Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® ISSN 2150-9921
Options for Thyroid Health
Importance of the Nervous System
Is It Functioning Optimally?
The Where, How, and Whys of Supporting Your Local Farmer’s Market!
Overeating & Food Addiction
Your Local Resource for Natural Living
Dr. Eslinger is A Leader in New Techniques for the Treatment
of Cancer
There is an Answer...When Medicines have Failed That Enhance Your Immune System in the Healing Process
Now cancer can be detected in early stages with the Oncoblot test • 3 week Cancer Boot Camp • Cell Formula Treatments • UBI Therapy • Immune Boosting • Heavy Metal Testing & Chelation Therapy • Oxidative Therapies • Laetrile • Insulin Potentiated Therapy or I.P.T. • Dendritic Cell Therapy
Learn more about Dr. Eslinger’s therapies in “Defeat Cancer” where he is featured as one of the top doctors fightng cancer globally. He also co-authored and published a medical study on GcMAF, an alternative cancer therapy.
Discover a Healthier Future for You and Your Loved Ones
Call Today
Reno Integrative Medical Center
6110 Plumas St, Ste. B Reno, NV
2 February 2015
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings Visit www.
inside the
issue 9 2015
in every issue
on the cover
04 Publisher’s letter
32 Professional Directory 34 Calendar
The Where, How, and Whys of Supporting Your Local Farmer’s Market
12 Your Body Can Fight Cancer Learn About GcMAF
15 Your Thyroid
Options for Thyroid Health
18 Importance of the Nervous System
Is It Functioning Optimally?
22 The Hunger Fix
Overeating & Food Addiction
departments health 08 A Brief Psychosis
Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis
10 For Conditions Like Back or Neck Pain, Consider a Comprehensive Treatment Approach
15 Patient Mysteries
Are You Thyroid Deficient? Pt. 2
18 Is Your Nervous System in a State of Dis-ease or Ease?
20 Is Generalized Fear Making You Miserable?
integrative health 12 Your Body’s Protein (GcMAF) Can Fight Cancer & Other Diseases
spiritual health 13 Letting Go of the Past
healthy reading 22 The Hunger Fix
The Three Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction
recipes 24 Blueberry Hill 26 It’s A Wrap! 28 That’s Amore!
Raw Foods Lasagna
herbs&spices 30 Clove Flower Buds
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
publisher’s letter publisher’s letter
all is upon us and back to school activities are in full swing. As we reboot our daily schedules to include activities related to getting children ready for school it is a good time to think about healthy options for packing lunches, week day meals and healthy snacks. Cut fresh fruits and vegetables for healthy meal items to pack in school lunches or to take to work. A fresh apple with peanut butter and raisins makes a very filling high energy snack. A wonderful option for low cost, fresh, healthy foods is at your local farmer’s market. Check out the information on our local farmer’s markets for healthy organic food choices, support our local farmers and enjoy an outdoor shopping experience. The September issue continues to spotlight natural alternatives for healing cancer, and we are fortunate to live in an area where there are very effective healing methods for doing that. I had the privilege to meet Dr. Eslinger and tour his clinic. I was able to see firsthand the work that he is doing to provide options for cancer treatment. Did you know
that your body creates a protein that fights cancer? Learn about the GcMAF protein and how it can fight cancer in this issue. This month we also have more information about the importance of your thyroid, and the variety of successful treatments for thyroid dysfunction. This issue also has interesting information on mental health from Dr. Gerber as well as our monthly feature on things to ponder in the spiritual realm. We still have beautiful weather in this area and it is a wonderful time to take advantage of our events calendar to plan to attend a fun event for you, and your family. I hope you enjoy this issue. Please join us on Facebook and enjoy of the daily tips for your health, fitness and recipes! Share your thoughts with us on twitter, or send an email to We look forward to hearing from you. Happy September!
Lynn Virgilio We would love to hear from you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face painter at the Day Lodge.
EPICMIX PHOTO Saturday and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course taking photos.
Local Farmer’s Market Valentine’s
Saturday and Sunday - prizes will be hidden in the village and on the mountain to be found.
Come ski on Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski Heart pin on your EpicMix account.
TAVERN 6330’
SUPPORT FAMILY FARMS excessive packaging. Conventional in season picks in yummy recipes, such Tavern will be donating 10% also of alluses dessert sales on February 2015 - FEBRUARY 15, 2015 agriculture more resources than AsFEBRUARY you can imagine14, it would be very as summer corn succotash or a6330’ fall acorn 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s tough for a small family farms to compete sustainable farming and contributes to squash is delicious roasted. Day Menu on 2/14. with the huge food chains. Buying directly polluting water, land and air with harmful TASTE! CUPID’S VALENTINE’S FUN RACE from a farmerCOURSE is less expensive as you are agricultural byproducts. Local farmers The fruits and vegetables that you STAR GAZING SNOWSHOE TOURS not incurring inflated prices that include transport their food shorter distances purchaseyour at your Local Farmers market To held 10:30 amcostly to 3:30 pm. each loved and generally grow with methods that thebe middleman and shipping and day. Challenge are inout season theVaries. flavor isTake advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on Time: one a head-to-head Valentine’s whowhich gets means minimize impact on the environment. othertotransportation associated with race and find at its peak, sometimes picked as recently a snowshoe tour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet bragging rights Supporting for the next year! Skiers and riders of all levels shipping food. the farmer as the same morning. The produce has The 2 to SUPPORT LOCAL ECONOMY Tony Berendsen. 2.5 hour THE guided tour begins at the Cross are welcome to participate this fun race at our EpicMix Race gives them a better return forinthe Shopping at the farmers market helpsgroup longer time in the field and hardly any Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The Venue. EpicMix Race fees will be $6. product and helps to ensure that they can to build a local economy made up time in transit to disrupt the natural will trek through the serene forest while observing the starry sky continue farming for your community. of the people that you know and do process. No need for chemicals The first 150 racers each day will receive ripening a complimentary above, all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each to stimulate ripeness. The fruits and business with. Instead of supporting large HEALTHY! Northstar Valentine’s Day pin. adventure include acorporations laser tour ofbased the stars and cities, constellations, Most of the food found in conventional vegetables have not been sitting in will storage in other states a telescopic top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, 50% of all race fees collected both days will for be weeks donated to the or countries, food from the farmers market grocery is grown using pesticides, losing flavor and nutrients. viewing using and a chance to relax around a fire pit and hands warmtherefore up with wine travels through fewer hormones, Tahoe SAFEantibiotics Alliance. and genetic ENVIRONMENTALLY and POSITIVE hot cider. Dogs on leashes to join in people the fun! modification. For transportation more of are the welcome money goes to the Food in the United States travels an The mission of Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end the incidence and purposes some foods have also been growing it. You can make an important average 15,000 miles to get to your trauma of domestic/intimate sexualofviolence, irradiated, waxed or gassed inpartner transit violence,plate. economic impact in your community by This requires large amounts and child abuse in Northeffects Lake Tahoe contributing to negative on and Truckee. buying from local producers who are of natural resources, contributes to your health. In contrast, produce at the already supporting the community with generates trash with Tahoe SAFE Alliance believes every personpollution has theand right to farmers market is minimally processed. their farming business. live life freeput ofinviolence abuse. Locala farmers the extraand effort The corethe of most our beliefs is that violence to grow nutritious produce is a learned andtechniques therefore it possible usingbehavior sustainable can prevented. education, and be harvesting rightThrough before market. advocacy and engaging everyone in • non-toxic Hair Color SEASONAL EATING our cause, we can create violence-free • 100% Grey Coverage Seasonal choices offer you the communities where healthy relationships • Rich in Nutrients opportunity to eat in tune with the thrive. ForConnect more information please • Kim specializes in Color, seasons. with the cycle of visit nature in your area by eating fruits and Cutting & Texturizing
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vegetables that grow within a particular season. Seasonal eating also provides the optimum time for eating the fruits and vegetables. You can also showcase
A FULL SERVICE SALON For appointments call Kim at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St. Reno
February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.® Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
Lynn Virgilio, Kippy Spilker
Content Director
Lynn Virgilio
Design & Layout
Alexandria Olivares-Wenzel
Social Media Managers Web Archiving Contributors
Abbey Smith, Ashley Lauwereins, Cambria Roth June Milligan, Schall Adams, Allison Prater
Contributing Medical Writers
Dr. Andy Drymaslski, Dr. Michael Gerber, Dr. Robert Eslinger, Dr. Tony Jensen, SpineNevada, Dr. William Clearfield
Healthy Recipes
Marie-Claire Hermans
Healthy Beginnings’ Mission is to provide credible resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic, and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Each month we feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community and around the globe. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location nearest you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 408.406.9799 or e-mail us at We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2015© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at in the footer of the home page.
Questions, Comments, and Submissions
Printed in the USA HB Magazine is printed on partially recycled newsprint
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
If the dreamer ignored the guidance have received more dreams of even ps dreams of being chased, of dying a car crash. In his outer life, he might uto accident. He may develop anxiety c attacks. His relationships with his ld become more disturbed. One of ck or become rebellious, mirroring s God. Some of these events would s decision and actions. Others might is certain is that he will encounter egative events and frustrations if he ves of his deeper self. Needless to say, wealthy woman would be ill-fated.
Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at
See ad on this page.
Summit Market | Located at the Summit Mall, Reno, 9am to 2pm. Runs until September 24
hilosophical viewpoint that all moral valid or “true.” This position rests upon United Methodist Church | 1231 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV 8am to 1pm se a person’s morality flows from his/ South Lake Tahoe Certified Farmers Market | American Legion ecause people different Hall Parkinghave Lot, 2732 SLT Blvd (Hwyvalues, 50), 8am to 1pm, Runs until October 5 e with none any better than another. ng that different people may possess Foothill Farmers Market | Truckee River Regional Park, Truckee, CA, 8am to 1pm, Runs until September 28 values are equivalent. For example, a life of psychological and spiritual Kings Beach SRA | Tahoe City, CA, 8am to 1pm, Runs until e systemsSeptember lead to7a pretty much wasted equal worth, and neither are the moral om them.Somersett Towne Square | Somersett Drive, Reno, NV, 4 to 8pm.
e, and perhaps the more paradoxical, Gardnerville Farmers Market at Lampe Park | 1325 Waterloo Gardnerville, NV, in 9amato particular 1pm, Runs until September 16 moral, forLane, one person arily right for another person. This differences inFarmers' theirMarket values Midtown | 1311systems, S Virginia St. Reno, NV 10am to 2pm the fact that what is required for one Sparks Farmers' Market | Victorian Square, Sparks, NV, 3 to 8pm dividual may not be the same as what Foothill Farmers Market | Truckee River Regional Park, Truckee, For example, quitting job because CA, 4 to 6pm, Runsyour until October 20 h one of your co-workers could be a Commons Beach | Tahoe City, CA, 8am to 1pm, Runs until ision if you are in the wrong line of September 30 is just one more prodding from life to lly love. Conversely, your decision to Kahle Park Farmers Market | Kahle Park, Stateline, NV, 4 to 7pm esponsible if life is trying to teach you and you Village are just trying to avoid this Market | California Avenue at Booth Street, Reno, NV 8am to 1pm, runs until September 26.
