Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Part 1 - Logistics Unit Title:
Subject Area: Science
Instructional Designers: Savannah Aymont, Alyssa Goheen, Carla Graham, and Heather Lightbown Grade: 5
Curriculum Strand(s): Science Inquiry
Duration: 8 weeks
Wetland Ecosystems
Rationale: How does this unit fit into the subject curriculum? Why have you grouped the chosen set of outcomes together? How is the unit plan content developmentally responsive, taking into account the interests, abilities and diversities of students? At what time of year would you offer this unit and why? In accordance with the other four topics to be covered in grade five science, we have chosen to dedicate the final eight weeks of the school year to the Wetland Ecosystems unit (beginning at the end of April) as this gives teachers the opportunity to take advantage of their local environments and incorporate more experiential learning strategies by taking students outside to experience and explore the wetland ecosystems first hand. The final GRASPS performance task will take the students approximately one week to complete, so educators should ensure that the majority of the outcomes have been addressed before this point. Each lesson of the unit is strategically planned and sequenced according to the order in which the outcomes appear in the program of studies, as Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
each outcome builds on the previous knowledge outcomes, allowing students to construct their knowledge and understanding of each concept in a logical, sequential manner that facilitates smooth transitioning from one concept to the next throughout the unit. By studying wetland ecosystems, students’ awareness of the environment around them will be further developed as they come to understand the numerous and diverse elements that contribute to wetland ecosystems, and how all parts are essential for their proper functioning. In consideration of the age level and interests of grade five students, we have carefully constructed a developmentally responsive unit plan by ensuring that the proposed activities and assignments are challenging, exploratory, integrative and relevant to the students. Furthermore, we have designed and incorporated activities and tasks that can be adapted to many different levels and abilities that exist within an inclusive classroom. Over the course of the unit, students are provided opportunities to work both collaboratively and individually to further enhance and extend their understanding of wetland ecosystems. Through our final assessment, students will have the opportunity to apply their acquired learning regarding wetland ecosystems as they take on the role of environmental economists, creating an authentic, ‘real-world’ application for the students to demonstrate their learning. Prior knowledge: What prior knowledge and skills do students need to know in order to be successful in this unit? (ie – What have they learned in previous years?) Where are they headed? (ie – What does next year’s curriculum say?) What experiences do the students bring to the unit? How will you involve the students in the preplanning of the unit and determine what they already know? Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
In grade four, students study the structure and growth of plants, how to recognize and describe different forms of leaves, stems, roots and flowers, and how to care for different types of plants. In addition, students have learned about waste in their world and how that affects the environment around them. Students should understand that some waste is biodegradable, that some is reusable, and that others are toxic. While many of the skills acquired in grade four are taught with a high level of guidance from the teacher, grade five students are expected to further develop and improve these skills with more independence and competence. The knowledge, skills and attitudes that students have obtained in grade four will contribute to a better understanding of the interactions in an ecosystem, which is one of the primary outcomes addressed in the grade five wetlands curriculum. Before delivering the lessons designed for this unit, the teacher would be responsible for assessing students previous knowledge and conceptions regarding wetlands and ecosystems, as well as closely related/relevant concepts. This assessment could be collected through class discussions, pre-tests, games, online quizzes (Kahoots, etc.), KWL charts, or google forms. In grade six, students will transfer their knowledge of the concepts learned through wetland ecosystems to to the trees and forests unit, which discusses the ecosystem of a forest. Their knowledge of ecosystems, and its components, will help students in understanding this unit in particular. Caring for the environment, developing a sense of personal and shared responsibility, curiosity, and flexibility are all attitudes that carry forward from grade five to grade six. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Part 2 – Desired Results Learning Outcomes: (State the specific learner outcomes from the curriculum document) General Learner Expectations Students will: 5–10 Describe the living and nonliving components of a wetland ecosystem and the interactions within and among them. Specific Learner Expectations Students will: 5–10.1 Recognize and describe one or more examples of wetland ecosystems found in the local area; e.g., pond, slough, marsh, bog, Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
