Alex Maldonado
Alex I couldn’t be more proud, and can’t wait for you to see all the very best life has to offer! — Love you, Mom
Alex Maldonado
My boy Alex, you continue to be the best son, brother, nephew, cousin and friend to us all. Your hard work and passion in all you do is an inspiration. You truly make everyone in our family very proud. I can’t wait to see all your gonna accomplish going forward.
— Love you, Poppy!
Alexa Enriquez-Torres
Congratulations you did it! Your whole family is proud of you! Can’t wait to see what you do next!
Alexia Hayes
Behind you all your memories
Before you all your dreams
Around you all who love you
Within you all you need
Congratulations on your graduation.
So proud of you.
— Love, Mom, Dad and Joshua
Allen Lee
Congratulations Allen and best of luck to you in the future.
Angela White
Congratulations on your graduation! Put God first and He will direct your path. May His Spirit guide you to all that He has for you. We are proud of you. — Love, Dad, Mom, AJ, Madelyn and Tuesday
Angelus Castillo
Way to proud, Angelus! So proud of you and can’t wait to see all the amazing things you achieve! - Destinee
Angelus Castillo
Angelus, We are beyond proud of you! No matter what life threw your way or what people had to say you presevered and finished strong! Congratulations on all your accomplishments and may God continue to direct your path. — Love, Mom & Dad
Angelus Carmine Castillo
Dear Angelus, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your graduation! This is
a huge milestone, and I am incredibly proud of the young man you have become.
Throughout your journey, you have shown dedication, perseverance, and a genuine passion for learning. Your hard work and commitment have paid off, and today, we celebrate not just your academic achievements but also the wonderful person you are.
As you step into this new chapter of your life, remember that the sky is the limit. Keep pursuing your dreams with the same enthusiasm and determination that brought you here today, and I have no doubt that you will achieve great things.
Always stay true to yourself, keep your values close to your heart, and never stop believing in your abilities. Your future is bright, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish.
Congratulations once again, Angelus! I love you more than words can express, and I am so excited to see where life takes you next.
— With all my love and pride, Dad
Arianna Marie Vega
Ari, We are beyond proud of you! — Love, The Entire Family
Ashley Richardson
Ashley, we are so proud of all that you have accomplished these last four years, and the beautiful person you are becoming. So excited for the next chapter at CCSU and know that you will flourish. We love you. — Mom & Dad
Ashley Richardson
Ashley, I am so proud of the beautiful young lady you have become. I can not wait to see what the next 4 years bring. Congratulations and Good Luck!! Love, Grandma
Ashley Richardson
Congratulations Ashley! We are very proud of you! Can’t wait to see what your future holds. — Love Uncle Dave & Auntie Mimi Autumn Ford
So beyond proud of you!! Can’t believe our little audie is graduating we love you so much! Love Raya your biggest supporter mommy and auntie Lisa!!
Ava Lee Martinez
You did it! Continue to stay true to yourself and nothing can stop you. On to your next adventure. We are so proud of you! — Love, Mom, Dad, Digs
Ava Lee Martinez
Congratulations Ava Lee! You made it! I can’t wait to watch you spread your wings & achieve GREAT things! I love you forever!
— Love, NaNa
Ava Martinez
Congratulations Ava! So proud of you and excited for your next journey! We Love you, Tio & Wesley!
Ava Martinez
Congratulations on your big accomplishment!!
— Love Angelique & Isabel
Ava Martinez
Congrats Ava Lee! So proud of your accomplishment’s and can’t wait to see your future! Love Rara
class officers

stoddard bowl
Caileigh and Kira Fisher
Caileigh, Kira, Congratulations on your graduation! We’re proud of you and excited for your future. Hard work pays off! You did it! Keep reaching for the stars! We love you! Jennie, Chris, Jordyn and Brynn
Caileigh Fisher
Congratulations Caileigh! We are so proud of you! Love you to the moon and back! On to the next chapter! Love Dad and John
Caileigh Fisher
We are so proud of you, Love Mom-Maw & Pop-Paw
Caleb P Sweeney
Congratulations! Hope the tassel was worth the hassle :-) - Love Mom
Cassidy Colacicco
You made it!! We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!! Keep smiling and laughing!! Love Mom, Scott and Riley
Celine Cardona
Congratulations baby. I am so proud of you. Keep working hard!
Celine Cardona
Celine, Congratulations to my favorite graduate! Love you, Coco
Celine Cardona
Celine, Keep being the sunshine that you are! We are so proud of you and blessed to have you as a daughter! Keep radiating that positive energy everyday. We are excited to see all of the amazing things you will accomplish in college! Love you, mami, papi, Angelito
Celine Cardona
Congratulations Celine. We cannot believe you are graduating high school. It’s been amazing to watch your maturation from the adventurous little girl to a poised and accomplished young woman. As you embark on your next chapter, know that only you have the pen to author your story, make it the best story ever told! With much love, peace, blessings and harmony we say congratulations to our 2024 Grad!!! Can’t wait to see what’s next! Love, Natalie (Tia Coky) Tio Aaron, Adriel and Naiem!
