RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) Part 1 - Logistics Unit Title: Empathy in your Own Backyard
Problem/Issue/Theme: Students need to learn empathy. Students in today’s world are experiencing large amounts of anxiety and stress, leading to disconnection and depression. These two outcomes are in direct correlation with a lack of empathy. We believe that it is important to address this issue in the Middle Years as students of this age are so very dependent on their peers, often searching for approval. If we help students understand where others are coming from, and the emotions and feelings of their peers and community, feelings of self-worth, significance, and virtue will begin to increase. It has been proven time and again that selfesteem is linked directly to a positive mindset and a positive mindset can leave a person feeling like they can tackle the world. This increase in self-esteem will also help boost academic success, which students strive for. Particularly in the Middle Years, bullying is a major issue. To step in the shoes of another may help curb this phenomenon and bring greater understanding and empathy toward others. It is our goal to share the idea of empathy with students in hopes that together we can create a more peaceful and kind world. At the end of the unit, students will have had chances to experience feelings of empathy, relating better to their world, and in turn, feeling more positively of themselves, as well. “Educating the heart is as important as educating the mind.” Curriculum Areas/Topics: English Language Arts - Connecting ideas and personal experiences through oral, media, and text language Mathematics - Statistics Health - Self-esteem, self-worth, helping others, body image Social Studies - Global connections; culture and community ICT - Information and Communication Technology Rationale: The main goal of our unit plan is to create awareness to the students about empathy and how they can demonstrate empathy in their world. We believe that this theme will enable students to develop the following skills: taking initiative within their community, school, home and social media, develop understanding, be kind to one another, and care. These skills will be learned through the concepts of homelessness, bullying, and culture and community. The concept of empathy will embody transferable ideas like: helping others, wanting to be the change, and making a difference. Empathy is an ongoing issue, a focusing theme, and an authentic problem that the students will have to explore. Empathy is not always obvious to the students as they may already be empathetic or not empathetic without knowing it. This unit will bring different perspectives on empathy. We take into consideration that some students are in circumstances where they may live in poverty, may be getting bullied or are being the bully, and/or may have different cultures therefore, we will be conscious of how we will bring theses issues to the class. Part 2 – Desired Results Learning Outcomes: (Literacy, Numeracy, subject areas)
Language Arts General Outcome 1 1.1 Discover and Explore Experiment with language and forms • discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding 1.2 Clarify and Extend
Instructional Designer(s): Andreanne Tremblay Aimee Roste Tracy Knecht Heather Lightbown Driving Question/ Inquiry Question: What can you do to make a difference?
Grade: 7
Duration: 3 weeks Time Period: Month of November We choose this period of time because of Remembrance Day and leading to the Christmas holidays. We also choose this month because students will get the chance to practice empathy within the school throughout the remainder of the year. Students’ learning can carry over to May 4 (Anti-Bullying day). ***Remind student of Pink Shirt Day for anti-bullying: February 25
Cross-curricular competencies: Cross-Curricular Competencies: A: Know how to learn - to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study and interaction with others A1 Develop a resourceful and resilient learner identity through reflective practices A2 Optimize the development of new knowledge, understanding and skills through experiences, interaction and exploration. B: Think Critically - conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) Combine ideas • use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences General Outcome 5 5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community Appreciate diversity • explain how differing perspectives and unique reactions expand understanding Celebrate accomplishments and events • select and use appropriate form and tone for specific audiences to celebrate special events and accomplishments Use language to show respect • demonstrate respect for diverse ideas, cultures and traditions portrayed in oral, print and other media texts 5.2 Work within a Group Cooperate with others • contribute collaboratively in group situations, by asking questions and building on the ideas of others •take responsibility for assuming a variety of roles in a group, depending on changing contexts and needs Work in groups • contribute ideas, knowledge and questions to establish an information base for research or investigations •assist in setting and achieving group goals by inviting others to speak, suggesting alternatives, assigning tasks, sharing resources, following up on others’ ideas and listening to a variety of points of view Evaluate group process • evaluate group process and personal contributions according to pre-established