fen. 5–10.2 Understand that a wetland ecosystem involves interactions between living and nonliving things, both in and around the water. 5–10.3 Identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water; and describe the life cycles of these plants and animals. 5–10.4 Identify and describe adaptations that make certain plants and animals suited for life in a wetland. 5–10.5 Understand and appreciate that all animals and plants, not just the large ones, have an important role in a wetland community. 5–10.6 Identify the roles of different organisms in the food web of a pond: • producers—green plants that make their own food, using sunlight • consumers—animals that eat living plants and/or animals • decomposers—organisms, such as molds, fungi, insects and worms, that reuse and recycle materials that were formerly living. 5–10.7 Draw diagrams of food chains and food webs, and interpret such diagrams. 5–10.8 Recognize that some aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water, and identify examples and adaptations of each. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
5–10.9 Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife. 5–10.10 Identify individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. 5–10.11 Recognize that changes in part of an environment have effects on the whole environment Enduring Understandings: What are the big ideas that you want students to understand and be able to use several years from now? 1. Students will be able to use the knowledge gained to recognize and describe one or more examples of wetland ecosystems; e.g., pond, slough, marsh, bog, fen. 2. Students will be able to understand the interactions between living and nonliving things that occur both in an around the water in various wetlands. 3. Students will be able to identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water. 4. Students will be able to describe the life cycles of these plants and
Essential Questions: Unit Plan Topics What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding of the unit content and transfer of learning? What knowledge can we use to enhance and preserve wetland ecosystems? 1. How can change in one part of an ecosystem affect change in other parts of the ecosystem? 2. How does matter and energy link organisms to each other and their environment? Why is sunlight essential to life on Earth? 3. How do humans have an impact on the diversity and stability of ecosystems? 4. How is matter and energy transferred/transformed in living systems?
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
animals. 5. Students will be able to identify and describe adaptations that make certain plants and animals suited for life in a wetland. 6. Students will be able to understand and appreciate that all animals and plants play an important role in the wetland community. 7. Students will be able to identify the roles of different organisms in the food web of a pond: • producers—green plants that make their own food, using sunlight • consumers—animals that eat living plants and/or animals • decomposers—organisms, such as molds, fungi, insects and worms, that reuse and recycle materials that were formerly living. 8. Students will be able to use diagrams of food webs and food chains to interpret the importance of connection in the ecosystem. 9. Students will be able to recognize that some aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water. 10. Students will be able to identify examples and adaptations of aquatic animals that use oxygen from air and water. 11. Students will be able to identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
hunting pond wildlife. 12. Students will be able to identify both the individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. 13. Students will understand that organisms and their environments are interconnected. 14. Students will understand that changes in one part of the system will affect other parts of system. 15. Students will understand that matter needed to sustain life is continually recycled among and between organisms and the environment. 16. Students will understand that humans can alter the living and non-living factors within an ecosystem, thereby creating changes to the overall system. 17. Students will understand that the life processes of organisms are affected by their interactions with each other and their environment and may be altered by human manipulation. 18. Students will understand that scientific inquiry involves asking scientifically-oriented questions, collecting evidence, forming explanations, connecting explanations to scientific knowledge and theory, and communicating and justifying the explanation. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Knowledge: What knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit? Think: Nouns! Ex: Vocabulary, definitions, facts, formulas, critical details, important events or people, sequence and timelines, etc.
