January 2010 HB Mag

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Life's a journey. Make it a healthy one.


ISSN 2150-9921

January 2010


Beginnings lifestyle magazine


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

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ASTROLOGY&HEALTH... 52 Sun in Capricorn


alternativetherapies... 26 From the Kitchen to the Septic Tank



From the Kitchen to the Septic Tank... 26

Sinuses on the Run... 14 Maintaining Immunity... 33

Negotiate and Settle Your Debts ... 21







So You Think You Can Think?

Sinuses on the Run... 14

BODYWORK... 24 Make Resolutions Successful


BOOKREVIEW... 21 Negotiate and Settle Your Debts COACH’SARENA... 34 Grab Some Air

Take Ownership of Your Own Life... 17 Natural Solutions for Ear Infections... 10

CONSCIOUSHEALTH... 17 Take Ownership of Your Own Life

Permanent Weight Loss... 18

CONSCIOUSWEALTH... 40 Hidden Beliefs About Money


FAMILYHEALTH... 36 Candida

Are Your Hidden Beliefs About Money Sabotaging You?... 40


FITNESS Jump Start Your New Year... 12 Nordic Walking For Health... 16 A Practice You Can Love... 20

Ego, God and Destiny... 22 So You Think You Can Think? ... 8

HEALTHYTRAVEL ... 44 A Resolution to Travel

The Memory of Water...42

HEALTHYPETS ... 45 Don’t Leave Your Pet Behind


HERBS&SPICES... 28 Wasabi and Horseradish

KIDSCORNER ... 46 Up, Up and Away


NATURALSOLUTIONS... 10 Natural Solutions for Ear Infections




Focus Formula for Permanent Weight Loss

RECIPES... 29-32


PRODUCTREVIEW... 11 Viva Plus Spray THERAPYREVIEW... 42 The Memory of Water




The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose


January 2010


For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com



Water Crystals The Frost of Winter

Hello and Happy New Year, Is it truth or cliché to say that without your health you don’t have anything? Perhaps anything is overstated, yet without good health one’s quality of life may severely be hampered. You think it would be easy to become healthier, especially today when information is easy to access, just Google your question… however, that is the easy part of the process. Actually applying what you have learned to one’s daily regime is where it becomes more daunting. Life gets in our way: relationships, emotions, not enough hours in the day, the weather, there are a million excuses that get in our way. Bottom line habits are not easy to change, the first step is acknowledging that you want to make a change, and from that point, it takes mental discipline and fortitude. Sometimes we need help, this year look at investing money in your health. Why not hire a food coach they can design a food program based on your body’s metabolism. Sign up with a fitness or dance instructor and sculpt your body. If you have a health concern get a second opinion. Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. In this issue you will find great articles and professionals that are right here in your back yard, ready to be of service in assisting you in becoming the best possible you. It is not what the world has to offer you, but rather what you bring to the world that matters.

Written by Marie Harger


ater crystals that settle on the leaves of a plant remind us of the beauty of winter. They add glamour like diamonds that sparkle in the light, they are transparent and reflect the surrounding environs. A water crystal is the molecular image of frozen water. It is known by many that no one snowflake is the same and this also applies to each molecule of water. In ancient wisdom, such as in Taoism, water is a symbol of how to flow with life. Taking the path of least resistance, it flows in all directions, to the left or the right or creating the depth of an ocean. Water is the most nourishing fluid for the human body and without it we would perish. According to Dr. Masaru Emoto (a Japan researcher), water is a malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. His work provides factual evidence that human energy, thoughts, words, and music affect water, the same water that comprises the majority of the human body and planet. Water is the source of all life on the planet; quality and integrity are of utmost importance. Dr. Emoto found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words, show brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Beautiful, delicate, and completely revealing is the essence of water crystals in its purest form, thus our January 2010 cover reflects the beginning of a new decade.

Respectfully yours,

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January 2010

NEWSBRIEFS Grand Opening! - Personal Health Coaching coming to Reno - Tahoe. Deanna Mandichak, PT, is now available, January 2010, for one-on-one consultation and health coaching. This form of coaching helps you learn how to be proactive and take control of your health. It helps you to be preventive towards illness and disease and resolve obstacles in achieving your goals. It includes guidance and motivation so you can achieve better health, and provides resources for natural healthy living. It is convenient and flexible, and available when you need it. Call for details or to set up an initial consultation @ (775) 853-5444, or email to renohealthcoach@sbcglobal.net.

A New and Exciting Approach to Daily Vitamins with MyNutraPack MyNutraPack.com was founded in Reno, Nevada in 2009. While running a pharmacy, we realized people needed help organizing their medications in order to maintain compliance with their prescriptions. It was also apparent that people had the same challenges regarding nutritional supplements. MyNutraPack.com was founded on the belief that individuals should have the power to choose their own personalized dietary supplements and receive convenient, pre-sorted packages to live a healthier life. We proudly provide a service of supplying high quality supplements that are chosen by you and conveniently packaged to be taken when and where you need them.

2010 Go Red For Women Luncheon and Auction. See page 27 for details. Editor’s Note: In the December issue’s “Where Can I Dispose of…” section, Clean Harbor Environmentals, Reno was listed for recycling televisions for free. This information was not accurate and Clearn Harbor Environmentals does not recycle televisions for free, the fee is $.80 a pound per TV.


Therapy Review Article Dec09 issue- In the who can perform treatments section, I mistakenly included individuals who in fact are not permitted to perform Lypossage and Endermologie treatments. In the State of Nevada, only Licensed Massage Therapists are permitted to perform Lypossage and Endermologie treatments. My sincere apologies for this misinformation. Kaleigh Richards, LMT

January 2010


The Om Home has a new home starting January 25th

Our new address is 1221B Haskell in Reno. Join us as we continue to explore spirituality, personal empowerment and healing with our many groups, classes and practitioners. Go to our website for more info and the events calendar at www. omhomereno.com. or call 250-7756 for more information.

Kate Moser, Reiki Master at Natural Harmony in Reno When giving her first energy healing, Kate saw her arms light up and witnessed the transfer of healing energy from the universe to her client. She felt joy to be a part of a person’s journey to health. Kate practiced acupressure in California and is returning to school for her license to practice in Nevada. In the meantime she uses her knowledge of the meridian systems, the energy channels, to increase the effectiveness of Reiki energy healings and Chakra balancing to improve clients’ well-being and reduce pain. She has worked with children, teens, and seniors. Call for an appointment (775) 412-1835.

Helping Lexie Mae, Incline girl, age 2, diagnosed with Eye Cancer Lexie Mae is a two year old girl who needs your help. Lexie has been diagnosed with retinoblastoma. The sickness arises from immature retinal cells and can strike from the time a child is in the womb up to 5 years of age. 87 percent of stricken children worldwide die, 97 percent of those who do live have moderate to severe visual impairment. She has been denied medical attention from UC Davis because of her lack of insurance and is now going to St. Jude’s in Memphis, TN. Please help Lexie Mae and her family raise money to afford the surgery she needs. Learn more about Lexie Mae by visiting http://helplexiemae.blogspot.com/. Donations can be made in person at any Wells Fargo Branch or by mail to PO Box 3488, Portland, OR 97208-3488. The account number at Wells Fargo is 1329323883.

Therapeutic Skin Care Karen Tenaglio

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Specializing in Ear Candling Facials • Waxing • Massage

Ear candling will make you feel better w w w.therapeuticskincare.com


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Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' writers and advertisers provide the tools you need to aid you in your personal path to wellbeing. We feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

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• Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles, healthbriefs and newsbriefs. • Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Display Ads, CRG and Calendar listings.

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Healthy Beginnings Team:

Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 25,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification.

www.HBMag.com HB Magazine is a proud sponsor of Team Gluten-Free

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January 2010

© 2009 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.


“Little Hotties” Written by Marie Harger

What’s On The Label & What’s Not


Salt (Sodium Benzoate): White, odorless powder or crystals; saline, antiseptic taste. Used as flavoring, or preservative, bottled drinks, preserves and jams. Used in ice for cooling fish. Used in eye creams, and toothpastes. Also, used medicinally.

Little Hotties are safe, provide natural heat, have no odor and are air-activated. For the consumer it all says easy. Easy to carry, to open and to use. To activate you simply shake it for a couple seconds, which mixes the contents. Then you stuff the packets in an enclosed area such as a jacket pocket or gloves to maximize heat efficiency. It will take up to 20 minutes for the Little Hotties packets to reach maximum heat.

Activated Charcoal: is the black residue consisting of impure carbon obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood, sugar, bone char, or other substances in the absence of oxygen. The resulting soft, brittle, lightweight, black, porous material resembles coal and is 85% to 98% carbon with the remainder consisting of volatile chemicals and ash.



Iron powder: a metallic chemical element with the symbol Fe (Latin: ferrum) and atomic number 26. Iron is a group 8 and period 4 element and is therefore classified as a transition metal. Iron and iron alloys (steels) are by far the most common metals and the most common ferromagnetic materials in everyday use. Fresh iron surfaces are lustrous and silvery-grey in color, but oxidize in air to form a red or brown coating of ferric oxide or rust. Pure single crystals of iron are soft (softer than aluminium), and the addition of minute amounts of impurities, such as carbon, significantly strengthens them. Alloying iron with appropriate small amounts (up to a few percent) of other metals and carbon produces steel, which can be 1,000 times harder than pure iron. Caution: iron powder is harmful if swallowed.

Little Hotties notes that one should follow directions and the precautions listed on the package. This includes not having direct contact with skin, which can result in burns. Little Hotties can become very hot. Supervision is necessary for children, seniors, and those with sensitive skin. People who have certain conditions, such as diabetes, frostbite, scars, open wounds, bruising, swelling or circulatory problems should consult with their physician before use. Remove if there is any discomfort. Keep away from eyes and mouth.

Water: The transparent, colorless liquid, H2O, which falls from the sky as rain, issues from the ground in springs, and composes three-quarters of the earth’s surface in the form of seas, rivers, lakes etc.

References: 1.The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language. Lexicon Publications, Inc. New York, NY, 1987. 2.Winter, Ruth. A Consumer’s Dictionary – Food Additives. Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, NY 1989. 3.www.wikipedia.org

old fingers and toes are one of the tragedies of winter. This product is the answer to our frozen digits, whether on the ski slope or otherwise having to be outside when temperatures are freezing. Hotties keep our extremities cozy, toasty, and warm.

January 2010


Absolutely Do Not use Little Hotties warmers in an oxygenenriched environment, while sleeping, or via direct application to skin for an extended period of time.

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So You Think You Can Think? Written by JoAnne Krumpe, PhD


therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways” (Gardner, 1983).

ow smart do you think you are? Measuring intelligence has been the focus of educational psychologists, cognitive scientists and neurobiologists for over the past 30 years, and has been the province of philosophers for millennia. Most of us agree that mental quickness, ability to retain information and use it to solve important problems are identifiers of having high intelligence. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a test score obtained from a battery of sub-tests that sums up this skill level. This test battery correlates well with success in academic performance.

What about street smarts? Clearly there are rewards for cleverness and penalties for being gullible. Salovey (1993) described emotional intelligence (EI) as the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions. High on the list of important EI characteristics is emotional resilience, the ability to withstand stress. Testing college students under stress, Song (2009) found that “g” and EI each have a unique power to predict academic performance, however, “g” was the stronger predictor. The results also showed that EI, but not “g” was related to the quality of social interactions with peers.

Why all the fuss about IQ? Many families sense that their child may be “gifted and/or talented” and would like to enroll them in a program that fully develops their skills. Other families feel that their student has high intelligence yet for one reason or the other they are not performing at school. What could be the problem and what could be the remedy? The most recent IQ testing system (WAIS IV, 2009) offers reliable scoring for clients aged 5 through 85. This test is felt to be culturally neutral and can pin-point areas of specific information processing problems. The General Intelligence Factor (“g”) is a more broad-based measure of problem solving ability. It is known that the “g” factor correlates well with IQ. But “g” may be a better reflection of conventional measures of life successes (income, academic achievement, job performance, career prestige) and a better predictor of undesirable life outcomes (school dropout, unplanned childbearing, poverty). Heredity plays a significant role in the measure of “g”. What about gifted artists, athletes or musicians? Howard Gardner of Harvard University described these characteristics as types of Multiple Intelligence (MI). He has documented “the extent to which students possess different kinds of minds and For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

IQ and EI testing can identify areas of individuals’ strengths and weakness. Teaching measures can then be implemented that can foster positive changes in performance. References: 1. Jensen, A.R. (1998). The g factor: The science of mental ability. Westport , CT : Praeger. Gardner, H. (1983) “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence”, NY, NY, Basic Books. 2. Salovey, P. and Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional Intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality 9: 1989-1990. 3. WAIS–IV--Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (2009). Pearson Education, Inc., San Antonio, TX. 4. Song, L, et. Al. 2009. The differential effects of general mental ability and emotional intelligence on academic performance and social interactions Intelligence. (in press; available on line).