criteria to determine strengths and areas for improvement Math: (Statistics-Data Analysis) 2. Determine the effect on the mean, median and mode when an outlier is included in a data set. [C, CN, PS, R] 3. Construct, label and interpret circle graphs to solve problems. [C, CN, PS, R, T, V] [ICT: P2–3.3] (Patterns) 2. Create a table of values from a linear relation, graph the table of values, and analyze the graph to draw conclusions and solve problems. [C, CN, PS, R, V] Health: (Wellness/Relationship/Life Learning) W–7.7 analyze the definition, effects and possible consequences of various forms of harassment W–7.8 analyze and appreciate differing personal perspectives on safety; e.g., physical, emotional, social safety W–7.10 identify and examine potential sources of physical/emotional/ social support W–7.11 identify characteristics of resiliency; e.g., problem solving skills, positive self-esteem, social bonding R–7.4 analyze and practise constructive feedback; e.g.,giving and receiving
to construct knowledge B1 Cultivate abilities to think critically B2 Develop qualities of critical thinking H: Demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others H1 Communicate effectively or empathetically with audiences of diverse backgrounds H2 Build community through collaboration, leadership and valuing diversity J. Identify and apply career and life skills - through personal growth and well-being J1 Take personal responsibility to identify and apply career and life skills through personal growth and well-being.
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) R–7.8 analyze the potential effects of belonging to a group, team, gang L–7.3 differentiate between choice and coercion in decision making for self and others; e.g., demonstrate a willingness to accept “no” from others L–7.6 examine factors that may influence future life role/ education/career plans; e.g., technology, role models L–7.7 determine and use knowledge and skills of the class to promote school and community health Social Studies: (Global connections; culture and community) SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AS A DEMOCRATIC PRACTICE Students will: 7.S.5 demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building: • assume various roles within groups, including roles of leadership where appropriate
7.S.6 develop age-appropriate behaviour for social involvement as responsible citizens contributing to their community: • support and participate in activities and projects that promote the well-being and meet the particular needs of their community
Information and Communication Technology: (Practice with technology) ICT: Students will: C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies: 3.5 analyze and synthesize information to create a product 3.6 communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through appropriate forms, such as speeches, letters, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies for content, audience and purpose C.6 Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems: 3.2 identify the appropriate materials and tools to use in order to accomplish a plan of action C.7 Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning: 3.2 make connections among related, organized data, and assemble various pieces into a unified message F.6 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies: 3.1 connect and use audio, video and digital equipment 3.3 demonstrate proficiency in uploading and downloading text, image audio, and video files 3.4 demonstrate the ability to control devices electronically Knowledge:
What knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit? Think: Nouns! Ex: Vocabulary, definitions, facts, formulas, critical details, important events or people, sequence and timelines, etc
What should students be able to do? What behaviors will they exhibit? Think: Verbs! Ex: Thinking skills (compare, infer, analyze, interpret),
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
● Vocabulary regarding empathy, homelessness, community, bullying, different cultures ● Creating formulas for a graph, for calculating percentage ● Introduce students to Tom Raba (guest speaker) ● The main philosophers that contribute to empathy in the world ( Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, etc.) ● Acquire knowledge about the Canadian Food Guide ● Gain self-reflection practice ● Learn how to show empathy in our world ● Understand difference between sympathy and empathy ● Acquire knowledge on how to have a positive online
Define empathy Describe what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes Organize a field-trip at a soup kitchen (volunteering) Create awareness about bullying within the school Write a blog about bullying Formulate hypothesis on how we can reduce homelessness/bullying Role-play different socio-economic positions ( to help them develop a better understanding of empathy for others) ● Collaborate with the community, with your peers, and with your family ● Compare and contrast socio-economic positions ● Compare and contrast empathy VS sympathy ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) presence ● Gain experience with Web 2.0 tools
● ● ● ● ● ●
Estimate how many homeless people there is in their city Calculating statistic about bulliness and homelessness Calculating for field-trips cost (food being donated) Relate to others needs Construct evidences of their learning Critical thinking and problem solving about how can we teach empathy to ourselves and others.