Summit Market | Located at the Summit Mall, Reno, NV, 9am to 2pm Runs until September 24 Lazy 5 Regional Park | Sparks, NV, 7:30am to 12:30pm Runs until September 14 Carson Farmers Market | 3rd & Curry Street, Carson City, NV 8:30am to 1pm, runs until September 19 Incline Village | Outside of the Village Market, 10am to 4pm Homewood Farmers Market | Homewood Mountain Resort on Highway 89, Homewood, CA, 8am to 1pm
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• Expert knowledge. • Continual product testing. • Exceptional quality at a highly competitive price. Sign up for the Healthy Awards Club today! Call:
6135 S. Virginia St. • Reno
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
journey. Make it a healthy one.®
A Brief Psychosis
have always been interested in mental illness which I have studied since my post-doctoral years at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital and the Stanford Research Ward. This was home to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The universal take on mental illness is that it is a multifactorial problem and I observed the standard pharmacological treatment was extremely heavy handed and frightening. I occasionally was the person who tackled escapee psychotic patients on the hospital grounds and restrained them until the nurse arrived with intramuscular injections of Thorazine, a chemical restraint. It still leaves an indelible impression. Bless us all to evolve to more humane and reasonable treatments for mental ailments. Remembering the woodcuts from the Bedlam Asylum in 17th century England with the wild eyed inmates pressing their faces against the bars reminds us that adrenalin, sympathetic dominance, is an old problem. Dopamine antagonists still rule in anti-psychotic therapy and emptied the mental hospitals in the 1950s and 1960s. I worked one summer at the Stockton, California State Mental Hospital in 1969 which once housed 15,000 patients and by the time I was there the patient population was only
1,500 thanks to phenothiazines such as Thorazine. Modern antipsychotics, antidepressants and anxiolytic drugs are more user friendly but are still in the dark ages of medical practice. MULTIPLE CAUSATIONS FOR MENTAL ILLNESS Causes including: unrelenting stress, PTSD, sexual and physical abuse, Lyme disease, chronic viral illness, parasitic diseases, inherited genetic weakness such as MTHFR, homeopathic miasms (inherited weakness), environmental illness, heavy metal toxicity, root canals with infected teeth, bad diet and nutritional deficiencies. Other contributing factors such as Candida, mold, unfortunate maternal stress during the baby’s third trimester giving transgenerational adrenal weakness, thyroid insufficiency in the face of normal blood tests, menstrual disorders, hormone imbalance and many more conditions result in mental illness. SO MANY HELPERS BUT REMEMBER PROGESTERONE There is a pretty awesome Integrative Medicine repertoire of healing modalities for mental illness. Thyroid replacement with either porcine or bioidentical T3 and T4 has been reviewed in several previous issues of Healthy Beginnings. Puffy, cold patients with
hair loss who are constipated, fatigued and depressed need a trial on thyroid. Those patients lacking energy with insomnia need adrenal support as per my previous articles. Amino acid precursor therapy for brain chemical rebuilding is very effective. Most magnificently topical progesterone, an adrenal hormone, at 50 mg per pump rubbed into the forearms blocks adrenalin and increases GABA (our calming brain chemical) in 3 to 5 or 10 minutes. Anxious, panicky and psychotic patients often relax immediately and application can be repeated every five to fifteen minutes or hourly until the adrenalin response diminishes. Progesterone is not feminizing and can be used for men and children. I have given it to a three week old girl who was in agony from colic with her back arched and screaming. After a pea sized dot of progesterone was rubbed into her forearm she was calm and asleep in about three minutes. I particularly loved the web sites for transgender folks who said progesterone was absolutely not good for developing breasts in males. Patients who are going out of their skin with fear, hopelessness, difficulty concentrating and surety that they will never recover from their illness are immediately soothed by progesterone. Thanks Dr. Michael Platt, MD.1
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
A NICE CASE A 39 year old male who had indulged in strong Cannabis and/or psychedelic drugs had been rendered paranoid, insomniac and without appetite for about 10 days when he came to our office. He was rambling with paranoid content, dilated pupils and rambling speech. We began his therapy with our anti-psychotic intravenous therapy of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. He received this for two days in the first week and then one more time until he stopped testing well for this IV. We gave our usual injections of adrenal complex, as above with B vitamins every other day for one week
and then twice weekly. He was given high dose oral vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins. Topical progesterone cream was very helpful in the first 15 minutes and was administered whenever he felt anxiety or insomnia. He resumed eating and sleeping within the first week and his paranoia was reduced markedly in the first week. (“My friends are trying to kill me at my local bar, they are poisoning me”). Lachesis 200 C homeopathically was most helpful to help symptoms of nervousness, excitability, great loquacity, rambling, frequently jumping from one subject to another, delusions of thinking himself under super human control,
feeling pursued, hated and despised, fears of going to sleep, having no desire to mix with the world, insane jealousy and suspicion and feeling full of poison.2 He is now back to work, sleeping and eating normally and not exhibiting paranoid symptoms. Contact GerberMedical Clinic for more information.
See ad on this page.
1. The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones by Michael Platt, MD, 2. Homeopathic Remedy Guide by Robin Murphy, ND , H.A.N.A. press. 2000
Looking for an Alternative? Optimize Your Health With Integrative & Preventive Medicine. Gerber Medical Clinic Founded 1975
Family Health • Orthomolecular Medicine • Auto Immune Diseases • Gastrointestinal Disorders • Infectious Diseases
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Michael Gerber, MD, HMD President of Nevada Homeopathc & Integrative Medical Association
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Integrative Medical Practice for Adults & Children
1225 Westfield Ave, Reno • A Sustainable Green Facility Bio-Identical Hormones Healthy Beginnings September 2015 Rapid heart rate from •adrenalin excess secondary to stress, low
blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the adrenalin, as do adrenal cortical hormone support, like a
References: 9
1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011. 2. Murphy, Robin, N.D. Homeopathic Remedy Guide.
For Conditions Like Back or Neck Pain,
ica, used
wMed age © Vie
with perm
Article Provided by SpineNevada
f back or neck pain has limited your activity levels, you’re not alone. Studies show that an estimated 80% of adults in the United States will experience back pain symptoms during their lifetime. And after the first occurrence, nearly half of back pain sufferers may experience future recurrent spine symptoms. The good news is that even though back pain can be excruciating at times, the majority of people will recover without the need for spine surgery.
There is no shortage of treatment options for back or neck pain. Unfortunately, people with back pain may fall into a cycle of “temporary feel good” treatments performed by solo providers who do not communicate with one another. Without coordinated care, this can result in unnecessary procedures that treat the symptoms but do little to address the underlying pain generator. Thus, the plight to find lasting pain relief continues.
WHY A COMPREHENSIVE SPINE CENTER APPROACH? SpineNevada Minimally Invasive Spine Institute’s comprehensive center approach combines spine physicians with board-certification in the specialties of pain management, physicalmedicine & rehabilitation and neurological spine surgery. These spine specialists work together to formulate a customized treatment plan for each patient. SpineNevada offers a wide range of non-
surgical treatments to help individuals with back and neck pain achieve their goals for recovery. This means providing treatment not just for the physical pain, but also solutions to help restore mental and emotional well being. WHAT IS PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION A medical specialty that focuses on treating injuries that affect how the body moves with the goal of improving mobility is Physical Medicine and
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
conditions. InMotion Diagnostics will soon include Dynamic X-rays and Vertebral Motion Analysis. WHEN IS INJECTION THERAPY APPROPRIATE FOR BACK AND NECK PAIN? Injection therapy is a non-surgical treatment option for back and neck pain. Injections are typically considered after a round of medications and in combination with physical therapy. An SpineNevada Pain Management / PMR Article injection may help relieve symptoms enough that the individual can begin specialized stretches and exercises in physical therapy. In addition to the pain relief that may be experienced, injections can also help locate the source of the back pain. Rehabilitation (PM&R). The specialty is also known as physiatry. Physical medicine specialists emphasize prevention, diagnosis and treatment of nerve, muscle and bone related conditions that may be temporarily or chronically limiting activity. In addition to the focused care on the body part causing injury, PM&R specialists help develop a comprehensive plan to speed the patient back to a more normal lifestyle (physically, socially and emotionally) after disease or injury. WHAT IS CAUSING MY PAIN? Patients who face continuing pain without a diagnosed cause of the pain can pose a challenge for many physicians. Moreover, obtaining an accurate spine diagnosis is more difficult than most medical conditions. In order to achieve timely and successful treatment of spine conditions, it is crucial to obtain an accurate diagnosis. The reason — different back and neck conditions may require very different treatment methodologies.
For individuals experiencing severe limitations in function, a cortisone / steroid injection may be appropriate for lower or upper extremity radicular symptoms in advance of pain medication or physical therapy. If a patient experiences partial or temporary pain relief from an injection, a second injection may be appropriate. In most cases cortisone / steroid injections should be limited to 3 in a 6-month period or 4 in a year. Sacroiliac joint injections are considered first as a diagnostic tool and may allow a person to begin other non-surgical treatment options such as manual or physical therapy. Injections may be appropriate for patients diagnosed with sacroillitis (inflamed sacroiliac joint) and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. A study of patients with sacroiliac joint dysfunction showed improvement in pain and functional scores after only a single sacroiliac joint injection. An SI
joint injections may be considered for patients with pain for 4 or more weeks and that haven’t experienced relief from other conservative care. Commonly, SI joint injections are limited to 3-4 injections within a year. SpineNevada has extensive training in pain management and injection therapy options that can help individuals affected by back and neck pain return to more active lifestyles. To learn more about non-surgical treatment options at SpineNevada, please call 775.348.8800. See Ad on Back Cover.
Are you Living the Life you
Seeds of Radiance “Where Spirit and Matter Meet” Sessions provide a sacred space for you to grow, transform, and intentionally create the life you love. • Release false beliefs • Reveal the gifts of your true nature • Use your creative power to experience more joy, love, peace and freedom • Gain insights and tools for transformation • Experience an immediate shift in your mental clarity and well being • Deepen your connection to Life
ACCURATE AND TIMELY DIAGNOSIS IS CRUCIAL SpineNevada includes the InMotion Diagnostics line of advanced radiology services. InMotion Diagnostics includes InMotion MRI, an open and weightbearing MRI that provides superior diagnostic capabilities compared to that of traditional MRI. A natural, stand-up position during MR imaging increases diagnostic accuracy for musculoskeletal
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
Kate Colby Nelson, RScP Spiritual Guidance and Support
Written by Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.
have written about GcMAF (macrophage activating factor) in the past but I feel compelled to convey updated information in light of current news about the deaths of two Alternative doctors who were also pioneers in the use of GcMAF as well as advocates for its effectiveness. Also, the establishment is doing its best to berate and discredit its use as unproven and possibly unsafe. This is entirely untrue. GcMAF is a protein normally made by the body to assist it to fight cancer, viral and Lyme disease. There is some controversy about it helping to treat autism. Macrophage cells are part of the immune system’s tool box to overcome these conditions and restore health. They get “turned off” by an enzyme called nagalase that is secreted by cancer cells and viruses. Administering GcMAF restores the function of these protective cells.
and reduces the metastatic (spreading) potential of cancer cells. GcMAF has been shown to help eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections and assist in treating herpes, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney disease, colitis, Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Unfortunately, if someone has been through conventional full dose chemo or radiation or cortisone, it is usually much harder to “reboot” the immune system and get it to help in
resolving the disease. Treatment with “natural” compounds is much underappreciated and underutilized in the US. It is time for that to change. For further information contact Reno Integrative Medical Center, 6110 Plumas St., Ste. B, Reno, NV 89519, 775-829-1009,
See ad on page 2.
1. 2.
Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer. The original research was done in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by Dr. Yamamoto. The first GcMAF Conference in Frankfurt, Germany in 2013 (at which I was a speaker), demonstrated that it is a far more powerful molecule than previously thought, both in terms of the science and doctors’ results. In testing at universities, laboratories and clinics, success has been achieved in treating all types of tumors including breast, lung, prostate, pancreatic and melanoma. In addition to rebuilding a depressed immune system, GcMAF: inhibits angiogenesis (stops blood supply to tumors), activates macrophages, triggers apoptosis (self- suicide) of cancer cells,
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
of the Past I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the
The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures,
morallike autonomy of the dream was not created whether we want to bewe or not. This is theaccountable case becausecreatures, there is I especially this dream forpsyche. the wayThis it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that are morally by the man’s ego. Itpsyche. was notThis consciously chosen or devised. whether a moralwe structure ourorpsyche thatistranscends our conscious Written bywant Andytoto Drymalski, EdD moral autonomy of the dream was not created be not. This the case because there is I especially like this dream for the way it so boldly reveals the The deep reality is that we are morally accountable creatures, fact, this product thechosen unconscious carriedhere a awhether mind values, and is in often incase disagreement with is by the In man’s ego.spontaneous It the waspsyche. not consciously or devised. moral structure to psyche that our conscious is anand old Masonic cemetery Virginia moral autonomy of This of dream was not created weconscious want to our be or not. This istranscends the because there message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot hide In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a mind and conscious values, and is often in disagreement with by the man’s ego. It was not consciously chosen or devised.City a moral structure to our psyche that to transcends our conscious with gravestones dating back the a higher moral authority within him, a manifestation of God from it. We can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral message the dreamer did not want to hear. It was the voice of them. We can run from this inner authority, but we cannot In fact, this spontaneous product of the unconscious carried a and conscious values, and is often in disagreement hide with firstmind residents of this mining town. Around within theauthority psyche. the want dreamer the the directive given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,cannot and they amessage higher moral him, aignored manifestation of God it.We Wecan can try to fool ourselves with concepts like moral the dreamer didIfwithin not to hear. It was voice of from them. run from this inner authority, but we hide many of the burial plots are wrought iron fences, within thehim psyche. If the pursued dreamer ignored the directive relativism, but dreams don’t lie, and life doesn’t lie,like and they to andauthority instead his ego’s goals, the results would willit.always reflect back toourselves you the moral code written upon a higher moral within him, a manifestation ofgiven God from We can try to fool with concepts moral no more than three orback four feet high. They to him have and instead pursued his ego’s goals, thedirective results will always reflect to you the code written within the psyche. If the dreamer ignored given relativism, but dreams don’t lie, andmoral life doesn’t lie, andupon they been predictably negative. This isthe case most forwould all of us your soul. have been This isagainst the case for allwould of us to him andpredictably instead pursued the results will always reflect back to you the moral code written upon your soul. when we pursue anegative. pathhis thatego’s goesgoals, that of are our deepest gated and of ornate design common to the have been predictably is the case for all of us when we a pathnegative. that goesThis against that of our deepest your soul. the cemetery with a friend self pursue and destiny. Victorian era. I visited when we pursue a path that goes against that of our deepest self and destiny. info, contact Andy since Drymalski, Reno and recently whoFor wasmore perplexed by theDr. fences The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams self and destiny. ForCarson moreCity info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams most cemeteries don’t have fences around each being just one of them. If the dreamer ignored the guidance Carson For more info, contact at Dr.(775) Andy Drymalski, Reno and City psychologist 786-3818, or visit online The psyche communicates through many channels, dreams Enjoy his blog at being just one of them. If thehave dreamer ignored guidance of his dream, he might received morethe dreams of evengravesite. individual He asked, wryly, if they were Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818, or visit online Enjoy his blog at being just onehe of might them. have If thereceived dreamer more ignored the guidance of his dream, dreams of of even warning: dreams of being chased, dying Enjoy his meant to keep people out or the deceased in?blog at of his greater dream, he perhaps mightperhaps have received more dreams ofdying even greater warning: dreams of being chased, of children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer life, he might greater warning: perhaps dreams chased, of might dying children, or of being in a car crash.ofInbeing his outer life, he actually experience an auto accident. He maylife, develop anxiety See ad on this page. children, or of being in a car crash. In his outer he might actually experience an auto accident. He may develop anxiety See ad on this page. symptoms or have panic attacks.He His relationships with his See ad on this page. actually experience an auto accident. may develop anxiety symptoms or have panic attacks. His relationships with his wife or andhave children becomerelationships more disturbed. One of symptoms panicwould attacks. wife and children would becomeHis more disturbed. with One his of wife and children may would become more disturbed. One of his children get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children may get sick or become rebellious, mirroring his children get sick or become rebellious, mirroring hisattitude ownmay attitude towards of these events would his own towards God.God. SomeSome of these events would his own attitude towards God. Some of these events would be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and actions. Others might be causally related to his decision and is actions. Others might be synchronistic. What is certain that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is certain is that he will encounter be synchronistic. What is isevents that he will encounter a growing number of certain negative and frustrations if he aa growing number of negative events and frustrations growing number of negative events and frustrations if if he he ignores the moral directives ofdeeper his deeper self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his self. Needless to say, ignores the moral directives of his deeper self. Needless to say, his relationship withwealthy the wealthy woman would be ill-fated. his woman his relationship relationship with with the the wealthy woman would would be be ill-fated. ill-fated. Moral relativism the philosophical viewpoint moral Moral is philosophical viewpoint that all moral Moral relativism relativism is the theis philosophical viewpoint thatthat all all moral perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon perspectives are equally valid or “true.” This position rests upon the that aa person’s morality flows from his/ the argument that because a person’s morality flows from his/ the argument argument that because because person’s morality flows from his/ her and people have different values, her system, value system, and because people different values, her value value system, and because because people havehave different values, all is with none any better than another. all morality morality is subjective subjective with with nonenone any any better than another. all morality is subjective better than another. While there no denying that different people may possess While While there is is no denying that different people may possess there is no denying that different people may possess different values, not are For example, different values, not all all values are equivalent. equivalent. ForFor example, different values, notvalues all values are equivalent. example, some values values promote lifea of of psychological andand spiritual some promote aa life and spiritual some values promote lifepsychological of psychological spiritual development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted development. Other value systems lead to a pretty much wasted life. Not Not all all values values are are of of equal equal worth, worth, and and neither are are the the moral moral life. life. Not all values are of equal worth, neither and neither are the moral perspectives that that flow flow from from them. them. perspectives Healthy Beginnings • September 13 perspectives that flow2015 from them. But the the deeper deeper issue issue here, here, and and perhaps perhaps the the more more paradoxical, paradoxical, But theisdeeper here, and perhaps the more paradoxical, is that that But what right, issue or moral, moral, for one one person in aa particular particular is what is right, or for person in is that what is right, or moral, for one person in a particular situation is is not not necessarily necessarily right right for for another another person. person. This situation This situation not necessarily right another This difference is notis due to differences in for their valuesperson. systems,
Virginia City is a town that was established and came of age during the spiritualist movement of the mid and late 1800s. There seems to have been a vibe in the town during its heyday—an acute sensitivity and openness to the communications of the departed. Spiritualism facilitated the ongoing communication between the souls of the living and the dead. Indeed, such interactions were encouraged, for spiritualists believed that the “dead” were more knowledgeable about spiritual reality and could therefore function as teachers to the living. Unsurprisingly, Virginia City is steeped in ghost lore. It is considered one of the most haunted cities in the U.S. and regularly hosts ghost walks and tours. Looked at psychologically, the gravesite fences represent a demarcation between the living and the dead. Carl Jung saw such a boundary as important to both parties. If the relationship between the two is nurtured rather than being allowed to dissipate, neither soul moves on to its next station. Regarding this phenomenon Jung offered the following caution: “To be on the safe side, one must be content with spontaneous experiences. Experimenting with this contact regularly leads to the so-called communications becoming more and more stupid or to a dangerous dissociation of consciousness…There are experiences that show that the dead entangle themselves, so to speak, in the physiology (sympathetic nervous system) of the living” (Marie-Louise von Franz, On Dreams and Death; pp. 113, 114). Mary Todd Lincoln and Sarah Winchester (heiress to the Winchester Rifle Company and creator of the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California) are two examples of this phenomenon. Both women suffered from severe depression until their deaths, and both utilized séances and mediumship to propagate a connection to the spirits of their deceased husbands and children. A dream by Jungian psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz communicates a similar warning regarding psychological entanglement with the dead. The dream occurred within a few weeks of her father’s death. It was about ten o’clock in the evening, dark outside. I heard the doorbell ring and ‘knew’ at
once somehow that this was my father coming. I opened the door and there he stood with a suitcase. I remembered from the Tibetan Book of the Dead that people who die suddenly should be told that they are dead, but before I could say so he smiled at me and said: ‘Of course I know that I am dead, but may I not visit you?’ I said: ‘Of course, come in,’ and then asked, ‘How are you now? What are you doing? Are you happy?’ He answered: ‘Let me remember what you, the living, call happy. Yes, in your language, I am happy. I am in Vienna (his hometown which he loved and longed for all his life) and I am studying at the music academy.’ Then he went into the house, we climbed the stairs and I wanted to lead him to his former bedroom. But he said: ‘Oh, no, now I am only a guest,’ and went up to the guestroom. There he put his suitcase down and said: ‘It is not good for either the dead or the living to be together too long. Leave me now. Good night.’ And with a gesture he signaled me not to embrace him, but to go… (On Dreams and Death; pp. 111, 112) The importance of letting go of the dead applies not only to those you were close to who have died. It also applies to aspects of your own life that you have outgrown, or which no longer nourish you. Sometimes we give life support to relationships, attitudes, roles or beliefs that are outworn and no longer serve our development. Life has changed and we have changed, yet we may hang onto old patterns out of guilt, habit, insecurity, sentimentality or nostalgia. Continuing to resuscitate things which you have outgrown keeps you stuck. If there are things in your life that have died—and if you have learned from them what you were meant to learn—maybe it’s time to exit the cemetery and close the fence gate behind you. For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at phone number (775) 786-3818, or Enjoy his blog at
See ad on page 13.
