Completed text tales

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Heather Lightbown Table of Contents 1.


Newspapers Pages 1-16 Historical Fiction 17-35 1







Short Story/Novel 36-51 Directions and Instructions 52-62 Grammar/Quotes 63-79 Fractured Fairy Tales 80-95 Poetry 96-108 Non-Fiction and Quotes 109-124



Vocabulary article byline

sensationalize politician









front page


publisher skim

media opinion

tabloid journalist

scan correspondent reporter


Skills needed for Newspapers 1. Sequencing 2. Scanning 3. Skimming 4. Comprehension 5. Reading 6. Relevance 7. Voicing Your Opinion 8. Decoding 9. Knowing Abbreviations 10. Vocabulary 11. Reference to Someone Famous or Important

Field Trip Activities: Field Trip to the local paper printing press Outcomes: 5.2 Work within a Group and 3.1 Plan and Focus Multiple Intelligences: Kines, Visual, Inter and Logical Strands: Writing, Viewing, Listening and Speaking Assessment: Completion of a page long description of their experiences. Adaptations/Modifications: students can write 2 paragraphs about their event and students that are higher achievers can write 4 or 5 paragraphs. Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social studies, health Resources: parent volunteers, the newspapers facility, transportation to the newspaper. Scavenger Hunt


Activities: Scavenger Hunt through the Newspaper (Red Deer Advocate,Toronto Sun, New York Times, Wall Street Journal) Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and Explore 3.2 Select and Process 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues and 3.4 Share and Review Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Inter,Intra,Linguistic and Logical Strands: Viewing, Reading and Writing Assessment: The students will have tasks to complete to finish the scavenger hunt. Eg. dateline, hockey score between Detroit and New York Rangers Adaptations/Modifications: shorter list of tasks. Higher achievers will be given the more substantial newspapers to find articles and artifacts not found in our local paper. Eg Stock prices on an unknown/smaller company. Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social studies, science, health Resources: Newspapers listed above Be a Critic Activities: Record Your Experience (movie, food, concert or sporting event, hike through Bower Ponds) Outcomes: 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues 2.2 Respond to Texts and 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Musical, Inter, Intra, Linguistic,Logical,Nature Strands: Viewing,Representing,Reading,Writing Assessment: Through this task it shows the teacher that the students are experiencing what is happening around them. Adaptations/Modifications: All of the students can participate in this task. It will be adapted with length and subject of their critique. Cross Curricular Competencies: Depending on the subject chosen but can hit all of the competencies Resources: N/A

Dream Job


Activities: Dream Job (apply, advertise or create your dream job) creating all aspects of a job that the students would like to make up or already exists. Outcomes: 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques 2.4 Create Original Text 3.1 Plan and Focus and 3.4 Share and Review Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra,Linguistic Strands: Viewing,Representing,Reading,Writing Assessment: Students will apply for the jobs that interest them the most. Students with more information about their jobs will receive more applications. Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: math, science, social studies, health, phys ed. Resources: Kijiji and other online job advertisers to show examples. Budgets Activities: Budgeting-stocks/bond,garage sales, trip, purchasing an item out of the flyers or classifieds. The students can pick a type of budget that they would like to do, they would be assessed on how close they can stick to the budget. Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend 2.1 Use strategies and cues 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process and 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Inter,Intra,Linguistic,Logical Strands: Viewing,Reading,Writing Assessment: How close they can stay on budget and looking at all aspects of the budget. Adaptations/Modifications: Lower budgets and less tasks to keep on budget depending on the students knowledge with math and budgeting. Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social studies, health. Resources: flyers, online advertising, travel agents online (Expedia, kayak etc) Statistics Activities: This is an activity to give to students that need an extra activity. They can look up their favourite player or team and find the stats for the day, week or year. EgSidney Crosby +/- for the month of February. If not an interest ask them to research a


company on the Toronto Stock Exchange and have a certain amount of stocks. A weekly report for a month can be worked on by the student. Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques and 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Logical, Intra, Inter Strands: Viewing,Reading,Writing Assessment: This activity is for the students that need an extra assignment and it can be built off the previous activity. Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social and science Resources: online newspapers and the local newspaper Comic Artist Activities: Students will be able to make a stencil of a comic and then use the different comic maker apps on the computer to initiate this further. Eg- bitstrips, comic creator, pixton, chogger. Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to Texts 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques 2.4 Create Original Text and 3.1 Plan and Focus Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Intra,Linguistic Strands: Viewing,Representing,Reading,Writing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: comic strip containing 5 windows, or 10 depending on level of learning. Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social studies, health. Resources: Examples of a comic strip and a strip with blanks so they can complete the activity Demographics Activities: Demographics- This activity can be for students that have completed all other work. Find the demographics of the local newspaper. Eg. Red Deer Advocate. Eg- age/incomes of readers of the Advocate. Other newspapers can be added Calgary/Edmonton or Vancouver/Toronto. 7

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and Explore and 1.2 Clarify and Extend Multiple Intelligences: Logical,Intra,Inter,Linguistics Strands: Viewing,Representing Assessment: Completed tasks Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Math, Science and Health Resources: The newspaper that the students are using The Newspaper Activities: Collaboration of a Newspaper- All the students will have different jobs that would coincide with a newspaper. There will be an editor, print setter, graphics, reporters, critics etc. Depending on the number of students would be the number of jobs. The general outcomes and how they participate and engage with others will determine their grades. Outcomes: 3.1 Plan and focus 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate and 5.2 Work within a group Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Inter,Intra,Linguistic Logical Strands: Representing,Reading,Writing,Viewing,Listening Speaking Assessment: This will be a final assessment that all students will be graded on. Adaptations/Modifications: All students will be participating on this activity. Cross Curricular Competencies: math, science, social, health Resources: This is a resource that could use to elaborate or take away positions.