Part 3 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task /Culminating Activity What authentic, relevant task will allow students to show what they've learned during the unit? In the space below, include all elements of GRASPS, including success criteria (based on learner outcomes). At the bottom of this section, describe the scenario or situation (in paragraph form) that will require students to apply their knowledge and skills to demonstrate their learning in a real-life situation. Attach your performance task rubric to your unit plan. G - Goal : Students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of empathy though their creativity and own choice of medium. Students will meet the main outcomes in their performance task provided to them via a checklist provided by the teachers. We hope that students will transfer their learning of empathy and use it in other situations, not only during this unit. We hope that students will use this realistic concept and apply it in new situations for the rest of their lives. R – Role : Students will be performing various roles depending on their piece of assessment. They could be participating in an empathetic situation in which they take the role of acting out a scenario and showing what they learned through that scenario, they could create an assessment piece that teaches the public what they have learned through raising awareness, or they could show their empathy in the community. Students will also take a role of reflecting upon their learning during this unit of empathy by completing a self-reflection after sharing and watching their peer’s performances. A – Audience: Teacher, peers, public, parents, administration S – Situation: Students will complete a performance of an authentic portrayal of empathy P – Product, Performance: Teachers will give students options of ways to display their understanding of empathy and they will be able to choose the performance task of their choice.. Teachers will provide an example of the performance as well. The teachers will also provide an outline for the project with the rubrics. checklists. and proposal attached. S – Success criteria : What do they to include/do/show? Checklist GRASPS performance task: The students will create a video with 3 other peers. The video will portray the theme of the unit; empathy. Here are some various options the students may explore for the content of their video: 1. A video of a story about empathy 2. A video to raise awareness about bullying 3. A video that displays empathy within the community (a good deed) The students will be randomly grouped. The students will be evaluated on the group work as well as individually with a self-reflection letter. The group assessment requires students to work positively with others, to have individual accountability, to have equal participation, and finally to have simultaneous interaction. The videos will be presented to peers, the teachers, the administration, the parents, and the community at the end of the unit. After watching the videos of their peers and discussing how our view on empathy has evolved from the beginning, students will be asked to do a self-reflection. Self-reflection: there will be an individual part and there will be a self-assessment on the group work. Self-Assessment of the Individual: 1. In your own words, what is empathy? 2.List at least one way your definition of empathy change from the first day we talked about it. 3. What actions have you followed through on empathy since the beginning of the unit? 4. In your daily life how are you going to show empathy? 5. What is the most interesting thing you have learned about empathy? 6. Write one question you have about empathy. Self-Assessment of the Group: 1. How did I contribute to the group? 2. Express how my peers contributed equally. 3. I showed that I was open minded to other ideas by... Assignment Rubric of self-assessment
Other Evidence: How will you gather evidence of learning through the unit? List your formative, summative and student self-assessment ideas. These may include work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means for students to demonstrate achievement of outcomes. Formative Assessment: → Ongoing journals/blogs → Listening to students to observe their involvement in class discussions → Think, pair, shared → Interactive learning → Exit Pass →Graphic organizer → Mind Maps → Multimedia presentation → Quizzes (2) Summative Assessment:
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) → Checklist for authentic performance task → Video: Performance task → Rubric to evaluate the performance task Self-Assessment: → Ongoing journals/blogs → Self-assessment regarding group work on an individual basis throughout the planning of the performance task → Self-assessment regarding your role in the performance task → Self-reflection on the entire unit, done after the summative assessment → EQ test → Rubric for self-assessment on the performance task
