House of Preeminence March 2022 The Miracles, Magic and Moolah Issue

Page 130

Clutter Clear To Make Space For Your Dreams We are coming out of winter. Spring is here

The problem is, from time to time, I can get

in the northern hemisphere. Yes, it might still

overloaded and overwhelmed. Things can

be cold for us in the northern parts, but there

quickly get out of kilter, and the downward

is definitely an energy shift. Can you feel it?

slope can be very slippery. The next thing I know, I am drowning in stuff and disorder.

What has been below ground, under the surface, and getting ready for another cycle

This current period of overwhelm came

is beginning to emerge as new shoots. The

about from my recent life transition phase

energy is starting to move upwards. This is

for two reasons. Firstly like many other

an excellent month for spring cleaning and

people, I have changed my routines and life

clutter clearing, but truth be told, the clearing

because of the global pandemic and spent

of clutter is not something you should leave

more time at home, clearing AND generating

as an annual task. There is good energy to

extra stuff! I have also spent time re-thinking

support clearing now but what I have

my role in the world and what I do. Perhaps

learned over the years is that I have to make

that was a focus of yours in the last couple

clutter clearing a part of my weekly life. Or is

of years.

that just me? Does anyone else struggle with clutter?

Secondly, as I mentioned in my October column, we moved my elderly parents across

Let's just look at clutter… what it is, and why

Yorkshire from their forever home to their

it can be such an ongoing challenge? Well, I

own smaller apartment in an assisted living

do find it a burden, and you would think that

building. Downsizing at age 90 is a very

having written about this subject for more

interesting process to observe. I mean, how

than a quarter of a century, I would have

much STUFF do you need to hang on to for

mastered that aspect of life! Well, yes and

your last few years? Much was jettisoned

no. I have a very organised home, and I pay

over a period of weeks, and quite a few

attention to my space's energy, atmosphere,

things came my way (unfortunately).

and vibe. I absolutely know how to do that, and I believe I was doing that intuitively from childhood before I learned anything about feng shui.

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