May 2013 HB Magazine

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Healthy ISSN 2150-9921

MAY 2013


Beginnings lifestyle magazine

Life始s a journey. Make it a healthy one.庐


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006




Journey into Healing with Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama ...8

The Best Energy Oils ...14 Coffee: A Health Drink? ...16

Rewriting Your Future with Reiki ...10


Mini Implants: A Timely and Cost-Effective Alternative to Standard Implants ...12

Mini Implants: A Timely and Cost-Effective Alternative to Standard Implants ...12




BRAINHEALTH Rewriting Your Future with Reiki ...10

Provider Profile: Journey into Healing with Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama ...8

Living in Default ...24


SPIRITUALHEALTH Itʼs Time to Rethink... What You Think ...22

Award-Winning Firey Jerk Turkey Chili Recipe ...36




The Rough Patch: Small Bites ...32


NURTURE My Amazing Home Birth ...30


HERBS&SPICES Jasmine Flowers...26



Sniffing Out the Truth About Perfumes ...28




REVIEWS Book Review: The Practicing Mind ...20

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




May 2013

Retirement: Enjoy the Transition ...18 Living in Default ...24

Journey into Healing with Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama ...8


The Best Energy Oils ...14


CALENDAR ...38-39 RECIPES ...35-37





Written By Dawn Gowery

ur heartfelt sorrow and prayers for restoration go out to the runners of the Boston Marathon and to the city of Boston. The people that committed this act of terrorism, in my humble opinion, do not deserve Miranda rights. What about the good citizen’s rights? It is time to wake up and pay attention, to speak out about what is going on. Our freedoms are under siege. We do have choices and freedom of speech is very powerful. Freedom of speech is what is supposed to separate us from persecuted peoples, however, it seems those that have done everything right, worked hard, bought the dream home and challenge themselves are now the ones being persecuted. If you have questions of any institution it is appropriate to ask, that is how we learn.


Healthy Beginnings Magazine was created to give people, unbiased alternative solutions in preventing, correcting and or maintaining their health and wellness needs. To provide a different thought to the mighty pharmaceutical‘s band- aid ideology. There is a place for pharmaceuticals yet it should not be considered the cure for the problem, nor should medicines cause other diseases within our body. It should be a tool to be used after the cause is rooted out and the sick person addresses their part in making themselves well.

he apple blossom, a small pink and white flower with five rounded petals, measures about 4 cm wide. Many people do not know that the apple blossom is a relative of the rose. Apple blossoms, crab apples especially have a strong scent, reminiscent of a honeysuckle. Their fragrance attracts bees which pollinate the trees. In order to have successful pollination, it is necessary to have two different varieties of apple trees. Most apple varieties are self-unfruitful, which means their blossoms must be fertilized with the pollen of a separate variety in order to achieve good fruit set. A few varieties, including ‘Rome Beauty’ and ‘Newtown’, are considered self-fruitful, meaning their blossoms can be fertilized with their own pollen, but even these apples produce more fruit if they are cross-pollinated by another variety. It’s important to choose varieties that have compatible pollen and bloom times

Sometimes it is not the person’s fault; their sickness was not caused by their lifestyle choices. In these cases it has been proven that mental attitude will go a long way in determining a positive outcome. Human beings are not androgynous, we were meant to be different, and our health needs are unique to each one of us. There is no cookie cutter, one size fits all solution. Take care of yourself, pay attention to what works for you without harming others. In this issue, we have another great lineup of articles that address how to think for yourself. The good and the bad on coffee and fish oils, energy and spiritual medicine, improvements in dentistry, how playing the piano rewires your brain and more.

Michigan, which ranks third in U.S. apple production, named the apple blossom its state flower in 1897, according to Arkansas adopted the apple blossom as its state flower in 1901. Two long standing and popular apple blossom festivals are held each year from the 25th of April to the 5th of May in Winchester, Virginia and in Wenatchee, Washington.

Send us your comments, questions, and requests. We enjoy hearing from our readers. Thank you.

With over 7,500 varietals of apple trees one can find many uses for the blossoms and the fruit. Apples are both nutritious and delicious, and remember…”an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”

God Bless and Make it a Happy Healthy Day, Dawn Gowery



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Your Way to God Written By Andy Drymalski, Ed.D.


’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” - Basketball legend, Michael Jordan

pushing boundaries and going over your edges. You never really succeed, nor do you ever really discover all that God created you to be, if you don’t take the risk of failing.Not just once, but, like Michael Jordan, over and over again.

When we think about our growth as people—whether in the sphere of athletics, career, parenting, or as spiritual beings—we tend to think in terms of successes. We often imagine a steady ascent, climbing a ladder two rungs at a time rather than slipping down to the rung below. We know intellectually that failures are a part of life, yet we try to avoid them like the plague

For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at phone number (775) 786-3818, or www.

Many people are afraid to fail. They put themselves down for coming up short and believe everyone else does as well. Some of us decide that the best way to not fail is to not try in the first place. Other people, including some professional athletes and politicians, are so attached to not failing that they cheat or lie in order to best their opponent. They may “win”the contest, but lose at the game of life. To truly live and grow as a person, you’ve got to put yourself out there, take the risk of failure, and be proud of yourself for trying. Fear of failure leads to a fear of life. This leads to staleness, boredom, and mediocrity. Living life fully means

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





Beginnings lifestyle magazine

Lifeʼs a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

Dawn Gowery


Editor & Content Director

Written By Karen Tenaglio


here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache. Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.

References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.

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ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING 775.828.4547 Healthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local adver tisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775.828.4547 or e-mail us at We d o not ne ce ss arily end or s e t he views ex pre ss e d in t he ar ticle s and adver tis ement s nor are we re sp onsible for the products and services adver tised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2013© by Healthy Beginnings. Although some parts of this publication may be re produced and reprinted, we re quire that permission be obtained in writing. Past issues can be requested by calling 775.828.4547 or by visiting our website at

Questions, Comments and Submissions • 775.828.4547

10% senior discount (55+) on all services. For more info, call Karen at Therapeutic Skin Care (775) 722-9307 or go to www.

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Dawn Gowery



HB Magazine is printed on 40% post consumer newsprint paper with soy-based ink.

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Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Dr. Markoff has been practicing for over 25 years in private as well as public health practices. She embraces the tooth conserving biomimetic restorative concept that Dr. Georgene Chase promotes as the best consumer offering for restorative care. Dr. Markoff also values keeping current on the latest and newest dental technologies. She has upgraded her certifications to include laser dentistry, mini-implantology, the latest root canal therapy methodology, and biomimetic restorative procedures. Please call the office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Markoff at 775-786-7718.

seven specially selected quarts crystals to direct energy and light at each of the client’s seven energy centers. The result is an improved functioning of the whole human system. Clients report improvement with a variety of issues, including physical healing, release of long-standing emotional patterns, and an enhanced sense of calm and wellbeing. For more information please visit:



public event drawing local and regional residents together to gain an understanding and appreciation of traditional Nevada arts and culture through experiential learning. Drawing from a rich heritage of ranching, railroading and mining, the Western Heritage Festival teaches visitors about the unique diversity of Nevada and the Reno Tahoe region. Performances by authentic Cowboy’s such as Walt “Bimbo” Cheney, one of the original Cowboy Poets hailing from Elko, Nevada and a “Best of the West” Fiddle Competition are a few of the highlights. For more information call (775) 355-1144

Every American has a right to know what’s in our food including whether it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Oreg., will introduce a bill that would do what more than 90 percent of Americans want: require foods with genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. You almost have to assume if there’s corn in anything, it’s genetically engineered corn. About 88 percent of field corn is genetically engineered. Not to mention that 90 percent of all soybeans and more than 90 percent of canola seeds grown in the U.S. come from genetically engineered seeds. There are few issues that unite Americans as much as their desire to know what’s in their food. More than 1 million Americans have petitioned the Food and Drug Administration with that demand - the most in FDA history. Polling shows that 93 percent of consumers want to know if their food contains genetically engineered ingredients. Let your Senators and representatives Know now.


cats and have a great time! Nevada Humane Society is asking animal lovers to help raise $100,000 to provide care for homeless pets by participating in the Walk for Animals on May 18 at the Sparks Marina. The event includes a two-mile fun walk, music, contests, face painting, prizes and more. Start raising funds for the animals today! Participants raising over $30 will receive a Walk for Animals T-shirt featuring artwork by Pickles cartoonist, Brian Crane. For more information call (775) 856-2000

Sample Letter: Please support the Boxer-DeFazio genetically engineered foods labeling Bill. I am one of your constituents and a supporter of the Environmental Working Group. I am writing you today to ask that you support the Boxer-DeFazio genetically engineered foods labeling bill. I believe I have the right to know what I am eating. More than 90 percent of Americans support efforts to label genetically engineered foods. Japan, Australia, the European Union and China already require labeling of genetically engineered foods.


is a wonderful blend of beautiful setting, entertainment, heritage and Western culture. May 3-5th. Nestled at the base of the Sierra Nevada in the beautiful Carson Valley, historic Genoa is the site of the first ranch in Nevada and still has working cattle ranches literally steps from the town. From its 19th century beginnings, cowboys and ranching have shared work, words and music here. For more information call (775) 782-8696 or visit

Genetically engineered foods are becoming more widespread in Americans’ food. More than 70 percent of processed foods in our grocery stores contain genetically engineered ingredients. That’s why I am sure I should have the right to know - and choose for myself - what foods I eat and offer my family. Thank you for supporting the Boxer-DeFazio labeling bill.