Part 4 – Learning Plan What teaching and learning experiences will you use to achieve the learning outcomes in Part 2 and prepare them for the assessment tasks in Part 3? What will the sequence of instruction be for this unit? In the space below, indicate how you will grab student attention through an introductory activity (anticipatory set for the unit). Entry Event - “Empathy in your Own Backyard” The entry event mimics a talk show which brings in a guest speaker - Tom Raba. Tom Raba is an important member to our community as he does a lot of work with Red Deer Line of Hope which is group of people who provide clothes and food to the homeless. This talk show asks him questions regarding the work he does for the homeless people of Red Deer and gives the opportunity for the “audience” (students) to ask him questions as well. In this entry event, there are multiple instructional strategies such as: graphic organizer, guest speaker, movement, music, technology, visuals, role-play, discussion, cooperative learning, and humor. This goal of this event is to get students excited about the unit, keep them engaged, and provide them with a brief overview of what is upcoming within the unit including bullying and cultural awareness. Le ss on # 1. (2 da ys )
Learning Outcome (Curriculum)
Learning Activities (Instruction) (Include instructional strategy + what students will be doing)
Assessment (FOR/OF/AS)
Language Arts
Homelessness Indirect Instruction - Reflecting on guest speaker-Writing and Journal -Defining homelessnessa.Definition- Summarizing and note taking b. Cause/effects -Graphic Organizer c. compare and contrast (class discussion)- picture of 2 different people. -Similarities and differences -Analyze statistic of homeless people within the community(math) -Generating hypothesis
Think-pairshare (For)
1.2 Clarify and Extend -Combine ideas 5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community -Appreciate diversity -Use language to show respect
Social Studies 7.S.6
Health W–7.8 W–7.10 R–7.8 L–7.3 L–7.6
Journal Reflecting (As)
Resources / Materials (equipment, textbooks, technology, multimedia, etc.) Music:
We are here Work sheet: Graphic organizer for compare and contrast. Data: homeless in Canada
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Music 3. Technology 4.Visual
Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 B2 2.
ICT: C.1- 3.5 C.6- 3.2 F.6- 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 Cross-Curricular Competencies: A2
3. (2 da ys
Language Arts: 5.2 Work within a Group -Cooperate with others
Getting familiar with technology Direct/Indirect 1. Teacher explain how to use camera 2. Student have free time to explore with camera 3. Teacher show how to upload video 4. Student get familiar with screencast
Traffic Lights; How are we understandin g screencast (For)
How to Make a Screencast - Tutorial Camera Computer
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Technology 2. Movement 3. Visual 4. Cooperative learning 5. Manipulative Field trip Indirect/ Experimental Discussion on Field Trip/Help with Breakfast Program. Discussion and brainstorming -
Grocery store with budget from teacher ($25)
Graphic organizer (For)
Canadian Food Guide
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) )
Math: (Patterns) Outcome 2
If not in walking distance to a store, supply flyers. (Math)
Class discussion regarding the how and why the Breakfast Program benefits others
Social Studies: 7.S.6
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Field trip, movement, real-world problem solving, graphic organizer -
Students get into groups and create a menu from the canada food guide. Separate groups: eg. Fruit/veg, soups, drinks, making sure that the Food Guide is satisfied. (Health)
Cooperative learning, discussion and brainstorming, visuals, -
Teacher shops for the food and students help construct it for the soup kitchen (Health and Math/Food) Students who have a signed permission form will go to the soup kitchen, students who do not have a signed permission form/cannot go will participate in helping in different related places like the breakfast program
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1.Field trip 2.Movement 3.Real-life problem 4.Nonlinguistic representation
Language Arts: 1.1 Discover and Explore -Experiment with language and forms 1.2 Clarify and Extend -Combine ideas
ICT: C.1 - 3.5 C.1 - 3.6 C.6 - 3.2 F.6 - 3.1 F.6 - 3.4
Self-Reflection, Start of Screencast Indirect Writing and journaling (via blog), Cues and questions ● blog (on previous day) ● create screencast
BlogReflection (For/As)
Blogging site Screencast
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Technology 2. Visual 3. Movement 4. Storytelling via screencast 5. Music
Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 A2 B1 B2 J1 5.
