Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® ISSN 2150-9921
TAKE ONE Cancer Treatment Using Mistletoe Extract Are you Healthy? Or Just Not Sick? Why is it Taking so Long to Get What I want? Oxytocin:
The Hormone of Love and Trust
INSIDE! Meet Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama To Open Your Heart, Change Your Life!
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May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
inside the
issue 5 2015
on the cover
in every issue
08 Meet Dr. Jayanth Abeywickrama
04 Publisher’s letter
To Open Your Heart, Change your Life! By Sharelle Fiori
12 Are You Healthy? Or Just Not Sick? By Dr. Tony Jensen
16 Oxytocin
The Hormone of Love and Trust By Dr. William Clearfield
20 Cancer Treatment Using Mistletoe Extract
By Dr. Robert Eslinger
24 Why is it Taking so Long to Get What I Want?
By June Milligan
departments health 08 Meet Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
To Open Your Heart, Change Your Life! By Sharelle Fiori
12 Are You Healthy? Or Just Not Sick? By Dr. Tony Jensen
14 Water Filtration is Important By Dr. Michael Gerber
16 Oxytocin
The Hormone of Love and Trust By Dr. William Clearfield
24 Why is it Taking so Long to Get What I Want?
By June Milligan
24, 30 Recipe
integrative health
32 Crystology
20 Cancer Treatment Using Mistletoe
34 Herbs & Spices 36 Professional Direcotry 38 Calendar
By Dr. Robert Eslinger
spiritual health 22 A Dream About Death and Transition
By Andy Drymalski
reviews 28 Effortless Healing
9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, & Help Your Body Fix Itself By Dr. Joseph Mercola Reviewed By June Milligan
crystology 32 Using Crystals to Support Your Intentions
By Tania Marie
herbs&spices 34 Tulsi
The Queen of Herbs By Allison Prater
recipes 26 Asparagus & Pea Quinoa Salad With Mint
By Shannon Vigil
30 Flax Crackers
Food for Fuel By Marie-Claire Hermans
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
publisher’s letter
ay is when we celebrate a mother’s love.
Pondering a mother’s love, we imagine a deep, special connection. That love means something different for each of us. Even the word mother can conjure up many different images and thoughts. Taking it a bit further, motherhood can come in many forms; biological, special friends, mentors, teachers and other kinds of relationships that fulfill the beautiful qualities we associate with a mother’s love and help nourish and nurture us. One of the qualities most closely associated with motherhood is caretaking. Caring for someone can occur on many different levels. The ability to care for others requires compassion, empathy, desire, patience, skill and strength. In order to provide the strength and compassion caregiving requires, we must first care for ourselves. Think about when you are on an airplane and the attendants are going through the safety routine. When it comes to the oxygen mask, they always tell you to “put your mask on first, so then you can help care for others.” Self-care runs deep, as it is the foundation of you and has the potential to impact all areas of your life. “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
As we honor Mother’s Day, I encourage you to first honor yourself. What kinds of things are you doing each day to show yourself love and care? Self-care can be confusing to many of us, especially for mothers, as we often hear women say that their children come first. Also, there is a perception that self-care can be viewed as selfish. On the topic of love, let’s start with selflove. What does it mean? One of the first steps to self-love is to be aware of the kind of things that give you energy or a sense of purpose. Have you taken a moment to think about what those are? What activities give you joy? When do you feel a sense of calm and purpose? Ask and answer those empowering questions. The next step is to identify the things you can do to create more of those things in your life. Spend time on the activities that you identified are important to your well being because they will give you the strength and energy to feel good about yourself, and in turn be able to care for others. Wayne Dyer says it beautifully: “Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. When you do this, you’re also tapping into another face of intention: LOVE.” Find out what speaks to your heart and look for ways to get more of that into your life. Once you know
that, you are on your way to nourishing yourself in ways that will renew and keep you at your best. Physical care comes in many forms and is easy to incorporate into your day. Simply taking a few moments to breathe as deeply as possible and exhale with force will instantly help you feel better. Our May issue is full of wonderful opportunities for self care, whether it’s seeking the advice of a professional, or the fellowship of a support group about nutrition, spirituality, relationships or fitness. Take a look at the wonderful health providers this month who are sharing their message with you. Attend a powerful event devoted to selfdiscovery—the Rankema World Event in June. There are many wonderful opportunities to give you the gift of self-growth. Like us on Facebook and take advantage of the daily health tips to support your journey of self care! Happy Mother’s Day! Let’s make May a loving and nourishing month!
Lynn Virgilio
eloquent speech. It is said to aid in success in business matters, and is particularly known for assistance in areas of legal affairs. Emerald is reputed to possess the power to assist one in becoming an eloquent speaker. Aristotle, a great fan of the gem, wrote that owning an Emerald increases the owner’s importance in presence and speech during business, gives victory in trials, and helps settle litigation.
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responses to everyday external stimuli can be a sign of an imbalance in this Yoga for Kids S5 chakra. Green crystal energy, such 3:45 p.m. Starts May 5 and continues as Emerald, is used to resolve daily through June 9. Ages 5-10. such blockages and to re-balance the Heart Truckee Regional Park. Chakra. A strong and open heart also allows blessings to flow into Tranceuniversal Medium Healing Clinics one’s life. Emerald is a powerfully A spirit to spirit healing done out of grounding in meditation, it helps body using stone a canneler and spirit guide. Costs $25. the meditator to maintain focus on the Every second andbreathing fourth Thursday slow, rhythmic necessary 7:30-8:30 p.m.depth in a meditative to attaining state. Once achieved, it assists in maintaining the cool brilliance of Hands On Healing Clinics deliberate reflection. A massage that clears the energy between your body and being. Every first and third. Costs $25. References: Saturday 10 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
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Healthy Beginnings 2015Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 Life’s• a May journey.
Editor & Content Director
ISSN 2150-9921
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Life’s a journey. Make a healthy Christina one.® Nellemann Design & itLayout Dawn Gowery Feline Design Lynn Virgilio
lifestyle magazine
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
The Art of Sharing
Learn to Listen to2014 Your Body NOVEMBER
ISSN 2150-9921 KE ONE
Abnormal Menstrual TA K E O N EPeriods ISSN 2150-9921
lifestyle magazine
Beginnings Healthy Healthy Beginnings
Dangerous Virus Defense of
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® lifestyle magazine The Art
Sharing Life’s a journey. MakeLeaky it a healthy one.®Part 2 Gut ISSN 2150-9921 Learn to Listen What to do? NOVEMBER 2014 to Your TheBody Art of TA ISSN K E 2150-9921 ONE
Abnormal Sharing Enhancing Your Immune NOVEMBER 2014 Menstrual Periods TA Kto EBetter O NE Learn Listen System for Health Dangerous Virus
Beginnings Your Local Resource for Natural Living to Your Body
lifestyle magazine
Defense Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Abnormal Leaky Gut Part 2 lifestyle magazine Menstrual ISSNPeriods 2150-9921 What The to Artdo? of Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one. NOVEMBER 2014 Sharing Dangerous Virus Enhancing Your Immune
System forLearn Better Health toDefense Listen The Art of Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006 to Gut Your Body2 Sharing Leaky Part ®
Abnormal What to do? Learn to Listen Your Local Resource forlifestyle Natural Living magazine Menstrual Periods to Your Body
Enhancing Immune Life’s a journey. Make it Your a healthy one.®
Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006 Virus Dangerous Abnormal
System for Better Health Defense Menstrual Periods The Art of Leaky Gut Sharing Part 2Dangerous Virus
Ffjorren Zolfaghar
EDITOR IN CHIEF, ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Social Media Manager | 408.406.9799 Editor &Life’s Content Director Make a journey. it a Zolfaghar healthy one.® Ffjorren Website Archiving ® a journey. itFfjorren a healthy one. EditorLife’s & Content Director Zolfaghar DawnMake Gowery Christina Nellemann June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Design & Layout EDITOR IN CHIEF, ART Gowery DIRECTOR Dawn Feline Design & PUBLISHER Contributors EDITOR ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Life’sIN aCHIEF, journey. Make itChristina a healthy one.® Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Nellemann Design & Layout Social Media Manager Feline Design Editor & Content Director Ffjorren Zolfaghar Contributing Website Archiving Dawn Gowery Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Editor Social & Content Director Ffjorren Zolfaghar Media Manager IN CHIEF, ART DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Dr. Michael Gerber · Dr. Martin Rutherfo Medical June Milligan · Writers Lissie Lyles Contributors Christina Design & Layout Website Archiving Allison Prater Nellemann · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Feline Design Design & Layout Christina Nellemann Editor & Content Director Contributing Marie-Claire Recipes Ffjorren Zolfaghar June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Feline Design Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger EditorsHealthy Lynn Virgilio, Emily Stott, Melissa Erny Hermans Contributors Social Medical Media Manager Allison Prater Zolfaghar Michael Gerber · Dr.· Ffjorren Martin Rutherford Writers Dr. Website Social MediaArchiving Manager Content Director LynnNellemann Virgilio Marie-Claire Hermans Contributing Healthy Recipes DesignArchiving & Layout Christina Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Distribution Website June Milligan · Lissie Feline Design Dr. Michael Lyles Gerber · Dr. Martin Rutherford Medical Writers Contributors Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Design & Layout Alexandria Olivares-Wenzel
Distribution June Milligan · Lissie Lyles Contributors Social Media Manager Allison Marie-Claire Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Hermans Healthy Recipes Contributing Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Your Body Enhancing Your Immune Leakyto Gut Part 2Website Archiving Social Media Managers Abbey Steph Merkle, Cambria Roth Dr. Michael GerberSmith, · Dr. Martin Rutherford Dawn Dr. Gowery System for Better Health What to do? Medical Writers Abnormal Contributing Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert Eslinger Menstrual Periods Enhancing Your Immune Web Archiving ADVERTISING SALES Distribution ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Dr. Michael · Dr. Martin Rutherford& MARKETING MilliganGerber · Lissie Lyles for BetterLiving Health Your Local Resource System for Natural Medical Writers Dangerous Virus Marie-Claire Hermans Healthy Recipes June Contributors Allison Prater · Ffjorren Zolfaghar Defense Your Local Resource Natural Reach an affluent health for conscious audience Leaky GutLiving Part Contributors June Milligan, Shannon Vigil, Allison Prater, Marie-Claire Hermans Healthy Recipes What to do? Phone: 775.828.4547 Dawn Gowery Reach an conscious audience Contributing Distribution by affluent advertisinghealth in Healthy Beginnings Dr. Andy Drymalski · Dr. Robert EslingerFiori Enhancing Your Immune Tania Marie, Sharelle 775.828.4547 Michael · Dr. Rutherford System for Better Health Magazine. ADVERTISING SALES &Phone: MARKETING Medical Healthy Beginnings’ mission is toWriters provide credibleDr. resources andGerber information onMartin the straight facts and Distribution by advertising in Healthy Beginnings latest trends in Natural, Alternative and IntegrativeGowery Medicine,Dr. Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustain-Dr. Michael Gerber Contributing Andy Drymaslski Dawn Your magazine Local Resource for Natural Living The print is delivered to Reno, and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Marie-Claire Hermans Healthy Recipes Magazine. Reach an affluent health conscious audience ability and the products Healthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts a ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Medical Writers Dr. Robert Eslinger Dr. William Clearfield Dawn Gowery Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe Phone: 775.828.4547 Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. by Sparks, advertising in Healthy Beginnings Healthy Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Susta latest trends in Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural Dr. Tony Jensen Region. reaches the regional ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Distribution Reachmagazine an affluent health audience Magazine. health field. Beginnings’ Additionally, we bring you news and events that are and happening ouron community The print is conscious delivered ability and products and services thatinsupport livingfacts a natural, holistic and healthy lifesty Healthy mission isthe to provide credible resources information the straight and and advertising national health conscious market. to Reno, Phone: 775.828.4547 – and around the globe. Magazines are throughout Reno, Sparks, by in Healthy Beginnings latest trends in Natural, Alternative anddistributed Integrativemonthly Medicine, Nutrition, the Fitness, Green Living, SustainReach an affluent health conscious audience Healthy Recipes Marie-Claire Hermans Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee Sparks, Carson Valley and the Healthy is support a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertis Dawn Gowery TheMagazine. magazine delivered toLake Reno,Tahoe ability and the products and services that living a natural, holistic and lifestyle. Phone: 775.828.4547 Healthy Beginnings’ mission is toBeginnings credible resources on the factshealthy and Letprint Healthy Beginnings be your 24 hour by advertising in is Healthy Beginnings areas. To find HB Magazine atprovide a location nearest you,and or information if you would likestraight to distribute the latest trendsatinyour Natural, Alternative andcall Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living,and SustainEach month we feature articles by national local authors who are leaders in the nat ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING Sparks, Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine business, simply 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at Region. reaches the regional Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Magazine. Distribution Healthy Beginnings’ mission is services to provide credible resources information thehealthy straight facts and The print magazine is delivered to Reno, ability and the products and that support living aand natural, holisticonand lifestyle. Each month we Alternative feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our commu calls per month, directing buyers to your Region. reaches the regional latest trends in Natural, andviews Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, We do not necessarily endorse the expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are Sparks, Valley the Lake Tahoe and national health conscious market. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication locally and is supported byhappening local advertisers. anCarson affluent health conscious audience health field. Additionally, we services bring you news and events thatyour are in our community The print magazine is and delivered to Reno, ability and the products andaround services thatdistributed support living aAlways natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. business. we responsible for the products and advertised. consult health care provider – and the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Spa andReach national health conscious market. Phone: 775.828.4547 Each montharound we feature by national and authors who are leaders in the natural Region. reaches the regional – and the articles globe. Magazines arelocal distributed monthly throughout Reno, Sparks, by advertising in Healthy Beginnings for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Healthy Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts the of this
Dawn Gowery
Your Local Resource for Natural Living What to do? Defense Learn to Listen
Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006
Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006
Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006
Healthy Beginnings® is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006
Sparks, Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe
Healthy Beginnings is a free locally and are is supported byin local advertisers. health field. Additionally, wepublication bring youisdistributed news and events that happening ourinformation community Healthy Beginnings’ Mission to Gardnerville, provide credible resources and the straight factsNevada and latCarson, Minden, Lake Tahoe, Auburn,onGrass Valley,
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Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake and Tahoe, GrassareValley, Nevada City and Truckee and national healthaconscious market. your Business Well Kept Secret? publication can be reproduced and we require thatinformation permission be obtained in writing. Magazine. Each month wethe feature articles by reprinted, national localAuburn, authors who leaders in the natural Healthy Beginnings’ mission is toAlternative provide credible resources and on the straight facts and – and around globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Region. reaches the regional LetIs Healthy Beginnings bebe your 24 hour est trends in Natural, and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green the Let Healthy Beginnings your 24 hour areas. To find HB Magazine atTahoe, aHB location nearest you, or iffound you would like toatdistribute Please email for permission. Past issues may be on our website areas. To find Magazine at a location nearest you, or Living, if youSustainability would like to distribute health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events thatValley, are happening in our community latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, SustainCarson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Auburn, Grass Nevada City and Truckee Advertise Today! and the products and services that support living or a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. and national health conscious market. Let Healthy Beginnings be your 24 hour in the footer of the home page. sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine at your business, simply call 775.828.4547 e-mail us at –areas. and and around the globe. aresupport distributed monthly throughout the Sparks, The print magazine is delivered to Reno, sales ability the products andMagazines services that living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. To find HB Magazine at aatlocation nearest you, orsimply if you would like to Reno, distribute the or e-mail us at distribution@HBmag.c sales person. Making over 30,000 magazine your business, call 775.828.4547 Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, and Truckee sales person. Making over 30,000 sales magazine at your business, call 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at Nevada Healthy Beginnings issimply a free publication distributed andbyisCity supported by local advertisers. Each month we calls month, directing buyers your Carson, To Beginnings learn more email: Sparks, Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe Healthy Beginnings is a freeQuestions, publication distributed locally and in islocally supported local advertisers. Comments and Submissions Letper Healthy be your 24to hour WeTo do notHB necessarily endorse the views expressed articles and advertisements nor are areas. find Magazine at a location nearest you, or ifare youthe would like to distribute the field. calls business. per month, buyers feature articles by national and local authors who leaders in the natural health we bring calls month,directing directing buyers to sales yourto your Each we feature articles bynecessarily national and local authors who are leaders in the health natural Region. reaches the regional •endorse 775.828.4547 we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your We domonth notatnecessarily endorse the views expressed in articles and advertisements nor arecare do not views expressed in provider theAdditionally, articles and advertisements nor sales per person. Making over 30,000 magazine yourWe business, simply call 775.828.4547 orthe e-mail usthe at you news and events are happening inHealthy our community and around the Magazines are distributed health field. Additionally, wethat bring you news andby events that are happening in our community business. we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© Beginnings, LLC. Although some of this and national health conscious market. calls perOr month, directing buyers to your business. we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care prov – and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, reserved. 2015© Healthy Beginnings, LLC. Although some parts of this in writing. call: (775) 828-4547 Is your Business a Well Kept Secret? for clarification. publication All canrights be reproduced andbyreprinted, we require that permission be obtained
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Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 PLEASE RECYCLE PLEASE RECYCLE Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 ® a journey. a healthy one. February 2015 HBLife’s Magazine is printedMake on 40%it post consumer PLEASE RECYCLE newsprint paper with soy-based ink.
HB Magazine is printed on 40% post consumer newsprint paper with soy-based ink. Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
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Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama TO OPEN YOUR HEART, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Written by Sharelle Fiori
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout s that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne recently, he from healed100 a woman cancer enowned Ayurvedic Physician, Blanc (“white from white”) Champagnes are made Thewith most common today isCuvée Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay gives Abeywickrama, Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Polstyle Roger’s the retina. states, “A the Dr. Jayanath percent Chardonnay and Blanc de Noir of (“white from She black”) thespirit 19thincentury and into the early 20th century Champagne or. Most Chardonnay isare made Sirsolely Winston Churchill. form rays of light beamswas went through much sweeter than it is today, (affectionately known as Dr. from Pinot Champagnes noir,ofPinot Meunier generally age”, my eye from the bottom up through Abey) is an extraordinary person or aÉpernay, mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the southandof ltiple the cancer and out through a perfectly gifted healer — the kind that is Most of thesuch Champagne produced today is “Non-vintage”, Champagne in trace as magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rarerich in current usage. minerals ntage round hole in a dark cloud.meaning I instinctively rarely ever experienced. His depth of s the villages of Avize, it is a blended product of grapes from multiple The 2010wisdom version ofpotassium, the isappellation regulations seven rcent knew that Ilists had been healed and that myjoint compassion, and love felt by zinc and lithium. A 2007 study byfrom the vintages. Most of the base will be a single year vintage ifferencesall those in climate varieties as allowed, Arbane, Chardonnay, Petit was Meslier, es. A cancer gone.Pinot The peace that came having the pleasure of being in with producers blending anywhere from 10 to 15 percent University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the blanc, Pinottruly Meunier and Pinot noir. over me was so settling. I had gone his presence; thisGris, “energy” must be ally a e differences in Pinot grape (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from older vintages. A from lowest valley to polyphenols the highest experienced ins your lifetime. amount thethe antioxidant ucer’ Pinot noir and Pinothigh Meunier give theofwine its length and cuvée de prestigein is sparkling a proprietary wine blended wine, usually a fferent grape varieties mountaintop by just placing my trust in ristal, His backbone. ability to heal not are onlycan comes from prevent They predominantly grown in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s help deterioration of brain cells due to oxidative something I did not even understand.” as within Champagne, D o m his ancient Sri Lankan lineage andVallée de la Marne. These regions Montagne de Reims and the range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too especially training; it also expands into his realm uvée are notable for north-facing chalkyofslopesHe thatis derive heatknown from for energizing Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom hampagne house. water with ancient mantras used aschampagne reality and possibility — that which he tovalleys conclusively say that is beneficial the warm winds risingearly from the below. Chardonnay givesdrinking Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée a healing remedy along with his oils, strives to bring people into. the wine its acidity and biscuit-like flavor. Most Chardonnay is Sir Winston Churchill. nt of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. sium, which he creates for different indications Dr. grown Abey brings healing, good health and in a north–south-running strip to the south of Épernay, based on thousand-year-old recipes in is rich in trace minerals such as magnesium, y t h e Champagne wellness filled andThis harmony es and will affect thelove, called the with Côte des joy Blanc. includes the villageswith of Avize, conjunction his personal insight andglass at the potassium, zinc and A 2007 Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the at lithium. an angle andjoint study by the to his patients. the opportunity Oger and To Le have Mesnil-sur-Oger. The differences in climate mpagne when bottled vision. He sends powerful, University healing energy wine of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the to attend of vineyards his healing accounts evenings, for the differences in grape aroundany the gently sliding toinyouthe liquid the along the side will preserve the by energizing water and dative orWines to experience a private high amount of the antioxidant polyphenols in sparkling wine e finished retreats wine. characteristics. Blending juice from different grape reading colorsvarieties of your aura. Dr. Erwin of session is truly life altering. He utilizes most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder ’ s too can help prevent deterioration of brain cells due to oxidative sourced from multiple geographical areasMunich, within Germany Champagne, went to study under ng smaller andproducers, teaches sacred mantra, meditation stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too ficial bottle temperatures also loss of bubbles. Dr. Abey five yearsresult ago and in saw reduced such to get the desired style for each Champagne house. andhelps mind power as powerful healing be very dry, with less early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial ging. a benefit from his work that he started tools to ripeness assist in the healing process. Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses The of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. using Dr. Abey’s techniques in his western er in the finished wine. e and second and will the spends He the works with allfermentation—dosage--varies types ofdesigned ailments, practice. Dr. Abey now three specifically toaffect reduce the amount ofwine bubbles lost.the glass at an angle and Pouring sparkling while tilting e the e the sweetness ofof the including Cancer, M.S.remaining and Parkinson’s, amount sugar in the Champagne bottled months when out of the year in Germany.
gently sliding in the liquid along the side will preserve the older andfor hassale, helped many Most andheal hence thepeople. sweetness of the finished wine. Wines most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder bbles. labeled Brut Zero, more common among smaller producers, bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses have no added sugar and will usually be very dry, with less esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses References: st. than three grams of residual sugar per liter in the finished wine. designed specifically to reduce the amount of bubbles lost. The following terms are used to describe the sweetness of the bottled wine: 1.
• Extra Brut (less than 6 grams of residual sugar per liter)
2. • Abey Brut (less than 12healing, grams) 1. Dr. brings good health •and Extra Dry (between 12 and 17 grams) wellness filled with love, joy 2. • and Sec (between 17 and grams) harmony to32his patients.
ayanath ) wickrama grams)
• Demi-sec (between 32 and 50 grams) • Doux (50 grams)
February 2015 Life’s a journey. Healthy Beginnings • May 2015 Make it a healthy one.®
To say that Dr. Abey’s background is impressive would be an understatement. He belongs to a lineage of 31 generations of unbroken, traditional Ayurveda since Rishi Pulasti (2668 – 2616 B.C), and began his career with a hermit monk studying old Buddhist texts in Pali and Sanskrit.
It is his particular concern to evoke a feeling of value and appreciation in people for fundamental life-giving and lifesustaining principles regarding ourselves, others and our natural and spiritual resources — only in this way can we successfully master the global challenges of the 21st century.
From the age of 12, he lived with his Ayurveda Master, Porevede Rishi (1928-2002) who taught him the ancient principles and knowledge of herbal studies and ‘energy’ medicine. Eight years later, he entered the Vidyodaya Ayurveda Faculty in Colombo where he graduated in October 2000 as “Ayurveda Vaidya.” He also gained a profound wisdom and deep connection to his Master Ariesen Ahubudu (1920 -2011, advisor for many years to several Singhalese presidents).
Dr. Abey treats an international clientele from Europe and the U.S. Among his patients are the former Prime Minister of India, I.K. GUJRAL and the Health Minister of Sri Lanka. Next to Singhalese, Pali and Sanskrit, Dr. Abeywickrama speaks English and German.
Dr. Abey is also at the forefront of bringing back ancient methods of farming and instilling the once-lost traditions and worthiness for all farmers by providing an opportunity for them to participate in harvesting sacred rice. He is implementing this toxic-free process for today's farmers, and is able to present this process to other countries so they too may gain prosperity while providing a healthy diet, gaining confidence and independence.
Coming to the Reno-Tahoe area — the Rankema World Summit June 26-29! This is your opportunity to experience the healing wisdom of Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama (Dr. Abey).Take part in the four day life-changing experience. The teachings of Dr. Abey will truly help you to find JOY, HEALTH and SUCCESS. You will be empowered with the tools that you need to make a significant, meaningful shift in your life. Learn more about this fantastic event at To embark on a journey with Dr. Abey is to change one’s life forever. A life filled with love, joy, health, and success. For more information, contact Sharelle Fiori at 858-449-3270 or See ad on page 11.
1. Video: KTVN 2News, Reno, Nevada 2. Book: Author: Abeywickrama, Jayanath. Credentials: Ayurvedic Physician 60 Verses, Rankema Edition 2008 3. Website:
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
If a stone can become a healing stone…
If a plant can become a healing plant…
Dr. Jayanath If water can become healing water… Abeywickrama Cannot a human become the greatest
healing power?
— Verse 44, 60 Verses Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
World Summit RENO - TAHOE
June 26th-29th 2015 Join Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
to experience a 4-day event of healing wisdom and self-discovery. Empower your Life
with Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama Medical Doctor, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author
Find Joy, Health and Success
• Become Younger, Healthier and Happier • Discover the Path to Ideal Health r. Jayanath Abeywickrama personally • Awaken your Divine Wisdom invites you to attend 4 days of healing wisdom and self-realization in the High Sierra. • Discover the Power of Silence On Dr. Abey’s 2015 World Tour he will be in • Realize and stay in touch with your Life Purpose our region for the months of May, June, July and August. Please check our website for • Learn how to protect your Energy to reach your Goals event details. • Gain more Confidence and Personal Power Dr. Abey belongs to the lineage of 31 • Increase your Intuition, Creativity and Imagination generations of unbroken traditional • Experience the miracle of Sacred Mantra, Meditation & Mind Power Sri Lanka Ayurveda. As a medical doctor and spiritual healer, Dr. Abey works to • Attend Healing Evenings with Energy Transfer and Aura Readings
relieve physical and mental, visible and invisible sufferings using the ancient miracle science of chanting mantras and energizing water for powerful healing. May you be healthy and happy.
And much more!
