October 2009 HB Mag

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Life's a journey. Make it a healthy one. ISSN 2150-9921

October 2009


Beginnings lifestyle magazine


Your Local Resource for Natural Living Healthy Beginnings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink since August 2006

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Health Carego Retail Opportunities 2Available For past issues, to: www.HBMag.com October 2009




BRAINHEALTH... 8 Belly Breathing

Anti-Aging Skin Products What's In it For You? ... 16

BOOKREVIEW... 45 The Impulse Factor

Belly Fat Can Be Hazardous to Your Health ... 28

coachesarena ... 44 Nutrition Affects Performance CONSCIOUSHEALTH... 10


Why Should I Cleanse?

EMOTIONALWELLBEING... 26 S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder

What If Divorce Became an Awakening ... 15 Don't Become a Flu Stastic ... 12

FAMILYHEALTH ... 22 Depression, Violence & Social Change

Masking The Smell of Toxins ... 27


Reader Survey ... 46

Masking the Smell of Toxins

Why Should I Cleanse? ... 10



Aflatoxin in Pet Food

HEALTHYRELATIONSHIPS ... 15 What if Divorce Became An Awakening?

FEATURES Belly Breathing... 8 Depression, Violence & Social Change ... 22

HEALTHYTRAVEL ... 42 "Howdy Buckaroos"

From Flab to Fab ... 35


The Impulse Factor ... 45




KIDSCORNER ... 38 Halloween and Healthy Treats NATURALSOLUTIONS... 36


Natural Solutions for Indigestion




Don't Become a Flu Statistic ... 12 Eat Locally Grown Food All Year ... 24




RECIPES... 31, 33






Anti-Aging Skin Products October 2009


For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine


ealthy Beginnings’ mission is to provide resources and information on the straight facts and latest trends in Natural, Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Nutrition, Fitness, Green Living, Sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Timely Information: Each month Healthy Beginnings' writers and advertisers provide the tools you need to aid you in your personal path to wellbeing. We feature articles by national and local authors who are leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we bring you news and events that are happening in our community – and around the globe.

Grow your business by advertising in Healthy Beginnings, call 775-828-4547. To review a Media Kit, visit www.HBMag.com.

• Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication for all articles, healthbriefs and newsbriefs. • Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication for Display Ads, CRG and Calendar listings.

Healthy Beginnings Team: Publisher/Editor Dawn M. Gowery publisher@HBMag.com Creative Director Dawn Gowery Design & Layout Sara Piccola advertising@HBMag.com Assistant Editor Marie Harger editor@HBMag.com Contributing Writers Talia Henderson Marie Harger Christine David Sales & Marketing 775-828-4547 Distribution distribution@HBMag.com

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Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. 25,000 magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find HB Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, simply call 775-828-4547. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification.

www.HBMag.com HB Magazine is a proud sponsor of Team Gluten-Free

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October 2009

© 2009 by Healthy Beginnings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing.



Dear Readers,


We are very excited to announce that Healthy Beginnings Magazine is now part of the Library of Congress; if you look at the top right hand corner of our cover and on our website you will find our ISSN numbers, being a part of the Library of Congress now officially opens us up to the world.

Written by Marie Harger


auliflower is a cool season crop, closely related to broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips and mustard. The plant is extremely sensitive to unfavorable conditions. Cauliflower is white unlike other members of the cruciferous family of vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and kale, because the leaves of the plant shield the florets from the sun as they grow. It has a compact head (called a "curd"), usually about six inches in diameter that is composed of undeveloped flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk.

On the home front we have surpassed 1,000 distribution locations here in Northern Nevada, the Lake Tahoe region and parts of Northern California, we could not have managed this without the support of our advertisers and our readers. A heartfelt Thank You! In addition we have added a new column to the magazine called Coaches Arena, which is designed to give parents nutritional and lifestyle advice on ways to improve their children’s athletic performance. To back up our belief that you are what you eat, and we have become sponsors for the Team Gluten Free Foundation here in Reno.

Epidemiological studies (the branch of medicine studying the transmission and control of epidemic diseases), have long suggested a connection between these vegetables and resistance to cancer. Compounds in cauliflower are known to trigger the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing chemicals, inhibit chemically-induced breast cancers in animal studies, and induce colon cancer cells to commit suicide.

It has been my goal, starting some twenty-five years ago to be an advocate for more education and information regarding natural medicine and integrative health, in August of 2006 Healthy Beginnings Magazine came to fruition with the belief that ignorance is not bliss. It is through education that we grow and learn that there are many ways to overcome physical, emotional and mental challenges; Healthy Beginnings Magazine and www.HBMag.com exist solely to inform readers and viewers that there is a multitude of old and new scientific data that positively supports living a holistic and natural lifestyle.

Consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, is known to reduce the risk of a number of other cancers, especially lung, colon, breast, ovarian and bladder cancer. New research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as cauliflower, work at a much deeper level in the body. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.

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NEWSBRIEFS Steamboat Hot Springs Announces New Director of 11th Annual Northern Nevada Susan G. Komen Race Health Services for the Cure® Steamboat Hot Springs Healing Center & Spa has named Dr. Thomas Lee, NMD, APH as Director of Health Services, where he consults with clients on pain management, detoxification programs for reversing chronic diseases, and aging-related issues. Dr. Lee supervises individual sessions of Sonatherapy®, an innovative sound healing modality that involves sound, light, color, massage, and hydrotherapy. Acoustic therapy is a proven vibrational technology that has advanced over the past century, and optimal sound frequencies are used to entrain all parts of the body and its fields. Steamboat Hot Springs is the only facility in the world that offers Sonatherapy. (775) 853-6600.

Join the Northern Nevada Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and thousands of local supporters and breast cancer survivors to help fund local breast health programs as well as research to advance the Komen vision of a world without breast cancer on Sunday, October 4th, at the University of Nevada, Reno Quad. Registration is 7-9a.m., expo and entertainment 7:30-11a.m., survivors’ ceremony 8:15a.m. and races and walk beginning at 9:15 a.m. Seventy-five percent of funds raised stays local while 25 percent supports Komen research programs to find the cures. Register now at www.KomenNorthNV.org or call (775) 355-7311.

Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk®

“Why Diets Don’t Work” Free on-line Seminar

Help raise money for Alzheimer’s Care, Support and Research. The Alzheimer’s Association Reno Memory Walk will be Saturday, October 10th at Reno High School. Registration for each event begins at 8am. Alzheimer’s disease is a growing epidemic. It is estimated that someone in America develops Alzheimer's disease every 70 seconds. As many as 5.3 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. The proceeds from Memory Walk provides support services to the residents of Northern Nevada living with Alzheimer’s, and contributes to critically needed research. Please visit our website: http://MemoryWalk09.kintera.org/reno

You're invited to learn why diets just don't work for permanent body fat loss. This seminar is an overview of my interview on Channel 2 News "Why Diet's Don't Work." Learn why diet's, in the long run, can leave you fatter rather than leaner. Learn how to reprogram your metabolic switch from a fat storer to a fat burner in 6 weeks using the clinically proven TransitionsTM Lifestyle System to reshape your body and release the excess fat for good. On-line seminar Thursday, October 22nd from 5:30-6:30PM. Register at www.VirginiaParsons.com or call (775) 250-6482 for more information.

5th Annual Run For Education

James Arthur Ray Live in Reno In the movie The Secret James Arthur Ray introduced you to the Law of Attraction. Now experience him LIVE and for FREE for one night only in Reno Tuesday November 10. He will teach you the secret of attracting the life you want in the five key areas of your life: Financial, Relational, Mental, Physical and Spiritual. You’ll learn how to truly create the life you want rather than just accepting the life that just seems to happen to you. Register now as seating is limited. A $149 value! Register online at www.AttractTheLifeYouWant.net

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Help build a better future for our children. The 5th annual “Run for Education” is on October 18th, located at Damonte Ranch Highschool. 100% of the funds generated directly benefit children in the Washoe County School District via the Education Alliance of Washoe County. The ‘Run for Education’ consists of several races: a 10-kilometer run, a 5-kilometer run and walk, and a half-mile fun runs for children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Cash prizes will be awarded. Local schools will be awarded based on the number of students that participate. Registration is required. For more information visit, http://www. WashoeRunForEducation.org or call (775) 850-3708

October 2009



Antacid/Calcium Supplement


ums is a well-known antacid, and although you will not find Tums in the vitamin section of the store, many people take it for supplementation of calcium. Questions you might ask yourself are is it healthy to supplement with an antacid, what are its ingredients and how will they impact me?

creams and powders. Lung problems and cancer can result from excessive inhaling. In babies it has been known to cause coughing, vomiting, or even pneumonia when used carelessly. Mineral oil: White oil derived from petroleum. It is colorless, transparent, odorless, and tasteless. In many everyday products it is used as a coating for fresh fruits and vegetables, cosmetics, creams, conditioners, and lotions, as well as a lubricant and a protective agent and binder. This oil may inhibit absorption of digestive fats and laxative effect.

Tums Ingredient breakdown:

Active ingredient: Calcium carbonate: one tablet of tums has 1,000mg. Calcium carbonate, which is essentially chalk, a tasteless, odorless powder that occurs naturally in limestone, marble and coral. It is an additive that is used as a white food dye, to reduce acidity in wine, as a neutralizer for ice cream, cream syrups, confections, and baking powder, and also used as a firming agent. Other uses are as a filler in deodorants, as a tooth polisher, and a buffer in face powder. Calcium Carbonate can cause constipation and if taken in excess, sometimes causes nausea, weakness and dizziness.

Adipic acid: Found in beets, it is used to flavor, buffer and as a neutralizing agent. There is no known toxicity. Artificial flavors: These flavors are not duplicated in nature. Although artificial flavors may have natural ingredients, it must be called artificial if it has no counterpart in nature. Sodium polyphosphate: This is inorganic chemicals. It is a buffer and effervescent in nail enamels and detergents. White granules or crystalline powder, is stable in air. It can irritate the skin however there is no known skin toxicity.

Inactive ingredients:

Red 40 lake: An additive and food coloring dye. Used for an esthetically pleasing appearance but can have negative reaction when consumed. Children are most sensitive with reactions including temper tantrums, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, uncontrollable crying/screaming, kicking, nervousness, dizziness, and an inability to concentrate and sit still. Known to cause frequent headaches, migraines, upset stomach or feeling ill after ingesting this additive, when eliminated from the diet, has an immediate and noticeable change. The National Cancer Institute reported a chemical used in the preparation of Red 40 was carcinogenic in animals.

Sucrose (Sugar. Cane sugar): This is used as a sweetener and food agent, a demulcent (used for soothing raw, inflamed patches of skin), a preservative and antioxidant and a substitute for glycerin. Cornstarch: An absorbent dusting powder that helps to sooth irritated colons. Can cause some allergic reactions, rashes, and asthma. Talc: Finely powdered native magnesium silicate, (a mineral), aka French chalk lumps of soapstones of steatite (a grayish-green or brown talc used in porcelain and as an insulator). It is the main ingredient in many everyday products such as baby, face and bath powder and for eye shadows, and other cosmetics. Used in chewing gum and vitamins, gives a slippery sensation to

October 2009

What’s On The Label & What’s Not

Blue 1 lake: An additive of synthetic color. Water insoluble found in beverages, dairy products, powders, jellies, confection, condiments, icings, syrups, and extracts. It produced malignant tumors at the site of injection and by ingestion in a rat study. 7

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


Belly Breathing Written by Sara Piccola


• If you’re looking for a more advanced breathing, try 3-D Breathing 8s. Squat with your hands flat on the floor, between your knees. This allows you to experience the diaphragm as you breath. Then, paint an imaginary 8 between your left and right ribs, feeling both spheres of the 8 expand and contract as you inhale and exhale. Now, turn the 8 so that it expands between your stomach and spine; then turn it top to bottom to expand your chest and lower abdomen. See if you can activate all three 8s at once.

reathing is one of the most overlooked actions; you don’t need to think about it, you’ll breathe anyway! It happens so unconsciously we rarely take time to stop and notice whether we are breathing effectively or not. In fact, most people do not breathe properly and only use a fraction of their lung capacity. There is a direct connection between our breath, our brains and our nervous system and when one breathes correctly, there is abundant oxygen for higher brain functions. One technique to try is belly breathing. During stressful times our breath becomes fast, short and shallow. When breathing is shallow, it lifts only the rib cage, limiting the oxygen supply to the brain. Belly breathing reminds us to breathe instead of holding our breath during emotionally heightened stages. The breath should expand the rib cage front to back, left to right, and top to bottom, including the abdomen.

ACTIVATES THE BRAIN FOR • The ability to cross the midline • Centering and grounding • Relaxation of the nervous system • Cranial rhythms

HOW TO DO IT •Begin with one inhale through the nose, then cleanse the lungs with one long exhale, released in short puffs through pursed lips. Thereafter, the out breath is also through the nose. • Rest the hands on the lower abdomen, rising on inhalation and falling on exhalation. • Inhale to a count of three, hold the breath for three, exhale for three, and hold for three. Repeat this step. You may also use an alternate rhythm by inhaling two, exhaling four, with no holding. • You can apply this breath to activities like lifting, kicking, or pushing, just remember to exhale on the exertion.

VARIATIONS • Try the belly breath while lying flat with a book on your belly. The abdomen should rise on inhalation and lower on exhalation. For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


INCREASE ACADEMIC SKILLS • Reading (encoding and decoding) • Speech and oral reading

BEHAVIORAL/POSTURAL CORRELATES •Improved inflection and expression •Heightened energy levels •Diaphragmatic breathing •An improved attention span The act of breathing is not the same as the art of breathing. Practice breathing exercises and you’ll do a power of good for your body and mind. References: 1.Dennison, Paul. Brain Gym. Teacher's. Ventura: Edu Kinesthetics, INC, 1994. 2.Health Benefits From Breathing Properly, www.healthadel.com/health-benefits-frombreathing-properly/.

October 2009


Dana Anderson, M.F.T. Written by Talia Henderson


work. It is the belief that there is energy out there that we can co-collaborate with in order to attain our ultimate desires. Some of Anderson’s teachers include Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, Ernest Holmes, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Caroline Myss.

efore Dana Anderson, Marriage Family Therapist (MFT), decided to pursue a career in psychotherapy, she was planning on becoming an actress. She received a Bachelors of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts from Ohio State University and studied abroad in England at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) for graduate school.

