Anthony Lamy Facebook
Julia Leihener Deutsche Telekom
Pete Blackshaw Nestlé
Kate James Pearson
the next digital stage: connecting communications
Jimmy Maymann The Huffington Post
Lars Silberbauer Andersen LEGO Group
John McLaren AkzoNobel
The State of the Art in communications and leadership
Media relations & campaigns
Change Communication
Reputation Management
10 /11
Communication Strategy
Public Affairs
Martin von Arronet Electrolux
Dana White Renault-Nissan Alliance
Hanna Aase
Adrian Monck World Economic Forum
Internal Communication
Social Media
Brand Management
JULY 2014
Thomas Armitage Mondelez International
Constance Kann European Investment Bank
Blake Cahill Philips
David Shing AOL
Caroline Wouters Wolters Kluwer
www. communication -summit. eu
Claudio Albanese Juventus Football Club
Table of Contents Page
Participants Structure
EACD KickOff Day
Day One: Digital
European Communication Award
Day Two: Innovations
Focus Sessions
The ECS will explore the exciting theme “The Next Digital Stage”. Next to our plenary sessions, we invite you dive into this hot topic joining our Focus Sessions, where peers will share very best practices.
Join our Peer2Peer sessions to exchange ideas and challenges with like-minded colleagues & experts in an environment of open peer-debate. Use this chance to connect with your peers from across Europe.
Our Masterclasses will provide you with the opportunity to discuss a particular concern not only from the practitioners’ perspective, but with Europe’s leading academics presenting the latest theories and insights.
Programme | Day One
Morning Welcome & Opening Keynote Expert Panel Discussion Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops
Afternoon 11 12 13 14
Main Session One Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops Trend Spotting
15 16-17 18 19
Programme | Day Two
Morning Opening Keynote Main Session Two Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops
Afternoon 27 28 29 30
Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations 31 Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops 32 Expert Round: The Social Data Revolution 34 EACD 35
The Next Stage of Communications As the old saying goes, change is the only constant – and as communicators we eagerly anticipate the innovations that bring changes to our profession every day. The last few years have witnessed new tools and technologies advancing at an unprecedented rate, affecting communication patterns in yet untold ways. The digital arena has evolved into an omnipresent and endlessly multifaceted outlet for human expression, interactions and experiences. The internet is in a constant state of evolution and all of this activity creates new challenges for communications. For this year’s European Communication Summit, we invite you to reflect upon the next digital stage, its impact on our environments and how to effectively engage communications with new levels of connectivity. The first Summit Day will provide us with ample opportunity to dive into this topic as we open with the evolution of global digital media, host our first Main Session exploring digital communications 3.0 and introduce an exciting new Trend Spotting session where top digital leaders will talk about successfully anticipating the next ‘big thing’.
picture, explaining how to design tomorrow’s communication strategy to re-shape public relations. Together with over 600 peers, you will have the chance to explore future innovations and trends and discuss how we communicators can best meet the challenges that are transforming both our daily work and the profession as a whole. This year’s Summit will showcase the innovative spirit which is innate in our field of work and within us as individuals. With over 60 speakers delivering insights into the-state-of-the-art of the communication landscape, the 8th European Communication Summit will be a great platform for exchange, debate and networking, as well as for reflection on how we can connect communications and engage with our audiences and stakeholders in the next digital stage. I sincerely look forward to welcoming you on July 10th and 11th in Brussels.
Herbert Heitmann President European Association of Communication Directors
The second Summit Day will take us even one step further into the future. Our Keynote will explore the notion of authentic innovation and progress. The second Main Session will broaden the
The European Communication Summit
Wednesday, July 9th 2014
EACD Kick-Off Day
The European Association of Communication Directors will celebrate the launch of the EACD Kick-Off Day inviting all members and peers to join various activities and to warm-up for two eventful Summit days. On this occasion, EACD Working Groups host their traditional peer workshops, the EACD gathers its members for the annual General Assembly and a networking reception sets the stage for the 2014 Summit. 4
Thursday, July 10th 2014
Summit Day One
The eighth edition of the European Communication Summit will once again provide over 600 communicators from across Europe with a platform to debate strategies, tools, methods and best practice within the field of communications. The highlights of Day One will be our opening Keynote by Jimmy Maymann, CEO of Huffington Post, a Main Session exploring digital communications and our new format Trend Spotting.
An Overview
Thursday, July 10th 2014
European Communication Award
The EACD cordially invites all Summit participants to the festive gala reception concluding the first busy conference day at the great H么tel de la Poste. Once again the association will present the European Communication Award honouring outstanding communications achievements on a European level. Afterwards, participants will enjoy dinner and networking drinks while live music invites everyone to dance.
Friday, July 11th 2014
Summit Day Two
The second day will continue to explore the next stage of communications as we forecast trends and discuss latest innovations and communication strategies. Our break-out sessions will provide ample opportunity to engage in peer-discussion on the best practices from across the continent. Our programme will be concluded with an expert panel discussion which will debate the challenges of data protection and security. 5
The European Communication Summit
Europe’s leading platform for corporate communicators
We are looking forward to hosting the 8th European Communication Summit on July 10th and 11th, 2014. In the last seven years, over 3,200 communicators have met in Brussels to discuss the state-of-the-art of our profession, explore the latest communications trends, and of course to network with colleagues from all over the continent. With a return rate of over 60%, our participants have built and sustained a lively community with the majority joining the European Association of Communication Directors. While most of our attendees are indeed based in Europe, we have welcomed participants who have travelled from farther away - we have greeted participants from places such as
Japan, South Africa, Mauritius, Peru, Canada, the United States, China and Australia. In total, we have welcomed attendees from over 55 countries. Moreover, in addition to being exceptionally multicultural, the Summit is particularly interdisciplinary as well. Over the past seven years we have welcomed over 400 speakers from many various industries such as health, banking, IT and computing, transportation, food and beverage, publishing, energy, consumer goods, government and NGOs to name but a few. We are delighted to welcome you to the European Communication Summit which we are certain will continue to expand the horizons of Europeans and others from all fields of work.
Communication Director is the COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR magazine for corporate communications and public relations in Europe. Published quarterly, the magazine documents opinions on important Westrategic questions know what people in communication, discovers tweet about The New you PR Profile transnational developments and discusses their relevance from a European perspective. In addition, Communication Director presents current studies and news, as well as introducing communication experts representing the internationalisation of the profession.
Magazine for Corporate Communications and Public Relations
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How content became a boardroom issue
In 2014 the European Association of Communication Directors will celebrate the launch of the EACD Kick-Off Day, which will take place on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 at the Square Meeting Centre in Brussels. We cordially invite our members and peers to join our events and warm-up for two exciting Summit Days. The EACD Kick-Off Day will start in the afternoon with various Working Groups workshops. These sessions will bring together EACD members, communications experts and peers to discuss the latest trends and methods in their respective industry and field of expertise, ensuring a lively peer-exchange. After a business break, the EACD’s General Assembly will take place - this year, our members will elect the next EACD Board. Afterwards, members and Summit participants will gather for networking drinks, warming-up for two eventful days.
The media is dead, long live the media
Why every company is now a publishing company
Curating the corporate knowledge network
How to collect, share and present the layers of insight in your company
Bringing out the beauty in business bulletins
Knowledge visualisation brings clarity to complex communications
An Overview
Participant Structure
Join over 600 peers in Brussels!
Every year the European Communication Summit gathers a broad range of mid- to senior-level in-house communicators from over 30 countries representing some of Europe’s most renowned companies, institutions, associations and organisations:
Participants by Positions
Participants by countries Austria
26,1% 8,2% 7,4% 23,2% 8,1% 7,5% 2,2% 7,8% 9,5%
Participants by Organisations
Head of Communications / Director of Communications Head of Public Relations Public Affairs Director / Manager (Senior) Communication Manager Head of Internal Communications PR-Manager Press Officer / Spokesperson Managing Director / CEO Other
Companies Institutions & Politics NGOs, Associations & Interest Groups Media & Others Consultancies
Gender Male 47.1%
Female 52.9%
63,8% 11,9% 9,7% 6,4% 8,2%
Czech Republic
Russian Federation
United Arab Emirates
Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Kingdom
United States
1,31% 7
EACD Kick-Off Day
Warm-up for the Summit: July 9th
You’re invited: open to all members & peers
In 2014 the European Association of Communication Directors will celebrate the launch of the EACD Kick-Off Day, which will take place on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 at the Square Meeting Centre in Brussels. We cordially invite our members and peers to join our events and warm-up for two exciting Summit Days. The EACD Kick-Off Day will start in the afternoon with various Working Groups workshops. These sessions will bring together EACD members, communications experts and peers to discuss the latest trends and methods in their respective industry and field of expertise, ensuring a lively peer-exchange. After a business break, the EACD’s General Assembly will take place - this year, our members will elect the next EACD Board. Afterwards, members and Summit participants will gather for networking drinks, warming-up for two eventful days. 2.30 – 3.00
W e l c om e & R e gist rat io n
3.00 – 5.30
E A C D W orki ng G ro up Me e t i ngs Working Group Brand Management
Working Group Finance & Insurance
Working Group Internal Communications
Working Group Health
Working Group Evaluation
Working Group Risk & Crisis Communication
Trends & Innovations in Branding and Brand Management
Working with Trade Unions and New Forms of Internal Interest Groups in Communicating Continued Change in the Banking Sector
How to Mobilise Employees in Complex Global Organisations
Storytelling is the New Black: What Should Communications in the Healthcare Sector Really Look for to Meet Patient‘s Needs?
Beyond Data Collection, Sentiment Analysis for Crowds and Stakeholders
Food Fraud and Consumer Confidence
5.30 – 6.00
Bu s i n e s s Bre ak & R e gi st rat io n f o r G e ne ral Asse mbly
6.00 – 8.00
E A C D G e ne ral Asse m b l y
Conventional Algorithms to Address Matters of Concern
Open to all full-members:
The 2014 EACD General Assembly Preliminary Agenda: • Welcome by the EACD President • Report of the EACD Board • Report of the Regional Coordinators & Working Groups Heads • Financial Report • Discussion and Formal Approval • Board Elections • Any other Business
8.00 – 10.00
Join your fellow members and peers:
Networking Reception & Drinks
J oi n u s t o wat c h t he Wo rld C up se m i-f inal
Supported by:
photo: / Rafael Matsunaga
EACD Kick-Off Day
Wednesday, July 9th, 2014
Médard Schoenmaeckers, Global Head of Commu-nications, Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC Bank Plc Lars Bolle Bruno Motta, VP Group CEO, Shell Brands Brandmanagement, DER International Touristik (REWE Group)
As media channels are continuously evolving at rapid speed, understanding what lies ahead and which themes will be important is imperative. Join us to discuss Trends & Innovations in Branding.
