FMB Year 1 - Boden - Situation Analysis

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Helena evison N0688998 Word count: 1969


(Boden, 2017)

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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to review the fashion apparel brand Boden. It will look at their current marketing environment, and understand how Boden have reached this point, implications that will affect them and future recommendations for Boden to improve and develop in this continually changing environment.

METHODOLOGY The report will be conducted using quantitative and quality research, that is primary and secondary, including online and offline surveys, reports and websites. The resulting information gained from individual people and publications will convey information and statistics that can be clearly analysed. A range of business models will also be applied in order to identify issues and opportunities for Boden.

A survey was conducted in order to gain an understanding of the consumer perception of Boden, as well as an insight into consumer shopping habits. Eighty four took part, half of which were women and half men, ranging from the age of 18 years to over 55 years. Forty percent of the participants were surveyed on the streets of London and the remaining participants completed the survey online using



(Drapers, 2017)

Findings One of the key findings was that the vast majority of respondents mostly prefer to try on clothing before purchasing it. Therefore should Boden consider opening more physical stores? Other online retailers, such as Asos, have already introduced the concept of ‘try before you buy’, this system allows the consumer to pay for the product once they have decided to keep it, and eliminates the need for a refund (Mason, 2017).

Graph 1.


Graph 2.

This finding suggests that the consumer perception of Boden is weak and therefore they should improve their online promotions in order to maintain an awareness of the brand to increase the number of customers.

One of Boden’s main USP’s is their catalogue. When Johnnie Boden first introduced his business, his catalogue featured 8 hand-drawn menswear designs. To this day Boden continue to utilise the catalogue as a platform to sell their product. However when asked, ‘State 3 brands you think of first when you hear the words catalogue/mail order’ only 11 out of 84 stated Boden. This highlights that that the Boden brand is possibly missing out on a significant section of the market.


Graph 3.

Graph 4.

Graph 3 and 4 indicates that consumers are changing the way they shop. 67% of respondents answered they would rather use an online catalogue. This would seem to suggest that saving time and convenience are a top priority to the consumer.







Following Brexit, fashion business supply chains arrangements may encounter increased tariffs and customs duties (Sidkin, 2017). Boden has suppliers from outside and inside the EU, such as China and Italy (Boden., 2017). Therefore Boden may find new custom agreements will impact their business and they will need to find ways to maintain tarifffree trade with the EU (Sidkin, 2017).


‘The State of Fashion 2018’ reported that these ‘geopolitical’ affairs, such as Brexit, are a ‘risk to growth’ due to the lack of confidence and unpredictability (Amed et al., 2017). If agreements on the current situation of free trade change in the UK (Sidkin, 2017) it will mean additional costs for Boden and they will need to be able to strategically adjust to the constantly changing enviroment. Economic growth is reported to be shifting into emerging markets in the southern and eastern parts of the world (Amed et al., 2017) This could suggest a potential new market for Boden to tap into.


Social attitudes towards gender stereotypes are shifting. An opinion that children should be free to construct their own identities and not be labelled to a specific gender is emerging (Newbold 2017). Although Boden have begun to introduce prints that are not stereotypically associated with girls (, 2017), the boys section still continues to reinforce what a boy should be interested in (, 2017). There could be an opportunity for Boden to introduce a new line which doesn’t differentiate between girls and boys clothing and allows children to make their own choices.



Consumer behaviour has changed considerably in the fashion industry this year and the mainstream shopper is comfortably using digital channels for their purchases as well as switching to offline touch-points during their path to purchase (Amed et al., 2017). As Boden offers a catalogue, website and physical stores (in the UK) it is important they keep each channel consistent to their brand as The Business of Fashion’s Annual Report predicts this is will be a key expectation of the consumer in 2018 (Amed et al., 2017).


