November 2006
Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine
To Dye or not to Dye ? Biological DENTISTRY
THE TRUTH About Water
Eco Adventure Tours
CONTEST Win Big Prizes!
Your Local Source for Healthy Living
The Next Best Thing to Fruits and Vegetables
Juice Plus+® is backed by independent scientific research.
The importance of fruits and vegetables
Juice Plus+® provides whole food based nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains – plus fiber blends – in convenient capsule, chewable, or gummie form. It helps provide the variety of antioxidants and phytochemicals that only whole foods offer, for about $1.30 per day for capsules.
Juice Plus+® is inexpensive too! Juice Plus +® is the next best thing to eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.
Start on the road to exceptional health!
Publisher/ Editor
Beginnings It’s a lifestyle
ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends regarding
Alternative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support Natural and Holistic health. Timely Information Each month Healthy Beginnings' ad ver tis ers and writers provide the tools you need to aid your personal path to well-being. We feature articles by national authors as well as from lo cal leaders in the natural health fi eld. Ad di tion al ly, we bring you news and events that are hap pen ing in our com mu ni ty – and around the globe. Advertising If you would like to advertise in Healthy Beginnings or request a media kit please con tact us at 775-828- 5 7 or Email us at Email PDF display advertising to: Email Community Resource Guide listings to: Email Article submissions to: Email NewsBrief submissions to: Email Cal en dar Events to:
Dawn M. Gowery
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Dawn M. Gowery 775-828- 5 7 Lake Tahoe & Truckee Sales Brenda Johnson 775-588-0811 Healthy Beginnings is a free pub li ca tion dis trib ut ed lo cal ly and is sup port ed by our local ad ver tis ers. It is widely distributed throughout the Reno, Carson and Tahoe areas, including most public libraries, health and education centers and wherever free publications are generally found. Please call for a location near you, or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views ex pressed in the ar ti cles and ad ver tise ments, nor are we re spon si ble for the prod ucts and ser vic es ad ver tised. We wel come your ideas, ar ti cles and feed back.
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November 2006
Inside This Issue Thank you for choosing Healthy Beginnings It’s a Lifestyle Magazine for your reading pleasure. We invite you to contact us with all comments and suggestions. Keep in mind that this is your local resource to living a healthy and natural lifestyle.
Water: The Essential Life Force Kurt Grange 12 What is Ayuverdic Medicine? Erina Fischer 18
As reassurance to you, our advertisers are here to support you with any and all health concerns. They welcome your calls and or visits to their websites!
Biological Dentistry Neil Cooper 22
If you have a topic of interest, or if you would like us to research a specific topic, simply write call the office at 775-828-4547 or write us at
A Case for Eating Organic Food
For all of our growing number of readers that have enjoyed Healthy Beginnings Magazine since its inception, we thank you for your support! Until December… Best in Health and Happiness!
Dawn M. Gowery Editor and Publisher
“I LOVE this magazine because I’ve been contemplating making lifestyle changes and it has been an important catalyst for me to do just that. Healthy Beginnings Magazine is unique, that other similar publications don’t hold as much impact as yours. I also love the idea that the magazine is a local publication.” Jan Early, Satisfied Reader, Reno, NV
Rozena Asay
Childhood Obesity John Burton 34
Departments NEWSbriefs...6 PROVIDERprofile...9 GREENbuilding & SUSTAINABILITY...14 SUPPLEMENTS 101...21 NATURALbeauty...23 KNOWyourHERBS...24 COOKINGfor health...25 HEALTHYpets...26 DIDYouKnow...29 FAMILYhealth...34 COMMUNITYresource guide...38 CLASSIFIEDS...41 COMMUNITYevents...41 ONGOINGevents...42
Our Cover Written by Erina Fischer Maple syrup, a popular baking ingredient and sweetener, is predominantly produced in Quebec, Canada (70% of the world’s supply). It also comes from Ontario, New Brunswick and the Northern United States. Maple syrup is made by boiling down sap from the maple tree, harvested during the early spring months of February, March and April. A forest of maples is called a “sugarbush”. A mature, sap-producing maple is normally 0-years-old and can produce ten gallons of syrup within a four week period. Even so, it takes 0 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of syrup. The sap is harvested by tapping a tree with a hose and using a vacuum-like procedure to draw out the substance. The water is slowly boiled out of the sap until it forms the syrup. Grade A is the most delicate variety and Grade B should be reserved for cooking. Maple syrup is considered to be a “nutritious sweetener.” It contains minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorous, and trace amounts of B- vitamins. It is also an excellent source of manganese and zinc, a potent combination for immune health!
Healthy Beginnings - Start the Year off Right! Lifestyle Change Contest Have you experienced a major life change in regards to your health? Did you experience a major illness that was drastically improved by alternative health methods? Or perhaps diet and excercise changes that helped you to have more energy, vitality and a better mood? In 500 words or less, we want to hear what made you change your life drastically and how it positively affected your health. Win prizes donated by our local healthcare providers.
We want to hear your inspirational story!
Entries must be submitted by January 31, 2007. Winner will be announced and article will be featured in the March 2007 issue.
To Enter: Send your healthy lifestyle change article to: Healthy Beginnings Magazine P.O. Box 19041 Reno, NV 89511 Or e-mail your article in a Word® document to: (775) 828-4547 *Be sure to include your full name, address, phone # and email address
1st Prize valued at $1000
2nd Prize valued at
3rd Prize valued at
In your article, please include the following: •What caused you to change your life and in what ways? • Did you use an alternative practitioner, personal trainer and/or supplements? • What lifestyle modifications did you use? • When did you notice the positive changes? • What motivates you to continue with your healthy lifestyle change today? November 2006
NEWSbriefs Vanessa Thomas, Gourmet Diva
Good News for Diabetes Center
anessa Thomas, the Gourmet Diva of Reno, is a personal chef and more. Whether it’s preparing meals for a busy family for the week, giving cooking classes or even coaching, arranging dinner parties or helping her clients achieve that healthy look, Vanessa is the perfect choice. To achieve these goals she relies on a secret‌healthy food, prepared fresh, left with all the ingredients and easy to follow directions, put together for the day or the week. “I’ll work with you to develop a menu that fits your family’s busy needs. I will create a list and do all the grocery shopping, and then prepare the food in your kitchen. It’s easy and affordable right from the start. I even count calories, allowing you more time to enjoy a healthy, relaxed meal with your family,â€? states Vanessa. How about pumpkin soup, a succulent pork tenderloin stuffed with feta cheese and cherries accompanied, finishing off with an applecoconut cake. Healthy eating never tasted so good as prepared by the Gourmet Diva! Contact Vanessa at www.gourmetdiva. net or or call 775-815-8514.
Carson City Wellness Center
ealth Streams is dedicated to providing pleasurable, effective methods for enhancing day- to- day health. Our time efficient therapies are designed to elevate clarity as they cleanse, feed, and refresh the body. We target improvements in overall health by focusing on whole body circulation (to include lymph fluids), boosting metabolism and increasing the elimination of waste products & toxins. Our clients enjoy counseling as well as therapies in private environments. Each of our rooms includes a Far Infrared sauna cabin, a Bodybed ™ vibrating bodywrap system, water feature, ambient lighting and custom sound equipment. For more information call 775-883-8828. Location is 326 East Winnie Lane, Carson City. Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday hours are 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. “Wake up to health! The magazine feels organic.â€? Camilla Olsen
ashoe Medical Center is pleased to announce that the American Diabetes Association has reaccredited its Diabetes Center for the next three years. During its review, the hospital’s Diabetes Center was able to demonstrate that it meets all of the national standards for diabetes self-management education. According to the ADA programs are recognized in part for have “a staff of knowledgeable health professionals who can provide state-of-the-art information about diabetes management for participants.� Washoe Med is proud to have the largest, most comprehensive diabetes center in northern Nevada and has maintained its accreditation since its inception 12 years ago. During that time more than 15-thousand patients and their families have used the Diabetes Center in an effort to help them lead a productive, healthy lifestyle. The American Diabetes Association is the nation’s leading non-profit health organization supporting diabetes research, advocacy and information for health professionals, patients and the public. Founded in 1940, the association has an area office in every state and conducts programs in communities nationwide. About Washoe Medical Center: A not-for-profit, community service organization with affiliates including Washoe Medical Center, Washoe Medical Center South Meadows, Washoe Medical Center Rehabilitation Hospital and Carson Valley Medical Center in Gardnerville, a partnership with Barton HealthCare System.
Tahoe Chiropractic Clinic
ahoe Chiropractic Clinic, located in South Lake Tahoe, has been treating patients for over 40 years. James Kane, D.C. has owned the clinic since 2004. Dr. Kane specializes in the treatment of sports injuries, family wellness care, and chronic pain. His goal is to give patients access to a variety of effective techniques and modalities to address individual needs and goals. Modalities include spinal decompression therapy which has an 86% success rate in the reduction or elimination of pain associated with disc herniation, facet syndromes, sciatica, and pinched nerves. He also utilizes cold laser therapy for the rapid repair of muscle, nerves, and other soft tissues. For athletes looking to improve performance, promote longevity, or heal from injury, Dr. Kane provides a complete structural evaluation to identify an individual’s unique biomechanical imbalances. In the mindset of treating the whole patient, Dr. Kane also guides patients through rehabilitation and strength training as well as nutrition. For more information, please call Dr. Kane at 530-541-5660 to schedule a complimentary consultation.
NEWSbriefs Join the Sierra Green Building Association
iGBA (Sierra Green Building Association) promotes sustainable practices and principles as the Sierra’s leading Green Building Community Resource and Educational Organization. SiGBA advocates resource efficiency in all phases of the design, construction and operation of homes and businesses; provides educational events, resources and support in the areas of site development, building materials and new technologies, energy efficiency, air, water and waste solutions and sustainable living; and coordinates networking opportunities and community educational events, featuring green building and green living solutions. Our goal is to lead the Tahoe, Truckee, and surrounding Sierra region into a new sustainable era. Through education, community collaboration, and supporting a sustainability-oriented consciousness, we inspire our communities to function more symbiotically with nature. For more information please contact: Sierra Green Building Association; PO Box 4245, Truckee, CA 96160. Visit our website at: or call: 530-582-3931.
Chiropractor Hosting Food Drive
n honor of Thanksgiving, Dr. Scot Bennick of Abundant Health Chiropractic is hosting a food drive supporting St. Vincent Food Pantry, all through the month of November. Bring in $20 of non-perishable food-goods to receive a comprehensive chiropractic, postural, exam, which includes two computer scans (regularly $125). If you bring an additional $10 of food you will receive a chiropractic adjustment (reg $50). Also, you will receive a next-day Report of Findings to discuss the results of the exam. Dr. Scot Bennick recently relocated from Sedona, Arizona, where he practiced for 6 years. “I love taking care of families and helping them stay healthy,” says Dr. Scot. He offers super-gentle Network Chiropractic, instrument adjusting (notwisting), “traditional” chiropractic in the form of Advanced Biostructural Correction, and a new Snoring Therapy to help with sleeping problems ( St. Vincent Food Pantry helps 14,000 people a month in Northern Nevada with supplemental food. The Food Pantry is located at 500 E. 4th St. To schedule your appointment call 775-815-3048. Abundant Health is located at 112 W Moana (Moana and South Virgina).
New Trainer at Vibrant Fitness
he Vibrant Fitness team is proud to announce the addition of personal trainers Jowee Halliday and Rich McCollough. Jowee is a certified yoga instructor that came to Reno from Maui, HI and is currently a graduate student at UNR. Rich, an A.C.E. certified personal trainer currently working on his degree in nutrition. Jason Brass attended the “F.A.S.T. (Fitness and Sports Training) training seminar put on by Pneumex Inc in Sandpoint, Idaho last month. The seminar included designs of exercises, testing, and unique training methods for athletes as well as special needs people along with information on vibration protocols. Come check us out and put our team of high energy fitness specialists to work for you. Contact Vibrant Fitness at 775-322-0202 or visit their website at See ad on page 37.
