation. A good relationship foundation begins with positive training methods. It is about trust, respect and conditioning (training) for good results.

Promoting Socialization Socialization in dogs takes place between 4 and 12 weeks of age, when puppies are most receptive to certain stimuli. During this period, puppies easily make social attachments and learn how to interact with other dogs and species. Although socialization is life-long, what happens during this early period can be crucial. At this age, you should expose your puppy to many new people (e.g. delivery persons, people wearing uniforms, children, infants, teenagers, elderly persons). These meet-

ings should be pleasant; for example, the people could offer the puppy a biscuit or treat. The message conveyed to the puppy or dog is, “Aren’t these people nice, they feed me.” It’s also advantageous to expose the puppy to new things such as: stairs, surfaces, elevators, vehicles, umbrellas, and bicycles. This list is endless. By introducing him to people and things in a calm, reassuring setting, he learns to handle new situations without fear. During the socialization period, an owner should continue allowing the puppy to interact with friendly adult dogs and puppies. Again, a good way to accomplish this is to enroll your puppy in a positive reinforcement puppy class once preliminary vaccinations are given. Puppies are learning all the time, so there’s no reason to delay training as was once recommended. Proper training helps ensure a puppy’s successful transition to adulthood. In the first few months, you can teach a puppy tasks that will aid in controlling him and in establishing the owner’s leadership. Remember any dog consistently denied the attention and companionship he needs, will increase the likelihood of his finding other unacceptable ways to express bored anxiety or stress. Take the time to manage and teach your new puppy so your love affair grows and flourishes into a healthy, life-long companionship with your dog. References: 1. The Power of Positive Dog Training, Pat Miller, Howell Book House, New York, 2001, p. 10. 2. Word Learning in a Domestic Dog: Evidence for “Fast Mapping”, Juliane Kaminski, Josep Call, Julia Fischer, Science: 11 June 2004:Vol. 304. no. 5677, pp. 1682 – 1683; DOI: 10.1126/science.1097859 3. A Practitioner’s Guide to Pet Behavior Problems, Wayne Hunthausen, Gary Landsberg, G.M.: AAHA, Denver, Colo., 1995; pp 19-25. 4. Puppy Vaccination and Socialization Should Go Together, Robert K. Anderson, DVM, Diplomate, ACVB and ACVPM, Professor & Director Emeritus, Animal Behavior Clinic and Center to Study Human/ Animal Relationships and Environments, University of Minnesota, http://www.sicsa.org/pdfs/rk-anderson-socialization-letter.pdf 5. Dog Behavior, Ian Dunbar, T.F.H. Publications, Neptune, NJ., 1979; pp 133-162.

For more info, call PJ Wangsness at 775828-0748. Find CRG on page 58.

February 2008


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References: 1. Ultrametabolism, Dr. Mark Hyman, Scribner, March 2006. 2. A Study of the Health Benefits of Far Infrared Sauna Therapy, Conducted by the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Becky Edwards, M.D., Heather Kort D.O, Faculty Staff Advisor: Dr. John Foxworth, PharmD 3. Sealre, AJ 1982. Effects of the Sauna; Journal of the American Medical Association, 247(1)(Jan 1):28. 4. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/obesity/

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ARAI is publicizing testimonials and test results for children and adults with AIDS who have taken this product for a 90-day testing period. AIDS patients have lost the wasting symptoms of AIDS; HIV viral load levels have dropped significantly, some to non-detectible levels; reductions in the size of tumors is reported among cancer patients; diabetes Type 1 patients have achieved balanced blood sugar. It’s important to understand however, that flax hull lignans do not heal disease. Rather, their action appears to supercharge the immune system, allowing the body’s natural defense system to accelerate and correct deficiencies underlying many serious conditions. Flax hull lignans have been available for nearly 30 years. Many major universities and medical centers have given a “two thumbs up” status to the immune system boosting power of flax. Until recently, however, this required the intake of gallons

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of whole flax seed to obtain the necessary the potency impact of one scoop of flax hull lignans”. So now you have the flax facts. Flax comes in different forms and has many specific health and nutritional benefits. You can find out which is best for you, take it and discover how you benefit.

For additional information about flax, Omega 3’s and how they may improve or prevent disease, go to page 53. References: 1. www.whfoods.com 2. Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer And Other Diseases -- The OilProtein Diet Cookbook, by Dr. Johanna Budwig, Apple Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994. 3. www.Herbalextractsplus.com 4. Flax Seed Health Benefits by Jonathon Miller, M.A., M.Div., www.flaxfood.com 5. www.aidshivawareness.org

For more info, call Steve or Rita at 775331-6490. Find ad page 49.



Buy the Best

Dishwasher By Laurel Kallenbach



4. Look for an air-dry option that employs circulation fans. Heat-dry modes use heating coils, which draw considerable electricity.

5. Read the EnergyGuide label, which shows how much energy each unit uses compared with similar models.

6. Opt for a hot water booster, an internal water heater that raises water temperature inside the dishwasher (most Energy Star models have this).

7. Think long term. Most energy- and water-efficient appliances cost more initially, but they’ll save you money in the long run through lower monthly utility bills. For more information about Energy Star appliances, visit www.EnergyStar.gov.

Clean-Up Tips Remember these simple tips the next time you load up the dishwasher.


1. Don’t waste water by pre-rinsing dishes - just scrape

1. Seek out the Energy Star logo. Dishwashers that meet

3. Only run the dishwasher with a full load. 4. Use energy-saving cycles whenever possible. 5. Clean dishwasher drains and filters regularly to ensure

ew, efficient dishwashers use less hot water, have energy-efficient motors and use sensors to determine wash cycle length and water temperature. So how do you choose a new one? the newly improved 2007 Energy Star criteria are at least 41 percent more efficient than federal energy efficiency standards. Some Energy Star dishwashers qualify for federal tax credits.

off food and load the machine.

2. Load dishes according to manufacturer instructions to allow for proper water circulation.

efficient operation.

2. Think small. The bigger the dishwasher, the more water

6. Washing dishes in a fully loaded dishwasher saves mon-

and power it uses. Unless you have a large family or go through a lot of dishes daily, choose a smaller, less expensive model.

ey over washing the same dishes by hand. Dishwashers use 3.5 to 12 gallons of water per load; hand dishwashing can use 15 to 16 gallons.

3. Shorten the cycle. Choose a dishwasher with an “en-

Excerpted from Natural Home Magazine. www.NaturalHomeMagazine.com. Copyright 2007 by Ogden Publications Inc.

ergy-saving” or “light wash” cycle that uses less water and operates for a shorter time.

February 2008





RETREATS in Hawaii

By Lauren Birtwhistle and Carole Bucher


he holiday season is over now and everyone is rushing back to our everyday stresses again. This is the perfect time to start planning your next vacation. Hawaii is a popular vacation destination and it offers a warm and wonderful image to hold in your mind; and if you’re looking to get something a little more then your average escape, check out one of these Hawaiian tropical cleansing retreats. Aside from revitalizing your body and warming your spirit, you can return home with a much better understanding of how to keep your body supple and light, free of toxins, and keep off weight all year long. Most people experience increased awareness and sensitivity to self, others and the environment; improved digestion; weight loss or gain as needed; greater mental alertness and focus; spiritual openness, joy, and self-love. And last, a greater desire to care for the body and to eat well. Here is a short list of interesting cleanse retreats that you can explore to take away the winter chill. The Tara Yoga Center is found on the Big Island of Hawaii. The center presents many different retreat options for couples, groups and families. They offer several general cleansing programs, and will even customize a cleansing program to meet any individual or group’s needs. Not only can you detoxify your body from everyday toxins, but you can formulate a program specifically to rid your body of prescription drugs and alcohol, airborne and waterborne toxins, and so on. During your cleansing program, breath/yoga and meditation will be incorporated to bring high energies into your body and assist your cleanse. You will also have the opportunity to sight see around the island, meet dolphins up close and personal, or hike to a near-by waterfall. Tara Yoga’s 7-day cleansing retreat will cost $1750-$2000 per person; group rates are also available. The center offers bed and breakfast style accommodations. Larger groups may reserve the entire facility for the six night, 7-day program. Another cleansing retreat can be found at Detox Hawaii. This center is located on the island of Oahu, in Waikiki. Their programs begin on Sunday of each week. Stop in for a quick seven-day program, indulge in a 14-

February 2008



day program or commit to their 28-day program. Detox Hawaii is a quiet and comfortable retreat with an array of spa services, including hydrotherapy, and 3 fresh spa meals per day to provide a great detox experience. Regularly scheduled activities such as spiritual enhancement, sports, exercise, music, and quiet time will help you develop new ways of relaxing and focusing on the positive. 12-step services are also available. Not only will you leave this center feeling refreshed and cleansed, you will be more educated about how to keep you mind and body healthy. This center will run you about $3000-$9000 depending on the length of your stay. If you do not have a whole week or a great deal of money to commit to a cleansing program, check into Yoga Oasis on the Big Island of Hawaii. Accommodations range from camping, to shared cabins and dormitories, to private rooms with shared bathrooms. Tea and raw fresh fruits are available throughout each day. And most wonderfully, they have a guest work exchange program to help with fees. If you are stopping in for a long weekend, a quick business trip, or alternatively, a few weeks, this center will create a program that fits your schedule. Their detox program focuses on dissolving unhealthy weight and initiating lasting healthy habits for your everyday life in addition to ridding the body of toxins. Yoga Oasis offers short and simple lessons that allow you to begin the process at the center, and then finish your program at home. In addition, Yoga retreats are offered monthly, and raw living food retreats are offered periodically throughout the year.


