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Activities in the field of technology



Activities in the field of quality



Activities in the field of internationalisation








Civil aircraft:


Regional aircraft


Long haul aircraft


Military aircraft:


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Civil Maintenance



Military maintenance:



Activities of the CTA.






CTA Zamudio:


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1 A SUMMARY OF HEGAN’S ACTIVITIES. The single, most important activity carried out during the year 2002, was the completion of the strategic plan HEGAN 2002-2004, which sets out the guidelines for the work to be done by HEGAN over the coming years. This plan, which will continue to be revised over the period 2003-2004, was announced at a public presentation. The General Assembly of Partners approved the new appointments to the Board of Directors. Cesar Fernández de Velasco, Managing Director of GAMESA AERONÁUTICA was appointed President of HEGAN, Plácido Márquez, Director of Corporate Development of ITP was elected Vice President and Jorge Unda, Managing Director of SENER, was given the job of Secretary of the Association. The new President presented an overview of the events of 2001 and the expectations for the coming years. With regard to new members, the incorporation of the following companies was approved: DESARROLLOS MECÁNICOS DE PRECISIÓN, S.L. (DMP), TECNOLOGÍAS AEROESPACIALES, S.A.








CONSTRUCCIONES MECÁNICAS MUGARRA, S.A. (AEROMEC) and MECANIZADOS ASTORKIA, S.L., as new members of the Cluster. During 2002, work has continued on improving the Cluster's web site as a communications tool between companies, as well as a means of dissemination. Thus, the web site has new download areas where it is possible to find the minutes of meetings, courses of interest to members, news items, internal reports, the industrial fair newsletter, etc. These actions will continue until the web site has been completely renovated.

The web site, together with a new brochure, among other items, has been used as a support for the activities of the Cluster at trade fairs and on visits and trade missions. With regard to disseminating the activities of this Cluster, a successful annual report has been drawn up with information provided by member companies. This was presented to the sector, the press and a number of different industrial agents in the Basque Country at a public ceremony.

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1.1 Activities in the field of technology In the field of technology, and in an attempt to encourage the incorporation of SMEs into the development of the sector in general and into R&D projects in particular, HEGAN has been given the job of leading the ECARE project and, together with the project coordinator, has worked in order to secure its definitive approval. This measure, included within the 5th European Framework Program, is a pilot scheme for the 6th Framework Program in order to achieve, together with other European regional aerospace associations, the participation of SMEs in different cluster associations to take part in integrated R&D projects. Following the guidelines of the Commission, HEGAN has begun to collaborate and coordinate with Spanish and European representatives of the SCRATCH and AEROSME projects which are the other two measures included within the 5th European Framework Programme, to support SMEs in the aeronautics sector. Moreover, as a way of fostering the participation of Basque companies in the 5th European Framework programme in the field of aeronautics, a great deal of work has been done to disseminate this programme and HEGAN’s Technology Committee has contributed its entire team of specialists to set up the aeronautics and space group of EUROBULEGOA, the Virtual Office created by the Basque Government for participation in the 6th Framework Programme and integration into the excellence network of the European Research Area (ERA). This group held four meetings during the year 2002. One of the most important events of the association was the biennial conference "New trends in manufacturing for the aeronautics industry" organised jointly with the INASMET technology centre. This conference was held at the Euskalduna centre in November and was attended by 127 visitors of 11 different nationalities. The inaugural ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna and the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Basque Government, Josu Jon Imaz, the President of the Cluster, Cesar Fernández de Velasco and the Managing Director of INASMET, José Manuel Giral. 2002 also saw an intensification of the collaboration between HEGAN and the Machine Tool Research Foundation (INVEMA). Experts from the cluster have explained the specific requirements of this industry in order to help to define the challenges of the Basque machine tool sector for the aeronautics sector. The association conducted a survey of the present and future requirements of the TICS sector in the current Aeronautics sector in order to prioritise the needs of companies in this sector with regard to Information Technologies. This survey has been used as the starting point for a number of different activities to be carried out during the years 2003 and 2004.

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1.2 Activities in the field of quality During 2002, HEGAN continued to work on a common approach to quality for all the companies in this association. An analysis was made of the situation of each company and undertakings were obtained from the latter and the groups interested in total quality tools were identified. Currently, all the companies in the Cluster have been certified according to the HEGAN 9000 standards and have committed themselves to obtaining certification over the year 2003 according to EN 9100.