1. von Franz, Marie-Louise, On Dreams and Death: A Jungian Interpretation. Shambhala Press: Boston, MA 1986.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Patient Mysteries:
Written by Dr. William N. Clearfield, D.O.
n Part 1 we reviewed two case studies illustrating common clinical presentations of thyroid disease, the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland, symptoms of low thyroid output and causes of thyroid disease. In Part 2 we will review the diagnosis and offer treatment modalities for varying types of thyroid maladies including medications, supplements and dietary advice. Diagnosing thyroid deficiency is a hot topic. Battle lines were drawn several years ago when patients, obviously hypothyroid, were told they were “normal” because a single test, the TSH, was inside a “normal” 2 standard deviations or 95% of a cross section healthy adults range. “The serum thyrotropin (TSH) is the single best screening test for primary thyroid dysfunction for the vast majority of outpatient clinical situations. The standard treatment is replacement with levothyroxine. The decision to treat sub clinical hypothyroidism when the serum thyrotropin is less than 10 mIU/L should be tailored to the individual patient.”1 10! Even the most generous standard lab has an upper reference range of 4.5 mIU/L. This reference range, one size fits all, cookbook medicine approach, leaves millions of clearly hypothyroid patients, un- and under-diagnosed and un- and under-treated. Left alone, hypothyroidism can progress to enlarged
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
hearts, heart failure, brain fog, infertility and miscarriage. The risk of elevated blood pressure, Hashimoto’s Disease, and depression in relation to the thyroid can be seen with a TSH reading as low as 1.9. At 2.0, elevated markers for cardiac and carotid (c-Reactive Protein and Homocysteine) disease are evident. When the TSH is 3.3 or greater severe forms of depression, increased body mass index, and blood sugar abnormalities are common.2 These are all within the confines of a “normal” thyroid. The sweet spot, the place where our patients function at their very best, are happiest, and have the best cognitive function, best lipid profiles, no cardiac irregularities, or bone loss is really 0.1 and 1.0 mIU/L.3 Thyroid hormones, once released, travel in the blood stream either bound to a protein or in free form. T3 is the functioning thyroid molecule. Only the free form is available to produce the desired hormonal effect. Knowing the amount of circulating thyroid hormone
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available, the free T3, and supporting it to an optimal state, further enables us to refine our patients’ health. While nice to know, free T4 reflects the biologically active hormone that converts to T3 or reverse T3, an inert form of T3, that also masks hypothyroidism. It is the free T3 that we must pay attention too. Free T3 is the active hormone that generates cellular energy. Optimizing free T3 within its optimal range (3.8-4.2), along with TSH (0.5-2.0) and the patient’s symptoms provide the basis for a treatment plan. Reverse T3 (rT3) reflects the level of a second T3 molecule that is formed from T4 conversion. rT3 is an inert form of T3 that will mask an inactive, yet sometimes adequate free T3 level. It is as if the conversion was led astray, into a blind alley. It’s there, but unless you look for it, reverse T3 will be missed. We calculated a free T3/rT3 ratio looking for a value greater than or equal to 20. This free T3/rT3 ratio is the most useful marker for tissue hypothyroidism and as a marker of diminished cellular functioning.4 Symptoms of an elevated reverse T3 include fatigue, difficulty losing fat, brain fog, and muscle aches. Elevated reverse T3 results from chronic illnesses, yo-yo dieting, heavy metal exposure, infections, and mental and physical stress. Autoimmune disruptions of the thyroid gland include Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (hypothyroidism) and Grave’s Disease (hyperthyroidism). In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, anti thyroglobulin antibodies are elevated in 70% and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies are elevated in greater than 90% of presenting cases. Hashimoto’s patients are profoundly hypothyroid and merely replacing the thyroid deficit is usually not adequate for optimal health. In the presence of extremely high levels of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (>120), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis can be present without overt hypothyroid symptomology. Chronic fatigue, dry hair, chronic irritability and nervousness, a history of breast cancer and early miscarriage are its hallmarks.5
“There is a strong link between gluten sensitivity and intolerance and thyroid disease.” At the other end of the spectrum, Graves Disease is the autoimmune equivalent of hyperthyroidism. Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) is the measure for a definitive diagnosis. Remedies for thyroid disease are as controversial as the diagnosis. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association emphatically declared, in 2012, “the standard treatment is replacement with levothyroxine.”6 On the surface this seems to make sense. Nearly 80% of circulating thyroid is T4. T4 naturally converts to T3 so why bother with a more complicated compound? The problem is L-thyroxine, T4 only products, including Synthroid, levothyroxine, levoxyl to name a few, in many cases fail to convert its substrate to T3. Failure to adequately convert T4 to T3 not only results in clinical hypothyroidism, but adrenal fatigue or “burnout” also. Low thyroid output creates a stressful internal environment requiring increasing levels of cortisol. Chronically high cortisol levels result in inflammation and accelerated cardiovascular and heart disease. Other causes of T4 to T3 conversion failure include dieting, renal or hepatic disorders, cancer, trauma, insulin resistance, and growth hormone deficiency. Medications that interfere with conversion include glucocorticoids, amiodarone, beta blockers, synthetic progesterone (Provera), selenium and zinc deficiencies. Adding T3 to the regimen in a ratio of approximately 4 parts T4 to 1 part T3 is how nature produces thyroid. T3 is needed for fat loss, protects against arrhythmias, decreases with stress or dieting, and is the active hormone actually performing the work of the thyroid. We prefer to treat our patients with desiccated thyroid, T3/T4 in the exact ratio as is found in nature. Non pharmacologic remedies include ensuring patients have an adequate supply of selenium, iodine, zinc, Vitamin D, and glutathione. There is a strong link between gluten sensitivity and intolerance and thyroid disease.7 We strongly recommend all our autoimmune and non autoimmune patients to be screened for gluten antibodies. Gliadin, the protein portion of gluten is chemically similar to thyroid hormones. This protein, if it enters the bloodstream as it does in celiac disease, triggers an autoimmune response in the G.I. tract and in a case of mistaken identity, the thyroid.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
We recommend our thyroid patients try a gluten free diet for at least 30 days. While this again is controversial, the New York Times panned this approach in an article written on July 5, 2015, it has been quite a game changer for thousands of patients and best of all, it costs nothing. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and soy among others are goitrogens, that is they increase the need for iodine in small amounts. In large amounts they can damage the thyroid. Steaming can reduce the danger by 1/2 and thoroughly cooking them and discarding the water in case of boiling decreases the harm by 90%. Avoid very low carb or zero carb diets. They tend to inhibit conversion of T4 into T3. We recommend the GAPS Diet,8 the Metabolic Code Diet,9 or a gluten free diet. The Metabolic Code Diet is a brilliantly conceived plan, available online through our office to guide you through a relatively painless transition to a gluten free diet and new level of health. General food considerations include sea vegetables, kelp flakes, wakame, arame, and hijiki. Fermentable fiber increases the production of gut bacteria that produce butyrate, an immune function stimulator. Fermentable fiber comes from sweet potatoes, yams, plantains, taro, potatoes, onions, Jerusalem artichokes, and garlic. Administering T3 alone without T4 results in accelerated weight loss, improved lipid management, and adequate cardiovascular health. Neurodegenerative disease processes slow, moods stabilize, and cognition improves. The bottom line? Patients feel better.
ALWAYS COLD? ALWAYS TIRED? IS YOUR HAIR FALLING OUT? It Could Be Your Thyroid. Take the Quiz I’m sensitive to cold
My hands and feet are always cold
I have trouble getting up in the morning yes
In the morning my face is puffy and my eyelids are swollen yes
I feel more tired at rest than when active yes
I am constipated
I put on weight easily yes
My joints are stiff in the morning
I have dry skin
I feel like I’m living in slow motion
Add up your overall score: _____
For more information, contact Dr. William N. Clearfield at (775) 359-1222. See ad on this page.
references 1. Garber, J.,Cobin, R., Gharib, H., et al., Clinical Practice Guidelines For Hypothyroidism In Adults, Endocr Prac. 2012; 18(No.6) 989. 2. Hertoghe, Thierry, Reverse Physical Aging: Hormone & Nutritional Therapies, A4M Lecture Series, Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 14, 2014, p. 44. 3. Rothenberg, Ron, Thyroid Optimization, BHRT Syllabus, A4M Lecture Series, Los Angeles, CA, February 26, 2015, p. 62. 4. Annewieke W. van den Beld, Theo J. Visser, Richard A. Feelders, Diederick E. Grobbee, and Steven W. J. Lamberts, Thyroid Hormone Concentrations, Disease, Physical Function and Mortality in Elderly Men, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2005; 90(12):6403–6409. 5. Ott, J et al. Hashimoto's thyroiditis affects symptom load and quality of life unrelated to hypothyroidism: a prospective case-control study in women undergoing thyroidectomy for benign goiter. Thyroid. 2011 Feb;21(2):161-7. 6. Garber, J.,Cobin, R., Gharib, H., et al., Clinical Practice Guidelines For Hypothyroidism In Adults, Endocr Prac. 2012; 18(No.6) 989. Hollowell JG et al. J Clin Endocrinl Metab 2002 87(2)489-499. 7. Pekka C., Salmi, J., Hällström, O., et al. Autoimmune thyroid disorders and coeliac diseaseEur J Endocrinol 130 137-140, doi: 10.1530/eje.0.1300137 8. 9.
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
0-2 positives: Satisfactory 2-5 positives: Possible Thyroid hormone deficiency >5 positives: Probable Thyroid Hormone deficiency
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Is Your Nervous System in a State of
DIS-EASE OR EASE? Written by Dr. Tony Jensen
dis · ease
1. a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.
So then what is Health? – is it the absence of symptoms? Let’s take the time to investigate that. If you don’t have symptoms right now are you healthy or just not sick?
the Spinal Cord; and the Peripheral Nervous System or PNS = the spinal nerves and all the nerves that go to every tissue and organ in your body.
Symptoms start after our body has been pushed past its threshold of normal and so it creates symptoms as warning signs. The most overlooked body systems are the brain and nervous system. Your nervous system consists of two parts: the Central Nervous System or CNS = the Brain, Brain stem and
It is fair to say the brain and nervous system are the most important systems we have next to our soul. It’s the master computer for your body and the wiring that makes it possible for your heart, stomach, digestion, reproductive, skin, immune system and cells to all work at 100 percent. So if you take one
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
of those delicate nerves and pinch it, what do you think is going to happen to the communication between the brain and that organ/tissue/cell? That’s right. It won’t be able to work at its optimal function. Your threshold of pain depends on how fast you might feel pain symptoms but by then the nerve and surrounding tissue has been irritated for some time causing more problems, similar to waiting until you feel a cavity and have a swollen face and pain. It takes more work to fix it at this stage. Prior to the pain stage things have been slowly building. This is the same in the nervous system. You could be having mild symptoms that don’t seem that bad but they are slowly building for bigger problems. A Subluxation is where one of the joints of the vertebrae get stuck or jammed up – like when you jam your finger. It hurts so you pull it or grab it and rub it, but let's say you jammed your finger and you left it that way. In time your body would adapt around it, leaving you with a less than normal function of that finger. You cause a subluxation or pinched nerve at one of the joints and you leave it because it’s not that bad. Your body adapts around it trying to get out of pain or symptoms setting yourself up for future problems. Most people have an injury or problem that didn’t properly get taken care of earlier, that is now coming back to haunt them. These people are the ones that state “I just bent over to pick something up” or “I just reached for something” or “I just woke up like this.” These are all because you have been running on less than 100 percent of your body’s function. So what has been happening to your body along the way? If that nerve goes to your stomach, your digestion and acids haven’t been working properly either. If the nerves go to your heart or lungs, legs, hands, immune system or muscles etc., you could have the beginning of some serious problems. The options now are to either ignore it, cover up the problems with medications or try to get down to the cause and fix it before it is too late (this is the main job of a chiropractor, to find and release irritated nerves). It’s like having a pebble in your shoe; at first you try and move it around by tapping your shoe, then finally you stop and take your shoe off and take the pebble out. For more information, contact Tony Jensen at (775) 323-1222. See ad on this page.
references 1. Disease 2. Overview of the nervous system – http:// nba.uth.tmc/edu/ neuroscience/s2/chapter01.html
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Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
Take Control of Your Thoughts Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR
e live in strange and chaotic times. Everything seems to be moving uncommonly fast and certain things seem to be totally out of our control. Many people are suffering from high stress and anxiety because we’re bombarded from all sides by news of tragedies, darkness in all its forms, climate change, war, social unrest, political polarization and corruption in high places. The media goes out looking for disasters and bad actors and run the stories in a never-ending loop, accompanied by bright colors, pseudo-sad pronouncements by makeupperfect announcers who read what they’re told. In turn, we habitually talk about these things with friends and family. That’s a bad habit, but hard to break when we run into so much resistance from those who don’t want to change their habits of thinking or talking. They’re too comfortable with their old programmed way of reacting.