Businesses are required to comply with several laws. (Reiff-Marganiec et al., 2012). Boden is attentive to the ethics and sustainability throughout its business and its supply chain. Partly in an attempt to create an ethical brand image. Legal compliance is vital and the brand has spent capital throughout its system including the supply chain. In 2008 Boden joined the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and acquired the ETI base code. All suppliers for Boden sign up to this ethical commitment, which shapes part of their terms and conditions of trade. ( 2017) Factories producing Boden products are monitored through independent ethical audits to ensure they stick to to the strict code of conduct (,2017).


It is predicted that in 2018 sustainability will go from being used as a marketing tool for ‘corporate social responsibility’ to a significant concept in constructing a circular economy that is implemented across throughout (Amed et al., 2017). It has been reported that brands are arranging for sustainability to begin at the very initial step of the supplychain and will continue on throughout it (Amed et al., 2017). Boden have attempted to become sustainable to some extent by using recycleable and renewable products for their catalogue. They also state, ‘Wherever it is possible, we ensure that our packaging is recycleable and is made from recycled materials too.’(, 2017). However this ethos could be extended to the production of clothes (Amed et al., 2017).



Personalisation Personalisation is predicted to be the number one trend of 2018, according to the Business of Fashion (Bof) -McKinsey Global Fashion survey (Amed et al., 2017). Personalisation can range from customised products to advertisements and campaigns that engage with each unique consumer (Amed et al., 2017). New technologies allow retailers to collect data (Ohnemus, 2017) about consumers which then allows them to create a tailored customer experience, based on personal preferences, products aquired and shopping habits (Amed et al., 2017). It was noted in the Wall Street Journal that Boden, in order to compete with online advertising, were producing more personalised catalogues (Holmes, 2014). It has since been reported that Boden are personalsing their catalogue to fit with different consumers shopping habits and therefore can tailor the catalogue by changing, for example, the size or the discounts they offer (Montetate, 2017). Evidently Boden have already begun to adopt this trend and should continue to do so as a strategic marketing tool.

(Boden, 2017)


Circular Fashion

(Boden, 2017)

Integrating channels Omnichannel retailing has proven to promote rapid sales (Deloitte, 2014). Boden’s three main channels are their catalogue, online website and their physical stores. Introducing technology-enabled strategies to grow their brand’s omnichannel approach would help construct a cohesive and engaging experience that diffrentiates them from their competitors (Intel, 2012). An omnichannel approach would consider all platforms and devices the consumer uses to interact with Boden (Accenture, 2015). An example of this would be by introducing an app so that if a customer saw something they wanted to buy instore, but their size wasn’t available, they could scan the barcode and buy it immediately. (Hounslea et al., 2017). This creates customer satisfaction and helps increase sales. Similarly for consumers who still prefer the catalogue, a QR code could be developed with every product, which would be scanned via an app and purchased instantly (Tode, 2013).


Sustainability and trasnparency is continually growing as a critical priority to consumers (Amed et al., 2017). For example openly acknowledging how supply chains work and who the suppliers are (Ditty, 2017). Boden already offer an ethical and transparent approach on their website. It Includes information on which countries their suppliers are based in and and how they are working with them to ensure they are attempting to reduce the impact their supply chain has on the environment (Boden, 2017). Boden could improve their sustainability principles by shifting to a circular economy approach, also known as, ‘circular fashion’ (Watson et al., 2017). At the moment Boden uses the common model “take, make, dispose” (Watson et al., 2017). A policy brief by The Fashion Agenda reported that this traditional linear model, ‘is reaching its physical limits’ due to rapid growth of the population and global garment production (Watson et al., 2017). A circular economy would enable Boden to reuse and regenerate products and resources (Watson et al.,2017). It would offer the opportunity to experiment with new technology and design and capture new consumers who highly regard the impact on the environment as an important factor when choosing products (Lacy., 2017).