Salad Dressing We want you to

By Schall Adams This is the salad dressing I am eating this week...

Yummy! 1/2 c nama shoyu 1/2 c olive oil 1/3 c lemon juice 1/3 c apple cider vinegar 2 lg cloves garlic 6 T tahini

Be Our Valentine!

Blend in a blender until creamy. Keep refrigerated up to two weeks. It is high fat so don’t eat too much! It has almost a blue cheesy flavor. I put it over Romaine with avocado and onion. For more info, call Schall Adams at Rawjuvenation, 775-3233000. Find ad on page 15.


Mahalo! References: 1. http://www.tarayogacenter.com/cleanse.htm 2. http://www.drferchoff.com/detoxhawaii.com/ home.htm 3. http://www.yogaoasis.org/retreats/detox.shtml

For more info, visit www.ytbtravel.com/ alternativehealthtravel. Find ad on back cover.

February 2008




Ionic (Organic) Calcium Is Found To Be Critical To Good Health Continued from page 27.

National Publications Cite Calcium Benefits The October 13, 1998 issue of the New York Times wrote an article entitled “Calcium Takes its Place As a Superstar of Nutrients” in which it states that a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that “increasing calcium induced normal development of the epithelial cells (cells turned from cancerous to normal, or in other words, the cancer was cured) and might also prevent cancer in such organs as the breast, prostate and pancreas.”



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• The January 14, 1999, issue of the Phoenix Republic wrote in an article entitled “Calcium Reduces Tumors” stating that the New England Journal of Medicine reported “adding calcium to the diet can keep you from getting tumors (or in other words, prevents cancer) in your large intestine.” • The February, 1999, issue of the Readers Digest article entitled “The Superstar Nutrient” that the Journal of the American Medical Association published stated that when the “participants consumption reached 1500 milligrams of calcium a day, cell growth in the colon improved toward normal” (or in other words, the cancer was cured). • The May 3, 1999, edition of the US World News Report published an article entitled “Calcium’s Powerful Mysterious Ways” stating that “researchers are increasingly finding that the humble mineral calcium plays a major role in warding off major illness from high blood pressure to colon cancer, (which means that calcium can prevent a host of diseases from hypertension to cancer). • The October, 2003 issue of Energy Times reports, “Researchers at Jefferson Medical College and the Kimmel Cancer Center of Thomas Jefferson University have found that calcium is the key for slowing colorectal cancer growth.” Where do you get ionic (organic) Sango Coral Calcium? At the present time the best and most reliable source of ionic calcium available is in the “patented” form of Sango Coral Calcium sachets or powder that can be added to water. This provides the hydration needed by the body and the 72 perfectly balanced ionic minerals, the most abundant of which

February 2008


is calcium. Coral calcium, even Sango Coral Calcium in capsule or tablet form, is not as bioavailable or bioabsorbable as the Sango Coral Calcium intended to be used in water. NOTE: The information contained in this article has not been reviewed or approved by the FDA. No one should start or add to their health regime using information contained in this article without the expressed approval of their health care professional. References: 1. New York Times, October 13, 1998 2. Energy Times, October, 2003 3. US World News Report, “Calcium’s Powerful Mysterious Ways” May 3, 1999 4. Readers Digest, “The Superstar Nutrient” February, 1999 5. Phoenix Republic, “Calcium Reduces Tumors” January 14, 1999 6. Robert R. Barefoot, The Calcium Factor, 6th ED, 2002 7. Bennert & Grange, The Mineral of Miracles: The Story of Sango Coral Calcium, 2003 8. Stephen Holt, MD, Natures Benefit from Coral Calcium, 2002 9. Bruce W. Halstead, MD, Fossil Stony Coral Minerals and Their Nutritional Application, 1999

For more info, call Dr. Kurt Grange at 775-825-7727. Find ad on inside, front cover.

“HB Magazine brings health concept ideas and knowledge to the individual enabling each person to make healthy choices for themselves. Also the magazine offers an easy collection of practitioners in the area. Thanks for providing such an important service.” -Valerie Cotta


Rosehip Seed Oil Nature’s Gentle Scalpel By Christina Rosevear


ose hip seed oil is a pressed seed oil extracted from the seeds that form in the hips of the wild rose of Chile - Rosa Affinis Rubiginosa, or as it is commonly known in Chile, Rosa Mosqueta. The oil has been used by the native people in Chile for centuries, and has only recently been validated through scientific study. The first major study was conducted by the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacology at the University of Concepcion, Chile in 1983, on 180 people with extreme premature aging or scarring to the face from burns, UV damage, trauma or surgery. The rosehip seed oil was found to slow down the advancement aging, to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and scarring, while restoring natural skin tone and color. Additional studies performed by universities and laboratories around the world have confirmed these results. The regenerative action of rosehip oil on damaged skin tissues was originally thought to be due to the high content of essential fatty acids, namely oleic (15-20%), linoleic (44-50%) and linolenic (30-35%) acids -- essential because our body does not produce them. Although essential fatty acids are important for healthy skin when taken internally, insufficient scientific evidence existed to explain the ability of rosehip seed oil to reduce surgical and traumatic dermal scars and to diminish or eliminate some hyper-pigmented lesions and wrinkles. In 1988 researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacology and Biochemistry at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru and the School of Pharmacology at the University of Missouri identified natural retinoic acid (Tretinoin, commercially, Retin-A) as the active factor in rosehip seed oil which produced the dermal improvements seen in earlier studies. Tretinoin has been successfully used to treat numerous dermatological conditions including those caused by excessive exposure to sunlight. It improves the over-all appearance of photo-aged skin, causes sloughing of dead skin cells, regenerates collagen, and stimulates growth of new cells in the top layer of the skin. However, as with most man-made substances there can be side effects, including too much peeling, redness and blistering, and a permanent increase in sun sensitivity. Exposure to sunlight must be restricted when using any product with retinoic-acid, whether natural or synthetic. However, because rosehip seed oil contains retinoic-acid in combination with essential fatty acids that are slowly and naturally released, the risk of overdoing is basically eliminated. Rosehip seed oil is naturally compatible with skin cell structure and provides a gentler and more absorbable source of trans-retinoic acid, while promoting an increase in levels of February 2008


ellastin and collagen. The high levels of essential fatty acids and vitamin E, of course, also promote healthy skin. In summary, rosehip seed oil has with much success been used to treat stretch marks, scars (of any kind), eczema and psoriasis, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines and crows feet, burns (including severe burns from radiation), age and sun spots, dermatitis, UV damage from overexposure to the sun, dry and damaged hair, and brittle nails. Rosehip seed oil is a safe and natural, inexpensive, non-invasive and effective way to take control of your skin. References: 1. www.bioskinrevitalizer.com/rosehip/ 2. http://www.maxgreenalchemy.com/html/rosamoschata.html 3. Valladares J, Palma M, Sandoval C, Carvajal F.: Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion; Chile. Cream of rosehip oil (Rosa aff. rubiginosa). I. Formulation, preparation and first results in regeneration of damaged tissues. Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia; Instituto de Espana. Vol 51(2) (pp 327-332), 1985. 4.Moreno Gimenez JC, Bueno J, Navas J, Camacho F.: Universidad de Sevilla. Treatment of skin ulcer using oil of mosqueta rose. [Spanish]. Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana. 18(1):63-6, 1990. 5. www.lammd.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/youthful_skin_protocol.cfm 6. Murray and Pizzorno.1998 Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Prima Publishing, Rocklin, Ca 95677.