Students will know: Vocabulary: ● ponds ● marsh ● bogs ● fens ● swamps ● non-living ● living ● producers ● consumers ● decomposers ● life cycles ● adaptations ● wetland ● ecosystem ● environment ● habitats ● preservation ● food chains
Skills: What should students be able to do? What behaviors will they exhibit? Think: Verbs! Ex: Thinking skills (compare, infer, analyze, interpret), communication skills (listening, speaking, writing), study skills (note taking), interpersonal, group skills, research, inquiry, investigation skills, etc. Students will be able to… ● identify one or more ways of finding answers to given questions. ● state an inference, based on results. The inference will identify a cause and effect relationship that is supported by observations ● identify possible applications of what was learned. ● evaluate a design or product, based on a given set of questions or criteria. ● work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures. ● plan, with guidance, and carry out procedures that comprise a fair test. ● identify problems to be solved and the purpose(s) of the problem-solving activity: What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What conditions must be met? What controls are required? How will we know that we have done what we set out to do? ● identify sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library,
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
food webs
interactions pollutants swamp slough abiotic biotic competition
Knowledge: ● know the effects of pollutants on the environment ● know that interactions within and among living systems causes changes in matter and energy ● know that organisms are linked to each other and to their environments in a web of relationships ● know that an ecosystem is a community of organisms that interact with each other and the environment. ● know that humans can affect ecosystems in many ways
classroom, community and computer-based resources ● conduct simple experiments ● collect, record, analyze data using simple tools ● know how to care for and maintain living organisms Attitudes: ● appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation. ● respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care. ● inventiveness and open-mindedness ● a willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences. ● perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems. ● critical-mindedness in examining evidence and determining what the evidence means. ● confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problemsolving skills ● curiosity ● A sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Part 3 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: What authentic, relevant task will allow students to show what they`ve learned during the unit? In the space below, describe the scenario or situation (in paragraph form) that will require students to apply their knowledge and skills to demonstrate their learning in a real-life situation. Include all elements of GRASPS, including success criteria (based on learner outcomes). Attach your performance task rubric(criteria) to your unit plan. Over the past eight weeks, grade five students have learned about wetland ecosystems, the living and non-living components that dwell there, and the interactions within and among them that contribute to the functioning of both wetlands and the associated environments. For their culminating project, students will take on the role of an environmental economist, studying the environment and all the little things that impact it, and using that information to advise local city planners and home builders on the effects of their developments. Students will evaluate the potential consequences of a residential development project that is being proposed over a wetland area on the east side of Red Deer, and determine the environmental impact of that project and how it affects the biodiversity of that area. In pairs, students will create a presentation to share with their community (their classmates) and a representative of the home builder’s association (the teacher), outlining the potential consequences, environmental impact and the effect of biodiversity that is associated with the proposed development. Each presentation must include: an overview of the area that is being affected, including information about the various interactions between living and nonliving things and their respective roles in the affected community; some information on why wetlands are so important; an explanation of how human actions can endanger the wetland community (including specific examples); their estimates of how the environment and biodiversity of the area will be affected by the development, and actions that can be taken to protect the area; as well as a list of references used. Through this task, students will apply their knowledge and understanding of wetland ecosystems to assess the impact of changes to the environment associated with human activity by identifying the specific consequences of these human actions that affect the abundance and survival of living things in wetland ecosystems. This task will demonstrate the ways that students show respect for living things and environments, commitment for their care, and a sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