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Journey into Healing



Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama

enowned Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama, (affectionately known as Dr. Abey)is an extraordinary person and gifted healer - the kind that is rarely ever experienced. His depth of compassion, wisdom and love is felt by all those having the pleasure of being in his presence; this “energy” truly must be experienced in your lifetime.

principles and knowledge of herbal studies and ‘energy’ medicine. Eight years later, he entered the Vidyodaya Ayurveda Faculty in Colombo where he graduated in October 2000 as “Ayurveda Vaidya”. He also gained a profound wisdom and deep connection to his Master Ariesen Ahubudu (1920 -2011, advisor for many years to several Singhalese presidents).

His ability to heal not only comes from his ancient Sri Lankan lineage and training, it expands into his realm of reality and possibility – that which he strives to bring people into.

Dr. Abey is also at the forefront of bringing back ancient methods of farming and instilling the once-lost traditions and worthiness for all farmers by providing an opportunity for them to participate in harvesting sacred rice.

Dr. Abey brings healing, good health and wellness filled with love, joy and harmony to his patients. To have the opportunity to attend any of his healing evenings, retreats or to experience a private session is truly life altering. He utilizes and teaches sacred mantra, meditation and mind power as powerful healing tools to assist in the healing process.

He is implementing this toxic-free process for today’s farmers, and is able to present this process to other countries so they too may gain prosperity while providing a healthy diet, gaining confidence and independence. It is his particular concern to evoke a feeling of value and appreciation in people for fundamental life-giving and lifesustaining principles regarding ourselves, others and our natural and spiritual resources - only in this way can we successfully master the global challenges of the 21st century.

He works with all types of ailments, including Cancer, M.S. and Parkinson’s and has helped heal many people. Most recently, he healed a woman with cancer of the retina. She states, “A spirit in the form of rays of light beams went through my eye from the bottom up through the cancer and out through a perfectly round hole in a dark cloud. I instinctively knew that I had been healed and that my cancer was gone. The peace that came over me was so settling. I had gone from the lowest valley to the highest mountaintop by just placing my trust in something I did not even understand.”

Dr. Abey treats an international clientele from Europe and the U.S. Among his patients is the former Prime Minister of India, I.K. GUJRAL and the Health Minister of Sri Lanka. Next to Singhalese, Pali and Sanskrit, Dr. Abeywickrama speaks English and German. To embark on a journey with Dr. Abey is to change one’s life forever. A life filled with love, health, success and joy. “If a stone can become a healing stone… If a plant can become a healing plant… If water can become healing water… Cannot a human become the greatest healing power?”

He is especially known for energizing water with ancient mantras used as a healing remedy along with his oils, which he creates for different indications based on thousand-year-old recipes in conjunction with his personal insight and vision. He sends powerful, healing energy to you by energizing the water and reading colors of your aura.Dr. Erwin of Munich, Germany went to study under Dr. Abey five years ago and saw such a benefit from his work; he started using Dr. Abey’s techniques in his western practice. Dr. Abey now spends three months out of the year in Germany.

Verse 44, 60 Verses - Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama References: 1. Video: KTVN 2News, Reno, Nevada story/18829932/healing-with-dr-abey 2. Book: Author: Abeywickrama, Jayanath Credentials: Ayurvedic Physician 60 Verses, Rankema Edition 2008

To say that Dr. Abey’s background is impressive would be an understatement. He belongs to a lineage of 31 generations of unbroken, traditional Ayurveda since Rishi Pulasti (2668 – 2616 B.C), and began his career with a hermit monk studying old Buddhist texts in Pali and Sanskrit.

3. Website: Company name: Chase International Author: Sharelle Fiori To register for the Rankema World Summit go to or Contact Jennifer at 775-588-6132 or

From the age of 12, he lived with his Ayurveda Master, Porevede Rishi (1928-2002) who taught him the ancient



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Healing Evenings Experience Ancient Healing Wisdom with Healing Water & Healing Energy

Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama

Medical director • rankeMa Healing center • Sri lanka

Friday, May 10

Saturday, May 11

Friday, May 17

Saturday, May 18

Hyatt Place 7:45pm-9:00pm Reno

Parasol Building 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Hyatt Regency 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Hyatt Regency 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Sunday, May 19

Monday, May 20

Friday, May 24

Hyatt Regency 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Hyatt Regency 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Parasol Building 7:45pm-9:00pm Incline Village

Health is Wealth You will receive personalized attention from Dr. Abey. He tranfers powerful healing energy to you reading colors of your aura and energizes water for you. You will experience a direct connection with Dr. Abey for healing of your mind, body and life. Please bring 1 liter bottle of water (glass perferred, no metal) to be energized by Dr. Abey- drink a small portion everyday for health perfection and energy. This special evening is open to your family and friends. Donations appreciated. For more events go to

Retreats Workshops

RSVP to 775 588 6132 or

Private Sessions

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



Rewriting Your Future With Reiki

Written by Teresa Aramini, Reiki Practitioner


t’s been said that if you want to know where you are going in life, look at where you have been. It’s true that every choice we make in life leads us to our next encounter. The question is, where have your decisions led you and is this where you want to be in the future?

When our bodies are calm and balanced, we sleep better and have more energy and focus. Our decision-making process is articulate and concise. Our digestion functions in a healthy way. According to Johns Hopkins Health Alerts site, approximately 70 million Americans have digestive disorders, prompting nearly 6o million visits to doctor’s offices and hospitals each year. Often a drug is administered to treat the problem. Many may find that Reiki can help. Utilizing Reiki, your body’s own pharmacy kicks in and balances itself. When the parasympathetic nervous system is ignited, healing occurs naturally.

Is your body healthy and strong? Is your mind clear? Are your emotions balanced? Is your spirit fulfilled? Or is there room for smarter choices and a healthier balanced future? One way that you can take charge and change your circumstances is with Reiki. Reiki, pronounced “Ray Key,” is a Japanese healing technique that balances the mind, body and spirit – naturally, safely and effectively. A Reiki treatment stabilizes the body into what is known as homeostasis or balance. Reiki stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is also known as the “rest and digest” response in the body (think calm, cool and collected). When our parasympathetic system is stimulated, the heartbeat slows down and blood pressure is lowered. The purpose of initiating this system is that it reverses the effects caused by the body’s counterpart system, called the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is also commonly known as the “fight or flight” response in the body (think stressed, overwhelmed and distracted).



When daily stressors take over and we are in the “fight or flight” mode, it’s effortless to reach for unhealthy foods to appease our lack of energy. It’s easy to become irritable and impatient from a lack of sleep. In fact, a poll conducted last year by the National Sleep Foundation reported, “Sixty percent of Americans experience a sleep problem – snoring, waking in the night, waking too early – every night or almost every night.” Loss of adequate sleep can create a host of medical concerns. The worst part of all is that it becomes a vicious cycle, with each poor choice feeding upon the other until you notice that suddenly your life and health are not where you want or expect them to be. Does this sound familiar in your life? Could you use a restful night’s sleep? Is your digestion compromised? Do you

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


find your mind cluttered? Do you feel overly stressed out or physically uncomfortable? If so, you can start making healthy changes easily by incorporating Reiki into your life. Pamela Miles, a Reiki Master for 26 years, says, “As Reiki provides deep relaxation, the spiraling effects of stress begin to unravel. By improving breathing, sleep and digestion, Reiki restores the functions that lead to recovery and wellness.” Are you curious about what to expect from a Reiki session? The first thing to know is that it’s completely relaxing and soothing. Most frequently a client will lie on a massage table, fully clothed. Bolsters, pillows and blankets are usually provided for extra comfort if needed. Reiki can also be administered from a chair if that is preferred. The Reiki practitioner can administer Reiki by a light touch or no touch at all. There is no manipulation so even those in severe pain can safely receive treatment. Reiki energy flows gently from the hands of the practitioner, usually resulting in a sense of warmth radiating from their hands. The Reiki practitioner is merely a channel for Reiki, so there is no need for concern that you will deplete their energy or pick up any of their energy. Frequently there will be soothing music playing. Most people become relaxed and even a little sleepy during their first treatment. The digestive tract’s response to Reiki is usually audible, with abdominal gurgling called borborygmus. There is no need to feel shy about this sound. It means that the body is becoming calm and that the parasympathetic nervous system is being stimulated. Remember, it’s called the “rest and digest” response in the body. The final thing to know about a Reiki session is that it is safe. It works in conjunction with all medical treatments and all medications. Reiki harmonizes the body. If you take medications, the balance Reiki brings can minimize any side effects caused by the drugs. It can also support rapid healing from surgeries. If you have anxiety, Reiki can calm and soothe your nerves. There are no known medical contraindications with Reiki. If you are ready to spring into wellness and good health, Reiki is a pleasurable way for you to take that first step. The cumulative benefits of Reiki can change your life. Restful sleep, healthy digestion and feeling balanced can be yours. Prepare yourself for a healthier future with Reiki! References: 1. 2. 3. Miles, Pamela, Reiki Master, Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide, Penguin Group, New York, 2006

For more info, contact Teresa Aramini, Reno Tahoe Reiki at 775-742-6750 or

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Mini-Implants: A Timely and

Cost Effective Alternative to Standard Implants Submitted By Infinity Dental Group Written By Georgene Chase, DDS


be removed when taking the mini-implants out. This is how dentists discovered the durability of mini-implants. The fear of a failing implant still prevents many dentists from using the mini-implants. Dentists have steered clear of their use as a result. This technique has been denied to the consumer due to that fear. Once the practitioner begins to see the longevity of the small diameter implants in practice, their comfort level goes up. This is the case with any learning curve. Fortunately, many general dentists are finding out about this little versatile implant.

he invention of the mini-implant and subsequent FDA approval for their use occurred over 30 years ago. It started with the work of Victor Sendax, widely recognized as a leading pioneer in implantology, at NYU dental school. One of his favorite stories is his placement of dental mini-implants in the mouth of the famous tenor Pavarotti. He was instructed to return for the placement of standard implants, but never did. Pavarotti passed away 25 or more years later with the mini-implants and restorations still in his mouth. The original FDA approval was for denture retention. Today, their use has expanded because of their success rate; the FDA approval covers many other applications.