Join this interactive session to explore the latest trends and debate the most relevant challenges in “Finance & Insurance”. This industry group gathers communicators from the financial and banking sector to reflect and discuss the post-crisis financial environment and how these changes impact their work.
All members are invited to the EACD General Assembly, the main decision-making body of the association. As the EACD continues to grow, we will use this opportunity to discuss how to best utilise our strong network to further promote professionalism and qualification in the European communication landscape. At this year’s General Assembly, members will also elect the next EACD Board.
Stacey Minton Public Relations Director, Celgene International
Our “Internal Communications” Working Group meetings will explore and debate the latest trends and most relevant challenges for our discipline. Join us to discuss how to leverage opportunities and address challenges in an effort to increase overall employee awareness, understanding and engagement in our organisations.
Nicole Gorfer Head of Communications & Public Affairs, Roche Pharma AG
In light of strict compliance standards and new European transparency regulations ahead, communicating with patients requires new skills and different approaches. Join this debate entitled: “Storytelling is the New Black: What should communications in the healthcare sector really look for to meet patients’ needs?” Learn how to use storytelling to make a real impact.
Philip Springuel Director of Communications & Business Development, European Food Information Coucil Louis de Schorlemer Communications Manager, Cargill Europe BVBA
Thierry Nicolet Senior VP Press Relations, Schneider Electric France
The role of evaluation is becoming increasingly important with a growing number of tools and strategies for communications. Learn how to use data and more to address matters of concern.
To conclude the EACD Kick-Off Day, we invite all members and Summit participants for a networking reception and drinks. We hope that this evening will set the stage for a successful and fun 2014 European Communication Summit. This gathering will provide you with a great opportunity to extend your network and to meet colleagues from across the European continent.
Crisis communications is a crucial part of every company’s communication and reputation management. Our Working Group “Risk & Crisis” will host a meeting with a case study and Q&A session on the topic of “Food Fraud and Consumer Confidence” which will offer insightful food-for-thought.
Finally, in the evening we will screen the 2014 World Cup semi-final live from Sao Paulo. In the same way that sport unites nations around the globe, we hope you’ll use this opportunity to continue networking with peers as we watch to see which team will go to the final. Whether you’re an avid football fan or just the occasional viewer, this evening promises to be a good one full of excitement and networking. 9
Welcome & Opening Keynote Panel Discussion Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops
11 12 13 14
Main Session Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops Trend Spotting
15 16 18 19
The European Communication Summit is pleased to announce our 2014 programme, which will feature some new and exciting formats and will of course include our past favourites. KEYNOTES
The European Communication Summit will once again welcome distinguished thought-leaders to deliver keynotes on the year’s most fascinating trends and topics. We look forward to greeting Jimmy Maymann, CEO, The Huffington Post, who will explore the evolution of the global digital media brand, and James Woudhuysen, Professor of Forecasting and Innovation at De Montford University, who will forecast the next five years.
Our moderator Karin Helmstaedt will guide you through our well-known Main Sessions: A group of high-profile speakers will engage in an interactive discussion with short inspirational presentations and joint Q&A session with the audience. Our two Main Sessions will present you with the latest practices, trends and innovations in digital communications and communications strategy.
Trend Spotting, an exciting new format, will give our participants the chance to delve into this year’s focus topic of digital communications. Three visionary speakers will take you on a journey through the online world sharing the latest trends, innovations and evolutions in the digital sphere. Join us on the main stage to explore how we communicate, connect and engage in the next digital stage.
Our expert panel discussions will address two of the year’s most debated events and topics. On the first Summit day, we invite you to reflect the election of the European Parliament with spokespersons and representatives of the different parties. On the second Summit day, we gather leading experts and figures in light of the ongoing NSA scandal to debate the challenges of data security and protection.
Once again, senior-level communicators from across Europe and working in various industries and organisations will deliver best cases on the latest trends, methods and practices in the field. Participants will collect insightful and informative perspectives on the relevant debates and perspectives for today’s communications challenges. Best cases are scheduled twice on each day, providing ample opportunity to mix-and-match sessions.
Use this chance to exchange ideas and challenges with like-minded colleagues, create quality relationships and connect with your peers from across the European continent. Our Peer2Peer sessions encourage an environment of open conversation and confidential dialogue. A disputed topic is discussed amongst your peers with the guidance of a top-level communicator sharing his/her expertise and experiences in the given area of debate.
Join our interactive roundtable discussions! In this new format, we invite leading academics to present the latest theories and trends in corporate communications. Our Masterclasses encourage knowledge-exchange, where a particular concern is not only debated from the practitioners’ perspective, but our experts will provide insights from the academic world presenting the latest theories, concepts and scenarios, resulting in a thorough assessment.
We invite our participants to take part in our special hands-on summit workshops, scheduled at the same time as the best case presentations, but running for a full hour, allowing you to benefit from a thorough and in-depth discussion. Join some of Europe’s top-level experts in the field of corporate communications for interactive lessons, problem-solving scenarios and practical tools to optimise and nourish your communication strategy.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Welcome & Keynote
The 2014 European Communication Summit will be opened by Herbert Heitmann, President of the European Association of Communication Directors. In his welcome speech, Herbert Heitmann will set the tone for an exciting twoday conference inviting all peers to collectively explore, reflect and debate the current state of Europe’s communications landscape. The 2014 Summit will once again welcome top-class speakers Herbert Heitmann President European Association of Communication Directors
from the worlds of business, media, academics and, of course, corporate communications and public relations. We are delighted that Karin Helmstaedt will join us again in Brussels and guide our 600 participants through two eventful Summit days with visionary keynotes, engaging Karin Helmstaedt Moderator main sessions, innovative peer discussions and best case presentations.
Opening Keynote Jimmy Maymann CEO The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post has been one of digital media’s biggest success stories. Now it is successfully expanding its brand and reach in new international markets and across multiple platforms with more than 100 million global readers of The Huffington Post and more than 100 million video streams a month on HuffPost Live. Jimmy Maymann shares stories and insights from the inception of the company nine years ago to the evolution into The Global Media Company that it is today.
DAY ONE 10.00 – 10.45
Jimmy Maymann joined AOL in January 2011, following the $96.7m acquisition of goviral, the branded content distribution company he co-founded in 2005. One week later, AOL announced it had acquired the biggest newspaper on the web, The Huffington Post, where Jimmy is now the CEO. Jimmy’s focus within Huffington Post is to take his entrepreneurial skill-base and media know-how to grow/scale the Huffington Post Media Group suite of brands and expand them across international markets.
Panel Discussion
Communicating the EU Elections Campaign: Tops & Flops
DAY ONE 11.15- 12.45
The EP’s own campaign “Act. React. Impact.” has as the tagline “This time it’s different.” But perhaps the biggest difference this time is the potential for smaller, more extreme parties to seize greater share of media attention. How have they done it? How have the larger (pro-Europe) parties in the center responded to counteract the headline-grabbing? What proved most effective in the end? This extended session will debate the tactics used by the parties and the Parliament itself as an institution to capture the imagination of voters in the time leading up to the EP elections in May 2014.
Jaume Duch Guillot Director for the Media and Spokesperson The European Parliament
Kostas Sasmatzoglou Spokesman European People’s Party
Johannes Hillje Election Campaign Manager European Green Party
Moderator: Daniela Vincenti Editor-in-Chief
Didrik de Schaetzen Head of Communication Unit ALDE PARTY
Best Cases
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Whether you are selling cars or a candidate, communicating big ideas requires a strategy that is as adaptable as it is consistent. Dana White will discuss the relative strength and weaknesses of political and corporate strategic communications and how to bring the best of both worlds together for real results.
Discover how to strive for industry excellence and transparency in acceptance strategies and public information. Reflect on the lessons learned in the aftermath of Fukushima about proactive stakeholder involvement and dialogue. Key aspects presented will include stakeholders, outreach strategies, and business decision-making.
Dana White Director of Policy and Strategic Communications Renault-Nissan Alliance
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Carl Sommerholt Head of Communications Vattenfall AB
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Communicators must adapt to the new role of their organization as a news platform. How does content have to look to define an organisation’s public appearance, improve its reputation, charge the brand with positive connotations and ideally turn communications from a cost center to an asset that is able to monetize content?
As Benetton is globally operating in 120 countries, it has to understand different cultures and have outstanding communication skills. Company values need to be articulated clearly to continue being impactful. Join Luca Biondolillo and learn what Italy-based Benetton does to stay a pioneer in the field.
Adrian Monck Managing Director and Head of Communications and Media World Economic Forum Switzerland
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Luca Biondolillo Group Corporate Communications Director Benetton
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Lufthansa is one of the most trusted & well known brands in Europe. With 350 weekly flights from Europe, the Lufthansa Group is one of the key European airline players in the US. But gaining and sustaining visibility in a fragmented market with dominating US carriers is an ongoing challenge – even more as PR budgets are limited.
The reputation of financial services providers is in bad shape. Professional communication alone cannot solve the problem. What is needed? A true culture change towards fulfilling customer needs and meeting societal expectations. A unique chance for corporate communicators to instill a “new” corporate behavior.
Nils Haupt Director Corporate Communications The Americas Lufthansa German Airlines
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Christian Lawrence Head of Group Communication Munich Re
DAY ONE 11.15 - 12.15
Best Cases
Thursday, July 10, 2014
For Gen C, copying is key to how they use content. They don’t feel the need or wish to “own” any content - they positively want others to freely share and re-use their work. Yet, copyright is needed more than ever on the Internet. Should our organizations own content or are we already part of the sharing society?
Business Leaders in Communications Study 2013/14 is the only European-wide report compiled exclusively by insight from Communications Directors. How will the function of communications change over the next few years? Discuss the findings of the most comprehensive tool available for measuring function etc. in this session.