Celine Cardona
Celine, We are proud of you and blessed to have you as our granddaughter. Congratulations on graduating and being you! Te queremos mucho y que Dios te bendiga. Con amor, mama Naty y papa Luis

Celine Cardona
Congratulations Celine. May God guide your path to your future. Love, Mama Sarah & Papa Hector
Dereck Corchado
Congratulations! We are proud of you. Mom and Dad
Donte Kelly
Congrats! Best of luck at Choate! The Marcuss’ & Archie
Dylan Marchitto
Dylan~ Your hard work has paid off and you should be so proud of yourself!!
Congratulations on finishing strong. We love you so much and I’m excited for you and your next chapter at CCSU! Love, Mom and Joe
Dylan Marchitto
Congratulations Love uncle and auntie
Dylan T. Marchitto
Always so proud of all your accomplishments! Gram
Eli Hanne
Congratulations Eli. From cousin Ian, Aunties Rita and Tanisha. Go Hard. We love you!
Elijah Hanne
Congratulations!!! Very exciting! Wishing you the best!! Go get Em!!!
Elijah Hanne & Enzo Johnson
Congratulations! So proud of you both, but can’t believe how fast this time went by! I know you will both excel in your next chapter! - Cousin Darryl
Elijah Johnson
Congrats on your graduation, blessing on the next chapter of your life!! I am so proud of you, keep reaching for the stars!!
Elizandrea Lopez
Ellie!!! You did it! Congratulations on your graduation!!! Extremely proud of your accomplishments!!! The future is in your hands! Love you, Dad aka RL Elizandrea Lopez
Ellie felicitaciones en tu graduación. Te deseamos un futuro maravilloso! Con mucho amor Abuelo y Abuela!
Emily Konobeev
The world is your playground so go have some fun! So proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad
Enzo and Elijah Johnson
Congratulations to the both of you! Beyond proud of you. There’s no limit to what you can do.
Enzo Hanne
Enzo, words can’t express how happy and proud I am of you. Your determination and perseverance throughout your high school career are simply incredible. Keep following your dreams and reaching for the stars, Literally!! Much Love, Mom
Enzo Johnson
Elijah Hanne
Eli, you’re amazing at all that you do. I’m so proud of your determination and many accomplishments. Keep following your dreams!! Congratulations on Graduating with your Class of 2024 Son!! Love, Mom
Elijah Hanne
Congratulations Elijah! So proud of you and all your accomplishments! Cheers to a bright future ahead!
Elijah Hanne
What a amazing young man you have grown into! Congratulations on your graduation from high school, job well done! May your next journey be all you dream of! Love, Ms Ann
Elijah Hanne
Congratulations, we love you, may God bless your future.
Elijah Hanne
Congratulations I’m so proud of the young man you have become I know it gets hard sometimes but just know you’re mother will be there for you always I love you uncle Tula
Congrats and blessing on the next chapter if your life!! I am so proud of you!! Keep reaching for the stars!!
Enzo Johnson
Congratulations Enzo!! Wishing you all the best! Reach for the stars!! Love moms friend Kelley Deroy
Enzo Johnson
Congratulations, we love you, may God bless your future.
Enzo Johnson
Hi this message is for you and all your hard work from elementary to high school and now look you and your brother will be crossing the stage together I know that has to be an awesome feeling congratulations Young lady I love you and can’t wait until June 11
Enzo Johnson
Congratulations Enzo. Love your Aunties Rita and Tanisha!!! We are so proud of you
Enzo Johnson
What a wonderful time of your life Enzo, you have succeeded in graduating high school! Job well done! Very proud of you, looking forward to seeing you walk that walk! Cap and gown proud! Love, Ms Ann
Galina Ortiz
I know this is just the beginning of all the amazing things you will accomplish. Congratulations Galina I love you so much so very proud of you.
Glendeliz Ruberte
You finally made it through and I am so proud of you! Love Mom
Hannah Yale
I am so proudof you!!! You are the sweetest ,kindest, smartest person on earth! I have loved you since the day you were born! Papa would be so proud of you!!! I can’t wait to see what your future holds for you. Shine bright look to the stars! Love Nana!!!!!
Hannah Yale
We couldn’t be more proud of you Hannah. We continue to be in awe of your amazing accomplishments in everything you do. The future is so bright for you!!! We love you so much. Mom, Dad, and Hunter
Hannah Yale
Congratulations Hannah. We are all so proud of you and all of your accomplishments you have acheived. Can’t wait to see what the future brings to you.
Love Uncle Chris, Avery and Evelyn
Imani Stimpson
Go in the Direction of your Dreams! Always remember you are Braver, Stronger, and Smarter Than You Think We love You and we’re Proud of you.
Isabella Sen
Congratulations on your high school graduation cant wait for you to be our veterinarian in the future.