“I teach my clients that who you are is not what you do.” Anderson said, “People feel badly about themselves many times because of things they have done. What we’ve done just clouds our essence, whether it is good or bad. All of our experiences can diminish our true nature. My role is to allow for that nature to reveal itself. That is when true healing can occur.”

Following completion of her education she moved to New York to pursue acting. Anderson appeared on stage and in television. She says she left New York because she “missed nature” and “didn’t like the rat race”.

Anderson finds that the hardest part of her work is that when there is a real problem, people tend to wait too long to seek help. Often with couples there is a fear that therapy leads to divorce. “ In fact, you can develop a level of depth to your relationship in six sessions that you might not achieve in thirty years of marriage. It’s amazing.” Anderson claims.

So, she moved across the states to Berkeley, CA. After becoming a single parent, she knew she needed to find work she loved that would allow flexibility of hours and good income. Anderson received her Masters degree in Clinical Psychology at JFK University in Orinda, CA. As a high-level paid intern, she ran a program for adolescents for 3 years. In Napa, CA she had her own private practice for ten years where she developed a strong reputation for working well with adolescent girls. Three years ago she moved to Reno and started a new practice. Anderson describes herself as “outgoing, funny, and compassionate.” She loves animals and children and believes that, “how we treat each other is most important.”

“Generally, people who enter therapy are wanting to better their lives.” Anderson states, “The people I work with are highfunctioning people who want to live their best lives. These are not “crazy” people, rather the opposite. They are brave and intelligent and know the importance of processing things with someone who is objective.”

“I have people from all backgrounds and religions and I appeal to the spiritual being in everybody, though they may not know it!” Anderson said, “I believe that quality is in everyone, if I speak to that aspect there’s healing, there’s transformation.”

In her spare time, Anderson enjoys outdoor activities like kayaking at Lake Tahoe, hiking and walking her dogs. She loves spending time with her family and with her 4 year-old daughter and 17 year-old son.

Metaphysics, simply put, is a belief in that which cannot be explained by physics, which belief is fundamental to Anderson’s

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October 2009


For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


Why Should I Cleanse? Written by Carol Christian


urvival of every organism (animal, bird, fish, plant and bacteria) depends entirely upon its environment. Change the environment and the nature of the species changes with it. The same is true within our bodies; germs can only thrive in a susceptible host. Pathological bacteria or germs cannot overcome a strong, clean, healthy and active human body. In short, pathogens only survive in a distressed and unclean environment.

function, nutrient assimilation and regular elimination. When you improve your diet and strive for maximum health, the first and most important step is to remove this ‘mucoid plaque’. As this occurs, you have made the most important step towards improving bowel function and restoring good health. Cleansing is a process of removing toxins and debris from the inside. This can be done in various ways, but the most effective has been shown to be cleansing of the entire digestive tract, not just specific organs like the colon or liver, or the blood. Dr. Bernard Jensen taught us that the digestive system is the ‘hub’ of our entire body, and if it is polluted, every component of our body can become polluted: tissues, organs, and blood, all the way into cells.

Disease is generally not acquired; it is frequently created by, and often the result of, an unnatural lifestyle, and internal development, which can lead to millions of people suffering needlessly. If we allow our bodies to become acidic, polluted and congested, we run the risk of weakening our glands and organs, and then they cannot function at peak capacity. It is reasonable to maintain that if you rid your body of toxins, good health can be obtained and sustained. All cells are dependent upon a well-functioning digestive system. When digestion is off, even good food can become toxic. Continuation of this problem can cause our bodies to weaken and become more prone to deficiencies and disease. A compromised digestive system can result in mucus accumulation along the intestinal wall, in the stomach and in the colon and is otherwise known as ‘mucoid plaque’. As this plaque coagulates, it retains various substances such as drugs, heavy metals, yeast, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and more, all of which combine to interfere with normal bowel

It is common to experience many benefits from cleansing, such as: - Significantly increased energy and vitality - More efficient digestion - Greater stamina - Increased clarity of mind - Over-all feeling of improved health - More radiant complexion and fewer blemishes - Deeper meditations ** Results will vary widely from person to person.

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October 2009

What is Mucoid Plaque?

Therapeutic Skin Care

Mucoid plaque can be described as a gel-like, viscous and slimy mucus that forms as a layer or layers covering the inner lining of various hollow organs, especially the organs of the alimentary canal. It appears to develop in the presence of acids, where that mucus is secreted and coagulates.

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As it continues to develop from unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, mucoid plaque can harbor toxins and interfere with nutrient with nutrient absorption, in a sense robbing your body of the vital components it needs to function. A Cleanse has the ability to remove ‘mucoid plaque’ in the body.


Coming to Reno November 10th

Plaque Facts In most people, mucoid plaque is 1/64th to 1/4th inch thick. Occasionally it may be more than 1 inch thick. Not everyone has mucoid plaque, but over 95% of people who have cleansed have removed at least some mucoid plaque. Some who have a high intake of table salt have trouble removing the plaque. Mucoid plaque can be a variety of colors: white, yellow, gray, greenish, tan, light or dark brown, black and even blackish green. Mucoid plaque can range from stiff and hard to soft and more flexible. Cleansing herbs have been found to liquefy plaque and release globs of mucus! Mucoid plaque is often shiny or smooth, some pieces may look like rope, showing striations, smoothness, overlaps, or creases. Sections of plaque as large as 2-4 feet long or more are not entirely uncommon, however most cleansers can expect plaque to come out in sections on average of 6-18 inches long.

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References: 2. Hippocrates Institute 1. Otimum Health Institute

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Don’t Become A Flu Statistic! Stay Healthy The Natural Way Written by Lynn Slovak Certified Nutritionist & Food Educator

by boosting your immune system. Staying healthy certainly beats getting sick every time a flu comes around. A previous article on “Using Food to Flourish” provided many generalized tips and recommendations on how we can take care of our inner terrain, or the environment that surrounds and nourishes our cells. Instead of eating foods that are commercially prepared, refined and overly processed we need to be moving toward a diet that focuses on whole, fresh, nutrient dense foods, prepared in appealing, enticing ways. Now with the threat of flu hanging over us, there are also several very specific nutritional and lifestyle steps that anybody can immediately take to minimize ones risk of infection.


s fall approaches, concerns about a possible “swine flu” pandemic will undoubtedly increase and we can pretty much rest assured that almost all of the mainstream media will be attempting to persuade us that our immune systems are no match for this “deadly” virus, and that vaccination is our only recourse. Actually, it is technically incorrect to call this virus "swine" flu because according to the Centers for Disease Control it is really a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, the origins of which seem baffling. Whatever we want to call it though, if our immune systems are compromised at all, infection becomes a real possibility. So what can be done? As with almost all health issues, the best option is to be proactive; take a long hard look at the foods you are putting into your mouth, and the lifestyle that you are leading and then take steps to reduce your chances of infection

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1. Optimize your levels of vitamin D3. One of the many functions of vitamin D, which by the way is not a vitamin but a hormone, is to boost production of an antimicrobial compound found in white blood cells called cathelicidin. People who are vitamin D deficient tend to increase their risk of experiencing an infection, and this includes not only ‘swine flu’ but any kind of bacterial or viral infection. As the days get shorter it becomes more difficult for our bodies to make all of the vitamin D that we need, and so supplementation becomes more important. 2. Make sure that you are minimizing your intake of refined, processed vegetable oils, and maximizing your intake of unoxidized omega 3 fatty acids from salmon and other oily fish, flaxseeds, walnuts and grass fed, organically raised meat and poultry. An excess of the omega 6 fatty acids found in vegetable oils, particularly if those fatty acids are oxidized, leads to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, lowering the ability of your immune system to fight infection. 3. Begin making as many of your meals from scratch as possible, using fresh, organic, natural ingredients eaten raw whenever able. Include dark and brightly colored vegetables such as broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and kale, as well as fresh fruit, cauliflower, onions, garlic, ginger and medicinal mushrooms such as maitake. October 2009

4. Eliminate from your diet sugar, refined processed carbohydrates and foods that have been deep fried in vegetable oil; this also includes soft drinks, white bread, muffins, cakes, cookies, french fries, chips, doughnuts etc. These are extremely pro-inflammatory and your immune system will eventually suffer. 5. Keep your colon healthy by taking a high quality probiotic and / or including lots of cultured, fermented foods in your diet like raw sauerkraut, raw milk and yogurt.

Your Life, Your Diet, Your Health.

6. Exercise, wash your hands often, get enough rest, drink lots of high quality water, work to and de-stress and relax.

3-Month Anti-Aging Nutrition Program Includes:

Everyone has a choice when it comes to protecting their health, not just as we move towards flu season but all of the time. We can take the easy route, put our trust in other people and just hope that we do not get sick, or we can actually take control of our health by re-evaluating how we eat and how we live our lives!

• Diet & lifestyle evaluation • Computer-generated diet analysis • Personalized food for life plan • Kitchen & pantry overhaul • Accompanied food shopping trip • Weekly support meeting

References: 1.http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/eua 2.http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2009/NEW02002.html 3.Cannell, JJ., et al. 2006. Epidemic influenza and vitamin D. 4.Epidemiology and Infection 136 (December):1129-1140

Normalize your weight, boost your immune system, increase your energy & maintain a healthy body.

Lynn Slovak Food & Nutrition Educator


For more information contact Lynn Slovak, certified nutritionist and food educator with Flourish with Food – (775) 622-4409


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October 2009


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Enhancing Your Mood and More

L-Tyrosine Written by Marie Harger frustration, low blood pressure, low body temperature and restless leg syndrome. The daily recommended dosage for the average person is 500 mg. For better absorption in the body, take L-tyrosine as a supplement at bedtime or with a meal high in carbohydrates. This way it does not have to compete with other amino acids.


-tyrosine has lots to boast about. It helps to regulate moods, and stimulates the metabolism and nervous system. This supplement is an amino acid, a protein building block that plays a role in easing effects of stress and aids in the functions of adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. It is a busy amino acid with many functions, some being complex. The average person taking daily supplements probably does not take L-tryosine. In fact, they may have not heard of it.

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Why is L-tyrosine so important, and if most people have never heard of it, why is it important to know about? Found to greatly effect mood related disorders, it is used to reduce stress, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, low sex drive, allergies, and headaches. Conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and dementia have been improved by supplementation, as well as a diet high in protein that contains L-tryosine. Additionally, it is a precursor to neurotransmitters, hormones, alkaloids and the pigment melanin for hair and skin color of the body. As a precursor to the body’s two main stress-related hormones (norepinephrine and epinephrine) L-tyrosine may ease adverse effects of environmental, psychosocial and physical stress. It also suppresses the appetite, helps to reduce body fat and acts as a mild antioxidant. Involved in so many functions there is a good chance most people have at least one of the above conditions that can benefit from taking L-tryosine either through diet or supplementation. When levels of L-tyrosine are low the result is irritability, anxiety, sadness,

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October 2009

Cautions for this supplement are for those who have been prescribed medication for depression. The drugs often prescribed for this condition contain monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and when taken with the supplement L-tyrosine a possible sudden and dangerous rise in blood pressure can occur. A physician should be consulted. Where can L-tyrosine be found? Natural sources are found in many high protein foods such as soy, meat, peanuts, almonds, avocados, bananas, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, lima beans, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds. Some sources say L-tyrosine should not be supplemented because it can easily be obtained through eating high protein foods. To be safe consult with your doctor, licensed Nutritionist or dietician. References: 1. Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition. Penguin Group/books Ltd. New York, NY and London, England, 2006. 2. www.evitamins.com/healthnotes.com 3. www.nutritional-supplements-guide.com/benefits 4. www.en.wikipedia.org


What If... Divorce Became an Awakening? A Realization And Acceptance Of Circumstances Written by Terry Lowey


hat if…the voids in our lives, the places swept empty by divorce, could be filled slowly and thoughtfully with new ways of being that make the years to follow meaningful and satisfying? After all, the unsettling pain of divorce is virtually guaranteed to grab our attention and catapult us into the present moment; the very state touted by spiritual traditions as the most meaningful and effective place to be. Unless you escape into the numbing malaise of drugs, alcohol, rebound relationships, over-work, over-media or the depths of depression, a serious life review ensues. If you look closely enough patterns will emerge. Once recognized and dealt with they can illuminate your path forward and make some sense of what has been, and the part you played. Feelings must be felt! Do not resist or

mask them with outside sources. Pain is vital information. If you step on a rusty nail, you better hope you feel pain so that the situation can be addressed. In the workbook entitled Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life, Steven Hayes, Ph.D. writes “If you chronically avoid what you feel, eventually you do not know what you are feeling at all…Then it’s far easier to make mistakes…Without the clarity of acceptance and willingness healthy action is not possible.” Especially when life is in a state of flux or loss, due to Divorce, feeling is essential for emotional healing. The poet and writer, Oriah Mountain Dreamer asks, “What if it’s not about trying at all, but about deep, deep listening?” Acceptance of change is a fact of life. The common human tendency is to resist change. Everything is in a state of change, at all times, no matter what. We, the world and the universe we inhabit are all comprised of energy in motion.

October 2009


The more we resist this truth, the more we demand permanence, the greater our discomfort. In her work, The Call, Oriah Mountain Dreamer shares, “The Call is really a call to surrender, to give up our war with reality…to be with what is, to start from there.” The stunningly simple first sentence in M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled is “Life is difficult.” He goes on to say that knowing this actually makes it less difficult, because we know what the terms are. It is part of the deal; it is okay. Acceptance does not mean a defeated resignation. It can mean having the confidence to know that the mystery of life can be imbued with love, gratitude and reconciliation no matter what limitations we encounter in the moment.

Continued on page 47...

