March 2009 HB Mag

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March 2009


Beginnings lifestyle magazine


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.

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March 2009


DEPARTMENTS BRAINHEALTH... 8 Brain Fog – Get The Lead Out


HEALTHYPETS... 12 10 Facts About Pet Shops

Get The Lead Out... 8


Green Suds... 16


Treatment of Autism... 18

Greening Your Cleaning


Quick Colon Facts... 20


Green Suds


Natural Relief for Headache Pain... 24


Untie Your Knots... 47

NATURALSOLUTIONS... 24 Natural Relief For Headaches



Medical Fraud Exposed... 22

Empowering The Feminine Spirit


TECHNOLOGYADVANCEMENTS... 33 Money Merge Account Program

FITNESS... 35 Functional Training

Alleviate Menopause Symptoms Naturally... 30 Could This Food Stop Cancer?... 44 Supplements in Infant Formula... 50

SUPPLEMENTS101... 36 Choline

Vacuum Massage Treatment... 52



Soil Satisfaction


FINANCIALHEALTH... 40 Protect Your Retirement Income




Chocolate – Your Skin’s Best Friend


BOOKREVIEW... 49 The Secret of The Wizard’s Wand



RECIPES... 19, 28, 60

Supplements DHA & ARA



THERAPYREVIEW... 52 Vacuum Massage Treatment



The Sun in Pisces March 2009


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Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' writers and advertisers provide the tools you need to aid you in your personal path to wellbeing. We feature articles by national and local authors that are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

To advertise & grow your business in Healthy Beginnings, simply call 775-828-4547. To review a Media Kit, visit • Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles, healthbriefs and newsbriefs. • Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Display Ads, CRG and Calendar listings.

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Creative Director Dawn Gowery Design & Layout Bailey Simantel

Assistant Editor Brittany Russell

Contributing Writers Brittany Russell Sara Piccola Jamie Agee

Sales & Marketing 775-828-4547


PO Box 19041 • Reno, NV 89511 (phone) 775-828-4547 (fax) 775-828-1305

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HB Magazine is a member of Sierra Green Building Association.


Dawn M. Gowery

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HB Magazine is printed on recycled newsprint with soy based ink.

Healthy Beginnings Team:

March 2009

Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 25,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. © 2008 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.



The Treat of Kings - Pineapple

Dear Readers,

Written by Brittany Russell


pring comes this month (Mar. 20), and with it blossoms beautiful plants, fruits and vegetables that we have been without during the winter season. Healthy Beginnings Magazine is kicking off the vernal equinox with the powerful pineapple as our March cover. Natives of Southern Brazil and Paraguay planted and spread pineapple until it reached the Caribbean centuries ago. Christopher Columbus discovered the fruit there and brought it back to his sponsors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. Europeans had such a challenge growing the fruit, it became a coveted commodity – King Charles II of England posed for a portrait, receiving a pineapple as a gift to symbolize royal privilege. The Spanish introduced the fruit to Hawaii in the early 19th century, where the first commercial plantation was cultivated in 1886. It is no wonder why pineapple was so adored then as it is now. Pineapple’s health benefits seem endless, acting as a natural remedy for various ailments: renal affections, tonsillitis, laryngitic, throat pain, weight loss, bronchitis, dehydration, skin inflammation, headache, fever, gas and intoxication. Bromelain in pineapples allows for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. High levels of vitamin C and manganese make this fruit a wonderful cold fighter, protector against free radicals and a source for energy-inducing enzymes. In addition to enjoying its juicy, sweet flavor as a healthful snack or part of a new recipe, try welcoming your next guest with pineapple – it has been known as a symbol of hospitality, heightening the spirits of the visitor and making them feel at home in a foreign place.

March 2009



It doesn’t seem to matter what you read these days, what you see and what you hear in the media, the message is the same. The buzzwords are “in these economic times.” After watching an hour or two of the news channels, I catch myself buying into this feeling of fear and panic. When that happens I quickly turn off the news, a small dose is all that is required to keep me in the know. As a world citizen one has to remember that we have weathered the great depression, recessions and large scale industry layoffs. This is not to make light of our situation - we are a great country and we will get through this and thrive. The question is, will we learn from our mistakes and what can we do to prevent future downturns. There are no easy answers and no quick fixes – it will take time. The bottom line is we all need to make wise investment choices. The context in which I use the word investment encompasses more than just one’s financial situation. There is the investment in one’s health, be it our physiology, our mental well being and our physical health. When you look at your personal balance sheet, how much in both time and money have you invested in your health? Quality of life is many times equated to one’s health; what we choose to eat has a huge effect on our physiology (arthritis, diabetes, etc.), loss of energy due to poor eating habits may negatively affect our thoughts. Staying healthy is a choice. It takes effort on our part in making a conscious decision, to plan daily exercise, healthy meals, relaxation time and then to wrap that around our work. Healthy Beginnings exists to assist you in making healthy choices. From our content to our advertisers we are all here to support you on your path to optimal health. My motto is to keep one foot in front of the other, keep a positive attitude, a smile on your face and keep doing what it is that you do best. Best in Health and Happiness, Dawn M. Gowery, Publisher & Editor Healthy Beginnings Magazine

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Indulge in Chocolate Rhapsody at the Senses Sanctuary

Organic Farming Workshop with Renowned Soil Expert

During the month of March, come in for a Chocolate Rhapsody Body Treatment. The protocol begins with an invigorating foot massage with warm Chocolate Peppermint Elixir, then the Chocolate Mint & Almond Body Scrub incorporated in a Swedish massage, followed by Cocoa Honey Body Mask ending with a glazing of cocoa butter to seal in moisture. This heavenly treatment is approximately 80 minutes long and has only organic ingredients. Please call for more information: Lyndi Hutchinson, LMT (775) 846-3593.

Dr. Elaine Ingham, a renowned soil expert, author and lecturer, will be the featured speaker at an organic farming workshop Saturday, March 14th, at Western Nevada College Fallon campus. Dr. Ingham will discuss the basics of the soil food web she developed at the Sustainable Studies Institute in Corvallis, Ore., as well as eco-friendly methods for sustainable farming, landscaping and gardening. To register, contact Ginny Dugan, Western Nevada College, (775) 423-7565, ext. 2230, or visit WNC’s web site,

New at the Om Home’s Women Support and Empowerment Group

Make Money while Contributing to Others Humanity Unites Brilliance is a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing clean water, food, education and micro loans catalyzing positive change on the planet. It pays those who participate! HUB’s vision is to create a new social movement with programs that benefit non-profits and financially empower all those who are participating in its growth. Come hear about Humanity Unites Brilliance at the The Institute for Inspiration, Reno, Tuesdays, March 10th and 24th; 6:30 – 8pm. HUB is a new model for business and humanitarian living. Come hear how you can be part of this movement! Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.

Women’s Support and Empowerment Group meets March 18th at 6:30pm. This is a group of women supporting women, a group of women coming together to share, learn and grow through these challenging times. Women of all ages are welcome. For more information call Diane at (775) 250-7756 or email

My Body: Experience, Perceptions, Relationship FREE Introductory workshop, Saturday March 14th, 10-11:30am. This introductory workshop will emphasize an experience that allows our “witness self” to become more in line with how our bodies actually are in every moment, and exploring the terms by which it speaks to us. Join Jan Overbay, LMT and Core Education Practitioner, and Martina Young, Ph.D. Dance Artist and Pilates Educator, at Gerber Medical Clinic, 1225 Westfield Avenue. Call Inge at (775) 336-3483 for details.

New Spa Grand Opening Reno Alternative Health Care Center is pleased to announce the opening of our second location at The Ageless Zone Medical Spa, allowing our patients the use of fully integrated, comprehensive anti-aging detox programs. Services offered include; colon hydrotherapy, far infrared saunas, aqua chi foot baths, weight loss and much more! The Ageless Zone is located at 5060 Meadowood Circle. Please call Carol Christian, (775) 826-8888 for more information.

Nevada EcoNet Announces New Execute Director The Board of Directors of Nevada EcoNet announced that Kristopher J. Hansen will take on the leadership role of executive director in their organization. Nevada EcoNet promotes environmentalism in Northern Nevada, and has created the Reno Earth Day for the past 19 years. The 20th Annual Earth Day will be at Idlewild park on Sunday, April 19th. For more information please visit our website. As always, admission to Earth Day is free. For additional information on Nevada EcoNet, contact Kris Hansen at or visit

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Sierra Body Contouring Expands Hours of Operation Kaleigh Richards, owner of Sierra Body Contouring located at 970 West 7th Street, Reno, is pleased to announce that the hours of operation have been expanded. Sierra Body Contouring will now be open evenings Monday through Saturday, to better serve our current and potential clients. To set up an appointment, please call (775) 233-0346.


March 2009


Help Raise Multiple Sclerosis Awareness!

National Bestselling Author, Bob Burg to teach Northern Nevada Businesses...


nnual MS Awareness Week is fast approaching! Mark your calendars for Mar. 2nd-7th. Register for Walk MS and donate clothes and household items for Friends of MS. If you want a team of 4 or more people, contact Donna at (775) 329-7180, opt 2. Individuals and teams register on-line: Join the movement!

“Endless Referrals Live”

Friday, April 10th r 7:30am – 1:00pm Atlantis Casino Grand Ballroom, Reno

Author of The Go-Giver and Endless Referrals, Mr. Burg has trained thousands of sales professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and has shared the stage with celebrities, world-class athletes, Fortune 500 CEOs, bestselling authors & government leaders.

Exciting Events Happening in 2009:

• Our brand new NBA Development basketball team, the Reno Bighorns, have dedicated a night to the National MS Society. Tickets are $15, which includes a T-shirt. Come to the game for family fun and to learn more about MS. • Reno’s new minor league baseball team, the Reno Aces, will hold the Walk MS kickoff at their May 1st game. For all registered walkers, we offer non-profit priced tickets, t-shirts, MS seating section, plus a fireworks display. You (& your team members) must be registered by April 1st to receive the Reno Aces MS Game package.

Our 2009 Special Event Schedule is:

Space is limited. For more information or to reserve your seat, please visit or call Kathy Zader at (775) 220-6995.

5/2 Sparks Marina; 5/9 Camp Richardson at South Lake Tahoe; 5/16 Thunder Canyon Golf Resort in Washoe Valley; 9/12-9/13 MS Bike Ride – Graeagle, Calif.

L adies...

April 4-5, 2009

Reno-Sparks Convention Center Travel • Business • Beauty Shopping • Massage • Samples Health • Prizes • Food • Wine For complete schedule & ticket information, please visit: Bring this ad for a


$5 for one entry & bring a friend for $10 ($7 general admission. Not redeemable for cash.)

March 2009


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Get The Lead Out Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD


ate. It was used to remove calcium from the water supply used in their textile industry so the dyes wouldn’t run. After the war the military experimented with EDTA to remove radioactive metals from the body and in that process found it was highly effective for removing lead. Battery plants using lead in Detroit started giving EDTA tablets to their workers and found that they could expose them to more lead and stay under toxic levels in their blood. Subsequently some of the workers found that their heart disease got better. Symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, high blood pressure and peripheral vascular disease improved. In 1953 Daniel Clark, MD in Detroit was the first doctor to use EDTA intravenously for the treatment of cardiovascular disease with good results. EDTA is still the FDA approved treatment of choice for removing lead, calcium and other heavy metal from the body. In 1973 the first physician organization devoted to EDTA chelation therapy was born, the American Academy of Medical Preventics, now called ACAM, the American College of Advancement in Medicine. Next time we will look at the process of chelation therapy, different types and their effectiveness. * EDTA – a chemical compound, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; DMPS – a chelating agent in heavy metals, 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid; DMSA – a chemical compound, Dimercaptosuccinic acid.

n the series on brain fog I have stressed the two basic health principles of putting good things into our bodies and taking out the bad. A major category of “bad things” is called heavy metals. Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, uranium and other heavy metals are universally found in our bodies. The last issue reviewed some of the horrors of mercury poisoning. In addition to mercury, we all have a thousand times more lead in our bones than pre-industrial man had due to burning fossil fuels. Lead causes vascular and neurological diseases. You may ask why your doctor doesn’t tell you about this toxicity problem. It’s a complicated question. Generally, regular doctors don’t know how to look for heavy metals because serum blood tests are usually negative unless the patient just ate a mercury thermometer and is deathly ill with a high fever from acute mercury poisoning. Medical training doesn’t teach doctors how to measure or treat common heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metals are bound to body tissue and have to be pulled off connective tissue with special molecules called chelating agents in order to measure them. Red blood cells and hair analysis are also good for diagnosing heavy metal toxicity. Chelation (key-lay-shun) comes from the Greek root meaning “the claw, to grasp or to bind.” It is a very basic process in chemistry. Chelating agents such as EDTA*, DMPS*, DMSA*, penicillamine and other agents such as the sea vegetable chlorella and cilantro all pull heavy metals from the body. EDTA, a synthetic amino acid, is one of the original chelating agents and was developed in Germany before WWII by scientist at I.G. Farben, the famous chemical conglomer-

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References: 1. Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1993: 6 (3) 2. Halstead, Bruce MD. The Scientific Basis of EDTA Chelation Therapy. Golden Quill Publisher, Colton 1979.

For more info, contact Michael Gerber, MD, HMD – member of ACAM since 1976, diplomat in chelation therapy since 1984 - of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900.

Go to ad on page 21.


March 2009



Dan Mannikko, DDS Written by Sara Piccola

ground, our teeth being straight and level as well. It’s hard to believe the teeth have anything to do with balance; however, while teeth go front and back and move with the jaw, the jaw itself is unique in that it has different dimensions. It’s when you focus on the jaw that you discover the imbalance that can be caused by a poor bite. Our balance organ functions within our ear. Dr. Mannikko explains the relationship between the mouth and the balance organ as a wiring system in our jaw. The wiring between the jaw muscles feed into the same wires that go to the balance organ. When there are imbalances in the bite, those muscles become overworked, overloading the wires. This in turn interrupts the wiring that goes back to the ears. Although very subtle, it is the source of imbalance which leads to many other painful symptoms such as headaches, neck aches and back pain. Dr. Mannikko stressed that the importance of the teeth has been devalued forever, mainly because people have become adaptable to symptoms such as headaches and refer to it as being normal, when it is not normal and can be resolved with neuromuscular dentistry. Although neuromuscular dentistry can be expensive depending on the patient’s needs - Dr. Mannikko believes you can’t put a price on the quality of life. Neuromuscular dentistry eliminates pain and the impact throughout the body. The level of care is elevated, more so than general dentistry. Neuromuscular dentistry can also improve the patient’s appearance. Many people feel they are being too vain when concerned about their appearance; studies show that the smile is the first thing people notice when they see someone. An improvement in self-esteem is a result Dr. Mannikko sees very often. It can be difficult to understand how the bite can relieve chronic pain and be the cause of many daily symptoms found in people. Everything Dr. Mannikko talks about and has done for patients he has done for himself. He has seen the benefits and knows he can offer the best in treatment that is available. “I’m only in this game to make people better,” said Dr. Mannikko. “Every dentist needs to realize they are the gatekeeper of people’s overall health, and proper dental treatment increases the quality and length of life.”


t was a pleasant surprise walking into Dr. Dan Mannikko’s office, being greeted with a relaxing atmosphere and an elegant waiting area with only 4 chairs. Was this a dentist’s or a massage therapist’s waiting room? There is no doubt Dr. Mannikko is a dentist. In 1997 he graduated from the University of Pacific Dental School in San Francisco, and has been practicing ever since. Continuing his education, Dr. Mannikko has had additional training from the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, acquiring certifications in orthodontics, neuromuscular training, TMJ training, anatomy, physiology and neuromuscular dentures, to name a few. Although he focuses on neuromuscular dentistry, he is also a certified general dentist, ensuring he can meet all his patients’ dental needs. Dr. Mannikko always knew he would end up in the medical field. Wanting to focus on a single part of the body, he chose to pursue dentistry. Realizing the mouth is one of the most complicated parts of the body, he found his passion in its relation to the whole body; affecting posture, spinal health, balance, flexibility and coordination. When practicing general dentistry, Dr. Mannikko noticed holes in his own training and found neuromuscular dentistry to be the answer to his questions. Neuromuscular dentistry, practiced over 40 years, focuses on the teeth, muscles, nerves and joints as a physiologic system and how they all work together. No longer are they looked at as a mechanical hinge. Treatment can now lead to whole body change. According to Dr. Mannikko, one of the most important things in life is being balanced. When we think of balance and good posture we think of our shoulders and hips being level with the March 2009

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What’s On The Label & What’s Not Written by Brittany Russell


o blondes really have more fun? We can never ask Marilyn Monroe, or Norma Jean for that matter, but dyeing your hair with standard store-bought hair color may not be the answer either. A study done by the University of Washington and published in the American Journal of Public Health reported that women who dye their hair have a 50 percent greater risk of developing nonHodgkin’s lymphoma. The Food and Drug Administration and the American Cancer Society suggested an association between prolonged use – 20 years or more – of darker dyes and cancer.


