Healthy Beginnings Magazine January 2017

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January 2017




MCS and its role in chronic pain




ISSN 2150-9921

Northern Nevada’s Local Resource for Natural Living



Healthy Beginnings | January 2017





08 The Joint Restoration Project The Vampire Techniques and the Weekend Warrior 12 Magnesium Supplementation to Prevent Cancer? 20 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) And Its Role in Chronic Pain: Part 2 26 Constipation – Moving Along There Are More of Them Than Us

HEALTHY EATING 32 Cocktails that Keep You Fit

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017


06 Why Brains Do Not Heal Part 2 16 Addressing the Problem of Evil Part 5 22 Breathe


10 Esoteric Physiology and Health 14 Successful Growing in Nevada Soils Part 1: It’s All About This (Easy) Soil Test 18 New Year, New Law We said YES on Question 2, now what? 24 Create Lasting Change 28 Minimal Environmental Impact with Big Benefits The Sauna 30 Reset, Reflect and Refresh Local Healing Center Offers Float Therapy

IN EVERY ISSUE 04 Editor’s Note 34 Professional Directory 35 Calendar


18 Yes on Q2: Recreational Marijuana What’s next for Nevada? 20 MCS And it’s role in chronic pain 22 Stressed? Breathe with these Yogi Tips 30 Reset Your Body With Float Therapy




“For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice.” – T.S. Eliot

Happy New Year, Northern Nevada. How do we look? We feel beautiful, fresh and healthy – what a way to start a new year. As we mentioned in December’s magazine, our New Year’s Resolution is to provide you with more – more resources and information to help you on your journey to wellness. We will use our platform, our brand and our voice to provide you with access to the vast variety of health and wellness professionals and practitioners serving our community. Northern Nevada is truly fortunate to have such a plethora of wellness services available within our area, stretching from the corner of Minden to the outskirts of Truckee (we consider Truckee as our lovely California sister). This year, we pledge to shed light on those health and wellness resources that you may not be aware of – our goal is to help you become a healthier you. In this issue of Healthy Beginnings, we focus on the power of breath, we provide “need to know” information on Question 2 and we highlight the health benefits of magnesium. We also touch on brain health, provide insight into the benefits of float therapy and share a delicious detox “cocktail” recipe. Please connect with us if you have questions, comments or ideas. Follow us and engage with our social platforms and content. And, of course, we wish you a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year. Cheers, Gabrielle Irvin


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Melissa Saavedra ADVERTISING ACCOUNT MANAGER Alex Davis EDITORIAL DESIGN Alexandria Olivares-Wenzel, Rob Fair, Mikey McGarvey CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Robert Ayres, Joe Brezny, William Clearfield, Andy Drymalski, Robert Eslinger, Randall Gates, Michael Gerber, Van Harding, Lisa Hass, Marie-Claire Hermans, Martin Rutherford, Diane Underwood, Craig Witt

Healthy Beginnings Magazine’s mission is to provide resources and information on alternative and integrative medicine, nutrition, fitness, green living, sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find Healthy Beginnings Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, call 775-850-2142 or email We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at Printed in the USA HB Magazine is printed on partially recycled newsprint. PLEASE RECYCLE

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

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A NEW YEAR OF RAISING THE STANDARD Advanced Health Care of Reno Provides Excellence in Post Acute Care

Advanced Health Care of Reno, a short term nursing and rehabilitation facility, approaches the New Year as Reno’s premier alternative to a nursing home. The professionals at the state-of-the-art facility specialize in 24-hour nursing care and inpatient and home health services to ensure superior patient care and recovery after a patient’s hospital stay and before returning home.

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may include wound care, IV therapy, medication administration, and assistance with dressing, bathing, walking, and dining.

microwave, sink, and a small fridge. Each patient suite is beautifully furnished and equipped with high-speed internet access.

Fine Dining

Advanced Health Care provides patients with an extensive library equipped with a Advanced Health Care offers a fine dining experience in an elegant setting. stunning 250-gallon salt water fish tank and computer with internet access. The All meals are served restaurant-style “Advanced Health Care’s facility also offers a charming beauty with choices from a gourmet menu. length of stay is 31 percent salon/barber shop, an attractive private Specialized diets such as cardiac and lower than the national Advanced Health Care opened its doors dining room, and a soothing whirlpool diabetic are ordered by the physician in April 2016 to provide Reno community average.” and supervised by a registered dietician. bath. Patients and family members are members with a unique solution and encouraged to relax on the picturesque The therapists at Advanced Health Care The facility’s chefs pay special attention alternative to a nursing home. As to the nutrition, taste, and presentation courtyard patio or enjoy the warmth of locations evaluate the needs of each the facility’s one-year anniversary the 35-foot fireplace. patient and develop an outcome-oriented of each meal. Those who wish to remain approaches, it’s important to shed light Advanced Health Care provides highin their suites during mealtime receive program. on the fine dining, deluxe private living, quality care and services to ensure that room service. specialized rehabilitation programs, and Nursing patients experience a satisfying and Private Suites superior nursing care that Advanced productive recovery experience before The teams at Advanced Health Care Health Care provides to Northern returning home. work closely with the patient, family, Advanced Health Care only offers Nevada. and physician to ensure that the needs deluxe private suites that are warm of each individual are met. Under the and comfortable. The suites include Rehabilitation direction of the patient’s physician, a personal phone, cable television, For more information on Advanced The goal of Advanced Health Care’s licensed nursing professionals provide individual thermostat for climate Health Care, call 775-470-7200 or visit specialized rehabilitation program is 24-hour skilled care and a variety of control, private bathroom with a shower, help patients attain their maximum additional services. These services and a kitchenette which includes a Facilities/Reno.

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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017


WHY BRAINS DO NOT HEAL: PART 2 By Van Harding, L.A.c., Dipl. OM

Herbalists are challenged by the belief that ‘if it comes from a plant or herb it certainly is not REAL like a pharmaceutical drug.’ Most people are unaware that today 50 percent of all pharmaceutical drugs are concentrated extracts from plants or herbs and those same plants and herbs are prescribed by the naturopath and Chinese herbalist. Does that fact now make herbal medicine a real and viable treatment? So, too, does acupuncture suffer a similar sigma, yet the body is electrical and modern biomedical research is identifying physiological science behind the mystery. Now that there is a functional MRI study that recorded an acupoint deactivating the pain perception region of the brain thus alleviating the patient’s pain, does that make acupuncture a real and viable treatment?

Part one of this three-part series discussed the ‘Web of Brain Healing’ and its nine realms. We learned that the realms are complex systems and processes necessary for brain function. This article, part two, discusses why brains do not heal. Here in the U.S. we have a very sophisticated healthcare system filled with hospitals, advanced technologies, brilliant scientists, insurance, urgent care, emergency medical responders to prevent major stroke by immediate administration of clot-buster drugs, first aid classes so citizens can resuscitate a drowning child or a flight attendant using a defibrillator to save a heart attack victim at 30,000 feet, flight for life helicopters, readily available medications at pharmacies, and yet all of that will not address the complexities of the brain’s web of healing and is void of the therapies to get the job done. Why is that the situation?

A hot question in the South American tropical rain forests is, ‘How will the local communities keep Big Pharma and herbal companies from destroying the environment by harvesting the plants for medicinal production, some of which have psychotropic properties needed for neurological disorders?’ Chinese herbs can be very controversial because some of the most potent are taken from exotic animals and contributing to the slaughter and the endangerment of species. Animal activist are launching awareness campaigns to raise global awareness. If you support herbal medicine are you an anti-environmentalist and a murderer of innocent animals? Social and personal views do impact our choices for healing the brain.

Assumptions & ‘You Don’t Know That You Don’t Know’ It is due to the fact that the necessary therapies and natural medicines to treat ‘the web’ are not covered by insurance. That lack of inclusion also prevents medical doctors from being aware of these treatment options and subsequently do not refer, and because they don’t make the referral many people assume that there’s nothing else that can help. Social & Personal Views Social and personal views are a critical aspect of holistic medicine because it will affect the choices the patient will make, be they well guided by science or misguided by false beliefs. A controversial and poorly understood medicinal substance is cannabidiol (aka CBD oil) and its usage to treat seizures. Research by many universities and pharmaceutical companies has shown excellent results with certain types of seizure. But, because cannabidiol is extracted from cannabis, it is smack-dab in the middle of the medical marijuana ‘controversy.’ There is tremendous confusion because the public does not understand that the CBD extract is not the same thing as THC, which gives people the ‘high’ experience – in fact it’s doing the opposite and works upon the endocannabinoid receptor system. Yes, in every human brain we all have a chemical pathway for the cannabidiol. Not only do social views prevent this excellent compound from being legal in some states, there are personal views. If you are against marijuana’s recreational use (THC) would you be able to accept its medical (CBD) use? Or, does the stigma of being a ‘pot-head’ or ‘rebel outlaw’ hold you back?



Treating the Whole Body


Eliminate External Interference & Damage




Awaken the Brain (Brain Activation)


Neuron Timing


Brain Region Synchronization


Mind-Body Connection (Emotions, Visualization)


Holistic Care (Psyche)


Integrative Care (Medications)

Unknown Gaps – Hidden Passages of The Web The complexity of the web requires many specialists (doctors and therapists) to know therapeutic interventions beyond their ‘scope of practice’ and work together in an overlapping process. Our healthcare system limits them to stay within their specialized field, hence they do not see the entire web and as such there are gaps that are not known by our conventional healthcare system, and therefore do not receive treatment. Need for Interdisciplinary Services Even when a patient or family member learns about a therapy outside of their insurance coverage, they still are unable to address the gap. Example: In order to re-establish communication between brain regions it is necessary to activate the brain using neuro-acupuncture (by a specialized acupuncturist) to stimulate one region while activating another region with guided limb-movement (by a physical therapist). This requires two different professions, one inside insurance and one outside of insurance, to work together simultaneously. As of today there’s no such provision in conventional care to provide this service. The same issue exists for inpatient and outpatient care, as many facilities have liability issues that prevent two healthcare providers from working together on premises. The outcome is a situation whereby patients and their families are unable to coordinate healthcare providers even when they find those who are willing. This leaves the patient only able to address a fragment of the web.