For more info, contact JoAnne Krumpe, PhD at (775) 233-0717

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January 2010


Trudy Miller

MS, DTR, ADA Certified in Weight Management Interviewed by Marie Harger


ao Tzu states, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,” this epitomizes Trudy Miller’s philosophy on diet, nutrition and creating a healthy lifestyle. Lasting changes to lifestyle do begin with one step and she is there to guide her clients on a slow and steady path toward health. Trudy was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. After receiving her BS at the University of Missouri she then completed a Masters in Science at UCLA. She began her journey toward health and wellness in the 1960s where her interests in diet and health began. Involved in food co-ops, reading about health, how to prepare foods, she would gather any information she could get her hands on related to health. After moving to Reno from Long Island, she looked up available classes at TMCC and found the Dietetic Tech program, which was a perfect fit for her. The Dietetic Tech program was ideal since she already had an extensive background in science with her bachelors and master degrees. Once the program was completed she searched to find her own special niche. She enrolled in an adult weight management program to further her education and focus on the counseling aspect of weight-loss. Her focus became education for health first, then creating change for achieving healthy weight. Learning about the client is Trudy’s first approach to success. First, a questionnaire is filled out, with medical background, general information about lifestyle (what diets and exercise programs you have tried), and having the client answer important questions such as, “Why am I here?” She then asks for results from screenings, which include blood sugar, lipid profile, and blood pressure. She also records medications and supplements and calculates appropriate weight for the client’s age and height. She also assesses the client’s medical needs, goals, and barriers. Her next step is to develop an individualized program, based on the latest scientifically based information available. Trudy recommends recording all foods consumed for several days to encourage awareness of what is eaten. Eating real food and cooking meals instead of eating out is crucial. She teaches how to buy, prepare, cook and store food. She also uses spices, herbs, marinades and rubs for taste because no one wants to feast on a bland meal. Planning ahead to prevent a hungry client from eating empty calories is vital to accomplishing his or her goal. Learning to pack a lunch with healthy food and having healthy snacks in the car, are helpful ways to discourage becoming hungry and to avoid eating the wrong kinds of foods and gorging. January 2010


Addressing some of the health concerns of today includes scrutinizing the diet and exercise regime of the client. Food combinations such as fat with sugar cause a spike in dopamine, which activates the brain’s pleasure center, creating an addiction and thus leaving the client constantly craving unhealthy foods. Getting most of your vitamins and minerals from a variety of food sources is preferred because the body can extract them efficiently. Exercise is specific to the client and should be enjoyable and fun. Walking and weight training are simple, inexpensive ways to improve fitness. There are many benefits to Trudy Miller’s services because she provides support as the client adopts a nutritional and exercise program and keeps the client on track to reach his or her goals. She stresses the mind-body benefits from eating well and exercising, such as more energy, the ability to handle stress, better sleep, clarity of mind, a healthy body, heart, and brain. The immune system becomes stronger thus warding off infection and disease. Trudy realizes most people simply do not know how to make healthy changes to their lifestyle. It is her job to fill in the gaps with education and guidance in a personalized program for each client. She also teaches workshops on topics such as, “Changing your relationship to food,” “Hands-on recipe revival: substituting healthy, tasty ingredients,” and “Turning meal chaos into time-saving structure.” Her main objective is to teach healthy cooking and eating first, so that achieving a healthy weight will come naturally. For more info, contact Trudy Miller, Food Instructor, MS, DTR, ADA Certified in Weight Management at (775) 787-9010.

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Natural Solutions for Ear Infections Written by Ffjorren Zolfaghar child to fuss and tug at their ears throughout the day. It might also provoke a fever, which again causes them to sleep poorly overall.


our medical terminology lesson of the day: Otitis Media, commonly known as an ear infection. This occurs when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear, welcoming germs and bacteria to grow and brew a nasty infection. It can happen to the oldest and youngest ears alike, however, it tends to occur more often in children. The tube that leads the ear to the throat is much smaller in a child‘s ear; therefore it is more susceptible to blockage. Once that tube becomes blocked, the fluid is trapped within the middle ear. For those of us who have children, an ear infection is just one of those things you go through with your child. It’s the pesky earache that wakes them up in the middle of the night and causes your

As it is difficult to see our children in pain, we often turn to traditional Western medicine as our first plan of action. If it is diagnosed as an ear infection, a medical doctor will typically prescribe an antibiotic. They might also suggest giving your child an over the counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen, to help ease their pain. An over the counter pain reliever will help soothe your child and keep fevers at bay. However, when it comes to taking care of the infection, an antibiotic is not always the answer. Some studies have shown that there is truly no difference in the healing time or infection recurrence in patients that receive an antibiotic for an ear infection and for those who do not. Most ear infections will go away with time and the eardrum will heal naturally. Taking that into consideration, it seems that finding a natural way to treat such an illness is better for your child’s overall health and well being.

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Ways to soothe an earache: - Use eardrops that contain garlic, mullein or St. John’s Wort. You can find them at most drug and health food stores. - Use a homemade eardrop/earwash from white vinegar, lemon juice or onion juice. You can find a variety of recipes online. - Apply hot and cold compresses to the scalp, just behind your ear. - Gently massage from behind the ear, down the neck to the collarbone. That will help decrease congestion. - Add an essential oil, such as eucalyptus, to a humidifier. It will help break up nasal and ear congestion. - Create an onion poultice to help with inflammation, relax sore and tense muscles and draw out toxins from the infected area. A poultice is made from a soft, moist substance in the consistency of paste and then spread on or between gauze, muslin, linen or white cotton. You would place the cloth on the body surface you are working on, i.e. behind the ear for an earache. It can be made w/ herbs and/or anything similar that would have medicinal properties (i.e. foods). The onion poultice is good for earaches. First cleanse the area behind your ear, using hydrogen peroxide to disinfect. Place finely chopped onion between the cloth of your choice and then place that behind your ear. It is recommended that a poultice be in place for one to twenty four hours. This will help increase blood flow, decrease inflammation and draw toxins from the infected area. Apply behind the ear.

Continued on page 43...

January 2010


VIVA PLUS Spray Written by Lana Nickerson to harmful effects of dust (road workers, builders, etc. will benefit). It is also good for people who often have a tickle in their throat or suffer from dry mucus. It purifies the air, and neutralizes tobacco smoke and unpleasant smells. It has been noted that mint, rosemary and eucalyptus, volatile oils that are contained in the VIVA PLUS formula, stimulate attention and capacity for work, while reducing fatigue. In addition, highly allergic individuals may use VIVA PLUS to help stop sneezing and a running nose. Additional advantages of VIVA PLUS: it is not a pressurized aerosol, and does not contain any ozone destructive substances.



t is important to ward off inflammation before it becomes the disease process, and VIVA PLUS is a remarkable preventative remedy during cold and flu season. Unlike synthetic medicines, the natural remedies create no side effect.

-Running nose: spray some VIVA PLUS on your handkerchief and inhale from time to time. For children, spray some VIVA PLUS on the chest of their clothes. If your stuffy nose or hay fever doesn’t let you sleep, spray a bit of VIVA PLUS on your pillow and you will soon breathe freely.

-Cold prevention: Just apply VIVA PLUS twice or three times a day on your clothes and handkerchief and inhale regularly. -Allergy: spray some VIVA PLUS into a glass of hot water and put the glass in your bedroom for a night. -Room disinfections: spray some VIVA PLUS on your curtains. When you open a window, the active substances will fill the room and disinfect the air. You may use this procedure if there is a lot of smoke in the room Attention! Do not spray VIVA PLUS directly into your mouth , nose or eyes. Ingredients: lemon eucalyptus, corn mint, carnation, mountain pine, silver fir essential oils, menthylated spirit, camphor, menthol. Made in Switzerland. References: 1. Information book on VIVASAN product 2008 2. Aromatherapy an A-Z

P. Davis

For more info, contact Lana Nickerson at (775) 826-8482.

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The unique VIVA PLUS spray is all natural using its base foundation as eucalyptus oil. VIVA PLUS acts favorably on bronchi, producing disinfectant and purifying effects. This bacterial active complex based on herbs (eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, mountain pine, fir tree and carnation essential oils), and valuable eucalyptus compounds, are especially important for the respiratory system. VIVA PLUS is especially recommended to those who have to travel or work in cloistered small spaces. Someone who is in contact with many people, such as cubicle workers, daycare providers and school teachers, or those who, by virtue of their profession, are constantly exposed January 2010


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Jump Start your

New Year with

Whole Body Vibration Submitted by Vitamin Connection


hole body vibration is truly causing a sensation from coast to coast. If you haven’t yet taken advantage of this healing and fitness training device, now’s the time to make it work for you. Whether you are a seasoned athlete, new to exercise or rehabilitating from injury, whole body vibration can help get you “there.” It’s the perfect tool to help you realize your New Year’s health and fitness goals. Whole-body vibration therapy provides health benefits for all fitness levels, but it is especially useful to athletes for that extra competitive edge – and for those wanting to tone up and lose weight. In terms of training and conditioning, a simple 10-minute session on a wholebody vibration machine can improve

strength, endurance, muscle tone, stability and mental outlook. Progressive physical therapy offices are even picking them up now that they are approved for health insurance and by the Food and Drug Administration for therapeutic health issues. When used with conventional muscle exercise, whole-body vibration therapy can increase muscle strength by 30 percent, and reduce the period of training required by 85 percent and time expended exercising by 50 percent – all this with nearly a non-existent risk of injury. No wonder athletes and fitness enthusiasts are embracing whole-body vibration therapy.

Whole-Body Vibration Therapy – The Theory Whole-body vibration therapy origi-

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nated from the concept of the human body’s movement under Earth’s gravity. The movement of our internal organs is constantly influenced by the Earth’s gravitational pull, and gravity work in a vertical direction. When we run, vertical vibrations cause the body organs and muscles to contract and relax repeatedly. This type of vertical movement stimulates the growth plates, improves circulation, energizes the lymphatic system and enhances muscle strength.

How It Works With whole-body vibration therapy, a machine creates a similar type of vertical vibration (3-50Hz) from a base resembling a doctor’s scale that you stand on. One of the leading whole-body vibration machines is the TurboSonic. It uses a superior sound (sonic) vibration, which

January 2010

is quiet and effective. The vibration emanates up through the body, stimulating the muscle fibers (myocytes) with three times the strength of gravity. The myocytes contract and relax with more intense speed and strength. These contractions, when repeated, boost muscle strength more quickly than with any other kind of muscle training. Flexibility is increased, and the recovery time for muscle repair is considerably shortened. Furthermore, blood vessels are stimulated, improving circulation. Tendons and ligaments become better toned. Cellulite disperses. Even small muscle groups such as the facial muscles are improved. Similar to other forms of exercise, it has been shown to produce obvious metabolic responses.

Space Age Fitness with the TurboSonic

Relieve Pain & Stiffness NOW

Two different peer-reviewed studies on volleyball players and boxers showed extraordinary gains in muscle force and power. A third study showed vibration therapy increased flexibility by 30 percent when combine with a stretching program.

Seniors Take Notice Whole body vibration therapy has much to offer seniors and those who have physical limitations. A recent pilot study conducted at the Hogeschool Zuyd in The Netherlands using TurboSonic whole body vibration therapeutically with a group of seniors showed positive results both in physical activity (strength and balance) and mental outlook. References: 1. TurboSonic is registered with the Food and Drug Administration as a Class 1 powered exercise equipment/ vibrational therapy device and can be billed by licensed health practitioners for therapy sessions under CPT codes for procedures 97110, 97112 and 97530.

Alternative Workout Solution Try this revolutionary whole body vibration therapy today!

Enhanced Results It gets better. Clinical studies show how whole-body vibration therapy improves muscle strength and flexibility, and neuromuscular response.

Developed for Astronauts

*Benefits all fitness levels

TurboSonic Therapy Relieves:

Energizes the Lymphatic System Enhances Muscle Strength

•Fat & Cellulite •Pain & Stiffness •Stress & Cortisol •Fluid Retention •Fatigue


Stimulates Growth Plates Improves Circulation

•Lower Back Pain •Osteoporosis •Pelvic Instability •Arthritis •Natural Healing Response •Vascular Circulation •Balance & Coordination •Facial Toning •Rheumatism Memberships - Save Money!

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For more info, contact Vitamin Connection at (775) 825-3993. Go to ad on THIS page.


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January 2010


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Sinuses on the Run Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD


hether running or congested, our sinuses can make us miserable. Pain and swelling from allergy or infection swirl through the sinuses and can evolve into headaches, visual disturbances and loss of energy. What causes sinusitis? It has many causes such as food allergy, inhalant allergy, toxic, infected teeth, drug reactions, post sinus surgery trauma, fungal and bacterial infections, facial trauma, abnormal sinus anatomy and run down immune system from chronic illness.

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January 2010

One favorite case about sinus conditions was in a 65 year old retired school administrator from northern Nevada with a 30 year history of sinusitis treated with years of antibiotic therapy, sinus ablation surgery and other strong interventions. In taking his dietary history, he said he drank cow’s milk about a gallon per day! Upon suggesting that he discontinue milk and dairy to see if it affected his sinuses he was incredulous. ”Milk is Mother Nature’s perfect food, God’s food and he couldn’t possibly give it up”, he said. He continued to suffer, then one day three months later he came in and gave me a big hug and said, “Doctor it’s a miracle I stopped the milk and my sinuses cleared up for the first time in 30 years. It is not the only cause, but food sensitivities to diary, wheat, corn or any foods or drink can cause sinusitis. The protein in cow’s milk, (casein and lactalbumen) is 4 ½ times stronger than human breast milk protein and causes inflammation in the large intestine, which relates to the sinuses. Treatments for sinus problems are legion. Many people love to sniff salt water and some purchase a Neti pot with a convenient spigot. Mix ¼ to a ½ tsp of sea salt per cup of warm water, lean over a sink with your mouth open, close one nostril at a time and snort the water in making a pig snorting sound and the water will cleanse the sinuses and run out of the mouth. Variations of this technique include using a Water Pik with a nose attachment and adding a couple of drops of colloidal silver or grapefruit seed extract to the water.

