Hearing Health Fall 2021

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Hearing Health Foundation 2021 Reader Survey Hearing Health Foundation would like to hear from our community to better serve your needs. Please fill out this survey (also accessible at hhf.org/survey) and mail it back using the envelope. Thank you for taking the time. What is your level of hearing loss? Mild Moderate Moderately severe Severe Profound I don’t know I don’t have a hearing loss

2. If applicable and known, please indicate the cause of your hearing loss. Check all that apply. Age-related hearing loss Noise-induced hearing loss Genetic or hereditary factors (e.g., Connexin 26, Usher syndrome) Medication Otosclerosis Head trauma or tumor (e.g., acoustic neuroma) Viral or bacterial infections (e.g., ear infections) I don’t know Other: _________________ 3. Do you use hearing assistive technology (e.g., an FM system, hearing loop, PockeTalker, captioned telephone)? Yes No 4. Do you wear hearing aids? Yes No 28

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5. Do you plan to purchase new hearing aids? In the next 3 months In the next 6 months In the next year I don’t plan on purchasing new hearing aids 6. What is your primary source for information about hearing aids? Hearing healthcare professional Hearing Health magazine Online research Other: _________________ 7. Do you wear a cochlear or another type of ear implant? Yes No 8. Where do you read Hearing Health magazine? Print Online Both 9. How did you hear about the magazine? Check all that apply. I subscribe Doctor’s office Family member Friend Social media Other: _________________

10. Please indicate your age. Under 18 years old 18 to 34 35 to 54 55 to 74 75 or older 11. What is your employment status? Employed or homemaker Out of work or looking for work Student Unable to work Retired 12. What is your pretax household income? Under $25,000 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 or more Prefer not to answer 13. Are you a veteran or active military service member? Yes No We’d also like to hear responses from your family and friends. The survey can be completed online at hhf.org/ survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at 212.257.6140 or info@hhf.org.

complete the survey online at hhf.org/survey


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