Even when patients try some of the natural therapies they are not addressing the web, only a segment. Example: You can try to awaken the brain with acupuncture, but if the neurons need nutrients to respond you’ll have little or no progress. Or, you can have healthy neurons and apply acupuncture to awaken an area of the brain, but if the regions are out of synchronization you’ll get little or no effect. If the patient has underlying fear or anxiety, the correction of region synchronization is impaired and you get little or no improvement. If the patient is eating foods that cause inflammation on the brain, which interferes with neuron communication, then no amount of brain nutrients, acupuncture stimulation, meditation, and/ or neuron timing and brain region synchronization exercises will overcome the inflammation’s interference. To heal the brain requires addressing the entire web and our conventional model that offers drugs, surgery and basic therapies such as physical, occupational and speech-language are not only inadequate but light-years away from creating the necessary case management and providing access to comprehensive therapeutic services. Yet, there is hope – physicians and therapists outside the conventional system are ‘teaming up’ to address portions of the web. At Tahoe Neuro Healing we address the entire web and all of the legal and logistical issues of multipractitioners to work in one clinic location. Part three discusses what you can do to help heal your brain and how to find the medical and therapeutic care you need. For more information, call Van Harding at 530-536-5084 or visit For a list of Harding’s references, visit

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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

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THE JOINT RESTORATION PROJECT THE VAMPIRE TECHNIQUES AND THE WEEKEND WARRIOR By William Clearfield, DO When it comes to sports, Pittsburgh is as much a part of Pennsylvania to a Philadelphian, as Las Vegas is as much a part of Nevada to a Renoite. In other words, the Pittsburgh Steelers to a Philly boy might as well be from Pluto. 55 years and counting we Eagles fans are in championship H-E- double hockey sticks. Our noses are scarred from pressing against the window, while our cross state rival Steelers have been to the big game eight times, winning six. (And don’t ever mention the name Cowboys.)

What caught my interest, however, was the fact that Ward played at all. According to sideline reporter Andrea Kremer, he underwent a new medical procedure. Ward had his blood drawn, had highly specialized cells extracted, concentrated, then injected in the affected area of his knee. The sports world went wild. Did Ward cheat? Was he “blood doping?”

So in 2009, when the Steelers lined up against the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII, it was wait until next year time again for us long-suffering Philly faithful. Did I watch the Super Bowl? Yes. Did I care who won? No.

Blood doping is injecting concentrated blood back into a vein, close to a competition, to boost stamina and aerobic capacity. Blood doping increases red blood cells delivering oxygen to muscles more efficiently, reducing fatigue1.

One storyline before the game was Hines Ward, the Steelers star wide receiver. Ward wasn’t able to play due to a sprained right medial collateral ligament. He wasn’t just any player. He was the Steelers go-to guy for 14 seasons. Ward caught exactly 1,000 passes and 85 touchdowns in his career. He also won the Dancing With the Stars competition in 2011, but I digress.

Those who have followed our Vampire Series in Healthy Beginnings Magazine (August through December, 2016) recognize Ward’s procedure not as blood doping, but a variation of our Vampire Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) techniques.

As Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., famously used to say, “Surprise, surprise.” Ward played. He wasn’t the star of that game, but he attracted his usual double coverage, allowing teammate Santonio Holmes to run free. Holmes caught nine passes and a touchdown that day and was named the game’s MVP. Just his presence, after all he only caught two


passes, caused the Cardinals to game plan for the Steelers star player.

We have previously discussed PRP in the context of the Vampire Facelift® , Vampire Facial® Vampire Breast Lift®, O-Shot®, Priapus Shot®, Hair Restoration and Urinary Incontinence Programs2. This month, we introduce our proprietary version of Ward’s treatment – the PRP Joint Restoration Project.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

Beginning with a simple blood draw, and a proprietary separation technique, using specialized, FDA approved equipment, we harvest multi-potent stem cells from the platelet portion of our blood, enabling us to perform an amazing array of regenerative activities3. The injectable end product contains eight types of growth factors. These growth factors enable the body to generate new blood vessels, blood cells, bone, collagen, fat, nerve and skin4. After activating the PRP concentrate with calcium carbonate, we inject our serum into the affected joint. Initially, there may be swelling and a slight regression in function and mobility. In 3 to 4 weeks time, however, the healing begins and is noticeable. It takes a full three months for the PRP to reach maximum therapeutic capacity. The PRP Joint Project is typically a two shot endeavor (28 days apart). Successful treatment is defined in the medical literature as more than a 25 percent reduction in visual analog pain interpretation without a re-intervention after one year. Overall, PRP is indicated for any of the following joint dysfunctions: • PRP Joint Project Indications7-9 • Spine: Sacroiliac Joint, Iliolumbar Ligaments, Facet Joints, Interspinous Ligaments • Elbows: Ulnar Collateral Ligament, Distal Biceps Tendon Tear • Wrist and Hand: Chronis Thumb Sprain, Joint Arthritis • Shoulder: Rotator Cuff-Partial Tears, Biceps Tendinosis, Chronic Glenohumeral Ligament Sprain, Acromioclavicular Joint Dysfunction and Pain, Levator Scapulae Tendinosis • Ankle and Foot: Chronic Ligament Strain, Chronic Achilles Tendinosis, Chronic Partial Tendon Tear, Plantar Fasciitis • Lower Leg: Calf Pain • Knee: Patellar Tendonitis, Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease, Quadriceps Strain or Tear, Degenerative Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chondromalacia Patella, Enthesopathy • Arthritic Joints: Hip/Pelvic/SI Joint Pin, Piriformis Syndrome, Greater Trochanteric Bursitis, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Hamstring Strain, Ischial Tuberosity Bursitis, Hip Joint Arthritis, Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head, Symphysis Pubis Pain Although we do not (yet) use PRP as first line therapy, it is extremely valuable for those who want to delay or avoid surgical interventions. Like Hines Ward, we are able to get our patients back in the game quickly, safely and without the wear and tear, expense and complications of hospitalization, anesthesia and surgery. Dr. William Clearfield is one of a handful of select physicians trained, certified and licensed to administer these innovative methods using your own blood platelets and growth factors to rejuvenate your face, breasts, pelvis, hair thickness and joints. Dr. Clearfield’s proprietary Hormone Replacement Program was presented to more than 3,000 physicians at the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine’s 24th World Congress in Hollywood, Fla., in May 2016. For more information, call Clearfield Medical Group at 775-359-1222, visit our new website at or email at For a list of Dr. Clearfield’s references, visit www.

GET MOVING! Don’t let pain hold you back.

The PRP Joint Restoration Project is a valuable solution for those looking to delay or avoid surgical intervention. We use the same PRP Technology used for the Vampire Facelift, O-Shot, P-Shot and Hair Restoration Project. Prime Candidates for the PRP Joint Project include those with:

• Tendonitis • Ligament injuries • Muscle tears • Torn meniscus • Mild to moderate arthritic joints dysfunction Call Dr. William Clearfield today. Accurate diagnosis and treatment is essential for a happy, healthy life.

Call today for more information


9550 S McCarran Blvd, Ste B • Reno, NV 89523

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



“True healing must include working with the spirit, soul and body together through spiritual practice and technologies of consciousness.” The present day Western approach to health care is very limited in its ability to correctly diagnose and treat illness. The materialistic scientific paradigm of the human being has as its theoretic basis that we are just physical beings. We are beings composed of matter who have evolved from the apes. Man is a higher ape. This scientific view of the human being is false. We do obviously have a physical body, but to limit who we are to our physical expression would be to ignore the deeper reality of our being of which the physical body is a manifestation. In truth we are beings composed of body, soul and spirit. The soul and spirit constituents of our being are non-physical and interpenetrate and animate this physical body. Our actual esoteric physiology is much more complex than this, comprising seven bodies – each one created from a different dimensional reality and interpenetrating the physical body. We are each connected with the seven cosmic planes


or dimensional realities, but most people are just not conscious of it. In fact, the design of the human being is that of the microcosm of the macrocosm. The macrocosm is the great universe and the microcosm is the small universe – the individual human being. We are each individualized expressions of the entire creation. This means that all the power, love and wisdom of the universe is contained within each and every one of us. Where is all of this power, love and wisdom in each of us? It is contained within the soul whose scientific term is the subconscious mind. We are all familiar with the statement that most psychologists and psychiatrists agree that most of us are only using 5 to 10 percent of our mental potential. What is going on with the other 90 to 95 percent? That is the soul or subconscious mind where all of our hidden powers and abilities reside. The goal of human evolution individually and

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

collectively is to unfold 100 percent of our mental potential. The name of the game here is the evolution of consciousness – to live the state of being that we were designed to live. The traditional names of this goal of human evolution are self-realization, enlightenment and cosmic consciousness. This is a very different paradigm of the human being than our materialistic base science gives to us. We are fundamentally spiritual beings of light that come from the highest level of creation while we are currently incarnate at the lowest level of creation in this realm of density, physicality and materiality. We are beings of spirit in the realms of matter. We are in the process of integrating spirituality into materiality and materiality into spirituality. We do this by our spirit and soul being incarnate in our physical body. Our physical body is the emanation or manifestation of our spirit and soul into the physical. To think that we are just physical beings is a total illusion. The principle of spirit is wisdom, which expresses through our thinking. The principle of soul is love, which expresses through our feelings and emotions. The principle of the physical body is will, which expresses through our actions. We are a trinity of forces that expresses through our thinking, feeling and action. It might be helpful to understand some esoteric physiology. These six other bodies that interpenetrate the physical are the etheric, astral, lower mental, higher mental, buddhic and atmic. These bodies connect into the physical through the seven chakras. The counterpart of the chakras in the physical body are the endocrine glands that secrete the hormones into our blood system.