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775.250.1660 November 2006
Which Gets Better Care
Your Car or Your Body?
n conversations with several patients recently, I’ve been struck by the some of the similarities between our automobiles and our bodies. An example of this is one recent patient who came in for acupuncture. As we talked about her symptoms, it was very clear that her food choices were having a strong influence on how she was feeling. I did my best to explain that no amount of acupuncture would compensate for eating the wrong foods, but this was a hard thing for her to hear. She really wanted the acupuncture to fix the problem. Don’t get me wrong, every day I experience the power of acupuncture to bring the body back into balance. Many health problems can be improved using acupuncture alone. But in her case, no matter how much improvement we might get with acupuncture, without a change in diet none of it would hold for very long. I always prefer the long-term healing choice when possible. The reason that the similarity between cars and the human body stands out to me is that my patient finally heard the message when I said, “Think of it this way: acupuncture is like tuning the electrical system of your car. If you keep putting the wrong fuel into the gas tank, no amount of electrical tuning will make it run better.” She really understood this way of thinking about it. This got me thinking about some of the other similarities between our bodies and our automobiles. Here are just a few of the parallels: YOUR CAR Electrical System Fuel Oil Tires, Suspension, Shocks Driver
YOUR BODY Nervous System Food Neurotransmitters Joints, Ligaments, Tendons Your Thoughts and Beliefs
Obviously, these aren’t perfect comparisons, but they do illustrate several important points:
1. If one part of your car needs attention - for example, your suspension system - you wouldn’t change the oil and think the problem would be fixed. Similarly, if you have arthritis, improving your neurotransmitter balance might help you deal with the pain, but it won’t address the pain directly. 2. If you put the wrong fuel in your gas tank, you obviously won’t be going very far no matter how good a shape the rest of the car is in. In the example above, my patient was doing many things right - she got lots of exercise and had a great mental attitude. The one thing she wasn’t doing was noticing the signals her body gave her related to her food choices. 3. The best car in the world will still crash if it’s driven badly. How you think about your life and what you believe has a powerful impact on your health and your experience of the world. Because there are so many variables in our health – diet, exercise, breathing (yes, breathing!), mental attitude, family history, genetics, satisfaction with work, family life, etc. – it can be an overwhelming task sometimes to sort out how best to approach health problems when they come up. That’s why it makes sense to work with a knowledgeable, experienced health care professional that can help you quickly cut through the confusion to get to the root of any health problems and help you correct them. Most people I know change the oil in their cars regularly; they put the right type of gasoline in their fuel tank; they drive safely and keep their tires at the right pressure. Isn’t it ironic that they don’t always take that kind of care with their body? I have to wonder if we all started taking as good a care of our bodies as we do our cars if we wouldn’t have many less health problems and much greater enjoyment of life. Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD practices acupuncture, nutritional and herbal medicine at Reno Alternative Medicine. He specializes in working with active people who want to reclaim the health, energy and focus they once had. You can reach him at (775) 827-6901, or visit his web site at See ad on page 23.
PROVIDERprofile Dr. Layne Linebaugh, D.C. Written by Erina Fischer
ith today’s wealth of health information, most individuals understand the basic fundamental role that our nervous system plays in achieving optimal health. In order to protect the nervous system, we may examine our diet, start an exercise regimen or consider supplementation, but most likely “postural distortion” and “compression on the brain stem” does not come to mind. According to Dr. Layne Linebaugh, D.C. of Dynamic Body Chiropractic, we can experience neurological effects, such as depression and anxiety due to an upper cervical (head and neck) misalignment. “[There is] a direct correlation between the imbalance of the head and neck, and the consequential imbalance of the limbic and cortex systems,” Dr. Linebaugh said “which are responsible for our emotions.” Dr. Linebaugh graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, Calif. During her pre- and post-graduate studies she became interested in Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical care. Upper cervical adjustment was created by Dr. B.J. Palmer. Dr. Palmer, after 30 years of research, discovered that compression of the brain stem interferes with mental impulses that control proper body functions. Interference in these impulses can affect our emotions, digestion, immune system, muscles and nerves. An imbalance can even cause ear infections due to the fl uid and compression on the brain stem and adjustments can prevent children from needing ear tubes. “Being off-balance distorts messages sent from the brain, instead of healing messages,” Dr. Linebaugh said “Decompression of the brain stem and surrounding arteries restores blood fl ow, oxygen and nutrients to the brain.” Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical adjustment uses a percussion-adjusting
instrument. A stylus is aimed at the side of the atlas and uses sound waves to move the bones back into alignment. The atlas is the fi rst bone in the neck that the head rests on. When the weight is shifted off center, the body becomes imbalanced and our spine, pelvis and muscles overcompensate causing tension and pressure on our spinal cord. Consequently our nervous system, which is responsible for all of our body functions, is disrupted. Readjusting the atlas by using the percussion-adjusting instrument involves complicated math and requires critical thinking to decipher the appropriate adjustment measure that a unique patient requires. “Each person has a pattern,” Dr. Linebaugh said “and each person has a different distortion.” Misalignment is common and is caused by anything from injury, exercise, chemical drug-use and even stress. Even childbirth can cause the fi rst misalignment in an infant and can last a lifetime. The tension resulting from stress can cause tightening of the muscles and jaw, triggering an imbalance. Although upper cervical realignment is diffi cult, its payoff is a precise rebalancing of the head and neck. Dr. Linebaugh explains how most people will let the body deteriorate and a condition worsen before seeking treatment. She described a patient with a case of misalignment where the head was tilted so severely that she was bedridden and could barely sit for an x-ray. Within a month she was able to walk without a cane, wash her face, get in and out of bed, cook, drive and “pour water from a pitcher”. All of these tasks were diffi cult or impossible to complete before beginning therapy. In addition, her severe sciatica was alleviated. Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical adjustment is also showing promise for autism. A study published in March 2006 took 1 autistic children and used either full spine adjustment or Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical adjustment. The average improvement with the seven children who received full spine
adjustments was 8.3 percent, whereas the scores for the seven children who received Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical adjustment improved by 32 percent. In addition, after the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment, two of the children no longer met the criteria for autism! Dr. Linebaugh is beginning treatment with an eight-year-old boy diagnosed with autism and is hopeful and excited about the possible outcome. Armed with the knowledge that head and neck misalignment is linked to a myriad of health problems, patients are turning to Upper Cervical Spinal Correction as a way to prevent or treat multiple ailments from migraines, back pain, numbness and chronic pain to sinus problems and even T.M.J. Dr. Linebaugh’s goal is to help her patients regain their optimal health and quality of life. See ad on page 28.
CLINICAL MASSAGE • Senior Care Specialist • Oncology Massage • Pain & Stress Management • Wellness Massage
Tree L. Allemang
Licensed Massage Therapist
775.826.2858 RayneTree Energetics, LLC 3670 Grant Drive • Suite 104 Reno, NV 89509 November 2006
Raw Silk Soap?
oap is made by proper mixing of a base (sodium hydroxide) with acids (oils and fats) and liquid (milk or water). Saponification is a soap making term meaning mixing oils and fats with sodium hydroxide to produce soap and glycerin. Yes, soap and glycerin! Today, very large soap companies use recycled oils from restaurants and fast food chains because it is cost effective. Also, they remove the glycerin from the soap and sell it as a by-product to tobacco companies and cosmetic companies. Bottom line: If the “soap” remained intact we would be using less body lotions! So if you are using a mass produced “product,” you are using a detergent – not soap. Hence, this may be the reason for so many skin disorders. Soaps which are hand made by small cottage businesses can be made from olive, coconut, palm, palm kernel, neem, almond, avocado, sunflower, and castor oils which have skin conditioning properties. A correct percentage of oils create a luxurious soap. This includes using raw silk. Raw silk melts in the saponification process becoming a liquid protein that is very good for the skin and hair. Raw tussah silk comes from China and Japan. Silk is spun from the silk worm forming a 1 by 2 inch hollow hard cocoon that ranges in color from yellows to whites. Then it is pulled from the co-
Believe it or not, this is RAW SILK! Author Camilla Olsen holds a handful of raw silk spun from a silk worm coons to form long strands. This raw silk is a wonderful protein and can be utilized for your body and hair when broken down to a liquid. (See photo) Many essential oils that fragrant soaps are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, smell good and are good for you – naturally! So why use a product that may cause a dermatology problem later in life? Perhaps out of habit or not knowing the right ingredients to use!! Years of your skin ingesting soaps and lotions could be the cause of many of the skin disorders in this country. The fat that was used to make soap many years ago was animal fat. Today we have the education and availability of many healing oils for the skin, the largest organ of your body. Using pure
quality products on your skin is as important as eating pure quality foods to give you strength, vitality, vitamins and minerals. Another oil used in soap making is neem oil. Neem has antiseptic qualities and has been used to treat dandruff, scabies, head lice and used in mosquito repellents. Neem is also a good insecticide for plants. Beware of soaps that are “melt and pour.” They look very much the same but do not have the healing properties or texture, and they melt faster than true hand made soaps. Always ask the soap maker if in fact the soap is truly hand made or a “melt and pour.” Many people melting this product sound quite proud of the fact they make soap without sodium hydroxide. In fact, they are only melting a mass produced soap that was originally made with sodium hydroxide. Hand made soaps make wonderful gifts for that special person who you don’t know what to give but want to give the very best!! Article submitted by Camilla Olsen. For more information call 775-883-1908 “Classy publication! Healthy Beginning is a great resource for healthy minded people. Keep up the good work!” Scot Bennick
An integrative team approach healing the Mind, Body & Spirit by combining the Wisdom of the East with the Insight of the West Integrative Therapies • Medical Acupuncture • Trigger Point Therapy • Prolozone Therapy • Sports Medicine • Pain and Stress Management
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Reiki & Massage • Certified Reiki • Therapeutic Bodywork • Meridian Signature Massage • Certified Pre-Natal Massage Therapy Courses • Reiki for Kids, Adults, Families • Alternative Childbirth Education
November 2006
ood, clean, pure water is second only to oxygen as the most important nutrient for sustaining human life. It has an important action in nearly every major function of the body from regulating body temperature to carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells. It is the main component of blood and lymph. Water cushions joints, greases the walls of the arteries, helps prevent constipation, and is crucial for metabolic reactions. It regulates the temperature of the body by absorbing heat produced by cell metabolism and physical exercise. It cleans the tissues of the body by removing wastes and toxins. It is absolutely essential for life. Without it you would die within days. The average human body contains approximately 12 gallons of water. Think of 12 one-gallon jugs of water stacked on top of each other and then fitting those 12 gallons of water inside the skin. (It is absolutely amazing we don’t slosh when we walk!). Seventy percent of the human body is water. Ninety percent of that water is in the blood. The average person requires from 1.5 to 3.0 liters of water daily. Most people think that that means they should consume about 64 ounces of fluids a day. No! Soft drinks, milk, processed juices (as opposed to freshly squeezed fruit juices), and coffee may be fluids, but they are NOT water. And if you think it
is the same, try using those things in your goldfish bowl. Very little of the “water” in these sources is absorbed by the body. The requirement of 1.5 to 3.0 liters of water truly means WATER: clean, unpolluted water. Without this, our bodies slowly become dehydrated. A dehydrated body leaves itself wide open for disease and degenerative conditions. Clear water often does not equal clean water. In fact, public water that looks “sparkling” clean may look that way because it has had aluminum which, added to it, along with creating sparkling water, can create health problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. It is true that tap water is usually free of bacteria and parasites that will make you sick immediately, but the purification procedures for municipal water don’t necessarily remove the toxins that have long-term health effects. Dr. Allen E. Banik, author of The Choice is Clear, asks: “Can it be that arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, arteriosclerosis, enlarged hearts, emphysema, obesity, constipation, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, all stem from one common cause - contaminated water?! Unbelievable! But very true!” Dr. Peter Gott, M.D., nationally syndicated medical columnist states that “many authorities believe that more than 75 percent of all stomach ulcers (and two types of gastric cancer) are caused by specific bacterial and chemical contamination of public water supplies, including private wells.” Water that comes from our public systems or private wells contains salts, carbonates, sulfates, nitrates, chlorides, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and harmful inorganic minerals. Your drinking water could contain some poisonous toxins that you’ve never heard of and possibly one or more common parasites. Most of our municipal drinking water
is considered safe because it contains acceptable levels of contaminants. We are assured these “acceptable levels of contaminants and toxins” are not dangerous. But, whereas 10 ppm of nitrates does not cause a great deal of harm to a healthy adult, 10 ppm of nitrates to a six-month-old baby is lethal. For those of you with animals, what are these levels of contaminants, or their accumulation, doing to a 25-pound dog or a 2-ounce parakeet? “Acceptable Levels” of contaminants are based on each individual contaminant. Consideration for the total contaminant levels or their interaction is not in the equation. Also, the number of contaminated wells in a system has been known to alter the accepted level concept. If it adversely affects the availability of water for customers or reduces profits, simply change the accepted levels of contaminants to suit the situation. So, which water should you take into your body? Biologically speaking, distilled water is superior to all other forms. Reverse osmosis water runs a close second to distilled water...IF you keep your holding tank clean and free of contaminant build up. Let me explain some basic things about water. The elements HYDROGEN and OXYGEN make up water molecules. However, these molecules combine together in several different ways. In any glass of water you will find free hydrogen (H+) and free oxygen (O-) atoms floating around. You will also find water molecules (H2O) combined together into three-dimensional 6-sided, 5 sided, and other molecular forms. The 5-sided form is often referred to as “non-biological water.” This is because the 5-sided configuration places the negatively charged oxygen atom on the outside giving the molecule a “negative” charge. This nega-
tive charge inhibits the water’s ability to carry nutrients to and wastes from the cells in the body. It is possible for you to have a sufficient percentage of water in the tissues, but if it has a high proportion of 5-sided molecules you can be technically dehydrated. Conversely, 6-sided water molecules, which is often called “biological water�, have the positively charged hydrogen atoms on the outside making the entire water molecule “positive�. These positively charged water molecules make it easy for vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients to attach to the molecules and then be transported into the cells of the body. This 6-sided water form is considered to be “wetter water�. The body wants and needs as many as of these biological water molecules as possible so that it doesn’t have to waste energy in the conversion process. Distilled water contains more of these biological water molecules than any other form of water. While a “positive� molecule is great for carrying nutrients and the “negative� molecule is not, this positive/negative relationship is reversed when we speak of the body’s pH (acid/alkaline level). The creation of 6-sided molecules often results in the release of free hydrogen and oxygen molecules. In water, the hydrogen and oxygen molecules combine to form an H-O or hydroxyl bond which has a negative charge. The negative hydroxyl bonds increase the pH of the water making it more alkaline thus increasing the alkalinity of the body. Our body functions best when its pH is slightly alkaline. Some companies are artificially raising the alkaline level of their bottled water, thereby giving the body a helping hand in its constant fight against acidity. When you drink water that is not distilled, or processed to a very pure state, you are taking inorganic minerals and toxic chemicals into your system that cannot be assimilated. The body must do something with these non-biocompatible substances. It often ends up storing them in the joints creating arthritis, in the intestinal walls creating constipation, and along the arteries causing them to harden. When these inorganic minerals are added to existing kidney and liver toxins, cholesterol, phosphates, and organic mineral deposits they create kidney and gall stones. Inorganic minerals can be deposited in the heart chambers and
valves clogging the chambers and inhibiting the action of the valves, or they can be deposited in the inner ear often causing loss of hearing and deafness. To sum up, inorganic minerals and toxic chemicals can, and usually do, contaminate water. But, through the process of distilling, the water is separated from virtually everything it is carrying and is now pure water. As it enters the body it can carry necessary nutrients and pick up inorganic mineral deposits that may have accumulated in the joints, artery walls, tissues, or wherever deposits occur and carry them out of these areas so they may be eliminated from the body. A body cannot operate smoothly, nor can we reach our optimum health level and begin the “reverse aging� process until the joints, arteries, cells, and nerve tracts are free of inorganic mineral deposits. We must replace these inorganic mineral deposits with organic (ionic) minerals. Unless we take an organic (ionic)
mineral supplement, such as coral calcium, the minerals we need to generate the metabolic functions of our body come from the plants and animals we eat, NOT from the inorganic minerals in water we drink. Essentially, water can cure you, or kill you. It can provide the basis for optimal health, or chronic sickness. If you are going to create a healthy body, you must start with pure, clean, water. Written by Kurt Grange, Ph.D., N.D., Nutritional Biophysiologist; kdgrange@ For more tips on how to hydrate, visit the Healthy Beginnings Website at
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November 2006
Q: You wrote a while ago about how to do a home en-
ergy audit. Someone told me recently they had an energy rating conducted on their home and it sounded like the same thing to me. Why the different wording?