For more info, contact Bella Rose Naturals at 530-798-1495. Find ad on page 31. www.HBMag.com


Organic Cosmetics CHECK THE LABEL! By Lauren Birtwhistle


he Organic cosmetic business is booming. But do not be fooled by the organic label stamped on a bottle of lotion. There are loopholes that manufacturers use to sell their products to you as organic, even when they are not. In fact, you really need to become a label detective to make sure you are buying organic. Why be so cautious? Your skin is your body’s first line of defense against environmental toxins of all kinds; but at the same time, it acts as a giant sponge. With over one billion pores, your skin generally soaks up whatever you put on it within 10-15 minutes. Remember that your skin is a living organ, similar to other organs like your digestive system. Thus if you are eating organic foods, but using synthetic and toxic skin care products, it really defeats the purpose of what you are trying to do. The following is a list of organic certifying seals you will commonly find on cosmetic products claiming to be organic. Note that this list is in a particular order - from the best, most restrictive (95-100%) to the just OK (at least 10%):

1. USDA Organic (95-100% organic) 2. Australian Certified Organic (95%-

100% organic) 3. European Union/Agriculture Biologique (at least 95% organic) 4. BIO/Germany (at least 95% organic) 5. QAI (at least 70% organic) 6. CAAQ/Canada (at least 70% organic) 7. Eco Cert (at least 10% organic of total ingredients)

But your detective work is not done yet. Remember that companies are often sneaky about getting themselves into that sought-after “organic category”. So you must also make sure that your beauty products do not contain synthetic additives in them. The only way to do this is to take the time to read the ingredient label from start to finish. After a while, you will become more familiar with the names of certain chemicals and your label reading will take less time. Below is a list of some of the most common synthetic materials used in beauty products:

1. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene

Glycol 2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and related 3. DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine) & TEA (triethanolamine) 4. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG 4 - 200) 5. Sodium Hydroxide 6. Triclosan 7. DMDM and Urea (Imidazolidnyl) 8. Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Propyl, etc) 9. Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40) 10. Mineral Oil 11. FD&C Color Pigments 12. Fragrances (synthetic fragrances will have names like “lavender fragrance”, because no lavender was even used!).

February 2008


No reputable organic, natural or holistic company will use ANY of these because there are always natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals. Additionally, you simply cannot make a truly organic product using synthetic chemicals. So, even if the name or packaging lures you with words like “all natural”, “healthy”, “holistic”, “cruelty free” and even the very word “organic”, turn that package right around and let that ingredient label speak for itself! References: http://www.newstarget.com/022300.html


Special ™ Child


For The



By Kathy Randolph, Certified Practitioner


atha yoga is an ancient set of physical and mental practices designed to bring the body, mind and breath into balance. In the physical postures, called asanas, we gain control of the body by increasing flexibility, balance, strength, and motor coordination while toning muscle and nerve groups and benefiting the organs and endocrine glands. In the breathing exercises, called pranayama, we learn to breathe fully and efficiently, increasing oxygenation of the brain, the release of toxins from the body, and clarity and focus of mind. Yoga was first taught one on one to individuals in excellent health. Today, we know that yoga provides benefits to those of all physical conditions and ages. Yoga for the Special Child™ offers the benefits of yoga to infants and children, both typically developing and those with special needs. In 1972 in Brazil, Sonia Sumar’s beautiful daughter Roberta was born with Down Syndrome. Already a yoga practitioner, Sonia began doing yoga with her child, whose motor coordination, physical strength and intelligence developed at an amazing rate. This led Sonia to seek her training as a yoga instructor, and to start teaching at a special education school. This was the beginning of Yoga for the Special Child™, a safe, effective and easy to follow program of yoga therapy to increase cognitive and motor skills and help integrate children with special needs into the home, school and workplace environment. The program includes:

• The parents’ role as guide and inspiration for the child. • A step-by-step, integrated system of yoga poses designed to increase cognitive and motor skills in children with learning and developmental disabilities. • Specialized breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to improve concentration and reduce hyperactivity. Four levels of learning are addressed and begin with children as young as two weeks old. The preparatory stage is for passive children who are unable to respond to the instructor. The inductive stage is suited for children who are beginning to show response to yoga stimulation. The interactive stage marks the beginning of direct, active participation by the child. The imitative stage is for children who can, or who are attempting to imitate yoga movements by the instructor or their parents. All group classes are inclusive, with children who are typically developing and those with a special needs diagnosis, grouped by developmental stage. Classes may be offered for parents and children together. Children whose parents carry on with the yoga routine at home see quicker and more far-reaching results. Yoga for the Special Child™ has grown from a single mother in Brazil doing yoga with her own daughter to a worldwide program of yoga therapy, providing infants, children and their parents a pleasurable way to improve the quality of their lives.

February 2008


References: 1. Sonia Sumar, Yoga for the Special Child, 1998 2. www.specialyoga.com

For more info, call Kathy Randolph at (775) 881-7848.

Discover the

Benefits of


Flax Hull Lignans: • natural dietary supplement • promote proper body function • good source of soluble & insoluble fiber • surpass any other lignan source for health benefits Call Rita or Steve:



You’ll feel the difference.


Do Your

Internal Organs By Sally LeDuc, PT

Could the experience of a particular pain in the abdomen, which often times feels vague but sharp, come from the vital organs located inside the abdomen? Sure. The organs of the body (the viscera) should be soft and pliable; they should not elicit pain or feel rigid when palpated when they are functioning well. When you visit a doctor, he or she usually probes or palpates specific areas of your belly to determine whether or not an organ may be causing a problem. He or she usually asks whether or not you feel pain or tenderness. In addition to your response, the doctor is feeling for the ‘softness’ or ‘hardness’ of the organ itself. Could tightness in the stomach, liver, gall bladder, small intestine, colon, and even the bladder and prostate cause pain? Yes. Organs are surrounded by connective tissue called fascia and some of the organs contain smooth muscle. Muscle can cramp or spasm and fascia can tighten. As a result, the organ becomes rigid, squeezed, and its sensitive nerve structures send pain impulses to various parts of your body and to your

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brain. For example, the liver and gall bladder can refer pain to the right shoulder region; the spleen, stomach, and pancreas to the left shoulder region; the sigmoid colon to the left low back and sacroiliac region, and the prostate to the sacrum. Chronic or longstanding irritations can cause inflammation, disease, and lead to significant dysfunction if not treated. Besides medication, can anything else be done to help reduce tightness and alleviate spasm? Yes. A gentle hands-on technique administered by a specifically trained and skillful therapist can help alleviate restriction, free the organ of tightness, and allow it to expand, contract, and function more normally again; blood, lymph, and the organ’s enzymes, hormones, and necessary drainage can be restored. The technique used to treat the organs of the body is called Visceral Mobilization. Visceral Mobilization uses manual therapy (light hand contacts) specific to particular body points to treat restriction and dysfunction. Treatment can reduce an organ’s surrounding connective tissue tightness, free the organ, and reduce the pulling-force (to other parts of the body) produced by an organ in a state of dysfunction. These forces can affect how the skeleton works and even the body’s posture. Treatment of the viscera can reduce pain and restore the normal mobility, tone, and motion of the organ itself. Pain, felt in various regions of the body, may not be caused by the internal organs of the body. However if other types of treatment did not offer relief, an examination of the viscera may be helpful in resolving a nagging and persistent irritation. Can digestive problems be improved with Visceral Mobilization? Indigestion, constipation and bloating, as well as pain are symptoms that can come from restricted organs or surrounding connective tissue. If your doctor’s examination and testing has not revealed a pathologic condition for these symptoms, handson treatment may be helpful. References: 1. Weiselfish, S. & Giammatteo, T. (2007). DCR Dialogues inContemporary Rehabilitation. Center for Integrative Manual Therapy and Diagnostics: Bloomfield, CT. 2. Integrative Therapeutics. Materials retrieved on 12/2/2007 from www.integrativetherapeutics.com.

Call Body Wisdom Physical Therapy


For more info, call Body Wisdom Physical Therapy 775-827-3777. Find ad on this page.


