March 2007 HB Mag

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March 2007


Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine



The Cause of Disease

CHINA STUDY A Book Review Jennifer Bushman 10 HEALTHY TIPS Contest Winners!

Your Local Source for Healthy Living



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Dr. Grange will assess your personal health and nutrition by using metabolic profile evaluations. It is then that he can design and recommend a personalized nutritional program that will bring your body back to optimum health.

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(775) 825-7727 Dr. Grange has a Master’s of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition, a Ph.D. in Nutrition and a Doctor of Naturopathy from Clayton University.

Janet Henshaw

Circle of Life Staff

MY MIRACLE OF LIFE In November 2005 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. About 10 days later, I had surgery. Every female thing was taken away plus 1/3 of the bladder. After a couple of weeks I had recovered from the surgery and was started with the chemo which had a lot of side effects. All my hair fell out after 2 weeks. I had no taste and I felt as if my bones were sore. Further more I had trouble breathing while walking. In October 2006, I could feel there was something wrong and the doctor said the tumor was back. My cancer indicator was over 300. At that meeting with the doctor I sensed more or less a death sentence. The nurse’s attitude also confirmed that this was the end, but they never spoke it out loud. I emailed what had happened to Pat, in the United States. She immediately sent Amigo, microhydrin and sango coral calcium to me. After a while, a new email came from Pat saying, “I am coming to kidnap you. There is a Spa here in Reno that has modalities I believe will help you. When can I come?” I answered, “You can come anytime.” She said, “Alright, I have booked us for a flight the 4th of January and back the 6th of February.” Pat came to Sweden and kidnapped me. Over the next three weeks I started to feel better and better. My cancer indicator numbers dropped to 50.4. We had orders from Dr Grange to combine food in the right way. We got pretty good in making changes in the menus and trading bread for extra vegetables. The Spa held a Coming back to Life party in the Grand Sierra Resort Casino. It is one of my highlights. We danced for hours! I can really say I got my life back.


Other services include: Far Infared Sauna, Floatation Tank, Massage Dance Classes & Meeting Rooms.

5301 Longley Lane, Suite A8 • Reno, NV 89511 • Fax: (775) 825-7880


Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends regarding Alternative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support Natural and Holistic health. Timely Information Each month Healthy Beginnings' ad ver tis ers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. We feature articles by national authors as well as from lo cal leaders in the natural health fi eld. Ad di tion al ly, we bring you news and events that are hap pen ing in our com mu ni ty – and around the globe. Advertising To advertise in Healthy Beginnings, simply call 775-828-4547 or Email To review a Media Kit visit Email PDF display advertising to: Email Community Resource Guide listings to: Email Article submissions to: Email NewsBrief submissions to: Email Cal en dar Events to: Email Contest Entries to: Email Subscription Requests to:

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March 2007


PUBLISHERletter To our Readers, Here we are ... March 2007. So they say March comes “In like a lion and out like a lamb”. We in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Meadow region are wishing for more snow! I have just returned from Florida where my son and I drove 3,000 miles in a rental truck to move my household goods to Reno. In the course of driving across America my son, Asher and I, witnessed the unnecessary obesity epidemic in the United States. Please take the time to read June Milligan’s book review of “The China Study” which explains what we put in our mouth is the most critical element to good health and longevity. Explore the alternatives: Bio-energy testing, hypnotherapy, food allergies, yoga, meditation and physical exercise. We are the body electric; we were designed to physically move as well as to use our free will, which means thinking for ourselves! It is our choice how we take care of our health and well being. Congratulations to the winners of our Healthy Living Contest. First Place goes to Dennis Grover of Reno, NV who wrote “The Best Heart Attack I Ever Had”. Second Place goes to Scott Christensen, of Mammoth Lakes, CA and third place goes to Margie Molina of Carson City, NV. Look for Dennis’ story in the April issue of

Healthy Beginnings, It’s a Lifestyle Magazine.

Thank you again for picking up Healthy Beginnings, It’s a Lifestyle Magazine we sincerely appreciate your support. Keep in mind this is “Your Local Resource For Healthy Living” and your input is valuable. Until our next issue... As always, Best in Health and Happiness

Dawn M. Gowery Publisher / Founder Healthy Beginnings

Our Advertisers enjoy hearing you saw their Ad in Healthy Beginnings.

contents Inside This Issue pH Balance Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D. 10 The China Study June Milligan 20


10 Healthy Tips Jennifer Bushman 24 Pet Allergies Dr. Shawn Messonnier 26 Attention Deficit Disorder Dr. Taylor Donovan 34

26 34

Departments NEWSbriefs...5 PROVIDERprofile...9 GREENbuilding & SUSTAINABILITY...12 SUPPLEMENTS 101...16 CONSCIOUShealth...20 ORGANICwines...23 COOKINGforHEALTH...24 KNOWyourHERBS...25 HEALTHYpets...26 TRAVELforHEALTH...33 FAMILYhealth...34 NATURALbeauty...36 COMMUNITYresourceGUIDE...38 CLASSIFIEDS...41 COMMUNITYcalendarEVENTS...41 ONGOINGcommunityEVENTS...42

Our Cover Written by Erina Fischer

Did you know that the red root of the radish is not the only edible part, but the greens are as well? The name radish stems from the Latin word radix which stands for root. Radishes are excellent sourcLatin word es of potassium, folic acid and vitamin C, as well as sulfurous compounds that have been shown to be effective in cancer prevention. Radishes, rich in phytochemicals are believed to promote a healthy heart, lower risk of some cancers and preserve memory function. Known for their crisp, juicy texture and peppery fl avor, radishes are great for quick snacks or for additions to salads and sandwiches. While the well-known red globe radishes are in season late summer through fall, different varieties are harvested throughout the year, such as white, black, purple and cylindrical.

NEWSbriefs Hinduism Classes at TMCC

HINDUISM classes are being offered at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in April 2007. To be taught by Rajan Zed, Director of Public Affairs of Hindu Temple of Northern Nevada, and a Hindu chaplain, these include “Hinduism” (LC112C) (April 11 and 1 ) and “Hindu Gods and Goddesses” (LC113C) (April 18 and 25), and each costs $59 with discounts for seniors. Classes are on Wednesdays from six to nine pm at TMCC Meadowood Center, 5270 Neil Road, Reno, NV 89502, but the “Hinduism” class, in addition to classroom instruction, also includes a day-trip to an active Hindu temple in California on Saturday. Pre-registration with TMCC is required. For questions, please e-mail or call (775) 829-9010.

Aqua Massage & Infrared Sauna Sessions Where: Reverse Aging Wellness 2999 South Virginia St., Reno, NV. Press Enquiries: Diane Zulim, 775.327- 878 Reverse Aging, Reno’s far-infrared (FIR) sauna pioneer, has added many exciting technologies to its center since its opening in 2000. Check out these new and existing therapies: • FIR Sauna Session • Aqua Hydrotherapy Massage • Deep Tissue Chair Massage • Oxygen Bar • Ozone Sauna • FIR Spinal Alignment Tune-up • Living Purifi ed Drinking Water For further information:

Institute for Inspired Living Grand opening for the Institute for Inspired Living Sunday March 3rd, 2007 - noon to 3pm - 85 Washington St, Reno. Meet the practitioners of the Institute for Inspired Living and enjoy complimentary Integrated Awareness sessions, information on Internships, classes, workshops, The Secret Accelerated Seminars, & certifi cation for Quantum Awareness and Health Practitioners. Come join us for a free afternoon that will support your health and expand your awareness. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617.

Heavan on Earth CAMU Spa would like to announce special service just added to our Menu...”Heaven on Earth” is how our clients describe this luscious experience. In our relaxed environment, you’ll receive the Fabulous Foot Treatment and Facial w/ massage at the same time! Camu Spa is located at2450 Vassar St. STE 3A, Reno. (775) 329-4141 •

March 2007


NEWSbriefs Again…Something More to Smile About Amazon Herb Health and Beauty Presentafrom Zeny N. Ocean D.D.S. tions in Reno this Spring In the cosmetic part of our practice we are happy to report that recent technology and treatment methods provide smile enhancement with porcelain veneers that are affordable. They can be made with little or no preparation (cutting) of the teeth and no anesthetic (injections) for your comfort. Get the smile you deserve. Call our office (775) 329-1333 for a free consultation.

The Amazon offers health and beauty solutions to meet the needs of today’s lifestyles including concentrated nutrition and natural, nontoxic skin care for youthful glowing skin. Special rainforest explorers and health educators will be in Reno this spring to present the secrets of the rainforest. Attend these presentations and discover the many health benefits of wildcrafted herbs. Experience for yourself a new level of vitality with herbal samples and tea. Sponsored by the Reno Alternative Health Care Center, lectures will be offered at two locations and include visual presentations of the Peruvian rainforest, plants and culture. Mark your calendar to attend the Nevada Women’s Expo at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center (March 24-25) and Saturday, May 26th 1-3 PM for a Rainforest Wellness Extravaganza with “Amazon” John Easterling at the Reno Airport Plaza. For more information contact Reno Alternative Health Care Center at (775) 827-6888

KTVN Channel 2 Welcomes the 5th Annual Nevada Women’s Expo™

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For more information, go to

WWW.JOYFULCHANGES.COM or call 786-9111.

Reno, Nevada…The 2007 Nevada Women’s Expo celebrates moderation in all walks of life to maintain a balanced lifestyle. The Expo will be held on March 24 and 25 at the RenoSparks Convention Center. Hours on Saturday will be from 10 – 5 and 11 – 4 on Sunday. An exciting addition to this year’s show will be actress, author and dynamic speaker, Suzanne Somers. She will hold a seminar discussing menopause on Saturday 1 P.M. that will be limited to the first 1,000 people. The seminar will include a question and answer period. To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Nevada Women’s Expo™, a special discount is available from Wild Oats with details online at Renown Medical Center will be giving health screenings at no cost to visitors to the Expo. Wild Oats will be conducting food demonstrations throughout the weekend. There will be over 180 exhibitors filled with beauty, education, authors, indulgences, finances, “Made in Nevada” products, Starbucks samples, photo studio and fashion show. There will be exciting door prizes being given away all weekend. Prizes will range from spa day to fashions and accessories. To download discount tickets, buy tickets to see Suzanne Somers or for more information go to: www.


Taking the Guess Work Out Of Health, Aging, and Weight Control


arrie was only 37, but she had a problem. In spite of regular exercise and healthy eating she was tired and constantly battling to control her weight. Phil was another case altogether, he was 73. And despite a healthy lifestyle and a handful of vitamins, he was slowly losing his battle with the aging process. Billie just had her 53rd birthday. Ordinarily she didn’t get upset at birthdays, but this one was different. She was starting to lose her energy, and she felt like it was the start of a downhill course. What do all of these people have in common? The one complaint that doctors hear all day long – decreased energy. But an energy defi cit is far worse than just feeling badly. Decreased energy production is the root cause of every health condition you can name. From PMS to cancer and heart disease, to the very process of aging itself - it all starts with decreased energy production. In each cell of your body there are hundreds and thousands of tiny bubbles called mitochondria. It is in these mitochondria that sugar, fat, and oxygen go to produce energy in the form of a molecule called ATP. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is what cells use to power up whatever they do. As long as your cells are making enough ATP, your body will perform optimally. But a body with a decreased level of ATP is like a fl ashlight with a weak battery. It may be on, but it doesn’t work very well. Now I’m talking about every single cell in your body. Heart cells, brain cells, immune cells, digestion cells, kidney cells, bone cells, muscle cells - they all need an abundant supply of ATP. The problem is they don’t always get it. Even young people can have an ATP defi ciency. Many things can cause a decrease in ATP production. Infections, hormone defi ciencies, nutritional defi ciencies, food allergies, stress, and the granddaddy of them all – toxicity. Each year that we get older, these problems are more likely to mount up. That’s why the single most predictable thing about aging is decreased energy production.

Continued on page 1 ...

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March 2007


Power Up Your Immune System! How to build a circle of defense to protect you from disease and illness


n every paper and magazine I pick up there are articles warning us about a pending pandemic flu that is about to decimate our population. One must keep things in perspective and not panic over something that has a huge number of “ifs and maybes” connected to it. However, a person should be prepared for flu, cold, and virus conditions that you WILL be exposed to this season. You don’t just wake up one morning and say “I’m going to be immune today”. It takes a huge concentrated effort, involving every organ in your body, to stimulate your immune response, starting with the bone marrow, the thymus, the spleen, and your lymph glands. The bone marrow produces all of your white cells (leukocytes) which are the basis of your disease fighting ability. • Lymphocytes go from the bone marrow into the blood. They can sense antigens and chemicals from bad bacteria and viruses, and they can create antibodies to fight against them. • Other white cells go to the Thymus gland. In the thymus they are changed into killer macrophage cells (killer ‘T’ and B cells). These killer cells don’t have to stay in the blood. They can leave the blood vessels and go into the tissues, the skin, the organs anywhere they are needed to fight infection. ’T’ helper cells, also from the thymus, run around the body “tagging” bad bacteria and viruses with a chemical that attracts the killer cells so that the killer cells can find the bad guys and destroy them. One of the functions of the SPLEEN is that, as the blood passes through it, it senses if there are any antigens or chemicals present from the reproduction of bad bacteria and virus. If they are present, the spleen sends out a chemical called INTERLUKEN that literally jump-starts all the white cells and tells them that there are some bad guys doing damage in the body and to get busy and take care of the problem. This interluken chemical also stimulates the individual body cells to produce their defense chemical called INTERFERON. Interferon makes the cell membrane resistant to viruses so that there is no where for them to reproduce and spread. I divide immunity into 3 parts: Protective/Preventitive Immunity, Active Immunity, and Immunity Helpers.

foods (80% fruits, veggies, etc) than acidic foods (20% meats, etc.). The most acidic producing items you can take into your body are processed (white) sugar and flour products, carbonated soft drinks, and any artificial sweetener that contains aspartame. You can also help maintain your body’s alkalinity by drinking pure water that contains Sango Coral Calcium.