**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined**


General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group



Vocabulary falling action climax foreshadowing incite conflict

author's message tone narrator symbolism resolution


exposition prediction divisive persecute documentation dialogue antagonist imagery

motivation segregate authentic monologue vague Holocaust protagonist symbolism

Skills needed for Historical Fiction 1.

Knowing Fact from Fiction


Background Information




Able to draw conclusions




Connecting to History




Identify Theme/Moral



10. Summarizing 11. Critical


12. Cause

and Effect


13. Compare

and Contrast

14. Connecting

to today’s events

15. Synthesizing

Wordle Activities: The students will do a wordle on their ideas about Historical Fiction, events, stories and names. This will be a beginning activity to get Historical Fiction in their thoughts.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 2.4 Create original text Multiple Intelligences: Inter, Intra and Linguistic Strands: Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: All students will be able to do this activity

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math.


Wordle and other resources available on the internet

Artists come Alive 13

Activities: Through this activity the students can draw a character, a bookmark, passports from the past or a poster. This activity can be an extension from the Wordle activity. They have done the words now the pictures or images that match with the Wordle.

Outcomes: 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate and 3.4 Share and review

Multiple Intelligences:

Visual, Inter, Intra and Linguistic

Strands: Viewing and Representing Assessment:

This activity is for the students to become more familiar with people and objects that will be spoken about in Historical Fiction Unit.



Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math.


Researching Historical Fiction people. places and things that are of interest of the students

Let’s Go To The Movies Activities: There are so many movies to choose from, Imitation Game, 42, Schindlers List, Selma, Lincoln, JFK ,etc A lot are from the states but the lessons from any of them can be interpreted into Canadian history. Human Rights issues etc.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.4 Share and review


Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Musical, Inter, Intra Strands: Listening and Viewing Assessment: This is a lesson for students to look at how Historical Fiction can take many different forms, movies etc.

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math.

Resources: The movie or movies that are chosen by the students. Give the students a choice of 5 and the top one will be watched. Students will also be able to ask for a favourite to bring and watch in class.

Virtual Tour Activities: There are many virtual tours of museums, Google Earth etc that will show you just about anything you want to see. This is an always changing source that can be explored in greater depth. In groups of 2-4 students they will be able to go online and look at one of the virtual tours. They can then present a Top Ten list of what they learned, a cool aspect, who owns the museum etc to the class. They will become the expert on the museum and then have the ability to present to the class.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 4.3 Present and share Multiple Intelligences:

Visual, Inter, Intra and Linguistic

Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing


Assessment: Students will have a peer evaluation and on the same questions that the students have while presenting. What they learned, something that they thought was cool etc.


Will be modified for a Top Five list

and the tour that they will view.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music


Let’s Get our Reading On Activities: Students will find a book that has the criteria for Historical Fiction. Depending on the level of the students that is how we will determine what books/magazine articles the students will read.


Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.1

Plan and focus

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra, Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students will have a shorter book or a magazine article to read. Excelling students will have chapter books or a book that has more history that they can explore elsewhere. Eg Book thief, research WW2 or Nazi Party etc.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music

Resources: Books or other articles used by the students, if the students want to listen to the book find audio books.

20 Questions Activities: All students will have a card with a different person that is involved with Historical Fiction and the other students can ask 20 questions before they either reveal the answer or the students are able to guess. Eg Stephen Harper, Laura Secord, Wayne Gretzky etc.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 3.4 Share and review Multiple Intelligences:

Visual, Inter, Intra, Linguistic


Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications:

Struggling students will have more popular people so there is not much research to do Eg. Wayne Gretzky. Excelling students will do on the people that are not as well known and more research will have to go into the activity.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music


Research ability for the students, smart phones, laptops


Talk Show Activities:

All Students will be able to participate in this activity. There will be a talk show host or a table of hosts and then the students will have cards that determine who are to be on the panel. Eg Non Canadians that are worldwide known, Ghandi, JFK, Nelson Mandela

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 2.2 Respond to texts Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra, Linguistic Strands: Listening,Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A


Adaptations/Modifications: Depending on the students and what they know it will be the same as the previous activity. Excelling students can research a person that is not as well known, struggling students will have a person more well known.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music

Resources: Research ability for the students, smart phones, laptops etc.

Put Into Your Own Words Activities: Teacher can pick a few stories that will be read to the class. They can take brief notes but the point of this lesson is to put it into their own words. Teacher will find some more elaborate stories that the students can find different aspects to and also have different perspectives. This will be an in class project so it is fresh in their minds and they are not able to go on to the internet and find someone else’s ideas etc.

Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend and 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques

Multiple Intelligences: Intra, Inter, Linguistic Strands: Listening,Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: Excelling students will have more to write, 2 paragraphs and struggling students will have 1 paragraph to complete.


Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

History Repeating Itself?? Activities: Students will be told a few different stories from different eras and will be asked to give the date that they think this has happened. Then the students will look at historical events and compare them to events that have happened in the last few years. Eg Holocaust vs Boka Haram. 60’s civil rights movement vs African American men being shot in the United States or the amount of African American men in jail. There are many stories that we can look into.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts, 3.1 Plan and focus and 3.2 Select and process

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Mathematical, Inter and Intra Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social Studies, Health Resources: Stories from the past and current events.