Health: W–7.8
Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 B1
Differentiating Emotions Collaborative
● pictures shown of particular emotions, students write on whiteboards what they think the the emotion is -Include compare and contrast between 2 pictures. ● Analyze underlying cause beyond emotions: Teacher directed as delivering the content- Move on too: Student directed with role play. ● EQ test
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1.Technology 2. Humour 3. Games 4. Manipulative
1.EQ test (As) 2.Prompt with white board/Know it - Show it (For)
EQ test
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3)
Language Arts:
5.2 Work within a Group Cooperate with others Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 B1 B2 H1 J1
7. (2 da ys )
W–7.7 W–7.8 W–7.10 W–7.11 R–7.4 R–7.8 L–7.3 L-7.7 Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 B1 B2 H1 J1
Language Arts: 5.2 Work within a Group -Cooperate with others
Health: L–7.6
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
5. Movement 6. Visual 7. Compare and contrast Difference between Empathy and Sympathy Direct/Inquiry ● 10 reasons why it matters questions (groups) ● Empathy is: walking a mile in someone else’s moccasins, sympathy is being sorry their feet hurt. Rebecca O’Donnell (Students come up their own metaphors) ● Janessa’s idea: who would you help? How far would you go? Across the world? ● Watch video and try to answer the question you have formulated . Finding cues Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Cooperative learning 2. Brainstorming 3.Formulating questions 4. Visual 5. Hypothesis Bullying/Social Media Direct ● focus on the positive ● group skit or choice of retelling ● talk about challenge day ○ Discuss WHY people make the choices they do: Bystanders ● kind campaign - resiliency ● Positive online presence ○
Teaching Cell Phone Etiquette
Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1.Role Play 2.Visual 3.Technology 4.Brainstorming and discussion 5.Multimedia presentation 6. Cues and questions Buddy Lesson teaching younger students about bullying Indirect/Experimental ● Join an elementary class to teach them about bullying ● Build awareness with the younger ones ● Older students teach how to be a good mentor/ positive influence around the school ● Build a poster around bullying that will be hung all over the school walls Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1.Cooperative learning 2.Drawing/artwork 3.Summarizing/note-taking 4.Classroom field trip 5.Visuals 6.Technology
Language Arts:
Cultural Awareness
-Use language to show respect
Health: W–7.8 W–7.10 W–7.11
Summary Writing (For)
Empathy in Leadership - 10 Reasons Why it Matters - Article Brene Brown on Empathy - Video
Quiz: Matching situation, is it empathy or sympathy? (For)
Interactive Writing (For/As) Retellings (For) Multimedia Presentation (For)
Look Up - Video Teaching Cell Phone Etiquette - Article 10 Terrific Ways to Use One iPad or iPhone in the Classroom - Article
○ Student’s choice: Create a small multimedia representation from choices given, or create your own
B2 H1 H2 J1
5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
Accountable Talk (For/As)
● Tashi and the Monk documentary +Class discussion: think/pair/share +Quiz on documentary Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Visual 2.Cues and question 3.Class discussion
Poster (For) Exit pass (For)
Poster Paint Paint Brush Internet for research/ ipad/ or laptop
Mind-maps (For)
Documentary Trailer
Quiz: on the documentary MC + short answer (For)
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) R–7.8 L–7.6
10 .
Cross-Curricular Competencies: B1 B2 J1 Language Arts: 1.2 5.1 Health: W–7.11 Social Studies: 7.S.6 Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 A2 B2 H1
11 .
