The Element of Earth

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The Element of Earth

Š 2012, Lady Hekate)0(

Earth my body Water my blood Air my breath Fire my spirit

Table of Contents Our Mother Earth Earth Spirits Earth in the Craft Spells Connecting with Earth


Our Mother Earth


The earth was formed in the same way as the sun, planets, stars. At first the earth was a hot glowing ball of white hot gases with a temperature that was millions of degrees Fahrenheit. This was caused by particles of gases being drawn together and compressed, giving off a lot of heat. This happened millions of years ago.Finally the earth cooled down. The ball of gas slowed down from spinning and the color changed from white to yellow to red to not giving off any light at all.The earth contracted, getting smaller and the gases changed to liquid as they cooled. Heavier materials drew to the center of the earth. The heavier liquid settled at the middle of the earth. As the earth cooled more, a solid crust formed over the over the liquid material. As the crust cooled, it got wrinkled and burst open in spots. Gradually cracks formed in the crust. Water that formed under the earth's crust escaped from the cracks in the earth and soon water vapor formed above the earth. This lead to cloud formation. Larger droplets formed in the clouds and as they were pulled to the earth by gravity came the first rainfalls. The rain at first evaporated as soon as it hit the earth. Later, as the earth continued to cool, the rain stayed on to form lakes and oceans. At first the water was all fresh water, but as it had chemicals from

the earth's crust mix in, the water of the oceans became salty. At one time the earth was all water on its surface.Later pressure and heat in its center pushed up solid portions of the earth that became land forms. Sometimes the land would sink back down and other portions arise.

About three million years ago, the earth cooled a great deal and great sheets of ice called glaciers covered its surface. As the ice spread over the land, it gouged great valleys, rivers and lakes into the earth. About 8000 years ago the last glaciers melted, with the earth more as it is today.

Layers of the Earth The part of the earth we live on is a very thin layer relative to the inner earth. Looking at the cutaway earth below, the earth has several layers.The innermost layer is the core of the earth. It is about 4000 miles thick. It has two parts, the inner core which is red on the diagram below and the outer core which is melon colored. The inner core is very hot is very hot and made of heavy metals, mostly iron.The next layer which is yellowish in color is the mantle. It is made up of a rock called peridodite which is heavier than the earth's rocks.The layer that we live on is called the crust and is the thin brown layer on the diagram. It is thickest under the continents and thinner under the oceans. It is about 50 miles down at its thickest. The crust is actually not as solid as it feels to us and shifts, sometimes abruptly during earthquakes, and very slowly as when continents drift. The different pieces of the earth's crust are referred to as plates, and their movements towards and away from each other are called plate tectonics. Mother Earth binds everyone together on this planet. Some love her more than others do. Some worship nature, others love the sea or the mountains.

Regardless whether a wealthy tycoon has oil refinery in Saudi Arabia or Texas, or some enjoy the colours of the rainbow or the beauty of the sunset, it's unlikely that any single person does not enjoy the blessing of mother earth's protection.

Mother Nature The term "Mother Earth" is also associated with another term: "Mother Nature" which is the most common metaphorical expression for the Earth, one who gives and sustains life. The image of women representing mother earth is perpetual. It is timeless.

In prehistoric times, Mother Nature and Mother Earth were hailed as goddesses, worshipped for their association with fertility and agricultural abundance. Likewise, priestesses held dominion over religious aspects in ancient times before the inception of the patriarchs in religious domain. These included the Incan, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, and Iroquoian religions, among others. In Greek mythology, the "Earth mother" is represented by Demeter (or Ceres, the Roman equivalent), the Goddess of Agriculture and Wheat. Being so, she has the power to bestow or deny humankind fruits of the harvestThis metaphor of Mother Nature is so powerful that it continues to provide ethos into the imagination of artists, writers and musicians, whose perceptions about mothers and women in general mould their images and beliefs into their audience.

