2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
BALANCING ALCOHOL Good Things To Know If You Drink
HBmag.com ISSN 2150-9921
Are You Thyroid Deficient?
Part 4: Gluten, ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ and Thyroid Disease
Great American Smoke-Out Month!
10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Your Local Resource for Natural Living
healthy, natural ways to
Written by Kippy Spilker
s the holidays grow near, we will find ourselves stretched thinner and likely more social than normal. We’ll touch more door handles, shake more hands, be around more sneezes and coughs. While our immune systems deal with the onslaught of germs and lowered resistance, we often find ourselves seeking out natural options to include in our immunity-boosting arsenal. Of course we all know the common recommendations: don’t smoke, exercise regularly, get lots of sleep, minimize stress, eat healthy. All great suggestions, but sometimes it’s tough to keep up with these practices during the busy holiday season. Here are a few other potential sources of natural immunity-boosting to keep in mind.
VITAMIN A – Known to help battle infections and maintain the health of mucosal surfaces. This vitamin is fat-soluble, so will be best absorbed when consumed with a healthy fat. Foods high in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, winter squashes, bell peppers, dried apricots, liver and fish.
of ergothioneine in them, which is a powerful antioxidant that does not get destroyed during the cooking process.
VITAMIN D – Produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, this helpful vitamin signals an antimicrobial response to the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis. Naturally found in fatty fishes like salmon, tuna and mackerel. Also in other lean meats and poultry, beans, eggs and nuts.
SAGE EXTRACT – An expectorant, this extract will help your body remove mucus from your respiratory tract and calm your cough. Try a drop or two in tea or hot water as an alternative to an over-the-counter medication.
GARLIC – Has been touted to have infection-fighting capabilities. IRON – Helps your body carry oxygen to its cells. Some natural sources of iron are clams, liver, sunflower seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains, dark leafy greens, dark chocolate and tofu. LAVENDER OIL – The focus on antibacterial soaps, lotions and wipes has led to an overflow of harsh products loaded with toxins (like triclosan, which studies have shown can cause hormone disruption in animals) that not only help create resistant bacteria, but over-dry and crack the skin, which makes the transmission of viruses easier. Try a few drops of lavender oil for a natural hand sanitizer and skin soother.
PROBIOTICS – A healthy gut will help regulate metabolism, hunger and immune system. You can help boost your bacterial health naturally with fermented foods, like unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir.
TEA TREE OIL – Make your own natural surface cleaner with equal parts vinegar and water, plus several drops of tea tree oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This oil has also been used to treat psoriasis, nail fungus and acne. ZINC – Has been found to shorten the duration of a cold by a few days, due to its ability to stop the replication of the cold’s cells. Some natural sources of zinc are pumpkin seeds, spinach, oysters, nuts and beans. * Bonus tip: When you can’t get it fresh, choose frozen – Fruits and vegetables are frozen at their peak ripeness, so you’ll get similar nutritional values in frozen as you would fresh. But be sure you read the labels to make sure there are no added sugars or sodium.
MUSHROOMS – Shitake mushroom extract has shown enhanced immune function in women with breast cancer. Japanese mushrooms (enoki, shitake, oyster) also have a lot
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
inside the
issue 11 2015
on the cover
in every issue
02 10 Natural Ways to Boost
04 Publisher’s letter
Your Immune System
08 Are You Thyroid Deficient? 16 November: Great American Smoke-Out Month!
20 Cancer is a Metabolic Disease 22 Balancing Alcohol
32 Professional Directory 34 Calendar
departments health 02 Healthy, Natural Ways to
Boost Your Immune System
05 Helpful & Healthy 08 Patient Mysteries
Are you Thyroid Deficient? Pt. 4 Gluten, ‘Leaky Gut’ Syndrome, and Thyroid Disease
16 Here’s Your Chance
November is Great American Smoke Out Month
22 Balancing Alcohol
Good Things to Know if You Drink
26 My Day With the Cheesemakers
herbs&spices 11 Nutmeg
Star of the Spice Trade
spiritual health 12 Good Morning & Good Night 19 Serve the Mansion Owner
healthy reading 14 The 5 Personality Patterns
Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others While Developing Emotional Maturity
integrative health 20 Cancer is a Metabolic Disease
recipes 24 A Versatile Legume: The Chickpea!
28 Sushi Nori
crystology 30 Amber
The Akashic Stone
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
publisher’s letter publisher’s letter
ne of the wonderful things about producing Healthy Beginnings each month is that it gives us the opportunity to share information that comprises a large part of a healthy lifestyle. I am passionate about the holistic, natural and healthy lifestyle as I have seen firsthand the positive impact that it can have on healing. In previous monthly letters I have discussed my concerns about GMOs, chemicals, toxic soil, and overly processed foods. I pay close attention to the processes we use in the United States to grow and produce food. In September, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit France. During my trip we went on a tour of the Sancerre wine region of France. The first stop on the tour was a goat cheese farm located in the
Loire Valley. This farm has been owned by the same family for over one hundred years. During our tour of the farm we learned about how the cheese was made and observed the true commitment of the family to the quality of the cheese they produced on their farm. We also were able to tour the barn to see where the goats lived. It was very evident that these beautiful goats are well cared for. France has very strict laws regarding how many animals are allowed to graze per acre – the goats had plenty of room to roam and live in a setting that is natural to their healthy well being. It was clear from listening to the farmers that the animals are very important to them and to the quality of the cheese. I saw firsthand the loving attention the goats received, especially the sweet little baby goats that were roaming among us (they were so small they could get through the iron fence posts of the stalls).
In addition, the goat cheese that this particular farm produces has to pass 60 points of quality control in order to get a special gold stamp on each package of cheese. I was quite taken hearing about those strict requirements to ensure quality. I found myself wishing we had the same approach here in the United States. Fortunately, we do have lots of options to purchase quality locally grown food through farmers markets and independent food manufacturers. This month’s issue is full of wonderful healthy recipes, expert information on thyroid health, new discoveries about cancer and even tips to help quit smoking. Make sure to check out Healthy Beginnings’ Facebook page and share your thoughts with us there or on Twitter or Instagram. Happy November!
Lynn Virgilio
We would love to hear from you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Helpful Healthy
Written by Kippy Spilker
his coming January, my Grandma will be turning 95. I always try to do something special for each of her “milestone” years. This year the pressure was on and I was running out of time when, in July, I decided I would complete 95 Kindnesses in her name, photograph as many as I could and put them in a book to send to her as a surprise for her birthday. One unexpected side effect of this process is that as people have learned of my project, they want to get involved. It’s been great to watch friends and co-workers step up and help clean up the river, walk in Relay For Life, donate blood, send cards to people who are ill … all in the name of kindness. Nearly all of them have reported back to me how happy they’ve felt after helping
out, and that they’d always talked or thought about doing something, they just didn’t know what or how to start, so that really got me thinking – how many others out there feel the same? Studies have shown that volunteering to help others can lessen depression, increase happiness and even extend your life. Whether it’s that volunteering gets us up and moving, or increases oxytocin released by social connections, volunteering just makes us feel good. While nowhere near a complete list of local organizations with which you can volunteer your time or services or donate goods, here are a few local groups that are helping make a difference. If you decide to get involved this holiday season, with these groups or any other, please let us know about it on Facebook or Twitter. We’d love to hear about your experiences! WE CARE VOLUNTEERS We Care Volunteers provide a homecooked meal four nights a week, to the homeless and working poor of Reno/ Sparks community. Food servers and
food donations are welcome, with approximately 150-300 meals served any given night. You don't need to prepare something yourself – readymade cookies, fresh fruit, breakfast bars, string cheese, and anything that can be carried away to be eaten later (non-perishable) is greatly appreciated. If you can't make it out to serve, you can provide monetary donations, which are continued on page 7
MASSAGE Renew - Relax - Recharge Patricia Elliott RN, LMT, Certified Medical Massage Practitioner
#NVMT 5274
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Lynn Virgilio PUBLISHER, ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING publisher@hbmag.com | 408.406.9799
Kippy Spilker
Content Director
Lynn Virgilio
Design & Layout
Alexandria Olivares-Wenzel
Social Media Managers Web Archiving
Abbey Smith, Ashley Lauwereins, Cambria Roth Social@HBMag.com
June Milligan, Kate Colby Nelson, Kippy Spilker, Allison Prater
Contributing Medical Writers
Dr. Andy Drymalski, Dr. Michael Gerber, Dr. Robert Eslinger, Dr. William Clearfield
Healthy Recipes
Marie-Claire Hermans
Healthy Beginnings’ Mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 408.406.9799 or e-mail us at distribution@HBmag.com. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email publisher@HBmag.com for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at www.HBmag.com in the footer of the home page.