Active Immunity There are supplements available that are extremely active in boosting the functions of the immune system. These supplements are; astragalis, astazantin ellagic acid, maitake mushrooms, lycopene, aloe vera, beta glucan, spirulina, green tea, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C, D, and E, and the omega 3 essential fatty acids. These are designed to stimulate and support the immune system and protect the cells against disease. In addition, these ingredients produce interleukin and interferon to help the spleen perform its immune functions. Are these supplements the only ones that will boost immune function? No! But, these supplements are proven immune boosters, and they synergistically work together. NOTE: There are products available that combine these ingredients so that you don’t have to take a handful of pills.

I divide immunity into 3 parts: Protective/ Preventitive Immunity, Active Immunity, and Immunity Helpers.

Protective/Preventative Immunity Doctors Arthur Guyton and Linus Pauling tell us that disease causing organisms cannot, or have a difficult time, reproducing in an alkaline environment. We also know that when the body is acidic the white and red blood cell activity is suppressed, consequently they aren’t doing their job. Therefore, it would serve our immune system best if we were to keep our body alkaline. This can be accomplished by eating more alkaline

Immunity Helpers

The best immunity helper you can get is properly made, and correctly taken colloidal ionic silver. Ionic silver has a great track record for assisting the body to overcome many forms of disease causing organisms. It works by attaching to disease pathogens and stopping them from reproducing. Ionic silver also works in conjunction with the white cells to destroy the disease pathogens that are making you sick. Digestive enzymes are another immune helper. Several of these enzymes (if you haven’t used them all up digesting enzyme poor food) have the ability to digest the protective membrane away from bacteria and virus so they can be destroyed by digestion, and making them vulnerable to the action of white cells. You cannot take your immunity for granted. You need to support it so that it can create a circle of defense to protect you. I can’t think of any better way to do this than to eat healthy (whole, not processed) foods, exercise, and take natural (not synthetic) immune boosting supplements. These are suggestions that might help you prevent illness. However, if an illness lingers, gets worse, or is chronic, you need to contact your health care professional. Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D., Nutritional Biophysiologist Co-Author: Mineral of Miracles: The Story of Sango Coral Calcium


Dr. Corazon Ibarra, M.D., H.M.D. By Erina Fischer


hat steers an allopathic physician, after years of education and dedication to their profession, to make a 180-degree turn towards alternative medicine? For Dr. Corazon Ibarra, M.D., H.M.D., known as “Dr. Cora” to her patients, it was due to her own health crisis. Working as an anesthesiologist for eight years, the constant stress finally took its toll on her body. Her symptoms of a body out-of-balance were reoccurring headaches and chronic illness. Skeptical, but desperate to regain her health, alternative medicine was Dr. Cora’s last option. Dr. Cora became a patient and unbeknownst to her, took her first step on a path that would lead her to a wonderful career and life change. Her homeopathic physician, Dr. Tang, instructed her to undergo homeopathic treatments, Chelation therapy, change her diet, meditate, exercise and remove her dental fillings. “Whatever alternative therapy there is, I did,” Dr. Cora says “I did everything they told me to do and it worked. At first I thought is this real or is it just a psychological effect?” After all, Dr. Cora was an anesthesiologist, trained and familiar with western medicine, which tends to take a cautious approach to alternative methods. But Dr. Cora was sold. She became a graduate and Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy, as well as board certified in Chelation Therapy. She even practiced with Dr. Tang, who had helped her heal, at the Century Clinic in 1986. Today Dr. Cora practices not only homeopathy and Chelation Therapy, but also Bio Oxidative Therapy, Electro acupuncture, Neural Therapy and Homotoxicology at her facility, the Bio Integrative Health Center International, along with Dr. Hector de los Santos, M.D., H.M.D.. Dr. Cora came to Reno in 1986 after studying and working as an anesthesiologist in Germany. Born and raised in the Philippines, her life has been an experience in culture. Her mother is Chinese, her father is Spanish, she was educated in Europe and is working in America. Dr. Cora jokes about her extensive background, but also understands that it is directly related to why she is so successful as a physician, a parent and a person. Her son, who was born in Germany, asked when he was 10 years-old, “What culture do I belong to?” Dr. Cora, with a smile, tells how she explained to her quizzical son, “You are the luckiest guy in the world to see all of the cultures, but pick the one that you are most comfortable with.” Both of her children speak several languages and are not shy about other cultures. Currently her son is in Uganda as a volunteer for the Peace Corp. Presently Dr. Cora herself, who is an avid traveler, is planning a trip to Egypt this spring, as well as to the Philippines, where she will be accepting the “Most Outstanding Medical Alumni Award” from her university. Dr. Cora’s wisdom spreads beyond her personal life and

is woven throughout her understanding, patient, and holistic approach to her patients. She appreciates and respects all cultures and religions. And religion, or spirituality of any kind, is a huge factor in emotional balance and Dr. Cora has found this to be directly correlated with cancer survival. In Dr. Cora’s experience, patients with an uplifting and grounded view of life are still alive and well 20 years later after diagnosis. As her personal statement states: “Optimum health is a state of our mind.” Considering her passion for her life’s work it’s surprising to find out that being a doctor wasn’t her original choice when she was a young girl. In the Philippines, parents decide what their children will do for a career and whether that includes higher education. Dr. Cora, a pianist since the age of five, wanted to be a piano teacher. Her father, a forester, wanted all of his six children to become doctors instead. “My father would say to me, ‘Only two families have pianos, and one of those is us, who are you going to teach?”, she laughs. Even so, Dr. Cora is pleased that she became a doctor and appreciates her father’s direction. “No regrets, except I didn’t marry the one he liked,” she chuckles. Alternative therapies are not the only thing that Dr. Cora brings to the table, but also her ability to form valuable and educational relationships with her patients. Walking through the halls of her Reno office, Dr. Cora can be seen warmly greeting her patients in the hallways or stopping to ask how a woman is doing while receiving Chelation therapy. In other words, her medicine extends beyond the examining room. Expect to spend 45 minutes to an hour during a visit with Dr. Cora. Her aim is to educate in order to “stabilize trust and confidence with her patients, because she was a once patient too”, she reminds me. “Most patients are bombarded with information and a lot of patients are victims of different opinions,” she says “It is a matter of simplification and understanding of where you fit.” She also provides emotional, spiritual and nutritional support, letting her patients know their options and giving them the choice to take the path that is right for them. “I want them to understand how they are healing,” Dr. Cora says “Healing is not coming from the doctor. It’s from the inside. I don’t just have them take this or do that. I am a coach, teacher and a counselor.”

March 2007

pH Balance The Cause of Disease

This is a continuation of the February Healthy Beginnings Magazine article. For this and other previous articles, visit our website at Test Your Body’s Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips:


t is recommended that you test your pH levels to determine if your body’s pH needs immediate attention. By using pH test strips, you can determine your pH factor quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. If your urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 to 6.5 in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 in the evening, your body is functioning within a healthy range. If your saliva stays between 6.5 and 7.5 all day, your body is functioning within a healthy range. The best time to test your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal. Test your pH two days a week. Most people who suffer from unbalanced pH are acidic. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals (including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage due to high acidity—a condition that may go undetected for years. Mild acidosis can cause such problems as: • Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen. • Weight gain, obesity and diabetes. • Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones. • Immune deficiency. • Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations. • Premature aging. • Osteoporosis; weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs. • Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup. • Low energy and chronic fatigue.

Urine pH

The results of urine testing indicate how well your body is assimilating minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These are called the “acid buffers” because they are used by the body to control the acid level. If acid levels are too high, the body will not be able to excrete acid. It must store the acid in body tissues (autotoxication) or buffer it—that is, borrow minerals from organs, bones, etc. in order to neutralize acidity.

Saliva pH

You’ll also want to test the pH of your saliva. The results of saliva testing indicate the activity of digestive enzymes in your body, especially the activity of the liver and stomach. This reveals the flow of enzymes running through your body and


shows their effect on all the body systems. Some people will have acidic pH readings from both urine and saliva—this is referred to as “double acid.”

Keeping the Balance Right for Excellent Health

Your body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced. It is therefore possible for you to be taking healthy nutrients and yet be unable to absorb or use them. If you are not getting the results you expected from your nutritional or herbal program, look for an acid alkaline imbalance. Even the right herbal program may not work if your body’s pH is out of balance.

What if I’m Acidic?

By far the most common imbalance seen in our society is over acidity. If your urine and/or saliva test below 6.5 pH start with steps 1, 2 and 3 below and continue adding steps until desired results are achieved. Be sure to monitor your progress with easy-to-use pH test strips: 1. Enzymes are essential: Take 1 Assimilator digestive enzyme capsule with each meal. 2. Correct calcium is needed: Use 1 sachet of Health Thru Nutrition’s (HTN) Alka-Line Coral Calcium or Coral Calcium Gold in 1.5 liters of distilled or reverse osmosis water. 3. Alkaline minerals are essential: 1 sachet of Health Thru Nutrition’s (HTN) Alka-Line Coral Calcium or Coral Calcium Gold contain 72 organic ionic minerals in the concentration and amounts most compatible with the body. 4. Anything green is alkaline. 5. Vitamin A & D hold calcium in the body. Get the book! Get a copy of the book Alkalize or Die by Dr. Baroody, and carefully follow his dietary recommendations choosing more foods that are alkaline-forming and less that are acid-forming. The food chart below briefly summarizes this information for some of the more common foods. A healthy diet should consist of 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods.

What Causes Me to be Acidic?

The reason acidosis is more common in our society is mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acidproducing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables. Additionally, we eat acid-producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs, which are acid-forming; and we use artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal, or aspartame, which are extremely acid-forming. One of the best things we can do to correct an overly-acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle. Refer to the recommended reading for specific help with diet and lifestyle.

What if I’m Overly-Alkaline?

Hyper-alkalinity is relatively rare because the body can easily take steps to provide acid producing products but it is more difficult for it to provide alkaline products. Our body cannot manufacture alkalinity, it must be ingested. NOTE: A food’s acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself.

Most Alkaline


Lowest Alkaline


Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup

Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Papayas

Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable, Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic

Olive Oil


Lowest Acid


Most Acid

Raw Honey, Raw Sugar


Processed Honey, Molasses

White Sugar, Brown Sugar

NutraSweet, Equal, Aspartame, Sweet’n’Low

Dates, Figs, Melons, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Pears, Berries, Apples, Raisins

Oranges, Bananas, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados


Plums, Processed Fruit Juices

Sour Cherries, Rhubarb

Blueberries, Cranberries, Prunes

Okra, Squash, Green Beans, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Zucchini, Sweet Potato, Carob

Carrots, Tomatoes, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Peas, Tofu, Potato Skins, Olives, Soybeans


Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans, String Beans

Potatoes (without skins), Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Lima Beans





Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds

Pecans, Cashews

Peanuts, Walnuts

Flax Seed Oil

Canola Oil


Corn Oil

Amarantha, Millet, Wild Rice, Quinoa

Herb Teas, Lemon Water


Sprouted White Wheat Rice, Corn, Bread, Buckwheat, Spelt, Oats, Rye Brown Rice

Wheat, White Flour, Pastries, Pasta

Turkey, Chicken, Lamb

Beef, Pork, Shellfish


Eggs, Butter, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheeese

Raw Milk

Cheese, Homogenized Milk, Ice Cream




Beer, Soft Drinks


Venison, Cold Water Fish

Breast Milk

Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Whey

Green Tea

Ginger Tea

For example, lemons and other citric acid fruits are very acidic; however, the end-products they produce after ingestion and assimilation are very alkaline so lemons are alkaline-form in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid-forming.

Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D., Nutrittional Biophysiologist Co-Author: Mineral of Miracles: The Story of Sango Coral Calcium For consultation appointments: (775) 825-7727

March 2007




: No matter how well we clean our house, we keep finding some mold and mildew in the closets, under the sinks and elsewhere. I asked the guy at our hardware store about this and he said it was a common problem caused by energy- efficiency measures in today’s homes. Is he right about that? : File this one under the urban legends category. I hear it every so often too, but having discussed the idea with many energy experts over the years, I’m convinced that this isn’t the case at all. In fact, energy-efficient homes usually improve indoor air quality and cut down on the growth of mold and mildew. However, this can be considered an energy issue because heat and damp conditions in a home can lead to mold and mildew problems. Maybe you’re not setting the air conditioner in summer low enough to get rid of indoor humidity. Maybe you’re not using exhaust fans in the bathroom that get rid of moisture after showering or bathing. Do you have good ventilation in the home to control the humidity level? Rather than cause indoor air quality problems by plugging leaks and reducing unwanted airflow, energyefficient homes help indoor air by keeping out uncontrolled airflow that can bring in moisture, pollutants and other unwanted outdoor air problems. A “tight” house with plugged leaks and controlled airflow usually results in better quality indoor air. When making a home energy-efficient, your job is to stop the uncontrolled airflow and ventilate the air by good vacuum cleaning and strategies like cleaning up damp carpets, fixing deteriorated insulation and keeping paint cans and household cleaning products in the garage instead of the living space. Natural ventilation is an important strategy to keeping indoor air healthy. When the weather allows it, open windows and doors. Use fans to circulate the air. Turn on the kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans to get rid of odors and humidity. I’ve seen some studies recently that showed that many people



aren’t concerned about indoor air quality and don’t even think of it as a problem. But if you’ll think about the many things we do that affect indoor air – burning candles and incense, keeping pets indoors, not changing furnace filters, and other behavior patterns – you realize that ventilation is essential. You ought to contact your local American Lung Association chapter and get some of their information on “healthy houses.” There are many simple things you can do to keep your home’s air healthy. Combine these strategies with energy efficiency to maximize the benefits.


: You wrote a while ago about getting a home’s ductwork check for leaks or holes, and we hired a local contractor to do this for us. He fixed a number of problems he found and our air conditioner worked better than ever afterward. How come you don’t urge everyone to get their home’s ducts cleaned and repaired? : Well, I do (sort of). I’ve been writing about the importance of clean, wellsealed ducts for the past 20 years or so, and I’m a big believe in the importance of properly performing ducts. As I’ve said many times, you can do all the things you want to make your home more energy efficient, but if the ducts are leaking, you’re going to wipe out all the savings from the other things you do. The problem is that cleaning and repairing ducts is something to be done only by experienced professionals or you can end up with more problems than you started with. Take some of the register covers off the return ducts in your home and look inside. If you see that the ducts are really dirty or if there is light coming in through holes and tears, call a professional to come out and fix things. Holes in ductwork cause significant energy losses, and dirty ducts will bring in unwanted air pollution. You can often notice duct problems if your energy bills are suddenly going way up or if you find lots of dirt coming in through the registers. Check the walls and carpeting around air intakes for especially dirty spots. However, poking around in ducts can cause rips and holes, and you need to be sure that you’re hiring a contractor who knows how to fix and clean these systems. I always recommend you get the ducts inspected if you suspect there might be problems, but I have to add the caution that you don’t just get them cleaned without an inspection revealing problems. And like I said, make sure you hire experienced people to do the work. This is no job for a do-it-yourselfer.


Ken Sheinkopf is a communications specialist with the American Solar Energy Society ( Send your energy questions to

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All 7 DVDs are narrated in English and Swedish. March 2007



continued from page 7...

“No problem,” you say “If my ATP production is getting low, let’s start doing whatever I have to do to get it back on track.” Nice idea, but there’s just one problem, one big problem. It’s called genetics. Thanks to genetics, we are all different. So different that what one person needs to increase his or her ATP levels may be very different than what someone else needs. Hippocrates recognized

this over 2500 years ago when he said, “What is one man’s food is another man’s poison.” So to optimize ATP production we have to have a way to individualize therapy. That’s why Bio-Energy Testing is so important. Bio-Energy Testing is a scientifi cally based procedure that uses FDA approved analyzers to measure ATP production. It does this by measuring how much oxygen

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your body uses, and how much carbon dioxide it releases. It takes about 35 minutes, and it’s easy. Most importantly, it’s accurate. And it is the only way that you can determine your ATP levels. But Bio-Energy Testing determines much more than ATP production. It can also tell you whether your cells are making their ATP from fat or sugar. Optimally healthy people make 85% of their ATP from fat. But many of us, due to eating habits, lack of correct exercise, stress, and various nutritional and hormonal defi ciencies, have shifted away from fat metabolism to sugar metabolism. This sets the stage not only for fatigue and weight gain, but alswwo for every disease and medical condition there is. Using Bio-Energy Testing and the tremendous amount of metabolic information it provides, it is possible to design customized lifestyle and nutritional programs that will suit each individual’s particular genetics. A one-size shoe doesn’t fi t very many people. Neither does a one size lifestyle and supplement program. If your energy production is high, great. What you are currently doing to be healthy is matching your genetics perfectly. If your numbers are less than perfect, that’s also great. You now have a wakeup call to change what you are doing before it’s too late. I can’t imagine practicing anti-aging/nutritional medicine without being sure that what I am recommending is maximizing my patient’s ATP production. Remember that your body was made to heal itself. All you have to do is to help it. And the best way to help it is to make sure it is getting plenty of ATP. Learn more about Bio-Energy Testing by reading either of Dr. Shallenberger’s books: “The Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough”, or “Bursting with Energy”. Available at and various bookstores. Also learn more at www. or webinar/archive/ where you can see a one-hour slide lecture. See ad on page 21.

H E T R U TH About T Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplements


lucosamine, an amino sugar, is thought to promote the formation and repair of cartilage. Chondroitin, a carbohydrate, is a cartilage component that is thought to promote water retention and elasticity and to inhibit the enzymes that break down cartilage. Both compounds are manufactured by the body. In a recently completed (1996) double blind – placebo, 1600 patient, NIH (National Institutes of Health) glucosamine (GAIT) clinical trial it was determined that both Glucosamine and the sugar placebo pill were moderately effective in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis. However, when they were compared against the effectiveness of a pharmaceutical drug, they were both deemed ineffective.


Glucosamine supplements are derived from shellfish (crab and shrimp) shells; chondroitin supplements are generally made from cow trachea cartilage. Some laboratory studies suggest that glucosamine may stimulate production of cartilage-building proteins while other research suggests that chondroitin may inhibit production of cartilage-destroying enzymes and help fight inflammation, but two problems remain. First, there has not been enough high-quality or long-range research to determine whether their use is practical. Second, because dietary supplement manufacture is not regulated, product quality (especially of chondroitin products) is not assured. A two year trial from Canada on the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin on patients with Osteoarthritis of the knee (OA), reported that all of the patients had reported a moderate to marked subjective improvement with glucosamine. But in the six-month study, the patients who continued to take it showed no difference from those who discontinued the supplement in any measure of knee OA activity, including time to disease flare. “This study provides no evidence of benefit from continued use,” concluded the lead investigator, Dr Jolanda Cibere. A more comprehensive study was published in 2006 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The 24-week study, involved 1583 patients who were randomly assigned to receive 500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride three times daily, 400 mg of sodium chondroitin sulfate three times daily, 200 mg of celecoxib (Celebrex) daily, or a placebo. The study found that glucosamine and chondroitin, alone or together, did not reduce osteoarthritis knee pain more effectively than a placebo. The drug group did about 17% better than the placebo group.

Do they Work?

increased intestinal gas and softened stools. However, animal research has raised the possibility that glucosamine may worsen insulin resistance, a major cause of diabetes. So far, studies in humans have not substantiated that risk. Nevertheless, people with diabetes should monitor their blood-sugar level particularly carefully when using that supplement. There have been no reports of allergic reactions to glucosamine. But since it’s made from shellfish shells, people who are allergic to seafood should use it cautiously, watching for reactions, or avoid it entirely. As for chondroitin, it can cause bleeding in people who have a bleeding disorder or take a blood-thinning drug.

The Bottom Line

Decisions to use glucosamine or chondroitin must be based on information that is less complete than is desirable. In addition, product quality control may be a significant problem. Here’s my advice: • The first step in seeking care for arthritic symptoms should be to obtain a competent diagnosis. • The next step should be to explore the pros and cons of treatment options with a competent physician • Whether glucosamine and/or chondroitin are useful is conflicting. This usually means that negative evidence will eventually prevail. If you decide to try them anyway, have a knowledgeable physician guide how you do it. Gary R. Lord, CEO of Sierra Life Sciences, Inc. For more information: (775) 352-2099 See ad on page 25.

Safety Considerations

No study so far has found any serious side effects from either glucosamine or chondroitin. The most common side effects are

March 2007



Old Age is not a cause of Death! Live Longer and Live Healthy with Goji (Wolfberry): The Himalayan Health Secret


n the Himalayas, a bowl of fresh goji berries each day is a part of life. In this same region, the number of residents living past the age of 100, according to a recent census, exceeds the national average by 00%. Scientists now believe this isn’t just a coincidence. Treasured for centuries for promoting longevity and vitality, as well as its unique ability to fi ght fatigue and boost endurance and stamina during physical exertion, the goji fruit has become the focus of intense medical research. Many of the legendary health-giving properties of lycium barbarum (goji’s Latin name) are being confi rmed in modern scientifi c studies. As researchers began to examine goji’s nutritional composition, they were astounded to fi nd that goji contained these unique properties and phytonutrient compounds:

germanium (vitamin O), an anti-cancer mineral very rarely found in foods. Germanium can help to eliminate or neutralize toxic substances, including heavy metals and free radicals, both of which are strongly implicated in causing age-related and chronic diseases. 1. Nineteen amino acids, including all eight essential amino Germanium has been acids (such as isoleucine and tryptophan) which are indis- studied for its radioprotecpensable to the function of the human body. Fifty percent of tive (radiation protection) and Lycium’s amino acids are free amino acid, and are extremely immunoenhancement (immune system building) properties, and even shows promise as an bioabsorbable. anti-arthritic supplement. 2. Twenty-one trace minerals, including 12 ppm of organic 3. Twenty-nine essential fatty acids (EFAs) for the production of hormones, regulation of infl ammation, and for proper nervous system function.

4. Polysaccharides that are not used for energy but are of great

importance to the smooth functioning of virtually every cell in the body. They are the carriers of the instructions that cells use to communicate with one another.

5. More protein than whole wheat or bee pollen. A total of 13 percent protein.

6. B-complex vitamins, needed for the transformation of food into energy.

7. A broad spectrum of antioxidant nutrients. This includes

fl avonoids, zeaxanthin (an eye protectant) and beta-carotene (in higher concentrations than in carrots. Lycium has the highest content of beta-carotene among all foods on earth).


8. A higher concentration of vitamin C than oranges (according to herbalist Ingrid Naiman, 500 times more per ounce).


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9. Contains substantial amounts of vitamin E. 10. Beta-sitosterol, a substance that decreases infl ammation

and has been successfully used to treat sexual impotence. It has also been found to alleviate the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, prostate enlargement). This might explain why goji juice has been reported to help improve urine fl ow and

help BPH patients sleep longer without excess) amino acid, homocysteine. having to get up to urinate. The goji berry has traditionally been utilized to nurture the heart, strengthen 11. A sesquiterpene called cyperone, which has been found to benefi t heart the immune system, facilitate optimal liver health, lower blood pressure, alleviate function and treat insomnia. It increases menstrual discomfort, also is a promising visual perspicacity. And, as a traditional blood tonic, it has a proud heritage in natural therapy for cervical cancer. the treatment of forgetfulness, lethargy, 12. A powerful anti-fungal and anti-bac- anxiety and depression. Goji berries act terial compound called solavetivone. as a powerful free radical scavenger. As 13. A natural compound called physalin such, they’ve been shown to “scour” the dangerous toxins in our brain. Studies that increases natural killer cell activity suggest this is crucial for maintaining in both normal and tumor-bearing mice. long-term cognitive function. It has been shown to be active against Goji berries contain high amounts of leukemia and to have broad-spectrum a potent carotenoid called zeaxanthin, anti-cancer effects. Physalin is also being shown in multiple studies to combat tested as a therapy for hepatitis B. conditions detrimental to eye health. 14. Betaine, which is used by the liver to Research also indicates their rich antiproduce choline, a substance that, when oxidant content has a protective effect taken in supplemental form, calms ner- on your skin against free radical damage vousness, enhances memory, promotes from sun, chemical exposure and aging. muscle growth, and protects the liver Goji berries are also an abundant against fatty accumulation. Along with source of superoxide dismutase (SOD), other B vitamins, betaine helps to reduce one of the most powerful antioxidants levels of the (harmful to the heart when in known to man. SOD possesses a unique

ability to destroy the most dangerous and abundant free radical: superoxide. As if this amazingly nutrient-dense food didn’t do enough for your health already, goji berries also contain potent ingredients called phenylpropanoids. Phenylpropanoids promote heart and circulatory vessel health, and hey inhibit lipid peroxidation, which helps keep your arteries smooth and fl exible and promotes healthy blood sugar levels. In a nutshell, the small, delectable goji berry is a nutritional dynamo. However, researchers claim that supplements obtained from fresh harvested, freeze dried berries result in more positive health results than from whole berry or liquid forms. Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D., Nutritional Biophysiologist. Co-Author: Mineral of Miracles: The Story of Sango Coral Calcium and The Miracle of Super Fruits For consultations: Circle of Life Spa, (775) 825-7727

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March 2007


Let’s get

Physical P

hysical activity and good nutrition are key factors in leading a healthy lifestyle and reducing chronic illnesses. Despite the proven benefits of physical activity, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, more than 50% of U.S. adults do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits: 26% are not active at all in their leisure time. Furthermore, insufficient physical activity is not limited to adults. More than a third of young people in grades 9–12 do not regularly engage in vigorous physical activity. Daily participation in high school physical education classes dropped from 42% in 1991 to 28% in 2003. Overweight and obesity are an important health issue in the U.S.A. In 1999–2000, an estimated 64% of U.S adults aged 20 years and older were either overweight or obese. If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop health problems such as: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep), osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints).

and 25% for men is considered obese. Body Mass Index can be calculated using pounds and inches with this equation x 703 BMI = Weight in Pounds (Height in inches) x (Height in inches) Creating an effective fitness plan is essential to any long-term weight management goal. There are 3 key elements that you need to consider. First, before you begin any exercise program, it’s important to check with your doctor, especially is you are a few pounds overweight. Discuss with your doctor your fitness plans. The second key to your success is to write down your goals. However, be sure that your goal is measurable, specific, and attainable. For example, instead of writing, “I want to lose weight,” direct your goal planning to be more specific, such as: in 4 months I want to lower my BMI by 3 points. Also it’s a good idea to break up your fitness goals by first creating a short-range goal, then a med-range goal, and lastly a long-range goal. For example, if your long-range goal is to lower your BMI by 3 points, then a short range goal would be to begin an exercise program of walking for 20 minutes four times a week for entire month. Then your medium range goal might include 3 times a week a strength training program to help build lean muscles. Whatever your desire to achieve is, be sure to have a plan and work the plan. The third element is commitment. It takes dedication, consistency, and a determined and purposeful attitude to be successful.