Rankema Healing Wisdom Events take place throughout the summer. Dr. Abey provides Private Consultations, Customized Workshops, Retreats, Meditations and Healing Evenings. Space is limited.
A Golden Oasis
Receive the wonderful gifts that await you on your sacred awakening journey. A journey filled with JOY, HEALTH and SUCCESS. When your heart is open, you open the heart of the world. We are GRATEFUL for your participation. Everyone Welcome! Scholarships Available.
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
Are OR You Healthy? JUST NOT SICK? Written by Dr. Tony Jensen
When you ask that question, most people would say, "be healthy," but in fact, a lot of people are just not sick. That's because they are missing the subtle warning sign the body is trying to give them. When you ask most people what makes you healthy, they’ll tell you nutrition and exercise. These are two big components to better health, but most people overlook other key components: emotional health and the brain and nervous system. All of these play a major role in your overall function of good health. Nutrition is very important and is overlooked more than we think. Most people eat a lot of processed foods that taste great, but this is not very nutritious. A healthy diet is not as confusing or restrictive as you might think. It’s about choosing foods that provide your body with the calories and nutrients it needs to perform – not more or less.
The best way to start is to learn the recommended daily calorie intake for your age, weight, height, activity level and gender. In other words, skip the fads and focus on proper nutrition. After figuring out your nutrition needs, you’ll need to decide what type of exercise will be best for you. Your exercise program should include something from each of the four basic fitness components: 1. Cardio respiratory endurance 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance 4. Flexibility Each workout should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
no apparent reason, or even begun to remember forthings no apparent reason, orlong evenago; begun to remember out that happened things that had kngly about things that happened long ago; things that had forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or emingly forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, back or omehow brought back that memory so clearly it As a apparent general rule, space your workouts throughout theitweek er, somehow back that so clearly inintears for no reason, ormemory even begun begun to remember remember tears forand nobrought apparent reason, or even to have happened only yesterday. memory avoid consecutive days ofThat hard exercise. Howhad often, how to have happened only yesterday. Thatago; memory had and talk about things that happened long ago; things thathad hadyou and talkcells about things that long things long and how hardand you exercise and what kinds of that exercises in the somehow was now re-surfacing. been seemingly forgotten. Massaging an arm or leg, leg, backor or should be determined whatnow youarm are trying to back accomplish. ored thedo cells somehow andbywas re-surfacing. beenin seemingly forgotten. an or shoulder, somehow brought back memory so clearly shoulder, somehow brought that memory so clearly Remember to maintain good thoughts because they affect itit elieves thefor mechanism ofreason, this process isbegun that when, in tears no apparent or even to remember no believes the mechanism of this process is that when, your health. to happened only yesterday. yesterday. Thatthat memory had seemed to have have happened becomes That memory had yseemed life, the unconscious aware the andlife, talk about things that happened long ago; things that had yday unconscious aware that the Neuroscientists are nowbecomes finding influence our emotions have been in cells was now re-surfacing. re-surfacing. beenstored storedthe in the the cells somehow andthe was now ingbeen to “blow up” emotionally because they seemingly forgotten. Massaging anmounting arm orfinally leg, backthat or on our health and well-being and are evidence is going to “blow up” emotionally because they finally brought back that memory so clearly wesomehow do,was inthe fact, control our health. Dr. Sarno believes the mechanism of this process that when, Sarno believes mechanism this process that when,it hDr. ofshoulder, whatever making them angry or isisupset, ough of whatever was making them angry or upset, seemed tolife, have happened yesterday. That memory had everyday life, the becomes aware that the everyday the unconscious becomes aware that the Good emotional healthonly isover feeling good about yourself and yininhave been accumulating many years) the may have been accumulating over many years) the been stored in the cells somehow and was now re-surfacing. those around you. It is having the ability to handle emotions, goingato toway “blow emotionally because they finally person isisfinds going “blow emotionally because they finally sperson mind toup” “distract” person from stress, depression, etc. inthat healthy ways. Not having good cious mindanger, finds a way towas “distract” that person from hadDr. enough of whatever making them angry or upset, had enough of whatever them angry or upset, Sarnoemotional believes the mechanism ofdoing thisand process is thatmental when, health is just the opposite can onal upset (and save them from ororinclude saying motional upset (and save them from doing saying (which may have been accumulating over many years) (which may have been over many years) the diseases and disorders. in everyday life, the unconscious becomes aware thatthe the socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen unconscious mind finds to “distract” that person from ing socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen unconscious mind finds a way “distract” that person from person isThe going “blow up” emotionally because theysystem. finally mosttooverlooked aspect of health is the nervous he blood to atoupset certain part of of thethebody. Maybe their emotional (and save them from or saying their emotional (and them from doing ororit saying by the blood awhatever certain part body. Maybe itupset, had enough ofupset was making themdoing angry Research proves thatsave the slightest pressure on a spinal nerve fea the body that suffered a wound in the past. The something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen something socially unacceptable) by restricting the oxygen root as it emerges spine can reduce the function (which may have been from accumulating over years) the of the body that suffered athe wound in themany past. The of carried by the thethat blood to apercent certain part of the body. Maybe it that nerve byto 60 a in to apain. matter of minutes. of oxygen to area causes That distracts carried by blood certain part of the body. Maybe unconscious mind finds a way “distract” that person from ion of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts it an area of the body body that suffered aIt in the past. The Everyone knows a(and broken neck similar injury their emotional upset save them fromspinal doing or can saying isisan area of the that suffered aorwound wound in the past. The rom their emotional challenges. doesn’t actually son from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually produce pressure on the nerves, causing partial or even restriction of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts something socially unacceptable) by restricting oxygen of oxygen to that area causes pain. That distracts hole situation because now thethe person aathe pain complete paralysis. However, one tendsIthas todoesn’t shrug off the erestriction whole situation because now person has pain the person from their emotional challenges. actually carried by the blood to a certain part of the body. Maybe it the person from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually possibility that a subluxation (pinched nerve) resulting in have before; but he/she is distracted now, and isn’t dn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, and isn’t help the whole situation because now the person has a pain is an area of the body that suffered a wound in the past. The pressure on thesebecause same nerves canthe be extremely destructive, help the from whole situation now person has a pain much the emotional reaction topain. whatever they didn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, and g as much from the emotional reaction to whatever causing a condition of decreased activity amounting to slight restriction of oxygen to that area causes That distracts they didn’t have before; but he/she is distracted now, andaisn’t isn’t or thetheir reverse, afocus dangerous increase in activity. nation caused itparalysis because focus is ison the physical suffering as much from the emotional reaction to whatever the person from their emotional challenges. It doesn’t actually caused it because their on the physical suffering as much from the emotional reaction to whatever For instance, aemotional sluggish liver ornow gall bladder indicates decreased life situation caused because their focus isperson on thehas seems that when the trauma thethat whole situation because theis a pain ut ithelp seems when the emotional trauma removed, life situation caused ititan because their focus isisremoved, on the physical physical activity, and over-active stomach or rapid heartbeat signifies pain. But it seems that when the emotional trauma isabout. removed, they didn’t have before; but he/she is book distracted and isn’t es away that’s what Sarno’s book isisallallnow, about. npain. fades away and that’s what Sarno’s But itand seems that when the emotional trauma is removed, increased activity.
thesuffering pain fades Sarno’s book istoallwhatever about. as away muchand fromthat’s the what emotional reaction the pain fades away and that’s what Sarno’s book is all about.
normal nerve control that has focus been denied must be lifecomes situation caused because their isof; on the physical owho comes upThe with aBynew idea is made fun people up with a itwith new idea is made funof; people restored. eliminating nerve interference, chiropractic care Anyone who comes up a new idea is made fun of; people pain. But itcomes seems that when the emotional trauma isof; removed, Anyone who with a new idea isaconventional made funbut people their programming, whether it’s a cannot onlyup correct numerous health problems, also may nto their programming, whether it’s conventional hang onto their away programming, whether it’s book a conventional theonto pain prevent fades and that’sfrom what Sarno’s is all about. many conditions developing. hang their programming, whether it’s a conventional edical education or a certain political or religious nWestern medicalmedical education or a certain political or religious education or a certain political or religious Incorporate these components of health into your life and Western medical education or a certain political or of; religious easier to hang onto that than do some research on Anyone who comes up with a new idea is made fun people It’sexperience hang onto that than do some research on .outlook. It’s easier toeasier hangtoonto that than do some research on a happier and healthier new you. outlook. It’s easier toprogramming, hang onto that than dofor some research on hang onto their whether it’s a conventional your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years a new idea that hat’s why it takes over 20 years for a new idea that wn. That’s why it takes over 20 Dr. years for a new idea323-1222. that For more info, contact Tony Jensen ata(775) your own. That’s why it takes over 20 years for new idea that Western medical or amake political or college religious been proven andeducation peer-researched, toitmake itcollege into oven andproven peer-researched, to into nhas proven and peer-researched, tocertain make it into college has been and peer-researched, to make it into See ad oncollege this page. outlook. It’s easier to hang onto that than do some research on textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were Most professors want to hang onto what they were ks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were textbooks. Most professors want to hang onto what they were your own. That’s why itOne takesof over years for a new idea that taught; it’s references comfortable. our20greatest physicists, Max comfortable. One of peer-researched, our greatest physicists, Max it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max taught; it’s comfortable. One of our greatest physicists, Max 1.proven Nutritional needs: has been and to make it into college Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature when 2. The President’s Council of Physical Fitness and Sports: ously understood thisControl quirk of human nature when obviously understood this quirk of nature when Most professors want tohuman hang onto what they were Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature 3. How Emotions your Health: he textbooks. said, “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents just diewhen out. 4. Define Emotional Health: taught; it’striumphs. comfortable. One ofaIts our greatest physicists, Max he said, “Truth never opponents justout. die out. ruth never opponents just ,Science “Truth never triumphs. Its opponents justdie die out. advances one triumphs. funeral at time.” 5. Nerves Interference: Plank, obviously understood this quirk of human nature when Science advances one funeral at a time.” e advances funeral a time.” vances oneone funeral at aattime.”
The callsnever this triumphs. mindbody he author said, “Truth Its process opponentsthe justTension die out. The author calls this mindbody process the Tension Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; Science advances one funeral at a time.” uthor calls this mindbody process theTension Tension rMyositis calls this mindbody process the Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to TMS; Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in s Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction TMS; ndrome. Chapters include: Introduction toto TMS; The author calls this mindbody process the Tension Manifestations in Lower Back and Arms; Legs; Manifestations in Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders and Manifestations in stations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations inTMS; ons in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Myositis Syndrome. Chapters include: Introduction to Upper Back, Neck,Pain Shoulders andDisease; Arms; Manifestations in Tendons; Chronic and Lyme and The Power Manifestations in Lower Back and Legs; Manifestations in Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations k, Shoulders and Manifestations inin Tendons; Chronic and Lyme Disease; and Power ofNeck, Knowledge. ThisPain book is Arms; available online or at The your local Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders and Arms; Manifestations in s;bookstore. Chronic and Lyme Disease;and andThe The Power hronic PainPain and Lyme Power of Knowledge. This book isDisease; available online or at your local Tendons; Chronic Pain and Lyme Disease; and The wledge. book is available onlineororatatyour yourlocal localPower ge. ThisThis book is available online bookstore. of Knowledge. This book is available online or at your local
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Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
Place your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine Place your ad in Healthy Beginnings Magazine
Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD
lthough the water coming from our treatment plants must meet strict guidelines to ensure it is safe, that does not mean it is free from all contaminants.
Cysts from bacteria and protozoa, chlorine and, more importantly, disinfectant byproducts, (DBI’s) such as trihalomethanes, chloroform and haloacetic acids, lead, asbestos, mercury, herbicides, pesticides and many medical drugs and hormones, are commonly found in tap water. Fortunately, in Washoe County we do not have fluoride in our water (thanks Senator Raggio!), nor do the counties in Nevada with less than 400,000 populations. Fluoride is toxic to the body1. It blocks thyroid function, causes osteoporosis, increases bone cancer risk and mottling of the teeth, to name a very few disorders. It is also difficult to filter out. DBI’s, especially trihalomethanes, are Cancer Group B carcinogens and have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and have been linked to reproductive problems in both animals and humans. A lifetime consumption of chlorinated water doubled the risk for human bladder and rectal cancer in some indivituals2. Medical drugs, such as atenolol, atrazine, carbamazepine, estrone (estrogen hormone), gemfibrozil, naproxen, phenytoin and sulfa drugs, are the top several found in tap water as reported in New Scientist.
Sadly, some areas of Northern Nevada’s well water, especially Fernley, Fallon and Washoe Valley, are highly contaminated with arsenic, a potent metabolic toxin. Some of our patients have shown hair arsenic levels 16 and 17 times above the normal limit. These people frequently have multiple ailments, including crushing depression and severe fatigue. Arsenic is very difficult and expensive to remove.
WATER FILTRATION There are many choices available for water filtration. Reverse osmosis filtration has been popular for under-the-sink units for some time. However, it removes many good minerals and is relatively inefficient. Two to 10 gallons of water are wasted down the drain for every gallon of water filtered. Distillation also removes all the minerals and produces acid water. It removes good minerals from the body upon ingestion and concentrates toxins in the water, such as the DBIs. A triple filtration system is our current choice for water purification. Since 1984 KDF, a high purity copper-zinc formulation has been used to pretreat the water. It extends filter cartridge life for up to one year. The second stage filter cartridge is .5 micron absolute pleated filter.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
The third stage is a 1 micron organic coconut carbon block filter, which doesn’t breakdown or allow bits of charcoal to flow into the filtered water. The coconut carbon block completes this high-quality filtration.
references 1. Fluoride Action 2.