Hair color, natural or synthetic, is not regulated by the FDA – just because it says natural, doesn’t mean it is. A close look at the ingredients list is crucial, not just the front of the box. When you buy a typical hair color kit, it comes in three parts: developer, colorant, conditioner. The developer actively lifts the cuticle of the hair allowing the colorant to deeply penetrate, while the conditioner acts as a quick fix to repair the hair.

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March 2009

Would You Like To:

According to International Agency for Research on Cancer, barbers and hairdressers – particularly men – were found to be at a higher risk of bladder cancer due to their frequent exposure to hair dyes.

Have more energy? Improve your body composition? Have more sex drive?

Several of the ingredients in hair dye are considered harmless, but it is the dangerous combination of peroxide in the developer and ammonia in the colorant that should leave you weary. This combination changes the molecular structure of hair and can cause extensive damage over time – not to mention the potent fumes you inhale as the chemicals sit on your head.

Be stronger? Think more clearly? Be less moody? Sleep better?

Other ingredients to be aware of:

Get rid of cravings for sweets?

• Coal Tar – common in hair dyes of deep and dark

Lower your cholesterol or blood pressure? Reduce your risk of heart disease & diabetes? Stay healthy & active as you age?

color. According to a study, almost 71 percent of hair colors contain this hazardous ingredient. If you experience skin irritation of the scalp, it may sure be the coal tar as it is known to penetrate the skin.

• DMDM Hydantoin – a common preservative. In Japan, evidence shows that this can cause immunesystem-related problems.

• Formaldehyde – the same used to preserve

FirstLine Therapy ÂŽ

cadavers. Various investigations have already confirmed that this preservative can cause cancer and reproductive problems. Women who are pregnant should never use any product that contains formaldehyde because it can cause problems detrimental to the healthy development of the fetus.


• Phenyl methyl pyrazolone - an oxidizing agent that comes from coal tar. It can cause headache, cough, irritation, colds and even shortness of breath. Based on investigations, fetus exposed to this ingredient can have higher risk of learning difficulties.

It Has Never Been Easier!

If you are one of many people to regularly use boxed hair color at home, don’t worry, you can remedy any damage to your health that has been caused. First, stop using any dyes that you are unsure of their ingredients. Then go through detox – drink lots of water and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. And if that gray starts showing up or you just need a change, make sure you know what went into that hair color, and remember – the less chemicals, the better your health will be.

Serving northern Nevada, California & the Tahoe region for more than 15 years.

775.884.3990 Frank Shallenberger,

References: 1. 2. 3.

M.D., H.M.D.

1231 Country Club Dr. Carson City, NV 89703

Go to ad on page 31. March 2009


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that they did not sell any live animals (birds, small animals, reptiles and amphibians, kittens, puppies, or salt or freshwater fish).


Most animals sold in pet shops are not protected by the federal Animal Welfare Act. Some states have laws that address the care and treatment of animals kept in a retail environment, but these laws vary widely in quality and scope.



Too often conditions that seem cruel and inappropriate do not actually violate any laws of the state in which the store is located.





In pet shops, animals must be viewed as commodities in order for the store to realize a profit. This means that in order to cut costs, animals are too often kept in inadequate conditions and denied needed veterinary care.


The cost of providing veterinary care for an animal kept in a pet shop can easily exceed the animal’s commercial value — animals may be left to suffer or even die from untreated illnesses or injuries.


In addition to providing inadequate care to animals, pet shops that sell animals contribute to the already overwhelming problem of overpopulation in shelters and rescue groups.


According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, sales of live animals in the pet industry totaled $1.6 billion in 2004.


In a 2003 survey, only 38 percent of U.S. pet shops reported

In API’s 2005 undercover investigation in California, nearly half of the pet shops visited displayed animals that showed signs of illness, injury, or neglect. Nearly half of the stores also sold animals showing clear symptoms of psychological distress.


More than half of the stores in our investigation failed to provide environmental enrichment to one or more animals in their care.


Only one state (California) requires that pet shops provide customers with information on the proper care and treatment of the animal being purchased. But in our investigation, more than half of the pet shops in California failed to make such information available.

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infants to elderly r Most insurances accepted


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Jensen Chiropractic

775-323-1222 12

March 2009



Smack Down



Written by Bruce Eichelberger, OMD


n 2008 a group of researchers in Australia made a surprising discovery about the effects of food on DNA. DNA is the molecule in every cell of the body that controls how well our bodies function to stay strong and healthy. That’s what makes this discovery so startling... and so potentially dangerous. More importantly, it also gives us the opportunity to make a simple change that will greatly reduce the likelihood of getting serious diseases like diabetes and heart disease, not only in ourselves but also in our children and grandchildren.

The Study Researchers at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute had noticed just one serving of sugar-laden food had longer-lasting negative health effects, beyond the immediate sugar buzz we are all familiar with. To get to the bottom of this, they designed an experiment to uncover what other factors that contribute to the negative health effects of sugary foods. One of the variables they looked at is a part of the DNA that protects the body against diabetes and heart disease. Their finding – eating sugar turns off this protective gene.

changes continue beyond the meal itself and have the ability to alter natural metabolic responses to diet.” Imagine how this affects us when we don’t give our bodies a break from the sugary onslaught. The genetic damage could go on for months, or even years. And because DNA gets passed to our offspring, that damage can potentially affect them as well. What this study means is that we now have evidence at the cellular level that ongoing sugar consumption directly causes diabetes and heart disease. It’s a hard fact to swallow if you’re one of the billions of people who crave their sugar fix. References: 1. Hyperhealth Pro Database, In-Tele-Health, Hansville, WA, 2008. 2. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2008 Sep 29; 205(10): 2409-17. 3.

For more information, contact Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD, of Reno Alternative Medicine at (775) 827-6901 specializing in Oriental Medicine.

Go to ad on THIS page.

Women... Stop “Change of Life” Symptoms Naturally

Even more shocking was the discovery that this damaging effect lasts up to two weeks after eating just one helping of sugar. That means even waiting two weeks between eating foods with concentrated sugar, the genetic damage from that single meal continues. Just think of the potential damage to those who routinely eat sugary snacks and drinks.

Take an All-Natural Approach for Eliminating Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Anxiety, Fatigue and Depression. Start today by contacting

I’d wager that most people don’t wait even two weeks between sugary snacks and drinks.

Reno Alternative Medicine

“We now know that chocolate bar you had this morning can have very acute effects, and those effects can continue for up to two weeks,” said lead researcher Sam El-Osta. “These

Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD

March 2009


85 Washington Street, Reno


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Health and Quality of Indoor Environment – Part 5 –


Greening Your Cleaning Written by Kimberly A. Phipps-Nichol


he National Institute of Health reports that of the 2.5 million annual calls to poison control centers in the US, the majority of incidents involve household detergents and cleaning solutions. The offending toxins typically have to be ingested or come in contact with the skin or eyes to warrant a call. Recently though, a new report by AIR QUALITY SCIENCES entitled “Cleaning Chemicals and Their Impact on Indoor Environments and

Health” examines how chemicals and inhaled particulate emissions affect occupant health and welfare. The essential oils present in many of the natural and organically derived cleaners are like aromatherapy. Lavender, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, sage, citrus and thyme are also disinfectants so they add value beyond a pleasant scent. Gone are the days of my allergy and asthma attacks, and a change in cleaning products is the largest player in that relief.

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March 2009

If you’re at the store scanning labels, wondering if the marketing teams for all these products are really telling you the truth when they claim “natural”, “ecofriendly” or “green”, consider some basic rules of thumb. Cleansers don’t need petroleum-based oils, formaldehyde, parabens, bleach, fragrance, sulfates, or phosphates to work really well. Plantderived surfactants and 100% biodegradable solutions are a great start. If feasible, look for bulk packaging, recyclable/ recycled content plastic bottles, boxes without plastic bag liners and cotton sack containers. As Spring Cleaning time is upon us, it’s a great opportunity to further lighten the toxic load by trying some of Grandma’s favorite home brews, especially if you’d like to reduce waste and avoid buying packaged products. One cup of distilled white vinegar, two cups of hot water and seven drops of lavender essential oil make a fantastic rinse-free solution that cuts


through grease and disinfects. The lavender helps tame the vinegar smell and adds to the cleaning power. Use this on floors, windows, countertops and toilets. After baking soda has lost it’s filtering power in the fridge or freezer, pour it down the drain with very hot water to clean and freshen rather than throwing away. Add to solution #1 for increased scrubbing power in toilets and tubs/tiled areas. Borax and hydrogen peroxide not only do a great job on mold and mildew, they also disinfect. For restoring shine to wood furniture, cut some beeswax with olive oil, lavender oil and lemon oil for an easy to apply treatment. Microfiber, microfiber, microfiber. This stuff rocks! It attracts dust and dirt like a magnet and works magic with just water. Don’t worry if you lack the time or comfort level to experiment with the above ideas to find your favorite recipe, there are some great natural products available at locally owned stores here in the region. Shops like EcoReno, the Great Basin Community Food Co-op, and New Moon Natural Foods specialize in products that are kind to both people and the planet. With solutions that are gentle on your skin, your lungs and kind to the water supply, you can not only be Clean and Green, you can shop local in the process. Bonus!



3. 4.

MICHAEL LEMAY Au.D. ! D o c t o r


References: 1. Steinman, David. Safe Trip to Eden. Running Press, 2007. 2. Bond, Annie B. Home Enlightenment. Rodale Books, 2005.

For natural cleaning products, contact EcoReno, LLC at (775) 324-6326. Go to ad on page 62.

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March 2009


$IJMESFO T "VUIPS PG The Secret of the Wizard’s Wand

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GREEN SUDS Written by Morgan Tiar


e clean everything: floors, windows, carpets, clothes, dishes, counters, appliances, furniture, sinks, toilets, etc. It seems that with every appliance, fixture and furniture, a different chemical, some harmful, is needed.

fied as a carcinogen by the EPA, and can still be found in deodorizers, disinfectants and germicides. Try making your own household cleaners with products found around the house such as vinegar, baking soda, and salt. Look for green cleaning books or online for recipes. If you choose to buy, read labels and know what is in your cleaning products.

By greening our cleaning, we can reduce costs, reduce energy consumption and create a healthier environment. Simple changes and awareness in our housekeeping will have an ecological impact and will encourage eco-consciousness in other aspects of our lives. We can have clean homes without the toxic chemicals. Start with your housekeeping supplies. Stop using disposable towels, wipes, and one-time use products and instead give that ragged old t-shirt a new life. You will save trees, clean water, and chlorine pollution. Cloths can be used for polishing, wiping, dusting and sopping up spills. Don’t buy new cleaning equipment, instead repair and keep using what you have. Picking green cleaners can be challenging. Knowing what to look for and what to avoid in cleaners can help. Many ingredients are petroleum-based and many contain chemicals that are linked to illnesses and are environmentally compromising. Phosphates have been phased out due to their negative environmental impact; however can still be found in some dish detergents. Chlorine is highly caustic and can cause skin irritation and redness. It can also contaminate drinking water when released into waterways. Formaldehyde has been classiFor past issues, go to:

Though it cautions against using on specific materials, Nellie’s All-Natural Oxygen Brightener encompasses a better, greener way of cleaning. It can be the simplest change to switch just one product you use. Start with small changes. As you go, make changes that will green your cleaning, detox your environment and positively impact the earth. Just being aware, reading the labels on cleaning products or making your own can make a big difference, for the environment, for our health and in your wallet. Nellie’s is: color safe, chlorine free, hypoallergenic, biodegradable, effective in removing stains and odors, septic safe and environmentally friendly. References: 1. Goldsmith, Elizabeth PhD & Sheldon, Betzy. Green Cleaning for Dummies. Wiley, John & Sons Inc., 2008. 2. 3.

For more info, contact EcoReno, LLC at (775) 324-6326. Go to ad on page 62.


March 2009


n aromatic spice with a distinctive bitter flavor and strong, warm aroma due to its abundant oil content, cumin is the small dried fruit of an annual plant in the parsley family. Superstition during the Middle Ages cited that cumin kept chickens and lovers from wandering. It was also believed that a happy life awaited the bride and groom who carried cumin seed throughout the wedding ceremony. Today, cumin is a wonderful component in a variety of cooking and medicinal recipes. Native to the Mediterranean, cumin is hot to the palette, lighter in color, and larger than caraway, a spice it is often confused with. Sold whole or ground, the “seeds” come in three colors: amber,

white or black. Amber is most widely available; the black seeds hold such a complex flavor, so distinct it should not be substituted for the other two. Cumin is a popular ingredient in Middle Eastern, Asian, Mediterranean and Latin cuisines, and is one of the main ingredients in curry powder. The spice has a natural tendency to draw out other ingredients’ natural sweetness. Its flavor marries well with beans, chicken, couscous, eggplant, fish, lamb, lentils, peas, pork, potatoes, rice, sausages, soups, stews and even eggs. The health benefits of cumin for digestive disorders have been well known throughout history. It can help with flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea,


Written by Brittany Russell



morning sickness and dyspepsia. When consumed as a tea, cumin can also help relieve symptoms of the common cold due to its antiseptic properties. When ginger is added to the concoction, it can help soothe a sore throat. Cumin can also be applied topically and is said to be a good salve for boils. The salve is usually made with the black cumin, dissolved and made into a paste with water. Perhaps you aren’t suffering from a specific ailment, cumin makes a great tonic for the body. It is said to increase the heat in the body thus making metabolism more efficient, and can be a powerful kidney and liver herb, boosting the immune system. As the weather continues to stay cool, add cumin to your next stew or chili, it adds fantastic flavor and boosts your personal health!

Continued on page 19...

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Treatment of Autism

with mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) Written by David Rovetti, DC


utism cases have skyrocketed in the past decade and it is now the third most prominent development condition of children today. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired communication and social interaction. It may also be accompanied by cognitive impairment and sometimes epilepsy. Its cause remains unknown, although there is some evidence that genetic, environmental, and immunological factors may all play a role. The physiological changes that typically occur with children with autism have been studied quite extensively. Among other things, three characteristics have been noted in children with autism:

1) Cerebral hypoperfusion/hypoxia. Inflammation of the blood vesicles in and around the brain is most likely the cause of decreased blood flow and oxygen to key areas of the brain. A Barton HealthCare System Managed Facility


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2) Neuroinflammation. A 2005 study showed an active inflammatory process in the brain, specifically the cerebral cortex, white matter, and the cerebellum of patients with autism. 3) Gastro-Intestinal inflammation. Enlarged lymph

nodes and intestinal ulcers are common findings. As a side note, it has been theorized that some of the behaviors associated with autism such as head-banging and irritability fits could be a direct response to inflammation in the brain or gut. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is the application of concentrated oxygen (usually 95-100 percent pure oxygen) while in a chamber that is pressurized. The result is a dramatic increase of oxygen in all the fluids of the body—not just the red blood cells, but the plasma, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid. Perhaps the most dramatic physiological phenomena of this increased oxygen is a significant anti-inflammatory reaction. Simply put, HBOT reduces, if not completely stops, inflammation anywhere in the body. The three traits listed above, common in all children with autism, are inflammatory conditions. A recent study by Dan Rossignol, MD sponsored by the International Hyperbaric Association looked at the C - reactive protein in the blood, which is an indicator of inflammation in the body. Immediately after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the C reactive protein decreased significantly. This study also looked at various behavior and cognitive traits. They found improvement after 20 sessions in subject’s lethargy, motivation, mannerisms, sensory awareness, speech and cognition. HBOT is not a cure. However, many experts have noted that HBOT supports greater and faster improvements with ancillary behavioral therapies like the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Lovaas learning programs for children with autism. An Internet search of “HBOT and Autism” will yield hundreds of testimonials of the benefits and successes of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of Autism.

References: 1. University of California, Davis. Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders – MIND Institute. 2. Wilcox, I et al. Neuropsychobiology. 2002: 45: 81-86. 3. Vargas, DL. Annals of Neurology. 2005: 57: 933. 4. Rossignol, D. Medical Hypotheses. 2006: 68(5): 931-1190.

For more info, contact Dr. David Rovetti, Doctor of Chiropractic at (775) 324-3700. Go to ad on page 19. 18

March 2009


1 can dark red kidney beans 1 can light red kidney beans 1 can pinto beans

Continued from page 17.

How to store: In an airtight container

and place in a dry, cool area, away from light. Flavor and aroma can be retained for up to six months.

Cultivation: Requires a long, hot summer of 3-4 months, with daytime temperatures around 86°F; it is drought tolerant. It is grown from seed, sown in spring, and needs fertile, well-drained soil. Simple tea: One teaspoon of seeds

to one cup of water; boil together, then mix with salt and a teaspoon of coriander leaf juice.