Izayiah Anthony Gallaher
Way to go! I am so proud of the young man you are becoming. Follow your dreams and always give it your all. I will always be your biggest supporter and cheering section. Remember what your dad always said “ the true character of a man is what he does when know one is watching”. I love you my smart, handsome, talented son Today, Tomorrow and Forever! Love Mom
Jackson Taylor
We are so proud of how you’ve persevered, made great friends and excelled in so many ways. Congratulations Love, Memaw and Grandpa
Jackson Taylor
Jackson, we are so proud of all your accomplishments these past four years! On to your next adventure! We love you! Dad and Mom
Jaden Davila
Jaden, congratulations on your graduation! You’ve finally escaped the cafeteria food, survived the early morning alarms, and made it out of high school! You’re officially an adult! We’re so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Now go forth and conquer the world!
Love, Mom, LG, Liv and Raini
Jaidyn Flematti
You did it, my love! You just graduated HIGH SCHOOL! I am so proud to have you by my side through every challenge and every victory. I love you more than you will ever know! On to our next chapter <3
Jameson Sheehan
Congratulations Jameson. I could not be prouder of you! - Dad
Jayden Barnett
Jayden we are so proud of you and continue to pray God’s favor over your life. It’s amazing being your parent and watching you develop into the young man you are today. We can’t wait to see what’s next for you. This is just the beginning. Always know mom, dad and Zanri will always be in your corner. We love you!
Jeffrey Ortiz
Jeffrey, congratulations on your graduation! You’ve put in so much hard work and dedication, and it’s amazing to see it all pay off. We’re seriously impressed by everything you’ve achieved. This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter for you. We can’t wait to see what incredible things you accomplish next! We wish you all the happiness and success in the world. Te queremos mucho - Dad, Mom, Johana, Gabby, and we can’t forget Leo.
Jirianie Figueroa
Jirianie I am proud of you, You are an example to fallow, Never give up and continue whit your dream and goal, your family love you.
John Anthony Peralta
Congratulation I am very proud of you. You are a warrior. I love you your aunt titi Jenny
John Peralta
Congratulations on completing high school and getting into one of the best universities for medicine. I look forward to seeing you become a great healthcare provider and athlete. I have no doubt that your accomplishments will be written in the pages of history in letters of gold.
Jonh Anthony Peralra
Congratulations! You are pn your way to a bright and successful future. I love you and I’m super proud of you. God bless you!
Julia Skryzniarz
Congratulations Julia! We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments! The sky’s the limit!!
Julia Skryzniarz
Congratulations Julia!! We are so proud of you and your many achievements!! Love , Aunt Sue and Victor
Julia Skrzyniarz
Congratulations! So ptoud of you! Margie
Julia Skrzyniarz
Congratulations Julia! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad
Julian Valentin
We are so amazed by everything you have overcome and accomplished . Now go show the world what you have to offer. We love you so much! Mom, Dad & Naylah
Kaiya Valentin
Congratulations Kaiya! We’re so proud of you! Love Bryan, Jen, Lexi, Dylan, Nate and Trevor
Kaiya Valentin
We are so happy that we get to continue to see you be more and more amazing! Love, Lexi and Dylan
Kaiya Valentin
Happy graduation Kaiya! I am proud of you and love you! Love Gabey
Kaiya Valentin
Congratulations to a wonderful girl who always is smiling and has a positive attitude towards life. We love you and wish you the best!!Love, Grammy & PaPa
Kaiya Valentin
Congrats on your graduation! Good luck on the next chapter of your life! Proud of you! Love Uncle Mike!
Kaiya Valentin
Congratulations Kaiya we are so proud of you! Love Mom, EJ, Ledjin, Julius, Darius, Kayden and Ziah
Kaiya Valentin
Congratulations Kaiya, I’m so proud of you. I’m supper excited to see you continue to grow and chase your dreams. Ziah and I will always be in your corner!
Kaiya Valentin
We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! May you always have faith in your dreams, and never give up! We love you! Love, Daddy & Jesse
Kaiya Valentin
We are so incredibly proud of the beautiful young lady you are! Congratulations on the first of many milestone that you will accomplish in your life!! We love you so so very much!! Love Dad, Jess, Kayden, and Gabey
Kathryn Edwards
Congratulations Katie!! We are all so proud of you! Proud of all the things you have overcome and the hard work but most proud of the kind of friend and person you are to so many. You make a difference. We love you.
Kayleigh Jacquelynn Vasquez
Congratulations my sweet K! I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished over the last four years. Your future is so bright and I know with God as your guide you will do great things in this world.. I love you so much! You did it! Xoxo Mom
Kayleigh Vasquez
We are beyond proud of you Kay, you continue to make us proud. Love dad and Steven

Congratulations Maloney Class
of 2024!
Kayleigh Vasquez
You have made us all very proud. You can look back and know that you have accomplished a lot! Now is the time for you to pause and reflect on what you have achieved. It is also time for you to set new goals as you look forward to your future.