G - Goal What should students accomplish by completing this task? Through this task, students will apply their knowledge and understanding of wetland ecosystems to assess the impact of changes to the environment associated with human activity by identifying the specific consequences of these human actions that affect the abundance and survival of living things in wetland ecosystems. This task will demonstrate the ways that students show respect for living things and environments, commitment for their care, and a sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken. R – Role What role (perspective) will students be taking? Students will take on the role of environmental economists, studying the environment and all the little things that impact it, and using that information to advise local city planners and home builders on the effects of their developments. Students will evaluate the potential consequences of a residential development project, and determine the environmental impact of that project and how it affects the biodiversity of that area. A – Audience Who is the relevant audience? Students will present their completed performance task to their community (their classmates), and a representative from the home builder’s association (the teacher). S – Situation The context or challenge provided to the student Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
The general outcome to be explored over the course of the unit was the ability to describe the living and nonliving components of a wetland ecosystem and the interactions within and among them. Through the various lessons, activities, and field experiences incorporated in this unit, students have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to demonstrate their understanding of this outcome in a final performance task. At the end of the unit, students will work in pairs and apply their knowledge of wetland ecosystems to a problem which requires a background understanding of wetlands environments, the interactions amongst living and non-living components of those environments, an understanding of how humans impact wetland communities, and an idea of actions that can be taken to help protect or enhance these areas. Demonstrating their understanding in these areas, students will take on the role of environmental economists, helping assess the proposal of a new housing development in Red Deer that is being planned over an area of wetlands on the east side of the city to showcase their learning over the unit. Performance Task Assignment P – Product, Performance What will the student create? In pairs, students will create a google presentation, outlining the potential consequences, environmental impact and the effect of biodiversity that is associated with the proposal of a project. S – Success criteria What do they need to include/do/show? Students will complete and present a properly formatted presentation based on the perceived consequences and environmental impacts they have identified as being associated with the proposed development. The specific requirements include: an overview of the area that is being affected, including information about the various interactions between living and nonliving things and their respective roles in the affected community; some information on why wetlands are so important; an explanation of how human actions can endanger the wetland community, including specific examples; their estimates of how the environment and biodiversity of the area will be affected by the development, and actions that can be taken to protect the area; as well as a list of references used. Performance Task Rubric Outcome Correlation Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Self Assessment Peer Assessment
Other Evidence: How will you gather evidence of learning through the unit? List your formative, summative and student self-assessment ideas. These may include work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, journals or other means for students to demonstrate achievement of outcomes. Formative Assessment: Mix n’ Match Vocabulary Stand up/sit down questioning Thumbs up/thumbs down Poster
Work samples Graphic organizers Exit passes Field trip observations
Summative Assessment: GRASPS Performance Task
Unit Exam
Self Assessment: Reflections
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Quizzes Class discussion Think, pair, share Experiment observations
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Part 4 – Learning Plan
What teaching and learning experiences will you use to achieve the learning outcomes in Part 2 and prepare them for the assessment tasks in Part 3? What will the sequence of instruction be for this unit?
Introductory Activity https://docs.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/document/d/1QWDzvp6gEfIYolB3pyXgftN9KtW1C1S75A8U3Q8ICpU/edit?usp=sharing Intr oduc T tion (Incl ude antic ipat ory set, shar ing of lesso Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n obje ctive s, etc.) Anti 1 cipat ory SetKah oot - T o e n g a g e s t u d e n t s a n d if Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
p o s s i b l e , d r e s s u p a s if y o u w e r e g o i n g Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
t o a w e tl a n d ( h i p w a d e r, s a f a ri h a t, r u b b e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
r b o a t s , e t c ). H a v e s t u d e n t s p l a y a W e t
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
l a n d E c o s y s t e m s t h e m e d g a m e o f k a h o o Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
t t o b e g i n t h e l e s s o n E n c o u r a g e s t u d e
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n t s t o j u s t tr y t h e ir b e s t e v e n t h o u g h t h Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