Let’s Blog About It!! 20

Activities: The students will be able to look at particular websites etc or newspapers online and then will be asked to blog about the article they have read. It has to be a current event - within the last year. After reading the article then the students will blog about it.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.4 Create original text Multiple Intelligences:

Visual, Linguistic, Inter and Intra

Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing Assessment:

Where, When, Why, Who, What and How? I will have an outline on what I am looking for.

Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students can do more of a brief blog answering the questions above and the stronger students can blog with more substance and research other issues that may have happened in that city etc. Eg Ferguson, Missouri.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music

Resources: Internet sources, newspapers online, newspapers, magazine articles (from reputable sources) etc.

Pictures say so much! Activities:

From the pictures posted below the students will have 5 minutes to write whatever comes to them. The students can either blog on them, do a podcast, collage, video etc. This will be a final activity for the students to do. There will be an assessment and also if they want to present to others in the school or parents. The students can choose however they want to present their feelings etc about these pictures. They 21

can also refer back to other activities that we have done about historical fiction.

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 1.2 Clarify and extend, 2.2

Respond to texts, 2.4 Create original text,

3.3 Organize, record and evaluate, 3.4 Share and review, 4.3 Present and share and 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra and Linguistic Strands: Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment:

All students will be assessed on this assignment. All

students will see the same pictures and then can present in whatever form they would like. The pictures will also be around the classroom and so they can refer to the pictures whenever needed. The students will be marked on their reflections from the pictures and then on the text that they have chosen to use. I have 4 pictures at this time but will be able to add pictures that I find relevant to this topic.


All students will be able to do this

assignment. They can choose how they present their knowledge about this task and I will assess them on their abilities. If it is a struggling student they can do a poster or collage. This can not be a partner project as it is their own reflection on these pictures.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science and Health 22



**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined** General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.


1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions


4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group

Short Story and Novel Unit


Vocabulary for short story/ The Outsiders setting point of view first-person point of view third person narrator characterization 27

Characters protagonist antagonist character/hero simile connotation allusion foreshadowing alliteration metaphor theme personification Additional Vocabulary for the Outsiders booze-hound




the cooler .






the fuzz






JD ornery

madras peroxide 28










Skills needed for Short Story/Novel 1.











Recognizing Differences






Understanding Plot and Point of View

10. Vocabulary 11. Concluding


12. Summarizing 13. Creating

Let’s Go To The Movies Activities: Watch the movie “The Outsiders” as this will be the novel we will be doing as a class. I will have about 10 questions that the students will need to answer while watching and will be handed in for completion marks. This makes the students more engaged.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.4 Share and review Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Musical, Inter, Intra Strands: Listening and Viewing Assessment: Formative during the movie and summative for completion of the questions.

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: The movie “The Outsiders”


Let’s have a Family Discussion Activities: The movie and the novel have a great family dynamic, but not a typical family. The students will write what they think a “family” means and write out what makes their family different from others. Students comfortable with sharing can. Some ideas can be the ages of the parents, siblings. Interests that they do as a family eg bike riding, hiking etc. Favourite foods or traditional foods.

Outcomes: 3.4

Share and review and 5.1 Respect others and

strengthen community

Multiple Intelligences: Inter, Intra and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social and Health Resources: N/A

Character Cell Phone Activities: As we are reading the novel, the students can pick a character from the novel and what they think their cell phone would look like. The wallpaper, contacts, songs, apps etc.


Outcomes: 3.2

Select and process and 3.3 Organize, record and


Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter and Intra Strands: Writing and Viewing Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Found on

Character Cell Phone, Fun Writing Activity, Use with ANY Literature Grades 6-12 found on pinterest

Stay Gold Activities: As a class we will read the poem by Robert Frost “Nothing Gold Can Stay� what the students believe the meaning is behind the poem. The students will write a page on their interpretation of the poem. Why it would be referenced in both the novel and the movie? Watch the short movie clip when Ponyboy recites the poem to Johnny.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore, 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques and 4.1 Enhance and improve

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra and Logical Strands: Reading, Viewing and Representing 32

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students can put the poem into another form eg picture, drawing etc. Excelling students can research Robert Frost and if he has stated his meaning behind the poem.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Health Resources:

FakeBook Activities: The students can pick a character from the novel and put together a Fakebook account for that character. This should be a different character than what they have chose for the cell phone activity.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts, 3.1 Plan and focus and 4.1 Enhance and improve

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter and Intra Strands: Writing and Viewing Assessment: Formative:

Another fun assignment that the students will need to research about the social/mental aspects of the character that they chose

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A 33

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Wanted Poster Activities: The students will be making a wanted poster.

They can pick a character from the book. I will have a few options for the students to choose from as a template.

Outcomes: 3.1 Plan and focus and 4.3 Present and share Multiple Intelligences:


Strands: Viewing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Templates of different wanted posters for the students to

choose from.

History Lesson


Activities: Students will look at the 1960’s and the impact that had on the novel. Why would the author, SE Hinton chose that time, what was happening in the world and North America? Students can ask grandparents or others that they may know that lived during the 60’s.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts, 3.1 Plan and focus and 3.2 Select and process

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Mathematical, Inter and Intra Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: All the students will have a different role to research. Language, News, Music, Movies,TV, Vehicles etc. This task will be done independently and then come together as a class and present the history lesson as experts to their class.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social Studies, Health Resources: Stories from the past and current events. Internet, family members, friends other sources.