Questions, Comments, and Submissions publisher@HBmag.com
Printed in the USA HB Magazine is printed on partially recycled newsprint
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online have received more dreams of even renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. ps dreams of being chased, of dying a car crash. In his outer life, he might See ad on this page. uto accident. He continued frommay page 5 develop anxiety deductible. The organization is also his accepting weatherincluding just spreading the word about their fund (which we’re c attacks.taxHis relationships with appropriate garments for those in need, as well as sleeping doing with you, right now – hey, this does feel good!) ld become One of bags,more tents anddisturbed. backpacks. www.shakespearanimalfund.org or ShakespeareAnimalFund on FB www.wecarevolunteers.org wecarevolunteers on FB. ck or become rebellious,ormirroring If you can’t volunteer your time, how about donating some RISE AND goods, or giving a little extra when you go out to eat? s God. Some ofDINE these events would Three Saturdays a month, this team invites volunteers throughout YOU’N-I/STREETSMART 4 YOUTH s decision actions.to Others might theand Reno community cook their favorite recipes and together You’N-I is a community initiative addressing the needs of youth serve dinner and distribute clothing to hundreds of locals without who are homeless, runaways, or aging out of foster care, led is certain is that he will encounter a home. From their website: “Also, keep in mind that many by the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. From Oct individuals and suffer from health issues, so egative events frustrations ifhealthy he dishes are always 1 – Nov 18, local Reno/Sparks area restaurants will be helping a great idea!” RISE also accepts monetary donations (including the Streetsmart 4 You program. Each of the participating ves of hisbitcoin), deeper self. Needless togoods. say, as well as clothing and other restaurants will present the opportunity for you to add a $1 (or wealthy www.renoinitiative.org woman wouldorbe ill-fated. RenoInitiative on FB greater) donation for Streetsmart 4 Youth when your check is SHAKESPEARE ANIMAL FUND This is a little organization tackling a really big problem, - paying emergency veterinary bills for elderly, disabled, returning veterans and low income individuals who can’t afford medical treatment for their suffering or dying pets. A volunteer-based organization, SAF has many ways in which you can use your own skills to help,
hilosophical viewpoint that all moral valid or “true.” This position rests upon se a person’s morality flows from his/ ecause people have different values, e with none any better than another. TOYS FOR TOTS EVENTS – Dec 19th –may Moody’spossess Bistro in Truckee will offer one • Nov 11 people ng that different glass of wine or one dessert when you donate a toy values are• Nov 17th equivalent. For example, - 21st Sparks High School Microsoft Tech a life of psychological andhour spiritual Class Toys for Tots lunch Drive (Sparks, NV) Bill Jackson Instructor e systems lead to a pretty much wasted • Nov 22nd- Tree Lighting & Toys for Tots Drive, at the equal worth,Legends and neither are the moral (Sparks, NV) starts at 5:00pm. om them. • Nov 23 – 24 Western Village (Sparks,NV) Slot Tournament th
and Toys for Tots Drive 12:00pm - 2:00pm
e, and perhaps the more paradoxical, moral, for •one person in a particular Dec 4 - Atlantis Hotel & Casino (Reno, NV) CRS Fashion Show another Toys for Tots Drive starts at This 11:00am arily right for person. • Dec 4 – River Ranch Winter Welcome differences in their values systems,Party, N. Tahoe HS jazz band holiday concert, 6-7:30 pm the fact that what is required for one • Dec 6th- A local Vintage VW Club is hosting a STUFF A Toysbe for Tots to end here at our Toys for Tots dividual mayBUSnot thedrive same asupwhat Headquarters (3652 S. Virginia St Ste D-1 Reno, NV next For example,toquitting your job because JOX) 1:00pm - 3:00pm h one of your could be a Hotel and • Dec co-workers 6th - Serena Holiday Party, Peppermill Casino Reno, NV (Tuscany Ballroom) 5:30pm. ision if you are in the wrong line of • Dec 7th - 1,000 Harley Rider Toys for Tots Drive please is just one more lifeat 775-329-2913 to contact prodding Chesters Harleyfrom Davidson in Reno for more information lly love. Conversely, your decision to 9 – Sunnyside Resort & Lodge in Tahoe City, N. Lake esponsible•ifDec life is trying to5-7teach you Tahoe Chamber Mixer, pm and you are toGame avoid this • Decjust 12 – trying “The Gang” Night at Rosie’s Café in Tahoe
• Dec 1st – Zano’s Family Italian & Pizzeria in Truckee, TruckeeDonner Chamber Mixer 5-8 pm
presented. 100% of donations collected will be given to the You‘N-I Youth Network Initiative. More restaurants are joining every day. For a current list, go to YouthNetworkInitiative on FB, and click on Events. OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: To find nonprofits in your area, try www.greatnonprofits.org. You can filter the results for issues that are most important to you. Looking for volunteer opportunities in the Tahoe area? Visit Hands On Tahoe at www.handsontahoe.org. They have a great search engine, so that you can explore options based upon the organization’s focus or your own skills.
Answers For Everybody!
City, 7pm
reno-nv.toysfortots.org or tahoe-truckee.toysfortots.org
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Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Visit www.HBmag.com
Gluten, ‘Leaky Gut’ Syndrome, and Thyroid Disease Written by Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.
n Part I, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we reviewed two cases illustrating common clinical presentations of thyroid disease, the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland, symptoms of low thyroid output and common misunderstandings about the cause of thyroid disease. In Part II, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we reviewed diagnostic techniques and offered treatment modalities for a variety of thyroid maladies including medication, supplements and dietary advice. In Part III, “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we provided an overview of the root causes of thyroid disease, and suggested lifestyle and treatment strategies to minimize symptoms and even reverse thyroid disease completely. Today, in Part IV “Patient Mysteries, Are You Thyroid Deficient?” we take an in-depth look at each root cause, attempt to mitigate specific factors creating thyroid dysfunction from each etiology, and offer suggestions to keep them at bay. As a reminder, hypothyroid symptoms include brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, a pale puffy face, feeling cold, joint and muscle pain, constipation, dry thinning hair, heavy menstrual flow or irregular periods, slowed heart rate, difficulty getting pregnant, and depression. 1 The root causes of thyroid disease are: 1. Gastrointestinal or ‘Leaky Gut” Syndrome 2. Heavy Metals and Toxins 3. Infectious Diseases 4. Adrenal Insufficiency 5. Iodine Deficiency 6. Nutrient Deficiencies The common thread connecting each root cause is “molecular mimicry.” (Pay attention,it will be on the quiz.) Molecular mimics
are abnormal, or “foreign” proteins that evolve when our body mistakenly incorporates similar but abnormal compounds into normal tissue. Consider rheumatoid arthritis. Abnormal cells, produced “mistakenly” in our joints are attacked and destroyed by our own immune system. The process involves the production of powerful inflammatory agents creating havoc in normal tissue. Similarly, abnormal proteins produced in our vital organs give rise to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and, in the thyroid gland, hypothyroid autoimmune Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The first root cause of thyroid disease, gastrointestinal dysfunction, is mainly due to the ingestion of highly allergenic compounds, most famously gluten. Gluten, present in wheat, rye, barley and various combinations of these grains, consists of the protein gliadin. Gliadin closely resembles normal T3, setting in motion a case of “mistaken” identity. The thyroid production sequence, in the course of normal metabolic activity, incorporates the gliadin creating and abnormal T3 hormone. Eventually the body recognizes that it doesn’t have enough “real” thyroid substrate to perform its duties and hypothyroid symptoms ensue. 2 Our Johnny-come-lately immune system eventually realizes critical substances are in short supply and attempts to rectify the situation by producing more (abnormal) tissue, setting in motion a deficiency and (thyroid) failure scenario. Lastly, the immune system perceives this gluten infused “thyroid” hormone as “foreign” and activates its inflammatory response to chase the invader out, damaging and eventually destroying its own (in this case thyroid) tissue.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Routine laboratory tests, if one adheres to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Endocrinologists, 3 rarely detects significant, “subclinical” disease. The average time from onset to accurate diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease, (which constitutes 90% of all such cases, 4) is 5-10 years. 5 These patients are frequently labeled as “crazy, whiners, or neurotic nerds,” frequently “treated” with antianxiety agents such as xanax or other benzodiazepine, or antidepressants, Prozac, or Zoloft and such (oh my!) Without addressing the root cause of gluten sensitivity, even when treated with thyroid replacement hormone, one never quite gets to the promised land of thyroid tranquility. Highs and lows occur frequently and thyroid replacement dosages need to be changed frequently. THE AUTOIMMUNE GASTROINTESTINAL THYROID CONNECTION 80% of our immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. Without a healthy gut it is impossible to have adequate defenses against infectious disease. The Standard American (S.A.D.) Diet, high in fat, fast foods and sugar, along with our exposure to 80,000 new environmental toxins that did not exist in 1970, sleep deprivation, alcohol, chronic stress and liver toxicity, create a siege atmosphere that our gastrointestinal, and by proxy, our immune system lives under. This assault results in an outpouring of immune chemical defenses. Zonulin, a physiologic modulator, is overproduced in this “warlike” atmosphere. Zonulin specifically weakens and widens the attachments in our intestinal lining. Large particles that normally traverse the digestive tract due to “tight” intestinal junctions, can now “leak” into the bloodstream. 6 Agents especially offensive to the intestine and friendly to the production of zonulin include sugar, industrial seed oils, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers, excluding black pepper), and the granddaddy of all them all, the aforementioned gluten. As noted, gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale. It is major stressor of, and results in the loosening of, the junctional walls of the small intestine. Once weakened, toxins, microbes and food particles are able to escape their gastrointestinal boundaries and “leak” into the bloodstream. Left unchecked, the body fights back by developing defenses, antibodies, to its own tissue. The thyroid is particularly vulnerable to these “leaked” toxins because gluten is structurally similar to thyroid tissue. The body misinterprets normal thyroid tissue as an invader leading to hypothyroid signs and symptoms and activation of the immune system as described above. The end result is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. To identify Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, we must measure Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb), markers for thyroid autoimmunity. Laboratory instruments differ, but in general, reference ranges for TPO antibodies are <9 IIu/ml and for Antithyroglobulin Antibodies < 1.0 IU/ml.
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
ALWAYS COLD? ALWAYS TIRED? IS YOUR HAIR FALLING OUT? It Could Be Your Thyroid. Take the Quiz I’m sensitive to cold
My hands and feet are always cold
I have trouble getting up in the morning yes
In the morning my face is puffy and my eyelids are swollen yes
I feel more tired at rest than when active yes
I am constipated
I put on weight easily yes
My joints are stiff in the morning
I have dry skin
I feel like I’m living in slow motion
Add up your overall score: _____ 0-2 positives: Satisfactory 2-5 positives: Possible Thyroid hormone deficiency >5 positives: Probable Thyroid Hormone deficiency
Call Dr. William Clearfield today. Accurate diagnosis and treatment is essential for a happy, healthy life.
Call today for more information
www.DrClearfield.com - - - NEW OFFICE LOCATION! - - 9550 S McCarran Blvd, Ste B Reno, NV 89523
Supportive foods include sea vegetables, kelp flakes, wakame, arame, and hijiki. Fermentable fiber increases the production of gut bacteria that produce butyrate, an immune function stimulator. Fermentable fiber comes from sweet potatoes, yams, plantains, taro, potatoes, onions, Jerusalem artichokes and garlic. Vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc and selenium are necessary for the smooth functioning of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Kelp contains nutrients and minerals that support the thyroid, particularly iodine. Iodine and l-tyrosine are key components in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Coleus extract containing forskolin promotes thyroid hormone metabolism.
To minimize leaky gut syndrome and to prevent or reverse Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease we address the gastrointestinal assault with our “4 R Program.” 1. We “ Remove ” inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs and sugar. Gastric irritants like alcohol, caffeine or drugs are also eliminated. Infections, even low grade infections need to be treated with herbs , antiparasitic and antifungal medication, antifungal supplements and appropriate antibiotics. 2. We “ Replace” essential nutrients for proper utilization of foodstuff. Digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile salts are needed for proper digestion. 3. We “ Restore” the normal GI flora. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria and lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion units a day along with prebiotics and fiber to the rescue. 4. We “ Repair ” the gastrointestinal lining with L-glutamine, zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, slippery elm and aloe vera containing supplements. Every thyroid patient, even those testing negative for gluten sensitivity, are given a trial gluten-free diet for at least 30 days. While “controversial” – the New York Times panned this approach in an article written on July 5, 2015 – it has been quite a game changer for countless patients in our clinic. Best of all, it costs nothing! Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, and soy, among others, are “goitrogens.” These increase the need for iodine, potentially damaging the thyroid. Steaming can reduce the danger by 1/3 and thoroughly cooking and discarding the water in case of boiling decreases the harm by 90%. Avoid very low carb or zero carb diets. They tend to inhibit conversion of T4 into T3.