During the last 25 years, there have been further studies on the mini-implant and its use. Research and successes throughout the history of the mini-implant use, show that it is in the consumer’s best interest to offer this service. They solve problems in unique situations where other standard techniques are either too costly, too invasive or medically unsound (The risk to the patient outweighs the standard treatment). There are many situations where a patient cannot tolerate a surgical intervention that removes bone, places a standard implant into the jaw, then waiting for a 4-6 month healing period before the restoration can be completed; an example would be severe diabetes. Traditional bridges are hard for the patient to keep clean, necessitating special cleaning floss or mini brushes to get under the bridge. Also, many dental insurance plans will not cover the cost of crown placement on the adjacent teeth unless they needed crowns in their own right. This translates into more out -of-pocket expense for the patient. If a comparable option of a mini-implant can be offered to the patient with the same resultant quality of life, it is easy to see where and why mini-implants have earned their place in the dental repertoire of care.

Mini-implants are a paradigm shift in dentistry. Traditional standard of care dentistry dictates that if a patient is missing a tooth, the dentist will replace it with a traditional bridge. This consists of drilling down the teeth on either side of the space to prepare them for crowns; a dental lab makes two crowns attached to a third fake crown; then the entire three unit bridge is cemented into place. Mini-Implants are small diameter implants requiring no drilling on otherwise healthy adjacent teeth; no bone alteration; and the patient receives an immediate and less expensive implant supported bridge the same day.4 Only local anesthetic is needed, and the discomfort is minimal. They look and feel like real teeth. They are easy to clean, AND this procedure is approximately 3050% cheaper than a traditional bridge. Mini-implants were used as temporary treatments alongside placement of standard implants. When standard implants healed 4-6 months later, the dentist would remove the miniimplants and restore the standard implants. It was often found that the mini-implants were so well integrated that the bone would be damaged and some bone might actually


In the seven years that I have been placing mini-implants in


Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


my private practice, there is no question in my mind that their success rates are comparable to standard implants and the procedure is minimally invasive. The best part is that miniimplants may be immediately restored and the patient can be chewing on their new implant the same day.

2. Sendax V. Mini dental implants: principles and practices. Elsevier Health Sciences, Sep 24, 2012. 3. Vigolo P, Odont M, Givani A. Clinical evaluation of singletooth mini-implant restorations: A five-year retrospective study. JProsthet Dent 2000; 84:50-4.

To quote an ancient Greek poet Theognis; “Don’t rush. There is a perfect moment for everything we do.” Now is that “perfect moment” for mini dental implants.

4. Degidi M, Piattelli A, Carinci F. Clinical outcome of narrow diameter implants: a retrospective study of 510 implants. J Periodontol. 2008 Jan; 79(1): 49-54

References For more info, contact Infinity Dental at (775) 786-7718 or visit online at

1. Griffitts TM, Collins PC. Mini dental implants: An adjunct for retention, stability, and comfort for the edentulous patient. Oral Surg Med Oral Radiol Endod. 2005;100(5): e81-e84.

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



The Best Energy Oils


By Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

Wounding the Sacred Fish

ast March my wife, Inge, and I were having lunch in San Francisco on Polk Street during the annual Orthomolecular Health Medicine conference with Robert Rowan, MD and his wife Terri Su, MD. Dr. Rowan, publisher of 2nd Opinion Newsletter from Santa Rosa, CA and never shy about dropping bomb shells, said “You know fish oils are actually very bad for you”. At first I thought he was just pursuing his vegetarian agenda and then he said that we should get to know the work of Brian Peskin. Peskin, a researcher and author of the book The Hidden Story of Cancer gives an extensive review of fatty acid metabolism in his book and thinks that we should all be beholding to Otto Warburg, MD, PhD, the German Nobel Prize winner, who discovered in 1925 that all cancer cells become cancerous because of lack of oxygen at the cellular level (we are made of 100 trillion cells which do all of our body’s work). He notes that 100 years ago the incidence of death by cancer in the United States was 3 percent and now it is at least 40 percent. He points the finger of guilt at modern food processing which creates damaged fats and oils to extend shelf life. These bad fats lead to abnormal cell membranes that are unable to move oxygen into the cell and promote cancer.


What could be more sacred than fish oil supplementation for our health? Peskin thinks we have all been making a big mistake. He reviews numerous scientific studies which support his position and these studies can’t be ignored. In cardiovascular disease consuming fish or fish oil supplements had no effect at best and actually had negative effects on plaque formation, angina (heart caused chest pain) and cardiovascularrelated deaths. Fish oils increased platelet aggregation (clotting blood cells). Omega 3’s (fish oil) were not found helpful in abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation) but omega 6’s were. Fish oil had no effect on preventing arterial inflammation. In diabetes, blood sugar control of type I diabetes worsened during fish oil administration. The insulin dose had to be increased in all patients. In type II diabetes (adult onset diabetes) there was a 19% rise in fasting glucose levels and a rise of 24% mean glucose levels within one month of fish oil supplementation. Glucose tolerance also deteriorated significantly.


Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


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A SUSTAINABLE GREEN FACILITY • • 1225 Westfield Ave, Reno Mice developed late stage colon cancer when given high or low dosages of fish oil. With increased inflammation it only took four weeks for the tumors to develop. Contrary to researchers expectations dietary fish oil induced severe colitis and cancer formation.

omega 6’s to omega 3’s based on plant oils and uses primrose, flax, sunflower, sesame, safflower, pumpkin seed and coconut oils as his ideal mixture which would improve our health spectrum in nearly every way. References

In Alzheimer disease fish oil compared with placebo did not slow the rate of cognitive decline in mild to moderate disease.

1. The Hidden Story of Cancer by Brian Scott Peskin, BSEE, MIT with Amid Habib, MD Pinnacle Press 2011.

What are the good oils? According to Peskin our cell membranes need a preponderance of omega 6 fatty acids, oxygen magnets, to keep our intracellular chemistry happy and able to transmit oxygen into our cells. He recommends a 2 to 1 supplemental ratio of

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®

2. Ultimate EFA’s For information, contact Gerber Medical Clinic 775-826-1900



Coffee… a Health Drink!?! Written By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.


es, you read that right. An exciting new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that coffee drinking may add years to your life span!

Coffee benefits your brain. In one study of 676 individuals with an average age of 75 years, coffee consumption was associated with significantly less cognitive decline over a 10 year time period. The least decline was observed with consumption of 3 cups of coffee per day, which was associated with a remarkable 4.3 times smaller level of decline in cognitive function compared with non-consumers of coffee.

Recent evidence is beginning to paint a vastly different picture of the benefits of regular coffee consumption. Contrary to what many health “experts” have been saying, these studies are proving the ability of coffee to reduce blood vessel disease, slash cancer risk, preserve mental function, and mitigate diabetes and obesity.

A recent large epidemiological study showed that women with the highest coffee intake are about 30% less likely to develop endometrial cancer than those who consume none.

It turns out that coffee is rich in over 1,000 different natural compounds called polyphenols. These chemicals have proven their ability to turn on genes that promote youthful cellular functions.

After years of suspecting coffee of having negative impacts on health, scientists have now concluded that it has remarkable health benefits. Most strikingly, a recent study demonstrated sharp reductions in the risks of dying from any cause, in direct proportion to the amount of coffee consumed. This study comes on the heels of numerous others that demonstrate reduced risk of dying from specific diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders.

One coffee compound in particular, chlorogenic acid, provides a multitude of these benefits including inhibiting after meal glucose surges that can contribute to obesity and diabetes. In a recent study at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of more than 52,000 members of AARP, it was discovered that the more coffee subjects drank, the less likely they were to die-from all causes.

Now coffee lovers can enjoy their “Mornin Jo” guilt free! References:

Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants with all the health benefits that implies. But they also have other, more complex actions including the surprising ability to modulate gene expression, regulating how much, and how often, a particular gene is “switched on”. That means these polyphenols regulate many of a cell’s most fundamental processes, including signals that tell cells when to die, when to replicate and when to release or respond to other chemical signals.