Simple Chili: You will need – 1 lb. lean ground beef, turkey or chuck 1 pound stew meat 32 ounces low-sodium beef broth 3-4 Tbsp. Chili Powder 3-4 Tbsp. ground Cumin 1-2 Tbsp. ground Coriander Seed

Brown ground meat and stew meat completely in a large pot. Add all spices – chili powder, cumin and coriander seed – and stir well. Add 24 ounces of the broth. Let this simmer over medium heat for no less than four hours, or use a slow cooker for four to six hours. Add all the beans once the meat has had time to absorb the liquid – you may want to add the remaining broth depending on desired thickness. Be sure to taste the chili at this point. If you want it spicy, add chili powder to taste; if it needs salt, try adding more cumin to taste before reaching for the salt. Allow this to cook through at medium heat for 30 minutes, or on high setting for 30 minutes if using a slow cooker. Serve in warmed sourdough bread bowls topped with cheddar cheese for extra comfort! References: 1. 2. 3.

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March 2009


Rovetti, DC – 775.324.3700 For past issues, go to:

Quick Colon Facts What do these facts mean to our overall health and well-being? Though many Western doctors question the legitimacy of regimens that cleanse the colon, flushing our systems regularly is gaining steady popularity. In a recent New York Times article, Edward F. Group, III, a Houston-based naturopath stated that the difference in opinions can be aligned with the idea that “Western medicine is treating the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause.” He goes on to describe detox and colon cleansing as “if you change your oil in your car but never change the oil filter. Ultimately it gets so full of sludge the engine’s going to break down.” Irrigating the intestine can be reached in a number of ways: fasting, juices, supplements, colonics, specially made concoctions, etc. Colon blockage causing severe constipation, exposing our bodies to toxins, can lead to reduced liver function, poor toxin elimination through the kidneys and skin irritation. It can make one wonder how mainstream doctors then expect their patients to rid themselves of such “sludge.” How many seemingly healthy, at least health conscious people have three bowel movements per day? An educated guess would be very small percentage do so, and those aware of its health benefits participate in regular colon flushes.

• Our colon (large intestine) is as long as we are tall. • The diameter of our colon is equal to that of our wrist. • For every foot of colon we can store approximately five to ten pounds of feces. • A healthy person will have two to three bowel movements each day. • A healthy bowel movement will measure 12-18 inches long. • The colon re-absorbs fluids eight to ten times every 30 minutes. • The colon has referral areas that are similar to the reflexology points on our hands and feet. • To the degree your colon is clean is equal to the degree your bloodstream is clean.

References: 1. Inner Healings & Assoc., Inc. © 4/2004 Colonic Flashcard. php?cPath=5_28&osCsid=8ac7 2.

• One colonic equals three days of fasting.

For more info, contact Carol Christian, now serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Center (775) 827-6888 and The Ageless Zone (775) 826-8888. Go to ad on page 21.

• The ascending colon controls the aging process in the body.

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March 2009

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March 2009


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Truth or No Truth: You Be The Judge Written by Mike Adams



ere’s a must-read article for anyone interested in learning how the pharmaceutical industry really operates. It’s a case of aggressive marketing gone bad, with a mixture of corrupt physicians, underhanded payola and a near-total disregard for patient health. And yet it’s business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry: drug maker Schering-Plough, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has been outright bribing physicians to prescribe drugs and operate sham clinical trials. Here’s how it would work: doctors who prescribed the drug company’s products and avoided competing drugs were paid “consulting fees” of tens of thousands of dollars. And what kind of consulting did these doctors do? The kind of consulting that requires nothing more than signing a blank sheet of paper and cashing the check, of course. And thousands of doctors participated in this criminal scam, collecting untold sums of

money in exchange for hyping ScheringPlough’s pharmaceuticals to patients. (Medical ethics, anyone?) Doctors were paid even more money to conduct fraudulent clinical trials that would require patients to take the drugs for twelve months at a time, which of course rang up even more drug profits for the manufacturer and resulted in more kickbacks to the doctors. That’s right, they’re literally playing doctor with your life while pocketing the drug money. If all this sounds outrageous, think again. This is precisely the kind of criminal activity that now typifies the pharmaceutical industry and organized medicine in general. These companies will do anything to make a buck, including outright bribing doctors with lavish meals, free gifts and even trips to Hawaii and other exotic destinations, all under the guise of “continuing medical education” (CME) courses. It’s all a scam, and the vast majority of physicians just go right along with it, pocketing the benefits and dos-

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March 2009

ing up their patients with whatever drug they’ve been told to prescribe. Prescription drugs are so profitable – some drugs are now sold at more than 500,000 percent markup over the actual cost of their raw ingredients – that drug companies will do practically anything to sell more pills. They invent fictitious diseases and urge doctors and parents to dose their children with powerful narcotics. They conduct fraudulent clinical trials, making sure to bury any negative results that would show how dangerous their drugs really are. They buy the favor of the media by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into magazine, television, newspaper and online advertising. They pressure the FDA into delaying the ban on extremely dangerous drugs in order to squeeze out another twelve months of profits even while patients are dying from drug-induced liver failure. And the scam works: drug profits are up. Way up. Meanwhile, the American people are sicker than ever. Drugs aren’t

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helping the population at large, all they’re The FDA, meanwhile, watches all this doing is turning the United States into a and focuses its own efforts on discreditnation of chemical zombies who suffer ing herbal supplements like ephedra. from the extremely toxic side effects of The agency seems determined to outlaw taking dozens of prescriptions in com- or regulate all nutritional supplements, bination. thereby making vitamins illegal and practically guaranteeing another decade of It’s the greatest con in American history. It’s the racket of the millennium. The drug outrageous profits for drug companies. It’s no surprise: most FDA employees used to companies are running the show, cutting off drugs from Canada, monopolizing the work for drug companies (or plan to in the near future). Many FDA employees U.S. market, running the FDA, bribing maintain strong financial ties to the phardoctors and killing patients all the while. maceutical industry. They’re simply out Even based on statistics from conventional medicine, prescription drugs are right to crush the natural health industry and now killing 100,000 Americans each year thereby boost their own personal profits from pharmaceuticals. and injuring another two million. And that doesn’t count the tens of thousands of Modern medicine is in shambles, folks. additional deaths caused by NSAIDs and It’s a train wreck. We’re sicker, fatter and over-the-counter painkillers. more depressed than ever. And the really good advice that people need isn’t reachIt’s not an exaggeration to call this a ing them. Good health is really simple, medical holocaust. These drug compaas it turns out. Get lots of natural sunlight nies seem determined to dose the entire on your skin daily. Eat super foods like population with as many simultaneous prescriptions as possible, as long as it chlorella and spirulina. Avoid all refined generates profits for their shareholders. carbohydrates and processed foods. Ban soft drinks from your life. Never touch Business ethics are nowhere to be found cigarettes. Pick up strength training, yoga, in the pharmaceutical industry these days: Pilates, cycling, jogging or some other it’s all about money, profits, power and physical exercise activity. And breathe, control. people. Breathe consciously. Your body And the funny part about all this is that needs oxygen. Learn how to put yourself these drugs are almost entirely unnecesin control of your own health. sary. There’s not a single chronic disease In a way, the massive fraud now being that’s actually cured or reversed from any exposed in Western medicine is a blessing prescription drug in existence. All these ĂŒiĂ€ĂƒĂŠVÂœÂ˜ĂŒ>ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠÂ˜Ă•Â“iĂ€ÂœĂ•ĂƒĂŠĂƒĂ•Â?v>ĂŒiĂŠÂ“ÂˆÂ˜iĂ€>Â?Ăƒ]ĂŠ>ĂƒĂŠĂœiÂ?Â?ĂŠ>ĂƒĂŠ in disguise. Big Medicine has gone so far drugs do is treat symptoms and barely iÂ?ÞÊÀ>Ă€iĂŠÂ“ÂˆÂ˜iĂ€>Â?ĂƒĂŠvÂœĂ•Â˜`ĂŠÂ˜ÂœĂœÂ…iĂ€iĂŠiÂ?ĂƒiĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ1°-° over the top with aggressive marketing keep the patients alive long enough to ĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠĂŠ and downright evil (if not criminal) tactics write another check to cover their growthat the whole profiteering orgy is going to ing medical debt. Chemotherapy is a come crashing down on them. Big Medisham and has absolutely no scientific cine will soon be history – remembered merit whatsoever. (Yes, it shrinks tumors, but it adds nothing to a patient’s lifespan.) as just a moment of insanity in the history Statin drugs are a con, and yet they’re be- of modern civilization. Some day, people will say, “Do you remember when the ing over-prescribed for all sorts of chronic disorders that actually need to be treated whole country was dosed up on chemiwith nutrition and exercise, not drugs. cals?â€? They’ll shudder with the thought of it – how we were all duped by the drug And over-the-counter drugs are both excompanies, by our family doctors, and by tremely dangerous and highly ineffective. the Bush Administration’s complicity in the NSAIDs kill some 40,000 patients each year from intestinal bleeding – and yet of- whole scheme. They’ll ask, “How could an fer no real benefit to patients that couldn’t entire country go mad like this?â€? be achieved from simple changes in diet Reprinted from and exercise.

















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Natural Relief For

Headache Pain Written by Jamie Agee


hey control everything from your mood to your productivity. Headaches—they’re an inconvenience that keep you from being and feeling your best. Despite their often impromptu presence, chances are your headaches are brought on by none other than you. Before exploring ways to rid your brain of the pain, it might be more beneficial to think about what’s causing it. From your lifestyle to the foods you eat, getting to the root of the problem will help you prevent the discomfort before it starts. A good first step is to identify what type of headache you’re suffering from: migraine, tension or cluster. Knowing this will help you better-address the pain by removing the triggers and implementing strategies for natural relief.

Migraine & Tension Headaches Migraine headaches are one of the most common problems seen in emergency departments and doctors’ offices. They are intensely painful and are often accompanied by vision disturbances, extreme sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting. Migraine headaches can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.

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Tension headaches are the most common type of headache; in fact, tension headaches are more prevalent than the common cold. Just as the name sounds, tension headaches are mostly caused by tension in the muscles of the head, the shoulders and the neck. Its presence is felt by tightness, pressure or throbbing anywhere in the affected areas.

Causes: Migraine headaches and tension headaches are caused by similar triggers. While it’s not exactly clear what specifically causes these headaches, anxiety and stress are often associated with both types. There are several other elements that can trigger a migraine or tension headache such as foods like chocolate, cheese, nuts, alcohol and MSG. Women may experience migraines or tension headaches more often than men due in part to birth control pills. Headaches often happen at the end of the pill cycle as the estrogen component of the pill is stopped. This is called an estrogen-withdrawal headache. Poor posture and spinal misalignment can also cause both types.

Solutions: • The herb butterbur (Petasites hybridus) is a shrublike plant. Extracts made from the herb have been used to treat migraines. Take 75 mg, twice a day. • Essential Fatty Acids have been proven to improve circulation and reduce inflammatory prostaglandins that may contribute to migraine headaches. Take 5,000 mg of fish oil daily.


March 2009

• The herb feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is effective in reducing the sensibility, duration and frequency of migraines. Take a product standardized to contain 250 to 500 mcg of parthenolides. • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – Take 400mg daily for at least three months. Effective in preventing migraine headaches • 5-hydroxythrptophran (5-HTP) has been shown in several studies to be effective in preventing both migraine and tension headaches. It has a direct effect on serotonin levels, which affect circulation in the blood vessels of the brain, and increases the body’s endorphin levels (natural pain killers). Take 50 to 100 mg three times daily. • Calcium relaxes the nervous system, the muscles and the blood vessels, making it helpful for all types of headaches, but especially for tension headaches. Take 500 mg twice daily. • Magnesium is a mineral found naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and in nutritional supplements. Magnesium helps regulate blood sugar levels and is needed for normal muscle and nerve function. It has been shown in several studies to be effective in preventing migraine and tension headaches. Take 200 mg two to three times daily. • Peppermint or menthol cream applied to the temple area has been shown in studies to be helpful for tension headaches. • White Willow Bark contains salicin, which is the ingredient from which aspirin is derived. It’s a highly effective pain reliever for all types of headaches that’s much easier on the stomach and the entire body than its pharmaceutical counterpart. Take 60 to 120 mg daily.

Cluster Headaches One of the more uncommon types of headaches, cluster headaches are usually

one-sided and occur in clusters of several headaches over a short period of time.

Causes: No one knows exactly what causes cluster headaches, but they may be triggered by several factors including stress, extreme temperatures, glare, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and sexual activity. Eating certain foods may also cause them, as well as using alcohol or tobaccocontaining products.

Solutions: • It is believed that people who are heavy drinkers or smokers are more prone to cluster headaches, so the first thing to remember is not to drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. • Studies done on patients showed improvement through the use of intravenous injections of magnesium. It is recommended you check with a nutrition-oriented doctor for intravenous treatments. • Melatonin has been proven to decrease the frequency of cluster headaches. Take 10mg every evening. • Oxygen therapy has been found to significantly reduce the frequency of headaches. Patients who inhaled 100 percent oxygen for 15 minutes, and then inhaled ordinary air for another 15 minutes, were found to have reduced symptoms. Consulting with a homeopathy practitioner, rather than attempting selftreatment with homeopathic remedies, is recommended if you suffer from chronic headaches or frequent Migraine episodes. When considering using alternative methods of treatment it is important that your natural health care provider and/or medical care provider is in the loop. References: 1. Prescription for Natural Cures, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004. 2. Home Remedies

March 2009


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Experiencing Human Consciousness Through Healing Arts

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Jungian Dreamwork Series:

Consciousness and the Problem of the Shadow (part III) Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD


ust as the projection of one’s shadow (the disowned part of defeat with humility and as an opportunity for learning and our personality) is a fundamental process in the psychology growth, many Germans instead nursed a compensating drive of people, it is an aspect of the psychology of groups of to power and thirst for global re-assertion. When sufficient people. Like the individual, groups are organized around a numbers had rejected their sense of failure, vulnerability and certain identity and purpose. This identity is the foundation of the human weakness, it was inevitable that these attributes would group’s persona. It is their understanding of who they are and of be projected upon others. The “others,” in this case, were the their role within the larger community. Although we like to think Jews. The Jews became the rejected shadow of a power-hungry of ourselves as being independent and freethinking, the fact is nation, as the split in Hitler’s personality reflected and resonated that there is a very strong tendency to fall in line–like cells in a with a similar split in the psychology of his country. Individually body–with the prevailing psychology of our “group.” A power- and collectively, the German people sought to exterminate what ful example of this involves the country of Germany following they refused to acknowledge as a part of themselves. Although its defeat in the First World War. Within a year of the war’s end, some people in Germany were conscious enough to see through Carl Jung observed what he called “a peculiar disturbance” in the madness that was unfolding after WWI, their numbers and the unconscious of his German patients “which could not be as- resources were insufficient to contain the psychic epidemic that cribed to their personal psychology.” He went on to explain, “the had been unleashed through the process of projection. tide that rose in the unconscious after the First World War was The atrocities of WWII are sometimes used as examples of reflected in individual dreams, in the form of collective, mytho- the moral depths to which humanity can sink, a reminder of our logical symbols which expressed primitivism, violence, cruelty: capacity for evil. In Nazi Germany one can see how human/perin short, all the powers of darkness. When such symbols sonal evil (e.g., greed, arrogance, revenge), arising from occur in a large number of individuals and are not man’s egocentric nature, can become the conduit of understood, they begin to draw these individuals a more transpersonal and autonomous force of If ignorance together as if by magnetic force, and thus a mob destruction, what depth psychology refers to as is formed. Its leader will soon be found in the (unconsciousness) “archetypal evil.” Jung recognized a psychoindividual who has the least resistance, the pathic force within the psyche and universe, least sense of responsibility and, because of is bliss, it can also which challenges and attempts to undermine his inferiority, the greatest will to power. He life’s creative and healing energies. will let loose everything that is ready to burst be quite costly. Perhaps especially in the New Age movement, forth, and the mob will follow with the irresistible there is a tendency to minimize and deny the dark force of an avalanche.” side of human psychology. Although most of us readily acOf course, Germany found its new leader in Adolf Hitler, a cept the reality of deadly viruses and cancers, and of deadly creaman whose drive to power was fueled by an unconscious sense tures such as sharks and alligators, we sometimes have difficulty of inferiority. But Hitler could not have ignited the conflagration accepting that the psyche–which is itself a natural entity–has its he did had there not been a corresponding psychology within own array of predators and diseases. It is as if we want to believe the nation itself. Indeed, we could say that Germany–stinging that if we just embrace our “lightness,” our limitlessness, our from its humiliation in WWI–was itself suffering from an infe- sacredness, our oneness, and the power of our good intentions, riority complex. Unable, or unwilling, to accept their country’s then our darkness and that of the world will just fall away. For past issues, go to:


March 2009

In this regard the following story is oriented and materialistic world. It suginstructive. A woman had a dream that gests that we lose our souls and become helped her to make sense of the suicide machines, when we buy into the notion of a male acquaintance. In the dream that quotas and material wealth should she and the man’s wife (her friend) are take precedence over human relationship. standing on the shore of a lake. The man Corporations and companies that overis waterskiing back and forth in front emphasize profit ultimately pressure their of them, smiling, waving and showing employees to become automatons (which, off. Unfortunately, he is also enof course, are easier to manipulate). tirely unaware of the hungry sharks But perhaps more insidious are the swimming close behind him. If Jungian ways that we turn ourselves into ignorance (unconsciousness) is machines by placing the values bliss, it can also be quite costly. psychology of the ego over those of the Jungian psychology cautions We crush our individuencourages soul. against a naive understanding ality and turn ourselves into of the psyche; a one-sided an objective clones when we over-conform identification with the posito the ideals of society at the awareness tive aspects of our spiritual expense of our inner nature. nature only sets us up to be The movie indicates that of both the unconscious instruments, consciousness must replace light and or victims, of its darkness. naiveté if one is to survive the Jungian psychology encouronslaught of the psychopath. dark within ages an objective awareness of In “No Country for Old Men” ourselves we encounter a Vietnam veteran both the light and dark within ourselves and life. and life. who stumbles across a case of Two films that grapple with money from a drug deal gone bad, the problem of archetypal evil are an emotionless killer who wants the “The Terminator” and “No Country for money back, and a jaded sheriff who Old Men.” In The Terminator a young reluctantly tracks the killer. The killer woman must battle a cyborg (a robot is a symbol of archetypal evil, and the with human skin), which has come from Vietnam vet, who is a hunter and expert the future–a time when machines rule marksman, symbolizes the way we usuthe world–to kill her. The cyborg is virtu- ally try to deal with evil. Our ego does ally indestructible and, like evil, has an not comprehend the nature of the force it uncanny ability for regenerating itself. is dealing with, and we return aggression Carefree and naive in her view of the with aggression. If you are physically atworld, the heroine has a difficult time tacked, you need to fight back, but physiaccepting her guardian’s warning that the cal aggression is not the usual way we terminator “can’t be bargained with. It encounter evil in life. Most evil is far more can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, subtle and does not wear a nametag. The or remorse, or fear. And it will not stop, encounters occur less often on darkened ever, until you are dead.” Her denial is city streets, and more often in the dimly understandable, to an extent; who wants lit corridors of our own mind. They are to acknowledge such a force within the the thoughts and attitudes that, like a thief universe? We think to ourselves, “Well, in the night, steal awareness of the value I have a conscience, certainly everyone and deeper purpose of our lives. must.” And yet, this psychopathic force In the movie the killer executes one does flow through society–through back man by shooting him in the forehead alleys and boardrooms alike. It also flows with an air gun used for killing cattle in quite freely through certain individuals in a slaughterhouse. The implication is that, society, and, thankfully, much less freely when it comes to archetypal evil, most of through most of the rest of us. us have the insight of a cow (perhaps it is The movie warns of the dehumanization time to separate from the herd). The movie of people in an increasingly production- ends with the sheriff’s recollection of a March 2009


dream about his deceased father (a former sheriff). “We were both back in older times an’ I was a horseback [riding] going through the mountains of a night, going through this pass in the mountains. It was cold and there was snow on the ground and he rode past me and kept on going. Never said nothing going by, just rode on past. He had his blanket wrapped around him and his head down. When he rode past I seen he was carrying fire in a horn the way people used to do. I could see the horn from the light inside of it, ‘bout the color of the moon. And in the dream I knew that he was going on ahead. He was fixin’ to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and cold. And I knew that whenever I got there, he’d be there.” The dream (and movie) tries to provide some guidance for dealing with archetypal evil. The campfire and the light in the horn are symbols of consciousness, a level of consciousness that we have yet to achieve. The father’s preparation of a campfire and the expectation of their reunion, underlines the importance of human relationship to our lives. Consciousness and love provide some protection and warmth on life’s dark nights, when the cold wind blows. References: 1. Jung, C.G. ed. Man and his Symbols. Dell Publishing Co., Inc. New York 1964. 2. Sanford, J.A. The Strange Trial of Mr. Hyde: A New Look at the Nature of Human Evil. Harper and Row, San Francisco 1987. 3. Stein, M. Jung on Evil. Selected writings of Carl Jung. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 1995.

For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno Psychologist at (775) 786-3818. Go to ad on page 57.

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HEALTHY RECIPES From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

Orzo Spring Salad

Orzo Hot Dish

Ingredients: 1 lb. Barilla orzo 1/3-cup olive oil (your favorite brand) 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper 1/2 tsp. paprika (sweet Hungary) 1/2 cup each: red, yellow, orange and green pepper diced about 1/4 of an inch 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 handful chopped fresh basil 1 med. yellow or red onion, chopped fine 2/3 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese 2 Tbsp. each: lemon and lime juice

Using the same ingredients in the Orzo Spring Salad, and add: 2/3 lb. browned, natural ground chuck, seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Mix all ingredients well and bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes or heated through. It is healthy and tasty!

1. Prepare the orzo according to directions, cooking for nine minutes, then remove from heat and drain. 2. Add the 1/3 cup of olive oil to the orzo in a large bowl, stir well. Add the spices, peppers, onion, basil, garlic, lemon and lime juices, and Parmesan cheese. Thoroughly mix these ingredients, cover and chill in the refrigerator over night to let the flavors marry. If you love this dish, it is just as great served hot. Try the next recipe!

To prepare Trifle – Ingredients: 2 cups heavy cream 2.5 Tbsp. sugar Chiffon or angel food cake 6 Tbsp. pomegranate juice ½ cup papaya chunks or peach chunks 1/3 cup toasted coconut Coconut-pomegranate custard, already prepared

Coconut Fruit Chiffon Trifle 1. Whip heavy cream until nearly stiff, Prepare the coconut-pomegranate custard first– Ingredients: 3 Tbsp. corn starch 1/3 cup sugar 1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk 1/3 pomegranate juice

1. Stir together the corn starch and the sugar in a medium size pan. 2. Gradually stir in the coconut milk. Turn to medium heat. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon until it comes to a boil. Stir constantly for one minute. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. 3. Now stir in pomegranate juice.

NOTE FOR FEBRUARY’S GLUTEN FREE PANCAKE RECIPE: The pancake batter should rest for five to ten minutes before baking. The pancakes will be lighter.


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then gradually add the sugar and continue to beat until stiff without turning to butter. 2. Tear up one chiffon cake or angel food cake into 3/4 inch pieces and layer 1/3 of it into the bottom of a 14 or 16 cup glass dessert bowl. Sprinkle this with 3 Tbsp. pomegranate juice. 3. The second layer is blueberries, then 1/3 cup of the coconut-pomegranate custard. 4. The third layer is papaya chunks or peach chunks, then 1/3 of the whipped cream. 5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, and top the entire dessert with toasted coconut. * To toast coconut, spread 1/3 cup coconut shavings evenly on a baking sheet. Bake in a 350 degree oven. Stir half way through baking, 12 to 14 minutes, but watch carefully.

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March 2009

ten minutes of meditation or quiet time will make all the difference. Some deep breathing, relaxing and meditating will help energize and renew your spirit.

Empowering The

5. Have a strong spiritual connection to all of life. Exploring your own

Feminine Spirit Written by Rev. Diane Hageman


here is little argument that we are living in challenging times. Women have long had the traditional role of caretakers, and as we have begun to move into our own power we are facing more and more challenges. For women, it is now more important than ever that we find within ourselves all of our true beauty and power. Now is the time for women to truly empower themselves, to let go of limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and fears. Author Louise Hay states, �when we as women learn to take care of ourselves in a positive way, to have self-respect and selfworth, life for all human beings, including men, will have taken a quantum leap in the right direction. There will be respect and love between the sexes and both men and women will honor each other. We will learn that there is plenty for everyone and that we can bless and prosper each other.“ We can create a world where it is safe for us to love each other, where we can all be happy and whole. How do we, as women, start to create that world? The change begins with each of us. We make a conscious decision to allow our light to shine and embrace our feminine spirit. We decide to be in con-

trol of our life and own our power. As Melanie Tonia states, “every time we rely on someone or something outside of us to provide us with love, success or happiness, we hand our power over. As soon as they don’t provide it we are defeated. Ironically, when we decide to be loved, we easily attract the people, events and objects that supplement this state.� Take time to explore and re-discover your own unique feminine spirit. Here are just a few ways you can do that.

1. Stop all negative self-talk.

Too often we beat ourselves up over our perceived imperfections. Love and accept yourself. This isn’t to say we stop learning and growing, just give yourself permission to be who you are now.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are you own unique beauti-

ful woman. Release the need of anyone else’s approval. Do not let anyone else define who you are, this includes the media.

3. Be creative. Everyone does have

a creative side; find how to express your own creativity. Creativity is a wonderful way to feel fulfilled and can also be a big help reducing daily stress.

March 2009



4. Have quiet time for yourself every day. Even

spiritual path and honoring all of life helps to enhance your relationship with your inner self. As your relationship with yourself grows and deepens so does your inner strength and peace of mind. As women move forward toward self-empowerment, we need to remember there is a tremendous collective power. This means “Women in Support of Women.� We can do this with a commitment to support each other’s divine feminine spirit. We as mothers, daughters, sisters and friends can always remember and remind each other, especially when the world is feeling very unfriendly, of the beautiful goddess within each of us.

References: 1. Hay, Louise. Empowering Women - Every Woman’s Guide to Successful Living. Hay House, 1999. 2. Pearls of Wisdom – Awakening Personal & Global Consciousness - Empowering Women

For more info, contact Rev. Diane Hageman of Om Home at (775) 250-7756, specializing in metaphysical and meditation classes and workshops. Go to ad on THIS page.

Exploring Spirituality Meditation Groups Metaphysical Classes Book Studies & Discussions

Reverand Diane Hageman Performs Wedding and Sacred Ceremonies Visit our website for schedule of events:



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Alleviate Menopause Symptoms Naturally Written by Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD


f you or someone you love is female and approaching 50, menopause is on the horizon. The exceptions are women who have had a hysterectomy earlier in life and have already gone through this change. At some point in her life, every woman experiences this “change of life” process, often with great discomfort. The average age for the onset of menopause in Western societies is 51, but it can happen as early as the early 40s or as late as the mid 50s. It happens when women stop making egg cells every month, causing menstruation to stop. At the same time, estrogen and progesterone production in the body slows or stops, leading to the classic symptoms of menopause which may include: • Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy skin • Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression, sudden tears • Insomnia, dizziness, light-headedness, extreme fatigue • Incontinence, vaginal dryness, loss of libido • Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, headaches • Digestive problems, increased allergies, weight gain • Osteoporosis, muscle tension, sore body and joints The most common treatment for menopause in Western medicine is prescribing synthetic estrogens. These are the same drugs typically given to younger women as birth control. While they can be effective in reducing symptoms, these synthetic drugs come with a long list of potential side effects, which include: • Increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack

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• Increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer • Urinary incontinence • Increased likelihood of liver and gall bladder congestion (cholestasis) The best natural treatment for the symptoms of menopause varies from person to person, depending on underlying patterns of imbalance and which symptoms are predominate.

An Alternative Approach In Chinese medicine, menopause symptoms fall into the general category referred to as yin deficiency. In this context, “yin” is the functional equivalent of estrogen, progesterone and related hormones. Supporting this idea is the fact that most of the symptoms listed above can be classified as yin deficiency symptoms. Natural treatment of menopause in Chinese medicine means supporting the yin in the body with acupuncture and herbal remedies. For example, the classic herbal formula for this is called Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia). Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is an example of a perfectly balanced herbal combination. It has six herbs in it, hence its name: • Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Conquitae (shu di huang) – strongly enriches the yin in the body, reduces fatigue and increases calmness • Fructus Corni Officinalis (shan zhu yu) – stops excessive sweating, stabilizes the body • Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae (shan yao) – increases energy, relieves dryness, improves digestion


March 2009


• Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (fu ling) – supports the other herbs in the formula, promotes healthy digestion, stabilizes the emotions, calms the mind, supports restful sleep, improves mental focus • Cortex Moutan Radicis (mu dan pi) – reduces deficiency heat (hot flashes), calms the emotions • Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis (ze xie) – improves digestion, helps weight loss, cools hot flashes, supports efficient use of the other herbs in the formula Because the herbs in this and other Chinese formulas work together, it is good to remember that just taking one or another won’t provide the desired results. These herbs should be taken in combination and in specific proportion to one another. Also, because this formula focuses primarily on supporting the yin in the body, it doesn’t address all of the wide variety of symptoms typically present in menopause. Each individual is unique in their symptom patterns and usually requires fine-tuning of the herbal formula to get the best results. Because of this, rather than doing trial and error self-prescription (usually with mixed results at best), you’re much better off consulting a trained Chinese herbalist to get exactly the right herbal combination for your situation. In Nevada, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (OMD) has the training and experience needed to do this for you.



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References: 1. Bensky, Dan and Barolet, Randall, Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas and Strategies, Eastland Press: Vista, California, 1990 2.Krogulski, S., et al. “Depression in menopausal period - prevalence, classification, terminology,” Ginekol Pol. 74(2):162-167, 2003. 3. Merck Manual, 17th Edition, pp. 1942-1944. John Wiley & Sons: West Point, PA, 1999

For more info, contact Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD, of Reno Alternative Medicine at (775) 827-6901 specializing in Oriental Medicine.

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March 2009


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Radical Forgiveness At Work Written by Dinny Evans


s we head out the door to work each day, how often does it occur to us that we are taking our entire self with us – our private as well as our professional self? The weekends and our off time have been packed with personal activities and chores. Sometimes those personal activities involve a sports activity, cleaning the house, going on the monthly trip to Costco and getting caught up with bill paying. The question that arises is how easy is it to flip a switch when we move from work to home and back again? Once the work week begins again, we look



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at anywhere from 32 to 50 plus hours of interaction with our coworkers and the big bosses. The personal relationships and issues from the weekend and after hours carry into the work place. Conversely, the conflicts and energy in those long hours at work get taken home. We don’t often see how they tangle our emotions and bring unrelated energy to a situation that is far from its source. Radical Forgiveness author Colin Tipping has coined the term “humenergy,” which describes a subtle human energy brought to the workplace by everyone in the company. It originates in the subconscious mind and when it goes unrecognized, can create absolute chaos within a company. The five stages of Radical Forgiveness can be used within a corporate structure to minimize the influence of unrelated energy:

1) Explaining the situation and the upset 2) Feeling the feelings associated with it 3) Collapsing the energy field around it 4) Reframing the situation 5) Integrating the new perception of the

situation The “Balancing Humenergy” worksheet can take you through a professional situation that wakes you up in the middle of the night just as the Radical Forgiveness worksheet does in an upset with your child or your spouse. Breaking the energy, taking what you are responsible for into account is where the power of this work begins. When looking at a workplace that has hot spots, a tool in conjunction with the stages is having a “buddy.” Finding someone at work who will assist you in recogniz-

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March 2009

ing work-related issues will give you an opportunity to move forward. When someone around you is showering you with negative energy, applying the stages of Radical Forgiveness allows you to not take it personally. With calmness you can listen to their venting and not take on that negative energy. You can reframe the situation, seeing the bigger picture for everyone involved. The key is bringing in Spiritual Intelligence to assist in seeing that what is happening at home is not separate from what is happening at work. The bottom line is that when life is out of balance, that imbalance affects everything! By making this reorganization and jumping into a solution, major shifts take place and the life you want begins to unfold. Take the time to identify where the work can be done and see how all aspects of your life experience can improve. References: 1. Tipping, Colin C. Spiritual Intelligence at Work. Global 13 Publications Inc., 2004 2. 3.

For more info, contact Dinny Evans, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach at (530) 414-1420. Go to ad on THIS page.

Product Review by Brittany Russell


he nature of our economy is to remain in constant flux, making the occasional downturn inevitable. And it is in our nature during that downturn to consider better planning, hopefully ensuring financial security. United First Financial co-founders John Washenko and Skyler Witman developed their debt-reduction system – Money Merge Account – while still running their mortgage company. With the help of an aeronautical engineer and his math skills, they developed a program to cater to each individual user’s needs and ever-changing financial variables. “With the Money Merge Account program there is no fairy dust or magic, just math,” said Stuart Saunders, National Sales Director at United First Financial in a recent Success From Home interview. The program is honest about your finan-

cial situation, keeping you on a faster track to becoming debt free. The program requires the user to input all financial information – all debts and all income, no matter how big or small. Then, using a credit line, checking or savings account, the program informs the user of when to make strategic transfers to minimize interest fees and reduce debt. Is the idea of using computer software daunting to you – maybe not as techsavvy as you would like to be? Have no fear; help is just a phone call away. You can reach a real, live person when you need that extra help. Personal education and coaching is available to you for the life of your debt. Money Merge Account program’s enhanced features: • Comprehensive budgeting system,

fine-tuned to the sensitivity of your goals • Enhanced calculations to pay down debt • Software settings that allow how aggressively to pay down debt and build wealth • Ability to pay down multiple properties at the same time • Text messaging bill pay • User-friendly education and coaching • Toll-free client support


Money Merge Account Program

References: 1. 2. Dodd, Lauri. Discover a Road Map to Financial Freedom. Success From Home. 2009: 5(1): 45-48.