Alternate Ending Activities: The students can pick a scene from the book, the ending or another aspect from the book and write a different outcome. Eg Johnny does not kill Bob, Dally isn’t shot by the police etc. The students will have to explain how this will impact the rest of the book. Would the story still have the same impact with a different outcome? 35

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 2.3 Understand forms,

elements and techniques and 2.4 Create original text

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing Assessment: Summative, the students will have have an outline etc that will need to be assessed. How their ideas have changed the story etc.

Adaptations/Modifications: All students can do this activities, the expectations will be different for the student. They can elaborate as much as they want.

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

The novel “The Outsiders� by SE Hinton

Mini Books Activities: All the students will make a mini foldable book that has all the main characters listed on the side. 5-7 characters may be chosen, when you pick a character on the side you will be able to open it up and all the characteristics, features, likes/dislikes will be on the pages. Eg. Significant Event and Its Impact/Important Quotation/Sketch of a Character with Text Details (Physical Description)/Figurative Language and Meaning/Sketch of Important Setting and Explain Impact/Development of Theme

Outcomes: 3.1 Plan and focus, 3.2 Select and process and


3.3 Organize, record and evaluate

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra, Linguistic Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing Assessment: This assignment will be taken in at the end of the unit, it will be marked on content, and description and artistic.

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: Pinterest

Final Project Activities: All the students will be able to participate in this final activity. They can chose a screencast, movie trailer, movie in a minute or movie or book critique. The only requirement is that this project is to be done through technology.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond

to texts, 2.4 Create original text, 3.1 Plan

and focus, 3.2 Select and process, 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate

3.4 Share and review, 4.3 Present and share and 5.2 Work within a group

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Bodily, Musical and Logical Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing 37

Assessment: Summative, this is the final project for this unit.

The students can refer back to the activities to get ideas to finish this project.

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: search_query=movies+in+a+minute Other resources will be and can be used for this project. Other resources for the unit:

**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined**

General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend


General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5


Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group


Directions Instructions Unit Vocabulary Left Right Straight Forward Crossroads Junction Lane Road Highway Avenue Street Far Close Near Continue Correct 41

Redo Fast Slow

Skills needed for Directions/Instructions 1.



Chronological Order














Following Instructions

10. Logical 11. Visual



12. Comprehending 13. Decoding 14. Evaluating 15. Incorporating 42

16. Analysis 17. Interpretation

Follow the Leader Activities:

Logical Sequences- Breaking down a simple task into as many steps as possible. Example: Darren on the bus/using a public washroom


2.1 Use strategies and cues 3.3 Organize, record and


Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Bodily, Inter, Logical Strands:

Listening,Speaking, Reading, Writing and Viewing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications:

Struggling students can do tasks that only have a few steps, Excelling students can do tasks with more steps. Eg. Computer program or an Experiment

Cross Curricular Competencies: Math, Science, Health Resources:


The Quiz


Activities: The classic quiz that has the last question saying “Do not answer all the questions�. This was done to me in Grade 4 and I still remember it!! This can be done at the beginning or the end of this unit.

Outcomes: 2.1 Use strategies and cues and 2.2 Respond to texts Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Logical Strands: Reading Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: The test from any source, pinterest

Scavenger Hunt Activities: The students go on a scavenger hunt online, outside and also using a magazine, newspaper etc. There will be 3 opportunities for the students to go on different types of scavenger hunts. The tasks they will be looking for will be basic that will be found in any of these tasks. Eg outside, find a rock, coin, leaf etc. Eg online, a recipe, picture of a famous person, quote, newsworthy article etc.


Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 2.1 Use strategies and cues,

2.2 Respond to texts, 3.1 Plan and focus and 3.2 Select and process

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Logical, Bodily and Musical Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: All students will be able to do this activity. Struggling students will have a shorter list to find and excelling students will have more tasks to find.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Math, Science, Social, Health and Music

Resources: rs=ac&len=2&q=scavenger+hunt&term_meta%5B%5D=scavenger %7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta%5B%5D=hunt%7Cautocomplete %7C0&remove_refine=instructions%7Ctyped


Let’s Draw Activities: 1.

2. 3.


Hand out sheets of blank paper to all of the students.

Draw 4 straight lines from one side to the other (they could be vertical, horizontal, diagonal or a mix). Draw 5 circles, any size, anywhere. Draw 2 lines that start on an edge, curve and end somewhere in the middle. Color a minimum of 3 circles and 6 areas.

Demonstrate your craftsmanship.

Outcomes: 3.1 Plan and focus, 3.4 Share and review and 4.3 Present and share

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Logical Strands: Listening, Writing, Viewing, and Representing Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Art 46


Simon Says Activities: All the students will be able to participate in this activity. Most of the students will have played this throughout their school life and otherwise.

Outcomes: 3.2 Select and process and 5.2 Work within a group Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Bodily Strands: Listening and Speaking and Viewing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: N/A

**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined** 47

General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4


Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group












apostrophes conclusion climax falling action

introduction plot rising action repetition

Skills needed for Quotes and Grammar 1.





Knowledge of the Quotes


Creative thinking


Forming an opinion



Critical Thinking


Drawing Conclusions


Creating Variety


Using Transitions

10. Proofreading 11. Revising 12. Editing 13. Vocabulary 14. Formal


15. Writing


Monthly Theme of Quotes Activities: This will be a project that is done together as a class.