HEGAN also commenced negotiations to become a member of IAQG, for which it is necessary to be a member of ATECMA.

1.3 Activities in the field of internationalisation In the field of internationalisation, efforts have been reinforced to strengthen the presence of the Cluster on the French market, and work has begun to establish initial contacts with other groups similar to HEGAN in this sector. Thus, for example, several meetings and contacts have been made with AEROSME, a programme to foster the participation of SMEs in European R&D projects and with regional aeronautics associations. These contacts have allowed the Cluster to start preparations for its presentation of the INTERREG collaboration projects (COAST and AEROATLANTIC), which were presented in March, as well as drawing up the ECARE projects. Also with regard to the French market, HEGAN took part in the SITEF trade fair held in Toulouse on October 23-26 and the interesting business meeting, AEROMART2002. This took place on December 11-12 with the participation of 7 companies from the Basque Country who had meetings with representatives from: ALENIA, ASTRIUM SAS, BOEING, DASSAULT, FIAT AVIO, IAI, MECOF, ROCKWELL, SNECMA MOTEURS, etc. With regard to aeronautics fairs, HEGAN took part in the ILA fair held in Berlin on May 6-12 where it attended a meeting of regional aerospace associations, at which several associations discussed the role of aeronautics SMEs under the auspices of the European Commission During this fair, at the request of the Technology Committee, a number of programmed visits were made to companies such as EADS, MTU, DORNIER, DLR, IABG, ROLLS ROYCE, GKN and DLR, to present both HEGAN and the companies that form part of this association, their most important areas of activity and to convey their desire to collaborate.

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As a result of intense collaborations with British institutions, HEGAN was invited to visit the Farnborough Air Show held on July 22-28. The interest detected at these events has encouraged us to continue working on a trade mission made up of British companies that will take place during the year 2003. We also had the opportunity during fair of establishing contact with several companies from the sector, British regional associations, French regional authorities and a delegation from Quebec. Given the interest of this region due to its closeness to the American market and its special relationship with Europe, a visit has been organised to the main companies in this region in order to determine their status and structure and a number of interesting contacts made at the Farnborough Air Show were followed up. A representative of the Regional Development Agency also visited a number of companies in the sector and presented its activities and proposals. Included within the activities pursued by the Cluster with other sectors with whom it shares the same interest, HEGAN accompanied VIA, Vitoria International Airport to the Air Cargo Forum 2002 held in Hong-Kong. This is the most important world event in the air cargo industry. It is held on a two-yearly basis and in the year 2004, as a result of the intense efforts of this entity to become the largest air cargo centre in the Spanish State, the Air Cargo Forum will be held at Vitoria airport. With a view to the Cluster participating at this event and with the dual aim of supporting this initiative and disseminating information about the Basque Aeronautics industry, it was decided to start preparing for this event at the Hong Kong Air Cargo Forum.

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Civil aircraft: Regional aircraft During the year 2002, the EMBRAER ERJ 145 family of regional aircraft continued to pursue a very successful sales campaign with a total of 131 units sold. Firm orders amounted to 957 units (plus 444 optional units) and 643 aircraft have already been delivered. GAMESA AERONÁUTICA is taking part in this project as a risk partner, having participated in the development and certification of these aircraft, and today is responsible for the manufacture and maintenance of wings, control surfaces, nacelles, air inlets and thrust reversers for all the models in the family. All are equipped with their corresponding systems and are ready for assembly in the aircraft. During 2002, six prototypes of the EMBRAER 170 flew. GAMESA AERONÁUTICA has taken part in this programme since the beginning, and is responsible for the development (design, calculation and certification) of the rear section of the fuselage, horizontal and vertical stabilisers with their corresponding elevators and rudder, and supports their certification. For BOMBARDIER’s CRJ 700/900 programme, 46 aircraft of model CRJ700 have been delivered to the operator, 20 of which are fitted with products supplied by GAMESA AERONÁUTICA who participates in the supply of the CRJ 700 and in the development and supply of the CRJ 900 of the horizontal and vertical stabilizers and elevators. Companies such as NUTER, SPASA, BURULAN, METRALTEC and MECANIZADOS ASTORKIA have contributed to the development of EMBRAER’s 145, 170 and 190 programmes. TEGRAF worked on the modification of the central fuselage for the EMBRAER ERJ 145 LEGACY for SONACA and has collaborated with CESA in the specification stage for the EADS AIR REFUELLING BOOM SYSTEM.

