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"The Magazine For The New Earth"


Lisa Roulette "We are all being called to heal..."


Your FREE Mind, Body & Soul Makeover

Global Connections Editor, Achievement and Communication Mastery

MARCIA MARTIN Executive Editor Style Sage and Image Therapist,

LIANA CHAOULI Executive Editor The Healthy Home and Feng Shui

GINA LAZENBY Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment

Juvee Perez -PA to Jenni


Executive Editor Energy Transformation

Cover Star

YVETTE TAYLOR Contributing Editor Conscious Prosperity

DAWN GROSSART Contributing Editor Sacred, Holistic Wellness for Women

Premium Guests LISA ROULETTE

ALICE BRACEGIRDLE Contributing Editor Manifestation Lifestyle

KATE YURENDA Contributing Editor Holistic Transformation & sacred annointing



Meet The Founder... JENNI PARKER BROWN

Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multipotentialite, philosopher and genius activist. Her careers range from fashion-retailing, performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor. Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace creativity and heart to help humanity rise’. '

True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi-faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high-vibrational new approach to success and personal transformation through enlightened collaboration with leaders who epitomise harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.

For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at or scan above QR code.


Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author. Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher

Contact Jenni at House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith. However Jenni Parker Brown, the aforenamed authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within. Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice. The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone.





"A magazine for the New Earth. A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well-being. A mustread for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time." Lisa Roulette, Ascension Guide, Healer & Manifesting Mentor "This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!" Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur. "This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous". Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P. Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all". Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author, Master Teacher, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist "The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history. this is all divine alignment. " Stevie Gayle, Scent Alchemist "It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"! Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV


"The perfect year is made up of 12 thrilling months. Each thrilling month is made up of 4 superb weeks. Each superb week is made up of 7 awesome days. Awesome days are made of hours, seconds and minutes in the practice of our genius, grace and greatness." Jenni P







This is so much more than a magazine. It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day. The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams.

Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious, visionary, mission-driven and ethical women entrepreneurs everywhere who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all.









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here This $$$ Please and



























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Wh at's you FEBRUARY r M ood ? Lifestyle Inspiration



AMETHYST, WIND AND PRIMROSE POWER WORDS Spiritual insight and intuition Relaxation, peace, calm, and tranquility Protection, purification, love, safety, Youthfulness, Imbolc, romance

WELLthy Life™ Exclusive Supplement here!



Special Supplement by Jenni Parker Brown


Amethyst, Wind and Primrose Power Elements


SUCCESS COLLECTION NEW YEAR MIND, BODY AND SOUL MAKEOVER A mini retreat to take an honest look at where you need to make shifts this year! KATE YURENDA



A treasure vault of tips, tools and affirmations to master the Law of Magnetism KAREN BAINES



Karen shares the secret sabotage dynamic that is hiding in your everyday actions!




Legend of Transformation Marcia shares her

The 9 Foes of Feminine Achievement

everlasting youth!

And the 9 Graces Antidote. JENNI PARKER BROWN

blueprint for a life of adventure, attraction and




Yvette reveals why following your heart is the most magnetic state of all, and how to ground that into your everyday energy!





Feng sui and Healthy Home expert, Gina guides you through the energy and preparations to optimise your coming spring. DAWN BATES FEBRUARY ADVENTURES


Human Rights Warrioress, Dawn shares her no


holds barred version of what it really takes to be an adventurer - not for the faint-hearted! LIANA CHAOULI THAT WHICH IS LIKE UNTO ITSELF



Liana demystifies what being a Goddess really


is and invites you to find a new level of what being you really means! ALICE BRACEGIRDLE




Alice honours the sacred feminine journey of aging conciously into wisdom and a new


acceptance of our cyele of life.




Allison shares the feminine keys of awakening our powers of manifestation.




Maveric Izdihar breaks down the way to truly be seen, heard, liked and invited for huge opportunities!



This Aquarian Desktop Calendar is our gift to you. Download here

"Waking Up Is Hard To Do! Healing, Spiritual Awakening, and the Ascension journey isn't easy- ESPECIALLY if you don't fully understand it. It can tear us apart mentally, wipe us out physically, cause tremendous grief out of nowhere, and make us feel disconnected from the world around us."

Lisa Roulette Ascension Guide, healing and Manifesting Mentor

Meet Lisa Roulette Exclusive Preeminence interview with Jenni P Click here:

Do you ever wonder what is really going on in this time of chaos and shift? Do you feel deeply connected to the idea of bringing your light to help humanity rise? Have you heard the term ‘Ascension’ but are not really sure what it means and how it involves you? Would you like to ‘ground in’ your most spiritual nature in service to your highest life? Healer, Ascension and Manifesting Master Lisa Roulette, demystifies the sometimes confusing perspectives about the evolution of humanity and how we can harness the changes right now, heal ourselves and those whose lives we touch. Tune into the frequency of your highest life in this high-frequency conversation between Jenni P and Lisa Roulette, and feel assured that everything is now happening for your highest good!

"We're all being called to heal during this time of mass awakening and spiritual ascension!"


"I do my absolute best to translate complex ideas associated with spiritual awakening & the ascension journey to explain to you what's happening as well as guide you along your path." Lisa is a life coach and strategist for women who want to be self-empowered and successful in life and love. She helps women put the pieces of their life puzzle together and create a beautiful picture out of it all by teaching them selfawareness, self-healing techniques, and how to intentionally manifest the things they desire. Lisa is also a Reiki Master which enables her to read and receive Insight from her client's energy field. This allows for Intuitive coaching and a greater connection between her and her client.

February 'YOUNIVERSE' Your Preeminence digital altar. Tools, Meditations, Readings and Mantras for your Magical, Mystical, Marvellous Metamorphosis

Clear Your Money Blocks Guided Meditation & Visualisation by Lisa Roulette Click here

Coming next month! Soul Horoscope Card reading and more!

Imbolc invocation of Brigid, Celtic Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility

"Star-eyed, Dawn-crowned, I am the torch bearer of eternal light, Daughter of the Morning, holding sunrise in one hand and the hearth fire in the other — offering life and civilisation.

It is I who carry the torch of the Sun above the darkened hills; I who thrust the quenchless flame above the horizons of the sea.

I am the guardian of the future, watcher over destinies. In the hallowed gardens of the soul, I appear white-robed and radiant.

I walk in sorrow among the pains of the world and let them bathe My heart, then suddenly beholding the radiance of the Earth, break into songs of joy and laughter.

In coloured tones of beauty, I call your heart to grief, exultation, and serenity."

Extract from Winged Destiny by Fiona MacLeod (aka William Sharp: 1855 –1905).

Prepare for an upgrade

MISTRESS OF CHANGE Genius, Grace and Greatness

February Love Paradigm "A magazine for the New Earth” - Lisa Roulette "A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!” - Gina DeVee “Your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history. this is all divine alignment.” - Stevie Gayle Why is this magazine so on point right for what’s happening in the world right now? Firstly, Preeminence is so much more than a magazine; it’s an Abundance Activator, a catalyst for your highest potential. Especially now. Because it’s official, ‘Home Life’ is The New Normal. As most of the world’s population shelters from the ravages of the pandemic and we watch the old world crumble around our ears, it’s clear that a work-from-home life is here to stay. Once an idea for weary corporate employees and parents desiring to combine parenting with working, a stay at home life is, well, here to stay!

The stay-at-home life on the scale that we

So where does that leave you, an ambitious

have seen evolve due to lockdown is now a

change-maker who still has a passion to create

human social phenomenon.

your best life, whatever that looks like?








entrepreneurs who have had to modify their

I’m glad you asked. It is for this reason that I created this platform.

goals and aspirations as a result? Many have been forced into an urgent career shift. Many,

This is a new paradigm, ladies—a new era. And

many, many!








Abundance is not leaving us because of a virus. What has been working for years just isn’t

Abundance is an abiding principle that we can

working anymore!

access, whatever is flying off the fan!