Building lean muscle mass helps your body to burn more calories and each extra pound of muscle helps to burn an extra 100 calories daily.

The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have health problems. Weight loss and regular exercise can help improve the harmful effects of being overweight. Studies show if you are overweight or obese, losing 5-10 percent of your body weight can improve your health.

What is the difference between overweight and obese? • An adult is considered “overweight” when he/she is above a healthy weight, which varies according to a person’s height. An individual is overweight when their BMI is between 25–29.9. The standard used by researchers to define a person’s weight according to their height is “body mass index” (BMI). • Having a body fat percentage greater than 30% for women


Peeling off the pounds: For a successful fitness plan you need to consider: cardiovascular fitness, strength training, flexibility, and core stability. Depending on your fitness level, you want to start slowly.

Cardiovascular fitness: First chose an activity that you enjoy: walking, running, biking, swimming, or tennis. Engage in your aerobic activity about 30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week. Your physical activity need not be strenuous to be benefi-cial. Staying within your low-key heart rate, 50 percent to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate best develops aerobic activity and is ideal for fat burning weight loss. Be sure to mix up your cardiovascular activity so you don’t become bored. To determine your maximum heart rate, use this formula: • 220 – your age = maximum heart rate (MHR) • Multiply MHR by 0.50 and by 0.75 to find your target training zone Therefore to be in a ‘fat burning zone’ your heart rate should fall within 90 to 135 beats per minute. Within this zone, you should be able to carry on a conversation without grasping for breath. Just be sure to listen to your body and don’t push yourself to hard. Otherwise you may end up with an injury that can foil your fitness plan. • Start with 20-30 minutes, depending on your fitness level, 5-6 times a week. • After 3 to 4 weeks, progress to 45-60 minutes 4-5 times a week. • If you’re short on time, breakup your aerobic activity into 15 minutes segments.

Strength training: Building lean muscle tissue (muscle mass) helps your body to burn more calories and each extra pound of muscle helps to burn an extra 100 calories daily. Muscle mass is also more denser than fat and weighs three times more than fat tissue. So when you start to lose fat and build muscle, you begin to tone your body which helps reduce your waist size. Furthermore, weight training builds connective tissues, strong joints, and strong bones that are essential to help prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. #




A myriad of information is available, books and magazines, or you may want to consult a knowledgeable personal trainer to help you get started. The key is to begin slowly. Chose an appropriate weight when training. If you’re a beginner use lightweights and high repetitions – 12 to 17 repetitions (repetitions are the number of times a particular exercise is performed).

Tips for weight training: • Warm up 10 to 15 minutes with stretching and light cardio exercise. • Concentrate on form. • Train each muscle group once or twice a week. • Maximize your training efforts by giving your body new challenges. • Train with a partner. • To prevent boredom, frequently vary your workout routine. • Avoid over training. • Remember it take time to see results – be patient!

Flexibility: Flexibility is often ignored by many people. Stretching improves your flexibility – a full range of joint motion without discomfort – preventing the development of rigid joints and promotes circulation. You should spend 5 to 10 minutes stretching before your activity, include some stretches during your activity, and take another 5 to 10 minutes to stretch after your activity. Taking the time to Stretch after your workout will help to remove waste products, such as lactic acid, from the muscle and help improve your recovery time. Once again you need to listen to your body when perform stretching activities. Static stretching involves holding a position for twenty to thirty seconds. Holding a stretch allows your muscles to adapt and become looser and longer. In addition to increasing your flexibility, regular stretching can improve your strength and coordination. Yoga or T’ai Chi Chuan are popular programs that help you learn proper stretching techniques.


Continued on page 35...









A well-designed weight-training program trains your entire body. First you need to learn proper lifting techniques.


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C H I N A S T U D Y 20

A Book Review by June Milligan, M.Ed., CHT


Written by Dr. T. Colin Campbell

fter years of original research regarding the relationship between nutrition and health, Dr. Campbell and many of his fellow scientists have come to a conclusion that Campbell, the son of a dairy farmer, would never have predicted. Campbell believed his country breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, ham and of course lots of milk, to be the best breakfast in the world. It is fair to say that Dr. Campbell does not eat that way today. After 5 years of research, he knows that the very disease that killed his father, heart disease, can be prevented, and even reversed, by diet. He found that food primarily determines the outcome of why health eludes some people and embraces others. His prescription for maximum health is simple, easy to follow and offers more benefi ts than any drug or surgery, without the side effects.

gina can fi nd a new life simply by changing their diets. America spends one out of every seven dollars on health care, but we are rated thirty-seventh best in the world according to health care system performance. On top of all that, the Journal of the American Medical Association states that physician error, medication error and “adverse events” from drugs or surgery kill 225,400 Americans each year. That makes our health care system the third leading cause of death in the US, behind only heart disease and cancer. If there was ever a statistic capable of convincing us to stay healthy, that’s it! So how do we do it? Stop eating animal-based products, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs. Dr. Campbell presents hundreds of examples in this book which explain the multiple benefi ts of consuming plant-based foods, and the multiple dangers of consuming animal-based foods. One study done in the Philippines tried to determine why so many children under the age of 10 were dying of liver cancer. It was found that most Philippine children were eating peanut butter as one of their major protein sources. However, the peanuts there were often contaminated with a fungusproducing toxin called Afl atoxin, then thought to be the most potent chemical carcinogen ever discovered. This was early in his career, and Dr. Campbell was astonished to fi nd that the children with liver cancer were from the wealthiest, best-fed families, who consumed more high quality animal protein than anyone else in the country. After much research, Campbell realized that Afl atoxin alone did not cause cancer in the children, but Afl atoxinlaced peanut butter consumed together with a diet of animal protein DID cause cancer. Over the years, after many studies, he came to the conclusion that nutrients from animal-based foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant-based foods decreased tumor development. That fi nding was borne out in a study undertaken in the 1980’s, when Campbell directed the most comprehensive study of nutrition, lifestyle and disease ever undertaken in the history of medicine: The China Study.

But fi rst, to set the stage, we need to understand what is happening in America right now. If you are male, you have a 7% chance of getting cancer in your lifetime. Females have a 38% chance. But cancer is not a natural event. A healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent the majority of cancers, and sometimes even reverse the disease. A third of adults in this country are obese. One out of thirteen Americans now has diabetes and that ratio continues to rise, as diabetes has increased 70% in less than 10 years. But the most pervasive killer in our country today is heart disease. Statistics show that heart disease will kill one out of every three Americans. It all started when Premier Chau EnLai, who was dying Yet the disease can be prevented and even of cancer, initiated a nation-wide survey to determine death reversed by a healthy diet. People who can barely move because of severe an- rates for twelve different kinds of cancer in 2, 00 counties

Physician error, medication error and “adverse events” from drugs or surgery kill 225,400 Americans each year.

Statistics show that heart disease will kill one out of every three Americans. Yet the disease can be reversed by a healthy diet.

order it. Praise for this book comes from a Nobel Prize winner, various professors across the world, the President of the American Institute for Cancer Research, from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, many health professionals, auMany online booksellers now offer a thors, athletes, etc. Bottom Line, reading feature whereby you can read some of the this book may save your life. book, plus read reviews of it before you Please see ad on page 6. up trying to fi gure it out because of the seemingly confl icting “facts.” All of the information in this book has been proven correct by repeated studies both in the United States and in other countries.

involving 880 million people. Using that “Cancer Atlas”, Dr. Campbell created a team including the Chinese Institutes of Health, Cornell University and Oxford University, to compare nutrition and lifestyle information with cancer rates across the width and breadth of China. Overall, still today, the Chinese eat 25% more calories than Americans, much less fat, almost no animal protein, much more fi ber and much more iron. And they have almost no Western Diseases. Asia sees heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke as Western Diseases. Until recently they have been fairly rare across China and other developing countries because those are known as the Diseases of Affl uence. The Diseases of Poverty are pneumonia, digestive diseases, parasitic diseases, rheumatic heart disease, etc. In comparing cancer rates across China, Dr. Campbell found that in areas that had increasing affl uence, Western Diseases were increasing because the more affl uent Chinese were eating more meat. The death rate from heart disease was seventeen times higher in the U.S. than in China. Breast cancer was fi ve times higher. There are additional studies in this book, all backed by other research. None of this is new information. However, the deep pockets of the dairy, cattle and processed food industries, and their ability to manipulate facts, confuse consumers, most people really know very little about the effects of what they are eating or feeding their children. Many have even given

March 2007


Butter is Better than Margarine? W

hile standing at the dairy counter in our local market I overheard a very lively discussion between two ladies. One was extolling the virtues of using butter over margarine and the other was just as adamant as to why you should use margarine instead of butter. Perhaps the following information will shed a little light on this on-going nutritional debate. First of all, there is no difference in the calorie value of butter and margarine. Both have 50 calories per pat. However, butter is slightly higher in saturated fats (usable fat) at 8 grams compared to 5 grams for margarine. Butter is a natural food product, one which our body easily digests and absorbs into our tissues. It contains many nutrients that our body needs to maintain metabolism and good health. Eating butter also increases the absorption of the nutrients in other foods (very good). All of the so called “nutritional ingredients” added to margarine are synthetically produced. This may be why eating margarine increases the risk of breast cancer and lowers the quality of breast milk. It decreases the response of the immune system to disease organisms (especially in children). It also decreases the insulin response to sugar ingestion contributing to hypoglycemia and diabetes conditions. Margarine is very high in Trans-fatty Acids (very bad). Researchers at Harvard say that trans-fatty acids in margarine cause more than 30,000 Americans to die of heart disease every year. Another study by Harvard says that, “Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over those who eat butter.” In addition, it has been found that “ingesting the ingredients in margarine can increases the risk of cancers by up to fi ve fold.”

We have a major cholesterol problem in America that is made worse by eating margarine. Margarine increases the amount of total cholesterol, LDL (the bad cholesterol), and triglycerides. Margarine also lowers HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). The real problem with margarine is that it is hydrogenated. This means that hydrogen is added which changes the molecular structure into something that is not a food. You can test this for yourself. Place a tub of margarine in your garage or a shaded area that isn’t too hot. Within a few days you will notice that no fl ies or other scavenger insects will go near it. It does not rot or smell any different from when you fi rst placed it, and nothing will grow on it. Why is this? It’s because margarine is one molecule away from being plastic! It’s like melting your Tupperware and spreading it on your toast. As you can tell, I am a little prejudice towards butter. Now, people do say that butter contains hormones and antibiotics which are in the butter because they have been given to the cows. However, according to the American Dairy Council, if you are eating butter with hormones and antibiotics in it (not all butter does) you would have to eat _ pound of butter daily over a period of years before any negative affect would take place. The only negative I can say about butter is that you do not want to burn it while you are sautéing mushrooms (yuck!)

“Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over those who eat butter.”