Ashwagandha and guggul are also sustain healthy thyroid function. Acting as powerful antioxidants, vitamins A and C, selenium and guggul combine with curcumin to neutralize free radicals that affect iodothyronine 5’-monodeiodinase enzyme activity, the limiting factor in the conversion of T4 to the active T3 hormone. While the “cure” outlined above seems overly complicated, we have developed a simple 14 day “4 R” program. Easy to follow, you receive daily, detailed online dietary instructions, food and snack recommendations, recipes, and a shopping list delivered via your email. We’ve incorporated the replace, repair, and restore steps into a simple shake and supplement pack taken twice daily. After completing the “4 R” program, we follow up with our own home grown Reno Tahoe Thyroid Enhancement Diet and/or a generic gluten free roadmap. Call us at 775-359-1222 to get started on the road to thyroid health and stay tuned for the next exciting installment of Patient Mysteries, Part V, Heavy Metals and Toxins as a Root Cause of Thyroid Disease, in the next edition of Healthy Beginnings Magazine. I am truly grateful for the support and encouragement I’ve received from the many readers of Healthy Beginnings. Happy Thanksgiving, the best is yet to come. Dr. Bill.
See ad on page 9.
1. Clearfield, W., “Patient Mysteries: Are You Thyroid Deficient?,” Healthy Beginnings, August 31, 2015, P. 8. 2. Myers, A., The Autoimmune Solution,” Harpercollins; 2015, Location 195 (Kindle Edition) 3. Garber, JR.,Cobin, R., Gharib, H., et al., Clinical Practice Guidelines For Hypothyroidism In Adults, Endocr Prac. 2012; 18(No.6) 989. Hollowell JG et al. J Clin Endocrinl Metab 2002 87(2)489499 4. Cooper, D.S.,Hashimoto’s Disease, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services division, http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/ourpublications/ factsheet/hashimotodisease.html#c 5. Cooper, D.S.,Hashimoto’s Disease, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services division, http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/ourpublications/ factsheet/hashimotodisease.html#c 6. Clearfield, W., “Patient Mysteries: Are You Thyroid Deficient?, Part 1,” Healthy Beginnings, July 31, 2015, P.15.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
herbs & spices herbs & spices Star of the Spice Trade Written by Allison Prater
yristica fragrans, an evergreen tree indigenous to the Banda Islands of Indonesia, produces the only tropical fruit that is the source of two sumptuous spices: nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg comes from the seed of the tree, which can be found inside the pericarp, a small fruit, which resembles an apricot. The seed is egg-shaped and has a lacy red covering or aril around it, which when scraped off and dried becomes mace. Nutmeg is slightly sweeter, while mace’s flavor is more delicate. Nutmeg is used to flavor cuisine around the world. In Penang cuisine, it is used in pickling and condiments. It is used in sweet and savory dishes alike in India, often used in small quantities in garam masala. It is used in potato dishes, processed meats and baked goods in many European countries. It is a traditional ingredient in mulled cider, mulled wine and eggnog. In the Caribbean it is sprinkled over rum punch. In Indonesia the whole fruit is used to make jam and candy. Nutmeg is featured in Middle Eastern, Greek, Dutch and Japanese cuisine as well. Nutmeg’s history is a somewhat tragic one. Because the Nutmeg tree could only be found on the Banda Islands, Nutmeg was once extremely expensive. It has been said that in England, several hundred years ago, a few nutmegs could be sold for enough money to enable financial independence for life. Spice traders did their best to keep the location of the islands a secret, but they were eventually discovered by Portuguese conquerors in 1512. The trade of nutmeg later became dominated by the Dutch in the 17th century. The British and Dutch engaged in prolonged struggles to gain control of the islands. The Dutch managed to establish control, after an extended military campaign that culminated in the 1612 massacre of most of the islands’ inhabitants. Thereafter, the islands were run as a series of plantation estates, with the Dutch mounting annual expeditions
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
in local war-vessels to extirpate nutmeg trees planted elsewhere. During the Napoleonic Wars, the English took temporary control of the Banda Islands from the Dutch and transplanted nutmeg trees to their own colonial holdings elsewhere, notably Zanzibar and Grenada. The national flag of Grenada, adopted in 1974, shows a stylized split-open nutmeg fruit. Today Indonesia and Grenada dominate production and exports of nutmeg. Other producers include India, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and Caribbean Islands such as St. Vincent. Nutmeg increases the intoxicating and soporific effects of alcoholic drinks, and is claimed to have aphrodisiac properties. It has been used medicinally to treat digestive troubles. The oil is used in perfumes, soaps and other cosmetic products. And of course, Nutmeg is
found in many favorite holiday dishes such as pumpkin pie, apple cider and eggnog. It is most potent and flavorful when freshly ground. HOLIDAY APPLE CIDER • 1 Gallon apple juice • Cheese cloth containing: • 1 Cinnamon stick • 1 tsp freshly ground nutmeg • 1 tsp ginger • 1/2 tsp cloves Heat apple juice on medium high heat, with cheesecloth filled with spices. Simmer for at least 15 minutes, and leave on low heat while serving.
references 1. Bremness, Lesley. Herbs. Dorling Kindersley Books. London, 1994. 2. Emery, Carla. The Encyclopedia of Country Living 9th Edition. Sasquatch Books. Seattle, 2003 3. www.wikipedia.org/nutmeg
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Good Morning Good Night
Written by Kate Colby Nelson, RScP
November 2015 â&#x20AC;¢ Healthy Beginnings
wh e n w e g e n u i n e l y c a r e f o r o n e a n o t h e r and take the time to connect, look into their eyes, breathe a collective breath, and communicate from our heart, we are taking creative control over our day.
ears ago I was in a private session with an extraordinary healer from Sri Lanka and he asked me two simple questions; “Does your partner say Good Morning?” and “Does your partner say Good Night?” Too often we dismiss the habit of saying ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’ as a common salutation instead of the causative powers that they are; powers that can set the magnificence of the universe in motion. If we consider that prayers are the movement of thoughts within the conscious mind then we can use these two little phrases with creative intent. When we say ‘Good Morning’ with intention, love, and care it becomes an invitation. We are inviting another to participate in an affirmation of good with us. When we genuinely care for one another and take the time to connect, look into their eyes, breathe a collective breath, and communicate from our heart, we are taking creative control over our day. We are inviting them to collaborate with divine potentiality. We are in essence blessing one another. When we say ‘Good Morning’ from our hearts we are really saying, “I see you, I love you, and I bless you.” When we say ‘Good Night’ we have an opportunity once again to agree and
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
affirm the good of the day. We are really saying ‘I appreciate you and thank you.’ We are expressing appreciation and the causative power of gratitude is set in motion. The German theologian and mystic, Meister Eckhart said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Gratitude and deep appreciation come from this feeling of contentment, safety, and connection in your life. It is what Buddha called the “gladdened heart” and it was described as a way to develop a more awakened heart and mind. ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’ said with a gladdened heart can be the catalyst for positive change. The next time we use these salutations, we can be mindful of their incredible power, we can choose to heal, nurture, connect, and affirm for one another what the universe is ready and minded to unfold.
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healthy reading healthy reading
Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others While Developing Emotional Maturity By Stephen Kessler Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings By June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt
teven Kessler believes that much of our human suffering is not necessary. It’s created by old patterns of feeling and acting that helped us survive the traumas of childhood, but then got stuck in our bodies. These patterns have shaped us so deeply that now we think that’s who we are. But these patterns are not your true self. In fact they cover up your true self and prevent it from shining out into the world. This book lays out a map of old survival patterns and shows you the path out of your suffering and back to your true self. Once you know where you’re going, your journey will be easier. Without a map of some kind, you may have been walking in circles for years. With a map, you can find your way home. This book helps you to discover how we got stuck in the first place, how we can free ourselves and return to being present in the moment. This inner journey still takes some time and effort, but once you know where you’re going it will be much easier. This book shows you how to heal your core wounds, learn the skills you missed, communicate effectively with others and develop the emotional maturity you need in order to live a full, productive life. Other maps of personality usually describe a series of “types” and then refer to people as a type. This map is fundamentally different. It doesn’t describe who you are, but instead describes the survival strategies you automatically go into when you start to feel overwhelmed. It describes a set of survival patterns that come to the fore to buffer you from directly feeling the distress. Consequently this map doesn’t describe who you are, but rather what obscures who you are. It focuses not just on which patterns you go into, but
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
also on the difference between being “in pattern” and being “present” AND on learning how to get out of pattern and back to being present. Another important difference between this map and most other maps of personality is that the survival patterns are not based on what’s happening at the surface – on what people say and do. Instead, they are based on what is happening within – on how the stream of life energy and awareness habitually moves through the body, especially in times of distress. The five survival patterns described here arise out of five different ways that the flow of energy through the body can be shaped in an attempt to cope with the distress. This book explains that these patterns of energy-flow influence how a person perceives the world and therefore, what he experiences, thinks and feels. As a result, these patterns influence how the person behaves, especially when too much energy hits his system and he goes into overwhelm. The author attempts to give you a sense of what each survival pattern feels like from the inside, so that you can understand others more deeply. It’s like giving you a window into their world, enabling you to understand how they experience themselves, and help you to communicate with them more successfully. It will first give you a window into your own inner world. As you develop a better working relationship with yourself, you’ll begin to break the hold your patterns have on you, and more easily return to being consciously present. This author uses names that highlight what each pattern does – the survival strategy – without adding a positive or negative bias. He calls these patterns: “Leaving,” “Merging,” “Enduring,” “Aggressive,” and “Rigid.” Again, these are coping strategies, not names for who you are. By using names that highlight each pattern’s SURVIVAL STRATEGY, the author is emphasizing the fact that a pattern is something a person does to protect themselves when in distress, not something they are. Steven Kessler illustrates not only the shadow side of each pattern but also the talents and gifts of each pattern. He also gives you tools to help you hit the re-set button on your perception and behavior whenever needed. The author says that while reading the book, you’ll recognize which patterns you go into. You’ll definitely have epiphanies and see yourself more clearly. When attempting to figure out which survival patterns you go into, the idea is to look at how you act when you’re upset or overwhelmed. This information is like looking into an empowering mirror. You can also use these insights to see others’ needs and fears more clearly and to interact with them more skillfully. By getting yourself out of your own patterned reactions you can treat them in a kinder and more compassionate way. Steven Kessler has been studying people his whole life. He began by studying physics at MIT and eventually got his MA in Transpersonal Psychology. He’s been a licensed psychotherapist for over 30 years and has written many books, this being his newest, published in August 2015. This book can be purchased online or at your local bookstore.
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
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Here’s Your CHANCE
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
NOVEMBER IS GREAT AMERICAN How Howcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re SMOKE OUT MONTH! being manipulated?