For more info, contact Catherine Young of The Young Company at (775) 250-4365 specializing in financial well being. Go to ad on THIS page.

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March 2009


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Ranked below are some of the most commonly eaten seafood in the U.S. Here’s how to find what’s best for your health–and the environment. SEAFOOD







Avoid imported. U.S. farmed is best; U.S. wild is a good alternative.


Avoid famred (or “Atlantic”) salmon. Stick to wild Alaskan.


Avoid canned “chunk white” & bluefin sushi. Pole- & troll- caught fresh is best.


Atlantic, king and Spanish mackerel are sustainable.


U.S. farmed has a low eco-impact.


U.S. farmed is sustainable.


Best choice. Sardines are the most sustainable fish population.

Sea Bass

Overfished. Avoid altogether.

Monk Fish

Overfished. Avoid altogether.


* Omega-3 is an unsaturated fatty acid. May reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.


Overfished. Avoid altogether. * Mercury is a chemical element. Ingestion of mercury may be toxic, particularly to young and unborn children. Young’s disease is thought to be a long term result of early childhood mercury poisoning.

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March 2009

References: 1. 2.


Functional Training The Kettlebell Makes A Comeback!

Written by Christine Pinney Karkow, ACE and AFAA Certified Personal Trainer


or how you are unsure at times if you can manage your carry on luggage into the overhead bin. Kettlebell offers superior functional training possibilities; most physical challenges involve full-body involvement, momentum and unevenly weighted objects. By engaging in a comprehensive kettlebell training program, the user will train the body for maximum functionality, strength, power and endurance. The exercises performed with the kettlebell range from dynamic swinging exercises, where the user swings the kettlebell between the legs with one or two arms, to more “grind”-type movements, where the user performs lifts similar to regular dumbbell movements.

he health and fitness industry is full of new exercise equipment, gadgets and props that purport to be the end-all, be-all in fitness. While most of these “latest and greatest” products ultimately produce lackluster results, there is one new exercise product that has justifiably received a lot of attention lately, the Russian Kettlebell. Ironically, the kettlebell isn’t new at all, but rather is part of a time-honored training method that has enjoyed a recent resurgence of popularity in the United States. The kettlebell is quite simple, a cannonball with a handle. Like dumbbells, kettlebells come in a variety of weights, both in kilograms and pounds, which allow the user to progress according to his/her own ability. Most women will start with an 8kg (18lb) bell, and most men will start with a 12kg (26lb) or 16kg (35 lb) bell. The unevenly centered weight distribution of the kettlebell more closely resembles the types of common challenges our bodies encounter in daily life. Think of how you lift heavy grocery bags, how throwing your toddler in the air makes for a great laugh,

Continued on page 57...

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Choline Written by Brittany Russell


necessary part of human cell membranes, choline is involved in the movement of cholesterol in the body – possibly helping to keep cholesterol deposits from forming in blood vessels. Additionally, it plays a role in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter required for memory, brain functions and muscle control. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that carry signals from nerve cells to other cells. A study by Central Soya scientists found that supplements of lecithin with choline also help reduce heart disease. Due to its role in lipid metabolism, choline is also found in nutritional supplements which claim to reduce body fat; but there is little evidence to prove that it has any effect on reducing excess body fat or that taking high amounts of

choline will increase the rate at which fat is metabolized. Though choline deficiency is rare because of high amounts in a variety of foods, it can lead to gastric ulcers, internal bleeding in the kidneys, excessively high blood pressure, heart disease, inability to digest fats, stunted growth and degeneration of the liver. Some foods that are known to have over 100 mg of choline per 100 g of food are eggs, yellow mustard seed, turkey heart and liver, wheat germ, bacon, pork loin, beef liver and decaffeinated instant coffee. Choline supplements come in capsules or tablets. “Megadosing” – above 6,000 mg – with choline supplements can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting. If you develop any of these symptoms, stop taking the choline supplement and






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March 2009

call your physician. Taking more than 1 g of supplementary choline per day is not generally recommended; doses over 10 g can give you an unpleasant body odor. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has determined dietary reference intakes (DRIs) for choline (minimum amount per day): • Infants up to 6 months old: 125 mg • Infants from 7 to 12 months old: 150 mg • Children from one to 3 years old: 200 mg • Children from 4 to 8 years old: 250 mg • Children from 9 to 13 years old: 375 mg • Individuals from 14 to 18 years old: 550 mg for males, 400 mg for females • Individuals from 19 to 70 years old: 550 mg for males, 425 mg for females • Pregnant women: 450 mg • Breast-feeding women: 550 mg Be sure to consult your physician before beginning any supplement regimen, especially infants, children and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. References: 1. 2. 3. supplement 4. Choline.pdf

Achieving Healthier Lives…

Being taken advantage of? Are you doing all the work? Feeling Resentful? FOR

EFFECTIVE RESULTS gain more confidence higher self-esteem be more assertive feelings awareness personal empowerment

WITH A LITTLE HELP! Written by Rio Simone


hy do professional athletes need coaches if they are experts at what they do? Because they know they can improve by getting an expert, objective perspective that will help them develop direction, push them harder, make them show up everyday, note their progress, and get them closer to their goal. A personal trainer can do the same for you. Working with a qualified personal trainer can give you the information to help you achieve your health goals and avoid injury. Self-help books are informational, but many times leave out important details like proper form or complete directions. A personal trainer is physically present to teach you how to recognize when you are performing exercises properly and guide you on nutrition. To qualify potential fitness trainers

1. Up-to-date, nationally recognized credentials require continuing education for recertification. The initial certificate is a starting place. CEUs provide cutting edge information in fitness and nutrition.

and gorging on Twinkies. How can you trust that what they say works?

4. Find someone likeable and who

will challenge you. A trainer can make exercise fun for you, increasing the probability that you’ll stick with it.

5. Watch out for narcissists, those who stare at themselves in the mirror, clock watch or text message while training. You deserve their undivided attention; this is why you are paying them! 6. Professional. You want someone who is going to listen to you, your goals and your concerns. Be sure they ask for your medical background.

7. Explain in clear, understandable lan-

guage why you are doing things the way you are doing them. Make an educated choice and get assistance from a professional who can help you safely transform your health today. References: 1 . h t t p : / / e z i n e a r t i c l e s . c o m / ? W hy - Yo u - N e e d - a Coach&id=1810786 2. Billy Banks, DVD 3. New York Workout, David Hirsch 2008

2. CPR Certification and Insurance = For more Information contact Rio Simone Safety.

3. Trainers should be confident and in

shape, not out back smoking cigarettes

Life Design, Certified Health Professional. (775) 338-7871. Go to ad on THIS page.

March 2009

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Written by Laura Peppard, Founder & Director of the Reno Psychic Institute


he aura is the energy field that surrounds your body, a part of your subtle energy body, which includes your chakras – the energetic counterparts of your organs and glands. An aura reading is a diagnostic and “tune-up” tool, potentially a major repair of your aura. An aura reading is a direct and effective way to change yourself and your life, to become that which you sense is truly you. An aura reader uses their clairvoyant ability to see the conditions in your energy body – the images in which we place there, both positive and negative. The energy center in the middle of one’s head, the sixth chakra, located near the pineal gland is where we create and view mental images and energy. A trained aura reader will be able to see the different dynamics of your aura and energy centers. In a healthy, vital person the aura and chakras flow and spin. This is old energy and mental images being released, creating space for you – the Being – to create new energy. When parts of your aura are stuck, blocked, frozen or damaged, it diminishes your ability to express yourself. We all feel these conditions in some way (being stuck or “in a rut”) and recognize their release or healing. The Being, the part of you that comes and goes from the physical body, avoids pain as part of its nature. Pain is foreign energy in your space. In an aura reading the reader directs your attention to these blocked areas. When you see this, you have the choice to release that dynamic.

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March 2009

This allows the energy to flow, leaving you with the freedom to grow. An example might be when someone looses a person close to them unexpectedly, the traumatic experience and associated emotions are held by that person energetically. This memory serves as an internal reminder to not get hurt again – it serves as protection and is used when needed. This stuck space can become an unconscious dynamic and makes it difficult for the person to have the experience of a close relationship. First the reader will clear any similar energy in their own space in order to be neutral and clear in their reading. Then the reader will communicate what they see. This communication is verbal but also uses mental images, the language of spirit. You then become aware of the emotions from that original event, no matter how long ago it occurred. The reader will keep you in present time, allowing the emotions to release, turning the memory into neutral information. With such a change, you can move on without the prolonged negative effects of these common, yet painful experiences.

Reference: 1. Bruyere, Rosalyn L. Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras, and the Healing Energy of the Body. Simon & Schuster: New York, 1994.

For more info, contact Laura Peppard at the Reno Psychic Institute at (775) 324-2872. Go to ad on THIS page.


SOIL Satisfaction


Written by Craig Witt and Mark O’Farrell, Soil Council


ough economic times are when the garden becomes most valuable. Robert Rodale sums it up quite eloquently, “so the best fall-back possession is not gold, but a large garden and a pantry full of home-produced food.” Dr. Arden Andersen further describes the value of home-produced food; “the intention of this book is to help people with their quest for medical options and to help them understand the foundation of health vs. illness. That foundation is diet and the nutritional integrity of the food and the nutritional integrity of the soil upon which the food is grown. This to me is real medicine to solve the real causes of illness resulting in real health rather than mere suppression of symptoms with more and more drugs.” Wow! Powerful information, isn’t it? Let’s not forget the fact that the food on the average American plate was trucked in from more than 1500 miles away and spent between 7 and 14 days in transit. Imagine that if all you had to do was step out your back door to harvest your own nutritious produce - being a localvore. This is the year to grow some of your own food. How do we get started? 1) Start with a soil sample that speaks the language of a plant. 2) Create an easily manageable automatic watering system. 3) Identify a reputable company that specializes in soil fertility and compost in your area. 4) Amend your soil based on the results of your soil analysis. 5) Pick seed varieties that are adapted to your local climate. 6) Dig in!! An extra perk to harvesting on your own is that it can be great exercise! As you dig and mulch, your abs are twisting and contracting against resistance. All the bending, lifting and walking burns nearly 350 calories an hour.

March 2009

References: 1. Fresh Food, Dirt Cheap (All Year Long!) Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, 1988. 2. Andersen, A. Real Medicine Real Health. Holographic Health Press, Waynesville, 2004. 3.

For more info, contact Craig Witt and Mark O’Farrell at Full Circle Compost at (775) 267-5305, or

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530.550.1118 PO Box 727 · Truckee, CA 96160


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Protect Your

RETIREMENT INCOME Reduce the Impact of Market Volatility Written by Steve Lindquist


ecent market swings have millions of retirees and pre-retirees seeking safe places to stash what is left of their nest egg. Some may even be contemplating indefinitely postponing retirement or re-entering the workforce to help rebuild their retirement assets.

A Possible Scenario Emily, 66, has $500,000 of retirement savings. Following what she believed to be a sound retirement plan, she had been covering her basic living expenses through a combination of social security, pension and annual portfolio withdrawals of four percent ($20,000). Emily chose a four percent withdrawal rate because it was considered a safe rate to provide her with the income she needed, while making sure her money lasted as long as possible. 200




Recent economic turbulence has caused Emily’s portfolio value to decrease to $400,000. This means if Emily continues to withdraw just four percent, she will only receive $16,000 of income –$4,000 less than she had been receiving. Emily cannot cover all her basic living expenses on less income, if she continues to take the $20,000/year – this now represents five percent of her portfolio’s value – she could deplete her portfolio and run out of money. An alternative to her current strategy would be for Emily to purchase a Lifetime Income Annuity (LIA) 1, which will guarantee her an annual income that she can’t outlive. By using only $250,000 of her savings, Emily can buy a LIA, which will pay out approximately $22,300 per year 2 based

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March 2009

on her age, sex, and the options she chooses. In addition, since the payout is guaranteed, Emily’s retirement income is safe from future stock market swings and can never be exhausted; inflation3 is also taken into consideration. Using the LIA, Emily is guaranteed to receive the income she needs every month to cover her basic expenses, plus she can decide to spend the remaining $150,000 of her savings however she chooses. No matter how the financial markets perform in the coming years, Emily can have peace of mind, ensuring she can enjoy her retirement. References: 1. html 2.,,17551,00. html?cmp=OTC-HPArticlesJan2309&att=retirementinc ome 3.

For more info, contact Steve Lindquist, Financial Services Professional at (775) 325-2225. Go to ad on page 31. Licensed in NV and CA. (CA Ins. Lic. # 0G30574) Registered Representative for NYLIFE Securities LLC (Member FINRA/ SIPC), A Licensed Insurance Agency, at 50 W. Liberty St, Ste. 500, Reno, NV 89501 775.323.0751 1 Issued by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (a Delaware Corporation), a wholly owned subsidiary of New York life Insurance Company. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuer. 2 This example is hypothetical and is intended for illustrative purposes only. This payout rate is based on a Single Life Lifetime Income Annuity policy for a 66-year old female, Life Only, before tax. Payout rates as of November 2008 for payouts starting November 2009. 3 The policy owner must elect the Annual Increase Option at the time of purchase and be at least 59 1/2 at the time of the first payment. This material is for informational purposes only. Neither New York Life nor its agents provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal or accounting professional before making any decisions.

All About Sauna “Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease.” – Physician Paramenides, 2,000 years ago.

How to Sauna: • Wait one to two hours after you eat. • Hydrate! Drink at least eight ounces of water.


auna is an excellent way to benefit from fever or overheating therapies. Our skin is the largest eliminative organ, generally considered to eliminate 30 percent of the body waste by way of perspiration. Here is a quick glance at the other benefits of regular sauna therapy:

• Improved blood circulation: the sauna increases and improves the rate of blood circulation and breathing. • Weight loss: Sauna is similar to mild exercise; it burns about 300 calories during an average session. Regular sauna treatments combined with a healthy diet and moderate exercise will help you lose weight, while staying fit and healthy.

• Go in as naked as possible. This includes accessories – jewelry may get hot enough to burn your skin. Always abide by the rules if using a sauna at a health club, but wearing no clothes is best – just be sure to sit on a towel. • Beginners should sit low. Gradually work your way up to the top bench. • Length of time depends on your preference and your health status. Beginners may stay in for 10 to 15 minutes, up to 30

• When you are done, take a shower with cool or lukewarm water immediately following your sauna. This will wash away any toxins that have seeped out through your skin. • Hydrate again! Drink one to two cups of water. References: 1. 2. 3. sauna.html

For more info, contact Diane Underwood with Reverse Aging at (775) 327-4878. Go to ad on THIS page.

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• Skin cleansing: A profuse saunainduced sweat followed by a shower can make your skin soft and rejuvenated with immediately noticeable effects.

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• Body relaxation: Stress build-up creates tension in the body manifesting in various aches and pains. The heat of the sauna diffuses the pain and relaxes tired muscles.

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• Mind relaxation: The sauna is essentially a place to relax, relieving mental fatigue and stress.

minutes for regular users. Listen to your body – staying in too long can cause heat stroke or fainting from overheating.

March 2009


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Relieve Stress, Grief, Anger, Frustration, Guilt & More... A Discussion of the Applications & Benefits of EFT Written by Pat Holland Conner, MA, EFT Practitioner


any people have heard about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) but have difficulty in grasping how such a tool could benefit them. It’s always best not to judge the temperature of the water until you’ve put your own fingers in the dish. A session may begin with an explanation by the facilitator and include a demonstration of the tapping process. While workshop participants lightly self-tap points on the face and body, they repeat statements led by the facilitator concerning a universal presenting issue for the group. During the session, one may wonder how this technique would translate into body comfort. Breaks are scheduled during the workshop where the facilitator would rate the group’s responses to the presenting issue. The level of emotionality was estimated by using a number from 0-10; a process similar to the selection of an answer to a simple multiple choice question. With consistent tapping and the repetition of positive statements, significant change is reported. Attendees will begin speaking to each other about his or her individual experience as determined by the selected numbers. Some comments may include, “I feel better…my headache’s gone…I’ve never really paid attention to change of energy in my body...I can’t believe this works.” EFT has been used widely by many health professionals and has been found to be very effective for client use in-between therapeutic sessions. It offers a rapid, safe and easy method to relieve stress, grief, anger, frustration, guilt and other concerns as well as physical symptoms such as headaches, body pain and breathing difficulties. It is important to recognize that while EFT seems to cause a shift in the levels of emotional intensity For past issues, go to:

and muscle memory, it is no substitute for one’s relationship with his or her medical or mental health professional. Research supports the notion that illness is created from deeply held beliefs. People get stuck emotionally and energetically from these beliefs creating obstructions in the body often with emotions getting the best of us. In such cases our choices and decisions are limited. EFT techniques, similar to acupressure or acupuncture, clear these blockages when used consistently and effectively. EFT is not a panacea; however, when put to use, energy shifts and relief from pain comes about regardless of its location in the body. The effectiveness of EFT is determined by one’s level of use. EFT practitioners worldwide have written articles about their specific use of the techniques in many areas including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder for veterans; fears and phobias of snakes, heights, flying; grief and depression from loss, such as death and dying, loss of home and jobs; back pain; anxiety prior to surgery; stress in the workplace; preparing for school exams; substance use and abuse; weight loss and smoking. Using these techniques allows one to seek a life with greater harmony and balance, focus on making wiser choices and finding peace within. Stress and emotional intensity limits one’s ability to embrace life fully. References: 1. 2.

