Rainbow Beach Community News February 2025

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Child Care Subsidy

OSHC stands for ‘Out of School Hours Care’ and offers families within the community an option for the care of their children during hours outside of school hours

The Child Care Subsidy is assistance to help parents manage the cost of Child Crae fees Initiated through Services Australia the amount of support each family receives depends on each family’s circumstances More information and application for CCS can be found at https://www servicesaustralia gov au/ child-care-subsidy

Be it work, appointments or general life responsibilities, Rainbow Beach P&C have created OSHC for parents, both within the school and wider community, to help manage life a little easier if needed Along with care in the hours after school on a normal week, we also have care available to families during the school holidays Called ‘Vacation Care’, this program has been developed to keep kids active and creative during the school holidays when parents are often working

Owner: Rhyll Davis

Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am-2:30pm

Phone: 0421 843 442

Address: PO Box 403, Rainbow Beach QLD 4581

Email: info@rbcn.com.au

Web: rainbowbeachcommunitynews.com.au

Facebook: RainbowBeachCommunityNews

100% independently owned. 5,000 papers are home delivered to Cooloola Cove and Tin Can Bay. Bulk deliveries extend to resorts and tourist hotspots in Rainbow Beach and across the Cooloola Coast including shopping centres, newsagents, caravan parks, motels, real estate agents and more.

Over 26 years in print, the full colour tabloid sized newspaper is a way to get your message to market in a product that is actually read and treasured by locals and visitors alike.

The Community News employs locals and is active in the community sponsoring many local events and organisations.

While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publications, the RBCN accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the RBCN. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission.

The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers.

Deadlines: News Items/calendar of events: 18th of the month

Advertising: Bookings 20th day of the month Copy deadline 23rd of the month

Printed by: News Limited

myxplor com/enrollment v2/centre/8SSt8f3UQ94231y2j94231B7Rkc05Q JOIN US ON AN EPIC JOURNEY!

You're invited


Come along for a chat about the proposed Community Garden at Federation Park! Share your ideas, find out how to get involved and connect with your community Choose a session time that suits you!

When: Where: Thursday, 13 February 2025, 10:00am or Saturday, 15 February 2025, 10:00am

Meeting at Cooloola Cove Veterans Hall, 1 Santa Maria Court

For more information contact: community@gympie qld gov au or call 5481 0768

Rainbow Beach Community News acknowledges the Butchulla people and the Gubbi Gubbi people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which our publication is dedicated to. We recognise they are Australia’s first and most enduring storytellers, artists, and creators of culture and their continuing connection to land, water, and community. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and to the oldest Elder being


Hop into action and find a frog in February


HE MARY RIVER catchment in Queensland is a biodiversity hotspot, home to a remarkable array of native flora and fauna. Among its treasures are the many species of frogs that inhabit its waterways, forests, and wetlands.

Each February, locals and visitors are invited to participate in a unique citizen science event: Find a Frog in February. This initiative is an opportunity for people to connect with nature, contribute to conservation efforts, and learn more about these fascinating amphibians.

Organised by the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC), the project aims to map frog populations and monitor their health. Frogs are vital indicators of environmental health, as they are highly sensitive to changes in water quality, habitat loss, and climate change. Tracking their presence helps researchers identify trends, detect threats, and implement conservation measures.

Participating in Find a Frog in February is simple and rewarding. Participants are encouraged to explore the Mary River catchment and its surrounding areas, listening


for frog calls and searching for frogs in suitable habitats. Observations can be recorded using a smartphone or camera, along with notes about the location, time, and environmental conditions. These observations are then submitted to the project’s database, where they contribute to a growing body of knowledge about local frog species.

The Mary River catchment is home to several iconic frog species, including the Giant Barred Frog, Green Tree Frog, Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, and the Striped Marsh Frog. Each species has unique calls, colours, and behaviours, making frog-spotting a fascinating activity for all ages. In addition to its scientific value, the project promotes community engagement and environmental stewardship. Local workshops

When: 1st and 2nd February 2025 Where: Rainbow

THIS FREE EVENT takes place in two parts, the workshop and the field trip.

The workshop will be presented by Ollie Scully from the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) and will teach you about the importance of frogs as an indicator of ecosystem health and how to identify frogs in the wild through looking at photos and listening to frog sounds.

and events held during February provide opportunities to learn about frog identification, habitat restoration, and the broader ecological significance of amphibians.

Whether you’re a seasoned naturalist or a curious beginner, Find a Frog in February offers a chance to make a difference. By joining the initiative, you can help protect tour region’s rich biodiversity and ensure that future generations continue to enjoy its natural wonders.

For more information, visit the MRCCC website: mrccc.org.au, or follow their social media channels to get involved.

During the field trip segment of the evening, you will be jumping into a vehicle and heading into the Cooloola section of the Great Sandy National Park to try and find frogs in the wild accompanied by one of our 4 expert leaders, Ollie Scully, David Flack, Jono Hooper, and Ben Revell.

If you plan on going into the field, you must attend the workshop and safety briefing. A BBQ Sausage Sizzle dinner will be provided at no charge between the workshop and the field trip.

More details on the Cooloola Coastcare website: www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au

World Wetlands Day

Celebrating the Cooloola Coast’s Natural Treasure

EACH YEAR ON 2 February, World Wetlands Day raises awareness about the vital role wetlands play in sustaining ecosystems, communities, and biodiversity.

On the Cooloola Coast, this day serves as a poignant reminder of our region’s unique and valuable wetlands that are both a natural treasure and an ecological necessity. The Cooloola Coast is home to diverse wetlands, including freshwater lakes, mangroves, and estuarine systems.

These wetlands serve as a haven for a wide array of flora and fauna, many of which are endemic or threatened species. They are vital breeding grounds for migratory birds, such as the Eastern Curlew, and provide shelter for aquatic life and iconic species like dugongs and sea turtles.

Beyond biodiversity, the wetlands of the Cooloola Coast offer critical ecosystem services. They act as natural water filters, improving water quality, and serve as buffers, protecting coastal communities from storm surges and flooding. Additionally, wetlands are significant carbon sinks, helping to mitigate climate change by storing large amounts of carbon.

World Wetlands Day is an opportunity for locals and visitors alike to acknowledge and engage with these ecosystems.

The theme for World Wetlands Day 2025, ‘Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future,’ resonates strongly with the Cooloola Coast, emphasising the importance of preserving and restoring these fragile ecosystems. By working together, we can ensure that these wetlands continue to thrive, supporting biodiversity and the livelihoods of future generations.

All ages welcome!

Clean Up Australia with Lions

THE LIONS CLUB of Tin Can Bay are once again hosting a Clean Up Australia Day event and are inviting community members to lend a helping hand to pick up rubbish to keep the area beautiful. Clean Up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment and every little bit helps so get involved!

Local conservation group Cooloola Coastcare run a variety of projects that provide monitoring, research, and regeneration of our local environment. Check out how you can get involved at cooloolacoastcare.org.au.

Let World Wetlands Day inspire us to cherish and safeguard the remarkable wetlands of the Cooloola Coast.

So, on Sunday 2 March, pull up your sleeves, grab some gloves and head down to Wes Mitchell Park from 8am to 10am to register. Then adopt a litter hunting location in the Tin Can Bay or Cooloola Cove area to do a clean-up before dropping all collected items back for data sorting. Transport of rubbish collected can be arranged if required on the day at the registration site. All participants must be signed on and nominate their designated area for data collection. Gloves and bags can be supplied. For more information, please contact 0411 218 254.

Cooloola Coastcare conducts Water Quality Monitoring every two months in the Tin Can Bay, Cooloola Cove and Rainbow Beach areas to protect and care for our vital wetlands.

Fall in love with Libraries

GYMPIE REGIONAL LIBRARIES is excited to join the State Library of Queensland in celebrating the launch of the ‘How Do You Library?’ campaign.

This new statewide initiative aims to inspire more Queenslanders to visit their local libraries and discover the incredible array of services, programs, and resources available.

The campaign officially launches on Friday 14 February 2025, coinciding with ‘Library Lovers’ Day’, a global celebration of libraries and their critical role in enriching lives and strengthening communities.

Gympie Regional Council Mayor Glen Hartwig said our region’s libraries offer much more than just books, they are vibrant community spaces where residents can learn, connect, create, and discover.

“From attending workshops and exploring digital resources to enjoying family activities and uncovering new hobbies, there’s something for everyone at your local library,” Cr Hartwig said.

“I encourage everyone to come along to the activities our library staff have planned as part of ‘Library Lovers Day’.

“Enjoy author talks, workshops, fun activities for

the kids, and for those who attend, you’ll receive a free gift bag packed with goodies.

“Now is the perfect time to visit the library for the first time or, for regulars, to experience something new.”

To celebrate Library Lovers Day, Gympie Regional Libraries is hosting a series of exciting events showcasing the diverse programs and opportunities available to residents.

Library Lovers Weekend Events:

Author Talk with Kristina Ross

Date: 14 February 2025

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Location:_ Gympie Library

Learn about Bookbinding

Date: 14 February 2025

Time:_ 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Gympie Library

Library Lovers Afternoon Tea

Date: 14 February 2025

Time: 2:30 PM

Location: Rainbow Beach Library

Celebrate Library Lovers Day this month and fall in love with your local library.

STEM Night

Date: 14 February 2025

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Gympie Library

Creating a Native Garden with Claire Bickle

Date: 15 February 2025

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Location: Gympie Library

The ‘How Do You Library?’ campaign will conclude at the end of 2025. Gympie Regional Libraries are planning more exciting events throughout the year to support the initiative.

For more information: library.gympie.qld.gov.au

love-themed jokes to brighten up your Valentine’s Day

What did the calculator say to the pencil on Valentine’s Day? You can count on me.

Why did the skeleton break up with their Valentine? They just didn’t have the guts to stay together.

Why did the Valentine get arrested? For stealing someone’s heart!

What did one flame say to the other on Valentine’s Day? We’re a perfect match!