Herbal, nutrient and homeopathic allergy relief products such as Quercitin, a bioflavinoid that stabilizes mast cells which contain histamine, bromelains, pineapple enzymes that are anti-inflammatory, nettles, an old herbal antihistamine, Nacetyl cysteine, an important antioxidant and Vitamin C which has anti allergy properties, are all available from your health food store. German Neural therapy using procaine injections in acupuncture points over the sinuses resets the autonomic nerves, which are frequently damaged by inflammation of allergens, bacteria, fungi and trauma. It awakens the circulation to the sinuses and is a very powerful aid in difficult sinus problems. Isopathic and homeopathic remedies from Germany lend natural antibiotic and immune boosting power. Dripping procaine in the nostrils with the head over the side of the bed with Bacillis firmus and Euphorbium sinus combination can be done at home. If mucosity is an issue, taking digestive pancreatic enzymes (alone, not with meals) digests mucous and inflammation from the sinuses and oropharynx. References: 1. Manual of Neural Therapy according to Huneke by Peter Dosch MD First English Edition Karl F Haug Publishers, Heidelberg 2. Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy, ND publisher Hahnemann Academy of North America

For more info, contact Michael Gerber, MD, HMD of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900.

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January 2010


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Craze in Europe Nordic Walking for your Health Written by Rick Deutsch


eing fit and being in shape is a goal for most Healthy Beginnings readers. Not so much to achieve an athletic goal, but more just for our general well-being. Promises of improved mobility, stamina and longevity are worth the effort. The key to success is cardiovascular and resistance training. But how to combine both with the limited time we can allocate and have fun while doing it? Many of the things we can do to raise our heart rate and respiration tend to be bad for our knees. Although very effective, running and jumping tend to weaken aging knees. We know that walking is one of the best exercises for overall body heath.

There is a new take on walking: Walking with poles, aka “Nordic Walking.” It’s the craze in Europe, particularly the Scandinavian countries. What we’re talking about is walking with ski-pole looking aids. Why would we do that? Well, the Cooper Institute in Dallas has shown that Nordic Walking can burn up to 40% more calories than “just walking.” A heart rate increase of 10 points is common. Oxygen

utilization can be 20% greater depending on your pace. Stability and balance are also provided. All this with no perceived extra exertion and no knee or joint pain. It’s that simple. A variety of manufacturers offer Nordic Walking poles. The poles are lightweight aluminum or carbon fiber. Weight is a key difference from ski poles, but more important is the ability to telescope to the proper length. The optimal length permits a 90-degree angle at your elbow when the poles are held vertical next to your leg. The next key component is the grip/ strap. With Nordic Walking the poles are not clutched in a “death grip.” Rather, they are only pulled forward by the strap to begin each stride. The technique is to plant the poles behind you and do a mini-push off with each step. It is the involvement of the triceps, lats and core muscles in this resistance maneuver that leads to the many benefits touted. These little push offs make the difference. The poles are not lifted and placed in front

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of you. They remain behind you and out of sight. A good routine is to do 30-minutes of Nordic Walking 3-5 days a week, building up to longer sessions. Remember that the body begins to burn fat after about 30-minutes so this is bonus time for weight control. One additional benefit of using poles – you carry a level of protection against snakes, dogs and other hostile critters! How to get started? Today there are several organizations promoting Nordic Walking. The International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA), the American Nordic Walking Association (ANWA) and the Nordic Walking North America (NWNA) all provide guidance, education and training to members. Many cities and Recreation Departments are beginning to offer Nordic Walking classes. You can search the internet for local instruction programs and group walks. Once you invest in your poles, no other special shoes or equipment are needed. Consistency is more important than intensity. Most of all – HAVE FUN!

January 2010


Take Ownerships of Your Own Life What part of this is mine? Consider, ALL OF IT!

Written by Dinny Evans


t’s the first of a new year and it seems so natural to want a fresh beginning. Weight reduction programs, athletic clubs, all find a thriving new business full of customers who have vowed to turn over a new leaf and commit to a change of some sort. It is a good feeling, clearing the clutter of the mind and the body by finding a new path to follow, one that will bring a long desired self-improvement.

the behavior of others to find the reason that we don’t feel the way we want to feel is not a solution for change. “What part do I play in this experience?” I suggest that a major personal change occurs when the answer given is: “All of it!”

Is it a stretch to begin thinking this way? Absolutely. A comment made so often to a spouse, partner, and co-worker, when in the middle of a disagreement comes Sometimes there is down to an almost helpIt is impossible for someone success in this process less exclamation of “you and other times we else to have control over your make me feel.” But when feelings. You are the one that find ourselves slipping looked at from a slightly feels and you can control what different perspective, it is back into old patterns those feelings are. and habits and ways impossible for someone of thinking that are faelse to have control over miliar. This seems perfectly natural when your feelings. You are the one that feels so much of our days are spent doing the and you can control what those feelings same thing over and over; it isn’t easy to are. When finally taking responsibility for institute a change. those feelings there is a shift that occurs Taking this one step further, how often that at first can be frightening, because do other factors of life keep coming up blaming someone else is a habit and a in recurring patterns? An example of this pattern that is not easy to break. might be breaking up a relationship only to find out the new relationship has the same issues. We shift from one thing to the next hoping for change but not taking the time to consider that the new environment, though having a different appearance, will be the same experience if the change doesn’t come from within. Looking outside of ourselves, analyzing

Continued on page 32...

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Focus Formula for Permanent Weight Loss Written by Virginia Parsons, MS CCHt, CTLC


ach New Year brings resolutions and renewed intentions to lose excess weight for good. The perennial question becomes, how does one achieve permanent weight loss, when diets just do not work? Diets are a temporary approach to weight loss, because they don’t teach permanent mind/ body lifestyle change. This year, focus on changing your life both mentally and physically. Focus on personal empowerment, enhanced by a burning desire to look and feel your best. A formula for permanent weight loss takes the focus off dieting and places attention on awareness. Weight challenges

are often the result of unconscious eating. Become aware of what you eat, why you eat, when you eat and how much you eat.

Questions that enhance your awareness are: • “Does this food choice support or undermine my goal to lose weight?” • “Am I eating for some reason other than hunger?’ • “Have I skipped meals or eaten small regular meals?” • “Do I stop eating before I feel full?”

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With heightened awareness, greater understanding begins to guide your choices and behaviors. It may become clear that destructive habits and cravings have been attempting to provide some subconsciously driven need that is only masked by food. As the focus is shifted to discover better ways to provide for these needs, unhealthy eating naturally fades to unimportance. There are many common payoffs for making poor food choices that result in excess weight. It is easy to say “no” to those choices when there’s a deeper “YES” burning inside. Whenever that inner voice entices you to overeat or indulge in fattening food, you can quiet that voice with self-hypnosis and say YES to losing weight for good.

January 2010

Hypnosis is an effective technique to change negative habits and create long lasting change. Studies indicate that weight loss programs coupled with hypnosis intervention are highly successful. In a meta-analysis of 18 weight loss studies that compare the results of adding hypnosis to various weight loss interventions; hypnosis subjects lost more weight than 90% of subjects without hypnosis – PLUS hypnosis subjects maintained their weight loss over an extended period of time as opposed to non-hypnotic subjects.

your goal. USE ALL five SENSES to make the image as vivid and real as possible. 4. When your image and feelings are at their most intense, ANCHOR that feeling of accomplishment. (ie. smile, hand to heart, V for victory sign, thumb to index finger).

5. After 5-10 minutes, open Self guided imagery is a form of hyp- your eyes slowly, stretch out, nosis that instills clear mental impressions take a deep breath and return to that create real physical shifts. Unhealthy normal waking state. food cravings that once triggered compulsive overeating are transformed to feelings of self-control and inner power. The Law of Impressed Thought, states that “every impression made on the mind has its physical expression.” According to Nobel Prize winner Max Planch, “mind is the cause and body is the effect.” The mind and body are intricately connected; one affects the other.

The focus formula helps stimulate your mind and body to accomplish any goal. Use it to shift your “mind in body” to permanently shed that excess weight. Every time you focus on this formula for permanent weight loss, your mind creates vivid impressions that naturally evoke healthier choices, self control, confidence, and inspired action. Find a peaceful relaxing place where you will not be disturbed. As you relax take a moment to focus on how it feels to accomplish your goal (permanent weight loss).

1. Assign a CODE WORD or PHRASE to your goal. (ie. “Rambo Power”, “Size 8, Feeling Great!”)

6. Repeat this process daily for 30 days and then reinforce periodically as needed. The more you practice the less time you will need to spend in step 3. You are now programmed for success. Begin to notice how much easier it is to change old negative habits and beliefs. What is clearly impressed is physically expressed. Each time you say “no” to unhealthy food cravings, you say “YES” to your deep desire to permanently lose weight for good! You feel really good inside and it shows on the outside, as your body becomes a reflection of your mind. References: 1. Allison, D. B., & Faith, M. S. (1996). Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for obesity: A meta-analytic reappraisal. Joumal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64, 513 -516. 2. Citrenbaum, Charles M., King, Mark E. Cohen, William I. Modern Clinical Hypnosis for Habit Control. W.W. Norton & Co, 1985 3. Simmerman, Tim. Medical Hypnotherapy, Volume. One. Peaceful Planet Press, 2006

For more info, contact Virginia Parsons at (775) 250-6482.

2. Close your eyes and go into Go to ad on THIS page. a peaceful relaxed, but focused state as you hear your code word Our Advertisers enjoy repeating in your mind. 3. Use your imagination to feel yourself having accomplished

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January 2010


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A Personalized Practice that you can Love


any people set new years resolutions around fitness goals that they do not keep. In forming new fitness routines, it is helpful to approach your goals holistically. Below are tips for making resolutions that you will be able to keep, by building a successful personalized practice for 2010. Try new activities: Keep your routine fresh by trying new classes. You may discover a new passion. Here are some unique class ideas to help you add some spice to your fitness routine: Acroyoga: A style or partner or group yoga that combines elements of yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage. This practice builds strength, flexibility and stronger relationships between classmates. It is a great way to connect with someone close to you, however, you do not need a partner to attend. Belly Dance: Tone muscles in your abdomen, hips, legs and arms,. Repetitive movements help to improve posture and increase range of motion. HoopDance: Tones the muscles in your waist while burning calories, in this powerful and whimsical workout. Poi: Learn how to spin flags, glow sticks, etc. with techniques that will eventually give you the ability to spin fire. This workout will really help strengthen your arms, shoulders and coordination. Tai Chi: An ancient chinese martial art that is both a moving meditation, and the basis for strong self defense techniques. Tai Chi has been shown to reduce stress and boost your immune system. Yoga: There are many different kinds of Yoga. Some are gentle restorative practices, such as Yin Yoga, great for restoring mobility and reducing pain. More active practices such as For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Written by Allison Prater

Hatha Yoga can be great cross-training for athletes. Many of the strength building exercises in Hatha Yoga are ideal for skiers, mountain bikers, and other very active people. Not only can they help to increase strength and flexibility, but they help to protect joints and muscles, preventing injury. There are a host of other benefits to a regular Yoga practice, including, but not limited to, stress relief, increased immunity, and elevated moods. No two yoga classes are alike, try several different disciplines and instructors to find the one that’s right for you. ZUMBA: A dance-aerobics class that combines elements of latin and african dance for a fun cardio workout that will keep you smiling. LOVE your practice! This is supposed to be fun, remember? When we feel a sense of obligation about our workouts, it is easy to abandon them. For most of us, a big slice of chocolate cake and a favorite movie will almost certainly beat out a treadmill when it comes to our idea of a good time. We are much more effective when we choose movement practices that bring us joy. When we choose physical activities that inspire us, we begin to do them, simply because we love them. We are no longer focused on what our body looks like, or is going to look like, we are present in the here and now, with a personal practice that we love to do. Namaste. References: 1. Kraftsow, Gary, “Yoga for Wellness”, Penguin compass, (Penguin group), Arkana, 1999 2. Zeek, “The Art of Shen Ku”, Perigee Books (Berkley Publishing group), New York, 1999 3. http://www.listerlister.com/list/top-10-reasons-people-exercise 4. www.acroyoga.org 5. www.hoopgirl.com 6. www.zumba.com 7. www.bellydance.org

For more info, contact the Yogic Lounge at (775) 303-7366.

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January 2010


Negotiate and Settle Your Debts Learn How to Settle Debts as Low as 20 cents on the Dollar By Mandy Akridge

A book review by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


re you considering debt settlement? This gem of a book guides you through the negotiation and settlement of credit card debt once and for all. Settlement has become necessary for thousands of people, as Americans continue to suffer from the worst recession in 26 years. For a time last year, over half a million people were losing their jobs each month. The banks were bailed out by billions of taxpayer dollars, and if you happen to be only one day late with your credit card payment, the companies may raise your interest rate to 30%. If you have high credit, they may freeze or shut down your account, and also raise your rate. They may cut your available credit and even charge you a fee if you do not use your card each month. The new consumer protection law regarding credit cards doesn’t go into effect until February 2010, and it isn’t retroactive, so you may be wondering what you’re going to do about that debt. For instance if you owe $100,000 in credit card debt with an interest rate of 30%, it will take 50 years to pay it off, and when you finish you will have paid almost $256,000.00 in interest alone. The worry and stress around this kind of debt is debilitating; prolonged stress has proven to be a killer, as it can cause immune system dysfunction, heart at-

tacks, chest pains, depression, and many other serious ailments. If you develop a plan to reduce your debt load, and carry out that determination through a stepby-step process as shown in this book, your stress could be significantly reduced along with your debt. The author spent over twenty years in the corporate world. She has a background of software analysis and finance. After doing hundreds of hours of research, she wrote this book based on her own personal experiences with debt. She explains exactly how to go about reducing your debt by settling with the banks. She walks you through a six month plan, tells what to do and not do, and explains how to keep the necessary records during the process, how to get the creditor to make a deal, gives tips that most consumers do not know, shows samples of debt settlement letters, and provides information on the IRS Debt Forgiveness laws, the Statute of Limitations and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. For instance, did you know that collectors can contact you only between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., cannot contact you at work if you tell them your employer disapproves, cannot harass or verbally abuse you, and cannot lie when collecting debts, such as falsely implying that you have committed a crime. They must identify themselves to you on the phone

January 2010


and must stop contacting you if you ask them to do so in writing. She gives a timeline for contacting them so they won’t need to contact you. Copies of four settlement letters from creditors regarding Mandy Akridge’s own accounts show that her strategies really work. These settlements brought her $72,800.00 debt down to $14,800.00 before the end of a six-month negotiation period. In addition, the final settlement on each account was paid off in two or three monthly installments.

