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Lady Hekate )0(

I am an eclectic Gray Witch,Founder of Cauldron of the Gray Witch,and Hecate's Sanctum - new tradition of eclectic Witches, where I am HPS,. I have trained in eclectic Wiccan trad and Coven with Gardnerian, and Alexandrian influences. However after I was elevated to 3rd over time, the coven dissolved before I could get officially registered. My path presently is eclectic , gray path as I fashion my own destiny. I am an empath, intuitive reader., as well as a Theme creator for Ning profile pages, and main page.I write occasionally,and enjoy various magickal practices. I am a nature and animal lover as well as a supporter of my local Animal Protective League, I am always learning and sharing, I love tarot and Oracle, my fav forms of divination.
