Healthy Beginnings Magazine - March 2019

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HBMAG.COM ISSN 2150-9921

APRIL 2019


Beginnings lifestyle magazine

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

THE PDO NON-SURGICAL THREAD LIFT WALK.RUN. DANCE.PLAY. WHEN THE PSYCHE KNOCKS ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on newsprint using soy-based inks since August 2006

s E er SE E 8ling icle G t PA . Es y ar r l r D th fo on m



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019




The PDO “Non-Surgical Thread Lift … 6

No Distortion Here ... 23

Ultraviolet Light ... 8


Walk. Run. Dance. Play. … 10

The Book That Changed My Life ... 14

When the Psyche Knocks …13

The Secret to Teen Power: Secret Power Play: Part II … 25




The PDO “Non-Surgical Thread Lift … 6

Dr. Corazon Ibarra, M.D., H.M.D. … 9

Ultraviolet Light ...8


Walk. Run. Dance. Play. … 10

Walk. Run. Dance. Play. … 10

When the Psyche Knocks ... 13



Moving Away From Home …18

HERBS & SPICES Chives …16


Publisher’s Letter … 4 Herbs & Spices …16


Book Review ... 25

Ultraviolet Light ... 8

Professional Resources Directory … 24

Walk.Run.Dance.Play. … 10

Calendar … 26

PSYCHOLOGY When The Psyche Knocks … 13



Herbed Feta Dip ... 17 Kate’s Kitchen: Brassica Blend Soup … 21 Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake … 21 Lemon Butter Icing … 21 Fancy But Easy Crab Salad … 21

March 2019


Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



PUBLISHER’SLETTER Dear Readers, 50 W. Liberty St, Ste. 203, Reno NV 89501



read my publisher letter that I wrote 12 years ago, March 2007, and in that letter, I addressed obesity in America. My oldest son and I had just driven the largest Penske truck from Naples, Florida to Reno, Nevada and witnessed in several states how Americans were getting heavier. Fast forward 12 years and America’s obesity problem has grown to epidemic proportions. Why is that? You would think we are more educated now than ever, about the health benefits of eating nutritious foods and that supplementation is necessary. Large industrial crop farming has depleted the soil of minerals thus the need for additional supplementation. We are inundated with information on mainstream news about food sensitives, gluten and dairy intolerance yet, to feed yourself nutritious and organic foods it is costly — yet worth it, in the long run. Planting a small garden with greens that produce several crops during the growing months will help to save money, and there is nothing better than fresh produce. Lettuce, kale, parsley, carrots, green onions, radishes are a few that will garner more than one crop a season.

Dawn Gowery | Office Phone: 775-850-2293



Dawn Gowery |



Andy Drymalski, Robert A. Eslinger, Dr. Robert Floyd, William N. Clearfield

COVER PHOTO Shutterstock

Healthy Beginnings Magazine’s mission is to provide resources and information on alternative and integrative medicine, nutrition, fitness, green living, sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle.

Exercise is key to staying fit and trim. Sitting is reported to be the next deadly disease, our bodies were designed to move. I am not a gym rat, yet I do enjoy yoga, the balance ball, bar exercises, and just plain hiking. Start somewhere, even if just to walk a few blocks every day, your body will love you for it.

Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas.

And if you fall into a rut and need assistance losing weight, there are many ways to get back on track. The doctors that write for Healthy Beginnings offer many modalities that help with weight loss, but more than that they take the time to know you and listen to your concerns. Perhaps there is something in your life preventing weight loss, such as hormonal deficiencies, food allergies, depression, a low-level virus — whatever it is, don’t put your health on the back burner. When it comes down to it, our health is our wealth.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in articles written by contributing writers to Healthy Beginnings, nor are we responsible for products and services that are advertised in this magazine. All rights reserved. 2019 © by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission to be in writing. Please email Dawn Gowery at Past issues may be found on our website at

Enjoy this issue, I hope you find something new to learn.

Printed in the USA

As Always, Best to You in Health and Happiness,


Keep smiling, life is too short! Dawn Gowery




Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

Our Cover Our March issue cover depicts a familiar Spring scene, perhaps a gardener getting ready for the planting season? In northern Nevada and the Lake Tahoe region, March can be a spring-like month. Many gardeners are thinking and planning the diagrams of their gardens and what vegetables and flowers they will grow. They may be starting or have started seeds in a greenhouse. They have gathered their tools and are in anticipation of the day that outdoor planting begins. I chose this scene because there is something comforting about this picture. It reminds me that soon the warm weather will be here. I can smell the black dirt and envision what flowers to plant in pots and hanging baskets. I can’t wait to walk through the large greenhouses to see and smell the vast array of flowers and vegetables. Perhaps it reminds me of my mother and her flower gardens and my grandmother’s large vegetable garden and grandpa’s rows of zinnias. I can smell the dew in the pasture and grasslands — the earth is waking up after a long winter’s nap. What do YOU see in this picture, what memories does it bring to your mind?

NEWSBRIEFS Gardening in Nevada The Bartley Ranch Series - Tuesday, March 5, 12, 19 and 26. This free class is titled "Training and Pruning Fruit Trees," presented by Certified Arborist and Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Michael Janik. He will discuss the basics of fruit tree pruning, pruning to maximize production and more. Classes are from 6-8pm at Bartley Ranch Regional Park in Reno.