(stylenow, 2017)


Market Health A report indicates that the discount market is falling by 2.7 percent and full price fashion is showing a growth, providing an additional £483m to the market (Tooke, 2017). Glen Tooke reported that although consumers are spending more each time they shop, they’re shopping less regularly, therefore brands should be planning ahead of time in order to gain consumer attention to ensure for long-term growth (Tooke, 2017). The State of Fashion reported that consumers are shifting away from the mid-market and separating to the higher and lower ends of the spectrum. (Amed et al., 2017). They predict that the shift from mid-market will benefit the value sector, which in turn could put Boden at risk (Amed et al., 2017).


(Boden, Facebook. 2017)

Brand positioning

Graph 5.

The graph comparison signifies that Boden sits in the high price and high quality sector. This puts them in direct competition with companies like WhiteStuff, Joules, SeaSalt and Mint Velvet. However these companies have more visible physical stores, as presented on table 6, page 26.



Brand Mission Boden is a fashion apparel retailer that promises to cater quality and ethical clothing to the modern day family in the most convenient way possible to adhere to their busy life-styles.

Brand Essence

Table 1.

BOLD. CONVENIENT. QUALITY. Brand Positioning Statement Boden:

For busy families seeking convenience and quality, we offer well-made clothes that reflect quintessential Britishness alongside bright and quirky patterns. We make a promise to cater to the entire family to ensure everyone is looking smart whilst cutting out the hassle of traipsing round multiple shops. We have delivered to our quality conscious yet time constrained consumers for over 25 years and it is our promise to continue to do so. Table 2.




Brand Health Check In September Boden reported that their profits increased by 9.6 per cent to £26.2m for the year to December 31 2016 (Sullivan, 2017). An increase in customers and gross margins rising, enabled sales to climb by 9 per cent to £308m (Sullivan, 2017). Two fifths of Boden’s sales come from the US and this has enabled them to keep prices down in the UK despite the pound becoming increasingly weaker (Sullivan, 2017).




-Successful foreign revenues have diminished the need to raise UK prices even with the weakening pound. -Paid £9.3m to nine directors last year due to success overseas. -Profits rose nearly 10pc to £26.2m in 2017 -Sales hit £308m on the back of a 9pc growth in its womenswear division. -Improved efficiencies in the product teams with the implementation of a new product lifecycle management system. -Opened 5 concessions with John Lewis


-Undiffrentiated product -Negative brand perception of people trying to look middle class and ‘yummy mummy’ -Small physical presence in comparison to competitors

OPPURTUNITIES THREATS -Open more physical stores in the UK -Venture into the asian market as growth moves towards the east -personalisation -Circular fashion -Omni-Channel (explained in macro trends)

Table 3.

-Boden’s category could become saturated as their competition increases -If Boden do not attempt to digitally transform their business model they could be at risk of losing business to competitors adhering to the new trends that are developing the customer journey

Key Issues facing brand - A saturated market indicates that they could lose part of their customer base. - Lack of physical stores compared to competitors means some consumers could be more likely to shop elsewhere in order to try on garments before purchasing.

Strategic Challenge - Differentiate themselves from competitors - Rebrand themselves to diminish negative brand perception - Update their multi-channel approach to conform to the new omni-channel approach aiding consumers path to purchase in a seamless convention and prmoting growth -Create a circular fashion strategy as explained in ‘trends that will shape Boden’s future’.


Table 4.

ANSOFF’S MATRIX Existing Products Market Penetration - Integrate each of their existing channels to create an omni channel -Increase number of customers -Increase average spend -Increase profit margins

Existing Market

Market Development - Open physical store in the US - as already proven to increase sales when US website launched - two fifths of sales come from the US - Enter the asian market - in 2018 more than half of apparel category sales will exist outside of the western market - It has been found asian people appreciate British style

New Market

New Products Product Development - Introduce an an activewear range - include iconic bold print - give it brand identity - Health and wellbeing is a growing macro trend - brands with a similar target market already specifically sell just this type of product (sweat Betty) -However Boden has a loyal customer base, so likely to choose them over competitors

Diversification - Introduce activewear range to the asian market - Asia Pacific is accounted for 38% of global sportswear absolute value growth from 2011 to 2016. - Include iconic heritage Boden print British style proven to be popular in Asia

Table 5.