And the online marketplace just took one gargantuan leap to embrace most of the world’s population with access to the internet. So all the study, training, and experience you have amassed over the years of being a service provider online is more important to you than ever. But, whatever model and strategy of business you were aiming for, is probably no longer relevant. It’s






conclusions of a plethora of uber guru marketers that the online marketing playing fields have been levelled!

I didn’t see Covid coming, but I did see a

Women want to have love infused in every

failing coaching industry, millions of small

part of their day, as we intuitively know how

women business owners struggling, and a

key it is to global and personal healing.

saturated marketplace. I saw a capricious tendency to constantly-changing social media

So back to your dreams. I’m guessing they’ve



had a bit of a shake-up too. Not to mention

technologies to master, and even more de-

your physical and psychological well-being,

stabilising sweep under the carpet of many


previously worked strategies, webinars, and

distancing a new life rhythm.









live events, retreats, to name but a few. Mainly I did behold that the old hustle, grind, goal-

Well, I, Jenni P, am here to say, “All is well”.

driven model of success wasn’t working

We can re-invent ourselves within a new

anymore. Women deeply in tune with their

world order, and find ways of growing,

feminine essence knew that. Since 2019 I have

expanding and scaling our achievements. We

heard many sighs of relief as we begin to re-

can do it all with love, beauty and truth.

invent business and achievement from a Conscious Feminine perspective.

That is why I have crafted a resource base of the






Women change-makers will no longer leave

experts to serve your Genius Grace and

love out of the equation - neither their own


self-love, love for collaboration and sisterhood, love for the planet, love for the incredible opportunities that abound for abundance streams, love of their connections that have been renewed since the beginning of the pandemic—and vibration of love.





That is why the House of Preeminence embraces every part of you, mind, body, soul and money. Your visions, your passions, your dreams. Your home, hearth and heart. That is why this gorgeous tool is a Holistic, Quantum Success template that takes account of the most leading-edge success and fulfilment wisdom. I invite you not just to flick through quickly and lap up all the gorgeous images (although it is tempting!) but to schedule Preeminence into your sacred ‘You’ time. Download the desktop calendar to remind you to spend some time with your highest self every day. Because that’s what Preeminence will help you achieve - your highest life. Enjoy this lush and sparkling February issue! Jenni P

WELLthy Life Special Supplement


TM The Art & Science of Attracting Abundance Through Wellness Copyright Jenni Parker Brown

FEBRUARY POWER ELEMENTS AMETHYST, WIND and PRIMROSE Ring-ting! I wish I were a primrose, A bright yellow primrose blowing in the spring! The stooping boughs above me, The wandering bee to love me, The fern and moss to creep across, And the elm-tree for our king! — William Allingham That almost sounds like the title of a song or a novel, doesn't it? What do they have to do with February, and this issue devoted to Adventure, Attraction and Agelessness. Well they have been chosen to support you in weaving adventure, attraction (of that which you desire) and agelessness into your life! Amethyst is the well-known birthstone for February, having a great deal of symbolism with love. Primroses are the symbolic flower of this month and they herald the coming year and the imminent spring. They also symbolize young love and youthfulness, which weaves back into the symbolic month of love! Primroses are often yellow but can be violet with yellow centres. As colours on opposite sides of the spectrum are beautifully harmonious, amethyst and yellow are perfectly matched in your clothes, decroation and anyway you are using colour. These two elements are already strongly connected in energy! Yellow symbolizes the season of Spring, which also corresponds to the element of Air - or as I've called it, 'Wind'. For light healers, yellow brings peace into the auric field. White has similar meanings psychologically and metaphysically with an extra layer of purity, divine radiance, concord and honesty. The wind will not lie to you if you listen to it closely. It can also help you move things that block your path and give you a chance for new beginnings. So do you see how these three elements are all interrelated? By incorporating them into your environment, auric field, energy, appearance and lifestyle - you are harnessing nature's own forces for high vibrational living.

AMETHYST Gateway to Creativity and Passion Magnetic Amethyst is a must-have for the lover of high-frequency living and care. This calming stone helps you quieten your mind, support peaceful sleep, enhance meditation, and generally allow you to move through life from a higher state of being. You don't have to be born in February to benefit from this beautiful semi-precious stone; Amethyst crystal can support you along your highest life's journey. For your spiritual practices, deepening your connection to self and your ability to tap into your intuition. The Amethyst crystal helps you work toward inner peace and allows you to rest and relax when you need to most – especially before bed, during a stressful situation, or before you begin meditation. Although not as well-known for its protective abilities, Amethyst contributes to surrounding your energy field in a bubble of violet light. By raising your energetic vibration and keeping your Spirit at ease, this stone can be a powerful addition to your energetic armour. The Amethyst crystal properties help to harmonize your mind, body, and Spirit. This recalibration can help you to return to a state of equilibrium, even in the face of challenging external factors disrupting your peace. Specifically, the Amethyst crystal healing properties are connected to your mindset and work to soothe your mind of any worries, stress, or tension. Use of the stone helps to remove any mental distractions or clutter so you can clear your head and find some room to breathe (Air!) The crystal will help with immediate relief from high-stress frenzy and challenging situations. By working with this stone daily, you can build up a stronger sense of self-protection. In mindfulness of your state of being, you'll be able to re-connect to peace and tranquillity increasingly quickly. Even amidst turmoil, noise and hectic places noisy, Amethyst will help you regain inner peace quickly.

regain inner peace quickly. As spiritual, feminine leaders, we are called often to use our intuition. For some, the voices of intuitive wisdom can be very subtle or profound. Sometimes we choose to ignore our intuition, but with practise, you can always be guided by your highest self. The more you work with your Amethyst crystal, the more you'll be able to connect to that sense of intuition. The mesmerizingly beautiful amethyst crystals have a long history of meanings and properties, all of which are positive, as they were known to bring forth the purest aspirations of humankind.


Amethyst derives its name from the Greek word ametusthos which means 'not intoxicated. For centuries, Amethyst was believed to be useful in preventing drunkenness and overindulgence, which is why ancient Greeks wore Amethyst and carved out drinking vessels from it. Throughout the ages and in different cultures, the symbolism varies. In Feng Shui, the stone amethyst is focused on wealth enhancement. It was also used in ancient China as a powerful tool to clear negative energy and drive away the hazards of everyday life. In the period of the Renaissance, Amethyst was widely engraved with animal symbols serving the meaning of protection and security. It has also stood for humility and modesty, even though the most powerful monarchs have used amethyst crystals as a symbol of royalty. Amethyst was also carried by soldiers during wars in ancient times due to the belief in its powerful and protective nature. It was thought to control evil thoughts, enhance sobriety and help overall control of one's thoughts and mindfulness. Greeks, Egyptians and many other cultures throughout the world were drawn to the magic of this mesmerizing, mystical gem. Amethysts have held their own place in human folklore, religion, history, and mysticism, whether it was the connection with spirituality, wine consumption, or royal lineage.

How to use Amethyst to power up your frequency this month. Buy some! Amethyst, despite it’s semi-precious status and allure is really affordable. Keep a little stone crystal on your desk to pick up when feeling stressed during your day. When you’re feeling some angst, keep a smooth stone in your hand, and so some deep breathing while imagining amaethyst light enveloping you gently. Add some raw crystals to your altars. Amethyst jewellery is just gorgeous on anyone! And it can imbue your day with all the above qualities, particularly in meditation and to stimulate the chakras. Keep some stones near your bed to help with restful sleep. Wear a violet scarf for connection with your highest spiritual self, when needing guidance from a trusted source. Soft purple Khol pencil is lovely on green or grey eyes! Drape some beautiful deep violet cloth on your altar or near your front door. There are hundreds of Violet Flame meditations and invocations on the internet. Bookmark some favourites for when you are doing a deep retreat. Solarize your water with a violet filter to enjoy deeply spiritual energy to infuse your hydration! Put some violet and amethyst coloured objects on your desk in your view, for the colours to bring peace and insight to your inspiration. A little purple goes a long way on your branding. It imbues a sense of the spiritual without being overpowering. Try it on your daily posts or a free lead magnet to give it a sense of deep value! Blueberries in your smoothies are always a good idea. Purplish drinks full of Acai and berries, inform your body of the benefits its about to derive. Why do we love purple potatoes and corn? They taste different and feel special and luxurious! Flowers…everywhere. All the shades of violet you can find in a fabulous vase on your desk.