The Feldenkrais Method® ~ Created by Physicist/Engineer and Judo Expert, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method® is a uniquely powerful way to improve your movement in every activity. Since the 1960s, this method has been used around the world to improve athletics and arts performance, to relieve pain/stress, restore balance and skeletal alignment and regain efficient, comfortable, sustainable movement under nearly any circumstance. You will learn slow, mindful, non-habitual movement sequences that re-organize the brain-body system and update your brain map. Join us for classes every TUES Noon; THURS 5pm; or SAT 10am. FOR DETAILS SEE: or call 775-2407882, Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP.

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



IV Corner:

By Melvin Ibarra Nario, MD HMD


e are always in search for the “fountain of youth” halt, slow down or even try to reverse the aging process. Currently, we are made to believe that laser andBotox therapies are the solutions to prevent outward aging. What we don’t see is the more important internal damage that aging does. It has been proven that as we age our organs deteriorate (arterial walls harden, joints and ligaments calcify or become worn out, etc.) which leads to chronic diseases. Playing a major role in this process, collagen has been discovered to prevent this from happening. Either in the oral, cream or injectable form, collagen repletion has been part of almost every anti-aging protocol of clinicians nowadays. Collagen is an abundant protein packed in long durable fibrils in our body, supporting organs and cells to provide strength and elasticity. This protein is prominently found in the skin, bones and tissues. There are various types of collagen, 90% of which consists of type 1 and 3. They are secreted mainly by the connective tissue cells located in the extracellular matrix where the physical shape of our organs is determined. In the middle layer of the skin (or the dermis), about 80% is type 1. It plays a major role in the creation of new cells as well as renewing or revitalizing old ones. This makes up the supporting structure of the skin and maintains its firmness. With aging, collagen production slows down. In women, this is markedly prominent after menopause. Almost everyone experiences a significant decrease in collagen production by 60 years old. Major symptoms of collagen deficiency would be: 1. Wrinkle formation 2. Loss of “youthful glow” 3. Sagging skin



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

4. Weakening of joints and cartilages 5. Slow wound healing Factors that lowers collagen: 1. The ultraviolet rays of the sun lead to accelerated collagen break down in the dermis. As improper repair occurs, skin wrinkling starts to form. 2. Smoking directly damages collagen. Indirectly, nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor on the blood vessels which lowers the amount of nutrition and oxygen being delivered. 3. Diet high in sugar: Sugar reacts to nearby proteins that may weaken collagen. 4. The aging process naturally depletes collagen What can we do to prevent collagen loss? 1. Injectable collagen is used to treat wrinkles and facial aging to even out the skin contour. Limitations of use includes its limited surface area of application. It

is difficult to use collagen for extensive damaged areas. In this particular case, extensive areas are usually injected with fillers. Caution should be observed when collagen is from an animal source. This might predispose more to allergic reactions. 2. Laser therapy can stimulate the growth of collagen. 3. Diet, rich in proline, vitamin C and A (beta carotene) supports collagen production. 4. Avoiding tobacco and excess sun exposure. 5. As part of oral collagen supplementation, studies have been showing mixed results in terms of its therapeutic effectivity. 6. Collagen creams claim to increase skin collagen levels. The truth of the matter is that majority of these products contains large molecules of collagen that are difficult to be absorbed through the skin. Giving moisture to the skin might

be mistaken for this effect but has not been proven to directly increase collagen through this manner. External collagen source, or exogenous collagen is usually synthetic. They come in the form of supplements, injectables and creams which are usually used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Internal/natural or endogenous collagen, on the other hand is being synthesized by the body. This is the type that we need to produce and have more of due to its natural state. The best way to achieve this is by using homeopathic collagen, either in the oral or injectable form. The homeopathic dose, meaning “in minute amounts”, is used to stimulate our own innate collagen to multiply and grow. This is the safer method of administration for it has almost no side effects, and has greater effectivity compared to the other modes of delivery. With the homeopathic collagen, the concept of anti-aging has been proven to begin from deep within, and not on the surface. Please see ad below

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Ultraviolet Light

Therapy for many diseases Written By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D. This has led to a revival of interest among medical practitioners worldwide including the US.


xposing the blood to ultraviolet light for therapeutic purposes was first performed in the US in the 1920’s. It was found to have many benefits and few downsides and became very popular. By the 1930’s there was even a policy statement by the FDA “recognizing the therapeutic benefits of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation or UBI”! The use of light to treat disease was very forward thinking because light is nothing more than high frequency vibration. Unfortunately, no one can patent ultraviolet light so it fell out of favor with the dramatic advances in antibiotics, vaccines and corticosteroids in the 1950’s. This was a setback because the downside, or “side effects” of these drugs were not known at the time and ultraviolet light treatments have very few of these negative results. The last two decades have seen an escalation of immune-related illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergic conditions, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. UBI seems particularly adapted to address these conditions.