I will bring in quotes for the first week. Students will bring in quotes for the rest of the month on that particular theme. Eg September will be Education theme. October can be Halloween/Thankful theme, November Remembrance Day or War. The quotes will be around the room and will post them on the smartboard. The students will have a journal for writing in everyday, they can use quotes if they are stuck or another subject that they would like to discuss with me.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.2 Select and process Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Intra 52

Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Health, Science, Phys Ed, Math etc.

Resources: Quotes from the internet, Pinterest, Facebook etc

Glogster (Quotes) Activities: Students can pick one quote or a number of quotes that have similar meanings to them. Add pictures and other resources that add more meaning to the quote(s). This activity can be an added task that the students can do when they have free time and need extra work to do.

Outcomes: 2.4 Create original text and 3.2 Select and process Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Linguistic and Logical Strands: Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Health, Science, Phys Ed, Math etc.


Glogster and Internet for quotes 53

Picture It or Quote It Activities: Students will have a picture and can put a quote with it or have a quote and put a picture that goes with it. There are a lot of quotes out there that have nice pictures that go with the quote but sometimes the picture makes you think differently about the quote. This is to show that the picture doesn’t always fit the quote and vice versa.

Outcomes: 4.1 Enhance and improve and 4.3 Present and share Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Health, Science, Phys Ed, Math etc.

Resources: Quotes from the internet, Pinterest, Facebook etc

Fill the Bags 54

Activities: Label each of 8 bags with one of the 8 principle parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjections, and conjunctions. Break the class into teams, and hand one bag to each team. Give each team a stack of note cards and tell them that they have 60 seconds on the clock to write as many words that are that part of speech as possible. When the time is up, have one student from each group read the cards, and ask the class to decide whether all of the cards are indeed the correct part of speech.

Outcomes: 1.2

Clarify and extend, 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.3

Understand forms, elements and techniques

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking and Reading Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:


Build a Sentence – Version 1 Activities: Give each team one of the bags from the previous activity. Write a simple sentence on the board, such as “Wow, the brown dog jumped over the fence.” Make a line beneath this sentence for a parallel sentence, and write each of the articles from the first sentence in the same place in the parallel sentence. Tell the students that as you say each remaining word in the sentence, the group that has that part of speech should pick a card from their bag and bring it up to the board. Stick that word under the original word, and continue reading the original sentence. When you’re finished, you should have a new sentence that is grammatically correct, but hopefully entertaining as well! (For example, the new sentence might read, “Yipes, the spotted lunch flew around the kitchen.”)

Outcomes: 1.2

Clarify and extend, 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.3

Understand forms, elements and techniques 56

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking and Reading Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:


Build a Sentence – Version 2 Activities: Set out the bags from the previous activities in a row. Have each student (or pair of students, depending on the number of note cards in each bag), walk along the row and take one note card from each bag; then, have them rearrange the cards to make a long, grammatically correct sentence. (Tell students that they can add articles as needed.) Have each student, or pair of students, post the sentences up on the board. When you finish these parts of speech activities, you may want to have students refill the bags so that you can reuse them later on. These parts of speech activities can be helpful weeks, or even months, after the unit was taught.

Outcomes: 1.2

Clarify and extend, 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.3

Understand forms, elements and techniques

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking and Reading Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:


Let’s Toss the Ball Around Activities: Have a blown up beach ball with the words “noun, verb, adjective” etc written in marker on the sides. When a student catches it whatever their right hand touches they have to say a word that matches. Eg Noun - cat. When the class becomes more knowledgeable add another ball.

Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend, 4.1 Enhance and improve and 4.2 Attend to conventions

Multiple Intelligences: Bodily and Linguistic Strands: Listening and Speaking 59

Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: N/A

What You Talking About? Activities: Have a text message on the board and the students need to interpret it. There are plenty of texts out there to do this activity. I would make one up with the new text language. The language may change in the next few years. Another activity off of this is have it written in proper English and the students need to put into text messages or slang.

Outcomes: 2.2

Respond to texts and 2.3 Understand forms,

elements and techniques

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal and Visual Strands: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A 60


Let’s Sing About It Activities: There are a lot of videos on Youtube and other sources on the internet for fun videos about grammar. The Grade 7’s may be a little old for it but I think will enjoy it just the same. Used more for review, and if students learn better with a rhyme or musically this is a step forward for everyone involved.

Outcomes: 2.1 Use strategies and cues and 2.2 Respond to texts Multiple Intelligences: Musical, Linguistic Strands: Listening, Viewing and Reading Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined** 61

General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4 62

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group



Vocabulary resolution, beanstalk,

ogre, adventure, forest, tower, enemy, fairy, antagonist, climax, Step-mother, enchantment, heroine, crown, tower, fairy godmother, protagonist, maiden, glass slippers, troll drawbridge, story, villain, cottage, brave, dwarves, conflict, character, , beautiful, sword, castle, wicked, spell, knight, beast, plot, carriage, damsel, prince, king, giant, queen, princess, witch goblin, prince charming tiara, curse, once upon a time‌ good, evil, fairy tale, happily ever after‌, folktale, setting, resolution gown.

Skills needed for Fractured Fairy Tales 1.