What kind of treat is never on time for Valentine’s Day? Choco-late!

Fri 7th 7pm / Brad Sorensen Rock’N’Riots

Fri 14th 7pm / Graeme Jensen

Fri 21st 7pm / Rum’N’Roses

Fri 28th 7pm / Junction Road

Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? They might dessert you.

What do you call two birds in love? Tweet-hearts.

What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive.

What did one volcano say to the other? I lava you.

How did the phone propose to its Valentine? It gave them a ring.

Avian Influenza Update

COOLOOLA IS AN AVIAN wonderland with a large range of birds from seabirds, shorebirds and birds that live in our forests and mangroves; many interacting with humans on a regular basis.

Birds face a number of risks including:

• Loss or changes to their habitat;

• Predators including feral pests;

• Plastic in the environment;

• Human disturbance when they are feeding or roosting.

• Disease including Avian Influenza

Around the world, including in Australia, Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) viruses occur naturally in wild birds, notably waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) and shorebirds. LPAI viruses typically do not cause severe disease.

However, a new H5N1 strain of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus has been detected in overseas countries and outbreaks around the world have devastated some wild bird populations and it is expected to move with migratory birds.

The potential for the H5N1 to move to mammals like humans and our pets has been demonstrated in the Americas where marine mammal populations have seen a large number of deaths.

While Australia has not yet recorded a case of the Highly Pathogenic strain of H5N1, organisations and governments are preparing to mitigate the impact of this disease should it arrive.

Watching for signs of bird flu

Numerous dead birds in a location, including small groups or clusters of wild birds of any species could be a sign that H5N1 has infected local populations and should be reported. Individual dead or sick birds should be reported if they are seabirds, waterbirds, shorebirds, or birds of prey.

In individual birds, warning signs that should be reported include:

• A lack of coordination, tremors, swimming in circles

• Twisted necks or other abnormal posture

• Inability to stand or fly

A G E D C A R E E X P O T i n C a n B a y

Find the support you need in your local community

Come and meet representatives from a range of service providers, organisations and social and recreation groups. This is a FREE event and is open for anyone in the local community to attend.

Date: Thursday 27th March 2025

Time: 9.30am - 12pm

Venue: Tin Can Bay RSL

Cost: FREE


• Diarrhoea

• Difficulty breathing, coughing or sneezing

• Swelling around the head, neck, and eyes

• Cloudiness or change in colour of the eyes

• Sudden death

What should I do if I see or find a sick or dead bird?

AVOID contact with sick or dead wildlife and their environment. Do not allow pets to touch or eat sick or dead wildlife.

RECORD what you see, the location the animal was found, and take photos or video if this is possible without approaching the bird.

REPORT any unusual illness or death in wild birds and other wildlife immediately via the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Do not handle live birds that are sick / showing any signs of disease

2025 off with

WE HAD A GREAT morning on the beach for our first Club Round of the Year. The conditions were a bit windy and wild but it didn’t deter anyone!

Even our tiniest members jumped on their boards and braved the water. The tide came in faster than we could finish the rounds, right up under the marquee!


3 points - Amelia, Baylin, Kirra, Jimi, Cha, Chiko.

2 points - Nora, Damon, Tabitha, Jackson, Pili, Shaneo.

1 point - Banjo, Ollie, Phoenix, Tina, Joel M.

0.5 point - Addie, Raph, Finn, Karter, Bermo.

These points will accumulate throughout the year and our Boardriders of the Year will be crowned at our End of Season Party in 2026!

Make sure you get down to our

a Bang!

Club Rounds on the 1st Saturday of the month (this will change to the first Sunday of the month once the Footy Season commences and the Nippers Season concludes, date to come.)

Dates to Remember:

1 Feb

Club Rounds/Beach Day, from 7.30am, bottom Surf Club stairs

8 Feb

General Meeting, 3pm, upstairs

Rainbow Hotel

End of Season Party, 4pm-8pm, upstairs Rainbow Hotel (Members Only)

14 Feb

Local’s BBQ, from 3.30pm, Rainbow Hotel

22 Feb

Raffles, from 5.30pm, Rainbow Hotel

It’s never too late to join our Club, new and old faces always welcome, please contact us on Facebook or email us at rainbowbeachboardriders@gmail. com if you would like more info.

The waves were big for our tiniest surfers, but they all had a go!

Right: The BBQ master, Ken at our Local’s BBQ, held on the 2nd Friday of each month from 3.30pm at the Rainbow Beach Hotel.

Below: David, Ryan, Jack, Smiley and Chiko ready for their heat.

Phoenix, Max and Jim.

World Day Of Prayer 2025

EVERYONE IS WELCOME to join the combined Cooloola Coast Christian congregations on Friday 7 March at 10am in the Cooloola Cove Veterans & Community Hall, corner of Nautilus Drive and Santa Maria Court.

Thanks to the Tin Can Bay Community Church for hosting this year’s WDoP Service, which will be followed by morning tea. Please contact Mrs Marie Parker with any queries: Phone 0437 120 333 or email marieparker071@gmail.com.

World Day of Prayer provides an opportunity to learn about a country, its culture, joys, concerns and issues, and pray for its needs expressed by women from differing Christian denominations and traditions, with congregations from other churches.

People in over 170 countries gather to focus upon a different country each year, participating in a global ecumenical event of informed prayer, prepared by a committee of that


Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa

Sun, sea, sands, mountains—love of country

Mothers and daughters—keeping heritage and tradition alive

Coconut tree—every part is useful. ‘It is our tree of life’.

Black pearls—sought after gems

Hats—woven especially for church, honouring God’s love and mercy

Flower garlands—sweet scented tropical flowers

Tivaevae quilts—made with patience, love and unity

Arrival of Christianity— bringing hope, peace, light and the Gospel

Double hulled canoes—traditional trading transport

year’s chosen country..

The Cook Islands is the country in focus with the theme: “I made you wonderful” from Psalm 139:14 NIV UK: “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

The program was written by a group of Cook Islands Christian women in response to Psalm 139 Verses 1-18.

“This program invites us to recognise that God created each one of us with great attention and loving care. God knows us intimately, and we are special to God in our uniqueness... We hope people will be spiritually uplifted as they come to trust the great love of God.”

A mother and daughter artist team created the picture for the posters and booklet, ‘Wonderfully Made’ by Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa.

Explanation of the art: “Sun, sea, sands, mountains - love of country. Mothers and daughters - keeping heritage and tradition alive. Coconut tree - every part is useful. ‘It is our tree of life’. Black pearls - sought after gems. Hats - woven especially for church, honouring God’s love and mercy. Flower garlands - sweet scented tropical flowers. Tivaevae quilts - made with patience, love and unity. Arrival of Christianity - bringing hope, peace, light and the Gospel. Double hulled canoes - traditional trading transport.”

Mrs Katrina van den Brenk is our Guest Speaker, most appropriately, as she lived there some time ago.

For more information visit: www. worlddayofprayeraustralia.org

Date & Time: Friday 7 March 10am

Location: CC Vet & Community Hall

Contact: Marie 0437 120 333

New laws are now in place to make Queensland safer. The new laws mean the rights of victims now take priority over the rights of young criminals in sentencing, young offenders can now receive adult sentences for serious crimes, and detention for young offenders is no longer a last resort.

The government will keep young people on track with new early intervention and rehabilitation programs.

To find out how these new laws will help restore safety, search Making Queensland Safer.

Authorised by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane.

of fun, fitness, and friendly faces every Saturday morning! 5k


ES MITCHELL PARK parkrun at Tin Can Bay will be holding its 80th event on Saturday 1 February 2025.

Since our parkrun was started on 29 July 2023 there have been over 3,300 individuals finishing and over 70 volunteers giving their time to assist in roles each Saturday morning.

At the start of the New Year many people list resolutions to complete. Why not add parkrun as a way of getting out into the fresh air and walk, jog, or run 5k every Saturday.

The additional benefit is that you will meet other locals and some of the many visitors (from both Australia and overseas) who come each week. They will tell you about their parkrun journey.

419,202 different people walked, ran, and 58,560 people have volunteered at Australian parkruns in 2024!

Where is Wes Mitchell Park parkrun?

The parkrun is held along The Esplanade at Tin Can Bay commencing at Wes Mitchell Park every Saturday. There is a first timers briefing at 6.50am and the parkrun starts at 7.00am.

If you’re unsure you can come down any Saturday either before or after we

start and talk to the Run Director or any of the Volunteers.


It is totally free. If you have never previously registered with parkrun, please do so via the website prior to coming: www.parkrun.com.au/ register/

You will be issued with a barcode which allows you to keep track of your parkrun journey. You bring this each week when you complete a parkrun.


If you are not up to walking or running 5km there are plenty of opportunities to try volunteer roles, apply your skills or learn new ones and be a part of the parkrun community.

We can provide you with more information should you want to become involved in volunteering.

Right: Get your tutus ready for parkrun on 22 February!

More information

Check out our Facebook page, Wes Mitchell Park parkrun, like the page and you will get updates on coming events. Check out our webpage: www. parkrun.com.au/wesmitchellpark/ Read up on the history through their website: www.parkrun.com.au

Coming Events in February

We have a Tutu day on 22 February so dust off your tutu and come join us for a morning for fun and tulle. Join us on Saturday mornings and become part of the parkrun community.

Above: Head down to Wes Mitchell Park on Saturday mornings to join the parkrun fun.

QCWA Virtual Branch

THE VIRTUAL BRANCH of the QCWA has recently been formed to connect more women throughout Queensland.

Women living in remote areas, those who work, those who have young children, and those who are unable to attend a physical meeting for other reasons are now able to connect with others via monthly Zoom meetings.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Virtual Branch please phone Gabriella on 0409 480 404, or by visiting the QCWA website qcwa. org.au

Each year the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) studies a Primary Product of the Year, this year

it is the Macadamia Nut. During 2025 QCWA members and QCWA Country Kitchens will share information, recipes, and crafty ideas all centred around these tasty, healthy and versatile nuts.