e y m a y n o t k n o w s o m e o f t h e a n s w e r s t o Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
t h e q u e s ti o n s ( r e m i n d t h e m t h e y w il l h Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
a v e a s e c o n d o p p o rt u n it y t o tr y a g a i n ! ) H
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
a v i n g s t u d e n t s p l a y t h i s k a h o o t b e f o Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
r e g i v i n g t h e m a n y n e w i n f o r m a ti o n o Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n w e tl a n d s w il l r e q u ir e t h e m t o d r a w u p Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
o n t h e ir p r e v i o u s k n o w l e d g e a n d c h a ll e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n g e t h e m t o t h i n k a c ti v e l y Acti vitie s (Ste p by step what is Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
goin g to happ en duri ng the lesso n?) Voca 2 bula ryMix n’ Mat ch - T o g o o v e r w e tl a n d v Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
o c a b u l a r y t e r m s s t u d e n t s w il l p a rt i c i Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
p a t e i n m i x n ’ m a t c h v o c a b u l a r y u s i n g Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
fl a s h c a r d s E a c h s t u d e n t w il l b e g i v e n a
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
fl a s h c a r d w it h e it h e r a w o r d o r d e fi n it i o n Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
o n it S t u d e n t s w il l m i x a r o u n d t h e r o o m
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
t o g o a n d fi n d w o r d / d e fi n it i o n m a t c h u p O
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n c e a ll s t u d e n t s fi n d t h e ir m a t c h e s , t h e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
y w il l s h a r e w it h t h e c l a s s t h e ir w o r d , d e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
fi n it i o n , a n d e it h e r a n e x a m p l e o f it o r it u Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
s e d i n a s e n t e n c e . A ft e r a ll s t u d e n t s h a
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
v e r e a d t h e ir d e fi n it i o n s t o t h e c l a s s y o Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
u c a n h a v e s t u d e n t s m i x a r o u n d a g a i n T
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
h i s ti m e s t u d e n t s m i x a r o u n d u n ti l y o u s Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
a y s t o p ( o r y o u c a n u s e m u s i c a n d s t o p it Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
) a n d t h e n h a v e t h e m p a ir u p w it h t h e p e r Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
s o n c l o s e s t t o t h e m T h e s t u d e n t w it h t h
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
e d e fi n it i o n r e a d s it a n d t h e o t h e r s t u d e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
n t h a s t o g u e s s t h e w o r d T h e s t u d e n t w it
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
h t h e w o r d s a y s it a n d t h e o t h e r s t u d e n t Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
h a s t o s a y t h e d e fi n it i o n o f t h a t w o r d Y o
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
u c a n d o a f e w r o u n d s o f t h i s m i x , p a ir , Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
a n d s h a r e u n ti l y o u f e e l s t u d e n t s h a v e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
d e v e l o p e d a g o o d s e n s e o f t h e v o c a b u l Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
a r y t e r m s Con clusi on (Ho w will you revis it the main idea s of the lesso n, chec k for unde rsta ndin g, asse ss Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
lear ning, etc? - T 1 o r e v i s it t h e m a i n i d e a s o f t h e l e s Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
s o n y o u c a n h a v e s t u d e n t s r e p l a y t h e Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
s a m e g a m e o f K a h o o t T h i s w il l c h e c k f o r
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d a s s e s s h o w m u c h t Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
h e y h a v e i m p r o v e d f r o m l e a r n i n g n e w Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
v o c a b u l a r y t e r m s a b o u t W e t l a n d E c o s Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
y s t e m s Y o u c a n a l s o r e v i s it t h e m a i n i d
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
e a s b y p l a y i n g a s it d o w n / s t a n d u p v e r s Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
i o n o f t h e s a m e q u e s ti o n s f r o m t h e i n it Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
i a l g a m e o f K a h o o t
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Lesson # Learning Outcome (Curriculum) Activities (Instruction) Assessment (FOR/OF/AS)
Resources / Materials #1 5-10.1. Recognize and describe one or more examples of wetland ecosystems found in the local area; e.g., pond, slough, marsh, bog, fen. 5-10.2. Understand that a wetland ecosystem involves interactions between living and nonliving things, both in and around the water. 5-10.3. Identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water; and describe the life cycles of these plants and animals. Skills: â—? Identify one or more ways of finding answers to given questions.