good stuff happens to you; you do bad stuff and bad stuff happens to you. Through free will choice we have to choose between right and wrong, light and darkness and good and evil. Our good karma manifests as our talents and abilities; our bad karma manifests as our problems, difficulties and issues. In a personal way they manifest as our self-sabotaging, self-destructive patterns of thinking, feeling and action. When we refuse to change these patterns they manifest as health issues and crisis. When the repetitious violation of cosmic law manifests physically as health issues we can’t ignore it any more and be in denial of it. The issue has taken physical form. The particular disease or health issue is related to specific organs and parts of the body that embody specific aspects of consciousness. The physical treatment of the malady rarely truly heals unless it is accompanied by a shift in consciousness of the individual that results in an enlightened change in thinking, feeling and action. True healing must include working with the spirit, soul and body together through spiritual practice and technologies of consciousness. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, prayer and vibrational medicine are essential in true healing. All this knowledge related to health and healing is contained within esoteric astrology. Your personal karma and how to heal it are contained within your birth chart. For more information, call Astrological Alchemy at 530-550-1118 or visit

The spirit and our ability to be conscious and able to think manifests into the physical as our nervous system. The soul and our capacity to give and receive love manifests as the rhythmic system of heart and lungs. The principle of will as manifest in the physical body takes its form in our metabolic or digestive system. Ideally these systems are to achieve balance within their own functioning and with each other. Health issues that manifest within these systems tell us that there are problems with the body, soul or spirit that need attention. Everything begins with thinking. The word “man” comes from the Sanskrit, which means “to think.” The mystery of the human being is contained within the mystery of human thinking. As a person thinks, so they are. You change a person’s thinking and you change a person’s life. If we think that we are just physical beings evolved from the apes that in and of itself is enough to create ill health and disease in the person. If you think that you are a higher animal then you will think and act like that. Look at the current state of the world. First and foremost we are spiritual beings of light and consciousness intending to live the fullness of our being while in a physical body here on Earth. Most all of us have health issues that we are dealing with and will ultimately die of. All health issues are karmic in nature. Karma is a Sanskrit word which means “action.” Our spirit and soul incarnate into a physical body in order to be able to express our thinking and feeling in action. The law of karma is the law of cause and effect – as you sow, so shall you reap. Simplistically, you do good stuff and

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017


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Scientists recognize magnesium mostly as it relates to protection against cardiovascular disorders. Higher magnesium intake is associated with reduced risks of sudden cardiac death, stroke, type II diabetes, asthma, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Very few publications are discussing findings showing cancer risk reductions in those who ingest higher amounts of magnesium. Magnesium is not manufactured inside plants like the disease fighting polyphenols. It turns out that the quantity of dietary magnesium is largely dictated by the amount of magnesium in the soil the food is grown in, or the mineral content of the water one drinks.

Heart, lungs, stomach

In a landmark human study, there were marked reductions in pancreatic cancer risk in those who consumed higher amounts of magnesium found in supplements.

Adrenal glands, liver, kidney

In fact, it has been found that there is a 76 percent risk increase in pancreatic cancer incidence in people who are deficient in magnesium.

Small intestines, colon, bladder, reproductive system

Researchers found that pancreatic cancer risk increased by 24 percent for every 100mg decrease in magnesium intake below the recommended daily allowance (RDA). For example, an individual with a daily magnesium intake of 200mg has a 24 percent increased risk of pancreatic cancer compared to a person who ingests 300mg a day!

Lower legs, sciatica, knees, feet

Magnesium plays essential roles in “ regulating cell signaling, insulin sensitivity, systemic inflammation, and DNA maintenance and repair.

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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

ng that different people may possess values are equivalent. For example, a life of psychological and spiritual e systems lead to a pretty much wasted This study, published in 2015, are evaluated datamoral from 66,000 men and women ages equal worth, and neither the 50-76 who were followed for an 8-year period. Optimal intake was defined as om them.taking greater or equal to 100 percent of the government RDA for magnesium. This amount was 420mg/day for males and 320mg/day for females.

e, and perhaps the75 more paradoxical, Those who took to 99 percent of the RDA had a 42 percent greater risk of pancreatic cancer compared to those taking 100 percent or greater. moral, for one person in a particular arily right for who another This The people took less thanperson. 75 percent of the RDA had a striking 76 percent greater risk compared to those whose intake was equal to or greater than the differences in their values systems, RDA. the fact that what is required for one When analyzing those who met or exceeded the RDA for magnesium intake, dividual may not ascontaining whatmagnesium were able to only those who be took the dietary same supplements consistently achieve the benefits. For example, quitting your job because This led theco-workers authors to state that to gain the benefit h one of your could be ofamagnesium at least at the level of the RDA, “dietary magnesium intake alone may not be sufficient.” ision if you are in the wrong line of What is equallyprodding exciting is a large study evaluating is just one more from life toJapanese men found that those with the highest dietary intake of magnesium were over 50 percent less lly love. Conversely, your decision to likely to develop colon cancer! esponsible if lifeplays is essential tryingrolestoin teach you Magnesium regulating cell signaling, insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and DNA and repair. It is therefore not and you systemic are just trying to maintenance avoid this


surprising that low intake of magnesium is associated with increased risk of certain cancers.

For more information, contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV 89519, at 775-829-1009 or References 1. Dibaba D, Xun P, Yokota K, et al, Magnesium intake and incidence of pancreatic cancer: the Vitamins and Lifestyle study, Br J Cancer 2015;113(11):1615-21 ® Make it a healthy 2. Ma J, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, etone. al, High dietary intake of magnesium may decrease risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese men, J Nutr. 2010; 140(4):779-85


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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



PART 1: IT’S ALL ABOUT THIS (EASY) SOIL TEST By Farmer Craig Witt, Full Circle Owner, Soil Enthusiast

Soil in Nevada can be tough (and dry, and nutrition-less, and unforgiving). But, by understanding soil biology you can indeed grow luscious, healthy plants, landscapes and vegetation right here in the high desert of Northern Nevada. Before you can have a bountiful harvest or a beautiful lawn or foods rich in minerals and nutrients, you have to supply the right balance of minerals and nutrients in your soil. The soil biology has to have a buffet of nutrients and minerals to work its science to turn soil food into plant food, kind of like how the human digestive system provides nutrients and food to the body. The first step toward understanding what food (and how much of that food) Nevada soils crave is to complete a comprehensive soil analysis, which will tell you where your soil is experiencing some deficiencies. Even more importantly, a soil analysis will help you understand what your soil already has too much of so you can stop adding to the problem. What You Need to Know About Soil Tests You wouldn’t seek cancer treatment without first getting a blood test. So, why would you spend fistfuls of money on soil amendments and fertilizers without knowing what your soil and plants really need? Completing a soil analysis is your way of listening to your soil and plants in order to create smart soil amending programs for lush, healthy growing.

You need a soil analysis; this you now know. But, which one is right? The best labs (i.e. the ones that understand the language of plants) use weak acid tests that break down the nutrients in your soil – nutrients that are actually “available” to plants. You will hear or read the words “available nutrients” a lot as you start ramping up your soil know-how. For appropriate weak acid tests, look for labs that offer tests such as the LaMotte test or the Morgan Extract test. If a lab uses a hard acid test, they are breaking down all of the minerals and nutrients with powerful acids strong enough to melt rocks. Can a plant eat a rock? Nope. The data compiled from a hard acid test doesn’t give you an accurate reading of the amount of nutrients and minerals available to plants in your soil. Using a hard acid test can falsely indicate that your soil has enough food for growing healthy plants. See, plants can only eat minerals, nutrients and other plant foods that exist in the correct, consumable state – not in rock. Your soil analysis needs to show how much consumable food exists in your soil; weak acid tests will give you an accurate reading of this. Plus, weak acid tests can be purchased for home use. Just search for one online and you can be your own soil scientist. You can also take soil samples and send them into a certified lab to get results delivered back to you (we prefer International Ag Labs at

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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

Winter is an ideal time to get a soil analysis because it gives you time to receive the results and come up with a game plan for healthy, lush growing this upcoming spring. Once you complete a soil analysis, the next part is determining how you will interpret the data and take the necessary action steps effectively. The nutrient excesses and deficiencies in your soil need to be balanced correctly using an all-in-one package that combines beneficial amounts of minerals, nutrients and humus/compost. Full Circle Soils & Compost works directly with International Ag Labs and provides interpretations and full recommendations based on a soil analysis review. Full Circle can even visit your land to professionally take the soil test and send the soil sample directly to the lab. For help with soil samples, analysis, consultation or general growing questions, write Look for our article in Healthy Beginnings next month, where we will dig deeper into the most important part about healthy Nevada soils – minerals. Read our previous article, How to Keep Your Soil Healthy, and Why It Matters, at Extra reading on this topic: Mainline Farming for Century 21 by Dan Skow.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



“It is dangerous to fight evil if the forces of life are not on your side. If your ego is going rogue – on a hero trip – your chances of survival are greatly reduced.”


Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

wcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re ing manipulated? being manipulated?

giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in any way and who won’t shut up. any way and who won’t shut up. Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, and the emotional emotionalstorm, storm,you’ll you’ll andasasyou youstand standback, back, away away from from the realize more self-confident, self-confident,clearer clearer realizeyou’re you’rebecoming becoming stronger, stronger, more about andmore morecalm, calm,cool cool aboutwhat whatyou youwant, want, more more empowered empowered and and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try toto change enough chances, chances,walk walkaway away changeafter afteryou’ve you’ve given given them them enough for good. Their manipulative behavior may be be too too deeply deeplyFACE PAINTING COMPLIMENTARY for good. Their manipulative behavior may terness, resentment and cynicism. Wisdom and conor may end up sabotaging their own reputations and When you have been hurt or taken advantage of, ingrained for to ever change. By staying staying in in proximity proximity for them them toan ever change. By sciousness are the the negative efforts. Evil has uncanny way of turning zealous when evil has gotten one over on you, there isingrained a February 14thonly only: From 12 counterbalance pm to 2 pm. tothere will be totothat morale, which which would would only thatperson, person, they’ll they’ll break break your yourSaturday, morale, sum of evil. Seeing more deeply into the nature and idealism to its own ends. natural tendency to want to hurt back, to evenlead the to your a face painter at the Day Lodge. by everyone everyone else. lead to yourgetting getting used used and manipulated manipulated by else. of life is the redeeming gift we may disscore. When you feel life hasn’t meted out a proper Protect Protectyour yourHeart. Heart.complexity You Protectyour yourSpirit. Spirit.Protect Protect your Mind. Protect You till from encounters with evil. We are unlikely to be Trying to play the hero or proudly taking on a cause punishment, your ego may take it upon itself toare rethis temporary temporary physical EPICMIX PHOTO arean anEternal EternalSpiritual Spiritual Being, Being, living in this physical victimized in the same again. Your soul woundscreatures, is a good way to get killed. Play the hero only when store justice. At theseI especially times, it is important to keep body for the deliciousness of this experience. Be determined body for the deliciousness experience. Be determined like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals theandThe deep-reality is that wewill areway morally accountable Saturday Sunday EpicMix Photo have large conversation become the source of new life and deepened con- there is you have to and adopt a cause only if truly called to something in mind: evil wants to trigger your egoto make it as delicious as to make it as delicious as possible. morallike autonomy of the dream was nothearts created whether we want to be or in not. This islocations theaccountable case because I especially this dream forpsyche. the wayThis it so boldly reveals the for The deep reality is that we are morally creatures, guests to take photos with various around sciousness, adding to the integrity of the persondo so. Justifying your involvement by saying, “Well centricity. If it can engage you in battles, lingering by the man’s ego. was notThis consciously chosen or devised. a moralwe structure ouror psyche thatisat transcends our conscious moral autonomy ofmay the Itpsyche. dream was not created whether want toto be not. This the case because there is What “appropriate” for the past generation may the resort. Photographers will also be available the race course I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, at waswas “appropriate” for the past generation ality and the development ofoften character. With our con- conscious if I don’t do it, who or will?” is not a good reason.and resentments,byfantasies and efforts ofItrevenge, if it consciously In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind conscious values, and is in disagreement with is the man’s ego. was not chosen devised. a moral structure to our psyche that transcends irable workable today. Parents, andsometimes sometimes moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want to be or not. This is the case because there taking photos. ble or or workable Parents, sciousness, territories wonis byoften evil are returned to because evilItiswas occurring doesanot mean that References: can today. provokeIn attitudes ofand self-righteousness or ideReferences: message the dreamer did notofJust want to hear. the voice of mind them. We can runtofrom this inner authority, but weour cannot hide fact, this spontaneous product the unconscious carried and conscious values, and in disagreement with ave been trained as to what is appropriate and may by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. a moral structure our psyche that transcends conscious been trained as to what is appropriate and may the armies of the soul. The wounded are healed and life is asking you to join the fray. Address the evil alism, it has often accomplished its goals. By keepa higher moral authority within him, a manifestation of God from it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with ecting that behavior from you, forty years after they 1. Forward, Susan, Ph.D. Emotional Blackmail: When ing that behavior from you, forty years after they 1. Forward, Susan, Ph.D. Emotional Blackmail: When VALENTINE’S SCAVENGER HUNT return to the field of battle stronger and smarter that arises of its own accord in your life, whether it ing you focused on the injustice done to you, fueling within the psyche. If the dreamer ignored the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie, and they a higher moral authority within him, a manifestation of God from it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide ammed conditioned to believe that onlycertain certain The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt to med andand conditioned tomessage believe that only The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt to than theyto were before. Youthe willmoral be lessdoesn’t likely towritten bewithin the psyche. If the dreamer ignored the directive given relativism, dreams don’t lie, and life lie,like and they comes outside of you of orSaturday within you. Face the orto the personal quest to right a him andauthority instead pursued his ego’s goals, the results would will reflect back toourselves you code upon a higher moral within him, a from manifestation God from it.always Webut can try fool with concepts moral were “right.” dreams of payback and Sunday manipulate you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. re “right.” manipulate you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. - prizes will be hidden in the village and on him have and instead pursued his ego’s goals, the results would always reflect backdon’t to yourself you written within the psyche. If the trying dreamer ignored given relativism, but lie,the and life doesn’t lie, andupon they been predictably negative. This caseown forlife. all of us will havedreams or experience as amoral victim incode the future, shadow andisthe evil indirective your Genuinely addresswrong, it hasto achieved its end. Paradoxically, your soul. the mountain to be found. want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, 2.Simon, Simon, George K.,case Ph.D. In Sheep’s Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding been predictably This isagainst the for allwould of us to him and instead pursued his goals, the will always back you the moralwho code written upon your soul. reflect nt to stop being in any when we pursue thatego’s goes that of our deepest for you will be a to redeemer – someone extracts 2. George K., Ph.D. In Clothing: Understanding ing the darkness inresults yourself will provide sufficient to manipulated fight evil have is just what evilrelationship, often wants youanegative. topath do. o learn to take a stand. You need tostart start tobelieve believe and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers have been predictably This is the case for all of when we pursue a pathnegative. that goes against that of danger our deepest your soul. earn to take a stand. You need to todestiny. self and and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers gold PIN from the pain, hardships and injustices of life. challenge, trials and for oneuslifetime. EPICMIX VIRTUAL worthy of the basic human rights listed above and that Publishers. 2010. when we pursue a and path goes against that of our deepest self and destiny. orthy of the basic human rights listed above Publishers. 2010. No one is a match for raw or primal evil, what in JungFor more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and eak your mind about what you don’t want to do. The psyche communicates through many channels,Come dreams self and destiny. ski onCarson Valentine’s Day, Saturday and receive Ski your mind about whatThe you don’t want to do. For moreCity info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and For more information, contact Dr. the Andy Ultimately, the only antidote to the soul-crushing psychologist at2/14, (775) 786-3818, or visit online ian psychology is called archetypal evil. Most evil is psyche communicates through many channels, dreams cation is vital. Talk to the manipulator and one explain beingand just of them. If the dreamer ignored the Heart guidance For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and pin on your EpicMix account. on is vital. Talk to the manipulator explain Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates many channels, dreams hisCity blog at Drymalski, Reno andEnjoy Carson effects of evilmore is your ability tooflearn from your exbeing just one of than them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance andeven sidestepped rather naively andthrough el. Sometimes best theyavoided may not that they’re ofrealize his dream, he might received dreams even Forhave more info,ignored contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Sometimes they may notof even realize that they’re Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer the guidance For info,of contact Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or his dream, he received more of of even psychologist, at 775-527-4585 or at periences. If youdreams doJune not grow in consciousness and directly engaged. It is foolhardy to courage gomight out andhave try to more pulative. Confronting them will give you the greater dreams being chased, dying Enjoy his blog visit online at lative. Confronting themgreater willhis give you thewarning: courage of dream, he mightperhaps have received more dreams ofTAVERN even 6330’ visit online atbeing warning: perhaps dreams of chased, of dying heir requests when manipulated. Recognize insight from what you have gone through, the worm fight you evil infeel other people’s lives unless this is truly children, or perhaps of being in a car crash. In hischased, outer life, might when you feelby manipulated. Recognize greater warning: dreams of being of he dying or of being a car crash. his outer he might tr requests emotional blackmail the inemotions you feel. Enjoy his blog of In evil burrows its life, way into the roots6330’ of your soul. See ad on this page. your stationchildren, or duty a14, given situation. It-in isFEBRUARY dangeractually experience an auto accident. He may develop anxiety Tavern 10% of at dessert sales on February See ad on this page. FEBRUARY 2015 15, 2015 children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might motional blackmail by the emotions you feel. Seewill ad be on donating this page. actually experience an auto accident. Hepage. may develop anxiety ose emotions as to what they are: sadness, anger, See ad on this Without learning, without growth in consciousness, ous to fight evil if the forces of life are not on your See ad on this page. symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s actually an auto accident. may developwith anxiety emotions as Just to what are: experience sadness, anger, symptoms or have panic attacks. HisHe relationships his or whatever. know they that each of those negative evil is able to plant seeds of discouragement, bitside. If your ego is going rogue – on a hero trip – your wife and children would become more disturbed. One of Day Menu on 2/14. symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his whatever. know that each ofhormones those negative wife and children become more disturbed. One of are creatingJust toxic chemicals and in would your wife and children would more RACE disturbed. One of his children may get become sickbecome or FUN become rebellious, mirroring chances of survival are greatly reduced. creating toxic chemicals and hormones in your CUPID’S COURSE VALENTINE’S children get sick or rebellious, mirroring if you stuff them downhis and don’t domay something his don’t children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would STAR you stuff them down and do something his own attitude towards God. Some ofConsulting these events Hypnotist would GAZING SNOWSHOE TOURS m. his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would To beisheld 10:30 am totrying 3:30to pm. each day. Challenge your loved be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might There a twofold danger in play the hero Consulting Hypnotist be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might Teaches Self Acupressure be causally related to his decision and actions. Others mightVaries. Take advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on Time: one to a head-to-head Valentine’s race and find out who gets m to yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with be synchronistic. is certain is that heSelf will encounter or carrier ofbe a cause. First, there is aWhat strongWhat tempTeaches Acupressure synchronistic. is certain is that he will encounter How toa Quickly be synchronistic. What Skiers is isevents that he will encounter omanipulation, yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with snowshoe bragging for the next year! and riders ofLearn all levels speak mind and directly, acalmly growing number of certain negative and frustrations if he tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet tation toyour seearights yourself as righteous andof that which growing number negative events and frustrations ififFeelings he Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative Learn How to Quickly Remove NegativeThe 2 to 2.5 hour guided tour begins at the Cross a growing number of negative events and frustrations he anipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, Tony Berendsen. ve yourself from any confrontive storm that may be are welcome to participate in this fun race at our EpicMix Race ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, moral of his deeper self. Needless to say, you fight asignores all evil. Inthe other words,directives you are more Remove Negative Feelings From Any Scene/Memory Feelings From Any Scene/Memory ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, yourself from any confrontive storm that may be Often repeating the same phrase, no matter what Country Venue. EpicMix Race fees with will be $6. the wealthy his relationship with woman would be ill-fated. Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group his relationship the woman would be ill-fated. From Any likelysame to project your darkness onto the other party. his relationship with the wealthy wealthy woman would beScene/Memory ill-fated. THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS en repeating the phrase, no matter ulator says, is effective: “I’m not interested inwhat doing will trek through the serene forest while observing the starry sky This ismay a“I’m dangerous perspective tois have because it The first 150 racers each day will a complimentary USING HYPNOSIS FOR THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS Moral relativism thereceive philosophical viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism the philosophical viewpoint that all moral at manipulator say, that’s what we’ve or the says, is effective: not“But interested in doing all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each Moral relativism is theis philosophical viewpoint that all above, moral promotes psychological inflation and the distortion NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS Northstar Valentine’s Day pin. USING HYPNOSIS FORwill include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, perspectives areWe equally or “true.” position rests upon ne.” “I’m not interested inperspectives doing are equally valid or This position rests upon he manipulator may say, “But that.” that’s“But what we’ve adventure perspectives arewhy? equally validvalid or “true.” “true.” ThisThis position rests upon of reality. You bethe seduced into a because grandiose view NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS d “I’m to donot that.” “I’m not in doing that,” andbecause thecanargument that aa person’s morality flows from his/ argument that a person’s morality flows his/ WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION interested ininterested doing that.” “But why? We argument that because person’s morality flows his/ afrom telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, 50% of allthe race fees collected both days will be donated to the from eat same phrase until thevalue other person accepts ofnot yourinterested ownher position andsystem, a distortedly and because people have different TAKE YOURvalues, POWER NOW! to relax around a fire pit and warm up with wine value system, andandbecause people have different values, do the that.” “I’m inher doing that,” anddark her value system, and because people haveBACK different values, WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION and a chance 775-527-4585 SAFE you’re Alliance. of or phrase youTahoe realize talking to aisbrick all is subjective with none any better than another. all ofmorality morality isThis subjective with with nonenone any better than another. one-sided view theall other’s. type of polarized morality subjective any better than another. theview same untilthat the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW!Dogs on leashes are welcome to join in the fun! and hot cider. leaveorthe room, the house, theTahoe car, the the While there is no denying different people may possess While there is no denying that different people may possess While there is no that different people may possess view you realize that you’re talking tooffice, a Alliance brick thinking inhibits real communication and thedenying develThe mission of SAFE is that to end the incidence and Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm. different values, not all values are equivalent. For example, different values, not all values are equivalent. For example, ave the room, trauma the house, the car, the office, the You different values, not may all values sexual are equivalent. opment ofofa domestic/intimate creative, healing response. partner violence, violence,For example, some values promote life of psychological andand spiritual promote aainto life and spiritual mly remove yourself theofvalues emotional storm. some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual and abuse in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. bristlechild at from ansome abuse power, yet get sucked aa of development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other Other value value systems lead lead to a pretty much wasted development. systems to a pretty much wasted retaliatory power stance yourself. life. Alliance Not all all values values are of of equal worth,has andthe neither are are the moral moral life. Not are equal worth, and neither the Tahoe SAFE believes every to are life. Not all values are ofperson equal worth, andright neither the moral perspectives that flow flow from them. that them. live a lifeperspectives free of violence and abuse. thatfrom flow from them. Secondly, playing theperspectives hero in battles with evil often The core of our beliefs is that violence ® But the deeper issue here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, 21 015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. Visitthe www. theisdeeper issue here, and perhaps more paradoxical, brings moreBut evil. This notthe difficult totherefore understand. But deeper issue here, perhaps the more paradoxical, is a learned behavior itA and is that that what isand right, or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in ® great be basketball double-teamed. A great 21 5 Life’s a journey. Make it player a healthy one. Visit www. is gets that what iseducation, right, or moral, for one person in a particular can prevented. Through • Highest quality non-toxic hair color situation is not necessarily right for another person. This FULL-SERVICE is not designed necessarily right for another person. This running backsituation encounters defenses justdifferences for situation iseveryone not necessarily right for another person. This • 100% grey coverage advocacy and engaging in difference is not due to in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, • non-toxic Hair Color him. Why would evil be any different? 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Foris information please visit required for example, quitting job because • Kim specializes in Color, you can’t get along with one of your co-workers could be a is required another’s. quitting your job because Lincoln and you Martincan’t Luther Kingalong to for name an obvious • Expert color, cutting and texturizing get with oneFor ofexample, your co-workers could be a Cutting & Texturizing morally responsible decision you are inco-workers the wrong line of you can’t gettoalong with ififone yourin be a • No PPDs – environmentally friendly few). Similarly, new pastors who try do too much morally responsible decision youofare the wrongcould line of work and the co-worker is just oneifmore prodding from life to of morally responsible you are in the from wrong line too soon within theirand congregations are often vilified work the co-worker is decision just one more prodding life to For appointments, call Kim at start doing what you really love. Conversely, your decision to775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St., Reno work and the co-worker is just one more prodding from life start doing be what you really love. Conversely, yourto decision to to quit could morally irresponsible if life isappointments trying teachcall you For Kim start doing what you really love. Conversely, your decision to at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St. Reno quit couldup befor morally irresponsible if life trying to to teach to stand yourself and you are justis trying avoid you this quit could be morally irresponsible if life is trying to teach you to stand up for yourself and you are just trying to avoid this challenge by quitting. to stand up for yourself and you are just trying to avoid this challenge by quitting. Healthy Beginnings | January 2017 17 challenge by quitting. 7 February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Visit