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Anti-aging Skin Products What’s in it for You? Written by Jennifer Gray, Pharmacist


ou have hit that age where suddenly no one mistakes you for being in your twenties anymore. It is time to take a critical look at your skin and decide which skin care program is the best to hide fine lines and a sallow complexion. Take a cyber-walk through the internet and one will find a billion dollar industry of anti-aging products out there waiting for the aging masses to buy. While all claim to work – be it by miracle or method – there are a handful which work better than most. How does one decide which product is the best for aging skin? Does natural always mean better? Does the natural product work as well as the chemical laden one? The two mid-priced products which represent the best from each side of the debate are DeVita’s Optimum Rejuvenation (built on a platform of essential oils and botanical derivatives) and Olay’s Regenerist (which includes an Avobenzone based sun block along with an exclusive amino-peptide complex). Both have received rave reviews from consumers, dermatologists, and other skin experts for actually delivering on their promises to minimize fine lines and other signs of aging. The basic difference between the two products is the origin of their chemicals.

A side-by-side comparison of the active ingredients of the two products Olay Regenerist

DeVita Optimum Rejuvenation Essential Oils

Avobenzone Homosalate, Oxybenzone, Octisalate, Octocrylens (Sunscreen and stabilizers)

DMAE (DMAE - dimethylaminoethanol, a naturally occurring substance that facilitates the synthesis of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine. DMAE also may stimulate the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, an important component of cell membranes).

Amino Peptide Complex (pentapeptide, vitamin B3, vitamin E, pro-vitamin B5, green tea extract, and allantoin)

Alpha Lipoic Acid Anti-oxidents Vitamins and Nutrients Enzymes Free Radical Neutralizer (leads to new cell regeneration) For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


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In DeVita’s Optimum Rejuvenation, the undisputed healing powers of essential oils are combined with herb extracts and amino acids to balance and restore the skin’s natural health. Free radical neutralizers actually stop aging of the cells and studies have shown an increase in new cell growth. The botanical and natural ingredients produce less negative side effects and fewer allergic reactions. This product does not include a UVA/ UVB and sun blocking agent which skin experts agree is the number one way to prevent premature aging of the skin. For a complete anti-aging skin care program, the consumer must also buy DeVita’s Solar Protective Moisturizer – a rich, natural aloe vera based moisturizer with UVA/UVB protection that has been voted the Best Sunscreen Moisturizer product in Natural Solutions Magazine’s “Beauty with a Conscience Awards.” Solar Protective Moisturizer uses zinc oxide as its main SPF ingredient. Olay Regenerist, on the other hand, boasts an effective SPF 50 sun block using Avobenzone as its active ingredient. Avobenzone although an inexpensive UVA/UVB and sun block, has lately come under some criticism. It breaks down at relatively low temperatures rendering its UVA/UVB and sun blocking abilities somewhat questionable. Furthermore, once Avobenzone breaks down, its byproducts collect in the fatty layers below the skin. This breakdown also exposes the skin to more free radicals and eventually accelerates aging of the skin. Parabens, used to increase the product’s shelf life have been linked to certain cancers. Skin repair and rejuvenation is handled by Regenerist’s unique “Amino-Peptide Complex.” This formula consists of a specific pentapeptide (Pal-KTTKS), vitamin B3, vitamin E, pro-vitamin B5, green tea extract, and naturally occurring allantoin. Like DeVita’s Optimum Rejuvenation, this combination of chemicals helps the skin appear firmer and retain moisture better. The skin is younger looking and more radiant, fine lines around the lips and eyes seemingly disappear over time.

Continued on page 39...

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Migraine Headaches Written by Dr. David Rovetti, DC


n 2003, the World Health Organization estimated that as many as 303 million people worldwide suffer from migraines. If you do not suffer from them, you more than likely know someone who does. If you work with a migraine-sufferer, you may have witnessed that sometimes they do not show up for work. Chiropractors see hundreds of people with migraine headaches; it is interesting that very few patients know the triggers that start the 4 to 72 hours of head pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Is it something they are doing, something they are eating, changes around them? They can avoid the headaches by simply being aware of the triggers. Here is a list of things to avoid for those suffering from migraine headaches: The most common trigger is foods: Alcohol, especially beer and red wine; aged cheeses; chocolate; aspartame (the blue packet sugar-substitute); overuse of caffeine; MSG (Asian foods, potato chips and other flavored snacks); salty foods; and processed foods (cold cuts, hot dogs). Skipping meals or fasting also can trigger migraines, as well as will certain medications.

Other factors are stress at work or home, intense physical exertion, bright lights and/or sun glare, loud sounds, unusual smells (even including pleasant scents such as perfume), and unpleasant odors (such as paint thinner and secondhand smoke). Missing sleep, getting too much sleep, and jet lag, also serve as triggers. A change of weather or barometric pressure can prompt a migraine. For women, hormonal changes such as fluctuations in estrogen, often is a trigger. There is a wide gambit of available treatments for migraines. Chiropractic spinal manipulation of the upper cervical spine is safe, very effective, and a natural approach. Other treatments include: • Medication (both pain-relieving and preventative medications) • Relaxation exercises • Acupuncture • Massage • Herbs, vitamins and minerals (feverfew, butterbur, a high dose of riboflavin (vitamin B-2), coenzyme Q10 supplements, oral magnesium sulfate supplements, and intravenous magnesium) • Botox injections 18

Of 26 patients actively having a migraine headache, 25 (96%) had resolution of pain within 31 minutes in the chamber. The study had no control group, but the almost total effectiveness gives pause to at least consider this mode of therapy. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective in preventing future migraines. Obviously, avoiding specific triggers that cause migraines is the best approach of all. If you are suffering with migraines consider the alternatives. References: 1. 2003 World Health Organization report 2. Mayoclinc.com 3. Rubicon Foundation Archive (http://rubicon-foundation. org)

• Biofeedback

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A study on the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (therapeutic administration of 100% oxygen at environmental pressures greater than one atmosphere) for migraines was found in the Journal of Hyperbaric Medicine in 1989:

October 2009

For more information contact Dr. David Rovetti, DC at (775) 324-3700

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October 2009

The Many Faces Of TMJ Written by Dr. Tony Jensen


MJ is not a condition itself; rather it stands for the Temporomandibular joint - the jaw joint. This joint connects the temporal bone (the side of the skull) with the mandible (the jaw bone). When this joint has symptoms of pain, or is not functioning properly the condition is called TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder) or TMJ Syndrome. Symptoms of this condition include pain, popping, grinding, spasms, ringing in the ears, headaches and sinus problems. Also, pain can occur in the muscles and joints of the jaw that sometimes radiate into the face, neck and shoulders. There are often problems opening the mouth and noises during chewing and movement of the joint. How does TMD disorder or TMJ syndrome occur? Hitting the head or face in an accident (car, bike, sports, skate board, etc.). Stress and anxiety can cause tension in the neck, shoulders, face and head acting as a precursor to TMD. Tension from

chewing, grinding, or clenching teeth is another cause. TMD disorder or TMJ syndrome solutions can be mild to extreme in treatments. Some treatments available today involve splints, surgery, drug treatments, diet change, chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy. • Drugs help decrease the symptoms for a while, but won’t fix the problem. If you stop the drugs, the symptoms come back and you are left to deal with the side effects of the medications in your body. • Surgery is needed in some cases but in most cases is not necessary.

• Chiropractic Adjustments in conjunction with Physical Therapy work to re-align and help reduce or remove the muscle imbalance or spasms. I’ve found that diet changes, cranial skull manipulations and home care has been by far the most cost effective and successful treatment to achieve the best results. Whether you have been formally diagnosed with TMD, Temporomandibular Disorder, TMJ Syndrome, or suffer from any of the symptoms associated with them, an opportunity to finding a solution can be found through alternative therapies such as chiropractic, dental and diet changes.

• Splints can help, but sometimes your bite changes because of the splint and then you start grinding and clinching harder, causing more symptoms or complicating your TMD.

References: 1.Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition. Penguin Group Ltd. New York, NY, 2006. 2.www.chirocommunity.com/tmj

• Diet changes are needed in all cases. For example, no gum chewing, NO apples, (unless you cut them up into smaller pieces), no biting hard candies and no ice, just to name a few.

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October 2009



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FAMILYHEALTH Jungian Psychology Series:

Depression Violence & Social Change Written by Andy Drymalski, EdD “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” Carl Jung


n a previous article (April of ‘09) I explained how depression often represents an opportunity ripe for the transformation and growth of the personality. Depression can be fruitfully treated when seen as a death and rebirth process wherein an outworn worldview or life path gives way to a new orientation that provides greater expression to the emerging personality. In this article some of the social dimensions of depression within our society will be examined. We live in a country founded upon the “inalienable rights” of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Perhaps it should not be surprising, then, that the converse of these human experiences– a.k.a. death, limitation, and sadness–are increasingly relegated to the dark corners of our collective consciousness. In a fascinating book exploring the nature of violence and healing in America, Jungian author Janet Dallett writes: “North Americans are famously idealistic. Our cultural images of what people are supposed to be have become increasingly constricted and constricting, until we have little room for anything less perfect than a consistently smiling face, a well-adapted extraverted persona, a thoroughly deodorized body,

and a white, perfectly regular set of teeth. ence the behaviors and psychological Our ideas about what life should be no development of their children was dislonger leave room for the terrible realities cussed. For example, two parents who of pain and suffering, anxiety, rage, name- are very driven and “workaholic” in their calling, violent fantasies, fist fights on the approach to life find that their 15 year-old playground, barroom brawls, adolescent son is stubbornly lazy, lacking in ambitalk of death and destruction, terrorism tion, and that he has begun smoking pot. and war.” Dallett is not denying the Although the other children in the family presence (or prevalence) of violence and have identified with their parents’ worldsuffering in society, but she is trying to view, this child seems to be behaving in bring attention to our growing intolerance direct opposition to it. Looking beneath of their expression; that the surface, we is, our collective preoccome to see that ...we must sometimes cupation with safety, he is giving exstruggle through the “acceptable behavior,” pression to the darkness of depression and happiness. parents’ shadow, or disowned before the promise of One might reasonself. He is living ably ask: “Well, isn’t it transformation can take their unlived life. good that we try to do root. Whereas his pareverything we can to ents and siblings protect ourselves and our children from violence? And isn’t it spend all of their time doing and pursua sign of our social and spiritual develop- ing, he is compelled to just be. In reality, ment that we continue to search for ever the parents and children, including the more effective ways to extinguish mental “problem child,” are living their lives in illness?” The answers to these questions a compulsive way, mostly unconscious of are more complex than we might initially what really motivates their behavior. We could call it “workaholism” vs “slothaholthink. ism.” If the parents become more conIn last month’s article the ways in scious of the psychological undercurrents which the unlived lives of parents influ-

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October 2009

set into motion by their disowned life, and if they make an honest effort to learn how to relax and let life come to them rather than habitually imposing their will upon it, their son might be freed to experience his innate calling and a healthy level of ambition. He will no longer need to unconsciously act out their unlived life for they will be living its positive aspects themselves. It is important to realize that the same dynamics illustrated in the above example are also active within larger groups of people. Just as individuals and families have unlived lives, so do organizations, clubs, companies, churches, countries, etc. One of the ways that our unlived life communicates its presence, paradoxically, is through our illnesses. Depression is a prime example. As mentioned earlier, depression usually occurs when an outmoded and too-constricting approach to life must die so that a new, more creative and nourishing orientation can take its place. Thus, depression is a transformation process in which our lived life surrenders to some aspect of our unlived life. However, in order for this natural process to complete itself we may need to suffer through a period of sadness, loneliness, confusion, and lostness. Like seeds that require a period of dormancy and cold before they can germinate, so we must sometimes struggle through the darkness of depression before the promise of transformation can take root. So too, the ego must occasionally be brought to its knees before it experiences the reality of the soul and learns to honor its wisdom. [Author’s note: the experience of painful emotions are just one ingredient in nature’s crucible of transformation and personality growth. Consciousness is also necessary, for without consciousness, suffering never finds its true end and so just repeats itself. One role of psychotherapy is to bring conscious insight to our suffering so that knowledge and personality change can occur.] Pain and suffering have never been popular and, thanks in large part to the pharmaceutical industry, their roles in

healing and personality development continue to be marginalized, vilified, and undermined. As Dr. Dallett observes: “Today, psychoactive drugs are routinely used to support the happiness myth, to enforce perfectionist, constricted, idealistic values that are out of touch with dark psychological realities....They are too often imagined to be a cure in themselves and are used indiscriminately. They function to allay fears of deviance–a.k.a. eccentricity or individuality–calming the anxieties of parents, friends, relatives, and doctors who cannot tolerate the pain and unusual behaviors that are part of any deep healing process.” Dr. Dallett is not against the judicious use of psychotropic medications. Many of these medications can be genuinely helpful, even crucial, to the healing process of some people. What is of concern is when they are robotically prescribed by physicians and impatiently sought out by patients before the psyche has ever been given the opportunity to communicate its underlying message or guide a genuine transformation. Psychologists have long known that repressed anger is a frequent cause of depression. What happens to the unlived life of people and the unlived life of society when psychotropic medications are increasingly used, as they are in the United States, to muffle and suppress the voice of our unlived life? Where does the anger, undeveloped potential, and creativity that underlie our depression (and other mental illnesses) go? Are they used to nourish the flames of our personal transformation and, thereby, the transformation of society and the world? Or are they, rather, passed on, as illustrated in the example of the family above, in a more unconscious, and therefore more volatile and potentially harmful form, to our friends, families, communities and the world at large? Can you see, for example, how the disowned anger of some members of society might be violently expressed by other members? (This is part of the reason that crime shows are so popular.) In a self-indulgent country that exhibits an increasing sense of entitlement to “happiness,” who gets to carry our anger, privation, and sadness?

October 2009


Sometimes it seems we believe that we can blow all of our anger and pain and sadness into a happy-face balloon and let it float away into the sky never to be seen or heard from again. But nature herself will pop that balloon, for the unlived life of one person, group, country, etc. must necessarily, often involuntarily, be taken up by another. For this reason, persons who seek social justice will find their greatest contribution in simply, and courageously, shouldering the burden of their own individuality, destiny, and unlived life. Consider the life of Abraham Lincoln, a man who suffered from recurring bouts of intense depression. Would he have been able to write the Gettysburg Address, or guide our country through the Civil War had he not first wrestled with and reconciled the internal conflicts at war within his own soul? Would he have been the same person or have developed the same depth of integrity and consciousness had he not taken up the cross of his own personality? It is important to realize that the struggles we face in life are never just our own, and the solutions we choose will either lighten our mutual burden or increase it. References: 1. Dallett, Janet O. Listening to the Rhino: Violence and Healing in a Scientific Age. Pleasure Boat Studio: A Literary Press, NY 2008. 2. Mindell, Arnold. The Dreambody in Relationships. Rouledge & Kegan Paul, London 1987. 3. Wickes, Frances G. The Inner World of Childhood. (2nd ed.). Sigo Press, Boston 1978. 4. www.newswise.com/p/articles/view/554816/

For more info, contact Dr. Andy Drymalski, Reno and Carson City psychologist at (775) 786-3818.