In 1974 German biophysicist FritzAlbert Popp, PhD proved the existence of biophotons. These are light particles given off by our DNA producing many effects in the body. His biophoton theory points to many startling insights into the life processes and may well provide the major elements of a future theory of life and holistic medical practice based on such an approach. UBI treatments have been shown to increase the biophoton output from the red blood cells after a treatment. As a simple, non-toxic, FDA approved procedure, UBI is a potent immune system stimulant. Not only did it demonstrate potent antiviral and antibacterial effects, but it also had the huge advantage of producing no serious documented sideeffects after being administered to more than 30,000 patients over a period of 70 years! Besides inactivating viruses and bacteria, physiologically UBI has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects. These include increasing oxygen levels, causing a detoxification effect, deactivating both snake venoms and bacterial toxins and enhancing phagocytosis (the process by which specific immune cells engulf and digest foreign matter, debris, microbes, and tumor cells). These treatments have also been shown to cause vasodilatation (dilating blood vessels) and decrease edema, activate cortisone-like molecules and control nausea and vomiting.

simplex/zoster, measles, viral pneumonia and polio. Even more conditions such as non-healing wounds/fractures, cirrhosis, tetanus, malaria, typhoid and seizures have shown improvement using this treatment. There are even studies underway at Michigan State and Johns Hopkins University to address the scourge of Alzheimer’s disease with this approach. The International Institute of Biophysics, a network of research labs in more than 10 countries, based in Germany, is coordinating research in this field. The future is here right now! A whole new era of “Medicine” has arrived! HB

For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV 89519, 775-8291009,

REFERENCES 1. 1. Dillion, Ken, Healing Photons-The Science and Art of Blood Irradiation History 1. American Foundation for Blood Irradiation (FFBI)

Please see ad on inside front cover page.

This is just a short list of benefits. Other conditions that have shown benefits from these treatments include influenza, herpes



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019


Dr. Corazon Ibarra, M.D., H.M.D. By Erina Fischer


And religion, or spirituality of any kind, is a huge factor in emotional balance and Dr. Cora has found this to be directly correlated with cancer survival. In Dr. Cora’s experience, patients with an uplifting and grounded view of life are still alive and well 20 years later after diagnosis. As her personal statement states: “Optimum health is a state of our mind.”

hat steers an allopathic physician, after years of education and dedication to their profession, to make a 180-degree turn towards alternative medicine? For Dr. Corazon Ibarra, M.D., H.M.D., known as “Dr. Cora” to her patients, it was due to her own health crisis. Working as an anesthesiologist for eight years, the constant stress finally took its toll on her body. Her symptoms of a body out-of-balance were reoccurring headaches and chronic illness. Skeptical, but desperate to regain her health, alternative medicine was Dr. Cora’s last option.

Considering her passion for her life’s work it’s surprising to find out that being a doctor wasn’t her original choice when she was a young girl. In the Philippines, parents decide what their children will do for a career and whether that includes higher education. Dr. Cora, a pianist since the age of five, wanted to be a piano teacher. Her father, a forester, wanted all of his six children to become doctors instead.

Dr. Cora became a patient and unbeknownst to her, took her first step on a path that would lead her to a wonderful career and life change. Her homeopathic physician, Dr. Tang, instructed her to undergo homeopathic treatments, Chelation therapy, change her diet, meditate, exercise and remove her dental fillings.

“My father would say to me, ‘Only two families have pianos, and one of those is us, who are you going to teach?”, she laughs. Even so, Dr. Cora is pleased that she became a doctor and appreciates her father’s direction. “No regrets, except I didn’t marry the one he liked,” she chuckles.

“Whatever alternative therapy there is, I did,” Dr. Cora says “I did everything they told me to do and it worked. At first I thought is this real or is it just a psychological effect?” After all, Dr. Cora was an anesthesiologist, trained and familiar with western medicine, which tends to take a cautious approach to alternative methods. But Dr. Cora was sold. She became a graduate and Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy, as well as board certified in Chelation Therapy. She even practiced with Dr. Tang, who had helped her heal, at the Century Clinic in 1986. Today Dr. Cora practices not only homeopathy and Chelation Therapy, but also Bio Oxidative Therapy, Electro acupuncture, Neural Therapy and Homotoxicology at her facility, the Bio Integrative Health Center International, along with Dr. Hector de los Santos, M.D., H.M.D..

Alternative therapies are not the only thing that Dr. Cora brings to the table, but also her ability to form valuable and educational relationships with her patients. Walking through the halls of her Reno office, Dr. Cora can be seen warmly greeting her patients in the hallways or stopping to ask how a woman is doing while receiving Chelation therapy. In other words, her medicine extends beyond the examining room. Expect to spend 45 minutes to an hour during a visit with Dr. Cora. Her aim is to educate in order to “stabilize trust and confidence with her patients, because she was a once patient too”, she reminds me.

Dr. Cora came to Reno in 1986 after studying and working as an anesthesiologist in Germany. Born and raised in the Philippines, her life has been an experience in culture. Her mother is Chinese, her father is Spanish, she was educated in Europe and is working in America. Dr. Cora jokes about her extensive background, but also understands that it is directly related to why she is so successful as a physician, a parent and a person.

“Most patients are bombarded with information and a lot of patients are victims of different opinions,” she says “It is a matter of simplification and understanding of where you fit.” She also provides emotional, spiritual and nutritional support, letting her patients know their options and giving them the choice to take the path that is right for them. “I want them to understand how they are healing,” Dr. Cora says “Healing is not coming from the doctor. It’s from the inside. I don’t just have them take this or do that. I am a coach, teacher and a counselor.” HB

Dr. Cora’s wisdom spreads beyond her personal life and is woven throughout her understanding, patient, and holistic approach to her patients. She appreciates and respects all cultures and religions.

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Please see ad on page 15.