WIND & AIR "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." Henry Ford

Air and wind represent new beginnings, youth, increase, and creativity. The element of Air is associated with Spring, the waxing moon, and sunrise. Days are growing warmer and brighter, while plants and animals are in the phase of giving birth to a new generation. This is precisely where we are in the seasonal cycle of nature and Earth. This is also where we are in this new Aquarian dawn and Renaissance. The element of Air corresponds to the Eastern part of creation. It symbolizes a vast network of vital breath, from the winds that brought the Universe into being to the first cry of a newborn baby or first breath of life (Om). Where Earth is "fixed", Air is most definitely a mover. It's also connected to the mind, wisdom, spirits and the soul. Hence why Aquarians are movers, shakers, and usually deeply spiritual souls! Classical Greek philosophy separated the Air element into the atmosphere and a higher region above the clouds. When they wrote about Aer, it was the lower form vs Aether – something filled with light energy. Aristotle went so far as to consider Aether something that created celestial spheres. In sacred geometry, the symbol for Air is the octahedron, cementing the Air element between fire and water alchemically. Air energy can work with fire or water, and it also can become an intermediary or bridge between the two. In Hindu scripts, the term for Wind is Vata, which means to blow. There is also a second word, Prana, that symbolizes the breath of life. Prana is a Father God, and his breath is one of the five sacred elements in this religious tradition. By comparison, Air doesn't appear in Chinese systems. We read about Qi, which is a vital force or spiritual flow and breath. As in the Western world, this life force is part of everything, yet it cannot be seen. We are constantly experiencing Qi as much we experience wind as a manifestation of the Air Element – through our senses and by observing how it affects other things.

The Element of Air is an excellent representation of spiritual faith. Air reminds us that there is much more to this world than what we can see, and also teaches that we must grow and change as the world does likewise: The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails ~William Arthur Ward We cannot capture or tame the Air, but we certainly know it's always with us. It can be tempestuous or still, or as gentle as a puff on a summer's day. The wind will never lie to you when you listen closely. It can also help you move things that block your path and give you a chance for new beginnings. When we feel tense or uptight, or even sad, who can not feel better from letting the wind blow through you on a brisk walk outside, or standing on a hill to let it lift your arms to surrender. How delightful it is to feel a summer breeze in your hair or on your skin. We take our elements and senses much for granted in this modern technology-dominated age. Air and wind appear in a variety of divination systems. From observing how the winds move the clouds or trees to holding up a handful of soil or leaves to the breeze and seeing what patterns they make, the wind carries boundless wisdom. Lightworkers often identify Air as a masculine principle vs the very feminine nature of the element of Earth. Many Wiccans use a wand to represent the Air, thinking of it much as the moving branch from which it came, touched ever by winds of magical power. There are strong magical associations between the Air and Elemental Beings or Devas. Think of fairies flying on the wind – creatures of pure intuition that go where the air whispers. The Air Element is the one to work with when endeavouring to see or contact such creatures. Air will exist for us as long as there is breath and thought. Just as water corresponds to emotion and Earth represents stability. Air requires these simple but powerful things to empower any mystical endeavour. We all know and use the metaphor 'The winds of change'. The Aboriginal people saw the wind as a means of receiving messages from the Divine. Alchemists associated four triangular symbols to represent these elements. The fifth element, which goes by various names, is more rarefied than the four physical elements. Some call it Spirit. Others call it Aether or Quintessence (literally "the fifth element" in Latin).

How to use Wind and Air to power up your frequency this month. When you rise in the morning, before you do anything else - open the windows and breathe deeply of the fresh air. You will detox your body and allow new oxygen to enter your bloodstream. If it’s cold air, even better. It’s invigorating. Spend a few minutes breathing fresh air deeply and giving thanks for a new day. It will remind you of the preciousness of life, of a new day, of all the opportunities presented to you. It will emind you how lucky you are to be experiencing the miracle of life.

Learn Qi Gong - Use breath with movement to optimise your well-being! In Eastern traditions air and breath are primordial facets of self care, especially in meditation. We really do take precious air for granted, until we take our last inhale! So let’s elevate air and the wind to the realms of the miraculous this February. Because it is! Do you have some wind chimes? In the garden or courtyard, near an open window or anywhere that the wind can play celestial music in your day will remind you of the power and wisdom that it carries. There are windchimes of every kind and material - wood, metal, glass. But whatever the chimes, the interplay of wind and chimes will always call you to be present to what is happening with Mother Earth. Whatever your ‘outside in nature’ time in your week, double it. We have turned into a culture that exists indoors in a sedentary way and there is nothing good about that at all! We are part of nature and meant to feel all the elements. In fact we are in imbalance without it! Dress up warm if it’s cold and wet, but get out into the wind! And let those winds of change soothe any soul troubles and stuck energy. Train and grow with the wind! There are a lot of your business things you can do for your business outside in the open air: brainstorming, coming up with content ideas, listening to podcasts, listening to training program modules, connecting with key people on the move, even coaching clients. You CAN do much of your communication outside - the park, in nature - wherever, just outside! Cease the addiction to indoor screens. Let nature and the wind inspire your day. Look at your to-do list for the week and ask yourself how many you could do outside or on the move. If you’re in a lovely climate, you can work outside and benefit from the elements assisting your creativity!

Release ceremony. If you have some things you know you need to release, make a ritual of it outside. Wait until a windy day and find some soil, sand or leaves and take a handful. Ask yourself what it is you need to release when you release the substance. Then hold it up to the wind and let it pour from your hands at the same time as observing how the wind carries it away.Do this a few times until you feel you have cleared whatever was sticking. Journal on it and enjoy the feeling of freedom.





THE PRIMROSE "“BEHOLD, my love, how green the groves, The primrose banks how fair; The balmy gales awake the flowers, And wave thy flowing hair”. Robert Burns

A gentle but bright and cheery flower, the Primrose originates from the Latin word "primus", meaning "first". The Primrose is typically the first flower that blooms in the early spring months, and hence has connotations of everlasting existence and youth thanks to its joyful appearance. While nearly any pale shade can represent the Air Element, yellow and white are the most common. When we think of spring colours, we always imagine, yellow which also correlates to the Air Element. Yellow ribbons became a way of showing support to soldiers or commemorating their service. For light and energy healers, yellow brings peace into the auric field. Other associations for yellow that carry over to the Air Element include creativity, intellect, happiness, clarity and perception. White shares this symbolism psychologically and metaphysically with an extra layer of purity, divine radiance, harmony and honesty. As expected, the Primrose has additional connotations alongside youth and everlasting existence, which makes it a powerful flower to give as a gift. You may never have thought of offering primroses to a friend, but so you see how full of meaning your gift can be? These little bunches of colour are often viewed as a symbol of young love and the yearning for love in youth. They are representations of femininity thanks to the symbolism of the petals that withstand the entire lifespan of the Primrose, including sowing its seeds - a symbol of birth and life. The plants stay vigorous and bright for a long time! As with most flowers, the Primrose carries cultural significance. Within Norse folklore, they are associated with Freya, who is the goddess of love, and who keeps the Primrose as her sacred flower and symbol. When honouring her, primrose flowers are placed on her altars as a sign of respect during spring ceremonies.

SILVER THE In English folklore, it is believed that the primrose flower should be S O Uplanted L in groups of 13 to bring good luck. If too many or too few are planted, folklore holds that bad luck and misfortune may fall upon those who planted them.



The Primrose also contains certain medicinal qualities and can help cure migraines, coughs and headaches, among many more, making them a favourite among those who like to grow medicinal flowers. Please research thoroughly in qualified resources to find out more. For the Celts, the Primrose was a sacred and valuable flower. According to them, fairies love this flower, and because of this belief, they place the blossom on their doorsteps so that the fairies will bless their home and all its inhabitants. Additionally, it was also believed that when you eat Primrose, you will see a fairy. Celtic Druids believed that the Primrose and cowslip hold the keys to heaven, and that the flowers could drive away evil spirits. For this reason, they typically carried this blossom during seasonal rituals. In addition, they also used the oil of the flower before any ceremonies because they believed that it could cleanse and purify their bodies.