Caroline Wouters Vice President, Corporate Communications Wolters Kluwer NV
Willem De Ruijter Director for Continental Europe VMA Group
11. 15– 12.15
11.15 – 12.15
THE CORPORATE WEBSITE IS HISTORY: CONTENT IS KING Corporate websites have had their day - they are full of unused content and tools. Audiences want more than just information. They want responsive content, ‘always on’ connectivity, precise and relevant experiences. So how do you prepare for an increasingly digital future? This challenge demands a different kind of thinking.
DAY ONE 11. 15 – 12.15
AT I O N M O N ITOR 2013
Richard Coope Head of Digital Radley Yeldar
PARTNERS: eacd_studie_2
Join this interactive and hands-on debate of the key results of the 2014 European Communication Monitor, the largest transnational survey on strategic communication worldwide. The study reflects the current state of the profession in Europe. Our lead researchers present insights from interviews with several thousand communication professionals across Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß, Professor of Communication Management University of Leipzig
.indd 1
Europe. Participants are invited to share their experiences and ideas. Topics include job satisfaction and career progression by networking and mentoring, relevance of gender issues and how to break the glass ceiling. Moreover, strategic issues like challenges and threats of mobile communication and the development of social media platforms are discussed.
Prof. Ralph Tench, Professor of Communication Education University of Leeds
Prof. Dr. Dejan Vercic Professor University of Ljubljana
DAY ONE 11.15 – 12.15
1.30 - 2.45
Mastering the Next Stage: Digital Communications 3.0 Communicators have worked rigorously in the last decade to transform communications in a way that aligns with social media and the digital world. Just when everyone believed that we had finally grasped the Web 2.0, evolution introduced a new and smart kind of Web. Innovative tools and novel possibilities are calling to re-invent communications once again to master digital communications in the next stage. Join this three-part session which will explore the latest trends and best practices enabling us to succeed in the future of digital communications. David Shing Digital Prophet AOL
Patrick Kammerer Director Public Affairs & Communications Coca-Cola Germany
Lars SilberbauerAndersen Global Director Social Media & Search LEGO Group
The Next Web: Are we all clear?
Coca-Cola goes Publisher: Building Social Value: Brick by Brick “Coca-Cola Journey”
Just when you thought things were crystal clear, the digital landscape started shifting at such a rate it’s hard to keep up with it, let alone understand where it is headed. Communicators and brands need to understand how to embrace a more humanized experience, where attention is becoming the new currency measured by dwell time and engagement, not clicks, and where the art of storytelling is less about “telling” and more about “story”. Jump on this roller coaster for what will certainly be a dynamic, energetic and inspiring presentation by David Shing, Digital Prophet for AOL.
Nearly one year ago, the online magazine “Coca-Cola Journey” filled the shoes of Coca-Cola GmbH’s Corporate Website and thus became a digital publisher. Coca-Cola Journey focuses entirely on editorial content with the main objective to further extend its digital consumer communications. An editorial team prepares entertaining content covering both internal & external topics. In addition, the online magazine features comments, videos, infographics and news from Coke’s Corporate Blog. Comment and share functions allow user interaction. Activities on various social channels accompany the Journey storytelling.
In the age of social media, consumers’ connectedness is omnipresent and yet still rising and thus a consumer focused social media strategy has become inevitable for any B2C company. Lars Silberbauer-Andersen is Global Director of Social Media & Search at LEGO, driving the well-known and innovative toy company’s social media strategy to an ever-changing consumer landscape. LEGO’s strategy succeeds in driving global brand initiatives, making it local while at the same time setting the scence for engagement and building value, brick by brick. 15
Best Cases
Thursday, July 10, 2014
BRAND BUILDING THE NESTLÉ WAY: A CASE HISTORY Pete Blackshaw from Nestlé and Anthony Lamy from Facebook will deliver a joint session that will explore digital brand management. Pete Blackshaw will discuss brand building the Nestlé way in the ever changing age of marketing. After coming to Nestlé only a couple of years ago, there has been a radical shift in the digital space. From Garoto, to Kit Kat, Pete Blackshaw Global Head of Digital & Social Media Nestlé Suisse S.A.
the world’s largest food brand and trusted partners are transforming social media and planning for the future through digital acceleration teams and partnerships. Attend to hear first-hand experience from Nestlé’s head of digital and social media and Facebook’s Anthony Lamy as they discuss struggles, successes, return on investment and transformation.
Anthony Lamy Global Brand Partnerships Facebook
3.15 – 4.15
FUNGINEERING: GAMING POWER IN A WORLD OF WORK Games and an understanding of the qualities that make play so irresistible are taking the business world by storm. From developing strategy and building teams with LEGO, to finding solutions to complex problems through software based upon Origami, this session will provide a lightning tour of why it pays to have fun. Sean MacNiven Head of Communications & Infrastructure SAP AG
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
Bjorn Teuwsen Director of Communications Philips Intellectual Propety
This session will outline how Social Media in football is opening new opportunities and show its’ impact on one of the oldest and popular sports in the world. The importance of creating and broadcasting original contents will be shown at the example of Juventus Football Club.
Claudio Albanese Communication & External Relations Director Juventus Football Club
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
Great networking event that gathers the communication leaders from Europe and brings you up to speed with the latest in our profession - inspiring 2 days.
DIRECT DIALOGUE In a multinational group with 100,000 employees, how can direct dialogue be secured between the CEO and employees? Both leadership teams’ empowerment to cascade information and foster engagement and digital solutions are helpful but not sufficient. How can communications come up with the appropriate combination of solutions? Dr. Rainer Ohler Head of Group Communication Airbus Group
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
Best Cases
Thursday, July 10, 2014
In a globalising world, the challenges of intercultural communications are omnipresent. This Peer2Peer session will take a look at how the combination of individuals from different cultures and across multiple languages can work effectively together in union and enrich your team. Brian Lott will reflect his multicultural experiences.
Christopher Storck will talk about how to marry PR planning and execution with corporate strategy. Based on stakeholder theory and the shared value approach, he will discuss a framework for strategic management, fully integrating the communication function into organizational leadership: the House of Strategy!
Brian Lott Executive Director of Group Communications Mubadala Development Company
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
Prof.Dr. Christopher Storck Professor of Corporate Communications Quadriga University of Applied Science
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
SOCIAL MEDIA PUT TO THE TEST is a global online platform with over 50 million users that uses disruptive technology to empower anyone to start and win campaigns. People from all over the world use to start user-generated petitions, rapidly organize, and collectively act. From local concerns to global issues, people are winning campaigns.
Last November, Finnair faced threats of industrial action that ultimately led to the cancellation of 130 flights affecting more than 10,000 passengers. With the airline’s reputation for high-quality, punctual operations at risk, our communications team took to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Sina Weibo to proactively assist customers.
Paula Hannemann Country Director Germany
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
Arja Suominen Head of Communications, CR & Lobbying Finnair Plc
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
BUILDING LIVING BRANDS IN A REAL-TIME WORLD The broadcast centric marketing model: a linear path for building strategies, crafting messages and developing “big ideas”, to be delivered in an integrated approach. Can this model still work when you enter the world of real time marketing? Because real time marketing, means real time issues and real time opportunities. Grégoire AssématTessandier Head of Digital Europe & CIS Edelman
DAY ONE 3.15 - 4.15
Best Cases
Thursday, July 10, 2014
COMMUNICATIONS AS A COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATOR Every year, we ask communications executives of leading organizations what their priorities are. The answer: the challenge to establish corporate narrative impact through communications. Our workshop will discuss key findings outlining successful ways, and pitfalls to avoid, in leading through this multi-stakeholder, multi-connected world. Henrik Stroier Managing Director and Partner Reputation Institute
DAY ONE 3.15 - 4.15
The organizations operate in the reputation economy where trust is earned not only from senior management but also from each employee. It becomes imperative therefore to generate many relevant conversations with all the stakeholders. This requires engaging and involving employees in the 2.0 communication strategy.
Why is web analytics undervalued? What data would better serve the needs of corporate communicators? What can we learn from data-use in Marketing to inform strategies and investment decisions? Addison Group will demonstrate how web analytics can provide relevant and actionable insights, helping companies to develop a closer sense of engagement.
José María Palomares VP Communication, Public Affairs and Social Responsibility, ING Spain
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
James Brock Executive Director Addison Group
DAY ONE 3.15 - 4.15
YOUNG COMMUNICATORS AWARD: THE FINAL THREE Learn from the next generation of communicators and meet our finalists of the 2014 Young Communicators Award. The EACD is committed to supporting young PR professionals and the furthering the evolution of our profession by recognising innovative and creative projects in the field of communications. In this session, our three short-listed nominees will present their cases to an audience of experienced communicators. Participants will then have the chance to vote for the winner, who will be awarded with the Young Communicators Award in the evening gala reception. Join this forum to learn how digital native communicators approach and re-invent their communication work. 18
DAY ONE 3.15 – 4.15
DAY ONE 4.45 - 6.00
The Digital Potential The latest digital revolution is in full-swing and evolving every second with disruptive innovations and exponential growth of apps, mobile sites, social platforms, wearable technology and more. Not only is it imperative for effective communicators to learn and adapt to existing technologies, but it is increasingly important to predict the upcoming ones. Join our trendspotters to learn about the trends of tomorrow.
Pascal Finette Entrepreneur & Founding Coach The Coaching Fellowship
Hanna Aase Founder
Jon Froda Co-Founder Podio
The Participation Culture and Economy
Are Video Profiles the Next Big Thing?
The Future of Social & Mobile Work
Wikipedia, Crowdfunding, Massive Open Online Courses, Open Innovation, Twitter & Facebook - We live in the midst of a rapidly growing culture of participation. By combining technology and the power of networks, a whole generation of creators refuses to play by the old rules and instead creates a new playing field with exponential growth. In his talk, Pascal, a German-born Silicon Valley entrepreneur, will explore the trend, provide an outlook into the future and deliver actionable steps to participate in this new era of communications.
Video is taking over the social media space in the form of content, but what if we could see every person in the world in a video format? Hanna gives us the newest from the video space and the story behind Wonderloop; the world’s first video-profiling app changing the way we connect. The vision is to not only change the way companies hire, but to have a platform where we can see every person in the world with the click of a button. What will this mean for LinkedIn, where are the digital natives going and what can we learn from them for our communication work?