There’s really a big fundamental difference between these two home strategies that are both becoming more popular all the time. An energy audit is a thorough inspection of a home to find out ways to improve its energyefficiency, while a rating is a numerical score based on an energy audit that is used for such purposes as easily comparing the efficiency of different houses and to qualify for an energy-efficient mortgage. An energy audit examines all aspects of a home, ranging from the efficiency of its heating and cooling systems and the tightness of the windows to the levels of insulation in the attic and the energy use of the appliances. It’s something you can do yourself, or have your utility company do, or have conducted by a professional energy auditor who might use a number of tools like blower doors or infrared photography to get precise measurements. An energy rating includes a thorough audit, but goes a step further by having the rater put the score into a computer program that quantifies its level of efficiency between 0 and 100. This gives a standardized evaluation of the home’s energy efficiency and its expected energy costs. There’s a growing industry around the country of trained and certified energy raters who conduct the audits and prepare the ratings. If you’re selling your home, a good energy rating gives you a strong marketing tool. If you’re buying a home, a good rating lets you know that the home is energy-efficient, it will help pinpoint areas that might be improved, and it might qualify you for a
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special mortgage that can qualify you for higher-priced home and even lower your mortgage rate. I strongly encourage people to have ratings conducted before they buy an existing or a new home or do any remodeling. While a house is the biggest investment most people make, it also comes with a fair amount of upkeep costs in energy bills over its lifetime. Knowing what to expect in energy use can help plan your budget and better estimate the true costs of home ownership. You can find a listing of certified energy raters in your state at The list is maintained by the Residential Energy Services Network, and their raters have undergone extensive training and demonstrated their technical proficiency to earn their certification.
Q: Winter will be here soon, and my neighbor mentioned to me that she was going out to buy new houseplants because they keep her home warmer in cold weather. Does this really work?
A: Actually it does. Plants give off humidity, and this can
make you feel warmer. But let me point out that there are a number of common-sense things like this that you can do to keep warm in winter while keeping your heating costs low. One of the most important things you need to do is open your drapes and blinds during the day to let the sun’s warmth in, and then close them at night to keep that heat from escaping. Get your heating system inspected before the real cold weather gets here to make sure it is operating efficiently. Keep the thermostat no higher than 68 degrees, and when outside temperatures are the lowest at night, turn the thermostat down a few degrees to minimize heat losses. And dress for the weather. Putting on a sweater and warm clothes indoors will keep you warmer, reducing the temptation to adjust the thermostat up a few degrees. Ken Sheinkopf is a communications specialist with the American Solar Energy Society ( Send your energy questions to “I want to congratulate you on your articles, very eye opening, and very informative, I read them all!” Jason Brass
edical technology at its best has now produced equipment that includes both Cervical and Lumbar decompression. It has produced phenomenal testimonials from those undergoing treatment. Words like “phenomenal” and “awesome” are being used to describe its results. Literally blowing the minds of patients that have been in debilitating pain for years, after only a few treatments they are tossing their prescription drugs and beginning to enjoy life again with their families.
HOW DOES THIS TREATMENT WORK? It literally performs spinal decompression! The table is a split table that allows controllable and effective axial distraction tensions on the spine. This is unique in that it is not what people think of as “traction.” Rather the force is gradually applied in a cyclic fashion to avoid any reactive muscle resistance. The patient is placed supine on the table and a pelvic harness is used to secure the lower torso and the patient’s upper body is secured with another harness at the head of the table.
A baseline force of approximately 20 pounds is applied. In the first minute of the cycle, the distractive force is increased gradually to about 70 pounds or slightly greater, with the force increased more slowly in the latter part of the first minute. Then the force is gradually decreased to the baseline in the next 30 seconds. The baseline force is then sustained for a period of about 60 seconds, followed by the next cycle and the next… Typically, 18 cycles of tension and relaxation are performed. By avoiding
paravertebral muscle contractions stimulated by homeostatic proprioception and axon reflex mechanisms, the treatment provides distraction of the vertebral bodies to achieve decompression of the intervertebral disc with the concurrent release of pressure on the nerves in and around the spinal column. As always there is the real thing and those that imitate them. Cyclical application of forces to the spine is distraction, not traction. Traction is not performed in cyclical application of force and release within two-and-one-half minute cycles. In practice, it is sustained force that can trigger reflex contraction of the muscles, not the distraction / relaxation cycle of this revolutionary treatment. This treatment is helping eliminate the need for surgery for so many that would normally need to go through extreme pain and time consuming rehabilitation for weeks. For more information call Dooley Family Chiropractic, PLLC at 336-841-1507 or visit:
Non-Surgical Treatment For Chronic Low Back Pain
Vertebral axial decompression (VAX-D) is a unique, non-surgical therapy developed for the treatment of chronic low back pain that CORRECTS the underlying problem, not just mask your symptoms. Decompression of the discs allows the herniated material to be drawn back into its normal position, relieving pressure on the nerve roots and allowing for rehydration and repair of the disc structure. Recent clinical studies have shown over 7 out of 10 low back pain sufferers found relief with VAX-D. Remarkably, failed back surgery patients may also find relief from their pain. VAX-D could be your answer to eliminating back pain thus avoiding surgery and taking harmful drugs. Call today to see if you’re a candidate for this life-changing therapy.
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Nerve Interference The Cause of Your Health Problems?
ost people experience some type of disease or pain in their lives, and when they do, they seek out answers to why they have that disease or pain, where it came from, how it started, etc. There are several theories out there as to the cause of all disease. One theory states that all disease is due to the make up of your genes. Each person is born with a specific set of blueprints, DNA, which many feel determines, to a large extent, what your health status will be in you life. There are other theories that describe disease as an imbalance in the flow of energy in the body, or the elements of nature. When one element over powers another, or when the balance of the body’s energy is off, disease results. One last theory, discussed later in this article, states that pain and disease are a result of nerve interference. This is the theory ("EGIN PDF 0behind chiropractic.
To best understand this idea that imbalances in the nervous system lead to all disease, we must first understand that EVERY function of the human body is controlled by the nervous system. From the day you are conceived, your nervous system begins to regulate all of the functions of your body, and it does so throughout life. Everything from digestion, to muscle movements, to sleep is regulated and controlled by your nervous system. When you eat, you do not have to tell your body to start the digestive process. Your body knows exactly what to do. Your stomach digests the foods, certain chemicals are produced and secreted, and your intestines absorb the nutrients it wants and excretes the harmful chemicals. What an amazing process! As the chiropractic theory states, disease or pain comes about when the nervous system is inhibited by pressure
on a nerve. The pressure on the nerve comes from a bone in the spine that has misaligned (called a subluxation). Think of it in this regard – a dislocation is a bone that has completely come out of its joint/socket. A subluxation is a bone that has moved out of the normal position that it should occupy in the joint. This misalignment of the bone leads to biomechanical changes in the joints, promotes inflammation in that joint, and puts pressure on the nerve(s) around that joint. Now that we understand that the nervous system controls all of the functions of the body, and we understand that pain and disease are caused by inhibitions to the nervous system we can put a chain of events together to trace back to the cause of all disease. There are three things that cause subluxations to occur in the body, those being thoughts, traumas, and toxins (the three T’s as we call them in chiropractic.) Because of a traumatic event, daily stresses, or repetitive movements, a bone moves out of its normal place (subluxates). This puts pressure on a nerve near that joint. The pressure on the nerve then causes disease or pain. It’s that simple! You can see how important it is to keep your nervous system free of these inhibitions. A nervous system that is not functioning at its maximum potential is a window for disease to enter the body, and the body will succumb to the external stresses put upon it more easily. A nervous system that is strong and functioning at its highest level has the ability to fight stress and ward off disease. Chiropractors are trained to find and correct subluxations, and then use gentle and specific methods to restore the integrity of the nervous system, thus allowing the body to heal itself. Written by Tom Rammel, D.C. For more information call 775-324-4003 See ad on page 38.
ave you ever had the experience of wanting to accomplish a goal or overcome an undesirable habit, only to find one part of you resisting change? In other words, one part of you wants something, while another part of you doesn’t want to pay the price. This inner conflict occurs when we have two different parts of our subconscious mind pulling us in opposite directions. At one time there was some logic behind the attitude of each part, but consciously we didn’t know what it was or is. Freud called these parts “ego states.” Therapists today may call them “your psychological community” or “sub personalities” or simply “parts.” Let’s take the example of someone who wants to lose weight. Under hypnosis, when asked to speak, the conflicting part of your psychological community will tell the therapist exactly WHY they are causing you to overeat. Every part of your subconscious mind wants to help and protect you, but the reasoning may be outdated and no longer valid.
The challenge then is to get the conflicting part (the part that does not want to lose weight) to dialogue with the motivating part (the part that does want to be fit and healthy). The dialogue between these two parts is crucial to the resolution of the conflict so that you can move forward with your goals and dreams. But what happens if the two parts can’t agree on a course of action? Most of the time they will agree to meet each other “halfway.” Or the conflicting part may choose to take on another role altogether, a gentler, more supportive role. But sometimes the conflicting part is like a stubborn mule that refuses to budge from his/her position. In that case, the therapist can call upon Higher Self, that part of your subconscious mind that is always connected to Source (God, Infinite Intelligence, etc.) Higher Self will gently speak to the conflict and suggest ways to resolve it. The conflicting parts, as well as the conscious mind, are listening. And what is amazing, the conflicting parts then agree to “get
along” – they agree to meet each other halfway, to take the advice of Higher Self. It sounds easy and simplistic, but must be handled with knowledge, skill and care. And it’s an amazing life-changing process which can facilitate permanent change. All problems presented to hypnotherapists need not be handled by Parts Hypnotherapy. Many problems are taken care of by other techniques while you are in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis, in one form or another, has been practiced for thousands of years. Parts Hypnotherapy has been practiced for at least a hundred years. But the technique of asking for the assistance of Higher Self is quite new. Roy Hunter, a master hypnotist and teacher in Seattle, is one of the originators of this technique. Two Reno hypnotherapists trained in Parts Hypnotherapy by Roy Hunter are: June Milligan at 775-7869111 and Sandy Gordon at 775-8423084. See ad on page 20.