Freedman ND, Park Y, Abnet CC, Hollenbeck AR, Sinha R, Association of coffee drinking with total and cause specific mortality, N Engl J Med, 2012 May17;366(20):1891-904. Kempf K, Herder C, Erlund I, et al. Effects of coffee consumption on subclinical inflammation and other risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a clinical trial, Am J Clin Nutr, 2010 Apr; 91(4): 950-7.

The net effect of this impact on cellular signaling includes improvements in tissue repair, immunity and the body’s ability to maintain itself in a steady state called homeostasis. Impaired cellular signaling has been implicated in causing cancer, type 2 diabetes, and the risks for heart disease and stroke.


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May 2013

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Dr. Bob Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.



Enjoy the Transition


Submitted by Tahoe Piano Lessons

hh, the golden years… afternoon naps in the hammock, laying on the beach or just doing whatever we want. Retirement is a major life transition, and for some it may not be easy.

levels of serotonins and dopamine increase and leave us with a feeling of well-being and happiness. Playing the piano accompanied with singing opens up your energy vibration. When we sing, we breathe, we listen, we feel, we vibrate, we concentrate and our attention is on nothing other than what we are actively involved in, at that moment. There is undeniable comaradery when we sing together. Having all of these senses activated at one time requires immense energy and brain power but it comes to us naturally and without thought. It is almost impossible to put ones attention on anything but the moment, in which we are engaged. Thus it becomes a form of meditation. One feels happiness and vital when all of our human sensations are activated.

It can be exciting or it can bring with it a whole host of new worries, depression and anxiety. If your whole life has been built around your work life, and your entire social network has been built around your work life, you can no longer depend upon past work relationships to fulfill your everyday needs for human relationship and camaraderie. Focus on the present and remember the fun parts of the past. Learning new skills is also very beneficial to our overall wellbeing and health. It is documented and understood that adults who set out to learn something new, such as playing the piano, singing, dancing or just doing crossword puzzles set up new neuro pathways in their brain that lead to an overall reduction in stress, anxiety and depression. When the human brain learns,


Scientific data reports that setting up new pathways in the brain leads to a higher level of functioning and clarity, and will hedge your bets against Alzheimer’s… something many


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fear. Studies tell us that kids who study music have more grey matter and have a larger hypothalamus than those who don’t. The hypothalamus gland is the gland that bridges the right and left hemispheres of our brain. It is not new information that, people who excel in their careers quite often have a hobby or two that they are passionate about. New information confirms that the human brain is way more malleable than we ever suspected. With new advancements in science and brain imaging, it is well known we can dictate how we want our brain to function and what we put in it. In fact, what we choose to think about, or put our attention on, only grows and becomes bigger. Thus, the saying: “what we think about, we bring about.” Just as there have been advances in technology throughout the years, so too have there been advances in how we learn. There are now alternatives to learning how to play the piano that are far superior and way more fun than traditional music lessons from the past two centuries. A major shift that gets students playing faster is called “Playing-Based” that is the method I use. As a piano teacher, I have found the most successful and profound results by using this method of teaching. My adult and senior students excel quickly and enjoy learning to play the piano and love coming to a class to be with fellow classmates. Many times, lasting new friendships are built. It is more than just learning to play piano “it is a life style” a social event that is rich with laughter, learning, vibrational healing and a sense of place and purpose in the world. References:

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THE PRACTICING MIND Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life By Thomas M. Sterner Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


he title of this book sounds really boring, but the content is anything but. This is one of the most useful books I’ve ever reviewed. It explains in very simple language how to live in the NOW by focusing on “process,” not “product.” The author explains how to live in the present moment, where you’ll find calmness and a feeling of control, rather than letting your mind run off in all directions, which brings feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm.


The word “practicing” has a negative connotation to most of us because of the boredom we may have experienced in attempting to master something, whether it was a sport, a musical instrument or anything else. That was because we were taught to focus on the end product, and as a result were constantly judging the level of our current (temporary) skills, instead of focusing on the process, the “parts” of learning that skill, and as a result, getting consistently better


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putting yourself into the future, because sure enough, unless you force yourself to focus on what you’re doing right now, your mind will habitually start to race ahead to all the things you have to do. You know what that feels like and it isn’t pleasant. Thinking habits are learned, so we can choose them wisely. And remember that with deliberate and repeated effort, progress toward any goal is inevitable.

at what we were “practicing” plus enjoying the process. Real achievement in anything requires both patience and discipline. But the problem with patience and discipline is that developing each of them requires both of them. However it’s not a problem if we choose to stay in the present moment, and practice doing just that. We cannot develop either patience or discipline while worrying about “not being at the end product.” When we worry about that we are comparing and judging ourselves. We have to stay in the moment while practicing the skill of whatever we’ve decided to master. The techniques that the author suggests are very useful and they work. When we realize that there is an Observer inside us, observing our personality and/or ego, then we become much more powerful in controlling our minds and our lives. The Observer can bring the mind back into line, back into present time. Sterner gives the example of a centuries-old story of four wild horses harnessed to a chariot. Each horse wants to go in a different direction, and the charioteer doesn’t know how to control them. If we don’t engage the Observer, and bring the wild horses of our scattered galloping minds back into line, we find ourselves in the past or the future, regretting or fearing. We lose our power when we’re not focused on the here and now.

The information in this book is not new knowledge. It’s centuries old and is relearned by each new generation. If we stay in the present moment, it brings awareness to all that we do. It teaches us to stay focused on the process and use our goals only as stars to glance up to now and then, to guide our course. When we make staying focused on the process our real goal, we experience a sense of success in every moment. And even when we fall out of the focus on staying in present time, the fact that we’re aware of the fall means that we’ve come back into the present moment. So take charge of your mind and therefore your life, by staying in the NOW. It will bring you much joy, peace and achievement. The author presents many techniques and examples that naturally cannot be included in a review. This book is well worth purchasing.

It’s actually quite comforting and sometimes amusing, to allow your inner Observer to bring your mind back to the present. There’s no judgment involved here. You just catch yourself. “Ah,” you say, “I was running around back in the past just now.” Then you bring yourself back to the present, to focus on what you’re doing right now. It’s comforting because it’s a win-win situation. You’re always winning when you’re focused on the present moment. As you practice a musical instrument or a particular sport, and repeat it over and over, you see and feel it becoming more comfortable, more natural. The practice of that part of the skill becomes the goal and you feel good about it as you relax into the process. By doing this you’re learning that breaking it down into a simplicity of effort conquers the most complex tasks. The author reminds us to employ the four “S” words: Simplify, Small, Short and Slow. Wow! That’s different from what our culture has been demanding of us! Simplify is opposite of the multi-tasking that’s driving us all crazy. Choose small parts of the process to “practice.” An example would be cleaning up your office or any room in your home. Choose only a small corner or section of it to work on. Then work on it for a short period of time. You set the time, whatever would be comfortable for you. And last of all, work slowly and deliberately. Don’t try to rush through it. You’ll just stress yourself out, and that’s what we’re trying to avoid. Stress about, “I’m not getting enough done,” is

May 2013

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It’s Time to Rethink -- What You Think! Go, Give and Get What You Want Out of Life!


“Going Within” Written By Rev. Jack R. Elliott, Author and Spiritual Life Coach

ell done!”

Imagine those words being the last thing you say to yourself as you lay your head on your pillow tonight. Is that your truth or would you be saying something else? I frequently hear my clients expressing the latter. Their reality is disappointment at the end of the day. Like many of us have, they have been swept up in the turmoil of managing their daily “chaos.” Chaos being the energy that swarms around us as we live in reaction to it. “Rev. Jack, I’m exhausted by the time my head finally hits the pillow; exhausted from what is still to be or left undone.” I invite you to rethink – how you think; to “flip the chaos”; to use the energy of chaos for good. Flipping it begins with putting “you” first in all things. No one else will honor and value your gifts; unless they see (experience) you



honoring them. My grandmother use to say: “If you want to know who the best shoe cobbler in town is; look at his children’s shoes. A good shoe cobbler takes care of his own family first.” Would you hire a car mechanic – whose car is constantly broken down? Flipping it begins with being absolutely clear on what’s important to you and ordering your life accordingly. You must be clear on your “values” and in your commitment to honor those values, first and foremost. If someone asks something of you, and it doesn’t support your values or what brings harmony to your life – be empowered to say no. If you can’t give it 100% of your commitment and loyalty, then step out of the way and make room for someone else to step in that will. Your community will be better off and you’ll be respected in the long run for honoring your truth.

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Life is waiting for you: Just Go! Each of us has a “calling”. We’ve been given a gift – to share with our community. When we share it – our community becomes a better place and our experience of life is more satisfying. Put in the time and energy to master your craft. Just remember that we’ve also been given them gift of “free will”. Therefore, you are free to deny your calling – give into the chaos of life; just know the consequences will unfold accordingly. Consequences that look, feel and sound like disappointment at the end of the day. I am so amazed at the number of people that “wait for things to settle down” before they do something for themselves. If you are living your authentic life, waiting is impossible. If you are doing what you were “called” to do; it is impossible to wait. Those that wait – have no Faith.