Continued on page 50...

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Jungian Psychology Series:

Ego, God, and Destiny Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD

“Why do these philosophers pretend that God is an idea, a kind of arbitrary assumption which they engender, when its perfectly plain that he exists, as plain as a brick that falls on your head? Suddenly I understood that God was, for me at least, one of the most certain and immediate experiences.” Carl Jung


hen asked by an interviewer if he believed in God, Carl Jung responded, “No, I don’t believe in God, I know God.” His response was not a claim to a special relationship with God. Rather, it reflected his experiences of a force greater than himself directing the path of his life. In his scientific writings, Jung used the term, the “Self,” to describe this autonomous, organizing force within the personality. Although sometimes viewed as a mystic, Carl Jung was first and foremost an empirical scientist. His assertions regarding the structure of the personality were firmly rooted in the broad data of psychic phenomena revealed through mental illness For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

(and wholeness), dreams, culture, history, religious experiences, and other spontaneous patterns of human behavior and nature. Dr. Jung had little interest in psychological and spiritual speculation except to the extent that such postulates were testable and might productively explain the data at hand. His use of terms such as the Self, archetypes, and the unconscious is not fundamentally different from physicists’ use of terms such as gravity, magnetism, atoms, and quarks. All are concepts used to describe entities/forces that can be known only through their effects. If Jung’s theories regarding the structure and dynamics of the psyche are imagined by some people to be untestable metaphysical conjectures, they are usually unaware–sometimes intentionally so–of the depth and breadth of data from which the theories are derived. For example, it is estimated that Carl Jung analyzed over 67,000 dreams during his lifetime. Naturally, he would be aware of patterns and correlations between people’s psychological processes and the content of their dreams that most of us would miss. 22

January 2010

An important insight gleaned from When you really think about it, a great the study of dreams is that the psyche is deal of who we are lies beyond the reach never indifferent to the attitude(s) of our and control of our ego. conscious mind, or ego. It seems that The presence of a force greater than each person has a unique destiny and the oneself within the personality and life is Self, or personality core, acts like a coach sometimes most palpable in the consein the development of that potential. In quences we encounter when we pursue dreams this is evidenced by the steadfast- paths at odds with our deeper nature ness with which certain themes appear and destiny. For example, if you don’t and issues are addressed. When we have like your anger you may repress it. In recurring dreams it is because we are not return you may get splitting headaches getting the message that the unconscious or an upset stomach. You may try to deny is trying to communicate. Figure out the and hide your sexual orientation, only message–and make the approto suffer from depression priate changes in your life–and We would like or alcoholism as a result. the recurring dreams stop; the to choose our You can pursue a career psyche moves on to the next that will bring you more destiny, but it’s money than following your step in our growth process. For instance, some people have our destiny that true calling, but then find dreams of being chased. These that you can’t get a job, chooses us. dreams often indicate that the or you’re miserable at the dreamer’s current approach to job you do get, or your job life is at odds with the path/attitude he or destroys your marriage, etc. Or maybe she should be taking. We could say that you’re a nice person and all you want is the unconscious has sent a messenger for other people to be nice to you. But to the ego, but the ego does not want to life keeps bringing you people that would receive it. Typically in such dream series, emotionally abuse you, cheat you, and so the more we persist on our current path forth. You want to be passive and peaceand resist corrective input from the un- ful, but life wants you to learn how to fight conscious, the more aggressive the dream back and stand up for yourself. figures become. To acknowledge God in the psyche is Recurring dreams are just one ex- to recognize that there are consequences ample of the way in which the personality to the conscious attitudes that we take core attempts to guide individuals to the in life. When we become observers of fuller realization of their unique potential. our life experiences–especially life’s reIn fact, every dream, properly interpreted, sponses to our consciously chosen path can lead to a broader understanding and attitudes–we see that we are pushed of oneself and one’s destiny. Jung con- from within and guided from without cluded, and depth psychology continues towards a certain goal, which we may to confirm, that our dreams compensate help bring to fruition, or not. This is the the one-sided perspectives of the ego, essence of the term co-creation. Will we patiently guiding the personality towards assist the psyche in the natural unfold“completion.” ing of our personality and the fulfillment We would like to choose our destiny, of our destiny, or will we try to impose but it’s our destiny that chooses us. To our own will upon the world instead? illustrate, consider these questions: Can The former is co-creation, and the latter, you choose your passions? Did you egocentricity. choose your sexual orientation? You can pursue a particular career, but can you choose your vocation, or “calling?” Perhaps you can choose to behave in Continued on page 35... a loving way towards people, but can you choose who you deeply love? Can you choose who loves you? Do you consciously choose your illnesses, or the challenges and lessons life will bring you? January 2010



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Make New Year’s Resolutions Successful Written by Cheryl Kiraly


s the holidays draw to a close, we can look back over the past three months at what is probably the most unhealthy quarter of the year. Halloween: candy. Thanksgiving: food gorging (Guess on which day the largest number of Americans die of heart attack?). Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year: office parties, dinners, meat and cakes and alcohol. The average American gains five to eight pounds in the fourth quarter of every year. Because of all the social obligations and visiting relatives, many also suspend whatever exercise regimen they may have been following. Net result? We’re heavier and more out of shape at the start of every new year. It’s unknown who invented the New Year’s Resolution, but the practice clearly reflects a widespread understanding that we end the year badly in terms of our health and need a fresh start. Now comes the time we promise to lose weight, to join a health club, or get to the gym more if we have a membership. People try to reverse three months of decline in three hours. Whatever exercise they

choose to do, most will overdo. Result? Pain, stiffness, and a willingness to give up. If you have not exercised in weeks or months, the key is to start slowly. Do something easy like walking for twenty minutes every other day. Build up your cardio slowly. Then go to the gym or start a home exercise program for toning or strength training. Perhaps the most important component of keeping exercise pain to a minimum is massage therapy. Many people exercise, few get massage therapy. Did you know that US Olympic teams have full-time massage therapists on staff for the run-up to the Olympics and during the Olympics? Before a competition, massage loosens muscles so that they perform better, and afterward, massage squeezes toxins out of muscles, reducing much of the stiffness and pain that might otherwise result. Massage therapy will reduce the negative effects that might deter you from continuing with your exercise program. Experts say, if people make a regular commitment to massage therapy, they well experience an amazing sense of wellness and health.

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Another way that frequent massage can improve our health and quality of life is by alleviating stress. More than 90% of disease is stress-related and nothing ages us faster, inside or outside, than stress. Stress-related diseases claim more lives every year. The deadly role that stress plays in modern-day life is clear. If you are able to receive stress-relieving bodywork with consistency, not only does your body benefit by releasing its aches and pains, your mind will have time to wash away the stresses of life and you learn to relax. Both are critical pieces for living long and well. You will emerge in better spirits and able to embrace whatever life presents. References: 1. Beck, Mark F., Milady’s Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 3rd edition, Milady Publishing, Albany, NY. 2. www.wikapedia.org/wiki/massage 3. Braun, Mary Beth and Simonson, Stephanie., Introduction to Massage Therapy, Lippencot Williams & Wilkins, 2007

For more info, contact Cheryl Kiraly at (775) 772-9101.

January 2010

Three Reasons To Consider Dan Mannikko, DDS For All Your Neuromuscular Dentistry Needs. After

“My jaw was out of alignment and I was continually breaking my teeth. I wasn’t sleeping properly because I was grinding my teeth. Once treatment was done, I started sleeping better and my blood pressure dropped. I was surprised at how the procedure was conducted from beginning to end, the phases I went through, and how Dr. Mannikko and my chiropractor worked together throughout the procedure. The “thumper” (TENS unit) that Dr. Mannikko used totally relaxed my whole system and made it all painless. My “before and after” photos say it all.”


- jerry bastasini After

“My main dental problems were sore teeth associated with loss of enamel and severe wear, which was starting to expose my roots. I didn’t want my teeth to get worse and not be able to save them. I could not have imagined how well they turned out. I was amazed at how scientifically-detailed my treatment was, including the use of computers to align my jaw to its most comfortable location, and the fine-tuning of my final bite.


I was not aware of any jaw or neck problems before my treatment. Since it was such a slow process of deterioration, I may have not even been aware of such problems. Today, I am thoroughly pleased with the outcome and have decided it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. My appearance and self esteem has been greatly enhanced.”

- kurt jensen



“The first reason I went to get new teeth was for cosmetic reasons. In my mind’s eye, I just needed whiter teeth. I first went and had gum surgery to clean the tartar and plaque from my teeth. The next step was to balance my bite, since my back teeth were so worn down. Dr. Mannikko replaced every cap I had with an even and balanced new tooth. Immediately, I was receiving compliments from people, like, “Oh my God, your teeth are so beautiful!”, “Did you have a face lift?”, “You’re looking better with age!”, “You just get prettier!”, and “You’re not from around these parts (because my teeth are perfect!).” I used to have migraine headaches and take a really powerful drug. I no longer have migraines. I almost feel like I don’t need makeup because my mouth is so pretty. I have a younger boyfriend—not a lot—but everyone thinks he’s older than me. I feel very confident in everything I do. I guess it makes you feel equal to all those beautiful teeth out there. I would have this procedure done again in an instant, now that I understand the health benefits from having your mouth balanced. When it’s out of balance, things can hurt all over. I would absolutely encourage anyone with oral health problems to check this out.”

- loni kowalski

6880 S. McCarran, #9



(775) 825-8366

January 2010


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From the Kitchen to the Septic Tank How Does Your Food Flow?

Written by Shelby Molchan


ocated at the end of the Ileum (the last part of the small intestine) the Ileocecal Valve is what separates the small and large intestines. The ICV (Ileocecal Valve) opens to allow a bolus of chyme (digested material) to pass into the Colon to be processed and eliminated. At this point, in a properly functioning digestive tract, most of the nutrients in the bolus have been extracted by the villi of the small intestine and have been absorbed into the bloodstream providing nutrition to the cells of the body. To understand the vital role that the ICV plays in the proper functioning and overall health of the body this popular analogy is used. Imagine the small intestine as the ‘kitchen’ of your body. Food that is consumed is processed and delivered to the body for energy, healing and nutrition. Also imagine the large intestine (the Colon) as the ‘septic tank’. It extracts and removes toxic waste from the body. With this in mind it is easy to see how an ileocecal valve dysfunction can quickly lead to autointoxication. Autointoxication is when the body poisons itself. This occurs when the ICV spasms open, allowing toxins from the ‘septic tank’ to back up into the ‘kitchen’. Originally thought to be a ‘one way’ or ‘check’ valve, recent studies are finding the ICV is much more complex. The ICV is affected by pressure response, chemicals, roughage and emotional state, among other things. In it’s normal position the ICV is relaxed and closed. It opens only to allow digestive material (kime) to pass from the small intestine into the Colon. Autointoxication can occur when the ICV is stuck in an open or closed position. For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Symptoms of ICV dysfunction can range from acne, constipation, diarrhea, red eyes, black under eyes, bloated belly, tiredness, sore neck and back, headache/migraines, bad breath, pain in the heart area, right shoulder and right pelvic pain, just to name a few. It is reported, by clients and practitioners that routine waking at 3:00 am may also be associated with a stuck ICV. So how can you tell if your symptoms are related to ICV dysfunction? Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a method of muscle testing and has a test and a correction for the Ileocecal Valve. Colon Hydrotherapy is an extremely effective method of cleansing the bowel of accumulated toxic material, thus relieving many of the symptoms of autointoxication. Your Colon Hydrotherapist may also suggest the use of chlorophyll, herbs or homeopathic remedies in conjunction with your treatments to heal and improve ICV function and help cleanse and detoxify the bowel. Many people report that bowel cleansing improves intestinal function, energy, overall health and quality of life as well. References: 1.‘Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management’ Bernard Jensen, D.C. Ph.D. Nutritionist 2. DynamicChiropractic.com 3. About.com/Ileocecal Valve Syndrome 4. ‘How Kinesiology Can Help Get Rid Of Acne’ Stephanie Relfe B.Sc (Sydney)

For more info, contact Shelby Molchan at Reno Alternative Health Center at (775) 827-6888.

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January 2010

Changes of Heart

Take BeTTer Care of You.


Life can seem like a whirlwind of obligations.

mall changes in a woman’s lifestyle choices can make a huge difference to her heart health. Learn more about being good to your heart by attending the 2010 Go Red for Women Luncheon on National Wear Red Day, Friday, Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Atlantis Casino Resort, Reno. Before enjoying a heart healthy lunch, attendees will receive complimentary heart health screenings, including cholesterol check, body mass index and blood pressure reading at the event’s Health & Beauty Expo. Then participants will hear from Emmy-award-winning actress and comedienne Tracey Conway to share her story of survival after suffering a near-fatal heart incident at age 38. Everyone will have a chance to meet local women who survived their experiences with heart disease and stroke and hear their inspiring stories. During the luncheon, guests can join in the popular red purse auction to help raise funds for the local American Heart Association and the Go Red for Women Movement. Don’t wait to join and find solutions for the number one killer of American women. Connect with the 500+ women who attend this annual luncheon in support of Go Red. Mark the date and do whatever it takes to attend the 2010 Go Red for Women Luncheon. Make a change of heart that will last a lifetime.