Key Challenges The main challenge for Boden today is to differentiate themselves from their main competitors. Joules, Seasalt, WhiteStuff and Mint Velvet all have more physical stores (see table 6.) which makes gives them a more visible presence to the consumer. To counter act this competition perhaps Boden should consider opening more physical stores or introducing new strategies, such as, increasing the speed of their delivery time, reducing delivery costs or implementing the ‘try before you buy’ concept (Mason, 2017), therefore making online ordering their niche.


NUMBER OF STORES 2 stores 5 concessions in John Lewis (7 in total) 108 49 75 38

boutiques Concessions in three department stores.

20 international stores

Table 6.


Key Oppurtunities From the primary and secondary research looking at the macro enviroment, it has become evident that Boden have the chance to impove themselves technologically. They could do this by creating an online catalogue as this was preferred by the respondents in the survey. As mentioned previously, they should also consider integrating their channels to create an omni-channel strategy. This strategy will enhance the convenience that Boden’s consumers are seeking without compromising quality.

Consumers are becoming more enviromentally aware when shopping (Amed et al., 2017), therefore if Boden were to come up with a circular fashion (Lacy, 2017) approach across their supply chain it could be a key tool to promote growth and differentiate themselves from their competitors.


List of Illustrations Image 1. Boden (2017). Elspeth Dress. [image] Available at: http://www. womens-hunter-green-poppy-elspeth-dress [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Image 2. Boden - Facebook (2017). Beacon Blue Dragons Fun Appliqué Play Set. [image] Available at: a.325005885497.192900.176862625497/10155590388475498/?type=3&thea ter [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].

Image 3. Boden - Facebook (2017). Boden Breton. [image] Available at: 0.176862625497/10155387524950498/?type=3&theater [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. Image 4. Boden - Facebook (2017). 12 days of Christmas print. [image] Available at: 5885497.192900.176862625497/10155680562095498/?type=3&theater [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. Image 5. Boden (2017). Marissa Ottoman dress. [image] Available at: http:// j0039/womens-marisa-ottoman-dress [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].

Image 6. Boden (2017). Pique Blazer. [image] Available at: http://www.é-blazer [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].

Image 7. Boden (2017). Smart and Casual Shirts. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018].

Image 8. Boden (2017). WHY MODERN FAMILY’S AUBREY LOVES MINI BODEN. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018].


Image 9. Drapers (2017). Boden dress. [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018].

Image 10. easyfundraising (2018). Boden logo [image] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2017]

Image 11. Glassdoor (2018). Boden Logo [image] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]

Image 12. GreenStitch (2017). The fashion cycle: cradle to cradle (biological). [image] at: [Accessed 11 Jan 2018]

Image 13. stylenow (2017). Cropped Cashmere Cardigan. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2018].



1. Accenture. (2015)The New Omnichannel Approach 10.Holmes, E. (2014). Why Online Retailers Like to Serving Customers. [ebook] 2015 Accenture, p.4. Available at: Bonobos, Boden, Athleta Mail So Many Catalogs. [online] WSJ. Available at: Accenture/Conversion-Assets/DotCom/Documents/ Global/PDF/Industries_2/accenture-new-omni-channel- articles/why-online-retailers-like-bonobos-bodenathleta-mail-so-many-catalogs-1397689560 approach-serving-customers.pdf [Accessed 17 Dec. [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. 2017]. 2. Amed, I., Berg, A., kapplemark, S., Hedrich, S., Andersson, J., Drageset, M. and Young, R. (2017). The State of Fashion 2018. 1st ed. [ebook] London: The Business of Fashion, pp.12-29. Available at: https:// The_State_of_Fashion_2017.pdf [Accessed 12 Dec. 2017].