By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in any way and who won’t shut up. any way and who won’t shut up. Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, and the emotional emotionalstorm, storm,you’ll you’ll andasasyou youstand standback, back, away away from from the you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt,realize PLR realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer about andmore morecalm, calm,cool cool aboutwhat whatyou youwant, want, more more empowered empowered and and person doesn’t doesn’teven eventry trytoto andcollected collectedin in every every way. way. If If that that person given enough chances, chances,walk walkaway away a wonderfulchange feeling, toyou’ve be free of them et ready to release changeafter after you’ve given them enough for good. Their manipulative behavior may be too deeply for good. Their behavior may be too deeply the control cigarettes havemanipulative over the habit forever ingrained for them to ever change. By staying staying in in proximity proximity ingrained for them to ever change. By your time, your pocketbook and your morale, and remove the totothat which would wouldonly only thatperson, person, they’ll they’ll break break your morale, which your health.lead control that little stick by everyone everyoneelse. else. leadtotoyour yourgetting getting used used and manipulated manipulated by of poison has over your Protect Protectyour yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour yourSpirit. Spirit.Protect Protect your Mind. Protect About 42 million Americans still are an Eternal Spiritual Being, living this temporary physical are an Eternal Spiritual Being, in this temporary physical life! Every November smoke cigarettes, and tobacco of this experience. body the experience. Be Bedetermined determined bodyfor for thedeliciousness deliciousness the American Cancer tomake make asdelicious delicious as as possible. ititas use remainstothe single largest
being manipulated?
The Theeasiest easiestway wayto tospot spot it itisistotopay payattention attentionto to how howyou youfeel feelwhen whenyou’re you’re around aroundthe theother otherperson. person.
Society promotes the preventable cause of disease and Great American Smoke Out also. What was “appropriate” the past generationmay may herehere also. What was “appropriate” forfor the past generation desirable workable today. Parents,and andpremature sometimes death in this country. not not be be desirable or or workable today. sometimes Event and sets aside theParents, third References: spouses, have been trained as to what is appropriate and may References: By quitting, even for one day, spouses, have been trained as to what is appropriate and may Thursday in November – be expecting that behavior from you, forty years afterthey theytaking Forward, Susan, Ph.D. Ph.D. Emotional Emotional Blackmail: stillstill be expecting behavior from you, forty years after you’ll be an important 1.1. Forward, Susan, Blackmail: When When this that year it’s November were programmed and conditioned to believe that onlycertain certain The The People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt toto were programmed and conditioned to believe that only People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation and Guilt step toward a healthier life – one th – as National Smoke 19“right.” behaviors were “right.” manipulateyou. you.William William Morrow Morrow Publishing. 1998. behaviors were manipulate Publishing. 1998. that can reduce your cancer risk, Out Day … where If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, Simon, George K., Ph.D. In In Sheep’s Sheep’s Clothing: as well as COPD riskGeorge and aK., host If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, 2.2.Simon, Ph.D. Clothing:Understanding Understanding of people quit need tomillions learn to take a stand. You need starttotobelieve believe andDealing Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers youyou need to learn to take a stand. You need totostart and with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers of other diseases. Who wants smoking for onehuman day. rights listed above and Publishers. 2010. that you’re worthy of the basic that you’re worthy of the basic human rights listed to above and Publishers. 2010. walk around dragging an calmly speak your mind for about what you don’t want to do. calmly speak The your idea mind is about you what to you don’t want to do. oxygen tank? This is a race for Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain extend that day Communication is vital. Talkone to the manipulator and explain how you feel. Sometimes they may not even realizeyour that they’re health, and it starts For more info, today. contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or how you feel.to Sometimes theythree, may not even realize that they’re two, then and For more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or being manipulative. Confronting them will give youThe the courage visit online at joyfulchanges.com. day you stop is the day that being manipulative. Confronting them will give you the courage beyond … until have to decline their requests whenyou you feel manipulated. Recognize visit online at joyfulchanges.com. to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize quitters win. quit smoking blackmail forever. by What attempts at emotional the emotions you feel. See ad on this page. See ad on this page.
attempts at those emotional blackmail by the you anger, feel. Identify emotions as to what theyemotions are: sadness, Identify those or emotions as Just to what are: sadness, anger, frustration, whatever. know they that each of those negative frustration, whatever. know that each those negative emotionsorare creatingJust toxic chemicals andofhormones in your emotions are creating toxic chemicals and hormones in your own body if you stuff them down and don’t do something ownabout bodythem. if you stuff them down and don’t do something about them. Identify them to yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with Identify themoftomanipulation, yourself, decide you’re going to put with any kind speak yournot mind calmly andup directly, anythen kindremove of manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, yourself from any confrontive storm that may be thenbrewing. remove Often yourself from any storm maywhat be repeating theconfrontive same phrase, nothat matter brewing. Often repeating the same“I’m phrase, no matterinwhat the manipulator says, is effective: not interested doing To that the manipulator that’s what we’ve the that.” manipulator says, is effective:may “I’msay, not“But interested in doing always done.” “I’m not interested in doing We that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that.” that’s“But whatwhy? we’ve really need “I’m to donot that.” “I’m not in doing that,”We and always done.” interested ininterested doing that.” “But why? so need on. Repeat same phrase until the other person accepts really to do the that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and yourRepeat point of or phrase you realize talking to a brick so on. theview same untilthat the you’re other person accepts Then leaveorthe room, the that house, the talking car, thetooffice, the yourwall. point of view you realize you’re a brick situation. Calmly yourself from wall. Then leave the remove room, the house, the the car,emotional the office,storm. the situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm.
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Healthy Beginnings • November 2015 February 2015
February 2015
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Why is quitting emphasized so much right now? Because the ingredients in cigarettes have changed so much. They may look the same, but the cigarette you’re smoking now is a far cry from the one grandpa smoked. It’s been replaced by a toxic brew that the cigarette companies themselves call a “nicotine delivery device.” And nicotine isn’t the only thing cigarettes deliver. Dr. Tony George of Yale University explains that cigarette smoke now contains over 4800 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing compounds and over 400 other toxins. These include nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, cyanide, arsenic and DDT. Very few of these additives were used before 1970. These “new” chemicals are there to increase nicotine delivery effectiveness and to reduce harshness. However, they have a devastating effect on the human body. The irony is that many of these poisons found in cigarette smoke are strictly regulated by federal laws … laws which shamefully exempt tobacco products. So you can see the tobacco industry lobbyists have been busy for many decades – and they weren’t lobbying Congress for your benefit. If you tried to get away with dumping these additives on land anywhere, you’d be arrested. And yet it’s okay for you to smoke them? This is ridiculous! The vast majority of chemicals inhaled in cigarette smoke stay in the lungs. The more you inhale, the greater the damage to your lungs. A chemical very similar to rocket fuel is infused into the paper to help keep the tip of the cigarette burning at an extremely hot temperature. This allows the nicotine in tobacco to turn into a vapor so your lungs can absorb it easily. The ammonia is added to raise the dose of nicotine, also allowing the lungs to absorb it faster. This resembles what happens while smoking crack … allowing the brain to get a higher dose with each puff. It’s amazing that this stuff is actually legal. Big corporations with big money to hire large amounts of lobbyists (at least 4 for each Congressperson now) has quite an effect – it keeps a stick of poison with absolutely no redeeming qualities on the market. If you want to quit, what do you do? First of all, know WHY you want to
quit. Is it for your health, so you can breathe easier and quit coughing and hacking? Is it because you want to see your grandkids grow up? If you don’t want to quit, but someone in your family does want you to quit, it will be an uphill battle. You yourself have to want to quit. Secondly, do some research on the most effective, quickest way to quit. Ask friends and relatives how they quit. Many will tell you they were hypnotized to stop smoking and never picked up another cigarette. Some will say they just quit cold turkey but it was hard. Some will say their doctor told them they were headed for an early grave, and it scared them so much they just quit and it was easy. So what happened there? A decision. A decision motivated by fear, but it was a decision - an intention. We don’t always realize how powerful a simple decision is. Thirdly, set a date, decide how you’re going to quit and take action, meaning: make an appointment with a professional who can help you. It’s time to start keeping your promises to yourself. Find someone who can give you some mental and emotional tools to make quitting easy and quick. There are certain triggers which cause you to want to smoke. The links to those triggers have to be broken. So do your research and decide what you want to do and how you want to do it, but do something! Your life is on the line here. Tobacco kills more people annually than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides – COMBINED.
decreasing here in the U.S., but in order to keep their sales high, the American tobacco companies are targeting the rest of the world. Anyone traveling across Russia, India, Southeast Asia, Africa or Eastern Europe can see giant billboards advertising American made cigarettes. For tobacco companies, the bottom line is far more important than the deadly effects, no matter where you live in the world. So Butt Out today! For more info contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111 or visit online at joyfulchanges.com See ad on page 17.
