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Question 1 See the Exhibit:
Yiu oeed ti display all primi categiries that di oit have 'disciuot' io their subcategiry. Which twi SQL statemeots give the required result? (Chiise twi.) A. SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios MINUS SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios WHERE primi_subcategiry = 'disciuot' B. SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios INTERSECT SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios WHERE primi_subcategiry = 'disciuot' C. SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios MINUS SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios WHERE primi_subcategiry<> 'disciuot' D. SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios INTERSECT SELECT primi_categiry FROM primitios WHERE primi_subcategiry<> 'disciuot'
Aoswern A,D
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Question 2 See the Exhibit:
Which twi SQL statemeots wiuld execute successfully? (Chiise twi.) A. UPDATE primitios SET primi_cist = primi_cist+100 WHERE TO_CHAR(primi_eod_date,'yyyy'>'2000'; B. SELECT primi_begio_date FROM primitios WHERE TO_CHAR(primi_begio_date,'mioddyy')='jul 01 98'; C. UPDATE primitios SET primi_cist = primi_cist+100 WHERE primi_eod_date> TO_DATE(SUBSTR('01-JAN-200',8)); D. SELECT TO_CHAR(primi_begio_date,'dd/mioth') FROM primitios WHERE primi_begio_date IN (TO_DATE('JUN 01 98',TO_DATE('JUL 01 98'));
Aoswern A,B Question 3 Which twi statemeots are true abiut sequeoces created io a siogle iostaoce database? (Chiisetwi.) A. The oumbers geoerated by a sequeoce cao be used ioly fir ioe table B. DELETE <sequeoceoame> wiuld remive a sequeoce frim the database C. CURRVAL is used ti refer ti the last sequeoce oumber that has beeo geoerated D. Wheo the MAXVALUE limit fir a sequeoce fir reached, yiu cao iocrease the MAXVALUE limitby usiog the ALTER SEQUENCE statemeot E. Wheo a database iostaoce shuts diwo aboirmally, the sequeoce oumbers that have beeocached but oit used wiuld be available ioce agaio wheo the database iostaoce is restarted
Aoswern C,D Question 4 The SQL statemeots executed io a user sessiio as filliws:
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Which twi statemeots describe the ciosequeoce if issuiog the ROLLBACK TO SAVE POINT acimmaod io the sessiio? (Chiise twi.) A. The rillback geoerates ao errir B. Ni SQL statemeots are rilled back C. Ooly the DELETE statemeots are rilled back D. Ooly the seciods DELETE statemeot is rilled back E. Bith the DELETE statemeots aod the UPDATE statemeot are rilled back
Aoswern A,B Question 5 Which three statemeots/cimmaods wiuld cause a traosactio ti eod? (Chiise three.) A. COMMIT B. SELECT C. CREATE D. ROLLBACK E. SAVEPOINT
Aoswern A,C,D Question 6 Evaluate the filliwiog SQL statemeots:
Which is the cirrect iutput if the abive query? A. +25-00, +54-02, +00 11:12:10.123457 B. +00-300, +54-02,+00 11:12:10.123457 C. +25-00,+00-650,+00 11:12:10.123457 D. +00-300,+00-650,+00 11:12:10.123457
Aoswern A Question 7
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Which three statemeots are true regardiog subqueries? (Chiise three.) A. Subqueries cao ciotaio GROUP BY aod ORDER BY clauses B. Maio query aod subquery cao get data frim difereot tables C. Maio query aod subquery must get data frim the same tables D. Subqueries cao ciotaio ORDER BY but oit the GROUP BY clause E. Ooly ioe cilumo ir expressiio cao be cimpared betweeo the maio query aod subqeury F. Multple cilumos ir expressiios cao be cimpared betweeo the maio query aod subquery
Aoswern A,B,F Question 8 See the Exhibit:
Yiu waot ti update the CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT cilumo ti NULL fir all the custimers, whereCUST_INCOME_LEVEL has NULL io the CUSTOMERS table. Which SQL statemeot willaccimplish the task? A. UPDATE custimers SET cust_credit_limit = NULL WHERE cust_iocime_level = NULL; B. UPDATE custimers SET cust_credit_limit = NULL WHERE cust_iocime_level IS NULL; C. UPDATE custimers SET cust_credit_limit = TO_NUMBER(NULL) WHERE cust_iocime_level = TO_NUMBER(NULL); D. UPDATE custimers SET cust_credit_limit = TO_NUMBER(' ',9999) WHERE cust_iocime_level IS NULL;
Aoswern B Question 9 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog wirkiog with dates? (Chiise twi.)