These systems are easy to install under the kitchen sink, but it is even more advantageous to pursue whole house filtration. It is possible to absorb one pint of water during a shower and much more in a bath. Shower head water filtration is also available, but it needs quarterly cartridge changes. Since water is our second most important nutrient after breathing air, it is terribly important to protect our families with pure water. Contact Gerber Medical Clinic for more information. See ad on this page.
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blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the adrenalin, as do adrenal cortical hormone support, like a weekly adrenal complex shot, which keeps the blood sugar steady. Thyroid supplementation lowers cholesterol levels
References: 15
1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide. Published by H.A.N.A. Press. 2000.
OXYTOCIN The Hormone of Love and Trust Written by Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face painter at the Day Lodge.
EPICMIX PHOTO Saturday and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course taking photos.
VALENTINE’S SCAVENGER HUNT Saturday and Sunday - prizes will be hidden in the village and on the mountain to be found.
xytocin is a fascinating hormone produced deep in the brain, released during labor and breast feeding, and is associated with sexual activity and arousal, bonding, communication and an overall sense of well-being.
Come ski on Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski Heart pin on your EpicMix account.
TAVERN 6330’
FEBRUARY 14, 2015 - FEBRUARY 15, 2015
It increases pleasure, attachment, love, orgasms and longevity. Individuals with high oxytocin levels are calm, affable CUPID’S VALENTINE’S increased andCOURSE enjoy high levels of trust. 1
Tavern 6330’ will be donating 10% of all dessert sales on February 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s Day Menu on 2/14.
It increases with food intake, To be held 10:30 am to 3:30 soft pm. touch, each day. Challenge your loved massage, reading, viewing pictures ofrace and find out who gets one to a head-to-head Valentine’s loved ones, music, bragging rights for singing, the nextphysical year! Skiers and riders of all levels exercise, positive environments, positive are welcome to participate in this fun race at our EpicMix Race social contacts, living with others, Venue. EpicMix Race fees will bepartner $6. support, a mother’s love, romantic love and orgasm. The first 150 racers each day will receive a complimentary Northstar Valentine’s Day “Love pin. Doctor,” Dr. Paul Zak, the so called
Time: Varies. Take advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on a snowshoe tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet Tony Berendsen. The 2 to 2.5 hour guided tour begins at the Cross Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group will trek through the serene forest while observing the starry sky above, all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each adventure will include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, and a chance to relax around a fire pit and warm up with wine and hot cider. Dogs on leashes are welcome to join in the fun!
recommends eight hugs per dayboth to days will be donated to the 50% of all race fees collected increase oxytocin. 2 Tahoe SAFE Alliance. Administered intranasally, oxytocin The mission ofanxiety, Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end the incidence and reduces social improves sexual trauma of domestic/intimate partner function, libido, erection and orgasm. violence, sexual violence, and child abuse in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. Oxytocin deficiency is present in postmenopausal womenbelieves with estrogen Tahoe SAFE Alliance every person has the right to deficiencies, hypothyroidism, live a life free of violence especially and abuse. low T3, depression, AIDS, is CMV The core of our beliefs thatinfections, violence Multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic it is a learned behavior and therefore stress situations, chronic opioid use, can be prevented. Through education, Parkinson’s Disease, loneliness, anxiety, advocacy and engaging everyone 3 in fear and certain types of schizophrenia. our cause, we can create violence-free Autistic children present lower blood communities where healthy relationships levels of oxytocin than their peers. thrive. For more information please visit Autistic individuals exhibit three core deficits, social communication, repetitive behavior and restricted interest. Intranasal administration of oxytocin can normalize core deficits in some For appointments ASD individuals. 4
February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
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High testosterone in relationship to low oxytocin results in autistic tendencies. Low testosterone relative to oxytocin trends toward schizophrenia, bipolar disease and chronic depression. 5 Migraine sufferers with nausea and sensitivity to light and sound appear to respond to a single dose of intranasal oxytocin. 6 Side effects of oxytocin administration include increased water weight, a drop in cortisol (the stress hormone), a persistent headache (rarely) and, if one is on nitrates for angina, a drop in blood pressure. 7 A review of 38 randomized controlled trials conducted between 1990 and 2010 investigated central and adverse effects associated with intranasal oxytocin given in single doses. Side effects due to oxytocin were no different than a placebo. 8
Side effect remedies include a mild diuretic for water retention, adrenal function assessment (see April 2015 Healthy Beginnings Magazine, page 20), neurological evaluation as prolonged headaches after oxytocin administration may indicate brain stem obstruction, and decreased or discontinuing oxytocin in the case of vasodilators. It produces nitric oxide, a blood vessel dilator, with action similar to Viagra. In determining oxytocin status, we ask individuals to rate themselves on happiness, feelings for others, social interactions, love, touch and 15 other items. A physical assessment for oxytocin sufficiency includes observing muscle and skin tone, skin color, body posture and seven other parameters.
m not saying that theand toddler are all sunshine and a If the history physicalyears are positive for oxytocin deficiency, laboratory and challenge tests confirms or refutes our suspicions. ut I wonder how it’s helping parents and children to Supplementing with inositol choline daily enhances story of the terrible two’s. Justand like it’s not helpful efficacy, to providing “insurance” that the oxytocin response will always gnant women horror about childbirth, I wonder Now I’m notbesaying thatstories the toddler years are all sunshine and present. he effect too much onisnegative stories. roses, but of I Boosting wonder howfocus it’s helping and children to oxytocin naturally asparents easy as opening theWhat refrigerator. tell this story of the terrible two’s. Justreally like not helpful Apples, ginger, plums, chickare peas, garlic,it’s oregano, tomatoes id instead, “The toddler years amazing andto and enhance oxytocin. tell pregnant womenall horror stories about childbirth, I wonder allenging atchocolate times, but what in life is not challenging?”
Perhaps all, petting shaking stories. hands, taking a about the effect of best too ofmuch focustheondog, negative What warmthan bath or saying “I love boosts oxytocin as well. if weare said instead, “The toddler years really amazing and ays easier others, and Iyou” amare learning constantly fun, times, but what in life is recently not challenging?” as challenging my son. Aatbig lesson I learned is the Dr. Bill Clearfield is a Family Physician and board certified
nce of daily movement for both of us. We recently Some days are easier than others, and I am learning constantly by the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Reproductive dasup ourasdaily routine toAmerican includeIBoard more time outdoors. Medicine and of Medical Acupuncture. well my son. A the big lesson learned recently is the h as possible, after I’ve had my we get importance movement bothone of incoffee, us. We to recently Ifof youdaily recognize yourself orfor amorning loved regards oxytocin or routine have any questions concerning hormones or safe changed updeficiency our daily to include morewalks time outdoors. and get outside. We like to cycle between around replacement, please contact him at 775-359-1222 or As much as hormone possible, after I’ve hadparks my morning coffee, get ghborhood and at trips to various and trails. Mywe son online dressed and get outside. We like to cycle between walks around g to the age where he can hike a bit, and See I encourage ad on this page. our neighborhood and trips to various parks and trails. My son walk and move around as much as possible. is getting toreferences the age where he can hike a bit, and I encourage 1.and Hertoghe, T. Passion, and Long Life -as thepossible. Incredible Oxytocin Adventure. him to walk move around as fresh much that if we get this time inSex,the air andbysun and Medical he ISBN 978-2-9599713-4-1, January 2010, Luxemburg, International
aget lot ofMorality energy, hefresh takes naps. If Ihance notice to thatexert wePaul, this time inOxytocin, the airbetter and sun and he 2.ifZak, Trust, and TED Talks, watch?v=rFAdlU2ETjU, November 1, 2011, Accessed March 25, 2015. deeply, he tends to afall more easilybetter and naps. sleepIf gets a chance to exert lot asleep of energy, he takes 3. Flechas, Jorge, and Hertoghe, T., Assessing Oxytocin Deficiency in Your Patients,, oundly through the night. He also tends to be in a better he naps deeply, he tends to fall asleep more easily and sleep Accessed March 29, 2015 morewe soundly through night. also tendsoxytocin to bethe in aday. better and have less power struggles throughout 4. Guastella AJ, the Einfeld SL, GrayHe KM et al. Intranasal improves emotion for youth with autism spectrumthroughout disorders. Biol Psychiatry mood, and werecognition have less power struggles the day. 2010;67(7):692694. Books/Archimedial, 4B Route d’Arlon, L-8399, Windhof, Luxembourg.
s have sooooo much life forceO.,energy! If we administration, have too 5. Weisman, O., Zagoory-Sharon, Feldman, R, Oxytocin Toddlers have sooooo much life force energy! If we have too Salivary Testosterone, and Father–Infant Social Behavior. Progress Neuroays in a row when I have aandlot of work and chores toin 2014, do Biological Psychiatry, Volume 49, 3 March many days in aPsychopharmacology row when I have a lot of work and chores to doPages 47–52 don’t get outside, I notice my son is a lot fussier, and 6. get Yeomans, D., In theIPipeline: Explored Migraines,and Practical and we don’t outside, noticeNasal myOxytocin son is a lotforfussier, Neurology, May/June 2013http://Practical testing behaviors come out. He’s also more likely more of his testing behaviors come out. He’s also more likely pipeline-nasal-oxytocin-explored-for-migraines 7. Flechas, Jorge, and Hertoghe, Assessing Oxytocin Deficiency Youris more meltdowns and T., not sleep as as well. If inIfhe to havefrequent more frequent meltdowns and not sleep well. he is Patients,, have some space to walk, run, dig, climb, etc., he is able Accessed Marchto 29,walk, 2015 able to have some space run, dig, climb, etc., he is able 8. Lee,Diana, Intranasal Oxytocin Effective as Migraine Treatment, Migraine News, his abundance of energy in appropriate ways. On to use this abundance of energy in appropriate ways. Ondays days September 4, 2013 when get a park goodsession park session in,isheusually is usually more content e get we a good in, he more content 9. Flechas, Jorge, and Hertoghe, T., Assessing Oxytocin Deficiency in Your to play by himself and focus on books or fine motor activities. Patients,, by himself and focus on books or fine motor activities. Accessed March 29, 2015
These morning walks have also been really great for me. My morning walks have also been really great for me. My energy level throughout the day is more constant, and I am level throughout the day is more constant, and I am more focused in my daily responsibilities. I am able to get a ocused intomy daily responsibilities. ambeable get aif little time think and reflect, which helpsI me moretopatient me to think which helps me be more if some of his and morereflect, challenging behaviors emerge. Wepatient also enjoy his more challenging behaviors emerge. We alsothe enjoy recounting our walks at the end of the day, recalling birds and animals we at saw, we discovered, and the friends we ing our walks thetreasures end of the day, recalling birds made. I find that talking to him about our adventures at the end mals we saw, treasures we discovered, and friends we of thethat day talking helps calm himabout down our as he’s falling asleep. find to him adventures at theI know end this isn’t exactly groundbreaking news, but I do feel this small ay helps calm him down as he’s falling asleep. I know part of our daily routine is immensely beneficial to our family, t exactly groundbreaking news, but I do feel this small so I thought I’d share. our daily routine is immensely beneficial to our family, ught I’d share. Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
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he white-berry mistletoe has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times: internally for diseases of the spleen, gynecological disorders and seizures (epilepsy) and externally for wounds and ulcers. Mistletoe injections have been used in complementary cancer therapy since 1917 by the Dutch physician Dr. Ita Wegman. Over the years, as the special manufacturing process has developed further, efficiency has progressively increased. Many conventional physicians decry the lack of clinical trials for many alternative medicine treatments. To date, mistletoe therapy’s effects on various malignant diseases have been researched in over 100 clinical trials.
Sometimes, mistletoe therapy has been found to help shrink a tumor and prolong survival with very little toxicity. Mistletoe therapy is being used in hospitals in Germany and Canada. It is also being used by open-minded patients and Integrative Physicians in the US. For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste.B, Reno, NV 89519, 775-829-1009, See ad on page 21.
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In fact, mistletoe is one of the most widely studied complementary and alternative medicine therapies for cancer. In certain European countries, the preparations made from European mistletoe (Viscum album) are among the most prescribed drugs offered to cancer patients. Studies show mistletoe therapy has a positive effect on the patient’s immune system and quality of life and can improve tolerance to standard therapies, such as chemotherapy, without decreasing their efficacy. Mistletoe extract acts on many levels. On the one hand, it boosts the immune system by multiplying and activating the immune cells. On the other, mistletoe extract can induce apoptosis (the process of natural cell death), which can inhibit tumor growth. Mistletoe therapy has resulted in a number of significant improvements for cancer patients: • It activates the immune system and the production of defense cells. • It stimulates apoptosis in tumor cells. • It protects the DNA of healthy cells against damage caused by chemotherapy drugs so the “side effects” are reduced. • Nausea during chemotherapy is reduced. • The immune system remains active and infections are prevented. • It stimulates the appetite. • Sleep improves. • Energy increases. • Less sensitivity to pain so fewer painkillers and sedatives are needed.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
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A Dream about Death and Transition Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD
n the night following the death of her friend, Carl, a woman had the following three-part dream: “I see Carl lying on his back. He is dead and wears a blue shirt with some sort of insignia or emblem sewn upon the chest. Over each eye is an eyepatch. In the next scene, he is in the same position. This time, however, there are no eyepatches. He is still dead but his eyes are open and they are all white — no pupil or iris is visible. In the final segment of the dream, he is in a prone position, but now his eyes are closed. I notice that there is a slight twitching of his eyelids as if he is trying to open his eyes. Some of the other people present wonder if he is becoming a zombie or robot.”