Life is waiting for you: Give! Mankind was called to live “in community”. We have been called to share in this experience of community so that the entire community is lifted up for the greater good. The gift that we as individuals have been called to share – is merely a component – an ingredient of the recipe – that adds to the ultimate flavor of the community. If you withhold your gift from your community, the community will not reach its highest potential and you will not see yourself reflected in, or feel a part of, your community.

Life is waiting for you: Go Get it! We when hear the call and Go for it and when we act upon the call and Give our gift to the community – what we Get in return is magnificent. So, if today didn’t manifest an experience of “well done”, or if you didn’t get the results you were hoping for in your relationships, career, finances, family, physical well-being, or community, then it’s time to put in the correction. Are you up for the journey? Are you willing to Go – Give – Get? If you say yes, then you will have more days where you’ll fall asleep saying “Well done!”

Rev. Jack is a Spiritual Life Coach. Visit to learn more or email him at On his website Rev. Jack is introducing a new community conversation portal called “Go-Give-Get”. It’s where we all are invited to share stories, observations, and affirmations that will show that sometimes we have to” rethink – what you think” in order to live your authentic life. Rev. Jack will show how to harnessed the energy of Ciaos and flip it around for the good. Let’s do this together! Let’s grow together!

May 2013

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LIVING IN DEFAULT Are YOU Choosing What You’re Living or Is Someone Else?


Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt we usually feel that we have no control whatsoever about the belief that’s formulating within us. So we spend our lives sorting events into categories of good and bad, wanted or unwanted, right or wrong…but rarely do we understand that we have the ability to control our personal relationship with those events.

y paying enough attention to anything, the essence of what you’ve been thinking will eventually manifest in your life. And then as others observe what you’ve created, through their attention to it, they help it to expand. Over a period of time, this manifestation or idea is called “truth.” Deliberate creation is about deliberately choosing the thoughts and experiences you make into your Truths. Living by default is accepting others’ truths. It takes some effort and a conscious desire in order to understand the difference.

So we gather into groups of religious or political or professional tribes in order to gain the feeling of more power and we seek to preserve our own well-being by trying to take control of any circumstance which we think might threaten it. But this is an attraction-based universe, so the harder we push against unwanted things, the more we achieve vibrational alignment with those unwanted things…and in doing so, the more we invite unwanted things into our own experience. It turns out that the more we defend our own beliefs, the more the Law of Attraction helps us to live them out. The more we rail against what we don’t “believe,” the more we attract the people, conditions and situations that serve as examples of our decidedupon “unwanted things.” Well that’s scary!

When you continue to focus on any thought, it becomes increasingly easy to continue to focus upon it because the Law of Attraction is automatically making more thoughts like it available to you. Since your thoughts create your emotions, now you are developing a mood, an attitude or a belief. Since you are a vibrational being, you’ve now created a vibrational “groove,” a set-point. Your emotional set-points can change from not feeling good to feeling good, for the set-points are achieved simply by paying attention to a subject (through your practiced thought). Therefore, there is huge value in deliberately achieving your own set-points, because once you expect something, it will show up in your experience. A belief, attitude or conviction is just a thought you keep on thinking. You have thought it so often that it became a set-point, a point of reference for your life, a belief.

But look at the world. Look at the culture we’re living in. It seems by now we would have figured this out: that the more we rage against something that we believe is bad, the more we attract it. This awareness should cause us to look at what we believe. We have to ask ourselves, “Why do I believe it? Did I do my own research on the subject or did I just automatically adopt what I was taught as a child?” Not to adopt it as a child might have been physically or psychologically dangerous. But

Do you have control over your beliefs? Of course. But as we observe things happening around us, and as we evaluate them,



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to continue to believe it as an adult without doing any research at all is simply laziness. That’s living in default. We’ve defaulted to someone else’s ideas and beliefs.

2. Sterner, Thomas M. The Practicing Mind – Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life. New World Library. 2012 www.

It takes a lot of work to decide what you believe. But you don’t have to tackle it all at once. Choose one subject at a time and just say to yourself, “Why do I believe that?” Then go from there. Remember back to a time when someone made a definitive statement that such-and-such is the truth. Why is it the truth? As a child we asked “why” very often. Sometimes we got a real answer, other times we were told not to ask. Most of us finally got tired of asking and just accepted what we were taught. We don’t have to do that as adults. We can now discover the back story on just about any subject. It can be very enlightening.

3. Gamble, Foster. THRIVE documentary. Clear Compass Media. 2011

For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in hypnosis, acupressure, trauma therapy and helping people let go of dysfunctional thinking, at (775) 786-9111, or visit online at

What is the downside of thinking for yourself? Your friends and family won’t like it unless they’re also searching for a different belief system. In the movie THRIVE the producer, Foster Gamble, of Proctor and Gamble fame, states that we don’t need a totalitarian government if the disapproval of friends and family keep us from thinking outside the box. As we look at the world situation, it might be time for us to decide upon our own truths and begin to live deliberately instead of by default. For as we change our thoughts and beliefs, we change our lives. References: 1. Hicks, Esther & Jerry. Ask and It Is Given – Learning to Manifest Your Desires. Hay House. 2004.

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®




Jasmine Flowers


Written By Allison Prater

here are about 200 different varieties of Jasmine flowers. Members of the olive family, these fragrant blossoms are native to tropical and warm temperate regions, of Asia, Africa and Australia. They have migrated into Mediterranean Europe by way of Iran. Jasminum Fluminense, which is sometimes inaccurately called, “Brazilian Jasmine” and Jasminum dichotomum, or “Gold Coast Jasmine” have become invasive. However, they are encouraged and enjoyed plants in Hawaii and Florida. Jasmine can be either deciduous or evergreen, and grows in the form of both bushes and vines. The flowers vary in size depending on the species and are usually white or yellow in color, although in rare instances they can have a slightly red hue. The flowers are prized for their delicate fragrance. A curious trait of jasmine flowers is that their fragrance becomes most pronounced at night. The blossoms begin to open between six and eight in the evening as the temperature cools, but remain shut tight durring daylight hours. Jasmine flowers are a prized tea ingredient. In China the flowers are enjoyed by themselves as a tea and are also used as a base of green tea. The tea and flowers are carefully heated by machines that regulate the humidity and temperature. After several hours the tea begins to absorb the flavor of the jasmine flowers. In high grade jasmine green teas, this process may be repeated up to seven times.

The Tunisian revolutions of 1987 and 2011 are both referred to as “Jasmine revolutions” and the flowers were also used as a symbol in the 2011 pro-democracy protests that took place in the People’s Republic of China. In Thailand, jasmine flowers are a symbol of motherhood. Several countries and states consider jasmine to be a national symbol, including Hawaii, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. In Southeast Asia jasmine flower tea is used as a soothing eyewash. The leaves and roots are used to treat fevers and burns. In aromatherapy, Jasmine oil is said to have antidepressant and relaxing properties. it can also provide relief for dry or sensitive skin. Jasmine grows best in warm climates, but will survive in a sunroom or greenhouse. They like rich soil with plenty of ripened compost. They are drought tolerant and like to be watered every third day. The best way to cultivate is by beginning with a cutting from an already established plant. References:

Jasmine is considered an absolute rather than an essential oil due to the method of processing the flowers. The flowers are much too delicate and would be destroyed by the distillation process that produces essential oils. Jasmine oil is produced either through the ancient method of enfleurage or through chemical extraction. The absolute can then be used by itself or added to perfumes and incense.

1.) Bremness, Lesley, “Dorling Kindersley Handbooks: Herbs,” Dorling Kindersley, London, 1994 2.) 3.)

Jasmine flowers are a symbol of cultural importance throughout


many countries. In India the flowers are cultivated in many homes for use in regular worship as well as adornment for the women in the household. It is used in ritual ceremonies such as marriages and festivals. Garlands of jasmine flowers are a common sight among street vendors and around entrances to temples.


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“Kids Corner”

Written By Ariana Purcell


she will help you deal with the stress and just let you vent without judgment.

appy month of May! Hope your Easter and the month of April went well. May is pretty exciting, for most of us this is the last month of school before summer break! For some, you still have a few weeks into June, but May is still a reminder of how close we are to summer!

Go on a jog, this might seem silly, but if you put your mind to something else and put your anger into pushing your body to run, this tends to ease anger and stress, plus you did something good for your body.

In this article, I am going to talk about Stress. It is the last month of school; big tests are on their way and also the last report card. It is all on your shoulders to make this report card better than the last. With sports, friends, family, and everything else, it is hard to make time for the things that are really important. Here are some tips to help you deal with the stress and make it go away!

Take a relaxing bubble bath; don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself baths rejuvenate your body and your mind. Read a book, sometimes reading will help you escape the world around you. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to make sure you divide your time wisely. Do what is most important first and save the least for last. Make sure to make time for you, and make time for family and friends too!

Write in a journal, sometimes getting your feelings down on paper lets the pressure fade on the paper and not on us. Talk to a friend, if a friend is a true friend, then he or

May 2013

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Sniffing Out the Truth About Perfumes Written By Lissie Lyles


erfumery is an art form that dates back more than 4,000 years. The first civilizations known to develop the art were ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians. The Romans and Persians further refined the process. In ancient times popular perfume ingredients included flowers, herbs, spices, and resins from coniferous trees. Almond, coriander, myrtle and bergamot are common examples. The fragrance was created by distilling flowers, oil, and other aromatics, which were then filtered and put back in a still several times. Perfumes were so time consuming and expensive to produce that they could only be enjoyed by the wealthy.