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On the other hand, SK-10 has obtained certification of the leading edge manufactured by RTM for the FALCON F7X. In the research it is doing on short-haul aircraft, SENER participates within the AWIATOR programme (Aircraft WIng with Advanced Technology OpeRation) in the design and validation of a number of different devices and mechanisms which will be tested in-flight: Components for breaking vortexes, braking ailerons and improved leading edges on inside and outside flaps. For its future implementation in a demonstrator aircraft, the TILT-ROTOR, an aircraft driven by propellers, which can fly like a helicopter and like a conventional aircraft, SENER is involved in the definition, design, manufacture and testing of an advanced rotor and is responsible for the detailed design and calculation of rotor components, specifically the head and support mast. Associated with the above, the DART project sets out to improve the current levels of external noise, vibrations, safety and cost, as this will be the first rotor in the world with four blades. For the TILT-ROTOR, SENER performs detailed design and calculation activities for components in the transmission system. Attention should be drawn to the enormous efforts made by METRALTEC during the year 2002 to certify up to 200 special treatment processes, penetrating processes or paintwork. The company has even been approved for final paintwork by its suppliers. TTT has continued to perform its precipitation heat treatments of "PH" steels followed by special treatments of stainless steels and tempering and annealing both of carbon steels and aluminium for the companies GAMESA AERONÁUTICA, EADS CASA and ITP. Long haul aircraft In 2002, GAMESA AERONÁUTICA continued its work on the development of the metal structure of section 19 of the fuselage for the AIRBUS A-380. This company is responsible for the development, manufacture of prototypes and mass production of the aforementioned structure. During the year 2002, it began to manufacture parts for the first prototype. NOVALTI has also taken part in the manufacture of this section, developing the Manufacturing Engineering of the assembly of metal parts of the prototype for the Compatibility Test. ASTORKIA and MESIMA also worked within this programme on the production of structural parts. TEGRAF was responsible for designing the Belly Fairing for the A380, and designed and manufactured a large number of parts for the fuselage such as: Final assembly tooling, wedges for tools for adhering coatings, Fibre Placement tools and supports for coatings, layouts and stringer cutting models and the design of the Master Model Trap Wing.

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For the same AIRBUS model, IONTECH has begun approval proceedings for Cermet type coatings by means of high velocity thermal spray (H.V.O.F.) for components within the landing gear for the A380 and BURULAN contributed with the manufacture of parts and prototypes for other companies in the Cluster. Also for AIRBUS, SPASA worked for the A318 and A340-500/600 and NUTER for the A 310, A320, A340 and A380. DMP maintains commercial relations with the leading manufacture of landing gear for aircraft (MESSIER DOWTY), with whom it is trying to establish a long-term relationship. Should the company be successful, this customer could become the main source of work for DMP. Among the more important customers of this young company, we should highlight: CASA, CESA, GAMESA, ITP and LATECOERE. MESIMA manages raw materials for MASA, SENER, SK-10 (in their AIRBUS and GAMESA AERONĂ UTICA programmes) and directly with the latter, in its ERJ-145, 170, 190, CRJ-700, S92 and A380 programmes). Moreover, it manufacturers preforms (pre-machined) for different parts in aluminium and continued for all programmes and supplies the final flight part (ancillary assembly systems). For EADS it carries out 2D and 3D water cutting of different parts for the A340 and A 380. Military aircraft: Within the military aircraft sector, SENER has taken part in the project to develop and manufacture IHU units, an essential element of the reconnaissance pods RecceLite made by Rafael. At the end of 2000, the Air Force contracted 4 RecceLites for F-18 aircraft. Since then, SENER has taken part in the development of an Image Handling Unit-IHU. Para EADS-CASA, SK-10 has started the overall management of the rear fuselage and tail section for the C-295. In this programme, SK-10 is responsible for final delivery to the customer (EADSCASA) of the largest aerostructure ever assembled in the Basque Country, managing everything from the purchase and manufacture of elementary parts, production engineering, control and verification, assembly and painting, to its placing on the final integrated assembly line. Another company responsible for machining parts for this model was SPASA. There are a large number of Basque companies that have continued to work on a unique project, the EUROFIGHTER: These include SPASA, NUTER, METRALTEC and MESIMA who supplied the slat and slat tracks for this fighter.