references 1. www.tobaccofree.org 2. www.cancer.org 3. www.quitsmoking.com 4. Or Google “Great American Smoke Out 2015”
Patrick Reynolds, son of the owner of R.J. Reynolds Company (makers of some of the most well-known cigarette brands in the world) is one of America’s most outspoken critics of tobacco. He gives talks to high schools all over the country explaining how his father and older brother died of tobacco use, and why you should never start smoking, and if you’re smoking now, quit today. Americans have learned the hard way about the dangers of smoking, so tobacco use is gradually
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Serve the Mansion Owner
Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD
man shared the following recurring dream: I am at my parents’ house. It is the mansion they owned after my mother inherited a lot of money, but before my step-father gambled mostforofthe it away. I especially like this dream way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, I used toI live inmoral the like former house on the autonomy of the dream was not created whether we want to bewe or not. This is theaccountable case becausecreatures, there is especially thischauffeur’s dream forpsyche. the wayThis it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that are morally bywas the also man’s ego. Itpsyche. wasservants’ notThis consciously chosen or devised. whether a moralwe structure tobe ourorpsyche thatistranscends our conscious property.moral There a separate quarters. autonomy of the dream was not created want to not. This the case because there is I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, spontaneous product unconscious carried a awhether mind and values, and is often disagreement with is In these by dreams Ifact, findthis a treasure in the attic ofthe the the In man’s ego. It the waspsyche. not consciously chosen or devised. moral structure psyche that our conscious moral autonomy of This of dream was not created weconscious wantto to our be or not. This istranscends thein case because there message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with servants’by quarters. the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised. a moral structure to our psyche that transcends our conscious
higher moral authority within him, aItmanifestation of of God fromand it. We can to fool with in concepts like moral message thespontaneous dreamer didproduct not want hear. was the carried voice We can runtry from this ourselves inner but we cannot hide In fact,athis ofto the unconscious a them. mind conscious values, and authority, is often disagreement with within theauthority psyche. the want dreamer the the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, aignored manifestation of God it.We Wecan can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer didIfwithin not to hear. It was voice of from them. run from this inner authority, but we hide within thehim psyche. If the pursued dreamer ignored the directive dreams don’t lie, the andmoral life doesn’t lie,like and they to andauthority instead his ego’s goals, the results would relativism, willit.always reflect back toourselves you code written upon a higher moral within him, a manifestation ofgiven God from Webut can try to fool with concepts moral to and instead pursued his ego’s goals, thesymbolized results will always reflect backdon’t to Bob you the within thebe psyche. If to the dreamer ignored directive given relativism, dreams lie,Dylan andmoral life lie, andupon they Of course, ithim would exciting life, mayisthe be asofa us newly somebody,” as saysdoesn’t incode one written have been predictably negative. This case forwould all your soul.but imagine that a been stash money wasanegative. still of his songs. youcode will bewritten upon discovered treasure. have predictably This isagainst the case for allwould of us your to him andof instead pursued goals, the results will always back Serve to youGod theand moral soul. reflect when we pursue pathhis thatego’s goes that of our deepest waiting towhen be found inpredictably the servants’ have been is the case for of the us treasure we a pathnegative. that goesThis that oftoour deepest your soul. served in turn. self pursue and destiny. Itagainst is reasonable askall why house of self the dreamer’s former home. when we pursue a path that goes against that of our deepest and destiny. is located in the servants’ house. Why info, Dr. contact Dr.Drymalski, Andy For more For info,more contact Andy Reno and However,self the and dreamer acknowledged The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams destiny. not in the chauffeur’s house where the Drymalski, Reno and Carson City or visit For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, online that this was to be the case The unlikely psyche communicates through many channels, dreams being just one of them. If thedreamer dreamerstayed ignored theliving guidance while with Carson his psychologist phone number For more info, contactatat Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and City psychologist (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams and, evenbeing if it was, it was probably not renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. just one of them. If thehave dreamer ignored the guidance (775) 786-3818, or parents asmore a young adult? of his dream, he might received dreams ofAlthough even renocarsonpsychologist.com. Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. being just onehe of might them. If thereceived dreamer more ignored the guidance the message his dream, unconscious was trying of his have of of even a chauffeur isdreams achased, servant sorts, is www.renocarsonpsychologist.com. warning: dreams of being of dyinghe renocarsonpsychologist.com. Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. to deliver.greater of his greater dream, he perhaps mightperhaps have received more dreams ofdying even warning: dreams of being chased, of someone who drives the mansion owner Enjoy his blog at Jungstop.com. children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might greater perhaps dreams ofInbeing chased, of dying as in of being in a car crash. his outer life, he might Whereas children, a housewarning: –or especially one from place to place. In dreams, See ad on this page. See ad on this page. actually experience an auto accident. He maylife, develop anxiety See children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer he might ad on this page. that we are familiar with – is usually life, driving is the realm of the ego. Our actually experience an auto accident. He may develop anxiety See ad on this page. symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his actually experience an auto accident. He may develop anxiety a symbolsymptoms of our egoor or have conscious mind tries with to steer panic attacks. conscious His relationships hisour life to references wife or andhave children become more disturbed. One of symptoms panic attacks. His relationships with his worldview, a very house or would its consciously chosen destinations. In wife andlarge children would become more disturbed. One of 1. Dylan, Bob. Gotta Serve Somebody. 1979. wife and children would more disturbed. One of his children may get become sickbecome oraddition, become rebellious, mirroring the chauffeur’s quarters are mansion his is often a symbol thesick children mayofget or rebellious, mirroring children may sick or become mirroring psyche orhis total personality. Itget reflects small inrebellious, comparison to thewould mansion, just his own attitude towards God. Some of these events his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would the manyhis rooms orattitude dimensions of toGod. as theof ego is small in comparison own towards Some these events would be causally related his decision and actions. Others might to the be causally related to his decision and personality. actions. Others might our personality, both conscious total be causally related to and his decision and is actions. Others might be synchronistic. What is certain that he will encounter be synchronistic. What certain is that he will encounter unconscious. The treasure, in turn,is be synchronistic. What is isevents that he will encounter The servants’ quarters, on other a growing number of certain negative and frustrations if he aa growing number of negative events and frustrations ifif the he symbolizes something of great value growing number of negative events and frustrations he hand, serve the greater personality. ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, in the psyche. Many refers of his deeper ignores the times moralthis directives self. Needless to say, Theywoman maintain and provide food to the his relationship with the wealthy would be ill-fated. his with wealthy would be to the unique gifts and talents waiting his relationship relationship with the the wealthy woman woman be ill-fated. ill-fated. psyche. would They greet guests and look to be discovered and developed after theviewpoint needsthat of allallthe mansion’s Moral relativism the philosophical moral Moral relativism is the philosophical viewpoint moral within each individual. Such Moral relativism is treasures theis philosophical viewpoint thatthat all all moral inhabitants. Symbolically, they look perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon come with the energy are for equally their own perspectives valid or “true.” positionfood reststo upon after This and provide the soul. It the that aa person’s morality flows from his/ that because a person’s morality flows from his/ are development. Ifthe youargument accept and the argument argument that because because person’s morality flows from his/ is likely that the recurring dreams embraceher the value generous gift they and people have different values, her system, value system, and because people have different values, her value system, and because because people have different values, saying that the treasure (joy, meaning offer, they your giftistosubjective the with all morality is none any better than another. allbecome morality is subjective subjective with with none any better than another. all morality none any better than and fulfillment in life) areanother. to be found in world. Your future calling, or some While there no denying that different people may possess While While there is is no denying that different people may possess there is no denying that different people may possess serving the psyche/soul as opposed to other important opportunity your different values, not are equivalent. For example, different values, notinall all values are equivalent. For example, the ego. “You’re gonna have to serve different values, notvalues all values are equivalent. For example, some values values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither are are the the moral moral life. life. Not all values are of equal worth, neither and neither are the moral perspectives that that flow flow from from them. them. perspectives Healthy Beginnings • November 19 perspectives that flow2015 from them. But the the deeper deeper issue issue here, here, and and perhaps perhaps the the more more paradoxical, paradoxical, But theisdeeper here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, is that that But what right, issue or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in is that what is right, or moral, for one person in a particular situation is is not not necessarily necessarily right right for for another another person. person. This situation This situation not necessarily right another This difference is notis due to differences in for their valuesperson. systems,
e wine its length and cuvée de prestige is a proprietary blended wine, usually a own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout es that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne Blanc (“white Champagnes are made from 100 Femme The most common today isCuvée Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay givesfrom white”) Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée and Polstyle Roger’s percent Chardonnay and Blanc de Noir (“white from black”) Thethe 19th century and into the early century exciting news is that some of these 20th therapies haveChampagne been or. Most Chardonnay is Sir Winston Churchill. Champagnes are made solely from Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier was generally much sweeter than it is today, age”, tested in both animal and human tests and are available today! or aÉpernay, mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the south of ltiple (dichloroacetate) and can today triggerisa “Non-vintage”, self-suicide Most of thesuch Champagne produced Champagne in trace minerals as butyrates magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rarerich in current usage. DCA ntage s the villages of Avize, reaction in theit cancer cells alone. Compounds suchfrom as multiple meaning is a blended product of grapes The 2010 version ofpotassium, the appellation zinc regulations lists seven rcent and lithium. A 2007 joint study by the 3-bromopyruvate and salicinium canbe cutfrom off energy production vintages. Most of the base will a single year vintage Written by Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D. ifferences in climate varieties as allowed, Arbane, Chardonnay, Petit Meslier, Pinot in cancer cells, which will kill them. Another compound es. A called with producers blending anywhere from 10 to 15 percent University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the Pinot Gris, Pinot Meunier and Pinot noir. ally a PNC-27 can bore holes in the membranes of cancer cells. All e differencesblanc, in grape major block in the effort to cure cancer has been due, in (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from older vintages. A high amount the antioxidant ucer’ s large part, to the confusion surrounding the origin of the and polyphenols Pinot noir and Pinot Meunier give theofwine its length cuvée de prestigein is sparkling a proprietary wine blended wine, usually a fferent grape varieties ristal, disease. They Makeare no mistake aboutprevent it; grown the origin of cancer is backbone. predominantly indeterioration two areas--the Champagne that isdue considered to be the top of a producer’s can help of brain cells to oxidative as within Champagne, far from settled. the the confusion origin D o m Montagne deMuch Reimsofand Vallée surrounding de la Marne.the These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, stress. the co-authors study maintain that it’s too of cancer arises for from the absence ofWhile a unifying theory that heat can fromof the Cuvée are notable north-facing chalky slopes that derive Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom hampagne house. integrate the diverse observations on the nature of the disease. tovalleys conclusively say that champagne is beneficial the warm winds risingearly from the below. Chardonnay givesdrinking Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée Thethe failure to its clearly define the origin of cancer isMost responsible for is wine acidity and biscuit-like flavor. Chardonnay Sir Winston Churchill. nt of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. sium, the grown failure to reduce the death from the disease. in significantly a north–south-running striprate to the south of Épernay, y t h e Champagne is rich in trace minerals such as magnesium, es and will affect the called the Côte des Blanc. Thiscancer includes of Avize, Currently, most researchers consider as a the typevillages of at the potassium, zinc and A 2007 Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the glass at lithium. an angle andjoint study by the Oger and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. genetic disease where damage to a cell’sThe DNAdifferences underlies thein climate mpagne when bottled wine University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the transformation a normalgently cell into a potentially cancer cell. around theofvineyards accounts for the lethal differences in grapealong the side will preserve the sliding in the liquid dative high amount of the antioxidant polyphenols in sparkling wine e finished wine. Wines characteristics. from different grape varieties What if most cancersBlending are not ofjuice genetic origin? What if most of to pouring most bubbles, as opposed directly down. Colder ’ s too can help prevent deterioration of brain cells due to oxidative sourced from multiple areas Champagne, ng smaller the producers, gene changes identifiedgeographical in tumor tissue arisewithin as secondary stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too ficial bottle temperatures helps to get the desired style for each Champagne house. result in reduced loss of bubbles. downstream phenomena of tumor progression? What if also cancer be very dry, with less early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial ging. was a disease of respiratory insufficiency … in the other industry words, a Additionally, is developing Champagne glasses The ripeness of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. er in the finished wine. metabolic disease? e and the second fermentation—dosage--varies and will affect the designed specifically to reduceofthe amount ofwine bubbles lost. Pouring sparkling while e the Theamount somatic mutation theory, which cancerwhen research these things work with very lowtilting the glass at an angle and e the sweetness ofof the sugar remaining in has the guided Champagne bottled
cancer is a
gently sliding in thein liquid along the side will preserve the andfor drug development half a century, is now under levels resulting minimal older sale, and hencefor theover sweetness of the finished wine. Wines toxicity attack. Carlos Sonnenschein and Anna Soto, along with others, most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down. Colder to no damage to the normal cells. bbles. labeled Brut Zero, more common among smaller producers, have identified major inconsistencies in the evidence supporting bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses have no added sugar and will usually be very dry, with less Isn’t it time that we move away the genetic origin of cancer. esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses References: st. from the ineffective, highly toxic therapies currently being used than three grams of residual sugar per liter in the finished wine. designed specifically to reduce the amount of bubbles lost. Emerging evidenceterms suggests that cancer is primarily a metabolic cancer treatment? The following are used to describe the sweetness of the in conventional disease rather than a genetic disease. In other words, cancer bottled wine: For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical 1. winemakermag.com/622-secrets-of-dom-perignon
is a disease of defective cellular energy metabolism and most Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV 89519, of the genetic defects in cancer cellsofarise as secondary • Extra Brut found (less than 6 grams residual sugar per liter) 775-829-1009, References: effects of that defect. 2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne www.renointegrative.com. • Brut (less than 12 grams) See ad on page 21. 1. winemakermag.com/622-secrets-of-dom-perignon Regardless of cell type or tissue origin, the vast majority of cancer cells share Dry a singular problem involving abnormal • Extra (between 12 and 17 grams) 2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne references energy metabolism.