Mother's Love for Daughter One myth tells the story of Demeter and her daughter, Persephone. When she discovers that her daughter has been abducted by Hades, the god of the Underworld, she was enraged and refuses to permit the earth to bear fruit or to provide any crops to the entire human race unless Persephone is returned to her. Zeus – the mythological "god" figure – was forced to

intervene. However, while in the Underworld, Persephone has been forced to eat seeds of the pomegranate, the fruit of the dead. As a consequence, she must remain with Hades and still be queen of the Underworld. Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds which equates to spending six months with Hades, representing autumn and winter.The myth suggests that when autumn winds begin followed by the hardening of the earth, and eventually, snow and frost during winter, Demeter stops any growth of crops since her daughter is not with her. This is the price humankind has to pay. Spring and summer are periods of fertility and joy, crops are in great abundance and flowers are in bloom, signifying that Demeter is with her beloved daughter. Mother Earth in Modern Times "Mother Earth" has been used and assigned as symbolic term, including in poems and songs, names of magazines and journals, title of a science fiction short story and as name of singing groups or bands, among others. For many of us who are Pagans, we honor the Earth Mother as Gaia. Isis, Demeter, and many other names. The Earth is a live. The Oceans are Her womb. The Land Her body, Trees Her arms, Wind Her breath, Spirit.

Earth Spirits I.African Myth According to many African myths, the creation of heaven precedes the creation of earth and man was created before the animals. The sun and the moon are given high status, even seen as gods in some cultures and because all African societies depend on rain, it is also held in high regard.

The earth is a very important element in the many myths. It is regarded by many as a mother goddess who rules all people and gives birth to new generations of all beings. It is believed that earth conceals life, protecting it from drought and reviving it when the rains come.

All creatures are earth and none can live without her. Even the elements come from the earth, yet the earth itself is seldom worshipped. She is regarded as a powerful spirit, ruling over life and death, moving mountains, forests and all when angered. It is said that animals understand and obey the earth but that man does not.

Some African peoples believe that the spirits live in the sky and control the rain, while others believe in water spirits that control the rivers, lakes and oceans. There also exist African myths of spirits that inhabit rocks, mountains and trees, such places are considered sacred.

It can be good or evil....

In African mythology, Jok is the concept of the divine; it can be good or evil, one or many. Unlike Europeans, who believe spiritual beings must be

separated, African mythology believes Jok is the unified spirit of all supernatural beings: God and the spirits, the gods, the holy ghost and beings from the otherworld.

African Religion believes in the existence of good and evil spirits and rituals play a very important part in African culture. Bad spirits are believed to cause misfortune and illness and many societies have spiritual professionals who communicate with ancestral spirits to protect against evil. Mediums enter into trance-like states, allowing a spirit to possess their body and use them to communicate or prophesy.

African religious practitioners undergo intense training and there are different roles of spiritual professionals including priests, rainmakers and healers, also known as diviners or herbalists.

Some African Religions even distinguish more than one spiritual essence residing within a person. In Nigeria, the Yoruba people believe that a person has at least three spiritual beings. Emi, is a vital force that keeps man alive.

It resides in the heart and lungs and is fed by the wind. Ojiji is a shadow that follows its owner and awaits his return in heaven when he dies. The third being is Eleda, or spirit, which must be fed by sacrifices. These spiritual beings flee the body at the time of death and all await his return in heaven.

The Yoruba people also believe that a man's success or failure in life depends on the choices he made in heaven before his birth. Ori is the Yoruba god in heaven who supervises people's choices.

Even the gods themselves depend on Ori to direct their personal lives. Gods and men alike consult their sacred divination palm nuts daily in order to receive direction from Ori. JJ.Nymphs NYMPHAE (Numphai), the name of a numerous class of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. (Hom. Od. vi. 123, &c., xii. 318, Il. xx. 8, xxiv. 615.) Homer further describes them as presiding over game, accompanying Artemis, dancing with her, weaving in their grottoes purple garments. and kindly watching over the fate of mortals. (Od. vi. 105, ix. 154, xiii. 107, 356, xvii. 243, Il. vi. 420, 616.) Men offer up sacrifices either to them alone, or in conjunction with other gods, such as Hermes. (Od. xiii. 350, xvii. 211, 240, xiv. 435.) From the places which they inhabit, they are called agronomoi (Od. vi. 105),orestiades (Il. vi. 420), and nêïades (Od. xiii. 104).All nymphs, whose number is almost infinite, may be divided into two great classes. The first class embraces those who must be regarded as a kind of inferior divinities, recognised in the worship of nature. The early Greeks saw in all the phenomena of ordinary nature some manifestation of the deity; springs, rivers, grottoes, trees, and mountains, all seemed to them fraught with life; and all were only the visible embodiments of so many divine agents. The salutary and beneficent powers of nature were thus personified, and regarded as so many divinities; and the sensations produced on man in the contemplation of nature, such as awe, terror, joy, delight, were ascribed to the agency of the various divinities of nature. The second class of nymphs are personifications of tribes, races, and states, such as Cyrene, and many others.