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Fitzpatrick Winery By Erina Fischer


igh atop a green hill, overlooking the rolling Sierra Foothills, stands the statuesque, hand-built log lodge of Fitzpatrick Winery. Fitzpatrick Winery may be located in the beautiful Eldorado County, but it has an Irish flair unique to Fair Play, California. Family-owned, Brain Fitzpatrick and his wife, Diana, welcome everyone as they walk into the door of the charming lodge. The 30 acre-parcel located 2500 feet above sea level boasts 14 varietals, all estate-grown. The Fitzpatrick lodge is also a five room bed-and-breakfast with indescribable views from each room. Not only can guests swim in the 25-meter lap pool or relax in the hot tub overlooking the valley, but they also can feel free to walk downstairs in their pajamas in the morning if they feel so inclined. Brian describes his Eldorado get-away as “unpretentious and comfortable”. Since 1980, the Fitzpatrick’s have been farming their land organically, producing wines and providing unmatched atmosphere to locals and travelers. Farming is in Brian Fitzpatrick’s Irish blood. At the age of 12 he dug up an area in his parents’ lawn to start growing vegetables. In 1971, Brian opened a natural food store on the New Jersey shore. In line with his growing interests of land and farming, as a side-job during college Brian started his own landscaping business, Biodynamic Gardens in Santa Barbara, California. With a degree in soil and water science from the University of California, Davis, he knows how to work hand-in-hand with the land, as well as protect and conserve our fragile environment.

When Brian came to Eldorado County in 1975 not much was going on in the way of farming. Fair play had no water system and pure granite stood in the way of any water reserves in the ground below. This is where Brian’s degree came in handy. He was able to drill through the granite and conserve the water use by growing grapes since they require one-third of the water other crops need to survive. Sustainable farming and conservation is a way of life for the Fitzpatricks. 40 kilowatt panels supply 95 percent of the vineyards energy, the tractors are run on vegetable oil and, naturally, no synthetic pesticides or herbicides are used in farming. “I want to be an example of not just an organic farm, but a viable business,” Brian says “That is my offering as a teacher.” Brian describes the bad rap that the organic wine industry has received is due to the issue of sulfites. “Infamous” sulfites prevent the oxidization of wines, which is crucial in maintaining the quality. Due to this, many wineries that grow certified organically-grown grapes, including Fitpatrick, continue to use a small amount of sulfites (100 parts per million) in order to protect their investment. The argument is that sulfites are “not a public health issue, but a sensitivity issue”. Brian believes that if this confusion would have been cleared up from the beginning, wines made from organically-grown grapes could be labeled organic and sulfites would be required to be on the front label instead. “The image of organic wines would have accelerated in a positive way from the starting gate,” Brian says “Instead

they isolated themselves from the beginning.” In 1987, Brian was the founding chair of Organic Grapes into Wine Alliance (OGWA). OGWA was the ground-breaker in instituting standards for organic vineyards. “Ultimately, the best quality wines are made from organically-grown grapes,” Brian says “Chemicals are systemic. They are not just topical, but they get into the tissue of the plant.” A local treat in atmosphere, great company and food is available every week at the expansive lodge. Every Friday night, during the spring and summer seasons, Brian fires up his wood-fired stove on the deck overlooking the rows of vines below and bakes home-made pizza complete with fresh vegetables grown organically in their own garden. Or there is the Tuesday Ploughman’s Lunch, stemming from an Irish and English tradition, where home-made breads are baked in the outdoor oven and served with fruits, cheese, and of course, wine. Brian Fitzpatrick wants to make sure that his guests “take a moment and nourish themselves”. And maybe imbibe a little in the wine and the view as well… For more information and to make a reservation contact Brian or Diana Fitzpatrick at 1-800-245-9166 or visit their website at Erina Fischer is a contributing writer for HB magazine

March 2007


COOKINGforHEALTH Top 10 Tips for Healthy Eating


here are many things that you can do on a day by day basis to eat healthier. With National Heart Month just behind us, and the Go Red for Women luncheon being held in Reno on April 11, I thought that it would be appropriate to share my favorite healthy cooking tips and a quick and easy recipe to get you started.

1. Begin with seasonality – foods that are fresh and in season do not need as much work. 2. Don’t buy any vegetables or meats that are pre-prepared. This includes veggies that are cleaned, sliced, diced, and chopped. They lose flavor and sugars if they are cleaned and chopped before you buy them. 3. Choose cooking techniques that are naturally light. Grilling is one! If you grill a flank steak it will always be good. 4. Buy a great grill pan or a nonstick pan. Pans that can conduct heat really well need less fat in them!! 5. Try not to turn the food too much! Ideally, foods are browned on one side, turned and cooked on the other. This creates more flavor. 6. Make sure the food is at room temperature before you cook it for more even heating. Fish can be cooked cold (because it will cook so quickly), but everything else needs to be room temperature to avoid cooling the pan when the food is added. 7. Cut the fat in your recipe at the beginning, instead of at the end. Our tendency is to cut the fat at the end of a recipe. 8. Use mustards, chutneys, and vinegars. Chutneys can be melted and brushed on fish; mustards can be blended together and brushed on chicken for a fat free basting sauce. 9. Skip the low-fat, no-fat alternative foods. In my mind they have no flavor and I would rather just live without it. I like to make a mustard yogurt or serve chutney instead of mayonnaise. 10. Finally, foods will taste better and be more satisfying if you sit down at the table and eat them. We cook and eat because it is food for the soul as well as food for nourishment. Enjoy cooking foods as well as eating them. Take your time and enjoy the journey!!


My favorite meals are made with simple, fresh ingredients. When the ingredients are the stars of the recipe, you don’t have to do a lot to make it good, thus saving preparation time and getting an interesting meal on the table quickly. When you make these spicy tacos, the commitment you make is to finding good ingredients. I buy fresh citrus fruits, remove the zest for the salsa and squeeze the juice for the cucumber mixture. The cucumber, onion, tomato and citrus fruits should all be room temperature. Therefore, as soon as you walk in the door, before your coat comes off, take all of the ingredients, except for the


crab, out of the refrigerator. It is essential that the salsa ingredients are all chopped evenly and relatively fine. The best taco gives me a taste of every ingredient in each bite. It is the combination of all of these distinct flavors that really makes this work. There are other ingredients to look for in this recipe. The lump crabmeat should be fresh if you can find it. Finally, seek out the best corn tortillas that you can find. Fresh tortillas, that are a day old or less, have a sweet corn flavor that is a huge complement to the crab. Makes 4 to 6 servings. 1 large cucumber, peeled, seeded, and finely chopped 1 small red onion, chopped 2 vine-ripened tomatoes, seeded and diced 2 tablespoons freshly chopped cilantro 1 teaspoon freshly ground cumin 1/3 cup fresh lime juice 1/3 cup fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 12 fresh 8-inch corn tortillas One head butter leaf lettuce, separated into leaves, washed and dried 3 cups fresh lump crabmeat 2 avocados, peeled, seeded and thinly sliced Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil In a large bowl, mix the cucumber, onion, tomato, cilantro, cumin and citrus juices (except the lime juice) together. Season with salt and pepper. Let this stand at room temperature while you prepare the tacos.

TIP The crabmeat should be mild and sweet, with no fishy odor. If it is previously frozen, it may have surplus water. Drain off the water, blotting the crabmeat with a paper towel to remove the excess moisture. Place the corn tortillas in a buttered pie plate and cover it with plastic wrap. Steam the tortillas in the microwave on high for 2 minutes. Working with several tortillas at a time, place a lettuce leaf on each tortilla, add some crabmeat, and then two tablespoons of the cucumber salsa. Top each with an avocado slice. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with a little lime juice and olive oil. Fold each taco in half and serve.




ative to the Mediterranean, Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a perennial with dark green leaves and blossoms pink fl owers once a year. The leaves are harvested in the summer and are popular for culinary use with their tangy, lemon fl avor. During the Middle Ages thyme was used to remedy intestinal parasites, bronchitis and acted as a digestive aid. Thyme extract can relieve chest congestion and aid the respiratory tract. Thymol, an antibacterial/antifungal ingredient, which is used in Listerine® mouthwash and Vicks®

VapoRub®, is a derivative from the herb. The antifungal properties of thyme can be used to alleviate athlete’s foot. Thyme can be used in marinades for poultry, fi sh and meat, as well as for cheese and bread. Dried thyme can also be steeped in hot water to produce a tea that can help alleviate a persistent cough or cold. As any herb or spice, thyme should not be taken in large quantities, especially in pregnant women, to prevent any adverse reactions.

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Garlic-Thyme Asparagus 2 bunches asparagus, rinsed 2 garlic cloves, chopped 3 sprigs fresh thyme, rinsed 2 tbsp. olive oil 1/2 tsp black pepper Salt to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toss all ingredients and place in a casserole dish. Once oven is preheated, roast for 30- 0 minutes, tossing once or twice, until asparagus is tender with a fork.

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Pet Allergies: All That Itchi s ’ t a ng Wh


llergies are among the most commonly diagnosed skin problems in dogs and cats. Allergic dermatitis, also called atopic dermatitis, is caused by foreign proteins (allergens such as pollens, house dust mites, etc.) that contact the pet’s skin and cause itching. Diagnosing pet allergies can be half the battle. As I discuss in my book, “The Allergy Solution for Dogs”, the diagnosis of allergies is usually done quite easily based upon the owner’s history, examination of the pet (most allergic dogs are itchy without skin lesions unless a secondary infection is present), as well as ruling out other diseases such as ringworm and mange. Diagnosing allergies in cats is more challenging than diagnosing allergies in dogs. Allergic cats usually have scabs (military lesions) or red patches (eosinophilic lesions) on their bodies. Some alternative practitioners may use a homeopathic procedure (NAET) to diagnose allergies and find the most appropriate alternative therapy. Sometimes referral to a veterinary dermatologist is needed. Specialized testing (intradermal skin testing) will allow the doctor to make the diagnosis. Blood testing (ELISA testing) may be helpful in diagnosing allergies but is not as accurate as skin testing. Allergies can occur in any age or breed of pet. Most pets show signs of allergies within one to three years of exposure to allergens. In my practice, most of my allergic canine patients are various terrier and retriever breeds, but also includes Lhasa apsos, shih tzus, dalmations, pugs and Irish setters. There are no specific cat breeds prone to allergies, short hair and long hair breeds are diagnosed equally.

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an dS c ra t

ching About?

Conventional or Integrative?

Treating the allergic pet is usually not complicated, but can at times be challenging, especially with chronically itchy dogs and cats. There are two general schools of treatment: the conventional approach practiced by most veterinarians and the integrative approach practiced by holistic veterinarians, including myself. The conventional approach relies heavily on the use of medications, mainly corticosteroids (prednisone or others) or antihistamines. There are several different antihistamines that may help dogs and cats with allergies, including Benadryl, Chlortrimeton, Atarax, and Tavist (and their generic equivalents.) While antihistamines are usually safer than corticosteroids, there are some potential problems. First, some pets do not respond to antihistamines since histamine is not the major cause of itching in pets. Since the doctor has no way of knowing if your pet will have reduced itching with the administration of an antihistamine, he will usually prescribe one that has shown the greatest response in his patients (in my practice I use Benadryl or Atarax or their generic equivalents.) If there is no response after 5-7 days, another antihistamine can be tried. This trial and error approach is usually continued until either an antihistamine that helps the pet is found, or no response is seen to any of those tried. A second problem with antihistamines is that unlike a once-a-day dose of oral corticosteroid, most antihistamines require at least a 2-3 times per day dosing, which is inconvenient for some owners. Finally, some pets get very drowsy with antihistamines, which means another dose or different medication must be tried. Corticosteroids are commonly prescribed to allergic pets, and they are extremely effective at controlling itching and inflammation in most allergic pets (although they are not effective in most pets with food allergies) Corticosteroids are given by injection or orally. Injections contain either long-acting (depot) medications (which lasts in the pet’s body for 2-3 months, even

though the anti-itching effect can wear off in some pets in as little as 1-2 weeks) or short-acting medications (usually lasting 12-24 hours in the body.) If needed, I prefer the short-acting injections as they are unlikely to cause harm to the pet. Whenever possible, if I need to use corticosteroids I prefer oral administration. Orally administered prednisone or prednisolone only stay in the pet’s body for 12-24 hours, and they can be dosed on an as-needed basis. This minimizes side effects for the pet. Using corticosteroids in this fashion will not cause long term damage to the pet’s body. In my practice, I instruct the owners to use oral prednisone or prednisolone only if the pet is very itchy. I use the lowest dose possible (much lower than most conventional doctors use) for the fewest number of days. Corticosteroids are never used if only minimal itching is seen. The integrative or holistic approach realizes that medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids may occasionally need to be used to treat acute flare-ups of itching. However, they have no place in the long term treatment of allergies for most pets. Instead, the holistic approach utilizes a number of supplements (herbs, homeopathics, whole food products, glandulars) to keep the pet comfortably itchy. While every holistic veterinarian has his or her favorite protocol, keep in mind that the holistic approach is all about selecting the best therapy for YOUR pet, and the actual therapy chosen will differ from pet to pet.