February 2008



Good Water... The Ultimate Luxury By Matt Vandevert


omeowners often spend thousands of dollars to upgrade their bathrooms so they can bathe in luxury. Hours of preparation go into choosing tile, stone, glass, fixtures and wall colors with surprisingly little thought of the most essential facet of any bathroom: water. It lies inside pipes just outside your home. Turn on a shower and it rushes through your plumbing to greet your skin. Along with it come chlorine, heavy metals and hundreds of disinfection byproducts, many of them toxic and many unregulated by the EPA. Just the thought of being engulfed in these chemicals can spoil what would otherwise be a relaxing, luxurious shower. You can buy a Brita pitcher to reduce toxins in your drinking water, but a pitcher is useless in the bath or shower. You may be surprised to learn that, in terms of your health, sink and pitcher filters accomplish little. In fact, if you drink unfiltered tap water, your exposure to toxins is quite small—plus you have kidneys to help filter out those toxins. But when you bathe or shower in hot water, the chemicals vaporize, and you breathe them right into your lungs with only nasal hair to protect you. You also absorb chemicals through your pores, which open wide up in 120º shower water. Other activities expose you to tap water’s toxins as well: enjoying a steam room or sauna, cooking with boiling water, doing dishes with hot water, opening a steaming dishwasher, turning on a humidifier. So it’s smart to filter the water that supplies all your taps. To do this you need a whole house filter. Don’t mistake a whole house filter with a water softener or reverse osmosis (RO) unit. A water softener does not protect you from chemicals in your water. And while a whole house RO does remove toxins from water, it often costs upwards of $10,000. So what should you look for in a whole home filter? Well, filters come in different shapes and sizes, but it’s mostly what’s inside them that matters. And the principal component of any good whole house purifier is carbon. It’s in Brita and Pur pitchers, it’s in under-the-sink RO filters and there’s carbon in any good whole house filter. Carbon removes chlorine, disinfection by-products, some chloramine and improves taste and odor. In filtering tap water, nothing protects your health more than carbon. It comes in granular (sand-like) form and in cartridge-style block form. Granular carbon tends to channel: water often carves a path through the carbon and thereby avoids contact with it, defeating the filtration process. Granular carbon is also untidy and hazardous to remove from its container: when it comes time to

February 2008


replace the toxin-saturated carbon, it’s difficult to avoid contact with it during disposal. If carbon is formed into blocks, this problem no longer occurs. So while both granular carbon and carbon blocks work to varying degrees, carbon blocks have some important advantages. Aside from what form it comes in, it’s crucial to know what kind of carbon is employed. Many companies, whether their filters sell for $500 or $8000, use bituminous, coal-based carbon, which is the cheapest, most quickly spent carbon. A good alternative is coconut shell activated carbon. It’s the highest grade carbon for removing the cancer-causing disinfection byproducts created by chlorine. Catalytic carbon is the only carbon that arguably works better at removing chlorine itself. Unfortunately catalytic carbon only comes in granular form. KDF is another type of media that deserves special mention: it’s a mixture of copper and zinc flakes that work to remove free chlorine, heavy metals and bacteria. In combination with carbon it can greatly improve the purity of water and help the carbon last longer. Everyone wants their filters to last a long time, and KDF can help if used properly. Be aware that even the best carbon only lasts one to two years before it becomes saturated with toxins and starts leaching them back into your home’s water. Don’t believe companies that say their carbon filters last for years. Even with backwashing devices to wash toxins off the carbon, you’re not protected for years. Carbon not only gets worn out, it also can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which is why forward-thinking manufacturers combine UV disinfection with their carbon filters. This information will help you select a quality whole-home water purifier that will enhance and protect your life as well as the lives of your children, pets, and plants. Once installed, there’s a wonderful difference that you can feel, taste, and smell. You can step into a steamy shower, slip into a bubble bath, wash your face with a warm cloth, soak your dishes in scalding water, pour yourself a cup of tea or let a kettle whistle for an extra minute, and you’ll be assured that you are enjoying the ultimate luxury—and the ultimate necessity: good water. References: 1. University of Nebraska Guide to Carbon Filtration: http://www.ianrpubs.unl. edu/epublic/live/g1489/build/g1489.pdf 2. Minnesota Department of Health: List of Water Contaminents & Their Health Effects: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/water/com/fs/voc_soc.html


The Healthy Adventurer

Women in the Dental Fields

Biking across Australia

By Lauren Birtwhistle

South to North Part 9

He had been a long time professional performer when he was in the military. What a great evening, I thought, until the “F” word appeared in comments in between songs, and meant to be funny. Disappointed, I abruptly left, biking into the silence of the night. On several occasions in my life I have experienced vulgarity in contact with the armed services. Actually, I thought, it should not be too surprising where violence is taught and practiced, that the level of ethics sinks. Conversely, while I have observed pride in military prowess in many parts of the world, I have found it particularly strong in the US. What could be the driving force behind it? Since violence and love are not compatible, could it be fear? Fear of losing our world dominance, fear that there may come a day of reckoning for military adventurism and commercial exploits? As I mused, I marveled at the fantastic harmony in the sky overhead, and I thought of the words of Henry Miller: “It is not for us to bring the world to order. The world is order and it is for us to be in harmony with this order.” One of the highlights of my previous bike ride across Australia was the German style pancakes Lois prepared for us. No Lois now, no pancakes? Well not quite! There was a rest area right on the highway where a sign indicated the location of the Tropic of Capricorn (ah yes, Henry!) I asked one of the two fellows stopped with their van whether he had a dish that I could fill with water to check for a puncture in one of my tubes. “Vot?” That is how “what” sounds, when spoken with a strong German accent. Not only were these two from Germany but, in particular, from Saxony, the home state of our immediate neighbor in Reno. They had just prepared German style pancakes and asked whether I would like some. Needless to say, my answer was yes. I suppose it was probably immodest on my part to eat five of the pancakes, but they were so good and I was very hungry. At least, in return, I could offer them a bunch of carrots… Next month: Riding with Herbert, a cyclist from Berlin. Peace, joy and health, -Hans Everlasting Health Center

February 2008



f you take a look back about 50 years, the face of the dental industry was very different than it is today. Even 40 years ago, in 1968, only 1.2 percent of practicing dentists were women. Not long after that, however, dental schools began to feel the forces of change, and today, women make up about 50 percent of the population at US dental schools. Despite this rise, only about 30 percent of practicing dentists today are women. Is there a difference between men and women dentists? Some will argue this, but there are few studies that actually examine the patient’s response to a female dentist vs. a male. So let us consider a few possibilities: • Physically, a woman may have a slight advantage over her male counterpart, because women tend to have smaller hands; thus maneuvering inside a patient’s mouth may be a bit easier on the patient. • Women are often perceived by others to be good and sympathetic listeners, therefore possibly allowing a patient to go into more detail about their symptoms and concerns. • Another common perception is that women are naturally compassionate and nurturing. Both qualities may offer a more pleasant experience to a patient. This in no way is meant to imply that women dentists are preferred or better at performing the skills required of a dental professional than their male counterparts. It is simply food for thought, which you may want to consider when choosing a dentist. References: findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_ 20070220/ai_n18622779 http://www.nature.com/bdj/journal/v188/n1/full/ 4800372a.html


More About Whole

Flax Seed…

Studies show numerous examples of health benefits derived from flax & its Omega 3 fatty acids: • Stress & Depression: The Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) in flax seed is the source of important omega 3 fatty acids, especially Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Today’s modern diet does not provide adequate amounts of Omega 3’s, while delivering an excess of Omega 6’s. So we need an even greater Omega 3 intake to arrive at the ideal 1:1 ratio of 3’s to 6’s. This fatty acid is crucial to brain development and function, especially in children, for destressing, for mental acuity, and for memory. And it may play a role in preventing the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

• Cancer: Increasing fiber intake may lower the risk of colon cancer. Studies show that pairing protein foods with flax oil encourages its anti-cancer benefits. (Proteins are carriers for nutrients to our cells.) Thus whole milled flax seed (22% protein), with all the essential amino acids in one food, is among the best ways to provide needed proteins with essential fats.

• Lowering Cholesterol & Preventing Heart Disease: The heart effectiveness of flaxseed and the Omega 3’s has been well-established. A British study of young healthy women were fed a diet including 50 grams of ground flax seed per day. In 4 weeks, total cholesterol was down 9%, while bad LDL cholesterol was reduced by 18%. Omega 3’s also help lessen clotting time, which may reduce the formation of blood clots that might bring on a heart attack or stroke and keep arteries clean and pliable.

• Colon Troubles: When consumed with plenty of pure water, flax seed softens the stool and makes bowel elimination easier, a blessing to those with any level of constipation. Also flax gently cleans excess mucus and debris from the small intestine, improving absorption.

• Immune Challenges: The Omega 3 fatty acids from Alpha Linolenic Acid and the protective antioxidants called lignans, appear to work together to enhance the immune response, or to tone it down if it is in hyper mode.

• Asthma: The Omega 3’s appear to reduce the inflammation of asthma. The mucilage in flax fiber is also good for the lungs.

• Arthritis & Inflammation: The omega 3 fatty acids help reduce joint inflammation. In a study cited in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in January of 1996, subjects taking flax oil every day averaged a 30% reduction in inflammation.

• Diabetes: In a University of Toronto study, flaxseed bread was shown to lower blood sugar by 28% within an hour vs. those who ate otherwise similar bread with no flax content. See references on page 42.

