Art unit plan grasps

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Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Part 1 - Logistics Unit Title: Print Making

Instructional Designers: Heather Lightbown, Carla Graham, Savannah Aymont, Alyssa Goheen

Subject Area: Art

Grade: 4

Curriculum Strand(s): GLO: Component 10 (iii) MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES: Students will use media and techniques, with an emphasis on mixing media and perfecting techniques in drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, fabric arts, photography and technographic arts.

Duration: This unit is developed over 8 lessons, which would take any where from 2-3 weeks dependent on how long each class period is.

SLO: C. Print Making • Further explore printmaking materials and their uses and effects. • Make relief prints (printing from a built up surface) using glue line, string, cardboard or collage materials. • Make prints using stencils. • Make smudge or blot prints by folding paper with ink between. • Explore printing with more than one colour. • Make monoprints, working directly with the plate or a surface. • Continue using printmaking techniques learned in other grades. • Apply printmaking techniques to compositions. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Rationale: How does this unit fit into the subject curriculum? Why have you grouped the chosen set of outcomes together? How is the unit plan content developmentally responsive, taking into account the interests, abilities and diversities of students? At what time of year would you offer this unit and why? We would place this unit leading up to the holiday Season, around the middle of November as it is an interactive unit, where students can explore and create pieces that are related to the holiday season. We chose to cover the printmaking outcomes in the grade four program of studies, as the outcomes compliment one another and are best taught in one grouping. This unit plan is developmentally responsive for the students because it allows them to explore different types of printmaking through hands on activities, where the students get to learn through exploring, experimenting, and creating different prints. The designs and prints are open for the students to enable them to bring their own personal interests into the pieces. Adaptations and modifications have been included for each activity to ensure that students of all abilities are supported in a way that fosters learning and growth. Prior knowledge: What prior knowledge and skills do students need to know in order to be successful in this unit? (ie – What have they learned in previous years?) Where are they headed? (ie – What does next year’s curriculum say?) What experiences do the students bring to the unit? How will Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

you involve the students in the preplanning of the unit and determine what they already know? Since this unit is in context for grade four students they will have prior knowledge on print making from previous grades. This knowledge includes: using frottage (texture rubbings), make lifts or transfers, using wax crayon or fabric crayon, explore the use of print-making materials and the application of paint, using brushes and rollers (brayers), explore found object printing and the making of pattern through stamping, use print-making images in making pictures or compositions. In addition to this students will have prior knowledge about colour and elements of design (line, texture, value, colour, and shape). This knowledge will be applied throughout the unit and towards their final project. Since the students will be working specifically with Component 10 (iii) media and techniques, level two curriculum, for grades three and four, some students may have covered some of these topic previously in grade three. This will require you to judge your students skill level, adapt and modify the curriculum where it is necessary to do so. In higher grades students will be required to go more in depth into print making as well as apply previous knowledge learned from other grades. It is crucial that students develop the necessary skills for print making in order to be successful in further grades. Students will be involved in the pre-planning of the unit based upon their previous knowledge and skills they currently have. It is critical to consider the unique learning needs Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

of your students when preplanning the unit. Students will be given choice towards their final project and this is important in the development of their desire to participate in art.

Part 2 – Desired Results Learning Outcomes: (State the specific learner outcomes from the curriculum document) C. Print Making • Further explore print-making materials and their uses and effects. • Make relief prints (printing from a built up surface) using glue line, string, cardboard or collage materials. • Make prints using stencils. • Make smudge or blot prints by folding paper with ink between. • Explore printing with more than one colour. • Make mono prints, working directly with the plate or a surface. • Continue using print-making techniques learned in other grades. • Apply print-making techniques to compositions Enduring Understandings: What are the big ideas that you want students to understand and be able to use several years from now?

Essential Questions: How can printmaking allow you to create unique images used in everyday life?