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TEGRAF continued to develop a new access door for CASA’s CN-235 aircraft, and worked together with INDRA on a large number of modifications to the electronic equipment for FALCON 20 aircraft of the Air Force, as a consequence of the modernisation of the equipment and integration of several electronic war units (Sirel pod) in P-3 Orion aircraft belonging to the Air Force.


HELICOPTERS The S-92 is a helicopter available in different configurations for a wide range of operating

scenarios, from commercial passenger and VIP transport, to military, rescue operations, transport to maritime oil rigs. Its proven capabilities place it ahead of other helicopters available in the market. GAMESA AERONÁUTICA is member of the international consortium engaged in the design and production of this helicopter; GAMESA AERONÁUTICA’s contribution includes design, certification, and production of the turbine support structures, fire walls, upper fuselage structures, fuselage transition section, tail cone and horizontal stabilizer as well as interiors. First production assemblies will be delivered to Sikorsky at the beginning of 2003 and will be integrated for immediate delivery to customers. METRALTEC and NUTER also worked on additional elements for these assemblies. The engineering company Norcontrol-Soluziona and Unión Fenosa Distribución awarded SENER the Búho 2000 Project, the aim of which is to increase performance and efficiency by means of automating the process of inspecting medium voltage power lines from helicopters. TEGRAF made the instruction cards for modifications to the EC-135 helicopter, and for AISA it carried out the integration of an ADF system and VHF radio in the EC-120 Colibrí helicopter of the National Police and in-flight tests to gather data and subsequent analysis of the damage tolerance in the area of the rotor on the SH-3D Sea King helicopter of the Spanish Navy.

2.2 Engines


Civil: With regard to civil engines, ITP continued to develop in accordance with the forecasts made in


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The pre-agreement signed by ITP and ROLLS-ROYCE for collaboration between both companies in the design and manufacture of the low-pressure turbine for the TRENT 900 engine is on schedule with the delivery of the first turbine to ROLLS ROYCE. With regard to the other TRENT programmes: - The production rate for the TRENT 700/800 has been maintained in accordance with the forecasts made at the beginning of the year. - With regard to the TRENT 500, attention should be drawn to the following: •

ITP has become a "Module Integrator" parts supplier for Rolls-Royce, which

means that ITP has the capacity to deliver complete turbines. • •

The first few months of 2003 will be characterised for being the “rump up” of the

programme, which has made it necessary to manufacture in advance at the end of 2002, requiring major efforts in all areas. Within these programmes, SPASA machined housings for ITP for the TRENT 500, 700, 800 and JR series of ROLLS ROYCE, in addition to making the TRENT 8104 Engine Ring and the (JR) FOKKER and the kits for Vulcano 205 (ARIANE V) and CMA-CERMECA.. A number of other companies worked for the family of TRENT engines: SIEGEL for the 900 and 500 and NUTER for the 900. TEGRAF worked on the development of the A380 Fan Cowl for the TRENT-900 engine, the repair of the A318 Fan Cowls and the modifications for the A340/600. MESIMA managed the supply of material for the ANTLE for ITP and number of jobs for its R&D projects together with 2D and 3D cutting of components for the TRENT-500. ITP has been able to diversify its aeronautics customers through the signing of two new contracts: • NGV´s CFM-56/7 engine, the CFM 56 being the best selling civil engine (about 450 engines/year) • GE-90/94 Compressor Housings with the aim of delivering the first units at the end of