• Sec (between 17 and 32 grams)
It has been predicted by Thomas Seyfried, PhD in his recent book (see references) that “targeting the32 defective • Demi-sec (between and 50 energy grams)metabolism of tumors will eventually become the most cost-effective, Doux to (50cancer grams) nontoxic•approach prevention and management.”
20 February 2015
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
1, Soto AM, Sonnenschein C, The Somatic mutation theory of cancer: growing problems with the paradigm?, Bioessays 2004; 26:1097-107 2. Seyfried, Thomas, PhD, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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Healthy Beginnings 2015it a healthy one.® February 2015 Life’s• a November journey. Make
Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.
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Balancing Alcohol Good Things to Know If You Drink
Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD
et me be clear. There are some people who absolutely shouldn’t drink alcohol. If they are alcoholic or have a family history of alcoholism, abstinence is life saving and a blessing for you and your family. Drinking makes some people sick, causes headaches, sleepiness and depression. Alcohol intolerance is also a sign of weak adrenal glands with deficient detoxification of alcohol. Having said that, people who seem to do OK with alcohol should understand that beyond moderation there are many substances which improve the body’s response to alcohol and reduce its injurious effects. Resveratrol, a red wine constituent, has been linked to many positive benefits. Alcohol can help people feeling stress to relax and helps some with sleep. THIAMINE B1 We will visit several great substances to help with alcohol detoxification in the body. The premier nutrient is B1, thiamine. If you can follow me for one minute, the pathway for alcohol detoxification is important to consider. Alcohol itself is an antioxidant and helps with inflammation and body damage, however its breakdown product is acetaldehyde, brother
to formaldehyde, embalming fluid, and is very toxic to the nerves, brain, liver and the vascular system. Acetaldehyde is removed from the body by the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase which is completely B1 dependent. So, when you run out of B1, the enzyme stops working and the acetaldehyde stays around longer and creates more damage easily noted as a hangover or headache. Thiamine deficiency can result in developing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, severe symptoms of which include psychosis, loss of muscle coordination and memory disturbances. Our recommendation is 500 mg of thiamine, B1 after alcohol before bed. It also helps alcoholics avoid alcohol and is an important antioxidant for other healthy jobs in the body. Our product which we have used for 40 plus years also is time released and contains Chamomile, Avena sativa (green oats) and Passiflora herbs which are all calming and promote good sleep. Hydration is always important when drinking. Alcohol is a diuretic and dumps water out of the body, which increases its toxic effects. All vitamins and minerals are depleted by alcohol, especially magnesium.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
ACETYL L CARNITINE Acetyl L Carnitine is a fatty acid which is the immediate precursor to acetylcholine, the brain chemical in charge of memory. Additionally, it seems very helpful for hangovers and memory problems of all sorts. We suggest two 800 mg caps one or two times per day. PRIMROSE OIL Alcohol depletes many fatty acids, especially GLA, gamma linoleic acid. It is found in borage oil, black current oil and evening primrose oil (EPO), which is our favorite. Lack of GLA can cause inflammation, brain and tissue damage. We suggest 3,200 mg of EPO containing 234 mg of GLA.
Contact Gerber Medical Clinic for more information. We are celebrating our 40th year of medical practice! See ad on this page.
references 1. Nutritional Medicine by Alan R. Gaby, MD Fritz Perlberg Publishing, 2011
ALL B VITAMINS Beside B1, B2, riboflavin, B3, niacin, B6, pyridoxine, B9, folic acid and B12 can be diminished and need to be replaced.
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1225 Westfield Ave, Reno • A Sustainable Green Facility Bio-Identical Hormones Healthy Beginnings November 2015 Rapid heart rate from •adrenalin excess secondary to stress, low
blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the adrenalin, as do adrenal cortical hormone support, like a
References: 23
1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide.
The Chickpea! Written by Kippy Spilker
’m a huge chickpea (garbanzo bean) fan! Not what you usually hear when people talk about their favorite foods, right? While it’s true, I don’t crave the actual taste of chickpeas, I do love using them in recipes. They are incredibly versatile and packed with health benefits, including: • Great source of protein when combined with whole grains (Chickpeas lack the essential amino acid methionine, and whole grains lack lysine, but together they produce a complete power-packed protein) • Excellent source of manganese (one cup of chickpeas supplies almost 100% of your daily value for this energy-boosting antioxidant mineral) • High iron content • Low Glycemic Index (GI value of 28-32, meaning the carbohydrate in them is broken down and digested slowly. Great for weight loss and appetite control!) • Known to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) when eaten regularly • High choline content, which helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning, memory, absorption of fat and reduction of chronic inflammation • Contain phytochemicals called saponins, which act as antioxidants (there is a possible link to lowered risk of breast cancer in women, as well as protection against osteoporosis and minimization of post-menopause hot flashes)
INGREDIENTS: • 1 16-oz. can garbanzo beans (chickpeas) • 3/4” ginger root, finely shredded • 2-3 Tbsp. oil (I like grapeseed) • 1/2 onion, finely chopped • 2 green chilies, chopped (or one 4-oz can fire-roasted chilies) • 2 tsp finely crushed garlic • 2 medium-sized tomatoes, chopped • 2 tsp coriander powder • 1 1/2 tsp cumin powder • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder • 1 tsp cayenne powder • 1 tsp salt • 2 tsp chopped cilantro • 1/2 tsp garam masala DIRECTIONS: 1. In a pan, heat the oil and saute your chopped onion. When golden, add garlic, ginger and chilies. Saute for about 5 more minutes – don’t let the garlic burn or it loses its sweetness. 2. Add tomatoes, coriander, cumin, turmeric and cayenne powders and saute over low heat until the oil separates. 3. Add the chickpeas and about 1/2 cup water, salt and cilantro. Simmer over low heat, uncovered, until the mixture is thick. Stir fairly
regularly - the longer you let it cook, the better/richer the flavor will be, so add water if you want to cook it longer. We usually let ours cook for 2-3 hours when hosting a dinner party – it makes your house smell amazing! 4. Add the garam masala last, about 5 min before serving. This dish is best served with extra chopped cilantro, garam masala and ginger shreds on the side. It’s meant to be eaten with your hands, using torn-off pieces of chapati or puri, but a Mediterranean flat bread or even flour tortilla shells, heated over a flame or dry-fried in a pan, will work just fine. My husband usually skips the bread and eats it straight with a spoon. Bonus: If you are into canning, this dish cans and re-heats very well. We make large batches and can them for Indian food quick fixes during busy workweeks. A word of caution, however – the jalapenos tend to get spicier when canned, so it’s better to make it too weak than too spicy.
Well? Have I convinced you yet? Maybe these delicious recipes will help!
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Afghani Chili. Taken from allrecipes.com INGREDIENTS: • 1 pound lean ground beef or turkey • 1 onion, chopped • 28 ounces canned diced tomatoes, with juice • 1 tablespoon minced garlic • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 1 ½ tablespoons ground cumin • 2 teaspoons chili powder • 1 ½ tablespoon dried mint • 2 tablespoons garam masala • 15 ounces canned garbanzo beans, drained • 10 ounces fresh baby spinach, roughly chopped • 16 ounces fettucine, broken in half, optional • 1 cup plain greek yogurt, optional DIRECTIONS: 1. Brown ground meat in a skillet over medium heat. After a couple minutes of cooking, add onions to cook while the meat browns. Remove with slotted spoon to a large pot. Stir the tomatoes with juice, garlic, red pepper, cumin, chili powder, mint, garam masala, garbanzo beans, and spinach into the beef mixture and place the pot over low heat; simmer 3 to 6 hours. You can also set this all up in a crock pot set to lowest heat and enjoy the delicious aroma of your house when you come home at the end of the day, but you’ll want to add a little water if you do that. 2. Fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, stir in the fettuccini, and return to a boil. Cook the pasta uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the pasta has cooked through, but is still firm to the bite, about 8 minutes. Drain well in a colander set in the sink. Stir into the chili along with the yogurt and serve hot. Alternatives: Serve with rice instead of pasta, or just as a soup (my preferred method), maybe with some flatbread on the side. Rather than stirring the yogurt into the whole dish, consider putting a bowl of yogurt on the table, so that people can add as much or as little as they want, as they eat.
• Toss chickpeas and a variety of other legumes with any vinaigrette for an easy protein-packed bean salad. Add some rice to make it a complete protein. • Sprinkle some chickpeas over your salad to add a nutty flavor and to broaden the variety of textures.
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies No flour, oil, added white sugar, eggs or gluten. Grain-free, Dairy-free and vegan options included below. This recipe created by Erin Dooner: www.texanerin.com INGREDIENTS: • 1 ¼ cups canned organic chickpeas, will-rinsed and dried with a paper towel • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • ½ cup + 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter • ¼ cup honey (agave for vegan option) • 1 teaspoon baking powder (1 part cream of tartar + 1 part baking soda + 2 parts arrowroot for grain-free option) • a pinch of salt if your peanut butter doesn’t have salt in it • ½ cup dark chocolate chips (vegan/dairy-free chocolate chips are available) DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F / 175°C. Combine all the ingredients, except for the chocolate chips, in a food processor and process until very smooth. Make sure to scrape the sides and the top to get the little chunks of chickpeas and process again until they’re combined. Editor’s note: Be careful if you double the recipe – I think I burned out the motor on my Ninja the last time I made these cookies. A blender also won’t work. 2. Put in the chocolate chips and stir it if you can, or pulse it once or twice. The mixture will be very thick and sticky. 3. With wet hands, form into 1½” balls. Place onto a Silpat or a piece of parchment paper. If you want them to look more like normal cookies, press down slightly on the balls. They don’t do much rising. 4. Bake for about 10-12 minutes. The dough balls will still be very soft when you take them out of the oven. They will not set like normal cookies. 5. Store in an airtight container at room temperature (or in the fridge) for up to 1 week. Editor’s note: Don’t worry – they won’t last that long – at least they never do in my house!
• Chickpea flour can add fiber, protein and an assortment of vitamins and minerals to gluten-free baking. • Purée chickpeas with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and tahini to make a quick and tasty hummus, which can be used as a dip or spread. • Add chickpeas to vegetable soup to increase its nutritional content.