How to use Primrose yellow to power up your frequency this month. You may not be in a part of the world where Primroses grow so here are some ways you can use its symbolism and energy: Should you be in the Northern Hemisphere, please buy some Primroses for your garden or balcony! And offer a plant to a friend for all the wonderful intentions that invokes. If you can’t find the plants, your whole daily online experience will be enhanced by changing your browser theme settings to pictures with Primroses and hues of yellow! Buy some yellow cushion covers to brighten up a dull room or corner. Yellow is not the easiest colour to wear, but a splash of it will uplift your spirit and vibe! Accessories are always a good place to start. Dining experiences are generally upgraded with yellow - from tablecloths and napkins, to flowers on the table, nothing cheers up your dining vibe like yellow! It’s also a time to incorporate pineapple into your smoothies, lemons and grapefruits into your menus. Bring some yellow and primroses to your altars as do the Nordic countries. Celebrate and welcome in the coming of spring and give thanks for the bounty that is coming. Pale yellow bed-linen is delightful to sleep in. It always feels fresh and clean. Why not treat your bed to a spring makeover?

Jenni P Jenni P has spent a lifetime devoted to the art of manifestation through wellness, even before she knew what she was doing! A former dancer, equestrian cabaret artist, certified fitness instructor, award-winning Healthy Gastronomy Chef, and highperformance junkie, Jenni is always on the leading edge of fulfilling potential.



Introduction and how to get the most out of this Alignment Makeover

On a dominant universal principle, scientists, leading-edge thought leaders and great spiritual teachers are unanimous: 'That which is like unto itself is drawn. In this simple explanation of the quantum physics that is the innate nature of the universe, that which we think, feel and embody, creates the daily reality of our life. How does that work for what we want? By focusing attention on the heart-essence of who we truly are. When we are living from that truth in balanced harmony, our whole being begins to vibrate more expansively. Then, since like attracts like, we draw to ourselves any and all things that are in synchronisation with this expansive energy. We experience an increase in love, lightness, joy,


exuberance, prosperity, gratitude, sensuality, inspiration and an everdeepening, awe-filled awareness of who we are. We do that to the best effect when we are optimising our personal vitality, and balancing mind, body and soul. 'Aligned' is a word used frequently by teachers of energy mastery to describe this state. It is the state of 'flow' achieved by top athletes, high-performance leaders, but also musicians, artists and anyone who is completely and utterly absorbed by the wonder of melding their genius and joy with the present moment. The good news is, you too can achieve this. Once you've accessed this state of engagement; you will be able to re-create it at will, because you will always know which facet of your vitality needs your attention. By engaging in the connection between our well-being and the abundance we seek, we become an embodiment of it.


Body & Physical Wellbeing Awareness Worksheet

Copyright Jenni Parker Brown 2022 All rights reserved. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "Attention: Permissions Coordinator," at the address below 2 Impasse des Lillots Hameau Canterrugues Dreuilhe 09300 France Tel: +33 6276137 99

Mind, Body and Soul The three gateways to energy, alignment and flow

We are all called to and coded for excellence. That is, excellence in our human uniqueness. Most people aren't aware of that and don't realise how strongly their soul is calling to fulfil their human purpose. Until things








relationships, money. Thank goodness we are entering a new paradigm when that yearning for fulfilment can be so beautifully channelled into creating authentic, abundant, iconic lives. Consciously or unconsciously, we are always endeavouring to balance and optimise these three human facets, mind, body and soul, because it is natural! Harmony and balance is our great nature. And when we're out of synch in any of those three, it will cause resistance and maybe even dis-ease. That natural balance is what we are tuning into, with this worksheet. because each of those three elements has a knockon effect, on all the other parts of our life!

Gift Yourself Harmony

Daily habits, created by the interplay of those three elements, determine our energetic frequency. That frequency is the dynamic that interacts with the unified forces of natural universal laws, the ones that are organising our daily experience! I invite you to use this worksheet as a meditation, a mini-retreat, a mirror, and use the reflection to dialogue with your own potential! Let it, above all, open your awareness without judgement, to where you are right now in your life, with your mind, your well-being, your heart and your passionate soul. From this point, we have a starting point to wherever you want to go in the most preeminent vision of your life. So I invite you to use this worksheet as a meditation, a mini-retreat, a mirror, and use the reflection to dialogue with your potential! Self-interrogation is a powerful way to grow. So in this first of three exercises, you are going to score yourself on a range of physical conditions. By doing so you will quickly see which ones need to be improved. All of these conditions have a knock-on effect on your thoughts, emotions, energy, actions and results! You will quickly see the areas you need to improve and optimise. Give yourself a thorough inventory with the self-evaluation questions on the following page, and use the final page or your journal to record your insights.

Well-being and physical balance assessment Answer the following questions and score them on a scale from 1 – 10. The score is a reflection of the attention and focus you give each aspect of your physical care (and therefore the potential for wellness and re-enforced manifestation powers) 0 = In dire need of my focused attention! 10 = I've really got this sussed! It's up to you to attribute the scores between 1 to 10 that correspond with your honest appraisal of your condition. Be objective about which are the areas you need to improve on or are urgent! Important! The object of the exercise is not to model or compare yourself to any external model of physical prowess. On the contrary, the Iconic Life model is based on your truth and potential! Your ideal shape, fitness level, self-image. We are not looking for perfection but for awareness and potentiality. We each have our own physical capacities, potential and tendencies. However well-being is intrinsically linked with optimising our lifestyle and abundance, so it Is really vital to take stock of where we are. So look at each question, and score as you feel right now and then next to it, the score you would love to give yourself when you are living your most Preeminent life. For example, you might give a score of 5 for where you are right now and a score of 9 or 10 according to your well-being ideals. That's what you'll commit to in this makeover! You can print out this sheet if you like or even better, save ink and paper, and use Phantom Foxit PDF editor.


1. Do you have freedom from dis-ease or recurrent ailments? 2. Can you easily achieve and maintain YOUR ideal weight? (Ideal means suited for your height and build but also, for your highest life vision! 3. Do you have firm muscle tone that allows you to easily do all your desired and favourite activities? 4. Posture? How good are your standing and sitting posture? Is yours the best to be able to optimize your daily activities, keep you pain and stress-free, relaxed, confident? 5 Mobility. Are you supple? At ease in your favourite physical activities? 6. Your diet in general - is it one that gives you both immense pleasure and optimum vitality? Do you struggle with any form of eating disorder? 7. Body cherishing such as massage, face masks, stroking, oiling, detoxing,

– is as important as eating and breathing! How much

attention are you giving overall, preeminent self-care beyond just basic getting-by bathroom habits? 8. How is your energy, endurance and stamina? Do you have dips and sags in the day? Do you have staying power? 9. Beauty and allure. Do you adore whom you see in the mirror? Do you take care to enhance your natural charms every day? 10. Appearance. How much do you dress to suit your personality? Do you honour yourself and others in your dress? 11. Sensuality.

Do you indulge and celebrate all of your senses

regularly? Sexuality. How is your vital life force libido? How much a part does pleasure play in your life and well-being? 12 How much time and attention do you give yourself for your optimum wellbeing every day? 13 How much do you wish to improve your physical wellbeing?


Well-being assessment score and notes

Immunity Weight and body fat Strength and tone Posture and alignment Mobility Diet Body cherishing Energy and stamina Diet Body cherishing Energy and stamina Beauty and allure Appearance and image Sensuality Self love attention and time




Where AM I? Who Am I? What AM I? Part 2 Mindset and Mindfulness

So now that you've completed your Body and Wellbeing assessment. Let's move to Mind and Mindset. It is easier to be objective about our physical condition than it is about our emotions and mind – our emotional universe. That which we can see in the mirror, feed, dress and weigh, gets a lot of our attention. We tend to evaluate (and judge!) ourselves easily on the physical scale but naturally, it is harder to be objective about how our emotional agility and the optimal state of mind that serves our aspirations and highest purpose. The state of our minds is as vital to our energetic balance as our physical vitality or life force. But since our brains and minds are super complex, it's much harder to 'measure' how our thoughts and default mental functioning, is working for us. The following exercise is to help you objectively analyse how your emotional universe is turning for you. Used as a mini-retreat or meditation, this will enable you to evaluate the areas of your emotional world that need attention to bring you to your flow and iconic life alignment.

