erla n t n i H
d Times • Sunshine C oast Sunshine Coast’s free
independent news magazine
JUNE 2015
International talent features at
Montville's Young Musician's Festival
Soccer dreams come true for
John and Adam Brown pages 4–5
A Village Wedding Expo
Showgrounds pave the way for RV Friendly towns
Hanging up the dentist drill for a paintbrush
pages 38–39
pages 22–23
pages 12–13
JUNE 2015
Freedom campers not freeloaders This month's HT is a 'John' edition - with three features - a soccer fan, agronomist and artist, all John. You will have your share of animals too - lemurs, dogs and cane toads. There is an extra page of Creative Cuts this month, as there is so much going on, plus an update on the Precinct, the Sunshine Coast Show and A Village Wedding Expo. We take you from Madagascar to Carnarvon Gorge, and I enjoyed reporting on our local showgrounds and how they open up a different sector of the tourism market. Two years ago Heatley and I spent three joyous months discovering our wondrous country. Clutching my Camp 7 book we spent some beautiful nights out bush. Our first "free camp" was Mulga Well Rest Area, 225km south of Coober Pedy.
We found a spot not too close (but not too away) from the other travellers and were invited to share hot chocolates by their campfire. As we watched the biggest moon I had ever seen surface, I ventured, "Do you often freecamp?" Very quickly I was nicely told, "Freedom camping, that's what we prefer to call it." Our night finished with a friendly bus of revelling footballers on their way back to Woomera. Thankfully they stayed only briefly, but our quest to enjoy little outback destinations has remained. It gave our family a totally different experience to the caravan parks - in both we experienced the same camaraderie every day. The Hinterland taps into that market, giving people in selfcontained vehicles freedom of choice in where they stay. But
RV Friendly Towns are sparse on the coast - the closest is Eumundi, then Gympie. It is a real opportunity for tourism that the Hinterland is yet to grasp, but also for travellers to enjoy our region. Does it sound like I want to be on the road again? Hmmm.. (It is better than thinking about Queensland employees forced to join organisations and rising vehicle registrations!) Lastly, congratulations to all the organisers, volunteers and competitors at the Maleny Show - we have a few photos inside for you. Until next month, Michelle Gilmore
Making News ... Canine Care - dogs make a difference for kids Drs John and Waltraud Wightman in Madagascar Precinct: 9 holes and plans for future forest
Owners: Heatley & Michelle Gilmore P6-7 P8-9 P10-11
Hinterland Gem - Conondale Hall
Gillian Mills cruises through France
An arty NAIDOC week at the UpFront club
Celebration of Books moves to July
Phone: 07 5499 9049
Published first Wednesday of the month ADVERTISING
Heatley Gilmore
Karen Muir
Fax: Post:
Katie Buckley
Darren Baker
07 5499 9308 PO Box 818 Maleny 4552 WEBSITE
Wayne Davey
Felicity Grigor
Debbie Blackley
Anna Kassulke
COVER STORY American beauty, Chloe Trevor joins 7 outstanding artists to perform at Lucas Parklands Young Musicians Festival. Story page 15
Dale Jacobsen
Leeza Baric
Victoria McGuin
Email News: Advertising:
Gay Liddington
Website: Facebook:
Printed by: Fairfax Media
HINTERLAND TIMES DEADLINES News Items/What’s On/Creative Cuts events: 25th of the month Advertising: Bookings 21st of the month, Copy deadline 25th of the month
100% independently owned While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and contents of the publication, the HT accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views held by the HT. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. The production of this FREE newspaper is only made possible by you continuing to support our advertisers.
14, 000 papers home delivered and bulk dropped to Maleny, Montville, Mapleton, Flaxton, Nambour, Palmwoods, Woombye, Hunchy, Eudlo, Reeseville, Mooloolah, Glasshouse, Beerwah, Landsborough, Conondale, Kenilworth and Witta.
Gymnasts need a new home M
ICHAEL TREHY is trying to find a new premises for the Nambour Special Needs and Artistic Gymnastic Club. "Due to a 'change in direction' for The Big Pineapple, where we are currently located, the club is in dire need of a home,” explained Michael. "Our non-competitive club's focus is on maintaining fitness through the discipline of gymnastic strength training, for all abilities and ages in our community. At present the age range of our members attending on a regular basis is from seven months to 75 years." The club also runs a Saturday morning special needs/disability program that is having a tremendous impact on the lives of participants. Andre Rizzo is the club's head coach and can be found in the gym teaching from 5am to 6pm most days. Andre has a wealth of experience. He represented France in the 1960 Rome Olympics and has coached his sons to Australian and Olympic medals. He is a professor in Body Mechanics and taught at Sydney University for some time. Andre also founded the Australian Academy of Gymnastics in Belmore, which his sons still run today. "My own daughter has cerebral palsy and has benefitted from Andre's care and so I would like to
Menelaus (Tony Glazebrook) is harassed by his brother Agamemnon (Rob Pugh) and Chef Augur Calchas (Phil Simmons)
Something must be done! W
Andre Rizzo coaches Ivy Trehy for gymnastics each week - and the group need new premises Image supplied
return the favour by helping find a home for the club," said Michael. The group also has an afternoon kids club and sessions for older adults. They need a big, dedicated space "for next to nothing in rent". If you can assist, please call (07) 5445 0649.
HAT DO YOU do when the future of your country is at stake? If you are King Menelaus of Sparta, the answer is obvious. You appease the goddess Venus! In the Maleny Singers’ latest production of “La Belle Helene”, Menelaus is counselled by his brother Agamemnon and the Chief Augur Calchas. They declare that “something must be done” to ensure the future of Sparta. Menelaus is naturally reluctant to do what they suggest, but you will have to see the show to find out what that is! Tony Glazebrook joins the Maleny Singers for the first time as the unlucky Menelaus, who finds himself ‘between a rock and a hard place’, as the story unfolds. Plotting prophets, interfering royalty and a decidedly partisan populace make life very difficult. Tony is joined by longtime Maleny singers, Rob Pugh (Agamemnon) and Phil Simmons (Calchas), part of a colourful cast of characters, who are accompanied by the
Maleny Performing Arts Orchestra, conducted by Artistic Director Margaret Taylor. Come and be thoroughly entertained by this cheeky romp through Ancient Greece and find out what Menelaus decides to do! The season opens at the Maleny Community Centre on Saturday June 20 at 6.30pm, with table bookings available for both opening night and the following Friday June 26, also at 6.30pm. There are Sunday matinee performances at 2pm on June 21 and 28 and a late afternoon performance at 4pm on Saturday June 27. Tickets are $30 for adults, $25 concession and $5 for children 12 years and under, available from the Maleny Visitor Information Centre or online at http:// For more information or to book a table of ten for opening night or the following Friday night, please phone 5494 2584.
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John and Adam Brown: living the dream in Barcelona
by Dale Jacobsen
Dale Jacobsen was green with envy when John Brown from Maleny's Mitre 10 told her all about his trip to Spain. It is not often a devoted soccer fan has a chance to meet Barcelona’s star players, and kick a ball about on the club’s full-sized training fields.
OHN BROWN received a phone call out of the blue. “Do you feel like a holiday?” Puzzled, John replied, “That would be nice”. The caller responded, “That’s good, because you have won the prize”. Still puzzled, John asked, “What prize?”. Some months before, he had entered the draw for the Stanley Global Striker Challenge when he purchased goods from Stanley Black and Decker—sponsors of Barcelona Football Club, the largest club in the world. He then promptly forgot about it. John’s first instinct was to send his son Adam, a very keen soccer player. As it turned out, the prize included them both. Of all the people in Australia who could have won this prize, there probably would have been none to whom it
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Top left: Meeting the stars: Neymar, John Brown, Javier Mascherano, Luis Suarez, Adam Brown Above: Adam and John Brown among 93,000 watching Barcelona Football Club play Valencia
would have meant more. John has coached soccer with the Maleny Rangers since Adam was in the Under 11s. Adam will be 21 this year. On April 15 John and Adam flew to Barcelona for a week that money, literally, could not buy. “We were welcomed at a cocktail party and dinner at the Barcelona stadium, then presented with a pack of training gear in Barcelona colours,” said John. “They were ours to keep.” The next day they faced the Global Striker Challenge, the main focus of the prize. Adam explained: “A coach from Barcelona took us through training drills, then the challenge began on one of the 11 full-sized fields at the training centre. It was in four parts, each one testing our basic soccer skills.” John proudly added, “I was leading after round one. It was
Above: Adam and John Brown living their dream at Barcelona FC Above right: Seventy people from around the world take part in the Stanley Striker Challenge at Barcelona Right: John and Adam Brown with the Under 11 side from Maleny Rangers Spain images courtesy Stanley Black and Decker
a wise head that did it: I figured, with the grounds in such perfect condition, I didn’t need to be macho, just accurate.” John finished in the top half; Adam in the top quarter. Not bad, considering they were up against 70 other people from all around the world. During the memorable week they were wined and dined and taken around in Barcelona FC’s coach. “People thought we were the real team,” laughed John. They also experienced the mighty machine that is the Barcelona Football Club. One of the highlights for John and Adam came when sitting in the corporate area, watching the Barcelona vs Valencia match on the hallowed ground and seeing the Australian flag, accompanied by their names, flash across the advertising billboard before a crowd of 93,000. “I have never seen a more perfect football field,” said John. “The grass is sacred. You touch it; you die.” Each day brought surprises. “We didn’t know what was going to happen next, it was all kept as a surprise, mostly for security reasons as organisers weren’t sure what would or wouldn’t be allowed until the last minute,” said John. The competitors were permitted to watch the private closed training session for a brief time, then told to line up, two-by-two. To their surprise, three of Barcelona’s star players, Luis Suarez, Neymar and Javier Mascherano, walked over to meet them and pause for a photo shoot. Adam says that would have to be the highlight of the whole trip. Back home, as John resumed his life in his Mitre 10 store in Maleny, he came to the conclusion that, second to the birth of his kids, it was the greatest experience of his life. Adam has many tales to relate to his fellow uni students at QUT, where he is in his fourth year studying mechanical engineering. There is no doubt that the enthusiasm these two
Malenyites brought back with them will find its way into the Maleny Rangers. John and Adam both coach the Under 11 side. John has never actually played soccer, but became a reluctant coach when Adam’s Under 11 team was left without a coach. John also served as club president for a couple of years. John has taken the current side through from Under 6s to Under 11s. At least half of the members have been with him right through. Last year, the club awarded him life membership in recognition of his dedication to the young players. “I love watching the development of the kids—watching as they begin to see the benefits of teamwork. It is a magic moment to see a kid kick their first goal and be congratulated by the rest of the team. They are all equal at that age. There are no stars.” John’s team included girls last year. This year, the girls have their own team. “The biggest pool we draw from is the River School. The kids are encouraged to kick a ball around at lunchtime, and there are some great little players coming through.” Football has a bright future at the Maleny Rangers. “Barcelona might have 32 million supporters worldwide, but we have 190 members and teams from U6 to men’s and women’s teams. A great pathway for junior players,” said John. “And we are just as passionate about the game as they are in Spain.”
by Victoria McGuin
Victoria McGuin first heard about Smart Pups when chatting to a mum at Montville school, who had a gorgeous black puppy in tow. Curious as to what a ‘Smart Pup’ actually was, she was introduced to an inspirational organisation, who are helping children across Australia.
ARAH WANTED to teach her two young children to be gentle around animals, whilst learning about the responsibility of owning a pet. However, due to possible future travels, she knew a full-time pet wouldn’t work for their family. The solution was Smart Pups, whom she had heard of through a friend. Families take in young dogs for up to 18 months and help train them to become Assistance Dogs for children – in particular those with autism and seizurerelated syndromes, and children who need mobility assistance. Although Smart Pups is based in Pomona, they are always looking for foster families for their puppies across the Sunshine Coast. I have chatted with two families, from Palmwoods and Maleny, who help. I asked Sarah what is involved. “Once we brought our puppy home, he spent some time settling in; then we would take him to regular training sessions at Ballinger Dog Obedience Club in Buderim. The qualified trainers helped him learn general obedience and gave him specific tasks to fit the child who will end up with him.” Is it hard knowing their assigned puppy is to leave them in a few months? “A bit, yes, because he’s so beautiful!”
smiled Sarah. “But we knew what we were going in to with this, and it’s good to know a child out there will have such lovely companionship and important support.” Mobility assistance dogs are trained to perform specific tasks based on their child’s needs, such as turning on and off lights, carrying items, opening and closing doors, pressing the button at traffic lights, and signalling if their child is in danger. For children with autism, the dogs are trained to track if the child has run off, and learns to touch or nudge the child to disrupt repetitive behaviours, and to snuggle with the child to prevent an emotional melt down. And Smart Pups Seizure Assistance dogs are trained to respond if a child has a seizure (many predicting it up to 20 minutes before the onset), alerting a guardian adult. They also provide comfort and help by bracing for their child to lean on them, in order to stand and walk. Smart Pups began thanks to dog-lover Patricia McAlister. She won her first ‘Obedience’ competition in England, with a Dalmatian called Lady, when she was just ten years old. Arriving in Australia aged 19, she bred and trialled dogs until 2000, when she set up her own business as a Dog Behaviourist. Part of this involved ‘in home’ training for problem dogs and running training classes. A client approached Patricia to help train a dog for a child with disabilities, and it became apparent there were very few organisations training these special assistance dogs in Queensland. After some research, Patricia did a five-month internship with 4Paws for Ability, a USA-based organisation. “Seeing for myself the amazing success of dogs helping children with disabilities, convinced me the internship was well worth it to have this knowledge and train these dogs back in Australia.” And so, Smart Pups was born. So far, they have places 41 dogs around Australia, with 30 dogs currently on the program and a waiting list of over 50 families. They have six new Labrador pups ready for training
Lochie and Rory – a recent success story
A weekend of celtic music classes, workshops & tune sessions
Friday night tutors concert Saturday night family ceili dance
Registrations Friday afternoon Maleny Neighbourhood Centre or online at 6
Above: ready for training Right: Diesel ‘High Five’ with Jenny
and fostering in eight weeks’ time, so the need for foster volunteers is vital. “We are looking for homes in Palmwoods, Woombye and up on the range,” explained Smart Pups trainer Andrea Kirwin. “If we could get enough people on the range to foster, we could hold training sessions once a week in Maleny.” Andrea joined two years ago as a volunteer and now works full time. “It’s very rewarding. We get to pick the puppies up when they’re little, watch them grow and learn, and see them join a family. It’s like watching them graduate!” In addition to the 12-18 months fostering program, Smart Pups often need ‘temporary fosters’ who will look after the dogs for a few weeks or a few months. Jenny Kemp in Maleny does this on a regular basis, and has already had ten dogs through her door. I went to meet her as a new puppy, Diesel, arrived and asked how she found herself in this situation. “A close friend heard about Smart Pups.... I ended up applying and very quickly Andrea was here to check my house – and me! She’s a good judge of character.” There are obviously certain criteria a foster carer needs to meet: there must be one adult who works from home; they must be over 18; the house must be fenced with a yard, and children in the house must be six years old or above. “You have to not mind dogs in the house, as these pups will end up indoors with their children a lot,” said Jenny. “And you need to be able to socialise the puppy in different environments, and go to training sessions.”
Jenny told me how the Maleny IGA is now quite accustomed to her coming in with the pups. “My first dog was Lucy, and I still get asked about her. I cried when I had to say goodbye!” Lucy is now with an autistic child in Melbourne as an inhouse service dog, “The bond between Lucy and that child is amazing,” smiled Jenny. Smart Pups is doing something wonderful and their passion for the cause is infectious. These dogs can help children and their families in so many ways – from reducing stress, isolation and anxiety, to helping with confidence, improving communication skills and bringing a sense of safety and security. If you would like to get involved with Smart Pups, check out their Facebook page which includes stories of the pups - most recently Rory and his owner Lochie, who has Down syndrome and autism. For information on fostering, visit the website:
Mending Madagascar
Lemurs in Madagascar are at risk of extinction due to loss of habitat Ucamari photography
by Bob Wilson
Bob never expected to learn about lemurs, whitefly and the problems facing the people of Madagascar through his local choir, but that’s where it happened. Two fellow singers are keen to make a difference and save one of the most endangered species on earth.
GRICULTURAL SPECIALISTS Drs John and Waltraud Wightman live 10km outside Maleny, next to the 7 hectare flower farm they developed (from a pine forest) and operated before selling several years ago. They have empathy with farmers in Madagascar, a large island off the east coast of Africa, which they visited recently to assess the feasibility of preserving lemur habitat by establishing agroforestry systems. John and Waltraud were born and educated overseas and have an extensive background in agricultural science and economics.They met in Hyderabad, India when they were working at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Waltraud was Personal Assistant to the Director General and John was responsible for Integrated Pest Management and Legume Crop Research.
They have lived in Maleny since 2000, a year before they both become founding members of community choir Tapestry. They took time out from choir rehearsals for a two-week field trip to Madagascar as part of an international effort to save lemurs, considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to be the world’s most endangered mammals. “The reason we went there in the first place was because of the lemurs,” Waltraud said. “They are really cute, and a bit like monkeys – they are an evolutionary branch of the primates. “They are unique to Madagascar, but quite a few species are so depleted that they are a generation away from extinction, primarily because of loss of habitat. “The Malagasy human population has grown
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Lowland rice terraces with upland crops
John and Waltraud Wightman
costs $1 a litre, so it is not hard to work out that a biodiesel industry could produce much-needed income for Malagasy farmers. “Pongamia oil is also an insecticide and could almost certainly have a beneficial impact on the whitefly. But even if farmers had access to Pongamia oil or any other such organic oil, they do not have the money to buy it or the ability to grow it.” Waltraud, an agricultural economist, specialises in promoting self-sufficiency, market chain development and generating cash flow. “We found farmers who were ready to branch out into new areas and plant new crops,” she said. “At one stage, they were encouraged to grow essential oils – geranium oil, for instance. In the first year they got a good price, but then the price completely collapsed. They were totally discouraged. What they need is long-term contracts with the middlemen setting a fixed price.” The people of Madagascar also suffer from poor nutrition and struggle to feed themselves. This is the subject of a book John is co-authoring, with Professor SB Sharma of Murdoch Unit Perth, about world food insecurity. According to The Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT), the diet of the Malagasy amounts to 1844 Kcal /day – a 26% shortfall on the requirement of 2500 Kcal per day. “The average diet is largely (74%) made up of rice and cassava. These products have high carbohydrate contents and little of anything else. The ‘healthy’ dietary components that supply protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals are linked to only 7.5% of the caloric intake,” John said. The Wightmans, currently in Germany visiting Waltraud’s family, are keen to return to Madagascar and continue the work they started for Valbio and the lemurs, but it all depends on accessing ongoing funds. Contact John Wightman through LinkedIn.
June Movie The next Drive-In Movie night is:
Saturday 27 June Please check the website below for details.
Pre-book your tickets at
- ! ,%
tremendously over the past 20 years and it is still rising quickly. Farmers feel that they are compelled to chop down trees every year to free up land for crops. We would say that it would be better to grow crops in such a way that they get better yields.” They travelled to Madagascar as guests of Valbio, the primary lemur conservation organisation in Madagascar. They were supported by the World Institute for Leadership and Management in Africa (WILMA). “The population is growing at the rate of 3% a year,” John said. “Farmers basically rely upon rice – they could treble their yields, but it requires extra effort. They do not seem to store crops for long, but eat the grain as soon as it is in the bag.” The flat land is irrigated and grows rice. The valley uplands are terraced and support a mixture of crops – maize, peanuts, beans and cassava. Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich crop that fills empty stomachs. John, initially a crop protection specialist focusing on minimising pesticide applications to tropical crops, found a tiny white fly was everywhere. It spreads a disease that stunts cassava and decimates the crop yield. John said, “It is ironic that this tiny fly reduces the yield of a staple food crop and drives the farmers to clear more land. It would be far better to reduce the impact of the fly. “Two of the several species of oilseed trees – Pongamia and Moringa – which produce the feedstock for biodiesel – could be grown on bare tracts of the highest land. They would support agroforestry systems of food crops, oil seed trees and re-established ‘lemur’ trees.” The average wage in Madagascar is $1 a day and diesel fuel
/4 " !, , #, 5 Cost: $25 per car at the gate; $20 online for pre-bookings; $10 per person for walk-ins.
This fundraiser for the Maleny Rangers Football Club Snacks & cold drinks from the candy bar including pop-corn!
Striking views, a future forest When you visit the Maleny Community Precinct and the heritage-listed Pattemore House the sweeping lawns first greet the eye.. The completed amenities block deceptively looks like a farm shed, but houses modern toilet facilities for walkers, visitors to Pattemore House and golfers. Explore the grounds further this month and you will find new trails, a fledgling rainforest, a base for the Light Horse and a golf course....
15,000 trees More than 600 community volunteers have helped Green Hills complete its busiest of several years' work on the Precinct. A total of 15,000 trees have been planted along the riparian margin of Obi Obi Creek, allowing space between the trees for a future rainforest walking track. The proposed track will meander through the majority of these new plantings. Track users will also enjoy some added extras such as local sculptures, bird boxes, Richmond Birdwing vines, and at least one platypus viewing platform, as well as user-friendly pathways and interpretive signage. Green Hills Precinct project manager Ron Sharp told the Hinterland Times he would like to thank the 615 plus community volunteers who gave their time and skills to be an integral part of the rebuild beside the Obi Obi. The next site for revegetation on the precinct will be an area known as the Southern Wetlands. This rare Palustrine wetland may be the only one to exist on the Maleny plateau. Some 15,000 mixed native tree and grass species are earmarked to rebuild this degraded wetland. Green Hills believe opportunities for bird hides and scenic walks around
Living Beersheba Museum planned Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club are pleased to report that planning for the construction of the Living Beersheba Museum and Club House on the MDSRC lease area is at an advanced stage. Sara Bucher of Maleny's 5th Light Horse Troop said, "This entire project is pretty exciting; we're overwhelmed at the grant support to MDSRC from the Queensland Government, the Australian Anzac Centenary program and the Sunshine Coast Council. The resulting facilities will be a true gift for future riders and the greater community in general. "We are also very grateful for donations in materials and time that have come, not only from the equestrian community, but other sectors keen to see the Maleny's Light Horse at last have a permanent base. A very big thank you must go to our local member Andrew Powell and MDSRC for their leadership and support".
Planting a future rainforest for their children: Elise, Joseph, Nina, Taryk and Natalie at a Green Hills planting and restoration
the wetland may be possible for the community in the near future. "We are keen to hear from any of the community volunteers who put so much time and effort into assisting the completion of the riparian margin, to contact us on our website and we will arrange a date for a guided tour of the track and tree plantings," Mr Sharp said. He said thanks were also due to Lake Baroon Catchment Care, Barung Land Care, Sunshine Coast Council and the Federal Government for the Environmental Biodiversity Grant. "All of these combined to deliver a great result for the community," he said.
Andrew Powell presents Qld Govt Community Benefit Funds to MDSRC for the Living Beersheba Museum; with Terry Murphy, Greg Williams (President MDSRC) and Sara Bucher Photo taken on MDSRC lease area
What’s s On @ www The J 60 Noosa Drive, Noosa Junction Junction T 07 5329 6560 No unaccompanied minors - all e events vents 10
and golf links at the Precinct Maleny Golf Course Officially Opens Tuesday 30 June Mayor Mark Jamieson, Cr Jenny McKay, Club Patron Andrew Powell, other Councillors, guests and club members will open the first nine holes of the Maleny Golf Course at 10am on Tuesday, June 30. The Club also invites the community to join in celebrating this milestone as the golf course joins Mary Cairncross Reserve and the Maleny Botanic Gardens as a major tourist attraction. Since construction commenced last March, the Club has transformed the former dairy farm into a first class community golf course. Under the guidance of golf architect Graham Papworth, and professional guidance of full time greenkeeper, Mick McCombe, the club has taken full advantage of the natural assets of the Sunshine Coast hinterland – deep volcanic soils, rolling hills, surrounding forest and kikuyu pastures. These ingredients have been melded into a stunning golf course, combining the best technologies and construction methods available to provide excellent putting surfaces. Sensitive integration of existing mature native trees with the open fairways and roughs, wetlands and surrounding rainforest has seen special attention given to provide walkers with safe views of the course and wetland from the Heritage Trail and the image riverine paths.
From the new car park visitors enjoy a panoramic view of the golf links and parkland. Views across the golf course and wetland from the Heritage Trail adjoining heritage-listed Pattemore House are spectacular. The Golf Club has hosted the annual Sunshine Coast Cross Country Run for the past three years, now regarded as perhaps the best venue in SE Queensland for this sport, with plans for a future national event to take place. The Club and its 400 members welcomes visitors to play on the course and enjoy the views. The driving range will soon close, but the course and practice range will be open daylight hours every day of the week. We hope to see you there.
Shop 8 Riverside Centre, 8 Maple Street, Maleny
5435 2733 Trevor Fairley with mates look forward to the official opening on the Maleny Golf Course later this month
art & Music on the Deck saturday 13 June 4-6pm
Gary Myers Gallery Upstairs MaleNy Community Centre Open 10 - 4 Mon-sat and 10 - 3 sun
0427 526 965
Rocky Mountain High tO the
by Gay Liddington
Artist in Residence for Rocky Mountains and Yosemite National Parks, dentist, even a hermit at Carnarvon Gorge and with exhibitions at The Stockman’s Hall of Fame... local John Morrison has walked an interesting path. With a newly released children's book he is now set to inspire a wider audience about our outback heritage.
Y FIRST MEMORY in life is painting. I can’t remember anything before that,” said John Morrison recounting his four-year-old self watching his mother mix powder and water to create paint and colours. It was this that enabled the innocent expression of a child unaware that visual images would reveal themselves through him for a lifetime. Born in Charters Towers in 1938 John was a product of a time that generally did not support the creative arts. His father was a strict disciplinarian who believed that art was not a real job. He steered his son through an education that led to a career in dentistry. John was also guided by strong women. His mother was one of the first female solicitors in Queensland. She was a woman who exuded warmth and kindness, qualities that her son obviously inherited. His aunt, a writer of note, tried to encourage her nephew down that path but it was not for him. “I was interested in telling a story visually. For some reason I had to do it. I don’t know why,” he said.
John’s formative years saw him educated at ‘Churchie’ – Brisbane’s Anglican Church Grammar School where he learnt to play football and speak Latin, but art was not offered as a subject. “I went to Tech College at night and Saturday mornings. That was all about training you to be an architect or draftsman. So I learnt about perspective. I learnt to draw from plaster casts. “My first real art teacher was Vida Lahey who was well-known in the Brisbane art scene. I used to go to class after school on Fridays. She was a disciplinarian. Many times I would get wrapped over the knuckles with a ruler. It must have worked because I won the Sunday Mail’s children’s art prize at age twelve.” John's art and architecture studies helped form a solid foundation for the promising young painter. John acknowledges that discipline is a facility that he’s learnt to use and appreciate. “I don’t wait for the magic light to come on before I paint. I do it because I love doing it!” “I look at something and see one aspect. It might be the light or tone. It might be a colour or a form or shape that attracts me. And in my mind instantly, I’m painting it.” When John graduated from university he began his dental practice in Roma. He loved the town and the country people but wanted to extend his knowledge of dentistry and surgery, a path that led him to a position at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. “I lived there for three years and at the end of that time I was offered a job as House Surgeon working seven days a week. The choice was London or the bush. I chose the bush and came back home to Roma. It was 1965. “Queensland Arts Council wanted to start visual arts programs in small communities outside of Brisbane and so I invited artist Mervyn Moriarty to come and teach a school. Sixty-five people attended the weekend course! Then I started running week long creative art schools. Tutors came from everywhere.” Carnarvon Gorge has played an integral role in John’s life and his evolvement as an artist. In 1961 his interest in archaeology, anthropology and aboriginal culture saw him working as part of a field team to discover and record a lost history. And so began a love of this land where a range of sandstone cliffs appear…monoliths birthed from an ancient landscape. In 1965 John acquired a 460 acre lease of land in Carnarvon Gorge made available by the Queensland Government for development and tourism. “There were no fences just a vague map and blazed trees. I was the company chairman who had no knowledge of building a resort or tourism! We built the whole thing in eight weeks with the help of my mother and father. Originally the place was called Camp Carnarvon and later Carnarvon Tourist Lodge.” In 2002 John experienced a landmark change in his life and hungered to get back to Carnarvon and painting. “I gave everything away, walked out and headed for the hills because I knew at that time I could play a useful role there as an artist. I lived in a tent and built a studio out of an old laundry that we’d originally built in ’67.” John’s journey led him to be the first non-American artist to be successful in his application to be Artist in Residence at the Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado and later Yosemite National Park in California. This experience led John to create a similar program in Queensland. With the support of the State Government he organised the promotion of national parks through an Artist in Residence program. John’s partner in life, Janette De Sousa Roque, enjoys handling the management and PR, so John can focus on his art. The couple’s current work is with The Stockman’s Hall of Fame at Longreach. This adventure began when John and a mate happened there when chasing the story of Harry Readford, alias Captain Starlight. “This led to a chat with the CEO. I showed him my work and was invited to hold an exhibition at the gallery. “We started out having an annual show then pushed the idea that the hall was originally promoted by the stockman artist, Hugh Sawrey and that art played a pivotal role in establishing The Stockman’s Hall of Fame. So they informally made me the Residential Artist.”
Top: John's recently released children’s book; Above: Aboriginal Stockman
Opposite page: 'Carnarvon Majesty' - Acrylic on Canvas Above: ‘The Islands, Main Gorge, Carnarvon Gorge, Qld’ Oil on Canvas Below: John Morrison and Janette De Sousa Roque
At present John is preparing for an exhibition that opens in July. As a result of launching his first book, Harry Readford’s Outback at the Hall, a local grazier, Richard Kinnon, expressed an interest in creating a sound and light show based on the book. The stage for this six-day-per-week production is a huge screen on a purpose built barge situated on the Thompson River. Also recently released is John’s children’s book, The Adventures of Whitey and Blackie. “The black sheep found its way into the story when we were out at Longreach last year. Richard Kinnon was raising a little white shorthorn bull, Whitey, and in the paddock with the calf was this black-faced sheep. It was like the bull was the mother of the sheep,” said Janette. Maleny residents John and Janette exude passion for their work at The Stockman’s Hall of Fame. It arises from their desire for city people to experience the outback…to help them understand how Australians became Australians and also, to share the stories and visual images of the outback. And, as John says, “The journey itself is worth the journey alone…” HINTERLAND TIMES – JUNE 2015
Hinterland Gems • TV & DVD Tuning • Telephone Data • Digital Specialists • Home Theatre Specialists • Five Year Warranties • Satellite Systems
Conondale Hall
There’s a Jim’s Technician on the Range. Call for a free quote today
131 546
IGHTY-FOUR YEARS ago, Conondale was a busy little village with a thriving economy in the prime industries of dairy farming and timber. In 1931, Conondale opened the doors of its first and only community hall, built by the members of the village on land that was donated to the community. The hall has provided a venue for entertainment, quilt shows, school functions and education, weddings, private parties and worship over the years. The hall committee has always been made up of volunteers from our community, and this continues today. Mr Frederick Fleiter served on the committee for over 40 years, followed by his son Lloyd Fleiter, who served as president for 44 years, with the help of his wife Mary as secretary for most of them. Lloyd’s daughter Lois is now the current treasurer. Conondale Hall is still today a social hub of the community. On the third Friday of each month, locals get together from 3pm – 8pm for a social afternoon/evening. This is a great time for everyone to unwind and catch up with friends. The barbie is fired up and the bar open while music and activities are available for adults and children. The Conondale Quilters meet here monthly on the third Thursday and have done for over 30 years. New members are always welcome. The swimming club is running a low-key wellness class during the winter months on Thursday morning from 7.30am – 8.15am. It is light activity to get the body moving and changes weekly. Activities include: boxercise, bush dancing, low impact aerobics and circuit training. Cost is $3 per session. Please contact Louise on or 0412293351 for more info. Yoga classes happen each Monday afternoon from 4.40pm – just turn up. Conondale Hall is a community supported venue. Local fundraising events are held regularly and this classic Queenslander hall is available for private hire events, large and small, at competitive rates. Visit our Facebook page at: Right: Conondale quilters celebrating their 30th anniversary at the hall
Above: Conondale Hall - then and now Below: The monthly socials are on the third Friday of each month
Dine on Obi
Left to right: Peter, Sam and Chloe
by Debbie Blackley
S wITh A LoT of graduates from a multitude of professional degrees, a classically trained musician can find it difficult to make the step from a music honours student – top of their tree – to a professionally working musician in a forest of more mature and more experienced talent. Ian and Lee Lucas from Lucas Parklands at Montville have again this year taken the opportunity to bring eight young musicians together for a wonderful weekend of solo, duet, trio and ensemble performances. with two international guest musicians, Dorel Golan from Israel and Chloe Trevor from Texas USA, while Theresa Yu and Sam Lucas return from overseas to join Emma Zhuang, Georgie ostenfeld, Andrew hathway and Peter de Jager for the Young Musicians Festival 2015 on July 3, 4 and 5. Ian discovered Dorel Golan from Israel through social media – saw her clip on YouTube and then again on Facebook. Unknown to Lee and Ian, at the same time their son Sam Lucas, studying in NZ, had also been following Texan Chloe Trevor on social media. An exceptional talent – the Lucas family extended the invitation to Chloe to visit Australia and join the festival. These two young artists have promoted themselves to
the world with their professional recordings and photo shoots, and been invited to perform by the world’s orchestras and composers by displaying their repertoire online. Kind of like a ‘virtual audition’, their audience is worldwide, therefore their opportunity to play over the globe has suddenly become a more attainable reality. Ian and Lee are also hoping that the weekend will give these musicians an opportunity to compare notes and learn from each other, not just about the music, but about professionalism, self-promotion, taking care of their health and finding the balance between practice and life. Something of great importance is how they cope with the solitary life as a professional musician, who are known to practice on their own for up to 7-8 hours a day to perfect their art. Life for the Lucas family after the July festival does not cool down at all, taking Dorel Golan and Sam Lucas to Tasmania by invitation of the Governor of Tasmania and then New Zealand. This is followed by jetting off with Sam to London where his string quartet group ‘Quattro’ has won a scholarship to receive tuition from some of the most experienced music professors in England. Sam’s trip includes a performance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August then back to New Zealand to study, practice and ‘live’ their music to build upon his professional music career. Details on
We are hosting a charity event in support of Disaster Aid Australia. Disaster Aid Australia is a project of the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills which provides innovative humanitarian aid solutions to people in developing countries who have suffered loss following natural or other disasters. And, importantly, a new start. Choice a la carte dinner menu Live entertainment with Rod Christensen – Dancing 1955 Trivia - Lucky door prizes *Book a table of 10 to receive a 10% discount
BOOK NOW - TICKETS LIMITED Call: (07) 5429 6543
Back by popular demand Sunday Roast Lunch with all the trimmings!
2 courses for $30 Lunch special.
18 Lawyer Lawyer S Street, treet, Maleny Maleny on the the ban banks ks o off tthe he O Obi bi O Obi bi Cree Creek k
Ph: Ph: (07) 5429 6543 6543 hINTErLAND TIMES – JUNE 2015
Food, Drink
& Dine
Food Politics
Palm Oil Everywhere by Morag Gamble Ethos Foundation
ALM oIL IS IN one of every two packaged products in the supermarket. however, it is not surprising that many Australians are unaware of this or why it is important. Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil on the planet, and yet, strangely, despite being a such a common ingredient in standard food and grocery items, Australian law does not oblige companies to identify it on food ingredient lists.The generic term ‘vegetable oil’ can be used. what products contain palm oil? Packaged breads, baked goods, biscuits, chips, chocolate, ice cream, cereals, instant noodles, beverages, sauces, margarine, yoghurts, toothpaste, shampoos, soap, cosmetics, candles, cleaning agents, washing detergents, pet foods - the list goes on. It is also increasingly being used as a biofuel. over 65 per cent of all vegetable oil traded internationally is now palm oil. It may be cheap to produce but the costs to the planet, people and other species are high. There are so many problems with the way it is being produced. The palm oil industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, water pollution, human rights abuses, animal cruelty, species extinction and land grabbing. Because of the sheer scale of its production and the lack of regulation in the countries where it is produced, the land, forests and communities are devastated for the development of the plantations. Tropical rainforests and peatlands are being cleared at the rate of 300 football fields an hour to make way for palm oil production. This land is often cleared illegally, destroying some of the world’s most diverse habitats and increasing pollution and carbon emissions through slash-and-burn agriculture. Almost a fifth of palm oil expansion in Indonesia and Malaysia has taken place on peat swamps. when peat swamps are cleared and drained they release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Palm oil is contributing to many species being pushed to extinction. If nothing changes, the orangutan, a keystone species in the rainforest, could become extinct in the wild within 5-10 years.
over 90% of its habitat has been destroyed and 50,000 orangutans have already been killed over the past two decades as a result of deforestation for palm oil plantations. Sumatran tigers may become extinct in less than three years. rhinos and elephants, as well as many many other species, are also severely impacted. In many areas, local communities are not respected and employees are treated poorly. with plantations systematically destroying the resources, forests and land that local people depend on, communities find themselves with no choice but to become plantation workers. They are faced with degrading working conditions and earn barely enough to survive and support their families. In response to the call for sustainable and fair production of palm oil the roundtable on Sustainable Palm oil (rSPo) formed a decade ago. This has brought a number of improvements, however deforestation and the destruction of peatlands continues as oil palm plantations grow and grow. Certified palm oil still only makes up 20% of the global palm oil supply (encouragingly up from 10 per cent in 2011). Choice magazine claims that 70% of Australians want clearer palm oil labelling and that a significant proportion of them are concerned about the environmental, health, animal welfare and social justice impacts. Unfortunately it appears that most of the world market for palm oil does not yet care whether it is sustainably or ethically produced or not. What can you do: ● avoid palm oil - grow your own food and cook from scratch ● buy more whole foods, avoid processed and packaged products ● buy other groceries without palm oil (listed as many names including: vegetable oil, vegetable fat and many other names including Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Kernelate) A good source of palm oil free foods and groceries can be found at ● look for certified sustainable palm oil ( ● write to your state and federal members and let them know that you want labels that identify whether palm oil is in your food.
High hopes for High Tea
ELICIoUS hIGh TEA served in the annexe of the Montville village hall will be a feature of the wedding Expo, to be held on Sunday June 14. Students and parents of the Montville State School P&C Association will delight visitors and locals with freshly made, home-baked items whilst enjoying the beautiful decorations donated by western Avenue Floral Design. Traditional high Tea, sweet and savoury plates, and homemade lemonade will be available from 10am – 2pm. All funds raised will directly benefit the students at Montville State School.
Tonia Todman cooks for Maleny
ALENY GrovE are hosting Connect hearing’s Eat Play Connect event on June 6. It is a celebration of healthy living and features a cooking demonstration and recipe ideas by Australia Tv icon Tonia Todman. village Manager, Kaye Smyth said, “we support activities such as this which demonstrates that positive ageing with wellness choices are available.” Life at Maleny Grove is all about enjoying your retirement the way you choose. A furnished display is open for viewing from 10am to 3pm, 7 days a week at 9 Palm St, Maleny adjacent to the Maleny hospital.
Two new trucks for Montville Mist
Peter Collins from Montville Mist with one of his new trucks
PrING wATEr is a growing business for Peter and Alli Collins from Montville Mist - they have two new trucks on the road, and are looking for another driver. They have noticed a huge shift in the industry - with consumers wanting to know what is in the water that they are drinking and giving to their children. "People these days don’t want to fuel their bodies with junk and preservatives. This goes with water too - they consider the chlorine, the fluoride, the kilometres of old pipes that tap water has travelled, the smell, as well as the taste." working in the business since 2002, the couple love living in Montville. "we feel so fortunate to be raising our kids here, surrounded by the pristine rainforest. It is our little piece of paradise and is so handy to the coast for day trips to the beach. we feel we have the best of both worlds without the hustle." Peter is out and about sharing the passion for all things spring water and Alli ensures everything is running smoothly behind the scenes. we made the decision about three years ago to gradually introduce staff. Peter says, "we were finding it impossible to keep up with our three young ones and the business. Somehow we managed to do it alone for many years, however there was no balance." Like any young family, there is plenty to juggle! Their kids love their sports and are involved with the range United Soccer Club, Palmwoods Pool and Kronk Tennis. Since then, they have hired four more staff and they are still expanding! Peter smiles, "It is true that not all water is created equal. we offer exceptional customer service and affordable prices, so everyone can enjoy the benefits of drinking chemical free, quality spring water." Find out more: or call 07 5478 5697. hINTErLAND TIMES – JUNE 2015
Food, Drink
& Dine & Dine
One of the difficult decisions living and working in our foodie haven is which sensational dining venue will I choose today? Regardless of whether it is fine dining or a casual cafĂŠ you can be sure that unique culinary experience awaits.
& Dine
The HT Food, Drink and Dine guide introduces visitors and reminds locals about our delicious dining options on the range.
29 28 27
23 26 22 19 20 24 25 21
44 10 3 14 7
12 6 11
15 8
1 33
& Dine
Spoilt with local fresh produce, stunning views and village atmospheres, be tempted to explore our food haven. Bon appetit!
Café de Fudge
Daawat Indian Restaurant
787 Landsborough-Maleny Rd, Maleny Q 4552
07 5499 9043
Web: e
Mon to Sun: 10.00am – 4.00pm
Fresh Fudge made on site. Devonshire Teas. Light lunches. Indoor / Outdoor dining. Childfriendly, gated play area. Glasshouse Mountain gardens & Cofffee. fee Beautiful landscaped land Vineyard surrounds.
Maple 3 Café
Pallet Life Galler y & Garden Café
3 Maple St, Maleny Q 4552
38 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552
07 5435 2461
07 5499 9177
0412 910 051
We eb:
7 days: 11.00am – 2.00pm 4.00pm – 9.00pm
Mon to Fri: 6.30am – 5.00pm Sat & Sun: 6.00am – 4.00pm
Wed to Fri: 9.00am – 4.00pm Sat & Sun: 9.30am – 4.00pm
4/45 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552
Phone: Web: eb Open:
Indulgent Flavours of India. Dine In & . BYO. Air-conditioned. Birthday Takeaway ake Parties, Corporate Bookings & Catering for your functions. Best Butter Chicken around!
Real food. Real Service. Venue available for IXQFWLRQV )DEXORXV PHDOV LQ D FDIp VHWWLQJ LQ the heart of town.
p $UWLVDQ )RRG 0DUNHW *DOOHU\ &DIp Sandwich and juice bar, fresh made to order panninis/rolls. Our Own Pallet Life Artisan Fair Trade organic cofffee. fee. Market trades Fri, Sat and Sunday. Seedlings and plants available.
Cappriccio’s Italian Restaurant
Cappriccio’s Italian Restaurant
Hotel Maleny
Mar y Cair ncross Café
Pomodoras on Obi
Riverside Centre, Maleny Q 4552
6 Bunya Street, Maleny Q 4552
18 Lawyer Street, Maleny Q 4552
07 5499 9444
07 5494 2013
07 5429 6543
Breakfast: Sun 8.00am – 12.00pm Lunch: Wed-Sun Wed-Sun 11.30am–2.30pm Dinner: Mon-Sat 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Web: malenyqueensl Open:
Tue to Sun: 4.00pm – 10.00pm Lunch Sat & Sun: from 11.30am
Licensed & B.Y.O. Live entertainment every friday! Delicious traditional Italian food. Dine in, takeaway or home delivery. Prices to please. Huge menu. Overlooking the Obi Obi River.
Web: eb
Open: Lunch Mon - Fri: 11.30am – 2.30pm Dinner Mon - Fri: 5.30pm – 8.30pm Sat & Sun: all day dining from 11.30am Quality dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Daily specials with live entertainment Friday nights. Bar, Bistro, Functions & Accommodation. discounts. Courtesy bus available. LL L Member M
148 Mountain View Road, Maleny Q 4552
07 5494 2287
Mon to Fri: 8.30am – 4.00pm Sat & Sun: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Indulge your taste buds with delicious homemade meals and cakes. Breakfast, large extensive lunch menu, morning/afternoon tea. G/F avail. Free Range bacon, eggs & chicken. Freshly produced jams, mayo & sauces.
Pomodoras New Trading Hours. Now there are even more nights you can enjoy our great food! Starting this March we will be adding Monday & Tuesday nights to our opening hrs.
Colin James Fine Foods
Lumbini Nepalese Restaurant
Maudy’s Bistro & Bar
Spicers Tamarind
37 Maple Street, Maleny Q 4552
466 Maleny Kenilworth Road, Witta Q 4552
88 Obi Lane, South Maleny Q 4552
07 5494 4411
07 5420 5420
Wed to Mon: Mon 10.00am – 9.00pm Sat & Sun: 8.00am – 9.00pm
Breakfast & Dinner 7 days a week Lunch Friday - Sunday from 12pm
11 Coral Street, Maleny Q 4552
07 5494 2860
07 5435 2912
Web: eb
Mon to Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm Sat & Sun: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Try our famous freshly made sorbet, gelati and ice cream cakes. Light snacks and lunches including a wide selection of gluten free options. Great cof offfee. fee.
Lunch: 11.00am – 3.00pm Dinner: 5.00pm – late Open n 7 days . “A A high altitude food served with great attitude” come and try our momo, crispy duck and tantalizing lamb shank in curry sauce and many more. V Variteis ariteis of vegetarian and gluten free option available.
Excellent modern cuisine with a twist. Come and try our share plate, a glass of wine or a craft beer.
Gourmet Breakfast, A la Carte Thai and Asian Cuisine, Jazz in the Forest on Sundays from 12.30pm. Cooking Classes available Saturdays. Be inspired with a choice of Italian,French or Thai. Bookings essential.
The Garden Maleny
The Upfront Club
Flame Hill Vineyard
Montville Café Bar Grill
34 Mountain View Rd, Maleny Q
31 Maple St, Maleny Q 4552
249 Western Av ve, Montville Q 4560
126 Main Street, Montville Q 4560
07 5499 9928
07 5494 2592
07 5478 5920
07 5478 5535
Mon to Sun: 7.30am – 9.00pm
Thur to Mon: 10.30am – 5.30pm Sunday Brunch: 10.00am – 12.00pm Ethically & sustainably produced from our vineyards & farms, guaranteeing patrons an experience of paramount quality at this PDJQL¿FHQW ORFDWLRQ IHDWXULQJ EUHDWKWDNLQJ ocean views and mountain vistas.
Everyday: 10.00am – 10.00pm
Mon to Fri: 9.00am – 4.30pm Sat & Sun: 8.00am – 4.30pm Formerly LeJardin Gardens. Now open 7 days. Breakfast, lunch, cofffee, fee, cake. BYO. Bookings available for Highteas & Functions for groups. Giftware, Nursery & Gallery. Night garden dining monthly.
Licensed restaurant. Daily blackboard specials & takeaway. Live music. Preview performers. Breakfast & lunch 7 days. Open dinner from 5.30pm Mon, Thurs, Fri & Sat.
The Old Bank Caffe e
Tranquil Par k
13 Maple St, Maleny Q 4552
483 Mountain View Rd, Maleny Q
07 5435 2362
07 5494 2544
Breakfast & Lunch: 7 Days from 7am – 3.30pm Dinner: Wednesday to Saturday from 5.30pm 8QRI¿FLDOO\ WKH EHVW %XUJHUV LQ 7RZQ get in and munch your Ta akeaway available so g lunch. Live entertainment every Friday night & Midday Tunes on Saturdays as well as an unforgettable Happy Two w Hours.
Lunch Daily Dinner - By Booking Only Breathtaking views. Ala Carte dining. The best in steaks, seafood and traditional Irish and Old English dishes at budget prices. Weddings, Conferences, Function, Special Events.
Elements at Montville
Address: Phone: Web: Open:
Cnr maleny-Landsborough Rd and Mountain View Rd, Maleny Q 4560
07 5494 3700
Mon to Fri: 12.00pm – 2.30pm 5.30pm – close Saturday: 11.30am – 3.00pm 5.30pm – close Sunday: 11.30am – 3.00pm $ZDUG ZLQQLQJ 0DJQL¿FLHQW FRDVWDO YLHZV
Little May Espresso
Montville Gour met Pizzeria
202 Main Street, Montville Q 4560
07 5442 9505
Sun - Thurs: 10.00am – 8.00pm Fri & Sat: 10.00am – 10.00pm
1/174 Main Street, Montville Q 4560
07 5478 5015
Daily: 8.00am – 4.00pm
fee & tasty Born from our love of greatt cofffee fresh food, Little May is a space to unwind, relax & recharge. Join us for breakfast, lunch & house baked sweet treats. Dietary requirements catered for, no fuss. All food available all day. Now BYO.
The Ter race Seaffood ood Restaurant o
Great food at pub prices. Dine in our ambient restaurant or enjoy your meal in the beautifully landscaped beer garden. Phone to use our urtesy bus pickup & drop offff service. FREE courtesy Live music Fri night, Sat and Sun 12-4pm
Gourmet Pizza, Pasta & Salads. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days. Dine in or takeaway. Licensed and BYO.
Montys of Montville
38 Kondalilla Rd, Montville Q 4560
127 Main Street, Montville Q 4560
8/171 Main St, Montville Q 4560
07 5478 6212
07 5478 5999
07 5478 5556
Wed to Mon: 8.00am – 4.00pm
Thur to Tue: 10.00am – 4.30pm
Fabulous teahouse, interiors & gift store overlooking the Kondalilla falls. Delish breakfast. Light lunches. Home baked goodies. Limited seating. Small functions welcome. Bridal and Baby Showers a must.
Quality handmade Chocolates and Patisseries, fe and one of the best views around. great Coofffe Celebration cakes made to order.
Secrets on the Lak ke k e CafĂŠ & Gallery
Flaxton Bar n
207 Narrows Rd, Montville Q 4560
07 5478 5888
Phone: :HE
Tue to Sun: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Enjoy a sumptuous lunch, homemade cakes or devonshire teas on our deck overlooking Lake Baroon. Browse through our Secrets Gallery. Breakfast Everyday till 11am Group Bookings welcomed.
Le Relais Bressan & Cocorico
Indian Palace
445 Flaxton Dve, Flaxton Q 4560
1 Koorawatha Lane, Palmwoods Q
07 5445 7321
344 Flaxton Dve, Flaxton Q 4560
07 5445 9882
07 5445 7157
Mon to Sun: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Mon to Sun: 4.30pm – 8.30pm
Wed to Sun: 8.00am – 4.00pm
FULL LY LUCENSED BYO Wine only, (No Corkage). Dine in Take Away Delivery, Fully Air Conditioned. Now serving CHINESE and THAI too.
Relax and enjoy our home-baked delights. Scrumptious Buttermilk Scones, Grandmas Famous Apple Pie,Premium Harvest Cofffee fee and Gourmet lunch platters featuring local produce. A treasure t trove t off Antiques, Giftwares, Boutique wines and Gourmet foods.
The Edge Restaurant
Light lunches, cake & cofffee fee fe special $8. All Artisan Chocolatier cakes made on premises. &RFRULFR SURGXFLQJ JRXUPHW ÀDYRXUV DQG delectable treats.
Flaxton Gardens
Bellavista Pizza & Pasta
Husk and Honey
127-133 Main St, Montville Q 4560
313 Flaxton Dve, Flaxton Q 4560
16/18 Queen St, Nambour Q 4560
Phone: :HE
07 5445 9344
07 5445 7450
07 5445 7722
07 5441 3510
Phone: :HE
e to Sun: 2.00pm – 9.00pm Wed
Mon to Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm
Wed: Sun & W ed: 9.00am – 4.00pm Thur – Sat: 9.00am – 9.00pm
Licensed restaurant, take away & bar. Great views. Pizza, pasta, a la carte, arte, gelato, cofffee, fee, dine-in or takeaway. Lunch Sat & Sun from 12 noon.
Fri: 8.00am – 3.30pm Mon toSat: 2.00pm Sat: 8.00am – 2.00pm
Savour our delicious modern cuisine on the deck overlooking stunning views. The perfect location to enjoy a champagne breakfast, fee & cake. Licensed. leisurely lunch, or cofffee
Tranquil elegance in an area of natural beauty. Restaurant, Bar, Events.
Help your diners find you! by placing an ad in the Food, Drink & Dine pages.
Grain free and gluten free. All day breakfast & seasonal lunch menu. Sat mornings – live music, seasonal lunch platters, all day breakfast.
3 Divas CafĂŠ Address:
6/1 Maleny St, Landsborough 4550
07 5439 9444
Phone 07 5499 9049 or email for more information. 14,000 copies distributed free acrossthe range and Sunshine Coast.
Mon to Fri: 8.00am – 4.00pm Sat: 8.00am – 3.00pm Sat: 8.00am – 3.00pm Established family owned business specialising in home-made gluten free, vegan & carnivore friendly meals. Extensive breakfast, lunch & sweets menu changing daily. Large range of takeaway options and catering menus available.
Happy camping at our showgrounds ... Kenilworth Show Society volunteers Olive and Clem Hassall and John Rodwell all agree that the camping keeps the showgrounds viable by Michelle Gilmore
There is a misconception out there that "grey nomads" bring little to communities, staying where they can for free and living off the smell of an oily rag. But RV's are big business, and rural communities like ours are reaping the benefits.
ISIT ThE KENILworTh Showgrounds and you will see on their notice: "It is not advisable to park near the main ring during cricket season october to April." If you are a camper, it seems the odd cricket ball is the only disadvantage to enjoying the hospitality of this friendly town. For $16 per night you can stay beside a creek, in a powered site, have access to showers, the local pool and it is only a couple of hundred metres to the shops. Maleny Showgrounds also offer a unique hinterland camping experience, with a stroll into town along the obi obi Creek - at a rock bottom price. Kenilworth hall Committee volunteers, Clem and olive hassall said the town has been providing the accommodation for years. Clem said, "It goes right back to the early ‘60s. It was very, very small and only caravan clubs used it." It slowly became bigger and bigger, and has been operating the way it is now for the last ten years. The hall and grounds also host the Chook Chase
motorcycle ride in winter, the Quilt and Craft show in June and the Agricultural Show and rodeo and Kenilworth Celebrates Art Show in September. "It definitely helps town out a lot - campers buy a paper, coffee, pies or visit the bowls club at night," Clem explained. "There are motorhomes, antique motorcycles, caravans an average of 34-odd vans, stay an average four days. "one club visited and they collected every member's receipt from the few days, including the fee here. "All up they had spent $8000 in town, and that money is kept in town. There were 42 clubs here last year. "They bring a lot of revenue - it is the only thing that keeps this complex going!" A fact that has not escaped the Queensland government who released a toolkit for local governments to increase the provision of camping facilities, and attract more drive tourists to their regions last year. In turn, Sunshine Coast Council recognised a real need for the widest possible range of accommodation options, and approved an interim policy for limited facilities camping. It states that “limited facilities camping offers, and serves, a different tourism market to resorts, hotels, motels, holiday rentals and caravan parks”. "The grey nomads are pretty good - we don't have a riff-raff problem. It is a safe, quiet place with amenities - they can camp, and there is more room for the bigger fifth wheelers." Clem continued, "They don't want all the bells and whistles." And that is the crux of it - all the bells and whistles are already on their vehicle. This group of travellers are "self-
Right: This caravanning club from down south visit Maleny Showgrounds every year
contained campers" which means "a person or persons who are camping within a structure or vehicle that holds fresh water, will collect and store all greywater and/or blackwater; and has on board cooking and sleeping facilities". The limited facilities policy means the provision of: rubbish bins; water access; toilets and/or dump point. It also stipulates shortterm camping - not exceeding three nights within any consecutive seven day period. Olive said that Kenilworth Showgrounds attracts older travellers and family groups, "We had a query about an 18th birthday and said to them 'you realise it's lights out at ten o'clock'? We didn't hear from them again!" "But the young ones we've had have been very good. The 'older nomads' are in bed by nine o'clock and everything's quiet." Caravanning and camping is still booming and research shows families are a growing sector. There is no doubt the showgrounds are meeting the needs of thousands of travellers - Maleny have recently upgraded their amenities, and Beerwah would like to
An RV Friendly Town™ is one that has met a set of guidelines to ensure they provide a certain amount of amenities, and a certain level of services for these travellers. When RV tourists enter a town displaying the RVFT sign, they know they will be welcome, certain services will be provided for them that may not be available in other centres, and they will have access to a safe place to stay overnight, and possibly for a longer period. (from
Vintage caravans and cars passed through Kenilworth: the total number of registered RVs in Queensland reached 131,586 in 2013, up from 122,494 the previous year Source: Caravan Industry Association of Australia
be accredited as an RV Friendly Town (very scarce on the Sunshine Coast). Meanwhile, the Kenilworth Hall Committee purchased the neighbouring mill property in 2013, they plan on setting up more powered sites by the river and for camping during events. It will also allow more room for the pony club and staying out of the way of those cricket balls! Kenilworth Showgrounds: 07 5446 0131
$17,48(6 *,)76 &2))(( :,1( $17,48(6 *,)76 &2))(( :,1( HINTERLAND TIMES – JUNE 2015
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Gillian Mills in France G
ILLIAN MILLS, from Maleny Cruise & Travel, spends her life making sure other people enjoy trouble-free travel. A few weeks ago, it was her turn to reap the rewards of a well-organised adventure when Gillian spent ten joyous days cruising the rivers of France. “It is 20 years since I visited France, and I had forgotten what a beautiful country it is,” said Gillian—one of 12 Australian travel agents invited to sample the relaxed atmosphere on board MS Princesse d’Aquitaine and MS France. They boarded the Aquitaine in Bordeaux. “Bordeaux is absolutely a most magnificent city with classic French architecture,” said Gillian. “we cruised for five days along the Garonne and Dordogne rivers through the world’s most famous wine district. “This cruise was all about wine. An expert kept us well informed as we visited the picturesque vineyards. I recognised many famous ‘name dropping’ wine labels of the Medoc. It took me back to my youth as a member of the Junior wine and Food Society of NSw.” During the days, the travellers were escorted to such places as 11th Century Saint Emilion, with its original cobbled stone streets and its UNESCo-nominated Monolithic Church carved underground from solid stone.
In the evenings, they returned to their cruiser to enjoy traditional French cuisine served by the friendly crew. They caught the train to Paris where they joined MS France. This time they cruised the river Seine as far as its estuary and the town of honfleur on the Normandy Coast. “It was just magical.” For the next five days, in perfect spring weather, Gillian and her fellow passengers sailed through magnificent countryside, past mediaeval villages and chateaux such as Gaillard, built by richard the Lionheart. There was not a cloud in the sky. Gillian has always wanted to see Claude Monet’s Garden at Giverny, so at the end of the second cruise she took an excursion that did not disappoint. “It was the highlight of my trip, with every spring flower known to man on display.” Gillian said: “Combined with a stopover in Paris, these 5 day/4 night cruises are just perfect to acquaint yourself with everything that ‘Francofiles’ love about France, plus you can indulge yourself with classic French Cuisine.” Gillian cruised as a guest of Croisi Europe.
Above: In Paris, before cruising on the River Seine Below left: Honfleur – Street Scene Below: Lunch at Saint Emilion beside the ancient Monolithic Church Gillian Mills (third from the right) takes in the sights with her fellow travel agents
Walking across the famous bridge in Claude Monet’s Garden
Out and About
Maleny Show a cracking success
Images by
Left: Zac and Kirbeh with their potato creations that were made at the under 8's day, Maleny Primary School
Above: Jasper, Bayze, Jordi, Paul, Jack, Hieu and Alex with their toy guns in sideshow alley
Above: The Crack Up Sisters performing on the cloud swing
Below: Dale Formosa and his working dogs Freckle and Floss, and ducks that the dogs herd for demonstrations
Left: Mary and Eric from Caloundra visit Maleny Show Grounds to play croquet
Right: Jemma Spring and her 'Belgium' Rooster who won the people's choice award
Above: The Friesian Performance Troupe
C elebrate and Grow
Above: Celebrity Chef Matt Golinksi
at the Sunny Coast Show ‘C
ELEBrATE AND Grow’ is the theme of this year’s 110th Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show. Drawing on the program’s focus of multiple celebrations and an expanded program, inclusive of aspects in the farming, primary production and agribusinesses of the region, the annual event is being billed as the best show ever. running Friday, June 12 to Sunday, June 14 at the evergreen Nambour Showgrounds, Show Manager, Lee Corbett, explained that the program has gone from strength to strength; this year honouring the Anzac Centenary with a specially commissioned, all-age production of a live performance entitled ‘Anzac Dawn’, every night from 7pm. Ms. Corbett explained, “other additions to the program include celebrating the farming community with a Farmers’ Feature including a special Sunday appearance by Celebrity Chef Matt Golinksi at a Farmers’ Feast and a free, interactive kid’s farmers’ trail over the three days”. The Farmers’ Feature will see a free trade site in the Jim
Carolan Pavilion for farmers to promote their products and build relationships with future consumers. Side-show-alley, woodchopping and traditional ringside events include the nightly Butler McDermott Fireworks and the popular ‘horses versus Utes’; another addition to this year’s program is the Queensland harness racing (Trots) and Motor Mountain up the show hill. Last year’s inaugural Animal Expo was so popular it has also expanded to a larger section on the grounds. There are even demonstrations by an Australian champion chainsaw carver. Despite so much to choose from, including live music and free in-show entertainment across several stages, ticket prices have not been altered in years, making it affordable to families. Pre-purchase tickets at 07 5441 2766 or any heritage Bank on the Sunshine Coast to go into the $500 gift card draw (terms and conditions apply). Keep up to date: AgriculturalShow
Left: KC Fireworks will provide the nightly Butler McDermott Fireworks Display
Right: Cookery Steward Beverley Bradford from the Obi Obi is looking forward to reviewing the entries for this year
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Charlie is another victim of cane toads
Cane toads are creeping across the country - leaving death and destruction to wildlife and native animals in their wake. To protect our pets, the frogs and other Australian species, we all need to keep a lookout. by Debbie Blackley
N ThE hINTErLAND, we love our dogs, our fourlegged friends, our furry babies or whatever other term of endearment you have for your canine companions. we love them dearly, they are part of our family, they are the comfort at the end of the day, they do not judge you and they love you unconditionally. It is our job, in return, to keep them safe. I need to share with you the story of our Charlie, a gorgeous ruby King Charles Spaniel, happy, loving and adventurous. one night in February, instead of doing his ‘business’ in the backyard, he decided that playing with a cane toad was much more interesting. within ten minutes we knew he was in big trouble, he went into shock and starting having seizures. I had no idea just how fast and just how toxic a cane toad can be to a small dog. The old stories were ‘Yeah they make them a little bit sick and it teaches them to leave them alone’ and that is what I thought too. Unfortunately I was very, very wrong. Maybe for a 70kg great dane or bull mastiff, but not to our small dogs that so many of us choose as companions.
Cane toad (Bufo marinus) facts
Adult Cane Toad by Brian Gratwicke
we lost our little Charlie but you can help keep your pets safe by remaining vigilant. As recommended by the rSPCA, there are two ways of humanely euthanizing cane toads: 1) hopstop is an aerosol spray which is now commercially available and if used according to the directions is an effective product, or 2) Exposure to carbon dioxide in a plastic bag before burying or disposing. Neither are very appealing options. other dangers to keep an eye out for: ticks (especially if your pet starts to drop their back legs); many species of garden and household plants like Spathaphyllum (the common peace lily can cause seizures and poisoning in both dogs and cats); human medications; ant and snail bait, and fertilizer. Greg and Debbie wish to thank the night team at the 24hour vet surgery at Tanawha. If you need any after-hours treatment for your pets and cannot contact your local vet – head straight for them.
All stages of the cane toad's life cycle: eggs, tadpoles, toadlets and adult toads, are poisonous. Cane toads have venom-secreting poison glands (known as parotid glands) or swellings on each shoulder where poison is released when they are threatened. If ingested, this venom can cause rapid heartbeat, excessive salivation, convulsions and paralysis and can result in death for many native [and domestic] animals.
Cane toads are thought to consume approximately 200 food items per night, far more prey than most native frogs ingest in the same period. The bulk of the diet is usually ants, beetles and termites, although they can eat anything that fits in their mouth including a wide variety of insects, frogs, small reptiles, mammals and birds. In addition, cane toads have the potential to compete with native species for food and shelter sites. from:
BJ & LJ Enterprises Pty Ltd
Bob Jarvis The Tax Institute. Institute of Public Accountants.
A thingamabobbish theatre-circus comedy S
Preparation for juggling Image David Wyatt
Out and About
QUARING THE WHEEL combines circus, clown, strange mechanisms and contraptions, puppetry, magic and music into an unusual, thingamabobbish theatre extravaganza. A flying broom, 17 balls, 34 meters of bent steel, 483 welded points and 15 marching eggs are just the tip of the iceberg of unexpected, transformed wacky materials and objects. Unpredictable, funny, touching, highly visual and occasionally out of control, it is a clever theatre adventure for the whole family in thinking outside the box. Finding hilarious, topsy-turvy ways to look at things, teamed with imagination, they transform a pile of junk into a resourceful repository of gadgets and circus props, and into life and friendship-supporting odds and ends. The show is ultimately portraying very human
at the Peace Together concert
Above: Novel Characters Book Group, Helen, Pam, Pauline, Glenis, Faith and Peggy enjoying dinner and the show
ways of complicating simple things. This one man show, starring Jens Altheimer, is a project supported by the Playing Queensland Fund and arTour, initiatives of the Queensland government through Arts Queensland, part of the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. The show is on Sunday, June 21 at 2pm at the Maleny Primary School hall. Tickets are $40 per family, $25 per adult and $22 for members of MAC. To book in person, visit the Maleny visitor Information Centre (no credit card facilities) or Book online at Trybooking or call John Marsden 5494 2584. Meeting an expressed need for top quality theatre for children and families, our third show brings to Maleny the Winner of the Best Children’s Show Award from the 2013 Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Images by
Left: Melissa and her two daughters Dakota and Ashlee from Maleny were very excited to see the show.
Left: Scattered People a Brisbane based music group comprised of asylum seekers and refugees performed on the night
Above: Rosemary from Women Out Front sold organic Tshirts for the cause
Some of the members of Women Out Front who organised the event: Sue Moxon, Jenni Harmony, Jenny Kemp, Majella Jacovson, Cardie Boydell, Emma McDonald, Fiona Stevens, Sue Attrill, Ann Donoghoe and Rosemary Bowers hINTErLAND TIMES – JUNE 2015
Illume Creations Shop 4 Mayfield 127-133 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5440
Come and escape to the lush hills and breathe in the fresh energy of Tina Cooper’s vibrant hand blown glass art! Illume Creations has the largest, most extensive range of this Montville hot glass artist’s work.
Montville Art Gallery
Gallery manager, Lisa Powell ensures there is a constantly changing exhibition of paintings and sculpture by established and emerging Australian artists, many of whom live and work in South East Queensland.
138 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5442 9211
Liliah Rose Cottage 280 Peachester Rd BEERWAH Ph: 0487 234 982 OPEN Tue - Sun: 10:00 - 4:00 by appointment only
OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 5:00
To Noosa
1 Obi
Mapleton Falls National Park
th wor
ks P
Kondalilla Falls National Park
3 2 7
Montville 6
Obi Obi
Reesville Rd
Balmoral Lookout
13 11 Maleny 17 Myrtle St 14 Coral St
Sta n 32
Come visit the studio of Liliah Rose Jewellery. Our Handcrafted pieces are created from Heirloom worthy Spoons, China and Lace. These Antique pieces whispering stories from the past are then lovingly made into jewellery pieces ready to start a new chapter with you. Every piece is as unique as the Woman who wears it.
Mountain View Rd
Mary Cairncross Park
Maleny-Montville Rd
Australis of Montville Antiques 162 Main Street MONTVILLE
Ph: 5442 9400 OPEN Wed - Mon: 10:00 - 3:45
Situated in the hinterland town of montville, this long established business has a great range of antique china, glassware, silver and collectables to suit all tastes. We also have a large range of antique, estate, and second hand quality jewellery.
Latitude Gallery
Shop 1, 180 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5771 OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00-4:00
A jewellery and fine art gallery featuring pearls grown by Pia Boschetti ‘the girl who grows the pearl’ from her own Australian pearl farm. The gallery also features certified Argyle diamonds, creative designs and beautiful art. Latitude Gallery has joined with existing gallery ‘Bold in Gold’ located at the Water Wheel in Montville.
7 m a i n s t re e t GALLERY
167 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5478 5050
Home to some of Australia’s most original contemporary artists, our philosophy is simple: to offer patrons the very best in fine art, whilst developing the careers of our artists.
The Opalcutter Shop 4 ‘The Pottery’ 173-181 Main Street MONTVILLE Ph: 5442 9598
OPEN Wed - Sun: 11.00 - 4:00
OPEN Mon - Sun: 10:00-5:00
‘The Opalcutter’Australia’s national gemstone comes alive in Montville with over 30 years in mining, cutting, polishing and designing our own jewellery. Beautiful, unique, one of jewellery pieces with opal from all opal fields of Australia as well as the work of other artists and designers.
16 Eumundi
Secrets on the Lake Art Gallery 207 Narrows Road MONTVILLE
Ph: 5478 5888
12 The Garden
Haus Gallery 34 Mountain View Rd MALENY PH: 5499 9928
Beyond the potted maze you will discover a new artistic gem “ The Garden Haus Gallery” Featuring a solo Artist Exhibition changing monthly. Regular art workshops conducted each month.
OPEN Wed - Fri: 9:00 - 4:30 Sat & Sun: 8:00 - 4:30
Personally selected local artists and artisans exhibit in a unique art space which is a work of art in itself. Enjoy a cup of coffee or lunch in our café then browse the gallery, featuring Lindsay Muir, Siggi Cairns, Heather Jones, Peta Boyce, and more.
Manfred’s Wood & Antique Shop
460 ReesvilleRoad (Cnr. Corks Pocket Road) MALENY Ph: 5494 3595
Art on Cairncross 3 Panorama Place Cairncross Corner MALENY
Ph: 5429 6404 OPEN Tues - Sun: 10:00 - 5:00
13 Gary Myers
3/23 Maple Street MALENY Ph: 0427 526 965 OPEN Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 4:00 Sun: 10:00 - 3:00
We are the Specialists to ensure that your rare furniture or Antiques are kept in top condition, with 50 years experience in Restoring, Repairs and Retail, then Manfred`s Wood & Antique Shop is the right choise for you and your precious Heirloom, or rare furniture and Valuables.
16 Tina Cooper
Glass Gallery 93 Memorial Drive EUMUNDI Ph: 5442 8110 OPEN Wed & Sat: 9:00 - 4:00 Fri & Sun: 10:00 - 3:00
The gallery displays an array of fine art by leading and emerging artists from the region and throughout Australia. Paintings and drawings are complemented by exquisite porcelain, hand-blown glass, bronze sculpture, ceramics and unique leather mask sculptures.
Gary’s art is immediately identifiable as Australian, with a deep connection to the outback and a passion for the history of Australia. His style is unique, providing glimpses of larrikinism that abandon the traditional norms of landscape painting.
Wander through our sacred gardens that take you to our 3 separate Galleries where you will find Wolfgang Engel’s studio with live demos in glass blowing – exhibition by International Award Winning Hot Glass Artist Tina Cooper “25 Years in Glass” – Main Gallery with Paintings, Glass Jewellery, Ceramics, Glass Panels including the largest collection of Glass Art in Australia.
Maleny Showcase Jewellers
Shop 4 Riverside Centre Maple Street MALENY Ph: 5494 3477
Holden’s Gallery 38b Coral Street
(Corner Coral & Myrtle Streets)
MALENY Ph: 5494 2100 OPEN Mon - Sat: 10:00 - 4:00
Sugoi Ni
Shop 2, 20 Maple Street MALENY 0418 794 846 Sugoi Ni Maleny - Facebook OPEN Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00 Sat: 9:00 - 3:00 Sun: 10:00 - 3:00
Celebrating a strong 14 years in business, we specialise in highquality handcrafted jewellery. Offering a full range of jewellery services including redesign, repair and valuation. View our large range of handmade individual pieces and receive the service you should.
You will love this iconic c. 1907 building stocked brim full of art supplies for the most discerning artists. Also, unusual handmade gifts, jewellery, art, prints and tasteful home decor items. And, an in-house picture framing service provided by experienced professionals.
Sugoi Ni offers Japanese woodblock prints by world renowned artists such as Hokusai and Hiroshige, modern reproductions and graphic art. We also feature a unique, globally sourced collection of handcrafted clothing, jewellery, home decor and fabric. All with that unmistakable Japanese flair!
“Standing on Sacred Grounds� Art exhibition celebrating national NAIDOC week 2015
Feature Artist Montville Art Gallery June 2015
Mystery and Insight Todd Whisson
orn in BrisBane in 1963, Todd is the son of prominent artist, eric Whisson. although he began painting seriously in the 1990s, it was not until 2003 that Todd gave up his job as a framer to become a full time professional artist. in 2011, Todd embarked on tertiary education into contemporary art through TaFe Queensland. in his first year, he was awarded the highest achievement, acquisition of his series “Hidden secrets�. in his second and final years, Todd’s paintings sold out in the student exhibition and he was awarded the acquisition prize for his “scar Tissue� series. Todd will complete his Bachelor of Visual arts through QCa (Griffith University) at the end of this year having achieved academic excellence throughout his studies. recently, the Brisbane City Council selected one of Todd’s paintings to be showcased for three months in King George square. “My recent works take an abstract approach which has enabled me to communicate more than just visual representation.� Todd explained. “i believe we all have secrets. our ability to be comfortable and honest about who we really are, is reflected in our every day lives. My artwork explores ways to engage the viewer and encourage them to search within themselves not knowing or resting on the same experience each time they view a painting. i am merely providing an anchor to start the viewer’s process of mystery and insight.� “Todd’s recent paintings have developed markedly� said gallery director, Tony Page. “They have elevated his passion and vision to another level of skill and perception. We are very pleased to have Todd as our feature artist for the month of June.� open daily from 10 to 5, Montville art Gallery is located at 138 Main street, Montville, opposite the Village Green. From June 1st, Todd’s paintings will be featured under “exhibitions� on the gallery website
aiDoC WeeK celebrations are held across australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of aboriginal and Torres strait islander peoples. naiDoC is celebrated not only in indigenous communities, but by australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local aboriginal and Torres strait islander community. ‘We all stand on sacred ground: learn, respect and celebrate’ is the national naiDoC theme for 2015. The Upfront Club in Maleny and Lucid art Projects have collaborated to present an art exhibition, standing on sacred Grounds, to participate in the celebrations of naiDoC events. The exhibition will go from Friday June 19 until Thursday July 16, with a night of celebrations on Thursday July 9 which coincides with the actual naiDoC Week celebrations across the nation. a visual feast for your eyes incorporating an outstanding
cast of local indigenous artists displaying an array of contemporary pieces, paintings and sculptures. new works from local artists Jayne and Corey skipper will be released. Corey recently completed another large wall mural at the Maleny High school. He is well known for his pointillism pieces within the local area. Jayne’s sculptures are earthy and motherly, ambient pieces for a worthy collection. Plus there will be an array of artworks from various sunshine Coast artists. Celebrate naiDoC Week on Thursday July 9 at 6.30pm, with a bush tucker inspired meal at the Upfront Club. Bookings are essential. Please call 54942592.
Are you a fledgling artist? a
sCHoLarsHiP to combat what Caloundra artist, Margaret ellen Turner, calls “a vacuum of opportunity on the Coast�, has just received funding by the Council under the regional arts Development fund. The closing date for online submissions is Friday June 26, so get in quickly. The five-month pilot art scholarship, which includes studio space and coaching in both art practice and artsentrepreneurship, is due to commence July 13 at the nambour old ambulance station art-business facility. To be eligible, you need to be a resident in the sunshine Coast Council area, have two years recent tertiary study in the visual arts (can include things like fashion, photography or digital design) and a serious commitment to making the pursuit and practice of art the core focus of your future. “We are not looking to restrict the age for applicants,� says Margaret, “second and third-career artists are welcome to apply.� on emerging from this program, the artists will have an online portfolio, professional exhibition experience, a disciplined selfsustaining studio practice, together with an understanding of entrepreneurship, the marketplace (both on the Coast and internationally via social media) and how they might manage their practice to ride the waves of consumer demand. Apply at: or
Margaret Ellen Turner at work in her Caloundra studio. Photographer: Anastasia Kariofyllidis
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Light and Shape: ta l e n t f r o m n e a r a n d fa r i n K e n i l w o r t h
asTinG iMPressions Gallery in Kenilworth is combining the exceptional talents of Flaxton artist Miles allen and sydney Master Glass artist robert Wynne, in an exciting exhibition opening on sunday, June 7 at 11am. Though with such different mediums, both artists create their work in spectacular colour and, often, with intriguing geometrical patterns. Miles allen goes to any length in pursuit of his art. regularly travelling to europe, he collects discarded wooden fruit and vegetable boxes from produce markets. They lend themselves ideally to manipulation by cutting, dying and converting them from their former use, by painstakingly arranging sections of their colourful images and logos into mesmerising patterns. Miles’ current work is an ongoing exploration into recycling a variety of materials to create geometrical artworks with lines and rhythms. The appealing process of creating new images out of utilitarian materials and watching them emerge into his geometrical art is a source of endless stimulation for Miles. “In a world where little seems straightforward or easily understood and where we construct different meanings to suit our needs, my artworks are intended to come as something of a relief. “There is a sense of respite and calm in the simplicity of these contemporary compositions. With geometrical abstractions I aim to provide a direct contrast with the very nature of life and a resting place from the rigours of existence”, he says. not unlike Miles in his dedication to perfection, robert Wynne fashions his art in the age-old medium of coloured glass. He loves the gorgeous glow of light through frosted glass and has a fascination with lustrous finishes; particularly with the way that light is manipulated, reflected and transmitted. He takes inspiration from a broad range of influences including historical glassmaking practices and formal sculptural dialogue. The intricacy of his patterning, achieved with various techniques, including layering and sand-blasting, has to be seen and felt to be appreciated. From prominent bowls and vases to gigantic, decorated apple sculptures, his creations find ready acceptance in the international market and he proudly counts President Bill Clinton and sir elton John among collectors of his work.
Above right: Flaxton artist Miles Allen just won first prize for mixed media work at the Immanuel College Arts Festival Above: Robert Wynne’s hand-blown glass apples Right: Robert Wynne blowing glass
robert studied Visual arts at Monash University, majoring in ceramics before going on to complete a Masters Degree in glass at California state University. as due reward for his creativity and mastery, his work is featured in galleries around australia and the world; in prominent public collections including the new Parliament House in Canberra, the Powerhouse Museum in sydney as well as many private collections. “Though we have featured robert’s studio range at Lasting impressions Gallery for many years, this is his first solo show here,” says Kaye Cathro, the gallery’s director. “He has absolutely delighted us with his exhibition pieces which far excel any of his studio works.” The exhibition opens on sunday, June 7 and will be on display until June 21. a preview of both Miles’ and robert’s work is available on
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Community News Community news Community News The Eudlo Car and Motorcycle Show
The eudlo Car and Motorcycle show is on saturday June 13 This is eudlo state school’s main fundraiser for the year. Public entry is by gold coin, between 9am-2pm at the eudlo state school oval on Highlands road. sean Dwyer, the show’s organiser said the day will be family friendly (minus the four-legged member) with fun and entertainment for everyone. You can even see his 1987 Ducati F3 - it will be at the show (pictured with his son Clay). “We will have a diverse range of vehicles displayed on the day. if you have a car or motorcycle you would like to register, it’s not too late. “There will be a kids zone, live music from The Back alley Cats, food, drinks and a bar will open.” To register your car or motorcycle email or check out their Facebook page and send a message. registrations are essential. Cars are $10 and bikes are $5 to register, with all funds going to eudlo state school.
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Bake sale for Lucie at Montville School
New running club for Montville
Congratulations to Lucie Barnett, one of our dedicated Baha’i teachers at Montville state school. Lucie has been selected as one of 16 young australians invited to participate in the 2015 Un Youth australia aotearoa Leadership Tour! Lucie attended Montville state school and is currently a grade 12 student at Mountain Creek state High school. United nations Youth australia is a non-political organisation dedicated to educating and empowering young people across australia to make a difference in their world. The aotearoa Leadership Tour has two principal aims: to build awareness and understanding of the issues indigenous peoples face at home and abroad; and to inspire young leaders and help them develop the necessary skills to take action on these issues in their communities. This year's aLT will tour the north island of new Zealand from June 27 – July 12. There will be a special cake stall held after parade on Friday June 5 to help cover the cost of the program.
Jamie Milne is a professional ‘strength and conditioning’ coach who recently moved to the Montville Hinterland area. Jamie previously trained elite athletes, members of the Kuwaiti royal family, and authored a book called 12 Weeks to an Ultra Marathon. "running is a very basic way of getting fit and getting lean and you can start by walking." Jamie is also an established Ultra Marathon runner who has ran the length of new Zealand twice, the length of scotland and many other endurance-based events. “i have also spent lots of time running around trails around Kondalilla - we’re very spoilt!” This year in november Jamie is running the circumference of Tasmania, 1,100km in 14 days, to raise funds and awareness for ronald McDonald House Hobart. Jamie is now initiating a community-based, not-forprofit running club from the first weekend in June (6 and 7), for all ages and fitness levels. The running club will meet at The Kondalilla Falls carpark, 7.45am, on saturdays and sundays. Contact Jamie Milne: 0431 339 975.
Why would you pay more for a less efficient hot water service? Especially 27.5% less efficient all solar hot water services are government tested for efficiency. Their efficiency determines how many sTC's they are allocated. People often say the evacuated tube type solar system is better, with 'better' meaning more efficient, and these tubes do frequently get more sTC's allocated to them. But now, you have got the Bluey. The Bluey gets 27.5% more sTC's than 2 of the most popular other brands and it is not evacuated tubes.
the Bluey came along. The Bluey research and development centre in Munich, Germany, designed a european flat plate (2 solar panels) collector system using a highly absorbent thermo shield film enveloping the copper risers (copper water pipes) which greatly increases the cloudy weather performance - and let's face it, Germany and europe generally get many cloudy days.
What benefit is that to the householder? Well, solar hot water panels - the 2 large flat panels on most roofs are usually full of copper pipes or risers full of water that is heated by the sun. This is called radiant heat. so, the sunnier the day, the hotter the solar panel and the water inside.
I ask again, what's the benefit to the householder? in cloudy weather other solar hot water services have their electric booster element turned on to heat their water because the sun is not doing it. and this costs them money for electricity from the grid. But the Bluey will be the last to come on, so it is fair to believe the Bluey will use about 27% less electricity to heat the hot water on the cloudy days throughout the year.
What about cloudy days? Well, cloudy days are usually always cooler, so the water does not heat as well, that is until
For further details about the Bluey solar hot water system, call All Energy HQ on 5438 7200, your local solar experts.
Fred Rudduck from Glass House Mountains with his new Bluey
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07 5438 7200 HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
David Lynne Photography
Adriana Watson Photography
Organise your wedding in one location
iD YoU KnoW THaT the sunshine Coast Hinterland has become the premier wedding location in south-east Queensland? Local Julie Bevan from eden Lodge B&B is not surprised: "We have so many beautiful locations for photography; venues of distinction; amazing food choices; talented and inspiring wedding professionals and a huge array of accommodation choices for guests to enjoy their time up here." Julie is the event organiser of a Village Wedding expo, held on sunday June 14, right in the heart of Montville. Montville’s charming village hall will be overflowing with flowers, lace and love when more than 50 local professional wedding specialists come together.
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
it will encompass all the latest wedding trends, including vintage, country garden and French provincial themes. Whatever you decide, there is a venue on the Hinterland that will suit you. exhibitors will include cake decorators, caterers, celebrants, florists, make-up artists, musicians, photographers, transport and venue operators - allowing couples to arrange their whole wedding in one location. The Village Wedding expo will be the perfect opportunity for brides to meet wedding experts and style gurus to find inspiration for a romantic and unique wedding. "even if you have already booked your wedding venue, there are so many little extras to plan. From honeymoon
Image by Studiobelle
accommodation to hairdressers, we will have several professionals in every category for you to chat with on the day," explained Julie. Featuring stunning bridal dresses and floral bouquets on display; as well as make-up and hair artists demonstrating their techniques, it is clear why this interactive expo is growing in popularity. "some of our very generous local businesses have donated toward the lucky door prizes. These include vouchers for accommodation and beauty pampering,
Image by Studiobelle
plus you can even win a beautiful wedding dress from allgoods Bridal," said Julie. expect samples and information - not to mention invaluable advice from the very people who have seen it all before when it comes to planning a wedding. "Future brides love that they can to talk to several different suppliers at the same venue." admission is free, so bring your partners, mums or girlfriends to help you with your decision making. Come and see exactly what makes the sunshine Coast Hinterland a unique and unforgettable destination for your perfect wedding day. The sunshine Coast Hinterland is one of Queensland's most popular wedding locations, with its charming venues and picturesque locations hosting dozens of weddings each week. Where else can you find everyone you need under the one roof to help you with planning your special wedding day here on the Hinterland? To plan your perfect wedding, attend a Village Wedding Expo on sunday June 14 in Montville, open from 9am to 4pm, Montville Village Hall, Main street, Montville. For more details visit
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Community News Community news Community News Men’s Shed all go in Mapleton
Mapleton Men’s shed Treasurer John Draper is thrilled - his group has been given a ten year lease for the old Mapleton Forestry building. "it has been a long hard battle and the change in government did not help," John said. He congratulated the efforts of Councillor Greg rogerson, their president Peter Hulme and said they have all worked very hard. "The odds seemed insurmountable, but we got there!" Cr Greg rogerson said the decision will give Mapleton Men’s shed group certainty well into the future. “The men’s shed movement has been growing rapidly here on the Coast, and i have been very keen to see the Mapleton chapter secure a worthy and reliable ‘home,’” Cr rogerson said. on site, there are various buildings available for different uses by the community. “The workshop areas however will be exclusively for the Men’s shed group, for a range of craft and creative activities such as wood, leather and metal work, computing and photography.” Cr rogerson said the lease requirements included that the group undertake rectification works to the buildings, along with other general repair work.
Muscle on the Mountain
Kirsten through to Grand Finals
it's almost time for the Muscle on The Mountain show and shine Day Maleny, held on sunday, July 5. and it’s not just cars! organiser Colin sinclair said, "it is not only about trying to raise funds for cancer and prostate - it is about raising awareness of men's health. Get a doctor - a lot of people don't bother going to see a GP." Colin likens it to cars - if the fuel pump isn't working, you take it to be fixed. "if you are crook, you have got to get check ups!" it is a fun day for all the family, with Holden cars, HsVs, Fords, FPVs, muscle cars, street Machines, hot rods, vintage and classic cars, motorcycles and music. Camping is available and all clubs are welcome. The gold coin entry is for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of australia. Gates are open from 6am, apex have a big brekky from 7am and lunch is available too. see you at the Maleny showgrounds, stanley river road, Maleny on July 5.
The Lions Club of Maleny Blackall range Medical research Personality Quest entrant, Kirsten Grigor raised an amazing $16, 214.46. it was an exciting moment when Kirsten was announced the Fund raising and Personality winner for the Brisbane north region. she attended preliminary finals with five other entrants from Bunya, Keperra, redcliffe, Morayfield and Pittsworth, well supported by her family and Lions Club members. The finals of the Quest will be held in Brisbane on June 20 where entrants from all over Queensland and northern nsW will compete for the Personality and Charity Fundraiser title. Kirsten would like to thank the Lions Club for their support throughout the year, together with local businesses who have also supported her fundraising including: simply stylish, Maleny optical, Ben Messina, Terrace restaurant, Pomodoras, spicers Tamarind resort, Birdy Fashion, Landsborough iGa, Maleny newsagency and Lions President Helen Johnston for the donation of a quilt for a raffle. The Lions Club send their very best wishes to Kirsten for the Grand Final.
Image Gail Denver
What is happening with T ilogy y Trilogy Tax in 2015? WHO is BOB?
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Hinterland Annual Events
July brings Celebration of Books
T’s on aGain! Book lovers will indulge their passion for books, reading and writing in Maleny on July 3, 4 and 5. Young and old will participate in workshops, the big book club gathering, engage in discussions or simply immerse themselves in their love of words. a rare display of first editions of australian literature will be on show in the Maleny Library. see first editions copies of The Magic Pudding (norman Lindsay), The Sentimental Bloke (C.J. Dennis), Seven Little Australians (ethel Turner) and much more. other events start Friday, July 3 when budding writers, emerging and established authors are invited to Meet the Publishers, a workshop led by two senior editors from University of Queensland Press. saturday July 4 children will be in seventh heaven when Gregg Dreise shares his new book Kookoo Kookaburra in an interactive presentation in the library. Children are encouraged to swap a book as they pass the Book swap Bush in Tesch Park, and later enjoy a screening of Paddington in the Maleny Community Centre Hall at 2pm. also on saturday 2pm a gathering of book clubs and book lovers will take place at the Maleny rsL Hall, discussing ian Mcewan’s The Children Act. Bring your friends and questions for co-facilitators Graeme Page QC and organisational psychologist sue Collaro, as they reflect on this challenging book and the bigger questions it raises. a Maleny Film society screening of A Testament of Youth on saturday evening beautifully rounds out the day's activities.
There will be a rare display of first editions for this year’s Celebration of Books
on sunday morning meet four award-winning australian authors Matt Condon, Frances Whiting, Kristina olsson and ashley Hay at The Sunday Forum. They will share their experiences of creativity as it informs their writing. ask questions of the authors and have your copy of their books signed after the event. For details and tickets sales information go to
Outspoken n-ConVersaTion about her memoir, Bloodhound, Searching for My Father. ramona Koval began as an interviewer on radio national’s Books and Writing program but went on to be the host on The Bookshow. Developing a reputation as one of the world’s finest literary interviewers, she became a regular at writers festivals across the world. she has interviewed almost everyone worth talking to in the literary world, including saul Bellow, Judith Wright, Gore Vidal, ian Mcewan, Joyce Carol oates and John le Carre. in Bloodhound: Searching for My Father, her passion for books and writing has been turned inwards. Koval’s parents were Holocaust survivors who fled their homeland and settled in Melbourne. Koval always suspected the man who raised her was not her real father. Long after her mother’s death, she decided she must know the truth.
Book Bites with Anne Brown of
30 Maple street, Maleny
Phone 5435 2134
australia Day celebrations Hinterland Wedding expo Hinterland Wedding summer showcase Maleny Film Festival Yandina Ginger Flower and Food Festival
Montville: Flame Hill Grape stomp
international Women's Day
Kenilworth Cheese, Wine & Food Fest easter in the Garden: Montville anzac Day services
Maleny Wood expo Cross Country: Maleny Community Precinct Big Pine Music Festival: Woombye Maleny agricultural show Quota Quilt show: Maleny High school
Gardening on the edge Kenilworth Quilt & Craft show sunshine Coast agricultural show: nambour Hinterland Wedding expo
Lucas Parklands Young Musician's Festival Maleny's Celebration of Books Muscle on the Mountain Day QLD MX nationals Motorcross: Conondale Queensland Garden expo: nambour Writers award state Library of Qld
Mountain View Challenge running events and Walks river school spring Festival Maleny Music Weekend
September Gary Crew Hinterland readers Cup real Food Festival, Maleny Mitchell Creek rock n Blues Fest Mary Valley scarecrow Festivals arts Connect open studios Kenilworth Celebrates! Kenilworth show and rodeo Lions Welcome Dinner: Maleny
presents Ramona Koval i
Bloodhound is a quest for identity recounted with Koval’s customary humour.. a moving story of the terrible cost of war and of family secrets. and, introducing: award-winning author Krissy Kneen will be talking about her new novel, The Adventures of Holly White and the Incredible Sex Machine. Both ramona and Krissy will be in conversation with local author and Festival Director, steven Lang, email: Tuesday June 16, 6pm for 6.30pm Maleny Community Centre Tickets $15 ($10 students).
sound of Healing Festival: Maleny Heart of Gold Film Fest: Gympie
Mary river Festival Heritage Day Celebration Palmwoods river school spring Fest
Mary Valley Tomato Festival Christmas celebrations Woodford Folk Festival
Email your community event to with subject heading What's On.
Lennie the Legend
A God in Ruins
American Wife
Solo to Sydney by Pony
by Kate Atkinson
by Taya Kyle
by Stephanie Owen Reeder in 1932, nine-year-old Lennie Gwyther dreamed of being on the spot for the opening of the sydney Harbour Bridge. The fact that he lived 1000 miles away didn’t faze him at all. With his parents blessing he and his pony, Ginger Mick, set out on a four month odyssey one February morning, following bush tracks and barely formed roads. on March 19, Lennie and Ginger Mick took part in the sydney Harbour Bridge opening pageant as celebrities. awash with fascinating memorabilia, photos and interesting information on the depression years, this great little slice of history is an inspiration for, as the author says, "these days a nine-year-old child is probably not even allowed to walk to the shops by themselves". His father then gave him permission to make the return trip.
‘A God in Ruins’ is a companion book to the hugely successful ‘Life After Life’. This time the story is focused on Teddy, who becomes a fighter pilot in World War 2 and is one of the relative few to survive. This is a novel full of the beauty of life’s ordinary challenges contrasted with the surreal experiences of war. Like all Kate atkinson’s work, ‘A God in Ruins’ is a masterly piece of writing. The prose is clear and elegant, wryly humorous and touching as atkinson explores everyday life in all its facets. This is a glorious book about flying, about the terrible waste of life that occurs in war and the true value of lives lived.
The widow of “american sniper” Chris Kyle shares their private journey. Though Chris and Taya Kyle’s marriage had its difficult moments, it was always a love story. Together they endured military service, a bestselling book, unexpected fame and a film deal starring a hot Hollywood actor. But just when Taya thought that she and Chris were finally going to live their dream together, her husband was murdered. american Wife is a startling and affecting portrait of a woman of grit and determination. Gut wrenching and beautiful, this is a deeply inspiring story of true courage.
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Phone 0428 130 769
In the Wild Keeping Your Cool with Spencer Shaw
What's in the Spotlight Have your say on the Coast's heritage If you value the region’s rich and diverse culture, make sure you have your say on Council’s Sunshine Coast Draft Heritage Plan 2015-2020 before 22 June. The Plan identifies five priority outcome areas which will set a solid foundation to conserve and manage heritage both now and into the future.
World Environment Day Festival 7 June Join the fun at the World Environment Day (WED) Festival at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Make a bamboo kite, learn about cheese making, composting and micro-gardening, grab free veggie seedlings and hear great presenters all at Council’s display. Details on the WED Festival website.
Cycling workshops are on in June Council’s popular cycling workshops are on again! There are workshops for beginners, recreational pathway riders, those keen to improve their road cycling skills and basic maintenance workshops suitable for beginners and family groups. Visit council’s website for details and to register.
FTer THe LonG warm summer and late start to cooler weather in autumn, the arrival of the chill has been a bit of a surprise, although i must admit for a temperate individual like myself it’s a rather pleasant change. red Cedars Toona ciliata have lost their leaves, White Cedars Melia azedarach are dropping theirs, snakes are going to be seen less frequently (which may be a relief for some of you), plant growth in general starts to slow, which is good for weed control and it’s a great time to get on top of the physical jobs, that would see some of us in a lather of sweat in the warmer months.
Most of the damage done by a mild frost is when the rising sun first hits the frozen plant and thaws it too quickly, damaging and potentially killing cells and in the worst case scenario, the whole plant. We can protect plants from this frost damage by planting in sheltered positions or using tree guards that allow plants to thaw slowly. We stock a range of Tree guards, which we have more information on at but the best defence for frost tender plants is to establish them in spring after the last frost and allow them to grow and strengthen before the frosts in the following year hit, even then plants may still “if its winter can i still plant?” i hear you say? Well the get frost damage but as long as they get bigger each main limitation to planting in winter is frost damage, year, you can eventually outgrow the frost, cross fingers! which can kill small plants if they are frost susceptible. Luckily some plants contain their own antifreeze as the countdown gets closer for the opening of our adaptations in their systems which can make them new venture , the Forest Heart nursery in Coral street in remarkably resilient to frost. early July, i’m at last enjoying the planting and landscaping of the block to bring some of the fantastic in spite of their lush leafy appearance plants such as diversity and beauty of our local native flora back to the the Kangaroo apple Solanum aviculare and Celery Wood heart of Maleny. Polyscias elegans are remarkably frost tolerant, but a general rule would be that many of our subtropical plants our next saturday sale is on the 20th of June, that will are frost sensitive and many of our sclerophyll (hard leaf ) give you a small taste of what’s to come, but i must admit plants such as Wattles Acacia spp, Banksias Banksia spp will be crossing my fingers that the frosts aren’t too hard and Gum Trees Eucalyptus spp are frost tolerant. this year!
Road Safety consultation Residents are invited to have their say on the new road safety plan for the Sunshine Coast. The plan details how Council is working to reduce traffic crashes on our roads. View the plan and provide feedback on Council’s website, in Council libraries and at customer contact centres until 30 June.
Open house and ‘have your say’ Community members are invited to an open house at the now vacant Range Scout facility, 43 Kondalilla Falls Road, Flaxton, on Saturday 6 June from 9am to noon. This is your chance to inspect the premises and have your say on possible uses for this facility.
Sunshine Coast Events Network workshop Head to the Sunshine Coast Events Network (scene) workshop on June 24 and learn all there is to know about fundraising and writing grant applications for events. Held at and sponsored by the University of the Sunshine Coast. Bookings, via the scene page on council’s website, are a must.
T HAS BEEN SAID BY MANY PEOPLE that if all of friends, and often get to see beautiful places never Australia’s volunteers went on strike, the country previously visited, which may be on private land. would grind to a standstill. Environmental groups are not just tree planters. When it comes to trees, seed has to be collected, and Individuals and groups of willing citizens give what better way to learn about our local flora and their time freely to sectors such as health, education, welfare, the environment and just about every- where to find those special species. It is rewarding to then see those seeds through to thing we can think of including special interest planting in revegetation projects or the garden. Pesky groups. weeds require identification and removal, often an exBarung’s focus is of course the environment, on which we all depend for clean water, clean air, habi- cellent way to learn about control measures for weeds tat for our unique wildlife, and our own relaxation. A on one’s own property. Environmental groups and in fact all groups need healthy environment actually underpins a healthy and welcome those with administrative, design, oreconomy. We are all busy with our own lives and responsibil- ganisational and computer skills, financial know-how and in fact all and any of the skills needed to run an orities but the secret of being a happy and engaged volunteer is to find a task for which we already have ganisation. What makes the Blackall Range such a great place to the skills, which we enjoy, and to which we can dolive is not just the scenery, but also the fact that it is a nate a few hours of our time. community of supportive and engaged communities. Whether a new or old resident, volunteering is a Volunteer and become a member of the Barung family. terrific way to meet more neighbours, make new
Wheelie bins with red lids Have you noticed some waste wheelie bins with red lids and wondered why? Waste bin lids are being gradually replaced with a red ones to comply with the Australian standard. Only new lids and replacements for damaged lids are red – it’s a long term approach to help limit the cost.
Check out MyCouncil MyCouncil is a free, secure gateway to Council’s online services. Customers can view and update their details, register animals, enter and track a service request, view and pay Council accounts quickly, access the community hub and get rates notice online. Access to MyCouncil is via council’s homepage under ‘Council sites’.
Council meetings Ordinary Meeting 9am 18 June, Nambour 07 5475 7272 42
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
with Loors Landscaping FRANZ LOORS ... landscaping the Range for the past 26 years Native to rainforests of central Qld and southern As a feature tree it is very impressive but needs a NSW the mighty Moreton Bay Fig (ficus macro- large property where it can grow to it's full potential. phylla) has found its way to many great warm cli- It is capable of covering more than an entire average mate gardens of the world. Of house block so make sure it's about 800 species in the planted a long way from strucgenus ficus, 40 are native to tures, undergound services and subtropical and tropical Ausfoundations. tralia. Many birds such as the Wompoo The Moreton Bay fig can fruit doves, Australian fig birds and grow to a large spreading tree Satin and Regent bower birds find 35m - 60m in height. Often it an important source of food. starting its life as a epiphyte it They are also great shade trees for has the ability to strangle its livestock and assist in preventing host tree when finally estabsoil erosion. lishing its roots firmly in the If you have space plant it for fuground. Like other fig species ture generations, it makes the perpollination is dependant on fig wasps that can only fect framework for cubby houses. reproduce in fig flowers.
Gardening on the Edge ‘G
arDeninG on THe eDGe’ is on again in June. Keen gardeners come from near and far to see six private gardens opened to the public. in the gardens there are potters, musicians, artists, and you can enjoy tea, coffee, cakes and light lunches at some of the gardens. You will see a Garden for Wildlife, vintage cars, garden rooms, manicured hedges, oil paintings, rainforest sculptures and metal art, as you tour around the beautiful hinterland. The Maleny Hospital auxiliary prepares delicious soup, sandwiches and cakes at the Pavilion in the showgrounds. Last year the Club donated $15,000 to community organisations from the funds generated by this event. start your journey at the Pavilion at the Maleny showgrounds, stanley river road, where you can purchase tickets to the gardens, and take in the many displays of plants, sweets, preserves, cakes and
Ruth Kuss - Wedding Celebrant Whatever you are celebrating – welcoming a precious new baby into the world, committing to your life partner, renewing your marriage vows or farewelling a loved one – creating a ceremony that befits your personality is something that you should approach with your head as well as your heart. Ph: 0429 997 771
Flaxton Gardens
cookies, art works, jewellery and much more at the Garden Market. Marie strichen and Ben Munneke's garden in reesville is dominated by two large bumpy ash trees; has been established over the past six years and has slowly evolved with lots of cottage garden plants, natives and down in the back corner goes everything else. Many of the plants are a result of cuttings from friends and forays into garden club member’s gardens. as a bonus Ben will have his vintage cars on display for your enjoyment. Garden and gallery doors will be open on June 6 and 7, 9am to 4pm. More info on
Tranquil elegance with panoramic views across the Coast. Ideal for superb bridal photographs to treasure. Excellent food, discreet & caring service. Husband and wife team, Alan and Georgina Thompson welcome your ideas to help them create this special day with you. Phone: 5445 7450.
Pomodoras on Obi A complete package of “real” food, boutique beverages, unspoilt water and treetop views, award winning local bridal services & luxury onsite cabin accommodation. “Escape to the mountains and discover the magic.” One stop wedding destination in the heart of Maleny. Phone: (07) 5429 6543 email:
Dot & Birdie Providing all of the primping and preening that a bridal party needs prior to looking their very best. Specialising in bridal styling for the big day. Mobile hair and makeup team available. 35 Coral Street, Maleny. 4552 Phone: 5499 9424.
About That Tree with T Tony o Wootton tree surgeon ony TONY WOOTTON Tree Surgeon Surge eon is our local arborist and authorr,, meeting m the Hinterland’’s s tree needs since 1996
Got Me Pegged 'Beautifully handmade and customised buntings, decorations, print stationary, table decor and informational items. Unique styles to suit any occasion, theme or budget. Specialising in vintage & rustic with a modern edge'. E: Ph: 0467350907
Mob: 0403 467 664
Landline: 54 944 917 www HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Here is a new service available on the sunshine Coast and Hinterland - one that will be of great interest to many local resorts, B&Bs, motels and community members. it is a pillow cleaning service! rebecca Gilmore has been working in a holiday resort for the last ten years, refurbishing the units and managing cleaning services. "We used to have The Pillow Cleaner come to our resort; they would collect the pillows and then drop them back plump and clean a few days later. Then i heard the business was on the market..." Working in the industry for ten years, rebecca really understands the needs of hospitality providers. "i was ready for a
in BRIEF: Become a part of Montville’s Kitchen Garden
Pillow Talk change and knew pillow cleaning was not offered on the sunshine Coast." The business will be based in Buderim, "i love the village atmosphere and central location - it's perfect as i will be travelling to the Hinterland, and from Caloundra to noosa." rebecca says that pillows should be viewed as a maintenance item not a capital replacement cost, and are no different from other items you have cleaned – sheets and towels regularly – blankets, bedspreads and pillows not so regularly! rebecca has invested in the latest technology to remove the old stained cover, treat the filling to kill bacteria and dust mites, deodorise and fluff up, add extra filling as required and place back into a new cover -the pillow is returned to you "asnew". They also renovate feather and down doonas in various sizes. after training in use of the germicidal ultraviolet, ozoneemitting light and deodorisation process in sydney, rebecca
Before and after: Rebecca Gilmore recycles stained and flattened older pillows and make them like new again
launched the service on the sunshine Coast last month. The non-chemical approach to disinfection is highly lethal to virus, bacteria and mould spores. Germicidal ultraviolet deactivates the Dna of these pathogens, destroying their ability to multiply and cause disease. The Pillow Cleaner has provided a unique service to hotels, residential colleges, nursing homes and the public all over australia for over 25 years. all materials and products are manufactured to commercial grade standards. "it saves business owners time and money," says rebecca. "Why buy expensive new pillows, when we can clean and renovate your pillows for a fraction of the price?" rebecca also works with you to minimise disruption to your business, with a supply of exchange pillows. Call Rebecca on 0400 781 789 to save on your pillows and help our environment.
Do you have green thumbs and need to use them? or are a Masterchef in disguise? Well, we can use your skills! Montville state school has implemented the stephanie alexander Kitchen Garden Program and need volunteers to help our kids learn the basics of food production and cooking. Kitchen Garden program classes are held on Fridays - 8:45-11:15 and/or 11:15-1:30. This is a lovely opportunity for work with students in the kitchen or garden. if you are interested in being involved, please contact the school office on 5452 1333 for more information.
What are the plans for emergency housing? although it may not be apparent to many in the community, the need for emergency accommodation is well known to volunteers in community and neighbourhood centres across the Hinterland and sunshine Coast. in response to this need, The rotary Club of Maleny, and MnC, commissioned a research report into emergent housing needs and potential future trends for the Blackall range and Hinterland areas of the sunshine Coast. The community is invited to hear the report recommendations and to commence planning for future emergency housing needs. This conversation is hosted by MnC and the Hinterland Community Development association of Caloundra. Participants will be offered a free ayurvedic lunch. Join the conversation on Wednesday June 17, 9.30am at the Maleny neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentennial Lane, Maleny. For more information: anne Delmas at 3051 6311.
Funding for Sporting Schools now open Federal Member for Fisher, Mal Brough MP, said sporting opportunities for children were set to expand now that sunshine Coast primary schools could apply for funding through the Federal Government’s $100 million Sporting Schools programme. Mr Brough said the before, during and after-school hours sporting programme is designed to deliver sports for local schools’ particular needs, and ultimately to encourage australia’s children to become active, engaged and have fun, more often. “sporting Schools is a fantastic initiative which provides schools and coaches access to online resources and materials to deliver tailored sport programmes,” Mr Brough said. Local primary schools have until the 26 June 2015 to apply for funding by visiting .
Any Brisbane Lions supporters? Brisbane Lions supporters Club sunshine Coast meets the first Tuesday of each month at The Caloundra Power Boat Club. all aFL supporters are welcome to attend. Lively discussions on recent games, monthly quiz and tipping competition, often with a guest speaker. at our last meeting it was announced that Leigh Matthews had agreed to be our club patron. a coach service is available to all Brisbane Lions home games running from various pick-ups on the Coast to the Gabba. Details: President Peter Cheeseman 0467 493 652.
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
YoUr MarKeT GUiDe
To market: community groups invited specialises in miniature writing, and scales down special messages to fit in very small places. "outside, Jimmy and his hardworking family are selling fruit and vegetables at bargain prices to a packed tent of customers. We also have rob the rock guy and Jean with her handmade soaps and other goodies." The 'hub' of the market is the buzzy little cafe, with choices of vegetarian and asian food and fair trade coffee, a great place to meet up and chat with friends. Cheryl says," our market thrives on diversity. We encourage people who want to clear their cupboards, wardrobes and bookshelves to come to us for a fun day and turn unwanted stuff into cash." They also welcome buskers on the grass and invite organisations, such as schools and drama groups, to showcase their activities, fundraise, or create kid's stalls (supervised) on the grass for a nominal fee to cover the insurance. Enquiries - phone Merrin on 0448 423 919.
sUnDaYs Maleny Art, Craft and Collectables Market 8am-2pm, Maleny rsL Hall, open rain, hail or shine - quality second hand books, vintage, antiques, art, handmade gifts and more. 0448 423 919
FirsT saTUrDaY oF THe MonTH Crystal Waters Market community-run, recycled/upcycled items, jewelry, organic veges, cakes, plants, honey, seedlings, soaps, hearty meals, light snacks, wood-fired sourdough bakery, great coffee, live music and a warm welcome. 5494 4590. no MarKeT in JanUarY.
seConD saTUrDaY oF THe MonTH Montville Growers and Makers Market 7.30am-noon, Piping hot pancakes, buskers, genuine locally grown food, handmade craft, barista made coffee, under historic fig trees, profits maintain our Village Hall. 0407 656 726
Left: Nick Rhynard with his display of Orgonite Below: Jimmy Lay assisted by his daughter Mary at their fruit and vegetable stall Images Gay Liddington
He MaLenY MarKeT, held every sunday in the rsL Hall opposite the pub, is at the entry point to this beautiful Hinterland town. it's a place of colour, bargains, long chats over coffee and tasty food. a market that cheers you up even on a rainy day. it's fun to fossick for treasures - fine craftsman's work in jewellery, antiques and vintage teddy bears, art, handcrafts from around the world, candles, jams, clothing, household items, books, collectables, and other funky stuff. Cheryl Laizans from the Maleny Market says there is so much on every sunday, "orgonite at nick's stall offsets radio wave effects from computers and nBn towers, and ali does picture framing at very reasonable cost. Gordon
Hinterland Accommodation Directory Montville, Flaxton and Mapleton The Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat • 5478 5000 national & international award-winning 4.5 star hosted accommodation. narrows road airport transfers Montville Country Cabins • 5442 9484 396 Western ave, Montville Perfect for a relaxed & romantic escape. The Falls Rainforest Cottages • 5445 7000 Queensland Hall of Fame property. superb double spa and wood fire cottages. secluded, romantic. 20 Kondalilla Falls road. Mapleton Information Centre Maleny Information Centre -
For further information about accommodation options on the Sunshine Coast hinterland visit
Maleny Artisan Spa Views • 5494 4222 Bed & Breakfast suites & self-contained penthouse 475 Maleny-Kenilworth road, Witta, Maleny Hotel Maleny • 5494 2013 overnight classic pub style accommodation in the heart of town. offering several types of rooms to suit your needs. Fully self contained luxurious 4 bedroom house which sleeps up to 12 people also available. 5478 6381 5499 9033
Pomodoras on Obi • 5429 6543 offering Maleny’s first ever unique luxury cabin accommodation within walking distance to Maleny’s main Maple street frontage. Maleny Tropical Retreat B&B • 5435 2113 540 Maleny-Montville road. offers something different from the traditional Bed & Breakfast accommodation. Tranquil Park • 5494 2544 The best views of the famous Glasshouse Mountains 483 Mountain View road, Maleny. Motel style units, sleeps up to 4 people. self contained 2 & 3 bedroom units, sleeps up to 6.
Maleny Hinterland Visitor Information Centre Montville Information Centre -
5499 9788 5478 5544 HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
C R E AT I V E C U T S Andy Rigby at Goodwills
Challenge in miniature
Blundell for one-night-only
Conondale Dala artists Group and invited guest artists, are putting together a special exhibition of ‘little things’. Challenging themselves (and each other) they will produce miniature artworks using techniques which include pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media, printing, embroidery and basketry. ‘Little things’ will be held at Grakay Pottery, 17 Corbett Lane, Conondale. open 10am to 4pm on July 3, 4, 5; and by appointment from July 6 - 12. a BBQ lunch on saturday July 4 will feature homemade sausages, cob-oven pizza, nibbles, tea & coffee. Free entry. Donations welcome. For more information: or 07 5435 0330.
From Way Out West to Postcards from Saigon, James Blundell’s tracks have introduced a whole new generation of australians to country music. Lee Kernaghan calls him one of the greatest singer-songwriters the nation has known, and with a string of platinum albums and numerous awards to his name, it’s easy to see (and hear) why. on Friday June 12, at 7.30pm, noosa will host Blundell’s rich vocals and outback narratives, so grab your tickets fast! Tickets are $45, and $40 Concession. Buy online at or at The J Box office, 60 noosa Drive, or call (07) 5329 6560.
Bedlam at the UpFront Club Folk harp exponent andy rigby is guest performer at a Goodwills’ house concert on Thursday July 2 at 7.30pm. andy is in Maleny to teach harp at the Maleny Celtic Winter school on July 3-5. regarded as one of australia’s leading players, teachers and harp makers, andy’s main influences are the traditions of ireland, scotland and Wales. He is also a fine flute and whistle player. The Goodwills (Bob & Laurel Wilson) will perform an opening set. Tickets are $15/$12 and bookings are essential. Call Laurel on 5435 2333 for bookings and directions. (Sponsored by the Queensland Folk Federation)
Barbershops are pitch perfect
Well-known barbershop chorus, The sunshine statesmen, have the privilege this year to host the prestigious Queensland regional Barbershop Convention on the sunshine Coast for the first time. The Convention will bring together some twenty choruses and quartets from all over Queensland to enjoy the fellowship of barbershop singing, and to compete for coveted medals and trophies awarded by Barbershop Harmony australia. if you've ever been interested in becoming a singer, you will delight in the quality of sound and the excitement that can be generated by four-part-harmony singing. For more information visit:
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Rhapsody and romance at Eudlo spend a glorious winter’s afternoon serenaded by the finest of Queensland’s classical music superstars in Bohemian rhapsody, on June 7, 3-5pm at eudlo Hall. This family-friendly, all-ages concert welcomes Queensland’s finest classical musicians for the dreaming BiG concert series. Featuring five guest soloists including Diana Tolmie on saxophone, Benjamin Greaves and Camille Barry on violin, Louise King and Danielle Bentley on cello and seasoned performers Collusion Chamber orchestra players from Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium. Hear a diverse range of music from Vivaldi’s famous Concerto in G minor for Two Cellos to ravel’s intoxicating and fiery Tzigane, the transcendental Lark Ascending for violin and string orchestra by english composer VaughanWilliams, the Little Suite for Strings by the late australian composer Peter sculthorpe, and a new work for saxophone by Thomas Green. online bookings:
originating from the valleys of south Wales, Tom Bedlam takes his influences from fingerstyle guitar legends and blends this with sensitive lyrics and folk and pop melodies. a confident and captivating performer, Tom is one of the most interesting musical artists to arise from the hub of talent in the south Wales area. already a seasoned traveller and with a new eP in the pipeline, the future is a very exciting and optimistic prospect for this young songsmith. This is a show not to be missed. June 13, at the UpFront Club.
Kevin Borich at The Garden
Kevin Borich and slow Train have an amazing track record of performances over the past 40 years and are still going strong with their next performance at The Garden, Maleny. Come, relax and enjoy some funky blues-rock whilst enjoying pizza, tapas, cakes and drinks. Kevin won a string of awards including Best Guitarist in the australian rock Music awards in 1977 and 1978, and he was inducted into australian Blues Foundation Hall of Fame in 2003. Kevin Borich and slow Train will be performing from 4pm, June 21 at ‘The Garden, Maleny’, 34 Mountain View road Ph 5499 9928. $10 cover charge (BYo)
visual arts entertainment performance Chontia Robinson Trio
It’s a buzz
enjoy a night full of soul, blues contemporary and everything in between, with Chontia robinson on vocals, Parris Macleod, keys, and nick Davey on double bass Chontia is a singer songwriter and accomplished guitarist, whilst Parris is an outstanding pianist and session musician, and an award-winning recording producer. nick has played bass since he was 14 and performed in ensembles, chamber groups and with the Queensland symphony orchestra. Their sound together is simply beautiful and they have performed at venues and festivals throughout australia, as well as overseas including the Woodford festival. see them at Hotel Maleny, on Friday June 5.
Presenting an exhibition of new paintings by Gary Myers: captivating landscapes inspired by the constant exploration and interpretation of his surrounds. in addition, some of Gary’s new paintings have been created for a campaign to "save the Bees”, launched by local business, HiveHaven. Gary is donating prints and the use of images of his paintings for fundraising - to get their “Bee Box” out to the marketplace. Come along and join us in supporting this worthy cause and help secure the future. Live entertainment by local musicians. Cash bar available and art & music on the deck, on June 13, 4-6pm at the Gary Myers Gallery.
UpFront Club 31 Maple St Maleny. Bookings: 5494 2592
Still time to enter Art Festival
Sunshine Swing Band at Belli our next dance will be June 27, with the sunshine swing Band playing and, as usual, only old Time Dancing (no ‘new vogue’). Dances start 7.45-8pm and finish at midnight. it is wonderful to see dancers (young and not-so) coming and enjoying the night! Come with family and friends for a night of old-fashioned fun and entertainment. all ages and levels of experience very welcome. entry includes hearty supper - $14 adults, $5 students, children free. Belli Hall is an alcohol-free venue located at 1170 Kenilworth road, Belli Park. information, contact Margaret on 5447 0175 or visit
18 artists have until June 15 to vie for a share of $6300 as well as $2000 in prizes for the youth section at the Mary Valley art Festival in imbil. Coordinator Heinke Butt hopes the $1150 Youth open award will attract bumper entries in the festival’s 15th year (pictured is winner of the 2014 natural Flora category – Chris Postle). set aside a weekend to visit the show from July 2-5, and participate in an eco-printing workshop with sunshine Coast artist Glenis Gray on the saturday. Download entry forms from , or ring 5484 3010.
Mon, Fri, Sat - music at 6.30pm. Donation entry ŽīĞĞ͗ ϳ͘ϯϬĂŵ͘ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚ͗ ϴͲϭϭĂŵ ;ϳĚĂLJƐͿ ŽīĞĞ͗ ϳ͘ϯϬĂŵ͘ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚ͗ ϴͲϭϭĂŵ ;ϳĚĂLJƐͿ >ƵŶĐŚ͗ ϭϭ͘ϯϬĂŵͲϮ͘ϯϬƉŵ͘ ŝŶŶĞƌ ĨƌŽŵ ϱ͘ϯϬƉŵ >ƵŶĐŚ͗ ϭϭ͘ϯϬĂŵͲϮ͘ϯϬƉŵ͘ ŝŶŶĞƌ ĨƌŽŵ ϱ͘ϯϬƉŵ dƵĞƐ͕ tĞĚ Θ ^ƵŶ ĐůŽƐĞĚ ĨƌŽŵ Ϯ͘ϯϬƉŵ dƵĞƐ͕ tĞĚ Θ ^ƵŶ ĐůŽƐĞĚ ĨƌŽŵ Ϯ͘ϯϬƉŵ
3 4 10
Sublime singers The Cantate singers conducted by ross Jelf, present ‘To Music’, a concert of sublime choral repertoire from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries. accompanied by Brisbane-based organist eduarda van Klinken, the thirty member choir will sing texts in english, French, German and Latin, set to music by Mendelssohn, Byrd, Gibbons, Palestrina, Fauré, elgar, Brahms and John Dowland. singaporean soprano Cherylene Liew will sing the lead role in Mendelssohn’s Hear My Prayer and perform several solo works. The concert starts at 2pm, saturday June 20, at the Buderim Uniting Church, corner of Gloucester rd and King st Buderim. Tickets, $25 or $20 concession, include afternoon tea and are available at the door or at
11 16 17 18 24 25
OWEN OWEN Van Van LARKIN (S.Coast) & SAM SHEPHERD (Maleny) Outstanding young guitarists FOLK,, BLUES & BEYOND BEY BEY YOND OND Monthly Blackboard,, guest act NOEL GARDNER PEAR (Bris/Melb)& R ROB OB LONGST LONGSTAFF TAFF AFF (Maleny) Top young singer ngerr-songwriter -songwriterrguitarists JEUNAE R ROGERS OGERS (S.COAST) details to come Art Opening HANNAH BR BRUZHOVA UZHO OVA ‘Into The Groove’ Mixed media & ‘Grace In Space’ CANTA CANT TA LA TUMBA (Maleny) Authentic Cuban 4-piece YOU YOU AND THE NIGHT (Sydney/U.K) Multi-instrumental rock, k,, jazz,, bossa LIZZIE O’KEEFE (Malenyy) ‘V Voice of a thousand angels’ with ARR ARRON ON BOOL (guitar) STEVE GRADY GRAD DY Y (Brisbane) Awar Awarded Altcountry/Indie-folk,, toured L.A,, U.K 2012
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
continued ...
2015 Young Musicians Festival
Georgie ostenfeld commenced studies at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music in 2013, where she has studied with numerous cellists including Markus stocker, simon Cobcroft, David Lale and Peter Bruns. she has participated in the australian Youth orchestras' programs, as well as many of Brisbane's ensembles including the Brisbane City soloists, Brisbane Baroque Players, Queensland Philharmonic, and the Queensland Youth orchestras. she recently performed the elgar Cello Concerto with the Queensland Conservatorium symphony orchestra in May of this year. see Georgie and seven other artists perform in solo, in duet and ensemble the 2015 Festival, Lucas Parklands, Montville on July 3,4 and 5.
Maleny Celtic Winter School it might get a bit chilly on the Blackall range at this time of the year, but it’s the perfect backdrop for the Maleny Celtic Winter school. Held from July 3-5, this is an opportunity for musicians, of any age and of almost any level, to improve their knowledge of Celtic music. This year' event features a fine group of tutors from around the country and overseas. The ability to play a D or G scale on your instrument is a basic requirement to join them. Finbars will be alive with music the whole weekend with blackboard concerts and lively celtic tune and singing sessions. registrations can be made at or at the Maleny neighbourhood Centre from 4pm, Friday July 3.
Bek-Jean Stewart The Bison Bar in nambour is the perfect venue for Bek-Jean stewart to launch her long awaited album, ‘amos v ann’. Bek-Jean’s songwriting and musical aptitude is in finest form on this record, and has joined the long list of acclaimed solo albums which have won the hearts of many reviewers and fans alike. she will be joined by her long time musical collaborator and friend Grant shanahan on bass and vocals, and piano player Jacinta Foale. Guests on stage include Greta Kelly, Dan Lyons, Luke sampson-searle and Leon Tussie. Tickets $15 at the door. Friday June 12., Bison Bar, nambour.
Nurses in action
The Vanda - Young Projects
australian nurses treating the wounded from Gallipoli is one of the key scenes in ‘anZaC Dawn,’ the main arena event every evening for this year’s sunshine Coast agricultural show.
starring John Paul Young & The allstar Band, Harry Vanda and George Young are two of the most extraordinary songwriters of our time and John Paul Young was at the heart of their hit making era. The Vanda-Young Project starring John Paul Young & The allstar Band is a concert celebrating this incredible song-writing duos creations. From JPY's signature tune Love Is In The Air to Ted Mulry's Falling in Love Again, you will be taken on a journey through decades of mega-hits and John's own behind-thescenes stories of many of these songs. June 27 7.30pm at The events Centre, Caloundra.
The nurses are played by actors drawn from all over the Coast – including the nambour branch of the red Cross and members of the Queensland school of Performing arts. The production, which begins at 7pm, tells the story of Gallipoli from the point of view of the soldiers, the generals, and their families back at home and is acted and sung by over 200 community volunteers from across the Coast.
Awards for Excellence
Perfect P errffe ecct location occa llo attiio on n tottodine iin dne out ut ouono o onthe he tth e Sunshine Su S un nssh hiin ne Coast Co C oa asst with wiitth Absolute w Ab A bsso ollu utte Beachfront Be B ea accch hffrro on nt Coolum Coolum Surf Surf C Club lub is the W Winner inner o off Best Best Club C lu b SSunshine unshine Coast Coast in 2013 & 2015 as w well ell as Best Best Chef Chef Q Queensland ueensland in 2013. So So co come me along along and and visit visit us us today today to to enjoy enjoy tthe he b best est vviews iews aand nd sservice er vice tthe he SSunshine unshine C Coast o a st h has as tto o o offer. ffer ff er. W With ith a custom custom b built uilt W Wo Wood ood Fired Fired C Char h ar G Grill rill aass tthe he cen centrepiece trepiece in tthe he
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
o open pen kkitchen itchen tthe he steaks steaks aand nd sseafood eafood aare re ssuperb! uperb! The The extensive extensive dinin diningg aarea rea is is situated situated right right o on n tthe he beachfront, b eachffront, perfect perfect for ffo or those those who w ho wa want nt tto o li listen sten tto o tthe he wa waves ves as as they they enjoy enjoy m mouthouthwa watering tering ffood. o o d. E Everyone ver yone iiss welcome w elcome at at Coolum Coolum B Beach each SSurf urf Club, Club, whether whether you you are are a m member ember or or a visitor visitor you you
w will ill b bee m made ade to to feel ffeeel li like ke yyou ke ou b belong. elong. W With ith exp experienced erienced ffriendly riendly sstaff, taff ff,, de delicious licious ffood, ood, a va vast st selection selection o off b beverages everages aand nd mi million llion do dollar llar vviews, iews, yyou ou w will ill n not ot b bee di disappointed. sappointed. O Other ther ffeatures eatures in include clude a ggreat reat B Bar, ar, C Café, afé , F Function unction R Room, oom, T TAB, AB, K Keno eno aand nd Ga Gaming ming rroom oom w with ith 48 48modern m odern Pokies. Pokies.
1775-1779 D David a v id Low L ow W Way ay Coolum C o o l um Beach, B e ac h, QLD, Q LD, 4573 Phone: P ho ne: 07 5446 1148
o rreceive eceive 10% P Present resent tthis his HT Vo V Voucher oucher tto o ff yyour our ttotal otal Food Food B ill. Dine Dine in o nly. off Bill. only. ith aany N ot aava vailable w ny o ther o ffer ff er o Not available with other offer orr discount. Expires Expires 30/07/2015. discount.
Hinterland Times
Real Estate
Sell it through the Hinterland Times! Phone 07 5499 9049 or email for more information. 14,000 copies distributed free across the range and Sunshine Coast.
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Mungo MacCallum
The Old Abbott N
OPE, NOPE, NOPE – the most negative and illiterate of all Tony abbott’s three word slogans. His rejection of even the merest consideration of the complex, harrowing and indeed tragic plight of the rohingya asylum seekers is more than an adolescent dismissal; it is frankly contemptuous, not only of his australian constituency but of the wider world. it is, he says, a regional problem: presumably he regards the region as any part of earth which does not include australia. Many of the europeans, already grappling with their own urgent and local issues with the boat people crisis, have expressed sympathy and a desire to help. Thailand has convened a regional conference, to which australia will send a diplomat but not, at this stage, a minister – another calculated snub. The nearby Muslim nations of Malaysia and indonesia, having initially abandoned their neighbours, are now preparing to provide at least temporary rescue and shelter. even the United states have offered to accept some of the farflung victims. The source country Myanmar, which absurdly pretends that their third and fourth generations inhabitants should still be regarded as Bangladeshi immigrants, unworthy of citizenship or rights, has finally taken some responsibility and undertaken a rescue mission of its own. But abbott’s only response is flat denial. We mustn’t, under any circumstances, encourage people smugglers. international law and convention, the reaction of our neighbours, sheer humanity are all to be subordinated to this imperative. indonesia rather acidly pointed out that if you are going to sign international agreements you should honour them, but abbott is unmoved. His only concession to compassion, if it is indeed governed by that, has been a grant of $6 million in humanitarian aid. Given that it follows a $29.5 million cut in the budget of aid to Myanmar, it can hardly be called generous; moreover, it is not clear when or even how it can be delivered, given that the government of Myanmar steadfastly refuses to allow any amelioration of the poverty and degradation of the unhappy inhabitants.
abbott has, of course, been applauded by his hard core supporters, notably by an approving editorial in The australian; but then, The australian would probably cheer him on if he announced plans to pull out the fingernails of asylum seekers with red hot pincers if it would enhance what he calls border security. For more reasonable people, nope, nope, nope is simply not a sufficient answer. and the real worry is that it is a very abbott answer: mindless aggression in the face of a difficult problem. no defence, just attack. This is the old abbott, the man who brought you the 2013 election and the 2014 budget. He has, it appears, reverted to type; the near death experience of last February has been forgotten in the temporary euphoria of a couple of mildly favourable polls following the well targeted handouts from a mere week ago. He has, in short, got gone back to his old self and resumed the habits of a lifetime – a lifetime that has always been risky and frequently reckless. Given abbott’s knee-jerk and unqualified policy towards the rohingyas’ desperation, it looks perilously like another captain’s pick – certainly the continued emphasis on the need to deter people smugglers is established government policy, but the peculiar circumstances of the current crisis in the andaman sea surely should require a more considered and consultative process. even some of his own cabinet colleagues are reported to be a little concerned. But they should not be; the pattern has, after all, been a consistent one. a more immediate worry has been the fiasco over the idea of holding an inquiry over the conduct of the iron ore producers in the wake of the suspicion that at least some of them had pushed up their output in a move to drive down prices and put some of their competitors – Forrest himself, but more importantly the Chinese, out of business, an idea which has caused confusion and consternation from everyone involved, and many others who have not been. This was unashamedly a captain’s call – although perhaps unashamedly is the wrong word, given that our amnesiac Prime
Minister now claims it came from Twiggy Forrest, nick Xenophon – even, preposterously, Bill shorten – anyone but himself. But the record is clear. When Forrest mooted it, and Xenophon spoke to abbott directly about it, abbott thought it was pretty good idea, and said so publicly at least twice. His colleagues were nonplussed and the big iron ore producers – BHP Billiton and rio Tinto – frankly appalled. This was a clear interference in the sacred free market, they spluttered. and some made the more salient point that it was fraught with unintended consequences: what if the inquiry found that there had indeed been some kind of interference or even collusion? Would the government take action? Would it impose fines or even gaol sentences on the directors of the guilty companies? Would it consider the ultimate sanction – regulation? The mere idea was unthinkable, and that being the case, why proceed with an inquiry in the first place. in practice, the mere resistance of the miners was sufficient to kill it off; we all knew what they could do to governments who annoyed them. and abbott, of course, should have been perfectly aware of the futility of his thought bubbles before shooting off his mouth. But, once again, it apparently seemed like a good idea at the time – or at least a popular one, which these days for him is the same thing. and the same can be said of his unilateral rejection of any changes to the tax lurks enjoyed by the super wealthy superannuants: not now, not ever. This is in the same category of his raft of 2013 pre-election commitments: a promise which is destined to be broken as it turns out to be simply too expensive, too damaging to fulfil. it may be a handy club to bash the Labor Party, which has already endorsed some modest reforms to its policy, and it will certainly please some of the greedier of his own backers and bankers, but it is just not sustainable, either economically nor politically. Perhaps, of course, it won’t have to be; the election will take care of it, and of him. in which case many will remember his years with the brief phrase: nope, nope, nope.
Tanker Filling Stations Upgrade Queensland Urban Utilities is upgrading its tanker filling stations to standardise the filling and payment process. All existing tanker filling stations will be replaced with new filling stations, with payment via credit or debit card and Smartcard for commercial customers. This will allow customers to access all 27 filling stations across our service area. Construction of our new stations will take place from June to October 2015.
For more details please visit www.urbanutilities., or call us on 13 26 57 (7am to 7pm weekdays).
Some stations will be temporarily unavailable during construction. HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
HE NEW COMMONWEALTH Home Support Programme (CHSP) starts from July 1, 2015. Thea Caffin, CEO from the Blackall Range Care Group (BRCG) has advised seniors and their families to be aware that there are a few changes imposed on aged care service providers and consumers in the transition to the new programme: People seeking services after July 1 will not be able to come directly to BrCG but will need to contact the Government Gateway, My aged Care, on 1800 200 422 or visit the website if people want BrCG to deliver their service, they will need to state this to the regional assessment service staff person who will be undertaking their assessment. The Commonwealth government will set the fees that consumers will pay for services. There will be a fee for full pensioners, one for part pensioners or seniors Health Care Card holders, and a higher fee for those with an individual income of $51,500 or higher, or a couple with a combined income of $82,400. These fees will be higher than BrCG currently charges.
Aged care services change on the Range Because the government fee schedule is still in draft, and consumers require reasonable notice, BrCG will increase fees from July 1, 2015. This will be a single level fee, based largely on what the government is proposing as the Full Pension Fee, though slightly below this for some services. at november 1, by which time all services must have the new fees fully implemented, BrCG will add the other two fee levels. Fee relief for financial hardship will still be available. service Providers have been advised that there will be no
growth funding for the program for the next two years, so growth in demand is expected to be covered by the increased fees, which means that organisations will be more dependent than ever on client contributions to enable them to keep delivering services to consumers who need them. over the last 12 months BrCG has received many requests to deliver additional private full cost services for people who wished to purchase services above what BrCG is able to provide through the government-funded programs. as government funding becomes tighter, and these requests have continued, BrCG has made the decision to begin providing private services on a full fee basis. anyone seeking information about private services can contact Tina or amie on 5445 7044. To assist us to maintain a consumer perspective throughout the coming changes, BrCG is inviting people to set up a Consumer advisory Group. The meetings should not be more than an hour and a half, perhaps every six weeks or two months. For more information please contact Thea: 5445 7044 or
Want to see Maleny's Aquatic Centre become a reality?
DsrC's KiM easTon and Member for Glass House, andrew Powell MP, have raised a petition for a multimillion dollar indoor aquatic and fitness centre and need as much support as possible. it is planned to build the new complex below the school oval on land excised to sunshine Coast regional Council in Trust. Mr Powell said, “it is important that our community gets behind this petition, so that we send a very strong message to the Government that our community is behind this proposal. “Matthew Howard at the Maleny newsagent has kindly
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1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
offered to have a copy of the paper petition available for signatures or you can pop into my office at the top end of Maple street. “it’s not just about a pool, this new aquatic centre will act as a community hub and offer year-long swimming for excessive and also squad training. The accompanying facilities like a gym room and café will also broaden its appeal to many other sectors of the community." Kim easton said, "i just think the key here is we have waited so long to do something, the time is now. We can provide Maleny and the district with a focal point for health and fitness. "This project can succeed if the Maleny community works together as they did in the ‘80s. so far, $450,000 has been raised by the pool and other community sources. so please, sign the petition and let's see it become a reality." The petition closes Friday July 10, 2015: ht t p : / / w w w. p a r l i a m e nt. q l d. g ov. a u / wo r k- o f assembly/petitions/e-petition?Petnum=2390
32 years ago an enormous crowd gathered for the official opening of the Maleny Swimming Pool. The highlight of that March 1983 day was seeing Olympian Tracey Wickham swim the first two laps of honour in the new pool. In 1984 Maleny swimmers started competitive swimming and Maleny Swimming Club Inc. was formed in 1992. In the pool grounds stands a granite rock bearing the wording “Built for the Community – By the Community”
MAPLETON ~ MONTVILLE LE E ~ MALENY A ENY ~ IMBIL ALE MB L We We bulkbill for kids between the age of 2 - 17 years who are eligible under CDBS Scheme cheme for upto $1000 over a period of 2 years
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
5478 6 6600 600 00
Over the Hill
by Bob Wilson
NBN tower Maleny water tower and (foreground) retirement community
Y IMMEDIATE REACTION upon learning that NBN Co plans to build a 35 metre high pylon in our street was to recall those Gold Coast studies that showed the shadow the QI apartment building would cast over golden beaches. But that was a minor issue compared to the concerns that the Towerless NBN for Maleny Hinterland Group has, about the effects of microwave radiation emissions from radio frequency towers. NBN Co chose Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Maleny Works Depot at 5 Palm Street as a proposed site for a telecommunications tower, even though Council’s Telecommunications Facility Code seems to rule the site out for the proposed use. Under Proximity to Sensitive Land Uses, “acceptable outcomes” are that the telecommunications tower be located at least 400m from any residential use and 500m from any child care centre, community care centre, educational establishment or park. The Maleny Works Depot is located about 120m from the Maleny Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital and there are established houses and residential units directly across the road and on either side of the proposed tower, including a retirement community. NBN Co’s information session at the Maleny Community Centre stated that more than 16 other North Maleny locations were considered, but NBN Co was unable to gain permission
from landowners to gain access to these sites. The Labor Government’s original NBN plan was to deliver fast broadband by replacing existing underground copper lines with fibre optics. The incoming Liberal Government switched to a multi-mode network which includes hybrid coaxial-fibre. Nationally, about 8% of premises would have broadband delivered by fixed wireless or satellite. Jim Straker of the Towerless NBN for Maleny Hinterlands told a Palm Street meeting on May 23 the group is not against the NBN broadband service but is opposed to its provision using microwave towers. According to NBN Co, the maximum electromagnetic energy (EME) level generated by the proposed system is 0.18% of the public exposure limit set by the Federal Government. However, opponents cite overseas studies that claim there is an increased prevalence of neuro-behavioural symptoms or cancer in populations living within 500m of base stations. Division Five Councillor, Jenny McKay, said the Telecommunication Code forms part of the development assessment which is taken into consideration by officers as part of the proposed application. She added, “If NBN do lodge an application, they will have to adhere to regulations which apply to anyone making an application.” On May 22 Cr McKay said that she will not be supporting an application for the facility, if it should come to Council.
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In Fitness ...and in Health
Ayurvedic Health Advice to Suit You
Are You Feeling Fat and Fatigued Feeling overweight as well as a general sense of mental and physical fatigue is a common functional health problem but is easily corrected if you can identify the causes of this unwellness. In fact a tired body combined with one that is storing fat is a sure sign of imbalances in your carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Specifically, this will often relate to certain carbohydrate intolerances. Ask yourself do you have symptoms of Carbohydrate Intolerance such as: • sleepiness after meals • bloating after meals • cravings for sweets or caffeine • hungry a lot • stress easily • feel depressed (non motivated) • feel moody (irritable a lot) • feel unfit. If you find that you fit into this picture, and especially if you are struggling with your weight, you’d be wise to get to the cause of the problems. These are what I find to be the most common causes of the above problems but these have to be diagnosed: • toxic liver and gut • blood sugar problems • an overall acidic system • insulin imbalances that set up weight gain and fat storage • nutritional imbalances • hormonal imbalances. Get these causes fixed and your health improves. You start to feel and look great, you lose some weight, and you feel better about yourself. With a bit of work you can’t lose on this investment. Joh n Pirie Dr John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist 19 Coral Street, Maleny Phone: 5435 2155
The Secret to a Hot Lunch
YURVEDA recommends eating food that is warm, cooked and freshly prepared. While it may seem to go Wendy Rosenfeldt against the grain for fans of raw food, Ayurvedic wisdom maintains that food that has been cooked is easier to digest. The cooking process helps our bodies to break down the food and transform it into energy. This is especially relevant to people with a predominance of Vata in their nature. Vata types characteristically have a light build and delicate digestive system. Their digestive fire is not as strong as the fiery Pitta and earthy Kapha types. Their appetites tend to be delicate and they can forget to eat, only to become spaced out. For Vata people eating a lot of cold, heavy, raw food is like smothering the fire with too much wood. The digestive flame can be put out leaving a feeling of heaviness. Late autumn and winter exhibit the dry, light, cold changeable qualities of Vata, so even if you are not of Vata nature, the increase of Vata in the environment will increase these qualities in yourself. You may notice that your skin and hair feels drier, your mind tends towards worry and your sleep becomes lighter. One of the best ways to balance Vata is to have a warm, cooked meal at lunchtime. Many people are out at work at this time and don’t have access to kitchen facilities.
E INTERPRET our physical, emotional and mental symptoms and discomforts from a place of “somethings wrong with me” “My focus, my moods, my concentration, my energy is low and I don’t know whats the matter with me” “I’ve got sniffles, a sore throat, aches and pains again!” “I’m always feeling bloated and no matter what I do I cant seem to loose this weight” “My hormones are all over the place again”
Our bodies work is to do what needs to be done to keep us healthy and to reinstate balance when it is disturbed. This means that we will experience symptoms that act as a nudge from our bodies to remind us to make appropriate changes. We are energy beings, we are undulating, shifting, responsive fields that interact with each other and where one part affects and influences the whole.
Wendy Rosenfeldt is a Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner and Teacher of Transcendental Meditation. Call 5499 9580 or email for Ayurveda consultations, TM courses or to find out more.
We judge our body so harshly
We’re so used to self criticism and negative self dialogue that when an imbalance in our wellbeing occurs we tend to suspect that our body is letting us down or perhaps we’re just feeling moody again.
Microwaves don’t count. Reheating leftover foods is no substitute for a freshly prepared meal and can create impurities as the life force of the food is diminished. Firstly by eating it hours after it was prepared and secondly by eating food that has been zapped. Microwaves don’t impart that fire quality essential for digestion instead heating the food by friction. The solution is to make your lunch in the morning and put it on a thermos until lunchtime. Food kept in this way maintains its freshness and the thermos allows the cooking process to very slowly continue. It is best not to leave food for more than about 4-5 hours in a thermos. Thermos flask lunches can consist of soups, dahl and rice, kitcheri, pasta, noodles or quinoa. It is great for travelling, you don’t have to worry about where you will find a decent meal you just bring yours with you. For Maleny residents the other secret to a hot lunch is Billy’s Ayurvedic Kitchen at the Neighbourhood centre on Fridays at 12.30. It is a $10 donation for a delicious Ayurvedic lunch and you can get some ideas for what you could make in a thermos.
Our thoughts and emotions are often the precursors to our actions, either by their potent influence on the balance of our body chemistry or by trigging habits that are not wholesome and life enhancing, so are the first line of influence that affects our energy and our health. We have also gotten so used to eating what looks and tastes like natural food that in our often busy lifestyles we give very little real consideration to what we eat. It is often only when serious illness strikes, because we haven’t noticed the imbalances that have been occurring as something that we can change, by changing the way we think, eat and live, that we resort to tidying up our diet. Treat your body and mind with intelligence, respect and love and make the changes that give you back the power to reestablish and maintain wellbeing.
Marisa Kliese is a Clinical Member Aust. Counselling Assoc. Fellow Holistic Life Coach. Reiki Master. Fellow Aust. Natural Therapists Assoc. Contact me on 5494 2627.
Knee replacements may not be the only answer o
sTeoarTHriTis (oa) of the knee joint is a common complaint in the older population. it can cause pain and loss of function, especially with things like squatting, kneeling and walking on stairs which can become increasingly difficult.
Traditionally, total knee replacement has been the main treatment option for those with moderate to advanced arthritis. recently however, there have been some studies showing that non-operative management of knee oa can be very successful in improving oa symptoms.
a program designed by your physiotherapist involving weight-bearing training for the whole lower limb can work to subtly change the way you move. often weakness or tightness around the hip joint can have a large effect on movement patterns in the knee. This is especially the case in those with a knock-knee type of gait. This program usually requires no special equipment and will take less than 5 minutes twice a day to complete. in conjunction with taping to help unload the painful structures in the knee (pictured), this program will help to build strength and endurance in the muscles around the knee and hip to help unload the painful joint.
For assessment and management of your knee pain, call Maleny Physiotherapy for an appointment with Tim or Mary on 5494 3911.
Improve Joint Movement Release T Tight ig ight Shoulders Ease Sciatic and Lower Back Pain
The tape unloads the infrapatellar fat pad, which is a highly pain-sensitive structure at the front of the knee that is thought to be a large contributor to this sort of knee pain. even for patients who go on to opt for a total knee replacement, this exercise program can act as a prehab to help increase the chances of a good outcome after surgery. The physiotherapists at Maleny Physiotherapy will be able to help you manage your knee pain and possibly delay or avoid the need for a knee replacement.
You are invited to experience specialised massage and bodywork techniques which can help to:
1/70 Maple Street, Maleny
Ph: 07 5494 3911
Call Now for a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing! Medical Herbalist Specialising in Endocrine Disorders and Chronic Health Issues Hello, my name is Gleny and I'm a Medical Herbalist with many years experience in treating people of all ages with acute and chronic health conditions. These include lifestyle related diseases, thyroid, adrenal burnout, hormones, allergies, digestive, bowel and liver complaints, auto immune disease, recovery from serious illness, stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep, low energy, preconception, pregnancy and post natal care. I practice Herbal Medicine, Functional Medicine, Naturopathy and Nutrition, and believe that getting to the cause of a dysfunction requires quite a bit of medical detective work to put the pieces of the puzzle together,
Tanya Kurzbock
Owner/manager of the Dispensary Adv Diploma in Naturopathy Radiant Light Yoga Instructor Did you know? I can help improve your symptoms, even if you are on medication? I am trained to used herbs, nutrients and subtle bio-regulatory medicine to reduce side effects, avoid contraindications and help you get better results even when on a medical script. Common prescriptions include; statin drugs, NSAIDs, the ‘Pill’, PPI’s, insulin, antidepressants and many more. Take advantage of my free 15 minute consult to discuss your options. To book, call 54 999 476. Tanya Kurzbock - Naturopath.
identify the culprit and get to the source of the problem. I see my role as a 'Health Detective' practitioner exploring all subtle and overt influences of the condition, taking great time and care to listen and mind even the smallest details that truly do matter to healing and recovery. Chronic lifestyle related diseases often do not respond well to the mainstream symptom-centric, one size fits all 'band aid' approach. This can drive the disease deeper into the body where it may emerge at a later date as a much more serious problem. An individualised approach with thorough assessment,
blood pathology, and any other relevant in clinic testing including Thyroflex, urinary iodine etc., that may be required is more prudent, practical and workable. Appointments 5499 9476 Live Well, Feel Well.
Terri Schaumberg
Sallyann Stewart
Midwife in Private Practice
Offering: • Pregnancy Care • Birth Care • Postnatal Care • Breastfeeding Support • Antenatal Education Continuity of Midwifery Care for Hospital and Home Birth Pregnancy and Postnatal Care for up to 6 weeks Medicare and Bulk Billed services available Ph: 5494 3657 Mob: 0408 074 522 Email:
Gleny Pirovich
Medical Herbalist, Naturopathy and Nutrition ATMS Appointments 5499 9476 Maleny Holistic Health Centre
Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner
Naturopathic Clinical Testings: • Live Blood Analysis (Hemaview) – immune status, nutrient deficiency, digestive issues • urinary & saliva pH testing, iridology, gut dysbiosis, zinc status, blood type testing, naturopathic assessment, hormonal testing Specialising in: • Stress/adrenal management, detoxification, children’s health, digestive disorders, hormonal/thyroid complaints, preventative/maintaining wellness healthcare, nutrition & dietary support, fatigue issues. • Remedial, Relaxation, Deep tissue & Sports massage, Lymphatic drainage. Appointments: 5435 2599 / 0421 410 558
19 Coral Street, MALENY For a holistic approach to your general health and wellbeing, call today to make an appointment with one of our friendly Holistic Health Centre professionals. (Contacts above).
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Hinterland Health and Beauty ACUPUNCTURE
Anthony Brown Acupuncture Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Member (fellow) AACMA. Anthony has 30 years clinical experience, 26 of them here on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 26 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5435 2555
BOWEN THERAPY Bronwyn Huckle Specialising in Bowtech, the original Bowen Therapy technique. Treating health issues in babies, childen & adults. Montville therapy rooms. Monday to Friday by appointment. Ph: 5442 9371
Mapleton Natural Therapies Clinic Jackie Hansel: Bach H.S (Acu), Adv. Dip H.S (Hom), Dip Bowen Therapy Acupuncture. Holistic & Intergrated health care with Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Lymphatic Drainage, Remedial & Relaxation Massage. Ph: 5445 7749
Kathy Blackburn Dip. Bowen Therapy (Bowtech).Gentle effective treatment of Back Pain; Migraine; RSI ; Tennis Elbow; Knee, Ankle & Foot Conditions; Menstrual/ Hormonal irregularities; Chronic Fatigue; Respiratory Conditions and MORE. Health fund rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Maleny Acupuncture Dolina Somerville: BHSc (Acupuncture) China Trained: Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine,Chinese Remedial Massage & Cosmetic Acupuncture. 38a Coral St Maleny Hicaps & Eftpos. Ph: 5435 2777, 0408693029
AROMATHERAPY Lisa Blainey-Lewin: Qualified Aromatherapist (ITEC) Relaxation Massage, Consultations, Sound Therapy with Crystal Bowls. Weekly Meditations, Workshops. Bridal & Private Groups welcome. Ph: 5494 2155 ext 2, 0422 584 046 –
BEAUTY THERAPISTS & HAIRDRESSERS A little Beauty, Body and Wellness Elements at Montville Customised beauty treatments. Pamper packages. Special occasion & bridal makeup. Massage. Manicures. Pedicures. Devine body treatments.Ph: 5478 6212 Michelle Jarden - Beauty Therapist. Electrolysis, facials, massage, make-up, nails, sauna, spray tanning, tinting, waxing, ear-piercing. 66 Curramore Rd, Witta. Ph: 5494 4012 or Mob: 0402 531 500 Nellies Creative Hair Design I specialise in cutting, colouring, foiling and perming. once voted best hairdresser on the Sunshine Coast and hinterland region. Heaps of parking and wheel chair friendly. 9 Bunya St, Maleny. 0438 785 4 4 3 Honeycomb hairdressing Montville Friendly, experienced senior hairdressers. Affordable quality hairdressing and beauty services. Gift vouchers available. Organic hairdressing products. Call for an apointment: 54 4 2 9 2 6 9 Headin 4 Nails Professional Nail Care. Acrylic & Gel Manicure & Pedicure, using Morgan Taylor & Gelish Soak Off Products 3/466 Maleny- Kenilworth Rd Witta Phone Karen 0418 761 507 The Crooked Fringe Your local hair specialist. We do Waxing for Men and Women, Hair Design, Weddings and Formal Occasions. Open Mon-Sat Ph: 5435 8881 for an appointment 3/466 Maleny-Kenilworth Rd Witta 58
JEANNA MARIEE - ENERGY MENTOR -Emotional Transformation Coach -Life / Personal Mentor -Reiki Master / Practitioner -Personal / Private / Programs / Local Ph: 0466403651
Heartspace Artspace & Counselling-Liz Antcliff. B. Psych. MA. Coun. PG Art Therapy Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Sensorimotor Art Therapy/ Counselling Individuals; Couples & Groups.ACA; ACATA; ANZATA. Maleny/Brisbane P: 0438 1632 55.
Maple Chiropractic Maleny Dr Stephen Lowe & Dr Samuel Lowe 60 years combined experience. Concession rates & HICAPS. Relaxed & friendly atmosphere. 45 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3322
David Anderson - Journey Facilitator I believe in this process. Change your thinking. Achieve your goals, reduce illness, anxiety or depression behaviours. Adults, teenagers and children. 0418 496 574,
Dr. Ralph Stockmann- Dr of Chiropractic USA, Palmer Graduate Medicare & DVA Provider Special interest in difficult & chronic conditions of lower back,neck,knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, wrist & headaches 26 Coral St. Maleny Ph: 0410 793 513
ASTROLOGY Stargazer Astrology - Chirone Shakti Insight into your relationships, family issues, spiritual purpose, life transitions, and your year ahead. Counselling astrologer with spiritual focus. Astrology courses and workshops. ph: 0421 814459, www.
Chirone Shakti – Relationships & Sexuality Counsellor and Holistic Therapist specialising in relationships, sexuality, grief and loss. Discover deeper and more satisfying levels of relating. ph: 0421 814459, email:, web:
Hinterland Chiropractic Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 21 Bunya Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987 John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands-on chiropractic using applied kinesiology. Individual programs available. 19 Coral Street Maleny. Ph: 5435 2155
Dental Centre Maleny Affordable Family Dentistry Open: Mon-Sat. Also, early mornings & late evenings for your convenience. 17 Bunya St, Maleny. Ph: 54 999 722
ENERGY HEALING / SOUND THERAPY John of God Maleny Crystal Light Bed Spirit doctors and saints, like Saint Francis, serve you and your desires with conditional love. Ph: 5499 9476 or 0418 496 574,
COSMETIC TATTOO Cosmetic Tattoo Specialist - Rebecca Rea Dip.BT Advanced Cos T.Para Cert. Featherstroke Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Lips - be beautiful everyday with permanent make up. 9/43 Maple St, 5494 3355 or 0429 874 439
COUNSELLING & LIFE COACHING Counselling - Margaret Davoren B.Nurs.,Mas. Counselling. Think change, think balance & live a rich, full, life. Learn strategies to manage stress, depression, anxiety & relationships. Maleny Physiotherapy, 1/70 Maple St Maleny Ph: 0403 571 572
FENG SHUI FENG SHUI & Astrology. Richard Giles, qualified Feng Shui practitioner. Feng Shui Home/business assessments. EM Radiation & 'dirty electricity' checks. Trained astrologer of 22 years. Shed The Light, Maple Street, Maleny (5499 9003) Thurs or 5435 0158. E:
FIRST AID SERVICES Emergency Planning & First Aid Services Domestic & Commercial Emergency Plan Preparation, Special Event First-Aid Stand-by Services & First-Aid Kit Sales, Workplace Safety Equipment Ph.: 0431 979 347
HOMEOPATHY Ruth Donnelly - Holistic Counsellor Heart-centred approach to healing trauma, building emotional wellbeing. Integrating body psychotherapy, mindfulness, artistic therapies, Reiki, Acutonics, Bush Flower Essences, Dru yoga 0409 564 276,, Margarete Koenning Counselling BA Social Work, Gelstalt Therapist, Psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and, families. Training professionals in family constellation 20 yrs practicing in Maleny, Clinal member of Pacfa. Ph: 5494 2778, 0408 416 041
Pauline Ashford - B. H. Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta Ph: 5494 4101 e:
HYPNOTHERAPY Suzi Lough at Mind Management. For hypnotherapy, Acutonics Vibrational therapy, coaching and more. Phone 0438 050 839 for appointments. "The door to change is always open"
Hinterland Health and Beauty MASSAGE THERAPISTS Specials Full Body Scrubs and massages $50. Head, Neck and Shoulders $30, Foot massage $30, facial $45. Montville Call Andrea 0417 52 3193 Hours 5.30am to 5.00pm. Connective Therapeutics - Hawaiian Massage. Improve Joint Movement, Releases Tight Shoulders, Eases Sciatic and Lower Back Pain. Hot Stone Therapy. Aromatherapy. Access Bars®. Rebecca Hopkins RMT. By Appointment:0415 518 415. Maleny Holistic Health Centre The Stillpoint - Katie White Remedial, Relaxation, Reiki Massage & now Emmett Technique. Reiki Treatments & Workshops. Appts Mon- Sat. HF Rebates. Gift Vouchers. Ph: 0400 722 786 Jenny Lynne – Readings/ Healing/ Transformation. Diamond Light Teacher, Trance Channel, Meditation, Energy Clearing. Discover your soul purpose and the patterns that are blocking you from achieving your purpose. Ph: 5499 9252, 0428 494 497
Kathy Blackburn, Adv Dip Applied Science (Remedial Massage). Remedial/Sports Massage; Traditional Chinese Massage; Lymphatic Drainage; Emmett Technique, Trigger Point & Myofacial Release. “Integrated Bodywork” tailored to your special needs. HF rebates. Ph: 5429 6180
Beautiful Kahuna Massge with Linda. Total blissful relaxation or combo deep tissue (good for tradies/sports/remedial). Practitioner of the healing art EMF Balancing technique. Relax, unwind & balance 7 days. Ph 0457 194 339
KA HUNA Massage Jessica Ainsworth Maleny.Relax your body, relax your mind. Massage with a profound and lasting effect. Certified Level 7 Ka Huna bodyworker and teacher. PH. 54999372 Gayle Roberts Capricorn Relaxation Therapies Reflexology, Pregnancy,Toddler & baby classes. Cross Fibre Mobilisation. Remedial, Indian Head, Tha Foot Massage & more. Lymphatic Drainage. H/fund rebates. Cabin 3, Obi Wholistic Centre 0400 734 757 for appointment
Massage Experienced Diploma Deep or relaxing always nuturing $60 ph. $90 - 90 mins, Readings $50 Bellydance workshops $30 Call Brenda Tahili 0438 358 189 Reeseville
REMEDIAL MASSAGE, SHIATSU Gary Broadhurst : Sanctuary Shiatsu Zen Shiatsu , Acupressure , Balancing Futon mat or seated chair at Holistic Health Centre , room 5/19 Coral St, Maleny Monday & Tuesday – Appts: 0438 972 880
NATUROPATHS Sallyann Stewart - Naturopath, Herbalist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Live Blood Analysis Practitioner Naturopathic clinical testings & assessment, Live Blood Analysis, stress mgmt, digestive issues, children’s health, remedial massage, lymphatic drainage. 19 Coral St, Maleny, 5435 2599/ 0421 410 558, Pascale Richy – Naturopath BHSc Acute & chronic ailments, women’s health, stress management. Evidence based, wholistic & inclusive approach. In depth consultation & naturopathic assessment. Nutrition, Herbal medicine, dietary planning & lifestyle counselling. 2/38 Maple St. Maleny. Ph: 0423 615 413 Laurel Hefferon Naturopath & Herbalist BHSc Colon Hydrotherapy & Ka Huna Bodywork Specialising in herbal & nutritional treatment of adrenal exhaustion, post-viral syndromes & acute & chronic immune conditions. 35 Rosella Rd, North Maleny Ph: 5494 2101 Mob: 0401 750 255 Marisa...Naturally Marisa T Kliese offers a complete Natural Therapy Clinic. Services include, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Professional Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing. Ph: 5494 2627 Tanya Kurzbock naturopath, ThyroFlex practitioner, RBTI analysis. Discover your imbalance and get in the “healingzone”! Free 15min. consult Ph: 5499 9476
NUTRITIONIST Crissy Ciocca - Nutrition Therapist & Educator. Therapy for physical and mental health. Optimum nutrition for your child. Gut biome - its impact on health and vitality. Be the difference to your health with nutritional education., 0448 574 513
OPTOMETRIST Stephen Hammond Optometry and Maleny Optical 44 Lowe Street, Nambour Ph. 5476 2333 Shop 8 Riverside Centre, 8 Maple St, Maleny 4552. Ph. 5435 2733
PHYSIOTHERAPY/OSTEOPATHY Maleny Physiotherapist Tim & Mary Bagshaw. For all of your Physiotherapy requirements. 1/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5494 3911 Eudlo Osteopathy Thomas Whitton. Gentle manipulative therapy for body dysfunction and pain in all ages. 13 Rosebed Street, Eudlo. Ph 5445 9555 Range of Motion Physiotherapy MAPLETON - MONTVILLE - MALENY - IMBIL Russell McDonald & Rae Duffield-Jones. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600
Still Stompin' High/Low Aerobics Dance Classes, every Wednesday 4pm at Maleny Rsl, and Thursday 10am at the Clubhouse, Maleny Grove Retirement Village. U dont stop dancing cause u grow old, u grow old cause u stop dancing! ! For further info call Julie on 0401 037 593.
PSYCHIC READINGS / TAROT PSYCHIC READINGS/TAROT Kerry Laizans: Psychic/Tarot Readings: Sundays on the verandah at the Maleny Markets. Pre-bookings welcome. Online or phone readings available: 0411 488 291 or by email at Tarot Channeller Mary-Lou is now Montville based. 1 hour - $80 plus a free vehicle reading, (showing your present challenge). Hens and group bookings available. Phone 5445 7418 or 0418 912 797
SCENAR THERAPY Pain Relief Specialist Scenar is a non-invasive therapy using electrical impulses to stimulate your nervous system, reducing pain, inflammation and restoring normal function. Ph: Sonia 0488 922 441 or Kerri 0431 938 393
YOGA PILATES AND MEDITATION Melissa's Healing Space - Yoga/ Mindfulness Meditation classes @ Curramore Studio Tues 6 -7.30pm (Gentle yoga), Fri 9.30- 11.15am (General yoga), Fri 11.30 - 12.30pm ( Meditation Class), Fri 12.45-1.45pm (Chair/Gentle yoga) Ph: 0417 200 192 em:
Yoga with Lottie using WEIGHTS For sculpturing,raising metabolism, increased bone density and flexibility. Mon 10.30am,Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 9.30 am. No bookings required. Classes suit all levels of experience. Maleny Showgrounds Pavilion Ph: Lottie 5313 7756 Radiant Light Yoga with Rukmini Wed 6.30-8pm, Peachester Hall NEW CLASS: Thursdays 9.30-11am, @ bDifferent Dance Academy, 23 Coral ST Maleny. Also available- Private Yoga and meditation Classes and Yoga Therapy Ph. Rukmini on 0437 914 029 Maleny Yoga Vrksa Shop 7 Rainforest Plaza, Maple St, Maleny, Fully equipped studio Variety of teachers & classes, Workshops & private tuition, All ages & abilities welcome Ph: 0448 518 734 E: Yoga & Crystal Awareness Training Centre, Mapleton. Radiant Light Yoga Classes, mixed levels, adult & children's classes. DNA Activations, Healings, Entity Removal, Meditation Classes, Crystal Light Healing Practitioner Training. See website for details at or phone Kaatheryn on 0433 945 826.
PERSONAL TRAINER, FITNESS, DANCE Get Active!!! Group Fitness & Personal Training Join me for a fun affordable and social way to achieve a fit and healthy body. All fitness levels welcome, fully qualified trainer. ‘Your Goals Are My Goals’ Email: Rachel Ph: 0423 618 945
Satyananda Yoga at Yoga Sanctuary Mapleton. Gentle class suitable for all levels includes meditation and relaxation and breathing practice and postures Wednesday nights at 7-8.30pm ph: Tara on 0458 064 077
House and Garden LEGAL SERVICES Easton Lawyers Tove Easton Principal Lawyer Your Local Lawyers in Maleny 62 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5494 3511 Email:
Book keeping, Accounting & Tax Trilogy Tax has the expertise to provide clients with solutions for every bookkeeping and accounting need. Ph: : 07 5499 9973 E:
Lember and Williams (the LAW team) Carolyn Williams City Expertise, small town service 6 Coral St, Maleny Ph: 5495 1499 Email:
Brad Drew - Architect 35 years design experience. Design & documentation for both new and existing residential projects. Ph: 5478 5546 Email:
Holden’s Gallery Custom framing by professionals. Items including art, needlecraft, memorabilia, etc. Monday – Saturday10am to 4pm Cnr. Coral & Myrtle St. Maleny Ph: 5494 2100
New computers & repairs. Internet setup & websites. Printers, scanners ,Ink refills, cameras. Authorised Apple reseller. Onsite service. Drop in to discuss you computer needs. Shop 6 Riverside Centre Maleny 5429 6750 or
TRAVEL AGENT Maleny Cruise and Travel aleny Cruise & Travel is a bespoke travel company that has been taking the stress out of travel for over 20 years 39 Maple Street, Maleny Ph: 5499 9111 E:
Parteck Consulting - 33 years experience Civil-Structural Engineers & Environmental Planners. Property Development, Building Inspections & Reports, Structural & foundation Design, Soil, Stability & Wastewater. Locally owned.5494 1368 or 0418 711 408
REAL ESTATE Jacques Fayolle – Local ANZ Mobile Lender My motto is “Customer for Life”. I will visit you, wherever, to secure the home loan best suited to you, and develop an ongoing banker /customer relationship to care for your future needs. Ph: 0408 734 152 or 5437 7311 Email
Sam Archer - BOQ Maleny Remember when having a Bank Manager actually meant having a Bank Manager!!! Here’s my number 5499 9855 or 0407 407 070
The sales and rental experts at Monarch Realty need to be your first stop when looking at real estate in the pleasant and scenic Sunshine Coast Hinterland area. Pauline Coultis 0411 651 991. Shop 4, Maleny Street, Landsborough. Ph: 5 4 9 4 1 5 7 7 Remax Hinterland Nobody in the workd sells more Real Estate than RE/MAX Michale Reck 0447 589 491 Mark Clayton 0409 181 095 2/10 Maple St, Maleny Ph: 5408 4220 Humphries and Fisk Whether you are looking to buy or sell, Ian and Pat, with over 20 years experience on the range would love to share their expert local knowledge with you. Ph: 07 5494 3344, Fax: 07 54943488, 20 Maple Street, Maleny
AIR CONDITIONING Range Airconditioning Lic. No L016305 Supply and installation of high quality, energy efficient, ducted and wall mounted reverse cycle, split air conditioning systems for cooling, heating and de-humidification. Ph Yelma on 5494 3459 or 0421 488 048 Em: Hinterland Air Conditioning & Domestic Refrigeration Located in Palmwoods,Eddie offers a prompt,friendly competitive service.Eddie specializes in all Air Conditioning & Domestic refrigeration work including installations,sales,service,and repairs.. Ph 0429516598
Lic QBSA 1162819. Member Master Builders.
CARPENTRY Patios, decks, renovations, new work All aspects of carpentry from planning to the finished product. All work guaranteed Qld BSA No 103-1105 Phone Steve 0402 167 355
CARPET CLEANING Hale Carpet Cleaning Your locally owned and operated carpet professionals. Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Lounge Suits, Cars, Tile and Grout, Stain removal, Get the Red carpet Treatment Call Brad on 5 4 9 9 9 9 2 6
Range Carpet Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Protection Ph: 5445 7611 or 0418 776 578
Day and Grimes Locally owned, Day & Grimes Mapleton & Hinterland Realty have offered 79 years of integrity, service, friendly professional advice. Experienced , hands on approach. Len Geary 0418 221 281. 34 Flaxton Drive, Mapleton. Ph: 5 4 4 5 7 3 0 4
QGAP Maleny - Maleny Police Station, 49 Maple St Manager -Judy Phipps Mon, Tue, Fri:9am–2pm Ph 5429 6293 New Vehicle Registrations & Housing close 1pm. Dept of Transport & Main Roads, Business Registrations, CTP Insurance, Seniors/Carers Cards, Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates & more. EFTPOS & credit cards.
House and Garden
Paul Randall Cabinetmaker of Maleny New & renovated kitchens & vanities benchtops a speciality - stone, timber & laminated finishes. Home Offices, Wall Units, Wardrobes. Ph: 0432 953 186
Concept IT Systems - reliability & service
Trades & Services ANTENNAS Jim's Antennas Digital & problem reception specialists. Locally owned, servicing the hinterland. Call Craig Titheradge today for a free quote. Ph: 131 546 Merv Schulz Maleny TV Antennas Est business in Maleny and the hinterland for over 30 years. For all your digital TV reception/antenna needs, including satellite installations. Insurance quotes. Friendly reliable service. 0148 774 958, or in the evenings on 54942876
Flash Floor Covering Service is your local, qualified carpet and vinyl and vinyl plank layer. All aspects of laying, repair work and restreching. Call Daniel on 0400 551 730 for a free measure and quote.
CURTAINS AND BLINDS Maleny Curtains and Blinds Free design and consultancy service, Made to measure, indoor and outdoor bespoke window coverings and home accessories. Free Measure and Quote Ph: 0437 373 222
CHAINSAW & TREE WORK All Trees to Chip Tree felling, pruning, lopping, mulching, stump grinding, landscaping & retaining walls, fences etc. Two chippers - 6 inch & 12 inch. Qualified and insured. Phone Rob Milner: 5445 7805 Tony Wootton Tree Surgeon.Dip Hort(Arb) Operating locally since 1996. Tree assessments and advice. Trees and shrubs pruned and detailed. Hazardous trees removed. M 0403 467 664 p 54 944 917
DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL CLEANING External Cleaning - tile & Colorbond roofs, house washing ,mould removal & all surfaces. Obligation FREE quotes – fully insured. For a high quality professional service. Call Jay 0404 707 693
ELECTRICAL Green Energy Electrical
Lic No. 71210
Reliable prompt domestic electrician. Extensions, renovations, maintenance, new homes, safety switches, switchboard upgrades, test & tag, smoke alarms. Solar Grid Connect. Ph: Steven Pilcher for an obligation free quote 0421 162 007 E:
Trades & Services ELECTRICAL (cont)
R V Electrical Lic # 72787 Workshops, Homes, Cottages, Sheds & Renovations, Energy Saving Solutions, LED Lights, Security Lighting. Switchboard Upgrades, Safety Switches, Generator Outlets, Smoke alarms, Solar. For Speedy Diagnostics and Quality Service. Call your local Sparkie Zak on 0413 885 504 email:
FENCING & AUTOMATIC GATES Plan-it Fence & Gateworks servicing locals in the supply of Automatic Gates. Glass & aluminium pool fencing, balustrade & aluminium privacy screens. Prompt reliable service. Ph: Paul for a free quote 0412 698 595 or HonestJohns Fencing for Domestic fencing styles. Timber, Colorbond, Chainwire, Timber Retaining. Free quotes. Have confidence in knowing the man who does the quote, does the job. Smaller jobs, $3300.00 and under.
Furniture Making - Randy DeGraw design maker of fine functional furniture & woodturning to suit your home or office decor. Ph: 5494 4222 for an appointment.
GARDEN MAINTENANCE & MOWING Range Mowing & Gardening Complete mowing and gardening service. Mowing, hedging, edging, tree work, weed control & landscaping. Steep and difficult terrain a speciality - large gardens and small acreage properties. Ph Paul 0413 920 049
GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Sucker Gutter Sucker specialises in cleaning your guttering. a unique portable operation for the efficient and effective removal of leaves and rubbish from all types of gutters and roofs. Phone 1800 558 745 or 0402 456 391
HANDYMAN & HOME MAINTENANCE Montville Handy Man 20 years building experience. All concreting, carpentry, home maintenance and repairs. Prompt and reliable service. Garden Clean -up. Competitive rates. Ph: Wayne 0434 724 030 Hatch's Home Maintenance Qualified Cabinet Maker, 35 years experience. Update * Renew * Repair * Plastering * Cabinets * Tiling * Call John Ph 0404 056 147 QBA Lic. No 1242008
Step n Stone Landscapes All aspects of stonework and landscaping design and construction. Outdoor pizza ovens, fire-pits & fireplaces. Sculpture commissions. No job too big or too small. Ph. John: 5478 6754 or Mob: 0411 426 099
Sky Plumbing & Gas Fitting
Stone on the Range Stuck for ideas? Speak to Jim, he’s an effective communicator. All stonework including raised vegie gardens, creek beds, waterfalls, sculptural features, driveway entrances,walls, steps, fire pits,steep site specialist. Ph: 0401 308 824 Em:
BRUCE MORRIS PLUMBING QBSA lic 456322 24hr emergency service, all plumbing, building,maintenance installation domestic and commercial. Gas installations, septic/ drainage ,hot water, solar, bathroom renovations, leaking roofs. Ph 0410 457 606
Handbuilt Stone Licensed, range-based professional. Traditional rock walls, pillars, steps, paving, entrance walls and all garden features. Visit our website to see previous work for inspiration. Phone Chris on 0438 811 975 QBSA1235589
Montville Auto - Car Service & Repairs All your mechanical needs in one place. Log Book services, Supply , fit and balance tyres, restoration work, engine upgrades and custom builds. 12 Balmoral Rd, Montville. Phone Scott: 5442 9413
305 Landscapes Garden design, construction and cleanups. All landscape aspects. Dingo Hire. View works on gallery page at Operating out of Montville for over 10 years and servicing all areas. Ph: Jamie 0408 722 025. Amber Leaf Landscaping Looking for a landscaper who can deliver? Tohm Hajncl heads the team that offers you guaranteed quality. Choose from landscaping consultations, designs, construction and planting, pre-sale makeovers and specialised maintenance services. Ph: 5445 9801
Guttering, Water Tanks, Filters and Pump Installation. Septic Trenches, Holding Tanks, Blocked Drains. Heat Pumps & Gas Installation. Landlord water reports. Water Hammer solutions Ph: 042 11 66 882 BSA 1078655
MUSHROOM COMPOST Direct from the grower to you The perfect environmentally-friendly garden mulch and soil conditioner. Full ute tipper load. $90 delivered. Phone Gerard: 0407 588 824 or 54 997 273 E:
PUMPS Pumps on the Range Specially added service from Gavin's Plumbing. Problem solving house, spa, garden pump issues, standby pumps available new pump installations, pump servicing, filter installations/replacements. Ph: 5445 7230 Mobile Gavin: 0402 791 058. Dan: 0412 296 454
PAINTING City to Surf Painting & Decorating Re-paints & new work, industrial coatings, decorative finishes, Anti mould coatings. Quality & value for money guaranteed. Servicing the Range & beyond. Phone Richard Daveson: 0418 708 620 BSA 1117847
SKYLIGHTS Skylights - full range to suit most situations. Flue Installations and repairs. Leaks, Flue cleaning, Whirlybird ventilation Jobs to value of $3300 Greg Goozee. Ph: 0416 073 416
PEST CONTROL Top of the Range Pest Management Termite specialists House treatment for general pests. Termite inspections and treatments. Phone: 1300 663 808 or 0411 105 005
SMASH REPAIRS Palmwoods Smash Repairs Panel beating & spray painting by professional tradesmen. Insurance & private work. Direct link to insurance companies. Repair, paint, weld or makeover. All work guaranteed. Ph: 5478 8922
PLANT NURSERIES Brush Turkey Enterprises Wholesale native nursery qlty tubestock. Rainforest, wetland, grasses, sclerophyll, coastal & understorey species. Min. order 100 plants. Open to public by appt. Ph: 5494 3642 or email: Barung Landcare Native Plant Nursery Your local community nursery stocks an extensive range of species indigenous to the Blackall Range and surrounds. Open to the public Wed–Fri 9am–3pm, Sat 9am–12pm Ph: 0429 943 152 Email:
LANDSCAPING & DESIGN Loors Landscaping (est: 1987) From concept to creation all aspects of structural and soft landscaping. Ph: 5445 7615 Mob: 0412 680 801
PLUMBING & WASTEWATER AWS Advanced Wastewater Solutions All plumbing & drainage work. Supply & installation of advanced wastewater treatment systems. Septic conversions. 1 ton excavator for hire. Ph: 0412 858 020 Gavins Plumbing Service All maintenance plumbing, draining, gasfitting, roof & guttering, domestic pump repairs & replacements. Complete wet area renovations. BSA Licence 48654 Ph: 5445 7230 - Mobile: 0402 791 058 All Hinterland areas - 35 years experience Anderson Plumbing & Roofing Plumbing, drainage & roofing. New work, renos, maintenance specialists. Septic systems, blocked drains, high pressure ‘sewer jett’ drain cleaner, drain camera, cable locations, tank installations, roof & guttering. Ph: 5494 3340 or 0409 541 475 QBSA1066328
SOLAR Negawatts Electrical & Solar Power Call us last for a competitive quote. Over 500 local installations. Grid and Off-Grid CEC licensed installer A5100260 Quality European panels and inverter. Gary Phillips Ph: 0407 760 838 All Energy HQ – Solar & battery storage. Locals (since 1989) you can trust, providing only the highest quality products. Solar installations and upgrades - home and businesses Battery storage All Energy HQ - 10 Jeffreys Rd, Glasshouse Mtns - Ph 5438 7200 E: W:
TANK CLEANING Pristine Water Systems Full water tanks cleaned, water testing and correction, filtration - Free appraisals Ph: Trevor 0404 302 723
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT SERVICES Tom’s Wildlife Management Service 18 years’ experience in mgmt and removal of problem native wildlife. Brush turkeys, magpies, butcher birds, plovers, possums, and more. Qld Parks & Wildlife registered permit holder. Ph: 5494 4590, Mob: 0437 279 505, E:, W:
What’s on in ...
JUNE 2015
Montville Chamber of Commerce, 5.30pm Members Meeting at Gypsy’s Table. Come along and discover how we are helping small business in your region. rsVP:
Eckankar present HU Chant and discussion with a spiritual theme, 6 – 7.30pm, free - every Wednesday. Maleny neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane (off Coral st) 0429 957 989
4,18 Busy Needles 5
Queensland Country Women's Association Maleny Branch members meet 9.30am, and get-together for chat, crafts and coffee at 7.30pm, 1 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny. all are welcome to attend to share in friendship, activities and community service. Contact: Cynthia 5499 9639 Range Cancer Support Group, learn about Cancer Council Queensland resources and support services from guest speaker Clare Howard, 12.30 to 2.30pm, neighbourhood Centre, 17 Bicentenary Lane, Maleny. enjoy a shared lunch, beverages will be provided. Contact: 5494 2138 or Children’s author Kate Curtis signing her bilingual book “The King and the Tree / el rey y el arbo”, children’s activities related to conservation and permaculture for gold coin donation. Crystal Waters Market, 8am-1pm Connect Hearing - eat, Play Connect expo, Maleny Grove , 10am to 3pm, see Tonia Todman cooking demonstration with produce fresh from the Maleny Grove village vegetable garden as well as products from Maleny Dairies and Maleny Cheese, music, a BBQ run by the Lions Club, plant stall, all welcome
Gardening on the Edge, start at Maleny showgrounds and see six private gardens, music, art and delicious food
Sunshine Coast World Environment Day Festival
Queen's Birthday public holiday
The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre will be the venue for Dr. Bob's June workshop on "Learned Helplessness - Why Traditional Parenting Creates so Many Unhappy Parents" 9.30-11.30am. rsVP: 5435 2504
Mooloolah Valley Playgroup helping children grow, 9.30am-11am, osHC, Kings road, Mooloolah Valley, babies to pre-school-aged children
GET THE SKETCHBOOK HABIT Sunday 21st June Learn how to research, record, experiment and develop more creativity and imagination by starting a working sketchbook. Details: or 0407 238 026 RELIEF PRINTMAKING WITHOUT A PRESS Sunday 28th June Learn 4 “pressless” printing processes using simple, affordable materials and easy techniques. Details: or 0407 238 026
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015
Emergency housing conversation, 9.30am, Maleny neighbourhood Centre
Margaret Kirman free demonstration of the use of acrylic paints and mediums and the new atelier Fast Flow range. Maleny Business Centre lecture room, next door to Holden’s Gallery. refreshments and a ‘goody bag’, limited places, rsVP 5494 2100 or email
Market Day, 11am-1pm, nambour special school, 70 Windsor road, nambour. Food rides, toys, books, clothing and more
HU Chant and discussion with a spiritual theme, 9.3011.30am, arts and ecology Centre, Maroochy Botanical Gardens, Tanawha. Take the Tanawha Forest Glen Tourist Drive, follow the Botanic Gardens signs.,,
Seniors Citizens meeting
New release Minion Movie fundraiser: see C&K Mooloolah Kindy
Walk on the Wildside - walk around Mt Tibrogargan and hear the legend of the Glasshouse Mountains, meet in the Glasshouse Mts national Park at the foot of Mt Tibrogargan at 8.45 for a 9am start. The walk is about 3.5km and is quite easy, no climbing. raine: 0412 031 880
Garage Sale at the Maleny Catholic Church 7am, Lots of interesting items. Books and furniture
Maleny Golf Club opens!
End of Financial Year Party, Blackall range Care Group, Quiz and Fun Day at the Cottage
Eudlo Car and Motorcycle Show, 9am-2pm eudlo state school
Sunshine Coast and Hinterland Branch Society for Growing australian Plants, 2pm meeting, nambour. or 5494 9187
A Village Wedding Expo at Montville Village Hall 9am-4pm. enjoy the fantastic scenery travelling to and from the beautiful village of Montville. Come and connect with a host of wedding industry professionals all on the one day.
High Tea Fundraiser, Montville Village Hall during the a Village Wedding expo, 10am–2pm enjoy home-baked delights, fresh sandwiches, freshly brewed tea, Montville Coffee, traditional lemonade, savoury or sweet plates also available
3–12 ‘Little things’ – an exhibition of miniature artworks. 17 Corbett Lane, Conondale. BBQ lunch saturday, Free entry.
Australian Hibiscus Society Inc, sunshine Coast Branch Monthly Meeting - 10am Morning Tea, Meeting 10.30am, Woombye school arts
3-5 Celebration of Books, Maleny
Entries close for Mary Valley Art Festival: 5484 3010, email or visit
Easton Lawyers in Maleny will head the discussion on the importance of Wills, advanced Health Directives, enduring Power of attorneys, and will answer your relevant questions,10am – 12.00 noon, Community Centre, sunstone Gardens
Tuition and Workshops CREATING IMAGE TRANSFERS Sunday 14th June Make a variety of transfers that work on a range of surfaces – an easy way to incorporate complex images into your art. Details: or 0407 238 026
12, 13, 14 Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show
6-7 Grand Art Sale, exhibition and sale Maleny High school activities Centre, Bunya street, Maleny, 9am-4pm 6,7,8 Sunshine Coast Motorcycle Club event, Conondale
Blackall Range Care Group Lawn Bowls at Woombye Bowls Club, lunch at Woombye Pub
Beatrice Gersch with trophies won as the Grand Champion Hibiscus Bloom and Champion Single Hibiscus Bloom at the Hibiscus Spectacular
Our Vintage Affair, dinner dance, Montville Village Hall see more at: a-vintage-affair/#sthash.emuM6LJ9.dpuf
6-7 Tea for two Kenilworth Quilt and Craft show, Kenilworth Community Hall, opposite school, admission $4, browse through the quilts and handcrafts, wheelchair access, morning, afternoon teas and lunch available: 5446 0131
3-5 Young Musician's Festival, Lucas Parklands 5
Muscle on the Mountain, Maleny showgrounds
18-19 Montville Camellia Festival, Camellia Competition, Quilt show, stalls, art exhibition, Devonshire Teas
Please email your community events to with subject heading What's On.
JUNE 2015 SINGING LESSONS Spark the creative fire!! Learn to play and sing a favourite tune at a party, perform in front of a crowd or just for yourself call Cardie: 0400 101 797
ACT 4 Change Now Mindfulness Courses for Managing stress, anxiety and Depression, incorporates evidence-based practices of acceptance Commitment Therapy. evening classes: 2 hours over 8 weeks. $395. Medicare and Health Fund rates available. Maleny Psychology: 5435 2301
Richard Knight furniture workshop one-day workshops making funky functional furniture. identify suitable materials & create your own unique piece using simple wood-working tools. Materials & lunch included $150. Ph: Richard: 5422 9291 Gift vouchers.
LEARN TO PLAY YOUR FAVOURITE SONGS ON GUITAR OR UKULELE Beginner to Intermediate - All Ages! $25 for 40 mins at my Maleny home. Learn with a friend for cheaper rates. Contact aleathea for more info. 0407 741 840 LEARN THE UKULELE and join the group sing-along in a fun, friendly, inclusive environment. everyone welcome! Thursday evenings, 6pm-7:30pm $8 per person @ The Clubhouse, Maleny Grove, 9 Palm street, Maleny. Contact aleathea for more info. 0407 741 840 PIANO TUITION , MALENY, available, as1/2 hour sessions at my home in Maleny or your home. Learn for fun - all styles, incl jJazz, Dance, Ballroom, Liturgical, Contemporary or Classical. exams to grade 8 for aMeB, Trinity College or ansCa. 35 years exp as a Church organist, Band Musician & teacher. Ph Peter 0407 444 767 or 5499 9048
Make your workshop a success From as little as $33.00 an issue. List your workshop here by phoning 5499 9049 or
$799 EA
$3599 EA
$4499 EA
$4499 EA
$4299 EA
$3499 EA
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$4999 EA
$1999 6pk
$1999 6pk
$7999 EA
$6499 EA
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$3499 EA
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$4099 EA
$3499 EA
$3399 EA
HinTerLanD TiMes – JUne 2015