The Cheesemakers
Written by Kippy Spilker her own cheese, ultimately coming to the conclusion that Reno n 2012 Laura Conrow, owner of Wedge, an artisan cheese shop in Reno, contacted me and asked me to join her to needed its very own specialty cheese shop. Now she sells photograph some farms in Sonoma County that would be cheeses from all over the world, and here are a few highlights from my trip over the hill with her in 2012. supplying products for the new cheese shop she would soon be opening. When Lynn Virgilio told me of her recent experience BELLWETHER FARMS IN MARSHALL, CA. touring a goat farm in France (please see her Publisher’s Letter Raising a Northern European breed of sheep called East on page 4) it took me right back to that weekend with Laura. Fresian, Bellwether does not believe in hormone injections for I feel so honored to have had this experience, and wanted to their animals (they also have Jersey cows on their farm). All share one important message: we have some healthy, hormonesheep roam free in the pasture year-round, and their diet is free, organic and sustainably-farmed options right here in our supplemented with grain and alfalfa. No herbicides or artificial own area. fertilizers are ever used on their pastures. Laura worked four years in the cheese department of Reno’s www.bellwetherfarms.com Whole Foods and even spent time raising goats and making
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
VALLEY FORD CHEESE COMPANY IN VALLEY FORD, CA Focusing on the practice of sustainable agriculture, as their ancestors in the Ticino district on the Swiss-Italian border did for many generations, this dairy farm features some of those “Happy Cows” we know California to be famous for. The raw Jersey milk, aged for 3-18 months, produces awardwinning cheeses. I found it amusing that on their website, Karen Bianchi-Moreda is shown kissing a calf, because I clearly remember while we were touring one of their barns, I got surprised by the sweetest little kiss from one of their calves that I hadn’t even noticed was there. I have to believe that happy cows produce better milk, which makes better cheese. www.valleyfordcheeseco.com ACHADINHA CHEESE COMPANY IN PETALUMA, CA Happy goats must come from California as well, because Achadinha’s goats graze all year ‘round on 290 acres of beautiful Sonoma county’s rolling hills. Their diet is supplemented with alfalfa and brewer’s grain from the local breweries, giving their Portuguese-inspired cheese a distinct flavor. www.achadinha.com All the farms we visited required a foot bath, and that we cover our shoes with protective booties, so we would not introduce anything bad into their environment. I found it amusing initially, but the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated the dedication to keeping their animals safe and creating the best quality product. Cheesemaking, according to Laura, is a very sensitive process that can be significantly affected by very small changes. She adds, “Artisinal cheese is by nature concerned with quality and purity of the raw ingredients, most importantly their milk supply. You can’t make good cheese from substandard milk, so the best ingredients are crucial.” If you’re looking for locally-sourced organic cheeses, Wedge carries Cowgirl Creamery, located in Point Reyes and Petaluma, CA (www.cowgirlcreamery.com). They also offer Redwood Hill Farm cheeses, Certified Humanelyraised in the Green Valley region of Western Sonoma County (www.redwoodhill.com). Looking for something to bring to a holiday potluck? How about some fresh, healthy local cheese? You can find Wedge at 16 Saint Lawrence Avenue, Reno, or online at www.wedgecheeseshop.com
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
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Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534
here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.
Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.
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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.
Facials, peels, waxing, massage, 50+ 10% discount. Access to Health Network Provider. Call Karen at 775 722-9307 or go to therapeuticskincare.com for more info.
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27 16
healthy recipe
Submitted by Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy Coach for Experts™
f you are a sushi lover too, you will absolutely love my raw version of this heavenly Japanese tasting experience. Eating raw doesn’t mean that you have to “give up” what you loved -- you can make a raw version of your favorites so your new food- and life-style keeps inspiring you. Especially in the beginning of your plantbased journey, these kinds of “translations” can make the
difference to help you get over possible mental hurdles. You will notice that after a while, when you are going through your transformation, you will crave your cooked foods less and less, and that you will evolve toward a simple and pure way of eating raw. But until then, enjoy a complete Japanese explosion of taste whenever you need it to stay on track.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face painter at the Day Lodge.
TOOLS Food processor Very sharp chef’s knife Sushi mat
Saturday and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROLLS TIPS taking photos. Place a nori sheet on a sushi mat and This is a great way to use leftover line up with the edge nearest to you veggies in your fridge
Spread a few spoons of the filling Nori rolls are loved by anyone Saturday will be hidden in the village and on equally on to the sheet untiland Sunday - prizes First cut up all your vegetables and halfway covered the mountain to be found. take care of your “mise en place”
FIRST MAKE THE FILLING 2 parsnips, peeled
2 TBSP of grated ginger
Press gently but firmly down so it Nori sheets get soft quickly; work EPICMIX VIRTUAL PIN sticks nicely together fast to have a clean cut Now place a selection of your sliced Come ski on Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski When you start out, don’t put too vegetables in the middle Heart of pinthe on“rice” your EpicMix much account. in your roll until you get the hang of it End with cilantro or sprouts (the fluffiest, lightest ingredients) TAVERN 6330’ Make sure that you cut the rolls with Roll up with care: don’t push down a sharp knife for nicesales nori on bites Tavern 6330’ will be donating 10% of all dessert February 15, 2015 but roll with firm hand 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance.AThey will office also belunch offering Valentine’s perfect thatayou can
WEEKEND FESTIVITIES AT NORTHSTAR Juice of ½ to 1 lime or lemon 1 clove of garlic
½ to 1 tsp. of sea salt
¼ C of pine nuts or macadamia nuts
FEBRUARYFOR 14,THE 2015 - FEBRUARY INSTRUCTIONS ”RICE” Pulse all the ingredients for the Stop before the end, wet the edge easily prepare the day before Day Menu on 2/14. filling in your food processor into a with RACE some water on your fingers rice like texture (don’t process too CUPID’S COURSE VALENTINE’S FUN A leftover of the “rice” is a lovely long) STAR GAZING SNOWSHOE TOURS Close the roll side dish for your rolls To be held 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. each day. Challenge your loved add what you miss, set aside the seam the cutting board You can dark replace the parsnips with on Varies. Take advantage of the skies above Northstar one Taste to a and head-to-head Valentine’s race and findKeep out who gets on Time: while slicing into bite sized pieces cauliflower or almonds a snowshoe tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet INGREDIENTS THE ROLLS bragging rights FOR for the next year! Skiers and riders of all levels 1 nori sheet per person Tony Berendsen. The 2 to 2.5 hour guided tour begins at the Cross are welcome to participate in this fun race at ourServe EpicMix withRace some Tamari (gluten free), Wouldatyou likeThe to group Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center 5pm. Venue. EpicMix Racevegetables fees will be $6. Wasabi and raw pickled ginger Finely sliced/cut and elevate your energy in will trek through the serene forest while observing the starry sky sprouts to your choice one week by making The first 150 racers each day will receive a complimentary above, all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each one small change in SpringValentine’s onion, mushrooms Northstar Day pin. adventure will include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, your busy day? Join slices avocado a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line telescopes, 50%Fine of all raceoffees collected both days will be donated to the the Celestron experience at and a chance to relax around a fire pitwww.ravishingraw.com. and warm up with wine Cilantro Tahoe SAFE Alliance. and hot cider. Dogs on leashes are welcome to join in the fun! Marie-Claire Hermans The mission of Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end the incidence and Energy Coach For Experts™ trauma of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual violence, www.ravishingraw.com and child abuse in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. Tahoe SAFE Alliance believes every person has the right to live a life free of violence and abuse. The core of our beliefs is that violence is a learned behavior and therefore it can be prevented. Through education, advocacy and engaging everyone in our cause, we can create violence-free communities where healthy relationships thrive. For more information please visit tahoesafealliance.org.
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February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
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Written by Allison Prater
mber is a powerful healing stone. It gives the person who wears it a lovely sense of vitality. It is a beautiful, warm stone that is said to balance the emotions, clear the mind, release negative energy such as phobias and fears, and it aids in manifestation rituals. Amber has an electrical charge when rubbed. It was called “elektron” by the ancient Greeks. This is thought to be the origin of the word electricity.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Amber is associated with solar energy, and the energy of the Mother Goddesses. It is a protective stone that resonates with the fire element. It is also associated with the fifth element, Akasha, which binds the other four elements, and is sometimes considered the original source of them. In ancient China, it was believed to carry the very essence of life itself. Because amber is a fossil it is associated with time, cycles and longevity. Geologists define Amber as fossilized tree resin (not tree sap). Sap is the fluid that circulates through a plant's vascular system. Resin, on the other hand, is a semi-solid amorphous (no crystal structure) organic substance that is secreted in pockets and canals through epithelial cells of the plant. It's the really sticky stuff that after time will fossilize and harden. Hardened tree resin that is less than 100,000 years old is called Copal. Copal becomes Amber when it has finished fossilizing. Copal can crack on the surface as the volatile oils (or turpenes) evaporate. Copal will dissolve in acetone, but Amber will not. Copal from Madagascar and Columbia are 250 to 10,000 years old. Amber from the Baltics and the Dominican Republic are 25 to 40 million years old. Archaeologists found many beautifully carved amber pieces in graves, dating back around 2000 B.C. or before. Amber has even been discovered in Egyptian tombs...including that of Tutankhamen.
Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
Amber is reputed to cleanse the blood, as well as help move energy around the body. It has been used to ease pain in joints and ligaments. Amber necklaces are also a popular choice for many parents, who used them to help soothe teething pain in infants and toddlers. This is accomplished by an analgesic substance called succinic acid, which is released by the beads in response to the warmth of the child’s body and absorbed through the skin. Amber is also considered a protective stone and has been used by parents of many cultures to safeguard their children's overall wellbeing. It is associated with both the naval and solar plexus chakras. It supports clearing of problems associated with the navel chakra, and is said to draw physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in the stomach area. It can also be used to aid emotional healing and creates a more positive outlook on life. Amber resonates with sacral chakra, meaning that it is a wonderful stone for enhancing one's creativity. It links the everyday self to the spiritual self. It is known to be an effective crystal to use in protection from psychic attack. Amber connects one to their inner wisdom. When combined with other golden-toned crystals, it is a powerful stone to manifest an increase in money. Its sacral chakra centered energy makes it a highly magnetic and sensual stone. It is also worn to attract love,
and increases one’s enjoyment of sensual activities. Historically women used talismans of amber carved in the images of fish, frogs and rabbits to enhance fertility. Men would wear figures of dogs, dragons or lions to fend off impotency. Powdered amber has been burned during birth to help ensure the safety of mother and infant. Amber has many more uses than those mentioned above. It is a beautiful stone to adorn oneself with, and can invite a multitude of positive energies including love, abundance and success.
references 1. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, 2001. 2. healingcrystals.com/Amber_Articles_139. html
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YOUR BRAIN CAN TRANSFORM YOUR BODY! Learn The Feldenkrais Method of Movement Improvement:
Vitality ... Balance ... Pain relief Whole body fitness ... Better function
Carole Bucher, BA
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Class Schedule in “Ongoing Events”
Baltic Amber is highly prized for its high quality. Polish craftsmen have long been reputed for making beautifully
crafted pieces from it. Green amber may be natural, but most green amber jewelry sold is made from stone that has been through a process that creates the color artificially.
Smart Movement Solution
professional directory
allergies Melissa Monaghan, RN, APH Advanced Practitioner — Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic Reno, NV (775) 826-1900 renonurse@yahoo.com Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 20 years Integrative Medical Experience specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.
business opportunities Commission Ad Sales
Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Email your résumé to publisher@hbmag.com.