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We said YES on Question 2. Now what? Joe Brezny, spokesperson for the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (CRMLA), breaks it down.

Ends marijuana prohibition. The initiative removes all legal penalties for the personal use and possession of up to one ounce of marijuana or one-eighth of an ounce of concentrated marijuana for adults 21 years of age or older. Adults will be able to purchase marijuana from licensed retail marijuana stores, and those who do not live within 25 miles of a retail marijuana store will be allowed to grow up to six marijuana plants in an enclosed, locked area. Regulates marijuana production and sales. The initiative creates a system of licensed marijuana retail stores, distributors, cultivation facilities, product manufacturers and testing facilities, which will be overseen by the Nevada Department of Taxation. The Department will adopt and enforce rules regarding testing, packaging, labeling and tracking marijuana products. It will also establish business licensing procedures, security requirements and restrictions on signage and advertising. Local governments will have the ability to adopt and enforce local marijuana control measures pertaining to zoning and land use for marijuana establishments. Taxes marijuana. The initiative establishes a 15 percent excise tax on wholesale marijuana sales, to be paid by licensed cultivators. Retail marijuana sales will be subject to standard state and local sales taxes, just like sales of any other tangible product. The taxes and fees paid by licensed marijuana businesses will first be used to fund state and local implementation and enforcement of regulations. All remaining revenue will be deposited in the State Distributive School Account and used to support K-12 education.


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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

WHAT THE INITIATIVE DOES NOT DO Public use. The initiative does not allow marijuana to be used in public. Consuming marijuana on the street, in parks, in retail marijuana stores or in any other public place will remain illegal. Driving under the influence. The initiative does not change existing laws regarding driving under the influence of marijuana. Driving while impaired by marijuana will remain entirely illegal. Unlicensed activities. The initiative does not allow unlicensed individuals to sell any amount of marijuana or produce marijuana extracts using butane or other potentially hazardous products. Employment policies. The initiative will not affect employers’ current marijuana policies or their ability to establish workplace restrictions on marijuana consumption by employees. Medical marijuana rights. The initiative does not change existing medical marijuana laws or affect patients’ rights.

FAST FACTS Based on deadlines established in the initiative, retail marijuana stores should open in 2018. People 21 and older can possess one ounce for adult retail purchases, 2.5 ounces for medical marijuana. People 21 and older may cultivate up to six marijuana plants for personal use within an enclosed, secured space on private property that is more than 25 miles from a licensed retail marijuana store. If the adult who wants to cultivate doesn’t own the property, the owner must give consent. Personal cultivation on property that is within 25 miles of a retail store is illegal. Outdoor and greenhouse cultivation is allowed as long as any uncovered cultivation area is enclosed with security fencing that is designed to prevent unauthorized entry and is at least 8 feet high.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017


MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS) AND ITS ROLE IN CHRONIC PAIN: PART II By Martin Rutherford, D.C., C.C.S.T., C.F.M.P. and Randall Gates, D.C., D.A.C.N.B. In Part I of this two-part series we discussed chemical sensitivity (or, loss of chemical tolerance), what causes it, the two stages of development, and some of the symptoms and conditions that it can cause (and it can cause seemingly almost any symptom or condition you can think of). Now, let’s talk about testing and treatment. Oh, yes, and controversy. Controversy #1: Heavy Metals More people than ever before are developing problems triggered by environmental compounds. So, what do most of their alternative practitioners do? They test for heavy metals and environmental toxins, which always come back positive. These physicians then chelate the patient using chemicals such as DMSA, DMPS, or EDTA to “remove” the modules. Or they put the patient on an intensive liver detoxification program. If the patient experiences adverse reaction, these are simply dismissed as detox reactions. But the truth is that chelating someone with neurological auto immunities and loss of chemical intolerance can be devastating and permanently destroy brain and neuro tissue. Why is that? Research has clearly found that chelation pulls heavy metals out of body tissues and redistributes them to make their way into the brain, promoting further toxicity, inflammation, neurodegeneration and sometimes more serious side effects. In these cases, chelation promotes immune activation from chemical intolerance – it’s like giving a person with celiac gluten. Studies since 1991 have repeatedly shown that chelation pushes toxins into the brain, yet it continues as a popular practice. Does this mean I’m anti-chelation? No. “I’m anti-chelation” is for people who already display a loss of chemical tolerance and who have already displayed an exaggerated immune response to chemicals. Chelation is appropriate in cases of acute exposure to toxins or heavy toxicity. A serum heavy metals test, which most chelation enthusiasts disdain, can help determine toxicity levels in the case of acute exposure.