Walk. Run. Dance. Play. What’s YOUR Move? Written By Robert Floyd, MD


eing physically active is one of the most important actions that people of all ages can take to improve their health. The evidence is clear — physical activity fosters normal growth and development and can make people feel better, function better, sleep better, and reduce the risk of a large number of chronic diseases. Sadly, only 26 percent of men, 19 percent of women, and 20 percent of adolescent Americans report meeting minimum exercise guidelines. This sedentary lifestyle, coupled with the nutrient-deficient Standard American Diet (SAD), puts most Americans at high risk for avoidable chronic disease. “High-intensity intermittent exercise has acute beneficial effects on endothelial function, postprandial lipemia, and chronic positive effects on weight management…[T]here is emerging evidence regarding chronic benefits on the blood lipid profile, blood pressure, and proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines,” according to a 2016 article. “Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests beneficial acute and chronic effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise on cognition.” The article also documents beneficial aspects of exercise on the three fastest growing health problems in America: type 2 diabetes(T2DM), depression, and obesity. T2DM is poised to engulf the U.S. in a wave of chronic and debilitating disease. Mortality, as well as morbidity rate in diabetes mellitus, is alarmingly increasing, according to a 2013 study. Fortunately, exercise has been shown to be beneficial in combatting the multitude of metabolic derangements seen in T2DM. “Aerobic exercise is a valuable therapeutic strategy for T2DM as it has beneficial effects on physiological parameters and reduces the metabolic risk factors in insulin resistance diabetes mellitus...including glycemic control, fasting blood-glucose level and lipid profile,” the study notes. “Moreover, it can restore the endothelial function and reduces the arterial stiffness Visit

which is the positive denominator for developing cardiovascular complications in T2DM.” Resistance training (using muscle strength) transports glucose out of the blood stream and into the cells without the need of insulin. This has major positive impacts on T2DM long-term outcomes. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a global public health problem as the second leading cause of disability worldwide and projected to be the leading cause by 2030. Depression affects all demographics from rich to poor and young to old. For years, exercise has been shown to be the most effective treatment, even surpassing antidepressants. When combined with antidepressants, studies have shown that exercise resulted in greater reduction in depression symptoms with 75 percent of the patients showing either a therapeutic response or a complete remission of symptoms versus 25 percent of those who did not exercise. Adding exercise also boosted patients’ sleep quality and cognition, both of which are impaired with MDD. In 2015-2016 the prevalence of obesity was 39.8 percent and affected 93.3 million U.S. adults. Obesity is an insidious disease that leads to hypertension, heart disease, T2DM, cancer and stroke. Many of the ravaging side effects of obesity can be ameliorated with exercise. A 2017 study found “evidence that combined resistance and aerobic exercise can be a useful therapeutic treatment for high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and central adiposity, thereby reducing the likelihood of pathological development for cardiovascular diseases in later adulthood.” Even losing a few pounds can make profound metabolic improvements, and may be the difference between living healthfully into your 80’s or expiring in your 60’s.


Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

HHS Guidelines on Exercise by Age • Pre-school aged children: physically active throughout the day. • Children and adolescents 6-17 years old: at least 60 minutes per day of aerobic activity combined with resistance training at least three days per week. • Adults: 150-300 minutes per week of moderate activity or 75-150 minutes per week of vigorous intensity activity to include resistance strength training two or more days per week. • Older adults: 150 minutes per week of aerobic and resistance training as well as balance training. If unable to do 150 minutes per week, then what is tolerable. See your doctor before beginning any exercise program!

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Robert Floyd, MD, is a board-certified family physician practicing integrative and functional medicine at Gerber Medical Clinic in Reno. Visit or call 775-826-1900 to learn more. REFERENCES 1. Cooper SB et al, High-Intensity Intermittent Excercise: Effect on Young People’s Cariometabolic Health and Cognition, Curr Sports Med Rep, 2016 Jul-Aug;15(4):245-51 1. Thent ZC et al, Role of Exercise in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus: the Global Scenario, PLoS One. 2013; 8(11): e80436. Published online 2013 Nov 13. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0080436 Please see ad below




When The Psyche Knocks, Written By Andy Drymalski, EdD


n the song he popularized, “Keep A-Knockin,’” Little Richard sings of love spurned: Keep a-knockin’ but you can’t come in. Keep a-knockin’ but you can’t come in. Keep a-knockin’ but you can’t come in. Come back tomorrow night and try it again. Not infrequently the psyche comes a-knockin’ at the door of our conscious mind (the ego) asking for admittance. And sometimes we keep it knocking; we’re reluctant to hear what it has to say. In such situations it often becomes more insistent as reflected in this young man’s dream: “Someone was pounding on the roof of my apartment. It was as if they were trying to break through the ceiling into my room. All the banging woke me up.” The dreamer’s unconscious wanted to warn him against a path, or attitude, he was taking in life. This is evidenced by another dream he had that night: “I’m driving my car down the road when another car coming from the opposite direction pulls into my lane and drives straight towards me.” Putting it poetically, we might summarize that: Because he was aloof, his unconscious came through the roof, dropping plaster on his bed just to get inside his head. But because he wouldn’t hear, it added a dose of fear, tried to expand his current vision with the threat of a collision. A woman dreamed: “I’ve gone to bed, but then I wonder if I locked the front door. I go to the door which is split-level, with a top and bottom that open separately. I see that the door is ajar so I push it closed, but as I do so I feel someone pushing just as hard from the other side. I look through the crack between the door and its jamb and see a tall man. Now I push even harder to close the door, but the man extends a key through the narrow opening. It is an old skeleton key. It reminds me of the kind of key a pirate might use to open a treasure chest.” Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what that key opens? What is the message her psyche brings? Is there a key that she is missing? Something important she’s dismissing? Perhaps a bounty to be discovered, or a gift to be uncovered? Our ego is often afraid of what it does not understand. Perhaps at some level we are all xenophobes, afraid of the stranger, the unfamiliar, the mysterious and unknown within us. As a result,



