Learning and fun in your own backyard.
Youth Programs Sandra Bengtson, Program Supervisor 763-506-1263
Mission Youth programs through Community Education provide a wide range of dynamic, quality enrichment and recreational programs in safe and accessible environments which engage and empower students by enhancing their physical, social and cognitive growth.
Program Aquatics – Provides year round swimming lessons (infant through adult), recreational swimming, lifeguard training, water exercise and safety programs.
Youth Development/Service – Provides high school students with opportunities to participate in service opportunities, leadership, enrichment and career awareness activities; supports community-based collaborations that focus on positive youth development; provides integration support services for youth with disabilities. Wellness – Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) grants provide training and resources to support healthy eating and physical activity for Anoka-Hennepin students both during and outside the school day.
Community Schools – Provides after-school, evening, weekend, non-school day and summer classes and activities for preschool, elementary and middle school youth and their families. Includes enrichment, recreation and middle school athletics; provides support for community access to school facilities.
• Students in preschool through grade twelve.
Access to programming: Providing affordable, high quality programming with the limited ability to offer scholarships to student in financial need when funding has not increased in twenty years.
• Enrollment of 127,230 registrations in activities. • 81,150 hours of youth service completed through community education programs.
Funding 2016-17 Funding (Actual): Participant Fees Community Education Levy City Funds Youth Service Levy Grants TOTAL
$ 978,638 $ 1,000,198 $ 163,288 $ 235,680 $ 15,712 $ 2,393,516
Outcomes Youth programs offered through Community Education support the positive development of youth by providing classes and activities, especially between the critical hours of 3-6 p.m. Youth programs support students in developing new skills and knowledge, decision making capabilities, and leadership skills. Youth service programs provide opportunities for students to connect with and address the needs of their local and global community.
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