Fortunately, there is a BIG SECRET that most don’t know. Many who do know, forget it almost immediately when friends or family begin the bad-news talk. The secret is that the vibrational frequencies of our thoughts are attracting the essence of what we’re talking about. Our thoughts are also creating our emotions. Those emotions drive our words and actions, so there we are, responding in our own lives to the junk we’re hearing on the radio or watching on TV. In other words, the news (if we’re thinking and talking about it) is deciding our emotions, our words and actions, and even more frightening in the case of negative thoughts, is causing all fifty trillion of our cells to be flooded with toxic chemicals. These chemicals, either toxic or beneficial, are automatically created by our thoughts. Physicists call this system of attraction Quantum Affinity, or the Law of Affinity (the law of sameness). In other words, Like Attracts Like. But if we can’t see it, we don’t believe it. Too bad our thoughts don’t have a color when we beam them out into the space around us. If positive uplifting thoughts of gratitude, empowerment, joy and love were visible as beams of beautiful colors, while thoughts of anger, fear, jealousy and disapproval were mud-brown colors, we’d know right away what we were attracting, and we’d change our thoughts accordingly. But we can’t see
them, so we just keep complaining and repeating negative stories or worries, attracting more of the same into our own experiences. There is way to neutralize this feedback loop, since we can‘t see our thoughts. Our emotions are what let us FEEL our thoughts. Our internal guidance system that tells us what’s coming, what we’re attracting. Even better than seeing! The new science of Epigenetics explains how our thoughts actually change our DNA. The science of Psychoneuroimmunology explains how our thoughts affect our immune system. Our thoughts have so much more power than we ever realized, and are at work every moment that we’re awake. Let’s take our power back by consciously deciding what to think about and that will determine how we feel. Those feelings and emotions then determine what actions we take. How can we take positive steps toward our future if we’re allowing our minds to be bombarded with negatives, either from the media or from the complainers around us? Some people have simply unplugged the TV and turned off the radio. They’re had enough. Why should someone a thousand miles away who tells you a tiny bit of the story, flavored with that station’s political bias, determine what you think is real? We have so many sources to choose from, we can
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not By doing that, you will be retaining your personal power, not giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in giving it away to a rigid person who isn’t willing to change in any way and who won’t shut up. any way and who won’t shut up. Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every Learn to stand back and observe human behavior in every situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, situation…at home, work or school. It’s often quite amusing, and the emotional emotionalstorm, storm,you’ll you’ll andasasyou youstand standback, back, away away from from the realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer realize you’re becoming stronger, more self-confident, clearer about andmore morecalm, calm,cool cool aboutwhat whatyou youwant, want, more more empowered empowered and and person doesn’t doesn’teven eventry trytoto andcollected collectedin in every every way. way. If If that that person change enough chances, chances,walk walkaway away changeafter afteryou’ve you’ve given given them them enough for good. Their manipulative behavior may be too deeply for good. Their manipulative behavior may be too deeply ingrained By staying staying in in proximity proximity ingrained for for them them to to ever ever change. change. By totothat morale, which which would wouldonly only thatperson, person, they’ll they’ll break break your your morale, lead by everyone everyoneelse. else. leadtotoyour yourgetting getting used used and manipulated manipulated by Protect Protectyour yourHeart. Heart.You You Protectyour yourSpirit. Spirit.Protect Protect your Mind. Protect are this temporary temporaryphysical physical arean anEternal EternalSpiritual Spiritual Being, Being, living in this body experience. Be Bedetermined determined bodyfor forthe thedeliciousness deliciousness of this experience. makeititas asdelicious delicious as as possible. totomake
How Howcan canyou youtell tellififyou’re you’re being beingmanipulated? manipulated?
The Theeasiest easiestway wayto tospot spot it itisistotopay payattention attentionto to how howyou youfeel feelwhen whenyou’re you’re around aroundthe theother otherperson. person. also. What “appropriate” past generationmay may herehere also. What waswas “appropriate” forfor thethe past generation desirable workable today. Parents,and andsometimes sometimes not not be be desirable or or workable today. Parents, spouses, have been trained what appropriateand andmay may spouses, have been trained as as to to what is is appropriate be expecting behavior from you, forty yearsafter afterthey they stillstill be expecting thatthat behavior from you, forty years were programmed conditioned believe that onlycertain certain were programmed andand conditioned to to believe that only behaviors were “right.” behaviors were “right.”
References: References: Forward, Susan, Susan, Ph.D. Ph.D. Emotional Emotional Blackmail: 1.1. Forward, Blackmail: When When ThePeople People in in Your Your Life Life Use Use Fear, Fear, Obligation The Obligation and and Guilt Guilttoto manipulateyou. you.William William Morrow Morrow Publishing. manipulate Publishing. 1998. 1998.
If you truly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, Simon,George GeorgeK., K.,Ph.D. Ph.D. In In Sheep’s Sheep’s Clothing: If you 2.2.Simon, Clothing:Understanding Understanding CHOOSE OUR NEWS bytruly want to stop being manipulated in any relationship, you need to learn to take a stand. You need starttotobelieve believe andDealing Dealing with with Manipulative Manipulative People. you need to learn to take a stand. You need totostart and People. Parkhurst Parkhurst Brothers Brothers doing some easy research. you’re worthy of the basic human rights listedabove aboveand and Publishers.2010. 2010. thatthat you’re worthy of the basic human rights listed Publishers. It still may not be very calmly speak your mind about what you don’t want to do. calmly speak your mind about what you don’t want to do. good news but if we don’t get Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain Communication is vital. Talk to the manipulator and explain emotionally involved with we’re howityou feel. Sometimes they may not even realize that they’re For more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or how you feel. Sometimes they may not even realize that they’re more info, contact June Milligan at (775) 786-9111, or home free. If we can stand and beingback manipulative. Confronting them will give you the courage For visit online at being manipulative. Confronting them will give you the courage observe, not get emotionally involved to decline their requests when you feel manipulated. Recognize visit online at to decline their you feelby manipulated. Recognize with what’s happening, we can retain all when attempts at requests emotional blackmail the emotions you feel. See ad on this page. at emotional blackmail by the emotions you anger, feel. our personal power.attempts We can also use Identify those emotions as to what they are: sadness, See ad on this page. Identify those or emotions as Just to what are: sadness, anger, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), frustration, whatever. know they that each of those negative frustration, orare whatever. know that each of those negative a simple acupressure system called emotions creatingJust toxic chemicals and hormones in your about things. Rise above that! You’re emotions are toxic chemicals and don’t hormones in yourhere “tapping,” which will remove thecreating own body if you stuff them down spiritual and do something an eternal being, living bodythem. if you and don’tphysical do something stress or anxiety onown anything. This is stuff them about Consulting Hypnotist in down this temporary body for the about them. a built in system combining 5000 year Consulting Hypnotist Teaches Self Acupressure deliciousness of this experience, so Identify them to yourself, decide you’re not going to put up with old Chinese medicine and modern Teaches Self Acupressure make it as delicious as possible! Learn How to Quickly Identify them yourself, decide you’re going to put with anylearn kind manipulation, speak yournot mind calmly andup directly, psychology, and you can itofto from Learn How toRemove Quickly Negative Feelings LearnRemove How to Quickly Negative any kind of manipulation, speak your mind calmly and directly, For more info contact June Milligan then remove yourself from any confrontive storm that may be holistic therapists here in Reno. Remove Negative Feelings From Any Scene/Memory Feelings From Any Scene/Memory atthe (775) 786-9111 or visit online thenbrewing. remove Often yourself from any confrontive storm may be at repeating same phrase, nothat matter what From Any It is also beneficial brewing. to find and act repeating THEN ADDScene/Memory SUGGESTIONS Often the same“I’m phrase, no matterinwhat the manipulator says, is effective: not interested doing on your highest excitement each USING HYPNOSIS FOR THEN ADD SUGGESTIONS that.” To that the manipulator may say, “But that’s what we’ve the manipulator says, is effective: “I’m not interested inon doing See ad this page. day, without any expectation ofthe manipulator NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS USING HYPNOSIS FOR always done.” “I’m not interested in doing We that.” To that may say, “But that.” that’s“But whatwhy? we’ve the outcome. In otherreally words, find NEW ATTITUDES/BEHAVIORS need to donot that.” “I’m not in doing that,”We and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION always done.” “I’m interested ininterested doing that.” “But why? something that’s reallysofun for you and same phrase references on. Repeat until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! really need to do the that.” “I’m not interested in doing that,” and WORKS FAST—ONE SESSION Lipton, Dr. Bruce. The Biology of Belief. DO it. You weren’t created to slog yourRepeat point of or phrase you1.realize that you’re talking to a brick so on. theview same until the other person accepts TAKE BACK YOUR POWER NOW! 2005. Elite Books through life and worrywall. about other Then leaveorthe room, the that house, the car, thetooffice, the your point of view you realize you’re talking a brick 2. Kehoe, John. Mind Power Into the 21st people’s actions and what they Calmly think remove yourself from the emotional storm. situation. wall. Then leave the room, the house,1996. the car, theBooks office, the Century. Zoetic situation. Calmly remove yourself from the emotional storm.
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Healthy Beginnings • September 2015 February 2015
February 2015
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
healthy reading
FIX The Three-Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction
By Pam Peeke, M.D. Reviewed for Healthy Beginnings by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt, PLR
t won’t come as a surprise to many of us that some foods are actually addictive. Sugary, salty or fatty foods that give us a pleasure fix is not unlike the human response to other drugs or nicotine. This book shows how different foods trigger neurochemicals (especially dopamine) that create a powerful reward sensation in our brains. The author explains that diets which totally eliminate this natural reward sensation are doomed to fail and shows how we can rewire our brains and therefore transform our bodies and our lives permanently.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
In this book Dr. Peeke links the new science of addiction with the practical realities ofspeech. our primal of hunger. eloquent It drive is said to aid in Through explanation this eloquent speech. It of ismatters, saidbrain-body to and aid in success in business is connection, The Hunger Fix offers a is success in business matters, and particularly known for assistance simple lifelong weight management particularly known for assistance in of legal affairs. Emeraldallis andareas lifestyle solution which touches in areas to ofpossess legal affairs. Emerald is reputed the power assist aspects of our lives, and affects to how we reputed to possess the power to assist one in becoming an eloquent speaker. think about food and what we actually one becoming an eloquent speaker. Aristotle, a great fan of the gem, wrote wantinto eat.