Jon will be talking about how work is changing to become a thing you do, not a place you go. Learn how mobile and flexible work-styles are becoming the norm as the first generation of network collaborators are entering the labour market. A generation that has never used mail, instead they bring mobile and social tools to get things done. Drawing upon his diverse experience, Jon will share a framework for understanding how these shifts call for new and radically different work tools and practices. Tools and practices that are as flexible, mobile and social as the people who use them. 19
EUROPE A N C OM M U N IC AT ION AWA R D The European Association of Communication Directors gathers all Summit participants for a glamorous and fun networking evening on July 10th. After a welcome cocktail, the gala ceremony will celebrate two winners: The prestigious European Communication Award will honour the individual and institution that has demonstrated communications excellence. The Young Communicators Award recognises an inspiring young professional who has excelled with an innovative communication project. Subsequently, we invite you to conclude the first Summit day in a relaxed environment networking with old peers and new friends!
Doors open at 8.00 pm
Our Winner 2012: Marc Bolland CEO Marks & Spencer
Our Winner 2013: Stephen Elop CEO Nokia
Winner of the Young Communicators Award 2013: Emily Gibbs, FT
Networking Opportunities at the Summit
Connect with your peers in Brussels...
Flickr / Harald Hoyer
Over 600 in-house communicators from across Europe will attend the Summit - the perfect opportunity to connect with your peers and meet new colleagues from across the continent and from a variety of industries and fields. We will offer various formats facilitating networking and connecting with your colleagues.
BUSINESS LOUNGE We provide a business lounge for those of you who need to work. A separate area will allow you to sit down with your computer or tablet to work without being disturbed! SPEED-NETWORKING Once again, we will welcome over 600 peers and to offer you a great networking experience, we are looking forward to hosting a speed-networking session. Taken from the idea of speed dating, this meeting format is designed to accelerate business contacts. Participants will greet each other in a series of brief interaction sharing their professional backgrounds. It is a perfect opportunity to exchange business cards and to extend your network across Europe and industries.
Presented by:
SUMMIT APP Last year, we introduced our Summit App to facilitate networking amongst our participants. The app provides you with our programme and the possibility to plan the session and to create your personal agenda. Further, you will have a chance to meet our speakers, review their profiles, and most important, connect with your peers as each participants will have their own profile connected to LinkedIn. 21
Summit Day One: Thursday, July 10th 08.30 – 09.30
D oor s ope n
09.30 – 10.00
W e l c om e b y He rb e r t He it m ann, Pre si de nt EAC D & Karin Helmstaed t, Mod erator
10.00 – 10.45
Ke y n ote
Jimmy Maymann CEO The Huffington Post
The Evolution of the Global Digital Media Brand 10.45 – 11.15
C of f e e Br e ak & R o o m C hange
11.15 – 12.15
Be s t C a s es I
Break ou t S ession s /
Communication Strategy
Panel Discussion Public Affairs & Political Communications
Media Relations & Campaigns
Reputation Management
Communicating Big Ideas to Get Results
Communicating the EU Election Campaign: Tops & Flops Jaume Duch, European Parliament Kostas Sasmatzoglou, EPP Didrik de Schaetzen, ALDE Party Joahnnes Hillje, European Green Party
Defining Content - A View from the WEF
Communicating A European Brand in the US
Generation C Shares
European Communication Monitor 2014
The Corporate Website is History: Content is King Richard Coope, Radley Yeldar
Ansgar Zerfaß, University of Leipzig Ralph Tench, University of Leeds Dejan Vercic, University of Ljubljana
Predicting the Landscape of Tomorrow - BLCS 2013/14 Willem De Ruijter, VMA Group
Dana White, Renault-Nissan Alliance Acceptance Strategies for the Power Industry Carl Sommerholt, Vattenfall AB
12.15 – 1.30 1.30 – 2.45
Adrian Monck, World Economic Forum
Nils Haupt, Lufthansa
Successful global campaigning
Restoring Trust in Financial Services
Luca Biondolillo, Benetton
Christian Lawrence, Munich Re
Caroline Wouters, Wolters Kluwer NV
S pe e d- N e t wo rking & Lunc h M a i n Se ssi o n One
2.45 – 3.15
C of f e e Br e ak & R o o m C hange
3.15 – 4.15
Be s t C a s es I I
Joint Session Brand Building The Nestlé Way Pete Blackshaw, Nestlé Anthony Lamy, Facebook
4.45 – 6.00
Break ou t S ession s II
Internal Communications
Social Media & Online Communication
Change Communication
Peer to Peer
Young Communicator Award
Direct Dialogue
Fungineering: Gaming Power in a world of Work
Changing the World. One Petition a Time.
The Barking Cat
The House of Strategy
Brian Lott Mubadala Development Company
Christopher Storck, Quadriga University
EACD Young Communicators Award: Presentation of the Final Three Projects
Communications As A Competitive Differentiator Henrik Stroier, Reputation Institute
Rainer Ohler, Airbus Group Involving Employees: 2.0 Communication Strategy José María Palomares, ING Spain
4.15 – 4.45
Sean MacNiven, SAP
Paula Hannemann,
The value of data in corporate communications James Brock, Addison Group
Social Media Put to the Test Reversing the flow Claudio Albanese, Juventus F.C.
Promote and Protect - Building Living Brands in a real-time world Grégoire Assémat-Tessandier, Edelman
Arja Suominen, Finnair
C of f e e Br e ak & R o o m C hange Trend Spotting
The Digital Potential
Pascal Finette Entrepreneur & Founding Coach, The Coaching Fellowship
Lars SilberbauerAndersen Global Director of Social Media & Search, LEGO Group
Patrick Kammerer Director of Public Affairs & Communications, Coca-Cola Germany
David Shing Digital Prophet, AOL
Mastering The Next Stage: Digital Communications 3.0
Brand Management
Clarity from Chaos: Navigating with confidence through the fog of social, web and traditional media Tom Vesey, Carma International
Hanna Aase Founder,
Jon Froda Co-Founder, Podio
Gala Reception & Networking Evening at the Hôtel de la Poste Doors open at 8.00pm
Summit Day Two: Friday, July 11th 08.00 – 09.00
D oor s ope n a nd R e gio nal & I ndust r y Bre akf ast s
09.00 – 9.15
W e l c ome t o t h e 2 nd Sum m it Day
9.15 – 10.00
James Woudhuysen Professor of Forecasting and Innovation, De Montfort University
Communicating the Romance of Innovation
10.00 - 11.15
M a i n S e s s io n Two
Broadening the Picture: Innovating Communications 11.15 – 11.30
C of f e e Br e a k & R o o m C hange
11.30 – 12.30
Be s t C a s e s I
Julia Leihener Service Designer & Head of Creation Center, Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Kate James Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Pearson
Christof Ehrhart Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications, Deutsche Post DHL
Break ou t S ession s I
Communication Strategy
Public Affairs & Political Communications
Media Relations & Campaigns
Brand Management
Peer to Peer
Oxford‘s Digital Strategy: Research & Public Engagement
Silent Disasters: Together We Turned Up the Volume Virginie Louis, Red Cross EU Office
A Strategic Approach to Stakeholder Engagement
Global Cause, Local Engagement Virgine Coulloudon, Transparency International
The Media is Dead, Long Live the Media
Building Corporate Reputation in the Digital Era
Bloggers, Blaggers & Bandits: The World of Content Andy Wood, Freestyle Interactive
Carolyne Culver, University of Oxford
Communications & Modern Public Affairs in Brussels Christof-Sebastian Klitz, Volkswagen Group
12.30 – 1.30
N e t w or k i n g L unc h
1.30 – 2.30
Be s t C a s e s I I
Gianluca Comin, Enel S.p.A Football is more than a game Oliver Bartelt, Anheuser-Busch InBev
John McLaren, AkzoNobel
Laura Illia, IE University
Dynamics & insights from rebranding Airbus Group Jeff Burridge, Airbus Group & Marc Closterman, VIM Group Paid, earned, shared and owned – getting insight from integrated communications measurement Dr Sam Knowles, Ebiquity Reputation
How to be a Bank & EU Institution at the Same Time Constance Kann, European Investment Bank
Break ou t S ession s II
Internal Communications
Reputation Management
Social Media & Online Communication
Change Communication
Peer to Peer
Crowdsurfing to Inspire Innovation & Collaboration Martin von Arronet, AB Electrolux
Improving Reputation & Generating Social Impact
Philips Brand Update in the Changing Digital Landscape,
How DSM Unites Employees to Support Culture Change
Reputation Building With Thought Leadership
Intangible Assets Management
The Value of Continuing Education Regina Pinna-Marfurt, USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Sinan Cem Şahin, TTNET
Blake Cahill, Philips
Kathryn Andrews, DSM
Médard Schoenmaeckers, HSBC
Ángel Alloza, Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Management
Branding: the cure against customer stalking Mattèo Piano, Narroway Ltd.
Making Leaders Better Communicators Dani Meyer, Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition
2.30 – 3.00 3.00 – 4.15
Stating a purpose and living up to it - becoming a better company Martin Hirsch, Roche
Reimagining a corporate brand: Kraft to Mondelez - Thomas Armitage, Mondelez Intl.
C of f e e Br e a k & R o o m C hange Expert Panel Discussion
The Data Revolution: Protecting Your Security
Georg Mascolo Head of the Joint Investigative Group Süddeutsche Zeitung, WDR, NDR
Giovanni Buttarelli Assistant European Data Protection Supervisor
Monika Kuschewsky Attorney & Special Council, Privacy & Data Security, Covington & Burling LLP
Viviane Reding, European Commission, 2010
Gunhild A. Stordalen, GreeNudge, 2013
Herbert Heitmann, Bayer AG, 2013
Jon Iwata, IBM, 2012
Anthony Simon, UK Government, 2013
Marc Pfitzer, FSG, 2013
Andre Manning, Philips, 2013
Leandro Herrero, 2012
Marc Bolland, Marks & Spencer, 2012
Inge Wallage, IWA, 2013
Laurent Freixe, Nestlé Europe, 2013
Anne Villemoes, Danish Crown, 2013
Thierry Nicolet, Electric Schneider, 2013
Connie Hedegaard, European Commission, 2013
Micael Dahlén, Stockholm School of Economics,2011
Hu Shuli, Ciaxin Media, 2012
Jörg Asmussen, formerly Europen Central Bank, 2012
Alastair Cambell, former Spokesperson, British Labour Party, 2010
Opening Keynote Main Session Two Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops
27 28 29 30
Break-out Sessions: Best Cases Presentations 31 Peer2Peer, Masterclass & Workshops 32 Expert Round: The Social Data Revolution 34 EACD 35
The European Communication Summit is pleased to announce our 2014 programme, which will feature some new and exciting formats and will of course include our past favourites. KEYNOTES
The European Communication Summit will once again welcome distinguished thought-leaders to deliver keynotes on the year’s most fascinating trends and topics. We look forward to greeting Jimmy Maymann, CEO, The Huffington Post, exploring with us the evolution of the global digital media brand, and James Woudhuysen, Professor of Forecasting and Innovation at De Montford University, forecasting the next five years with us.
