MDN - Senior Scope - May/June

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Senior Services offering ‘Powerful Tools for Caregivers’ MIDLAND DAILY NEWS Senior Services of Midland is offering “Powerful Tools for Caregivers,” an evidence-based program designed to provide caregivers with the powerful tools they need to successfully manage their loved one’s care. The program takes place on Wednesdays, May 4-June 8 from 12:30-2 p.m. at Trailside Center, 4700 Dublin Avenue. Family members who assist in the care of a loved one tend to spend themselves until there is little left. In this program, caregivers develop a wealth of self-care tools to reduce

personal stress, change negative self-talk, communicate their needs to other family members and healthcare providers, deal with difficult feelings and make tough caregiving decisions. A recent participant said, “After taking this class, I am a more confident caregiver. Having tools to resolve problems is a definite advantage in becoming a better caregiver and a happier, wiser, and healthier me… and a healthier us.” For more information, call 633-3700 or visit

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May / June 2022 • Senior Scope

A volunteer helps a Senior Services of Midland client.

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