November 2006
What is Ayurvedic Medicine?
he word Ayurveda means the “science of life” and has been practiced in India for 3,000 years - although this is only what can be historically documented. Even though the practice has been around longer than western medicine, many do not understand or consider Ayurvedic medicine as an alternative therapy. Dr. Harish Aggarwal, G.A.M.S. is graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from Punjab State University in India. He specializes in pharmacology and along with his partner in India, Dr. Gopal, develops unique herbal formulations that can help conditions such as high blood pressure, migraines, skin problems, stress management, fatigue, liver health, joint mobility, sexual dysfunction and menopause. Ayurvedic medicine is highly intuitive, based around the philosophy that humans are made up of three things: Kapha (pronounced “cough”) represents water or phlegm Vata (pronounced “vit”) represents air Pitta (pronounced “pit”) which is fire. These three substances make up life and each are represented in the body in different ratios. Three thousand years ago it was believed that Kapha (water), Vata (air) and Pitta (fire) made up every single living thing. All healing principles of Ayurvedic medicine were created around this idea. Interestingly today we know that water, air and fire are created from hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen - the elements of life. “These three basics govern our body,” Dr. Harish said. “They regulate and dictate not only our bodies, but the world.”
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Written by Erina Fischer Vata, Pitta and Kapha are considered to be the three different “constitutions” or “doshas.” People can have a dominant dosha or even a blend, but one dosha will always be dominant. (For example: Pitta-Kapha people tend to express more Pitta. Illness and disease can arise when your dosha becomes excessive and out of balance. Vata-air - controls everything and is basic, quick action, represented by the nervous system. The properties of Vata are dry and cool. Vata is key in controlling and manifesting action. Vata people out of balance display the following symptoms: shallow breathing, sensation of fullness in the abdomen, volatile mood and interrupted, unrestful sleep. Pitta-fire - represents the metabolism, bile and enzymes in our body. In addition, it represents our body heat and temperature, intelligence and controls our emotions. It supplies the heat to digest our food. When Pitta is out of balance people may experience an increase in body temperature, increase in appetite, a burning sensation in the abdomen or face, obsessive concentration, increased impatience and aggravation Kapha-water - represents fluids in the body, such as spinal fluid or phlegm and also makes up the blood, although blood contains all three of the elements (hence the red colorpitta). Kapha is soft, cold, sluggish and sticky and is believed to be responsible for “keeping the body intact”. Kapha is also expressed as the emotions of love and greed. Kapha, out of balance, can be described as follows: a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, disinterest in work, cough, depressed digestion, craving sweet, fatty foods. “The challenge is to discover what each person’s three basic set points are,” Dr. Harish said. “Hence, the Ayurvedic principle: you need to fix the person as they should be.” Ayurvedic medicine can also be very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of menopause. Dr. Harish has created his own unique formula to help aid in this life transition. Natural herbal formulas can allow iron and calcium to work together and avoid this depletion. In addition, traditional synthetic estrogen and progesterone used to treat menopause symptoms can disrupt the delicate balance of the body. In some cases, the “one size fits all” approach to synthetic hormones does not fit to the unique woman. The objective of Ayurvedic treatment is to give the body the ability to produce and naturally regulate hormones itself. Ayurvedic herbal treatments use various materials such as seeds, flowers, barks, minerals, and in some cases, metals, to help rebalance the energetic imbalances and regain health. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic medicine, encompassing our earth and the elements that make up life and its intricate balance. Like most alternative therapies, it is based around the idea of not treating the symptoms, but focusing on the cause. Dr. Harish Aggarwal, G.A.M.S. is located at Everlasting Health Center located at 1515 South Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89502 (775) 324-7382. See ad on page 35.
What is my dosha? Read each description and decide which applies the most to you. Then write P, V or K to the left and total at the bottom to see your Ayurvedic constitution.
P, V or K
Naturally thin
Moderate build
Heavy or sturdy
Low body fat
Moderate weight and body fat
Tend to be overweight
Dry and may be rough
Soft, fair, reddish
Thick, oily, smooth
Dry and may be kinky
Soft, fine
Thick, oily, may be wavy
Small and dry
Medium, sharp, penetrating
Big, attractive, moist
Irregular or scanty
Good and strong, can’t miss meals
Consistently good, slow digestion
Energy comes in quick bursts
Medium strength and endurance
Steady, strong, good endurance
Restless, active, quick to learn and quick to forget
Aggressive, intelligent, precise
Calm, slow, deliberate
Fearful, insecure, quick mood changes, hard to hold grudges
Quick to anger, aggressive, jealous, courageous
Calm, serene, patient
Recent memory good, remote memory poor, unreliable
Slower to grasp a concept, but can hold the memory forever
Sharp, intelligent and reliable
Fearful, flying, running
Anger, violent, warlike
Watery, rivers, lakes, oceans, swimming, romantic
Light, restless, dream-filled
Not many hours, but sound
Heavy, tendency to oversleep
Fast and can talk too much
Decisive, determined, good speaker
Slow, monotonous
Quick, light walk
Fast, determined walk
Slower, sustained
Intense, aggressive
Loving, forgiving, even tempered
OVERALL PERSONALITY Nervous or easily excited, worrisome
Total Number of:
November 2006
Celebrate Rhythm T
he holiday season is upon us and the celebrations are drawing nearer everyday! For many people this time of year is less than the joyful experience that it is touted to be. Why is that? Of course there is the obvious answer to that question…same daily routines with the added stress of cooking, gift shopping and party planning and attending. Add to that the extra dents in the income and we are served stress for holiday fare instead of the treats we relish with enthusiasm. How can we begin to treat the holidays (and every day for that matter) in a different manner, and learn to fully participate joyously in the customs and loved ones in our lives? Let’s explore the idea that we as humans have rhythms. Rhythms and requirements for healthy living that match the seasons and changes of the earth. We were not created to work all of the time. We were not created to party
all of the time. We were not created to rest all of the time. But, we were created to listen to our inner rhythms of what is right and healthy for each of us, so that we may know when to work, when to celebrate and when to rest. If we take a good look at this concept and the patterns of earth and holidays, we can see a rhythm. Spring brings new life and feelings of awaking from hibernation. If we have been paying attention to the rhythms
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of life, we should arrive at this time of year feeling refreshed and ready to spring into action. Summer brings with it a time of long days and extra energy for work and play. Most of us find summer to be a very productive time in our lives. Autumn falls in with the harvest of the hot months before. Harvests in both produce and the gathering in of all the energy we recently expended. We begin to feel less like producing and more like nestling in, snug and warm in our cozy homes. Before we know it winter has arrived with the desire to rest and gather with our loved ones and PARTY. Strangely enough, this desire coincides with almost all of our major holidays, giving us a much needed respite from all of our hard work the months before. From where I sit, I find the idea of really relaxing into my winter holiday season and purposefully partying… a fantastically refreshing idea! I plan to fully enjoy each minute of each celebration that I attend. I plan to embrace my friends and family more lovingly and with the realization that being with them is a better gift than anyone could EVER buy. I plan to stay toasty warm and indulge in some precious time alone…meditating on how I can be a better person and bring more compassionate thought, joy and love to the world around me! I truly hope you do the same! Written by Dr. Layne Linebaugh. See ad on page 28.
DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Link Between Health and Digestion
any people are being advised these days to consume various supplements, herbs, and vitamins as well as maintaining a healthy diet. What people are not being advised about is ensuring that those same supplements, herbs, vitamins and foods are being digested and absorbed by the body. Nutritional experts have long debated whether we digest completely and equally. Genetics, diet, lifestyle, processed foods and a toxic environment can all affect and compromise digestion. This can lead to a weakened immune system function, fatigue, hormone imbalance, digestive disorders, and disease. Supplemental digestive enzymes can be a key to prevention and correction of the above conditions. Digestive enzymes are the catalysts which allow us to break down food into absorbable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body. Once these nutrients are liberated, enzymes again play a vital role in escorting them to the cells and tissues for utilization. Therefore, without proper enzyme functioning, such nutrients are useless to our bodies. According to Tom Bohager’s book, Enzymes: What the Experts Know, “Science has so far been able to identify and name over 5,000 enzymes that our bodies manufacture and utilize, but there are far more, perhaps even thousands of different enzymes within the body.” Each one of these enzymes has its own function, a specific job, and does nothing other than what it was designed to do. Not only do we produce our own enzymes but we also ingest them in the form of raw foods. Those raw foods contain the enzymes
in which to digest them properly. The cooking and processing of foods destroys all of these enzymes. As we age, we produce lower amounts of certain enzymes and often end up with symptoms related to those enzyme depletions. A surplus of enzymes whether produced by the body or ingested through supplementation can be stored by some organs for later usage as fuel for the brain. Digestive enzymes in particular can help a person with a variety of symptoms including indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, gas, bloating, food cravings and fatigue after eating. Either plant or animal-based enzymes may be used to improve and support digestive function. For purely digestive issues, the plant-based enzymes will help support an inefficient system. If the pancreas is inflamed, sluggish or diseased, experts agree that animal-based enzymes should be used to fortify the organ while the plant-based enzymes literally
break down the food eaten. The link between overall health and digestion is inescapably intertwined. By taking supplemental enzymes, the body is ensured that it will get the necessary nutrition it needs for optimal health. The Benefits of Digestive Enzymes • Increases Nutrient Bio-Availability • Digestive Disorder Relief • Boosts Immune Function • Improves Hormone Balance • Enhances Energy and Mental Function • Diminishes Disease Risk Submitted by Burton’s Wellness Center. For more information please call (775) 323-1331 or visit Dr. John Burton’s website at:
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I will spend time with you, finding the cause of your health issues and assisting your bodyʼs natural healing process.
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November 2006
BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY Chronic Disease’s Missing Link?
t is not uncommon today to see the source of many disease entities in the patient’s mouth-teeth. Studies in Europe, Asia, and many years of practical clinical experience have proven this relationship to be true. Over 20 years ago, one of my mentors worked with biological dentists out west. In Europe, the relationship between dentistry and disease was being researched as well. Although most American dentists are not aware of this relationship, studies in Europe have linked amalgam fillings (42-50% mercury) with mercury, heavy metal toxicity, and over 90% of lymphomas (lymph cancers) due to a focal infection in the mouth-teeth. Most health care practitioners (Allopathic and Alternative)
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are not aware that all the Energetic Meridian Pathways run through the teeth. Even in Oriental Medicine, which examines and treats these “pathways,” the awareness of the relationship is not taught in Oriental Medical Schools. Europe was the first to make the connection and to conduct studies on the relationship between dental-disease problems. Conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, thyroid disorders, heart-atherosclerosis disorders, and other diseases have been considerably improved or reversed when amalgam fillings were removed properly by a biological dentist, and the patient was properly chelated to remove the mercury and heavy metal toxins. Although the American Dental Association refuses to acknowledge a problem exists, research in Europe finds a definite connection between amalgam fillings and illness. That is why such countries as Germany, Sweden and others have banned the use of amalgam fillings. Another major problem is bad or infected root canals and cavitations. Cavitations are “holes” in the jaw bone, usually caused by tooth extractions that are not properly done. A cavitation can cause a latent, low grade infection that affects the whole body. Conditions such as prolapse, thyroid problems, digestive problems and resistant headaches can be “miraculously” healed when these cavitations are cleaned up by a good oral surgeon or biological dentist. Another problem is a root canal that has become infected. This is usually a fairly serious infection that affects the related organ and the body as a whole. Organ disease, chronic sinus infection, lymphomas and leukemia, to name a few, can be linked to infected root canals. The options are: 1) Remove the affected tooth and clean out the gum-jaw; 2) Re-do the root canal with Biocalyx, a calcium-oxide cement used here and in Europe, or; 3) Use Ozone Therapy to kill the bacterial infection in the gum-jaw (there are few people in the US using Ozone Therapies). Health care practitioners and the public are urged to educate themselves and begin to understand the important relationship between dentistry and health. Neil Cooper, DOM, is a practitioner of European Biological Medicine and Oriental Medicine.