The nymphs of the first class must again be sublatter divided into various species, according to the different parts of nature of which they are the representatives. 1. Nymphs of the watery element. Here we first mention the nymphs of the ocean, Ôkeaninai or Ôkeanides, numphai hagiai, who are regarded as the daughters of Oceanus (Hes. Theog. 346, &c., 364; Aeschyl. Prom.; Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 13; Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1414; Soph. Philoct.

1470); and next the nymphs of the Mediterranean or inner sea, who are regarded as the daughters of Nereus, whence they are called Nereides (Nêreïdes; Hes. Theog. 240, &c.). The rivers were represented by the Potameides (Poramêïdes), who, as local divinities, were named after their rivers, as Acheloides, Anigrides, Ismenides, Amniisiades, Pactolides. (Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1219; Virg. Aen. viii. 70; Paus. v. 5. § 6, i. 31. § 2; Callim. Hymn. in Dian. 15; Ov. Met. vi. 16; Steph. Byz. s.v. Amnisos.) But the nymphs of fresh water, whether of rivers, lakes, brooks, or wells, are also designated by the general name Naiades, Nêïdes, though they have in addition their specific names, as Krênaiai, Pêgaiai, Hegeionimoi, Limnatides, or Limnades. (Hom. Od. xvii. 240; Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1219; Theocrit. v. 17; Orph. Hymn. 50. 6, Argon. 644.) Even the rivers of the lower regions are described as having their nymphs; hence, Nymphae infernae paludis and Avernales. (Ov. Met. v. 540, Fast. ii. 610.) Many of these presided over waters or springs which were believed to inspire those that drank of them, and hence

the nymphs themselves were thought to be endowed with prophetic or oracular power, and to inspire men with the same, and to confer upon them the gift of poetry. (Paus. iv. 27. § 2, ix. 3. § 5, 34. § 3; Plut. Aristid. 11; Theocrit. vii. 92; comp. MUSAE.) Inspired soothsayers or priests are therethe fore sometimes called numphogêptoi. (Plat. Phaedr. p. 421, e.) Their powers, however, vary with those of the springs over which they preside; some were thus regarded as having the power of restoring sick persons to health (Pind. Ol. xii. 26; Paus. v. 5. § 6, vi. 22. § 4); and as water is necessary to feed all vegetation as well as all living beings, the water nymphs (Hydriades) were also worshipped along with Dionysus and Demeter as giving life and blessings to all created beings, and this attribute is expressed by a variety of epithets, such as karpotrophoi, aipolikai, nomiai, kourotrophoi, &c. As their influence was thus exercised in all departments of nature, they frequently appear in connection with higher divinities, as, for example, with Apollo, the prophetic god and the protector of herds and flocks (Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1218); with Artemis, the huntress and the protectress of game, for she herself was originally an Arcadian nymph (Apollon. Rhod. i. 1225, iii. 881; Paus. iii. 10. § 8); with Hermes, the fructifying god of flocks (Hom. Hymn. in Aphrod. 262); with Dionysus (Orph. Hymn. 52; Horat. Carm. i. 1. 31, ii. 19. 3); with Pan, the Seileni and Satyrs, whom they join in their Bacchic revels and dances.


