The Element of Water

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The Element of Water

Š2012- Lady Hekate)0(

Water, together with Wind, Earth and Fire is one of the four known basic Elements, which represent the substance of the world - at least this is the common belief among many races and tribes throughout Caelereth. Water in its physical form is needed to live as one must drink or absorb in a way some form of it, as life - be it plant, animal or sentient life - seems to depend to a large degree on this element in order to survive. Water is often associated with emotions, art, time and especially healing and philosophy. It has the depth of a philosophers soul and is the inspiration of the artist, but that makes them just depending on its unpredictable nature. Water gives much, but takes as easy everything back.

Table of Contents Beauty and Power of Water Water Legends and Myths Religious Meaning of Water Water in the Craft What Element are you?

The Beauty and Power of Water We who are here on planet Earth, were born by water and blood. In our Mother’s womb we were formed, developed, created in water. Water is life.Growing up in Hawaii , it was natural to go swimming and hanging round the beach. My Favorite place was a beach were you could swim among the reefs and the fishes. The ocean so blue, and very beautiful. I would imagine becoming a dolphin or a mermaid. The locals have great respect for the waters, as they can be refreshing, healing, beautiful, they can be deadly to. How many people are killed by floods each year? This varies greatly from year to year, as in some years there are massive events -- much as in the same way that one or two major tornado outbreaks can radically alter annual tornado statistics. The official NWS statistics show an average of 89 deaths in the ten-year period 1991-2000. In the 30-year period 1971-2000, the average was 127 (the 1970s had a lot of deadly floods, for example). As floodwaters grow in the Ohio and mid-Mississippi valleys, let's examine the pure powe 6" of Flowing Water It doesn't take much water at all to create a life-threatening situation.

Did you know?

- Water flowing at more than 8 mph has the equivalent force per unit area of air blowing at F5 tornado windspeeds!

- Water moving at 25 mph has the pressure equivalent of wind blowing at 790 mph, in excess of the speed of sound!

- How deep does water have to be for you to drown? Less than 6 inches. Babies are very vulnerable; just as they would be in a bathtub accident. If you slip and fall face first, you might drown before you come to.

- Water levels in flash floods can rise from about 1 foot in 5 minutes in some cases to near-instantaneous rises of 10-30 feet or more in walls of water rushing down stream.r of water.

Water Legends and Myths I.

The Lorelei

I love the song Lorelei which is song by BlackMore’sNight. However I have wondered really what are the Lorelei? Are they Fae, or Mermaides? From Germany Her beauty was her undoing. Lorelei was not willfully seductive, but men could not resist her charms, and she could not resist their advances. She was bringing scandal and disgrace to the respectable town of Bacharach-on-the-Rhine. There was even talk that she must be a witch or a woman possessed of the devil. The bishop, however, would not hear of an execution without due process, and he summoned her to his court. His questions were at first stern and severe. Her answers were simple and sincere. The bishop's severity, his piety, and his priesthood, however, did not prevail, and in the end he pronounced her free of all guilt. "I cannot continue like this!" she cried. "My eyes are the destruction of every man who looks into them. I have loved only one man, and he abandoned me and left for a distant land. Please let me die!" But the good bishop could not bring himself to pronounce a death sentence. Instead, he proposed that she dedicate herself to God, and called three knights to accompany her to the convent. Arrangements were made forthwith, and the three knights were soon underway with their beautiful ward. When their path led them past a high cliff overlooking the Rhine, Lorelei had one last request of her escorts. "Please," she said, "let