In Spartan Pride and with love, Mrs. Straub
Kayleigh, You were my first Diaper change. (Which was an epic fail!) And look at you now. You’re a beautiful, independent , hard working young lady. The true definition of a Go Getter! You are moving on to a new and exciting chapter in your life. We wish you all the best for the future that lies ahead. Always remember your roots, as they are the foundation of your life and the wings to your future. Congratulations on your graduation! - Love You Always - Auntie Jaz & Uncle Al.
Kayleigh Vasquez
Congratulations Moo Moo, I am so proud of you! Love, Sav
Kendall Ferreira
Congrats Kendall! I am going to miss watching you play volleyball! It has been a pleasure! Best wishes for a great future! Love, Heather
Kendall Ferreira
Congratulations Kendall Ferreira!! We are proud of all the accomplishments you have achieved and We know there are plenty more!! We love you!! Dad, Mom and Zack Kendall Ferreira
Congratulations Kendall! We are so proud of you! Best of Luck at The University of Hartford! Love, The Manke’s Kira Fisher
Congratulations Kira. We are so proud of you! Love you to the moon and back! On to the next chapter!
Kira Fisher
Congratulations Kira! We are so proud of you! Love you to the moon and back! On to the next chapter! Love Dad and John Kira Fisher
We are so proud of you, Love Mom-Maw & Pop-Paw.
Amaya Tatiana Adkins
Amira Adnane
Sonia Akram
Hamzah Mohamed Algabyali
Mariel Almendares Luna
Eric Georges Alteus
Cache Princess April Anderson
Abe Kojo Anti
Alyssa Lanae Arce
Zachary Scott Aresco
Jayda Marlea Arnold
Anthony Joel Arroyo
Nicholas Eric Arroyo
Kofi Bosompem Asamoah
Julia Marie Asplund
Steven Astacio Martinez
Yasmin Omar Aziz
Katherine Baez
Kevin Hilario Baez-Laureano Priscilla
Anne Baldwin
Jayden Duane Barnett
Joseph Angelo Baroni
Kylie Nicole Baxter
Zoey Beardsley
Bria Lynn Benigni
Rylie Gail Benigni
Jasmine Fe Bermudez Rivera Joshua
Anthony Bermudez
Bobby Leighton Blue Jr
Zephan Adjei Blankson
Brendon David Borak
Teairra Aerie Brady
Savannah Grace Brooks
Payton Andrew Browne
Michelle Adlin Burgos Perez
Hunter Alexander Carballo
Mia Catherine Carbone
Antonio Rafael Cardona
Celine Marisela Cardona
Eyeri Cardona-Ramos
Isabella Maria Carrero-Santos
Ezequiel David Carrion Herrera
Reese Loran Cassidy
Almari Najabi Castillo
Angelus Carmine Castillo
Ulises Alonso Castillejo
Samuel Lee Castro
Cesar Daniel Castro-Ramirez
Oscar Cervantes
Madison Lynn Chalko
Arya Chhita
Mya Melody Chrzanowski
Samantha Nicole Cicio
Giavanna Grace Civitello
Cassidy Carol Colacicco
Jada Shahnaz Cole Barnett
Jason Robert Consiglio
Jillian Antoinette Consiglio
Dereck Mason Corchado
Jason Correa
Kristopher Santiago Cortes
Leah Maria Cortes
Jaclyn Rose Cortes-Hamilton
Hanna Sage Curtis
Julian Adrian Cusnia Moposita
Jaden Xavier Davila
Miguel Angel Davila
Jamarie Ezekiel Davis
Zahara Elisha Davis
Jandy Julian De La Cruz
Deangelis Dejesus
Dejalie Janailie DeJesus
Jorge Alexander Flores Pacheco
Quincy Gabriel Fluker
Autumn Skye Ford
Cameron Allen Gagne
Izayiah Anthony Gallaher
Hanna Nicole Galloza
Luiza Lopes Gama
Marcela Lopes Gama
Gavriel Garcia
Nathaly Ross Garcia Mejia
Cadelkis Garib Guante
Justin Joel Garofalo Leon
Devin Joseph Gavin
Joseph Gabriel Gomez Torres
Brian Raul Gomez
Kevin Anthony Gonzalez Lumbi
Joshua Jose Delorbe
Griffin Kenney DePalma
Journey Lynn Derosier-Michaud
Gabriel Diaz
Victoria Regina Diaz
Joseph Michael Doucette
Andrew Alan Doyle
Troy Allen Ducas
Tyler Joseph Duffy
Jovian Isaiah Dugan
Terrell Xavier Duncan
Kathryn Jewel Edwards
Mikahlia Janelle Edwards
Azayda Jade Ellison
Alexa Enriquez-Torres
Dominic Escamilla Gamez
Jocelin Denise Fagundo
Daphne Kira Fernandez
Kendall Ann Ferreira
Jirianie Soley Figueroa Lopez
Rafael Jamaliel Figueroa Rosario
Caileigh Rose Fisher
Kira Grace Fisher
Jaidyn Tyler Flematti
Jeremy Gonzalez Torres
Cesar Augusto Gonzalez