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

Let It In in our dreams the unconscious may be perceived as an intruder, a robber, or the devil. And yet, if we encounter this unconscious messenger with an attitude of openness and cooperation, it typically becomes less fearful or threatening. It can transforms into a helpful friend, guide, or teacher. As often happens in our dealings with our deeper self, the face we turn towards it is the face it turns towards us. Perhaps Little Richard’s perspective needs to be replaced by that of Paul McCartney when he sings: Someone’s knockin’ at the door Somebody’s ringin’ the bell Someone’s knockin’ at the door Somebody’s ringin’ the bell Do me a favor, open the door and let ‘em in, yeah, let ‘em in (Written by Paul and Linda McCartney, Wings)


For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at phone number (775) 5274585 or Enjoy his blog at

Please see ad this page

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Can One Book Really Change Your Life? BY Rev. Jack Elliott


ell I am here to tell you that not only can one book change your life–but even a book title can be transformative to one’s life. Ask me how I know, because it’s true for me. When I was 24 years old, moving to San Francisco was both liberating and daunting. I was ecstatic to live in a city where no one would judge me for being who I am. The theme song from La Cage aux Folles was my anthem. “I am what I am. I am my own special creation. So come take a look, give me the hook or the ovation. There’s one life, and there’s no return and no deposit; one life, so it’s time to open up your closet. Life’s not worth a damn ’til you can say, ‘Hey world, I am what I am!’” Even though I was newly liberated, I still felt like I didn’t fit in. Then one day, I took refuge in one of my favorite haunts: B. Dalton Books. Nearly every lunch hour found me combing the stacks, looking for inspiration. I didn’t know what I was seeking–I just knew that I was seeking. Then I saw it: The book title that changed my life. “What You Think About Me – Is

None of My Business!” You might think I immediately bought the book, but I did not. The mere “idea” suggested by the tile, transformed me. I realized that the title of Terry ColeWhittaker’s book was complementing the same message as my anthem. “Hey world, I am what I am and what you think about me is none of my business.” The title of the book was all that I needed to complete my affirmation for myself. I would visit the bookstore day after day on my lunch hour. I would glance at the title and peak through the pages and find quote after quote that would empower me to be true to myself. I told others about the book, and they actually bought it way before I did. As you can imagine, I did eventually buy the book. The book led me to Terry’s weekly television program on KRON-TV. The TV program led me to a class called “Mastery in Living I” at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco. That first night of class I was running late. When I arrived, there was one empty seat amongst the 500 people in the room. That seat was



next to a woman by the name of Andriette Earl. The rest they say is history. We have been dearest friends for over 32 years. Now, she is Rev. Andriette and is the founding minister of Heart and Soul Center of Light. I’m serving as the founding President of Heart and Soul. Our friendship and my work here at Heart and Soul have been transformative. I am so thankful to have been inspired by that one book. This summer, my story comes full circle. Terry Cole Whittaker – the author of “What You Think of Me – is None of My Business” will be speaking at Heart and Soul Center of Light in Oakland! HB

Jack is a Spiritual Life Coach. He was ordained in 1985 and aligns his ministry with the Centers of Spiritual Living. He serves as the President of the Board of Trustees at Heart and Soul Center of Light, in Oakland, CA. heartsoulcenter. org.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

“Eh,” she said, “Threads? I did them 10 years ago.”

The PDO “Non-Surgical Thread Lift Written By William N. Clearfield, D.O. Paid Advertorial

Barb swept her blonde hair away from her shoulder, pointing to a messy scar behind her ear.

Continued from Page 7


arb took her index and middle finger, placed it on the angle of her jaw, and pulled the skin back toward her ear. She performed her very own, temporary neck lift. Barb is a great patient. She came to us almost in desperation. Hot flashes night sweats, irritable, could not sleep. “I snap at the least little thing,” she said. Barb was miserable, her husband Ron and daughter Casey were miserable. Her co-workers openly avoided her. Three months after our evaluation and beginning a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement regimen, Barb was her old self. “You fixed my insides, Dr. C.,” she said, “Now it’s time for the outside.”

March 2019

After balancing her hormones, we Botoxed the frown lines between and around her eyes, added dermal fillers to raise her cheekbones and enhance her lips and improved her skin tone and with our Vampire Facelift. “I think you look great, Barb,” I said. Barb shook her head. “No, she said tugging the loose skin under her neck back toward the angle of her jaw. “This needs a hiking.” Barb flattened both sides of the offending skin with her index finger and middle finger. “I’ve got something new for you,” I said. “No surgery,” she said. “I have to work. I can’t afford downtime.” “No surgery,” I replied. “I have these new threads,” I said. “They create a true lift.”