A race of small, misshapen, dwarf-like creatures that dwell in the earth. The name 'gnome' was given to them by the medieval scholar Paracelcus, in an attempt to describe the most important of the earth spirits. According to Paracelcus, they move as easily through the earth as humans walk upon the ground. They cannot stand the light of the sun, for even one ray would turn them to stone. Some sources claim they spend the hours during daylight as a toad. They are in some way related to goblins and dwarfs.Gnomes are Earth Elementals (earth spirits). They live and thrive underground and guard the earths treasures. They are fabulous craftsmen and especially good at making swords and armor.Earth-elves are the spiritual power of nature and reflect the energy and cycle of the earth.

Earth in the Craft

Earth associated with the Feminine, and the North. On the wheel of life it is associated with Yule. Energy


Symbols Rocks, fields, soil, salt, caves, clay,pentacle Placing on Pentagram Goddesses Gods

Lower left

Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Nephtys, Persephone, Rhea Adonis, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Pan Spirits

Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls

Time Cycle of life

Midnight, Night Age= Elder- Crone- Sage

Season Colors


Black, green, yellow, brown

Zodiac signs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Stones Rock crystal, emerald, onyx, jasper, salt, azurite, amethyst, Magick tools Herbal Trees

Pentacle, Pentagram, salt, images, stones, gems, cords Ivy, grains, oats, rice, patchouli, lichens

Cypress, Honeysuckle, Lilac (some say Lilac is Water)

Animals Cow, bull, dog, horse, ant, bears, wolf, snake Type of magick ; Gardening, magnet images, stone (jewel divination, work with crystals), knot, Binding, money spells, grounding, finding treasures, runes,

Spells .

Bubble Bubble Toils and Trouble……..

Fresh Start For new beginnings.

This spell is excellent for reinforcing new beginnings (for example: a new job, a new home, a new love, etc.) It's great for getting things off to a good start.

You will need: - a small quantity of seeds (any seeds will do, flower, vegetable, fruit, etc) - a small garden spade for digging a small hole - a beeswax candle - a dried leaf from any plant - a coarsely ground eggshell - a piece of paper (notebook or typing paper is fine) - a short length of natural twine

This spell is best when worked in the morning, at sunrise or shortly thereafter.

Light your beeswax candle and place it on a flat surface, such as a table top. Lay the piece of paper on the table. Place the seeds, the leaf and the ground eggshell in the center of the paper.

Speak these words aloud:

Life and death, Start to end, New beginnings, be a friend, Bring good fortune, Now to me, For that which is and that to be.

Fold the seeds, leaf and eggshell in the paper, forming a small packet. Tie the packet securely with the twine. Extinguish the candle.

Find a quiet place in the yard or garden and with your garden spade, dig a small hole, roughly ten inches deep. Place the packet in the hole. Cover the packet with dirt and fill the hole. Do not remove the packet from the ground. Unknown author Health Spell A power spell for good health

This spell is based upon an age-old ritual for good health during the coming year. It can be performed at any time, but the Spring is best.

You will need:

- a piece of soft, white chalk - a beeswax candle that has never been burned - a small quantity of soil or sand (about ½ cup) - a compass

The spell should be performed somewhere where you can draw on the floor with chalk.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Stay inside the pentagram after you have drawn it. DO NOT step outside the pentagram again until the spell has been completed. Don't forget the matches or a lighter, as you will need to light the candle while inside the pentagram.

Use the chalk to draw a pentagram on the floor about three feet wide. After you have drawn the pentagram, sprinkle the soil or sand over the pentagram, but take care that none falls outside the pentagram.

Next, light the candle and hold it in your right hand. Face east and recite the following words three times, speaking them aloud:

Mother Earth's fires flare, From the earth into the air, Days of sun bring fields green, Water springing forth to clean, To wash away the old and worn,

And leave the dew of summer's morn, Let no sickness wander near, Keep it far away from here!

Once you have spoken these words three times, extinguish the candle BEFORE stepping out of the pentagram. The spell is done. Do not light this candle again for one year. Store the candle in a safe place where it will remain undisturbed.

To find an Object Light a green candle, anoint with jasmine oil By the powers of the Element of Earth, reveal unto me where [OBJECT] may be found!" Repeat three times straight Then close your eyes for a moment, wait ,it will come to you.