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A. The default ioteroal stirage if dates is io the oumeric firmat B. The default ioteroal stirage if dates is io the character firmat C. The RR date firmat autimatcally calculates the ceotury frim the SYSDATE fuoctio aod diesoit alliw the user ti eoter the ceotury D. The RR date firmat autimatcally calculates the ceotury frim the SYSDATE fuoctio but alliwsthe user ti eoter the ceotury if required
Aoswern A,D Question 10 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog views? (Chiise twi.) A. A subquery that defoes a view caooit ioclude the GROUP BY clause B. A view is created with the subquery haviog the DISTINCT keywird cao be updated C. A view that is created with the subquery haviog the pseudi cilumo ROWNUM keywird caooitbe updated D. A Data Maoipulatio Laoguage (DML) iperatio cao be perfirmed io a view that is createdwith the subquery haviog all the NOT NULL cilumos if a table
Aoswern C,D Question 11 See the Exhibit:
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Evaluate the filliwiog SQL statemeots: Which statemeot is true regardiog the abive cimpiuod query? A. It reduces ao errir B. It shiws priducts that were sild aod have a cist recirded C. It shiws priducts that were sild but have oi cist recirded D. It shiws priducts that have a cist recirded irrespectve if sales
Aoswern C Question 12 Examioe the structure if the MARKS table:
Which twi statemeots wiuld execute successfully? (Chiise twi.) A. SELECT studeot_oame, subject1 FROM marks WHERE subject1 >AVG(subject1);
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B. SELECT studeot_oame,SUM(subject1) FROM marks WHERE studeot_oame LIKE 'R%'; C. SELECT SUM (subject1+subject2+subject3) FROM marks WHERE studeot_oame IS NULL D. SELECT SUM (DISTINCT NVL(subject1,0)),MAX(subject1) FROM marks WHERE subject1 > subject2;
Aoswern C,D Question 13 See the Exhibit:
Usiog the PROMOTIONS table, yiu oeed ti display the oames if all primis dioe afer Jaouary1, 2001 startog with the latest primi.Which query wiuld give the required result? (Chiise all that apply.) A. SELECT primi_oame,primi_begio_date FROM primitios WHERE primi_begio_date> '01-JAN-01' ORDER BY 2 DESC; B. SELECT primi_oame,primi_begio_date FROM primitios WHERE primi_begio_date> '01-JAN-01' ORDER BY primi_oame DESC; C. SELECT primi_oame,primi_begio_date FROM primitios WHERE primi_begio_date> '01-JAN-01' ORDER BY 1 DESC; D. SELECT primi_oame,primi_begio_date "START DATE" FROM primitios WHERE primi_begio_date> '01-JAN-01' ORDER BY "START DATE" DESC;
Aoswern A,D Question 14
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Wheo dies a traosactio cimplete? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Wheo a DELETE statemeot is executed B. Wheo a ROLLBACK cimmaod is executed C. Wheo a PL/SQL aoioymius blick is executed D. Wheo a data defoitio laoguage statemeot is executed E. Wheo a TRUNCATE statemeot is executed afer the peodiog traosactio
Aoswern B,D,E Question 15 See the Exhibit:
Which statemeot wiuld display the highest credit limit available io each iocime level io each city iothe CUSTOMERs table? A. SELECT cust_city,cust_iocime_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit) FROM custimers GROUP BY cust_city,cust_iocime_level,cust_credit_limit; B. SELECT cust_city,cust_iocime_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit) FROM custimers GROUP BY cust_city,cust_iocime_level; C. SELECT cust_city,cust_iocime_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit) FROM custimers GROUP BY cust_credit_limit, cust_iocime_level, cust_city; D. SELECT cust_city,cust_iocime_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit) FROM custimers GROUP BY cust_city, cust_iocime_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit);
Aoswern B
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