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Opportunity for Transformation

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775.786.3818 www.renopsychologist.com

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Locally Grown Food All Year By Mary Lou Shaw


t just makes sense to eat locally grown food as much as possible. Not only is less petroleum used to transport it, but best of all, local produce is picked ripe — when it’s at its peak of flavor and nutrition. Unfortunately, though, believing in the merits of locally grown food won’t help many of us in the cold months. Community supported agriculture (CSA) subscriptions end and farmers markets close down as our own gardens die with the first frosts. I know that people survived with only local produce all year before we started buying food from all over the world. Rediscovering some of the methods our ancestors used has been an annual challenge for my husband, Tom, and me. We are gradually learning how to eat all year

from our 13-acre homestead in Ohio. To do this, we preserve the summer harvest and extend the growing season.

Saving Summer Produce for the Cold Months Canning is still basic. For years, I’ve used a water-bath canner to preserve tomatoes, pickles and some orchard fruits. High-acid foods can be safely preserved this way, but when in doubt, the Ball Blue Book of Preserving gives guidance in all aspects of canning. This past year was our first growing celery, and there was such a bumper crop that I dug the pressure cooker out of the corner of the garage and put it to work. That allowed me to can a concoction of the extra tomatoes, sweet onions, celery, bell peppers, basil and

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October 2009

parsley in quart jars labeled “veggies.” This highly nutritious potion is finding its way into stews, spaghetti sauce, soups and chili. No one has yet commented on the uniqueness of having celery in spaghetti sauce! Canning does take time during the high-yield months of August and September, but lining the jars up on the shelves gives me the same visual pleasure as piecing together a quilt — and the same satisfaction that I imagine a squirrel enjoys. (For more detailed information on canning, read Home Canning Basics.) Fermenting and pickling add variety. Cabbage and cucumbers are two things that I ferment in crocks in the basement before canning. The advantage of putting cucumbers in a brine-filled crock is that it allows me to add a few each day as I gather them from the garden. After the

crop has peaked and we’re able to eat each day’s harvest, I allow a couple weeks for those in the crock to pickle before I can them. I cut and salt the cabbage destined to be sauerkraut, then put it in the crock and pound it with a wooden mallet. I really enjoy that because it reminds me of my Peace Corps days — women pounding millet with large wooden pestles. To add to my enjoyment, I use red cabbage, which gives a unique kaleidoscope pattern with each slice. When preparing sauerkraut, use noniodized salt to protect the necessary bacteria for fermentation. It takes only a few weeks for the cabbage to ferment. Then I pack it in quart jars that are processed in a water bath. I would like to have crocks of food in the basement throughout the winter, but I find it difficult to avoid introducing unwanted bacteria when fishing out portions for dinner. I sometimes use a more direct method of making sauerkraut and just pack shredded cabbage into clean quart jars, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of noniodized salt on top and fill the jars up to their necks with boiling water. After placing the lid and ring on, the cabbage will ferment right in the jar without further processing. Cabbage (and sauerkraut) is high in vitamin C, so we don’t need to import oranges in the winter! A small, old crock was given to us last year, and I couldn’t resist pickling odds and ends in it. I first made a brine of water, salt, dill and a small amount of cider vinegar and then added some tomatillos, small pieces of cauliflower, broccoli, garlic, small Mexican cucumbers, Jerusalem artichoke tubers, nasturtium buds and barely steamed green beans. After a couple weeks of pickling, I kept a quart jar of this mixture handy in the refrigerator for meals that lacked either variety or vegetables. This mixture of vegetables must be loaded with nutrients. The freezer still seems essential. The contents of the freezer varies with the current year’s harvest. We always enjoy the small green beans that are barely steamed before being stored in freezer bags. The pressure cooker softens vegetables, but

freezing preserves their texture. My mouth waters when thinking of winter meals when we cook the beans lightly in olive oil, garlic and salt. I’ve learned to label bags so I don’t thaw diced bell peppers for dinner when I wanted green beans. Some of last year’s peaches made it into the freezer, too, but preserving them by canning them in a hot-water bath would have been an option, too. Shredded zucchini is frozen, so it’s easy to make desserts, such as zucchini bread, in winter. The downside to using a freezer is that our electricity comes from a coalburning plant. Because the freezer is also necessary to preserve chicken and beef from our farm, it makes good, ethical sense to aim for a solar source of electricity in the future. It’s fun to dry or dehydrate foods. Dried beans have become a staple at our house, and we use them frequently in winter meals. Many varieties of beans have made their way to us through friends and seed savers. Whether bush-type or climbers, we eat or process some while they’re in the tender, green-bean stage. Next is the stage where you can still bite into the beans, but they require only 15 to 20 minutes cooking time. After that stage, I allow the beans to dry on the vine. If one variety of beans appears dry and I have an extra moment, I cut or pull the vines and put them in a basket in the hot tool shed. They stay there until the slower evenings when I pull out a lawn chair to face the sunset and sit and shell beans into a large bowl. When the chickens head into their coop, I close up the henhouse and go inside for the night, too. No wonder I find it a pleasure instead of work! I’m surprised when people comment on how much work it must be to have such a variety of dried beans in glass jars on the porch shelves. Excerpted from Mother Earth News magazine, the original guide to living wisely. For more information contact Mother Earth News at (800) 234-3368 or email at www.motherearthnews to subscribe. Copyright 2005 by Ogden Publications, Inc.

October 2009


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Seasonal Affective Disorder Written by Dana Anderson

I cannot stay awake. As soon as it gets dark I’m ready for bed yet I have so much to accomplish. And when the alarm goes off in the morning, how can I get energized?


This is that time of year when it seems like overnight we went from long days to short days. We get that hint of autumn and the realization of summer is gone and winter is on its way. We have a little hibernator in all of us and that can be a struggle because we cannot just retreat into our caves and close our eyes. We need to honor each season and ourselves by responding to the changes as needed. For instance, in the spring everything is blooming and rejuvenating and so are we— we get sudden bursts of energy, feel jazzed, and our creative juices are overflowing. Then summer invites play and hopefully we get to play. The fall is a time of harvest and a lead-in to winter. It’s a time for us to ease into the dormancy of winter by slowing ourselves down. Pay attention to what your body is wanting because we are physically connected to what the Earth and our environment is demonstrating.

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Realize that we still have the reality of our everyday lives, that our work schedules do not change necessarily with the seasons and that our home lives continue to be demanding especially if you have children in school. Just as we add barbecues and parties to our summers we can take away some activities in our autumn. Also, many of us have more than a little hibernator within and are truly negatively affected by the lack of sunlight. This is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) and it is a very real form of depression. If you feel you may be struggling with S.A.D. there are many products available to bring sunlight into your home and they actually work.

Continued on page 47... A JOKE :

What form of communication device does a turtle use? Answer: A shell phone


October 2009


Masking the Smell of Toxins Dangerous Chemicals In Common Household Products Written by Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD


any commonly used household products contain hazardous chemicals. And many of these chemicals are there only to mask the noxious smell of other toxic ingredients.

This information emerged from a University of Washington study analyzing a variety of popular laundry products and air fresheners. The conclusion? These products released dozens of toxic chemicals into the air we breathe. In fact, every product they initially tested (six in all) emitted at least one toxic or hazardous chemical according to federal guidelines even though none of these toxins were included in the ingredient list.

The Nose Knows If you've ever been overwhelmed by the air freshener smell in a public restroom or the odor coming out of your neighbors dryer vent, you're not alone. Many people report feeling nauseous or having a strong aversion to these odors. Professor Anne Steinemann of the University of Washington heard so many of this type of complaint that she decided to find out what was behind them. She wanted to know what these products contained that made some people feel ill. The study analyzed various products looking for what hidden ingredients they might contain. She was surprised at what she found. The toxic and hazardous chemicals in these commonly used products included: • Acetone, the active ingredient in paint thinner and nailpolish remover • Limonene, a molecule with a citrus scent, which in addition to use as a scent in cosmetics and cleaning products is also used as a paint stripper. October 2009

• Acetaldehyde, a fruity-smelling substance that is also the cause of hangovers. It is a probable carcinogen. • Chloromethane, another scented additive can, when inhaled lead to drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and difficulty breathing. At higher concentrations, paralysis, seizures, and coma can occur. Chronic exposure can lead to birth defects. • 1, 4-dioxane is toxic to the nervous system, kidneys and liver and is suspected of being carcinogenic. These were only a few of the almost 100 volatile organic compounds the study discovered. None of them were included on product ingredient lists. In addition, of the six products they tested, five of them gave off one or more hazardous air pollutants considered to cause cancer by the EPA and which are listed as having no safe level of exposure.

Naming No Names Unfortunately the study didn't identify specific products by name. Later they did a larger study that included 25 cleaners, air fresheners, personal care and laundry products. Many of these had the same chemicals in them. Companies manufacturing such products are not required to list all of the ingredients they contain. This is particularly troubling since many people assume these products are safe to use in their homes around pets and children. As an example, the analysis showed that one particular plug-in air freshener had more than 20 different volatile organic compounds in it. Seven of those show up on the toxic or hazardous list under federal laws. The label showed nothing and the required safety sheet for industrial use listed them as a "mixture of perfume oils."

Continued on page 53... 27

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Belly Fat Can Be Hazardous To Your Health


h i l e excess body fat anywhere Written by Trudy Miller, in our bodies can set off Food Instructor, alarm bells for those trying MS, DTR, Certified to keep in shape, belly fat is in Adult Weight by far the type to be most worManagement ried about. That is because this fat is related to high triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein, high blood are high, it can inhibit the actions blood pressure, obesity, and insulin of insulin receptors on the surface of cells resistance. With a cluster of any three other than fat cells. Then less glucose goes of these—a condition called metabolic inside to be used as cellular energy, and syndrome—risk of cardiovascular disease instead, stays in the bloodstream. And, substantially increases. Studies have also when glucose in the blood reaches high linked abdominal fat with dementia. levels, diabetes will likely result. The Although large fat cells in the abdomi- classic indicators of diabetes are frequent nal area can lead to diseases, our regular, urge to drink water, eat, and urinate. small fat cells perform some important So, when does belly fat become functions. They are the source of stored unhealthy? Women’s waist size should fuel for the body to use for energy and measure no more than 35 inches, and the source of some beneficial hormones men’s no more than 40 inches. So what that control metabolism, protect against to do to reduce abdominal fat: exercise diabetes, and play a role in learning and and reduce calories. Particularly, recent memory. Yes, everyone needs some body research seems to underscore that smaller fat. Most adults need about 20% of the waist circumference is related to indiet to be from fat, and athletes need fat creased fruits and vegetables, and whole to contribute 30% of calories. grains rather than refined. Add olive oil, So, why is abdominal fat so bad for low-fat dairy, meats, and fish, and you us? Scientists are just getting to the bot- roughly have a Mediterranean diet. tom of this phenomenon, but in general, Diets for weight reduction may add or we know that large abdominal adipose subtract certain important food groups, cells are more metabolically active than such as the vegetarian very low-fat Oradipose cells elsewhere in the body. They nish diet, or the high protein-fat and low can cause higher levels of triglycerides carbs Atkins diet. Research has shown in the blood. When triglycerides in the that these diets both work for short-term For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


October 2009

weight loss, but not well for the long term. Rather than adding or subtracting food groups, a balanced diet with reduced total caloric intake ultimately matters most for weight reduction. One diet does not fit all. To be successful at losing weight you need to make your diet varied, healthful, and tasty for the long term. Your age, sex, general health, and fitness level will factor into deciding a program for you. For example, the DASH diet works well for those with high blood pressure. To be sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs, consult with a dietitian or nutritionist. And to be sure you are getting the appropriate exercise, consult with a personal trainer or other exercise specialist. References: 1. www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-truth-about-fat 2. Nelms, Marcia; Sucher, Kathryn, and Long, Sara. Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology, Thompson/Wadsworth, US 2007. 3. Halkjaer, Jytte. PhD; Tjønneland, Anne, MD, PhD; Overvad, Kim, MD, PhD; Sørenen, I.A. Thorkld, DrMedSci. Dietary predictors of 5-year changes in waist circumference. J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc., Aug. 2009; 109(8):1356-1366. 4. www.mayoclinic.com/health/nutrition-and-healthyeating/MY00431/DSECTION=healthy%2Ddiets 5 . h t t p : / / w w w. t i m e . c o m / t i m e / m a g a z i n e / a r t i cle/0,9171,994462-1,00.html

For more information contact Trudy Miller, Food Instructor, MS DTR, ADA Certified in Weight Management at (775) 787-9010.

Go to ad on page 31.