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“Which tests you’re given usually depends on your health care provider’s bias and training. The reproducibility and accuracy of hair testing, urine testing, stool testing and challenges with chelating agents remain self-admittedly controversial by their own advocates.” Chelation must also be considered in some cases when a neurodegeneration case is severe and progressed, it is assumed these toxic metals have already reached the brain, and removing them might be advantageous. But chelation under any circumstances must not be undertaken until the person demonstrates immune barrier integrity of the brain, lungs and gut, and restored glutathione status (see Part I). Controversy #2: Testing How do you know if you suffer from loss of chemical tolerance? We can test for loss of chemical tolerance by testing for antibodies. Positive antibodies indicate over-zealous immune reactions to environmental chemicals and thus a loss of chemical intolerance. Do not confuse testing for antibodies with tests that we see in patients’ files every day that measure quantities of chemicals and heavy metals as shown in urine, hair, stool or with a DMPS challenge. When it comes to loss of chemical tolerance, the immune systems tolerance to these compounds is the key factor, NOT the quantities of compounds in the body (see Part I again). This is apparently a very controversial statement: Which tests you’re given usually depends on your health care provider’s bias and training. The reproducibility and accuracy of hair testing, urine testing, stool testing and challenges with chelating agents remain self-admittedly controversial by their own advocates. But even if they were all accurate, they all measure for quantity of an isolated heavy metal or environmental toxin. As stated already, this is a limited diagnostic marker. Evaluating an individual’s immune intolerance to environmental chemicals is not. If you wish to screen yourself for the elevated antibodies that do


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indicate an active sensitivity to heavy metals and environmental compounds, we suggest the Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen from Cyrex Laboratories (with whom we have no fiduciary relationship). Elevated antibodies on this test indicate an exaggerated immune response to the chemicals, which can then trigger neurological auto immunity or degeneration of the brain as a consequence of systemic inflammation. Another good test which gives you data more relevant to treating the problem is the Organix Acids Test from Genova. We have used both of these tests together with great success. So how do I get well from chemo sensitivities? That is a complex topic that merits an article in and of itself. Generally, we can improve chemical intolerance and protect the brain by supporting the immune barriers (gut, brain and lung), immune regulation and inflammation. Briefly, the various systems we want to support include: 1. Glutathione levels – glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant and is integral to a healthy defense. Many things deplete it but chronic stress is the biggest offender. When you have enough glutathione, environmental toxin created free radicals cannot create an immune response. 2. Immune barrier health – the now well-accepted leaky gut – which also means you probably have leaky blood brain barrier and possibly leaky lung barrier. Essentially fix the leaky gut and dampen gut inflammation (numerous diets and herbs on internet available) and the brain and lung barrier improve. 3. Immune balancing through regulatory T-cell support. This is where vitamin D joins glutathione and nitric oxide as these immune (regulating) nutrients come into play. 4. Inflammation in body and brain – same approach as number 3 above with the addition of anti-inflammatories such as resveratrol and curcumin, anti-inflammatory diet, stress control, etc. Liver detoxification alone is the wrong initial target. But once the above elements are under control, it still plays a role in brain health and chemical tolerance. If liver function becomes compromised, it can increase your toxic and your chemical intolerance. Nutrients that support healthy liver detoxification should address the following: Phase I and Phase II support, Phase II methylation, bile support, detoxification and again, glutathione support.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

This is the general path to success for MCS. As you can see, the solution can be complex. Do your research and good luck. References 1. Anderson D., Chemical and Biological Considerations in Treatment of Metal Intoxications by Chelating Agents. Mini Rev. Med. Chem. 2004 Jan 4 (1): 11- 21 Ewan KB, Pamphlett R., Increased Inorganic Mercury in Spinal Motor Neurons Following Chelating Agents. Neurotoxicology. 1996 Summer, 17 (2): 343-9 2. Kharazzian, Datis, DHSC, DC, MS, Why Isn’t My Brain Working?, Elephant Press. 2013 pp 415-443

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BREATHE By Gabrielle Irvin

Scientific research is proving what yogis have known for centuries – breathwork can deliver powerful mind and body benefits. If you’re starting 2017 feeling overworked, anxious and stressed, consider concentrating on your breath. Breath control is proven to help quell errant stress response, lower blood pressure and promote feelings of calm and relaxation1. Breathwork (or, Pranayama) is also known to help increase awareness and mindfulness, and encourages your body to balance.

ten around 400 CE/AD, and believed to have been in use even before then,” Ellie Girdis, co-owner of Midtown Community Yoga, said. “Pranayama is the practice of breath control to achieve a connection between mind and body, but more so as a way to calm the mind.” Whether you’re at work or in the grocery store, or in any environment that elicits stress and anxiety, consider integrating a few of Ellie’s go-to breathing techniques into your day:

“Pranayama (Prana meaning ‘life force’ and yama meaning ‘control’) is one of the original eight limbs of yoga, as described in the yoga sutras of Patanjali, writ-


Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

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1. Sama Vritti or “Equal Breathing” Inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of four – all through the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath. More advanced yogis can aim for six to eight counts per breath2.

Cynthia Davis, APRN, has more than 30 years of experience in the health care field. Her “total health” approach to care involves treating the mind, body and spirit. Cynthia focuses on health promotion, disease prevention and education, as well as management of:

“Equal breathing, or Sama Vritti in Sanskrit, is what my mother taught me as a small child,” Ellie said. “Though she had zero connection to yoga at the time, she was also taught this same technique by her mother to deal with stress, or restlessness, etc. This seems to be the most accessible breath practice and the one I teach most often (in class and to my children).” 2. Nadi Shodhana or “Alternate Nostril Breathing” Starting in a meditative pose, hold the right thumb over the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left nostril. At the peak of inhalation, close off the left nostril with the ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril. Continue the pattern, inhaling through the right nostril, closing it off with the right thumb and exhaling through the left nostril2. 3. Kapalabhati or “Skull Shining Breath” Begin with a long, slow inhale, followed by a quick, powerful exhale generated from the lower belly. Once comfortable with the contraction, up the pace to one inhale-exhale (all through the nose) every one to two seconds, for a total of 10 breaths2. Ellie finds that making time to breathe and meditate significantly impacts her day, promoting positivity, clarity and peace with her mind and body. “It’s really about establishing a connection with your body, and how you do that is by using your breath in all of your movements and – at points – controlling your breath and just focusing on your breath.” Zak Girdis, Ellie’s husband and co-owner of Midtown Community Yoga, recognized the peace and joy that yoga brought to Ellie’s life and, in 2015, opened Midtown Community Yoga. “Since finding and studying yoga 8 years ago, I have learned a lot, but for me, one of the most exciting things is realizing that we all have access to Pranayama,” Ellie said. “We can use it anytime, anywhere, and it truly works. Whether or not you have access to an asana practice (movement and postures of yoga) you are always able to exercise your breath and experience the benefits of doing so.”

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CREATE LASTING CHANGE By Lisa Cook It’s a new year! With the change of the calendar year it somehow feels like we are given a clean slate, a new opportunity to start over, set new goals and make all of our dreams come true. These goals and dreams may be new, or perhaps we’ve set them before and haven’t been successful in accomplishing them. Researchers from the University of Scranton suggest that only 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals1. In order to become more successful at implementing change, perhaps all you need is a different approach. The following are the proven steps to success of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pre-Contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance

After interviewing a handful of individuals about goals they had successfully achieved and how they went about doing it, it was obvious that each one of them went through the above steps unknowingly. Let’s define each of these steps more thoroughly so that you might be able to implement them with your current goals and achieve success in this new year.



Pre-Contemplation: No recognition for or need of interest in change. In this stage, the need or desire for change has yet to be identified, or change has been contemplated and it is either not the right time, or the tools for how to implement change have not been discovered.


Contemplation: An individual begins to consider change. Once an area for change has been clearly identified exploration can begin. Where did this behavior come from? What are the negative and positive aspects? How can this behavior be changed?

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017




Preparation: Planning for change. A person begins to identify ways in which they can change and prepare a plan for implementing that change into their life. Action: Adopting new habits. Begin putting the plan for change into action. Maintenance: Ongoing practice of new healthy behavior. With awareness of mind, the continuation of the action will become a new behavior and the individual will have successfully created change in their life.

Easier said than done, I know. The area where I’ve struggled the most is in the fifth stage, maintenance. Creating a new behavior takes awareness and effort. Old behaviors are easy to fall back into, the brain and body know exactly how to perform them. The best tool I have found to help be successful in the maintenance stage is meditation. One of the many benefits of meditation is clarity and peace of mind. When the mind is calm, it’s easier to focus and become aware of our actions, with that type of

heightened awareness maintaining change becomes much easier. So this new year, consider taking a different approach to achieving your goals, write down clearly defined steps for each stage, and maybe even give meditation a try. For more information on meditation classes lead by Lisa, please visit www. Lisa Cook is a Carson City native and she has been practicing yoga and meditation for thirteen years, teaching for six. She is the former layout designer for Well Being Journal and has recently joined The Change Place as a full-time yoga, meditation and mat Pilates instructor. References 1. “New Years Resolutions Statistics,” http:// 2. “The Transtheoritical Model,” http://www.

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There are roughly 10 trillion bacteria and fungi that live in our intestines, 10 times more than all of the cells in the human body. These bacteria are potent chemical manufacturing machines, some are beneficial but many are very toxic and poison us with inflammatory promoting and brain poisoning substances. Throughout the history of medicine detoxification procedures including enemas, herbal laxatives and fermented food diets have been employed to reduce this toxic load on the human system. Our modern SAD diet (standard American diet) is notorious for its lack of fiber, toxic fats and oils, preservatives, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones, plastics, artificial colors and flavors), which all impact our intestinal flora, the microbiome. COLON HYDROTHERAPY Bowel cleansing to reduce the toxic load of bacteria goes back to the beginning of medical literature, from India, China and even the Dead Sea Scrolls feature bowel detox, enemas, herbs and fasting. Harvey Kellogg back in Battle Creek, Michigan at the turn of the last century was famous for offering colonics to his patients along with a high fiber, cereal diet. I was fascinated by the autointoxication theory of schizophrenia learned from Ayurvedic medicine1. In this medical philosophy disbalanced winds cause disturbed apna, energy that is supposed to bring out urine and stool but when abnormal flows up to the brain and causes psychosis. My ensuing research revealed that buildup of bacteria in the colon secreted toxic chemicals such as indoles, pyrroles and scatoles, which are psychoactive. In 1973 I asked an Ayurvedic doctor what they prescribed for schizophrenia in India. He said just have the patient drink several liters of salt water and they would be better. At first I didn’t understand and then I realized that saline is a laxative/ purgative. During this time I was involved in drug research on schizophrenia at the Stanford Research Ward of the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital. That began my studies into the bowel/mind connection in the early 1970s. Our clinic has been offering colon hydrotherapy since 1976. Colon hydrotherapy (colonics) uses sterile tubing and filtered water to gently irrigate the colon to remove, in some cases,