Many synthetic fragrances include phthalates, a class of chemicals that have been linked to hormone disruption. Synthetic musk’s are one fragrance that also has been linked to hormone disruption and are implicated in increasing the proliferation of estrogen responsive breast cancer cells. Phthalates are often disguised on ingredient lists by the generic term “fragrance”. Synthetic fragrances have been found to contain neurotoxins by the US National Academy of Sciences. Even so the FDA has ignored consumer petitions that demand these dangerous ingredients be listed on labels.

We human beings are a curious species. Animals and insects use scent as a major form of communications, while humans on the other hand have invested great amounts of time and money into masking and manipulating their natural odors. Today, thanks to the wonders of chemistry, perfumes can be mass produced.

Watching out for artificial fragrances is not always easy. Choosing simple products with a short and easy to recognize ingredients list, is your safest bet. Be aware that even some products that claim to be fragrance free may still contain a masking fragrance. If you enjoy certain aromas, essential oils are a safe alternative. They can be added to unscented lotions or soaps. They can be diluted with water or with carrier oils. Using almond or coconut oil creates a light scent and is easily absorbed into your skin.

In the late 1800’s the development of synthetic chemicals made it possible for perfumes to be mass marketed for the first time. Suddenly chemical compounds could replicate the scent of almonds, or roses or other perfume ingredients that would otherwise be too costly for large scale production. We not only have, a wide selection of inexpensive perfumes and colognes, but these synthetic fragrances can be found in body care and home cleaning products, even our food! Unfortunately, there have been some unintended consequences.

Also remember, that even if strong fragrances don’t bother you, it may aggravate someone that is sharing your space. Whatever we put on our body goes in our body. The effects of synthetic fragrance are not as sweet as they may smell. References:

Something very important to keep in mind about the fragrance industry is this: a fragrance is considered a trade secret. This means companies do not have to disclose what’s in their fragrances. Hidden health hazards may be lurking under that strong smell. Fragrances are considered to be among the top five known allergens that cause and trigger asthma attacks. They can cause skin irritation and immune system damage.


1.) 2.) 3.)


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My Amazing Home Birth


Written By Allison Prater

am so grateful to report that I was able to give birth to my son, Eligh Dale, at home at 2:29 in the morning on March 5, 2013. He was born in the water in a birthing tub that was set up in our living room. With the help and loving guidance of our Midwife, Sherry Asp, my husband hand’s were the first to touch our son and guide him into this world. I was in early labor for two days, yet those contractions were easy to cope with, I could still sleep and eat during that time. The heavy, active labor only lasted about 6 hours. I can honestly say that the experience was by far the most challenging I have ever been through. It took every ounce of focus and will that I possessed. That being said, when I think of the words I would use to describe the sensations of heavy labor and giving birth, I would not describe the experience as painful. I’ve had tattoos that were painful, birth was not. I would describe the sensations I felt as extremely intense pressure as he moved down through the bones of my pelvis. I definitely would not say that I had some pleasurable, ultra-relaxed orgasmic


birth, but it was still a beautiful experience, and in no way scary. The moment I first saw my son’s face was indescribable and the amount of elation and gratitude I felt cannot be quantified. It was my choice to give birth at home because it felt like the safest setting for me, and the most appropriate for welcoming this new member of our family. There are many different ways to experience a beautiful birth, and I don’t think those experiences are exclusive to the home. It is my most fervent prayer that all women are able to give birth in a setting where they feel safe, respected and empowered. I’m so grateful that when my son asks me about the day he was born, I will be able to tell him such a joyful story. Let me share my experience and to also take the opportunity to thank some of the amazing people who cared for me and shared their wisdom. Hopefully my information will prove helpful to other women who are seeking a beautiful birth experience of their own, whatever that may look like for them. 1.) My midwife, Sherry Asp, and her assistant Tiffany Hoffman were such compassionate care givers. I always felt safe to discuss


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any physical or emotional issues I experienced throughout my pregnancy. During the birth they gave me a lot of space to work with my body and let it do what it needed to do. They had such confidence in my ability to birth safely, that I was able to focus on birthing my son without feeling distracted or fearful.

Mandy’s class, and one of the websites she referred us to was This website has some excellent information to help you determine your baby’s location and help it get to the most optimal position to be born. The exercises on this website definitely helped my labor be more productive.

When my son was born, they treated him with such love and respect, as they examined him and helped him get settled into his new world. In all honesty I could write pages on why the care I received from them was so wonderful. I think the main lesson I learned was the importance of being cared for by women that I trusted and with whom I felt safe.

6.) Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongon, and the accompanying relaxation CD really helped me prepare myself mentally for labor and birth. They gave me a regular practice that centered on dissolving fear and approaching birth with confidence. Being able to stay calm made it much easier to cope with the intense sensations of labor. I also found positive affirmations to be really helpful for mentally preparing myself.

2.) Regular body work sessions with Mandana McEntire, who practices Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) were a huge blessing. They helped keep my pelvis aligned and my muscles balanced. Thanks to her I was able to sleep comfortably throughout my whole pregnancy, to walk without too much of a waddle, and I had no lower back pain at all! 3.) Prenatal Yoga and Pelvic Alignment classes, offered by Mandy Colbert were both very helpful for connecting to my body and baby. Mandy’s classes are very informative and empowering. Many of the positions I learned in her Pelvic Alignment class were very helpful during labor. 4.) Acupuncture with Brooke Hollinger at the end of my pregnancy helped balance my body and prepare it for labor. 5.) I learned a lot about proper positioning of the baby from

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


7.) The books, “Spiritual Midwifery” and “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth,” both by Ina May Gaskin changed my life. I discovered them several years ago and they completely shifted the way I thought about my body and the kind of birth I wanted to have. Before I read these books I doubted my ability to have an unmedicated birth at home. 8.) Last but, certainly not least, the love and support of my amazing husband. He’s a pretty private person, so I won’t gush over him too much here. He was supportive of my decision to attempt a home birth from day one. During my labor he poured water over my back for HOURS which really helped me stay relaxed. He’s taken such good care of our son and me throughout this whole process. We are so grateful for him.



Small Bites I

“A Rough Patch” Written By Teresa Howell

was waiting for a meeting of the Winnemucca Farmer’s Market Association to begin. We’re reorganizing the farmer’s market to gradually assume local control, with the ultimate goal of providing more locally produced food. As happens at such times, we were discussing the upcoming gardening season. “Have you tried micronutrients?” Sheila asked me. “Probably,” I said. “I’ve tried nearly everything at one time or another. Is that the one where you use a small plate?” “I suppose you could,” Sheila said. “But it would be awkward. My mom always used a pitchfork for the seaweed, since she lived close to the ocean, where there’s a good supply.” “I had a pretty good seaweed salad once,” I said. “And I know it is low in calories. But could you lose much weight if you ate it with a pitchfork?” I hate getting noogies in public. And the rest of the farmer’s market crew filled me in. Ron, who retired from a career as a soil scientist, explained that most Nevada soil has an organic content of only about half of one percent. That isn’t enough to grow healthy garden plants. Ron claims that if the soil is healthy, the plants will be also. He strongly recommends testing the soil every few years, to make sure that the micronutrients plants need are available. Ron believes, as many organic and natural growers do, that proper plant nutrition staves off disease and pest problems as it maximizes production. We’re all aware of the “big three” macronutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are the nutrients represented by the NPK on the labels of fertilizer packages, which give a percentage of those nutrients. We can get plants to grow in our barren soil simply by adding those nutrients. Growth, even rampant growth, doesn’t mean that the plants will be healthy. It’s somewhat analogous to raising a child on a diet of jerky and corn chips; the child will grow, perhaps too much, because it has the absolutely essential nutrients of



carbohydrates, fat and protein. We push vegetables and fruit on our children because they are a source of micronutrients that are important for health. Likewise, micronutrients are important for plant health. Hydroponic gardeners attempt to grow plants in a solution which is supposed to supply all the nutrients necessary. I’m not much in favor of hydroponic gardening, partly because it seems to be expensive and partly because I’d have to find a new excuse for my occasionally dirty fingernails. Another reason hydroponic gardening is problematic is that even scientists don’t necessarily agree about which micronutrients are necessary. Typically, boron, chloride, copper, manganese, molybdenum, iron and zinc are considered essential. The list of beneficial but perhaps not necessary nutrients is lengthy and disputed. I suppose I should make some attempt to find out exactly what is necessary for plant growth, but if scientists can’t agree, I’m not likely to be able to add much to the debate. What I can add is organic material to my soil. If you’ve a diversity of organic material in your compost heap, you are likely to have the nutrients you need. The experts don’t necessarily agree about the amount of organic material soil needs to contain; a quick perusal of websites yielded amounts ranging from five to sixty percent. In Nevada soils, we can probably afford to err on the side of more. I got my fingernails dirty yesterday when I went out to scratch around in the garden beds. Some of them had been mulched with bark and wood chips for last season’s crops. When I dug into the soil underneath the bark, I got in touch with a soil scientist whose opinion I value above all others. He was a nice fat earthworm, and before I covered him up, he assured me that all was well in that bed at least. When Teresa Howell isn’t testing new dining utensils, she teaches English at Great Basin College.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



ALLERGIES MELISSA MONAGHAN RN, APH Advanced Practioner- Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic- Reno NV (775)826-1900 Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 18 Years Integrative Medical Experience-specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/ candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.