Xavier Angel Gordillo
Adam Gouhmid
Jeremy Taylor Granda Lopez
Jenessa Lynn Green
Alanna Courtney Greene
Johana Lizeth Gutierrez Miranda
Kiara Guzman
Nevaeh Jade Guzman
Brooke Lynn Halladay
Elijah Manssour Hanne
Enzo Hanne
Zachary Patrick Hannel
Maueze Mohamed Helmy Hassan
Kyla Isabella Hastings
Joshua Xavier Hawkins
Alexia Marie Hayes
Liam Patrick Hayes
Jack-Niklas Hernandez Valle
Ingrid Dallana Herrera Silva
Dashawn David Holloway
Donald Franklin Horton
Alyssa Gene Howard
Ajwa Sheik Imran
Alex Troy Antonio Jackson
Julia Elizabeth Jarry
Tyion Tymer Jenkins
Gerardo Alexander Jimenez
Angelo Johnson
Daren Frederick Johnson
Jayla Annette Denise Johnson
Robert Anthony Johnson
Mason Everett Jones
Mia Lynn Jones
Emily Joyce Kargle
Samuel Danso Abeam Karikari
Donte John Shamik Kelly
Gabriel Khalifa
Lance Kicklighter
Kuba Klejbuk
Emily Elizabeth Kline
Rhiannon Victoria Kline
Emily Marie Konobeev
Cameron Kruczek
Roger Anthony Lainez Rojas
Eve Naomi Lapointe
Chase Patrick Leary
Yonaely Aleishaly Lebron
Allen Isaac Lee
Annalese Nyasiah Lewis-Rivera
Azariah Malachi Ligon
Ronny Eliezer Llera
Elizandrea Syriana Lopez
Honnesty Jayde Lopez
Amira Jade Lopez-Stevens
Jackson Joseph Luce
Mason Shawn Lynch
Alex Benjamin Maldonado
Peyton Alexandra Manke
Kelly Michelle Marcatoma Castro
Dylan Thomas Marchitto
Leah Alexandra Marrero
Trevoy Carnel Marrow
Francis T. Maloney High School Class of 2024!
Jada Mitzi Martell
Gerardo Andres Martinez Rivera
Ava Lee Martinez
Maya Summer Massores
Colin John Mayhew
Alexzandria Marie Meacham
Anaysia Medina
Kayan Kalinakona Monoke Mendonca
Joseiry Mendoza
Yasmeen Miloua
Julierys Marie Molina Cotto
Genavieve Monemvasitis
Alina Rose Mongeon-Remillard
Elianis Montanez
Mya Yvette Montanez
Francisco Javier Monteserin
Zakkai Kayree Moore
Zendalis Morales
Kevin Moreno
Inari Valarie Morrison
Aubrey Isabella Moss
Jennifer Paola Mullo Cusnia
Alexis Munoz
Sebastian Alejandro Naranjo Sanchez
Danniel Jabbar Nelson Jr.
Juneiah Anese Nelson
Allen Raymond Nerbonne
Xavier Luis Nieves
Sean Daniel Nowicky
River Joseph Robertson
Nathalia Nunez-Rodriguez
Melissa Rojas Sanchez
Odalvis Javier Rosario Evangelista
Emily Ojeda-Luna
Thomas Nicholas O’Malley
Jimmy Orama Agudo
Armani Richard Ortiz
Galina Emily Ortiz
Jeffrey Damian Ortiz
Yaziel Angel Ortiz
Karel Oruz
Jonasia Alanna Outland
Jayden Alexis Padilla
Julia Denise Palmieri
Briana Palta-Saltos
Natalia Pardo Sanabria
Michael Antonio Song-Carabetta
Samantha Madelyn Park
Nya Til’shiloha Peets
Charlize Lauren Pelletier
Morgan Juliana Pelletier
Jamir William Maurice Penn
John Anthony Peralta
Ayanna Jaylin Perry
Sienna Jasmine Pesticci
Christian Phat Phang
Ryan Joseph Pirruccio
Jonathan Gabriel Pizarro
Laura Michelle Pressley
Nathan James Prioleau
Sabrina Danae Querido Martinez
Erickzoon Schneider Quiroga Jimenez
Melanye Anahi Quispillo Chasipanta
Lorenzo Michael Ramcharan
Raimer Ramirez Batista
Mohamed Raqabi
Ashley Janet Richardson
Raichelle Monique Rivera Guzman
Cris’Angel Rivera
Malachi Joel Rivera
Mia Cecelia Rivera
Massuma Zehra Rizvi
Jessy Nomarys Robles
Rafael Gabriel Rodriguez Rosa
Brian Manuel Rodriguez
Jaden Raymond Rodriguez
Luciano George Rodriguez
Nicholas Rodriguez
Melissa Rojas Sanchez
Fernando Matthew Roldan
Mariano Rivera Roman
Nyzaria Malay Roman
Ashley Nicole Rosado
Kayla Marie Rosario
Odalvis Javier Rosario Evangelista
Glendeliz Niarah Ruberte
Mariah Bella Ruiz
Jawad Noman Saeed
Karielys Blanca Saez-Serrano
Hismael Sanchez
Joaneidys Alondra Santana Kuilan
Joaneilys Alondra Santana Kuilan
Kristal Santiago
Isabella Urszula Sen
Robert Joseph Serrano
Mekhi Alexander Seth
Alfred Jaiden Seymour
Jered Louis Seymour
Jameson Timothy Sheehan
Georgia Rose Showerda
Zachary Joseph Simpson
Julia Lorene Skrzyniarz
Christopher Michael-David Smith
Chyanne Austin Smith
Dontae Omarion Smith
Jayla Anai Smith
Aryana Destany Marie Snedeker
