Sustainability Report HeidelbergCement Romania 2019
PRINCIPLES AND VALUES We cultivate transparency and responsibility as priority elements of our business model. We want to grow continuously, with our customers and partners as well as to bring a plus to the community whenever possible. We have been here for 21 years and our plan is to stay long-term, working together to lay the foundations for a sustainable future. The values describing us are reflected in the Principles of Leadership that govern the way we conduct our day-to-day business.
customer orientation
The management and the entire team of HeidelbergCement Romania have a common objective: to increase the value of the company. To achieve this goal, the management team and employees act as partners and promote a spirit of corporate citizenship. This cooperation is characterised by integrity, mutual respect and trust, openness and fairness.
In a competitive market environment, we must ensure and inspire confidence in our products and services, to each individual customer, for each project, day in and day out.
performance and being result-oriented
Sustainable development is part of HeidelbergCement’s corporate strategy. We are therefore committed to creating safe and healthy workplaces for our employees and to making continuous progress in the field of environmental protection.
Trust and fairness
Achieving superior performance with rigorous benchmarking Our objective is to be a benchmark in the cement industry due to cost-effective operational performance. A corporate culture of performance and focus on results is essential for us.
As many benefits as possible for customers
sustainable development Taking responsibility
professional, social and managerial competence Competence as a success factor
Successful entrepreneurial activities require a high level of professional, social and managerial competence. Efficiency and rapid implementation are decisive factors in this respect. 48