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2003. The GE 90, together with the TRENT 800, will be fitted to 70% of Boeing 777s. With regard to its activities with GENERAL ELECTRIC, ITP continued manufacturing seals and housings for the LM2500 and the F414. Likewise, in collaboration with a U.S. subcontractor, the development of the manufacturing phase was completed successfully with the delivery of the first unit to GE at the end of 2002. Regarding the BR715, the programme maintains low-profile deliveries, great efforts being made to control costs in order to face the current situation of the market with Boeing 717s equipped with this engine. As for turbines for low thrust engines, the biggest piece of news is the certification of the AS907 engine by Honeywell, obtained on June 26 2002. Now, most of activity centres around a smooth transition to the mass production stage of the engine which is expected to come into service during the second half of 2003 in the Bombardier Challenger 300 aircraft. ITD, engineering subsidiary of ITP, has been awarded a contract for the design and supply of several components for the A380 aircraft, mainly piping, and air intake and exhaust for the APU. The latter is an exhaust gas outlet conduit for the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit). The APU is a gas turbine built into the tail section of large aircraft, the function of which is to generate power for aircraft systems (electricity, mainly engine start-up and others) while the main engines are not running. In the case of aircraft such as the A380, the size of this component is considerable, the exhaust conduit being larger than the Front Jet Pipe of the EJ200. Moreover, it has high temperature and noise reduction features through the use of a porous material used in its manufacture to be carried out by ITP. Likewise, ITP completed the design of externals for the Tay 611-8C, flying in the Gulfstream aircraft in August and obtaining certification by the LBA and the CAA on December 3 last year. It also continued to collaborate with TURBOMECA with its part of the design programme for the TI-1800 industrial engine. A Basque Consortium made up of SENER, INASMET, SPASA, SIEGEL and CTA, is participating in the acoustic/mechanical design of components for the nacelle (manufacture of test specimens to be tested acoustically), the acoustic/mechanical design of hot components, gas exhausts, the design and manufacture of test specimens to be tested acoustically, up to a total of 5 different concepts, and the design and manufacture of life-size components to be tested in SNECMA and ROLLS ROYCE engines within the framework of the SILENCER Project (Significantly Lower Community Exposure to Aircraft Noise) under the 5th Framework Programme.

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NOVALTI manufactured its aerodynamic and instrumentation models for the 4 stator stages to be used in the low-pressure turbine of the ANTLE demonstration engine, for which TECNICHAPA made the piping brackets, and participated in a similar fashion in programmes such as the BR-715, TRENT900, MT-30 and CFM 56. With regard to heat treatments for engines, IONTECH made the abradable coatings by thermal plasma spraying on components (housings and hoods) for the ROLLS-ROYCE TRENT-700, TRENT800 and RB211 engines.


Military In the area of military aviation engines, in 2002, ITP continued to manufacture components for

all the EJ200 engines of the series for the EUROFIGHTER programme, for which more than 80 units had been delivered by the end of the year, and of these, 10 engines were assembled by ITP at its Ajalvir facility. With regard to this programme, attention should be drawn to the fact that a policy of harmonisation has been pursued between the delivery of modules and the delivery profile for engines by EUROJET as well as the delivery of aircraft by EUROFIGHTER. Basque companies such as SIEGEL and NOVALTI, have worked on this programme, being responsible for the manufacture and delivery of metal components for mass production. TECNICHAPA made nozzle petals for the EJ-200 and IONTECH used thermal spraying for the metal coatings for components (connection boss introscope) for the EJ 200. MESIMA milled flaps and built rings for the nozzles of this engine for ITP. Within the context of the multinational JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER (JSF) programme, ITP is participating with ROLLS ROYCE in the design of the PRATT AND WHITNEY F-135 engine, after winning a contract to develop the warping stabilisation system, over the next six years. On the other hand, TECNASA is the first Spanish company to obtain certification to take part in the JSF programme through the company MARTIN BAKER for which it manufactures seals and rings for the ejector seats of other aircraft.

ITP, together with its partners ROLLS-ROYCE, SNECMA and MTU, have created the company EUROPROPULSION INTERNATIONAL GMBH (E.P.I.), in order to offer the TP400-D6 engine to AIRBUS MILITARY, especially conceived and adapted to the requirements of Airbus for its military transport aircraft, the A-400M. At the end of the year, E.P.I. made its last and best offer and is confident of being selected by doing the year 2003. Within this Consortium, ITP represents the Turkish and Portuguese engine industries, TEI and OGMA, giving company holding of more than 20% of E.P.I. Among other components, this includes the design and manufacture of the low-pressure turbine this

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engine. For this engine, SENER has carried out aerodynamics projects for the Military Aircraft Division of EADS, in which the company has worked on the fluid dynamics of the interaction of the engine inlets with the leading edge of the wing. ITP and SENER have completed the preliminary design of the first vectoring nozzle with the capacity to pitch vector, in addition to varying the outlet area independently. In this design all the lessons learned with the tests made on the prototype carried out in Ajalvir and in Stuttgart were included. As part of the risk reduction exercise, during the preliminary design, specific tests were made on certain components that had previously been identified as being the most problematic.