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Wasabi and Horseradish


inter has set in with cold temperatures, and it is important to keep our body temperatures up – from the inside, out. Spicy foods and seasonings can help boost blood circulation, keeping the body warm. Incorporating wasabi is just one such food that will keep you toasty this cold winter season. The heat in wasabi is different from chili pepper, which burns the tongue. Wasabi’s strong sensation is typically felt in the sinus cavity. Wasabi, also known as Japanese horseradish, is an essential condiment in Japanese cuisine. It often accompanies sushi, sashimi, noodle dishes and seafood. This is no accident either – wasabi is considered effective in preventing food poisoning. It contains an anti-bacterial agent that stops the growth of certain strains of bacteria. In addition to being a stomach

Written by Brittany Russell

aide, it also contains anti-inflammatory agents that prevent platelet application in the body. Wasabi may one day be associated with treatments of arthritis, asthma and allergic reactions. True wasabi can grow in the ground, but is more commonly cultivated in water. It grows naturally in Japan along streambeds in mountain river valleys. Most of the wasabi served today is horseradish dyed green, or a mix of horseradish, mustard and chlorophyll (a green pigment found in most plants). The powdered wasabi is made from horseradish powder, mustard powder and food colorings. The Japanese brands of tubed wasabi may include both real wasabi and western horseradish.

A note about horseradish The horseradish plant is an herbaceousperennial with long, spiky leaves and large white roots. Occasionally tiny

white flowers bloom during the summer. The roots are long, fleshy and white in color. Often used in the Middle Ages, horseradish can treat a variety of ailments including digestive problems, gout, swelling and arthritis. It became a popular flavoring in Northern Europe, used like mustard to accompany oily fish. It has also been used to spice pickles and ketchups, and more recently as a dip or topping with roast beef. Perhaps you prefer one condiment to the other, or can use them interchangeably – spice up your diet for the warmth your body needs this January!

Continued on page 47...

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January 2010

Beef Stew

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Are You Eating The Right Foods For You?

Healthier, Easier, Tastier Preparation

Learn: •What foods combine to cause overeating

From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

•How to substitute healthy ingredients in your recipes •Shopping smart learning labels •Gently altering your favorite recipes

Ingredients: 1 32oz carton organic beef broth 1 32oz. carton organic chicken broth 1 1/2 lbs best grade beef chuck, cut into 1 inch pieces 2 large red potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-1 1/2 inch cubes 1 large yam peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes 1/2 large yellow onion chunks or diced.

Swedish Rye

1 long sweet red pepper 1 can organic, peeled (28 oz.) diced tomatoes 1 celery stalk, washed and cut up 2 large carrots peeled and cut into chunks 3 toes garlic, diced 3 tsp. sea salt 2tsp. smoked paprika and cracked, medley pepper. 3 Tbs. tomato paste

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From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

Know You’re On A Healthy Track Call Trudy at 775.787.9010 Trudy Miller, Food Instructor, M.S., DTR ADA Certified in Adult Weight Management


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Ingredients: 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/3 cup cup old fashioned oats 1/3 cup molasses 5 Tbs. butter 3 tsp. salt

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2 cups boiling water 2 pkgs active dry yeast 3 cups bread flour 1 tsp. caraway seeds, opt.


Counseling Services

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Call Dr. Katherine Unthank 775.742.1475

January 2010


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Support Earth Consciouness and Small Businesses


Valentine’s Expo What do you really want? Anti Aging Health Lectures Raw & Superfoods Demo’s Meditation Water Purification Cellular Weight Loss Core Training Hypnotherapy EMF Safe Infrared Sauna Detoxification & More

“Back of the House” Dinner FEAST

How to Prepare: Cut beef into chunks or have a butcher do it. Leave the beef out about 1/2 hour or to room temp. The beef will brown better. 1. Brown the beef in organic canola oil or olive oil. While the meat is browning, put the beef broth and the chicken broth into a Dutch oven or crockpot and start heating it. 2. When the meat is browned add it to the broths. 3. Add the sweet potato and the red potatoes, carrots and onion and celery stalk and tomato paste. 4. Add the garlic, red pepper, salt, pepper and paprika Cook until vegetables are tender, 30 minutes or more. Taste and adjust seasoning. This is my favorite stew and especially during the cold months. Add organic, canned garbanzo beans as an option.

Visit www.HBmag.com for more delicious recipes! How to Prepare:


1. In a large bowl, combine oats, brown sugar, molasses, 5tbs. butter and salt. Stir in the boiling water. Let stand until mixture cools.

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2. In Med. large bowl combine 2 cups bread flour and the yeast. Add this to the room temp molasses mixture until moistened. Stir in the rye flour and enough of the bread flour to form a medium stiff dough. Turn out on to a floured board or counter. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a bowl coated with oil, turn once to coat top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about an hour. Punch dough down, cover and let rise in warm place for 30 minutes.

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3. Punch down again, and divide into two portions. Shape into loaves. Place onto baking sheet coated with oil or nonstick cooking spray. Cover and let rise until doubled. About 30 min. 4. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until nicely browned and sounds hollow when tapped. Cool on wire racks before slicing. 5. Remember the bread should not be sticky before you make it into loaves. If it is humid, you may have to add more bread flour, if your home is very dry it may take less flour. This bread is low fat, good and healthy.

Visit www.HBmag.com for more delicious recipes!

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January 2010

Immune Booster

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From Juices & Smoothies Cookbook

Maintain Your Health

Therapeutic Treatments : Acupressure • Reiki Massage:

Ingredients: (Makes 2 Glasses) 1 Small mango

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Ingredients: (Makes 6 servings) 1/4 cup Olive oil 1 medium onion 2 garlic cloves 2 carrots 2 celery stalks 1 leek

1 can of tomatoes 2 cans of chicken broth 1 Tbsp chopped parsley 2 tsp dried basil 1 tsp oregano 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp petter January 2010

2 cans of kidney beans 2 cups of shredded cabbage 1 zuchini 1/2 cup shell macaroni Fresh grated parmesan

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Taking Ownership of Your Own Life

How to Prepare:

Continued from page 17

1. Halve the mango, cutting down one side of the flat stone (pit). Remove the stone and scoop the flesh from the skin. Roughly chop the flesh and place in a blender or food processor.

There is an empowerment discovered with the thought that only you can find how you feel and if you make the choice to take ownership of that, then your inner spirit can wake up, rise to the challenge and find a freedom for the first time that will finally put you in the drivers seat of your life. The first step is being willing to make the decision to stop looking at others for your unhappiness, and to take it even further, your happiness. It is not a difficult decision to make, but it can make a big difference in what you bring into your experience. And the next step is finding ways to put this willingness into action through the use of certain tools and processes, which are aids to help you shift those old ideas you have been hanging on to. It can be like anything, practice, practice, practice and soon the old habit is replaced with the new. When we stop looking outside to find the change that will bring happiness and realize that the path to happiness lies within, the word that comes to mind is “freedom.” This is also a new path to that long desired selfimprovement, one that has the potential to move through this year and into the years ahead. “Do you know that you are the creator of you? Do you know that you are the product of your own creation? You are the creator of you. You are the creator and you are the created. You are what you are creating; it is your state of being it is your state of life. That is what you are creating, you see.” Abraham, Orlando 5/23/09 References: 1. “Ask and It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Destiny” by Esther and Jerry Hicks 2. “Radical Forgiveness, Making Room for the Miracle” by Colin Tipping 3. “The Astonishing Power of Emotions” by Esther and Jerry Hicks

For more info, contact Dinny Evans at (530) 414-1420.

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2. Peel, core and roughly chop the apple. Add to the blender and process together until smooth, scraping the mixture down from the side of the bowl, if necessary. 3. Halve the passion fruit and scoop the pulp into the mango and apple puree. Add the orange juice and echinacea, then blend briefly. 4. Thin with a little mienral water, if you like, pour into two glasses and serve. Otherwise transfer the juice into a jug (pitcher) and chill in the refrigerator, then servie in large glasses with ince cubes and slices to decorate. * Red and orange coloured fruits and vegetables are particularly good for protecting against or fighting off colds or flu, and are full of powerful antioxidants that are known to protect against many more serious illnesses. This refreshing, fruity drink also contains a herbal blend called echinacea, which helps to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu.

Visit www.HBmag.com for more delicious recipes! How to Prepare: 1. Saute onion, garlic, carrots, celery and leek in oil until onion is tender. 2. Add tomatoes and liquid. 3. Stir in broth and spices. 4. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. 5. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. 6. Stir in beans and cabbage; simmer 10 minutes longer. 7. Stir in zuchini and macaroni. 8. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Serve with Parmesan cheese on top

Visit www.HBmag.com for more delicious recipes!

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January 2010


Maintaining Immunity Written by Gary Danchak


here is nothing like breathing 3 hours of recycled air on a crowded plane to focus the mind on the value of immunity. Winter holidays are all about sharing, and share we do. If you find yourself stuck between two sneezing seatmates without your Zicam (homeopathic nose spray) or your vitamin C, take heart and remember Louis Pasteur’s famous last words: “The germ is nothing, the environment is everything.” In his 11th hour recant of his famous germ theory, Pasteur realized that if the body’s cellular metabolism and pH is perfectly balanced, it’s simply not susceptible to disease; so a germ doesn’t produce disease any more than a vulture produces roadkill, or rats produce garbage. In Chinese medicine there are four levels of immunity that must be maintained: wei qi, qi, ying, and xue, all of which are of equal importance. If you do catch a cold or get the flu, having strong qi, ying and xue immunity means you’ll get over it quicker and the symptoms won’t be as bad. But prevention is clearly the best cure, and that means wei qi, or the exterior protective energy that keeps the surface of the body firm or closed. It is the invisible suit of armor that the well-prepared traveler in this world doesn’t leave home without. The Su Wen text (c. 400 B.C.) says that “Wind is the spearhead of a thousand diseases,” and is a pathogen in and of itself, but it also can combine with and facilitate the entrance of other pathogens into the body. If the body’s wei qi is weak, wind pathogens enter the body through the skin below the skull on the back of the neck

(you feel a slight sore throat, possibly a slight fever) and makes its way toward the Lung (sore throat and fever abate and coughing begins). If the patient gets to his acupuncturist/herbalist at the first signs of cold or flu--usually a slight sore throat and lightheaded feeling--the doctor will needle points on the Lung and Large Intestine meridians in order to “open the exterior” of the body to let the pathogen out and give herbs to expel the pathogen via diaphoresis (induced sweating). Your body eliminates the pathogen and you don’t get sick. There are six levels of progression of cold pathogen through the body, three yang (exterior) and three yin(interior)— and each level presents with a distinctive tongue and pulse pattern as well as more and more severe symptoms of cold/flu. Your chances of avoiding a cold are always best if you get to your doctor while the pathogen is still in the most exterior level (this is the taiyang stage—the most superficial, skin level of the body).

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Continued on page 50...

January 2010


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Grab some Air with Peter Kendrick Interviewed by Marie Harger

“Before I begin, I close my eyes and visualize the perfect JUMP in my mind three times, then I open my eyes and go!” As one of the top 10 U.S. Nordic combined skiers, (cross country and ski jumping combined) of his time, Peter Kendrick remembers the joy, thrill and freedom of ski jumping and landing that “Perfect Jump.”

Another important component to being the best at your sport is attitude. Peter knows his state of mind is a major factor to the outcome of his performance. Whether your performance is lacking or at its best, be positive, and believe in yourself because in the end this will be what is the difference between first place and second.

eter grew up in Colorado and began his skiing career at the age of two. By the time he was twelve he was ski jumping. He competed in ski jumping, cross-country ski racing, and Slalom, giant Slalom and downhill racing.

To actually jump, go for small jumps, and easy simple tricks. To avoid injuries, always warm-up and stretch before you attempt any jump. Develop flexibility and believe in yourself. You must also learn how to fall. This sounds crazy but falling is part of the game. Learn to roll instead of trying to stop yourself. When landing your jump, be sure to land in the middle of your board and think of a soft landing. If you land hard you will either chatter (when the ski edges skip sideways along the snow and you are not making solid contact) or bounce, which will throw your rhythm off. Land loose, relaxed and smooth. Do not get too serious or uptight,


Most coaches will emphasis the importance of building a solid foundation with the basics and fundamentals of your sport, and in that regard Peter is no different. To be the best you must gain experience by taking baby steps. Spend time on the basic skills and fundamentals when you are first learning, and then, as your skill and ability evolves, warm-up with the basics.

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it will impede your progress. Be safe and jump in areas that are designated for that activity, such as snow parks and competition areas. If competing, two nights before your competition try to get plenty of sleep. Whole food nutrition will contribute to optimal performance, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and foods that nourish the body (avoid junk food). Other helpful ideas are to attend a camp. Camps will expose you to different coaches and you will learn new techniques. Also, a major advantage is to cross-train with other sports. Often the skills learned from other sports will enhance your ability in your preferred sport. Finally, remember to put in the training with a smile. Then jump for joy and experience the thrilland freedom of the “Perfect Jump.”

January 2010

Jungian Psychology Series:

Ego, God, and Destiny Continued from page 23


From Surviving to Thriving! Fully feel your feelings Identify what’s not working Learn new skills Live life better than ever

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The reader may notice the difference between this view of co-creation and God, and that of the popular “law of attraction” and “power of intention” views as put forth in “The Secret” and the metaphysical ramblings of various New Thought writers such as Wayne Dyer. In his book, The Power of Intention: Learning to Cocreate Your World Your Way, Dr. Dyer explains that we attract to ourselves what we intend and envision for ourselves. To illustrate, he states, “Suppose that you want a better job with a higher salary. Imagine yourself as already having it, knowing in your thoughts that you’re entitled to it, with no doubt about the job showing up because you can see it within. The universal mind [that is, God] now has no choice in the matter, since you’re part of that all-creating mind and there’s no vibrational contradiction.” It’s certainly nice to know that once you’ve decided on a particular future for yourself, God will obediently follow along. Perhaps this should be called “God as puppy-dog spirituality.” The main problem with the “law of attraction” and “the power of intention” as developed by writers such as Dr. Dyer is not that the “laws” themselves aren’t valid, but that they are grossly over-generalized. Depth psychology validates the fact that our unconscious attracts certain outer events to us through the processes of projection and synchronicity. It is also true that our deeper intentions can and do influence what comes our way in life. But these laws are not omnipotent or decisive. They influence our lives but do not define their course because, frankly, God is not a puppy-dog, and although the ego would like to play the role of God within the psyche, it cannot. The Self and destiny transcend the ego. Perhaps the best argument against some of the claims made by New Thought writers comes from nature herself. According to Dr. Dyer, the only thing that stands between ourselves and unlimited abundance, health, joy, etc. are the fears, doubts, and other resistances of our ego. Surprisingly, though, creatures which have no ego (i.e., plants and other animals), and which, therefore, should carry no resistance to the “all-providing Source of intention,” still experience scarcity, still suffer from diseases, and still die prematurely. Evidently, the law of attraction and the power of intention only apply to humans, or animals just haven’t read enough New Thought books.