pounds of old fecal material from the colon. The colon can become weakened by bad diet, lack of exercise, surgery, pregnancy and other damage. When the colon is in spasm, more toxins are released into the circulation and overload the liver. Pregnancy and other conditions cause the colon to have an abnormal shape. Colonics normalize the size and shape of the colon. Colon toxicity can also affect back pain as well as the liver and brain function. When learning how to do colonics I studied with Marjorie Stevens, DC, whose office was above the corner of Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco. She had an x-ray machine and documented the improvement in the shape of the colon after six colonics using barium enemas. Colonics are an exercise for the colon to promote good peristalsis (movement of the colon) and reduce the toxic bacterial load. Our colon therapists also add coffee to detox the liver, ozone to kill candida, and fungus and excessive bacteria to stimulate the immune system, as well as probiotic good bacteria implanted directly into the colon. LOW THYROID CAUSES CONSTIPATION As you may have often read in these pages, low thyroid function even in the face of normal or bor-

derline thyroid blood tests causes constipation. Cold body temperatures, dry skin, hair loss, heavy periods, poor immune response to infection, fatigue, depression, weight gain and many more symptoms are related to this ubiquitous condition2. Our thyroids have been poisoned by fluoride, chlorine, bromine, cruciferous vegetables, egg whites, beans, soy products, radiation and hundreds of other toxins. Low thyroid functioning causes constipation and poor stomach acid production, which makes our absorption of minerals and proteins abnormally low. Supplementing thyroid hormones is a godsend to many chronically constipated and sick patients. VITAMIN C AND MAGNESIUM RELIEVE CONSTIPATION Vitamin C and magnesium (we like magnesium glycinate, which is muscle relaxing and great for sleep) are osmotic laxatives. They draw water into the bowel and flush the system. We all have scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) unless we supplement with vitamin C. Most species of animals make vitamin C in their livers and we don’t. A goat that weighs 150 pounds makes 14,000 mg of vitamin C every day and more when they are under stress. Magnesium, which has hundreds of marvelous uses to promote

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

health, also regulates bowel movements. Vitamin C and magnesium are the best bowel regulating supplements. LAXATIVE HERBS When I studied with John Christopher, renowned herbalist, in 1975 his first treatment was Lower Bowel Combination containing cayenne, turkey rhubarb root, barberry bark, Lobelia, Cascara sagrada, red raspberry, ginger root, fennel and goldenseal root. He believed that all disease started in the colon and that it would take six to nine months of the Lower Bowel herbs for the average individual to clean out the fecal matter and rebuild the bowel structure sufficiently to have the peristaltic mus-

cles work optimally. The down side to herbs, which include senna pods, aloe vera, and many, many others, is that they may cause cramps, griping and dependence. Cathartic colon is a consequence of years of taking stimulant herbs and the inability to defecate without them. Short-term usage can bail one out from constipation but magnesium and vitamin C are gentler and help us out in the high desert where dehydration is a problem. Fiber from fruits and vegetables and supplements such as psyllium and probiotics, which promote healthy bowel flora, also assist our colon health. Nurturing bowel health is one of the principle pil-

lars of the immune system regulating inflammation, arthritis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and mental health. For more information, call Gerber Medical Clinic at 775-826-1900 or visit References 1. Harish Johari. Dhanwantari, Tantra Research Institute, 1974. Braun Brumfield Publisher Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2. Textbook of Endocrinology Robert H. Williams, MD, editor, 1974 W.B. Saunders Company.

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References: 27

1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide.

MINIMAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WITH BIG BENEFITS – THE SAUNA By Diane Underwood Many health products today are amazing, but some may have side effects that may cause irreparable damage. It would be fantastic if potential environmental side effects could be learned prior to detrimental and long-term damage to our environment. Imagine how life would be today if we knew the side effects of genetically modified foods?

The extensive data on the benefits of sauna therapy varies, and research shows that sauna therapy can improve cardiac function, congestive heart failure and hypertension, help people maintain a healthy weight, aid with caloric burn, improve motor function, lower the risk of diabetes, manage chronic pain and fatigue, cleanse environmental toxins and help with quitting smoking.

Luckily, sauna therapy has been proven to provide numerous benefits for our bodies. Sauna therapy helps with detoxification, relaxation, pain relief, weight loss, improved circulation and skin purification.

“Dr. Luke Fortney, an integrative-medicine practitioner and assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, says he has prescribed sauna therapy to a number of patients,” according to an article published by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

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“ ‘I’ve recommended it to people with high blood pressure, muscle spasms, seasonal affective disorder, and high stress levels,’ he says. ‘It’s also effective at detoxifying the body of chemicals from pollutants in the atmosphere and earth, and it’s generally much safer than taking a lot of medications.’ ” There is only one medical grade infrared sauna made in the U.S. considered “durable medical equipment,” which features non-toxic wood, the proper wavelengths and 96 percent efficiency. Many Americans use a personal home infrared sauna purchase toward a legal qualified medical tax deduction, especially when coupled with a physician’s prescription. Please see a qualified tax accountant, health care provider and/or medical doctor for accurate information. For more information, or to purchase a medical grade infrared sauna, call or text Diane Underwood, cleanzologist and owner of Reverse Aging Spa, at 775-233-4878. References 1. ncbi/ 2.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



Beauty exists in the habitual activities of everyday life, but how often do you step outside of routine – flooded with a sequence of work and family responsibilities – and just do nothing. Sounds foreign, doesn’t it? Literally doing nothing seems virtually impossible in our wellconnected, fast-paced world. Even when we think we are doing nothing – maybe sitting on the couch “taking a break” – we are, most likely, still stimulating our minds by watching TV, or scrolling through Facebook. “How important is it to do nothing, is it to relax and to let go of your life and your relationship and your kids and your dog, and really hone into yourself?” Chaz Allen, owner of Healing One in Reno, asked. “I think that we are so pulled away from our self all the time.” The concept of doing nothing – literally complete nothingness – is a concept championed by Chaz, who founded and opened Healing One, Reno’s only balanced float center, in July 2015. Chaz, a big-hearted energy healer, has always had an innate desire to help people. He is a certified practitioner of Quantum Touch and is working toward receiving his master’s degree at the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona. “As an energy healer, and coming up in this field and understanding that I’m here to help people – I’m here to bring healing on a massive scale – I realized that I can’t do that all myself,” Chaz said. “I realized that I should create a healing center. … I realized that sensory deprivation would be a phenomenal foundation.” Healing One offers both active and passive healing modalities, including yoga, dance and flow arts (considered active healing), along with massage therapy, energy work and oxygen therapy (considered passive healing). The staple and main attraction of Healing One, however, is float therapy. What is float therapy, or, “floating?” Also known as Restricted Environment Stimuli Therapy (REST), floating is a form of sensory deprivation that occurs in a highly saturated solution of Epsom salt and water, which unburdens you from the sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound.

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Releases tension stored in muscles and decompresses the spine, which can help relieve chronic pain. Helps with meditation and relaxation, as the sensory deprivation allows your body to recover from the stresses and stimulations of our urban lifestyle. Floods the body with magnesium, which is known to help increase energy, calm anxiety, help with digestion and constipation, relieve muscle aches, regulate levels of calcium, potassium and sodium, and aid in bone health.

Invented in the mid 1950s by neuroscientist John Lilly, float therapy tanks were originally named “sensory deprivation tanks” or “isolation tanks.” Although scientific research outlining the physical and mental benefits of float therapy is limited, floating has been slowly attracting the interest of a small group of scientists interested in learning if floating has a place as a therapy for various distress orders, including PTSD. One scientist – neuropsychologist Justin Feinstein – believes so deeply in the therapeutic potential of floating that he opened the Float Clinic and Research Center at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Oklahoma (the only float laboratory in the U.S.). Common concerns about float therapy include fear of being alone in the dark, drowning and claustrophobia.

The high levels of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) allow the body to effortlessly float atop the water, which is kept at or near external skin temperature (this helps heat the air, so you’re not cold or hot – just neutral). “That’s what we’re striving for, we’re striving for that neutral space,” Chaz said. Floating provides an environment ideal for relaxation, meditation and healing, which is why it has become increasingly popular for professional and Olympic athletes. Pilot studies suggest that floating also helps encourage creativity and problem solving, and helps decrease tension, depression, fatigue and hostility. “I’d like people to step out of their comfort zone for a second and try something new, because it is something that really could potentially help them in their life with stress, with anxiety, with depression, with pain management, with cognitive issues, with overstimulation issues,” Chaz said. Many health benefits are associated with float therapy, as some studies suggest that it:

“I understand that it is kind of a wild thing at first – people are doing something they’ve never done before,” Chaz said. … “I always tell people – whatever you’re expecting, it’s the complete opposite.” Healing One has two float tanks, along with a “chill room” and complementary herbal tea – to help you ease from the fast-paced demands of daily life into nothingness. Chaz recommends scheduling a float session at least once, or twice, a month. “We’re so distracted from ourselves, and that’s what a float does for you, it gives you time to spend with yourself,” he said. “If we spend time with ourselves and we reflect on our life, we grow, we change. … It’s a phenomenal reset – you come in, you shut down your mind, you shut down your body, you shut down your spirit. You’re allowed to relax, and then you come back and you’re a better version of yourself. “ For more information, call Healing One at 775-499-5393 or visit


Open daily 8am to 10pm

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

6139 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89502 775-852-8023 WFM.COM


COCKTAILS THAT KEEP YOU FIT By Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy For Experts – Ravishing Raw

The holidays have officially passed – do you have your New Year’s Resolutions set? Most vow to eat healthier, exercise often and drink less alcohol (or quit drinking, altogether). If you love your daily cocktail – but want to cut the calories and sugar – we’ve got a cocktail that will bring you energy and help you detox – no hangovers, no sluggishness, no headaches. TOOLS YOU NEED • A juicer (any juicer will do) • Party skewers • Cocktail glasses • Sharp chef’s knife • Cutting board INGREDIENTS FOR GROOVY GINGER GRANNY COCKTAIL Per 4 Small Servings

• 6 Granny apples • A 1 to 2 inch piece of fresh ginger • 1 lemon

INSTRUCTIONS • Just juice • Bottle up and chill in the fridge • Serve with some ice cubes in a wine glass or in cute party glasses


TIP Lovely with some juiced sprigs of mint as a refreshing touch INGREDIENTS FOR SWEET PERSIMMON DELIGHT • The day before: slice up a few persimmons finely and dry the slices overnight at 42°F • 2 to 3 persimmons per person (depending on the size of your glasses) • ½ C of sparkling water • 2 TBSP of pomegranate seeds (you can add as many as you like) INSTRUCTIONS • Juice the persimmons (you’ll get a creamy juice) and chill • Add the sparkling water right before serving • Throw in a few ice cubes • Add some pomegranate seeds as finishing touch • Take a dried persimmon slice, give it a cut till the middle and place on the glass


1 piece of fruit for every 6 to 8 skewers

• 1 banana • 1 persimmon • 1 pear • 1 cucumber • 1 pack of cranberries (dried or fresh) • 1 kiwi • 1 mango • Fresh spinach leaves • Fresh mint leafs

INSTRUCTIONS • Slice up all the fruit (make different shapes: slices, balls, cubes) • Slice the cucumber with a potato peeler, make small rolls • Take a party skewer and have fun combining all your elements • Here and there, add a leaf of spinach and mint • Place into a long cocktail glass and present on a large platter Success guaranteed! For more information, visit

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

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• Neurological issues, MS, CP, Parkinson’s, special needs

• Improves all activities: walking, running, golf, yoga and more

• Post-injury, post-surgery recovery and rehabilitation

Learn more about The Feldenkrais Method & Classes Carole Bucher, BA, GCFT 775.240.7882 35 Find class schedule HBmag p. ____



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Healthy Beginnings | January 2017



Melissa Monaghan, APH, RN Advanced Practitioner- Homeopathy High Sierra Allergy & Medical 9436 Double R Blvd Unit A, Reno NV 89521 775-686-6510 Integrative Allergy Testing and Individualized Treatment Serums: Pain free treatment drops given under tongue with environmental and diet instruction to support elimination of food, chemical, mold, dust, animal, and pollen reactions in adults and children. Integrative Medical Visits: Utilizing homeopathy, Chinese herbal medicine, nutritionals, vitamin and mineral therapies to restore balance, health and wellness. Conditions commonly treated include acute or chronic virus and bacteria infections, skin conditions, sinus/ear/ respiratory, allergies, bowel/digestive disorders, headaches, ADHD, fatigue and weight gain. Cleanse and Detox Programs: (Candida, Heavy Metals, Parasites, Environmental Toxins). Wellness programs for immune support and optimal performance.


Nevada BodyWorks 775-453-0099 Nevada BodyWorks is a premier therapeutic massage practice delivering the best bodywork available. Techniques include Integrative Massage, Shiatsu, Chinese Cupping, Japanese Sotai Therapy and Hot Stones.


Tahoe Neuro Healing Van Harding LAc, Dipl. OM, Cert. IM 10775 Pioneer Trail, Suite 212, Truckee 530-536-5084 Van Harding, an acupuncturist, is the founder of Tahoe Neuro Healing, a clinic that offers a combination of therapies that go beyond conventional care for brain health and the restoration of function. These natural and non-invasive therapies are proven with research to be the remedies needed for injuries (TBI, stroke), disease (Alzheimer’s, MS, seizures), developmental issues (Cerebral Palsy, Autism) and/or emotional-psychiatric (fear, anxiety, depression). Patients are no longer limited to current conventional treatments of drugs, surgery and the therapies of physical, occupational and speech-language. At Tahoe Neuro Healing we address the complex web of brain healing (activation, neurophysiology, neuron timing, brain region synchronization, hormones, inflammation) with acupuncture,


functional & herbal medicine, Interactive Metronome, Mind- Body connection and frequency therapies. Visit us to see the possibilities awaiting you!


Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD 775-829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.


Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St., Ste. #105, Reno, NV 89502 775-323-1222 We take the time to educate you about chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español.


Cynthia Davis, MSN, APRN, FNP-C 164 Hubbard Way, Ste. A, Reno 775-622-2874 Why choose the specialized care of nurse practitioner, Cynthia Davis, for your family? Cynthia has almost 30 years of medical expertise and continued education, but more importantly, she has a passion for promoting health and wellness, disease prevention, health education and counseling. Cynthia’s focus is on the patient as a whole. She believes in incorporating mind, body and spirit into your plan of care to help you achieve optimum health. Together, she can help you treat your hypertension, diabetes, asthma, as well as help you foster a healthy mind and spirit to create a healthier you!


Diane Underwood Cleanzologist, Hyperthermia Trainer Reverse Aging Naturally Energy Spa 255 Crummer Lane Reno, NV Call or (for fast reply) text 775-233-4878 Reverse Aging Naturally Energy Spa offers Water & Air Filters, Ionized Water Station, Medical Grade Infrared Saunas (made in the U.S.), several massage devices,

water to infrared, spinal alignments, photon facials, pulsed electro-magnetic energy and negative ions that permeate throughout the energy spa/lounge and health store since 2000.


Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, Consulting Hypnotist 775-786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect.


Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno 775-826-1900 Practicing since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered family-oriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities. Dr. William Clearfield 9550 S. McCarran Blvd. Ste. B., Reno, NV (775) 359-1222 Dr. William Clearfield comes to the Reno area from Northeast Pennsylvania after having practiced the art of medicine since 1982. He brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and Anti-Aging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” is the author of Celestial Stem: A Five Element Approach to Diet and Exercise, has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has 20 years experience and training with bio-identical hormone replacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr. B’s approach to health and wellness combines the best of Eastern and Western Medicine with a healthy dose of the latest Anti-Aging Medical philosophies.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

ONGOING CALENDAR AND EVENTS Looking to showcase your health and wellness events to the community? Call Alex Davis, Account Manager, at 775-850-2188 to learn about how you can share your happenings with health-conscious Northern Nevadans! The Feldenkrais Method Classes Awareness Through Movement Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP/T Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner 775-240-7882 Learn to move comfortably and efficiently; reduce pain and improve vitality; recover quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. Mindful movement classes and private lessons with Carole Bucher, Reno Feldenkrais. See Ongoing Events for class schedule and Reno Feldenkrais. for more information. The only ongoing Feldenkrais classes in the state of Nevada, since 2008.


Massage Namaste Lee Zuti, LMT #7698 251 Jeanell Drive, Suite 4, Carson City 775-577-4700 Massage Namaste allows you to move more, do more and be more. Lee Zuti provides Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Medical Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Pregnancy and Infant Services and more to help your mind, body and soul.


Pinnacle Wellness Healing Spa 3631 Warren Way, Suite A, Reno 775-236-3631 Pinnacle Wellness Healing Spa is a natural healing health spa. We offer various modalities including Hand/Foot Detox, Oxygen Bar, Chi Machine, Far Infrared Sauna and Pod, Vitamin D Bed and more! We also sell salt lamps!


The Herb Lady 1023 N. Rock Blvd., Ste. C, Sparks, NV 775-356-1499 The Herb Lady has been in business for more than 30 years. Providing herbs, oils, supplements, teas, and nutritional coaching and information, The Herb Lady will help you on your path to wellness.

Healthy Beginnings | January 2017

DANCE RENO! Movement for Healing NIA Class NIA integrates concepts from the dance, martial and healing arts. Increase energy, strength and presence. Classes are 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Gerber Medical Clinic, 1225 Westfield/2nd floor studio (Southwest Reno). All fitness levels are welcome! First class is free! For more information, email Kimberley Elliott at Ringing In Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free support group. For more information, call Gloria at 775-851-3322. Benefits of Essential Oils Free workshops on January 12 and 24! Essential oils are useful for a wide range of wellness applications. Join us to learn about the safe and effective uses for essentials oils: health care practices, food preparation, face and hair care. For registration, time and location information, call Dr. Jensen at 775-323-1222. Weekly Yoga Class Class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Cost: $8 drop-in or $28 for a 4-class pass. Friday classes are held from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. by donation. Beginners welcome. Classes held at 1225 Westfield/ 2nd floor studio in Southwest Reno. For more information, call Kathy at 775-544-1167. PTSD Discussion Group VFW Post 9211 is sponsoring a PTSD discussion group that meets at the historic “Battle Born” bunker post. All individuals with a diagnosis of PTSD are invited to join this group. This is NOT restricted to veterans or VFW members. Any member of the community is invited, including civilians and service persons such police, firefighters and medical personnel. Discussion is held at 6 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. VFW Post 9211 is located one block west of the Virginia Street/ Moana Lane intersection. To contact VFW Post 9211, call 775-825-7007. To inquire about the discussion group, call Post Surgeon Dr. Schwartz at 775-4094561.

Organic Raw Foods Potluck Join us every 3rd Sunday of the month for an Open House Organic Raw Foods Potluck. Please bring a delicious dish to share! Potluck is held at Reverse Aging Energy Spa, 255 Crummer Lane, in Reno. For more information, call 775-233-4878. Reno Psychic Institute Healing Classes and Clinics Clinics held at 20 Hillcrest Drive in Reno, unless otherwise noted. Energy Healing 5 to 7 p.m. every Tuesday | Cost: Free (donations accepted) Trancemedium Healing 7:30 to 9 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Thursday Cost $25 Women’s Energy Healing 5:30 to 7 p.m. every 3rd Thursday Cost: Free (donations accepted) Men’s Energy Healing 6 to 7 p.m. every 2nd Thursday Hands On Healing 10:30 a.m. to noon every 1st and 3rd Saturday | Cost: $25 Energy Healing – Carson City location Noon to 2 p.m. every Saturday at 1800 E. Williams St. #207 | Cost: Free (donations accepted) For more information, visit www.renopsychicinstitute. com Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics For more information or to schedule your appointment, call Gerber Medical Clinic at 775- 826-1900. Gerber Medical Clinic is located at 1225 Westfield Ave. in Reno. The Feldenkrais Method Classes Awareness Through Movement Schedule, Reno 10 a.m. Tuesday at Cardio Kickfit, 600 S. Center St. 6 p.m. Thursday at the Reno Buddhist Center, 820 Plumas St. 3 p.m. Saturday at Cardio Kickfit, 600 S. Center St. All levels of fitness. Start anytime to improve movement and feel great again! For more information, call Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP/T at 775-240-7882, email or visit RenoFeldenkrais.


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using drug free, non-surgical methods

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