Next to the Macy’s Home Store

February 2008



HEALTHCOACHING: New, Exciting, Empowering By Melanie Prinz


hat is health coaching? Coaching is part of the public psyche - something that almost everyone is familiar with. Nowadays, coaching doesn’t apply only to the realm of athletics - the term has been borrowed and used in both personal and work domains. There are now life coaches, business coaches, executive coaches and health coaches. Why the term “health coach”? Because behind every winning athlete is a successful coach. This coaching idea is universally known and the same concept of a successful coach and a winning athlete applies for those in the field of health and wellness. Health coaching is a relatively new field but it is quickly gaining momentum. Health coaching empowers individuals, giving them the education and support to successfully navigate the pathways to a healthy lifestyle. A qualified health coach defines the how and what of health and wellness, personalizing it for each client based on their individual needs. A Health Coach takes an active and directive role in helping a person achieve his or her goals by facilitating the learning process. The Coach educates the client on specific health-related issues and support individuals in achieving their health-related goals. Because of the personal nature of health coaching, working with clients can include tackling health related psychological blocks to change, through either an individual or group coaching session. Why do we need Health Coaches? It’s no secret that Americans have reached an all time level of “unhealthy” living. Despite widespread campaigns aimed at helping people to stop smoking, eat better and exercise, the vast majority of Americans do not overcome their destructive eating habits. Most do not get regular exercise and many are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. It is mind boggling to think that the health care system in the US is a two trillion dollar industry that is riddled with problems. There has been an alarming explosion in childhood and adult obesity, cited as high as 63%. There are climbing rates in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases associated with lifestyle and behavior choices. As far back as 1996, Harvard Medical School published a seven-year study that confirms up to 70% of all cancer, heart disease, stroke and mature onset diabetes February 2008


are preventable with lifestyle and behavior changes. And yet, the health of the wealthiest nation in the world continues to decline. In 2005, the Institute of Medicine published a major study identifying that ninety million Americans are health illiterate. This does not mean, in this Internet dominated society, that people do not have access to or are not receiving enough health information. It means that the majority of us do not know how to interpret or use the health information we receive to control or improve our health or prevent chronic disease. So what is the solution to the problems we face in healthcare today? It’s simply this: Give people the tools they need so they don’t get sick in the first place. Health Coaches help people design a lifestyle and make behavior changes that they can maintain and be comfortable with. Health Coaches help people become proactive about their health, stay informed, focused, motivated and educated. Most people want to improve their health. They buy exercise equipment, join fitness clubs, start diets, make great New Year’s resolutions. They mean well but they usually get off track because they don’t have a good system for staying on track. Well, health coaching can help to solve this critical problem. Coaching, as an industry, has proven to be 91% successful and health coaching is a niche market within that industry. Many health coaches use the Internet, phone, personal and group coaching when working with clients. Coaching people and holding them accountable on a regular basis helps people experience a much higher success rate in reaching their health and wellness goals. References: 1. Empowering Others to Take Control of Their Health; www.lifecoachingdirectory.com 2. Health coaching to facilitate the promotion if healthy behavior and achievement of health-related goals; International Journal of Health Promotion & Education Volume 41 Number 2 2003 91-93 3. Health Coach Training: www.healthcoachtraining.com/Melanie 4. www.healthcoachingyou.com

For more info, call Melanie Prinz at 775-857-9764. Find ad on page 31.





EDIE’S BEAUTY SECRETS Edie Vaunn, Licensed Aesthetician 888 W. Second St., Suite 207 Reno, NV. 89503 (775) 250-5987

THERMADIAGNOSTICS 9408 Double ‘R’ Blvd. Suite A Reno, NV 89521 (775) 826-1200

Do you have acne-prone skin? Edie’s Beauty Secrets can effectively treat varying degrees of adult acne. Please call to schedule a free consultation. Open 7 days a week.


Thermograms Diagnostic Breast Screening. Accurate, safe, non-invasive and no radiation. Suitable for all women past puberty. Can detect warning signs of potential breast problems at a very early point. Without pain of compression or the use of contrast dyes. For more informationi please give us a call. Find ad on page 33.


DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress & fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation & energy; emotional weight loss. You can look & feel better with timetested healing techniques. Find ad on page 11.

BROOK HOLLINGER, OMD The Meridian 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com Providing acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions including stress, fibromyalgia, addictions, chronic pain, allergies, & pregnancy. Brook believes in treating the whole patient, mind body & spirit spending an hour session. Call today to make a difference in your health!


WELLNESS CENTER FOR SALE Contact Carol (775) 745-1627 Well established Alternative Wellness Center for sale or lease. Turn-key, fully furnished for any medical facility. Excellent opportunity.

CHIROPRACTORS DR. ANNIE POLUCHA 2005 Sierra Highlands, #147 Reno, NV 89523 (775) 448-9595 17 years experience rehabilitating all types of injuries. Gentle chiropractic with soft tissue mobilization & sacro-occipital balancing techniques. Full spine & extremity adjusting, head to toes. 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER Drs. Hollinger, Rammel, and Richards 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste. #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children.

WILDFLOWER VILLAGE 4275-4395 W 4th St, Reno, NV 89523 (775) 747-8848 (office); (775) 787-3769 (gallery) (775) 827-5250 (Pat Campbell-Cozzi real estate & questions) www.wildflowervillage.com

HEALTH FOR LIFE CHIROPRACTIC @ Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center Dr. Taylor Donovan 1085 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1230 www.renohealthforlife.com

Artists’ haven; 6+ acre site with room to grow & bloom. Apartments, studios, B&B, Motel, Coffee Shop w/Peets Coffee, Penske Truck Rental & Moving Supplies. 2 Art Galleries with works of 100+ artists; Art House for Art Classes; Art Retreats; Meetings, Wedding Chapel & Partnership Unions. Find ad on page 32.

A place dedicated to reconnecting the disjointed parts of your life starting with your spine and nervous system. Come and experience this unique and innovative practice and discover how chiropractic & yoga can reset the foundations of health in your life! Find ad on page 41.

February 2008


XOCAI, THE WORLD’S 1ST HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! Pat & Ralph Dickson (775) 358-7448 www.mxi.myVoffice.com/worldsbestchocolate SNACK ON HEALTHY CHOCOLATE! If you snack, eat something good for you! Anti-oxidant rich, vitamin-packed, scrumptious chocolate: allnatural, unprocessed, no trans fats, highest quality. Even better, get paid to eat chocolate– sign up for the business opportunity. Great earning potential! Call today. Find ad on page 31.

COACHING INTERNATIONAL RENAISSANCE COACHING Laura Bruno, M.A., RMT (775) 750-9140 www.internationalrenaissancecoaching.com www.ifionlyhadabraininjury.com Life Coaching, Medical Intuition, Intuitive Life Path Assessments, Reiki Classes and Animal Communication. Phone sessions available from the privacy of your own home or office. Specializing in unusual symptoms, soul connections, and helping healers build successful practices. TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE COACH Sienna Marie Wise, MSW (775) 825-1917 www.siennamariewise.com Do you feel stuck, depressed, alone? Is life weighing you down? I use a unique, gentle approach that enables you to quickly and easily improve all areas of your life. Call today to schedule a FREE coaching session.


“This magazine is our future. Our personal health is security & you are leading the way. Thank you for the commitment!”

-Cathy Cunningham


NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433 www.nevadaeconet.org

CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com Appointments available Monday through Sunday by appointment. Clean ‘green’ facility, private bathroom, ultra-purified water, FDA-approved closed system, complete discretion. Ask about a cleanse… you’ll look and feel great! Find ad on page 27. RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888 www.rahcc.com Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Find ad on page 11. THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Find ad on page 21.


Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in the Northern Nevada public. We are a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

FELDENKRAIS FELDENKRAIS METHOD® Karen Gates Guild-certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (775) 336-9766 The Feldenkrais Method® will help you reconnect with your natural abilities to move, think and feel. Whether you want greater ease and comfort while sitting, playing with children or grandchildren, or performing your favorite pastime, these gentle lessons will improve your capacity.

HOT SPRINGS STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 www.steamboatsprings.org Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Find ad on page 25.

HYPNOTHERAPY MTNQUEST HYPNOTHERAPY Tonda Adams, JD, CCHT, ACH, NLP 505 S Arlington, Suite 212 Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-2588 www.mtnquest-hypnotherapy.com

Relieve chronic pain, stress and repetitive injury with Feldenkrais Neuromuscular Reeducation®! Gentle hands-on sessions retrain your ability to move with balance, efficiency, and ease. Improve posture, coordination, and performance. Eight years experience providing transformative results. Call now for introductory appointment.