already in your hair and what your natural color is, that go into what the end result will be. Many of us trust our salon professionals to care for our color. As of yet, there are no salon hair dye brands that are 100% plant derived. Some companies have done their research and developed hair color formulas that come pretty close. Aveda uses demi-permanent dyes of which 99% are plant–derived and the permanent dyes are 97% plant based. The key plant ingredients are sunfl ower, castor and jojoba oils. They protect the hair during the process and deliver superior shine and condition. Extensive research into essential oils and plant extracts has created a process to oxidize the dye using green tea extract, thereby substituting protective lubricating plant oils in the formula so that it is signifi cantly less drying to the hair than petrochemicals solvents normally used. any members of the 0-plus generation fi nd them The bottom line: Petroleum based hair dyes may be a risk selves lingering in the hair dye aisles of drugstores, to your health and are non renewable for the environment. wistfully eyeing boxes displaying the colors their hair The art and science of pure fl ower and plant ingredients are once was. renewable and protect natures’ beauty while enhancing yours. But covering gray is not the only reason people color their The choice is yours! hair. It is estimated that over 50% of women and a smaller number of men streak, highlight, lowlight or altogether change the Holly Hodgdon, Co-Owner: Tangerine Salon and Spa & color of their hair to make themselves feel more attractive. L’Essence Day Spa-Salon. Call 851-7271. See ad on page 29. The decision to change ones’ hair color has become more complicated because some studies have linked hair coloring with an increased risk of contracting certain cancers. Most hair dyes also don’t have to go through pre-market testing for safety that other cosmetic color additives do before hitting store shelves. Consequently, consumers are often on their own when deciding whether hair dyes are safe. The FDA is responsible for overseeing the safety of cosmetics sold in this country and can prohibit the sale of any cosmetic found harmful - except most hair dyes. Although the adulteration provision of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act enables the FDA to seek removal of a cosmetic from the market if it is shown to be harmful under conditions of use, hair coloring made from coal-tar were given special exemption from bans when the act was passed in 1938. The main ingredient in the coal–tar hair dyes manufactured at the time prompted an allergic reaction in some susceptible individuals. Fearing the FDA would ban the sale of hair dyes, the industry successfully lobbied before the act passed to get coaltar hair dyes exempted from the adulteration provision. Most hair dyes in use today derive their ingredients from petroleum sources, but have been considered coal-tar dyes by the FDA because they contain some of the same compounds found in the older dyes. So how does one fi nd an alternative to potentially toxic petroleum-based dyes? There are lots of box colors in the health food stores made from roots and seeds and although the results are respectable, they can be inconsistent. We often think the color on the box is the color you’ll get, and then are disappointed when strawberry blonde turns into bright orange. With hair color there are so many variables, like what chemicals are
November 2006
Nutmeg Written by Erina Fischer
s the Holidays draw near, we begin to plan time for family, friends and of course extravagant homecooked meals! Many of the herbs and spices that we use for traditional dishes, or new experimentations, can offer an array of health benefits and many can aid in digesting all those heavy, fat-laden meals. The nutmeg tree (myristica fragrans) yields two familiar spices, mace and nutmeg. This evergreen, native to the Spice Islands, yields an actual fruit and the kernel inside is actually the nutmeg, with the mace being the bright red-casing (arillus) covering the seed. One mature nutmeg tree can produce 2,000 nuts a year, which are harvested by using baskets attached to long poles. The popular spice, once only known by the Arabs, became the center of an all-out battle for absolute control of its market. In the early 1500’s, the Portuguese, and later the Dutch, attempted to monopolize the farming, production and selling of the spice, by growing and harvesting the trees on private islands. In order to prevent other countries from re-producing the trees, they soaked the nuts in lime, so they would be unable to grow, before shipping them for production. Eventually, the French smuggled the seeds for their own use and the British introduced the trees to Grenada in the Caribbean, which saw so much success from the fruit that it now calls itself “Nutmeg Island” and displays the nut on its flag. Nutmeg is a warming, sweet spice that is commonly found in eggnog, coffee, baked goods, cheese dishes and soups. Nutmeg can aid in digestion, decrease gas and nausea. Nutmeg is safe as a cooking ingredient, but in large doses (five to seven grams) can cause “Nutmeg Psychosis”, a potentially toxic condition that can cause hallucinations, convulsions, palpitations and possibly death. There are no risks with cooking, even using generous amounts, but the spice should not be taken alone.
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Nutmeg oil can be used externally for rheumatoid arthritis and sore muscles. It can be applied topically, one to two drops, on a toothache or diluted nutmeg oil can be mixed with honey or maple syrup to eradicate bad breath.
Spiced-Mulled Wine (serves 4) One bottle of red wine, a full-bodied Chilean or Italian wine is recommended 2 large oranges, sliced 2 lemons, sliced Nutmeg, to taste Cloves, to taste 4 cinnamon sticks 1 oz brandy, to taste 1 cup sugar, or natural sweetener (make the appropriate adjustments) Loose herbal tea or water to dilute, to taste Orange slices, for garnish Pour wine into large saucepan on low heat. Add the sliced lemon and orange (leave a few orange slices for garnish), nutmeg, cloves and brandy to the saucepan. Watch the wine and make sure it does not boil! After it is hot to the touch, stir in the sugar. Remove from heat and pour into glasses, about _ full. Add the tea or water to taste and garnish with the cinnamon sticks and orange slices. “I have Fibromyalgia and I am so happy to know there are professionals available within our community that can help with this dis-ease. Your magazine pointed me in the right direction to get further help. Thank you.” Barbara Hedrick Reader, Quincy, CA
Healthy Autumn Treats By Jennifer Bushman
his season brings up many reasons to celebrate and embrace those that we love. You will lots of great opportunities to gather in the kitchen and around the table to enjoy delicious foods. At this time of year, strawberries, tomatoes, and sweet corn are a distant memory. Instead, we see the markets filled with squash, pumpkins, cranberries, pears and apples. Here a couple of creative ideas for using them at your holiday table.
Butternut squash is sweet and flavorful in its own right. Add this luscious maple glaze and the result is almost like candy. Children love it, and it is perfect with pork dishes of all kinds. Makes 4 to 6 servings 1/4 cup olive oil 2 small butternut squash, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch cubes (about 6 cups) 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 tablespoons Italian (flat leaf) parsley 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Heat the oil in heavy large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the squash, cover and cook until squash is just tender and beginning to color, stirring occasionally, about 12 minutes. Add the maple syrup; toss until squash is glazed. Add the parsley, cheese, salt and pepper. Serving Suggestion: Serve hot, spooned into a heated serving bowl.
Butternut squash has a very hard shell. If the squash is not very fresh, you may want to use a heavy chef’s knife or cleaver to make the first cut.
I like to serve these delicious fries right along side my turkey. Slice them into very thin fries and watch the kids down them like fries from McDonalds. Makes 4 servings 1/2 cup flour 2 tablespoons seasoned pepper such as Mrs. Dash or other ground hot spices 2 pounds pumpkin, peeled and cut into sticks like French fries—as thin as you like Peanut oil for deep-frying Salt 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 300° F. Combine flour and seasoned pepper. Toss with pumpkin sticks.
Did you know that the varietal of pumpkin that you carve is not an eating pumpkin, but a carving pumpkin? For making pies and cookies you will need to look for the carving pumpkin’s sister, the sugar pumpkin. Much smaller and sweeter than the carving pumpkin, the sugar pumpkin is available in the fall and winter. Look for pumpkins that seem heavy for their size and have a dull rind. To cook the pumpkin, cut it open and remove the seeds and stringy fiber. Cut it into pieces and bake it at 375°F until the pumpkin is soft. Then purée for pies. Heat the oil in a heavy, deep saucepan or deep-fat fryer to 375°F. Fry in batches until golden. Remove cooked fries with a slotted spoon and drain on paper toweling. Serving Suggestions: Sprinkle generously with Parmesan cheese and keep warm in the oven.
Jennifer Bushman has successfully combined her role as entrepreneur and chef to become a national expert in teaching home cooks simple solutions to cooking great meals. Jennifer is the National Volunteer Culinary Spokesperson for the American Heart Association. She is the author of the The Kitchen Coach Cookbook series and is the spokesperson for Scolari’s Food and Drug Company.
November 2006
besity is a severe and debilitating illness. It is the most OBESITY TREATMENT common nutritional disease in pets and people; esti- The treatment of obesity involves restricting calories and inmates suggest that up to 45% of dogs and up to 13% creasing the metabolic rate via a controlled exercise program. of cats are obese. Many doctors think these estimates are quite Using store bought “Lite” diets is not usually adequate, as low judging by the number of obese pets they see every day in these diets are not designed for weight loss but rather weight practice. Current medical opinion states that a pet is obese if maintenance. Additionally, since many store-bought diets may it weighs 15% or more over its ideal weight. While pet owners contain chemicals, by-products and fillers, they would not be often use the pet’s actual weight to gauge obesity, it is prob- a part of a holistic pet program. Homemade restricted calorie diets would be the first ably more accurate to use a body composition score. Body composition, measured by looking at the pet from the top and choice for dietary therapy for obese pets. Processed “obesitymanagement” diets available through sides and feeling the areas over the ribs and veterinarians would be the second best spine more accurately reflects obesity than There are several choice as some of these diets may also a certain magical number. contain chemicals, by-products and fill Can pet owners prevent obesity? Keep natural therapies that ers. These “obesity-management” diets in mind that most obese pets are made, not may be helpful as part are used until the target weight is obborn that way. Many owners give their pets of the treatment of tained then replaced with a home made treats and snacks and feed them whenever obesity in some pets. maintenance diet if possible. Foods that the pet begs for food. In essence, these increase metabolism, such as vegetables owners are setting their pets up for all which are high in fiber, are included in of the medical problems that can occur with obesity. While many people who constantly reward these weight loss diets. Fiber, contained in vegetables, decreases begging behaviors believe that they are being kind and loving fat and glucose absorption. Fluctuating glucose levels cause greater insulin release. Since insulin is needed for fat storage, owners, they are actually killing their pets with kindness. decreased or stable levels are preferred. Fiber also binds to fat PROBLEMS RESULTING FROM OBESITY in the intestinal tract and increases movement of the food in Problems that are associated with obesity in pets and people are the intestines, which is of benefit to the obese pet. There are several natural therapies that may be helpful as numerous and include orthopedic problems - including arthri- tis – ruptured ligaments, intervertebral disc disease, difficulty part of the treatment of obesity in some pets. Suggested therabreathing, reduced capacity for exercise, and in severe cases, pies include chromium, carnitine, herbs (cayenne, ginger and any movement at all, heat intolerance, increased chance for mustard), hydroxycitric acid (HCA), white bean extract, epigalcomplications due to drug therapy locatechin gallate (EGCG) and coenzyme Q-10. The natural (it is more difficult to accurately treatments are widely used with variable success but have not dose medications in obese pets), been thoroughly investigated and proven at this time. However, a new supplement that appears promising concardiac problems, hypertension tains the clinically tested starch blocker Phase 2Pet, which and cancer. When you keep in mind is an extract of white bean. Phase2Pet is shown to cut starch that the excess body fat occurs digestion up to 75%. Also in the formula is EGCG from green in the body cavities of the chest tea extracts which boosts metabolism, inhibits carbohydrate and abdomen (often being de- digesting enzymes, helps maintain normal blood insulin levels posited there first) as well as under – which promotes the burning of fat – and helps to control appethe skin (what we see as “fat”), it is tite, which helps support weight loss and weight management. not surprising all of the medical Chromium polynicotinate is a niacin-bound chromium that problems that can be associated supports appetite control, building of muscle and the burning of fat. with obesity. Finally, as with people, a regular program of supervised Because diseases such as hypothyroidism and diabetes exercise is also important for pets on a weight reduction promellitus can be associated with gram. Using these ideas will help your pet get that old, slim obesity, obese pets should be figure back! screened for these disorders prior to treatment for obesity.
Dr. Shawn Messonnier is the medical consultant for Pet Togethers, a pet supplement company:
Solving the
raditional Feng Shui is a science which originated in China thousands of years ago that analyzed the energy of the environment and its influence on people. After centuries of recorded observations of nature’s patterns and cycles, Feng Shui Masters compiled formulae to determine and classify the qualities of these unseen natural forces. Feng Shui was originally known as “Kan Yu,” the observation of forces between heaven and earth. Unfortunately, Feng Shui today is known as house decorating, interior design, affirmations, positive thinking, and the art of placement. Feng Shui is used to design countries, states, cities, businesses and homes. Feng Shui is about directional energy, not mirrors, crystals or 3 legged toads. Good luck objects are a part of Chinese culture, not Feng Shui. Since energy is a natural phenomenon in our environment, it is rarely created by man-made objects. The strategy of using Feng Shui is to take advantage of the best energies and to avoid the harmful energies in order to create positive opportunities, improve one’s luck and make it possible to reach goals faster. Feng Shui analyzes the relationship of the energy of the people, the building, the environment and time. Most events such as arguments, divorce, illness, loss of income, car accidents and the inability to have to children can be traced to the energy in and around a house. Feng Shui also allows us to foresee these potential problems. A small house with too many people creates conflict and hardship, while an oversized house with too few people creates exhaustion. An odd shaped house might create confusion because the energy can not disperse evenly. When looking for a new home, avoid the ones facing direct north, south, east and west. Moving to a new home can change everything, including one’s personality. People usually feel the effects in 4 to 6 months. Generally, people purchase homes that match their own energy, characteristics, tendencies and current situations. Feng Shui has many misconceptions, one being “Feng Shui for the garden.” Since the purpose of using Feng Shui is to personally take advantage of beneficial energies, using Feng Shui for your garden might benefit you if you spend 8 hours a day there. Actually, trees and plants are used to stop, hold, direct and block energy. Trees within 10 feet of a building can have a negative effect on the occupants. The two most dangerous elements inside and out are fire and water. Water fountains, fish tanks, pools and ponds placed in wrong locations can influence such events as loss of income,
arguments, accidents, alcoholism, illness and heart attacks. Annual energies are very important and can sometimes make these situations worse. This year, people in a west facing home or business may experience some difficulties. Traditional Feng Shui has many layers and methods. The best consultant is someone who has trained with a Master from authentic lineage. A great consultant sells just that – consulting. Feng Shui allows you to change the energy of your home or business by attracting and directing positive energy so you can strengthen your relationships, improve your health, increase your earning potential and enhance your quality of life. Rebecca Moore is part of an international group of Feng Shui consultants professionally trained under world renowned Master Shyan Tseng. See ad on page 14.