Call Office: 408.406.9799
cancer therapy Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 www.renointegrative.com Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.
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chiropractic health
ear candling
Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1222
Therapeutic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307
We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español.
55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments. Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit www.therapeuticskincare.com.
Go to ad on Page 15 Dr. William Clearfield 9550 S. McCarran Blvd. Ste B., Reno, NV (775) 359-1222 Dr. Bill Clearfield comes to the Reno area from Northeast Pennsylvania after having practiced the art of medicine since 1982. He brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and AntiAging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” is the author of Celestial Stem: A Five Element Approach to Diet and Exercise, has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has twenty years experience and training with bio-identical hormone replacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr. B’s approach to health and wellness combines the best of Eastern and Western Medicine with a healthy dose of the latest Anti-Aging Medical philosophies.
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crisis intervention Crisis Call Center www.CrisisCallCenter.org (775) 784-8085
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environmental resources Sierra Green Building Association Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 www.Sigba.org SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.
gift shops Mystic Rose Gift Shop 20 Hillcrest Drive Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-2872 www.MysticRoseGiftShop.com Open 10 am to 7 pm Mon.-Thur., 10 am to 5 pm Fri. & Sat. Eclectic and unique tools of spiritual traditions, crystals, jewelery and candles. Natural healing aids: Magnesium Chloride, Diatomacious Earth, Himalayan Salt and salt products. Tropical Traditions raw coconut oil, aromatherapy and massage oils. Ancient healing wisdom for today’s wellness.
Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing face-to-face crisis intervention and advocacy services to victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problems.
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
health food stores Quincy Natural Foods Cooperative 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 8 pm, Sun. 9 am - 7 pm
Sprouting Roots Market 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642 Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements, skin care products, and more. Stop in or give us a call.
Vitamin Connection 2295 S. Virginia St. #13, Reno, NV (775) 825-3993 Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, full up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show. Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Mon.-Sun.
hypnosis Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt Consulting Hypnotist (775) 786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect.
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integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 www.GerberMedical.com Since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered familyoriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities. Celebrating our 40th year of medical practice!
Go to ad on Page 23 Smart Movement Solutions The Feldenkrais Method ® Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher 775-240-7882 Mindful, noninvasive movement classes and private lessons with Carole (RENO FELDENKRAIS) provide a simple, empowering path to improve vitality, reduce pain and functional limitations, and to regain quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. See Ongoing Events and visit RenoFeldenkrais.blogspot.com for weekly Class Schedule. The only continuous Feldenkrais classes in Nevada, since 2009.
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massage therapeutic Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit www.therapeuticskincare.com
Patricia Elliott RN, LMT Certified Medical Massage Practitioner NV License 5274 712 South Center St. Reno (775) 830-6284 Remove stress while relaxing in a cool, comfortable atmosphere. Enjoy Relaxation massage, Warm stone, Swedish or Therapeutic massage. Research shows massage is very healing. Do something for yourself and call today! Visit my website: www.Good4UTherapeuticmassage.com
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pet care Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 www.SugarlandRanch.com Sugarland Ranch is a community based, nonprofit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.
spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 www.SpiritualistSocietyofReno.org Meetings every Sunday at 11a.m. Spiritual awakening is a personal path, but a community helps you find the way. The Spiritualist Society of Reno is a community of like-minded people seeking to help one another on their spiritual path. Meetings include talk, mediation, healing and message service.
Kate Colby Nelson, MA Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Licensed HeartMathTM Provider Radiant Living Life Coach www.seedsofradiance.com 775.400.8879 Find that “sweet spot”, put your life in alignment with the universe. Kate Colby Nelson is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, RScP, through United Centers for Spiritual Living. Practitioner sessions focus on bringing the client into alignment with the life they want. Using spiritual principles and tools for transformation clients are guided through inquiry, dialogue, meditation, and affirmative awareness to create the life they love while releasing false beliefs, hidden patterns, and sabotaging habits. Deepen your experience of life through sacred support and guidance.
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Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
calendar of events
11.01.15 - 11.29.15 Conscious Practice
Every Sunday, 9:30 am 45 minute meditation followed by a twohour Conscious Dance. $15 each week. River School Farm www.riverschoolfarm.org/
Learn the Benefits of Essential Oils
4-5 pm at Simple Bliss Vegan Café in the Swiss Village, South Lake Tahoe. Join Holistic Health Coach Shelly Johnson as she explores the powerful benefits of Essential Oils. She will share insight on how pure essential oils can be used for adrenal fatigue, infertility, allergies, acne, muscle aches, injuries, stress, sleep, energy, migraines, snoring, flu/colds, immune system, weight management, pregnancy, kids, athletes and much more! Everyone attending the class will experience the oils and will be entered in a raffle to win a free oil to take home! simpleblisscafe.com
14-Day Accelerated Weight Loss Program
Detox your body and naturally lose weight. Eat wholefoods that nourish your body. Find foods that could be making you fat, sick and tired. Reduce medications. Get started on your journey to Discovering Optimal Wellness Today! Get more information at www.eventbrite.com/e/14-dayaccelerated-weight-loss-reno-starts-nov-4tickets-17292370947
11.06.15 - 11.08.15 Energy Healing Certification
This workshop is designed specifically for those who would like to be certified to teach. Cost is $650. www.heart2heartschool.net for more information.
Best Buddies Friendship Walk
Held at the Sparks Marina, the Friendship Walk is the latest and greatest life-changing movement created by Best Buddies. Since 2009, more than 55,000 participants have walked in over 26 states and 3 countries, raising over 5 million dollars for Best Buddies. Ultimately, the Friendship Walk changes lives, as participants walk for inclusion, friendship, leadership, and opportunity for people with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). www.bestbuddiesnevada. org for more information.
11.07.15 & 11.08.15
Reno Spiritual & Wellness Expo and Conference Over 70 exhibitors plus workshops and live entertainment Cost: $8 for the Expo. $25 for Expo plus 2 days of in-depth featured seminars exploring spirituality, metaphysics, healing, psychic abilities and more. renopsychicfair.com
11.07.15. & 11.08.15 Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend @ Granlibakken Tahoe
Granlibakken Resort hosts the annual Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend (WWW), November 7 & 8, 2015. This long loved program is alive with a complete schedule of speakers, exercise classes, vendor booths, health fair, food and wine. Medical doctors and health professionals present information on nutrition, relationships, metabolism, pelvic problems, hormone therapies and environmental toxins. The event starts on Saturday with an optional yoga class (7:30am) and ends with the beloved health fair. WWW is $120.00, additional charge for lodging and continuing education credit. Book now at www.granlibakken.com or contact shawnalee@granlibakken.com for more information.
Great American Smokeout
Quitting is hard, but you can increase your chances of success with help. The American Cancer Society can tell you about the steps you can take to quit smoking and provide quit-smoking programs, resources and support that can increase your chances of quitting successfully. To learn about the available tools, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org
Scheels Turkey Trot
A great place to spend time with family and friends, and a healthy way to start a day usually filled with a whole lot of eating. Participants can choose from a 10K (6.2 miles) run (timed) or a 2-mile walk or run (not timed). The 10K race begins at 8:30 a.m. The 2-mile run/walk will start at Scheels and circle around the Sparks Marina Park. Proceeds benefit Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful for local beautification projects and the City of Sparks Youth Scholarship Fund. For more information e-mail tramociotti@cityofsparks. us or call (775) 353-7898.
November Virtual Races
Want to participate, but can’t make it to a race location? No problem! Run or walk at any location you want! You can use the treadmill, run outside, your own course, another race, or get your running group together. You can run the event any day before the race end date. For more events go to USRoadRunning.com. 11.07.15 & 11.08.15 – Day of the Dead Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon 11.08.15 – Breast Cancer Awareness Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon 11.22.15 – Yin-Yang Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon 11.28.15 – Thanksgiving Virtual 5K/10K/ Half Marathon
Reiki Master Class
Begins in November each year; specific dates will be set by those taking this workshop along with Dr. Barry. This year long workshop meets twice per month plus attendance at Reiki Sharing Groups for the year. Must have finished Reiki I and Reiki II a minimum of one year previously. Cost is $250/month (for a total of $3000) or $2500 if made in one payment prior to beginning the first month’s class. The same fees apply for those who are auditing this class. www.heart2heartschool. net for more information.
November Advantage Lecture Series, Northern Nevada Medical Center Sparks Medical Building, 2385 E. Prater Way, Suite 201. All events are free to Advantage Members and just $5 for non-members. Registration is required. Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Time: 6 - 7 p.m. Topic: Diabetes and Natural Alternative Means to Control Type II Diabetes Presenter: Sandra Saville, DC CNIM, Integrated Wellness and Nutrition RSVP: 775-356-6662 Friday, November 13, 2015 Time: Noon – 1 p.m. Topic: Cardiac Device Clinic: Exercise and Travel with your Cardiac Device Presenter: Laurie Newmark, RN, Certified Cardiac Device Specialist, Northern Nevada Medical Center RSVP: 775-352-5325 Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Time: 6 - 7 p.m. Topic: Low Back Pain in Older Adults Presenter: James Murphy, MD, Pain Medicine, Spine Nevada RSVP: 775-356-6662
November 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
ongoing events Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900. Smart Movement Classes RENO Feldenkrais Schedule • TUES 10 am at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. • THURS 5:30 pm at The Reno Buddhist Ctr., 820 Plumas St. • SAT 3 pm at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. All levels of fitness. You can start anytime by contacting: Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher RenoFeldenkrais.blogspot.com • 775-240-7882 RenoFeldenkrais@aol.com Meditation Tools Class & Energy Healing I Saturday 11:30am Each class is six weeks, two hours a week. The cost is $125 if paid first class or $25 a week. Classes start Saturday, May 23
Visit Reno Psychic Institute’s new permanent location in Carson City! 1800 Hwy 50 #207 Energy Healing Clinic Every Saturday 2:00-3:00pm Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330. 7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at www.shannonvigil.com/slimdown or call cellular (916) 718-2684. Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.
*Each class includes an aura reading.
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Healthy Beginnings • November 2015
Not once have I regretted this expenditure of my advertising budget. Carol Christian, Colon Hydrotherapist Healthy Beginnings advertiser
with the goal of offering spine patients the highest level of radiology services. The advanced InMotion Diagnostics services include Open InMotion MRI, traditional and dynamic X-Rays and Vertebral Motion Analysis. For those patients needing surgery, many can be home the same day â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the center includes spine neurosurgeons with expertise in minimally invasive spine surgery that shortens the incision, lessens time in the hospital and makes for a faster and less painful recovery. To learn more about how SpineNevada is redefining spine care, visit SpineNevada.com. This educational website has 3D videos detailing spine conditions and treatment options, home remedies and exercises that can relieve simple cases of back pain. Please call 775.348.8800 or visit SpineNevada.com to request our FREE Home Remedy Book. Let SpineNevadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team of spine specialists help you return to activity.