me climb the cliff and have one last look into the Rhine." Unable to deny her this wish, the three knights tethered their horses, and the four of them climbed to the top of the cliff. Standing at the edge of the precipice, Lorelei said, "See that boat on the Rhine. The boatman is my lover!" And with no further warning, she jumped from the cliff into the Rhine. The three knights also met their death there, without a priest and without a grave. Who is the singer of this song? A boatman on the Rhine, And we always hear the echo Of the Three-Knight-Stone: Lorelei Lorelei Lorelei As though there were three of us. The Siren Lorelei Above Coblentz, where the Rhine flows through hills covered with vineyards, there is a steep rock, around which many a legend has been woven -- the Lorelei Rock. The boatman gazes up at its gigantic summit with awful reverence when his boat glides over the waters at twilight. Like chattering children the restless waves whisper round the rock, telling wonderful tales of its doings. Above on its gray head, the legend relates that a beautiful but false nymph, clothed in white with a wreath of stars in her flowing hair, used to sit and sing sweet songs, until a sad tragedy drove her forever away. Long, long ago, when night in her dark garment descended from the hills, and her silent comrade, the pale moon,

cast a silver bridge over the deep green steam, the soft voice of a woman was heard from the rock, and a creature of divine beauty was seen on its summit. Her copper locks flowed like a queenly mantle from her graceful shoulders, covering her snow white raiment so that her tenderly-formed body appeared like a cloud of light.

Woe to the boatman who passed the rock at the close of day! As of old, men were fascinated by the heavenly song of the Grecian hero, so was the unhappy voyager allured by this Being to sweet forgetfulness, his eyes, even his soul, would be dazzled, and he could no longer steer clear of reefs and cliffs, and this beautiful siren only drew him to an early grave. Forgetting all else, he would steer towards her, already dreaming of having reached her; but the jealous waves would round his boat and at last dash him treacherously against the rocks. The roaring waters of the Rhine would drown the cries of agony of the victim would never be seen again. But the virgin to whom no one had ever approached, continued every night to sing soft and low, till darkness vanished in the first rays of light, and the great star of day drove the gray mists from the valley.

Ronald was a proud youth and the boldest warrior at the court of his father, the Palatinate Count. He heard of this divine, enchanting creature, and his heart burned with the desire to behold her. Before having seen the waternymph, he felt drawn to her by an irresistible power. Under the pretence of hunting, he left the court, and succeeded in getting an old sailor to row him to the rock.

Twilight was brooding over the valley of the Rhine when the boat approached the gigantic cliff; the departing sun had long sunk below the mountains, and now night was creeping on in silence; the evening star was twinkling in the deep blue firmament. Was it his protecting-angel who had placed it there as a warning to the deluded young man? He gazed at it in rapture for some time, until a low cry from the old man at his side interrupted him. "The Lorelei!" whispered he, startled, "do you see her -- the enchantress?" The only answer was a soft murmur which escaped from the youth. With wide-open eyes he looked up and lo!, there she was. Yes, this was she, this wonderful creature! A glorious picture in a dark frame. Yes, that was her copper hair, and those were her flowing white garments. She was hovering up above on the rocks combing her beautiful hair; rays of light surrounded her graceful head, revealing her charms in spite of the night and the distance, and as he gazed, her lips opened, and a song thrilled through the silence, soft and plaintive like the sweet notes of a nightingale on a still summer evening. From her height she looked down into the hazy distance and cast at the youth a rapturous look which ran down into his soul, thrilling his whole frame. His eyes were fixed on the features of this celestial being where he read the sweet story of love...Rocks, stream, glorious night, all melted into a mist before his eyes, he saw nothing but the figure above, nothing but her radiant eyes. The boat crept along, too slowly for him, he could no longer remain in it, and if his ear did not deceive him, this creature seemed to whisper his name with unutterable sweetness,

and calling to her, he dashed into the water. A death-like cry echoed from the rocks... and the waves sighed and washed over the unhappy youth's corpse. The old boatman moaned and crossed himself, and as he did so, lightning tore the clouds asunder, and the loud peal of thunder was heard over the mountains. Then the waves whisperedgently below, and again from the heights above, sad and dying away, sounded the Lorelei's song.