Comprehension 65






Analyzing Elements


Role Playing


Literacy Skills





10. Independent


Our Own Fracturing Activities:

Students will bring in their favourite fairy tale. As a class we will discuss what the difference between a fairy and fractured fairy tale is. The students will then change their fairy tale into a fractured fairy tale. This will take a 1-2 classes.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts, 2.4 Create original text and 4.1 Enhance and improve


Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: This is for the students to get familiar with fractured fairy tales. This will be formative and there will be CFU done throughout.

Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students can change the ending or the beginning and excelling students will be able to change at least 5 aspects to make the story a fractured tale.

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: Books from home and in the classroom

Let’s Go To The Movies Activities: As a class we will watch “Into the Woods” before we watch we will discuss again what a fractured fairy tale is and what this movie may (context) to make it a fractured fairy tale. Some of the students may have seen the movie. Can have a class discussion about this movie and the movie “Cinderella” compare the beginnings and the endings.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.4 Share and review Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Musical, Inter, Intra Strands: Listening and Viewing Assessment: N/A


Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: The movie which I own, or watch on Netflix.

Wickedly Awesome Activities: Quotes, music and clips from the Broadway play “Wicked” If any of the students have seen the play they can tell the story behind it if not I will tell them about it. I can also reference the books and will have them in the classroom. Listen to the songs “Defying Gravity” and “For Good”. These both can be referred to for character learning. Both songs have powerful messages. Lyrics from the songs and the students can read them to get the meaning behind them.

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.4

Share and review

Multiple Intelligences: Musical, Linguistic, Inter, Intra and Visual Strands: Listening and Viewing Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A 68

Cross Curricular Competencies: Health and Character Education

Resources: Youtube clips, soundtrack and books

Writing to Your Fairy Godmother Activities:

The students will write to their fairy godmother, Jiminy Cricket etc. This will be a fun activity, and the students will not be graded on grammar and spelling but on content and imagination.

Outcomes: 2.4 Create original text and 4.2 Attend to conventions Multiple Intelligences:

Inter, Intra and Linguistic

Strands: Reading and Writing Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Math, Social and Science depending on what the students write about.


Imaginations and their minds


Wanted Poster Activities: The students will be making a wanted poster.

They can choose their own portraits or they can pick a character from a book. I will have a few options for the students to choose from as a template.

Outcomes: 3.1 Plan and focus and 4.3 Present and share Multiple Intelligences:

Visual and Linguistic

Strands: Viewing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Templates of different wanted posters for the students to

choose from.

Dream Job


Activities: Dream Job (apply, advertise or create your dream job) creating all aspects of a job that the students would like to make up or already exists and apply as a character from a fairy tale that they have read or are familiar with.

Outcomes: 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques, 2.4 Create Original Text, 3.1 Plan and Focus and 3.4 Share and Review

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra,Linguistic Strands: Viewing,Representing,Reading,Writing Assessment:

Students will apply for the jobs that interest them the most. Students with more information about their jobs will receive more applications. These jobs can be real or come from the tales or from “Into the Woods” that they have witnessed. Eg. Cobbler, A giant or a baker etc.

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies:

math, science, social studies,

health, phys ed.


Kijiji and other online job advertisers to show examples.

Reader’s Theatre Activities: Students will act out a play that has been changed from a fairy tale to a fractured fairy tale. Students will take a vote and choose a story that will involve all of the students either as actors, directors etc.

Outcomes: 4.3 Present and share and 5.2 Work within a group Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Bodily 71

Strands: Listening, Speaking and Reading, Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: All students will be able to participate in this activity

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: Story chosen by the class

Letter to the Editor Activities:

Students will write to an Editor as a character of their choice from a fractured fairy tale.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.4 Create original text Multiple Intelligences: Verbal and Linguistic Strands: Reading and Writing Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: N/A 72

Text Messages Activities: Text messages between characters from fractured fairy tales. This can be done in partners and they can write out a 10 line text message between two characters.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 2.2 Respond to texts Multiple Intelligences: Inter, Intra and Linguistic Strands: Writing and Viewing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies:


Resources: Text message generator

Let’s Go On a Trip! 73

Activities: Students can write up a travel flyer from a land that is referred to in one of the stories that we have covered. Eg Wicked the land of Oz. In the flyer they will need a title, a map, hotels, restaurants etc that will draw travelers to this area.

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 3.3 Organize, record and

evaluate and 3.4 Share and review

Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical and Visual Strands: Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies:


Resources: Travel flyers from other cities

Let’s Change It Up Activities: The entire class will write a play together and it will be a fractured fairy tale. Everyone will have a job to do and I will make sure that they have different jobs from readers theatre. As a class we will write it, edit, act and present it to another class or the entire school. This will be the summative assignment to finish up the unit.


Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 1.2 Clarify and extend 2.2

Respond to texts, 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques

2.4 Create original text, 3.1 Plan and focus, 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate, 3.4 Share and review, 4.1 Enhance and improve, 4.2 Attend to conventions, 4.3 Present and share and

5.2 Work within a group

Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Bodily-kinesthetic and Musical Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing


Summative, all students will be marked on how they contributed to make this play presentable to others.

Adaptations/Modifications: All students can participate.


jobs will be based on their MI’s and interests.

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: Other fairy tales that have been made into plays.


are a lot of resources out there to grab.