Kahoot Game - Have students play a wetland themed Kahoot game to introduce the unit and vocabulary involved. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
FOR - Device (iPads, phones, chromebooks, etc) - https://kahoot.it/ - Sounds of the wetlands: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhtN4sFOJZw #2 5-10.1. Recognize and describe one or more examples of wetland ecosystems found in the local area; e.g., pond, slough, marsh, bog, fen. Attitudes: ● Appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation. Vocabulary Game: Mix n’ Pair - The students will either have a definition or a word from the vocabulary of wetlands. They will go around and find the definition or word that matches with their card. Once all the students have matched up they will say their definition and the word that goes with it. FOR - Flash Cards - http://environment.gov.ab.ca/info/library/8205.pdf #3 5-10.2. Understand that a wetland ecosystem involves interactions between living and nonliving things, both in and around the water. 5-10.3. Identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water; and describe the life cycles of these plants and animals. Skills: ● State an inference, based on results. The inference will identify a cause and effect relationship that is supported by observations
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Attitudes: ● respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care. Field Trip - To a local wetland - Have students test pond PH levels (how do the PH levels of a pond affect the the organisms living there) - Scavenger hunt at wetland finding a variety of living and non-living things, in and around the water. FOR #4 5-10.3. Identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water; and describe the life cycles of these plants and animals. Skills: ● Identify possible applications of what was learned.
YouTube Video - Show students a video on a variety of plants and animals found in different wetlands. - Discuss life cycles of these plants and animals as a class. FOR - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeUPbGWg2KU #5 5-10.4. Identify and describe adaptations that make certain plants and animals suited for life in a wetland. Skills: ● Evaluate a design or product, based on a given set of questions or criteria.
Attitudes: ● Inventiveness and open-mindedness Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program -
Book: What do you do with a Tail like this? Students create their own animal that has adaptations to survive in a wetland. The students then must explain the adaptations, and why they would help them to survive in the wetland environment.
FOR - Book: What do you do with a Tail like this? by: Steve Jenkins and Robin Page. - If no access to book they could watch this youtube video that reads the book aloud to students #6 5-10.5. Understand and appreciate that all animals and plants, not just the large ones, have an important role in a wetland community. Attitudes: ● A willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences. Food Chain Game - Have students cross arms and hold hands with an organism they would naturally be connected with in a food chain, for example. - Systematically remove an organism and try to reconnect the empty hands with a new organism. Students will realize that it might not make sense...or is too difficult to connect to. FOR #7 5-10.6. Identify the roles of different organisms in the food web of a pond: • producers—green plants that make their own food, using sunlight • consumers—animals that eat living plants and/or animals • decomposers—organisms, such as molds, fungi, insects and worms, that reuse and recycle materials that were formerly living. Attitudes ● Perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems. Predator & Prey Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Each student randomly draws a different organism or animal from their ecosystem Each animal or organism is given a certain amount of lives dependent on where they are in the food web. Certain animals/organisms can eat each other. Students run around and try to not get eaten. -
FOR - Popsicle sticks - Different animal/organism names on small pieces of paper
#8 5-10.7. Draw diagrams of food chains and food webs, and interpret such diagrams. Skills: ● Work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures.
Web Diagram Poster - Individually have students create food web diagram posters FOR, AS #9 5-10.8. Recognize that some aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water, and identify examples and adaptations of each. Skills: ● Identify one or more ways of finding answers to given questions
Pond Bingo - Students will have a bingo sheet, containing pictures of a variety of aquatic animals. - Give students a description/adaptation of how different aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water. - Have students cross off on their bingo sheet which aquatic animal applies to the statement you give. FOR Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Pond bingo sheets - http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/Education-adaptations-to-ponds.pdf #10 5-10.9. Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife. -
Skills: ● Plan, with guidance, and carry out procedures that comprise a fair test. ● Work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures. ● State an inference, based on results. The inference will identify a cause and effect relationship that is supported by observations.
Attitudes: ● Critical-mindedness in examining evidence and determining what the evidence means. Discrepant Event - Plant Purifier Watershed Alliance Model - Have Janessa come in as a guest speaker for our class, utilizing her watershed alliance model. FOR http://www.environment.gov.ab.ca/edu/pubs/6278_Wetlands_Teacher_Guide.pdf page 45 Discrepant Event-Plant Purifier #11 5-10.10. Identify individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. Skills: Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Identify problems to be solved and the purpose(s) of the problem-solving activity: What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What conditions must be met? What controls are required? How will we know that we have done what we set out to do? Attitudes: ● Confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problem-solving skills Storybook: ●
Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story Read this story to students and then have a class discussion on actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. Have students come up with one, realistic goal they can do to take action.