Jeriel Solis-Hernandez
Gabrielle Emilie St Pierre
Brendan Alexander Stankiewicz
Imani Janelisse Stimpson
Carlos Yamil Suarez
Shania Sky Sumlin
Tyress Devaughn Swain
Caleb Paul Sweeney
Samet Takir
Lino Taveras
Jackson Aiden Taylor
Robert Charles Taylor
Dei’ Ari Nasair Thames-Giles
Hayli Olivia Thayer
Jamison Paul Thomas
Yitzaelie Yenid Torres Colon
Aleirys Daian Torres Fuentes
Manuel Alejandro Torres Zarate
Denalize Lani Torres
Dylan Felix Torres
Glarielys Marie Torres
Lezley Lenis Torres
Rigo Tovar
Anh-Thi Teresa Tran
Ngoc-Anh Tran
Andrew Theodore Truia
Adrian Wences Valentin
Julian Andres Valentin
Kaiya Grace Valentin
Maria Fernanda Vargas Contreras
Kendraliz Vargas
Kayleigh Jacquelynn Vasquez
Julian Nataniel Vazquez
Arianna Marie Vega
Jalixet Velez
Lisbeth Maria Ventura Espinal
Talia Viger
Jason Gabriel Villegas
Malcolm Villegas
Marquis Jovan Ward
Perryon Symar Ward
Meriel Blu Weeks
Cordajah Lynn Weston
Angela Rose White
Karin Elliese Williams
Ajon Isiah Woods Lewis
Geovonnie Elijah Woods Lewis
Hannah Rose Yale
Jamily Britney Yanez Garcia
Kamryn Yepez
Makayla Kalise Young
Jazmin Paola Zhagui
Kira Fisher, Caileigh Fisher
Congratulations Kira and Caileigh! We’re so proud of you! Love Uncle Sean and Aunt Kate!
Kristal Santiago
Kristal, I am very proud of you. God bless you and don’t forget that mommy is here to support you in this new stage. I love you, Jessica.
Luiza Gama and Marcela Gama
Luiza and Marcela Gama, mom is very proud of you two, may this new stage be full of many achievements, I will always be here for you two. I love you my girls from your mother Genilma
Mariah B.Ruiz
Congratulation’s baby girl! We are so proud of you. Continue to reach for the stars!! Mom and Dad will always be right behind you! We love you….J,I,E,J,K
Marquis Ward
Congratulations Marquis. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors. It’s been such a pleasure watching you transform from the good little boy into a great man. We are all soo proud of you.
Mekhi Seth
Congratulations Khi… I’m super proud of you. Love Mom
Mekhi Seth
To my brother, You have accomplished a big goal in your life and after this is the real world. You know I am always here for help no matter what you need. I am beyond proud of you and can’t wait to see you fulfill every single dream you have! I love you beyond words can describe, congratulations brother YOU DID IT!!!
Mekhi Seth
Congratulations Khi Gram and Ra are proud of you. There are no limitations on what you can do. You are loved.
Mekhi Seth
Congratulations! We are so proud of you!
Love Auntie Nik, Uncle Art and Aaron
Mekhi Seth
Congratulations Mekhi. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors. The best is yet to come. Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.
Meriel Weeks
Congratulations Meriel, I am so proud of everything you have done and who you are. I love you so much and know you will do great things. Happy future! Love, Mom
Michelle A. Burgos
We are very proud of everything you have achieved and everything you are going to achieve in your new stage as a university student, always remember that you will achieve everything you set your mind to, and never forget how much your family loves you.
Mia Rivera
Congratulations on your graduation Mia! We all are so proud of you. High school is just the first step on your path to greatness.
Love Mom and your whole family.
Nathaly Garcia Mejia
Naty, we are so unbelievably proud of you for graduating from MHS! You are on your way to be a lawyer at Penn State. You will be creating a legacy and making an impact in the most magnificent of ways. Te amo and WE ARE!
Nicholas Rodriguez
Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! We are very proud of you!!
Love Angelique & Isabel
Nick Rodriguez
Congratulations on doing a super great job in school!! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!!!