11. Hounslea, T., Man, P. and Man, P. (2017). H&M trials ‘scan and buy’. [online] Drapers. Available at: hm-trials-scan-and-buy/7018710.article [Accessed 22 Dec. 2017]

12 Intel. (2012). Omni Channel Technology Gives (2017). Tops & Tees for Girls | Boden UK | Retail Marketers a New Edge. [ebook] Internet Boden. [online] Available at: Corporation, p.1. Available at: com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/ gb/girls-tops-t-shirts#nav [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. solution-briefs/omni-channel-tech-gives-retail4. (2017). Tops & T-Shirts for Boys | Boden marketers-new-edge-brief.pdf UK | Boden. [online] Available at: http://www.boden. [Accessed 14 Dec. 13. Lacy, P. (2017). These 5 disruptive technologies are driving the circular economy. [online] World 2017]. Economic Forum. Available at: https://www. [Accessed 17 Dec. 5. (2017). Eco and Ethical Boden UK | 2017]. Women's, Men's, Boys', Girls' & Baby Clothing and Accessories. [online] Available at: http://www.boden. 14. Mason, C. (2017). Asos introduces 'try before you buy' so you only pay for what you keep. CB2_20170523 [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. [online] Available at: 6. (2017). Ethical trade code of conduct - Boden. [online] Available at: shopping/2017/11/asos-introduces-try-beforeyou-buy-option-for-customers [Accessed 13 Dec. gb/help/code-of-conduct [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017]. 2017]. (2017). Sustainability at Boden. 15. Monetate. (2017). Boden improves mobile experience with Monetate personalisation and [online] Available at: sees 18% rise in ‘add-to-basket’ rates | Press clothing/Sustainability [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. Releases. [online] Available at: https://www. (2014). The Omnichannel Oppurtunity. experience-with-monetate-personalisation-and[ebook] London: Deloitte LLP, p.2. Available at: sees-18-rise-in-add-to-basket-rates [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017]. Documents/consumer-business/unlocking-the-powerof-the-connected-consumer.pdf [Accessed 18 Dec. 16. Newbold, A. (2017). Childrenswear Goes 2017]. Genderless At John Lewis. [online] Available at: Ditty, S. (2017). FAQs: Fashion Transparency Index lewis-genderless-childrens-wear [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017 : Fashion Revolution. [online] Fashionrevolution. 2017]. org. Available at: [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017].


16. Newbold, A. (2017). Childrenswear Goes Genderless At John Lewis. [online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017].

17.Ohnemus, I. (2017). Personalisation in fashion retail: why it is compulsory | Netimperative - latest digital marketing news. [online] Netimperative - latest digital marketing news. Available at: http://www.netimperative. com/2017/07/personalisation-fashion-retail-compulsory/ [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017]. 18. Reiff-Marganiec, S. and Tilly, M. (2012). Handbook of research on service-oriented systems and non-functional properties. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, p.525. 19. Sidkin, S. (2017). A guide to Brexit for the UK fashion industry. [online] Fashion Law. Available at: http:// [Accessed 11 Dec. 2017]. 20. Sullivan, C. (2017). Boden’s overseas sales boosts results. [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 17 Dec. 2017]. 21. Tode, C. (2013). QR code-enabled virtual stores support merchants’ mobile shopping strategies | Retail Dive. [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 22 Dec. 2017]. 22. Tooke, G. (2017). UK fashion market back in growth after 14 months - Global site - Kantar Worldpanel. [online] Available at: https://www. [Accessed 9 Jan. 2018]. 23. Watson, D., Eder-Hansen, J. and Tarnberg, S. (2017). A Call to Action for a Circular Fashion System. [ebook] Copanhagen: Global Fashion Agenda 2017, p.Page 1. Available at: wp-content/uploads/2017/04/GFA17_Call-to-action_ Poluc-brief_FINAL_9May.pdf [Accessed 17 Dec. 2017].