In her book, “On Dreams and Death,” deceased tries to turn away from his Jungian psychologist Marie-Louise inner life and the afterlife by opening his von Franz reflects on the deep state of eyes and returning his gaze to the outer depression that some people experience world, he would be like a zombie for he prior to their death. She states, “… it would be taking leave of his soul. (the depression) serves to help detach The dream emphasizes the importance the consciousness of the dying person of detaching your focus from one world if from the outer world; the latter is you are going to move on to the next. This experienced in the depression as more instinctive understanding is symbolized by or less meaningless, futile, unreal … the common tendency to close the eyes of the eyes … are to be understood as a person upon their death. symbolizing one’s view of the outer This symbolic act has relevance for the world, which must now be terminated living perhaps even more than the dead. in favor of a complete about-face Many people struggle to move on with toward the inner images. The spirit of their life after a significant “death.” discouragement is related to the fact This could be the death of a spouse, a that the ego still looks too much toward child, a job, an identity or a time of life, the outside, at the visible world, and I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that are morally creatures, such as yourwe childhood. Youaccountable can stay does not yet sufficiently see the ‘reality This is an Iintriguing dream. Its timing and moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want to be or not. This is the case because there is especially like this dream for the of way so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we morally accountable depressed for aare long time, and you can creatures, theitsoul.’” (p. 62) subject matter suggest itof isego. giving by thethat man’s Itpsyche. was notThis consciously chosen or devised. whether a moralwe structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious moral autonomy the dream was not created want to be or not. This is the case because there is live as a “ghost of your former self” if I especially like thistransition. dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, information about the post-life In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with is by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. a moral structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious you insist on focusing upon what was moral autonomy of the psyche. This dream was not created whether we want to be or not. This is the case because there the dreamer didconsciously notofwant to hear. It was the voice them. We can runtothan from this inner authority, but weto cannot hide In fact, this spontaneous the unconscious a of mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with The dream special emphasis toproduct rather turning your gaze inward bygives the message man’s ego. It was not chosen or carried devised. a moral structure our psyche that transcends our conscious athis higher moral with authority within him, aItmanifestation of of God fromand it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer didproduct not want hear. was the voice them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide the eyes. message First they arespontaneous covered discover the new life that awaits you. In fact, ofto the unconscious carried a mind conscious values, and is often in disagreement with Isaignored the dream comparing within the psyche. the want dreamer the the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, manifestation of God it.We Wecan can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral eye patches. Then they areauthority open butIfwithin the dreamer did not to hear. It was voice of from them. run from this inner authority, but we hide death operation, thehim psyche. Ifbut thewith dreamer ignored the to directive dreams don’t lie, the andmoral life doesn’t lie,like and they to andauthority instead pursued his ego’s goals, thean results would relativism, willit.always reflect back toourselves you code written upon all white. within Then they are closed a higher moral within him, a manifestation ofgiven God from Webut can try to fool with concepts moral For more info, contact Dr. Andy him have and instead pursued his ego’s goals, thedirective results would always reflect backdon’t to you code written twitchingto eyelids. Because within the psyche. Ifallow the dreamer ignored given relativism, dreams lie,the andmoral life doesn’t lie, andupon they beenthey predictably negative. This isthe case for all of us will your soul.but which heals our vision or Drymalski, Reno and Carson City been predictably negative. This isagainst the case for allwould of us your to him and instead pursued the results will always us to see,have eyes are often symbol soul. reflect back to you the moral code written upon when wea pursue aof pathhis thatego’s goesgoals, that of our deepest psychologist at phone number have What been predictably negative. is the case forbecome all of us more when we a at path that goesThis against that ofto our deepest consciousness. we look is where your soul. helps us self pursue and destiny. (775) 786-3818, or when we pursue ais.path that goes against that of our deepest our awareness and attention self and destiny. more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and The psyche communicates through manyconscious? channels, dreams ForFormore self and destiny. info, contact Andy Drymalski, Reno and Initially, the dead man’scommunicates eyes are coveredthrough many channels, dreams Enjoy his blog Dr. at (775) Carson City psychologist at 786-3818, or visit online The psyche being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online with patches. The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored guidance of his dream, he might have received morethe dreams of even Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance of his dream, he might have received more dreams of of even Usually, eyepatches are worn to protect warning: dreams of being chased, dying Enjoy his See ad onblog thisat page. of his greater dream, he perhaps mightperhaps have received more dreams ofdying even Seeing the chased, reality of of the soul (along greater warning: dreams of being the eyes following an operation or to children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might greater warning: perhapscar dreams ofInbeing chased, ofunconscious dying with the reality of the and or ofan being crash. his outer life, he might aid in thechildren, recovery from injury.inIsathe See ad on this page. actually auto accident. He maylife, develop anxiety See references children, or ofexperience beinganinauto aan car crash. InHe hismay outer he might spiritual world) is evidently somethingad on this page. actually experience accident. develop anxiety dream comparing death to an operation, See ad on this page. symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his actually experience an auto accident. may developwith anxiety 1. von Franz, Marie-Louise. On Dreams and Death: A that may be resisted not only symptoms or panic attacks. HisHe relationships his during life, which heals our vision or have helps us to would Jungian Interpretation. Shambhala Publications, Inc., wife or and children become more disturbed. One ofas well. symptoms have panic attacks. His relationships with his but after the death of the body wife and children would become more disturbed. One of become more conscious? Boston, MA. 1986. wife and children may would become more disturbed. One of his children get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring This may explain the presence of spirits hisalso children getseeing sick or become rebellious, mirroring Eyepatches prevent us from his ownmay attitude towards Some of these events would his own attitude towards God.God. Some of these events would and ghosts. hisworld. own attitude God. Some of these events would the outside Thus, theytowards direct our be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and actions. might thoughts and vision inward, defocusing We can hypothesize that ghosts are be synchronistic. What is certain is that heOthers will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain is that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is isevents that he will encounter our attention from the outernumber reality. spirits that, rather than moving a growing of certain negative and frustrations if heon to aa growing and frustrations ifif he growing number number of of negative negative events events and frustrations he the next world, maintain psychological ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, This idea ignores dovetailsthe with the image in self. Needless to say, ignores the moral moral directives directives of of his his deeper deeper Needless toand say,their attachment this world his relationship with the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. the second segment of the dream. If his would be ill-fated. his relationship relationship with with the the wealthy wealthy woman woman would ill-fated. former life. Thisbe possibility is expressed we see only the whites of the eyes, the Moral relativism is the philosophical viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism is the philosophical viewpoint that all moral in the third segment of the dream where Moral is pupil the philosophical viewpoint that all moral implication is thatrelativism the iris and are are equally or position rests upon perspectives equally valid or This position rests upon the“true.” dead person’s eyelids are twitching perspectives are equally validvalid or “true.” “true.” ThisThis position rests upon oriented into theperspectives body are rather than to andmorality concern isflows expressed that the argument that aa person’s from his/ the argument thatdead because a person’s morality flows from his/ the argument that because because person’s morality flows from his/ the outerthe world. Symbolically, the deceased will become a zombie. her value system, and because people have different values, her value system, and because people have different values, her value system, and because people have different values, person’s consciousness is directed away all is none any better than another. all morality morality is subjective subjective with with none any any better than another. all — morality is subjective than from his former life from outer life with — Anone zombie is better a symbol of another. a person While there no that people may possess While there is is no denying denying that different different people may possess there is no denying that different people may possess If the to his inner life. While whose spirit or soul is elsewhere. different values, not are For example, different values, not all all values are equivalent. equivalent. ForFor example, different values, notvalues all values are equivalent. example, some values values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither are are the the moral moral life. life. Not all values are of equal worth, neither and neither are the moral perspectives that that flow flow from from them. them. perspectives Healthy Beginnings • May 2015 23 perspectives that flow from them. But the deeper issue here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, But the deeper issue here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, theisdeeper here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, is that that But what right, issue or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in is that whatnecessarily is right, or moral, for one personperson. in a particular situation is not right for another This situation is not necessarily right for another person. This situation is due not necessarily right for another person. This difference is not to differences in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, difference is not due to differences in their values systems, but, rather, extends from the fact that what is required for one but, rather, extends from the fact that what is required for one
r. Jayanath beywickrama
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama
“” “”
Why is it Taking so Long to Get What I Want? Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR
cheerful, your body manufactures So when we begin to take charge of our endorphins, the pain-killing hormone, thoughts by learning some techniques to and serotonin, the feel-good hormone. control them (one of which is to pivot your But if your thoughts are negative, mind away from the negative to something Everything is made of energy, which worried, frustrated or disappointed, your you’re really looking forward to), then you exists in different forms. body manufactures cortisol, the major begin to take your power back. One of those forms is thought energy. stress hormone. youwill canbe control youryour thoughts, By doingWhen that, you retaining personal power, not So what happens when you think a thought? By doingyou that, you will be life. retaining your not That hormone was designed to be in giving control your When youpersonal think topower, it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing change in Well, at least three things happen. away to you a rigid who isn’t your cells for only a few moments whilegiving itof what doperson want more oftenwilling than to change in any way and who won’t shut up. and who won’t shut you ran from the saber-toothed tiger orany waywhat you don’t, you’llup. be amazed at the The vibrational frequency (the energy) some other predator. But it isn’t socially people, conditions and Learn to opportunities, stand back and observe human behavior in every of that thought goes out like a radio Learn tosituations stand back and observe human behavior in every acceptable nowadays to run screaming situation…at home,you’ll workattract. or school. It’s often quite amusing, signal into this invisible energy soup we situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, down the street every time you get a and stand from the emotional storm,you’ll you’ll live in, which physicists call “the field Positive things will come to you from storm, andasasyou you standback, back, away away from the emotional little stressed, so as a result, that cortisol realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer of all probabilities.” That thought then sources known and unknown because realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer just sits in your cells and damages them, attracts to us the people, situations and about empowered andmore morecalm, calm,cool cool youyou willwant, have more become a deliberate aboutwhat what you want, more empowered and and compromises your immune system. conditions that match the energy, the and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try creator, not someone who is creating by and collected in every way. If that person doesn’t even try toto essence, of the thought. you’ve given them enough chances,walk walkaway away So in the future, whenever you think change default through uncontrolled changeafter after you’ve givenrandom them enough chances, for Their behavior may be be too too deeply deeply a negative thought, take action if monkey-mind thoughts. forgood. good. Their manipulative manipulative behavior may That thought also gives us the emotions necessary, then pivot your mind to ingrained for to change. By control staying in in proximity proximity ingrained foristhem them to ever ever change. By staying to match. This the one thing you have something juicy and delicious that youtotothat they’ll break your morale, which which would wouldonly only thatperson, person, they’ll break your morale, over all the time: your thoughts. Our emotions drive our words and really want to do. lead by everyone everyoneelse. else. leadtotoyour yourgetting getting used used and manipulated manipulated by actions, which make up our life. When youProtect take control and let old habits Spirit. your Mind. Protect yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour your Spirit. Protect Protect your In that way, you’ll begin attracting theProtect of thinking fall by the wayside, will That’s only one thing that happens when thisyou temporary physical arean anEternal EternalSpiritual Spiritual Being, Being, living in this temporary physical people, conditions and situations thatare wonder,of“Why is it taking so our powerful minds think a thought. body the deliciousness this experience. experience. Bedetermined determined bodyfor forno thelonger deliciousness Be you do want rather than those you don’t. long to get what I want?” to make it as delicious as possible. to make it as delicious as The second thing that happens is the Sound too simple? You’ll be amazed at first, and then you’ll vibrational frequency of that thought also. What “appropriate” past generation may herehere also. What waswas “appropriate” forfor thethe past generation may This is the way our minds and bodies become very comfortable with the fact (like a cell phone signal) goes from our not be desirable workable today. Parents, and sometimes desirable or or workable today. and sometimes respond toParents, the energy of thought. So References: that it takes very little time to get what References: conscious mind intonot ourbe subconscious. spouses, have been trained what appropriate andmay may spouses, have been trained as as to to what is is appropriate when you wonder why it’sand taking so long you want. Our subconscious mind can’t tell thethatthat be expecting behavior from you, forty years after they Forward, Susan, Susan, Ph.D. Ph.D. Emotional Emotional Blackmail: stillstill be expecting behavior from you, forty years after they to get what you want, realize that you’re 1.1. Forward, Blackmail: When When That’s a wonderful feeling of difference betweenwere real and pretend, were programmed and conditioned to believe that only certain The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt toto programmed and conditioned believe of that onlyyou certain probablytothinking what don’t want The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt empowerment and joy. so it thinks the thought we’rewere thinking behaviors were “right.” much more often than what you do want. manipulate you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. behaviors “right.” manipulate you. William Morrow Publishing. 1998. has actually happened to us today and Learn how to do this. It’s life-changing. If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, How often do you tell the story over Simon,George GeorgeK., K.,Ph.D. Ph.D. In In Sheep’s Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding gives us the emotions to truly match, even if being manipulated in any relationship, If you want to stop 2.2.Simon, Clothing: Understanding For more info contact June Milligan you need to learn to take a stand. You need to start to believe and over of something negative or and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers the event happened years ago, or even you need to learn to take a stand. You need to start to believe and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers at (775) 786-9111 or visit online at you’re worthy of the basic human rights listedabove above andall Publishers. frustrating that happened to you, 2010. if it’s just a fear of what may happen inof the thatthat you’re worthy basic human rights listed and Publishers. 2010. calmly speak your mindthe about what you exactly don’t want to do.felt while what the future. calmly speak your mind about whatfeeling you don’t want to you do. Communication is vital. like Talk when to theitmanipulator and explain really happened, and in See ad on this page. Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain Those emotions then drive our feel. words how you Sometimes the theyprocess may notof even realize that they’re telling it, causing other For more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or how you feel.actions Sometimes they may not even realize that they’re and actions, and our words morereferences info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or beingand manipulative. Confronting willbad givetoo? you the courage For peoplethem to feel visit online at 1. Hicks, Esther and Jerry. Ask And It Is Given – manipulative. Confronting them will give you the courage go to make up our being lives. at to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize visit onlineLearning to Manifest Your Desires. Hay House How often? to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize 2005. attempts athappy, emotional blackmail by the emotions you feel. When you remember something See ad on this page. attempts at those emotional blackmail by the emotions you anger, feel. 2. Dispenza, Joe. Evolve Your Brain – The Science It’s become a habit with most people, Identify emotions as to what they are: sadness, you feel good. When you think of See ad on this page. of Changing Your Mind. Health Communications, Identify those emotions as to what they are: sadness, anger, partly because theyofgrew watching frustration, or you whatever. Just know that each thoseup negative something fearful or embarrassing, Inc. 2007 frustration, or just whatever. Just know that each ofhormones those their family doand that. They negative can’t wait emotions creating toxic chemicals in your 3. Wolf, Dr. Fred Allen. Taking Charge of Your Life feel those same emotions again,are as emotions are creating toxic chemicals andnews hormones insomeone your at the Quantum Level. Sounds True 2007 to tell the bad ofdohow own body if you stuff them down and don’t something if the event was happening right now. ownabout bodythem. if you stuff them down and don’t do something offended them. Consulting Hypnotist That drags you downabout and may cause you them. Consulting Hypnotist Teaches Self Acupressure We getyou’re into this habit to because of to say or do things that Identify are unproductive them to yourself, decide not going put up with Teaches Self Acupressure our programming by family and the Learn How to Quickly them yourself, decide you’re going to put with and have nothing toIdentify do any withkind what’s actually oftomanipulation, speak yournot mind calmly andup directly, Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative Feelings Learn How to Quickly Remove Negative culture. The media gives us a 24/7 anyat kind ofmoment. manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, happening around you thatremove then yourself from any confrontive storm that may be Remove Negative Feelings From Any Scene/Memory Feelings From Any Scene/Memory dose of negativity and news we can’t do then remove yourself from any confrontive storm that may be brewing. Often repeating the same phrase, no matter what The third thing that happens when From Any anything about. THEN ADDScene/Memory SUGGESTIONS Often repeating the same“I’m phrase, no matterinwhat the manipulator says, is effective: not interested doing you think a thoughtbrewing. is the vibrational USING HYPNOSIS FOR THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve the manipulator says, is effective: “I’m not interested in doing Many of us listen because we’ve been frequency of that thought floods all 100 NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS USING HYPNOSIS FOR always done.” “I’m not interested in doing that.” “But why? We that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve programmed to be “informed” when trillion of your cells, and causes that NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS really needyour to donot that.” “I’m not in doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION actually we don’t need towhy? knowWe that always done.” “I’m interested ininterested doing that.” “But pharmaceutical company inside so on. Repeat the same phrase until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! information. We can’t do anything about really need to do that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION body to manufacture chemicals and your point of view or you realize that you’re talking to a brick it, and it just drags us down and makes so on. Repeat the same phrase until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! hormones that match the thought. Then leaveorthe room, the that house, the talking car, thetooffice, the us feel bad. yourwall. point of view you realize you’re a brick So if your thoughts aresituation. happy and Calmly yourself from wall. Then leave the remove room, the house, the the car,emotional the office,storm. the situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm. robably because you’re thinking of what you don’t want more often than what you do want.
How Howcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re being beingmanipulated? manipulated?
The Theeasiest easiestway wayto tospot spot it itisistotopay payattention attentionto to how howyou youfeel feelwhen whenyou’re you’re around aroundthe theother otherperson. person.
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Healthy Beginnings • May 2015 February 2015
February 2015
25 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
healthy recipe
Submitted by Shannon Vigil, Holistic Health Coach
pring is here! Time to allow your body to do it’s natural detoxing and shed that heavy, warm, winter layer. Nature helps us out by giving us light and fresh detoxifying foods this time of year. That’s why it’s best to eat local and seasonal, because what grows in your area is what’s best for your body during that season. Pretty cool that nature makes it easy on us to figure out “what to eat”, right?
This recipe uses asparagus, peas and mint; some of my favorite spring produce. I threw in some fresh lemon juice (a staple in my house) and raw, local honey, which can help you overcome some of those springtime allergies, too. This recipe will be one of your favorite springtime side dishes!
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Are you a successful go getter,
but just can’t lose Serving Tahoe, Truckee, theLake weight? Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects
alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes a day to get your levels up. As long as you don’t overdo it your a day to get your levels up. As long as you don’t overdo it your See on this page. See on this page.Reno, Sparks & Carson Valley skin ad won’t be harmed. skin ad won’t be harmed.
• • function Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super important forat thyroid at (916) 718-2684, or visit (916)function 718-2684, visithypothalamus ASPARAGUS +ofPEA QUINOA SALAD WITH MINT glands, proper your hypothalamus and pituitary proper of or your and pituitary glands, balance. It can be difficult to get the proper amount with food (gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian) For more info, affect contact Holistic Health Coach, For more info, affect contact Vigil, Holistic Health Coach, which directly theShannon thyroid. Vigil, Practice breathing from your which directly theShannon thyroid. Practice breathing from your Are you a successful go getter, alone. Try basking in theonce sun (without fornervous 20 diaphragm minutes for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous Total time: minutes diaphragm for20 five minutes a day tosunscreen) remind your a day to Serves: 4 get your levels up. As long as you don’t overdo it your system that all is well. system that all is well. skin won’t be harmed. Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. #3 Sex Hormones: #3 Sex Hormones: Struggling with: Syndrome. Little Green 2. Weaver, Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Green 2.affects Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s INGREDIENTS: Use organic whenever possible. • FiveLibby. minute breathing break. ChronicLittle stress • 1 cup cooked quinoa instructions here) hormonalThese imbalances proper function of your(see hypothalamus and pituitarywork glands, and •Progesterone. Estrogen and Progesterone. These two sex hormones Estrogen two sex hormones work York, •2013. York, 2013. 1 bunch which affect balance the thyroid. Practice your in a •delicate together indirectly a asparagus delicate during the breathing course offrom your together balance during the course of your noMD. energy 1. Gottfried, Sara, MD. Thefresh Hormone Cure. Scribner. New 1. Gottfried, Sara, The Hormone Cure. Scribner. New • 1 1/2 cup green or frozen diaphragm for fivepeas, minutes day to remind your nervous menstrual cycle. Estrogen keepsonce you ajuicy, joyous and feeling menstrual cycle. Estrogen keeps you juicy, joyous and feeling • 2 tablespoons fresh mint • sugar cravings system that all isiswell. sexy. Progesterone considered your natural antidepressant sexy. Progesterone is considered your natural antidepressant References: References: • 1/4 cup olive oil • belly bulge and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have • 1/2 juiced Sexlemon, Hormones: Struggling with: too #3 much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is known too as much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is known as • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard • digestive issues estrogen dominance and it affects 80 percent of women over estrogen 35. dominance and it affects 80 percent of women over 35. • 1could teaspoon (preferably raw +two local)sex hormones • hormonal Estrogen and honey Progesterone. These workcould change results change everything for you! results everything forimbalances you! • can’t sleep you want in life! • action sea saltin + pepper to taste together a delicate balance duringinto the balance. course taking of taking to bring trio of hormones Theyouraction to bring trio of hormones into balance. The •for nothis energy Recommendations forthis balancing sex hormones: Recommendations balancing sex hormones: and boldly gotoafter menstrual cycle. juicy, andstart feeling radiant balanced, radiant andEstrogen able to keeps live toyou your full joyous potential, balanced, and able live towhat your full potential, start • sugar cravings sexy. Progesterone considered antidepressant • DIRECTIONS: Vitamin C. It’s theisonly proven •feel Vitamin C. It’s the only interact with one another in a nutraceutical special your way. natural Iftreatment you want to interact with Look one another in a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment you wantproven to feel beautiful, feel balanced, • belly bulge and anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occurown, when have effective for low progesterone. effective for low progesterone. Each of these hormones are important on their butyou they Each of these hormones are important on their own, but they lifestyle that works for you! Iftoo youmuch don’t have any leftover quinoa, startThis withisthat. estrogen relativecooked to progesterone. known as •design digestive issues findred simple instructions on the Whole Foods • You Eatcan less meatcooking and dairy from conventionally-raised • 35. Eat less Let’s red meat and adairy from conventionally-raised healthy supplement. supplement. estrogen dominance and it affects 80 percent of women over website. animals. animals often given animals. and or These animals often given and • can’t sleep seeds or These chia seeds to are your meals or synthetic consider hormones taking a fiber seeds chia seeds to are your meals or synthetic consider hormones taking a fiber Recommendations balancing hormones: antibiotics that lead to overload. Choose organic antibiotics and that lead to estrogen overload. Choose Next theto dressing: In estrogen afor mason jar, addsex olive oil, Try lemon juice,compared compared the recommended 35-45 grams. adding flax to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try organic adding and flax grass-fed. grass-fed. Dijon mustard, honey, salt pepper.about Put the on and • Fiber. Most women onlyand consume 13lidgrams pershake • day Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per day • Vitamin It’s the Dressing only nutraceutical treatment proven vigorously for 30C.seconds. is done. effective for low progesterone. • Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per • day Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per day grass-fed. grass-fed. Wash the asparagus and pat dry. To chop, hold the woody end compared to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try adding compared flax to the recommended 35-45 grams. Try organic adding and flax antibiotics that lead to estrogen overload. Choose organic antibiotics and that lead to estrogen overload. Choose and use a sharp knife or vegetable peeler toconventionally-raised create shavings or • or Eat less red meat and dairy from seeds chia seeds to your meals or consider taking a fiber seeds or chia seeds to your meals or consider taking a fiber animals. These animals are often given synthetic animals. and These animals are often given synthetic hormones and diagonal when the hormones hardened woody animals.pieces. These Stop animals areyou’ve often reached given synthetic hormones and supplement. supplement. design healthy • end, Eatabout less red meatfrom andthe dairy fromYou conventionally-raised • Eat less Let’s red meat and adairy from conventionally-raised 2 inches bottom. can discard those antibiotics that lead to estrogen overload. Choose organic and pieces. Add the asparagus a large mixing bowl. lifestyle that works foron you! Eachgrass-fed. of these hormones are important on their own, but they Each of these hormones are important their own, but they effective for low progesterone. effective for low progesterone. Next chop mint finely add to the mixing a small beautiful, feel balanced, interact with the one another inand a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment youbowl. wantInproven to interact feel Vitamin with Look one another in a nutraceutical special way. Iftreatment you wantproven to feel • Vitamin C. It’s the only • C. It’s the only • Fiber. Most women only consume about 13 grams per day radiant and able to live to your full potential, start saucepan add hot filtered Dip peas the pan start and balanced, radiant and able water. to live to the your fullinto potential, balanced, and boldly go after what compared theforrecommended Try adding Recommendations balancing sex35-45 hormones: Recommendations forthis balancing sex hormones: let sit for 2-3toto minutes. Drain to the grams. mixing bowl. taking action bring this trioand of add hormones into balance. taking The flaxaction to bring you want in trio life!of hormones into balance. The seeds or chia seeds to your meals or consider taking a fiber • can’t sleep Nowcould stir in change 1/4 cupand of the dressing well with the results everything for you!combine results changeand everything you! of women over 35. estrogen dominance it affects 80and percent of women over estrogen 35. could dominance it affectsafor 80 percent supplement. Let’s design healthy veggies. Lastly, fold in 1 cup cooked quinoa. Taste and add more • digestive issues too much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is knowntoo as much estrogen relative to progesterone. This is known as dressing needed. Serve over bed of salad lifestyle that works for you! ofifthese hormones areaimportant ongreens! their own, but and Each anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have andthey anti-anxiety hormone. Problems occur when you have • belly bulge Look beautiful, feelnatural balanced, interact with one in a your special way. antidepressant If you wantsexy. to feel References: References: sexy. Progesterone is another considered natural Progesterone is considered your antidepressant • sugar cravings balanced, radiant and keeps able toyou live to your full and potential, start cycle. and menstrual cycle. Estrogen juicy, joyous feeling menstrual Estrogen keeps juicy, joyous and feeling boldly goyou after what Shannon Vigil is a Holistic Health Coach and creator of 1. Gottfried, Sara,toMD. The Cure. Scribner. New 1. Gottfried, The Hormone Cure. Scribner. New •delicate noMD. energy takingnutritional bring thisHormone trio ofuphormones into balance. The in aSara, online programs. Sign forthe her course healthy recipes together inaction a delicate balance during of your together balance during the course of your you want in life! York, 2013. York, 2013. newsletter online at resultsand could change everything for you! Estrogen Progesterone. These two sex hormones work Estrogen and Progesterone. These two important sex hormones work • hormonal imbalances • Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super important for thyroid • Take a sunbath. Vitamin D is super for thyroid 2. Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Little Green 2. Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Little Green with: balance. It can be difficult to get the proper amount with food balance. It canStruggling be difficult to get the proper amount with food #3 Sex Hormones: #3 Sex Hormones: See ad on this page. Are you a(without successful go getter, Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. alone. Try basking in the sun (without2011. sunscreen) for 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun sunscreen) for 20 minutes References: system is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your system is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your a day tothat get all your a day tothat get all your diaphragm for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous diaphragm for five minutes once a day to remind your nervous skin1.won’t be harmed. skinNew won’t be harmed. Gottfried, Sara, MD. The Hormone Cure. Scribner. which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your which directly affect theShannon thyroid. Vigil, Practice breathing from your For more info, contact Shannon Vigil, Holistic Health Coach, For more info, contact Holistic Health Coach, York, 2013. • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects • Five minute breathing break. Chronic stress affects proper function of your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, proper function of your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, at (916) 718-2684, or visit at (916) 718-2684, or visit proper function ofbreathing your hypothalamus and pituitary glands, proper function your hypothalamus and pituitary • minute break. Chronic stressLittle affects • Five minuteofbreathing break.Tahoe, Chronic stress glands, affects 2.Five Weaver, Libby. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome. Green Serving Lake Truckee, which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your which directly affect the thyroid. Practice breathing from your Frog Publishing Ltd. New Zealand, 2011. Reno, once Sparks & to Carson skin won’t be skin won’t be diaphragm forharmed. five minutes once a day to remind your nervous diaphragm forharmed. five minutes a day remind Valley your nervous See ad on this page. See ad on this page. asystem day tothat get all your asystem day tothat get all your is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your is levels well. up. As long as you don’t overdo it your alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes alone. Try basking in the sun (without sunscreen) for 20 minutes Are you a successful go getter, For Hormones: more contact to Shannon Coach, #3 Sex #3 Sex Hormones: balance. It caninfo, be difficult get the Vigil, properHolistic amountHealth with food balance. It canStruggling be difficult to get the proper amount with food with: at (916) 718-2684, or visit • Take and a sunbath. Vitamin These D is super for thyroid • Take and a sunbath. Vitamin These Dimbalances is super for thyroid •Progesterone. hormonal Estrogen Progesterone. two important sex hormones work Estrogen two important sex hormones work Visit website butmy just can’t at lose
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Effortless Healing Nine Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, And Help Your Body Fix Itself By Dr. Joseph Mercola Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt
r. Mercola has built the most visited health website in the world—regularly consulted by millions of people each day. He has treated over 25,000 patients during his career and written two New York Times best-selling books. He started his career as a physician using traditional mainstream approaches, but when he began to realize the effectiveness of natural therapies to treat patients, he changed his practice to natural medicine. Initially he lost three fourths of his patients but continued on his path of prescribing and suggesting only natural remedies. In other words, he put his money where his mouth is.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
He has been one of the leading teachers of health for over a quarter century, summarizing and making accessible information accrued through decades of experience and research. His advice is consistently ahead of the rest of the medical community and his approaches are solid and based on state-ofthe-art scientific evidence.