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Students will understand the different types of print making. Students will also develop a deeper understanding of the elements of design, which will contribute to their final project. Students will understand… ● Variety of print making techniques ● Line ● Texture ● Shape ● Value ● Colour ● Repetition ● Unity Knowledge: What knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit? Students will know… ● how to further explore print-making materials and their uses and effects. ● how to make relief prints (printing from a built up surface) using glue line, string, cardboard or collage materials. ● how to make prints using stencils. ● how to make smudge or blot prints by folding paper with ink between. ● how to make prints with more than one colour. ● how to make mono prints ● how to apply print-making techniques to compositions

Skills: What should students be able to do? What behaviors will they exhibit? Think: Verbs! Ex: Thinking skills (compare, infer, analyze, interpret), communication skills (listening, speaking, writing), study skills (note taking), interpersonal, group skills, research, inquiry, investigation skills, etc. Students will be able to… ● Create an art piece following instructions and directions. ● distinguish the difference between different textures ● roll out ink, transfer the ink, and print the image

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program ● symmetry ● create a stencil ● identify texture, value, shape, colour, line ● identify symmetrical elements ● identify positive and negative space ● experiment with a variety of print-making techniques ● create design ● share materials and resources ● work cooperatively with others Vocabulary:

Printmaking, plexiglas palette, brayer, baren, blanket, blotting paper, burin/graver, grouges, ground, ink, plate, press, relief, negative space, positive space, line, texture, value, shape, colour, monotype, intaglio, and symmetry. Art History: The history of screen printing dates back 1,000 years to China during the Song Dynasty. It was the successor of stenciling, which was invented over 40,000 years ago. Both methods are some of the earliest forms of artistic expression that have heavily influenced artistic innovation throughout the history of man made art. While some stencils can be seen scrawled on the walls of European caves, stenciling was not introduced to Europe until the late 1700’s. The name that is most well known for this use of art would be Andy Warhol. He used the efficiency of the screen printing technique to his advantage and created multiple versions of the same image, using a variety of different color compositions. His art ranged in subject matter from soup cans to fictional characters in American pop culture. As Warhol once inquired, “Isn’t life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?”, which so aptly reflects his philosophy of screen printing and his often-employed style of repetition Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Part 3 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Students will pretend they have just been hired for Hallmark. Since the holiday season is quickly approaching Hallmark is in need of unique holiday cards. Students will be required to come up with a holiday themed image and recreate this image using a minimum of two forms of printmaking. By using printmaking, students will be able to create a one of a kind card for Hallmark. G - Goal What should students accomplish by completing this task? Through this performance task, students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired through the printmaking unit in the creation of a final print that incorporates different methods and techniques studied over the past 8 weeks. R – Role What role (perspective) will students be taking? Students will take on the role of Hallmark artists, hired to create a one of a kind card for the upcoming holiday season. A – Audience Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Who is the relevant audience? Students will display their image to fellow printmaking artists (their classmates) and the creative director of Hallmark (the teacher). S – Situation The context or challenge provided to the student The general outcome to be explored over the course of this unit was Component 10 (iii), the use of media and techniques with an emphasis on mixing media and perfecting techniques, specifically in printmaking. Through the various lessons, activities and projects incorporated in this unit, students have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills required to demonstrate their understanding of this outcome in a final performance task. At the end of the unit, students will work individually and apply their knowledge of printmaking to the design of a final print that incorporates at least two of the techniques studied throughout the unit. Demonstrating their application of these techniques, students will take on the role of Hallmark artists, helping to create an image for a holiday card P – Product, Performance What will the student create? As employed artists of the Hallmark greeting card enterprise, students will create a holiday themed print for a greeting card using at least two different printmaking techniques. S – Success criteria What do they need to include/do/show? Student prints must: ● be 5 x 7 in size ● incorporate at LEAST 2 different techniques ● include more than one colour ● be of a holiday-related theme Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Other Evidence: How will you gather evidence of learning through the unit? List your formative, summative and student self-assessment ideas. These may include work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means for students to demonstrate achievement of outcomes. We will gather assessment through the unit through student checklists, teacher observations, and teacher checklists. Self-Assessment Checklist (Found Object Printing) Teacher Checklist (Styrofoam Plate Printing)