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References: 1. Dyer, Wayne W. The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way. Hay House, Inc., New York 2004. 2. Jung Carl G. Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. Random House, Inc., New York 1963.

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January 2010


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CANDIDA WHAT DO I DO? Time to Cleanse the Body


Written by Dr. Sally Rockwell fter you have had a thorough examination and your physician says, “you’re physically fine, the test results are within normal bounds” and you still experience these symptoms, try the CAVE MAN DIET for 7


Note: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a legitimate diagnosis for medical insurance purposes. We need to re-balance our systems in order to break this selfperpetuating downward cycle and start rebuilding our health. FOUR MAIN PARTS OF TREATMENT — LET’S GET WELL!! 1.

Exterminate the yeast


Starve out the yeast


Replace the good bacteria


Rebuild the immune system

THE FIRST FIVE DAYS is “CLEAN-UP TIME”: concentrate on what you eat and take buffered vitamin C only — unless directed otherwise by your doctor. IMPORTANT: after the five days, begin all four parts of treatment, all at once.

1. Current anti-fungals for killing the yeast include: Nystatin powder (preferred over tablets) is still the drug of choice by most doctors. Nyzoral is absorbed systemically but can cause liver damage; amphotericin-b (fungizone) can be ordered from France now; check with your physician. Several over-the-counter, non-prescription therapies are also available, such as Capricin; Capristatin; Candex; Kyolic garlic in tablets, capsules and liquid (I like the liquid best). Kyolic Wakunaga Company; Mycocidin; Rainbow Light Products; Ness Enzymes; Homeopathic remedies; Fungizone; Pau d’arco tea; Methake tea; Golden Seal root; Yeast-Fighters; odor-free garlic. Several anti-fungals are on the market, too many to keep track of. The favorite of my clients and very effective OTC is GSE, grapefruit seed extract, I prefer the tablets. Start w 1 a day, and work up, slowly to the recommended dose of 3/day, Some say the teas and the garlic rebuild the immune system rather than kill the yeast. Whatever they do, they definitely are helpful. Symptoms may become worse for the first few days due to yeast dying off, withdrawal symptoms caused by hidden food allergies, and toxins dumped into the system as the fat cells break down and empty their stored up waste products into the blood stream. For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Powdered, buffered vitamin C contains calcium, potassium and magnesium and helps relieve allergic reactions and symptoms of yeast die-off. Take 1/4 tsp. in 1/2 glass of water IN BETWEEN MEALS, three times a day and at bedtime. The buffered form of vitamin C can neutralize stomach acid, so take in-between meals, not with meals. Take directly after a meal only if you are experiencing a severe allergic reaction. Some people cheat on their diets on purpose because they know that the buffered C will cancel out the consequences -but I’m sure that YOU wouldn’t do something like that -- just don’t make a habit of it.

2. Starve Out the Yeast A healthy eating plan is of utmost importance in controlling Candida yeast overgrowth. If we rely entirely on herbals and drugs, or a “quick fix” we’ll just get it back again. The closer the diet is followed, the better the results. Avoid all types of yeasty foods such as yeast breads, moldy cheeses, beer, wine, fermented foods, yogurts because they can cause allergic reactions which stress the body and weaken the immune system. Those who are getting rid of the yeast the quickest are limiting starches and avoiding all sugars, milk products and wheat — and say that the rapid results are well worth it. Cave Man, or Stone Age Diet: Lots and lots of vegetables: raw is best, of course, then steamed or stir fried. See COPING WITH CANDIDA COOKBOOK, page 7. There are lots of foods available besides carrot sticks, celery and lettuce. Lots of protein foods: such as fish, shellfish, chicken, turkey, rabbit, nuts, seeds, small amounts of beans and peas. Adults - For the first 7 days, no sugars of any type, breads, pastas, milk products or yeasty-fermented foods. Limit starch intake to 60 - 80 gms. of carbohydrates a day. Avoid grains: wheat, oats, rye, barley, corn, rice. Some can tolerate small amounts of quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat. If physically active, then have small amounts of fresh fruit throughout the day.

Read the rest of this article and take the Candida Quiz on our website at www.HBMag.com 36

January 2010


re you committing one of these common health crimes against your own body that can cost you the immunity you’re meant to have?

Stop right now! Health Crime #1: Are you eating sugar and processed foods? Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately, and as you likely know, a strong immune system is a crucial key to keeping you healthy. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice. Health Crime #2: Do you fail to get enough rest each night? Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done when you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued, your immune system could be functioning less-than-optimally. Health Crime #3: Is stress running your life? We all face some stress every day, but excess stress could have serious adverse effects on your immune system. Health Crime #4: Do you forget to exercise on a regular basis? A comprehensive exercise program is one of the BEST strategies to improve your immune response. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. Your immune system has a better chance of performing at its best.

Health Crime #5: Do you ever leave the bathroom without washing your hands? Washing your hands is key to helping your immune system to function at its best. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this -- antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. Health Crime #6: Do you eat a “balanced” diet without understanding your nutritional type and how to eat for your personal needs? Just as it is obvious that you differ tremendously with respect to your outward physical appearance, you also have a unique biochemistry and genetics. You process foods and utilize nutrients in a way that is unique to you. Therefore, when you adopt a diet based on your specific “nutritional type,” it will help you achieve optimum health Health Crime #7: Are you failing to look after your digestive tract? Scientific research shows 80% of your immune system actually lives right in your digestive tract. The best way to look after your digestive tract is via a high quality probiotic. These are just a few of the mistakes you can make which can cause your immune system to function less than optimally. References: 1. www.mercola.com

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January 2010



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A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose PCA-Rx A Detoxification Agent Submitted by Maxam Nutraceutics

heavy metals. PCA-Rx is a powerful, biologically active detoxification agent that crosses the blood-brain barrier efficiently, cleaning and clearing plaque, toxic residues, heavy metal deposits and other contaminants. It further aids in cellular detoxification.


linical research has shown a direct correlation between Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Autism, Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders and the overburden of heavy metal toxins in the body. The World Health Organization has estimated that at least 90% of all chronic diseases can be attributed to the effects of environmental pollution. This pollution includes free radicals and heavy metals, which may be a primary source and the principle root cause of all degenerative diseases and aging. The use of PCA-Rx is proven effective in assisting with symptoms of these disorders by removing the heavy metal toxins. There is little hope for antioxidants and mineral supplements to do their job properly if the body is burdened with

Heavy metal toxins include aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and thallium. Over time these heavy metals, plaques, toxic chemical residues, and other unnatural intruders slowly accumulate in the body like a cup gradually filling with liquid. If the body’s natural detoxification pathways (such as the blood, lymph, and cerebral spinal fluid) cannot eliminate them faster than they enter the body, the buildup can eventually reach dangerous toxic levels. PCA-Rx represents a breakthrough technology for eliminating toxicity in the body. The result of years of rigorous clinical research and development, PCA-Rx untilizes the unique principles of “clathration”, a powerful yet safe alternative to traditional chelation therapy. A chelating substance is a chemical isolate that only binds to a toxin with a single reversible ionic bond at one receptor site. In its attempt to tow the toxin out of the system it is free to interact with anything it comes into contact with while in transit. Clathration Therapy, exclusive to PCA-Rx, is a unique form of natural, non-invasive chelation in which spe-

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cially sequenced peptides seek out and encapsulate toxins in a three dimensional cage-like inclusion (also known as a lattice structure or matrix) using three different types of irreversible bonds (ionic, covalent, and hydrogen). These bonds attach to and completely envelop the toxin, thus neutralizing it, which then prevents it from coming into contact with and reattaching to other tissues or organs as it is excreted from the body. In essence, clathration mimics the natural, discriminate, synergistic response of the immune system to rid the body of unwanted toxins. PCA-Rx has been shown to be effective in assisting with other symptoms of ADD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Angina, Crohn’s, MTBE poisoning, heavy metal poisoning, mycoplasma removal, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Detoxifying the system of heavy metals and other chemical toxins should be the first and foundational step in any healing protocol. Otherwise, these toxic substances actually block the body’s receptors making them unavailable to do their intended functions of absorbing important nutrients. PCA-Rx is a product that provides the body with vital optimal health. References: 1.www.worldhealthorg.com

For more info, contact the The Vitamin Connection at (775) 825-3993.

Go to ad on page 13.

January 2010

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January 2010


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Are Your Hidden Beliefs About Money Sabotaging You? Written by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


t is so important to become aware of our financial mental programming, those beliefs around money, which may be subconscious, but keep surfacing in our lives in dysfunctional ways. What are your beliefs about money? It‘s vital to become consciously aware of them, because until we do, they can sabotage us and paralyze our dreams and goals. Most mental programs were laid down in childhood, and if repeated often became a part of our belief systems, whether they made any sense or not. If those ideas were dysfunctional, we will re-create them unconsciously in self-defeating scenarios throughout our lives.

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Today, more than ever, there is a need for inner work focused directly on financial therapy, in order to reduce financial stress and improve financial health. A financial counselor will give lists of things to improve. Unfortunately, they are not trained to address hidden money beliefs. January 2010

Money beliefs may be sabotaging our best intentions around finances. Most people are not aware of their “mental tapes,” they live their lives in a significant amount of worry caused by frustration of consciously wanting to be responsible. The situation becomes worse if your spouse has different money programming than you. In fact 72% of Americans report that money is their number one stressor, ahead of work, children or health, becoming the most common cause of family disagreements.

Balancing and Harmonizing

Money beliefs are generational, and beliefs drive our behaviors. If your spouse internalized the belief “one has to work hard for money” and “it is not easy to come by”, and you have the programming “money is to be spent, not saved”…there will be considerable conflict in your family.

Ask about the Creating Health Package, call

Write down your thoughts or statements about topics on the rich versus the poor, marriage, work, relatives, happiness, borrowing, saving, love, budgets, employers, etc. Then circle the five statements that trigger the strongest feelings. Then determine why you believe and feel that way and whether or not those beliefs are serving you. These processes bring awareness to what is hidden. It is satisfying to finally have an “ah ha” moment and understand why you think and do certain things. This is the first step to making a change. The second step is to obtain knowledge that encourages financial responsibility, and third is to be willing to change. The term “retail therapy” is well known and joked about. We engage in retail therapy (buying things we can’t afford or don’t need) when we’re sad, stressed, angry or unhappy. Using instant gratification to temporarily feel better is unconsciously learned behavior from childhood. In these unsure times it’s imperative to become conscious of dysfunctional childhood programming around money. One should stay abreast to help your own family feel secure and to function happily. Is it time to understand your behavior regarding money? Yes, now is the time to address subconscious programming and the core reasons surrounding money issues and therefore receive much needed emotional and financial relief. If you want to change your life around finances, here are some resources: • Work with a trained hypnotherapist to receive a financial therapy session and change core beliefs around money issues. • Work with a financial planner to organize your current finances and create future strategies. •

Work with a life coach.

References: 1. Wealth Beyond Reason by Bob Dole; Trafford Publishing (2006) 2. A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi; Xlibris Corporation (2008)

For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in helping people learn how to let go of unproductive thinking (775) 786-9111.

Go to ad on page 21.

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January 2010


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The Memory of Water Written by Dr. Thomas S. Lee, Naturopathic Physician and Homeopathic Practitioner


ood clean water is a basic need for health and life itself, and scientists have validated ancient teachings about many other legendary attributes of water. All major religions maintain that water is sacred, and they use it to confer blessings and health to their communities. Healers and shamans in many traditions have long used water to retain and transfer healing energies to treat ailments of the body and spirit. How is water able to absorb and transfer these healing thoughts and feelings in so many different cultures?

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January 2010

Water has physical properties that permit life to exist. Less well understood is that water has a kind of memory of where it has been and the non-physical energetics it has “experienced”. This memory property permits a physician who knows the health conditions of his patient to match an appropriate medicine or combination of medicines held within a liquid solution. The medical effect of that water can then deliver healing effects to a specific area of the body. For example, a soup, an IV bag of nutrients, an herbal soak, or a cleansing enema would each deliver different benefits. The doctor trained in homeopathy uses old techniques of serial dilution and manual agitation to impart specific information and properties to his water based remedies. With skill and experience, these potent remedies work well. Water and mineral proportions in our body fluids are very similar to those in ancient oceans, and our lives depend upon precise amounts and qualities of these from moment to moment. With this ability to convey non-physical information, it is evident that people and all living things are sensitive to the vital energy of water we drink or bathe in. Mineral hot springs bring up water charged by epic variations in pressure and heat from deep-earth magma flows. The water in your body does exchange information and characteristics with untreated hot springs water. This has been found through the ages to be healing and strengthening. Handling of municipal water through pipes, in buildings, heaters, and sewage treatment, often repeatedly, will charge water very differently than a deep-earth aquifer does. That weakened water will merge with your own in your showers, baths, and beverages, perhaps more intimately than you would like. The quality of our shared water shows how we value our water resources and each other’s life, ultimately. To experience deep earth water memories for yourself, go to your nearby untreated geothermal hot spring and languish in a hot tub full of water that has never before touched another human body. Then compare that to your home shower or bath. Repeat this experiment

as often as you like. Luckily, in the Reno/ Tahoe area we have several wonderful hot springs to choose from. References: 1. Emoto, Masaru. Messages from Water, Vol. 1 (1999) and Vol. 2 (2001). 2. Emoto, Masaru. The Shape of Love: Discovering Who We Are, Where We Came From, and Where We are Going, Doubleday, 2007. 3. Milgrom, Lionel. “Icy claim that water has memory.” New Scientist, 11 June 2003.