ALTERNATIVE MED. IMAGING Thermal Imaging Consultants, LLC 1311 N. McCarran Boulevard Suite 101 (775) 356-0200 toll-free (866) 376-5413 Using the latest technology in *dual optic 3-D imaging. We are able to provide pain-free, no compression required, safe breast screening without the use of radiation making our screening and imaging safe for all ages or any body types. Call for a free consultation today. *(available exclusively)

CANCER THERAPY RENO INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL CENTER Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience. Go to ad on Page 17.


GIRL SCOUTS OF SIERRA NEVADA 605 Washington Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 322-0642

SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248

2012 marks the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts! Girl Scouting has been inspiring girls and young women with the ideals of courage, confidence and character. Volunteers and alumni will come together to celebrate. Will you be one of them? Call for more information.

SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.

CRISIS INTERVENTION CRISIS CALL CENTER (775) 784-8085 Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing face-to-face crisis intervention and advocacy services for victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problem.

CRYSTAL BED TREATMENTS ROLFING 775 324 5500 Sanctioned by “John of God” in Brazil ; David, Kathleen and Ossian MacDonald, provide a sacred environment for the profound Crystal Bed experience. David offers individualized bodywork/ frequency treatments focused on posture enhancement/ pain relief ;also the standard Rolfing process. Over 30yrs massage/ Rolfing experience.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Covering Northern CA and Northern NV (775) 830-8168 Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.

HEALTH PRODUCTS INCREDI-PRODUCTS OF NEVADA (775) 356-5599 toll free (877) 404-5599 Featuring the amazing diabetic line from Incrediwear. Products you need to know about and should probably be taking? (NEW) Neo40 - nitric oxide lozenge, Alphaflex w/ Omega5e pain relief, Incrediproducts for diabetes, neuropathies, circulation and general health.

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May 2013

THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE & MASSAGE Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Suite E, Reno Office / Text (775) 722-9307 55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, & peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments, Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office, visit www. Go to ad on Page 6.

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



PROFESSIONALDIRECTORY HEALTH FOOD STORES QUINCY NATURAL FOODS COOPERATIVE 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Monday - Saturday 7:00am - 8:00pm ~ Sunday 9:00am - 7:00pm

SPROUTING ROOTS MARKET 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642 Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements skin care products and more. Stop in or give us a call.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS JOHN EVAN FROOK Project Manager/Licensed Estimator 775-690-3998 Studies prove remodeling your home release positive endorphins. I am a licensed estimator and certified project manager who will assist you in remodeling projects: countertop, cabinet, kitchen, bathroom and more. Using eco friendly products. I will get the project done on time and under budget!

Market Your Business To Health Minded Consumers Reach the Health-Minded Audience in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardenerville, Lake Tahoe Region, Truckee, Auburn, Nevada City, and Grass Valley.

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* 45 words & 4 contact lines*


HERBAL REMEDIES VIVASAN USA Lana Nickerson 770 Smithridge Drive, Ste 350 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 826-VIVA (8482) ™

TAHOE PIANO LESSONS 5365 Mae Anne, Ste A-2, Reno 10038 Meadow Way, Ste E, Truckee

VIVASAN USA™ offers unique alpine herbal remedies from Switzerland; personal and health care products, therapeutic essential oils, herbal medicinal creams and balms as well as foot, body, face and nutritional products, including a full line of SanoTint® hair care products. Go to ad on Page 29.

SUGARLAND RANCH (775) 970-5350

JOYFUL CHANGES ACUPRESSURE & HYPNOSIS JUNE MILLIGAN, M.Ed., CCHt (775) 786-9111 New university research: Quickly remove negative emotions from any scene/memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques and new ways to replace negative beliefs. Then using hypnosis, we instill powerful goal suggestions. All in one session! Issues? Procrastination, smoking, anxiety, worries, self-esteem, weight loss, etc. Go to ad on Page 25.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on Page 15.

MASSAGE THERAPEUTIC THERAPEUTIC SKIN CARE & MASSAGE Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Suite E, Reno Office / Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992 specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discounts on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit Go to ad on Page 6.


Go to ad on Page 19.




Page Stegner, of Tahoe Piano Lessons, teaches Simply Music, an integrative and revolutionary Australian-developed piano and keyboard method that offers a breakthrough in music education, teaching students of all ages to play great-sounding music after their first lesson! FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSION.

Sugarland Ranch is a community based, non-profit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers and donations are welcomed.

REIKI RENO TAHOE REIKI Teresa Aramini Reiki Master Symmetry Acupuncture 520 Mt. Rose St. Reno, NV 89509. (775) 742-6750 Teresa is a knowledgeable and compassionate Reiki practitioner, dedicated to enhancing the body’s natural healing process through energy work and helping others empower themselves through healing. Safe and effective for all ages, Reiki addresses both physical and emotional discomfort, reducing stress and promoting deep relaxation.

$ Sales Opportunity $ Multi Media Sales Rep Wanted Healthy Beginnings Magazine Grow on-line sales at Lucrative opportunity for a go getter, Work from home, No commute, Set your hours, Create your own income, strong work ethic will Determine your income. Social media and marketing sales experience A plus! Send Sales Resume to: 775-828-4547 or 612-747-9583

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Local Chef Featured by Boar’s Head® For Award-Winning Chili

Great Basin Brewing Company’s Alyssa Starr Shares Famed Fiery Jerk Turkey Chili Recipe


f you can handle the heat, you’re going to love this delectable culinary creation using Great Basin beer. Local chef and kitchen manager Alyssa Starr from Great Basin Brewing Company was invited to enter a nationwide contest in fall 2012 using Boar’s Head® Jerk Turkey Breast. After trials, tribulation and a happy husband and fellow staff members who served as taste-testers, she came up with the award-winning recipe that Boar’s Head selected as the best. They printed recipe cards to be distributed at deli counters and featured the recipe online for consumers.

2 Green bell peppers

Chef Starr notes that what makes the recipe so unique is the unexpected combination of ingredients. “I was on a raw diet for a while,” said Starr, “ and I began to have cravings for beer, chocolate, and chili. So, while I was conspiring to put these ingredients together, this recipe contest gave me the perfect opportunity to experiment with all three flavors in one dish.”

1 cup Fresh cilantro, chopped

4 cups Chicken broth ½ cup Death-by-Chocolate Stout (if not in season, use Porter) 1 can (14oz) Fire roasted tomatoes, with juice 1 can (15oz) Black beans, drained 3 tbsp Fresh jalapenos, de-seeded, washed and chopped 5 large Garlic cloves, minced ¼ cup Hershey’s Cocoa unsweetened 1 cup of Tomato paste *sour cream and cilantro for garnish Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat and add onions, stirring until softened (roughly 5 minutes). Add chili powder, thyme, cinnamon, and allspice. Add Jerk Turkey and bell peppers, stir and blend with spices. Add broth, fire roasted tomatoes, black beans, jalapenos, and Stout beer. Cover partially and reduce heat to simmer (roughly 20 minutes). Add garlic, cilantro, chocolate, and tomato paste. Turn heat to medium-low and allow chili to thicken (roughly 15-30 minutes) before serving. Garnish with sour cream and chopped cilantro. Serve with Tortilla Chips on the side.

Featuring the brewery’s handcrafted Death-by-Chocolate Stout, Starr’s Fiery Jerk Turkey Chili is yet another delicious and truly unique brew-infused recipe offered as a seasonal special on Great Basin’s menu. However, for those who need to satisfy their cravings before its next brewpub appearance, Great Basin invites you to prepare it at home, offering a peek into chef Starr’s personal recipe book:

Fiery Jerk Turkey Chili 2 tbsp Olive oil l colossal Yellow onion, chopped 3 tbsp Chili powder

About Great Basin Brewing Company

2 tsp Dried thyme

Great Basin Brewing Company, Nevada’s oldest and most awardwinning brewery, has two restaurant/brewery locations in Reno and Sparks, Nevada as well as a tasting room, Taps & Tanks, in Reno, Nevada. The restaurants offer a full menu and a wide variety of beers — four flagship beers and many seasonal brewmaster specials, many having won awards at the most prestigious Great American Beer Festival and the World Beer Cup. For more information about Great Basin Brewing Company, visit

1 tsp Ground cinnamon ½ tsp Ground allspice 1 pound Boar’s Head Jerk Turkey, sliced thick and chopped 2 Red bell peppers, diced



Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


Sunny Seed Cheese E Submitted by Marie-Claire Hermans – Ravishing Raw

ating raw doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on anything. Desserts, chocolate, bread, pasta: with the right techniques and ingredients you can create a healthy, raw version of all your beloved favorite dishes. Even cheese is within your reach and a must-try if you are intolerant to lactose. No need for dairy with this recipe! Raw fermented cheese improves and helps with digestion. Enjoy discovering a new dimension of raw food and taking a first step into the exciting world of fermentation.