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November 2006
Curried Pumpkin and Black-Eyed Peas Prep Time: 25 minutes, Serves 4
Perfect Pumpkins I
nfused with bright flavors, orange vegetables like pumpkins (part of the gourd family) are one of the world’s healthiest foods but not one that we cook with often enough. The deep orange vegetable is linked to a host of health-promoting benefits. From fending off free radicals to protecting the eyes and skin from damaging ultraviolet rays, orange vegetables deliciously boost overall health. Essential for glowing jack-o-lanterns and creamy Thanksgiving pies, pumpkin is surprisingly full of essential vitamins and minerals. It stands at the top of the Superfood list and joins the esteemed nutrition powerhouse ranks of salmon and blueberries. Pumpkin’s bright orange color, compliments of an abundance of beneficial carotenoid pigments, may also promote cardiovascular health, and as a top source of lutein, pumpkin may support eye health. Rich in alpha- and betacarotene, pumpkin also supplies healthy amounts of fiber, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin C, iron and vitamin E. Pumpkin is available all year, conveniently frozen or canned, and can be easily added to your meals. Stir up a curried pumpkin soup, add a dollop of pumpkin puree to oatmeal cookies or indulge in sweet pumpkin flan. Enjoy this inventive pumpkin recipe that is sure to become a family favorite!
Seasoning 1 medium organic yellow onion, minced 1/4 cup coconut, shredded 3 cloves garlic 2 serrano or Thai chili peppers 1 Tbsp. fresh ginger, minced 1 tsp. cumin, ground 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, ground 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. turmeric 1/2 tsp. coriander, ground 2 Tbsp. Wild Oats Canola Oil 1 Tbsp. organic vegetable or chicken stock Combine the above ingredients in a food processor and puree the mixture to a paste. Remove the paste from the blender and keep aside. Pumpkin Mixture 1 Tbsp. Wild Oats Canola Oil 3/4 pound organic tomatoes, diced 4 cups fresh organic pumpkin (about 1 small pumpkin), peeled and diced into 1” pieces 1 can black-eyed peas, drained 2 cups Wild Oats Organic spinach 2 cups Wild Oats Organic Vegetable or Chicken Broth Heat the oil in a heavy bottom, 4-quart stockpot over medium heat. Add the pumpkin and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the spice paste and cook for another 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes, stock and peas. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes until the pumpkin is tender. Add the spinach and remove from the heat. Serve over barley garnished with sprigs of fresh organic parsley. Lisa High holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Food Management from Oregon State University, and a Master of Science degree in Gerontology (study of aging) with an emphasis in Physiology and Nutrition from the University of Arizona. She is a Registered Dietitian at Wild Oats who has practiced nutritional counseling for nearly 10 years. See ad on page 22.
Healthy Professional Network Healthy Beginnings Magazine proudly sponsors the HPN (Healthy Professional Network).This networking group meets monthly the third Thursday of each month. If you are in a health-related field and are interested in joining us, please call 775-828-4547 for confirmation of location, time and topic of discussion. There is no charge to join these informal, yet informative meetings. This is an opportunity to meet your colleagues who share common healthy lifestyle goals and interests. We look forward to seeing you there.
DID YOU KNOW? SOY IS NOT AS HEALTHY AS YOU THINK For many years now we’ve all heard and read stories about the health benefits of soy. In fact, soy may not be as healthy as you thought: • Unless fermented, soy blocks the absorption of important nutrients consumed along with it. Soy protein, soy milk, soy cheese, etc. are not fermented. • Because soy has natural plant estrogens, it can have unwanted hormonal effects on men and pre-menopausal women. • Asians, often cited as examples of health (a whole other issue), eat far less tofu and other soy products than is commonly thought in the West. • Soy is one of the top 8 allergens. • Soy can impair fertility in both men and women. There are forms of soy that don’t have as many of these problems - miso, natto and tempeh are all forms of fermented soy. Even so, it is best to eat these in moderation. REGULAR EXERCISE BOOSTS METABOLISM In fact, you can boost your metabolism with only 30 minutes of exercise a day. Unfortunately, not all of us have the time and inclination to exercise as regularly as we should. Even so, there is a way to get all the health benefits exercise brings you without having to carve a half hour out of your day. How? By exercising in short, 10-minute bouts of vigorous exercise several times during the day. In fact, some studies show that 2 or 3 such active sessions a day are actually more effective at stimulating your metabolism than one single longer exercise period. ANTIOXIDANTS ARE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR IMPORTANCE IN DIET Chris Pritsos, Nutrition Department Chair of the University of Nevada, Reno, recently sat at a round table discussion at the University of Oxford in England to discuss the benefits of antioxidants. Pritsos researches cancer, the role of antioxidants and the effects of second-hand smoke. Pritsos, one of only 50 experts to sit on the panel, shared his knowledge about the role and importance of low-dose antioxidant supplements, specifically vitamins C and E, in helping to prevent disease. According to Pritsos, most Americans do not receive adequate amounts of antioxidants in their diet. The purpose of the panel was to discuss how to incorporate new information about nutrition to public policy. Information from Nevada Insights Magazine, Vo. 4 2006
November 2006
STRESS A Fact of Life
By Dr. Rhonda Henry
“In my life, I have suffered many terrible experiences. Some of which actually happened” - Mark Twain
ll of us have witnessed the physical damage that stress can wrack on the body, but few understand how it happens. The body’s endocrine system – essential to a properly functioning immune system - may be one of the first victims of stress. What can happen is that a long term poor diet, a lack of exercise and emotional stress can so exhaust the adrenals that the metabolic response of the body is to produce more adrenaline, a type of hormone. Have you ever experienced a
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hot flash of embarrassment or a “rush” of adrenaline when on a roller coaster? Or, do you know the feeling when you’re very angry or frightened and blood rushes to your head and you feel almost dizzy? These are the adrenals’ response to stress. The two adrenal glands sit beside each kidney, deep in the back part of the stomach. Each gland has two parts: A cortex or outer part, and a medulla or central portion. The medulla is what responds to stress by secreting adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine). The hormones are what make y o u d i z z y, light-headed or suddenly forget that word you’ve been grasping for. They are designed to “rev up” the nervous and metabolic systems in preparation for the needs required by a stressful situation, which, in the case of stage fright and writer’s block, can sometimes cause their own problems. When stress is constant, the adrenals become overloaded and the body suffers. Adrenaline increases heart rate and blood pressure, causing veins to dilate and blood sugar to rise. Circulation through the lungs, liver and skeletal muscles increases by as much as one hundred percent. The released adrenaline can cause indigestion, infertility and create malnourishment. While you aren’t necessarily conscious of all the changes that take place, what you might notice is your jaw clenching, stomach tightening and palms sweating. The stressors don’t have to be “real,” either. What happens to you when your boss comes to you to announce, “Do you have some time later? I need to talk to you.” Your mind goes through the worst possible scenario and you’re a nervous wreck until the mystery is solved. According to Dr. Maxell Maltz, author of Psycho-Cybernetics and other self-help books, “…the human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an ‘actual’ experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail.” Therefore it is important for us to control imaginary stresses, especially if they evoke the same emotional response as the real situation. In fact, thinking about a given situation without actually being physically involved may be more harmful. Researchers have found that people watching a sports event released a higher proportion of adrenaline than those actually playing. Participants were also found to release proportions of adrenaline than those actually playing. Participants were also found to release proportionately more noradrenaline, the chemical that controls your stress reactions and puts the brakes on adrenaline. While some stressful episodes may seem to cause no lasting harm, over time pent up anxiety from overreacting to real or imagined crises adds up. Eric Peper, Ph.D., associated director of the Institute of Holistic Healing Studies at San Francisco State University, says that up to 80 percent of health problems today are considered stress-related. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers and an inability to fight infections.
It is important for us to control imaginary stresses
Don’t miss part 2 of this article in the December issue of Healthy Beginnings Magazine. Dr. Rhonda Henry may be reached at 775-315-2900 or
A Case for Eating
Food G
rowing organic food does not require fossil fuel-based fertilizers or chemical pesticides, unlike conventional farming. Producing organic food contributes far less to climate change, soil erosion and water shortages. Plus, according to a recent article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, organic foods have higher nutrient levels than non-organic food. Not only does organic food taste better, it is safer for the health of growers, consumers and the planet.
Genetically Modified Foods Genetic Engineering (GE), or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) were created in hopes to reduce our reliance on pesticides. GMOs are made by inserting genetic material from one species into the DNA of another species. This way, a crop can be resistant to pests and particular brands of herbicides. There is no guarantee that GM foods will be healthy for humans who eat them in the long run. Unfortunately, the children of North America have now become the world’s lab animals on whom to study the long-term effects of eating GM products. In the 1940’s the pesticide DDT was also deemed safe for humans, animals and our environment. Outside of the confines of the labs where GM crops were grown and tested, there is usually no reliable method to control their spread, thereby posing a real danger to the environment. Already, GM crops have contaminated natural crops and even worse, the agribusiness corporations have accused small farmers of stealing their patented crops! The US is one of the only industrialized nations in the world that doesn’t demand that genetically altered foods be labeled. By reading labels, one can easily avoid salt, sugar,
peanuts, wheat, gluten, MSG, saturated fat and soon, trans fat. But GM ingredients remain unidentified. Over 80% of soy is genetically altered. GM Soy is hidden in more than 60% of processed foods in the US in the form of soybean oil, soy flour, soy lecithin, protein powders and vitamin E. At least we can find some comfort in washing and peeling when a pesticide is sprayed on a plant. When a plant is genetically modified to contain a pesticide in every cell, it can’t be washed off. There is absolutely no way to avoid GMOs other than eating organic food. To best reduce your intake of GMOs, avoid the top three sources: corn, soy, and canola. In the US 70% of processed foods contain these three crops, so use caution with packaged foods. The fast food industry relies on corn syrup for its sweeteners and soy and canola for
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November 2006
its oils and fillers. Choose consciously. Lastly, over half of GE foods in the world are fed to animals. Be sure to avoid non-organic animal products. Of all the world’s harvest, it is estimated that between 1/3 and 1/2 is used to fatten animals for human consumption. In the US and UK, more than half the farmland is used for growing foods for animals, not humans. Many countries in the developed world cannot support their meat habit. For example, the grass and grain needed to fatten animals eaten as meat in Europe requires an area seven times the area of the European Union. To maintain this level of meat consumption, developed countries must buy fodder from other countries. Rain forests are being destroyed each year not only to create cattle pasture, but for growing soy and corn (unnatural feed) for animals raised for meat. This is extraordinarily wasteful. We waste fuel in transporting goods back and forth, along with mass quantities of water. Comparatively, to produce 1 kilo of rice, 1900 liters of water is required; whereas to produce 1 kilo of beef, 100,000 liters of water is required. The single most important thing we
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can do if we care not only about the future of our planet, but our own health, is to vastly reduce our meat consumption. If Americans were to reduce meat consumption by just 10 percent, 12 million tons of grain would be freed up annually. The next best step would be to increase our consumption of sustainable, organic, locally grown (when possible), seasonal produce. The good news is that organic vegan food, in addition to being good for the environment, welfare of animals and human health, is delicious and often very beautiful.
Top 10 Reasons to Go Organic (and there are many more!)
problems and other major diseases in farm workers from non-organic farms. This is particularly true in developing countries, and for agrochemical farms growing cotton. So go organic if you care about other people. 7. If you eat dairy or meat products, going organic has never been more essential to safeguard your health. Animals raised for food are fed a dangerous mix of antibiotics, growth promoting drugs, antiparasite drugs and other medicines on a daily basis, whether they have an illness or not. These drugs are passed directly into the consumers of animal products, which must be a contributing factor to meat-related diseases like coronaries and high blood pressure.