Wetcleaning Written by Chang Suh


etcleaning has been in practice for about 15 years. It was introduced as an alternative to perc which is the solvent most used by drycleaners across America. Perc is toxic and is strictly regulated on a county, state and federal level. It has tainted ground water and is currently being phased out in California. It is also the subject of much discussion in Washoe county due to questionable levels detected in the water table; therefore, drycleaners using perc are closely monitored downstream in the sewer system. When cleaning with perc, hazardous waste is produced and must be disposed of properly. Enviromental agencies closely monitor disposal procedures by all drycleaners using perc. Many cleaners have converted to a solvent called hydrocarbon which is petroleum. When cleaning with hydrocarbon, hazardous waste is also produced and must be disposed of in the same manner as a perc drycleaner. During it's inception, wetcleaning has experienced an evolution and has made great strides in technology, cleaning process, soaps and conditioners. Wetcleaning is a process that was considered a passing fad, but has become a viable and superior method of cleaning and an alternative to perc. It is inherently a process that is more suited to cleaning than perc or hydrocarbon. Wetcleaning cleans any dryclean garment in water and does it better because most stains people put on their clothes are food, drinks and/ or dirt. These are stains that are most

effectively removed by water. Perc and hydrocarbon cannot remove these stains in the cleaning cycle or with many other so called alternative solvents. It is typical that most clothing people bring to the drycleaner are needing cleaning due to normal wear. That includes general dirt, sweat and body odor. Perc and hydrocarbonwill not remove any of those stains without excessive prespotting. Many times garments cleaned in perc or hydrocarbon will leave those invisible stains and will not be cleaned. Wetcleaning will easily remove all those stains and the clothes will not return with any chemical odors. Water is the most renewable resource this planet has. And what is more natural than to clean your clothes in water? Wetcleaning is the best method to "Dry cleaning" any garment. For more information contact Chang Suh of Spot Cleaners at (775) 851-7768

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October 2009


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HERBS&SPICES Parsley is said to symbolize strength and new beginnings. By the Middle Ages parsley (Petroselinum crispum) was given medicinal credit for curing a number of ailments. Parsley, a member of the carrot, celery and dill family, has been medically recognized as a diuretic, emmenagogue, carminative, expectorant, nervine, tonic, and a remedy for a plethora of health issues. Parsley has been used to assist in the healing of asthma, dropsy, arthritis, jaundice, chest and heart pain, and has even been thought to cure head lice. It assists the function of the bladder, kidney, liver, lungs, stomach and thyroid. It is also a great treatment for bed-wetting, gas, fluid retention, high blood pressure, indigestion, kidney disease, obesity and prostate disorders. Vitamins are an essential aspect of our health and parsley is “a course in vitamin therapy all by itself.” It contains vitamin A, several B vitamins, calcium, iron and more vitamin C per volume than an orange! It is chock full of good stuff. For overall health benefits drink fresh parsley juice, two ounces at a time, twice a day. As a precaution, pregnant women should avoid eating large quantities of parsley and parsley oil, because it can decrease blood pressure and pulse rate, and cause muscle weakness. In some cases it can even cause paralysis.

Worldwide Recipes: Parsley used culturally: 1.Middle Eastern tabbouleh (salad) 2.France in ham with jelly, garlic, butter, escargots, sautés, grilled meats and poultry 3.Belgium and Switzerland deep fried parsley on the side of fondue 4.Japan deep fried parsley in tempura batter 5.Mexico & Spanish cultures in salsa verde 6.English use in parsley jelly


More Than A Garnish

For Kidney and digestive problems try this:

Written by Talia Henderson and Marie Harger


ad breath? Digestive problems? Eat parsley! Although we tend to think of parsley customarily as a decorative garnish on our plates, this leafy green cannot only freshen up that after-meal breath, it has many healing aspects that help stimulate normal activity of the digestive system. The most popular use for parsley is in its gentle flavor allowing it to mix easily with many different types of food. Of all herbs, it contains one of the highest levels of chlorophyll, the active ingredient in many breath fresheners. For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


Take the small, oval and gray-brown parsley seeds (can be concocted with the volatile oil they contain, apiol and myristicin): 1 cup at a time, two or three times daily. References: 1.Kowalchik, Claire. Hylton, William H. (Editors). Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs. Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1987. 2.Castleman, Michael. The Healing Herbs: The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Power of Nature’s Medicines. Rodale Press, Emamaus, Pennsylvania, 1991. 3.Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Penguin Books Ltd. London, England, 2006.

October 2009

Pumpkin Curry Soup

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From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

Are You Eating The Right Foods For You?

Healthier, Easier, Tastier Preparation

Makes 4-6 Servings


Ingredients: 1 (15oz) can Kuner’s pumpkin or 1 ¾ - 2 cups pureed fresh pumpkin 1 large, sweet Texas yellow onion (finely minced) 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 2 Tbsp unbleached, all purpose flour 4 cups chicken broth (organic) ½ tsp. Himalaya Pink salt ¼ tsp. fresh cracked pepper, not too coarse

•What foods combine to cause overeating •How to substitute healthy ingredients in your recipes •Shopping smart learning labels •Gently altering your favorite recipes Know You’re On A Healthy Track Call Trudy at 775.787.9010 Trudy Miller, Food Instructor, M.S., DTR ADA Certified in Adult Weight Management

½ tsp ground, red curry powder 1 cup organic half and half


RECIPES Always found on our website!

Gluten Free Zucchini Bread

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Written by Christine David This recipe is gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, and is greatly reduced in carbohydrates from a regular zucchini bread. Use organic ingredients where possible, and enjoy without guilt!`


4 eggs, separated 2 cup shredded zucchini 1/2 cup nut butter of your choice, I like almond or macadamia 3/4 cup almond meal, lightly packed into measuring cup 1/3 cup of any gluten free flour or flour blend 1/2 tsp. sea salt 4 Tbls. agave nectar 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. cream of tartar 1/2 cup chopped nuts of your choice

October 2009




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 Compliments of Rick Dina, D.C.

Ingredients: 2 medium green zuccini, as thick (fat) and straight as possible.

Preparation: 1.Spiralize in Saladacco (Spiral Slicer), or similar machine. Shredded zuccini can work also, but the authentic pasta effect is not as notable. 2.Arrange on plate similar to pasta.

Pasta Sauce

How to Prepare: Heat the chicken broth, slowly, in a large, stainless steel soup kettle. While it is heating: 1. Slice and finely chop your onion. I use the Vidalia chop wizard 2. Melt the 2 Tbsp butter in a stainless steel, 10” skillet, on medium heat. Stir and sauté slowly to soften the onion 3. Add the ½ salt to the onion and stir 4. Add the 2Tbsp flour and stir quickly together, with a wooden spoon 5. Stir the onion mixture and pumpkin in the chicken broth – stir and simmer for 10-12 minutes. 6. Season with the black pepper and the red curry powder 7. Just before serving, swirl in 1 cup half and half I serve this soup with New York Style, oven baked, Italian garlic toast. Break the pieces into the soup bowl and add to the soup.

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Ingredients: 10-12 sundried tomatoes 1 large fresh tomato
 1 large red pepper
 1-2 stalks of celery
 1 clove garlic
 4-5 fresh basil leaves

Preparation: 1.Allow sundried tomatoes to soak for several minutes in warm water to soften. 2.Blend all of the sauce ingredients in a blender or Food Processor. 3.Add the soaked sundried tomatoes last, a few at a time. 4.Pour nicely over the zucchini pasta. Some fresh curly parsley sprinkled over the top adds a nice touch! Other Options: Make a sauce of raw tahini, limejuice and a little water to drizzle on the top for extra taste and presentation. Add pieces of sprouted sunflower patties on top of the dish as meatballs.

How to Prepare: Preheat oven to 325 f. 1. Whip egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Meanwhile, combine all other ingredients in another bowl. Fold and stir egg whites into the other ingredients until well combined. 2. Prepare a 9 x 5 inch bread pan by placing a 5-6 inch wide strip of parchment paper across the bottom and let it hang over the sides. This will help you remove the bread without breaking the loaf. Spray the paper and sides of pan with a cooking spray, I like a natural one like coconut oil. Pour the batter in the prepared pan. 3. Bake on center rack for 60-70 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out with dry crumbs. Let cool 10-15 minutes in pan before removing, using the parchment paper as a handle to assist you. 4. Allow it to cool slightly before serving. This can be stored in the fridge to prolong freshness. At the start or end of the recipe, a drizzle of honey can be added (delicious)

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October 2009

My Favorite Pumpkin Pie

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From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers Can you smell the fragrance of the spices? What a wonderful way to start fall – think of the long, lazy warm days and cool nights!

Ingredients: 1 (15oz) can pumpkin or fresh pureed pumpkin ¾ cup packed brown sugar

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Baked Pie Crust

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From the Healthy Beginnings test kitchen of Lois Ehlers

Makes 2-8 inch or 1 deep dish baked pie crust Ingredients:

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1 stick of butter (frozen first and cut up into cubes) 2 cups flour (unbleached, all purpose) ¼ cup sugar (organic – cane sugar) 1 egg yolk 2 Tbsp ice water

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How to Prepare: Note: Mix up the filling while pastry is blind baking. 1. Place the first six ingredients in a large bowl and mix well 2. Add the 1 ½ cups of half and half and stir well 3. Remove pastry from oven and cool slightly 4. Fill the crust while it is on the middle oven rack; this is easier than trying to carry a filled pie to the oven. 5. Oven is set on Bake at approximately 375 degrees 6. Place foil around the edge of the pie, or use a crust shield 7. Baking at 375 degrees with a shield on for 30 minutes. Remove shield and bake for another 30 minutes or until a knife can be inserted in the center and it comes out clean

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8. Some recipes call for 400 degrees oven temperature. Make adjustments in baking time baking with a shield or foil for 20minutes remove shield or foil and bake for another 25 to 30 minutes or until a knife can be inserted in the center and it comes out clean 9. Bake according to your oven.

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Put 2 cups flour, sugar and salt into the processor – pulse to mix


Add cubed butter and pulse until it looks like loose, wet cornmeal

3) Add the zest of lemon, 1 egg yolk and 2 Tbsp ice water, pulse until it just holds together (do not over work). Ice water depend on dryness or humidity 4) Mold on well floured board or work area. This makes 2 rounds disks about 5 ½ - 6” then wrap with plastic and let rest, in the refrigerator. Then roll out turn as you roll out to have a nice round crust. 5) Lift onto rolling pin, or fold in ¼. Place in glass pie dish or a deep dish pie plate – BAKE at 400 degrees for 15 minutes 6) Blind Bake by placing a folded piece of foil on the pastry. Use weights or uncooked beans to keep pastry from bubbling up and this process will keep the crust from becoming soggy. Remove foil and fill with pumpkin or other custard Note: This is a great pie crust that can be used as crust for filling and also for fruit pies.

Visit www.HBmag.com for more delicious recipes!

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October 2009

Transform Yourself

From Flab to Fab Written by Virginia Parsons, MS, CCHT, CTLC


f diets really worked, the weight loss industry would be fading into nonexistence. Instead, it is a booming multi-billion dollar industry. The general population keeps getting heavier and fatter. According to the CDC, “During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States. In 2008, only one state (Colorado) had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty-two states had a prevalence equal to or greater than 25%; six of these states (Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia ) had a prevalence of obesity equal to or greater than 30%.” Let’s take a serious look at why the diet industry has failed so miserably. Diets simply do not work, because they do not adequately address the major fat factors. There are 5 major factors that cause people to become metabolically challenged and make it difficult for them to lose weight.

1. Yo-Yo Dieting - Losing and gaining significant amounts of weight again and again, throws the body into fat storage while losing lean muscle mass. After dieting, weight is gained back as fat and the body is truly fatter than before, making it even more difficult to lose weight during the next dieting cycle. 2. Crash Dieting - Going on a drastically low-calorie diet causes the metabolism to slow down by up to 15%, sparing fat and losing muscle. 3. Sedentary Lifestyle - Getting too little exercise reduces lean body mass, slowing the metabolism even further.

4. Garbage In - Overeating the wrong kinds of foods with too much sugar, fat, processing and synthetic chemicals. These foods are calorically dense, but nutritionally empty, thus increasing weight, appetite and hunger. 5. Chronic Stress - Being on constant alert due to physical and emotional pressures can trigger ongoing stress hormone production, which encourages stubborn mid-section fat deposits. Diets are a temporary way of eating and do not address long-term lifestyle change. More water and muscle is lost than body fat, which further slows the metabolism and negatively impacts body composition. If the objective is to permanently “lose the flab and look fab,” lean muscle mass must be maintained or increased while targeting body fat loss. It is not effective to lose weight, if the weight loss comes from lean muscle loss. The higher the body’s muscle mass, the more fat is burned as fuel. The key is to adopt a lifestyle that targets body fat loss while sparing muscle loss.

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Continued on page 50...

October 2009


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When Your Stomach Talks Natural Solutions for Indigestion Written by Marie Harger


is the season to overeat! In October the stores you shop have officially entered into the holiday swing of things; our eyes are constantly bombarded by over abundance. Your work, home, school, neighbors and friends and family are displaying lots of treats and delicious foods for you to eat and it all starts with going through your kids trick or treat bag and picking out the goodies you like. Often the result of eating too much is indigestion. Indigestion has many causes, with overeating as just one. You can get indigestion from eating too quickly, talking or swallowing air while eating, eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking liquid with foods. Heartburn and indigestion, often go hand in hand. Food and beverages, such as caffeine, vinegar, greasy, spicy, refined foods and alcohol can cause indigestion because they irritate the digestive tract. Food that is not properly digested will ferment in the stomach and upper intestines. This produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide and organic acids causing bloating and gas. Undigested food and bacteria can also create toxins that cause leaky gut syndrome, which is damage to the mucosal lining in the intestines. Persistent or recurrent indigestion is associated with peptic ulcer, gallstones, or inflammation of the esophagus. Psychological factors should be considered because they can disrupt the nervous system mechanism that controls the contractions of the stomach and intestinal muscles. These factors include anxiety, stress, worry or disappointment, as well as being tense, upset or emotional when you are eating, If you watch any television during the fall and winter seasons, drugs for indigestion and heartburn seem to be in every commercial break. Instead of heading to the medicine cabinet for some relief, first try some Natural Solutions. There are many Natural Solutions for dealing with indigestion such as eating a well-balanced meal, including foods high in fiber such as fresh fruit, and vegetables. Certain foods, such as fresh pineapple and papaya can help with digestion because they are a source of beneficial digestive enzymes. Knowing and recognizing the causes of indigestion is a logical way to remedy discomfort because it is a preventive approach. Foods that are high in complex carbohydrates are For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


difficult to digest and can leave undigested particles in the intestine. These foods include grains and legumes. Other foods to avoid include lentils, peanuts and soybeans, bakery products, carbonated beverages, citrus juices, fried or fatty foods, pasta, red meat, refined carbohydrates (sugar), tomatoes, and salty foods. Food combinations such as: protein with starches or fruit, vegetables with fruits, and milk with meals cause indigestion. Melons digest quickly, due to their high volume of water, so should be eaten alone. Herbs that help include alfalfa, aloe vera, anise seeds, catnip, ginger, bay leaf, slippery elm, and parsley. Herbal formulas, available at health food stores, are Acid-Ease from Prevail Corporation and Turn-Ease from New chapter. Both enhance digestion. Supplements such as acidophilus can be helpful for theycontain the good bacteria needed in the intestine. Garlic and Omega 3 fatty acids and a Vitamin B complex are some others. Charcoal tablets (from the health food store) help absorb gas and toxins. Take pancreatin when you feel stuffed, bloated, have gas or rumbling. Other Natural Solutions: Massage, Exercise (a brisk walk) Stretching Doing a fasting program (consult your physician) Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly Eat food without any liquids Not eating when upset Drinking the juice of one lemon in lukewarm water to help the body’s PH References: 1.Clayman, Charles B. MD, The American Medical Association – Home Medical Encyclopedia. Random House. New York, NY, 1989. 2.Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, fourth edition. Penguin Group/ books Ltd. New York, NY, and London, England, 2006. 3.Dollemore, Doug; Giuliucci, Mark; Haigh, Jennifer; Kirchheimer, Sid; Callahan, Jean. New Choices in Natural Healing. Rodale Press, Inc. Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1995. 4.Murray, Michael MD; Pizzorno, Joseph ND, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition. Prima Publishing, USA, 1998.