Language Arts: 5.2 Work within a Group -Cooperate with others -Work in groups
Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 B1 B2 J1
12 ,1 3, 14 , 15
Language Arts: 5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community -Celebrate accomplishments and events 5.2 Work within a Group -Cooperate with others -Work in groups -Evaluate group process
ICT: C.1 - 3.5 C.1 - 3.6 C.6 - 3.2 F.6 - 3.1 F.6 - 3.3 F.6 - 3.4
Cross-Curricular Competencies: A1 A2 B1
Think/pair/sh are (For)
Skype in the Classroom
● Skyping with a class from Africa -Prior to Skyping, students must come up with a critical question for the African Students. (as a group/4) -Students write the question in their journal. -Choose best question -Student must be ready to answer questions that they may receive. ● Reflection with no WORDS (eg. Draw a picture, do a tableau, do dance) Nonlinguistic representation ● Write a letter to a student in Africa.- This is a hand written letter as it will be more meaningful. ● Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1.Cooperative learning 2.Drawing/artwork 3.Summarizing/note-taking 4.Virtual field trip 5.Visuals 6.Technology Conclusion
● Kid President video again ● compare/contrast thoughts about empathy at the beginning of unit vs. now ● Tweet the answer to the driving question ● Compare wordles Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Visual 2.Technology 3.Compare and contrast 4. Graphic Organizer 5. Movement 6. Music Assessment: Indirect Student will have 4 classes to create their 2 minute video Instructional Strategies observed in this lesson: 1. Cooperative learning 2. Technology 3. Visuals 4. Movement 5. Role Play 6. Multimedia Presentation
Journal Writing (For)
Skype in the Classroom
Reflection (As)
Sticky note activity (For) Tweets (For/As)
Wordle Twitter - devices Kid President video Music: Imagine-John Lennon
Performance video (Of) Selfreflection (As)
Technology ( cam recorder ) computers
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) B2 H1 H2 J1
What resources could you potentially use to enhance the unit and broaden the student experience and understanding about your topic? Consider audio, visual, technology, literature and community. Use APA formatting for your resources. Audio (songs, music/sound effects, etc.)
Bareilles, S. (2014, May 13). Brave [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQsqBqxoR4 Keyes, A. (2014, September 15). We Are Here [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrKmDgk8Edg Jackson, M. (2008, September 20). Man in the Mirror [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5vz6iwV38UZs Johnson, J. (2008, September 13). My Own Two Hands[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlLchBxn0pw Michaelson, I. (2011, April 5). Everybody [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkmMzKIFNyo Lennon, J. (2008, December 31). Imagine [Video
Visual (movies, videoclips, posters, pictures, etc.
file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVg2EJvvlF8 Latifah, Q. (2014, November 4). Changing the World, one Word at a Time[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YshUDa10JYY Ruffalo, M. (2011, October 14). Sesame Street: Mark Ruffalo: Empathy [Video file]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1Rt1R4xbM Soul, P. (2009, December 2013). Kid President-How to Change the World[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z7gDsSKUmU TedTalk. (2011, November). Moral Behavior in Animal Video file]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1Rt1R4xbM TedTalk. (2013, December 12). The Power of Empathy: Helen Riess [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baHrcC8B4WM WestJet. (2014, December 22). Josh-Opening doors and hearts/ WestJet Above and Beyond Stories [Video
Digital Resources: (websites, webquests, web 2.0 tools, etc.)
Literature: (novels, stories, poems, articles, textbooks, advertisements, etc.)
Community: (guest
file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIHtuKc3Gjg Blogger Canada Food Guide Poll Everywhere ScreenCast Skype in the Classroom Twitter Wordle YouTube Charlotte’s Web - E.B White Freak the Mighty - Rodman Philbrick Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck Out of My Mind - Sharon Draper Ramona The Pest - Beverly Cleary To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Book Thief - Markus Zusak The Outsiders - S.E Hinton Tom Raba - an inspiration to our community
RDC/U of A Collaborative Middle Years
speakers, field trips, kits, community agencies, etc.)
UbD Unit Planning Template (Year 3) (T. Raba, personal communication, February 23, 2015) Optional field trip for students: feeding the homeless on Sunday
Other resources
Virtual field trip- Skype Classroom Here is we got the original idea of our theme before we modified it: Edutopia. (1993). Anatomy of a Project: Give me a Shelter. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/stw-maine-project-based-learning-homeless-video