causing need to fat-caus were su
Just kno small i dysbios combin sugar, a chance
Effortless Healing is not only an excellent resource for the public, but is also valuable for healthcare practitioners who want to transition to natural medicine. His book contains foundational truths that are well-researched and have already been proven effective by Dr. Mercola and other practitioners. He is an international leader in the natural health and organic movements. The information in this book and the articles on his website are up to date, interesting and able to be applied immediately in your life. Kelly Brogan, a holistic women’s health psychiatrist says, “We are not broken. We are not helplessly waiting for our next diagnosis. Quite the contrary, we have been misled about our body’s innate power to heal, and our access to vibrant health. Dr. Mercola, the world’s pioneer in self-directed wellness, provides a simple, evidence-based roadmap to empowerment in his latest book – some of which may be surprisingly unexpected!” Chapters (called Healing Principles) include how to burn fat for fuel, how to exercise less and gain more benefits, how to clean your brain with sleep, how to avoid six “Health Foods” which aren’t good for you and how to create your Effortless Healing Plan. The author explains what Effortless Healing Is and Why We Need It. The information in this book may surprise you. Regarding low fat dairy items, a big problem is the chemicals added to it, partly to give the creamy texture we’ve come to demand from yogurt. One such chemical is dimethylpolysiloxane, a chemical defoaming agent added to low fat yogurt. This chemical is banned from use in organic products. Other additives are commercial thickeners and stabilizers, including carrageenan (which is known to trigger gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating), xanthan gum, modified cornstarch, pectin and gelatin as well as artificial colors and flavors. It’s heartbreaking to think of the folks who reach for yogurt and its probiotics because they’re suffering from digestive issues, then making them even worse because of the inclusion of chemical additives and preservatives.” He goes through easy ways to reduce cravings for sugar and other unhealthy foods, gives information on which foods promote human growth hormone (HGH), how to normalize hunger levels, boost your brain health and dramatically lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. There is an entire chapter on what you can do to sleep better, the dangers of certain sleep aids, as well as practical ideas that anyone can put into place immediately to increase the time that you are sleeping deeply so that you can awaken rested and refreshed. This book is a gold mine of information. Every quote and study is listed with the source, page numbers and dates published. In the back of the book, so you can do further research on anything you’re particularly interested in. Effortless Healing is available online or at your local bookstore.
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Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534
here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.
Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.
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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.
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507 Casazza Drive suite E Reno, NV 89502
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
29 16
Submitted by Marie-Claire, Energy Coach For Expertsâ„¢
lax crackers come in all sizes and tastes. The taste of flax seeds is so neutral that you can add whatever you like. You can make them spicy, soft, savory, sweet; it all depends on what mood you are in. Make lots of them in different tastes and store them in a sealed container so you always have a nice choice for every craving. We all tend to make tasty crackers, but sometimes all you want is a very neutral one, which doesn't take over the tastes of your toppings. This golden cracker is made of golden flax crackers only and is just perfect to put loads of vegetables and a dressing or fermented cheese on top. It is a great basis to add other ingredients and experiment with. A surprisingly delicious variant comes from mixing some raw sauerkraut in the mixture. You can chop it up first or use it whole, or blend some with your flax seeds. Everything is possible and each time you eat one of those, you will be adding natural probiotics and more enzymes to your body, meaning: premium energy! The possibilities are endless and once you tried it, you will want more! Another advantage about crackers is, that they fit so well in the organization of your busy week. Being prepared is the key to creating consistent success in your health track, as health is an ongoing journey. Especially when you have a demanding job or a business, clients that you want to serve at your best, a community and loved ones whom you want to lead by example and with excellence, taking good care of yourself every day is your priority number one. The better you prepare, the easier it gets to sustain your energy, to show up, feel and look at your best. Fill up your dehydrator in the weekend: you’ll get more yields with the same effort! You can store these crackers for many weeks and when you have a few tastes in your pantry, all you need to do is grab and go. They even fit in a fancy purse to recharge during traveling, a meeting or a business lunch. Dress them up with a scoop of fresh guacamole and a tomato slice, fresh herbs. Or just take them to munch on during a concentration dip during work...
TOOLS YOU NEED • A blender or coffee grinder • A large bowl • A spatula INGREDIENTS FOR ONE TRAY • 1 C of golden flax seeds • 1 C of ground golden flax seeds • 1/2 C spring water • 1/2 tsp sea salt INSTRUCTIONS - TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES • Grind 1 C of flax seeds with the salt • Add the flour to the bowl with the whole flax seeds and mix with your hands • Add the water • Mix well with a firm spatula • Take a tray and spread the mixture thinly and evenly • Dry for five hours • Flip them over on to the mesh screen and let them dry overnight or for about 8 more hours, depending on how crunchy you like them TIPS • Double or quadruple the amounts and add several tastes for different moods • Mixed with fresh tomatoes, rosemary and basil, you can taste Italy with every raw bite • You like it hot? Add jalapeño peppers • For an orient touch, play with a curry mix or with garam masala, cardamom • Store them in a dry container in a cupboard or in your pantry and they will stay crunchy for weeks • Lovely to add some crunch to a salad by breaking them up and sprinkling on top • Perfect to take with you in your purse or briefcase!
Marie-Claire Hermans is an Energy for Experts Coach, Author, Raw Foods Chef and Creator of “Ravishing Raw FooDprint Success System™”. She started “Ravishing Raw” after curing herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, with raw food. As a raw food coach, she specializes in offering professional help to those who are suffering from similar debilitating conditions. Along with her expertise in jazz music management and booking work, she helps world class artists — challenged by there demanding lifestyle — find solutions to improve their health. Visit her online at
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
Written by Tania Marie, RMT, IARP, NAPW
he Earth is supporting humanity’s awakening to the re-discovery of ancient and forgotten healing arts, such as the utilization of crystals. Reverence and use of crystals goes back to the dawning of civilization. They have been connected with specific parts of the body and its organs for thousands of years. As members of the mineralogical kingdom, crystals are universal energies that allow one to contact and synthesize these individual energies for healing and integration. Each crystal contains their own “personality” and can be utilized in unique ways to facilitate healing. Crystals are nature’s gift to man and are found in all shapes, sizes, colors and composition. They each have a unique vibrational resonance due to their varying mineral contents, their inherent geometry and the color frequency they emit, making them powerful healing tools.
Crystal healing is a method of healing – crystals or gemstones are placed on or around the body, on the chakras (spiritual energy centers), used as reflexology tools to stimulate points on the feet, worn like jewelry, or can be placed in and around one’s home to enhance energy. They heal holistically on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, helping to direct the flow of energy to a particular part of the body, restore balance, and ultimately cleanse by releasing and clearing blocked energy. Chakras (pronounced “shock-ras”) are Sanskrit for wheels of rotating energy flows in the ethereal body. They are in related locations within the physical body along the spinal column starting from the base of the spine, up to the crown, or top of the head. There are seven major chakras within the body where the energy flows intersect. The health of an area of the physical body and the condition of its associated chakra are interdependent, so when the chakras are blocked or cleared, the body’s state will mirror that. Each chakra corresponds with different states of consciousness, developmental stages of life, archetypal elements, body functions, colors and sounds. Crystals are capable of interacting with these energy centers within the human body because they are electromagnetic conductors that work through resonance and vibrational sound. Each crystal and gemstone embodies certain energies, colors, and elements that mirror the qualities needed to facilitate clearing and raising chakra vibrations. They have been used to realign subtle energies and dissolve disease by helping to get to the root of the issue. Wearing crystals and gems used to be a royal or priestly experience, but is now something we can all receive benefit from, even by just having one in close proximity or learning to meditate with them.
As you can see, the choices are endless. It is up to the individual to ultimately heal themselves, yet there are many catalytic tools, such as crystals, that can help facilitate the healing process and help one reconnect to wholeness. Choosing a crystal to work with can be as simple as following your intuition as to which captures the essence of the energy you are drawn to, or you can reference crystal healing indexes to help you link symptoms with relevant crystals.
1. Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals Updated by Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995 2. Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press, 2003
For more info, crystal classes & crystal healing pendants contact Tania Marie, Reiki Master Teacher, Visionary Artist & Owner of Emerald Bridge at (775) 343-9244 or
There are so many varieties to choose from that help facilitate different functions and healing intents. • Boost your energy with Orange Carnelian • Attract wealth and reenergize with Citrine • Cleanse your space with Amber • Enhance intuition with Apophyllite • Boost confidence with Hematite • Smoky Quartz and Black Tourmaline have the ability to absorb negative energy • Fluorite clusters can alleviate debilitating effects of computer use • Selenite accesses angelic energy, calms, and is great for bone and back issues • Peridot is a visionary stone that helps diffuse anger, reduce stress, and release negative patterns • Rose Quartz is a perfect choice if you are seeking love in your life. Try Kunzite to access higher vibrational, unconditional love that aligns the heart chakra with the throat (self-expression and communication center) and third eye (intuitive center) chakras • For migraines, the cool and calming Lapis Lazuli is great to quickly draw it off • The spiritual stone and disease-source locator, Larimar, radiates tranquility and guides the soul onto its true path while removing self-imposed blocks. • Serpentine helps diabetes, cleanses and detoxifies • Emerald is a wisdom stone that aids liver detox and aids mental clarity • Quartz is a master healer for any condition that balances and stimulates the immune system.