The sad news was soon brought to the Palatinate Count, who was overpowered with grief and anger. He ordered the false enchantress to be delivered up to him, dead or alive. The next day a boat sailed down the Rhine, manned by four hardy bold warriors. The leader looked up sternly at the great rocks which seemed to be smiling silently down at him. He had asked permission to dash the diabolical seducer from the top of the rocks into the foaming whirlpool below, where she would find a certain death, and the Count had readily agreed to this plan of revenge. The first shades of twilight were gliding softly over the mountains and hills. The rock was surrounded by armed men, and leader, followed by some daring comrades, was climbing up the side of the mountain, the top of which was veiled in a golden mist, which the men thought were the last rays of sunset. It was a bright gleam of light enshrouding the nymph who appeared on the rocks, dreamily combing her copper hair. She then took a string of pearls from her bosom, and with her slender white hand bound them round her forehead. She cast a mocking glance at the threatening men approaching her.

"What are the weak sons of the earth seeking up here on the heights?" said she, moving her rosy lips scornfully. "You sorceress!" cried the leader, enraged, adding with a contemptuous smile, "You! We shall dash you down into the river below!" An echoing laugh was heard over the mountain. "Oh! The Rhine will come himself to fetch me!" cried the Maiden. Then, bending her lovely body over the precipice yawning below, she tore the jewels from her forehead, hurling them triumphantly into the waters, while in a low sweet voice she sang: "Haste thee, haste thee, oh father dear! Send forth thy steeds from the waters clear. I will ride with the waves and the wind!" Then a storm burst forth, the Rhine rose, covering its banks with foam. Two gigantic billows like snow-white steeds rose out of the depths, and carried the nymph down into the rushing current. The terrified messengers returned to the Count, bringing him the tidings of this wonderful event. Ronald, whose body a chance wave had washed up on the banks of the river, was deeply mourned throughout the country. From this time forth, the Lorelei was never seen again. Only when night sheds her dark shadow on the hills, and the pale moon weaves a silver bridge over the deep green stream, then the voice of a woman, soft and low, is heard echoing from the heights of the rocks. Resources; Wikipedia, Water Spirit Legends 1-D. L. Ashliman Š 1997-2011,

II. Leviathan

Mythical Sea Creatures

Accordinng to the Bible Leviathan was a sea creature from ancient Canaan, associated with Satan. The monster was usually described or imaged as as a twining sea serpent, which was applied as a symbol for chaos. Other religions generally portrayed Leviathan as a whale demon with seven heads, and he was believed to be king of lies, or king of fish. In Modern Hebrew, Leviathan simply means whale.

Melusine Melusine according to European mythology was a feminine spirit of freshwater in sacred springs and rivers. Melusine is depicted as related to or a type of mermaid, and may are believed to have wings. One story tells us she was born to the fay Pressyne and a common man, and taken to the isle of Avalon when she was little to grow up there. When she heard of her human father betraying her mother, she sought revenge on him. Her mother heard of this and cursed her to look like a serpent from the waste down. She supposedly got scaled arms and fins for hands, and could never change back to her old form. Resource-Water mythology by S.M. Enzler MSc

Religious Meaning of Water The meaning of the Element of Water in relation to tsome Gods in mythology can be described as follows - each Goddess focuses on a certain aspect of the Element: 

The Water of Seyella (Time and Prophecy) Seyella, the Goddess of Destiny, shows her followers the future, as she represents the transparency of time. Priests of Seyella spend their days trying to understand their future, which is shown by Seyella, and fulfill their destiny according to the Gods' intent. Followers of Seyella are rare, but people go to them if they are seeking advice in a difficult situation, wisdom or knowledge. Seyella'sWater is the Water of a river, flowing like time. She is also represented by the deepest and darkest caves of the oceans, showing the depth of her thoughts and so the infinite knowledge of creation. Seyella represents the profoundness, the flowing and the clearness in the Element of Water. The Water of Jeyriall (Growth and Increase) Jeyriall, the Goddess of the Harvest, is the Goddess who gives life to the beings and teaches her followers to be as generous as she is and respect and love all life.Jeyriall stands for pureness and the life she provides or restores. The Water associated with Jeyriall is mostly the Water inlands, the lakes and the oases, in regions where Water is scarce. Jeyriall's Water never shows the destructive force, as she only deals with the positive side of the element. Reproduction, existence and continued existence in the sense of healing and growth are her main goals. Followers of the Goddess of Harvest are mostly seen as healers and midwives, but they don't have the ability of clairvoyance and neither do they travel a lot. They mostly stay their whole lives in one village, are well respected and provide security to such small communities. They are as down-to-earth as the Fruitful Goddess is, spending their everyday lives mostly as farmers. The Water of Baveras (Giving and Taking) Baveras, the Goddess of the Sea, has many faces - she is the wild and untamed Goddess, but also the playful, caring one and the one that reminds people of the constant change of things. Baveras stands for moving and changing, and so do her followers, the Baveras' Wills, wander around - healing,