The following list of questions are designed to prompt you to insights about your current mindset and emotional well-being, with a scoring system which is as follows:

On the subject of each question, assign yourself a score, as follows:

1. I understand this and it works wonders for me = 4 Points 2. I am learning how to do this and regularly improve = 3 Points 3. I'm sometimes challenged on this = 2 Points 4. I struggle with this often = 1 Point

Attribute a score to each question and then, add them up. Remember, the point of the exercise is to gain insight and not to pass judgement. Questions are the most powerful catalysts of answers and insights!

Mindset and Beliefs Questions Note down your score and make any notes or observations beside it. Score 1 - 4 on each question, as guided above.

1. Self-love - do you consistently practice self-love and selfhonouring? Are you clear with your boundaries? 2. Monkey Mind default thought patterns – have you mastered the power of your thoughts?

Can you remain in

true mindfulness for long periods in the day? Or are you victim to an over-active chatterbox mind, that is often full of images, feelings and sensations that feel uncomfortable? 3. Do you believe your thoughts are conducive to fulfilling your dreams? Are you aware of your mental power over your circumstances? Do you consider yourself empowered? 4. Sensitivity to circumstances – are you a natural 'worrier'? 5. Moods – Is your

'default' mood one of victory and

celebration? Or do you struggle to stay daily to stay in a high vibe focus? 6. Reactions – are you reactive to outside circumstances (events and circumstances) or do you take everything in your stride? 7. Can you analyse situations neutrally, and be able to put them into perspective and respond calmly? 8. Perceptions - how much or little do you whinge or complain about your life or the world? Do you feel as the world is against you sometimes?

9. How often do you negatively judge others?

10. Do you talk about the past regretfully?

11. Are you authentic in everything you say, think, and do?

12. Do you cry often, lamenting your situation?

13. How well do you manage stress?

14. Do you stew in anger or resentment when things don't go to plan?

15. Do you feel in total control of your life?

16. Are you shy or intimidated in some types of company?

17. Are you capable of tearing up in the presence of bolshy or authoritative People? Have you ever felt as though you were emotionally abused?

18. Are you capable of walking away from contention?

19. How much of your day is spent in real peace? 20. How much time do you spend actively daydreaming and deliberately visualising your dreams?



Mindset and beliefs score and notes Self love

Power of Mindfulness Manifesting skill Sensitivity Default mood Reactivity Lucidity Sense of responsibility Tendency to judge Attachment to the past Showing up truthfully Emotivity Ability to manage stress Capacity for anger Personal mastery Social aptitude Vunerability levels Self protection Sense of fulfilment Freedom to expand


Now add up the scores. With possible scores between 21 and 84 A score of around 30

would indicate that some deep healing, forgiveness,

some therapy and/or a kick up the butt are much needed. Any mental and emotional misalignment slows down our ability to attract the things we most desire.

35 to around 50 Willingness to grow means you live in infinite possibilities. That means there is every possible way that you can transform, become a high achiever and accomplish whatever you set your heart on.

55 - 70 Shows that you are a fine example of someone who is in the process of becoming as empowered and independent as you choose, with much-needed attention to the areas that hold you back from attaining your potential and your desires. You have a healthy grasp on your inner world but remain tuned to your bliss and values.

70 – 92 means that you've probably accomplished the shift that allows you to be truly aligning your inner and outer worlds with grace and ease and are free of 'default ' living most of the time. You have the power to know the difference between your intuition and your ego, your survival mechanisms and your most inspired and authentic bliss. You know how to ramp up your emotions as a game of life! “Physician, know thyself” Remember, this IS a dance of transformation! Life is a ballet with you as a starlet. No one is judging, no one is really taking stock except you. That's the whole point – shifting your focus from the outside inwards, seeing the areas you can improve. Gaining clarity on where you are and where you want to be. Take time to journal. And set your new north star. Your body and dreams are waiting. And with that, see you on the next playsheet!

"Self-worth should be calculated by all the miracles you are achieving, minus all the moments of self-doubt you vanquished to accomplish them."

ALIGNMENT MAKEOVER™ part 3 soul and flow Soul Connection Worksheet

Your soul is made up of electromagnetic energy. It replicates the physical body in every way, and it exists within space and time. In other words, your soul is a part of this world. Every day, it interacts with your physical body through energy fluctuations. In fact, the emotions you experience on a daily basis are immediately felt within your soul. Likewise, disease, fatigue, and anything else that influences your physical body, manifests also within your soul. You know when you feel tired 'to your soul'? Well, that is when your soul is tired!!! Nothing woo about that! This is how spiritual healers work with disease. Seeing the soul in colour and waves of energy fluctuations, they can 'read' the state of a soul. These colours provide insight into the health of the physical body. Healers then work with these energies to heal the soul. And when the soul is healed or finds perfect expression, the physical body moves through the healing process too. Your soul is essentially the part of you that re-creates the physical “you” every single day. Everything first goes through the soul, and then manifests within the physical body. In other words, you will experience an impulse as a thought, an idea or a desire. This thought has a vibrational frequency (electromagnetic energy) that directly influences the soul; which is made up of pure energy. This thought then manifests in some way within the physical world. Therefore, things first occur at a molecular and metaphysical level before manifesting in physical form. Our greatest power and potential lie in using our thoughts and desires deliberately. And so we must ensure a clear line of dialogue between our souls and our conscious selves. The following reflection is designed to set up a lovely conversation.

When you can be truly well (that is joyfully fit, exhilarated and passionate) in all of your being, at a cellular level caused by bringing into harmony every part of your body/mind/soul make-up, and you deliberately apply that state to your goals intentions and dreams, you

literally prime

yourself for the achievement of that success. To gain clarity on where you are and where you want to be, it's time to check in with your beautiful soul. Our beliefs and values about our connection with the universe and our part in the great scheme of things, play a vital part in our ability to be well and attract abundance and joy. This analysis is about your commitment (habits and practise) to your energetic make-up.

The time and presence you give to connect with

your soul. For this questionnaire, the 'scoring' is done by prioritising. By placing the ideas in order of how much time you give them, you will easily be able to have an overview of how connected you are to your soul's guidance. So using a pencil, read all the questions and give them an order from 1 – 25 . At the top is the thing you really prioritise every day such as, for example having a sense of who you truly are and of your life purpose. And the lowest, maybe practising tolerance! That's just an example. It'll be interesting to see which ones you give priority to!

Soul Connection Assessment Put the following list of values in the order that you actually prioritise them. You spend some time every day in meditation. You spend a portion of every day imagining your dreams and desires from a feeling of already having them. You spend time daily connecting with nature. You regularly spend time learning about how to raise your 'energetic frequency' levels – your vibes. You give yourself frequent periods for being freely creative. You regularly listen to music or contemplate art and beauty. You often spend time doing yoga, Tai-chi, dance, Reiki or another energetic form of self-care or healing. You remember daily and feel that the nature of mankind is love. You are easily mindful about being present and living in the now. You have a strong sense of who you truly are and are clear on your life purpose. You surround yourself with other people who explore spiritual or selfgrowth paths and privilege these sorts of relationships.

The goal of fulfilling your potential is a constant motivation. You feel filled with a sensation of love every day, at least for a large part of it. You understand and feel the inter-connectedness of people and the planet and that is a value you live by. You find it easy to manifest opportunities and abundance. You find it easy to attract positive, uplifting people. You are confident most of the time that you are moving towards your dreams. You know and live by your own unique core values. You easily and regularly practise ... Self-love and self-commitment Forgiveness Tolerance Patience Understanding Compassion You are often moved by humanity's most noble aspects - such as survival, redemption, victory over struggle, our affinity with animals, incredible conquests, evolutionary progress. You feel and rejoice in your role in that process.