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


“Those were ‘permanent’ sutures,” I said. “They were inserted behind your ear and tied together, broke easily leaving one side uneven.” “These are different,” I said. “These are called polydioxanone, or PDO threads. PDO fibers dissolve after four to six months, require, at most, only a minute pin size, less than 1/10 of 1 milliliter, of anesthetic. They’re not needles, so there’s no cutting. We thread them into place, advancing them over your skin like a curtain rod over a curtain. “What about the ties,” she replied. “You will have a terrible time getting through those scars.” “No ties,” I said. “When we have them in place, we smooth the threads engaging the underlying dermis. If there is excess Please see ad on page thread, we cut them in a downward mo-7



Chives By Brittany Russell


magine a gypsy over 1,000 years ago, holding a bunch of vibrant green sticks in her hand, spreading them on a table to tell her client his fortune. It is thought that those sticks are what we now call chives. Though they will not tell your future, they do act as a tasty addition to many dishes. Chives belong to the same family as onions, leeks and garlic. The botanical name, Allium schoenoprasum L., comes from the Greek meaning “reedlike leek.” Although they are native to Asia and Eastern Europe, by the 16th century chives were common plants in herb gardens throughout Europe. The leaves are round and hollow, similar to green onions, but smaller in diameter. In June or July, chives produce large round flower heads consisting of purple to pink flowers. The leaves are best used when fresh. However, they may also be finely chopped and frozen for later use. When dried, the leaves may lose their onionlike flavor. Chives are usually used fresh and are a common addition to baked potatoes, cream soups and egg dishes. Some Asian soups call for chives as a garnish. Chives are a milder alliums vegetable, exhibiting fewer sulfur compounds. While other alliums like garlic or on-



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

ion are well documented to possess anticlotting, hypolipidemic, antiviral and decongestant properties, chives could be expected to possess similar, yet weaker characteristics. There is some evidence that chives can improve digestion and reduce high blood pressure. The oil from chives does contain antibacterial properties. Population studies have shown that a higher intake of alliums vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of several types of cancers. The organ sulfur compounds they contain inhibit tumor growth and cell proliferation, and stop the cell cycle in tumor cells. Allium vegetables, including chives, especially have a protective effect against both esophageal and stomach cancer as well as prostate cancer. The highest antioxidant activity in chives is observed in the leaves, which are also rich in flavonoids.


Castle, Michael. The Healing Herbs. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1991



4. servings=8


With all its health benefits and flavorful versatility, it is an easy decision to make chives a bigger part of your diet. Try this simple Dip recipe below: HB

Herbed Feta Dip INGREDIENTS: 3/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 (15 oz)can 2 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons 1 teaspoon

nonfat plain yogurt crumbled feta cheese cannellini beans, drained and rinsed lemon juice chopped fresh parsley chopped fresh dill chopped fresh chives chopped fresh mint ground black pepper

DIRECTIONS: 1.Place yogurt, feta, beans, garlic and lemon juice in the bowl of your food processor. Blend until smooth. Add parsley, dill, chives, mint and pepper; pulse until they are well combined. Transfer dip to serving bowl and chill until ready to serve.

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.Ž




Moving Away From Home “Ras loves to help me and be my partner. She is so self-assured and gets to excited when she starts to alert me to a sound,” says Megan smiling. “One time, Ras alerted me to a noise she heard. When she led me to the source of the sound, I realized it was my neighbor’s smoke alarm going off. I could see all the smoke coming from their apartment into the hallway and was able to call 9112. The level of confidence and reassurance I feel having Ras is so impactful.” HB

Learn more about Canine Companions for Independence at:


egan often has her nose buried in a book. When she’s not reading for fun, she is studying to take the bar exam this summer. Megan recently graduated from law school at Northeastern University in Boston, but she didn’t always think that her life could take her so far from California. “I was born deaf in both ears, so I was always dependent on my parents,” explains Megan. “They had to wake me up for school every day. The had to find me if I was needed, as I couldn’t hear anyone call my name. I worried if there was an emergency that I wouldn’t find out in time. As a result, I was always on guard and dependent on others.” When Megan first considered college, she worried about living on her own. She was concerned about her safety, since she can’t hear a smoke detector or doorbell. “After a few failed attempts trying light and vibration technology, I had almost given up on the idea of moving away from my parents,” Megan recalls. “I thought I would have to attend a local community college, even though I really wanted the traditional college experience and longed to be independent.” At this point, Megan and her mom decided to learn more about getting a Canine Companions© hearing dog. It was Megan’s experience at Canine Companions for Independence© that motivated her to pursue law school. “Being with a group of people who all needed hearing dogs like I did, inspired me to become a lawyer and advocate for people who are deaf or hard of hearing,” she says. Professional trainers at Canine Companions matched Megan with her hearing dog, Ras. This two-week process, called Team Training, carefully matches individuals with disabilities with assistance dogs and helps them learn to work effectively as a team.