**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined**


General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4


Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group



Vocabulary Imagery Acrostic Poem Haiku Alliteration Couplet Hyperbole Metaphor Onomatopoeia Simile Ballad Cinquain Figurative Language Free Verse Limerick Sonnet Stanza

Skills needed for Poetry 79






Emotional Language













10. Meter 11. Patterns

A Picture is Like a Thousand Words Activities:

Introduction of Imagery, Day One: read a poem and the students have to draw a picture that goes with the poem. Day Two: Students look at a picture and have to write a poem

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 2.4 Create original text


Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra Strands:

Reading, Writing and Viewing


Formative assessment as the students are learning to express from pictures and create their own pictures from a poem.


All students will be able to do this activity, some of the students can do shorter poems or extensive as they want

Cross Curricular Competencies: Depending on their choice of poems this could be with any subject.


Poems that will cause more images for the students

History of Rap Activities:

Beginning of each class watch History of Rap, have a print out of the lyrics and the songs that have been chosen. There are 5 History of Raps (March 2015) watch one a day and then discuss the songs that have been chosen.

Outcomes: 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques Multiple Intelligences:

Musical, Bodily, Inter and Intra

Strands: Listening, Speaking and Viewing Assessment: N/A this is more to introduce poetry to the students in different aspects that they may not have looked at before


Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Youtube versions of History of Rap/Jimmy Fallon channel

on Youtube

Bring in Their Favourite Songs/Poems Activities: The students can bring in a favourite song, poem, sonnet or ballad. They will need to bring in the lyrics first.

Outcomes: 2.2 Respond to texts and 4.3 Present and share Multiple Intelligences:

Musical, Inter, Intra, Linguistic

Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing

Assessment: This is another assignment to bring awareness to the students about poetry and the different forms

Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A depending on what is chosen for the poems

Resources: What they students use for their resources


Famous Poets Activities: The students will research a poet and their history and then read one of their poems. What this poem tries to say about their history. Eg Jay Z, Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, Shakespeare etc. All the poets will be put on a bulletin board in the room and around the room.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 2.2 Respond to texts Multiple Intelligences: Music, Linguistic, Intra, Inter Strands:

Reading, Writing.

Assessment: Formative, the students will be graded on their discovery and research then the reading of the poems.

Adaptations/Modifications: All students can do this, low achievers can do a Top Ten list and the high achievers can do more intensive research.

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A depending on what is chosen by the students


Research sources and introduction to new poets that they may not be aware of.

What is the Theme? Activities:

Each day there will be a different theme.

Day 1: Colours 83

Day 2: Love Day 3: Fun Day 4: A city that they have travelled to, anything will work. There will be an outline for what is expected of the students

Outcomes: 4.1 Enhance and improve and 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate

Multiple Intelligences: Strands:

Linguistic, Inter, Intra

Reading, Writing


This is another fun activity to get the kids excited about poetry. How it is in their world and by little things they can discover. There will be a short outline of what is expected.


Acrostic poems for struggling students and Haiku for excelling students

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: N/A

What comes to mind? Activities:

They will have 5 minutes to write whatever comes to mind and then put it into their choice of poem form. Eg. Family, use their last name as acrostic.

Outcomes: 4.1 Enhance and improve and 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate

Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Inter and Intra 84


Writing, Viewing and Representing


This is more of a free writing and then composing it into a poem. I want the students to just write whatever comes to mind and then assess their work and put into poem form. Formative assessment at first and then will go into summative assessment.



Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: N/A

Let’s Translate Activities: The students will have some sonnets and poems from other ages and translate into our language of now. Example Shakespeare “To be or not to be� and others done by Shakespeare.

Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend and 3.2 Select and process Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic Strands: Writing and Viewing Assessment:



This will be an assignment for the higher level learners that may be done in their free time.


Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: Sonnets from other sources, Internet and plays of Shakespeare.

Raiding Home Depot Activities: Colour swatches that are available from paint stores have a lot of poetic words on them. Have the students draw them out of a container and then let them write a poem about those colours. Refer to Pinterest for ideas on this.

Outcomes: 1.2 Clarify and extend Multiple Intelligences: Strands:


Writing and Viewing


This is another fun activity that gets the students encouraged into thinking about poetry in different ways.

Adaptations/Modifications: All students will be able to participate in this lesson

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Colour swatches from Home Depot or other stores where

paint is sold.


**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined** General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review


General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group


Vocabulary 89




Newspaper Articles









Main Ideas

Supporting Detail

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources







Skills needed for Non Fiction 1.

Making Connections




Visualizing 90


Determining Importance











10. Predicting 11. Explaining 12. Revising 13. Evaluating 14. Clarifying

Wordsplash Activities: Typically for Wordsplash, the teacher would read the text and choose key words or concepts to randomly write in a box. The students would then write a short paragraph using the words and predict how the words and concepts work together. Then, the students would read the text and compare and contrast their paragraphs with the text they read. Instead of using the activity for the students to make predictions, have the students choose key words or concepts (no more than 10) after they have read the text and write them randomly in a box. Then have the students exchange their papers with another student and write a paragraph using the words the other student chose.


Outcomes: 2.2

Respond to texts, 3.2 Select and process and 3.3

Organize, record and evaluate

Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic and Visual Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing Assessment: Summative-This activity is a great assessment tool to check for understanding of the text and allows the students to be the creators of the assessment.

Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students could do a minimum 5 words or over if they feel confident in the task. Excelling students could do 10 or over.

Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources: %20What%27s%20New/Strategies%20for%20Teaching%20With %20Non-Fiction%20Informational%20Texts.pdf


Glogster Activities: After reading the text, have the students chose an idea or concept. Add pictures and other resources that add more meaning to the text.