Aristotle, a great fan of theincreases gem, wrote that anbased Emerald Mostowning diets are on denial and the that owning an Emerald increases the owner’s importance in presence deprivation. They create a vicious and owner’s importance in presence and speech during business, gives victory cycle that leaves dieters feeling even in speech during business, gives victory in more addicted tosettle the unhealthy, highly trials, and helps litigation. trials, and helps processed foods settle which litigation. are so accessible Emerald is thebeen stone that most and which we’ve programmed by Emerald is the stone that represents the energy patterns of our fast-food culture to eat. It’s a most relief represents the energy patterns to finally understand the science and of an activated Heart Chakra. Located an activated Heart Chakra. Located biochemistry associated with addiction near the center of the breastbone this and food binges,ofthen learn simple with steps near theregulates center the interaction breastbone this chakra our for those whoworld mayour feel hopeless chakra regulates interaction with the external and controlsand what out of control. It’s also a relief to learn the external world and controls what we embrace or resist. When the Heart thatembrace our reward systems can be altered we or resist. When the Chakra is out of balance, oneHeart may by exposure to certain foods. After Chakra is out of balance, one may feel either controlling or controlled identifying and describing the challenge, feel either controlling or controlled in relationship, become overly thisa author providesand an easy, practical, in a relationship, and become overly critical of others. science-based strategy to manage critical others. cravingsofand addictive habits for the Inappropriately strong emotional long term. Inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli Ask yourself this question, “When life responses to everyday external can be a sign of an imbalancestimuli in this getsbe hard whatofis an your first impulse? Is can a sign imbalance in this chakra. Green crystal energy, it to eat?” In times of high emotionsuch or chakra. Green used crystal such as Emerald, to energy, resolve stress, we mayisfind ourselves eatingsuch as Emerald, is used to resolve such blockages to re-balance Heart even whenand we feel no physicalthe hunger blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra. strongthe andmere open heart also at all. OrAmaybe mention of Chakra. A strong and opentoor heart also a food,universal seeing it in a picture on TV allows blessings flow into allows universal blessings to flow into may trigger you to obsess it and one’s life. Emerald is a about powerfully crave it. Or maybe you sometimes feel one’s life. Emerald is a powerfully grounding stone in meditation, it helps as though you’re never quite satisfied or grounding stone in meditation, it helps the meditator to maintain focus on the full meditator enough after eating, causing youthe to the to maintain focus on slow, rhythmic breathing necessary need more and more of the same food slow, rhythmic breathing necessary to attaining depth in meditative in order to experience thea same pleasure to attaining depth in a itmeditative state. Once achieved, assists in you once felt from eating just one small state. Once achieved, it assists in maintaining the cool brilliance serving of that food. The author calls of maintaining the crave cool when brilliance of deliberate reflection. any food that you you’re not deliberate reflection. really hungry a False Fix. Maybe your relationship with certain foods cause you to have feelings of References: References: shame, guilt or self-loathing. If food 1. Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s is your best friend and your “drug of 1. Cunningham, Cunningham’s choice,” it’s easyoftoScott. realize that foodand Encyclopedia Crystal, Gem, Encyclopedia ofand Crystal, Gem, addiction is realLlewellyn is every bit as and Metal Magic. Publications. Metal Llewellyn powerful and painful as anPublications. addition St Paul,Magic. 2001. cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine SttoPaul, 2001. or gambling. 2. c r y s t a l vAnd a u lwe t s .know c o mthat / c r ycan stal2. c r y sbit t a lasv adevastating u l t s . c o mto / cyour rystalbe every encyclopedia/emerald encyclopedia/emerald relationships, pocketbook, self-esteem or even your life.
We are a nation at war with Chapters include: food addiction. Chronic Hand Over the exposure to our False Fixes Chocolate and Nobody has led to False Hunger. Gets Hurt! Our brain’s reward center The Dopamine Made has been hijacked, leaving Me Do It! us with an itch that can’t Breaking the Hunger Fix be scratched. This author Cycle explains how you can False Fix Detox learn to manage your own The Hunger Fix Eating biology — reclaim your Plan and reward center, quell the The Hunger Fix Recipes. cravings and free yourself This book includes from the grip of your food the scientifically addiction. Using the latest clarity • Awaken mental validated Yale Food neuroscience research, Dr. clarity •• Awaken mental Addiction Scale to Tone muscle, tighten skin Peeke has developed a tighten skin •• Tone muscle, determine the extent addiction to false foods program Break that systematically of 19.9 your lbs possible food Guyla A: lost in 10 days! • Break addiction to false foods addresses each part your of the body • Resculpt addiction. Guyla A: lost 19.9 lbs inInstructions 10 days! reward •system, capitalizing on a specific Resculpt your body on how to use the Mind-Mouth-Muscle Consultation and $50 Gift Card! sequence of natural triggers, FREE to make system toand achieve your goals are easy FREE Consultation $50 Gift Card! the entire cascade of neurochemicals 2 FREE 45 min coaching sessions to understand and use familiar mindin your brain work for you instead 2 of FREE 45 min body coaching language. Thissessions work is packed against you. This plan puts the To science look and years younger withfeel practical tips, useful advice, wit and To look and feel years younger on your side and teaches your brain to wisdom as well as inspiring stories of get as much pleasure — or even more those who have transformed their eating — from positive, life–affirming Healthy habits and therefore their lives. The Fixes as it does from the negative, Hunger Fix is available online or at your health-destroying False Fixes. This book local bookstore. teaches you how to permanentlyVisit master Visit the ability to swap good fixes for bad.
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Healthy Beginnings 2015 February 2015 Life’s• a September journey. Make it a healthy one.® February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®
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moothies are in! Submitted by Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy Coach for Experts™
The advantage of being “in” is, that you are no longer considered a weirdo when you take your bottle to the office and sip yourself healthy. Not that you cared, because you know what they mean to your productivity: they provide you the focus and clarity that makes you do more than your colleagues or partners in the same amount of time. But still, it’s a nice feeling to get support in your journey to health. Especially when your path is very different than that of the ones you are surrounded with.
September2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Smoothies are opening the door to many whom are resistant to eating raw vegetables or even fruit. If fresh foods are difficult for you to eat, this is how you can easily incorporate them in any diet. Moreover, they take just as long as making a cup of coffee in the morning and are the perfect replacement to generate lasting energy. Exactly what you need to feel great about yourself and to do what you love doing!
causing need to fat-caus were su
Just kno small i dysbios combin sugar, a chance
TOOLS YOU NEED A blender INGREDIENTS Mix of all kinds of berries (about 1 pound or to taste- frozen or fresh) 1 banana Twig of mint (optional but fresh in summer) Water or coconut water or water kefir INSTRUCTIONS Throw all the ingredients in your blender Add about 1/3 of the amount in your blender in water (or your chosen liquid) Blend until smooth Finish with a twig of mint TIPS This is a very easy, fast and delicious smoothie that children love too Makes a beautiful and hip opener on any party Only combine green leafy vegetables, fruit and liquid for other smoothies Take a bottle to work to recharge your energy instantly Would you like to elevate your energy in one week by making one small change in your busy day? Join the experience at Marie-Claire Hermans Energy Coach For Experts™
All of various all lost lose. A have a abnorm
Written By Karen Tenaglio | MTNV#1534
here’s almost nothing worse than experiencing ear pain, itching, loss of hearing, or a sinus headache.
Ear Candling is an ancient practice, dating back to biblical times in Egypt, the Orient, as well as European cultures. This simple, gentle treatment removes wax from the ear, improving your sense of well-being, physical, mental and even spiritual. The candle is a long hollow tube made from unbleached muslin immersed in an aromatic herbal solution. After it dries, the cone is then dipped into beeswax. The cone or candle is then placed into the ear opening and the top of the cone is lit; soft warm white smoke billows down the tube into the ear and softens the wax. The flame on top of the cone creates a vacuum that pulls out built up wax, toxins, bacteria, dirt and residue from past medications. Ear Candling may also help with a dry hacking cough (a result of a sinus infection), sinus headache, tinnitus, and itchy ear. Today more people are seeking alternatives to digging in the ear with Q-tips or using a hydrogen peroxide flush to clean a blocked ear canal. Ear Candling is a relaxing, natural, non-intrusive treatment.
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References: Tatum, Anne. Ear Candling. A.P. Enterprises. 1995.
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Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
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healthy recipe
Submitted by Marie-Claire Hermans, Energy Coach for Experts™
hat first back-to-school day is always a special one, and so is the lunch box you prepare with great care. But what about the mornings you are running out of time or lacking inspiration? How can you make an attractive, healthy raw lunch within a few minutes that delivers food for thought? The answer is simple: create a lovely creamy nut cheese during the weekend, which keeps well all week in the refrigerator. Sprout some seeds with your kids: they love growing their own food on a windowsill. Buy a variation of greens, fresh herbs and vegetables; wash and store them nicely in green bags. Whenever you are in a hurry, all you need to do is grab some of this inviting food and wrap it up!
e wine its length and cuvée de prestige is a proprietary blended wine, usually a own in two areas--the Champagne that is considered to be the top of a producer’s a Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, ghout es that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom agne Blanc (“white Champagnes are made from 100 Femme The most common today isCuvée Brut, although throughout low. Chardonnay givesfrom white”) Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée and Polstyle Roger’s percent Chardonnay and Blanc de Noir (“white from black”) the 19th century and into the early 20th century Champagne or. Most Chardonnay Sirsolely Winston Churchill. Champagnesis are made from Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier was generally much sweeter than it is today, age”, or a mix of the two. Four other grape varieties are permitted, the south of Épernay, ltiple Most of thesuch Champagne produced today is “Non-vintage”, Champagne in trace as magnesium, mostly for historical reasons, as they areis rarerich in current usage. minerals ntage s the villages of Avize, meaning it is a blended product of grapes from multiple The 2010 version ofpotassium, the appellation zinc regulations lists seven rcent and lithium. A 2007 joint study byfrom the vintages. Most of the base will be a single year vintage ifferences in climate varieties as allowed, Arbane, Chardonnay, Petit Meslier, Pinot es. A with producers blending anywhere from 10 to 15 percent University of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the Gris, Pinot Meunier and Pinot noir. ally a e differencesblanc, in Pinot grape (even as high as 40 percent) of wine from older vintages. A amount theitsantioxidant ucer’ Pinot noir s and Pinothigh Meunier give theofwine length and polyphenols cuvée de prestigein is sparkling a proprietary wine blended wine, usually a fferent grape varieties ristal, backbone. They are can predominantly grown indeterioration two areas--the of Champagne that isdue considered to be the top of a producer’s help prevent brain cells to oxidative as within Champagne, D o m Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne. These regions range. Famous examples include Louis Roederer’s Cristal, stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too Cuvée are notable for north-facing chalky slopes that derive heat from Laurent-Perrier’s Grand Siècle, Moët & Chandon’s Dom hampagne house. tovalleys conclusively say that champagne is beneficial the warm winds risingearly from the below. Chardonnay givesdrinking Pérignon, Duval-Leroy’s Cuvée Femme and Pol Roger’s Cuvée the wine its acidity and biscuit-like flavor. Most Chardonnay is Sir Winston Churchill. nt of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. sium, grown in a north–south-running strip to the south of Épernay, y t h e es and willcalled affect the des Blanc. This includes the villages of Avize, Champagne is rich in trace minerals such as magnesium, the Côte at the potassium, zinc and A 2007 Pouring sparkling wine while tilting the glass at lithium. an angle andjoint study by the OgerYOU andNEED Le Mesnil-sur-Oger. The differences in climate mpagne when bottled WRAP IT UP!of Reading and University of Cagliari noted that the TOOLS wine University around vineyards accounts for the differences in grapealong gently sliding in the liquid side will preserve the 1. Cutthe the leaf horizontally in halfpolyphenols so most of the stemwine is A sharpthe knife dative high amount of the antioxidant in white sparkling e finished wine. Wines characteristics. juice from different grape varieties removed A cutting boardBlending most bubbles, as opposed to pouring directly down.ofColder ’ s too can help prevent deterioration brain cells due to oxidative sourced from multiple geographical areas within Champagne, 2. Place 1 to 2 TBSP herb cheese in the middle of the green ng smaller producers, INGREDIENTS FOR ONE WRAP stress. While the co-authors of the study maintain that it’s too ficial bottle temperatures to get theleaf style for each Champagne also house. result in partreduced loss of bubbles. 1with large green of a Chinese cabbage be very dry,helps less desired early to conclusively say that drinking champagne is beneficial ging. 3. Place whatever you like or have in your wrap on top of the 2 TBSP creamy herb cheese Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses The ripeness of the grapes and the amount of sugar added after for brain health, their preliminary findings are encouraging. cheese er in the finished wine. A few cucumber slices, sliced in fine strips and will affect the e and the second fermentation—dosage--varies 4. Fold both sidesof the middle and tie the wrap designed specifically to reduce the amount bubbles lost.the A gripof of cilantro or basil Pouring sparklingtowards wine while tilting glass at an angle and e the e the sweetness the amount of sugar remaining in the Champagne when bottled together with a chive sprig
A grip of sprouts of your own choice gently sliding in the liquid along the side will preserve the older for sale, and hence the sweetness of the finished wine. Wines TIPS 1 sliced radish, or some beet or carrots most as opposed pouring directly down. Colder bbles. For bubbles, info on Sprouts, go to:to labeled A dash Brut of seaZero, salt more common among smaller producers, bottle temperatures also result in reduced loss of bubbles. asses wordpress/2010/11/02/sprouting/ have nosprig added sugar and will usually be very dry, with less 1 long of chive esidual sugar per liter) Additionally, the industry is developing Champagne glasses You can wrap up all kinds of leftovers: always surprising! References: st. than three grams of residual sugar per liter in the finished wine. CREAMY HERB CHEESE designed specifically to or reduce thedressing amountor ofsome bubbles lost. No cheese? Use a nut cheese Marinara The following terms are used to describe the sweetness of the 2 cups of cashew nuts, soaked for 1 to 2 hours Sauce instead bottled wine: 1.
