Where community begins and grows.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Beth Yokom, Assistant Manager 763-506-1266
Mission ECFE is a parenting and early childhood education program for families with children ages birth to five years of age. The program provides relevant information and research to parents so they can support the healthy growth and development of their children.
Program Classes and events are held each year at locations in Andover, Anoka, Coon Rapids and Brooklyn Park. ECFE services include classes; home visits; teen parent groups; supervised visitation services for Anoka County Child Protection; outreach efforts to English Learners (EL); WIC clients; parent education events with expert speakers; in-home day care provider support and information; and parent resource lending libraries.
Parents and children attend ECFE activities together. Program components include activities for parents and children to enjoy together, parenting education, including information, resources, a community of support, and learning activities for children. ECFE services are available in the daytime, evening and on Saturdays to accommodate a wide range of family schedules. Licensed early childhood and parent education teachers conduct all services. A sliding fee scale is available to ECFE clients. No family is turned away due to an inability to pay.
Participants ECFE welcomes all families with children ages birth to five years of age. During the 2016-17 school year, 8,047 children and 7,245 parents (unduplicated count) participated in ECFE activities.
2016-17 Funding (Actual): State Aid ECFE Levy/Home Visiting Levy Participant Fees/Grants/Fundraising TOTAL
Children who are supported and encouraged at home and in their educational settings show better educational outcomes. Parents that are interested and involved with their child’s lifelong learning foster better schools and stronger communities.
$ 1,596,235 $ 766,552 $ 168,489 $ 2,513,276
Challenges ECFE works hard to provide support to meet the specific needs of families to help them achieve full program participation, including interpreters for families who speak a language other than English; services and support for parents and children with special needs and mental health issues; safe transportation to classes for families without a car or money for gas and insurance; and connecting families to resources for housing, food and medical assistance as needed.
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Data from a recent Anoka-Hennepin assessment shows that 98 percent of parents reported that participating in ECFE helped improve their parenting, and made a positive difference in their child’s behavior and learning.