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“How to prevent and manage pet allergies naturally” will be featured in the April issue! Dr. Shawn Messonnier practices at Paws & Claws Animal Hospital in Plano, Texas. He is the author of the “Allergy Solution for Dogs, 8 Weeks to a Healthy Dog”, “The Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Cancer”, and the award-winning” The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats”. He is a consultant for Pet Togethers ( and is host of “Dr. Shawn-The Natural Vet” on “Martha Stewart Living Radio”, Sirius channel 112. You may contact him at



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March 2007


Maximizing Fat Loss Are you exercising too hard? By John Schroeder


aven’t lost those extra pounds you lovingly packed on during the Holidays? Is your New Year’s Resolution starting to seem like a distant memory? You’re not alone, about 9 out of 10 will not lose as much as they had hoped and probably won’t maintain what they did lose. Why? Curiously, one of the biggest reasons for this is that they are exercising too hard to efficiently burn bodyfat. Exercising too hard? Do I have your attention yet? Let’s take a closer look at the specifics. Bodyfat is a powerful and dense fuel source for the body. The energy released from one gram of fat is approximately 9 kcal/g, compared with only 4 kcal/g for proteins and carbohydrates. Gram for gram fat has more than twice the energy of other fuels. If the human body relied on carbohydrates to store energy then a person would need to carry 68 lbs. of glycogen to have the equivalent energy of 10 lbs. of fat. Remember, 1 pound of fat provides the body with 3,500 calories. Sugar is an instant high-intensity fuel. Fat is a constant low-intensity fuel. Often when attempting to lose the weight people push their bodies too hard using methods of exercise that are too intense to mobilize the fat as fuel. Burning fat requires oxygen. And two important words to remember here

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are “aerobic” and “anaerobic”. Aerobic means “with oxygen”. Anaerobic means “without oxygen”. Inside most human cells are tiny organelles called “Mitochondria”. It is the mitochondria that burn fat for energy and they need oxygen to do so. Fat metabolism is an aerobic system. Mitochondrial function is one of the most important aspects of health, aging, and disease. Due to age, lifestyle, and other factors we experience a condition known as Early Onset Mitochondrial Dysfunction (EOMD). EOMD leads to an increase in free radical production and decreased anti-oxidant buffering capacity and is the primary cause of mitochondrial decay, degenerative disease and aging. The good news is that EOMD is reversible and it occurs long before actual mitochondrial decay. EOMD also directly manifests itself as decreased metabolism and weight gain. If you want to lose fat this year you will need to focus on aerobic exercises and reversing EOMD. But don’t exercise too intensely. To explain what I mean, let’s take an example of Mary. Mary was 47 years old and overweight. She hired a personal trainer to help her lose weight. Her trainer calculated her fat burning heart rate (FBR) to be 114 BPM and her anaerobic threshold heart rate (ATR) to be 150 BPM. When she was tested with BioEnergy Testing, a method used to measure our body’s capacity to utilize oxygen, it was discovered that her actual FBR was only 95, and her ATR was only 110. That is a huge difference from what her trainer calculated using generic equations. Her trainer was unknowingly teaching her to exercise too hard. With the program

from her trainer Mary was disappointed because she was not losing much fat. However, she was losing muscle because the body needed to make more glucose (sugar) to get through the workouts. The body can create glucose when needed by a process called “Gluconeogenesis” and it uses protein to accomplish it. This means that the body burns existing muscle tissue to generate energy for your workouts. You may lose weight, but much of that weight will be muscle and that is very unhealthy. Most people only burn fat after they are done exercising and the heart rate has slowed down allowing fat to again be burned.

As you can see from the chart Mary is generating about 55% of her energy from fat while at rest. She eventually tops out at 100% fat utilization around 95 BPM and then steeply drops her ability to utilize fat until she reaches 110 BPM. At a heart rate of only 110 BPM she is no longer able to burn any fat for energy. Keep in mind that these heart rates will be completely different for every individual and they will continually change as progress is made.

Sustained exercise above the anaerobic threshold produces such a high amount of free radicals that the antioxidants and free radical buffering systems become depleted. This results in an increased rate of aging, risk of disease and increased oxidant stress. It also increases mesenchymal acid levels, which is known to dramatically contribute to acute and chronic disease, increased rates of tissue and organ degeneration and an increased rate in the aging process. Keep in mind that being healthy and being able to metabolize fat go hand in hand.

3. Buy a heart rate monitor. Most dis- John Schroeder is President of the count stores have them and they are very Health Fitness & Development Institute. He can be reached at (866) 875-6616 affordable. 4. Find a fi tness professional with a strong medical understanding or background. Such professionals may be doctor referred and will probably charge more than other trainers, but the difference is worth it. 5. Keep your carbs to a minimum.

Burning fat requires oxygen.

Remember, the body won’t burn fat if it can use sugar and whenever you eat any carbohydrates it slows down and impairs fat metabolism.

In a paper published in the Townsend Letter for 6. Calories DO matter. If Doctors, Dr. Frank Shalyou want to lose 2 pounds lenberger M.D., H.M.D. of fat per week then you studied twenty men and need to create a caloric defi cit of 7,000 women of various ages. All twenty had calories a week or a daily calorie defi cit been exercising according to guidelines of 1,000 calories. they had read about in different fi tness 7. Consider adding some supplemenbooks and magazines. tation. Be cautious when considering Using Bio-Energy Testing he deterstimulants but defi nitely look into L-Carmined their optimum fi tness zones. The nitine, Ornithine, Niacin (Vitamin B3), result? Not one person was exercising Coenzyme Q10, and Pyruvate. These all correctly. 9 out of ten were exercising too help with fat metabolism and increase hard while the others were not exercising mitochondrial function. hard enough. 8. Every few months take a week or Continually losing weight is a delicate balancing act you must pay close atten- two off from losing weight, change up tion to. Too much effort or too little effort your routines and exercises, have some and you won’t maximize fat loss. Keep fun and celebrate your hard work and avel Beyo the intensity just high enough and watch great results. the fat keep melting away. Lastly, here are some suggestions for making this a successful year to lose weight and keep it off:

1. Decide what you want and what you are actually willing to work for. You won’t look like a magazine cover model if you only exercise 15 minutes a day for 3 days a week.

2. Get tested. At least get a test for your basal metabolic rate. The generic equations used to determine heart rates, fat burning zones, and metabolism are usually quite incorrect. I recommend, Bio-Energy Testing, as it may be the most comprehensive and accurate method to do so. Find a testing center near you, at


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March 2007


Superfoods The Key to Healthy Eating in the New Year


ach New Year, millions of Americans resolve to lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle. What if someone told you that eating a handful of foods could help you feel better, look great and increase your overall health? You’d be happy to fi nd out that a group of foods called Superfoods can help you accomplish these goals. Superfoods are a group of wholesome foods that pack a nutritious punch. In addition to tasting great, superfoods contain an exceptionally high nutrient content when compared to the amount of calories per serving.


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Superfoods may help you feel more energetic, provide protection against disease and promote a healthy lifestyle. A diet rich in superfoods may also prevent or greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and a host of other ailments. Why not put a little extra effort into your meals and turn an everyday meal into an adventure in great-tasting, nutritional foods?


Eggs – Eggs provide an inexpensive

source of high-quality protein. Eggs are not only low in sodium, they contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that support eye health.

Green foods – Wheat grass, spirulina,

chlorella and barley grass are powerful supplements rich in protein and bursting with carotenoids, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Green leafy vegetables – Spinach,

kale, Swiss chard and romaine lettuce all contain beta-carotene, lutein and vides about fi ve grams of fi ber and an zeaxanthin that work together to support abundance of antioxidants, which may overall health. support cardiovascular health. Herbs and spices – Spice up your Berries – Berries contain antioxidant life! Studies show that common herbs compounds called anthocyanins that and spices, such as sage and rosemary, reduce free radicals in the body and may are rich in antioxidants and may suphelp slow the aging process. port digestive function and the nervous Cinnamon – A USDA study showed that system. consuming a half teaspoon of cinnamon Honey – The buzz about honey is true! per day may signifi cantly lower blood Full of B-complex vitamins, amino acids sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, as and enzymes, raw honey is tasty and a well as reduce triglyceride, LDL choles- great substitute for refi ned sugars. terol and total cholesterol levels. Kiwifruit – One petite kiwifruit packs Citrus – Citrus fruits, such as oranges, as much vitamin C as an orange. grapefruits and tangerines, contain fl avonoids that are unique to the citrus family. Legumes – Beans and lentils, members Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, folic of the legume family, are an excellent source of low-fat plant protein and acid and potassium. soluble fi ber. Cruciferous vegetables – Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage Nuts – Roasted, toasted or raw, nuts are and Brussels sprouts are a good source a delicious source of protein and fi ber. A of dietary fi ber and complex carbohy- nutritious snack, nuts nourish our bodies with heart-healthy monounsaturated oils, drates. vitamins and minerals. Dark chocolate – Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa fl avanols, which may reduce Oats – Oatmeal provides a good source free-radical damage and support cardio- of complex carbohydrates. Soluble fi ber from foods such as oats, as part of a diet vascular health.

Apples – Each crisp, juicy apple pro-

low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

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Olives & olive oil – A good source of monounsaturated fat, adding two tablespoons of olive oil per day to your diet may support cardiovascular health. Omega fish – Cold-water fish like

wild salmon, tuna and trout contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Orange veggies – Vibrant orange vegetables, such as pumpkins, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and carrots contain high levels of beta-carotene. Pomegranates – Rich in powerful, free-radical fighting antioxidants called polyphenols, an eight-ounce serving of pomegranate juice enjoyed daily may support normal levels of cholesterol and healthy coronary artery function. Sea veggies – Dulse, hijiki, kombu, nori and wakame. Commonly sold dried, in sheets, strips and strands, it’s easy to add essential minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine, to soups, stews and sushi. Seeds – Flax, pumpkin and sunflower

seeds pack a nutritious punch. One of the best sources of lignans, seeds can have a balancing effect on hormones and also exhibit strong antioxidant activity. Full of protein, iron, phosphorus, vitamin E and flavor–enjoy a handful of seeds each day.

Make a superfoods trail mix by simply mixing dried cranberries with walnuts, cashews and pumpkin seeds. Nuts are a great source of protein, fiber and heart-healthy fats, cranberries are high in antioxidants, and seeds are packed with protein, iron and vitamin E. Soy – Somewhat of a miracle bean, soy’s

superstar status stems from its culinary adaptability and health properties. According to the FDA, adding 25 grams of soy protein each day, to a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Whole grains – Rich in complex carbohydrates, whole grains add beneficial phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals to your diet. Yogurt and kefir – Cultured

dairy products, such as yogurt, kefir and buttermilk, contain probiotics. Also known as friendly bacteria, Probiotics support the intestinal tract.

Wild Oats also has a new Superfoods – Super You! Healthy Eating Plan available in stores and online that is complete with information on the various superfoods, great-tasting recipes, flexible meal plans, shopping lists, information on vitamins and supplements, and recommendations for living a healthy lifestyle. (775) 829-8666. 5695 S. Virginia St., Reno See ad on page 33.

Tea – Sip your way to good health with

a cup of tea. With beneficial levels of flavonoids and only 2 calories per cup, drinking tea is a great way to support overall health.

Tomatoes – Naturally delicious and

full of nutrients, tomatoes contain an abundance of lycopene. Lycopene helps support the immune system and prostate health.

Turkey – Versatile and low-fat, turkey

breast is an excellent protein choice. Juicy, delicious and rich in zinc, turkey is best enjoyed in soups, salads and sandwiches.

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speak louder than words!


ost of you have heard the expression, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions!” I heard that saying as a child and often wondered what it meant, but now I understand it very clearly. Many of us think that if our intentions are good, that should be worth something. But there is a major challenge with that concept. Our intentions cannot be seen. The only thing that can actually be seen is our behavior.

again, simply having a good intention does not compensate for misunderstood behavior. Perhaps an illustration will help. If you owe someone money and you promise to pay them on the 15th of next month, you may have every intention of paying it. You may have a good attitude about paying them. You might write them a note to tell them you are going to pay what you owe. You could even call to say you are going to pay them. But, the person who is waiting to receive the money is only looking for one thing – whether or not you actually fulfi ll your promise and pay them on the 15th just like you said you would.

Intentions are important. After all, intentions represent the motivation and the attitude behind our actions. However, you can have the purest motives in the world, but if the behavior is not communicated clearly, then you will be misunderstood. No one has the ability to read another person’s mind. You may An unexpected event could occur which would cause you have the best of intentions and your motives may be pure, but to be unable to pay what you intended. And while the reason may be legitimate and very understandable, no one can read your intentions. They can only see your behavior.

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Strangely, we tend to want others to judge us by our intentions, yet we judge everyone else by their behavior. It would be better to judge ourselves by our behavior and offer grace to others and judge them by their intentions. Unfortunately, that is not the way it usually works. How often do we try to explain a situation to another person from our perspective? We say things like, “Well, I thought you would understand what I was trying to do.” Or, “I did not mean to communicate that in an offensive way.” Or, “I know I promised to pay you on a certain day and I had every intention of doing so, but some unexpected events occurred.” I can see some of you smiling as you are reading those statements. We have all had them said to us and perhaps at one time or another we have said them to other people. Again, it comes down to your behavior. You can have the best of intentions and make all of the promises in the world, but in the end, people are going to watch what you do. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”

I encourage you to ask yourself if your behavior is demonstrating your intentions. Remember that

no one can read your mind. No one has any idea what your intentions are. Even if they are noble and great, they must still be backed up by good behavior and quality action. Consider this in your personal life whether it is at school, at home or at work. You will see your relationships grow and become healthier when you begin to understand the difference between intentions and behavior. I can assure you that if your behavior demonstrates honesty, integrity and character when dealing with others, they are more likely to realize that you have good intentions. The proof will be in the pudding! Robert Rohm Ph D. Personality Insights, Inc.


