New Issue (No. 55) of Heavy Metal Pages online magazine. 53 interviews and more than 200 reviews. 132 pages that will certainly satisfy any metalhead who loves heavy metal and its classic subgenres. Inside you will find many interesting facts and news in interviews with: Dark Angel, Running Wild, Iced Earth, Metal Church, Primal Fear, Artillery, Turbo, The No-Mads, Onslaught, Malice, KAT, Warbringer, Chastain, Blitzkrieg, StormWarrior, Hellscream, Vektor, Anihilated, Leatherwolf, and many, many more. Enjoy!
Nowy numer – No. 54 - e-Magazynu Heavy Metal Pages to 63 wywiady i ponad 200 recenzji. 156 strony, które na pewno zadowolą maniaka tradycyjnych odmian heavy metalu. Wiele interesujących informacji i ciekawostek do przeczytania w wywiadach, między innymi z: Dark Angel, Running Wild, Iced Earth, Metal Church, Primal Fear, Artillery, Turbo, The No-Mads, Onslaught, Malice, KAT, Warbringer, Chastain, Blitzkrieg, StormWarrior, Hellscream, Vektor, Anihilated, Leatherwolf i inne. Zachęc