8. Over 80% of non-organic farm animals are now fed GM soy. Moreover, there has 1. Organic produce simply tastes better. never been a reported case of mad-cow Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of juice disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephaand flavor. There are an unbelievable lopathy) in organic cattle. number of different varieties to try! 2. Fresh organic produce contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients than intensively farmed produce. 3. Organic produce is not covered in a cocktail of poisonous chemicals. The average conventionally grown apple has 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after rinsing. 4. Going organic is the only practical way to avoid eating genetically modified (GM) food. And by buying organic food, you are registering your mistrust of GMO’s and doing your part to protest against them. 5. Organic food is not really more expensive than intensively farmed foods, as we pay for conventional foods through our taxes. We spend billion of dollars every year cleaning up the mess that agri-business make to our natural water supply, not including the BSE (mad-cow disease) crisis. Go organic for a genuine more cost-effective future. 6. Intensive farming can seriously damage farm workers’ health. There are much higher instances of cancer, respiratory
9. Organic farms support and nurture our beautiful and diverse wildlife. Over the last thirty years intensive farming has led to dramatic erosion of the soil, a fall of up to 70% of wild birds in some areas, the destruction of ancient hedgerows, and the near extinction of some of the most beautiful species of butterflies, frogs, grass-snakes and wild mammals. 10. And if you simply like the idea of your children and grandchildren being able to visit the countryside and play in the forests and fields just like we did when we were young, go organic for the sake of all of our futures. Written by Rozena Asay Adapted from http://www.organicfood.
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What is This Thing Called
cotourism is a relatively new word. It was first used in Central America, defined as: “Environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features-both past and present) that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations.” Hector Ceballos-Lascurain (1983). To simplify things still further they’ve come up with a simple ‘green’ acronym: -environment and -culture -orientated travel. In 1991, the US based Ecotourism Society (now The International Ecotourism Society) defined it as “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well being of local people.” Why should you even consider ecotourism, you might ask? Currently, ecotourism is considered the fastest growing sector of the tourism market in the world. The International Ecotourism Society (1995) identified the trends leading to the fast growth to be: • Increase in the overall travel market • Growth in popularity of vacations to natural areas • Dissatisfaction with simplistic travel packages offered by travel firms and facilities • Urgent need to generate funding and human resources for management of protected areas in ways that meet the needs of local rural populations.
the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, and an eco-park called Xcaret. The world’s second largest coral reef sits off of the island of Cozumel. There is another area in Mexico worth mentioning and it is Mexico’s best kept secret. That is Huatulco, which sits on the Pacific and built on a hillside. It is surrounded by more than 30 beaches on one side and 50,000 acres of jungle on the other. The area is being developed as part of an ecologically sensitive plan to be completed by 2020. Another very popular eco-destination is Costa Rica. This is an eco-adventurer’s dream. You can hike through a natural wonderland of hot springs, bubbling geysers, and rumbling, steaming calderas of several still-active volcanoes in Parque Nacional Volcan Arenal. Explore one of Central America’s only mountain rain forests at Monteverde, home to some of the most elusive and beautiful birds in the world. The Osa Peninsula rewards visitors with many rugged and rewarding eco-tourism adventures, including kayaking, white-water rafting, and surfing. Watch turtles come to shore and lay eggs near Tortuguero in the clear Caribbean waters. If you still find yourself without anything to do try scuba diving in the waters off Isla de Cocos, one of the world’s premier diving spots. The last destination to tell you about is Belize. The people are warm and friendly. This country has a multitude of adventures that are worth experiencing. A favorite jungle activity is the Canopy Tour or some call it zip-lining. You sit in a harness and are attached by very strong cables and you “zip” through the trees. You are anywhere from 50 to 300 feet off of the ground and cover a distance of 105 to 500 feet across? Diving and snorkeling are world class off of Belize on the barrier reef. Stay in a jungle lodge where you can hear the Howler monkeys and see Toucan birds’ right outside your door. If you are lucky you will even see a jaguar! If the jungle is not what you are after then stay on one of the Caye’s off of Belize. Ambergris Caye is the most known.The water is incredibly clear and the most beautiful shade of turquoise. You will find awesome snorkeling and diving, fishing, and beautiful white sand beaches. For more information on ecotourism, please visit The International Ecotourism Society’s website at Article submitted by Debbie Davis of Debs Tours. Call 775-626-7848 or visit
• Recognition of the importance of tourism within the field of sustainable development Ecotourism is also all about a more insightful, mindful and participatory way of traveling, and about the experiences to be enjoyed from a more natural and culturally sensitive environment. Some of the more popular eco-destinations are Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, and the Galapagos Islands. The Riviera Maya on the Yucatan Peninsula has many archaeological sites like Xel-Ha, ecological reserves like
November 2006
CHILDHOOD OBESITY Taking action against a national health crisis
Metabolic Syndrome is a common condition in this population. The definition of Metabolic Syndrome includes at least 3 of the following conditions: • BMI greater than 95th percentile. • Fa s t i n g G l u c o s e g r e a t e r t h a n 110mg/dl • Systolic blood pressure greater than 90th percentile • Fasting triglycerides greater than 100mg/dl • HDL less than 50mg/dl
he American Obesity Association estimates that over 30% of America’s children can be classified as “overweight.” One in every 6 children is now obese. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies children and adolescents with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 85th percentile as “overweight” and above 95th percentile as “obese.” About 16% of all children and teens in the United States are either overweight or obese. Today, about 4 times as many children and teens are overweight as in 1963-65. In a special report from the New England Journal Medicine, March 17, 2005, it was stated that unless effective populationlevel interventions to reduce obesity are developed, “… the youth of today may, on average, live less healthy and possibly shorter lives than their parents.” In June of 2005, the American Medical Association (AMA) issued new directives to help fight childhood obesity.
In an article from the publication Circulation 2004 it was noted that in overweight/ obese children a notable 1 in 3 had Metabolic Syndrome. Moreover, two thirds of all adolescents had at least 1 metabolic abnormality. Another article from the New England Journal of Medicine 2004 stated that the overall prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was 49.7 percent in severely obese subjects. Obese children are at approximately a 3-fold higher risk for hypertension than non-obese children. Insulin resistance associates with obesity and has a significant role in adolescence and in the development of cardiovascular risk factors. Factors that contribute to the problem include: • Poor overall nutrition • Skipping breakfast • The snack factor
Among other policies the following directives recommended include:
• Psychological stressors (children suffer physically and emotionally by being overweight causing self-esteem issues)
• Developing school-based initiatives that promote nutrition and exercise.
• Environmental stressors.
• Incorporate measurement of BMI percentiles in the assessment and treatment of children. • Encourage health industries to make care available for prevention and treatment of obesity. Consider the health challenges that obese children face: • Metabolic Syndrome • Increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease • Increased risk of Type 11 diabetes
• Low Physical Activity According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States population is the most overfed- but undernourished- country in the world. Dr. Goutham Rao, M.D. in his book Child Obesity: A Parent’s Guide to a Fit, Trim, And Happy Child identifies the 5 principle culprits for obesity among children: soft drinks (“liquid candy”); fast food; television and video games; inactivity of youngsters both at school and at play; and the changing patterns of family behavior, which have led to irregular meal times and over-consumption of “convenience” foods.
Inadequate nutrition may add to overall obesity in children. It is possible that an insuffi cient breakfast contributes to the making of poor food choices over the rest of the day, which in the long term, develops into an increased risk of obesity. Poor diet, skipping breakfast and high glycemic foods compound the problem. Eating high glycemic foods increases the hunger response which, in turn, increases the caloric consumption. In the Pediatric Journal, March 1999, it was pointed out that in obese boys, voluntary energy intake after a high glycemic meal was 81% greater that after a low glycemic meal. The rapid absorption of glucose after consumption of high glycemic meals induces a sequence of hormonal and metabolic changes that promote excessive food intake in obese subjects. Thus, the habitual consumption of high glycemic index foods may increase risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, a hypothesis that derives considerable support from laboratory studies, clinical trials, and epidemiological analysis. Without the combined balance of protein, raw oils and low glycemic foods, the body’s metabolic needs are not met. Clearly the body thrives on a balanced nutritional intervention. Therapeutic lifestyle changes are needed to address the problem. Society has changed. You need look no further than the demise of home cooking and the increase of fast food meals to prove this point. The snacks and sodas that many of today’s young people consider “normal” food are empty calories that do not promote a healthy life style. Some of the changes that can be implemented include: • Provide proper and balanced low-glycemic index nutrition. • Enhanced physical activity (both planned and incidental). • Involve parents and caregivers to provide an environment of support. For the busy household consider balanced meal replacements and quick reference shopping guides. • Provide appropriate levels of antioxidants to support the needs of obese children. • Provide adequate calcium, essential fatty acids and other vitamins/ minerals to support metabolism. • Substitute soy or whey protein for animal protein where possible as they have a more benefi cial short-term effect on total cholesterol and LDL-C levels in children with hypercholesterolemia than a standard low fat diet.
their children will grow out of it. Some children do “outgrow” weight problems. Only 20 percent of overweight four-and fi veyear olds become overweight adults. However, evidence shows that children who remain heavy through adolescence tend to stay that way as adults. Submitted by Burton’s Wellness Center. For more information please call (775) 323-1331 or visit Dr. John Burton’s website at:
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Since 1960, the number of children who are obese has doubled in the United States. The U.S. Government estimates that some six million children are now overweight enough to endanger their health. Many parents think
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November 2006
Memory Loss and Obesity The Sugar Connection
hether in the mainstream news or as a topic for some comedian’s joke, these days we hear a lot about the massive numbers of overweight people in the U. S. We also hear about the tragedy of memory loss, particularly in the aging population. Is there a connection between these two events? As it turns out, there is. The connection comes from how our bodies deal with sugar. When we don’t process sugars efficiently, our bodies create a kind of sticky substance within and between our cells. This sticky stuff, often called “A.G.E.” (short for “Advanced Glycation End-prod-
ucts”), creates no end of health problems. Among these are stubborn weight gain, impaired focus and memory and a general lack of energy. A.G.E. forms when the cells have more sugar than they can use. Since they must do something with the excess, they ‘cook’ the sugar with proteins to create a caramel-like substance. In fact, the process of forming A.G.E. is called ‘caramelization.’ To visualize this, imagine what happens when you leave a pot of milk on the stove on a low heat. When you come back several hours later you don’t have a full pot of milk, but rather 1/4 of a pot of caramel. The sugar and the protein in the milk have combined and now take up less space. Now imagine how much more difficult it is for your body to function normally when it is working against this kind of sticky internal obstruction. The body can still do what it needs to, but much more energy is required to do anything. It creates an enormous energy drain. In Chinese medicine, the creation of this sticky stuff is called “Dry Phlegm.” Although Dry Phlegm is classically associated with the lungs, it can show up anywhere in the body. It can be a factor in everything from nerve pain to weight gain to impaired mental functioning.
The solution? First of all, stop adding more sugar into your system than it can handle. That way no additional stickiness forms. In addition, there are acupuncture and herbal remedies that can help your body begin letting go of the sticky stuff. You need to be aware that it takes time and persistence to remove A.G.E. In the same way that it’s not easy to clean a pot coated with caramel, you won’t get rid of A.G.E. overnight. The good news is that you can start the process today by eliminating refined sugars from your diet. Doing so will greatly reduce the likelihood of longterm weight, memory and other health problems later on. Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD practices Anti-Aging Acupuncture, which includes nutritional and herbal support for optimal health. He specializes in working with active people who want to reclaim the health, energy and focus they once had. You can reach him at (775) 827-6901, or visit his web site at
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Effects of vibration training on the elderly and persons at risk for osteoporosis. Who is an elderly person? We all know people in their seventies, eighties, or older that are active beyond what is considered normal. The best definition of old is 10 years older than wherever you are. Age is relevant to physical ability. Loss of strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance are indicators of the aging process. Decreased activity may be the most obvious indicator of becoming elderly. Decreased activity may be the result of an accident, work injury, or any number of potentials that cause a decrease in physical abilities. Correction is partially dependant on the cause, but the basic principle of regaining strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance is still the gold standard for increasing activity. The problem is how to get started again after a person has experienced a loss of physical activity. Until recently, the options were limited to various forms of resistance training plus cardiovascular training to regain strength and endurance. Unfortunately, most forms of resistant training are too strenuous for many elderly persons. Vibration training allows even restricted persons the opportunity to perform simple movements that will increase their physical abilities at a reasonable pace without compressing fragile joints or putting them into potentially dangerous positions. Vibration training by its very nature improves strength, flexibility, coordination and balance all within the same basic exercises. The other advantage of vibration training is the ability to modify basic movements to adhere to specific personal inabilities that many elderly persons have developed during a lifetime of various activities. Research has shown that vibration technology may slow or even reverse osteoporosis by increasing bone density. This is positive news as osteoporosis is a common affliction of the aging population. This research is ongoing and easily accessible on the internet under various categories. Written by Dennis Fitzpatrick, Vibrant Health. See ad on this page.