Surprise Valley Hot Springs I

found a small, secluded, intimate getaway only 3 hours from Reno. It is called Surprise Valley Hot Springs located in the high desert valley of northeastern California, just outside of Cedarville, California. Leave the hectic city life behind when you come to Surprise Valley Hot Springs. Come and rejuvenate your spirit while soothing in your own private outdoor hot tub that is fed by a cascading waterfall of warm artesian mineral water. Therapeutic massage services are also available for your relaxation enjoyment. If you have never been to Cedarville you are in for a treat! It is bordered by the majestic Warner Mountains and the Nevada’s Hays Range. Bring your binoculars, bikes, golf clubs, hiking boots, fishing gear and snow shoes and bask in the beauty of the surrounding area. Surprise Valley Hot Springs has 16 uniquely designed Villas all with a kitchenette or full kitchen to meet

Photograph by Gary W. Rose

your cooking needs. They do have a 1 or 2 bedroom suite that includes satellite TV/music and robes. You can even book their Fly-N-Soak Package which includes lodging and a vehicle. Fly into Cedarville airport and a private vehicle will be awaiting you for your exclusive use for the duration of your stay. If you are looking for a fabulous romantic getaway for your wedding anniversary try Surprise Valley Hot Springs. You’ll be wanting to stay forever! It is also a great place to come by yourself to get in touch with your soul. Whatever your fancy, Surprise Valley is sure to be just what the doctor ordered. Debs Tours & Cruises, (775) 626-7848, debstours@yahoo. com, See ad on page 29.

Avoid a cold...



ecent research shows that gargling with water three times a day can reduce the occurrence of colds by 36 percent. Also, eat breakfast and drink hot tea, as both appear to help support the immune system. Avoid overdoing alcohol as this suppresses the immune system and so does intense exercise. Limit your gym time, or even better, go for a walk! March 2007



Attention Defi cit Disorder (ADD) Restoring Order Through Diet, Posture, and Attitude “The best strategy for working with ADD often turns out to be a combination of enhanced nutritional support, the creation of a supportive and positively challenging atmosphere at home, and a more responsive learning situation at school.” -John Robbins


t is currently estimated that about 8 million children have been labeled as having ADD since it was introduced in 1981. This is a large amount considering that there were only 500,000 cases in 1985. A 1600 % increase in children taking Ritalin on any given school day is grounds for concern, especially from a natural health perspective. While it is a very real disorder, it is commonly misdiagnosed and thus, mistreated. It is one of the only diagnosis that a lay person can assign another individual and is often times accomplished with a 15-minute interview and a standardized questionnaire. My concern as a chiropractor who works with young people and the general population are what are the psychosocial side effects of a child being raised with the belief that they need a pill to make their brains work properly. This holds true with many individuals that require medication to live a normal life. The reason ADD is such a concern is because it targets young people who aren’t equipped


to make their own decisions and often times our busy culture doesn’t have time to assist them with whatever developmental challenges that may be occurring. There’s more to the story but I’ll save that for another time and simply mention that alternative methods of restoring order to these individuals should be explored before medication is prescribed. I’ve developed a protocol in working with this population that attempts to rule out other causes for the behavioral and learning challenges that go along with ADD. My sense is to rule out the more major causes of biochemical imbalance starting with the physical body and then working into the social as well as nutritional dynamics that may be playing into the individual’s behavior and attitude. The best place to start the process is with a physical exam to see if there may be any structural or developmental imbalances in the throid or the upper cervical spine that may be contributing to an inability to focus correctly as a result of compromised neurology. With a clean bill of health it’s important to fi nd out details about the pregnancy process and anything abnormal that may have occurred during this process. A focused history following this looking into how the child developed through the early years, the presence of multiple infections and how they were dealt with, and the current nutritional and social themes that are prevalent in the child’s life should be clearly understood. Many children have food allergies that can be the cause of their inability to hold focus and be compliant. Once this information has been garnered it becomes clear what action steps are important to take to restore order to the ADD presentation. The majority of the cases I have had success with have responded the most to making nutritional changes, simplifying the social and home dynamics that defi ne a child’s experience, and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. If nothing in the history can be considered a causative factor than a referral to a slow-to-drug psychiatrist is warranted. Dr. Taylor Donovan would be happy to entertain questions in regards to the above topic and is proud to serve the health and well-being of the Reno community. He can be contacted at Health for Life Chiropractic (775) 323-1230.

Let’s Get


Ingredients derived from natural sources!

Continued from page 19...

The body’s core muscles are the foundation for all other movement. The muscles of the torso stabilize the spine and provide a solid foundation for movement in the extremities. Improving core strength means improved balance, lower back, hips, thighs, and strong abs. Training the muscles of the core also corrects postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. When the core muscles are weak or there’s an imbalance a common side effect can be expressed with back pain, neck pain, muscle strains, and joint pain. Stability balls, medicine balls, wobble boards and fi tness bands are excellent tools to help improve your core strength. Other exercises that develop core strength programs include Pilate’s and yoga classes. All in all, core training can improved full body functional strength and it can also improve your fi tness program.

Good Nutrition:

In general, active people should focus their diet on a well-balanced, nutrient- dense diet plan. Carbohydrates are needed to fuel the muscles, proteins help to rebuild muscles and tissues, and fats are use as a long energy source for fuel. The value of good nutrition is essential for maximizing your fi tness results. You need to properly fuel your body if you want to reach your goals. However, if your diet is lacking in essential nutrients, you may want to supplement your diet with a good multi-vitamin and mineral. Also some people fi nd other types supplementation benefi cial to their fi tness program.

B12: Increases red blood cells forma-

tion, recommended for vegetarians and vegans.

Calcium: builds strong bones and teeth, helps to burn fat.

Chitosan: fi ber that hinders fat absorption lowers cholesterol.

Chromium: regulates glucose metabolism, helps to build lean muscle tissue.

Cinnamon: regulates blood glucose, lowers triglycerides and cholesterol.

Enzymes: aid in digestion, reduces infl ammation.

Fish Oil: provides essential fatty acids,

supports brain function, helps to support joint function.

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Glucosamine Sulfate: supports joint and cartilage repair.

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Quercetin: reduces infl ammation, improves coronary circulation.

Soy Protein: rich in lignan isofl avones

ey! v r u usa eS /

that may protect breast tissue.

St. John’s Wort: supports emotion-

al well-being, soothes muscles and nerves.

anc n y . c o m l a e B mpa

e th n c e c o k a T ebala

Natural Marketplace (775) 829-8666. 5695 S. Virginia St., Reno Alpha Lipoic Acid: powerful antioxidant, See ad on page 33. regulates glucose metabolism.




ce made s i

tinal tract, boost immune system.


Acidophilus: friendly bacteria, aids intes-




Here’s a look at which supplements may Whey Protein: highest bioavailability, support your fi tness program: highest concentration of branched-chain Acetyl L-Carnitine: improve mental amino acids. function, enhances memory. For more information call Wild Oats

Ba l

Core Stability:

530.414.1420 March 2007



Connecting Beauty, Environment & Well-Being W

hat is a key factor in organic style and skincare? Hint: It goes beyond avoiding toxic chemicals in our daily routine products. Always keep in mind Plant-derived products are fundamental to healthy skin and a naturally beautiful appearance.

philosophy is of the fi ve elements: air, fi re, earth, water and space. This Ayurvedic approach considers our mind, our body and our spirit, and helps us assess what we require on all levels in order to be in balance, making it a fully integrated wellness system. By starting from the inside we can create a series of nurturing practices that will enhance our daily beauty rituals. Remember no matter how busy and hectic our worlds can be, by maintaining our positive habits we can achieve healthy, glowing skin by using gentle products, by being as peaceful as we can be, and by getting in touch with our own individual beauty and style.

ultraviolet rays and pollution that break down the skin’s natural supply of collagen and elastin. Additionally the mineral content in our water, low humidity and the elevation increases the need for us to take steps to counteract those effects. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are three steps that should be done daily to promote the overall health of skin.


For more than two decades, Aveda has worked to expand the boundaries of beauty and business, developing extraorSalon treatments with professional dinary products made from plants while strength products will enhance your creating a company with a conscience. personal daily skin care routine. Seek Aveda takes an ethical approach to out a salon professional that will create business: by aiming to create products personalized treatments for your skin that make intelligent use of the planet’s type and self-care rituals based on your resources, supporting the rights of inAyurvedic Doshas to help bring you back digenous peoples and does not conduct Taking care of our skin is a combina- to balance. animal testing. In partnering with Aveda tion of nurturance and defense. We must Lindsey Hinckley is an aesthetician for these policies make good sense fi nan- feed and clean our skin, but we must AurA Aveda Concept Salon & Spa locially, environmentally and morally. also protect it from harmful things in the cated at: 2323 Kietzke Lane Reno, NV The root of Aveda’s holistic salon spa environment, including the sun and free 89502 • 775.826.3117 radicals, which are ions derived from

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Our goal is to assist you in acheiving optimal wellness by harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit (homeostasis); thus stimulating your body’s inherent wisdom to self heal.

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Biological Dentistry on the Frontlines of Total Health L

ast month’s article presented a simplified view of the body’s status from healthy to a not healthy state. Success of treatment is clearly a reflection of accurate history and diagnosis. Dentists are key players in maintaining patients’ overall health. They typically see patients twice a year and play a pivotal part in helping to prevent and detect a variety of systemic health problems. In dentistry one of the basic and traditional methods of determining health status is full mouth xrays to see the extent and quality of the bone supporting the teeth and possible breakdown of the teeth. The visual examination of the oral tissue also reveals the current condition related to health and/ or disease. Many health problems can be identified, for instance, oral cancer screening reveals lesions that appear on the lining of the patient’s cheek, the gum, lips, hard and soft palate and tongue. Another major health concern is diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association an estimated 21 million Americans have diabetes, and one-third of those with the disease are unaware of it. For their part, dentists can help identify incipient problems by frequently updating patient history forms and taking special note of symptoms such as increasing incidents of extreme thirstiness, frequent urination, vision problems such as blurring, seeing rings around light spots, flashing lights, difficulty reading and numbness in toes.

Osteoporosis afflicts about 44 million Americans according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). Dental panoramic x-rays overtime can detect bone density changes suggesting referral to physicians for a screening. While it is often discounted as “just heartburn,” gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a potential life-threatening condition that can lead to cancer of the esophagus. During routine exams, dentists can be the first healthcare professional to see the early signs of the disease, including erosion, dishing of the chewing surfaces of teeth and other abnormal wearing of the teeth.

“People lose sight of the fact that their head is attached to the rest of their body,” says Kenneth

Krebs, D.M.D., president of the American Academy of Periodontology. The dentist may be the most important doctor you see this year. Saying that, we need to express the importance of collaboration of all medical counterparts to treat the total body. A general consensus among health care practitioners is that inflammation is at the core of the disease processes and is driven by life style choices and other factors. Stress from various sources (mental, environmental, toxins, etc.) appears to be responsible for imbalances in the body. A recent tool for correlating the relationship of oral disease is a total body scan

using biofeedback principles. This can be invaluable to identify blockages to treatment in the oral cavity if another part of the body is out of balance and needs to be brought back into alignment. Watch for future articles regarding the treatment methods and protocols . Zeny N. Ocean, D.D.S. Zeny N. Ocean, D.D.S., Ltd. 1155 West Fourth Street, Suite 211 Reno, NV 89503 (775) 329-1333 See ad on page 14.

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DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901

THE NEVADA CENTER Samuel Winter, DO Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990

Reduce pain, stress and fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation and energy; emotional weight loss. You can look and feel better with time-tested healing techniques. See ad on page 28.

THE MERIDIAN Denise McKee, M.D. 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Dr. McKee uses acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions ranging from emotional issues to fibromyalgia to sports injuries. Dr. Mckee believes in treating the whole patient, mind, body and spirit, spending an hour per session. Call today to make a difference in your health!

AESTHETICIANS VICKI KELLER Beauty & Style Salon 3641 Kings Row • Reno, NV 89503 (775) 741-2950 Specializing in Facials– specialty treatments for acne, anti-aging, and sun damage, Micro-dermabrasion, Exfoliating peels, Back Facials, Body Treatments– Salt Glows & Body Scubs, Waxing and Lash and Brow Tinting. See ad on page 32.

AYURVEDIC MEDICINE JEREMY ANDERSON, CAS, PKS, CMT 95 La Rue Avenue • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Jeremy will customize an Ayurvedic program for you based on your initial consultation, which can include nutrition programs, custom-made herbal remedies, aromatherapy, color therapy, sound therapy, Ayurvedic body therapies, yoga asana, meditation, and Pancha Karma. 20% off all services through February 2007. See ad on page 27.


Dr. Winter is a graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Illinois. He specializes in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, ProloZone Therapy, and customised orthotics to remove the primary causes of low back pain, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica. See ad on page 21.

CHIROPRACTORS 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste. #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Drs. Hollinger, Rammel, and Richards Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children.

CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY THE NEVADA CENTER Colleen Mahoney, RN, APH 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 Classical homeopathy works for chronic illnesses, pediatric disorders, allergies, depression, and anxiety. Inexpensive and gentle. See ad on page 21.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY CHERYL VAN REETH, I-ACT CERTIFIED 95 La Rue Avenue Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Colon hydrotherapy is a procedure used to assist the body with a wide variety of health conditions known to stem from improper diet and elimination habits. Try a session and enjoy discounted price of $70/session through February. See ad on page 27.


RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888

Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! See ad on page 31. THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe,gentle, and extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. See ad on page 21.

COURSES THE MERIDIAN 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Offering courses in childbirth education, Comfort measures in labor for partners and Usui Reiki I, II, III. Class sizes are kept small and personal.

DENTISTRY ZENY N. OCEAN, D.D.S., LTD. 1155 West 4th Street, Suite 211 Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 329-1333 Dr. Ocean’s practice centers on biological and biocompatible general and cosmetic dentistry. A major focus is immune system enhancement for inflammation control. Affordable adult invisible braces are available. New patients welcome. See ad on page 14.




CAMU SPA & WELLNESS 2450 Vassar St. Ste. 3A Reno. (775) 329-4141 www. Consultations, nutritional and supplement counseling and dietary assistance available. Do you suffer from fibromyalgia, candida, hormone imbalance, weight gain or fatigue. Call for a consultation. See ad on page 22.

VIBRANT FITNESS STUDIO Moana and Lakeside (775) 322-0202 Why a personal training studio? Certified trainers and Advanced Technology equal fast results. Limitless variations provide a more interesting, more effective program.

THE NEVADA CENTER Marc Hiscox 1231 Country Club Drive Carson City, Nevada 89703 (775) 884-3990 FEELING STUCK? If you want something different in your life but aren’t sure how to get there, discover the 3 easy steps to make lasting life change. You’ll soon improve your health, quit addictions, increase your professional success and multiply your happiness. See ad on page 21.

CONSCIOUS LIVING REJUVENATION CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Feel better today! Create your own detoxification and cleansing program using the many services and modalities available at the facility, or visit with the naturopathic doctor and have a customized program created for you to meet your specific health goals. See ad on page 27.


HOT SPRINGS STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno, NV 89521 (775) 853-6600 Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs and 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials and skin care. See ad on page 19.


RAND FAMILY CARE Dr. Robert Rand, MD 1699 S. Virgina Street (775) 337-0703

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823

Infants to geriatrics, Board Certified Family Medicine. Specializing in medical acupuncture, alternatives for nonsurgical pain management, substance abuse help, latest treatments to help stop smoking, Nutritional supplements. Se Habla Espanol… Complete Care for the Whole Family!

Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management and Positive Lifestyle Change. Whether you’d like to lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits and thinking, Virginia provides caring and supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 years experience. See ad on page 27.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore (775) 830-8168 Use Feng Shui for your existing home or business, to select a new home or business, or for floor-plan layout for new construction.

DOROTHY DUMBRA 516 Emerald Bay Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158 530-544-8557 Dorothy Dumbra is an R.N. Clinical Nutritionist and Specialized Kinesiologist in private practice. She has over 1200 academic hours in Alternative Medicine. An hour session includes muscle testing for nutritional structure and organ imbalances and their corrections. Glycemic Conditions, Natural Hormones, fatigue, weight are some of the specialties corrected with nutritional emphasis.

MASSAGE THE MERIDIAN Tiffany Hoffman, M.S. ACT, MT 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 With over 15 years experience in the field of sports medicine and physical therapy as well as a certification in prenatal massage therapy, Tiffany has the knowledge and experience to provide therapeutic bodywork tailored to your specific needs.

“Wild Oats Reno is thrilled to have Healthy Beginnings distributed in the store. This magazine is full of valuable information that our customers are looking for. This magazine is always the first to go (on the Trader’s Rack) and has to be refilled throughout the month.” -Becky McBride Community Marketing Coordinator, Wild Oats Natural Marketplace

March 2007





TONI FAIN PHD THE HEALING MEAL Ralston Massage Center Schall Adams, 145 Hillcrest Dr. Ste. B, Reno, NV Associate Chef & Instructor (775) 829-9300 (775) 412-1891 The human body is the most miraculous Learn how healthy you can truly be by thing on the planet. If we give it half a adding more fresh, whole, raw foods chance it can and will heal itself. Dr. into you diet in an interesting way! Raw Toni has been working in natural heal- food Cuisine classes, demonstrations, ing and health for over 30 years. workshops, and lectures as well as per-

NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. (775) 827-6888 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy used to address the causes of dis-ease and not just the symptoms. See ad on page 7.


sonal chef services and individualized training/coaching. See ad on page 26.

• Personal Chef • One on One Consultations • Home Classes • Lectures See ad on page 27.

THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress.



THE PILATES COACH Leslee Bender, Owner & Master Trainer 460 California Ave #200 Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-3224

ROLFBODYWORK Thomas Gordy, Certified Rolf Structural Integration, LMT The Stadium, 9393 Gateway Dr., Reno (775) 220-2482, Ease pain, improve posture, enhance athletic performance, and beautify movement.

I love your magazine, so informative...I pick it up at Golds Gym. -Healthy Beginnings Reader



Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. See ad on page 27.



Reno’s premier healing spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, supplement counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. See ad on page 2.

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NAAC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 850-5823-office (775) 851-6028-home

RAWTHYME FOOD Camilla Olsen (775) 882-1908

HEALTHY LIVING USA Cheryl Bogener Sparks, NV. 89431 (775) 331-7143 Offering you unique whole foods for life! It’s not all about vitamins & supplements. Lose weight ~ Gain Energy. Convenient whole food based meals & snacks for people on the go.

Pilates improves flexibility and core strength, imparting a sense of elevated wellbeing. We focus on personal attention, working one on one or in small groups. See ad on page 16.

CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno (775) 825-7727

WELLNESS CENTERS HEALTH STREAMS Wellness Center Whole 326 E. Winnie Lane Body Ther apies Carson City, NV 89706 (775) 883-8828 Our time efficient th

erapies are designed to target im Providing therapies andprovem services designed ents by increa sing whole body circulation (t o include lymph fl to increase metabolism and uids), boosting metabolis m andelevate cleansing waste products & toxins. clarity while reducing stress. We target improvements in overall health by boosting whole body circulation (to include An Amazingly ve “All into One” lymph fluids), by Effecti helping eliminating Body Wrap & Body Massage System nutritional deficiencies and by improving “I lov Pl ter ed th ea waste products thewhAofprocess of cleansing 10 eB I c le b min ody H + sure ou fal toxins. See ld ody utes Bed™ & ad on epage alt 17. l . it ing feel just my

w a t m wa as o way he st elte r n v d. a -D t to er I nd w ess d on l na eave id n hen ot !” S.


77 THE 5.8MERIDIAN 8 9393 Dr, Reno, NV 89509 Lo Gateway ca 3. t 88 w w heal (775)ed852-0446 at: 28 w. thstre h e am

CAMU SPA & WELLNESS 2450 Vassar St. Ste. 3A, Reno (775) 329-4141 Relax and revitalize in the peacefulness of our spa. We feature massage, body wraps, facials, foot treatments, waxing and ear candling. See ad on page 22.

C CA 32 ross RS 6 E roa ON . W d CI inni Cent TY e er L , a l s@p NV 8a9ne th y s ram 706

tr Offering e a id.netan integrative approach in healm s .mind, ing the body and spirit. Utilizing or g Acupuncture, Reiki, Therapeutic body work and Prenatal massage.

COMMUNITYcalendarEVENTS March 1st - 31st

March 11th

$45.00 Back Facials Full Facials for Men & Women Beauty & Style Salon Located in NW Reno Call Vicki Keller (775) 741-2950

“Hands on Workshop” 1-5pm learn to prepare raw versions of your favorite dishes! Students go home with their prepared dishes. To register: www.thehealingmeal. com or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $95 see website for specials! Location details upon registration.

March 1st Nevada Health Forum Free Lecture Thursday, March 1st 6:30-8 pm Location: Reno Council Chambers, 1 East First St. Topic: “ Unique Homeopathic Benzaldehyde Showing Efficacy in Advanced Cancers.” Presented by: Dr. James Forsythe, MD, MHD. For information contact Virginia Parsons: (775) 851-6028

March 11th LOSE WEIGHT FOR GOOD! Free introductory seminar to the “Mind Over Matter” Weight Loss System. Monday, March 11th from Noon -1 PM or Thursday, March 15th from 7-8 PM. Learn about the mind/ body science behind permanent weight loss. To register call (775) 850-5823, Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC. Life Enhancement Services LLC.

March 1st

March 14th

WHY RAW? A FREE talk about the benefits of Raw Foods in your diet. See and taste a raw food demo! Wild Oats Market 6:30 8:00pm 5695 S. Virginia St. Several talks per month, see website for times and dates or call Schall Adams (775) 4121891.

Life Coach Emily Perry’s topic is “Change Your Mind. Change Your Life!” Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 (775) 327 4878

March 16th March 7th Raw goodies instructor Lauren Alten gives a lecture and a mini raw foods demonstration “Shake off the Winter Blahs.” Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. • 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 • (775) 327-4878

“Hands on Workshop” in TRUCKEE 37pm learn to prepare raw versions of your favorite dishes! Students go home with their prepared dishes. To register: or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $95 see website for specials! Location details upon registration.

March 21st March 10th

“Elegant Brunch Class” 2-5pm @ Wild Oats Market, 5695 S. Virginia St Reno, NV Eat delicious, raw versions of your favorite dishes like crepes, granola, and quiche! To register: www.thehealingmeal. com or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $55

Dr Ruza ND international speaker and Reno’s raw foods potluck originator speaks about “Healing Pets with Raw Food.” Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. • 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 • (775) 327 4878

CLASSIFIEDS Office space and or reception area for rent or lease in a thriving wellness center. Perfect for chiropractor, massage therapist, reflexologist, rolfer, etc. Call Janet at : 775-825-7727 Small spaces for lease or rent in an up-scale, beautiful spa. Contact Nancy at: 775-329-4141

March 24th & 25th Don’t forget to visit the Camu Spa booth at the Nevada Women’s Expo and receive a discount for future services. Camu Spa is located at 2450 Vassar St. STE 3A, Reno. (775) 329-4141

March 26th “Sweets & Crispies!” 2-5pm @ Wild Oats Market, 5695 S. Virginia St Reno, NV Delicious, raw versions of your favorite dishes like cookie bars, mexi chips, granola bars, and crackers! To register: www. or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $55

March 28th HEALTHY HEART FOR LIFE This lecture will discuss matters of the heart and of the cardiovascular system. Included will be lifestyle suggestions and nutritional advice to give this part of your body what it needs to stay healthy through the ages. This lecture will be offered by Dr. Taylor Donovan at Health for Life Chiropractic on the Northwest corner of Plumb and Plumas. Call (775) 323-1230 to reserve your space.

March 2007


COMMUNITYcalendarEVENTS March 28th Gabe Golden teaches, “Reconnecting Healing Frequency Techniques.” Way more lectures to come!!! Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. • 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 • (775) 327 4878

March 30th

“Hands on Workshop” 1-5pm learn to prepare raw versions of your favorite dishes! Students go home with their prepared dishes. To register: www.thehealingmeal. com or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $95 see website for specials! Location details upon registration.

March 31st “Awesome Asian!” 2-5pm @ Wild Oats Market, 5695 S. Virginia St Reno, NV Delicious, raw versions of your favorite dishes like Mu Shoo Veges, Asian vegetables with Thai peanut Sauce, “fried rice” and almond cookies! To register: or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 $55


Organic Raw Foods Potlucks

A FREE talk about the benefits of Raw Foods in your diet. Learn about: the effects of heat and cooking on proteins, fats, micro-nutrients, and enzymes, the Raw Food groups, where protein comes from, food combining for better digestion, how to maintain your ideal weight, how to adapt to a raw food diet, how to make raw food prep easy, see and taste a raw food demo! Several talks per month, see websitewww. for times and dates or call Schall Adams (775) 412-1891.

Every Wednesday Reverse Aging Raw Food Potlucks & Speakers! Don’t know what to bring? Bring raw fruits, veggies and nuts. They really all do go together. The Raw Foods Potlucks start at 6 pm Reverse Aging- Zenergy Wellness Center, LLC. 2999 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502 (775) 327 4878

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Health Talks First Tuesday and third Thursday of each month from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Health Streams sponsored Health Talks will be the We will try to send out notices whenever possible, but feel free to call and find out what the topics will be. In the near future, we will be posting the meetings on the site on the Internet. RSVP is required to attend any of these meetings so we know how many chairs to set up. There is no cost to be there, just a willingness to learn and share. 326 E. Winnie Lane, Carson City, NV 89706 Office: (775) 883-8828

Health Professional Network Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Health Professional Network).This networking group meets monthly the first or the second Thursday of each month. If you are in a healthrelated field and are interested in joining us, please email us at or call (775) 828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal, yet informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet your colleagues who share common healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there.

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March 2007


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