Banana, Strawberry and Macadamia Loaf

This tasty loaf is a delicious twist on the classic banana bread, with plenty of strawberries and macadamias added for colour, flavour and texture.

Try lighting toasting thick slices in a sandwich press, and topping with ricotta and added fresh fruit for a sweet afternoon treat. For a different take on this recipe, replace the strawberries with blueberries.

Banana, Strawberry and Macadamia Loaf recipe

Serves: 10

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 65-80 minutes

½ serve per portion


2 ½ cups plain flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt

½ cup white sugar

½ cup margarine

¾ cup light sour cream

2 large eggs, lightly whisked

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 ripe bananas, mashed

2 cups strawberries, roughly chopped

¾ cup macadamias, roughly chopped


PREHEAT oven to 170°C and line a 25cm loaf pan with baking paper.

SIFT flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt together into a bowl.

BEAT sugar and margarine in a separate bowl with a wooden spoon or hand mixer until pale and fluffy. Mix in sour cream, eggs and vanilla.

ADD mashed banana and sifted ingredients, and mix to combine.

FOLD in strawberries and macadamias.

POUR batter into prepared loaf tin. Bake until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean, about 65 to 80 minutes.

COOL on a wire rack before slicing.

Recipe courtesy of the Country Kitchens team

Kicking off 2025 with fun, friendship, and fellowship

enjoying the particular event.


members have enjoyed time with family and friends over the Christmas and New Year period and are now looking forward to enjoying Fun, Friendship and Fellowship with fellow members in 2025.

Our first event was our January morning tea held in Tin Can Bay when members enjoyed a cuppa and catch up with their Probus friends.

In February we will be attending the annual Ecumenical Service at the Wesleyan Church in Southside when all Probus clubs in the Wide Bay area are invited to join for a blessing, followed by a delicious morning tea provided by the church ladies.

It is our usual practice to have lunch in Gympie afterwards and then hold our monthly general meeting. This is one of the annual events held in the Wide Bay area which runs from Bundaberg and Bargara in the north to Gympie in the south.

As well as attending our own events, members are able to join other Probus members enjoying the Presidents and Past Presidents Lunch, the Games and Bowls Day at Tin Can Bay, and the Probus Concert held in October. These events provide the opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones whilst

As a matter of interest, the Chairman of Probus South Pacific Limited (the body overseeing Probus clubs) recently received a letter from Parliament House, Adelaide, confirming that “on Wednesday, 27 November, the House of Assembly of the South Australian Parliament passed a motion acknowledging Probus month and the important role Probus Clubs play in the South Australian community.”

There are 141 clubs with over 6,800 members in South Australia and the Parliament acknowledges such clubs promote “the mental health and wellbeing of members” and provide a sense of belonging – something which is attributed to all Probus clubs. It is wonderful that such attributes are acknowledged.

Meetings are held on each second Monday of the month at 2pm at the Sandcastle Motel in Tin Can Bay and include a guest speaker and a break for afternoon tea and a chat. New members are always welcome. For more details please contact our President, Katrina on 0407 637 691 or Secretary, Kaye at cooloolaprobus@ gmail.com.

Kaye Olson
Above: Probians at the annual concert performing the YMCA song. Below: Members enjoying our 2024 Christmas lunch.

Art Group back in the mix

PLEIN-AIR ACTIVITIES were ongoing through January with the Cooloola Coast Art Group members getting together along the Tin Can Bay foreshore to draw or paint and chat.

All activities resume their regular time spots now that February is here. From Monday 3rd, life-drawing will be on fortnightly at Tuncunba Hall from 12.45 – 3pm. Each week beginning Tuesday 4th from 9-11am, the group meets at the hall to trial different activities with a variety of mediums.

This time is also used for the members to bring their own projects to work on. Plein-air is held fortnightly on the alternative Monday to life-drawing from 2pm and watercolour ‘Sip and Dip’ is held at Tuncunba Hall once a month on the fourth Friday from 2pm.

The group welcomes new members either beginners or experienced and can be contacted by ringing Kerri 0438 803 990 or emailing cooloolacoastartgroup@gmail.com You can check out the group’s exploits by viewing the regular posts on Instagram, @cooloolacoastartgroup.

Rainbow Beach DroughtRunners Report

Tony Stewart

HELLO AGAIN from Rainbow Beach

DroughtRunners. After some quiet months, we have again become active after the devastating fires in Victoria over the last month.

The Grampians fire was huge, burning 76,000 hectares and with a circumference of 422 kilometres.The fire burned 4 houses, 40 buildings, 775 sheep and 1,285 beehives as well as over 10,000 hectares of pasture and 540 kilometres of fencing.

Lack of government fire mitigation work has

been a contributing factor, as it is not like it was.

Once again Rainbow Beach DroughtRunners have continued to help Blaze-Aid. Early in January we donated $2,500 with a further $2,000 to follow this month which will be used for food supplies as Blaze-Aid are feeding at least 40 volunteer workers who are helping to pull down and refence properties.

Next month I will be visiting the area to meet with the coordinators of Blaze-Aid.

I must thank the Rainbow Beach RSL for a wonderful donation of $500, the Tin Can Bay Bakery and Wayne Kerle who continue to source

funds, and to all that donated bottles and cans.

As yet I have not called for donations to help with this work, but I will keep monitoring the situation throughout the month. In the meantime if anyone would like to help financially or by volunteering with some fencing (all meals provided) below are our details: Tony Stewart (Co-Ordinator), Rainbow Beach DroughtRunners - Helping Drought, Fire, Flood & Homeless. Ph. 0408 767 930 BSB 124047 A/C 22599186 Bank of Qld Gympie. Thank you.

Cooloola Coast Art Group enjoying plein-air drawing at Tin Can Bay.

Rewards for Walkers

CONGRATULATIONS TO Brenda, Nina, and Graeme for gaining your first Heart Foundation Walking award ($5) for completing 25 walks. Congratulations to Nia for your second award ($10) for 50 walks.

We are very pleased to congratulate Julie for gaining your first badge for 100 walks. Great effort. Your Award Certificates and Heart Foundation Online Shop discount vouchers are in the mail. The Heart Foundation Walker Recognition Scheme rewards members based on the number of walks achieved at group walking milestones with certificates, incentives, and discounts on Heart Foundation merchandise.

For 100 walks, Julie will receive a Certificate, a Commemorative Heart Foundation Walking 100 Walks pin, and a $15 Heart Foundation merchandise voucher.

On 18 January 2025 I completed my 900th walk. My goal is to achieve 1,000 walks by Spring, when I will be sent a Certificate, a Commemorative Heart Foundation Walking 1,000 Walks pin, and a 1000 Walks Club member polo shirt. As I am the Primary Walk Organiser for ‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’ and for the ‘Cooloola Cove Wheelie

Walkers’, and usually walking four mornings weekly, I just may get there!

It’s great that we have several couples as members in our Tin Can Bay group. Maybe it helps the motivation to get up and go. The walking groups often are my motivation to get out of bed and be dressed.

HFW promotes its free Personal Walking Plans that will help you be more active, healthier, and happier in just six weeks, packed with information and advice delivered to your email and mobile.

Each week you will receive:

Weekly walking plan emails; Easy-to-follow instructions plus strength and stretching exercise videos; Downloadable program card to track your walks, stretches and strength exercises; Nutrition education, recipes and a dinner plan; Supportive text messages from the Heart Foundation Walking team to help keep you inspired.

To sign up and get your free plan: https:// walkingplans.heartfoundation.org.au/

Celebrate a step towards a healthy mind, body and heart. ‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’ early group departs from the Tin Can Bay Bakery at 6am Wednesdays and Saturdays, whereas the later group is half an hour later at 6.30am.

Queries email: Maggie1Travers@gmail.com or 0400 756 615.

Nina, Brenda, and Julie achieving their walking goals. Photo credit: Kate. Sixteen Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers celebrating a step towards a healthy mind, body and heart. Photo credit: Barbara.
Graeme happily achieving his first HFW goal on the Tin Can Bay Boardwalk with Col. Photo credit: Kate.

Memorabilia Team kick a goal at the Tin Can Bay RSL


WALK THROUGH the door of the Tin Can Bay RSL and see Kathy Young, Terry Steele, and Betty Thornley in a huddle around one of our memorabilia mannequins.

“What’s happening team?” I ask.

“Just replacing the shoes on the RAAF mannequin with a better pair that were donated recently Roscoe.”

I looked at the two pairs and couldn’t see the difference but hey they’re the experts.

“Excellent – great job,” I respond and leave them to it.

The Tin Can Bay RSL has hundreds of memorabilia items that have been donated since the RSL first started operating in Tin Can Bay. Our Memorabilia Team spent many hours in 2024 updating our catalogues for

these items and reorganising our Memorabilia displays. Members and visitors alike comment on the extent of these displays and how much they add to the ambience of our facility. If you haven’t been in to have a look, I’d recommend you do so. Our bar is open from 3pm to 6pm, Tuesday to Sunday, so do yourself a favour and come and have a look.

In fact, we have so much memorabilia that our storerooms are filled to bursting and we were recently able to donate some double-up items to the Mt Larcom RSL Sub Branch. I’m sure these items will now be displayed proudly in their Sub Branch facility.

All I can say now is great job Kathy, Terry, and Betty. Thank you for your service!

Ross Carruthers
One of our memorabilia displays. Drop in to the RSL to check them out!
Kathy, Terry, and Betty, our great Memorabilia Team, in front of two of our display mannequins.


RAINBOW BEACH and the Cooloola Coast is home of the Coloured Sands, the majestic Carlo Sandblow and gateway to World Heritage-listed Fraser Island.

You can feed wild dolphins in Tin Can Bay, visit a historic lighthouse via the Great Beach Drive or world-class scuba diving.

If you make the most of the outdoorsthen you’ll love our backyard playground. You can choose from extreme adventures and ultimate indulgences - a rejuvenating massage, secluded picnics beside a freshwater lake or delicious seafood and views in our eateries and clubs.

Visitor Guide

Visitor Guide

Our coast has abundant fishingwhether off a beach, on an estuary or from a deep sea charter, right on our doorstep!

Birdwatchers, nature-lovers, bushwalkers, 4x4 enthusiasts and surfers call our corner of the world: ‘paradise’.

Our Great Sandy National Park hosts Queensland’s three most popular beachside campgrounds, and our friendly townships offer caravan parks, apartments and holiday homes.

So stay with us, watch the sunset from Carlo Sandblow or stroll along Tin Can Bay Esplanade...


Getaway Holiday Apartments

Tin Can Bay’s Sleepy Lagoon Motel

24 air conditioned motel rooms, 3 bedroom house, centrally located for dolphins & pub 2 Groper St. 07 5488 0653 sleepylagoonmotel.com

New camp kitchen, cabins, pool-side BBQ hut, Family amenities, disability access. 54-74 Trevally St. Ph: 07 5486 4411 tincanbaytouristpark.com.au Tin Can Bay Tourist Park


Electrical Repairs,


Barnacles Cafe & Dolphin Feeding

Feed wild dolphins from 7am daily, fees apply. Breakfast, lunch, coffee, takeaways 7am-3pm Norman Point, TCB 07 5486 4899 barnaclesdolphins.com.au

One stop shop for information, bookings, souvenirs, beach gear, surf wear & gifts 6 Rainbow Beach Rd 07 5486 3227 rainbowbeachinfo.com.au

Wolf Rock Dive Centre, Rainbow Beach

World class scuba diving on Fraser Island’s doorstep, Australia’s best shark & ray dive. 2 Goondi St. 07 5486 8004 wolfrockdive.com.au

Ed’s Beach Bakery

Bread, cakes, muffins, the BEST pies in town! Open 4am-5pm, 7 days Shell Servo Complex. 07 5486 3080 Rainbow Beach

IGA Rainbow Beach & Tin Can Bay

Locally owned & operated supermarkets, weekly specials. Rainbow Beach Rd, 6am - 8pm, Ph: 5486 8700; 46-48 Tin Can Bay Rd, 6am - 7pm. 07 5488 0084

Ocean Breeze Seafoods, Rainbow Beach

Fresh & cooked local seafood, fish & chips, burgers, laundromat, at the Big Marlin Open 8.30am-7.30pm Fri-Sat, 8.30am-7pm TueThu & Sun 54 Rainbow Beach Rd, opp QPWS Office

Rainbow Beach Sports Club

Bistro 7 days, Bowls, Bottleshop & Bingo. 10am - 10pm Sun - Thurs & midnight Fri - Sat. Turana St. 07 5486 3191 rainbowsportsclub.com.au

Food, Rainbow Beach

Wraps, juices, smoothies, kebabs, coffee, souvenirs, natural products & cosmetics, clothing, tourist info Shell Servo Complex 0435 085 865 facebook.com/SoulFood

Remedial Massage, Rainbow Beach

Recovery & lymphatic massage, health cover rebates, 7 Turana St (at the Gym) Corinna: 0400 613 139 rainbowbeachhealthandfitness.com

of Rainbow, Rainbow Beach

“We couldn’t have been happier with the ad we placed with ‘Community News’. The team were great to work with in helping to create an ad that suited our branding and the key message we wanted to convey. Their team turned around artwork really fast and gave us pricing options based on a variety of marketing plans. In the first month we received 4 call

Three-hou r ultimat e D olphin Feeding Experience



e Sunset Cruises

Lunch and Dinner Cruises



20 Must See and Dos

Patrolled Beach

Swim in the flags in front of the Surf Lifesaving tower. Walk via the steps or walkway near the lookout and surf club, or drive onto Griffin Esplanade. 4WD beach access begins here.

Coloured Sands

Visit the patrolled beach, near the surf tower or the lookout to see the 70 plus colours in our cliffs. From town, walk south 1km along the beach - for best colours 4WD or tour a further 9km. Remember it is a gazetted road.

Carlo Sand Blow

Park at the top of Cooloola Drive, and walk 600m up from the car park or bushwalk about 2km from the National Parks Office for spectacular views of the Coloured Sands, Double Island Point, Tin Can Bay Inlet and hang gliders.

Poona Lake

Drive to Bymien Picnic Area (2WD) via 3km gravel on the Freshwater Road, (off Rainbow Beach Road). It’s a 40 minute walk to reach the cool waters of Lake Poona through beautiful rainforest and carrol (grey myrtle) scrub.

Searys Creek

Only 7km from town towards Gympie, with 2 waterholes, boardwalks, bridges and history – do read the sign and spot the creatures. Always cool on the hottest of days.

Rainbow Beach Headland

A look out, a viewing platform, 2 playgrounds, a skatepark, BBQs and picnic facilities. See the whales from here in season and watch the surfers out the front. Take a photo at the Cherry Venture propeller.

Double Island Point

Access via the 4WD only Great Beach Drive or Freshwater Track. See dolphins, whales (seasonal), manta rays, turtles and walk up to our historic lighthouse. It has the longest break in Australia -when the swell lines up.

Mudlo Rocks

Wander here at low tide, play in rock pools and watch 4WDs navigate any exposed rocks. ALWAYS check conditions and ask locals before you 4WD - it is not always safe, even close to low tide.

Why not enjoy a romantic sunrise at Carlo this Valentine’s Day? Submit your Cooloola Coast images to: info@rbcn.com.au

Middle Rock

When tides and conditions allow, the walk to Middle Rock and back is a beautiful way to check out the Coloured Sands. From here, vehicle permits are required and dogs are prohibited.

Inskip Point

This peninsula is the gateway to Fraser Island, a favourite fishing spot and pet friendly camping grounds for generations. Only 15 minutes drive (2WD) from Rainbow Beach.

Freshwater Picnic Area

Walk to and swim in nearby Freshwater Lake, picnic or BBQ at the beautiful shady day-use area, found before Freshwater Road reaches Teewah Beach. 4WD only.

Tin Can Bay Foreshore

Walk 4km from Crab Creek to Norman Point, over picturesque bridges, signage of flora and fauna, through mangroves, playgrounds and outdoor gyms. It is mostly flat and very safe for children on wheels. Look out for 137 species of birds.

Tin Can Bay Wildflower Walk

Known for spectacular wildflower species, access this trail from the corner of Emperor St and Oyster Parade. Best in late winter and early spring.

Boat Ramps

You can launch your boat at Norman Point and Crab Creek in Tin Can Bay or Carlo Point and Bullock Point near Rainbow Beach. All except Bullock Point offer toilet and scenic picnic facilities.

Feed Wild Dolphins at Norman Point

Arrive from 7am, after feeding (fees apply), the dolphins leave for another day. A picturesque peninsula with public pool, playground, sailing, boat ramp and pontoon and picnic facilities.

Carlo Point

For spectacular sunsets over the water, take a cheese platter or fish and chips and watch the day’s end. This favourite fishing spot is only 3 km from Rainbow Beach.

Rainbow Steps

Reputably Rainbow Beach’s most ‘Instaworthy’ location - check out our colourful stairs and share a photo on our socials.

Great Sandy Strait

If you love the wonderful peace and relaxation of sailing or cruising, the sheltered waters around Tin Can Bay are for you. You may see dugong, turtles, dolphins in this section of the Great Sandy Marine Park.

Fraser and Cooloola Great Walks

A 90 km trail showcases natural and cultural features of the world’s largest sand island between Dilli Village and Happy Valley. Or trek 102 km from Noosa to Rainbow Beach through sandblows, past lakes and spectacular views.

Fraser Island K’gari

World heritage listed, K’gari has over 40 lakes, rainforests, sand dunes, wildlife, four wheel driving and fishing! Take a 1 or 2 day tour, hire a 4WD or take your own. Cross the barge at Inskip Point, permits are online or at the Parks Office.

Get hands on with TCB Coastal Rowing Club

Boat Building Workshop Participation

Work has resumed in the boat shed after the Christmas break. However the number of members participating has dropped off as some of our stalwarts go sailing, face health issues, or pursue other life opportunities for a while.

We need more hands-on volunteers in the boat shed. The nature of the work has changed to more fine detail and painting rather than large-scale woodworking, so your skills might be just what we’re looking for.

It’s a friendly atmosphere in the shed, with smoko at 10am and lots of discussion about what

has to be done next and how we should do it. We are all learning as we go; gaining new skills and confidence along the way.

The next steps are fitting and sealing the slotted gunwales and installing cross beams and thwarts (seats), together with the stretchers (foot rests) that the rowers will brace their feet against. This will keep us busy for the next few weeks.

Name the Skiff competition has now closed

We’ve had some really good thoughtful suggestions for a suitable name for the skiff and these are being considered by the committee. We’ll keep the final selection in confidence until the launch.

New Membership

We are actively recruiting new members and membership fees have been reduced to $50 for the remainder of our membership year to the end of August.

Skiff rowing is for all ages, particularly those who may have considered their sporting days behind them. The skiffs may be used multiple times each week, catering for a wide range of interests and rowing activities.

Prior rowing experience is not necessary and we will be forming crews of many ages and abilities. A few members rowed while at school; many others are about to take up an oar for the first time.

Above and left: Skiff

continues to take shape! Get in touch if you want to help us work on the finer details.

And if you’ve watched with interest our progress in building this skiff and thought you might like to be part of that activity, we will be commencing to build a second skiff as soon as the first is finished.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Gambling and Community Benefit Fund, the kit for the second skiff has been purchased and is in the boat shed already.

Sign up to join the team!

Email tcbcoastalrowing@gmail.com to receive a membership application form by return.


Dragons raring to Go


wishes the entire Cooloola Community all the very best for a happy and prosperous new year!

The Cooloola Dragon Boat Club (CDBC) has already commenced its training and practice campaign for the coming year of competitions and regattas. The team is hoping to build upon the successes enjoyed in 2024.

The first major regatta will be held at Lake Kawana over the weekend of 21-23 March. This will be the State Titles which always encompasses clubs from around the state.

As a ‘tune-up’ for the State Titles, CDBC will be contesting the Manly Dragon Boat Club and the Te Waka Regattas which are also both held at Lake Kawana. This event will be staged on 23 February and gives the clubs a taste of how the State Titles will pan out.

We all wish the club every success in their 2025 campaigns. We will bring you news of these events and many others as the year progresses.

Honoured with Life Membership

At the Annual General Meeting held in December, the club conferred Life Membership on long-term club member Kerri Southern.

Kerri has been a very active club member since joining the club in 2006. She has held various offices in the club including: Vice President; Treasurer; Registrar Officer; and Insurance Officer.

Kerri was also a member of the inaugural Dragon’s Lair Café sub-committee and served on the Rev Sport Crazy Domain as the Webmail Administrator. All-inall, Kerri has provided a great deal of service in many administrative

positions over her many years of membership.

Kerri’s sporting achievements include becoming a Level 3 Sweep (Steerer), being a team member and sweep at many ‘away regattas’, and competing for Central Queensland and Cooloola in the Australian Championships in Melbourne in 2014.

So, here’s cheers to Kerri and long may she continue to be a highly active and positive member!

Plaques of Appreciation

At the same event, another club member, Helen Hurworth was honoured with the presentation of a Plaque of Appreciation.

Helen is another long-serving member and readers may remember from an earlier article Helen’s dragon boat exploits in Darwin and on marathon paddling expeditions in the Northern Territory.

Continued next page

Toni Archer
Kerri was awarded Life Membership at our recent AGM.
Helen receiving her appreciation plaque.

Join a Community Sport Group Today!

COMMUNITY SPORTS provide a wide array of benefits, promoting physical health, social interaction, and mental well-being. They play a vital role in uniting people of all ages and backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

One of the primary benefits of community sports is improved physical health. Regular participation helps individuals stay active, reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, and enhance overall fitness levels.

Activities such as tennis, rowing, or running also improve coordination, strength, and cardiovascular health.

Beyond the physical advantages, community sports strengthen social bonds. They encourage teamwork, communication, and mutual respect, helping participants

develop meaningful connections. This sense of community is particularly valuable in combating feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Mental health benefits are equally significant. Engaging in sports reduces stress, boosts mood, and enhances self-esteem. The structure and discipline inherent in sports can also foster a sense of purpose and achievement.

Additionally, community sports often teach life skills, such as goal-setting, perseverance, and leadership. For young participants, they offer a constructive outlet for energy while promoting values like fairness and discipline.

Why not join a local sport group today? We have so many to choose from in our amazing region!

Dragons raring to Go

Helen often deputised as the coach for the Cooloola Dragons. Helen recently retired from active paddling but will always be welcome to Cooloola Club’s social and other events. She will definitely be missed from the paddling line up.

Another quiet achiever, Jan Hughes, was also honoured with a Plaque of Appreciation.

Jan loves the sport and is always available in any capacity including: boat handling, paddling, drumming, and ‘stroking’ (helping the crew to maintain paddling synchronisation).

Jan is also well-known for her calligraphy at the Dragon’s Lair and for the magnificent personal

birthday cards that she produces for team members throughout the year. Quiet achievers often add a great deal to the overall wellbeing of the club and Jan is no exception.

Since it is the start of the New Year, it is certainly a great time to give dragon boat paddling a go.

If you think that a non-impact sport with lots of social events and club camaraderie would suit you, please contact Coach Sandra on 0402 352 756 who will be happy to give you details.

Don’t forget that your first try-outs on the dragon boat will not cost you a cent.

Teeing up for a new season on the golf course

IT IS BETWEEN SEASONS for the golf community at Tin Can Bay Country Club so this month we would like to tell you where we are at and what you can expect if you join the Country Club and play golf.

Tin Can Bay Country Club sits on a parcel of land between Tin Can Bay Road to the east and Snapper Creek to its west. The 18-hole, par 72 golf course measures 5,705m off the back markers and consists of blue couch fairways and tees and 328 Bermuda Grass greens.

The club is currently converting the tees blocks over to wintergreen couch which will provide excellent coverage year-round. The course recently saw the installation of a $1.4 million new Toro irrigation system and has an endless supply of treated effluent water supplied from the local treatment plant.

This will ensure the course maintains its colour all year round, especially as the property is majority on sand base, and dries out very quickly without rainfall or irrigation.

The course, although short in length, plays with quite a bit of difficulty due to the small greens, which when missed provide a tough up and down.

This year the club will embark on a greens replacement program which will ensure that the course continues to move in the right direction, whilst maintaining its playability for members and guests.

For the technically minded, the technical data for the course is; Greens (cut to) 3mm, Tees/aprons 6.5 mm, Fairways 12mm, primary


The Rainbow Beach Community News loves to hear from local sports clubs. Send your news to: info@rbcn.com.au

rough 25mm and rough 63mm.

Currently there are competitions on Tuesdays (Veterans), Wednesday (Ladies), Thursdays (9 hole), Fridays (9 Hole), Saturdays (18 hole club competition), and Sundays (18 hole club competition). There is an expectation that the Friday competition will also offer an 18 hole competition in the near future.

Social golf can be played on all days and can be arranged through the golf shop.

At the moment the above competitions are being run between seasons but the new seasons will be starting soon. The Ladies Opening day will be on Wednesday 5 February with a 9am shotgun start followed by a BBQ lunch, any ladies wanting to participate can register with the golf shop.

The last event for the Veterans last year was the Christmas Eve Phil Bell Memorial golf days 3-club challenge, this was run as a fun day and was quite a success and this will now be entered in the calendar as an annual event.

The 2025 fixtures book is basically complete and will be available shortly, it has recently been confirmed that we will be hosting the Open & Closed District Championships on Sunday 2 November. This is further evidence of how highly our course is thought of throughout the district and this is something of which we can all be proud.

If you are new to the area or just want to start playing golf, come and visit us, talk to the staff of the golf shop (Phone: 5486 4231) and experience the occasion.

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Report

’DAY ALL, I hope February finds you safe and well, we hope you enjoyed the holiday season. Unfortunately, with wind, rain, storms, and the oppressive heat, fishing probably wasn’t high on the to-do list for a lot of us but there were still some cracker catches.

One of the standouts for our club was Dan Lyell and his boys Mace and Connor with some ripping Pearlies, Spangled Emperor, Slatey Bream and Cobia. As well, Derek Andrews boated a very nice Black Spot Cod and Malcolm Kay wrangled a respectable 65cm Slatey.

Chris Rippon ventured out in some awful conditions but still managed a nice Mangrove Jack with a bycatch of 2 cracka Barramundi which weren’t taken out of the water and subsequently released unharmed.

Local identity Hobie Anstey who accompanied Chris also accounted for a whopper Giant Trevally the same day but I’m unsure of the size however after looking at the picture, it was clearly around the one metre mark, great work all you guys. For a lot of us

let’s just say we took the boat for a run and leave it at that.

Club activities have been very slow over the holidays as you would expect however we did kick off the training workshops in January with an excellent presentation by club

Dan Lyell with a cracka Pearl Perch.
Mace Lyell with a nice Slatey.

member Chris Rippon focusing on lure fishing, tackle storage, what fishing combo to use where and when, and rounding it off with knot tying for braid to leader application.

A good judge of success with these nights is to observe the interaction between presenter and the group and how people mill around afterwards still talking to the presenter. Using that yard stick, this night was clearly a hit.

More workshops are planned but still to be finalised with presenters, these are maintenance of trailers and outboards (between servicing), vessel operating regulations, the next level of depth sounder operation and if possible, another visit by Dept of Fisheries. These will be notified in due course.

The monthly two-day fishing competitions were still held over the months of December and January however due to the holiday break the official presentations were not held so results of these competitions will be revealed in next month’s issue.

Here’s hoping the barometer rises, the wind dies down and we can all get out onto this pristine waterway and bend a few rods. There wasn’t a lot to report due to the break but we will bounce back, remember: Eat, Sleep, Fish, Repeat. Tight lines everybody.

Connor and Dan Lyell with some of their ripper family haul.
Workshop presenter Chris Rippon with his apprentice Howard Rippon.
Above: Derek Andrews with a recently caught Cod.
Left: Malcolm Kay wrangled a respectable 65cm Slatey.

Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers

What’s on for 2025

Looking forward to 2025 we have another action-packed competition year planned with the introduction of a dedicated Adult Female Competition running in conjunction with our existing competitions for Juniors, Inshore and Offshore.

Competition commences on 8 February 2025. For bookings and further information visit the website at the following link: rbaafishing.com. au/events/

Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers Wilson Junior Fishing Program 2025

The RBAA Wilson Junior Fishing Program 2025 will provide an opportunity for children with an outdoor educational experience that will provide them with the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge to: Explore the beach safely; Fish sustainably; and appreciate the natural environment while having fun and being mentored by experienced teachers and local fisherman. . We hope the program will help equip young fishers with knowledge, skills, and experiences that they will use over their lifetime.

22 March 2025

Rods, Reels and Tackle

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Venue: Rainbow Beach Primary School

What to bring: Hat, Personal Water Bottle, Sunscreen, Fishing Rod and Shoes suitable to walk in the mangroves (yes you will get your feet wet)

Cost: Free Register at the RBAA Website: rbaafishing.com.au/events/

23 -25 May 2025 Beach Fishing Camp

Apply at the RBAA Website: rbaafishing.com.au/events/

2025 Female Competition

2025 will see the club launch a dedicated Adult Female Competition run in conjunction with our ten monthly Competitions as per the RBAA Trip Calendar. The competition will culminate with a Female Club Champion selected from the best five competition results and a Female Most Points trophy.

Ladies Day – 22 February 2025

A special day for female fishers and have fun. RBAA will be hosting a ladies day at the Bli Bli Barra Fishing Park where participants will be coached by local legends in: Rods, reels and tackle used and techniques; Baits vs lures; Identify target species; Hooking;

Playing and Releasing a fish; Size and Bag Limits.

Date: Saturday 22 February 2025

Venue: Bli Bli Water Sports - Barra Fishing Park

Transport: Coach Travel via Polleys Coaches to Bli Bli Water Sports Park

Muster Point: The Deck @ SeaSalt Time: 7am for an 8am departure, with 10am arrival time

Return to Rainbow Beach Sports Club for a fun filled night and dinner hosted by Jade Jones, Breakfast Host Zinc 96.1 FM.

Book your place for this great day and night here: rbaafishing.com.au/ events/

Vern Ezzy
Ollie Pearce and some nice Mangrove Jack.
Kim Wright with an awesome Cod.
Sonny Bennett and Blake Findlater weigh in.
Helaine Wilesmith and a great Snapper.

Get Your Grants!

Community Grants Program 2024/2025 - Rolling Round

If your group is planning a small community event or activity, you may be eligible for funding through the Community Grants Program.

The Get Local category is aimed at supporting community connection and resilience through the delivery of small-scale community events and activities. Maximum grant amount is $1,500.

There are also opportunities for projects aligned with Environmental or Creative Arts outcomes. For more information, please visit: www. gympie.qld.gov.au/Communitygrants-program

Gambling Community Benefit Fund

The Gambling Community Benefit Fund will have 3 funding rounds this year:

• Round 123: $35,000 Standard Grant

– opened mid-January and closing 28 February

• Round 124: $100,000 Super Round –opening mid-May and closing 30 June

• Round 125: $35,000 Standard Grant

– opening mid-September and closing 31 October

Be sure to mark your 2025 calendar and prepare your applications! Go to www.justice.qld.gov.au then search Projects and Initiatives then Community Grants.

Strengthening Rural Communities Funding | FRRR

Strengthening Rural Communities –Round 24 (awarded early June 2025) – closes 5pm AEDT, 27 March 2025.

Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots,

community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).

FRRR’s Small & Vital program supports thriving, resilient, and sustainable remote, rural and regional communities across Australia.

In particular, priority will be given to projects that:

• Support communities to implement generational transition;

• Invest in outback, remote, and less resourced communities;

• Build capacity and resourcing for a just and equitable energy transition;

• Support First Nations-led initiatives that strengthen culture, country, economic participation, and reconciliation.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.

NOTE: There are two streams of funding available within the Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Program: Small and Vital and Prepare and Recover.

More information can be found at: frrr.org.au/funding/

Councillor Catch Up

Cr Jess Milne invites members of the community to catch up and chat all things Council on Friday 14 February.

If you are unable to make the monthly catch up, please contact Cr Jess Milne to make an alternative arrangement.

• Tin Can Bay Library 9am to 10am

• Rainbow Beach Community Centre 11am to 12pm

• Cooloola Cove Veterans Hall 1pm to 2pm

Contact Cr Jess Milne

Phone: 0436 282 707

Email: jess.milne@gympie.qld.gov.au


Community Groups

Rainbow Beach Library

Bookings are essential for some of these events please call 5486 3705.

Rainbow Beach Art Group – Friday 14 & 28 February

Rainbow Beach Boomerang Bags - Tuesdays 2pm to 4pm

First Five Forever Storytime

Join us each week for a fun session of stories, rhymes and songs.

This is a program designed for 0-5 year olds and their families and carers. Visit www.slq.qld.gov.au/first5forever for more information.

First 5 Forever is an initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and delivered in partnership with local government. .

Mondays 9.30-10am


Community Groups

Tin Can Bay Family History Group: First Monday of Every Month 1-4pm

Tin Can Bay Library


Library Lovers Afternoon Tea*

Friday 14 February, 2.30pm

Celebrate Library Lovers Day chatting about a book or author you have discovered. Enjoy an afternoon tea and all the things you love about your local library. Bookings are essential.

*This session is a part of our Library Lovers Weekend.

To learn more about this celebration of libraries please visit our website.

Be Connected Drop-in Help

Do you need a hand to get started online? Do you have a question about something that you have recently learned? Drop in to your local library branch during opening hours for some free one on one help. No bookings required. During opening hours.

Bookings are essential for some of these events please call 5486 4355.

Tin Can Bay Art Group: Tuesdays from 10am-12noon

Tin Can Bay Mah-jong: Every Tuesday from 1-4pm

Cooloola Card Makers: Wednesdays at 9.30am

Poets Corner: Second Saturday of the Month at 9.30am

First Five Forever Storytime

Join us each week for a fun session of stories, rhymes and songs. This is a program designed for 0-5 year olds and their families and carers. Visit www.slq.qld.gov.au/first5forever for more information.

First 5 Forever is an initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and delivered in partnership with local government.

Thursdays 9.30-10am

Be Connected Drop-in Help

Do you need a hand to get started online? Do you have a question about something that you have recently learned?

Drop in to your local library branch during opening hours for some free one on one help. No bookings required. During opening hours.


Clay Bowls

Saturday 1 and 8 February, 10am-11am

Join us for a two-week course where you will be able to create and decorate your own clay bowl. Suitable for ages 8-17 years. Bookings are essential..

Author Talk with Geoff Kelly

Saturday 15 February, 10am-11am

Join author Geoff Kelly as he talks about his book Life’s Long Road. There have been many bumps and turns on his life’s trail, with many straight runs and good times too. Geoff will be discussing the ups and downs and lessons he has learnt growing up in post war Australia and farming in Gympie in the 1970’s. Bookings are essential.

Introduction to Watercolours

Friday 28 February, 9.30am-11.30am

Get in touch with your creative side as we learn how to get started with watercolours. During this session you will learn a variety of techniques including bleeding away and dry brush to create a wonderful picture to take home. Bookings are essential.

Rainbow Beach – Ph: 5486 3705

Monday & Thursday: 9.30am – 12.30pm

Wednesday & Friday: 2pm – 5pm

Saturday: 9am – 12 noon

& Wednesday: 9am – 12.30pm

Thursday & Friday: 9am – 5pm

8.30am – 11.30am

Council Corner

Grant Workshops

Have you got a great idea for a new initiative or program for the community but you need help getting it off the ground? Head along to Council’s Grants Workshops taking place across February to gain valuable information and support.

The Community Development team will be heading to Cooloola Cove Veteran & Community Hall on Wednesday 12 February from 2pm to 4pm and would love to chat to you. Can’t make it? The team is offering additional sessions to ensure everyone has the opportunity to attend. Available Workshops:

• Tuesday, 4 February Kilkivan Bowls Club, Kilkivan 2.00pm - 4.00pm

• Tuesday, 11 February

The Pavilion Conference Centre, Southside 9.30am - 11.30am

• Wednesday, 12 February Online, 12.00pm - 2.00pm

• Thursday, 13 February Online, 3.30pm - 5.30pm

• Wednesday, 12 February

Cooloola Cove Veteran & Community Hall 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Registrations are required, secure your spot by contacting Council’s Community Development Team on 1300 307 800 or email community@ gympie.qld.gov.au

Federation Park Community Garden

Cooloola Cove residents are invited to come along for a chat about the proposed Community Garden at Federation Park! Share your ideas,

find out how to get involved and connect with your community.

Choose a session time that suits you!

• Thursday, 13 February 2025, 10:00am or

• Saturday, 15 February 2025, 10:00am

Meeting at the Cooloola Cove Veterans Hall, 1 Santa Maria Court.

See you there! For more information contact: community@gympie.qld.gov.au

How do you Library?

Residents are invited to attend a special ‘Library Lovers Afternoon Tea’ on 14 February as part of a new campaign and partnership between Gympie Regional Libraries and the State Library of Queensland.

This campaign aims to showcase the wide range of services, programs, and resources available at libraries while encouraging the community to explore everything their local library has to offer.

As part of this initiative, the Gympie Library has received a micro-grant to launch its own local ‘How do you Library’ chapter, aligning with Library Lovers Day on 14 February 2025.

Library Lovers Day is an international celebration honouring libraries, librarians, and library enthusiasts, highlighting the critical role libraries play in communities.

Rainbow Beach Library

- Library Lovers Afternoon Tea

Date: Friday, 14 February 2025

Time: 2:30 PM

Details: Celebrate Library Lovers Day by sharing your favourite books or authors, enjoying a delightful afternoon tea, and appreciating

This business is FOR SALE


7 days a week

Mon - Fri

7.30am to 5pm

Saturdays 7.30am to 3pm

Sundays 7.30am to 1pm

the unique offerings of your local library. Books are essential.

Gympie Region Prayer Breakfast

Join us at Gympie’s Memorial Park on 28 February for an inspiring morning of connection, prayer, and a delicious BBQ breakfast.

Guest speaker is Arthur Shepherd, Chaplain of Queensland Police and Brisbane Heat Cricket team, who will share his inspiring story.

Date: Friday 28th February

Time: 6:30am

Location: Memorial Park, River Road, Gympie Cost: $10 breakfast meal ticket or $40 family meal ticket (Covers families of 5 or more).

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We’re on YouTube! Our Council Meetings are live streamed. Search YouTube for the ‘Gympie Regional Council - Official’ page and click subscribe. Click the notification bell on our page to get notified when a Council meeting is live.

Contact Gympie Regional Council

• using the online requests on the website www.gympie.qld.gov.au (in the Contact Us section on the top right hand corner of the homepage),

• emailing council@gympie.qld.gov.au

• phoning customer service on 1300 307 800

• using the Snap Send Solve app, or

• sending a message via messenger on the Gympie Regional Council Facebook page.

Chappy CHAT

Personal note

This last week prior to writing this has been a rollercoaster ride for our family after I visited the ER as a result of several weeks of poor health. A CT scan and MRI showed a diagnosis of advanced liver cancer with possibly nothing that the medical specialists at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital can offer.

It has been a life-changing experience obviously, but seeing the effect it has on my family has been very difficult. We live with two of our daughters and their five children so we are a big part of each other’s lives and seeing first-hand how this illness has affected me, has been hard for them.

My husband Mike and our three girls have been amazing in looking after me and making sure I am eating well and looking after myself. It looks as though we will be going down the alternative therapy path, so it will be a challenging time ahead for us.

I have been overwhelmed with the love and support from family and friends and it has reinforced how important these relationships are. I encourage you to make the most of every moment and call that friend who you haven’t spoken to for ages as none of us know what the future will bring.

I would appreciate your prayers for me and my family.

HRainbow Beach Learning Community

Families will be concentrating on botany this term and hoping to have the new community garden start soon to provide opportunities for hands-on learning.

Topics to be covered will include: introduction to botany and the importance of plants; parts of a plant; what plants need to grow; the plant life cycle; photosynthesis; types of plants; pollination and the role of insects; plant adaptations; and much more.

Lessons will be run by parents using the wealth of information available on the internet and through gardening groups.

If you are interested in finding out about the community garden proposed for Federation Park, please come along to either of the meetings being organised by the Gympie Council scheduled at the Cooloola Cove Vet’s Hall on Thursday 13 February or Saturday 15 February at 10am. For more information, please see the advertisement on page 2 in this edition of the Rainbow Beach News.

Beach & Bay Community Pantry

The list of clients who wish to receive hampers in 2025 has increased to well over 100 and new clients are continually being added to the list.

These $10 fortnightly hampers

consist of pantry items one fortnight and fresh fruit and veggies from Mitchell’s Gympie the other fortnight, plus donations from Aldi in Gympie and local supermarkets and are available from the Rainbow Beach Community Centre and the Cooloola Cove Vet’s Hall on alternate Thursdays from 12 to 1pm.

If you would like to receive a fortnightly hamper and are not on our list, please text your name and location to 0413 135 867. We are desperately in need of Woolies or Coles bagsplease feel free to drop them in on pantry days or bring them when you collect your hamper.

There has been a great outcome for our plans to fundraise through recycling cans and bottles at the Rainbow Beach Caravan Park as Containers for Change have advised that they will empty the bins without us having to have volunteers involved. The caravan park management are happy for us to receive the funds from the recycling which all helps us to keep our hampers at a low cost of $10 each.

If you have any cans or bottles that you would like to donate to the Community Pantry, our member number is C11523822 and the funds will

go directly to our bank account.

As food prices continue to rise (a friend reported that a large tin of Robert Timms coffee used to cost $15 but is now $20 and last week the price went up again to $25, but you can get it on special for $20), we need to become more efficient with our budgeting and what we are buying and below are a few ways to get you started.

Writing up a budget is the best way of making sure you have enough money for all of the essentials.

Keep a few staples such as rice, lentils, split peas, stock powder, frozen vegetables, dried pasta, and pasta sauce that can keep you supplied with casseroles, split pea soup, and spaghetti.

For breakfasts, have oats with raisins and cinnamon. For snacks, if you put popcorn kernels into a paper bag then you can make your own microwave popcorn.

This type of preparedness is especially useful if you have children and want to provide for them without making them feel it’s a struggle. Batch cooking and freezing whole meals or batch cooking and freezing ingredients is also a great way of making the most of your ingredients.

How to stockpile food

ISTORY TELLS US that sensible stockpiling was, and still is, humankind’s best tool to arm against difficult times and is the opposite of panic-buying. It was a safeguard against rising prices, inclement weather, and access to the supermarket. Stockpiling was an investment in food security. It helped save money, protect household wealth, keep a store of non-perishable foods, and extend the life of produce from summer into winter. It was also a way to share an oversupply of produce, cultivating a sense of gratitude and abundance.

This means slowly stocking our pantries over many months buying food, toiletries, or cleaning products when they’re on special.

Some examples are making ‘on-special’ cucumbers into pickles or cheap tomatoes into bottles of pasta sauce. A stockpiling mindset doesn’t equate to hoarding or greed. It displays thoughtful care in menu preparation, frugality in ingredient usage, and future-proofing the food supply for yourself and those in your care.

And there are benefits outside the kitchen, too. You don’t need to spend time shopping weekly if you can shop from your pantry. You don’t need to run back and forth to the supermarket using fuel. But there are a few things to remember.

Storage is crucial - You won’t be able to stockpile much if you don’t dedicate enough space to it. But that doesn’t mean you need a purpose-built larder or an entire bedroom (although that would be nice). Aim for a secure, cool and dry area, like designated shelving in the garage or laundry. Start with the most regularly used itemsThere’s no need to buy items you’ll never use. It’s wasteful practice and doesn’t align with sensible stockpiling. It doesn’t save you money and takes food away from people who will actually use those items. Start with the essential things you will use and work your way up.

Buy when items are on special - Don’t buy everything at full price. Wait until items are on sale, then buy two or three or buy in bulk from big warehouses where you can purchase larger quantities. Replenish the items as you use them but keep minimum stock on hand, like many businesses do, to ensure they always have adequate supplies.

Rotate the stock based on demand - Ensure you rotate the stock based on your usage because some of it will expire before you know it if you don’t use it. Keep aware of the use-by dates on long-life products.

Seal your dried foods - If you intend to stockpile dried foods, you’ll need to protect them from pests. Keep flour in a sealed bucket or container for added protection. Use mylar bags with oxygen absorbers to store flour and rice, and you can keep them almost indefinitely.

Here are a few ways to build up your grocery stockpile with no money. These techniques can be used for just buying a few extra items you use regularly to have some in reserve as well.

• Find a half price special then buy two (or more) of the item so you are getting the second one to build up your stockpile for no extra money. This is usually the time we stock up a lot on any grocery or other household items we need.

• We use the discounts we get from buying Woolworths Wish gift cards to buy more groceries for our home for free. So if I get a $200 gift card and only pay $190 for it, I use that extra $10 I get to build up our grocery stockpile again for no extra money.

• If you have beef mince written on your shopping list and are able to find it on markdown for half price or better then you can spend the extra money you save on the normal price of the item

to top up on more mince for $0 more or maybe just a little more.

• Another way to build up your stockpile is to be on the lookout for clearance items. In this case you can often get multiple items for the price of a usual item too. Here I would note to take note of the use by or best before date and only buy what you can use in that time frame.

• One way we use quite often to stock up on grocery items is to use our free rewards $, (yes I know these rewards $ are built into the normal prices we pay but I consider them free), to top up on items too. By doing this I have been able to top up on cartons of cat food, pantry staples, and half price specials too making my free dollars go even further.

• You can build up your grocery stockpile by growing your own vegetables for free as well if you collect seeds from your own crops to replant season to season. We choose to grow heirloom, heritage, or open pollinated varieties of vegetables so we can do this. Once you harvest your vegetables you can use them straight away or blanch and freeze them for further food supplies in your home. You can also grow your own fruit and berries too. We are hoping that the proposed Community Garden at Federation Park will give you lots of encouragement to start your own veggie garden.

• Finally another way to build up your grocery stockpile is to trade with like minded friends and acquaintances. You can trade things you have in ample supply for other items you don’t produce in your home.

Hopefully all of these ideas will help you save money and make what you do have go further.

Ronnie Timperon
A sample of one of our popular $10 hampers.

Air conditioning


Covering Cooloola Cove, Rainbow Beach & Tin Can Bay

Brad’s Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 5486 2781

Bull Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 0421 245 260

Climate Control Air Conditioning 5486 4362

Cooloola Coast Air Conditioning 5486 4499 0418 724 814

Sub- Cooled Air Con/Refrigeration 0436 338 631

Building & Excavations

Bob the Builder 0417 728 510

Hall Homes 0438 864 152

Killer Excavations 0417 192 651

Cabinet Makers

Cooloola Coast Cabinets 5488 0443

Car Dealers

John Madill Toyota 5480 5555

Car Parts (Classic British Cars)

The Frog Pond 0409 342 423


Clarks’ Cleaning, Laundry and Maintenance 0456 783 023


Scott Sandilands 0418 793 256

Courier Followmont 0427 585 663

Curtains and Blinds & Security

Classique Blinds Screens & Awnings 5481 2846

Health Providers

Rainbow Beach General Practice 5353 1000

Channon and Lawrence Dental 5482 7688

Rainbow Beach Chiropractic 0447 275 673

Rainbow Naturals 0473 408 359

In-Home Care 5301 9340


Smiley Mick Electrical 0448 955 768

Earth First Electrical 0448 195 070

HM Coastal Electrical 0439 688 710

Equipment Hire

Mini Backhoe Hire 0418 184 966

Steve’s Mini Excavator Hire 0403 488 284


Floorzone 5482 6500

Functions & Hall Hire

Rainbow Beach Community Centre 5486 3355


Cooloola Coast Bedding & Furniture 5371 5689

Garden Supplies

Cooloola Cove Landscape & Garden Supplies 5488 0222

Gas Supplies

Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island Gas Supplies 0400 657 797

Graphic Design

SAJE Graphics 0439 089 238


Handiest Handyman 0407 828 881

Looney’s Labour 0412 641 743

Hardware Mitre 10 Cooloola



Beach Hardware, Fishing & Camping 5486 3444

Kennels and Catteries

Gympie Cooloola Pet Resort 5483 5364


BRADY, Christine (Tin Can Bay)

DEACON, Arthur (Cooloola Cove)


1 Find A Frog In February Mini-Bioblitz, workshop and evening frog field trips with four amazing frog experts plus BBQ dinner. See page 3 or go to www.cooloolacoastcare. org.au

1 RB Boardriders Club Rounds/Beach Day, from 7.30am, meet at bottom of Surf Club stairs. See page 7 or email rainbowbeachboardriders@gmail.com for more info.

2 World Wetlands Day. See page 4

5 TCB Golf Club Ladies Opening Day, 9am shotgun start followed by BBQ breakfast. Register with golf shop or call 5486 4231. See page 21

13 or 15 CCove Community Garden Information Session, 10am CC Veterans Hall, 1 Santa Maria Ct. More info: community@gympie.qld.gov. au or call 5481 0768

13 Grant Workshop, 2-4pm CC Vets Hall (or online 12-2pm / 3.30-5.30pm on Weds 12 Feb). Discover how to make your grant application shine. For more info or to find out how to register contact Council’s Community Development Team: 1300 307 800 or community@gympie.qld.gov.au

14 Valentine’s Day

14 RB Boardriders Locals BBQ, Rainbow Hotel, from 3.30pm

14 Melony’s Drag Queen Bingo at RB Sports Club. Doors open 5.30pm. Tickets $25 - go to rainbowsportsclub.com.au or call 5486 3191 for more info.

22 RBAA Ladies Day, Bli Bli Water Sports - Barra Fishing Park. See page 24 for details or go to rbaafishing.com.au. Register interest by emailing your name and phone number to rbaafishing@gmail.com

22 RB Boardriders Raffles, Rainbow Hotel, from 5.30pm

28 Gympie Region Prayer Breakfast, 6.30am, Memorial Park, River Rd, Gympie. A morning of connection, prayer, and a delicious BBQ breakfast. $10 breakfast meal ticket or $40 family meal ticket.


2 Clean Up Australia Day - join TCB Lions at Wes Mitchell Park 8-10am. Call 0411 218 254 for more info or go to page 4

7 World Day of Prayer Service, 10am, Cooloola Cove Vets’ & Community Hall. All welcome. Marie 0437 120 333 or marieparker071@gmail. com. See page 8

22 RBAA Junior Fishing Program - Rods, Reels and Tackle, 1-3pm RB School. Register at rbaafishing.com.au/events/ More details on page 24

27 TCB Aged Care Expo, 9.30am-12pm, TCB RSL. FREE event open for anyone in the local community to attend. Register at: www. rangecare.com.au/tin-can-bay-agedcare-expo. For more information call the RangeCare office on 07 5445 7044 or email admin@brcg.org.au.

WEEKLY many are term time only


5.30am TCB Bootcamp, 7am & 5.30pm RB Gym classes, Ph: 0490 333 147


7am Heart Foundation Wheelie Walking Group Cooloola Cove, Judy 5486 2181. Meet at bus shelter outside shopping centre on Nautilus Drive.

Middle Eastern Movement class by Soul from the Belly, Emperor St Community Hall TCB. Early session 1-2pm, evening session 5.30-6.30pm. First class free. Book via Jess on 0411 218 254

2nd Monday 1.30 – 3.30pm Life Drawing with model, Tuncunba Hall, TCB, Robyn 0419 663 271 2nd Monday - Probus, 2pm at Sandcastle Motel TCB, new members welcome. Cherryl 0409 044 100 or Katrina cooloolaprobus@gmail.com

From 9.30-11am First Five Forever Storytime (0-5 yrs) at RB Library. Bookings essential: 5486 3705 11am -12.30pm Book a librarian, RB Library

1-3pm Pickle Ball, RB Community Hall, all welcome. Gold coin donation. Info: Kerin Brider 0413 738 771


2nd Tuesday - Veterans and Community Morning Tea, Tin Can Bay RSL, from 10am

2nd & 4th Nibbles & Giggles at Goomeri Library, social get together to chat over a cuppa, 10amph: 4168 4340

8.30am Kindy Linq, RB School Library

9am – 12 Noon, MEN ONLY, TCB Community & Men’s Shed, Paul Boulton 0437 007 911

9am TCB Quilters, TCB Community Centre, President Robyn Salmon 0427 356 028

9am Drawing & Pastel group all levels, tutoring for beginners, Tuncunba Hall, Tin Can Bay, Kerri 0438 803 990

10am Tin Can Bay Art Group, TCB Library

11am-12pm English Conversation Group, come along to make new friends and improve your English, Gympie Library, bookings not needed 12.30-3.30pm Join in at TCB Library for an afternoon playing Mahjong, an ancient Chinese tile game of skill with a measure of chance. Open to everyone

2-4pm Book a librarian, TCB Library


1st & 2nd QCWA Craft Morning 10am till 12 noon, $2.00, Morning Tea. All enquiries President Mollie 0429 393 406

6.30am Heart Foundation Walking Group meet at TCB Bakery, (weather permitting), Maggie 0400 756 615

8.30am - 10.00am Table Tennis, from$4 each. All levels welcome at the RB Community Hall. 5486 3355.

8.30am Kindy Linq, RB School Library

9.30am Cooloola Card Makers, TCB Library

3-4pm Coolabay Choir, CC Vets’ Hall, Pam: 0427 180 649

3.30-4.45pm Robotics Thursday, Gympie Library, bookings not necessary (but space is limited)

4-6pm Exploring Drama With Sheryl adult drama classes. RB Hall. Gold coin donation. 0497 542 857

5.30-9pm Cooloola Coast Music Club Jam night, 5 Merrimac Court C Cove. All are welcome. Ali 0403 423 124

3rd Hoy hosted by QCWA, 9.30am for a 10am start, Cooloola Coast Bowls Club, Amity Place TCB. All enquiries President Mollie 0429 393 406.


Fortnightly 11am-1pm Beach & Bay Community Mums, CC Vet’s Hall. Contact Ronnie on 0413 135 867 for more info.

8am Social Tennis (1 May-30 Oct) 7am (1 Nov-30 April), $3 RB Sports Club, All welcome. Dianne: 0421 413 111 or Pat: 0407 433 602

8.30am Playgroup, RB School Library

9am – 12 Noon, MEN ONLY morning, TCB Community & Men’s Shed, Paul Boulton 0437 007 911

9am - 12 noon TCB Craft Club, Community Complex Hall, Amity Place. Entry $3. Phone Lillian 0428 718 786.

9.30am First Five Forever Storytime (0-5 yrs), TCB Library

9.30am Bingo for Local Ambulance Committee, TCB Country Club

2-4pm U Can Recycle - Containers For Change pop-up cash point, RB Hall car park Spectrum Ave. Call 0448 250 991 for info.

3.30pm Dragon Boating. Sandra: 0402 352 756

3.30pm Robotics for kids, Gympie Library 6pm Open Mic Night, RSL Hall TCB


Rainbow Beach Art Group, RB Library, 10am two Fridays per month. Phone 5486 3705.

2nd Friday - Twilight Markets, Amity Place TCB

4pm-7pm. Community market with market fee proceeds going to community groups. Contact Jenny Jackson 0424 639 572.

1st Friday - Drop-in Sausage Sizzle, Tin Can Bay RSL, 11.30am to 1.30pm

3rd Friday - Writing Fridays at Gympie Library - join other writers in practicing and honing your literary skills, 10am-12pm, phone 5481 0859 for more information and to book

7am Heart Foundation Wheelie Walking Group Cooloola Cove, Judy 5486 2181. Meet at bus shelter outside shopping centre on Nautilus Drive. 4th Friday Community catch up at RB Hall, 8am 9am-12pm Chess/Rummykub at TCB Community & Men’s Shed, gold coin for morning tea, no need to book

12 noon TCBCAMS Jam Session, Amity Place TCB. Info: Raewyn 0412 995 512 Bryan 0420 299 651.

2.30-4pm Book a librarian, TCB Library

3.30-4.30pm Tinker Table STEAM Makerspace, Gympie Library, bookings not necessary

7.30-10.30pm Live music at RB Sports Club. Grab a drink and a feed and enjoy some local talent www.rainbowsportsclub.com.au


6.30am Heart Foundation Walking Group meet at TCB Bakery (weather permitting), Maggie 0400 756 615

6.45am Wes Mitchell parkrun, TCB (opposite library). Register for free on parkrun website.

2nd Saturday RB Market. Book: 5486 3355

3rd Saturday Tin Can Bay Market. Book: 0418 711 897

2.30pm Little Athletics, TCB School oval, Jess: 0411 218 254

5pm Mass at St John Vianney Catholic Church, Bream St, TCB (week 1 & 4) 5pm Liturgy St John Vianney Catholic Church (week 5)

7.30-10.30pm Live music at RB Sports Club. Grab a drink and a feed and enjoy some local talent. www.rainbowsportsclub.com.au


6.30am Mass at St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church, Manooka Dr, RB (week 1 & 4) 7am Mass Tin Can Bay (week 3)

7.30am Dragon Boating, Sandra: 0402 352 756

9.30am Service at Good Shepherd Church, 17 Carlo Road, RB, followed by morning teaall denominations most welcome

12-3pm Live music at RB Sports Club plus free kids’ bowls and obstacle course. www.rainbowsportsclub.com.au



For Your Sweetheart! Sweet Deals

Hello e er one and elcome to the Febr ar edi on.

We hope o r ne ear has been off to a great start. The eather has certainl made things interes ng, one da e’re almost flooding, the ne t it ’s scorching.

B t honestl , hat ’s ne ?

A�er a massi e school holida season, it is me to rela a li le before the lead p to the Easter holida s.

I kno a lot of b sinesses in to n reported record res lts, and res lts not seen since prior to COVID, hich means to rism is reall star ng to bo nce back no

Valen nes Da - Febr ar

Valen nes Da is among s again and oh bo do e ha e some gi�s for o !

We ha e loads of gi� are, flo ers, plants, chocolateo name it, e’ e got it. We also kno that present b ing can be a str ggle, so if o need a hand, let s kno !

Or check o t the IGA ebsite for some roman c recipe ideas: h ps:// .iga.com.a /recipes/

Congrat la ons to o r latest Comm nit Chest dona on recipients

Firstl , congrat la ons to Li le Ha en Pallia e Care. Li le Ha en is a ol nteer-r n organisa on ho are commi ed to the care and s pport of those in the G mpie region ho are terminall ill.

O r second recipient as Cooloola Coast Medical Transport, a gro p of ol nteers pro iding transport for Cooloola Coast residents, to doctor ’s appointments and other medical ser ices.

We ere thrilled to hand o er Comm nit Chest cheq es to both of these organisa ons. We thank o and appreciate the ork o do for o r comm nit

Did o kno : We call it the IGA Comm nit Chest, beca se it ’s here o r heart is. We are pro d of o r local comm nit heritage and the IGA Comm nit Chest program.

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