Soul Connection Assessment All of these above situations are indications of moments in our lives when we are connected with the deepest, most powerful part of our own humanity, our heart and soul. These occasions are not the only ones of course. Many a unique individual will find soul connection in extreme times of danger, sacrifice or worship. Or in caring for others, or canoeing down the Amazon, or in getting rich! Charting our life's journey guided by the soul is to live a life of adventure and deep meaning. For sure, your soul is the source of your creativity, your greatest inspiration, your legend, your personal magnetism, in short, your soul is your sweet 'Alignment Factor' secret weapon! Connection to the soul affects your hormones and biology, your neurons, your vibe. And to get into the vibe of the things we desire most, we just need to get our minds and bodies to agree with soul! So, just enjoy this. After taking a few deep breaths, close your eyes for a moment and imagine what your life would look like if you'd scored high scores on the Body and Mind playsheets, and your soulful life priorities were all in the perfect order for you! Connect with your soul and take a moment to visualise what your beautiful Iconic Life would look like, with you living in your flow and genius, and thriving by your passions. That, my friend, is your greatest personal life quest. Your Big 'Why'! Manifesting that is not possible without clarity! Whether it's money you want to attract, or the perfect body, set up your ideal business, or create a movement, your 'why' is your north star and personal GPS.

Knowing your 'why' is the most powerful success tool you can have. Using your 'why' to create an iconic lifestyle is setting up manifestation on steroids. Living by your 'why' will attract the most amazing opportunities. Just as money loves a purpose, and bodies need a purpose for optimum vitality, your whole life needs a purpose for you to wholly thrive. And not just any made up purpose, but your own unique soul blueprint. Your Wealthy Why. COMING IN MARCH THE TRINITY CODE™ Your Cosmic Success Alignment Blueprint Harness the natural law of unityto accelerate your highest life. Create your 'Wealthy Why' in tunewith fundamental principles and discover the GPS to your ideal business model, message, flow and money potential. "Today, I was not expecting to have a mind blowing, edge of my seat conversation, that spoke to a greatness within me, that has been bursting to express itself, in ways that go beyond all the social media norms and buzz words. I am now examining on a deeper level how I show up for myself. Thank you Jenni P Parker Brown" Caroline, Designer, London

" I cannot thank life enough for bringing Jenni into my life as Jenni has had the biggest influence on where I am today and has transformed me into my 'leading lady' who had been hiding in the wings for so long. Thank you does not even come close to the love and appreciation I have for you Jenni." Debbie Debonaire, Manchester, England

"When I found out what my Trinity Code (my Soul’s blueprint) was, I stared at the words in disbelief. Peace and calm had befallen me. I had met my Self for the very first time. The fears that had been running me to the ground had dissipated because everything suddenly made sense. Jenni doesn’t simply give you your Trinity Code - a process which is by no means ‘simple’ - she also gives you the gift of courage: the courage that comes from knowing exactly who you are the way the Universe intended you to be. This unwavering knowingness is what every soul craves. It’s what transformation is about for there is no transformation without soul work. I’m still sitting quietly contemplating my Genius & grateful to the Universe for leading me to Jenni." Venus Souls House of Venus Transformational Coaching UK

Ladies! Movement is not just for the benefits of staying healthy and raising our vibe! Movement combined with visualisation and affirmations multiplies the power of your mindset work, through the act of grounding it into your cells. Exercise and meditation are potent catalysts for re-wiring your neurological pathways to habituate the body to your desired preferred reality. I'm sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is affirmations on steroids. Affirmations are spoken words of intention, but while positive thinking is inherent in that technique, affirmations are not the be-all and end-all of manifestation. You can recite something uplifting, but if you aren't embodying it physically, you are only skimming the surface.

"I've put 15 years of training in movement, mind mastery and manifestation to create The Ultimate Feminine High Performance Tool!" Jenni P

But, by combining the spoken word and action, you massively multiply the power of the brain's work in making you familiar with the experience you desire. In other words, you literally start practising in the sensations in your body, the feelings of your desired outcome. You have to repeat an affirmation many times before it becomes an effortless thought pattern. But add movement into the mix, and you will become a ninja at conjuring up your desires. When you add movement to this success work, you are changing your physiology. You are altering your neuro-chemistry. You are engaging your entire nervous system with the full force of your attention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs. In fact you are training your body and mind to experience a desired outcome in advance of it being there.


You are a change-maker who knows she needs to stay fit and zen as she turns her impact into income! Even the most successful woman will neglect self care when she is already stretched with busyness and a lot of people to look after! Well, gorgeous, I’ve got your back! Or rather your feet, mind and dreams! Introducing the Walk To Walth Collection! A musical guided walking and visualisation experience that is designed to prime your neuro-pathways with wealth consciousness, while you burn calories! All you have to do is get your walking shoes on pop in your ear buds and tune in to your highest life! If you’re ready for an easy way to get your exercise, meditation, intention setting and mindset training all at once in 30 minutes a day, then this is for you! (PS it's super fun and FUNKY!) Choose from the Six Figure Walkout™ -a medium paced 30 minute experience which will prime your neuro-biology to fulfill your money goals. The Run To Riches Tabata - 20 minutes of dynamic interval training with affirmations! The Quantum Vision Wealth Walk - 40 minutes of pure creation with the universe while you exercise your body! CLICK HERE TO WORK-OUT AND GET RICH! EARLY BIRD OFFER FOR OUR READERS!

"Abolutely marvellous! I'm as high as a kite!" Katherine Carey

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

EXCELLENCE PRINCIPLE "The way you do anything is the way you do everything"



January, 2022

The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement. Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life. Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently. Raise your ‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

Make a wish-list of courses and training you want to purchase and pursue this year. They can be for your business or personal growth.

Include them in your yearly and quarterly goals so as not to try and take on too much at once (unless you thrive like that!)

What can you do this year to be more effective in that?

What one thing above all else do you wish to be remembered for?

How can you start taking steps towards that?

What would you do if money were no object?



Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

Of Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment How to Rise and Thrive in Preeminence Despite Any Adverse Conditions Based on the 9 Graces of Preeminence ©Jenni Parker Brown

Running a business... Ladies, it’s the most difficult and most

But first we need to behold the choppy

thrillingly expansive thing we will ever do.

entrepreneurial seas we are dealing with

Or rather, 'The Business'. The Business

grab yours and let’s get you firmly into the

highest level possible. It usually begins

held in Grace - all 9 of them.

that you will commit to taking to the

over a shared cup of coffee or tea. So

circle of Preeminence where you will be

with an orgasmic pulse of excitement

First, the big waves…

when we fall in love with a big idea.

And then it takes us through every

colour of human emotion possible -

We are currently sitting slap bang in

worry, procrastination, euphoria, pride,

social, economic, educational, energetic,

heart-ache, frustration, exhaustion, rage,

complete global change on every level -


climatic, political and humanitarian.




boredom. I’m sure you could add on quite a few!







Let’s pop that lot neatly into today’s info-

and, as never before in history, women

and the odds against success begin to

challenge (and oppression). We are

every webpage you look at put together.

and a truly outworn bias against female

against our entrepreneurial boats daily

frenzied, techno-complex online world

are rising against the tides of global

stack up faster than cookie warnings on

taking ownership of our personal stories

(I mean how many damn cookies can

achievement. It’s yesterday’s news.

the internet create???)

Female entrepreneurship is not a trend,

Add on the fact that the market place is

nor a ’phenomenon’, it’s an earth re-

for people’s attention and the whole

movement - a change of paradigm. And


through it all.

one fierce megalopolis of competition


idea of putting all your cards on the

we are navigating our pretty little boats





Monday morning can test your courage




and convictions to the limit.