During the year 2002, ITP is continued negotiations with the MTR Consortium and its partners ROLLS ROYCE, MTU and TURBOMECA, in order to obtain the best industrial system possible, within the propulsion of the engine for the Spanish Attack the helicopter, anticipating the decision of the Ministry of Defence on the two options it is studying, the European EUROCOPTER TIGRE and the American Apache. ITP would be a full number MTR with holdings of between 20 and 25% according to the stage of the programme and would take part in the development, production and supports stages of the engines. Likewise, ITP’s agreement with GENERAL ELECTRIC for the assembly of engines in Spain is still in effect, should the Ministry of Defence opt for the American aircraft.

2.3 Space Basque companies have been closely involved in the main space missions launched successfully in 2002 and which currently represent a point of reference at an international level. SENER has developed the separating elements for the mission, the PRU (Pyrotechnic Release Unit) that starts up the control system and releases the panel deployment mechanism of the INTEGRAL platform, as well as making an important contribution to the development of the second generation of European meteorological satellites. SENER has contributed to the design and manufacture of the SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-red Imager) of METEOSAT, that will build images of the surface of the earth in 12 different wavelengths every 15 minutes. SENER’s work has involved the development of the following equipment: The Calibration Units (which will calibrate and reinitiate the observation system), the Ejectable Cover of the Refrigeration System (reinforced panel to prevent contamination from getting in, equipped with mechanisms that secure the unit during launch and, once in orbit, eject this cover by pyrotechnic means) and the Optical Screen of the Field of Vision (that protects SEVIRI’s field of vision

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from any residual beam of light that would reduce the quality of the recorded image), as well as the Ejectable Cover of this optical panel. SENER has also participated in the design, analysis, verification and tests (its personnel have formed part of the ALCATEL team) of the linear actuator or “Drive Unit” (DU), which positions the optics that orientate the field of vision of the SEVIRI radiometer. For the ROSETTA space ship, the launching of which has been put off until 2004, fifteen thermal blinds were designed to control the heat of the satellites, as well as protective screens for the star sensor and for two cameras. Moreover, two different arms for the deployment of experiments in orbit were supplied. SENER provided the electronic control module for the GIADA experiment, developed jointly with the Astrophysics Institute of Andalucia, as well as the electronic unit for the OSIRIS instrument. SENER is responsible for the design and integration of the attitude and orbit control systems (AOCS) for Herschel y Plank space vehicles. These two vehicles form part of the scientific programme of the ESA, within the "Horizon 2000" programme. Among other projects, SENER has commenced development of mechanisms and electronics for the NETLANDER mission, within the MARS SAMPLE RETURN programme, a collaboration between NASA and CNES. The systems separate and open experiments in the NETLANDER probe on the surface of Mars. The aim of this mission is to take four probes to Mars, collecting vital information about the red planet, especially its internal composition. This company continues to participate very actively in the development of equipment for the International Space Station (ISS) and in the X 38/ CRV (astronaut rescue vehicle). Work continues on the landing gear for the X·38, the cabinets of the pressurized module subsystems and the support structures for the European laboratory COLUMBUS. In the field of environmental applications, SENER has worked intensely on the giant observation satellite ENVISAT, launched in February 2002, which, with a mass in orbit of eight tons, is the largest satellite ever made in Europe. SENER’s work has consisted of developing the support mast and the deployment mechanism for the Ka band antenna (DSRAM), as well as systems to secure these during launch and the electronic manoeuvring and control systems for MIPAS and GOMOS instruments. It has also provided the deployment articulations for ASAR panels, a radar that will observe characteristics of the surface of the earth, oceans and ice under any atmospheric conditions. SENER also took part in the METOP, FUEGOSYST and SMART II programmes.