Part 4– Lea rnin g Plan Wha t teac hing and lear ning expe rien ces Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

will you use to achi eve the lear ning outc ome s in Part 2 and prep are the m for the asse ssm ent task s in Part 3? Wha t will Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

the sequ ence of instr ucti on be for this unit ? Intr odu ctor y Acti vity How will you eng age stud ents and gene rate inter est Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

at the begi nnin g of the unit ? Des crib e your ‘anti cipa tory set’. Neg ative and Posit ive Spac e (Les son 1- 1 class ) 1. Int Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

ro to les so n sh o w st ud en ts a vi de o ab ou t ne ga tiv e an d po sit Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

iv e sp ac e: https ube v= D 2. Sh o w st ud en ts dif fer en t pi ct ur es th Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

at in co rp or at e ne ga tiv e an d po sit iv e sp ac e ( M ari ly n M on Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

ro e an d Al be rt Ei ns tei n, tw o fa ce s an d a va se, et c.) 3. Fo r thi Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

s les so n st ud en ts wi ll co lo ur a pi ec e of pa pe r us in g a va rie Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

ty of co lo ur s. Th ey wi ll th en dr a w a su bj ec t on th e pa pe r an Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

d cu t ou t th e ne ga tiv e sp ac e. Th is wi ll all o w th e m to vi su Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

all y an d ph ys ic all y se e th e dif fer en ce of po sit iv e an d ne ga tiv Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

e sp ac e. MA TER IAL S REQ UIR ED: ● C o n s t r u c t i o n p a p Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

e r W h i t e p a p e r M a r k e r s C r a y o n s P

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

e n c i l C r a y o n s Less on #

Learning Outcome (Curriculum)

Activities (Instruction)

Assessment (FOR/OF/ AS)

#21 class

• Make relief prints (printing from a built up surface) using glue line, string, cardboard or collage materials.

Found Object Printing: 1. Blindfold students and have them touch different objects with different textures. Discuss the way different textures feel and look, and how they will transfer in a print. 2. Discuss found object monoprinting as a class. 3. The teacher will demonstrate the proper technique for monoprinting using found objects:

FOR AS: Self Assessment attached

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Resources / Materials (media, technology, audio, visual, internet, community, equipment, software, etc.) - Printing paper ink (multiple colours) - Medium-weight paper - Plexiglas pallette -Soft brayer(s)

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program a. required materials b. collecting/mixing the ink using

-Shallow dish of water -Paper towels -Newspaper -masking tape -White test paper -Variety of objects to print

appropriate tools c. rolling out the ink d. transferring ink onto the object e. transferring the object onto your page 4. Students will have the opportunity to create their

own found object monoprints, using materials supplied by the teacher or appropriate materials that they have found. a. discuss APPROPRIATE materials!!! (fingers, recycled items, objects from nature, etc)

#31 class

• Make prints using stencils.

Adaptations/Modifications: ● limit the amount of colours used by each student ● adjust the size of the paper to be printed on ● set requirements on the number of objects to be used ● have students work in pairs to create an image ● students can work to create specific shapes or scenes using found objects ● have higher achieving students demonstrate their understanding of composition by intentionally leading the viewer’s eye through the piece/creating a focal point Stencil Printing: 1. Students will use a variety of stencils to create a monoprint. 2. The teacher will demonstrate the proper technique

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


- Printing paper ink (multiple colours) - Medium-weight

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

for monoprinting using stencils: a. rolling out the ink b. transferring ink onto the stencil c. rolling onto the stencil d. transferring the stenciled shape onto your page 3. Allow students the opportunity to experiment with a variety of stencils and colours.

#41 class

• Make smudge or blot prints by folding paper with ink between.

Adaptations/Modifications: ● students can create their own stencils using scrap paper ● provide students with pre-made stencils ● limit the amount of stencils used ● limit the amount of colours used Blot Printing 1. Introduce symmetry to students by playing a game of mirroring (students partner up and mirror one another’s movements) 2. Talk about symmetry and the importance of it for any form of media, but particularly for printmaking today. 3. Introduce blotting to students by demonstrating how it works. 4. Students will use blotting as form of printmaking to create unique images. 5. Allow students the opportunity to experiment with blot printing and encourage them to try different colours but remember to think about symmetry.

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

paper - Plexiglas palette - Stencils -Soft brayer(s) -Shallow dish of water -Paper towels -Newspaper -White test paper


-Different colours of paint - Medium-weight paper -Shallow dish of water -Paper towels -Newspaper -White test paper

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

#51 class

• Explore printing with more than one colour.