But let’s dive into the potential enemies

a high-vibe only magazine. On the

boats like demons, all rocking the boat

Now I don’t want to depress you. This is

that are pulling at those entrepreneurial

contrary, I’m going to offer you a new

and trying to climb in - aggh!

marketing that is as high-vibe as you

Let's look at all of them in the face before


and solution in these wonderful Graces.







can get. We are talking stratospherically

they get over the boat..and take solace

Foe 1. The Settler Mediocrity. Yes it doesn’t sound very

scary but it is the scariest of all the foes,

for nothing in the world that is fabulous and preeminent, results from attitudes and







Often settling comes from not daring to dream big enough, or not having the subconscious,




overcome limiting beliefs. Sometimes, it’s

simply boring old habits that keep us stuck






environment that causes us to settle, the

people we hang out with who can drag

us down into murky black depths, or a

lack of skill-sets in areas we know we need to master.

EXCELLENCE The Grace of Excellence will help you get clear on just how big your vision can be, and how exponentially you can grow with different support systems to assist you.

Excellence is the first step towards the pinnacle of

achievement - to attain Preeminence in your topic, subject, domain or vision.

To truly make a difference in people’s lives, it takes a conscious decision and decisive actions to declare that Excellence is the only bar over which we will throw our hearts and dreams.

Foe 2. The Void The potential killer of all businesses and initiatives. Whether it’s from a

tactical fault , as in not being able to create and sustain a world class brand, having no traction in social

media, being amidst too much

competition, or a personality mismatch (as in women who resist

speaking, presenting or, the big one,






invisibility will have you steering into a foggy Bermuda Triangle - just you




your the





directionless and condemned to obscurity and probably failure.

Neither you nor your brand can be invisible avoid





invisibility at all costs!






DISTINCTION Toot toot! The Grace of Distinction helps you take your

expertise and your brand from good, through Excellence to

world class. It’s a choice - to be invisible or world class. We don’t have any other option these days, ladies. Your brand

must stand up, stand out, stand forward, and stand the test of time. It must be unlike any other brand in the world, unlike any other coach, consultant or product. It must hook people’s

attention, (1 to 3 seconds) bedazzle or intrigue them and be a compelling channeler of leads. Being Different is essential.

Doing Different is vital. So take a stand for your Distinction.

Foe 3. The Shadow

This is the reflection and consquences


invisibility. Or rather, in metaphorical terms - the Bermuda Triangle at night.

Next to being invisible, almost unspeakably painful, is not being known. Remaining a shadow

of the person you could become, a shadow in

other people’s greatness. A wannabe ghost in your soul's story.

In the quest for gaining authority and influence getting published, growing a podcast, JV-ing with high players, obscurity will wither your

willpower, sap your energy and your soul.

Tactically, growing your know-like-trust factor is the ABC of networking; growing a tribe means growing beyond ego and a sloppy image stepping into a place where you wear your style, communication,



charm and charisma as if you were marrying a prince every day.


Drum roll. The Grace of Renown.

Step out of the shadows ladies. There are 1001 ways to grow your audience and you must find the ones that resonate with your

personality, objectives and skillsets. If you don’t, you risk falling out of love with the day-to-day workings of your biz. If you’re not great on

camera, start a podcast. Interview people. Connect with influencers in a way that demonstrates your desire to support their work.

(Read my article Be-YOU’tiful and Paid in this issue which goes into detail on this incredibly important social skill). Tell your story and better still do your own PR and tell your story to the Press. We all have a story that needs to be heard; sharing yours publicly is a magnet for the right people

(if you do so with Excellence and Distinction!)

In Yoda-speak, “Known you must be. Liked and Trusted you shall be” if you bring Preeminence into every aspect of your livelihood.

Foe 4. The Mimic

You may even be known, even liked and trusted. You may be chugging along fine in

your business. You may have overcome the first 3 Foes and be getting some traction going through the motion of scaling your

business year by year. Maybe you’ve been at this for some time and have reached a good level of income that has plateau-ed.

Again, there are always 2 aspects; your

inner expectations for your own fulfilment. And your strategic moves in this difficult

entrepreneurial and global landscape. This

is why we must be crystal clear about our mission, our vision, our purpose and our uniqueness. Too many business owners just

look exactly like the next - same website theme, same message, same pitch, same old,




anything but Preeminent.





Herald the unveiling of your Grace of Peerlessness. Peerless is when

through your dedication to Excellence, you establish Distinction. Through perfecting your craft, you become the best in your topic.

Using your Renown, you establish your uniqueness. You put yourself in a

category of One. This is a level where all of your social and professional prowess comes out to play with your life experience.

It is when you cannot live without purpose steering your boat, your genius as captain and your super-powers billowing in the sails. Each of the previous Graces builds upon the other.

They flow from one to the next in a never-ending cycle., and this is an

invitation to step into your most authentic truth, your highest-self lifestyle. Your brand must be royal, magical and inspirational.

Foe 5. The Storm This may come in the form of a pandemic, a personal financial









criticism, egoic demons, professional misjudgment, energetic imbalance or just losing the taste for Excellence (we’ve all been there!).

There will be many storms over an

entrepreneurial lifetime and if we don’t like

storms, then it’s unwise to even get in the bloody boat!

The most sinister storms will rumble up from

having to face our own old programming, our non-serving habits and our own BS excuses.


But the orchestra will play the Grace of Transcendence for you if can rise

above it all and weather the storms resiliently. It will take all of our courage,

lucidity, friends, mentors, prayer, tenacity, determination, focus, healing, and commitment, but transcend we must.

Each and very day. The Grace of Transcendence is The Way of The

Entrepreneur, but also anyone with a high hard goal - athletes, rock stars,

artists, pioneers in climate change, inventors of new technology, innovators of anything, builders of new worlds.

Overcoming is a way of life for high achievers.

The obstacles becomes the opportunities to transcend.

Foe 6. The Desert When the sea dries up, the land becomes parched. Boats get wrecked. And businesses

fail from lack of resources, cash flow and clients.

If you haven’t navigated through Excellence,

Distinction Renown and Peerlessness, and aligned yourself with your wealth potential,

you could find your desert is in the middle of

the Bermuda Triangle (well, no one actually knows what’s there do they?).

There will be drier months and years in the cycles of business; it's hard to avoid.

But deserts kill. You need to prepare. Build your








resourcefulness and tenacity. Create several income streams - fill your savings gourd.

Learn to make money 'rain' from those who know how!


PRESTIGE But the band will always play when you have mastered the Grace of Prestige. Freedom, flexibility, facility, and favour come with mastering healthy revenue streams and financial sustainability.

You may get lucky bypassing the other Graces in a freak of circumstance, but don’t hold your breath. And, even if the lottery or an inheritance lands in your lap, you cannot achieve and maintain Preeminence unless you have

mastered the previous Graces. But when you do acquire the grace of Prestige, the fun begins. You can step back and see if it truly feeds your soul. And you can step forward and share it with the world.

Foe 7. The Tide So there you are bobbing about on the ocean

amongst the other millions of entrepreneurial boats, following the one in front, pummelled by the currents.

It feels safe following others, until the tides of

time turn and you find yourself faced with having to lead the way.

Maybe, it’s because you’ve outgrown all your mentors.









movement. Maybe you decide to scale your a





dreamed possible in the beginning. Maybe your true purpose shines clearer than ever. Maybe you transcend a huge challenge and

decide to make your life an example to

others. Maybe you just want to re-invent your life, and steer your boat in a new direction.


LEADERSHIP The Grace of Leadership will call you forward at this point of the entrepreneurial journey.

It may well have been there as an undercurrent all along if you are mission-

driven by leaving humanity in a better place when you exit. It will certainly help

you navigate all of the foes and foibles of dedicating your life to Preeminence. In fact, Preeminence is what happens as a natural result of you owning your place as a leader in the world.

You can now rejoice in a life where you show up as your highest self, playing at your best level and having the most thrilling ride as your sails billow in the wind. You can choose your own music here, ha!

Foe 8. The Edge







reaching Preeminence was enough to rest on your laurels.

You can’t. Because this is about a journey in that entrepreneurial vessel, not a far off land goal (although you may well visit plenty of them!)