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Within the new area of satellite navigation, SENER continues to work on the EGNOS programme (Geoestationary Navigation Overlay Service), promoted by the ESA. The work this company has done in this field has centred on completing the CPF (Central Processing Facility), a key area in the development of the computer systems which manage the calculation processes in the mission control centre. SENER has also signed, together with the ESA, a contract to develop a unit to determine the orbit and attitude for terrestrial satellites in low orbit (LEO). The fundamental requirement of this unit is that it must provide, in an autonomous and precise manner, a system to control navigation (i.e., position and speed) and attitude (orientation) combining a GPS receptor and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). For its part, NOVALTI delivered the first payload equipment for the Bread Board phase to the main contractor corresponding to the payload for the “Amazonas” satellite, which belongs to the “HISPASAT” Consortium. Payload equipment was delivered in C and Ku band for the APSTAR satellite which will park in geostationary orbit over the Asian Pacific. NOVALTI










telecommunications satellites EXPRESS-AM11/AM22, which are expected to be launched in 2004 with the “Proton” rocket. This company also developed payload equipment for the EUTELSAT W3A and STAR ONE C1 satellites (the first Latin American multinational satellite). In the year 2002, TEGRAF worked on tests for the Boot Tail/C-Isa.y and sent its own personnel to work in the CASA Space facility, working on several projects such as the Amazonas satellite, CRT tests, the ACU 3936 of the Ariane 5 satellite and the equipment box for the Ariane 5.

2.4 Maintenance.


Civil Maintenance Basque industry has increased its activity considerably in engine maintenance. In this sense,

ITP signed a maintenance contract with AIR NOSTRUM for the PW123E and PW127F engines fitted to its 24 ATR72-500 and BOMBARDIER dash8-Q300 aircraft. Within the European campaign to obtain customers for the TPE331 turboprop and Rolls-Royce model-250 turbo spindle, offers were made to Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, England, Ireland and Holland. As a result of this campaign, units were sold to JET SYSTEMS, ASHMAWI AVIATION, FREEAIR, AEROMEC, UNIAIR, AIRLEC, etc.

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The numerous meetings held with airlines such as EASTERN AIRWAYS, SKYWAYS, and a large number of other operators of the BAe JETSTREAM 31/32 aircraft, ITP established its first contacts with BAe Systems Regional Aircraft which is engaged in leasing aircraft to airlines all over the world. The negotiations, which are at a very advanced stage, are putting the finishing touches to an agreement for a maintenance contract per hour of flight for HONEYWELL TPE331 engines in all the aircraft in its fleet, the largest in the world. These negotiations began at BAe Systems in Hatfield (UK) and continued with a visit to Washington D.C. where they have their central offices. The sales directors of ITP and ITR took part in the meetings not only in order to secure a presence on the European market but also the American. ITP was also responsible for opening up new commercial horizons when it won the competition organised by the Portuguese Air Force for the maintenance of the HONEYWELL TFE731 engines fitted to its Falcon VIPs. GAMESA AERONÁUTICA also increased its presence and participation in the maintenance sector and has confirmed its interest in this business by founding a new company completely devoted to maintenance activities, called IKARUS. This company offers and performs maintenance activities for airlines. Currently, its scope is limited to products designed by GAMESA AERONÁUTICA, but the company has the clear intention to expand to other products and services. IKARUS has the capability and capacity to perform field repairs all over the world, with a 24 hours, 7 days a week service, throughout the year. The maintenance activities of Basque companies on the American continent also increased. During 2002, the ITP Maintenance Group was presented, made up of ITP’s factory in Ajalvir, ITR and AMTEC. The formal presentation of the group took place at the Aeronautics fair in Chile (FIDAE 2002). ITP continued to extend its commercial activities in Latin America within the context of a deep recession dominated by the difficulties which countries such as Argentina and Brazil are experiencing both in the military and civil markets. ITP submitted a proposal for the maintenance of CT7 engines together with EADS-CASA for the Deepwater programme of the North American Coast Guard Service which implies the maintenance of a fleet of more than 70 engines with an hour of flight payment system. In the commercial aviation segment, ITP’s activities in Latin America have aimed mainly at the markets of Brazil and Mexico where the company has presented a large number of proposals to the main air taxi, business aviation and oil company service operators such as TAM, LIDER TAXI AÉREO, TARGET AVIAÇAO, AESA-SAEMSA, HELISERVICIO CAMPECHE, etc. ITP also works with

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institutional operators in Mexico such as the office of the Attorney General of the Republic, the Federal Preventive Police in Mexico and the national Air Service of Panama. During 2002, one of the newcomers to the Cluster, Aerospace Engineering Group, consolidated its activity in the manufacture and specialised maintenance of coils and the repair of the most advanced range of stators, rotors, armatures and fields in AC/DC generators, generator starters, converters, fuel pumps and electric motors for the aeronautics industry.