For more info, contact Sierra Behavioral Solutions at (775) 3485800. Go to ad on page 19.


March 2009

Knowing Our Boundaries Written by Terry Lowey, MFT


oundaries are the edges around every aspect of our lives. How we perceive and navigate them determines how we flow – whether we are moving with the current or fighting and moving against it. There is a saying that “home is where your story begins.” Your childhood home is where your boundaries gather form. It has been observed by those who study family systems that healthier families, represented by a circle drawn with a series of dashes, allow for a free exchange of information in and out. This family is characterized by flexibility and an inherent confidence in the ability of the individuals in it to figure things out effectively and to make their lives work. In contrast, families with more troubled outcomes are portrayed by a circle drawn with a solid line. It is rigid and unyielding, with a sternly dogmatic adherence to strictly set rules. This atmosphere is fear-based and stepping off course is believed to spell certain doom. There is no mystery to life. The answers to all things are already established and all that remains to be done is to stay within those dictated boundary lines. The open, flexible system suggests an autonomous inner guidance system,

welcomes questioning, and believes that ‘life works’ while the rigid closed system mandates exacting compliance with the rules established outside of self. The latter has been called “the tyranny of the shoulds.” A starting point to develop conscious awareness of your boundaries might be to recognize which variation of family formed them originally. Either way can be a powerful teacher and a great vantage point from which to proceed. Consider little Lilly who is present at a large family gathering. Adoring Uncle Randolf expresses his delight to see her, yet Lilly experiences a twinge of discomfort. Do her parents bypass any

March 2009

impressions she might be having, forcing her to sit on Uncle’s lap, or do they give their whole-hearted permission for her to make the call? Were you taught to trust your own judgment by keenly developing your discernment and intuition, or were you trained to follow ‘the rules’ at all costs? Do you have any say in how you function, how do you flow? Were you taught to recognize and honor your unexplained feelings of discomfort or to override them to do what you are ‘supposed’ to do? These emotional nudges are invaluable and necessary information emanating from a source of wisdom and even inspired direction. Could rigidly set and pre-ordained rules and limits silence that guidance? The subtle energy of boundaries that we feel is as uniquely customized as the design of a snow flake. Experiment with sensing the quality of the energy that you bring to others and that they bring to you. By all means, do consult ‘the rules’ as they can be valuable and true. Be sure to not exclude how the decision feels in your body. Trust your intuitive sense to gain a wealth of information that can profoundly contribute to a positive flow in your life. References: 1. Taylor, Jill PhD. My STROKE of INSIGHT: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey. Viking Adult, 2008. 2. Dyer, Wayne PhD. CHANGE Your THOUGHTS – Change YOUR Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. Hay House, 2007.

For more info, contact Terry Lowey, MFT, at (775) 322-1924, specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Go to ad on page 15.

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Could This Food

Stop Cancer?

Written by Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD


ost people think of food only as a way to supply These researchers studied the effects of several berry extracts, nutrition to our cells. But there is much more to food including wild blueberry, bilberry, raspberry seeds and strawthan that – foods contain substances, phytochemi- berry. They examined these extracts for antioxidant strength, cals, which perform drug-like actions. anti-cancer activity, cellular uptake and anti-angiogenisis. Phytochemicals are vitally important for our health. They Angiogenesis refers to the body’s ability to grow new blood balance hormones, control blood vessel growth, balance sugar vessels. Angiogenesis is very important when an area of the body levels, detoxify the body, control bacteria, balance the immune becomes damaged and needs to be repaired. It is through the system, kill cancer and much more. If you think process of angiogenesis that new blood vessels all you have to do to be healthy is to take some are created to replace the damaged ones, makIf you think all supplements, think again. There is no possible ing it critical for wound repair, fractures, burns way that any supplement can take the place of and contusions. you have to do eating fresh, whole foods. The only problem with angiogenesis is that Researchers at the Department of Pharmacy to be healthy is just like healthy cells, cancer cells can also use Sciences Creighton University Medical Center, it to create new blood vessels, a crucial compoto take some Omaha, knew that berries not only supply nent for cancers. Cancer cells are abnormal cells energy, vitamins, and minerals, but they are and because of their abnormally rapid growth supplements, rich in a special class of phytochemicals called rate, they can quickly outgrow their blood supanthocyanins. think again. ply. When that happens, they die as a result. So in order to provide an adequate blood supply for Anthocyanins are among the many subtheir growth, cancers need angiogenesis. One of stances found in food that provide color to the food, and they the most effective ways to treat cancers is to use substances that have a broad spectrum of therapeutic properties. Anthocyanins interfere with angiogenesis, anti-angiogenic substances. repair and protect the genes in our DNA from being damaged as we get older. Studies have shown that the anthocyanins from Cancer cells stimulate angiogenesis by creating and releasing berries reduce free radical damage, can prevent and be used something called vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF. to treat macular degeneration, and also improve brain speed, Without the production of VEGF, cancer cells would not be memory and nerve function during the aging process. able to get an adequate blood supply, and would die. The study For past issues, go to:


March 2009

tested the different berry extracts to see how well they were able to reduce the release of VEGF from cancer cells. Then they compared the results to several other popular phytochemicals including grape seed extract, a bioflavenoid called rutin, catechin (found in tea), vitamin E and ferrulic acid (found in various foods, and known to have anti-cancer properties). The most powerful VEGF inhibitor was the blueberry extract. They inhibited VEGF a full 75 percent. The next most powerful was raspberry seed at 70 percent, then strawberries at 63 percent, bilberries at 60 percent, rutin at 45 percent, catechin at 25 percent and ferrulic acid at 17 percent. Vitamin E and grape seed extract had no effect at all. The researchers then developed a combination of these berry extracts which they called Optiberry, and tested the combination on the growth of a special kind of tumor called a hemangioma. Hemangiomas are benign tumors that are made up of blood vessels. They appear on infants at birth, and then during the first year of life can become quite large. Because they are composed of developing blood vessels, they are a particularly good tumor to test the anti-angiogenic effect of the berry extracts. Hemangiomas are among the most common tumors in infants. They affect about one in every 30 children. Hemangiomas usually occur within four weeks of birth and often affect premature infants. Even though they are not cancerous, hemangiomas are often large, and can lead to deformities. They can be disfiguring, and in some cases can even threaten the health of the child. They injected endothelial cells, the kind of cells that form hemangiomas, into a group of mice. In half of the mice the endothelial cells were pretreated with the OptiBerry combination extract. They found that 100 percent of the mice that were injected with the untreated cells developed hemangiomas. But only 90 percent of the mice with the retreated cells developed it. Furthermore, the hemangiomas in those mice were less than half as large as the ones in the untreated

group. The berry extract had decreased the tumor growth rate by more than 50 percent. In another study conducted at Ohio State University, researchers injected a group of mice with the endothelioma cells, and fed half of them varying doses of blueberry extract. They found that the larger the dose they gave, the more the tumors were inhibited. The mechanism is anti-angiognensis by VEGF inhibition. In fact, the mice that were given the blueberry extract lived twice as long, and had tumors that were 60 percent smaller. In a news release, Gayle Gordillo, MD, the principal investigator of the Ohio State team, said “this work provides the first evidence demonstrating that blueberry extract can limit tumor formation by inhibiting the formation of blood vessels and inhibiting certain signaling pathways.” These studies are also particularly good news for those children who are born with hemangioma. According to Dr. Gorillo, “oral administration of blueberry extract represents a potential therapeutic strategy for treating endothelial cell tumors [hemangiomas] in infants.” Current treatments can suppress the immune system, and can also cause de-

March 2009

velopmental delays. Removing a hemangioma surgically is dangerous because the blood vessels are so dense that it could cause the child to bleed to death. Thus, many families opt to play it safe and accept the deformities. Blueberry extract may be changing all that. If given at the first signs of hemangioma, it is very possible that the destructive growth of these tumors can be significantly curtailed. Dr. Gorillo stated, “our hope is that if we feed blueberry juice to a child with this type of tumor, we can intervene and shrink the tumor before it becomes a big problem.” References: 1. Gordillo G, Fang H, Khanna S, Harper J, Phillips G, Sen CK. “Oral administration of blueberry inhibits angiogenic tumor growth and enhances survival of mice with endothelial cell neoplasm.” Antioxid Redox Signal. 2009 Jan; 11(1): 47-58. 2. Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, Atalay M. “Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic properties of a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula.” Biochemistry (Mosc). 2004 Jan; 69(1): 75-80. 3. “Blueberries May Shrink Tumors in Babies. Blood Vessel Tumors Respond to Blueberry Extract, Study Shows.” Bill Hendrick. WebMD Health News. Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD. Jan. 21, 2009.

For more info contact Dr. Frank Shallenberger at The Nevada Center, specializing in comprehensive alternative medicine, (775) 884-3990 or Go to ad on page 11.

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Your Skin’s New Best Friend



CHOCOLATE Written by Lyndi Hutchinson, LMT


y now, we have all reveled in the wonderful news that chocolate is good for us. Research has established that dark chocolate – at least 70 percent cocoa, no milk and sweetened with natural sugars – is loaded with flavonoids, age fighting antioxidants which are beneficial to our health. Now begs the question: If chocolate is good for us inside, what about our outside? Chocolate continues to amaze us by becoming a newly recognized contributor to our exterior health as well! Spas around the world have incorporated chocolate into their menus of services including scrubs, masks, manicures

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and other body treatments. According to the Global News Products Database, in 2004 there were 85 new cocoa based skin treatments.

What actual benefit comes from applying chocolate on the skin? Ivy Mills, of Valhalla Essences, has been researching chemical sensitivity and natural alternatives for over five years. She states “chocolate contains an array of phytochemicals, considered highly valuable to our health.” When it is spread on our skin, “chocolate will return a youthful glow and protect from the effects of sun and pollution.” In the United Kingdom, the Amala Spa and Club features a chocolate facial and wrap. Their clients enjoy the moodboosting aroma of chocolate, which causes the brain to release endorphins for a euphoric feeling. Along with the exhilarating scrub of chocolate, naturally loaded with magnesium and moisturizing properties, the experience is heavenly. The magic of chocolate is no secret to Manhattan’s Le Petit Spa. “Chocolate is very rejuvenating to your skin. It is moisturizing and good for cell renewal,” said owner Howard Kohlenberg. According to aesthetician Zaza Murariu at Ajune Spa, also in Manhattan, “caffeine stimulates the circulatory system and firms the skin.” Chocolate, long adored for its sweet and sometimes addictive flavor, is now

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March 2009

shedding its soiled reputation as a polluter of the body to a healer and protector. With goodness this delicious, what are you waiting for? References: 1. 2. 3. 4 . h t t p : / / w w w. f o x n e w s . c o m / p r i n t e r _ f r i e n d l y _ story/0,3566,162783,00.html

For more info, contact Lyndi Hutchinson, LMT at (775) 846-3593, certified massage therapist specializing in Chinese facial massage at the Senses Sanctuary. Go to ad on THIS page.

Untie Your KNOTS Strain-Counterstrain Massage For Joint & Muscle Health Written by Cheryl Kiraly, LMT


he art of massage is at least 5,000 years old, having been practiced by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. To most of us, a massage is a friend or relative squeezing our sore neck or shoulders for a few minutes. It feels good, but massage is more than just this momentary feeling. After physical exertion waste products of metabolism such as lactic and pyruvic acids build up in muscle tissue. If they remain in a muscle, it feels sore. Massage helps squeeze out these waste products so that muscle soreness disappears and we become ready to use our muscles again more quickly. For this reason, massage is usually assumed to involve pressure and manipulation of just muscles. But effective massage is not just about muscles. Joints can also become painful or tender. Long after physical exertion, joint problems can linger. Why? A painful muscle may remain contracted or shortened as a defensive response against pain. It doesn’t fully release. This shortened muscle can pull joint components into abnormal positions, causing joint pain. Yes, the joint is sore, but the real cause is the tightened muscle, which may be injured or overused. Have you ever felt knots in your shoulder or neck muscles? Many people refer to this as where they store tension. Do these tight spots remain, even if you completely relax? Massage may fail to make these muscles relax. They can stay in a semi-permanent defensive position for weeks, even months, causing stiff necks, headaches and other upper-frame problems.

When a muscle stays partially contracted over a long period of time, pulling bones and joints into abnormal positions, normal massage will not cause the muscle to relax. This is where various techniques of strain-counter strain can be employed. This technique can be used to treat everything from weekend warriors to pregnant women. By using very controlled bursts of resistance exercise, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, it is possible to confuse the muscles around a painful joint. The muscles don’t know which way they should be contracting, so they relax. This releases the abnormal tension on the joint to which the muscles are attached, thus reducing joint pain. Only then can these muscles respond to massage therapy. The benefit of this approach is that a muscle is less likely to return to its contracted, tense position after the massage therapy. The same muscle without straincounter strain therapy would still be tight and therefore unresponsive to massage, thus the joint pain would remain. There is a real synergy in first relaxing muscles with strain-counter strain and then employing massage on the muscles: reduced recovery time, accelerated healing and long-term elimination of pain. References: 1. Beck, Mark F., Milady’s Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 3rd ed. Milady Publishing, Albany. 2.

For more info, contact Cheryl Kiraly LMT at (775) 772-9101. Go to ad on THIS page.

March 2009


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AT WORK Written by Jennifer Chang


olors can set the tone, good or bad, in work places. Colors can improve the productivity of and the harmony between workers as well as attract and inspire clients to spend time in an establishment, which in turn can increase revenues. Certain colors are appropriate for specific businesses, for example, the color yellow may enhance an art gallery, accounting firm, or bookstore, but a negative effect in a jewelry store. A yellow-hued pearl is viewed as too old and lusterless, and thus valueless. A men or women’s clothing store can be enlivened with bright colors, while a police

station should be white. It is seeking to seem incorruptible; white is a pure, pristine color, even bright accent colors should not be used.

Here is a businessby-business list of colors appropriate to various enterprises: • Film, television or recording studio: white, pink, light green, blue,

gray, o black

• Shoe store: white, red, gray,

• Lawyer’s office: white, beige, yellow, green, blue, gray, black

• Jewelry Store: red, white, blue;

blue, light green

• Executive’s office in creative fields: green, red, sky


brown; avoid black with white

Curious with an Excellent Sense of Adventure?

avoid yellow

Bachelorette, Birthdays, Lady’s Night In!

• Delicatessen: light green, sky

Classy • Tasteful • Educational • Fun

gray, green

Aromatherapy Massage/Relaxation • Lovers Games & Books

• Doctor’s office: green, blue,

Adult Novelty Home Parties

• •

Hostess Gifts Women Only Safe & Confidential


blue, bright colors

• Construction firm: white, black, purple, pink, white

...just to name a few

Free Products

blue, multicolored

Love & Respect Your Body

Call Jackie today:


• Men’s clothing shop: one or two colors in a simple color scheme • Funeral parlor: all white, red,

light blue

• Investment firm: white, green, blue, yellow /beige

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March 2009

• Lighting store: white, pink, light • Computer company: green or • Computer store: red, light green, multicolored

• Restaurant: green, blue, multicolored; avoid red in a seafood restaurant • Wine store: pink, light green, light


Reference: 1. Rossbach, Sarah. Interior Design with Feng Shui. Penguin Group, 1987

For more information, contact Jennifer Chang, specializing in Feng Shui for working and living environments, at (775) 530-7100 or email her at Jennifer@ Go to ad on page 49.


HYPNOTHERAPY is effective in releasing

trapped trauma

specializing in:

• anxiety • menopause • self image • speaking engagements live a full & happy life, call today:

Nancy Pfaff, M.A.


Secret Connection Using the Art of Placement & Intention to harmonize working & living environments. Find health, wealth & happiness, Create your own reality, Call today!

Jennifer Chang

Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

By Terry Lowey MS, MFT Illustrated by Karen Frances A Book Review by Brittany Russell

“Inspire your child with this universal and timeless message of the true way to lasting happiness.” As adults, we often forget and undermine what emotions children go through. Some feel alone and misunderstood by their older counterparts when experiencing lows that maybe they cannot explain. Author and marriage and family therapist, Terry Lowey brings us a vivid tool in helping children understand how they can affect their own happiness. The beautiful, life-like illustrations capture child and adult, while the story tells of a boy learning how to use his own

power to over come negative feelings, which can lead to ultimate happiness. The story shows that this can be attainable at any age! Lowey has included questions to discuss with your child after reading the book, an additional resource for parents or guardians to engage their children and help them grow. And with a second read, there is no reason any adult wouldn’t benefit from the tale as well. Go to ad on page 15.