Nicky Rodriguez
So proud of you and all of your accomplishments in high school! Keep reaching for the stars! We are so excited as you begin your next chapter! Good luck at University of New Haven! We love you! Mom, Dad, KK, and Adri
Nico (Kylie) Baxter
Congratulations!!! “Every adventure requires a first step” - Cheshire Cat. First step complete. We are very proud of you.
Peyton Manke
Congratulations Peyt! I am so proud of you and excited for your next adventure!! - Rach xo
Peyton Manke
Oh Peyton we are so proud of the talented, beautiful inside & out, smart girl you have become! Looking forward to see what life has in store this next chapter. Love you, Kelly, Jerry & Monroe
Peyton Manke
Congrats Peyton, good luck at SHU!! - Cody and Sara
Peyton Manke
Peyt, Congratulations on your graduation from Maloney High School! Time flies!
Watching you grow from that tiny, super cute baby girl into the beautiful, intelligent young woman you are today has been a blessing for us! We’re so very proud of you and we know you’ll do great things at Sacred Heart University! We LOVE you!!! Love, Auntie Jacki and Uncle Mark
Peyton Manke
Congratulations Peyton! Its seems like yesterday that we were welcoming you into this world and now here you are with the world at your fingertips! We are so proud of the woman that you have become! We love you and we wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors! Love, Christina Gary Everly & Hudson xoxo
Peyton Manke
I am so proud of you for everything that you have accomplished throughout your school and dance career. I am so lucky to be able to call you my sister. I love you so much! Congratulations! Love Madison.
Peyton Manke
Congratulations Peyton! We wish you the best of luck!!! Love, The LaPorta’s
Peyton Manke
Congratulations on your graduation, Miss Peytie...love ya!!! With love, from:Janice & Polly Pocket!!
Peyton Manke
Congrats Peyton! So excited for you & best of luck next year at SH! Love u girl! Mommy Renee & Livi.
Peyton Manke
Congratulations to our wonderful Granddaughter Peyton on Graduating from Maloney High School - Class of 2024 - So very proud of you! With our love Grammy + Grandpa O.
Peyton Manke
Congratulations Peyton! We are so proud of you for all of your accomplishments over the years at Maloney and in all of your years of dance. We love you so much! We wish you all the best as you enter the next chapter of your life! Best of Luck at Sacred Heart University!
Love Always, Mom & Dad
Peyton Manke
You’re beautiful, you’re smart, so go out there and get what you want! Love your first cousin once removed (Eddie) and DziaDzia. ( Polish for my father) You know who we are, and we’re rooting for you!!!!
Peyton Manke
Peyton, we are so happy for you in all you have accomplished in life so far. You are a beautiful person inside and out and have made us so proud. Good luck at Sacred Heart!! Love, Carrie, Eric, Micah & Brody
Peyton Manke
Peyton, Congratulations on your graduation! I wuv you and I’ll miss you when you are at SHU. Wuv you forever, Lucy
Peyton Manke
Congratulations Peyton so happy for you! Love, Lee
Priscilla Baldwin
Congratulations Priscilla! Love, The Skrzyniarz Family
Priscilla Baldwin
I am so proud of you! Keep reaching for the stars, this is only the beginning. Love, Mom.
Priscilla Baldwin
Congrats on everything you’ve accomplished in high school. You did an amazing job. Love, Dude and Bandit
Priscilla Baldwin
Keep setting goals and chase all your dream’s Love Dad

Congratulations Francis T. Maloney High School Class of 2024!
I encourage you to give your best in everything you do, be kind to others, and follow your dreams. I wish you success and happiness!
Mark D. Benigni, Ed.D. Superintendent
Priscilla Baldwin
Congratulations Cilla !!! So proud of you. Can’t wait to see going forward all of the great accomplishments you will achieve. Love … Sue & Bekky
Priscilla Baldwin
Cilla, I am so proud of you! Love, Nana
Priscilla Baldwin
Congratulations!! I am very proud of you and wish you nothing but the best on your next chapter. Keep doing big things. Love always uncle Tito
Priscilla Baldwin
Congratulations on your Graduation and good luck in your journey! Love, Mary (Nyssa’s Gram)
Priscilla Baldwin
Congrats Cilla! We love you so much and are so super proud of you! We are going to miss you so much but you won’t be far! Love, Emma, Avery and Devon
Priscilla Baldwin
Priscilla, it has been a pleasure watching you perform all of these years and getting to know you! I am very proud of you! Love, Heather xoxo
Priscilla Baldwin
It is not where you start but how high you aim!!! Keep reaching for the stars!
Congratulations we love you! Evie, D &Nyssa
Rafael Figueroa Rosario
Congrats, your family is so proud of you. We love you!!
Raichelle Rivera
Raichelle may Good keep blessing you forever and always. Your hard work finally pay off. We wish you all the best for the future that lies ahead. Mom and Dad are so proud of you. Congratulations from your parents!
Reese Cassidy
Reese, we are so incredibly proud of you and everything that you accomplished at Maloney. We are excited for your next adventure at PC. Love Mom, Riley, Regan and Rory.