Military maintenance: ITP continues to be engaged in the maintenance contract for the TPE331 engines fitted to the

Tucano of the RAF, and another two engines of this kind were completed for the Botswana Air Force and continued with the maintenance of accessories for the ATAR of the Egyptian Air Force with new units: Main FCU and After Burner FCU. Through ITP’s contract with EADS CASA for the maintenance of engines for the CASA 212 and CASA CN235 aircraft, this Basque company received CT7 and TPE331 engines from many of CASA’s customers and in particular, in 2002 significant work was done for the Turkish Air Force, French Air Force, Zimbabwe Air Force, and the Air Forces of Chile, Uruguay and Venezuelan Navy. In the military segment, ITP initiated commercial relations with the Colombian Air Force and renewed its business with the Chilean Air Force. Commercial contacts have been established with the Colombian Navy and Aviation of the Army, the Honduran Air Force, the Air Force and Army of Ecuador, the Aviation of the Army and Police of Chile, the Brazilian Air Force and Marine and the Venezuelan Air Force.

2.5 Activities of the CTA. Throughout the year, the Aeronautics Technologies Centre (CTA) has been working on the design and start-up of the Virtual Institute of Aeroacoustics, which has 12 members including universities, research centres, technology centres and companies from the Aeronautics sector.


CTA MIÑANO: The ERJ 170 test series contracted by GAMESA AERONAUTICA was completed. This was the

first major aeronautics certification test performed by this Centre. The tests were performed in

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compliance with the requirements and expectations of the customer (EMBRAER) and of the certifying body. A large amount of work was contracted with a number of different companies for the A-380 programme: AIRBUS France, SOGEMASA, GAMESA and CESA. The work contracted with AIRBUS France began in 2002. With regard to the A 340-600 test series, the actuator fatigue tests continued and are expected to end in mid-2003. With regard to the sikorsky s-92 trials, fire behaviour tests have been carried out on materials, engine housings and firewalls and progress has also been made with structural tests corresponding to the certification of the rear stabilizer. With regard to technology transfer activities, major achievements have been obtained in the application of wind energy techniques to aeronautics testing activities: testbed for tilt-rotor structures and a prototype testbed for the wings of engine-less aircraft. Other major r&d activities undertaken by cta miñano are the combustion in microgravity projects, the new fire tests on fuselages and the adimensional study of the behaviour of fire in aircraft cockpits. Work has also been done to prepare a low-energy impact cannon to develop new, stronger leading edge structures. Finally, in the use of infrared and thermography, activities have centred upon the detection of defects in composite materials as a complement to ultrasound inspection with fantastic results. During the year 2002, six different patent applications were submitted.


CTA Zamudio: During the month of March, fluid dynamic characterisation was carried out of the main elements

of the fluid dynamic testbed tunnel at CTA’s Zamudio facility. This information, together with the operating characteristics maps of the compressor and vacuum units has allowed a computer model to be made of the installation. Moreover, the air-conditioning chamber at the turbine inlet, a component designed and supplied by ITP, was validated at the beginning and in the middle of the year. The improvement in the quality of flow is considerable. Repeatability, manageability and control are excellent. The spindle support unit is totally operative, demonstrating high levels of reliability at rotating speeds of over 7500 RPM. With regard to testing activities, operating characteristics maps and have been obtained for the three step turbine belonging to ROLLS-ROYCE. The trials have been used to demonstrate the capacity of the present facility to potential customers. With a total of 110 hours of measurement, trials of ITP’s

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first low-pressure turbine prototype have been completed. Trials of the second module began at the end of 2002. During the characterisation and DT21 trials, pressures have been satisfactorily measured with the Area Traverse radial system. The final adjustment stage of the miniature Pitot probes was successfully completed. The implementation of Hot Wire Anemometry was used during the month of June with the characterisation tests of the new plenum. The test bed has been provided with a small tunnel for the referencing and characterisation of advanced instrumentation. A secondary air consumption simulation system has been included. This is essential in order to characterise the efficiency of low-pressure turbines. With regard to the Centre’s aeroacoustics activity, a noise Data Acquisition System has been purchased and support has been given to the European SILENCER projects within the 5th Framework Programme.

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