Hello my name is Mo. I live in Kings Heath, Birmingham.
I was born in Mogadishu in Somalia. I have worked all over the world.
I can speak many languages. What am I saying in each of these languages? (The answer is on the last page)
I have been to many countries. Can you guess which ones by looking at the ags? (The answers are on the last page)
Answers: Languages The answer is ‘Hello’
Flags 1. France 2. USA 3. Germany 4. Sweden 5. Holland 6. Italy 7. Yemen 8. Saudi Arabia 9. Jordan 10. Belgium 11. UK 12. Egypt 13. United Arab Emirates
o year is the result of a tw t) se rt pa efiv a of This book (part and t with Year 4 staff ec oj pr ed nd fu ps Creative Partnershi worked in imary School, who Pr t of Cr ns le Al om children fr de Nasty and practitioners Ming e tiv ea cr ith w n collaboratio parents real-life stories from er th ga to r de or Ian Richards, in across literacy curriculum e th t or pp su to s, and local resident ity. the school commun Thanks to: Year 4 children, their parents and the
local school community
Year 4 Teacher (2009-10): Tara Harris
an and Mary Greaney
Year 4 Teachers (2010-11): Duncan Holm Head Teacher: Johanne Clifton Creative Practitioners: Ming de Nasty Creative Agent: Andrew Tims Consultant to the National School of
and Ian Richards son
Creativity programme: Patricia Thom
Design & Illustration by Year 4 pupils in collaboration with Ian Richards & John Eddy at Heavy Object.