Our moderator Karin Helmstaedt will guide you through our well-known Main Sessions: A group of high-profile speakers will engage in an interactive discussion with short inspirational presentations and joint Q&A session with the audience. Our two Main Sessions will present you with the latest practices, trends and innovations in digital communications and communications strategy.
Trendspotting, an exciting new format, will give our participants the chance to delve into this year’s focus topic of digital communications. Three visionary speakers will take you on a journey through the online world sharing the latest trends, innovations and evolutions in the digital sphere. Join us on the main stage to explore how we communicate, connect and engage in the next digital stage.
Our expert panel discussions will address two of the year’s most debated events and topics. On the first Summit day, we invite you to reflect the election of the European Parliament with spokespersons and representatives of the different parties. On the second Summit day, we gather leading experts and figures in light of the ongoing NSA scandal to debate the challenges of data security and protection.
Once again, senior-level communicators from across Europe and working in various industries and organisations will deliver best cases on the latest trends, methods and practices in the field. Participants will collect insightful and informative perspectives on the relevant debates and perspectives for today’s communications challenges. Best cases are scheduled twice on each day, providing ample opportunity to mix-and-match sessions.
Use this chance to exchange ideas and challenges with like-minded colleagues, create quality relationships and connect with your peers from across the European continent. Our Peer2Peer sessions encourage an environment of open conversation and confidential dialogue. A disputed topic is discussed amongst your peers with the guidance of a top-level communicator sharing his/her expertise and experiences in the given area of debate.
Join our interactive roundtable discussions! In this new format, we invite leading academics to present the latest theories and trends in corporate communications. Our Masterclasses encourage knowledge-exchange, where a particular concern is not only debated from the practitioners’ perspective, but our experts will provide insights from the academic world presenting the latest theories, concepts and scenarios resulting in a thorough assessment.
We invite our participants to take part in our special hands-on summit workshops, scheduled at the same time as the best case presentations, but running for a full hour, allowing you to benefit from a thorough and in-depth discussion. Join some of Europe’s top-level experts in the field of corporate communications for interactive lessons, problem-solving scenarios and practical tools to optimise and nourish your communication strategy.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Welcome & Keynote
After a festive gala reception, our moderator Karen Helmstaedt will take us through an eventful second Summit Day to continue our debates and networking. While we have reflected upon the next digital stage and how we as communicators can master the challenges ahead on the previous day, the second Summit Day will take us even one step further into the future. We will begin the morning with our keynote speaker James Woudhuysen, Professor of Forecasting and Innovation at De Montfort University, who will share with us the romance and notion of authentic innovation. Our Second Main Session will broaden our
debate by discussing how we can design tomorrow’s communication strategy and remain up-to-date in our ever-changing world. Of course, we will have ample opportunity to engage with our peers who will present the very best practices from across the continent. Our concluding expert round will discuss the social data revolution and the communicators’ role Karin Helmstaedt Moderator in earning and sustaining the users’ trust. We look forward to seeing you!
DAY TWO 9.15 - 10.00
Too many people reduce the concept of innovation to the digital domain. Too many believe that innovation is simply speeding up “exponentially”. Too many reduce innovation to creativity, and then reduce creativity to play. Today’s impediments to innovation – economic, but also regulatory and cultural – form a more interesting subject. Discussing those impediments in a sober but inspiring style can convey the romance of the endeavour, and the heroism of innovators. From medicine to outer space, scientists and technologists have risked their lives in that unfashionable cause – progress. Communicating the risks of and frequent prejudice against innovation would do much to rehabilitate it in the West. In this talk, James will indicate how to raise the intellectual level of communication about innovation.
James Woudhuysen is Professor of Forecasting and Innovation at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. James helped install Britain’s first computer controlled car park in 1986 before graduating in physics. After that, he moved on working with some of the world’s leading companies. James tries to register trends before other people, and offers counter-intuitive proposals on what to do about those trends. 27
10.00 - 11.15
TWO Broadening The Picture:Innovating Communications
Communications is changing in unprecedented ways. In today’s digital world communicators must think outside-the-box and work with traditional standards of communicating in new creative and unique ways. Learn from experts exactly why innovation and communications go hand-in-hand and how to effectively utilise them together. Julia Leihener Service Designer & Head of Creation Center, Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Kate James Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Pearson
Prof. Dr. Christof Ehrhart Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications, Deutsche Post DHL
Design Thinking: Innovation Communications
The War for Talent and Technology
Reputation in the Age of the Critical Stakeholder
Innovation does not work without communication as it involves thinking and acting cross silos, working in interdisciplinary teams, and engaging the user as well as the client. Innovation requires communication and education to prepare a fruitful soil for ideas to develop and grow. Telekom Innovation Laboratories Creation Center’s eEtiquette is a best practice innovation communication example which follows the process of design thinking. Learn how design thinking is shaping the way we communicate in today’s digital world and how to facilitate such thinking in the corporate structure.
The combination of the right talent and the right technology is absolutely critical to success in communications. The changing media landscape presents new global opportunities, new scale and reach for content marketing, a mix of campaigns, consistent engagement and data as a means for decision making. That is why now, more than ever, a new breed of communicator just as comfortable with technology and data as well as equipped with core communications skills is imperative for success. We look forward to welcoming Kate James, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Pearson on stage.
Opinion leaders, gate keepers and target groups: Strategic communication is still deeply rooted in the traditional logic of modern mass communication. For corporate communications practitioners there is much to learn from the stakeholder management approach which is applied in fields of Corporate Responsibility. The integration of communications and sustainability into one central department has given Deutsche Post DHL the opportunity to move reputation management to the next level connecting with stakeholders and establishing sustainable communications to deliver for our tomorrow.
Best Cases
Friday, July 11, 2014
OXFORD’S DIGITAL STRATEGY: RESEARCH & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Carolyne will talk about how the University of Oxford uses digital communications in student recruitment and promotion of its research; its successful use of social media; how it exploits its commercial assets and how it uses digital to communicate with people about its spin outs, patents and digital technologies. Carolyne Culver Head of Strategic Communications University of Oxford
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
“Silent Disasters” lack the media appeal of a major earthquake or tsunami, which often boosts donations to aid agencies. And yet they make up 91 % of the crises that Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers respond to. Virginie Louis will explore how the campaign engaged diverse audiences through targeted approaches and various outlets.
Digitalization, new PR methods & the multiplication of communication channels have increased the speed in which EU-lobbying takes place. This case identifies challenges & objectives improving transparency in the EU-decision-making process and lines out how to foster openness and engage in dialogue with all stakeholders.
Virginie Louis Communications Officer Red Cross EU Office
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
Christof-Sebastian Klitz Head of EU Representation Volkswagen Group
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
BLOGGERS, BLAGGERS AND BANDITS: THE WORLD OF CONTENT Content marketing has exploded and is not going away. Yet, you need consistently great content that’s on-strategy, and you need to deliver it in a regular and ongoing programme. This session will look at how to achieve this, some of the ways your communications programme can benefit and some of the brands already doing this well. Andy Wood Strategy Director Freestyle Interactive
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
Best Cases
Friday, July 11, 2014
With the collapsing structures of traditional media and the blurring lines between corporate communications, marketing and journalism, corporate media is experiencing a renaissance. Join our peer-discussion with John McLaren who will share insights from AkzoNobel’s flagship magazine A and its evolution to the online sphere.
Reputational risk is one of the most challenging categories of risk for corporations to manage today. This session will provide a critique of up-to-date tools to assess corporate reputation online, and will discuss why new metrics need to be developed in order to manage social media risks. The field of reputation management is changing.
John McLaren Director of Corporate Communications AkzoNobel N.V.
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
Successful communications increasingly depend on what people say to each other about an organisation, no longer on what the organisation says about itself. Modern lifestyle creates a serious challenge to brand management. How should we engage with audiences? How can communications demonstrate impact both locally & globally?
With trust damaged following the banking crisis and the European project losing its appeal with European citizens, does this present an opportunity or threat for the EIB? Over the last years, building our financial and society brand has become centre point of our communication strategy. What works and where are the potential pit-falls?
Virginie Coulloudon Communications Director Transparency International
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
DYNAMICS & INSIGHTS FROM REBRANDING AIRBUS GROUP About a year ago EADS decided to rebrand to Airbus Group. Jeff Burridge of Airbus Group has been responsible for this migration program across the group, involving the rebranding of several divisions and group headquarters. He will share his dynamics & insights from this process. VIM Group supported Airbus Group with this. Jeff Burridge Head of Brand, Online & Employee Communications Airbus Group Marc Cloosterman
CEO, VIM Group
Dr. Laura Illia Professor in Corporate & Business Communications IE University
11.30 - 12.30
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
Constance Kann Director of Communication European Investment Bank
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
I really enjoyed it, met good contacts and learned a lot. The variety of people from different sectors and markets is the real strength of the Summit. Adam Brown, Director of Communications Durham University
Best Cases
Friday, July 11, 2014
Due to increasing complexity & growing stakeholders’ expectations, external relations have undergone profound changes. Practices, instruments & techniques have changed radically. Mr Comin will illustrate how Enel’s ER are approaching the challenge of dealing with stakeholder engagement at international level.
Football emotions around the globe - that is how Anheuser-Busch InBev pushes its’ worldwide sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The message: Every four years the world comes together for its’ love for Football. In each market AB InBev also focuses on local brands to use the worlds biggest sports-event for their various brands.