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ACUPUNCTURE 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER Brook Hollinger, O.M.D. 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Comprehensive natural treatments for women’s health concerns including infertility, pregnancy, and menopause. Traditional Chinese Medicine is used to treat the underlying cause of disease, bring the body into balance and restore health! DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 3400 Kauai Ct Ste 100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6901 Reduce pain, stress and fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation and energy; emotional weight loss. You can look and feel better with time-tested healing techniques. See ad on page 23. THE FINLEY CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE, LLC Tara L. Finley, OMD ND (775) 337-1334 Family practice offering a blend of traditional Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine and the use of Functional Medicine lab testing, resulting in a customized holistic treatment plan. See ad on page 17.
CONSCIOUS LIVING REJUVENATION CENTER Jeremy Ann Anderson, CAS, CMT 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Get a customizied Ayurvedic program which can include nutrition programs, custom-made herbal remedies, aromatherapy, sound and color therapy, Ayurvedic body therapies, yoga asana, meditation, and Pancha Karma. 20% discount throughout October. See ad on page 27.
CHIROPRACTORS 8 DIMENSIONS HEALTH CENTER 300 S. Wells Ave. Ste. #3 Reno, NV (775) 324-4008 Drs. Hollinger, Rammel, and Richards Experience the Gonstead Chiropractic difference! Proven to get fast results with low back pain, herniated discs, headaches, and sciatica. Gentle and effective for adults and children. DYNAMIC BODY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Layne L. Linebaugh 9393 Gateway Dr. Reno, NV 89521 (775) 853-4010 Gentle, specific adjustments of the head neck and spine to reset the nervous system, relieve pain, correct body imbalances and de-stress the whole body. See ad on page 28.
CHIROPRACTORS POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 1175 Harvard Way Reno, Nevada (775) 329-4402 By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. See ad on page 15.
COLON HYDROTHERAPY CONSCIOUS LIVING REJUVENATION CENTER 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Body tissue is fed by the bloodstream, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty (autointoxication) and so are the organs and tissues. Colon hydrotherapy is a procedure used to assist the body with a wide variety of health conditions known to stem from improper diet and elimination habits. See ad on page 27. RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian 3400 Kauai Court #100 Reno, Nevada 89509 (775) 827-6888 Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure and treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! See ad on page 13.
STRESS A Fact of Life
By Dr. Rhonda Henry Look for Part Two in the December issue of Healthy Beginnings
JOYFUL CHANGES June Milligan, M.Ed., CHT (775) 786-9111
FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore (775) 830-8168
JUNE MILLIGAN, M.ED., CHT Joyful Changes (775) 786-9111
Learn how to start using “THE SECRET” processes immediately. I’ve been teaching the LAW OF ATTRACTION techniques for 18 years. Course can be takenwith or without hypnosis. See separate hypnotherapy ad on page 20.
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VIBRANT FITNESS STUDIO Moana and Lakeside (775) 322-0202 Why a personal training studio? Certified trainers and Advanced Technology equal fast results. Limitless variations provide a more interesting, more effective program. See ad on page 37.
Unknown subconscious beliefs may be blocking your happiness and success. Smoking, weight gain, procrastination or anxiety could be the result. You were meant to be prosperous, happy and healthy. Call 786-9111 for more info about what hypnosis can do for you. See ad on page 20.
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CAMU SPA & WELLNESS 2450 Vassar St. Ste. 3A Reno. (775) 329-4141 Consultations, nutritional and supplement counseling and dietary assistance available. Do you suffer from fibromyalgia, candida, hormone imbalance, weight gain or fatigue. Call for a consultation.
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SIERRA INTEGRATIVE MEDICAL CENTER 380 Brinkby Avenue Reno, NV 89509 (775) 828-5388 We specialize in chronic degenerative, autoimmune, and infectious diseases - combining the best that conventional Didalternative You Saymedicines Cellulite? and have to offer. “We treat the disease…not just the Endermologie® FDA Approved symptoms”. See ad on page 11.
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STEAMBOAT HOT Call 333-6580 HEALING Reno’s Exclusive body shaping and re- SPRINGS juvenating center offering Endermology, CENTER & SPA 16010 S.Reno Virginia, Amethyst Biomat therapy, infrared sauNow Located in South • na, detox seaweed and Mlis inch loss Reno, NV 89521 (775) 853-6600, wraps. See ad on page 7. Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs and 5-person out“Whole magazine is informative” door tub. Offering therapeutic massage, “Beautiful!” “Loved the article on detox mud body wraps, facials and skin Cinnamon!” care. See ad on page 16. Vicki Keller Reader, Stead, NV
KINESIOLOGY POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 1175 Harvard Way Reno, Nevada (775) 329-4402 By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. See ad on page 15.
MASSAGE CONSCIOUS LIVING REJUVENATION CENTER Alesha Bingham, LMT 95 La Rue Avenue, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 825-5668 Alesha offers therapeutic treatments ranging from swedish, deep tissue and sports massage, to aromatherapy, reflexology, and shiatsu as well as specialized full body detoxification wraps. 20% discount throughout October. See ad on page 27. RAYNETREE ENERGETICS LLC Tree L. Allemang, LMT 3670 Grant Drive, Suite 104 (775) 826-2858 My background is in medical and oncology massage. Massage sessions provide therapy for clients with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, pain management, stress reduction, and inpatient/outpatient cancer care. See ad on page 9.
November 2006
TONI FAIN PHD POWER HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC Ralston Massage Center 1175 Harvard Way 145 Hillcrest Dr. Ste. B, Reno, NV Reno, Nevada (775) 829-9300 (775) 329-4402 The human body is the most miraculous thing on the planet. If we give it half a chance it can and will heal itself. Dr. Toni has been working in natural healing and health for over 30 years.
NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, B.S., N.D. (775) 827-6888 Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, dietary supplements, lifestyle modifications and hydrotherapy used to address the causes of dis-ease and not just the symptoms. See ad on page 21. THE FINLEY CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE, LLC Tara L. Finley, OMD ND (775) 337-1334 Family practice offering a blend of traditional Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and the use of Functional Medicine Lab testing, resulting in a customized holistic treatment plan. See ad on page 17.
PHYSICAL THERAPY THE FINLEY CENTER, LLC Brian J. Finley, PT, OCS, COMT 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., #B16 Reno, NV 89509, (775) 337-1334 A unique clinic offering individualized, physical therapy, manual therapy and acupuncture for general orthopedic and sports rehab patients. See ad page 17. “I am just recovering from a bout with shingles and it seems every article in your magazine was written just for me. Thank you so very much.” Theresa Sandrini Reader, Carson City
By uniting chiropractors, massage therapists, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and diagnostics all under one convenient roof, we take the stress out of choosing where to go for optimum health care. Call 775329-4402. See ad on page 15.
PILATES THE PILATES COACH Leslee Bender, Owner & Master Trainer 460 California Ave #200 Reno, NV 89509 775-324-3224 Pilates improves flexibility and core strength, imparting a sense of elevated wellbeing. We focus on personal attention, working one on one or in small groups. See ad on page 20.
RAW FOODS SCHALL ADAMS, LLC 5301 Longley Lane, Suite 8 Reno, NV 89511 (775) 412-1891 Learn how healthy you can truly be by adding more raw, fresh foods into your diet in a fun and interesting way. Classes, private consultations, restaurant menu development and lectures. See ad on page 33.
REIKI THE MERIDIAN Kim Roubo, Reiki Master Teacher 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 A gentle, safe and effective treatment which calms the Autonomic Nervous System. Reiki allows for mental clarity and physical healing, benefiting people with conditions from chronic pain to emotional stress. See ad on page 10.
ROLF INTEGRATION ROLFBODYWORK Thomas Gordy, Certified Rolf Structural Integration, LMT The Stadium, 9393 Gateway Dr., Reno (775) 220-2482, Ease pain, improve posture, enhance athletic performance, and beautify movement.
ROLFING DAVID MACDONALD Certified Advanced Rolfer, Sanctity 1026 West 1st Street (775) 324.5500 Over thirty years experience in massage and body work. Graduate of the Rolf Institute 1987. Each session and series is designed for the uniqueness of each client. No-cost consultations. Discounts for children, teenagers and students. Massage classes and continuing education courses for massage practitioners.
SKIN CARE THE FINLEY CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE & NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE, LLC Tara L. Finley, O.M.D., N.D. 337-1334 Cosmetic acupuncture - Botox alternative. Ancient superficial needling technique along with chinese herbs, vitamins, minerals, diet, & topical essential oils for skin and total body health. See ad page 17.
SPAS CAMU SPA & WELLNESS 2450 Vassar St. Ste. 3A, Reno 329-4141 Relax and revitalize in the peacefulness of our spa. We feature massage, body wraps, facials, foot treatments, waxing and ear candling.
“Thanks for doing such a great job on the networking events!” Victoria Wallington, LMT
CIRCLE OF LIFE SPA 5301 Longley Ln A-8 Reno 825-7727
HEALTHY WATER SYSTEMS Dr. Scot & Amy Bennick (775) 787-5643
Reno’s premier healing spa with mineral body wraps, far-infrared sauna, floatation tank, raw foodclasses, suppliment counseling, counseling, massage and dance studio for men and women. See ad on page 39.
DRINK HEALTH! Drinking ionized, alkaline water can help you rid toxins, lose weight, and stay healthy. Ionized water is alkaline, oxygenated, full of powerful antioxidants, and forms small “clusters” that speed hydration, aid detoxification, and accelerate healing. Call 787-5643 for a free in-home demo of our advanced machines.
WELLNESS CENTERS THE MERIDIAN 9393 Gateway Dr, Reno, NV 89509 (775) 852-0446 Offering an integrative approach in healing the mind, body and spirit. Utilizing Acupuncture, Reiki, Therapeutic body work and Prenatal massage. See ad on page 10. “Love the magazine!” Dr. Maureen McKenney
COMMUNITYevents November 2nd
November 16th
FREE VASCULAR TESTING. No Charge! Takes only three minutes! Anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 218 California Suite 206 Ann Lysight 775-762-8747.
FREE VASCULAR TESTING. No Charge! Takes only three minutes! Anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 218 California Suite 206 Ann Lysight 775-762-8747.
November 9th FREE VASCULAR TESTING. No Charge! Takes only three minutes! Anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 218 California Suite 206 Ann Lysight 775-762-8747.
November 14th FREE VASCULAR TESTING. No Charge! Takes only three minutes! Anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Reno Alternative Health Care Center at Moana & Kauai Court Linda Tierney 775-348-7918 “What Is Raw Food?” Sampling Demonstration. 6-8 pm For more information please visit our website Cost: $45
November 18th Holiday Raw Food class! Learn to make some delicious favorites without the stove! Saturday, November 18th from 10-1 pm at The Reverse Aging Club 2999 S. Virginia St. Call for registration 774 412-1891 Cost: $85
November 21st Holiday Beginner Preparation Class with a Holiday Theme at 6-10pm. 5301 Longley Lane Suite A7 Reno, NV Call for registration 775 412-1891 Cost: $85 “No Bake Desserts” Holiday Dessert Demonstration: Tuesday 11/21/06 at 6pm. 5301 Longley Lane Suite A7 Reno, NV Call for registration 775-4121891 Cost: $20
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COMMUNITYevents November 28th
Is Health Your Passion?
“What Is Raw Food?” Sampling Demonstration. 6-8 pm For more information please visit our website Cost: $45
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ONGOINGevents What is Raw Food? Schall Adams, LLC Classes held Tuesdays from 1pm-5pm and 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Registration required (775) 412-1891
Monthly Raw Food Demonstration Schall Adams, LLC 3rd Thursday of month 5:00-6:30 PM 5301 Longley Lane Suite A8 Reno, NV RSVP to Schall by Wednesday 10:00am (775) 412-1891
Raw Food Transition Seminar Schall Adams, LLC Held every 3rd weekend of the month Sat & Sun 10-6. Registration required (775) 412-1891
Monthly Organic Raw Foods Potluck Lecture: Network Spinal Analysis Dr. Tony McCormick. First Wed. of every month. 6:00 pm Lecture. For more information, 327-4878.
Raw Food Support Potluck hosted by Schall Adams, LLC Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30 PM or Thursdays from 7:00-8:30am in the Circle of Life Spa at 5301 Longley Lane
Healthy Lifestyles Membership Program Raw & Living Food Classes Various health lectures, and demonstrations in many alternative health therapies throughout the month. Come and learn which healing modalities will work for you! Schall Adams (775) 412-1891 Free Passes available!
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