October 2009

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I said good-bye shortly after daybreak. Since he rode faster than I, I hoped we would meet again. I left messages here and there for him, but alas we never reconnected. – It rained when I arrived in Katherine, after Alice Springs the largest community en route. I gathered information at the well-equipped Tourist Bureau. After restocking food supplies at a modern shopping center, I embarked on a promising side trip to the Katherine Gorge in the Nitmiluk National Park. By changing direction I not only had to face the rain but also strong headwinds for the next 30 km. To be continued…

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530.550.1118 www.astrologicalalchemy.com PO Box 727 · Truckee, CA 96160

October 2009


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Ari's Loft Eating A

Healthy Treat Written by Ariana Purcell, 11 years old

Halloween Is Coming Soon!


Written by Ariana Purcell, 11 years old

s a big candy holiday we need to think of ways to stay healthy. Instead of buying candy, you could get single packets of gold fish or fruit snacks or Halloween pencils or glow in the dark neon necklaces. Another fun snack for Halloween is a caramel apple on a stick. I love caramel apples on a stick, especially on Halloween!

Supplies 1) colored paint

Here’s a recipe for another one of my favorites.

2) some gem stones 3) glitter glue

Banana Smoothie

4) a fake spider 5) a sharpie or a permanent marker Enjoy your masterpiece!

A fun craft to do on Halloween is to put some bling on your pumpkins, It is fun for the whole family. For all like shown: www.oneprettything. ages and make sure you have adult supervision. com/?p=550&c=halloween-roundup For more info, contact Ariana Purcell at Ariana@hbmag.com

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ating Healthy is very important. I have been watching what I eat. How many of you have a little treat before you go to bed while watching a movie? While I am one of those people, I do know to only eat treats and that kind of stuff sometimes or if it is a special occasion. Now the summer is over I have been eating better. One of my favorite treats (and it’s healthy), is apples with cinnamon sprinkled on them.


October 2009

Yogurt 2 bananas Milk Ice cubes Materials you need: A blender A spoon And a cup Enjoy!

Anti-Aging Skin Products

All-Inclusive Spa Package: *Infrared Sweat Lodge Session *Spinal Alignment ONLY *Deep Tissue Chair Massage *Waterfall Massage es all *includ *Ionized Living Alkaline Water *Migun Infrared Massage Bed *Cellular Energy Optimizer Session *Meridian & Reflexology Balancing *Cool Filtered Shower alue) ($300 V


Continued from page 17 Taking care of your health ultimately benefits skin the most. Plenty of water exercise and fruits and vegetables rich in anti-oxidants along with minimal UAV/ UVB exposure will ultimately prevent premature aging of the skin. Before deciding which anti-aging cream is better, be cognizant of the fact that the more natural products will benefit more than just your face. The combination of natural and botanical ingredients is less likely to cause allergic reactions than chemically laden products. Furthermore, products such as DeVita Optimum Rejuvenation, are not as harsh or have as many side effects as any of the Olay product lines. References 1.http://www.olay.com/boutique/regenerist-anti-agingtreatment/ 2.http://www.devita.net/products/ProductView.mgi2?mgiT oken=388O2AJ11EH1G515B&ID=DAL 3.www.beautypedia.com/Brand/Olay/174.aspx 4.www.comsumersearch.com/moisturizers/best-facialmoisturizers 5.www.biomedicine.org/medicine-technology-1/OTCAnti-Aging-Products-3A-Hype-or-Hope-3F-35-2 6.Alicia Amos http://ezinearticles.com/?Anti-Aging-Creak-Review--Chemical-Vs-Natural-Anti-Aging-Creams 7.http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Alicia_Amos 8.Gloria Talbot http://www.associatedcontent.com/article.1312680/ skin_care_products_natural_ingredients.html?cat=69 9.http://www.savvyskin.com/the-best-sunscreen-andsunblock 10.www.theperformanceleader.com/devita-review-ortimalrejuvenation=$34-46 11.http://ezinearticles.com/?Natural-Skin-Care-Vs-Chemical-Products---What’s-the-Real-Difference?&id=2761648 12.http://www.skincaredaily.com/beauty/skin-care-products-labels-natural-vs-toxic-chemicals.asp 13.www.care2.com 14.www.mercola.com 15.http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Louise_Lundgren

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For more information contact Jennifer Gray, Pharmacist at (775) 232-5766.

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October 2009


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FAR OUT INFRARED SAUNA Written by Michael Gerber, MD, HMD

(CHF). CHF is a very difficult illness to turn around. Subsequently, our clinic has seen CHF improve from using FIR saunas.


aunas health benefits have been extolled for a millennia. Rome, Greece, Scandinavia, Native Americans and modern medicine have realized the importance of sweating. Far infrared saunas are high tech low temperature saunas, which utilize the sun’s radiation spectrum that grows all of our world’s crops and plants. Because of the lower temperature range, 90 to 140 F degrees versus regular saunas 140 to 220 F, it is well tolerated by the elderly and chronically ill for whom high temperatures can be deleterious. The main intentions of integrative medicine are basically two fold, put in the good stuff and take out the bad stuff. Taking out the bad stuff or detoxification is frequently the most powerful tool we have for maintaining and improving health. Chelating physicians can remove heavy metals. However, there are many categories of environmental toxins such as plastics, organic hydrocarbons, pesticides, herbicides, solvents and industrial waste that cannot be chelated and can only exit the body through sweating. In her excellent book, Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers, MD, she documents that we all have at least 100 environmental toxins in our bodies. These are not merely additive in their toxicity but multiplicative. One toxin plus one toxin may equal a tenfold increase in toxic potential. Dr. Rogers lectures about the Mayo Clinic, a well known medical facility, using FIR saunas to reverse advanced congestive heart failure For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


Another example is that of a Reno woman in her fifties who suffered a severe case of exophthalmos with one eye protruding about 1/3rd of the way down her cheek and the other eye protruding about ¼ way down the other cheek. She was blind in one eye and the other eye was going that way. She had been seen by the Mayo Clinic, Scripps Institute, UCSF as well as a hoard of ophthalmologists and endocrinologists in Reno with no improvement. She then began a detoxification treatment and within five months she was at a Governor’s inaugural ball looking like a million bucks with one eye completely back in and the other 90 percent back in with her vision completely restored. She then told me that she had been in a detoxification center doing sauna, supplements and an exercise program for five months. “You see,” she said, “I had pesticides accumulated in my cilliary ganglia behind my eyes and when I sweated them out I returned to normal.” There are many great cases of sauna restoring health and even more importantly regular FIR sauna can prevent chronic illness. References: 1. Detoxifiy or Die by Sherry Rogers, MD Prestige Publishing 2. Tei C, Horikiri Y, Park JC, et al, Thermal vasodilatation as a treatment of congestive heart failure: a novel approach, J Cardiol 27: 29-30, 1996

For more info, contact Michael Gerber, MD, HMD of the Gerber Medical Clinic at (775) 826-1900.

Go to ad on page 41.

October 2009


• Back & Joint Pain • Menopause • Depression • Headaches • Bio-Oxidative & Oxidative IV Therapies • Fatigue & Adrenal Stress • Metal & Chemical Detox ‘ • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement • Cardiac Health • Medically Supervised Far Infrared Saunas

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October 2009

Open Tuesday – Saturday


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“Howdy Buckaroos!” Welcome to the Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch Written by Sean Block

Photos by Greenhorn Ranch


chool is back in session, the calendar is tipping into fall and with no more summer heat, the outdoors become more inviting. Week long vacations may not be an option at this time, it is a good thing we still have the weekends! If you are looking to treat your family for a few days, or just hide away for a weekend, look no further than the Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch in Quincy, CA. Located off Highway 70 and about an hour and a half from the Reno/ Tahoe International airport, the Greenhorn has been entertaining guests since 1962. The ranch is nestled near the Feather River Canyon and features breathtaking High Sierra scenery. Among the tall pines, it may look like the old west, but the Greenhorn maintains modern, comfortable facilities. The family-style atmosphere is relaxed but bustling. The wranglers that work the ranch are friendly, helpful, and routinely mingle with the guests throughout the day. Regardless of your ability on a horse, they will get you and your family up and riding the area’s miles of gorgeous trails in no time. Cookouts accompany the scenery at the top of the trail two nights a week. When not eating on the trail, the “chuck house” features healthy, ranch-style food, and the cooks can easily handle any special dietary needs. Music and cowboy poetry fill the evening air around the campfire pits, while hefty rainbow trout jump greedily after bugs in the fishing pond.

on a daily basis. For the parents, the ranch offers massages, a saloon, poker and pool tables, and a dance-hall. For the kids, there are wagon rides, frog races, ho-downs, a heated pool, and an arcade. Babysitting and a kids program are available for buckaroos ages 3-5 that provide games, pony rides, crafts, and a petting zoo...and they stay free! For those out there with a competitive streak, the mid-week guest rodeo offers a chance to show off. On the way to or from the ranch, families can check out the Portola Railroad Museum; or if you’re traveling without kids, Graeagle features three golf courses and antique shopping. For a full list of activities, prices, what to bring with you and special events, check out the ranch’s very functional website at www.greenhornranch.com or give them a call at 1-800-33-HOWDY. The address is 2116 Greenhorn Ranch Road Quincy, CA off Hwy 70.

Fishing, trail riding and hiking are just the beginning. A seemingly endless docket of activities for every age alternate For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


October 2009

HEALTHYPETS What Is Aflatoxin?

What’s Being Done?

Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxic chemical by-product from the growth of the fungus Aspergillus flavus on corn and other crops. It can cause severe liver damage in pets, which can lead to fatality. Dog food made with affected crops can transmit Aflatoxin to your pets. If your pet shows any of these symptoms below, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Diamond has recalled 19 varieties of dog and cat food after tests showed high levels of aflatoxin. The company recalled products manufactured at its Gaston, S.C., plant from around September to November 2005. Diamond narrowed down the exposure to food produced on Oct. 11 based on testing. 
According to Diamond, the 23 states that have been affected are: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Vermont, and Virginia. 
The FDA said it is continuing to investigate the situation and is working closely with the state feed regulatory agencies in the affected states. Some of the products included in the recall were exported to at least 29 countries in the European Union. The FDA said those countries have been notified. 
According to Diamond, any unused portions of recalled pet food should be returned to the retailer where it was purchased for a refund or replacement. According to press reports, Diamond has also offered to compensate pet guardians who can confirm that their pet died or became ill as a result of eating the contaminated food.

Symptoms: • Sluggishness • Loss of appetite • Jaundice (yellow whites of the eyes, gums, belly) • Severe, persistent vomiting combined with bloody diarrhea • Fever • Discolored urine

How Can My Pet Get Poisoned? 
 The brand names Diamond, C o u n t r y Va l u e and Professional have been reported with Aflatoxin. Diamond Pet foods have most recently been contaminated. Reports have shown that at least 100 dogs nationwide have died as a result of eating contaminated Diamond Pet Foods. Most pet owners who have lost their dog to Aflatoxin were completely unaware that their dog was poisoned, which is why it is important that pet owners are informed of the situation. 
Cocoa, a 9-year-old chow, suffered liver damage from tainted pet food. Cocoa must now be force-fed with a syringe six times a day since suffering permanent liver damage after eating contaminated dog food. Stewart, a 19-year-old nursing student at the University of South Carolina has to constantly take care of her. Stewart's other dog, a 2-year-old pit bull named Chulo, died last month just hours after being diagnosed with liver failure. It was only then that the family learned of the recall.



October 2009

d o o In Pet F What You Should Do?

Aflatoxin poisoning can be cured, but only if it's caught early. Since dogs can take several days to three weeks to exhibit serious signs of illness, all animals that consumed recalled food should be examined by a veterinarian as early as possible. Physical exams and blood tests are necessary to determine if dogs have been poisoned or not. Owners also should take cats that might have eaten contaminated dog food to a vet. References: 1. This information was obtained directly from www.healthypets.com


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Nutrition Affects Athletic Performance


Written By Brett “Bubba” Melcher – Galena JV Football coach

here is an immediate concern for nutrition education with today’s generation of kids (ages 6-18). Teenage diabetes and obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Coach Melcher grew up in the generation where people could expect a healthier and longer life than their parents. Kids today may be part of a generation where life expectancy could be shorter due to lack of proper nutrition and exercise. Coach Melcher is an educator, coach, parent and athlete. He knows the importance of fueling the body properly and has concerns for kids today. He tells his football athletes to drink water, get enough protein, eliminate sugar and

processed food from their diets. He says absolutely no fast food! He does not support his athletes drinking any sports drinks (often they are filled with processed sugar) and stresses the importance of protein from sources like eggs, chicken, and beans. Coach Melcher feels a responsibility to educate people on nutrition and a healthy life style. Almost daily he sees athletes eating the wrong foods and drinking soda, energy drinks or sugared drinks. It is affecting their performance on the field. These kids are getting muscle cramps or they “hit the wall” (they have no energy left to continue the activity). He realizes the kids are only one part of the puzzle

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October 2009

for a healthy life and peak performance in sports. Parents also need to educate themselves to assist in the growth and health of their children. Coach Melcher hopes parents understand what proper nutrition is. He says it is getting harder to find healthy foods, and more people are resorting to processed fast foods for feeding their children. Many coaches are asking parents to help their athletes to eat right by including complex carbohydrates and plenty of protein into their diet. Coach Melcher says, “If you don’t know what the coach is telling you to do, ask or find out!” The food you eat today will be the performance of tomorrow. Eat well!