Gianluca Comin Director of Global Communications Enel S.p.A
Oliver Bartelt Head of Communications Anheuser-Busch InBev
11.30 - 12.30
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
IMPROVING REPUTATION & GENERATING SOCIAL IMPACT TTNET, Turkey’s biggest internet service provider, does not limit its role to providing internet access but leads the digital transformation in Turkey developing a digital ecosystem in line with the vision: TTNET 360. Within this strategy, TTNET develops inclusive business models providing benefits to the society enabling equal access to information. Sinan Cem Şahin Corporate Communication Director TTNET
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Learn about the unique approach and results of the recent Philips brand update and hear the compelling story of planning, success, and some near misses. The session will highlight how Philips used owned, earned, and paid approach to the initial and ongoing launch to achieve critical success in the ever evolving digital and communications landscape.
Today’s Comms Director is required to measure and make sense of an ever-richer set of communications outputs, outtakes & outcomes. Insights from genuinely integrated measurement give communicators a cutting edge in the increasingly-competitive, socially-driven comms landscape. Explore the new challenges and opportunities!
Blake Cahill Global Head of Digital & Social Marketing Philips
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Dr Sam Knowles Director Ebiquity Reputation
DAY TWO 11.30 - 12.30
With “innovation jams”, Electrolux crowd-sources ideas from their employees. These iJams not only cultivate new inventions and ways of working, but serve also to inspire a culture of innovative and collaboration. Launching several hundred products each year, a culture of innovation and using modern social and collaborative tools is of the essence.
Danone’s Early Life Nutrition Divison helps leaders to be better communicators by training them on practical skills, showing that communication is about ‘the simple things’. Bringing leaders into their communication comfort zone helps them to engage with their employees and have them understand the business vision and strategy.
Martin von Arronet SVP Corporate Communications and Head of Group Staff Communications AB Electrolux
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Dani Meyer Senior Manager Internal Communications & Public Affairs Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
DSM’s mission is to create brighter lives for people today and generations to come. It rolled out a global culture change program to engage employees in the key behaviors needed to deliver its ambitious strategy. Learn how DSM engaged line managers and united employees to turn the company into a high performance organization.
After the spin-off from Kraft Foods, Mondelez International, reinvented itself with a new name, strategy and corporate identity, seeking to retain the best of the past while sharpening its’ focus on growth and innovation. A broad internal & external engagement programme launched across 33 EU markets to define what it stood for.
Kathryn Andrews Global Internal Communications Director DSM
Friday, July 11, 2014
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Thomas Armitage Communications Director Mondelez International
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Best Cases
Friday, July 11, 2014
It’s a great event, it’s truly a perfect platform to return energized to one’s work desk. A very useful opportunity to network and exchange views on our work.
THE VALUE OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Staying up-to-date professionally calls for continued learning throughout one’s career. People in leadership positions face challenges, especially considering the rapidly evolving labor markets. The communication skills of all employees affect a company’s reputation; it is no longer just a concern for executive management! Regina Pinna-Marfurt Managing Director USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Claudia Hammerich Director Corporate Communications Europe SABIC Europe
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Mattèo Piano will explain how companies are stalking their customers. He will elaborate on a number of misconceptions about branding and how a paradigm shift from stalking to relationship holds the key to profitable branding as branding is nothing more or less than engaging in a inexchangeable relationship.
When a traditional, century-old Swiss pharmaceuticals company integrates with a pioneering US Bay Area biotech, it gets complicated to answer the question, “Who are you and what do you stand for?” Roche communicators are facing this reputation challenge right now. This session will fill you in on what they’re learning.
Mattèo Piano CEO-Partner Narroway Ltd.
Martin D. Hirsch Vice President & Senior Adviser Group Communications, Roche Pharma
1.30 - 2.30
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Thought leadership is about communication and persuasion, a catalyst inspiring change and promoting visions. This Peer2Peer forum discusses the employment of thought leadership as an instrument to build a strong reputation and to develop strategic positioning.
Reputation has become an essential strategic asset for companies. Those businesses enjoying a good reputation are able to differentiate themselves, attracting investments and retaining customers and employees, while at the same time, stakeholders demonstrate higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty towards the companies’ products.
Médard Schoenmaeckers, Global Head of Communications, Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC Bank Plc
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Ángel Alloza, CEO, Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership
DAY TWO 1.30 - 2.30
Panel Discussion
Friday, July 11, 2014
The Data Revolution: Protecting our Data Security
3.00 – 4.15 / Security & Defence Agenda
The social data revolution has impacted our lifestyles and communication patterns in many untold ways: Everyone can now generate content, share personal information, our data is stored in the cloud, and our identities no longer exists solely in the physical world but also the digital. While there is much reason for anticipation and optimism, there are also uncertainties and some cynicism. This conflicted environment will mandate companies to work even harder to earn and sustain the trust of their users, audiences and stakeholders. Join our expert round to discuss which role communicators play in securing and protecting valuable data in today’s ever-changing digital world.
Giovanni Buttarelli Assistant European Data Protection Supervisor
Monika Kuschewsky Attorney & Special Council, Privacy & Data Security, Covington & Burling LLP
Georg Mascolo Head of the Joint Investigative Group Süddeutsche Zeitung, WDR, NDR
Moderator: Karin Helmstaedt
Meet The EACD
Join Europe’s leading network for in-house communicators!
With over 2,300 members from across Europe, the European Association of Communication is the leading in-house network for corporate communicators and PR professionals. The EACD offers innovative forums for knowledge-exchange and peer-debate to promote networking and to further the communications profession. We invite you to join our community!
Join the EACD and benefit from a 50% discount at the ECS!
REGIONAL BREAKFASTS Our regional breakfast will bring together peers from various regions. Summit participants have the chance to extend their international network, and can get to know the EACD at the ECS 2014.
Working Groups The EACD Working Groups ensure a cross-industry exchange of opinions and information that members of the EACD regularly come together to discuss. QUALIFICATION AND PEER NETWORKING FOR EUROPE’S IN-HOUSE COMMUNICATION COMMUNITY Shared experience, shared vision Founded in Brussels in 2006 by over 100 inhouse communicators from all across Europe, the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) is today’s leading European network for in-house communicators with more than 2,300 members from 42 countries. The EACD meets the needs of communications professionals working internationally, providing them with support for facing and mastering the exciting new challenges they encounter in the global arena on a daily basis. Learn more and join at
Speaker Profiles Hanna Aase Founder Hanna Aase is one of the early pioneers in social media. She started her own tech company, Wonderloop, an iPhone app that allows you to see people through 10-20 second video profiles. Ms Aase founded the company after thinking of ways to connect with people around the world regardless of demographics.
Claudio Albanese Communication and External Relations Director, Juventus FC University of Leipzig Claudio is a Law graduate. For 15 years he operated in the world of consulting for communication strategies. In 1997 he joined Bonaparte 48and held the posts of Senior Account and Director. In June 2006 he helped establish Carlobruno&Associati, a boutique for communication strategies consulting, of which he became Partner and CEO. He joined Juventus in July 2010 as Communications and External Relations Director, where he coordinates Press Office, Digital Media and CSR activities.
Ángel Alloza CEO Corporate Excellence Center for Reputation Leadership With a BA in Psychology and a Master’s in Communication from the Jaume I University (Spain), Mr Alloza has extensive experience in market research and strategic planning and was responsible for BBVA’s global communication strategy and more. Alloza currently lectures at high-profile universities and business schools in Europe, Latino America, and US.
Kathryn Andrews Director Internal Communications DSM Kathryn Andrews is responsible for driving global employee communications across a workforce spanning Europe, India, China, Singapore, Brazil and the US. She has almost 20 years of experience in multi-disciplinary corporate communications ranging from media relations and employee engagement to working with executive leadership teams to support the business strategy.
Thomas Armitage Communications Director Mondelez International Tom Armitage joined Mondelēz International in Europe as Communications Director in 2012 and is responsible for external and sustainability communications for the company. Before joining Mondelēz International, Tom spent 4 years at Swiss Re in Zurich, most recently as senior media relations manager. Prior to his roles in corporate communications, Tom was a senior correspondent for Reuters news agency, working in London, Vienna, Berlin and Zurich for a total of eight years, and covering company news, politics, economics and monetary policy.
Martin von Arronet SVP Corporate Communications Electrolux Mr Arronet has been Senior Vice President of Corporate Communcations at AB Electrolux since 2011. Previously, he was Vice President Media Relations within the company. Before joining Electrolux, he held varies communication roles within Royal Dutch Shell.
Grégoire Assémat-Tessandier Head of Digital Europe & CIS Edelman Grégoire has been working with global brands to deliver a vision of digital as a core consumer engagement driver and delivering value back to the business. Grégoire was Global Head of Digital at Bacardi Global Brands, where he spearheaded innovative influencer led digital campaigns and founder of DAN Paris, the digital agency of TBWA\ in France. In his career, Grégoire has worked across many sectors, from luxury to FMCG, banking to retail, fashion and NGOs. In 2014, Grégoire joins Edelman to lead Digital in Europe & CIS.
Oliver Bartelt Head of Communications Anheuser-Busch InBev Oliver Bartelt (38) is Head of Communications at Anheuser-Busch InBev. He is responsible for communications focusing on corporate and brand-issues in the German, Austrian, Swiss, Spanish and Italian markets. Previously, he gained about ten years communications experience in the spirits industry.
Luca Biondolillo Group Corporate Communications Director, Benetton University of Leipzig Before taking on his current role as group corporate communications director at Italy-based multinational fashion and consumer goods business Benetton in 2011, Luca Biondolillo worked for eyewear brand Luxxotica Group, first as group director of corporate and financial communications and later group senior vice president, international communications. Previously, Luca worked for several USbased agencies including Grayling and GolinHarris, before becoming vice president, US relationship manager, depositary receipts at JPMorgan Chase.
Pete Blackshaw Global Head of Digital and Social Media Nestle With extensive experience in digital marketing, public policy and brand management, Pete Blackshaw has worked with numerous Fortune 1000 companies. He has also served as chairman of the National Council of Better Business Bureaus and co-founded the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).
James Brock Executive Director Addison Group James has over 25 years’ client side and agency experience, covering corporate communications, branding, product and corporate marketing. He provides strategic advice on communications to a number of clients and also has overall responsibility for Addison Group’s capabilities and offer in research, consultancy and business development.
Jeff Burridge Head of Brand, Online & Employee Communications, Airbus Group Jeff has had 15 years of Comms experience with Airbus Group in a number of challenging roles as Head of Internal Comms and Head of Comms in the UK. Most recently, in his current role covering Brand, Online & Employee Communications, he has spearheaded the implementation of the Airbus Group rebrand across HQ and divisions of Airbus, Airbus Helicopters, and Airbus Defence and Space. He thrives on creating innovative Comms solutions for both complex and everyday business issues.