1 cup of spring water ¼ tsp powder or 1 6capsule • probiotic Extra Brut (less than grams of of probiotics residual sugar per liter)
Go wild with dandelion as small wraps for kids who love a touch of bitter taste: very healthy! References: 2.with You can use any green leaf to make wraps such as Collard 1. Blend the cashew nuts the water until very smooth • Brut (less than 12 grams) Swiss Chard or Romaine lettuce 1.Greens, 2. Add the probiotics at lowest speed, or by hand Make double the amount of the cream cheese and keep 3. Transfer everything into a glass and let ferment in a • Extra Dry (between 12 bowl and 17 grams) half basic, add herbs to the other half warm place (room temperature) for 16 hours You can create several flavors with the cheese by adding Secherbs (between 17(chive, and 32thyme, grams)rosemary, oregano, 4. Add•fresh to taste Mediterranean, Moroccan or Indian herbs basil) • Demi-sec (between 32 and 50 grams) 5. Add a dash of sea salt and black pepper to taste 6. Mix well and store in a sealed glass container in the • Doux (50 grams) refrigerator
February 2015 Life’s a journey. 2015 Make it a healthy one.® Healthy Beginnings • September
healthy recipe
Submitted by Schall Adams ALMOND CHEESE Take the almond pulp (See Almond Milk recipe below) and add a few tablespoons of olive oil, 1/2 t sea salt, and minced onion to taste. Add your favorite herbs, chill and serve or use in a recipe! ALMOND MILK • 2 c almonds soaked • 5 c water • 4 medjool dates • 1/2 t salt Soak almonds overnight in enough water for expansion. Place almonds and water in a vitamix and blend until almonds are completely dispersed. Strain the milk through a nut milk bag, put the nut-milk back into vitamix container and dry the nut pulp in dehydrator on a teflex sheet for use in other recipes like the Herbed Cheese Recipe. Add dates and salt to the nut-milk and blend until dates are fully dispersed. Refrigerate or make warm Latte’s!
MARINARA SAUCE • 3 large tomatoes, seeded and chopped • 1 cups sun-dried tomatoes, soaked 2 hours in warm water, drained, and chopped • 1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil • 2 cloves garlic, crushed • 2-3 dates • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste • dash cayenne pepper • dash fresh ground black pepper • 2 tablespoons minced fresh basil or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried • 2 tablespoons minced fresh oregano or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried LASAGNA • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms (about 15 small mushrooms) • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 2 tablespoons tamari or nama shoyu • 4 zucchini, peeled • 1 bunch spinach • 2 cups Almond Cheese • 2 3/4 cups Marinara Sauce
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Combine the mushrooms with the olive oil and tamari in a mixing bowl and allow to marinate for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, using a mandoline, thinly slice the zucchini lengthwise into long, wide noodles. Using a food processor, pulse-chop the spinach, and set it aside in a medium-sized bowl. In a springform pan or directly onto a teflex dehydrator sheet and tray, layer a fourth of the zucchini noodles, 3/4 cup of the marinara, and a third of the marinated mushrooms. The lasagna will stack up and hold in place. Press the mushrooms down with a spatula. Add a layer of a third of the seasoned almond cheese and third of the spinach and press down with a spatula. With the remaining ingredients, create two more layers of a zucchini noodles, 3/4 cup of marinara, marinated mushrooms, almond cheese, and spinach. Finish with a layer of almond cheese topped with the a little marinara and then with a spatula make spreading motions to bring to help
the cheese peek through in places giving the top a cooked appearance. Allow the lasagna to sit for 4 hours or place in a dehydrator 2-16 hours. The juices from the marinara and vegetables will begin to drain out, use paper towels to soak up the water. Serve when you are ready. May be reheated in dehydrator and will last for several days. Enjoy! Schall Adams, Raw Food Chef and Educator is the founder of The Healing Meal LLC, a company committed to empowering people to live happier, healthier lives by making better food choices. She teaches classes, workshops, and seminars on the subject of raw food nutrition & cuisine.
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Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
herbs & spices herbs & spices
BUDS Written by Allison Prater
yzygium aromaticum is a dense evergreen, affectionately nicknamed "Zanzibar Red Head," better known as the Clove tree. Growing up to 65 feet in height, the tree's cream-colored flower heads turn red when the stamens drop before becoming purple berries. The spice clove comes from the unopened flower buds, which are picked twice a year and sun-dried. They are native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia, where clove is still cultivated. It is harvested in India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as well. Clove is partial to tropical maritime climates.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
Clove's strong, spicy flavor is used in both savory and sweet recipes. The buds can be used either whole or ground. Generally, whole buds are removed from food before serving. Cloves compliment beets, green beans, carrots, squash, split pea soup, fruit compotes, rhubarb, prunes, cranberries, pickling brines, strong meat stews, cakes, puddings, marinades, spiced teas and mulled beverages. Cloves are prominent in the cuisines of Russia, Greece, India and China. They are also used in many regions of Africa and the Middle East.
The essential oil is used in aromatherapy where stimulation and warming are called for, especially in relation to digestive problems. Topical application of clove oil, diluted with a carrier oil over the stomach and abdomen, are In Mexican cuisine, cloves are known said to warm the digestive tracts. as "clavos de olor," and are often Clove oil is used as a painkiller combined with cumin and cinnamon. to relieve toothaches, and is Cloves pair well with allspice, vanilla, red stillcardiac, used by dentists as a topical regular doses over an extended period of time. According to or Leonurus is an herbaceous wine, basil, onion, citrus otherwort, peel, star anise anesthetic. As always, consult a and peppercorns. Tierra, the traditional Chinese medicine energy and flavors are perennial plant and member of the mint family. Some common trusted health practitioner who is well bitter, spicy, and slightly cold, and the systems affected are the of this herb in include Lion’s Ear and Lion’s The use of names cloves can be found Indian Throw-wort, versed in herbs before working with this pericardium and liver. Tail. Originally Central Asia andherbal southeastern Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinesefrom Medicine or any remedy. Europe, root powder, which acts as a fixative, and and Western Herbalism. They areworld used over, as its popularity for use as an it is now found the Below is a recipe for some old-timey Asair always, then consult provider you before working with set aincare a dark airy spot fortrust at least as a carminative, which reduces gas herbal remedy spread. freshener that features cloves, known four weeks to dry. Then, the pomander this, or any herbal remedy. Motherwort is an attractive plan by increasing the hydrochloric acid in as a pomander. It has been used since can be decorated with ribbon, strung on its beautifu that thrives in our high desert climate. Bees enjoy Motherwort thrives on roadsides, fields, even in disturbed areas the stomach. It improves peristalsis, ancient times to freshen stale rooms, thread and hung, displayed in glass the wave contraction relaxation of The plant flowers, and it requires veryorlittle pampering. like dumpsand and vacant lots. prefers well-drained soil ward off disease and repel moths. bowls. Enjoy! smooth muscles, which propels contents
and partial shade, and thrives in climate zones four through
through theeight. digestive tract. Motherwort has a square, MATERIALS hairy stem and flowers of a • 1 medium sizeplant. orange apple, light pink/violet hue appear at the top part of the It (1 can references In Chinese medicine cloves are known References: lemon, or lime can also be used 1. Kowalchik, Claire and Hylton, William H. as ding xiang, and considered acrid, grow toare a little over three feet in height. The leaves are the part • 2 ounces whole clove buds Rodale's Illustrated of Herbs. 1. Tierra, Michael. The Way ofEncyclopedia Herbs. Pocket Books. New York warm and aromatic. They enter of the plant used inthe medicinal preparations. • Orris root powder Rodale Press. Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1987. kidney, spleen and stomach meridians 1980. 2. Bremness, Lesley. Dorling Kindersley Motherwort enjoyed a long historyPress of usethe in pointy traditional and are used to direct the chi downward, endsmedicine of the cloves Handbooks: Herbs. Dorling Kindersley. 2. Weed, Susun S. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing warm the middle, treatEurope, hiccough andand North into the orange until it is completely in Central Asia America. Some believe the New York, 1994. 1986. fortify kidney yang. It is used incomes formulas If you like, you can roll theYear. Woodstock, name Motherwort from itscovered. popularity among midwives 3. for impotence digestive pomander in other aromatic powdered whoand used it for atroubles variety of purposes including uterine tonic 3. that stem from the stomach, spices such as cinnamon ginger to and coldness for the in prevention of uterine infection. There is and some such as diarrhea. give it additional aroma. Dust with Orris
disagreement among herbalists as to whether Motherwort should be given to pregnant women. Susan Weed recommends it for promoting relaxation, easing pains during and after labor, Herbs aren’t just Michael for cooking - try them and preventing hemorrhage. Tierra disagrees with in herwater, forshould healthy, refreshing flavor! and believes the herb be contraindicated for pregnant women, since the herb can cause bleeding when taken in Citrus fruits are packed with vitamins and larger doses and could therefore induce miscarriage. In China, havetomany health benefits it was historically used prevent pregnancy and regulate menstruation. Rosemary and Mint can aid in digestion,
alleviate headaches, and act as Motherwort containshelp the alkaloid leonurine, a mild vasodilator that has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. For this reason, it soothing relaxants. has also been used as a cardiac tonic, and to ease flatulence, Tryand your favoriteSusan fruit/herb menstrual cramping insomnia. Weedcombinations cautions and increase your water there is a risk of this herb becoming habit forming, intake if taken today! in
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31 one.®
professional directory
allergies Melissa Monaghan, RN, APH Advanced Practitioner — Homeopathy Gerber Medical Clinic Reno, NV (775) 826-1900 Pain-free allergy testing and individualized treatments (under tongue drops-or-shots), with environmental and diet instruction to eliminate food, chemical, mold, animal, pollen allergies in adults and children. 20 years Integrative Medical Experience specializing in treating: allergies, viruses, bacterias, fungus/yeast/candida, parasites, organ detoxification, and sick visits with holistic care.
business opportunities Commission Ad Sales
Do you have an advertising sales background? Do you enjoy setting your own schedule? Are you interested in health and wellness? Earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you put into your career. Healthy beginnings Magazine is looking for a contract sales professional to sell ads into our print and online publications. Email your résumé to
Call Office: 408.406.9799
cancer therapy Reno Integrative Medical Center Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD (775) 829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat Cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the Cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.