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019



Satisfaction Written by Craig Witt, Soil Council


ough economic times are when the garden becomes most valuable. Robert Rodale sums it up quite eloquently, “so the best fall-back possession is not gold, but a large garden and a pantry full of home-produced food.” Dr. Arden Andersen further describes the value of home-produced food; “the intention of this book is to help people with their quest for medical options and to help them understand the foundation of health vs. illness. That foundation is diet and the nutritional integrity of the food and the nutritional integrity of the soil upon which the food is grown. This to me is real medicine to solve the real causes of illness resulting in real health rather than mere suppression of symptoms with more and more drugs.” Wow! Powerful information, isn’t it? Let’s not forget the fact that the food on the average American plate was trucked in from more than 1500 miles away and spent between 7 and 14 days in transit. March 2019

Imagine that if all you had to do was step out your back door to harvest your own nutritious produce - being a localvore. This is the year to grow some of your own food. How do we get started?

dig and mulch, your abs are twisting and contracting against resistance. All the bending, lifting and walking burns nearly 350 calories an hour. HB

1. Start with a soil sample that speaks the language of a plant.

Reprinted from March 2009. Readers should call Craig for updated information: Craig Witt at Full Circle Compost at (775) 267-5305,

2. Create an easily manageable automatic watering system. 3. Identify a reputable company that specializes in soil fertility and compost in your area. 4. Amend your soil based on the results of your soil analysis.


Fresh Food, Dirt Cheap (All Year Long!) Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, 1988.


Andersen, A. Real Medicine Real Health. Holographic Health Press, Waynesville, 2004.


5. Pick seed varieties that are adapted to your local climate. 6. Dig in!! An extra perk to harvesting on your own is that it can be great exercise! As you

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®






Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

Written by Dr. Tony Jensen, DC Paid Advertorial


here is a new exciting breakthrough in treating and healing pinched nerves. Back and neck pain, headaches, numbness or tingling anywhere in the body can be caused by pinched nerves. Chiropractors believe in treating the source of the problem effectively and naturally. One should not have to rely on medication to get through the day, as drugs tend to mask the problem rather than treating it at the source. With the Pulstar Technology, Chiropractic is taken to the next level. What is the Pulstar? It is an advanced computer and engineering technology, with a hand-held device that allows Doctors of Chiropractic to both analyze and treat the human body in ways never realized before. Newborns, as well as the elderly with osteoporosis can be treated safely and gently with this innovative mechanism. How does it work? The Pulstar computer system uses a piezoelectric sensor in the soft-tipped instrument to administer a precise oscillating force which measures specific levels of joint motion in a relaxed, effective manner. With the patient sitting in an upright position, the treatment is performed comfortably, without any turning or sudden movements. Data is then transferred and displayed on the computer monitor, allowing the doctor to isolate and treat the problem area faster and more accurately than manual procedures. Following the treatment, the Pulstar’s sophisticated re-analysis allows both the patient and the doctor to chart all progress toward successful recovery. If you or someone you care about is experiencing the effects of pinched nerves and you are not under chiropractic care, NOW is the best time to start. Remember, it’s always best to rule out pinched nerves before other symptoms start. HB

For more information on Pulstar, contact Dr. Jensen at Jensen Chiropractic, (775) 323-1222.

March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





DENTAL CARE SAGE DENTAL CARE 1080 N. Hills Blvd, Reno 775-677-0790 7520 Longley Ln., #104, Reno 775-409-4282

GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., #2, Reno 775-826-1900

FITNESS & MOVEMENT RENO FELDENKRAIS METHOD CLASSES Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP/T Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner 775-240-7882

RENO INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL CENTER Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD 6110 Plumas St., #B, Reno 775-829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience. Go to ad on Page 2

Learn to move comfortably and efficiently, reduce pain and improve vitality, recover quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. Mindful movement classes and private lessons with Carole Bucher, Reno Feldenkrais. See Local Events Calendar for class schedule and for more information. The only ongoing Feldenkrais classes in the state of Nevada, since 2008. Go to ad on Page 5

CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH DR. TONY JENSEN 495 Apple St., Ste. 105, Reno 775-323-1222 We take the time to educate you about chiropractics and how important the nervous system is to your over-all existence. That sets us apart from other chiropractors. We offer manual adjustments, Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), and we offer the Pulstar adjusting technique: no twisting or popping – safe for all ages. Go to ad on Page 23


INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE RENO INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL CENTER Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD 6110 Plumas St., #B, Reno 775-829-1009

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Go to ad on Page 13

Practicing since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered family-oriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bioidentical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities. Go to ad on Page 11

DR. WILLIAM CLEARFIELD 9550 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. B, Reno 775-359-1222 Dr. William Clearfield brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and AntiAging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has 20 years experience and training with bioidentical hormone eplacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Go to ad on Page 7

Dr. Eslinger brings over 40 years’ experience to the practice of Integrative Medicine at Reno Integrative Medical Center here in Reno. He has learned to apply a broad range of conventional and alternative therapies to provide each patient a combination that is best suited to their individual condition and circumstances. The best therapy is one that works with the body, not against it.

ANDY DRYMALSKI, EDD Psychotherapy 775-527-4585


STEM CELL THERAPY Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD 6110 Plumas St., #B, Reno 775-829-1009 Stem Cell therapy is now available at Reno Integrative Medical Center. Stem Cells have come a long way with little fear of allergic reaction or rejection. They can be administered into specific deteriorated joints or given IV for the whole body. Contact us to book your appointment now and for more information (some exclusions apply). Go to ad on Page 2