Blake Cahill Global Head of Digital & Social Marketing Philips Blake Cahill has over 20 years of experience. Prior to his role at Philips he was President of Banyan Branch, in leadership at Deloitte Digital, and CMO of Visible Technologies. He is also on the board of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association.
Marc Closterman CEO VIM Group Marc is heading up VIM Group, specialising in brand implementation and management. The group has founded the brand implementation discipline in 1991. His passion is to advise, write and speech in the area of (re)branding and brand management. Marc’s focus is on how to improve and organise brand efficiency across channels & touch points. In 2012 Marc founded the EACD working group Brand Management. VIM Group clients include IKEA, Randstad, KLM, BMW, TUI, SkyTeam, EY, DNVGL, DSM, JuliusBaer Bank, Airbus Group and ING.
Gianluca Comin Executive Vice President Enel Prior to his role at Enel, Gianluca Comin worked as a journalist, was Head of Media Relations at Telecom and Head of External Relations at Montedison. He is a board member of Endesa and Director of both Enel Cuore Onlus and the Enel Foundation. He also teaches at LUISS University.
Richard Coope Head of Digital Media Radley Yeldar A recognised industry specialist, Richard Coope has over 15 years’ experience, is a Board Director at Radley Yeldar and runs the consultancy’s Digital Media and Moving Image specialisms. He has worked with clients such as Barclays, HSBC and Royal Dutch Shell to name a few.
Speaker Profiles Virginie Coulloudon Group Director External Relations & Partnerships Transparency International Virgine Coulloudon has been with Transparency International since 2012. Prior to this she was a spokesperson at OSCE, head of communications at RFE/RL, journalist & correspondent in Moscow and research director at the Harvard Davis Center for Russian Studies.
Carolyne Culver Head of Strategic Communications University of Oxford Carolyne Culver is a former Head of News at Ofsted and press officer for Save the Children and War on Want, and has also been a journalist and parliamentary researcher. She is a Member and Accredited Practitioner of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management, and co-chair of the Russell Group Directors of Communication.
Christof Ehrhart EVP Corporate Communications & Responsibility Deutsche Post DHL Prior to joining Deutsche Post DHL, Christof Ehrhart headed corporate communications at EADS. He has also worked at Bertelsmann, JT International Germany and Schering AG.
Pascal Finette Entrepreneuer & Founding Coach The Coaching Fellowship Pascal created ten|x, a strategy consulting firm based in Silicon Valley. He’s an entrepreneur to the core, has unique experiences in building open innovation systems, created technologies used by hundreds of millions of people and brings Silicon Valley-thinking to companies around the world. Previously he was head of Mozilla Labs and also helped build eBay Germany.
Jon Froda Co-Founder Podio Jon Froda is director and co-founder of Podio brand strategy at Citrix. He has spent years researching social software, specialising in strategies and products that enhance knowledge-sharing and productivity.
Paula Hannemann Campaigns Director, Germany Under Paula Hannemann’s leadership, has grown from 60,000 to one million users in one year. Previously, she was responsible for social media and online campaigning at WWF. She is an advocate for using the power of innovative technology to address social problems.
Nils Haupt Director of Corporate Communications, The Americas Lufthansa German Airlines Nils Haupt has been with Lufthansa AG since June 2012. Based in East Meadow, NY, he oversees the Group’s internal and media communications in North and South America. For 10 years prior to this posting, he was with Lufthansa Cargo AG, where he served as Director of Communications.
Johannes Hillje Election Campaign Manager European Green Party Campaign Manager since 2013, Johannes Hillje previously worked for the United Nations Development Programme, served as President and board member of Go Ahead!, was a research assistant at Cambridge University, a news editor for ZDF and journalist for Hürriyet - Turkish Daily News.
Martin D. Hirsch VP & Senior Adviser Group Communications Roche Pharma Martin Hirsch works in Group Communications at Roche headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. He joined Roche in 1982 as a public relations associate. He had previously earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in communications and journalism at Temple University. In his 30-plus-year Roche career, his responsibilities have spanned internal and external communications, corporate branding, and crisis and issues management. Recently, his role has expanded to cover the communications alignment of Roche affiliates worldwide. In 2013, his team initiated the Roche Academy of Business Communications for staff and leadership, and established the foundation for comprehensive reputation management at the company. Most recently, he was named senior adviser to Group Communications.
Laura Illia Academic Director Instituto de Empresa (IE University) With the IE University since 2010, Laura Illia has previously taught/researched at Cambridge University, London School of Economics and Political Science, and University of Lugano. She is published in numerous journals and recipient of the 2013 Business Schools’ Research project funding.
Patrick Kammerer Director of Communications and Public Affairs Coca-Cola Deutschland Patrick Kammerer is responsible for all corporate communications, brand PR and public affairs of Coca-Cola Germany. He is a member of the Management Board and has over 20 years’ experience. Before joining Coca-Cola in 2012, he worked for Nike and Shell.
Constance Kann Director of Corporate Responsibility & Communications European Investment Bank Constance Kann has been with the European Investment Bank (EIB) since January 2010. She is transitioning into a new role as EIB Director of Institutional Relations and Public Affairs in June 2014. Prior to her position at the EIB, Kann was Director of Group Communications at Swiss Re and Senior Vice-president of Global Communications at Unilever.
Christof Klitz Head of the Representative Office Brussels Volkswagen Christof Klitz has been with Volkswagen since 1999. Previously he worked with companies such as Burson-Marsteller and Deutsche Telekom. He also works voluntarily as Deputy Head of the local chapter of the Economic Board of the CDU and has been the Vice President of the European Movement International.
Dr Sam Knowles Director Ebiquity Reputation Reputations are made and broken by what companies and brands say about themselves and how they act, and also by what diverse stakeholders think and say about them, across all facets of earned media. For Ebiquity, Dr Sam Knowles looks after marketing and thought leadership for the company’s Reputation practice, which specialises in generating forward-looking, actionable insights from earned media.
Monika Kuschewsky Attorney & Special Council, Privacy & Data Security Covington & Burling LLP Ms Kuschewsky has practised in Brussels since 2000. Previously she headed the data protection practice of a Brussels headquartered law firm for three years. She is qualified as a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) and a Betrieblicher Datenschutzbeauftragter (company data protection officer) (GDDcert.).
Anthony Lamy Global Brand Partnerships Facebook Anthony Lamy has 14+ years of marketing experience with clients and creative agencies. He has worked for clients such as Orange, McDonalds, Masterfoods, JTI, Nestlé Waters, CPW. Prior to his role with Facebook, Anthony launched SAATCHI & SAATCHI INTERACTIVE in Switzerland.
Christian Lawrence Head of Group Communications Munich Re Christian Lawrence is responsible for Munich RE’s media relations, employee communications, corporate marketing and consulting. Previously he has worked in senior-level positions at Allianz Global Investors and Cologne Re.
Speaker Profiles Julia Leihener Service Design Manager, Creation Center Telekom Innovation Laboratories Julia Leihener is a service designer and head of the Creation Center at Telekom Innovation Laboratories. She has been active in the development of consumer oriented future visions for the digital communication industry for more than seven years. She is the project manager of eEtiquette and also teaches at the School of Design Thinking at HPI and at the Medien Innovationzentrum in Potsdam.
Brian Lott Executive Director, Group Communications Mubadala Prior to joining the Mubadala Group, Brian worked at global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, where he spent ten years providing strategic guidance to the firm’s public affairs, corporate and technology clients. Brian has has over 25 years’ experience and is a published author and former journalist.
Virginie Louis Senior Communications Officer Red Cross EU Office Virginie Louis represents the interests of the vulnerable people supported by European Red Cross Societies and their International Federation (IFRC). She seeks to integrate digital communications to support humanitarian diplomacy efforts, by combining the strengths of effective and fresh campaigning techniques with the extensive outreach of the Red Cross throughout Europe.
Sean MacNiven Head of Communications Innovation & Infrastructure SAP Sean’s experience at SAP encompasses virtually every aspect of internal communications from executive through to grassroots, from static HTML to state-of-the-art collaboration suites. He aims to foster meaningful dialogue with the collective.
Georg Mascolo Head of the Joint Investigative Group Süddeutsche Zeitung, NDR, WDR Georg Mascolo started working for the SPIEGEL Group back in 1988. From 2004 to 2007 he worked as SPIEGEL’s Senior Correspondent in Washington, before he became Bureau Chief in Berlin. From 2008 - 2013 he was Editor-in-Chief for SPIEGEL Magazine. He started his current position in 2014, heading the Join Investigative Group of Germany’s leading newspaper and major public TV Stations. Mr. Mascolo is a Visiting Scholar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.
Jimmy Maymann CEO The Huffington Post Jimmy’s focus within Huffington Post is to take his entrepreneurial skill-base and media know-how to grow/scale the Huffington Post Media Group suite of brands and expand them across international markets, much like he did with the goviral business in Europe. To date, The Huffington Post has launched in Canada, the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Japan.
John McLaren Corporate Director Communications AkzoNobel Before joining AkzoNobel, John McLaren was VP of corporate communications at DSM, directed communications at News Network, and was VP of corporate and external affairs at WorldSpace Corporation in Washington, DC.
Dani Meyer Senior Manager Internal Communications and Public Affairs Danone As Senior Manager Internal Communications at Danone’s Baby Nutrition Division, Dani develops, implements and monitors the global communication strategy, its plans and tools, both for the divisional headquarters, located in the Netherlands, as well as for all baby nutrition business units worldwide.
Adrian Monck Managing Director World Economic Forum Adrian Monck is Managing Director in charge of communications and media at the World Economic Forum. Previously, he headed the Dept of Journalism at City University London and was a member of the Forum’s first Global Agenda Council on Journalism.
Rainer Ohler Head of Group Communications Airbus Group Rainer Ohler has been Head of Group Communications since 2012. Previously, he was Head of Public Affairs and Communications within Airbus. Prior to that he has worked for Daimler-Benz Aerospace and EADS. From 19921995 he served in the German Chancellery.
José María Palomares VP Communication, Public Affairs & Corporate Responsibility ING In addition to being VP of Communications, Public Affairs and Corporate Responsibility in ING Bank Spain & Portugal, José María Palomares is also Associated Professor of Corporate Communications and Social Media at IE Business School.