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chiropractic health
ear candling
Dr. Tony Jensen 495 Apple St. Ste #105 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 323-1222
Therapeutic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307
We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Offering the ProAdjuster technique, NO twisting and popping, safe and effective for all ages. Se Habla Español.
55+ 10% senior discount on all services including facials, peels, massage, ear candling, ear piercing, lash & brow tinting, full body waxing, body exfoliating treatments. Specializing in Ear Candling & Brazilian Wax. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit
Go to ad on Page 19 Dr. William Clearfield 9550 S. McCarran Blvd. Ste B., Reno, NV (775) 359-1222 Dr. Bill Clearfield comes to the Reno area from Northeast Pennsylvania after having practiced the art of medicine since 1982. He brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and AntiAging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” is the author of Celestial Stem: A Five Element Approach to Diet and Exercise, has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has twenty years experience and training with bio-identical hormone replacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr. B’s approach to health and wellness combines the best of Eastern and Western Medicine with a healthy dose of the latest Anti-Aging Medical philosophies.
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crisis intervention Crisis Call Center (775) 784-8085
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environmental resources Sierra Green Building Association Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.
gift shops Mystic Rose Gift Shop 20 Hillcrest Drive Reno, NV 89509 (775) 324-2872 Open 10 am to 7 pm Mon.-Thur., 10 am to 5 pm Fri. & Sat. Eclectic and unique tools of spiritual traditions, crystals, jewelery and candles. Natural healing aids: Magnesium Chloride, Diatomacious Earth, Himalayan Salt and salt products. Tropical Traditions raw coconut oil, aromatherapy and massage oils. Ancient healing wisdom for today’s wellness.
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Crisis Call Center provides 24-hour emergency telephone crisis intervention, support, information, and referral services throughout the State of Nevada. The Center also operates the Sexual Assault Support Services program providing face-to-face crisis intervention and advocacy services to victims of sexual assault in Washoe County and neighboring rural communities. This service is free of charge, regardless of the nature of his or her problems.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
health food stores Quincy Natural Foods Cooperative 269 Main Street, Quincy, CA 95971 (530) 283-3528 We focus on products that are organically produced, made from natural ingredients (not synthetic or highly processed), and without additives or unnecessary ingredients. We actively promote locally produced foods and goods. Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 8 pm, Sun. 9 am - 7 pm
Sprouting Roots Market 60 North Pine St., Portola, CA 96122 (530) 832-1642 Health food market featuring: organic whole foods, produce, supplements, skin care products, and more. Stop in or give us a call.
Vitamin Connection 2295 S. Virginia St. #13, Reno, NV (775) 825-3993 Vitamins 20% below retail. Hard to find supplements. Ionized Alkaline Water, full up your water jugs here. Turbosonic sessions, ten minutes equal to an hour workout. We carry supplements featured on the Dr. Oz TV show. Lose belly fat with HCG drops. Open Mon.-Sun.
hypnosis Joyful Changes June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt Consulting Hypnotist (775) 786-9111 Quickly remove negative feelings from any scene or memory. Learn instant stress removal techniques as well as new ways to replace negative thoughts. Then together we instill the powerful goal suggestions that YOU want. All in one 2-hour session. Procrastination, situational stress, worries, smoking, ect.
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integrative medicine Gerber Medical Clinic Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900 Since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered familyoriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities.
Go to ad on Page 9 Smart Movement Solutions The Feldenkrais Method ® Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher 775-240-7882 Mindful, noninvasive movement classes and private lessons with Carole (RENO FELDENKRAIS) provide a simple, empowering path to improve vitality, reduce pain and functional limitations, and to regain quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. See Ongoing Events and visit for weekly Class Schedule. The only continuous Feldenkrais classes in Nevada, since 2009.
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massage therapeutic Therapuetic Skin Care & Massage Karen Tenaglio - #1534 507 Casazza St. Ste E, Reno Office/Text (775) 722-9307 Since 1992, specializing in Medical and Relaxation massage and Brazilian full body waxing. 55+ 10% senior discount on all services: facials, peels, ear candling, and lash and brow tinting. Comforting and relaxing office. Visit
pet care Sugarland Ranch (775) 970-5350 Sugarland Ranch is a community based, nonprofit organization housing several small animal rescue programs. Volunteers an donations are welcomed.
spiritual centers Spiritualist Society Larry D. Johson Community Center 1200 12th St., Sparks, NV 89431 Meetings every Sunday at 11a.m. Spiritual awakening is a personal path, but a community helps you find the way. The Spiritualist Society of Reno is a community of like-minded people seeking to help one another on their spiritual path. Meetings include talk, mediation, healing and message service.
Kate Colby Nelson, MA Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Licensed HeartMathTM Provider Radiant Living Life Coach 775.400.8879 Find that “sweet spot”, put your life in alignment with the universe. Kate Colby Nelson is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, RScP, through United Centers for Spiritual Living. Practitioner sessions focus on bringing the client into alignment with the life they want. Using spiritual principles and tools for transformation clients are guided through inquiry, dialogue, meditation, and affirmative awareness to create the life they love while releasing false beliefs, hidden patterns, and sabotaging habits. Deepen your experience of life through sacred support and guidance.
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Patricia Elliott #NVMT5274
(775) 830-6284 Licensed RN specializing in therapeutic massage. Dedicated to providing beneficial therapeutic massage. Located in the center of Reno.
Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
calendar of events
09.04.15 - 09.06.15
09.08.15 - 10.13.15
Start your yoga practice or enhance it at Lake Tahoe with soothing mountain air and clear blue water. Granlibakken Tahoe presents Endless Summer Yoga Retreat, September 4-6, 2015 for all yoga level abilities. Join us for a rejuvenating weekend of yoga, meditation, daily restorative meals and lodging. The weekend program is complete with live music, daily yoga classes, unique yoga performances and entertainment and Lake Tahoe activities. Book now at or contact for more information.
Tuesdays 6:00- 7:30pm. This fun class is slightly slower paced and designed for everyone. $49, Limited space! Sign up in advance. Contact Kathy Stuart at (775) 544-1167 for more info.
Endless Summer Yoga Retreat @ Granlibakken Tahoe
5k 10k and Children’s Fun Run
Race-day registration will be held from 8-8:30 a.m., with the Kids’ Fun Run set for 9 a.m. The 5K and 10K events will be held immediately following the conclusion of the Kids’ Fun Run. Registration for the Tahoe Mountain Milers event is open now. Price is $30 through Aug. 16, $35 from Aug. 17-27 and $40 on race day. Kids’ Fun Run is $10.
Mary Ellen Fun Walk
12:30 p.m. Walk along the Truckee River Legacy Trail with the P.E.O. Sisterhood to raise money for the P.E.O. Chapter XE Memorial Scholarship Fund and help support college-bound high school girls. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for children ages 6-10.
New Session Clairvoyant Program Open House
Pre-requisite for Clairvoyant Program is Meditation Tools or equivalent training. Come join us for the first class and see if this is your next step on your spiritual path. 7-9 pm, Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno NV 89509 775-324-AURA
Beginning Hatha Yoga Workshop in Reno
09.09, 16, 23.15
What If? Your world changes overnight, how would
09.19.15 & 09.20.15 Earth Spirit Faire
Healing Arts, Intuitive Readings, Aromatherapy, Aura Drawings, Crystals, Massage, Jewelry, Gemstones & Beads, Candles, Delicious Food, Silent Auctions & Raffle Prizes, and much more! $7 for One day or $10 for Both. Children 6 & Under free. Proceeds to benefit esperanza Foundation & Heart to Heart School (501c3 Non-Profits) 10 am - 4 pm. Located at Mills Park in Carson City, NV.
you cope? September 9, 16 & 23. 7-9 pm, $30/week. Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno NV 89509 775-324-AURA
09.25.15 - 09.27.15
10.25.15 & 10.27.15
Thyroid Deficiencies And Your Health
Cold in the summer? Tired after sleeping all night? Is your skin dry (not Nevada dry, dry dry)? Join us on Thursday, September 10th at 6:00pm at 9550 S. McCarran Blvd., Suite B, Reno for an exciting, free, and fun, seminar on thyroid deficiencies and its impact on your overall health! Did you know that what you eat affects your thyroid? Learn the 5 foods that aid thyroid function. See our article in the September Issue of “Healthy Beginnings Magazine,”page 15.
Tour de Tahoe – Come Bike Big Blue The 13th-annual ride provides an opportunity to cycle around 72 miles of Lake Tahoe’s shoreline. For the recreational bicyclist, the Boat Cruise & 35-mile Lake Tahoe Half Ride Fun Tour is offered. Register online.
09.18.15 - 09.20.15
Intuitive Development Certification
Friday 4 pm - 8 pm, Saturday 8 am - 4 pm, and Sunday 8 am - 2 pm. $650
Oct 20 & 27 1 pm - 5 pm Or Oct 22 & 29 5 pm - 9 pm. $160 for two days.
11.07.15. & 11.08.15 Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend @ Granlibakken Tahoe
Granlibakken Resort hosts the annual Lake Tahoe Women’s Wellness Weekend (WWW), November 7 & 8, 2015. This long loved program is alive with a complete schedule of speakers, exercise classes, vendor booths, health fair, food and wine. Medical doctors and health professionals present information on nutrition, relationships, metabolism, pelvic problems, hormone therapies and environmental toxins. The event starts on Saturday with an optional yoga class (7:30am) and ends with the beloved health fair. WWW is $120.00, additional charge for lodging and continuing education credit. Book now at or contact for more information.
Xtreme Hikers Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Northern California & Sacramento Chapters, along with Y Explore hike guides, come together to bring Xtreme Hikers through a challenging 23.2 miles in one day along the Tahoe Rim Trail to raise funds to find a cure. Contact Samantha Thornley at or (415) 989-6500.
September 2015 • Healthy Beginnings
ongoing events Receive a Discount When You Buy Three Colonics Call Gerber Medical Clinic to set up your appointment. 1225 Westfield Ave., Reno (775) 826-1900. Smart Movement Classes RENO Feldenkrais Schedule • TUES 10 am at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. • THURS 5:30 pm at The Reno Buddhist Ctr., 820 Plumas St. • SAT 3 pm at Cardio Kickfit, 600 So. Center St,. Reno. All levels of fitness. You can start anytime by contacting: Carole Bucher, BA, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher • 775-240-7882 Energy Healing Clinic Every Saturday 2:00-3:00pm Meditation Tools Class & Energy Healing I Saturday 11:30am Each class is six weeks, two hours a week. The cost is $125 if paid first class or $25 a week. Classes start Saturday, May 23
Better Health at Your Fingertips Zyto technologies, bio-communication lets your body tell you what it prefers in 25 minutes at RIMC. Schedule now, call (775) 829-9330. 7 Day Slim Down Whole foods cleanse to control cravings and boost metabolism. Sign up at or call cellular (916) 718-2684. Ringing in Ears, Headaches, Heart Palpitations and Neurological Issues. These sudden symptoms can be caused by Smart Meters. Free Support Group. Call Gloria (775) 851-3322.
*Each class includes an aura reading.
Visit Reno Psychic Institute’s new permanent location in Carson City! 1800 Hwy 50 #207
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Healthy Beginnings • September 2015
Not once have I regretted this expenditure of my advertising budget. Carol Christian, Colon Hydrotherapist Healthy Beginnings advertiser