Outcomes: 2.4 Create original text and 3.2 Select and process Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Linguistic and Logical Strands: Viewing and Representing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Health, Science, Phys Ed, Math etc.


Glogster and Internet for quotes


W5 and H1 Activities: What happened? Who was there? Why did it happen? When did it happen? Where did it happen? How did it happen? Students can read an article in a newspaper, magazine etc. Then they will answer the questions and a brief summary on the article they read.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore and 1.2 Clarify and extend Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter and Intra Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing Assessment: Summative as this will be handed in for marks.


for researching and content then grammar and spelling.

Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students will have a newspaper or magazine article with the answers quite prominent. Excelling students will have a more indepth article that takes research and analyzing.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Math etc. Depending on the article chosen.

Resources: Magazines, Newspapers, Online sources etc

Who is on the Bestseller List?? Activities: This activity is to introduce Non Fiction books to the student, the list is updated weekly and this could be a brief 5 minute discussion of what books are on the bestseller list. The students will also be encouraged


to read a brief synopsis etc and if interested read the books. Discussion could also be around how when a book does well a movie comes out close after. Eg Wild by Cheryl Strayed and STILL ALICE by Lisa Genova.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore

and 2.2 Respond to texts

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Reading and Viewing Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: N/A Resources:

Tweet, Tweet Activities: Students will read a Nonfiction article, summarize it and tweet about it.

Outcomes: 2.2

Respond to texts, 2.3 Understand forms, elements

and techniques and 2.4 Create original text

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Linguistic Strands: Reading, Writing and Viewing


Assessment: Formative, I will take in the tweets before they post so that there isn’t any inappropriate language etc.

Adaptations/Modifications: Excelling students will tweet about the article, struggling students will be able to link their post so they can be over 160 characters.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Depending on the article chosen.

Resources: Twitter and articles

Scavenger Hunt Activities:

Scavenger Hunt through the Newspaper (Red Deer Advocate,Toronto Sun, New York Times, Wall Street Journal)

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and Explore 3.2 Select and Process 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues and 3.4 Share and Review

Multiple Intelligences: Visual,Inter,Intra,Linguistic and Logical Strands: Viewing, Reading and Writing Assessment: The students will have tasks to complete to finish the scavenger hunt. Eg. dateline, hockey score between Detroit and New York Rangers

Adaptations/Modifications: shorter list of tasks.

Higher achievers will be given the more substantial newspapers to find articles and artifacts not found in our local paper. Eg Stock prices on an unknown/smaller company. 96

Cross Curricular Competencies: math, social studies, science, health

Resources: Newspapers listed above

Who is Ted?? Activities: Students will become experts and then do a Ted talk about their chosen article, book etc.

Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore, 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process, 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate and


Share and review

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra and Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: Formative Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students can do an article, excelling students can do a book or article over 5 pages.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Depending on what has been chosen for their talk

Resources: 97

What? No Way!! Activities: This is an activity that brings the students engaged at the beginning of a lesson. There are many unknown facts that would make the students come to class and get settled earlier. ** Check and make sure appropriate for all students.

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore and 5.1 Respect others and

strengthen community

Multiple Intelligences: Visual and Logical Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: N/A Cross Curricular Competencies: All classes may be involved depending on facts chosen.


Let’s Get our Reading On Activities: Students will find a book that has the criteria for NonFiction. Depending on the level of the students that is how we will


determine what books/magazine articles the students will read. There will be a discussion between myself and the students. Students choose!

Outcomes: 1.1

Discover and explore, 2.2 Respond to texts and 3.1

Plan and focus

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Inter, Intra, Linguistic Strands: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Representing

Assessment: N/A Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students will have a shorter book or a magazine article to read. Excelling students will have chapter books or a book that has more history that they can explore elsewhere.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Social, Science, Health, Phys Ed (Sports Figures), Math, Music

Resources: Books or other articles used by the students, if the students want to listen to the book find audio books.

Inquiring Minds Activities: This is a final essay after reading their articles.

I am hoping that the students will write about something that interests them but they don’t know a lot about. There will be lots to choose from: magazine articles, newspapers, books etc.


Outcomes: 1.1 Discover and explore, 1.2 Clarify and extend, 2.1 Use strategies and cues, 2.2 Respond to texts, 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques, 2.4 Create original text, 3.1 Plan and focus

3.2 Select and process, 3.3 Organize, record and evaluate, 3.4 Share and review, 4.1 Enhance and improve, 4.2 Attend to conventions, 4.3 Present and share

Multiple Intelligences: Visual, Linguistic, Inter and Intra Strands: Reading, Writing, Viewing and Representing Assessment: Summative, there will be a rubric and outcomes that all students will have to meet.

Adaptations/Modifications: Struggling students will do a shorter essay and will do it on something that they are familiar with. Excelling students will do it on something they are not familiar with and will need to do some research.

Cross Curricular Competencies: Depending on what is chosen will be the cross curricular competencies



**General Outcomes that have been used in this Unit Plan are underlined**

General Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. 1.1 Discover and explore 1.2 Clarify and extend General Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts. 2.1 Use strategies and cues 2.2 Respond to texts 2.3 Understand forms, elements and techniques 2.4 Create original text General Outcome 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information. 3.1 Plan and focus 3.2 Select and process


3.3 Organize, record and evaluate 3.4 Share and review General Outcome 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. 4.1 Enhance and improve 4.2 Attend to conventions 4.3 Present and share General Outcome 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. 5.1 Respect others and strengthen community 5.2 Work within a group


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