Tonda Adams is the founder of MtnQuest Hypnotherapy & is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist & NLP practitioner. Feel safe & nurtured while releasing anxiety, depression, phobias, grief & other fears and building self esteem. Sessions on CD available. Find ad on page 29.

FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore (775) 830-8168 Reno www.fengshuiclassicalconsulting.com

Dr. Ocean’s practice centers on biological and biocompatible general and cosmetic dentistry. A major focus is immune system enhancement for inflammation control. Affordable adult invisible braces are available. New patients welcome. Find ad on page 37.

CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 853-5337 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com “Let food be thy medicine.” Food Pharmacy is a sophisticated software program that creates a personalized diet to address your specific health concerns. This individualized diet is simple to follow and will put you on the road to reaching your health goals. Find ad on page 27.

FELDENKRAIS METHOD® Eveline Wu Guild-certified Feldenkrais Practitioner South Lake Tahoe, CA www.moveandfeelbetter.com (530) 542-6269


ZENY N. OCEAN, D.D.S., LTD. 1155 West 4th Street, Suite 211 Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 329-1333 www.wellness4u.com



Rebecca Moore is trained under world renowned Master Shyan Tseng and is a member of Alliance Feng Shui. Use Feng Shui for your home or business, to select a newhome or business, or to design a new home or business.

February 2008


VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services LLC www.VirginiaParsons.com (775) 850-5823 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Whether you’d like to lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking, Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Find ad on page 23.


COMMUNITYresource GUIDE INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE BIO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CENTER 6490 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite D41 Reno, NV 89509 Dr. Corazon I. Ibarra MD, HMD (775) 827-6696 Our goal is to assist you in achieving optimal wellness by harmonizing your body, mind and spirit (homeostasis); thus stimulating your body’s inherent wisdom to self heal. Are you ready to discover optimal health? Find ad on page 29. FRANK SHALLENBERGER, MD, HMD, ABAAM The Nevada Center For Alternative/Anti-Aging Medicine 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, NV 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com A full service medical clinic, offering natural/alternative therapies and detoxification programs for patients of all ages, and with all medical conditions. We also specialize in measuring and treating the aging process. Dr. Shallenberger is board certified in Anti-Aging medicine. Call for free brochure. Find ad on page 21. RAND FAMILY CARE 6512 South McCarren Blvd. Suite D www.randfamilycare.com (775) 826-RAND (7263) A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Find ad on page 14.


KINESIOLOGY THE NEVADA CENTER Marc Hiscox 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com

MASSAGE FOR COUPLES Soorya Townley (775) 853-0747

FEELING STUCK? If you want something different in your life but aren’t sure how to get there, discover the 3 easy steps to make lasting life change. You’ll soon improve your health, quit addictions, increase your professional success & multiply your happiness. Find ad on page 21.

MASSAGE THERAPY AWESOME BODYWORKS Glenn Peterson LMT, RMT 888 W 2nd St. • Reno, NV 89503 (775) 848-4322 (call for appointment) Healing arts & bodywork by gifted Reiki Master Teacher. Certified Myofascial Release and therapeutic massage for chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, TMJ, migraines, emotional & physical stress. Chair massage available for neck, back & shoulders, or hands & feet. MOUNTAIN FEATHER MASSAGE Lola Garza, LMT, CMT Loyalton, CA: Mon,Tues,Wed (530) 993-4852 888 W. 2nd St. #208, Reno, NV: Thur, Fri (775) 742-4654 Healing and Relaxing Massage: Trigger Point Therapy to reeducate and change muscle memory through direct pressure and stretching. Swedish Massage to increase circulation, release toxins and restore vitality. Licensed and certified since 1994, I am devoted to using the art of massage for your wellbeing. RICK EYESTER, LMT 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com

DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 505 South Arlington Suite B3 Reno, NV 89509 775-233-8404 An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Applied using a gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.


Couples Massage Instruction. Simple techniques while watching Videos! 28 years experience conglomerated just for you. Watch a video and you work on her for an hour. Then switch. Such easy techniques you will laugh once you get it. JOAN HITE, LMT (775) 412-1543 Massage and lymphatic circulation therapies can gently stimulate your system to help remove waste and toxins and improve metabolism. I use integrative massage techniques to help create well-being, harmony & a healthy immune system. In-home visits available. Please call for an appointment. TIFFANY HOFFMAN, MS, ATC, MT 9393 Gateway Dr. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com Providing a combination of Therapeutic body work, massage & prenatal massage. Each therapy is effective for a wide range of health conditions & is tailored to meet your individual needs.

MEDITATION TAHOE YOGA & WELLNESS CENTER 1085 S. Virginia St., Reno (775) 348-9642 www.meditationinnorcal.org Offered every Monday Evening, 6:30-8pm by the Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center. All are welcome for these meditation sessions. Introductory level commentary & meditation. Chairs & floor cushions provided. Come after work & learn to meditate to improve your life. Find ad on page 42.


Utilizing a unique blend of techniques from Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu & Tuina, allowing for a more immediate release and alignment, both physically & emotionally. This bodywork is provided with the client fully clothed.

February 2008


ALPHA FLEX With the Omega-5e Nutrient www.alphaflex.com 1-800-877-1269 Revive sore muscle Now! Clinical research has shown that Alphflex effectively relieves minor inflammation & pain. Helps to improve muscle & joint health. Call today! Start feeling better! Buy1 get the 2nd Free. A NV Corp. Find ad on page 37.



NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. (775) 827-6888 (775) 338-5442 www.rahcc.com, jedgend@aol.com Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease and not just the symptoms. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep. TARA L. FINLEY, O.M.D., N.D. w/ Brian Finley, P.T., O.C.S., C.O.M.T. (775) 337-1334 www.TheFinleyCenter.com


WOMAN TO WOMAN NATURAL HEALTH CARE The Nevada Center For Alternative/Anti-Aging Medicine 1231 Country Club Dr. • Carson City (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com Sheila Juskiw, Family Nurse Practitioner, has over fifteen years experience offering a gentle and natural approach to female health care including annual examinations and routine care, breast cancer prevention, osteoporosis prevention, bio-identical hormone replacement, and breast thermography. Call for free brochure. Find ad on page 21.


Therapeutic Nutrition, Vitamin/Mineral & Herbal Prescriptions, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, hydrotherapy, physical exam & lab work are combined to address all aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle, Optimal Health & Disease Prevention. Insurance Accepted. Find ad on page 23.

NURSES - HOLISTIC PATRICIA MOIR POLLMAN RN, HN-BC, HTPA Healing Touch & Wellness Coach (775) 830-3413 By Appointment. Patricia has 40 years of experience. She offers Healing Touch, a relaxing, nurturing, energy therapy. Using gentle touch that assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being and supports your natural capacity to heal. Receive 2 treatments for the cost of 1! Call for an appointment today!

SCRAPS DOG COMPANY 7689 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-3647 6120 Mae Anne, Reno (775) 746-4364 DOG TRAINING BY PJ 5303 Louie Lane, Reno (775) 828-0748 Four paws – all directions! Pet nutrition, education and the best training for your dogs and cats. Visit our websites: www.dogtrainingbypj.com & www. scrapsdogcompany.com or call us today. We make raising your pets fun, easy and successful!

PERSONAL TRAINERS FIT 4 AMERICA Steve: (775) 848-5901 Dietrich: (775) 354-6642 www.fit4america.com Specializing in Personalized Training and Nutritional Programs. Weight and Fat Loss, Strength & Conditioning, Certified Kettlebell Instructors. Improve balance and coordination, tone muscles, lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Maintain lean body mass.


OB/GYN MARTIN DENNIS, MD, FACOG 6630 S Mc Carran Suite 202 (775) 788-5100 www.martindennismd.com

PERFORMANCE PHYSICAL THERAPY Kirk Sachtler, DPT, CMPT, OCS, CSCS 720 Robb Drive, Suite 103 Reno, NV 89523 (775) 787-3733; www.perfpt.com

Specializing in alternatives to hysterectomy. Pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding Office hysterscopy, Ultrasound. Take comfort in knowing that if you are pregnant and you want your doctor there when you have your baby. Dr Dennis deliverers 98% of his own patients. Find ad on page 27.

Innovative solutions for chronic pain and unresolved injuries. Specialized services in a peaceful, personal, and private environment: • hands-on manual therapy • health, fitness, and nutritional training • advanced neuromuscular training • advanced electro- and photo-therapies • fabrication of semi-custom orthotics

February 2008


“FOR WOMEN ONLY” (775) 329-3222 An ongoing, confidential group, providing opportunity for connection, exploration, and growth. Co-facilitated by two female psychotherapists. Meets weekly. Wed, 6-7:30 p.m. $45/grp. Leave message for Michelle or JoAnne.