Book: Meadowlands: A Wetlands Survival Story http://www.amazon.com/Meadowlands-A-Wetlands-Survival-Story/dp/0374349134
#12 5-10.11. Recognize that changes in part of an environment have effects on the whole environment. Skills: ● Identify sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom,
community and computer-based resources. Wetland Website - Students will visit the following website and have the chance to explore wetlands in whatever way they’d like. There are 5 sections that will give you heaps of facts about wetlands, as well as about the impacts of land use on wetlands and we try to rebuild them. FOR - http://www.wonderville.ca/asset/rebuildingwetlands #13 Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
5-10.9. Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife. 5-10.10. Identify individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. Attitudes: â—? Respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care
The class will host a panel of guest speakers, invited to talk about their different perspectives on how humans impact the wetland environments, and the specific actions they take to protect or enhance these ecosystems. FOR Ideas for guest speakers include: - land reclamation official - ducks unlimited spokesperson - environmental economist - park warden #14 5-10.2 Understand that a wetland ecosystem involves interactions between living and nonliving things, both in and around the water. 5-10.5 Understand and appreciate that all animals and plants, not just the large ones, have an important role in a wetland community. 5-10.9 Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife. 5-10.10 Identify individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats. 5-10.11 Recognize that changes in part of an environment have effects on the whole environment. Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
Attitudes: ● A sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken ● Respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care GRASPS OF Students will watch video to introduce project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glgi7SePEZs
Part 5 – Reflection How did you address diverse learner needs in your unit design? Consider the following: (differentiation, learning style, grouping, culture, FNMI perspectives, multiple intelligences and variety of instructional strategies and approaches). ● Do you feel the unit objectives would be met with your unit plan?
Due to the manner in which we have approached and designed the lessons within this unit, every outcome of the Wetlands topic is guaranteed to be hit as each individual lesson is directly related to a minimum of one outcome as prescribed by the Alberta Education Program of Studies. Throughout the unit, students will demonstrate their learning and understanding of these outcomes through multiple forms of formative, summative and self-assessment measures to ensure that outcomes are not only met, but understood by each student. At the end of the unit, students will display their acquired knowledge and understanding of the unit objectives through two forms of summative assessment; an authentic performance task and a traditional unit exam. ● What do you think will be the hardest part for a beginning teacher to implement your unit plan in their classroom and why?
As a beginning teacher, the most challenging obstacle in implementing this unit plan would likely stem from a lack of experience Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Unit Plan Template –4th year Courses U of A/RDC Middle Years Program
in teaching the concepts covered within the wetlands unit, making it difficult to know how long it should take to cover each concept or outcome. With a lack of experience, it is hard to know when to move on and when to spend more time in ensuring students understand important concepts. In addition to this posing as a challenge in carrying out this particular unit, this could also affect the way other units are carried out over the rest of the year, which may further impact the time constraints experienced in delivering the wetlands unit (seeing as it is the last unit of the year according to our year plan). Some other challenges a beginning teacher might experience in implementing this unit include: ● A lack of prior knowledge concerning the content and concepts of the unit ● Difficulty accessing resources such as guest speakers, field trips, etc. ● A variance in student’s previous knowledge/skills needed to complete activities/assignments ex. Have they been taught how to present/make a presentation? Do they know what an ecosystem is?
● Could anything unexpected happen to disrupt your plans?
Due to the length of time designated to teaching the wetlands unit, there are a number of unexpected obstacles that may disrupt the unit/lesson plans designed for the 8 weeks given to complete this unit: ● ● ● ●
Unexpected weather affecting field trips/studies Unexpected events like fire drills, assemblies, PD days, etc. affecting actual learning time within the classroom The unreliable nature of technology, affecting lessons and assignments that rely on technology. Students transferring in and out of the classroom in the middle of the unit, affecting group work, student understanding of concepts, etc.
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013) Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.