The Impulse Factor:

Why Some Of Us Play It Safe And Others Risk It All By Nick Tasler

A Book Review by June Milligan, M.Ed., CCHt


ick Tasler describes management people in this book as either risk managers or potential seekers. All of us seem to naturally have the tendency to make decisions either one way or the other. He describes potential seekers as being able to quickly identify new opportunities and move ahead with them. These people are comfortable making big decisions. Risk managers are those who choose to carefully manage the existing opportunities rather than take big risks on new ones. This study describes how both types of people can enhance their decision making abilities. Purchasers of this book can take the online Impulse Factor Test, an assessment that classifies you as either a risk manager or a potential seeker. Scientists have found that one fourth of all humans have a lower level of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO), as do one half of all people diagnosed with ADHD/ADD. This enzyme is described by some researchers as the “impulsivity gene.” A lower level of this enzyme results in a natural impulsivity which can play havoc with your decision making ability, and therefore, your life. But all is not lost. Nature can be tamed by consciously making decisions based on facts and analysis.

The example of Bill Gates shows how a naturally impulsive person can also be classified as a risk manager. Gates could paper the very large Microsoft boardroom with his traffic tickets, yet he has been able to temper his inclination to take risks with a legendary pessimism. How could a Porsche-driving college dropout who made a career out of jumping from one big idea to the next be classified as risk-adverse by this author? Because this “richest man in America” had another side. He would not let any idea, even one of his own, leave his office without first running it by his skepticism and intense scrutiny. This type of thinking by those who love risk is called “directionally correct” and you can learn how to think this way. And that is the secret to being successfully impulsive. All impulsivity is not created equal. There’s a big difference between a good kind of impulsive that is helpful and adaptive and a bad kind that is destructive and gets people into trouble. Functionally impulsive people are quick and decisive thinkers who are willing to take calculated risks and go only so far. It becomes dysfunctional when quick thinking is accompanied by a lack of planning and a complete disregard for consequences. Harnessing the power of an impulsive instinct is about taking risks while maintaining a clear focus on being directionally correct. Functionally impulsive people are good at reminding themselves that a correct path exists, when they sometimes veer off toward a less desirable type of impulse. It is a delicate combination of

October 2009


trust and questioning that keeps impulsive thinking useful. On the other hand, people with dysfunctional impulsivity are generally not concerned with any path other than the one they’re currently traveling on, and that’s what makes them so dangerously dysfunctional. Does that remind you of someone you know or have read about? The author gives us an intriguing and highly readable analysis, showing how both groups of thinkers (those who are risk-takers and those who are afraid to take any risks) can enhance their decision-making abilities and move toward more balanced and successful ways of making decisions. For more info, contact June Milligan, specializing in helping people learn how to let go of unproductive habits and dysfunctional thinking. Call 775-786-9111 or visit www. joyfulchanges.com

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October 2009

S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder

What If Divorce Became an Awakening? Continued from page 15 Learn to recognize when thinking is distorted. Difficulties tend to trigger unhealthy thinking habits. Do you believe that every thought you have is true? Dr. David Burns, M.D., identifies a number of common thinking errors and defeating attitudes, for instance, “It would be terrible to be rejected, abandoned, or alone.” Such a thought is guaranteed to be followed by a cascade of negative thoughts and will always result in negative and disempowering feelings. These feelings are a direct result of thoughts, not the situation. Deflating thoughts can be used as a cue, to develop a new way of thinking. An example of rewording for positive thinking might be, “having this part of the relationship end is a transition; one that I will work (or live) my way through and grow from. I will keep my focus on the highest good for all involved.” Worry is the equivalent of negative visualization. Can you imagine the outcome if an athlete went into competition believing he or she were doomed to misery and failure? The quality of our thoughts makes an astonishing impact on the quality of our lives. There are many songs, books, movies and other media that elevate the mood into motivation. Begin by re-training the brain and heart to see the positives.

Continued from page 26 Hampton Bay has a full spectrum floor lamp that simulates daylight in the house and Home Depot carries it. What it does is create a natural full spectrum lighting that helps to increase the release of serotonin--a hormone linked to an improved feeling of wellbeing. It also increases vitamin D production in the skin; ease the strain that our eyes go through with less light; reduce our levels of melatonin which is a hormone that promotes fatigue; and these lamps are known to improve neuron function in the brain. It appears to be like any other lamp; do not worry that you are going to have a spot light in the room! This product is useful for increasing energy and fighting the feelings that make us want to crawl under our covers at dusk. Please let me know how it works for you should you try it. Many Blessings, Dana Anderson, MFT For more info, contact Dana Anderson MFT specializing in personal and spiritual growth counseling (775) 323-4242

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Consciously craft a version of your story that gives a sense of purpose and meaning to your life. Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist who spent several years in Nazi concentration camps wrote, “Don’t ask what meaning your life has, but what meaning will you make of it.” There is no situation from which you cannot emerge wiser, stronger and more determined to create success. Read stories of others who survived and thrived against terrible odds. Get inspired!

Not Sure of Your Path in L ife? Are you feeling...

To awaken, choose to receive what the experience has to offer. In one of her poems about the fires and the black river of loss, Mary Oliver writes “To live in this world you must be able to do three things: To love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones as if your whole life depends upon it; and when the time comes to let it go.”

• • • • • • •

Now that you have taken a look at the role you have played divorce can be a call to awakening when you can embrace and accept change, retrain the brain with new ways of thinking and get inspired by others stories.

overwhelmed depressed restless alone unattractive inadequate disconnected spiritually

I Can Help.

References: 1. Burns, David D., M.D. The Feeling Good Handbook. Penguin Books 2. Hayes, Steven C., Ph.D. Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life, The New Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 3. Frankl, Viktor E. Man’s Search For Meaning. Simon & Schuster 4. Mountain Dreamer, Oriah Cancer as a Turning Point Volume II From Surviving to

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DR. BRUCE EICHELBERGER, OMD 85 Washington Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 827-6901

RENO ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CENTER Carol Christian (775) 827-6888 www.rahcc.com

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Reduce pain, stress & fatigue; improve mental focus; increase motivation & energy; emotional weight loss. You can look & feel better with time-tested healing techniques. Go to ad on page 37.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure & treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, as a toxic bowel is a source of many health challenges. Take Action Now! Serving 2 locations: Gerber Medical Clinic & The Ageless Zone (775-826-8888). Go to ad on page 41.

Nevada Econet is the primary source of environmental information & education in Northern Nevada. It is a network helping environmentally minded people find each other. Ask us about sustainability resources, clean water, solar energy, land issues, recycling & zero-waste events.

ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY Robert Ayres (530) 550-1118 www.astrologicalalchemy.com The astrology of self-transformationSM. Personal, business, relationship and relocational consultations. Metaphysical teacher. Over forty years of experience. Go to ad on page 37.

CHIROPRACTORS DR. TONY JENSEN 112 Moana Lane St. 101 Reno, NV (775) 323-1222 We take the time to educate you about Chiropractic and how important the nervous system is to your overall existence. That sets us apart from other Chiropractors. Now offering ProAdjuster Technique, NO twisting, popping, safe and effective for all ages. Go to ad on page 21.

COACHING DINNY EVANS, CERTIFIED COACH www.forgivecoach.com (530) 414-1420 Find yourself living a life where you know and feel that everything is perfect exactly as it is, through Radical Forgiveness & Radical Manifestation. Offering personal coaching sessions, workshops, ceremonies and group studies. Go to ad on page 31.

SIERRA GREEN BUILDING ASSOCIATION Building The Sierra’s Sustainable Community (877) 744-2248 www.sigba.org

THE NEVADA CENTER Saundra Koeck (775) 884-3990 www.antiagingmedicine.com ColonOx Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, & extraordinarily effective method of systemic detoxification that combines traditional colon hydrotherapy with medical grade ozone. ColonOx hydrotherapy is a valuable treatment for most conditions from allergies to cancer. Go to ad on page 53.

ENERGY HEALING MASTER JOHN MIYATA, DSM Executive Stress Care Consultant 218 California Ave. #203, Reno (775) 720-7188 Practicing Total Healing Energy Treatments for over 30 years, Master John uses Shiatsu to harmonize and balance the body’s energy. Relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, body pains, digestive problems, endurance levels, unknown diseases and more. Regain your health and happiness. Go to ad on page 20.

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October 2009

SIGBA membership is non-exclusive, available to anyone who wants to support green building in the Sierra communities. We encourage our members to participate in green building practices, but do not require any specific certifications.

FENG SHUI FENG SHUI CLASSICAL CONSULTING Rebecca Moore Member of Alliance Feng Shui (775) 830-8168 Reno Rebecca is an environmental energy and design consultant who can help you avoid costly mistakes and enjoy long-term prosperity, health and success within your home and business, including existing, remodels, site selection, building design and commercial developments.

HERBAL REMEDIES VIVASAN USA™ • Lana Nickerson 6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. D37 (775) 826-8482 info@vivasanusa.com VIVASAN is the magic touch of nature from Switzerland. Offering personal and health care products with the same high Swiss quality acknowledged worldwide; therapeutic essential oils, herbal medicinal creams and balms, natural hair color, foot, body, hair and face products. Go to ad on page 17.




STEAMBOAT HOT SPRINGS HEALING CENTER & SPA 16010 S. Virginia, Reno (775) 853-6600 www.steamboatsprings.org

PRIVA TEST To purchase visit www.trumpnetwork.com/healthyliving 775-828-1309

Natural hot springs with healing waters. Private indoor tubs & 5-person outdoor tub. Offering therapeutic massage, detox mud body wraps, facials & skin care. Go to ad on page 39.

PrivaTest is a metabolic in-home test kit that scientifically produces a lab report showing your nutritional needs. Learn what nutrients your body is lacking. PrivaTest: Just 3 easy steps to optimum health. Finally, a way to get the supplements your body needs. Go to ad on page 11.



VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC Life Enhancement Services, LLC www.VirginiaParsons.com (775) 250-6482 Specializing in Weight Loss, Stress Management & Positive Lifestyle Change. Lose weight, increase your vitality, improve your image or change negative habits & thinking. Virginia provides caring & supportive guidance to help bring out your very best. 20 yrs experience. Go to ad on page 35.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE GERBER MEDICAL CLINIC Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave. • Reno (775)-826-1900 www.gerbermmedical.com

JESSICA EDGE, BS, ND (775) 324-3500 www.RenoNaturalMedicine.com Assisting the body’s natural healing process using science-based alternative healthcare. Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hormone balancing, lifestyle modification & hydrotherapy used to address the causes of disease. Menopause, PMS, Diabetes, Migraines, Digestive Problems, High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Depression, Sleep, Allergies. Go to ad on page 25.


RAND FAMILY CARE 6880 S. McCarran Blvd. Suite 14 • Reno www.randfamilycare.com (775) 826-RAND (7263)

Reno, NV (775) 250-3030 www.elmoreoilusa.com Elmore Oil, an all natural, fast acting pain relief for all types of arthritis and soft tissue pain. If you have arthritis, muscle aches and pains, sore neck or back or sports related injuries, try Elmore oil for soothing, relief. Go to ad on page 55.


A Blend of Eastern & Western Medicine, complete care for the entire family. Board Certified Family Practitioner. Non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical pain management and treatment. Medical acupuncture and holistic care. Metabolic testing and meal planning. No-Needle Mesotherapy cellulite reduction. Go to ad on page 20.

CHERYL KIRALY, LMT 218 California Ave. Suite 208 • Reno (775) 772-9101 Relief from chronic pain in neck, back, shoulders, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, muscle and joint pain. Combined modalities promote balance and healing. CranioSacral and Reiki available. Cheryl specializes in natural relief helping people regain their quality of life. Go to ad on page 14.

VIRGINIA PARSONS, MS, CCHT, CTLC, NC Life Enhancement Services LLC (775) 250-6482 www.VirginiaParsons.com Transitions Lifestyle System is a healthy approach to losing weight without going hungry. Lose body fat & increase lean muscle mass to achieve & maintain a healthy weight for life. Call for a FREE introductory session. Go to ad on page 35.

Magazine distributed at your location, please call

The Shakespeare Animal Fund gives financial aid to low income, elderly and disabled pet owners who need help with emergency vet care. We welcome volunteer work and donations.



If you would like HB

SHAKESPEARE ANIMAL FUND (775) 342-7040 www.shakespeareanimalfund.org

October 2009

An ancient physio-philosophy that reduces stress and complements other modalities. Using gentle touch, Jin Shin Jyutsu releases accumulated tensions by balancing the body’s life force energy, resulting in deep relaxation and peacefulness. Balance & harmony are necessary for good health.



Dr. Gerber brings 35 years of integrative medical experience to support your family’s health care needs in our new 8,800 sq ft. sustainable/green facility with spa, movement studio, IV nutrients, allergy testing, thermography, bio-identical hormones, pediatric and healthy aging services. Go to ad on page 41.

DANIEL KANE, NCTMB 1026 West First Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 233-8404

(775) 828-4547 or Email: distribution@HBMag.com

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Transform Yourself From Flab to Fab

Continued from page 35 According to Shari Lieberman, PhD in Dare to Lose, “muscle dictates metabolism.” She recommends a multifaceted lifestyle approach for permanent fat loss. It is important to change one’s lifestyle and eliminate the five major fat factors, by adopting low-glycemic impact eating, increasing activity levels, effectively managing stress, and changing behavioral responses. This approach enhances metabolism. It reprograms the metabolic switch from fat storer to fat burner, while eliminating cravings and constant hunger. The body is nourished and energized naturally. Nutritional supplementation can further support the fat loss process for those that are extremely metabolically challenged, insulin or leptin resistant, and over-inflamed due to years of unhealthy living. Dr. Lieberman published a 12 Week Total Lifestyle Intervention Pilot Study that compared a comprehensive lifestyle and supplement approach to Dansinger ML, Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers and Zone diets for weight loss and heart disease risk reduction. The study indicates that “the Transitions Lifestyle System 12-week Program significantly reduced mean body weight, percent body fat, and all anthropometric measurements.” “While no direct statistical comparison can be made, it appears that this 12-week program resulted in approximately twice the amount of weight loss and triple the amount of waist-circumference loss compared to Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets and was more effective than other diets reviewed.” Nutritional supplementation which included elemental chromium, gymnema sylvestre, garcinia cambogia, bioperine, magnesium, wheat amalyase inhibitor, banaba leaf extract, vanadium and bitter melon extract, further aided participants to lose fat more rapidly. In addition many

CLASSIFIEDS • ROOMS FOR RENT• Beautiful Zen office space close to river. Call Cheryl Blossom (775) 338-8617. Room for rent inside beautiful Skin Care/Massage Office. Call Karen (775) 337-2525.