ANDY DRYMALSKI, ED D. (775) 786-3818 Specializing in psychotherapy for depression, anxiety, stress, personal growth and dream analysis. Treating patients locally, for over ten years. Evening and weekend hours available. Find ad on page 13.

REIKI INTEGRATIVE HEALING ARTS Tania Marie, Reiki Master Teacher International Association of Reiki Professionals (775) 343-9244 www.taniamarie.com Stimulate relaxation and heightened awareness while reducing stress and pain with this gentle, powerful system of natural healing. Supports effectiveness of all other treatments and a great tonic during “normal” health. FREE extra half hour. Private classes available.

THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 www.themeridianreno.com A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress. Reiki classes available.




RAWJUVENATION, LLC 350 W. Liberty Street, Suite A Reno, NV 89501 (775) 323-3000

HEALTH FREEDOM NUTRITION 255 Bell St. Reno, NV 89503 www.hfn-usa.com 800-980-8780

Specialize in Far Infrared Saunas that provide you with many health benefits including, weight loss, detoxification, skin purification, relaxation, pain relief and much more! We also provide the largest selection of Raw Food products, supplies, air filters, pre packaged raw foods, Raw Food Preparation classes, seminars and much more! Find ad on page 15.

Reno-based supplement manufacturer offers more than 100 high-quality, science-based, nutritional formulations. Our products are made with the finest ingredients in small batches to ensure freshness and potency. 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Use code N10224 for 10% new customer discount. Find ad on page 17.



CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 825-7727 www.circleoflifespa.com Reno’s premier healing spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, supplement counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. Find ad on inside front cover.

STEM CELL THE WELLNESS FACTOR (775) 250-9177 email: twfrx@yahoo.com website: www.promoteyourownstemcells.com Your Adult Stem Cells help heal your body everyday. As we age, the number of adult stem cells released from the bone marrow for this process declines. Discover how our all natural, patented product can boost the release of your own adult stem cells and restore your overall vitality. Great for your animal companions too. Call for more information.

SUPPLEMENTS ALPHA FLEX With the Omega-5e Nutrient www.alphaflex.com 1-800-877-1269 Revive sore muscle Now! Clinical research has shown that Alphaflex effectively relieves minor inflammation & pain & helps to improve muscle & joint health. Call today… start feeling better! Buy 1 get the 2nd free. A Nevada Corp. Find ad on page 37.

TRAVEL FOR HEALTH www.ytbtravel.com/alternativehealthtravel Best Prices Online: Book Cruises, Caribbean Vacations, Golf Packages, Eco-Travel Hotels, Cars and Tickets. One site delivers all! Let us make it easy for you... visit our website today to learn more. Find ad on back cover.

WEIGHT LOSS VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NAAC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823-office www.VirginiaParsons.com Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Find ad on page 32.

WELLNESS CENTER CONSCIOUS LIVING CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 853-5337 www.ConsciousLivingCenter.com We can design a wellness program to meet your specific needs, from choosing the right foods, to a customized detoxification program. Facility services also include colon hydrotherapy, massage, CranioSacral therapy, FIR Far-infrared sauna, LBG lymphatic drainage, body wraps, reiki and ear candling. Visit our website to learn about our wellness programs. Find ad on page 27.

February 2008


CLASSIFIEDS Massage therapist wants to share space in downtown Reno. Anyone in natural healing field may inquire. Call (775)-742-4654. Massage room with sink & storage for rent inside beautiful skin care/massage office. Call Karen at (775) 337-2525. Wanted: High energy sales person. Must be health minded, winning personality, ethical & high achiever. Straight commission. Design your own income!! Not an MLM. Call (775) 828-4547. Gorgeous 11.5 ft x 12 ft treatment room available for sub-lease at the well-established Reno Alternative Health Care Center, 3400 Kauai Court, Suite 100. Contains built-in sink and cabinets. $550 per month – open to sharing space. Perfect for alternative practitioners. Massage therapists and body workers welcome. Contact Carol Christian (775) 827-6888.

The Institute for Inspired Living, 85 Washington St., Reno has a beautiful office space for rent. Call Cheryl Blossom to join this brilliant group of health practitioners: (775) 338-8617. View green homes for sale at www.RenoRealEstateMatters.com. Call Cassie Harrison (775) 771-0771, Boardwalk Realty. Young female Jack Russell Terrier needs loving home. Please call (775) 882-8577.



Red Wine


Dark Chocolate

Love at First Bite By Jillana Miller


he fourteenth of this month is Valentine’s Day – the single day of the year that is traditionally reserved for the celebration of love. Valentine’s Day is a day when friends and lovers unite to express their love for each other. A wine and chocolate tasting experience is a romantic and memorable way to share and celebrate love. Not only are red wine and dark chocolate some of life’s most wonderful indulgences, but they are also great for one’s health. Both foods have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Red wine contains a very potent antioxidant called resveratrol, which acts synergistically with Vitamin C to inhibit the formation of blood clots, and prevent cancer. Dark chocolate has been proven to lower blood pressure. Beyond the physical health benefits, an after dinner red wine and dark chocolate pairing is a delightful sensory experience. Feel the glass in your hand as you gaze into the beautiful deep red color of the wine and the dark calming brown of the chocolate. Now bring the glass to your nose and take in the complex fruitful aroma… ahh. At this time you and your Valentine must embrace in the moment with a cling of your glasses. Finally, to complete the full sensory experience you must taste a piece of chocolate, by letting it melt slowly in your mouth, sipping your wine and allowing the flavors to do the rest of the work.

Suggested After Dinner Dark Chocolate Platter: • Fresh fruit: sliced apple, pomegranate, figs, pears • Dried fruit: dried apricots, cherries or cranberries • Three different types of dark chocolate: 65% cacao, 70% cacao, 80-90% cacao • Goat Cheese & Nib Toast: see recipe below (roasted cacao beans)

February 2008


Suggestions For Pairing: For a non-alcoholic alternative: A cup of hot fruity red tea works nicely with this platter. Hibiscus and rosehips are perfect. Tazo tea carries an infusion tea called Passion that works wonderfully with chocolate. Regular or decaf coffee is also an exquisite beverage to enjoy with chocolate. Red Wine Pairing: If chocolate is not paired with the proper wine, the two can create an unpleasant experience for the palate. For this reason, pairing wine with chocolate should be approached with attention to flavors. The rule of thumb for pairing wine with chocolate is quite simple- pair like with like. For example a lighter chocolate calls for a lighter red wine and a darker chocolate calls for a darker and heavier bodied wine. Cabernet Sauvignon seems is a great match for dark chocolate. A merlot can work nicely with a lighter chocolate. As you will see, you will discover your favorite matches as you experiment with different wines and chocolates. More than half the fun is in discussing your flavor experience with your friends!

Goat Cheese and Nib Toast: Combine 2.5 ounces of goat cheese with 1 1/2 tablespoons crushed nibs (this can be done with rolling pin or the back of a knife) and 1 tablespoon of chopped dried cranberries. Mix the ingredients well and allow them to sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour or if possible over night. The cheese needs some time to absorb the flavors of the cocoa nibs and cranberries. Tasting nibs is a great way to taste the essence of chocolate.

Enjoy! www.HBMag.com



February 4th

February 11th - 14th

February 19th

Wellness Lecture, by Dr. Paula Crenshaw on Women’s Heart Health. 7- 8pm, free at Barton University, 1111 Emerald Bay Rd. (530) 543-5537.

SnowSports Week at Sierra at Tahoe. $35 lift tickets. All proceeds benefit Tahoe Wildlife Care, Community College, Educational Foundation, Barton Hospital Foundation and the Sierra-at-Tahoe Education Foundation. Discounted tickets must be purchased in advance: (530) 543-5614.

Wellness Lab Draws, 6:30am - 1pm at Express Lab across from Barton Memorial Hospital & at Stateline Medical Center. $40 Wellness Panel, $30 PSA screening, $30 Thyroid test, $35 Hemoglobin A1c test. Register online at www.bartonhealth.org/lab.

February 12th

February 22nd

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® ATM 6-wk series “Building Better Backs” 6:30pm, the Spiritual Element, 501 Casazza Drive. To register 775-336-9766.

FREE wellness “Health Checks,” 2pm to 8pm at Barton University, 1111 Emerald Bay Road. Wellness screenings to be determined. For reservations, call (530) 543-5537.