Reese Cassidy
Reese, congratulations on gradation! It has been an absolute joy watching you grow into such a remarkable young lady! I am very proud of you! Love, Heather
Robert C. Taylor
We are so proud of you Robert and your accomplishments! We know you will also soar at ORU! Love, Dad, Mom, Jordan, Jasmine, Star and Onyx !
Ryan Pirruccio
Congratulations Ryan, way to go - hope the next 4 years at CCSU are epic! Uncle Michael
Ryan Pirruccio
Congrats!!!! I am so so proud of you!! You are going to continue to do amazing things!!! (P.S. I don’t like that ur going to college because now I’m old LOL) -Jocelyn
Ryan Pirruccio
Yayy congrats! I’m beyond proud of you and everything you’ve done. You’re gonna have so much fun at Central and will do amazing things! - Lauren
Ryan Pirruccio
Ryan, Congratulations on your big day and on all your accomplishments. I know without a doubt that you were made for great things. You make me so proud ! Love, Auntie Sandy
Ryan Pirruccio
Ryan - Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and love you very much! Love - Dad, Mom & Samantha
Ryan Pirruccio
Ryan - What a proud day! We couldn’t be happier for you and love you so much! Love - Nonno & Nonna
Ryan Pirruccio
Congratulations to Ryan on a great four years at Maloney! We know you will do great at CCSU! Love, Gramma & Granpa
Ryan Pirruccio
Congratulations Ryan! We are so proud of you! Good luck at CCSU, we can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Uncle Matt, Auntie Kim, Emma & Camryn
Samantha Cicio
Sam, I am so proud of you! Congratulations !! I love you so much! Love, Mom xoxo
Samantha Cicio
Sammi, I am going to really miss hearing you play the drums and watch you perform! Congratulations on graduation!! Love, Momma xoxo
Samantha Cicio
Sam, Way to go!!! So proud of you! We love you so much! Mom & Steph
Samantha Cicio
Sammi, to my favorite center snare! I love watching you play!!! I will miss it so much!
Love you, Mom
Sami Park
Congratulations! We are so proud of you! Go Sharks! Love, Dad, Mom, and Katie
Sami Park
Congratulations Sami! Love, The Skrzyniarz Family
Sean Nowicky
It’s finally here. Sean! Today is the day to reflect on and take pride in all of your accomplishments...you have so much to look forward to and much to be thankful for. Your family loves you and we’re right behind you. Congratulations!
Sébastien Zapata
Congratulations you did it! I am so proud and happy for you. May God bless you always . T amodoro Suzie
Talia Vigar
Wishing you the Best. Because you always give your Best. Uncle Gilberto
Talia Viger
Congratulations, Talia we know you will accomplish great things at the University of New Haven. Love Mama and Papa
Talia Viger
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined! We love you, Talia!
-Mom, Mike, Lilly and Abby
Talía Viger
Congratulations on your accomplishment! We are very proud of you! Love Angelique & Isabel
Tyler Duffy
To our favorite baseball player, we will always be your biggest fans! We’re so proud of you and we love you so much! Xoxo Love Mom and Dad
Tyrese Swain
Congratulations on this huge accomplishment . We love you aka TT !
Yasmeen Miloua
Congratulations Yasmeen on your high school graduation! You have made us so proud with all your accomplishments. We can’t believe your going to Mt. Holyoke College in the fall. Your an intelligent young woman and we are excited to see you pursue your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad, Amira, Salma
Yasmeen Miloua
Yasmeen, we are incredibly proud of you and look forward to seeing you take on your next big adventure. We love you! -Uncle Timmy, Aunt Stephanie, and TJ
Yasmeen Miloua
Best wishes on your future endeavors! Love, Grandma Cathy and Tim
Yasmeen Miloua
Congrats on graduating and best of luck at Mt. Holyoke! Sleep is key in college! Love, Uncle Stephen
Yaziel Ortiz
I am BEYOND proud of you, Yazi! Keep on being you, the world is so much brighter with you in it :)
Zephan Blankson III
Master Zephan, we are so proud of you and your accomplishment! Your hard work has paid off. We are excited about your new journey. Only great and mighty things lays ahead of you. Congratulations son. God bless you more and more! We love you!

Dear Graduates of Maloney High School, Class of 24,

I am extremely honored to have known so many of you, and even more honored to call many of you friends, for life. As you have grown to be a senior in high school, you have shown true strength, wisdom and talent. The pandemic did not stop you, it made you stronger. You leave behind a legacy of hard work, dedication and caring. Before you are your dreams, your family and your faith to guide your future. On behalf of the Board of Education, we salute the Maloney High School Class of 2024, wishing you happiness, health and wisdom!
Best, Rob Kosienski, Jr. (“Mr. K”) President, Meriden Board of Education
powder puff game

Dear Maloney Graduates, 20 24

Remember, there is no stopping you! We fear something in proportion to our ignorance of it, so keep learning. Your only limitations are what you place on yourselves. Keep shining!
Dr. Miguel A. Cardona US Secretary of Education