Mattèo Piano CEO-Partner Narroway Ltd. Mattèo, born on the 14th of March 1963 in Germany, graduated as a Master of Arts at the Higher Institute for Visual Communication in Genk in 1987. In 1988 he started his first company ATRIUM, after a series of employments with different advertising agencies. Since 2001 Mattèo was working on a new methodology to stimulate growth for organizations (profit and non-profit). He cultivated this methodology and implemented this in a series of projects. In 2004 he founded Greenhouse BBC (now Narroway) together with Gregor Kipper celebrating 10 years in 2014.
Regina Pinna-Marfurt Managing Director EMScom Programme USI Universita della Svizzera italiana Prior to joining the USI, Regina Pinna-Marfurt worked as an independent PR consultant with a leading Swiss communication agency. She has over 10 years of experience in Corporate Communications and Media Relations in the IT industry, and her other assignments have included working as a marketing and sales manager for a telecommunication company, as publisher of the Swiss women’s magazine “Annabelle” and as product manager at Credit Suisse.
Willem De Ruijter Director of Continental Europe VMA Group Willem de Ruijter joined VMA Group in 2012 and heads up VMA Group’s operations across continental Europe. He is responsible for our offices in Brussels and Amsterdam, as well as leading the expansion of VMA Group activities across mainland Europe. Prior he was in FMCG and led Netherlands based firm specialising in the recruitment of communications, marketing and sales professionals, working with clients such as the Monster, BP, BCG, Johnson & Johnson , Reckitt Benckiser and Heinz.
Sinan Cem Şahin Corporate Communication Director TTNET Sinan Cem Sahin is the Corporate Communication Director of TTNET, the largest internet service provider of Turkey. He began his career in banking at one of the top corporate banks in the sector, then worked as a journalist focusing on economy and technology topics.
Kostas Sasmatzoglou Spokesman European People’s Party Kostas Sasmatzoglou is the spokesman and head of the press and communications department for the European People’s Party (EPP). Based in Brussels and working at the EPP headquarters since 2004, Kostas has held the positions of Secretary of External Relations and Senior Political Advisor. He is a member of the EPP think-tank, the Centre for European Studies (CES), and the editor-in-chief of CES’s annual European Factbook.
Didrik de Schaetzen Head of Communication Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party Didrik de Schaetzen is running the social media campaign of the Party for the 2014 elections. Prior to joining the Party, Mr Schaetzen worked in the communication unit of the European Commission DG Development cooperation; the European Renewable Energy Council and the Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Stockholm. He has a Masters in Communication Sciences and European Political Sciences.
Speaker Profiles Médard Schoenmaeckers Global Head of Communications Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC Médard Schoenmaeckers is Global Head of Communications Retail Banking & Wealth Management at HSBC since February 2014. He joined HSBC f rom Syngenta where he held the role of Head of External Communications. Prior to that, Mr Schoenmaeckers has worked for Dutch chemicals manufacturer DSM, ABN AMRO Bank and in various corporate and investment banking positions.
David Shing Digital Prophet AOL The Digital Prophet since 2011, David Shing has been with AOL since 2007 working in various roles. He works internationally to identify new opportunities for the business, actively change brand perception and assist in building the external profile of the company across the globe.
Lars Silberbauer-Andersen Global Director of Social Media & Search LEGO Group Lars Silberbauer drives LEGO’s social media strategy and execution. He leads a global team of social media marketeers that drives the real time engagement with consumers world wide. Previously he worked for 10 years in the digital and broadcast media industry as digital strategist and later creative manager driving digital strategy.
Carl Sommerholt Head of Communications Business Division Nuclear Power Vattenfall In addition to Vattenfall, Carl Sommerholt is also Chair Taskforce Crisis Communications (TG-CC) at the European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF). Previously, Mr Sommerholt worked at the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics and Ericsson.
Christopher Storck Professor of Communication Management Quadriga University Berlin Dr Christopher Storck co-heads the corporate communication department at Quadriga University Berlin. He has been crossing the borders between business, academic research and training for more than ten years. Christopher is also a certified coach of the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel.
Henrik Stroier Managing Director and Partner Reputation Institute Henrik assists leading global companies in building and leveraging a strong corporate reputation. Prior to Reputation Institute, he was SVP with McCann Erickson in New York, and has more than 18 years of experience in the food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, technology, and healthcare sectors. Henrik has provided corporate advice to clients like Carlsberg, Lego, Arla, Tetrapak, MAN and ABB.
Arja Suominen SVP Corporate Communications and Corporate Responsibility Finnair Arja Suominen has served as Finnair’s SVP Corporate Communications and Corporate Responsibility since March 2011. Ms Suominen previously worked for Nokia, mainly in communications positions, ultimately as Nokia’s SVP Communications.
Ralph Tench Professor of Communication Education, Public Relations and Communication Leeds Metropolitan University Professor Dr. Ralph Tench is Director of Ph.D. programmes and Director of Research for the Faculty of Business and Law at Leeds Met. Prior to this, he was head of the UK’s largest Public Relations and Communications academic department for 10 years at Leeds Business School.
Dejan Verčič Professor & Head of Center for Marketing and PR University of Ljubljana In addition to his work at University of Ljubljana, Dr Verčič is a Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Public Relations, was the chairman of the Research Committee of the IABC Research Foundation and was President of EUPRERA. He is also currently a Fulbright Scholar in California.
Caroline Wouters Vice President Corporate Communications Wolters Kluwer Under Caroline’s leadership, several prize winning new online, video and print platforms, including social media tools, were launched. A framework for internal employee comms was createdas well as a global comms and marketing community, with focus on stronger alignment around roles, responsibilities, and functions.
James Woudhuysen Professor of Forecasting and Innovation De Montford University With De Montford since 1995, Professor Woudhuysen has also worked with magazines, was head of research at Fitch, head of consulting at WPP’s Henley Centre & head of worldwide market intelligence at Philips.Today his clients include Akzo, Amadeus, Brother, Electrolux, Novartis, Rolls Royce, and UPS.
Ansgar Zerfaß Professor of Communication University of Leipzig Professor Zerfaß is President of EUPRERA and lead researcher for the European Communication Monitor. He has published 30 books and numerous articles on corporate communications, strategic communication and online communication. Before joining academia, he worked for more than ten years in management positions at various companies and institutions.
Tom Vesey Chief Executive Officer CARMA International Tom’s focus has been consulting on strategy for international businesses and for governments. The key quality he brings to client engagements is an entrepreneurial insight that delivers sustainable advantage. He has re-cast the strategies of a major tourist destination market, led the development of brand and marketing for a major telecoms launch, refocused an international airline, re-positioned a global credit card and advised cabinet ministers on outreach strategy.
Dana White Director of Policy and Strategic Communications Renault-Nissan Alliance Ms White is responsible for coordinating and communicating the Alliance’s commitment to sustainable mobility and breakthrough innovation to a broad audience of media, academics and policymakers. Previously she worked in foreign policy on the Senate Armed Services Committee and wrote for the Wall Street Journal.
Andy Wood Strategy Director Freestyle Interactive Andy has been Freestyle’s Strategy Director since 2005, responsible for the development of digital strategy. He is an advocate for bringing together digital planning, search and content marketing, social media, CRM and technology to solve digital challenges.
Partners The European Communication Summit is hosted by the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) and Communication Director Magazine. The hosts gratefully thank the following partners for their support:
Addison Group 49 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HH United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7815 2035
Edelman Southside, 105 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QT United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 3047 2000
Ebiquity plc 1 Ropemaker Street London EC2W 9AY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7650 9600
Fleishman Hillard London office 40 Long Acre Covent Garden London WC2E 9LG United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 207 306 9000
Burson-Marsteller Square de Mee没s 37 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 (0) 2 743 66 11
Freestyle Interactive Harwoods House Banbury Road, Ashorne Warwickshire CV35 0AA United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 1926 652832
CARMA International Ltd Royal Victoria Patriotic Building John Archer Way London, SW18 3SX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 8877 3314
F.A.Z.-Institut | Prime Research Frankenallee 68-72 60327 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Financial Times Headquarters 1, Southwark Bridge SE1 9HL London United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7873 4001
F T I Consulting Avenue Marnix 23 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel.: + 32 2 289 09 49
Kantar Media | News Intelligence 60 avenue du Général de Gaulle 92046 Paris - La Défense France Tel.: +33 (0) 147 671 700
Reputation Institute Bredgade 75 1260 Copenhagen Denmark Tel.: +45 (0) 70250313
Quadriga University of Applied Sciences Werderscher Markt 13 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 (0) 30 4472 9400
EMScom Executive Master of Science in Communications Management USI Università della Svizzera italiana Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 CH-6900 Lugano / Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0) 58 666 46 20
Radley Yeldar 24 Charlotte Road London, EC2A 3PB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7033 0700
VMA Group, Belgium 14b Rue de la Science 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 (0) 2 808 9016
VIM Group Brand Implementation 7-10 Adam Street The Strand London WC2N 6AA United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 36 08 61 70
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Helge Schlüter Partner Management
European Communication Summit
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600 In-House Peers 60 Speakers 6 Plenary Sessions 55 Best Cases, Workshops & Peer debate
Virginie Coulloudon Transparency International
Nicole Gorfer Roche Pharma
Rainer Ohler Airbus Group
Brian Lott Mubadala Development
Thierry Nicolet Schneider Electric
Carolyne Culver Oxford University
Christof Ehrhart Deutsche Post DHL
Bruno Motta Shell Brands
Paula Hannemann
Luca Biondolillo Benetton
Jon Froda Podio
James Woudhuysen De Montfort University
Arja Suominen Finnair
Kathryn Andrews DSM
Herbert Heitmann Bayer AG
Gianluca Comin Enel
José María Palomares ING Spain
Sean MacNiven SAP
Didrik de Schaetzen ALDE Party
Laura Illia IE School of Business
Nils Haupt Lufthansa
Pascal Finette Entrepreneur & formerly Mozilla Labs
Christian Lawrence Munich Re
Patrick Kammerer Coca-Cola
Oliver Bartelt Anheuser-Busch InBev
Johannes Hillje European Green Party
Virginie Louis Red Cross EU Office
Médard Schoenmaeckers HSBC Bank
Dani Meyer Danone
Magazine for Corporate Communications and Public Relations
Stacey Minton Celgene International
Sinan Cem Sahin TTNET