Appendix Survey:

Consumer behaviour within fashion retail



Survey results

asos. very. freemans Argos Next Avon Very Argos Studio Amazon Next John Lewis Boden, Crew, Next Argos, Avon and Next Littlewoods Asia Next Next Boden Argos littlewoods, avon, studio next very littlewoods next very argos Freemans Next and Amazon Boden, CT Shirts, White Company Argos, ASOS, VERY Next Jack & Jones, Zoolando and Outfitery Argos. M&S. Glasswells. Argos Grattan Next Argos granny shops Asos Topshop H&M Nike Amazon Gymshark Next Adidas Asos Argos ASOS BOHOO Littlewoods Very White Company Boden White Company John Lewis Next Zara Boden

Kay’s Freemans Marasota Asos Next Boden Next, Very, Matalan next marks & spencer hugo boss Adidas north face berghaus Asos, Farfetch, Made Amazon, Next,TK Max avon freemans next Next Asos Debenhams Lacoste Ralph Lauren Tumberland next sports direct MandM direct asos, net a porter, topman Argos Argos/ Very / next / Debenhams ASOS / Argos/ John Lewis Very Next Littlewoods Boden Next Avon Asos, topman and primark Littlewoods Asia Next Royal Mail Hermes Next Next, marks and Spencer’s, ikea Missguided Asos Pretty little thing Hush Boden Pure Littlewoods Next Very Argos, Avon, Morrisons Avon, argos, new look

Next, Crew, Boden Argos, John Lewis, asos Amazon Asos John Lewis Amazon Next Charles Tyrwhitt LLP Boden Next Argos Boden Littlewoods Avon Argos Zara Topshop Crew Avon Next Argos Argos White company Next Hush Argos Avon Victoria’s Secret Next, fat face, txmAxx vogue asos next ASOS Hsbc Amazon Very, Argos, littlewoods Next, Argos, Boden argos / next / boden ASOS/ Argos / John lewis Next Boden Versace Asos John Lewis Amazon JD WILLIAM MODA INTERNATIONAL LUDI London Jean MODA International Plush & Lush Apple, Mango, Next High Times, Vice, FHM Amazon, Asos, IKEA






Bibliography 1. Accenture. (2015)The New Omnichannel Approach to Serving Customers. [ebook] 2015 Accenture, p.4. Available at: media/Accenture/Conversion-Assets/DotCom/ Documents/Global/PDF/Industries_2/accenturenew-omni-channel-approach-serving-customers.pdf [Accessed 17 Dec. 2017]. 2. Amed, I., Berg, A., kapplemark, S., Hedrich, S., Andersson, J., Drageset, M. and Young, R. (2017). The State of Fashion 2018. 1st ed. [ebook] London: The Business of Fashion, pp.12-29. Available at: https:// The_State_of_Fashion_2017.pdf [Accessed 12 Dec. 2017]. (2017). Tops & Tees for Girls | Boden UK | Boden. [online] Available at: http://www.boden. [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. 4. (2017). Tops & T-Shirts for Boys | Boden UK | Boden. [online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. 5. (2017). Eco and Ethical Boden UK | Women's, Men's, Boys', Girls' & Baby Clothing and Accessories. [online] Available at: http://www.boden. CB2_20170523 [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. 6. (2017). Ethical trade code of conduct - Boden. [online] Available at: http://www.boden. [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017]. (2017). Sustainability at Boden. [online] Available at: http://clothing.boden. [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017]. 8.Deloittle. (2014). The Omnichannel Oppurtunity. [ebook] London: Deloitte LLP, p.2. Available at: Documents/consumer-business/unlocking-the-powerof-the-connected-consumer.pdf [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017]. 9. Ditty, S. (2017). FAQs: Fashion Transparency Index 2017 : Fashion Revolution. [online] Fashionrevolution. org. Available at: [Accessed 18 Dec. 2017].


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Conesent Form We are/I am researching the Brand Boden, and as part of that project are interested in your experiences/views about Boden’s clothing, their presence in te market and you clothing shopping habits. The information provided will be treated in strictest confidence and you will not be individually identified in any presentations of the results. All questionnaires will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act and destroyed at the end of the project.



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