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
herbs & spices herbs & spices
The Queen of Herbs Written By Allison Prater
Enjoy hiscold, blog bitter, spicy, and slightly andat systems affected are the names of this herb include Throw-wort, Lion’s Ear and Lion’s have received more dreams of even pericardium and liver. Tail. Originally from Central Asia and southeastern Europe, ps dreams of being chased, dying it is now found theof world over, as its popularity for use as an As always, consult a care provider you trust before working with herbal remedy spread. a car crash. In his outer life, he might this, or any herbal remedy. Motherwort is an attractive plan cimum tenuiflorum, also known as Ocimum sanctum, is As you can see, arein many to this reveredBees herb.enjoy its beautifu thatthere thrives our benefits high desert climate. Motherwort thrives on roadsides, fields, even in disturbed areas See ad on this page. uto accident. He may develop anxiety better as and Holyvacant basil, orlots. tulsi.The It isplant an aromatic While Tulsi isflowers, generallyand regarded as safe, because of its warming it requires very little pampering. likeknown dumps prefersplant well-drained soil family native to South Tulsiin is aclimate multi branched action, pregnant and nursing mothers are advised to use caution c attacks. Hisin the relationships with his and partial shade, andAsia. thrives zones four through small shrub,eight. usuallyMotherwort growing onlyhas 30–60 cm in height. The plant andof consult with their caregiver before ingesting this plant. Tulsi a square, hairy stem and flowers a ld become more One of leaves has hairy stemsdisturbed. and beautiful green or purple that are can be taken in teas, juice or in tincture form. It is often combined light pink/violet hue appear at the top part of the plant. It can References: strongly scented. The flowers mirroring have a subtle purple tint. The two with ginger and black pepper and honey. Tulsi is easy to grow, in ck or become rebellious, grow to a little over three feet in height. The leaves are the part main types of Tulsi cultivated in India and Nepal: the greenIndia, Tulsi is traditionally grown in domestic courtyards, partly for 1. Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books. New York of these the plant used inpurple-leaved medicinal s God. Some ofor events wouldpreparations. leaved (Sri Lakshmi Tulsi) and (Krishna Tulsi). spiritual purposes but also because its aroma is said to purify the atmosphere.1980. The distinct and wonderful presence of Tulsi is sure Tulsiand is cultivated for religious andamedicinal purposes, Motherwort enjoyed long history of use and in traditional medicine s decision actions. Others might to enhance your medicine garden. 2. Weed, Susun S. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing for its essential oil. It is Europe, widely used Asia Some believe the in Central Asiathroughout and NorthSouth America. is certain is that he will encounter as a medicinal plant and as an herbal tea. In Ayurveda, it is Year. Woodstock, 1986. name Motherwort comes from its popularity among midwives references affectionately known as the queen of herbs, and has an important egative events and frustrations if ofhe who used it for a variety purposes including uterine tonic 1. Bremness, Lesley. Dorling Kindersley Handbooks: Herbs. Dorling Kindersley. 3. role within the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism, in which, and for the prevention of uterine infection. There isNew some York, 1994. perform worship involvingto holy basil plants or leaves. ves of hisdevotees deeper self. Needless say, 2. disagreement among herbalists as to whether Motherwort 3. mentioned in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic wealthy Tulsi woman would be ill-fated. should be given to pregnant women. Susan Weed recommends sacred-holy-basil
text. The herb is considered to be an adaptogen, meaning it is it for promoting relaxation, easing pains during and after labor, helpful in balancing different processes in the body, making it and preventing hemorrhage. Michael Tierra disagrees with her more adaptable to stress. Its strong aroma and astringent taste, believesasthe herbofshould contraindicated is regardedand in Ayurveda a kind “elixir ofbe life” and is believed for pregnant theconsidered herb cana cause when taken in to promotewomen, longevity.since It is also Sattvic bleeding herb.
hilosophical viewpoint that all moral valid or “true.” This position rests upon larger doses and could therefore induce miscarriage. In China, se a person’s morality flows from his/ compassion, Sattva is the quality of love, light, tranquility, it was historically used to prevent pregnancy and regulate harmony and love. different It is said to promote wisdom and ecause people have values, menstruation. intelligence, and enhance perception and clarity, as well as e with none any better According than another. joy and contentment. Vedic wisdom Sattva Motherwort containsto the alkaloid leonurine, a mild vasodilator encourages spiritual awakening and development of the soul. has a relaxing on smooth muscles. For this reason, it ng that differentthat people mayeffect possess Tulsi’s health-giving its array has alsoproperties been usedareassupported a cardiacbytonic, andofto ease flatulence, values are equivalent. For example, constituents, including flavonoids, sterols and menstrual crampingfatty andacids, insomnia. Susan Weed cautions polyphenols. It strengthens the immune system and benefits a life of psychological and spiritual there is a risk of this herb becoming habit forming, if taken in digestion. Its essential oils, which include eugenol, carvacrol, camphor, give Tulsi its sweet, pungent aroma e systemslinalool, lead nerol to aand pretty much wasted and taste. The warming properties of Tulsi improve digestion equal worth, and neither areTulsi thealsomoral and absorption of nutrients. has antispasmodic actions, help relieve spasm, wind and bloating. Tulsi’s appetizing, om them.which digestive, laxative and anthelmintic actions have been used February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® to treat symptoms related to anorexia, as well as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and worms. Tulsi also has a mild laxative effect and anti-ulcer activity. This reduces the effect of peptic acid or irritating drugs on the stomach lining and increases the production of protective stomach mucus instead. Its diaphoretic and diuretic actions aid elimination of toxins.
e, and perhaps the more paradoxical, moral, for one person in a particular arily right for another person. This differences in their values systems, Tulsi can also help calm anxiety, mild depression, insomnia, and a variety such as headaches the fact that whatofisstress-related requiredproblems for one and irritable bowel syndrome. Its antioxidant actions may dividual may not beadaptogenic the same asand what account for its effect, its ability to increase resilience to stress. It boosts energy in a way that is grounding For example, quitting your job because and centering, instead of over-stimulating the system the way h one of your could be a caffeine co-workers will. Tulsi’sare decongestant explains its use ision if you in theaction wrong line ofin treating coughs, colds, fevers, sore throats and flu. Studies have demonstrated is just one more prodding life to holy basil’s activity against afrom range of micro-organisms including E. Coli, Staphylococcus aurous and Mycoplasma tuberculosis. lly love. Conversely, your decision to Research has also demonstrated Tulsi’s ability to lower blood sugar, as well cholesterol triglyceride esponsible if life isastrying to and teach you levels. In a 1996 study of 40 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes, and you those are who justtooktrying toofavoid 2.5 grams dried Tulsithis leaf each morning experienced a definite reduction in their blood glucose levels, as well as cholesterol levels.
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Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
journey. Make it a healthy one.®
professional directory
allergies Melissa Monaghan, RN, APH Advanced Practitioner — Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic Reno, NV (775) 826-1900 Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 20 years Integrative Medical Experience specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.
business opportunities Commission Ad Sales Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Email your résumé to Call Office: 408.406.9799 Transform Your Income Are you tired of working for someone else? Are you looking for a fun way to earn money? And help people achieve their optimum health goals? Take part in a program that promotes organic, nonGMO SuperFoods that transform health and well being. This is an exciting and lucrative opportunity to share an awesome Product Line that has manifested results to thousands of people all over the world. Join our team, call Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D, at 775-657-9395
cancer therapy Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience. Go to ad on Page 21
chiropractic health Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español. Go to ad on Page 13
crisis intervention Crisis Call Center (775) 784-8085 Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing faceto-face crisis intervention and advocacy services to victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problems.
ear candling Therapeutic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments. Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit Go to ad on Page 29
environmental resources Sierra Green Building Association Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.
gift shops Mystic Rose Gift Shop 20 Hillcrest Drive Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-2872 Open 10 am to 7 pm Mon.-Thur., 10 am to 5 pm Fri. & Sat. Eclectic and unique tools of spiritual traditions, crystals, jewelery and candles. Natural healing aids: Magnesium Chloride, Diatomacious Earth, Himalayan Salt and salt products. Tropical Traditions raw coconut oil, aromatherapy and massage oils. Ancient healing wisdom for today’s wellness.
May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
health food stores Quincy Natural Foods Cooperative 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 8 pm, Sun. 9 am - 7 pm Sprouting Roots Market 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642 Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements, skin care products, and more. Stop in or give us a call. Vitamin Connection 2295 S. Virginia St. #13, Reno, NV (775) 825-3993 Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, full up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show. Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Mon.-Sun.
hypnosis Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt Consulting Hypnotist (775) 786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect. Go to ad on Page 25
Healthy Beginnings • May 2015
integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 Since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered familyoriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities. Go to ad on Page 15 Reno Feldenkrais Carol Bucher, BA, GCFP/T 775-240-7882 Mindful Feldenkrais movement classes and individual lessons provide a simple path to improve vitality and performance, reduce and manage chronic pain, movement limitations and stress- problems that arise from our activities or from injury, illness and surgery; or conditions like arthritis, cancer, CP, MS, scoliosis and stroke.
pet care Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 Sugarland Ranch is a community based, non-profit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.
spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 (775) 323-1114 Meetings every Sunday at 11 am. Enjoy a short inspiring talk and guided meditation to reach your higher self. Afterwards, you can sit with healers to experience healing energy from Spirit. To close, mediums will provide a short message service. Coffee and fellowship to follow.
massage therapeutic Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 504 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit Therapeutic Massage by Mariana 218 California Ave., #216, Reno, NV (Near the intersection w/ Plumas St.) (775) 303-5186 Mariana - NVMT #5375, Nationally Certified 19 years of experience. Specializing in shiatsu, deep tissue, and Swedish massage. Alleviating pain in the neck, shoulders, and back. Promoting relaxation and well-being. Centrally Located. Call For Appointment!
self growth Re-Write your Life Script! Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D., CRC. 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 Call Now (775) 657-9395 Feel that you’ve made some wrong turns? Need some help getting back on track? If you are tired of repeating the same old patterns, learn tried and true skills on how to transform your relationship with yourself, with others and truly reach your goals! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take part in this life-changing, result oriented workshop led by best selling author, Lifestyle and Relationship Coach Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D., CRC. Call today!
calendar of events
05.09.15 & 05.10.15
Starts at 9 a.m. Lake Tahoe Community College. Moms of all ages are invited to enjoy a free morning of education, inspiration and relaxation. Your morning includes yoga and fitness classes, coffee and brunch, massages, wellness booths and more. Children over the age of 12 may attend with their parent or grandparent.
The Reno River Festival draws top athletics from the pro kayaking tour and features two days of wet and wild fun on both land and water. It will also have free live music, delectable food and dozens of vendors. Email Located at Truckee River Whitewater Park at Wingfield.
Mom’s Morning Out
05.05.15 Hearing Health Seminar
In the Marriot Courtyard in Carson City at 3 p.m. Call 800-523-5798 for information on how to register.
Cardio Hip Hop Class
The Aglia’s 90-minute workout filled with hip hop basic techniques and choreography. $20 online presale (presale ends 2 hours prior to the event). No tickets will be sold at the door. 6:30-8 p.m. Email Eric at
Biggest Little 5K
9 a.m. The Riverwalk District hosts a special 5K to celebrate Reno’s birthday month. Dress up in your favorite birthday attire, tutus and tiaras and participate in a 5K to support the Riverwalk District’s beautification program. Runners of all levels, ages, families, children and dogs are welcomed.
Healthy Beginnings • April 2015
Reno River Festival
Spring Wings Bird Festival
A celebration of birding in and around Fallon, the Lahontan Valley Wetlands and Stillwater Wildlife Refuge. Experience three days of field trips lead by experts from U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Nevada Department of Wildlife and the Lahontan Audubon Society to birding and wildlife hot spots in the Lahonton Valley wetlands. Other highlights include hands-on activities, raptors on display and keynote speakers. Email or call 775-423-5128.
A Day of Healing Arts
Tahoe Flow Arts Studio presents a one-day event of workshops, live performances, activities and shopping with local artisans. Workshops include aerial fabrics, aerial lyra, yoga, meditation, dance and more. 9 am to 6 pm
05.22.15 - 05.25.15
Opening Day at the Lake An event that lets everyone know that Tahoe is ready for summer. For more information, call or email Kay Williams at 530-581-7307 and
05.29.15 & 05.30.15 Reno-Tahoe Odyssey Relay Run Adventure
The relay has three race options: the original 178-mile course, Capital Odyssey; a 63-mile relay run; and the Comstock Odyssey, a 29-mile relay. Email or call 775-825-3399 for more information. Register at
06.26.15 - 06.29.15 Rankema World Summit
Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama personally invites you to attend four days of healing wisdom and self-realization in the High Sierra. Dr. Abey’s goal is to evoke a feeling of value and appreciation for fundamental, life-giving and life-sustaining principles to help you successfully navigate the challenges of the 21st century. Dr. Abey works to relieve physical and mental, visible and invisible sufferings using the ancient miracle science of chanting mantras and energizing water for powerful healing. Join Dr. Abey and gain access to the true source of JOY, HEALTH and SUCCESS. Location: The Nevada Museum of Art 160 W Liberty St, Reno, NV 89501 775-588-6132
ongoing events
Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900. RENO Feldenkrais Classes Start anytime, for all levels of Fitness! Tuesdays at 10:00 am Location: Midtown Fitness, 600 S. Center St. (At Moran)., Reno Thursdays at 5:30 pm Location: the Reno Buddhist Ctr., 820 Plumas St. at Taylor St. Saturdays at 3:00 pm Location: Midtown Fitness. 600 S. Center St. (At Moran)., Reno Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP/T • 775-240-7882
Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330. 7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at or call cellular (916) 718-2684. Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.
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May 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
rejuvenate. Spring is here! It’s time to
ForeverYoungMDSpa GAIL P. KRIVAN, M.D. 604 W Washington, Ste E Carson City, NV 89703 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT.