Feel the power of you.
Adults with Special Needs Pat Adams, Assistant Manager 763-506-1262
The Adults with Special Needs program (also known as “Project Power�) provides specialized classes for adults with disabilities.
In the 2016-17 school year, 3,108 participants enrolled in Project Power classes (approximately 90 percent of the participants were ages 19-54; and 20 percent were ages 55 and older).
Program Community education serves adults with disabilities in a variety of community education activities and classes and provides educational, recreational and social activities for participants. Programs and services are offered in diverse styles and formats, reflecting the needs of each community. Each year, these programs empower many people with disabilities to contribute positively to their community as employees, volunteers, citizens and leaders. Specialized classes include skill development, health/safety, arts, trips, team sports/athletics, recreation, general interest, special events and community service.
Interpreters were provided at 151 class events to ensure program access and integration for all deaf or hard of hearing adults.
Funding 2016-17 Funding (Actual): State Aid Participant Fees Grants Adults with Special Needs Levy TOTAL
$ $ $ $ $
36,264 55,611 5,000 30,000 126,875
Most participants have limited funds to spend for educational and leisure activities. Increased staffing and event costs have resulted in participants taking fewer classes and having to make difficult choices on which to take.
Participation at or above capacity in most classes, provides opportunities for learning and community connections not otherwise available.
We continue to provide programming for vast differences in disabilities, some participants seek more competitive/challenging classes, while the program aims to be inclusive of all abilities. In addition, the program has experienced increased costs for interpreters for deaf/hearing impaired participants, and many participants cannot attend due to lack of transportation.
Giving participants a sense of belonging to a larger group beyond their immediate family or group home. Service opportunities offer participants the ability to give back to their communities in ways that bring them joy. In addition, the program provides opportunities to participants to learn about the needs of others, and understanding the benefit of contributing to the well-being of others.
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