Connecting with the Earth “The elements are around us and a part of us, and by connecting with them it will help to bring you to a higher spiritual understanding....�

Take a walk in a park with some woods, hug a tree, talk to a tree. Know the trees, their names. Plant a Garden. Sit outside, lay on the grass, Watch the animals, observe. Earth Mediation. Go outside, site beneath a tree, comfortably. Stretch, breathe. Place palms down on your sides on the earth. Chant slow then faster as you feel Earth my body Water my blood Air my breath Fire my spirit 5 times Earth My Mother Earth my home Earth my body Earth I am 5x Celebrate Earth Day every day

Earth Mediation- Gaia MEDITATION FOR GAIA Author of this is Iran Prattis

Sit comfortably and quietly and ensure that your spine is erect. Breathe in quietly and relax. As you breathe out, smile to your whole body with gladness. Breathe in and out in this manner for a few minutes. Now focus your in-breath through your heart center - behind the sternum in the middle of your chest. Breathe in through the heart center, taking the breath up inside yourself to the crown of your head. You are bringing the light of the Universe into your being. Visualize it as brilliant white crystalline light. If you do not visualize very well, then just think each step to yourself. This will work just as well. After the in-breath through the heart center up to the crown, pause for a moment. Add this thought to the process: “ Send this light from the Universe and from my heart to every cell in my body, through my feet into the earth.� Do this on the out-breath You can visualize this step as a crystal clear waterfall, or shimmer of light from your head down through your body to your toes, and through your feet into the earth. Or just think it. Continue this cycle for approximately 5 minutes, or if you prefer to count breaths, make 10 breaths.

IN-BREATH: breathe light into the heart center up to the crown

PAUSE: add the thought of sending universal light from your crown to your toes

OUT-BREATH: breathe light from crown to toes, embracing every cell.

On the next in-breath fill your body with radiant white light, on the outbreath feel it as a vast expansiveness within you. Do this for 3 breaths.

Breathe in feeling the expansiveness, and on the next out-breath extend the light from your being to encompass everyone with you in this meditation. Do this for 3 breaths.

Breathe in feeling the expansiveness, and on the next out-breath extend the light from your being to include your town, country and continent. Do this for 3 breaths.

Breathe in feeling the expansiveness, and on the next out-breath extend the light from your being to skip across oceans and space to encompass the planet earth and its biosphere. Take 3 breaths.

As you now breathe in, be aware that you are cradling the planet in your arms. As you breathe out smile from the light of your being to the planet earth. Do this as you breathe in and out for 10 breaths.

Now as you breath in and out think of your very favorite place on the planet - by a river in springtime, walking in autumn leaves, at the top of a mountain with clear views of surrounding peaks and valleys, or at the edge of a desert oasis. Whatever your favorite place on the earth is - just feel that you are there and feel such happiness, peace and joy. Breathe in the memory, and smile as you breathe out. Do this for 10 breaths.

Now with your mind and the light in your being send your feelings of happiness, peace and joy to the central core of the earth and feel that

energy filling the entire planet and surrounding it with love. Know that you are one with Gaia. After 10 breaths slowly open your eyes and look around you and share your smile with your friends who are also smiling. This meditation can be done with nature based music playing softly in the background and takes about 25 minutes.



Virgo Astrology August 23- September 22 Virgo's symbol is the virgin, and is often considered a shy, "lady in waiting" personality that is a little naive. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature.Virgo's symbol is sometimes shown as a woman carrying a sheaf of wisdom, representing the harvesting of wheat at the time of year of the Virgo (late summer). Virgo is a large equatorial constellation between Leo and Libra, in which the brightest member is the first-magnitude star Spica. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, which is entered by the sun on or about August 22nd. Virgo is the only female figure among the constellations of the Zodiac. The Maiden has been attributed to many female deities over history. Among others, she has been identified with the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the Roman goddess of justice, Astraea and the Greek goddess of the harvest, Demeter. As such, Virgo is usually depicted either holding an ear of wheat or carrying the scales of Libra the adjoining constellation. The glyph for Virgo is thought to depict the sexual organs, with a tail that wraps inwards, closing itself to the world. This, in contrast to the symbol for Scorpio, which is similar, except that the tail points outward and upward in an arrow.

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