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019

The Secret to Teen Power : BOOKREVIEW

SECRET POWER PLAYS: Part II Written By June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


hat emotion you feel when you’re thinking unhappy thoughts is your emotional guidance system clicking in. That discord, that feeling of frustration or aggravation is telling you what’s coming! The emotions you feel in response to your thoughts are a quick clue to what you’re attracting, and therefore what will be showing up in your life, depending on how often you think those thoughts. Wow! A built-in guidance system you’ve had all your life, but didn’t know how to use? Well, better to know about this late than never! Okay, so how do I change what I’m attracting? Change your thoughts. Decide on a goal so juicy and delicious that when you think of it, it’s strong enough to override the usual tapes that repeat in your head. Focus on it; smell it; feel it, hear it, see it. Use colors and shapes, spatial relationships, and feel how it would feel to experience it! Remember, desire is the engine, but emotion is the fuel. Use positive emotion to attract your dream even faster. Regularly pivot your mind to what you do want, focus on it as often as possible every day and leave the complaining and negative stories behind. Appreciate the positive qualities, situations and people in your life now. And take some physical action every day to make your dream come true. Some little (or big) action that will propel you further along on the track toward what you want. If you’re really serious about reaching your goals, you’ll have to leave most distractions behind. Are you watching too much TV, associating with negative people, overeating or drinking too much? Those are all immediate gratification, or “habit” distractions. Leave the “bread and circuses” behind. Focus only on what you want, appreciate the positives in your life and take action every day.

everywhere to remind himself of his goal, and then simply got on with doing what he loved most: acting! Five years later, on the very date that he had written on his check, that young actor was earning well beyond ten million for each film that he starred in. And the name on that check? Jim Carrey. Not everyone is into millions of dollars or lots of bling, but you can use the same tools he did to reach your goal. Just decide what you want, focus on the goal instead of the negatives, appreciate your talents and abilities, take some action toward your dream every day, and you can be, do and have what you want too! HB For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in hypnosis, trauma therapy and helping people let go of dysfunctional thinking at (775) 786-9111 or visit online at REFERENCES: 1

Harrington, Paul. The Secret to Teen Power. Simon and Schuster. 2009.


Hicks, Esther and Jerry. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires. Hay House. 2005.

The following story is a perfect example of someone who made a fabulous life out of a miserable start: An out-of-work and broke actor once drove to the top of the hill that overlooks Hollywood. As he gazed over the movie lots, he reminisced about his hard life as a teenager, when he went to high school in the daytime and then worked as a janitor in a factory at night. Then there was the time his family was forced from their home and had to live out of a VW camper van. He refocused his attention into Hypnosis Plus New Trauma Removal Method the present moment, and then did something really provocative: he wrote himself a check for ten million dollars! On it he wrote, “For services rendered as an actor” and forward-dated it five years. He then carried that check with him March 2019

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



MONTHLYCALENDAR Help Healthy Beginnings Magazine be strong and healthy… Please tell these businesses that you found their event in Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Thank you.

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Classes • TUESDAYS, 12-1:30pm, 250 Bell St. • THURSDAYS, 5-6:30pm, 820 Plumas, Reno Buddhist Ctr • SATURDAYS, 10-11:30am, 250 Bell St.

MARCH 1 2019 Crab Feed 6-10 p.m. Carson City Lions Club Hosted Fundraiser. For tickets, call Terry at 775-720-9005. Fuji Park Exhibit Hall, Carson City Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy 8:30-10 a.m. (First Friday of each month) Tahoe Forest Women’s Center, Truckee

MARCH 2 Mountain Flow Yoga Class 9:30-10:45 a.m. (every Saturday) Granlibakken Tahoe, Tahoe City

MARCH 5 Tai Chi Chih - Joy Through Movement 4:15-5:45 p.m. Reno Buddhist Center, 820 Plumas St. Lower level Hiroma Hall




Chair Yoga 11-12 a.m. Integrative Primary Care, Reno

Yoga for Cancer 2-3:15 p.m. Steamboat Hot Springs Healing Center and Spa, Reno

Mastering Mindfulness 5:30-6:30 p.m. Barton Center for Orthopedics and Wellness South Lake Tahoe

MARCH 13 Golden Light Meditation 6:30-8 p.m. Reno Buddhist Center, 820 Plumas St.

MARCH 14 A Mindful Approach to Sleep 5:15-6:30 p.m. Registration required. Tahoe Forest Center for Health, Truckee

MARCH 16 Nurturing your Newborn Class 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Renown Regional Medical Center Sierra Cafe Meeting Room


Roses are Rad Winter Film Festival 5-11 p.m. Screening of best videos from skiers, borders and amateur cinematographers. Cargo in the Whitney Peak Hotel, Reno

Tahoe Donner Family Challenge Noon Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort, Truckee

Prenatal Yoga 10-11 a.m. Barton Center for Orthopedics and Wellness South Lake Tahoe Interpretive Ski Tour 11 a.m. - noon Diamond Peak Ski Resort, Base Lodge Incline Village

Free Yoga Basics Class Noon-1 p.m. Mesa Rim Climbing and Fitness, Reno

MARCH 20 Ladies Bouldering Night 7-9 p.m. Mesa Rim Climbing & Fitness, Reno



MARCH 26 Introduction to Qigong 10:30-12:30 p.m. Free for seniors. Renown Regional Medical Center Mack Auditorium, Reno

MARCH 27 Total Joint Replacement Class 3:30-4:30 p.m. Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center Carson City




Pink Heavenly 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fundraising ski event for Barton Health’s cancer wellness program. Heavenly Mountain Resort, South Lake Tahoe

Food and Mood 5:15-6:30 p.m. Registration required. Tahoe Forest Center for Health, Truckee

Have an event you want listed? Email for details. * Event times, locations and details subject to change after publication. * Some events are not free; visit websites to learn more.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

March 2019


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