Adaptations/Modifications: ● Have students look for shapes/try to create shapes within their blot prints ● Have students draw a line down the centre of the piece to better see the symmetry ● Have students create animals/objects that they know are symmetrical Line Printing 1. Dip your string into the paint 2. Using a craft stick, immerse and coat the string with the paint 3. Holding the string above your paper, let your arm drop and let the string go limp onto the paper 4. Continue with the motion until you are ready to change colours. 5. Use one string per colour to avoid mixing 6. Another method of printing is to drag the string across the paper Adaptations/Modifications: ● Have students draw into the patterns created in their line prints ● Have students colour the different areas created within the line print ● Have students create an additional print that is made into a certain image ● Have students use more or less colours

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.





heavyweig ht drawing paper liquid acrylic paint paint cups cotton string scissors craft sticks

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

#61 class

• Make monoprints, working directly with the plate or a surface.

Styrofoam Plate Printing 1. Students will each get their own styrofoam plate with the edges cut off around the outside, making a flat piece of styrofoam. 2. Draw, using a dull pencil, ball point pen, or stick a pattern or drawing into the styrofoam. Make sure that the lines that are in the styrofoam are deep enough. 3. Students will then use ink and arabic drops to create a gradient that shows value in the images. 4. They will use the pattern on their styrofoam plate and put ink onto the surface, then using a roller or spoon press that image onto a large sheet of paper. They will then add a drop of arabic into the ink and roll that onto the plate repeating the same procedure. This image will be place beside the first image. They will repeat this step again, adding another drop of arabic and placing the image next to the previous one. Continue the process until there are 5 images showing a gradient of colours. Adaptations/Modifications: ● Have students create a series of prints, experimenting with value ● Have Styrofoam plates already cut and ready to use

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

FOR: Teacher Checklist attached.




Styrofoam plates ballpoint pens, dull pencils, sticks etc. ink arabic drops large 15’ pieces of paper ink rollers

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program ● Have the students not use arabic drops to create a

#71 class

• Continue using printmaking techniques learned in other grades.

simpler task Potato Printing 1. These activities need a design. You may want to discuss some design ideas beforehand and show plenty of examples. Have each student create a finished “rough” (a drawing to work from) before proceeding on to carving into the potato. Encourage simple designs, with large areas to be printed. Detail will get lost in a potato print. Also bear in mind that whatever is carved into the potato will appear in the reverse when printed. 2. For a younger age group, you might like to experiment with fruits and vegetables cut in half to produce a print. For example a green pepper cut in half makes a lovely design in itself. No carving needed. 3. Make a series of potato prints 4. Create a fairly simple design and draw freehand onto the cut side of the potato (or trace around a cut out design) with the fine felt tip pen. 5. Cut away the flesh of the potato from the background area of the design about 1/4" into the potato. A craft knife will yield finer detail. Stick a fork into the back side of the potato for easier handling. 6. Mix a desired color of acrylic paint. Paint onto the cut surface of the potato. 7. Apply the cut and painted potato upside down onto your desired printing surface with a bit of pressure. Try a few practice prints on scraps to see

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


- Washed potatoes, cut in half, one half potato for each print design - Surface for printing (fabric or a drawing paper) - Acrylic paints - Variety of paint brushes -Plastic plate or small dishes for mixing paint - Water containers Small craft knife, paring knife or peeler - Fine line felt tip marker - Aprons might be advisable

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

if how it comes out. More potato can be cut away if desired. The printing works best if the table is table padded with a few sheets of newsprint. 8. Allow the print to dry completely before handling. The student may wish to add more color with colored pencil. This is called hand--coloring. 9. Exchange prints with classmates. Adaptations/Modifications: ● Have pre-made potato stamps available for the students to use ● Students can share stamps with one another ● Experiment with value ● Experiment with layering and mixing colours ● Draw onto the print to connect the prints #82-3 class es

• Further explore printmaking materials and their uses and effects. • Apply printmaking techniques to compositions.

GRASPS Task Adaptations/Modifications: ● Adjust the number of techniques that are required ● Show more examples (for students that need the ideas) ● Change to a non-holiday related card ● have students create multiple cards ● Have students send cards into a Hallmark card competition. References

● ● Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

OF and AS

Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program ● ●

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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