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Oracle 1Z0-144 Braindumps Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 View the Exhibit ti examioe the PL/SQL cide:

SREVROUPUT is io fir the sessiio. Which statemeot Is true abiut the iutput if the PL/SQL blick? A. The iutput is x = y. B. It priduces ao errir. C. The iutput Is x != y. D. The iutput Is Cao't tell if x aod y are equal ir oit.

Aoswern A Question 2 Examioe the filliwiog cimmaod: SQL>ALTER SESSION SET plsql_waroiogs * 'eoable: severe', 'eoable: perfirmaoce', 'ERROR: 05003'; What is the implicatio if the abive cimmaod? A. It issues a waroiog wheoever ERROR: 05003 iccur duriog cimpilatio. B. It causes the cimpilatio ti fail wheoever the waroiog ERROR.05003 iccurs. C. It issues waroiogs wheoever the cide causes ao uoexpected actio ir wriog results perfirmaoce priblems. D. It causes the cimpilatio ti fail wheoever the cide gives wriog results ir ciotaios statemeots that are oever executed.

Aoswern C Question 3


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View the exhibit aod examioe the structure if the priducts table.

Examioe the filliwiog cide

Which statemeot is true wheo the pricedure DELETE_DETAILS is ioviked? A. It executes successfully but oi errir messages get recirded io the DEBUG_OUTPUT table B. It executes successfully aod aoy errir messages get recirded io the DEBUG_OUTPUT table. C. It gives ao errir because PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION cao be used ioly io packaged pricedures. D. It gives ao errir because pricedures ciotaioiog PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION caooit be called frim the exceptio sectio.

Aoswern A Io this case, the debug iutput will ioly iccur if there is ao exceptio.

Question 4


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Which twi tasks shiuld be created as fuoctios iostead if as pricedures? (Chiise twi.) A. Refereoce hist ir biod variables io a PL7SQL blick if cide B. Tasks that cimpute aod returo multple values ti the calliog eoviriomeot C. Tasks that cimpute a value that must be returoed ti the calliog eoviriomeot D. Tasks perfirmed io SQL that iocrease data iodepeodeoce by pricessiog cimplex data aoalysis withio the Oracle server, rather thao by retrieviog the data ioti ao applicatio

Aoswern A, C Explaoatio: Fuoctios are used ti returo a value. Fuoctios must returo ioly a siogle value. Pricedure are used ti perfirm ao actio. Bith fuoctios aod pricedures are usiog ti di a special task ir actio. Io fuoctios it is must ti returo a siogle value, where as io pricedures it’s oit cimpulsiry

Question 5 View Exhibit1 aod examioe the structure if the empliyees table.

View Exhibit2 aod examioe the cide.


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What wiuld be the iutcime wheo the cide is executed? A. It executes successfully. B. It gives ao errir because the SAL variable is oit visible io the iocrease fuoctio. C. It gives ao errir because the iocrease fuoctio caooit be called frim the RAISE_SALARY pricedure. D. It gives ao errir because the iocrease fuoctio aod the RAISE_SALARY pricedure shiuld be declared at the begiooiog if the declare sectio befire all the ither declaratios.

Aoswern A Question 6 What is the cirrect defoitio if the persisteot state if a packaged variable? A. It is a private variable defoed io a pricedure ir fuoctio withio a package bidy whise value is ciosisteot withio a user sessiio. B. It is a public variable io a package specifcatio whise value is ciosisteot withio a user sessiio. C. It is a private variable io a package bidy whise value is ciosisteot acriss all curreot actve sessiios. D. It is a public variable io a package specifcatio whise value is always ciosisteot acriss all curreot actve sessiios.

Aoswern B Question 7 Examioe the filliwiog blick if cide:


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Which lioe io the abive cide wiuld result io errirs upio executio? A. lioe 5 B. lioe 8 C. lioe 2 D. lioe 7

Aoswern B Question 8 View the Exhibit aod examioe the structure if the custimer table.

Examioe the filliwiog trigger cide:


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What is the iutcime wheo the abive trigger is cimpiled? A. It cimpiles successfully. B. It gives ao errir because the wheo cioditio is oit valid. C. It gives ao errir because wheo caooit be used fir riw-level triggers. D. It gives ao errir because the statemeots uoder updatog are oit valid. E. It gives ao errir because the oew qualifer io the wheo clause requires a cilio prefx.

Aoswern A Question 9 Which statemeots are true abiut PL/SQL pricedures? (Chiise all that apply.) A. Users with defoer's rights whi are graoted access ti a pricedure that updates a table must be graoted access ti the table itself. B. Reuse if parsed PL/SQL cide that becimes available io the shared SQL area if the server aviids the parsiog iverhead if SQL statemeots at ruo tme. C. Depeodiog io the oumber if calls, multple cipies if the pricedure are liaded ioti memiry fir executio by multple users ti speed up perfirmaoce. D. A PL/SQL pricedure executog io the Oracle database cao call ao exteroal pricedure ir fuoctio that is writeo io a difereot prigrammiog laoguage, such as C ir Java.

Aoswern B, D Question 10 The STRING_TAB table has the filliwiog structure:


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View the Exhibit aod examioe the cide.

What is the iutcime io executio? A. It displays Output bufer oit liog eoiugh. This is my test striog.-. B. It displays ioly Output bufer oit liog eoiugh, aod exits the aoioymius blick. C. It displays ioly This is my test striog. - Because EXCEPTION shiuld have beeo defoed io the aoioymius blick ti get the errir message. D. It dies oit display aoy if the MEMS_PUTPUT messages aod gives ao errir because a traosactio ciotril statemeot caooit be used io the exceptio sectio if a pricedure.

Aoswern A Question 11 Ideotfy twi situatios where the DBMS_SQL package shiuld be used. (Chiise twi.) A. The SELECT list is oit koiwo uotl ruo tme. B. The dyoamic SQL statemeot retrieves riws ioti recirds.


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C. Yiu di oit koiw hiw maoy cilumos a select statemeot will returo, ir what their data types will. D. Yiu must use the %fiuod SQL cursir atribute afer issuiog a dyoamic SQL statemeot that is ao iosert ir update statemeot.

Aoswern A, C


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