Hello my name is Mrs Horse. I have lived in Kings Heath all my life. I am happy here and I love my house. Over the years I’ve seen many changes in this area.
When I was a child there were fields everywhere. In the field across the road from my house were horses. They were used to carry bread, milk and coal from place to place. How many horses are in the field?
The school fields used to be allotments. How many vegetables can you name?
There were pigsties there. That’s why the path by the school is called Piggy Lane.
My earliest memory is going to school and dressing up to act out a play for the Queen’s Coronation. We had a big street party!
For my pocket money I had sixpence a week. For a sixpenny piece I could catch the bus, go to the cinema, buy some sweets and catch the bus back home.
My children came to Allens Croft Primary School. Back then it was called Pineapple School. We used to have sports days on the field and my children would win rosettes. I’ve still got them.
o year is the result of a tw t) se rt pa efiv a of This book (part and t with Year 4 staff ec oj pr ed nd fu ps Creative Partnershi worked in imary School, who Pr t of Cr ns le Al om children fr de Nasty and practitioners Ming e tiv ea cr ith w n collaboratio parents real-life stories from er th ga to r de or Ian Richards, in across literacy curriculum e th t or pp su to s, and local resident ity. the school commun Thanks to: Year 4 children, their parents and the
local school community
Year 4 Teacher (2009-10): Tara Harris
an and Mary Greaney
Year 4 Teachers (2010-11): Duncan Holm Head Teacher: Johanne Clifton Creative Practitioners: Ming de Nasty Creative Agent: Andrew Tims Consultant to the National School of
and Ian Richards son
Creativity programme: Patricia Thom
Design & Illustration by Year 4 pupils in collaboration with Ian Richards & John Eddy at Heavy Object.