February 4th - 8th Moms get fit! Baby Boot Camp’s Fitness Challenge begins. 8:30-9:30am. Come to class early for measurements and fitness test. For more info: Skye Garman 775.848.4613. skye.garman@ babybootcamp.com. www.babybootcamp.com

February 5th Join us at Rawjuvenation on Tuesday for our totally raw Valentines candy demo with Shall Adams call 775-323-3000 for more info.

February 13th Wine & chocolate tasting at Vino 100. $20. Limited seating available, call (775)851-8466 or e-mail cathy@vino100-reno.com.

February 6th “Make A Living Doing What You Love!” Free Workshop. With Success Coach & Hypnotherapist. 6:30-8pm. Contact Jenn August: 775-219-4901. jennaugust@earthlink.net.

February 14th Free Valentine fun race at Northstar at Tahoe. Intermediate to advanced skiers & riders welcome.

February 8th

February 16th

Fingerstick Friday. 11am - noon at South Lake Tahoe Senior Center. Free test to screen for diabetes. For most reliable results, refrain from eating 2 - 5 hours prior to screening. (530) 543-5548.

Wellness Lab Draws, 8am-1pm at Express Lab across from Barton Memorial Hospital & at Stateline Medical Cntr. $40 Wellness Panel, $30 PSA screening, $30 Thyroid test, $35 Hemoglobin A1c test. To Register: www.bartonhealth.org/lab.

February 9th & 10th

February 16th & 20th

Healthy & Slender without dieting, exercise, deprivation or willpower! Workshop teaches tools to use your own mind to create healthy habits. Circle of Life Spa 775-825-7727.

EKG – 1pm-5pm in Barton’s EKG department. $45 payable at your apt. Call (530) 543-5881 or register at www.bartonhealth.org/ekg.

February 23rd Join Shall Adams at RAWJUVENATION Saturday for an all day Raw Food workshop or 2:00--5:00 for hands on raw food prep. For details call (775) 323-3000.

February 28th “Sleeping Better Workshop” 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Learn simple exercises that help those with sleep apnea, insomnia, and snoring! Contact Dr. Scot for details at (775) 815-3048.

February 29th - March 9th North Lake Tahoe Snow Festival. A mountain Mardi Gras with snow-sculpture contests, spaghettin feed, “Polar Bear Swim” and much more. Something for everyone on and off the mountain. For details call (530) 583-7167.

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Music Together

Pottery Workshops

Tai Chi Classes

Mondays and Saturdays at 9:30 or 10:30. Music and movement for toddlers and their adults. River School: 7777 White Fir St. Reno (775) 747-2222. Details on our website: www. riverschool.info

At Wildflower Village 4305 W 4th St. Pottery Studio Unit E -- All Levels welcome. Highly individualized instruction. Open Studios: Saturday-Wednesdays 2-6pm. On-going Registration. $125 For 6 weeks from your 1st class, plus supplies $50+. Call (775) 787-3769 for information.

Tai Chi has been proven to increase bone density and balance in everyone, including the elderly. It is a great exercise for increasing energy & muscle strength. Class dates are: Wed. 9am & 4:00 pm. Sat. 10:30am. $10 per class. 775-825-7727. www.circleoflifespa.com

Radical Forgiveness Support Group At For Goodness Sake, Truckee CA every Thursday night 6:30-8:00 pm. call Dinny Harter, Radical Forgiveness Coach for more details 530-414-1420

Free classes on Preventive Nutrition Conducted by Kinesiologist, Dorothy Dumbra, in South Lake Tahoe. Classes are held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7pm. For more info: Dorothy Dumbra at 530-544-8557.

Free Weightloss Workshop Every 3rd Wednesday of each month. Learn: The Formula for Your Permanent Weight Loss. Reclaim Your Power, Create Wellness. To Register call Layne L. Linebaugh, D.C, Wellness Coach: 775-852-77900 or 342-8347.

“Why Diets Don’t Work” Free Seminar What Happens to your Metabolism when you diet. How to reprogram the metabolic switch from a fat storer to a fat burner in 6 weeks. Reshape your body permanently following the TransitionsTM Lifestyle System. First Thursday of every month. Pre-registration required. Call 775-850-5823. Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC.

Sunday Meditation at Noon Reno Psychic Institute offers an open meditation every Sunday from 12 noon – 1pm. Join us to check in with yourself & get a fresh start on the week. Led by Rev. Ed Norman & followed by energy healings. 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. renopsychicinstitute.org. 775 324-2872.

Energy Healing Clinic Tango Fundamentals Tuesdays 7p.m. Argentine Tango for beginners. River School: 7777 White Fir St. Reno (775) 747-2222. Details on our website: www. riverschool.info

Drop by anytime between 5 to 7pm for an energy healing. This healing removes foreign energy from your space so you can come into your body and create with your own energy. Held at 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno renopsychicinstitute.org 775 324-2872

Ki Gong Classes Energy building and balancing exercises. Class dates are: Tue. 9am & 4:00pm, and Sat 9am. $10 per class. 775-825-7727. www. circleoflifespa.com

Weekly Meditation Sessions Mahakaruna Buddhist Center holds weekly meditation classes on Monday from 6:30-8pm at The Tahoe Yoga & Wellness Center. Classes are led by Resident Teacher Ace Remas. No prior experience is required. Sessions include brief commentary & guided meditation. Drop-in’s are welcome. Information: (775) 348-9642.

Jazz Nite at Comma Coffee Wednesday Nights, 7–10pm. 312 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV. 775-883-2662. www.commacoffee.com

Raw Dish of The Week Recipe Join us at Rawjuvenation every monday from 4:30--6:30 for our totally raw dish of the week completely free, recipe included call (775) 323-3000 for more info if needed.

Health Professional Network Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Health Professional Network). This networking group meets the second Thursday of each month. If you are in a healthrelated field and are interested in joining us, please email HPN@HBMag.com or call (775) 828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal and informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet colleagues who share like-minded healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there!

February 2008



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Finding Your True Purpose By Dale Halaway


or those who have chosen to live an enlightened life, connecting with their higher selves can at times be challenging. To be in alignment with their higher self means being in alignment with their life’s purpose. There are so many who are struggling to find what it is they are to be doing with their lives, wandering from job to job or starting up business after business. Some will continue to struggle to keep a business or career going long after they have been shown that it is no longer working. Even though it may be a noble and serving business or career, the universe may be trying to show them it isn’t in alignment with what they are truly to be doing anymore.

There are three specific things that can block someone from realizing their true purpose. The first thing is negativity. As humans, we hold on to negative energy until we become aware of what this energy is and can let it go. Learning how to release negative energy through the body is the key. We have core negative emotions, including jealousy, insecurity, guilt, resentment, fear and anger. All these emotions, when held on to, are stored in the subconscious body (says who?). These negative emotions, if not let go of correctly, can slow you down, weigh you down, and eventually make you feel like you are standing in quicksand. Negative energy blocks the flow from your higher self: your magnificence, your beauty, your wisdom! When you are in alignment with your higher self you feel inspired, connected, loved and protected.

Instead of denying or suppressing our own negativity, we are to be learning how to release this energy from our subconscious. In fact, go within and check and see if this is a part of your soul’s purpose to clear out this negative energy from your subconscious. It’s the urging of one’s soul or higher self that causes all growth. Life really begins once the soul gets its own way with us. What would it be like to no longer be at affect by what others are doing or saying? Through engaging in good quality inner work and turning the spiritual discipline of conscious releasing into a lifestyle, we can master these emotions. Emotional mastery means you are no longer at affect by what anybody else does. You are emotionally clear and emotionally stable. You are now the embodiment of your higher self. Next month we will examine 2 other important phenomena, which, when lacking, often prevent the realization of our life’s true purpose; these are judgment and balance.

For more information call 775-825-1917 or visit our website at www.seminarsthatinspire.com.

By holding on to negative emotions, we stay separated from our issues, pretending they don’t exist when they really do. No matter how much we may engage in behaviors trying to mask or cover up these emotions, wherever we go, they go with us. Negative energy will recreate energy of its like either in our physical body or in some aspect of our physical life. Because all energy is in a constant state of motion… no one can stop it from moving. In other words, we cannot escape from our negativity. The truth is… we can only learn from this energy and let it go. Resistance and/or avoidance of our negative emotions can be very tiring. It takes a lot of energy to resist and most are probably not even aware that they are resisting. Those who are in resistance and avoidance end up putting a lot of effort into their doing and usually have a behavioral pattern of pushing. This is what ends up burning them out, all because they are pushing to get projects done or pushing on others to get them to be the way they want them to be. Once we let go of resisting the negative and learn how to correctly work with this energy, we start to make contact with the positive energy that lies underneath. Wherever there is negative energy that is blocked, behind it is positive energy that is also blocked.

February 2008



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