finding Water sources and holy places. Baveras is the unpredictable, the variable part of the Water. She is the one that grants artists their inspiration and their courage to literally sail to new shores with their works. Baveras creates, she destroys and she teaches her followers to give something back for everything that is given to them

Water in the Craft

Water is the element associated with the West It is a symbol of regeneration, renovation, and dissolution.It is a feminine element, associated with the Mother, and Crone aspect of the Goddess. Tools used in association are the Chalice, and the Cauldron, when Cauldron is not in the center. The Elemental is Undines. Traditional colors are Blue, aqua blue, and sometimes green. Whereas Air is the intellect and Fire the energy or drive, Water is the emotional response to situations. Fluid, responsive and giving, Water is sensitivity and emotion.

The element of Water is both detached and willful when it flows freely. Water is a gentle element, and it inspires intuition. Water is linked to and part of the Goddess within all of us. Water is remembering the past and foreseeing the future. But as Water brings life, it can also bring destruction. Queen of Cups in Tarot and the Cups are associated with the element of Water. WATER CORRESPONDENCES

SPELLS - Love, healing, dreamwork, emotional issues , psychic development,

HERBS AND PLANTS - Poppy, rose, myrtle, violet, , chamomile, geranium, hyacinth

TREES - Willow, apple ,Alder

INCENSES AND OILS - Myrrh, rose, orris root

STONES - Aquamarine, moonstone, mother-of-pearl

ZODIAC - Cancer, Scorpio, Pices



SYMBOL - Downward pointing triangle, cauldron, glass, mirror

MAGICKAL TOOLs – Chalice, Cauldron

ANIMAL TOTEMS - Fish, Dolphin,water-based mammals

Witch Element are you?

Many people find themselves connecting with one specific element in nature, be it earth, air, fire, or water. But one big question is how to "find out your element". This question is one that can be explored from many different angles and in the end must be decided upon by each individual person on a spiritual and personal level. There are a few ways of finding out your element, which I will identify in this hub.

The first thing to find out is what astrological sun sign are you and which element is your astrological sun sign connected with? Here's a quick list of signs & element connections:

Capricorn - Earth Aquarius - Air Pisces - Water

Aries - Fire Taurus - Earth Gemini - Air Cancer - Water Leo - Fire Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Scorpio - Water Sagittarius - Fire

Though the match up of astrological sign and element can give you a clue as to how to find out your element, it isn't always going to be your actual element. For me, I am a Sagittarius (sun sign), which is fire; however, I've never felt fully connected with the element fact, I usually fear it more than I do embrace it. For me, I took a further look into my astrological signs and discovered that my moon sign and my rising sign are both Capricorn...which means I am fire, but also double earth! This made much more sense to me, as I've always felt a connection with the earth in all of its forms - trees, rocks, dirt, animals such as horses and deer, etc. If you don't feel like your astrological sun sign has helped you to find out your element, try finding out what your moon sign and rising signs are and see if those make more sense to you.

Think about which element you've made a more personal connection with throughout your lifetime. For instance - have you always enjoyed playing with fire? Are you a bit of a pyromaniac? You're probably the element fire, then! What about flying in a plane or having an urge to sprout wings or a love for butterflies and birds? You might be the element air. How about climbing trees as a child, building tree forts, or simply rolling around in the dirt? Maybe you're the element earth. What if you've felt a connection to water your entire life? Maybe you absolutely adore the beach, go surfing, or love sailing? Maybe you love having fish or watching sea're probably the element water

There are various online sites you may visit for a free birthchart, like Astrology cafe

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