Sustainability Report HeidelbergCement Romania 2019
ETHICS AND RESPONSIBILITY We, at the HeidelbergCement Group have signed the United Nations Global Compact and are committed to follow and integrate into all our activities the 10 principles that define a company’s corporate social responsibility towards respect for human rights, work standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption. All these elements are essential parts of our business model, deeply rooted in our strategy and organisational culture.
ANTI-CORRUPTION The company has zero-tolerance to any acts or behaviours that could lead to corruption incidents. All our relationships with our suppliers, customers and government authorities are based on transparency, fairness and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The anti-corruption policy and the behaviour we expect from all our employees are described in the company’s Internal Regulation Guide. In addition, all employees must know and comply with the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Guide, published and permanently available on the company’s intranet. Any violation or practice that does not comply with the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Guide must be reported immediately to the direct manager, the compliance officer, the Legal Department, the manager of another relevant department / unit or by using the complaints and grievances SpeakUp phone line. The reporting channel is available for our business partners as well, should they consider that an employee has not acted properly. In 2019, 3 complaints were received from employees, on issues related to the work environment, but the investigations proved to be unfounded.
in 2019,
15 employees from the
purchasing department have been trained internally with regards to the anti-corruption policy. also, another 228 employees have attended and completed the online course applicable at the entire group level, corruption prevention at heidelberggement. All employees whose activity may result in acts of corruption are regularly informed and trained about the Anti-Corruption Guide. All training activities are carried out through internal and external training programs, specialised internal meetings or e-learning modules. The intervals between training sessions do not exceed two years. In addition, all employees with an email address were informed of the policies and procedures applicable to the organisation regarding anti-corruption.