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Stalmine with Staynall Parish Council

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Wyre Villa

Wyre Villa


on the future development of the park. If you have any ideas that you would like to be considered please contact the Clerk or speak to one of the Councillors. Go to the parish council website to view how the we are planning the future of the park.


Speeding in Village

The date of the next Road Safety meeting is Tues 10th Aug, 7:00pm at the village hall. If you have concerns about road safety in the village, you have been involved in an accident or near miss due to speeding in the village or if you have children and are concerned for their safety on the village roads, please contact the clerk to register your interest or just come along to the meeting.

Yvonne Walton - Clerk t: 07703 773 785 e: hambletonpc@yahoo.co.uk fb: Hambleton (Wyre) Parish Council


Planning Battle

A concerted move is under way over the growing number of breaches of planning permission in Over Wyre. Together with neighbouring colleagues, Stalmine councillors are concerned by what appears to be a lack of enforcement action by Wyre Council, the planning authority. The parishes are to make their feelings known to Wyre in the hope of prompting that council into more effective action against those who do not conform to planning regulations.

Speeding Action

The council has been asked by a member of the public if it would consider providing speed cameras for the village. There are two options: fixed cameras or a portable camera. No funds are allocated for such a project in this year’s budget, but councillors have been asked to consider preliminary investigations into locations and lamppost suitability.

Paths Boost

Public footpaths in Stalmine and neighbouring parishes are set for improvements. After a long wait, a delivery of fingerposts has been promised. These will be installed as promptly as possible.

Next Meeting of the Council

This is planned for Tues 10th Aug, 7:00pm at the village hall in Stalmine. Any changes will be notified via the council’s website.

Get in Touch

For further information contact any councillor or contact the clerk.

Alison May - Clerk t: 07880 657 761 e: clerk@stalmineparishcouncil.org w: www.stalmineparishcouncil.org


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