Place the bowl on a window sill in the sun for one hour TIPS

This sunny seed cheese is ready in a wink and can be eaten right away Turn this cheese into a snack by making small balls, rolling them through hempseeds and drying overnight in the dehydrator at 108°F You can replace the pro-biotic by home made rejuvelac or water kefir

INGREDIENTS 2 C sunflower seeds (soaked overnight) Juice of ½ to 1 lemon (taste in between and add to your taste) ½ C spring water (add a bit more if needed) ¼ tsp or 1 capsule pro-biotic (open the capsule)

Experiment with all kinds of herbs and wild flowers of the season Stored in the fridge in a sealed glass jar or container, it will keep for 5 days Lovely on a cracker with cherry tomatoes and cilantro or basil on top!

1 tsp sea salt (to taste) Some spring onions A handful of fresh cilantro

For more raw recipes, visit Marie-Claire Hermans, Author and Ravishing Raw Coach & Chef, visit online at

INSTRUCTIONS This recipe can be made in a food processor or blender Marie-Claire started “Ravishing Raw” after curing herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, with raw food. As a raw food coach, she specializes in offering professional help to those who are suffering from similar debilitating conditions. Along with her expertise in jazz music management and booking work, she helps world class artists – challenged by their demanding lifestyle – find solutions to improve their health.

Let the seeds soak overnight, covered in spring water Rinse well in the morning Put the cilantro and spring onions aside Blend or process all the other ingredients into a smooth pâté Add the spring onions and pulse so they add some chunkiness Transfer the cheese to a mixing bowl and mix in the probiotic Chop the cilantro roughly and mix it into the cheese

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



MONTHLYCALENDAR Please tell these businesses that you found their event in Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Thank you.


MAY 9-12


MAY 11

Reno Bike Project This free class is open to all community members interested in learning how to repair and maintain their bicycles. 5pm – 7pm. For information call (775) 323-4488

The National Automobile Museum presents: Sirens of Chrome -- A visual joyride through auto show history. Posters, fast cars and vintage auto show fashions. 9:30am – 5:30pm


Live SkyTonight Star Talk answers questions in an informal and entertaining immersive multimedia presentation aided by state-of-the-art technology, followed by telescope viewing. 6-8pm. For more information: 775-787-4811


Mother’s Day Spring Fun Fair Show mom your appreciation with exciting carnival rides, unique gifts from crafters delicious meals in the food court at Mills Park in Carson City.

Natural Paws will host their annual pet adoptions every Saturday starting in April extending through the end of June from 10am to 1pm. Each adoptee will receive a gift basket of goodies donated by Natural Paws along with a free pet grooming. Call 775-853-3533


Garden Shop Nursery Year-Round Farmers Market. Get fresh produce every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information: 775-825-3527


Edible herbs and flowers The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering eight new “Grow Your Own!” classes for sustainable, local, healthy living. For information: (775) 784-4848

30th Annual Chili Cook-Off Celebrating its 30th year in Virginia City, the chili cook-off will once again pit some of the tastiest recipes you’ve ever tried against each other. For information: (775) 847-7800

Rankema World Summit Join Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama for a week of Healing, Mantra and Meditation in the High Sierra mountains at Lake Tahoe. Rankemaworldsummit. com For information: 775-588-6132

MAY 18

MAY 12

Mother’s Day on the V&T! Mother’s Day Train Ride: Sunday, May 12, 2013 Every Mom receives a long stem rose! For ticket information call 877 724-5007

The Colin Ross Duo plays a dazzling variety of instruments with virtuosity and enthusiasm. For more information: (775) 851-5190

MAY 25

Scheels Running Club. Run with expert pacers and enjoy running in a group as we join the Reno Running & Fitness. All levels of runners are welcome! For information: 775-331-2700

MAY 14

Winnebago Man-US Biography. An outrageously funny look at viral culture and a moving tale of one man’s response to unintended celebrity. For Information: 775-322-3716

MAY 14

Fit but not Forgotten PRCS plans to host a free weekly community based fitness class in our facility weight room for disabled veterans. Classes will be taught by a VA Physical Therapist or City of Reno Certified Fitness contract instructor. (775) 689-8484


Spring Wings Bird Festival in Fallon. Field trips lead by experts from U.S. Fish & Wildlife, NDOW, and the Lahontan Audubon Society.

MAY 17-24

MAY 14 MAY 4

MAY 17-19


Truckee Home and Building Show Green Building Symposium and Sierra Health and Recreation Expo 10 am - 5 pm Everything you need to build or remodel your home. Explore health and recreation opportunities in the High Sierras. For more information please contact 530-587-3477

MAY 30

Scheels Biking Club Scheels Biking Club is sponsored by UPS and is FREE! Moderate to strong riders are encouraged to participate. For information: 775-331-2700

MAY 31

15th Annual EuroFest This celebration is all about great European cuisine, including grilled bratwurst, chorizo Basque sandwiches and Swedish meatballs with spaetzle. For information: 775-348-2200

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®


ONGOINGCALENDAR TAHOE PIANO LESSONS FREE WORKSHOP: Every 1st Saturday of the month, “learn to play a song” in 1 hour! Reserve your seat - Call 530-414-4464 or to to: www.

LOOSE DENTURE? Ever considered implants to hold it in firmer- 2 implants for the price of 1 at Normal Price. Call Infinity Dental @ 775-786-7718.

IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO HELP YOUR SMILE. $50 OFF New Patient Exams and X-rays. Laser dentistry is gentle and effective treatment. Call J.S. McElhinney, III, DDS for an appt. 775-525-8700

RECIEVE A DISCOUNT WHEN YOU BUY THREE COLONICS. Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment 1225 Westfield Ave, Reno (775) 826-1900

BETTER HEALTH AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Zyto technology, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330

LOSE THE BELLY FAT BEFORE SUMMER. One ten minute session, Is equal to a one hour workout. One Free Session, with this ad Vitamin Connection 775-825-3993

Market Your Event or Classes Each Month

20% OFF REIKI & CARD READINGS WITH THIS AD. Balance Emotions and Reduces Stress Holistic Health Practitioner. Call BETTY FRANKLIN: 775-790-0767 SANOTINT NATURAL PERMANENT HAIR COLOR. No ammonia, minimal peroxide, excellent gray coverage and No PPD. From Switzerland. Call Vivasan: 775-826-8482


RN Wanted:

in the Healthy Beginnings Calendar Section

Only $95 a Month — That’s just $3.17 a day!

RN with IV experience and either experience or strong interest in Integrative/ Alternative Medical office practice in Reno. Small family owned practice, great place to work. Needed part-time, flexible hours, good pay, Mon-Fri.

Reach the Health-Minded Audience in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardenerville, Lake Tahoe Region, Truckee, Auburn, Nevada City, and Grass Valley.

Respond with CV to Reno Integrative Medical Center fax #775-829-9330 or email to

Email Or call 775.828.4547 *Calendar Listings Must be 25 Words or Less*

May 2013

Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®



s t e k r a M Farmer’s RENO



Tuesdays, 9 am - 2 pm June 5 - Oct 9 The Summit, So. Virginia and Mt. Rose Hwy

Thursdays, 3 - 6 pm June 14 - Sept 27 Community Roots Nursery Hwy 50 & 2nd Ave. 775-250-7884

Thursdays, 5 - 7 pm July - Sept Next to the Community Garden 775-623-8413


Tuesdays, 8 am - 1 pm June - Oct Truckee Regional Park 10500 Brockway Road off Hwy 27

Wednesdays, 4 - 8 pm June 13 - Aug 29 Somersett Town Square Way 7650 Somersett Town Square Way 775-787-4500 Fridays, 8 am - 1 pm June 8 - Oct 12 Tamarack Junction Casino South Virginia near Damonte Ranch Pkwy Saturdays, 8 am - 1 pm June 2 - Oct 6 (Tentative close date) Village Center, California & Booth Sts., Reno, NV

Wednesdays, 8 am - 1 pm June - Oct Lampe Park 775-782-9828

Thursdays, 4 pm - 6 pm June 14 - Aug 23 Downtown Truckee Train Station Donner Pass Road

MINDEN Tuesdays, 4 - 8 pm June - Sept Esmeralda Avenue, Downtown



Saturdays, 9 am - 2 pm June 2 - Sept 29 Summit Center So. Virginia and Mt. Rose Hwy

Tuesdays, 8 am - 1 pm June - Sept United Methodist Church 1231 Pyramid Way 775-358-0925


Thursdays, 3 pm - 8 pm June 7 - Aug 23 (closed Aug 9) Whole Foods Sponsor Sparks

Saturdays, 8:30 am - 1 pm June 16 - Sept 22 VIRGINIA 3rd & Curry St. Thursdays, 3 - 6 pm 775-882-6741 June - Oct 39 Visit Miners Park


Tuesdays, 8 am - 1 pm June 5 - Oct 9 American Legion Hall Parking Lot 2732 South Lake Tahoe Blvd.


Fridays, 4:00-7:00 pm May 3 – October 25 Kahle Community Park Plenty of free parking. Best atmosphere and views of Lake Tahoe.

ToMake list your Farmers Life’s a journey. it a healthy one.® Market May2013

call Dawn at (775) 828-4547.

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