March 2009



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Joint & Muscular Arthritis... Back & Neck Pain... GONE!! Call Today!

775.250.3030 Available @ Circle of Life Spa & Sierra Compounding Pharmacy

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Supplements DHA & ARA in Infant Formula Written by Ffjorren Zolfaghar


eginning in 2006, practically every infant formula manufacturer added Docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, and Arachidonic acid, ARA, (essential fatty acids) supplements to their ingredient lists. Since then, the public received mixed reviews on the benefits of adding these supplements. Parents are beginning to ask if the DHA/ARA addition is truly necessary. Recent studies from various national organizations, companies and government programs conclude that although DHA and ARA are beneficial to our body, the addition of these supplements to infant formula has not proven any long term beneficial effects. Because long-term studies have not been established due to lack of scientific evidence, there is nothing to show that either negates or promotes the supplement addition. It seems

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that, for now, parents will have to make that decision for themselves. In doing so, a person should be familiar with each supplement. DHA is a major structural fatty acid in the brain and eyes. It accounts for up to 97 percent of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and up to 93 percent of omega-3 fatty acids in the retina. The addition of this fatty acid is linked to optimal brain and eye function and development in infants. ARA is the primary omega-6 fatty acid in the brain accounting for up to 48 percent of the omega-6 fatty acids. The addition of ARA is also linked to proper growth and brain development in infants. Both of these essential fatty acids occur naturally in breast milk, therefore they have received high marks and recognition. With their glaringly obvious importance, they seem a worthy addition to infant formula. Or are they? For those who say yes, it does not stop there. While DHA/ ARA merits stand strong, the argument moves to the process in which the manufacturer uses to retrieve these fatty acids. Many infant formula manufactures use a DHA/ARA supplement called “Life’sDHA” and “Life’sARA.” Martek, a biosciences company that creates nutritional products, created these supplements. Martek uses a chemical process to extract DHA and ARA from lab-grown algae. The chemical used in this process, Hexane, is found in common constituents of gasoline and glues used for shoes, leather products and roofing materials. It seems to beg the question, does this process leave a trace amount of Hexane in the end product, the formula? At this point, there is no scientific data that determines an answer.


March 2009

The following infant formulas have added Martek’s Life’sDHA and Life’sARA: EnfamilŽ LIPIL, Similac Advance, Nestle Good Start Supreme with DHA & ARA, Ultra Bright Beginnings Lipids, Earth’s Best Organic Soy with DHA & ARA, Neocate. The other process is noted as a “natural� method, in which water is used. The DHA/ARA supplements are derived from egg-yolk phospholipids. These phospholipids are easily incorporated into the body and less of the supplement is needed to achieve the desired effect, according to studies. Nature’s One, an organic pediatric medical food company, uses this process. However, they do not add it to their toddler formulas. Instead, they offer individual packages of the supplement. They claim that this allows a parent to give their child the proper dosage according to their age, weight and dietary needs. As a consumer, it appears advantageous to have a choice on whether or not to add a supplement to your child’s infant formula, albeit a little less convenient. Either way, the choice becomes that of three. A person could decide on the added, chemically processed supplement, the water process supplement, given on the side or to completely abstain from the whole idea. No matter which avenue a parent decides to take, they should continue to stay on top of these matters of discussion. Ingredients, additives and supplements are added and taken out of products on a regular basis and manufacturers do not always inform consumers of each change. Therefore, consumers should follow intuition and take the following to heart: marketing ploys are not reliable sources of information. References: 1. 2. (Hexane) 3. 4. 5. Cornucopia Institute, Jan. 2008 Report “Replacing Mother - Imitating Human Breast Milk in the Laboratory.�

Train Like An

ASTRONAUT Increase Bone Density & Muscular Skeletal Health at a Cellular Level 5 Minute Workout No Risk of Injury Men & Women of All Ages

Start today! Call The Sanctuary at: 775.853.7007



What do you call a bear with no teeth? Answer: A Gummy Bear!

March 2009


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Vacuum Massage Treatment A Method for Toning Your Skin Written by James E. Pickens, MD, FACS


synergy treatment is designed to apply positive and negative pressure to the skin and subcutaneous tissue during 30 minute treatments. The initial treatment period will require a minimum of 15 to 20 treatments on a regular basis, a minimum of once per week. Following the initial treatment period, the Synergie provider will reevaluate the client and suggest a maintenance program for continued care. It is suggested that the maintenance program consist of at least two treatments per month for three to four months following the initial aggressive package of 10 to 15 treatments followed by a minimum of once per month for at least one year. The treatment will continue to exert results from the skin and subcutaneous tissue allowing continued improvement. The positive pressure to the skin and subcutaneous tissue is represented by the rim and center post of treatment heads of the Synergie machine. The negative pressure is suction. The positive pressure causes the blood vessels to constrict and the negative causes them to dilate. This results in vasodilatation or redness that will be evident at the end of the treatment. This increased oxygenation and nutrients to the skin and subcutaneous tissue thus speeds up metabolism and leads to a decrease in the stagnant circulation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue leading to an increase in lymphatic and venous drainage. This positive and negative pressure will break some of the fat cell

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membranes and increase the permeability of other fat cell membranes decreasing the volume of fluid and ions within fat cells to push the fluid outside of the cells; thus, making it available for elimination through the lymphatic and venous vascular system. This is the reason it is helpful to support the skin and subcutaneous tissue with compression garments, such as support hose, for 24 to 48 hours following each treatment along with drinking two to three liters of water a day and having a regular exercise routine. It takes approximately 24 to 48 hours for the injured fat cells to heal. The cells will return to normal permeability without re-absorbing any extra-cellular fluid to swell up again following the treatment. The fluid and ions pushed outside of the cells during treatment must be excreted through the lymphatic or venous system or burned by exercise. This explains the necessity for drinking water and exercising following each treatment. Exercise is encouraged everyday two to three liters of water consumed each day is optimum to achieve maximum results. The client must do his/her part to make this program a success. The fibroblasts in the subcutaneous layer secrete collagen and elastin. It is believed that elongating these cells by application of vacuum massage therapy may cause them to produce more collagen and elastin which may promote toning of the skin. Photographic results of the vacuum massage methods have demonstrated visual indication that

March 2009

For more info, contact Hedy Dawson at (775) 828-4339 at Hedy’s Tender Touch. Go to ad on THIS page.

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References: 1. Robert A. Ersek, M.D., F.A.C.S., et al. Noninvasive Mechanical Body countouring: A preliminary Clinical Outcome Study, Aesth. Plast. Surg. 21: 61, 1997 2. David H. McDaniel, M.D., et al. Body Contouring: A Preliminary Report on the Use of the Silhouette Device for Treating Cellulite, Aesth. Surg. Jn., 18:177, 1998 3. Per Bjorntorp. Adipose Tissue distribution and Function. Internatl. Jn. Obesity, 15:67-81, 1991 4. J. Sheldon Artz, M.D., FA.C.S., et al. Treatment of Cellulite Deformities of the Thighs with Topical Aminophylline Gel, The Canadian Jn. Of Plast. Surg. 5. Lamm, S., Younger at Last. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997 6. Cumin, J.J. The Utilization of LPS Technique During Liposuction, J.Esth. Med. Surg., 23:1996 7. Daver J. A New Instrument for the Treatment of Cellulite, Med au Fem. 30;25,1991.

Countless Therapeutic Possibilities Exist


toning has occurred during treatment. In addition, physical measurements of waist, abdomen, hips and thighs decrease in inches, indicating toning of the skin being achieved. In many cases, the clients have lost inches but there is no significant change in weight. Scientific studies are underway across the nation to substantiate these beliefs. Application of Vitamin K cream to spider veins prior to the vacuum massage treatment may help to decrease the appearance of spider veins. Application of Retin A cream to stretch marks may help diminish their appearance.


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March 2009


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(775) 825-8366

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No Prescription Required…

To See a Musculo-Skeletal Expert Written by Sally LeDuc, PT


very one of us enjoys a process made simple. If we need to see a physical therapist, chances are we need some help and guidance now, not in a week or two. If the process of getting to a therapist becomes too complicated, we might forego the care and succumb to the deep-seated belief that it will just get better in time. Most insurance companies will cover physical therapy when your doctor has made a referral to the therapist, in writing. However, depending upon your plan and carrier of that plan, getting to the therapist can sometimes become complicated. Variable obstacles quickly become a factor – therapy visits may need to be pre-authorized and you may be limited on who you can visit. Once it has been authorized and you have worked within the limits of your health care provider list, there is still the chance your bill will not be paid in full. For those that are not insurance driven, paying for a massage or chiropractic visit

It’s No Fish Tale... BiOmega™ provides essential nutrition in its purest form • Twice the potency of many fish oil supplements • Ultra-pure, highly concentrated omega-3 fatty acids • Supports healthy cholesterol levels blood pressure & brain development • Maintains good joint health • Convenient capsule form Call Liz or Cheryl: 775.225.3948

heavy object incorrectly, you may want to go directly to an expert. Every clinic has its own policies and procedures, but almost every clinic will see you – just call and make an appointment. Is having to deal with insurance instead of paying out of pocket really worth it – another sleepless night and time off from work when you can quickly make an appointment? There is no need to waste days or even weeks moving through a long process anymore. Depending on your immediate needs, whether you can do without insurance will determine which route you take. Rest assured that you now have options.

becomes routine when dealing with pain. Physical therapists, though, have more extensive training than other avenues you may seek – minimum of seven years basic education in anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, disease process, signs and symptoms, precautions, and so on. They are the musculo-skeletal experts; physical therapists treat patients who have functional limitations resulting from injury, disease, or other causes that result in disabilities or changes in health status. Therapists have the skills to differentially diagnose and to refer to the appropriate professional if necessary. In Nevada, you can see a physical therapist without a referral and even without a pre-authorization. The law allows you to see a therapist when and if the need arises, immediately. When you have incurred a sudden sprain, strain or need some advice right away, you need to see a therapist. If you experienced that ski fall this season, slipped, fell or lifted a

What are Omega 3 fatty acids and why are they important additions to a healthy diet? Research indicates that proper levels of omega-3 fatty acids aid in healthy heart function, reduces inflammation, maintains bone health, decreases depression, is essential for eye development and critical for infant brain development and optimal nerve function. The typical Western diet is lacking in Omega 3 fatty acids and abundant in the omega 6 fatty acids. The recommended ratio is 2:1. Most Americans are consuming 20:1.

How can I increase my intake of omega 3 fatty acids?

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in a variety of foods such as cold-water fish, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, walnut oil, soybean oil and freerange chicken eggs. Supplementation with fish oil capsules is also an excellent way to

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Reference: 1.

For more info, contact Sally LeDuc, PT of Body Wisdom Physical Therapy at (775) 827-3777. Go to ad on page 31.

add this essential fatty acid to your diet. When choosing a fish oil look for pharmaceutical grade, filtered fish oil capsules that are labeled manufactured by GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).

How much do I need?

The American Heart Association recommends 1 gram/day of omega 3 up to 3+ grams per day, depending on your health needs. Adding fish to your diet 2 times/week, cold-pressed flaxseed oil and fish oil supplements will increase your levels of omega 3. References: 1. Healthy for Life—Developing Healthy Lifestyles that Have the Side-Effect of Permanent Fat Loss, by Ray D. Strand, MD. 2.

For More Info, call Liz Karger or Cheryl Yamamoto, specializing in Total Body Health Systems, at 775225-3948 or visit

March 2009



DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 85 Washington Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress & fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation & energy; emotional weight loss. You can look & feel better with timetested healing techniques. Go to ad on page 13. TARA L. FINLEY, O.M.D., N.D. w/Brian Finley, P.T., O.C.S., F.A.A.O.M.P.T. (775) 337-1334



TERRY LOWEY, M.F.T 462 Court Street Reno, NV (775) 322-1924

Find yourself living a life where you know and feel that everything is perfect exactly as it is, through Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation. Offering personal coaching sessions, workshops, ceremonies and group studies. Go to ad on page 32.

19 years of experience counseling on a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, anger management, self-confidence, effective goal setting and turning life’s setbacks into success. Individual, couples, and family. Weekly support groups and monthly transformational workshops offered. Go to ad on page 15.


Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Customized Nutritional Plans, Vitamin/Mineral & Herbal Prescriptions, Medically Monitored Exercise, Weight Loss Programs & Lab Work are combined to address all aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle, Optimal Health & Disease Prevention. Insurance Accepted.

ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY Robert Ayres (530) 550-1118 The astrology of self-transformationSM. Personal, business, relationship and relocational consultations. Metaphysical teacher. Over forty years of experience. Go to ad on page 39.

AUDIOLOGY MICHAEL LEMAY, AU.D. Audiology and Hearing Aids 890 Mill St. Suite 300 • Reno (775) 323- 5566 Dr. LeMay specializes in the evaluation, prevention, and total management of hearing loss and auditory processing. An individualized program integrates advanced hearing aid technology with extensive follow-up and works closely with your physician in diagnosis of vertigo and balance problems. Go to ad on page 15.

RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Clinic & The Ageless Zone (775-826-8888). Go to ad on page 21.

ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Go to ad on page 11. LINDA TIERNEY Colon Hydrotherapist 1515 S. Virginia St., Reno Inside Everlasting Health (775) 321-9313

Experienced in rehabilitating all types of injuries. Gentle chiropractic with soft tissue mobilization and sacro-occipital balancing techniques. Full spine and extremity adjusting, head to toes.


Specializing in Ear Candeling and Brazilian Waxing. Full body waxing, Facials, Massage, Lash and Brow Tinting. Steam Canopy Body Detoxing Treatments. Nail Services. For more information and current specials, go to www.

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433

Sophisticated equipment allows the gentle flow of water into the large intestine. Water is then released taking with it impacted waste and toxic build up from the intestine. This is repeated for 45 minutes, providing a valuable and extensive cleanse.


DR. KATHARINA WELLBORN 2005 Sierra Highlands, #147 Reno, NV 89523 (775) 448-9595

THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE Karen Tenaglio 507 Casazza Ste. E • Reno (775) 337-2525

THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck (775) 884-3990

March 2009


Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in the Northern Nevada public. A network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

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COMMUNITYresource GUIDE ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 Sigba membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.


HOT SPRINGS STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Go to ad on page 23.

HYPNOTHERAPY JUNE MILLIGAN, M.Ed., CCHt Joyful Changes Hypnosis (775) 786-9111

Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.

Relieve anxiety, deal successfully with job challenges, fear, selfesteem, family and work stress; sleeplessness, mental blocks, smoking, even medical problems. Learn acupressure and experience hypnosis in one session while relieving stress. Erase unpleasant memories in 2 minutes! Feel better immediately!

STEVE LINDQUIST Financial Services Professional New York Life Insurance Company (775) 325-2225

NANCY PFAFF, M.A. (775) 560-3030

Mr. Lindquist brings 18 years experience and specializes in: retirement strategies, risk management, annuities, IRA/Roth, 401k rollovers, college funding, business solutions. Call today for a complimentary consultation.

Hypnosis can transform your life by erasing self-defeating patterns. Call for a free session with Nancy Pfaff, Hypnotist, certified through New Vistas. Weight loss, test anxiety, menopause and more. Go to ad on page 49.

Agent Licensed in NV and CA Ins. Lic. #0G3057, New York Life Insurance Company. . Registered Representative NYLIFE Securities LLC, (Member FINRA/SIPC), A licensed Insurance Agency 50 W. Liberty St., Ste 500, Reno, NV 89501 775.323.0751

Go to ad on page 31.

A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Go to ad on page 24.

THE SENSES SANCTUARY Lyndi Hutchinson, LMT Greta Langford, LMT Nationally Certified Massage Therapists (775) 846-3593 Special pampering awaits you… a foot bath while sipping on hot tea or chilled fruit spritzer then enjoy a Swedish, deep tissue or hot stone massage. Couples, chair and in home appointments available. Indulge in our signature Chinese facial massage! Go to ad on page 46.



CATHERINE YOUNG, Ind. Agent United First Financial (775) 250-4365 www.theyoungcompany.US

GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave. • Reno (775)-826-1900

Imagine a life without debt! Set up an appointment today for your free analysis toward a Money Merge Account® program designed to potentially save thousands! Attend a Saturday breakfast orientation and opportunity to change your financial landscape. Call Catherine. Go to ad on page 33.

Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, thermography, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on page 21.

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RAND FAMILY CARE 6512 South McCarren Blvd. Suite D (775) 826-RAND (7263)


FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Member of Alliance Feng Shui (775) 830-8168 Reno




March 2009

JESSICA EDGE, BS, ND (775) 324-3500 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep, Allergies. TARA L. FINLEY, OMD, ND w/Brian Finley, P.T., O.C.S., F.A.A.O.M.P.T. (775) 337-1334 Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Customized Nutritional Plans, Vitamin/Mineral & Herbal Prescriptions, Medically Monitored Exercise, Weight Loss Programs & Lab Work are combined to address all aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle, Optimal Health & Disease Prevention. Insurance Accepted.