For more info, contact Steamboat Hot Springs at (775) 853-6600.

Go to ad on THIS page.

Natural Solutions for Ear Infections Continued from page 10 - Try a homeopathic earache tablet. You can find them at most health food stores.

More considerations: - Alcohol-free Echinacea extract, taken orally, will help in the early stages of an ear infection. - Make sure to take your daily recommended dose of vitamin C. You can also up the dosage, which will boost your immunity and help fight the infection. - You can take Colloidal Silver orally or use it as an earwash. It is a natural antibiotic. - Decrease your intake of sugar, as it will only feed the bacteria and infection. - If you have recurring ear infections, consider getting tested for food allergies.

Experience the

Healing Mineral Waters at Steamboat Hot Springs

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Make sure to consult a naturopath or homeopath regarding specific doses of medication for adults and children.

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References: 1. Ear Infections - Topic Overview. WebMD.com, February 2009. 2. Sheryl Walters. Use Natural Remedies for an Ear Infection. Naturalnews.com, March 2009. 3. Phyllis Balch. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Penguin Books, 2006.

Relax and Rejuvenate Today!

January 2010




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A Resolution to Travel Written by Sean Block

The term ‘new-year’s resolution’ gets tossed around so carelessly now that it often means giving up junk food or exercising for a month until apathy rekindles. There is an alternative. This resolution doesn’t require a yearlong commitment but it can change your life just the same. Plan a trip. It doesn’t have to be for January; you may not go until spring or summer, but plan it now and have it to look forward to. Take the family, go by yourself, bring your significant other...whatever feels right, just go. Go to the mountains. Go to the beach. Go to the desert, the forest, the lake; it doesn’t matter. Just get your feet moving and rest your eyes on something new. We all differ, but most of us For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

thrive on new experiences. These can be found anywhere by those willing to look. While you’re on your trip, do one thing for yourself. Find a place during sunset, or on a particularly starry night and sit down. Just sit. Don’t think, just be. Try to feel the immensity of things. Gaze at the billions of tiny suns twinkling in the sky; the same suns that watched the first animals crawl from the seas; that watched the first humans walk on two feet; that have witnessed every second of every life from the immense to the infinitesimal. Suddenly work doesn’t seem so stressful does it? I still remember the first time this notion really hit me. It can be daunting, almost scary, but remember what we can control and what we cannot. Hug your family a little longer, work a little harder, play a little more; and remember life is there to be lived. Note: Rest in peace Beverly, Tim and Carol. May you find peace among the stars, I love you.


Eggs, bacon and pancakes walked into a bar. What did the bartender say? Answer: Sorry we don’t serve breakfast!


nd thus passes another year. Taking a look back, it is hard to believe this marks a decade since the new millennium. We have seen a lot of frightening and terrible things to kick off the next thousand years. But through it all, we remain standing. Now as the seasons come full circle yet again, we all take a moment to slow ourselves down. Shirk the stress of our lives, and take stock of what truly matters. The only way to stay happy is to remember what we can control and what we can’t. Hug your family a little longer, work a little harder, play a little more. Remind those who fill your heart how much they mean to you, and enjoy every second of your time together like the gift that it is.


January 2010


Don’t Leave

Your Furry Family Members Behind

Be Prepared

odor and stain removal supplies to clean up after your pet.

*Call before you leave to make sure your hotel accepts pets. Check restrictions or fees. *Vaccinations may be required when traveling. *Plan your mode of transportation in advance. *Avoid crowds; it may make your pet nervous or skittish. * Use a leash to prevent losing your pet. *Have an identification tag and a current photo if your pet. *Have your vet install an ID chip in your pet.

Air Travel Tips

Car Travel Tips *Avoid leaving your pet unattended in the vehicle to prevent heatstroke. If you leave your pet in the vehicle, leave at least two windows open for a cross draft and fresh air. *Plan for twice as many rest stops; animals need to stretch and go to the bathroom more than humans. *Feed your pet only small meals before leaving to avoid motion sickness. *Take your pet for ‘warm up’ car rides to prepare your pet for the long ride ahead. *If you have a dog, teach it to lay down quietly inside of the vehicle, and avoid allowing it to stick its head out of the windows. This is a hazard to your dog’s eyes. *You cannot train a cat. However, some will lay comfortably in a corner of the car, while others may need to be placed in a carrier. *Keep a leash or harness on your pet even when in the car to prevent it from trying to bolt out the window. *Have food, dishes, (a can opener if you have a cat), some treats, a favorite toy, a blanket, and a comb or brush. Paper towels, January 2010


*Air travel is stressful and crowded. Plan in advance to avoid various complications. *Call ahead to make sure that your pet will be allowed in a carrier under the seat, or if it must be transported separately. *For smaller pets, especially fish, check with the airline freight departments, or pet stores to supply shipping containers for your pet. Smaller animals are often more susceptible to stress and shock that larger ones. *Some airlines require a health certificate before they fly. Call ahead for requirements. *Clip your pet’s nails to avoid snagging and injuries. *Pet’s identification, including the destination, should be clearly labeled on your pets tag and kennel. Write ‘Live animal’ on the kennel in big letters, along with care information. *Be early, especially for air travel. When shipping your pet, leave two hours for processing. *Notify the person receiving the pet. Give them the flight and waybill number. Pets can usually be picked up within 90 minutes of flight arrival.

Alternatives Instead of bringing your pet on your travels, keep them at home with someone familiar to feed and care for your pet twice a day. A boarding kennel or a professional sitter are also options. References: 1. This information was obtained directly from www.healthypets.com

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Up Up and Away!

The Healthy Adventurer

Written by Ariana Purcell, 12 years old


started flying alone on airplanes when I was nine years old. The last flight I took, I got to fly first class. It was so awesome! First, they give you nuts in a little jar, with your choice of a drink (I got a Sprite). Then, a movie comes on a little screen. The movie was “The Time Travelers Wife.” I watched most of the it, then the flight attendant came over and asked me what I wanted for lunch. She read a few choices from the menu. I picked a sandwich with a side of pecans, grapes and cheese. When I finished my lunch, I finished watching the movie. Then there was only about 20 minutes until we were supposed to land. So, I took the headphones and listened to some music. The plane landed and I got off of the plane and saw my dad. I will always remember my best flight ever! As I have gotten older, I learned to be more efficient with money when traveling. If you are only going for a week, take a carry on instead of paying to check a bag. Also, bring your own snacks or food to eat on the plane. Then you will not have to pay for the over priced food at the airport. Plus, it’s usually a lot healthier to bring your own snacks. Always bring things to do on the plane too.

Things to do: - Coloring books, crayons, markers, etc - A good book to read - Homework (if you’re traveling over a school break) - Puzzles - I-Pod - PSP (Portable Sony Playstation) - Game Boy If you do not have a music listening device, they usually have headphones on the plane so you can listen to the music they have. Like I said, as I get older I learn to become more efficient. I hope my advice will help! For more info, contact Ariana Purcell at ariana@hbmag.com

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I began my healthy adventures in 1972 traveling all over the world by bike. Today I am 69 years old and still going strong. It is never to late to live a healthy active life and be your own healthy adventurer.


80 km later I had the opportunity to practice erecting my tent while it was raining. Though there are all sorts of tents for my purposes, there are two main types. One kind consists primarily of mosquito netting and rain cover is placed over it when needed. Then there are tents with rain tarp only. That was the kind Herbert had. They are normally not “airy”. Anticipating heat on this trip, I had chosen the first alternative. Its drawback was, by the time I had put up the mosquito netting, the inside was wet. Thus speed was of the essence. In my case I was hampered by total darkness. The rain had stopped in the morning. After 15 km, I came into the small community of Pine Creek. The villages en route have to make a living from the moneys spent by travelers. That became obvious when I was charged $13 for breakfast. I had a decision to make. This was the 20th of June. Darwin, my destination, was only ww264km or less than 1.5 days of bike riding away. My departure from there was scheduled for the 28th. The likelihood of catching an earlier plane ride was very remote. Thus I had some extra time on hand and decided on a side trip that would take several days. “With joyful passion for health and peace” Hans To be continued……. 46

January 2010

You Have a Choice

Wasabi and Horseradish

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Continued from page 28

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2 Tbs. mayonnaise 1 generous pinch mustard powder 1 Tbs. grated horseradish Directions: Blend the cream and lemon juice. Add remaining ingredients. Stir quickly to mix well. Chill for 2 to 3 hours before serving.

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Directions: Boil potatoes in salted water for 15 to 20 minutes, until soft. In a bowl, combine potatoes and garlic. Beat in butter and warm cream. Whisk rapidly until potatoes absorb other ingredients. Season with salt. Beat wasabi into the potatoes just before serving. References: 1.http://allfoodsnatural.com/condiments/spices/331horseradish-wasabi.html 2.http://www.japan-101.com/food/dining_wasabi.htm 3.http://japanesefood.about.com/od/wasabi/a/wasabi. htm 4.http://recipes.epicurean.com/recipe/19844/wasabismashed-potatoes.html

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January 2010


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COMMUNITYRESOURCEGUIDE ACUPUNCTURE DR. GARY DANCHAK, OMD 9393 Gateway Drive Reno, NV 89521 (775) 849-9800 www.galenaacupuncture.com Energetically restore your body’s natural health and balance with Acupuncture and Customized Herbal Formulas. Successful, natural treatments for: MusculoSkeletal & Nerve Pain, Infertility, Pre- & PostMenopause Hormonal Imbalance, Migraines, Allergies, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Fatigue, Cholesterol, TMJ & more. Go to ad on page 33.

ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY Robert Ayres (530) 550-1118 www.astrologicalalchemy.com The astrology of self-transformationSM. Personal, business, relationship and relocational consultations. Metaphysical teacher. Over forty years of experience. Go to ad on page 53.

BODY WRAPS www.HealthyLivingProducts.ItWorks.net IT WORKS - HEALTHY LIVING PRODUCTS Body and Fascial Wraps World class slimming body applicators. See results in less than 45 minutes. Affordable in-home treatment, body and facial wraps, tightens tones and firms, powerful herbal formula. Reduces the appearance of unsightly fat and cellulite. Not a water loss treatment. Go to ad on page 2.

CHIROPRACTORS DR. TONY JENSEN 112 Moana Lane St. 101 Reno, NV (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Now offering ProAdjuster Technique, NO twisting, popping, safe and effective for all ages. Go to ad on page 37.



Natural Harmony Kate Moser, Reiki Master 505 S. Arlington Ave. ste 210 (775) 412-1835

DINNY EVANS, CERTIFIED COACH www.ForgiveCoach.com (530) 414-1420 Find yourself living a life where you know and feel that everything is perfect exactly as it is, through Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation. Offering personal coaching sessions, workshops, ceremonies and group studies. Go to ad on page 17.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian (775) 827-6888 www.rahcc.com Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Clinic & The Ageless Zone (775-826-8888). Go to ad on page 39.

COUNSELING DANA ANDERSON, MFT 247 Court Street, Reno, NV (775) 323-4242 Are you not sure of your path in life? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, restless, alone, unattractive, inadequate or disconnected spiritually, I CAN HELP. Call Dana Anderson today, Individual, Adolescent & Family Therapist. Let me help you find your path. New office location!

ENERGY HEALING MASTER JOHN MIYATA, DSM Executive Stress Care Consultant 218 California Ave. #203, Reno (775) 720-7188 Practicing Total Healing Energy Treatments for over 30 years, Master John uses Shiatsu to harmonize and balance the body’s energy. Relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, body pains, digestive problems, endurance levels, unknown diseases and more. Regain your health and happiness. Go to ad on page 54.

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A Reiki session can reduce pain and calm emotions. Kate uses healing energy to balance the flow of chi and remove blockages, which increases the body’s ability to heal itself. Chakra balancing, Healing Imagery. Find natural harmony for mind-body-spirit. Go to ad on page 41.

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 www.Sigba.org SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications. NEVADA ECONET 1 Booth St. • Reno, NV 89509 (775) 323-3433 www.nevadaeconet.org Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in Northern Nevada. It is a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Member of Alliance Feng Shui (775) 830-8168 Reno Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.

January 2010

Read Your Monthly Health Horoscope at: www.HBMag.com




VIVASAN USA™ • Lana Nickerson 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. D37 (775) 826-8482 info@vivasanusa.com

RAND FAMILY CARE 6880 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite 14 • Reno www.randfamilycare.com (775) 826-RAND (7263)

DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 1026 West First Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 233-8404

VIVASAN is the magic touch of nature from Switzerland. Offering personal and health care products with the same high Swiss quality acknowledged worldwide; therapeutic essential oils, herbal medicinal creams and balms, natural hair color, foot, body, hair and face products. Go to ad on page 11.

A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Go to ad on page 47.

An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Using gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.


NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN JESSICA EDGE, BS, ND (775) 324-3500 www.RenoNaturalMedicine.com

STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 www.SteamboatSprings.org Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Go to ad on page 43.


Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep, Allergies. Go to ad on page 23.


VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services, LLC www.VirginiaParsons.com (775) 250-6482 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking. Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Go to ad on page 19.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave. • Reno (775)-826-1900 www.gerbermmedical.com

Dr. David Edge, O.M.D. 1528 Old Highway 395 Ste. 215 Gardnerville NV 89410 (775)783-4930/ 781-3465 www.restorationdayspa.com Ancient Medicine for a modern world. This gentle, effective, and empirically proven system of medicine is safe for the entire family. Combined with the latest therapies from modern holistic medicine, a truly integrated system of healthcare emerges. Go to ad on page 27.


Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, thermography, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on page 39.

SHAKESPEARE ANIMAL FUND (775) 342-7040 www.shakespeareanimalfund.org The Shakespeare Animal Fund gives financial aid to low income, elderly and disabled pet owners who need help with emergency vet care. We welcome volunteer work and donations.

January 2010



MyNutraPack (877) 362-3291 www.MyNutraPack.com

Personalized Supplements

Select from our extensive inventory of dietary supplements and put together a daily pack that works best to help you accomplish your individual goals. Go to ad on page 53.


COSMETIC AESTHETICS LASER SALON Cindy L. Sult, BSN, RN 940 Matley Lane #9, Reno (775) 622-8505 www.Cals-Reno.com

Tattoo regret? The revolutionary Eliminink Tattoo removal system offers greater success (90%) than laser (50%) with less treatments equaling less cost. Also less painful than laser with less hypopigmentation issues & scarring. Go to ad on page 41.

Attract Health-Minded Consumers! Grow Your Business Here. Call 775-828-4547

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VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482 www.VirginiaParsons.com Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Go to ad on page 19.


THE VITAMIN CONNECTION 2295 South Virginia St. #13 (775)825-3993

Reno's only vitamin discount center featuring the largest selection of national brands of vitamins, herbs, and amino acids, including L-Tryptorophan. Also the home of the x7 Turbo Sonic Vibration Therapy machine. First introductory session is FREE! Go to ad on page 13.

CLASSIFIEDS •JOB OPPORTUNITIES• Wanted: Hair Stylist to experiment with Natural Hair Tint Product. Call Lana: (775) 826-8482. Freelance Writers Wanted. Great opportunity to start a career as a publisehd writer. Submit a 500 word essay on the topic of the effects of caffeine on the human body. What is it? Where did it come from? Why is it popular? Are there positive or negative side effects? Please site 3 references. Email submissions to editor@hbmag.com. We will contact you.

• ROOMS FOR RENT• Beautiful Zen like office space on tree lined street near river. (775) 338-8617.

Negotiate & Maintaining Settle Your Debts Immunity Continued from page 21 She explains what will happen to your credit rating during this process, gives information on what to do if there are inaccurate items on the report and how to repair your own credit report later. She even gives tips on how to start your own loan modification process if you are upside down on your home and need to reduce your mortgage payments. Banks are swamped with foreclosures now and don’t want any more. Why not take advantage of this once in a lifetime situation to reduce your mortgage payments and get your financial situation straightened out once and for all? Credit card companies (banks) are willing to settle with you for as little as 20 cents on the dollar, because if you stop paying, they will be forced to sell the account to a debt collection agency for as little as 3 to 11 cents on the dollar. Settling with them for 20 cents is obviously more beneficial to them. The author explains how important it is to never get into a credit card debt situation again and gives a list of ways to change your habits around money. We live in an instant gratification society where the command from every TV and computer screen, every newspaper, magazine and radio station is “Buy, buy, buy!” It’s time to take our power back, de-program ourselves, let go of dysfunctional thinking and become consciously aware of what we actually need. This book shows an excellent way to let go of the paralyzing fear and the damaging stress around debt. The website is www.onlinedebtsettlement.info and is updated regularly. This book was published in October 2009 so it is very up to date. For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in helping people learn how to let go of unproductive thinking (775) 786-9111.

Go to ad on page 21.

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Continued from page 33 Opening the exterior and letting the pathogen out may still work while the pathogen is in the next two levels below skin level (the shaoyang and yangming stages) but at the halfway point of its progression from yang to yin level, when it goes from level three to level four, from yangming to taiyin stage (symptoms here include uncontrollable sweating, chills and fever, profuse watery discharge from sinuses and Lung and a pale complexion), the pathogen is too entrenched and can no longer be removed, and the treatment protocol shifts to tonifying (nourishing) the organs through which the pathogen will now travel, thus allowing the body to heal itself more quickly. If you mistakenly open the exterior when the pathogen is more than halfway through its circuit of the organ systems, you only invite more pathogens into an already compromised system. For those who live in fear of swine flu and ever-stronger, more resistant strains of pathogens, take heart again: Eastern medicine looks at the world through a wide-angle lens, and if you focus its 3,000-year-old rules of theory and practice on today’s patient, it shows us that because we are of this world, nothing in this world can be beyond our strength to withstand. We just need a little tune-up now and again. References: 1. Young, Dr. Wei-Chieh, Tung’s Acupuncture, ChihYuan Books, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005 2. www.neurotalk.psychcentral.com 3. www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/nomonte.php 4. Li, Wei, L.Ac. & Frierman, David, L.Ac. Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder. Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO 2006.

For more info, contact Dr. Gary Danchak, OMD at (775) 849-9800.

Go to ad on page 33. January 2010

COMMUNITYCALENDAR December 31st & January 28th

Are you feeling a little BAROQUE... or low on MONET? Once a month be enriched by the art and culture of Reno’s favorite downtown district. Free the public, last thursday of the month. For more information visit www.RenoRiver.org.

January 19th Seminar: “Reprogram your Metabolic Switch from Fat Storer to Fat Burner in 6 weeks.” Noon-1PM or 5:30-6:30PM. AEVOS Executive Suites, Reno. Call Virginia at (775) 250-6482 to register.

January 25th

January 23rd Carmen Carr’s monthly hike is at Page Meadows this month. Contact 530-5505192 or Carmen@CarmenCarr.com for directions to trailhead.

Free Chakra Analysis At The Rainbow Bridge, 11am-5pm on Sunday. The Village at Squaw Valley USA, 1750 Village East Road, Olympic Valley, CA- Call: (530)584-1000 for information.

January 23rd

February 7th

1st Annual Passion Into Action: A Women’s Conference held at the Holiday Inn Express in Grass Valley, CA. Be inspired, be motivated, be moved. 9:30am5:30pm, www.seejanedo.com for more info.

Lets get together to support eartch consciousness and small businesses. Meet & mingle with artists, green, and small businesses that are making a difference! Valentines Expo 2010, visit www.ValentinesExpo.com for more information.

ONGOINGCALENDAR Course in Miracles Discuss Group Course In Miracles discussion group every Thursday at 7:00pm. at The Om Home, 3670 Grant Drive #104A Reno. Facilitated by Linda Johnston. Call 775224-4830 to RSVP or more info.

New Classes at The Yogic Lounge New Classes at The Yogic Lounge: Tai Chi and Kung Fu . Rockstar Acroyoga. Visit www. theyogiclounge.com or contact Jowee@theyogiclounge.com for more info.

Free Chiropractic Workshop Get better faster, Stay better longer, Spend less money. New chiropractic technologies. FREE!!! Tuesday’s 6 – 7:30pm Reserve now - Call today! Jensen Chiropractic (775) 323-1222.

Women's Empowerment Group Wednesdays: 6-7:30pm. Come and find ways to re-enter your life renewed. Contact Dr. Krumpe at (775) 233-0717 or Dr. Unthank at (775) 742-1475.

Transforming Loss Widening the Circle...It is painful life-loss such as this that holds the power to transform our lives. Weekly groups. Phone Terry Lowey at (775) 322-1924.

Reiki “Creating Health Package” at Natural Harmony

FREE Classes on Chinese Medicine

Discount for monthly or weekly appointments. An excellent way to target and relieve chronic issues such as pain and stress. Call Kate Moser (775) 412-1835.

Learn about acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, and health with these free classes. Thursdays, 6-7pm. Requests for classes on specific conditions are available and encouraged. Call Dr. David Edge (775) 783-4930/781-3465.

JANUARY SPECIAL! 1/2 Off Massage for New Clients Denyse Bliss, LMT is offering first time clients 1/2 off their first massage during December. Choose from Reiki, Swedish, Deep Tissue or Hot Stone Massage. Call TresImage today at (775) 323-1414.

Weekly Group Meditations Group meditations on Mondays at 6pm & Fridays at 6:15pm. Om Home 3670 Grant Drive, Ste 104A, Reno NV. For more info: (775) 250-7756.

MS Self Help Group Meetings Groups are a source of information & support, an environment for people to gather & share. Groups meet in Reno, Sparks & Truckee. Call (800) 344-4867.

Gluten Free Mondays at Great Harvest Bread Company Enjoy a small variety of gluten free breads baked fresh. Call to reserve yours (775) 3237733. (Disclaimer: We are a wheat Bakery and

cannot guarantee a 100% gluten free product)

Monthly Specials at Reverse Aging Monthly specials on spa packages and detoxification. Experience the “Royal Flush,” infrared saunas and the chi machine. Call Diane, (775) 327-4878.

January 2010


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ASTROLOGY&HEALTH ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMYsm ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm

Monthly Health Outlook:


CAPRICORN Written By Robert Ayres


his month we shift from the fall to the winter season. Winter Solstice is marked by the Sun entering Capricorn. This rhythmic, energetic shift of nature’s annual cycle celebrates the “rebirth” of the Sun. December 21 is the shortest day and longest night of the year. From now until June 21, Summer Solstice, the Sun will move from the southern to the northern hemisphere. There will be a corresponding lengthening of the day and shortening of the night. This cyclic expansion and contraction of light and darkness is a fundamental theme of life. The civilizations of the ancient world celebrated these times as symbolic of death and rebirth. Capricorn rules the principle of contraction and the inhale of nature. During the winter season nature turns within and takes a rest. Animals hibernate and plants pull their vitality down into their roots. There is a decrease of activity and vitality. The Sun is at its most southerly point and travels relatively low on the horizon. The angle of the Sun does not result in the heat that we are familiar with in the summer. The result is that the temperature drops and it is cold. This is cold and flu season and we are more susceptible to illness. Our vitality is lower and it takes more effort to stay healthy. But out of these death principles comes rebirth. As the Sun moves northward, a new cycle of life unfolds when we celebrate Spring Equinox on March 21. In astrological terms, Capricorn is

a cold, dry sign. In regards to the four temperaments, Capricorn is melancholic. This manifests as depression or melancholy. Many people will struggle with these feelings as well as sadness, loneliness and feeling down during this time. It is a natural tendency to look within and take stock of our lives now. If we do this, and we should, most of us will recognize our shortcomings and weaknesses that need to be addressed. This can result in a negative mood of worry, doubt, or anxiety. This is intended to motivate us to take action for positive change. Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn, rule karma or the cosmic law of cause and effect. Karma, both positive and negative, expresses as our patterns of thinking, feeling, and action. We are creatures of habit. Some of these habit patterns are positive and creative while some are negative and destructive. This is the appropriate time to evaluate our lives and acknowledge the changes that are necessary to improve our quality of life. This traditionally takes the form of New Year’s resolutions. But the majority of people do not follow through on their good intentions. Capricorn also rules the character qualities of organization, self-discipline,

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patience, and perseverance. All of these virtues are necessary in order to be successful in changing self-sabotaging, self-destructive patterns that have been lifetimes in the making. We are here to grow and to the degree that we are actively involved in positive change, then we are correctly taking advantage of life’s opportunities. Life is a process of death and rebirth. The universe is now supporting you to make the needed changes. It is apparent that change is in the air and that the old ways of doing things are no longer working. This is an individual and collective issue. Do your part through positive change in your life and be a part of the solution. One of the parts of the body which Capricorn rules is the knees, which esoterically relates to the virtue of humbleness. We each need to recognize that there is a higher power in charge of things which deserves our reverence. This can be done physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. We gain the greatest results when we do all of the above. An incredible arrogance has developed in humanity that tries to ignore and defy the laws of nature. This results in disasters of various kinds that are all too frequent

January 2010

these days. We must learn to be humble and be in awe of the forces of nature, life, and the universe. Capricorn has domain over the skin which defines the limits or boundary of our physical body. We are moving into a time when we will need to relearn the lessons of correct boundaries. When systems of all kinds stray beyond their natural and correct area of function the result is ill health or disease. This relates not just to the human body but to all systems of life expression. Another area of rulership for Capricorn is the bones and skeletal system. They provide the physical foundation for the body and give it form. The bones support firmness, strength, and stability which are all qualities of Capricorn. They are also the most dense, crystallized parts of the body and have a direct correlation to the mineral kingdom. The bones are the source of blood. The metaphor here is water springing forth from the rock. This is an old biblical symbol of the miracle of life. Water and blood are representative of the life force. Solidity and fluidity work together to enhance life.



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Herbs that are under Capricorn’s rulership and may be appropriate for use at this time are comfrey root and leaf, sarsaparilla, wintergreen, and rue. Comfrey is good for internal bleeding, fractures and to aid digestion. Sarsaparilla helps to heal arthritis, rheumatism, colds, and fever. Wintergreen relieves pain from arthritis, rheumatism as well as muscle and joint discomfort. Rue is also a treatment for arthritis, rheumatism and increasing the blood circulation.

March 27-28, 2010 Reno-Sparks Convention Center

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Pay attention to your body. It is more susceptible to aches, pains, and illness now. Have a cup of herb tea and get healthy! THE ABOVE IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS MEDICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL.

· Personal, Business, Relationship & Relocational consultations

2009 All Rights Reserved, Robert Ayres Robert Ayres is an internationally known astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He can be reached for personal consultations at (530) 5501118 or at his website at astrologicalalchemy.com

Robert Ayres

· Metaphysical teacher · 40+ years of experience

530.550.1118 www.astrologicalalchemy.com

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PO Box 727 · Truckee, CA 96160

January 2010


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January 2010

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