•JOB OPPORTUNITIES• Wanted: Hair Stylist to experiment with Natural Hair Tint Product. Call Lana: (775) 826-8482.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR October 3rd Reiki for Animal Lovers Class First Degree. 10-5pm, $170 taught by Leslie Moran, Master Teacher and Animal Wellness Coach. Call (775) 324-2872 or email rpigold@gmail.com.

October 4th 11th Annual Northern Nevada Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Registration beginning 7 a.m., races & walk beginning 9:15 a.m., University of Nevada, Reno. Details and registration, www.komennorthnv.org or (775) 355-7311.

•BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES• Excellent Business opportunity. Established organic juice and smoothie bar. Contact Carol Christian, Reno Alternative Health Care Center (775) 827-6888. people were able to greatly reduce or discontinue their medications. As Dr. Shari would say, “I dare you to change, to become a different person, to succeed and achieve one of your biggest dreams. I dare you to win, to finally prevail in your battle with weight control.” Isn’t it time to stop dieting and start living the lifestyle so you can permanently lose the flab and look fab. References: 1. CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html Dare to Lose, Lieberman, 2002 2. Lieberman et al, Weight Loss, Body Measurements, and Compliance. Alternative Complimentary Therapies (2005)11:307-313 3. Dansinger ML, Gleason JA, Griffith JL et al. Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers and Zone diets for weight loss and heart disease risk reduction: a randomized trial, JAMA (2005)293:43-53. 4. Pawlak et al, Should Obese Patients be Counseled to Follow a Low-Glycemic Index Diet? Yes, Obesity Reviews (2002)3:235-243.

For more info, contact Virginia Parsons of Life Enhancement Services at (775) 250-6482 specializing in hypnotherapy and weight loss.

Go to ad on page 35.

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


October 2009

October 4th First annual Acufest, a festival of acupuncture and healthy living. Located at the Builtmore in Coral Gables from 11-5pm. Tickets are $25 until Oct. 3rd, visit www. acufest.com.

October 5th Community Blood Drive, hosted by Barton Auxiliary. At Lake Tahoe Airport from 11-6pm. Call Dan Kerr at (775) 7815343. For donor eligibility questions call, (800) 995-4420.

October 6th Free lecture & book signing by James Forsythe. Discover the secrets to the Fountain of Youth. 6:30pm at the Reno City Council Chanbers. Address: 1East First St. Contact: (775) 324-7382

October 10th FREE aromatherapy class at VIVASAN USA at 12 noon. Topics include; history and use of essential oils, make your own perfume from essential oils. Contact Lana (775) 826-VIVA.


October 22nd

November 5th & 6th

Om Home's Beginners Astrology Class October 10th 10:00am-11:00am Call to register or more information (775) 250-7756

“Why Diets Don’t Work” Free on-line Seminar, 5:30pm. Stop Dieting. Reprogram your metabolism to lose fat fast, following TransitionsTM Lifestyle System. Register at www.VirginiaParsons.com or call (775) 250-6482.

Book Faire, hosted by Barton Auxiliary in the Barton Mountain Café inside Barton Memorial Hospital. (775) 781-5343

October 24th & 25th

Assistance League Senior Sampler Holiday Craft Fair. 9:30-3pm. Free Parking and Free Admission. 1701 Vasser St. Call (775)324-2003.

October 10th Alzheimers Association Memory Walk. Registration begins at 8am. Event takes place at Reno High School. For more info visit http://memorywalk09.kintera. org/reno

October 18th

Praise the Earth, Raise the Earth, Come to the Planetary Healing Event at the Reno Psychic Fair at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. For more info, call (775) 3242872 or visit renopsychicfair.com.

November 10th

October 24-25th

Run For Education on Sunday October 18th. Pre-packet pick up is Oct.17th. Help benefit Washoe County School District. Visit http://www.washoerunforeducation.org/ to register or learn more information.

November 7th & 8th

Nevada Homeopathic & Integrative Medical Association (NHIMA) 2009 Conference. "Re-Thinking Anti-Oxidants via Nuclear Transcription Factors." $100 for general public, $450 for physicians, Located at Peppermill. Call (800) 8486992.

James Arthur Ray: The secret of Attracting the Life You Want. Learn how to create the life you desire in this FREE seminar. Reserve today at www.AttractTheLifeYou Want.net.

ONGOINGCALENDAR MS Self Help Group Meetings

Weekly Group Meditations

Enjoy a small variety of gluten free breads baked fresh. Call to reserve yours (775) 3237733. (Disclaimer: We are a wheat Bakery and

Groups are a source of information & support, an environment for people to gather & share. Groups meet in Reno, Sparks & Truckee. Call (800) 344-4867.

Group meditations on Mondays at 6pm & Fridays at 6:15pm. Om Home 3670 Grant Drive, Ste 104A, Reno NV. For more info: (775) 250-7756.

Free Chiropractic Workshop

Monthly Specials at Reverse Aging

Gluten Free Mondays at Great Harvest Bread Company

cannot guarantee a 100% gluten free product)

Get better faster, Stay better longer, Spend less money. New chiropractic technologies. FREE!!! Tuesday’s 6 – 7:30pm Reserve now - Call today! Jensen Chiropractic (775) 323-1222.

Monthly specials on spa packages and detoxification. Experience the “Royal Flush,” infrared saunas and the chi machine. Call Diane, (775) 327-4878.

Wednesdays: 6-7:30pm. Come and find ways to re-enter your life renewed. Contact Dr. Krumpe at (775) 233-0717 or Dr. Unthank at (775) 742-1475.

Join us for an open meditation every Sunday from 12–1pm. At the Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno. www.renopsychicinstitute.org. (775) 324-2872.

Crazy Ballroom Tuesdays Transforming Loss

Women's Empowerment Group

Sunday Meditation at Noon

Widening the Circle...It is painful life-loss such as this that holds the power to transform our lives. Weekly groups. Phone Terry Lowey at (775) 322-1924.

October 2009


“Crazy Ballroom Tuesdays” at Forever Dance. 7pm is Country Two-Step, 8pm is Nightclub Two-Step. Located at 100 McFaul Way, Zephyr Cove, NV. First class is FREE, call (775)588-5425

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

ASTROLOGY&HEALTH ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMYsm ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm

Monthly Health Outlook:


LIBRA Written By Robert Ayres


he Sun enters Libra this month on September 22. This marks the Fall Equinox, when day and night are of equal duration. As we move further into the fall season, the days will be getting shorter and the nights longer. Nature is in the process of integrating the celestial influences of the summer and reducing activity to sleep in the winter. From now until spring, darkness will dominate and be at its greatest strength and power. Now the focus is on addressing the shadow elements of life. They must be acknowledged, worked through, and integrated. Libra is the Scales, which is the cosmic principle of balance. The two pans of the scale represent the fundamental reality of polarity, duality, and opposites which must be brought into balance. Libra is the balance or midpoint of the yearly passage of the Sun through the signs of the zodiac. Venus, the planetary rule of Libra, is the principle of love. Of all the signs of the zodiac The Scales rules the cosmic laws of relationship. The fundamental principles of relationship are balance, harmony, and cooperation based on love. The dynamic is that of giving and receiving in a balanced loving manner. The universe is a whole, based on an infinite diversity of parts. Each of the parts has an important role to play for its own good and the good of the whole. Everything has its prescribed place in the cosmic scheme of things. The principle is unity in diversity and diversity in unity. Speaking in terms of humanity, For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


we form a group consciousness within the cosmos. We are one, even though we are each individualized expressions. We are all intimately connected. Libra's primary focus is on right relationships with each other. Libra rules all human relationship. The ultimate relationship of Libra is marriage and partnership. The intense focused one-on-one relationship where life is shared is its provenance. The cosmic intent is for us to open up our hearts and learn to think, feel, and act in consideration of the other person. Libra wants us to overcome our innate self absorption and selfishness. This opens up our hearts to joy, happiness, and bliss which cannot be achieved if we are only thinking of ourselves. It is a genuine expansion of consciousness. These principles that are now operative in Libra also apply to the body. The design of the human being is that we each contain all the forces, powers, and functions of the universe. We are complex beings made up of all the heavenly and earthly forces. These are manifest within our body as the various systems: respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, etc. For us to achieve a state of health means that we must bring all of these systems into balance. They must work with each other,

October 2009

not against each other. Libra is the sign that rules keeping all of the physiological systems in balance.


The specific organ designed to keep a state of balance within the body is the kidneys. The kidneys are in charge of keeping the fluids balanced and flowing. We need to remember that roughly 80% of our bodies are water. Esoterically this relates to the interpenetration of the etheric or vital body into the physical. It is by the agency of water that the chemical activity of the body is maintained. It is important to drink plenty of pure water.


Herbs that are ruled by Libra and that can be of benefit now are uva ursi, parsley, and bachu leaves. They are excellent diuretics and can help with kidney and bladder issues. Have a nice cup of herbal tea and feel that state of harmony and wellbeing grow within you. THE ABOVE IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS MEDICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. 2009 All Rights Reserved, Robert Ayres


Robert Ayres is an internationally known astrologer with over 40 years of experience. He can be reached for personal consultations at (530) 550-1118 or at his website at astrologicalalchemy.com

with Prolozone Therapy™

Go to ad on page 37.

Prolozone® is a safe, effective, natural injection technique developed by Dr. Shallenberger. Prolozone® uses the power of oxygen to stimulate the body to heal itself and end the cycle of pain.

Masking The Smell Of Toxins Continued from page 27

The Bottom Line You might summarize these findings by saying, "If it smells too good to be true, it probably is." Until manufacturers are required to accurately list ALL ingredients on the label, any product you buy that has a strong scent should be suspect.

Learn more about Prolozone Therapy™ at:


If you suspect exposure to toxic chemicals, there are natural ways to clear them from the body. The best approach is to work with a health care provider familiar with this problem. Otherwise you run the risk of overloading your system when detoxifying.

Serving northern Nevada, California & the Tahoe region for more than 15 years.

In the meanwhile, by using 100% natural products for cleaning, personal care, laundry and air fresheners you'll go a long way toward avoiding potential problems. And if you're sensitive to smells, regardless of whether they're natural or not, consider using fragrance-free versions of products.

775.884.3990 Frank Shallenberger, M.D., H.M.D. 1231 Country Club Dr. Carson City, NV 89703

References: 1. Fragranced consumer products and undisclosed ingredients, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 32-38.

For more info, contact Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, OMD of Reno, Alternative Medicine at (775) 827-6901, specializing in Oriental Medicine.

Go to ad on page 37. October 2009


For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Where Can I Dispose of .... Battery Recycling

Aluminum, Steel, Tin, Plastic Ewaste

Bottles, Newspaper, Magazines, Telephone Books, Corrugated Cardboard and Junk Mail/ Mixed Paper

Where to recycle old electronics:

Incline Village Incline Transfer Station 775-831-2971

CleanHarbors Environmental, Reno 775-331-9400 *accepts televisions for free

Improperly disposed batteries may cause pollution problems and bio hazards:

Global Investment Recovery 775-786-8555 *accepts televisions for free

• When burned, batteries release vaporized metals to the air that settle on lakes and streams.

All other landfills and transfer stations charge a fee for ewaste

• In landfills, heavy metals leech from decomposing batteries into ground water below.

Reno/Sparks Recycle America 1100 E. Commercial Row Carson City Carson City Landfill 775-882-3380 Fernley Fernley Transfer Station

Recycling Used Motor Oil and


Most local auto repair and service centers will accept used oil and used oil filter for recylcing. For informtion in other Nevada Communities call the State of Nevada Recycling Hotline at 1-800-597-5865.

Lockwood Landfil, Reno 775-342-0401 *will take Sony electronics for free. All other electronics taken for a fee

Household Hazardous Waste For recycling household hazardouse waste, contact these community resources: Washoe County Health District 775328-2434 Carson City Environmental Health Department 775-887-2190 Nevada Small Business Development Center 800-882-3233 or www.envnv.org CleanHarbors Environmental 775-3319400 or www.cleanharbors.com

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com


October 2009

Area Radio Shack, Batteries Plus, Home Depot, Lowe's Stores and Whole Foods take a variety of batteries.

• Lead and corrosive acids pose human and animal hazards, as contact produces burning to skin, eyes, etc.

Compact Fluorescent Light

Bulb Recycling

Waste Management of Nevada Recycle America Reno Transfer Station Stead Transfer Station Commercial Row Transfer Station Capital Sanitation Dayton Transfer Station Incline Village Transfer Station CleanHarbors Environment Fernley Transfer Station IVGID Waste Virginia City Transfer Station

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Magnolia Extract is the natural way to reduce stress and tension. Buy one bottle for just $14.95 and get the second bottle FREE! Use Savings Key Code: N44961. Health Freedom Nutrition • 800-980-8780 255 Bell St. • Reno, NV 89503 • www.hfn-usa.com


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(775) 852-8023

For past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

James Arthur Ray Coming to Reno

November 10th

As Seen On Oprah Larry King & The Secret

Photo credit www.attractthelifeyouwant.net

Go Online to Register Now! Seating is Limited

Be inspired at this FREE workshop with James

Arthur Ray

Come learn what TRUE wealth is and how to create it for yourself

• Why you may be struggling to succeed. • A deep understanding of how you have created the life you have. • How to increase your energy level. • The tools to get rid of stress and fear. • How to write a specific plan to achieve exactly what you want. Tuesday, November 10th

FREE Seminar 7:00 - 9:00 PM, doors open at 6:40 PM Read Newsbrief On Page 6 For Venue Information

SPACE IS LIMITED. Reserve your FREE seat today!

Go to www.AttractTheLifeYouWant.net or call 1-866-646-3738

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