DR. RHONDA HENRY, BS, MS, PhD Doctor of Nutritional Science (775) 315-2900

DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 1026 West First Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 233-8404

Science-based alternative healthcare on an individual basis. If the body gets what it needs – it heals itself! Stop the food and vitamin guessing game. As an ex-311 pounder, I’ve been through it all. Feel and look good– Naturally! Call to view 30 second commercial.

An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Using gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.


Reno, NV (775) 250-3030 Elmore Oil, an all natural, fast acting pain relief for all types of arthritis and soft tissue pain. If you have arthritis, muscle aches and pains, sore neck or back or sports related injuries, try Elmore oil for soothing, relief. Go to ad on page 49.


The Shakespeare Animal Fund gives financial aid to low income, elderly and disabled pet owners who need help with emergency vet care. We welcome volunteer work and donations.

PSYCHOTHERAPY ANDY DRYMALSKI, EdD (775) 786-3818 Specializing in psychotherapy for depression, anxiety, stress, personal growth and dream analysis. Treating patients locally for over ten years. Evening and weekend hours available.

HEALTHYRECIPES always found on our website!

Continued from page 35.

WEIGHT LOSS VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482 Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Go to ad on page 25.



Functional Training

The Institute for Inspired Living has a beautiful quite office space for rent to a health professional near downtown Reno. This office is close to the river on a tree lined street. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617. Beautiful Skin Care/Massage Office for Aesthetician, Massage Therapist, Permanent Cosmetics. $350/month. Call Karen: (775) 337-2525

Through kettlebell training, one can develop a great deal of muscular strength, as can be achieved by traditional weightlifting methods. But in addition to strength, kettlebell training will also develop muscular endurance and burn an incredible amount of calories. By performing long sets of kettlebell swings, the heart rate goes up, and the muscles are forced to deal with high levels of lactate as the body deals with controlling the inertial forces generated by the swinging kettlebell. One half-hour of kettlebell exercises will burn as many calories as a one-hour session on an elliptical machine! There are many reasons to consider kettlebell lifting as an adjunct to any exercise program. Unlike traditional weightlifting, which tends to work each muscular group in an isolated fashion, kettlebell exercises force the entire body to move as one coordinated unit. One should be cautioned and seek at least some coaching in the beginning, when learning kettlebell exercises. A certain amount of skill is needed in order to perform the moves safely and efficiently. Many health clubs now offer small group kettlebell classes, and there are personal trainers who specialize in kettlebell training, incorporating this training into their clients’ programs.

Rent a room or share with a health professional. Call Hans at Everlasting Health (775) 324-7382.

References: 1. 2. Cronin, A., Ganulin, D., Khai, M. & Roberts, K. Kettlebell Training for Group Fitness. 3. Kettlebell Concepts Group Training Manual. http:// 4. kettlebell/

Wanted: Hair Stylist to experiment with Natural Hair Tint Product. Call Dawn: (775) 828-4547.

For more info, contact Christine Pinney Karkow at Sports West at (775) 348-6666. Go to ad on page 35.

March 2009


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ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm

Monthly Health Outlook:




he Sun enters into Pisces on Feb. 18. There is a shift from the air element of Aquarius to the Piscean water element at this time. The emphasis in consciousness moves from thinking to feeling. The Fish, the last of the 12 signs, represent the state of completion. The signs evolve from the self-consciousness of Aries to the all-inclusive unity consciousness of Pisces. This last sign of the zodiac has two planetary rulers. Jupiter, the traditional ruler, expresses as wisdom and is the archetype of the teacher. Neptune is its modern ruler and it expresses as spirituality and idealism. Jupiter is based more in thinking and Neptune is based more in feeling. When the heart and the mind come into balance, a new and higher state of consciousness is achieved. In the spiritual traditions of the world this state of being is known as love/wisdom. Love/wisdom is a heart-based thinking that is significantly For past issues, go to:

Written By Robert Ayres

different for what passes for thinking and feeling today. Most people think in a very calculating, clever manner that has personal self-interest as its motivating force. Feeling and love also tend to be egotistically conditioned towards self affirmation. These patterns of selfishness in consciousness are based in a sense of separation and isolation from other human beings. As such, our normal awareness is limited to our own experience and history. The love/wisdom of Pisces is based in an expansion of awareness from the personal to the universal. The development of the heart and mind results in a heart-based thinking conditioned by love. The wisdom that unfolds is not based in human thinking, but rather spiritual or celestial thought. Here we encounter true universal truths that are eternal in their nature. These truths embody the unchanging principles upon which all life is based. The expansion of the heart results in a qualitatively different love that is spiritual in nature. This is not a selfish love but an unbounded, unlimited love of life, the world, nature and humanity. It is unconditional love. It is compassion. When the heart opens in this way we feel everyone’s joy and happiness, pain and sorrow, as our own. We see ourselves in everyone and everything and experience the fundamental oneness of all life. This is unity consciousness: the individual living the universality of all life. Our individual and collective lives are moving toward realizing this higher quality of life. Pisces rules both the brow and crown chakras. Jupiter rules the brow and Neptune rules the crown. These consciousness 58

March 2009

centers open our perception into the spiritual worlds. The limitations of the physical senses are transcended and all of the celestial dimensions of life are opened to our awareness. Physiological counterparts to the chakras are the endocrine glands. These ductless glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, which powerfully affects our awareness. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of the pituitary gland and Neptune is the modern ruler of the pineal gland. These two endocrine glands correspond to the brow and crown chakras respectively. They are the physical centers for the realization of Piscean consciousness. Most health problems will ultimately be traced to dysfunction and imbalance in the chakras or endocrine system. The pituitary is known as the master control for the whole endocrine system. Bringing the system into balance by activation and healing of the pituitary will bring the other centers into balance. Then the pineal gland/crown chakra opens us up to unity consciousness. Humanity is evolving to express the Piscean consciousness through these higher centers. But nothing is holding us back from doing it now. Meditation is the most powerful technique to activate these expanded states of awareness. Go for it! THE ABOVE IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS MEDICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. 2009 All Rights Reserved, Robert Ayres Robert Ayres is an internationally known astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He can be reached for personal consultations at his new Truckee office at (530) 550-1118.

Go to ad on page 39.


March 14th

Free Introductory Evening with Robert Tennyson Stevens. Bio-Optic Holography, Sacred Body Language Translations, Conscious Language and more. 7-10 pm, Gerber Medical Clinic. Call (775) 336-3483.

Naturopathic Dr. Annette Haslone exposes the difference between revolutionary monoatomic angstrom minerals and compounds. Enjoy, Raw Foods Success Story. 10am. FREE. (775) 327-4878.

March 7th

March 21st

Physicians’ Wives AWCMS Annual Rummage Sale. ONE DAY ONLY. Reno Livestock Event Center. Funds raised go to Non-Profit Organizations & Nursing School Scholarships. Contact (775) 829-1303, or e-mail Kerry@

Carmen Carr’s monthly hike is at Andesite Ridge this month. Contact (530) 550-5192 or for directions to trailhead.

March 7th, 8th, 21st & 22nd

POSTPARTUM SUPPORT GROUP. Mondays 12-1:30. “Baby Blues” and PPD, your new identity, balancing your energy, healthy relationships and more. RSVP now. Paula Vohland, MSC (775) 742-7502.

Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certification Class, 10am – 4pm. Manual provided. Raw vegan meal available. Tania Marie (775) 343-9244.

March 23rd

March 28th & 29th

March 7th & 8th Reiki I & II Certification, 10am - 5pm. Join us for fun and health - be attuned and certified to do Reiki. Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.

Psychic and Wellness Fair. Convention Center. 9:30am – 7pm, Sunday 9:30am – 6pm, $8.00 admission. Come early, $10 for two, 9:30am – 11am only. (775) 324-2872.

March 8th & 22nd

April 10th

FREE: Energize and Detoxify with E-power. Drop in anytime between 1–4pm. Sunday March 8th or 22nd. 218 Califonia Suite #214. (775) 321-9313

Bob Burg national bestselling author “The GoGiver” presents Endless Referrals Live event at Atlantis Casino in Reno, 7:30am – 1pm. Call (775) 220-6995.

May 2nd

March 9th, 15th & 11th Creating and meditating with mandalas, March 9th, 6:30pm. Drumming Circle, March 15th, 4:00pm. Meditation Class, learn and create meditation practices. March 11th 5:30pm. Call Diane, (775) 250-7756.

March 13th Naturopathic Dr. Annette Haslone exposes the difference between revolutionary monoatomic angstrom minerals and compounds. Enjoy, Raw Foods Success Story. 6pm. FREE. (775) 327-4878.

March 2009


MS Walks, Sparks Marina, Reno/Sparks Check-in at 8am walk at 9am. Register at

May 9th MS Walks. Camp Richardson, South Lake Tahoe. Check-in at 8 a.m. walk at 9:00 a.m. Register at http://www.nationalmssociety. org/nvn.

May 16th MS Walks. Thunder Canyon Golf Course, Washoe Valley. Check-in at 8am walk at 9:00 am. Register at http://www.nationalmssociety. org/nvn.

For past issues, go to:

PINEAPPLE RECIPES Papaya-Pineapple Smoothie 1 cup diced and peeled frozen or fresh pineapple 1 cup diced, peeled, seeded papaya 1 cup ice cubes 3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 fresh papaya slices (for garnish) 2 fresh pineapple slices (for garnish) Combine the pineapple, papaya, ice cubes, pineapple juice and vanilla in a blender. Puree until smooth. Pour this healthy smoothie into two glasses. Top each smoothie with fresh papaya and pineapple slices, serve and enjoy!

Cut pineapple lengthwise into fourths; remove core. Cut along curved edges to loosen pineapple from rind without cutting rind. Cut fruit in rind crosswise into 3/4 inch slices; then cut lengthwise down center of slices, leaving the cut fruit in the rind shell. Mix rum and ginger root; spoon over pineapple. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Sprinkle with coconut. Garnish with strawberries and mint leaves if desired. Makes four servings.

Pineapple Ginger Salsa • 1/4 fresh pineapple, diced • 1 small mango, diced • 1 large tomato, diced • 1/2 red bell pepper, diced • 4 to 5 scallions, thinly sliced • 3/4 dl spicy sweet and sour ginger glaze • 1/2 dl fresh cilantro, • finely chopped sea salt

Gingered Pineapple • 1 medium pineapple, with green leaves • 1/4 cup dark rum or apple juice • 2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger root or 1 teaspoon ground ginger • 1/4 cup shredded coconut, toasted if desired

Stir all ingredients together and season with salt. Refrigerate.

Chicken, Pineapple and Macadamia Salad • 1 1/2 pounds boneless cooked chicken, cut into 1/2 inch cubes • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced celery • 1 medium size pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into bite size pieces • 2/3 cups mayonnaise • 1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard • 2 tablespoons raspberry or sherry vinegar • 1 cup coarsely chopped roasted macadamia nuts • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste • celery leaves for garnish In a mixing bowl, combine the chicken, celery and pineapple. In a small bowl, combine mayo, Dijon mustard and vinegar. Toss with the ingredients in mixing bowl. Refrigerate until serving time. Garnish with the nuts and celery leaves. Makes six servings. References: 1. 2.

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March 2009

ONGOING CALENDAR Adult Novelty Get Togethers

Integrated Awareness Classes

Shape Up With Pilates

Love your body, invite your friends, and get FREE merchandise! Ladies ONLY and 18+. Please e-mail or call for details. (617) 7912894.

Wednesday nights, 7-9pm Integrated Awareness® classes. Would You Like Amazing Shifts & Breakthroughs in All Areas of Your Life? Cheryl Blossom (775) 338 – 8617.

Pilates classes, Mondays and Wednesdays at noon at Body Wisdom Physical Therapy. New series starting every 5 weeks. Individualized instruction- class size limited. Call (775) 827-3777.

Meditation at Om Home

Transforming Loss

Guided group meditations on Monday and Wednesday at Noon and Friday at 6:15 p.m. Weekly meditation class is Fridays at 5:15pm. More information at 250-7756.

Transforming the Experience of Loss: Relationship, Career, Difficult Change. Every Tuesday facilitated by Terry Lowey, MFT 6:30-8pm. Cost: $45. To register: (775) 322-1924.

Creating Transformation Now Creating Transformation Now! Eight week skill-based, experiential workshop to create growth and positive intention in small group. 6:30-8pm. Contact Terry Lowey, M.F.T. at (775)-322-1924.

New Groups & EFT Classes

Free Chiropractic Workshop Get better faster, Stay better longer, Spend less money. New chiropractic technologies. FREE!!! Tuesday’s 6 – 7:30pm Reserve now - Call today! Jensen Chiropractic (775) 323-1222.

Sierra Behavioral Solutions is offering new groups and EFT starting in February 2009, Call for more information and to sign up for groups, (775) 348-5800.

Self Healing Course Get Fit, Get Sexy, Feel Great! Monthly Health classes. Learn Nutrition Basics, Set Goals, Stay Motivated, Grocery Shopping, Eating Out & More! Reduce risks for diabetes, heart-disease, osteoporosis, etc. (775) 338-7871, www.

Healthy for Life Seminars Learn Ways to Reduce Oxidative Stress, Reverse Metabolic Syndrome, and Achieve Total Body Health. Tuesdays 9:30 am, Thursdays 7 pm. Reservations: (775) 225-3948

Hug a Stranger Every Tuesday at 1pm, hug a stranger... or a friend! Be sure to make it a strong and genuine hug. Make someone’s day and make the world a better place!

2nd and last Saturday of every month. Step by step teaching and training on how to heal yourself. For more info, call Master John (775) 323-4455 or (775) 250-9050.

Meditation Groups at Om Home Guided Group Meditations are Mondays 6:00pm and Fridays at 6:15pm. Visit or call Diane @ (775) 250-7756.

Reiki Sessions and Training Reiki Healing Circle, Monday nights at The Institute for Inspired Living. Advanced training for practitioners, 6:30-7pm. $45 Public Reiki Sessions from 7-8pm. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.

Sunday Meditation at Noon Join us for an open meditation every Sunday from 12–1pm. At the Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. (775) 324-2872.

“Why Diets Don’t Work” Free Seminar How to reprogram the metabolic switch from a fat storer to a fat burner in 6 weeks. Reshape your body permanently. 2nd Thursday of every month. Pre-registration required. Call (775) 250-6482. Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC.

March 2009


Free Health Lectures Every first Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm. Located at City of Reno Council Chambers. For more info, call Everlasting Health Center at (775) 324-7382.

MS Self Help Group Meetings Groups are a source of information and support, an environment for people to gather and share. Groups meet in Reno, Sparks, and Truckee. Call (800) 3444867.

For past issues, go to:

RETAIL THERAPY mineraldeodorant


NatureRich Deodorants provide an invisible layer of protection from odor by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, without clogging pores or irritating skin. Non-toxic, pH balanced & made with natural mineral salts. Free from harmful chemicals, such as aluminum chlorhydrate (potential cancercausing agent). Available in Crystallized Stone, Roll-On, or non-aerosol Mist.

Foundation Essentials Power of 3™ represents a whole new category of super-nutrition for families desiring vibrant health, natural energy, enhanced mental focus, weight management and more. The Power of 3™ is a great tasting, complete health system containing over 174 nutraceutical ingredients from nature’s own pharmacy. 90-day money back guarantee. INQUIRES: Kathy • 775-220-6995

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Brighten your laundry while being eco-concious! This chlorine-free Oxygen Whitener releases a boost of oxygen for bleaching stains, while cleaning and brightening colors and whites. It is colorsafe, septic-safe and environmentally safe. It is also biodegradable and hypoallergenic. EcoReno • 775-32-GOECO 18 Stewart St, Suite B • Reno (Near Starbucks at Virginia & California)

INQUIRIES: 775.345.1500 • Available at Country Health & Vitamin Connection



You’ve built a business helping others unwind. Now it’s your turn to relax. Put HB Marketplace to work for you. Healthy Beginnings will design, print and deliver your message to 50,00 health-conscious consumers each month.

All-natural botanical products from the Tuscany Region of Italy. • 30-minute Express Manicure: $15 • 60-minute Spa Manicure: $25 • 30-minute Express Pedicure: $20 • 60-minute Spa Pedicure: $40

INQUIRIES: Lorraine Leininger 775.848.4225 • 250 Claremont, Reno

For past issues, go to:

INQUIRIES: Healthy Beginnings 775.828.4547


March 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | 7pm | John Ascuaga’s Nugget in the Rose Ballroom, benefiting the Nevada Land Conservancy Tickets: $16 in advance, $18 day of event. Available beginning March 1st through John Ascuaga’s Nugget and REI. VIP seating is available for $40.

March 2009

For event info, event sponsorships & exhibit booths, please call the Nevada Land Conservancy at

775-851-5180. 63

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