Through all the foes you will meet in this

adventure, you will get to the edge many times. The edge of exhaustion, the edge






breakthrough, and always the edge of

the complete unknown. The edge of exhaustion




despair, or rage, may never be far away. And when you’re staring at the ravine of

it, the very moment, you have no idea how you are going to take the next step, you must.....



...listen to the whisper of the Grace of Endurance. This isn’t a whisper to accept any burdens. Endurance is not suffering - it is persistence. Because nothing

worth dedicating your life to uplifting will ever transpire if you stop, hesitate too long or give up. The quiet voice in your heart and soul will encourage you to keep going to Preeminent lands, to the grail of your life quest.

And just like in the film ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ when Indie

came to the edge with a lot of nasties after him and found himself on the edge of a gaping ravine, he knew that he had to keep going and take a step of faith.

That is often what it takes for the bridge to rise to meet us, or the plane to build itself as we fly. Keep going, just keep going.

Foe 9. The Siren In






dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and sweet singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. It is also said that they could even charm the winds.

In the entrepreneurial context, since we are

using the metaphor of the sea and boats,

how could I not bring in the final potential

foe of your Fortune and Fulfilment as the sweet and lulling voice that fame fortune

and fulfilment bring to your detriment - if you don’t take time out. Time on land, off the

boat, grounded. The song and the lure pull us every day to push our bodies, push our boundaries, push our resources, push our

energy, push push push. Often ignoring diet,

sleep, exercise, rest and respite. We will neglect our bodies, neglect our family,

neglect our homes, neglect our dreams when





enchantment of the destination..



This is when we can truly fall from Grace. All 9 of them, and often at once...


Your body will often sing this Grace out loud and clear. The Grace of Renewal.

This Grace is often the hardest one to integrate, and our Foe is that Siren voice lulling us to go over the top with the last Grace of Endurance. We don’t know when to stop. We

hustle and push to the limit. It is so vital on the journey to Preeminence to simply Stop and Renew.

Renewal is an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly necessity. If we don’t restock our

bodies minds and souls with sustenance of another kind than our vocation, we will end up on a desert island, stranded in the middle of the ocean or in a hospital bed.

Nothing is worth that. So take on this Grace - Stop. Rest. Renew. It may come after the Grace of Prestige, when we need to re-evaluate the journey. It may come when being Peerless is not so clear. It may come at any time and we must listen to ourselves. This was the only way to defeat the mythical Sirens, to make sure one didn’t hear their voices. You can do that by being connected to your soul daily.


Because here’s what happens when you take Renewal as seriously as all the other Graces of Preeminence. In respite, calm and peace, you WILL hear the call of Excellence once again.

You WILL feel the smell of the ocean breeze of freedom, adventure and expansion.

You WILL recuperate the energy and passion of your dreams.

You WILL want to heed the call to travel to distant lands of growth. You WILL have the clarity to check in with your soul's journey.

And, if you use all the Graces together, you WILL be equipped with a

powerful practice and blueprint to deal with every Foe and challenge that you will meet on the journey to your own Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment.

The 9 Graces of Preeminence are a complete, feminine cycle which,

in it’s circular motion (with every Grace depending on the others) forms









achievement in this new paradigm. And you have it in every issue!

So beat those Foes with your Graces ladies! Here's to your Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment! Jenni P

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

DISTINCTION PRINCIPLE You are a natural genius and warrioress of your own soul quest. The world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess



January, 2022

When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction. It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma. A state of preeminence is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

Read the Power Elements section in Wellthy Life and find 6 ways to bring the power of Amethyst and Violet into your image, branding environment or meditation time? It could be a necklace, envisioning the violet flame, a scarf or some flowers on the table!

Is it time for a complete change of hairstyle? Changing your hair is energetically aligned with changing your thoughts, so what would your Preeminent hairstyle look like? Make a 2022 hairstyle board on Pinterest!

The stay at home lifestyle has discouraged us from wearing pretty things. Pull out some of your favourite clothes and just wear them. Make your best things, your everyday things!


LIANA CHAOUULI Empress of Style

That Which Is Like Unto Itself Is Drawn How 'attracting' isn't what you thought it was, and what it is.

In this new paradigm, when so many folks are now aware of their powers to create their best life, when we







automatically think of attracting 'things' - attracting money, attracting a mate, attracting a new car, a parking space, a house, and so on.

So 'law of attraction' savvy are we, that people have

become obsessed with the process of 'attracting'. If we do not see things and results, we figure that we're not good manifestors.

So I want to give you another perspective on that one that I hope will invite you to transcend this

current mainstream trend, and step into attracting your own Preeminence with grace.

The expression: 'That Which is Like Unto Itself is Drawn' is a basic tenet of the law of attraction and one






metaphysical works - 'A Course In Miracles'.


We have so many ways to say the same thing, such

as 'Like begets like', 'Birds of a feather flock together',

'You are the company you keep' and the expansive version - 'Be the change you want to see in the world'.

As we go about our day, these profound sayings are not where our heads are at!

But the truth is, within all these axioms, is more than a kernel of shared veracity.

Because, dear reader, if you do indeed wish

But when we wake up, and after we've done

Preeminence, then it's wise to remember and

back to sleep and forget that we live in a







cultivate the beingness of greatness and the miracle that YOU BE! A







all our lovely law of attraction rituals, we go miraculous creative 'now', which is an exact

mirror of our beingness, for the rest of the day!

environment creates who we are. I would like

This most important piece to remind yourself

invite you to think about the fact that we are

engine in my own life". If we're going through

to change that around a little bit. I'd like to not subject to but an 'antenna' in our own

lives. We are full-on, livewire, energy embodied





miraculously fitted with an automatically

beating heart! No need to plug us in - we're

every day is, "I'm the propeller, I am the hardships that we all regularly face in the world, they usually feel too great and too

engulfing for us to take a moment to stop and actually feel back into our power.

walking miracles!

But these beautiful bodies, inside which the

We are these amazing, beautiful spirits

divine laws. We are the agents making all of

housed in these marvellous vessels called

bodies (way superior to an iPhone!) We are

'real we' lives, are subject to physical and this happen through our beingness.

the ones in our own lives who are at the

So it behooves us to ask daily: "What is it that

created by creation itself, and now in this life

live? What kind of environment do I want to

center of the creation of all. We have been we've been blessed with, it is, in turn, our opportunity to create.

And so if you think about the truth of 'That

which unto itself is drawn' it's good to ask yourself, "Who am I being in this world"?

Because who I'm being is what is being created around me.

So if I'm being negative, I'm creating negativity.

If I'm being excited and exciting, I'm creating more excitement.

If I happen to be 'Debbie Downer', I'm just making more downward spirals.

If I'm being angry, I'm laying out the carpet for more frustration.

I want to see in the world? How do I want to

create since I am at the center of my life? Not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that I

am the engine. So whatever it is that I'm

emitting is what's happening around me.

How can I BE today that is the day I want to live?"

People say funny things like, "I'm saving

money for a rainy day". I want to tell them, "Well, you know what you'll have? You're definitely going to have a rainy day because that's what you're saving money for".

So try this: if you're saving money to create an empire of goodness and graciousness and grandeur, beauty, love and compassion, then that's what you will have money for. Money is just the same thing; it's all energy.

You see, there is no 'off' switch to this

kind of creation, gets created by thought.

we turn in our lives at every second. When

So anything that we have in our lives, any

What I think comes out of my mouth falls into my lap, and then it ends up showing up in my life. And it does for you too!

So heed my beautiful invitation, not a warning, but an invitation, that what you are

thinking is coming to fruition; choose your thoughts wisely. Let's choose our thoughts so

process. We get to create on any corner that

we wake up in the morning, when we're asleep at night, and we get woken up by

noise, we have a thought. So all of these thoughts we're thinking about other people,

what we're thinking about our own lives they can be so detrimental to our own lives.

I get it. It's not easy to keep this in mind all the time! People p*** us off!

that we are aware we're creating life and all

Just as your heartbeat is miraculous, we do


empowerment and the power that comes

the magic in it. That's not attracting; that's

The same principle applies to people. Look at

the people that you're inviting into your life. Look at the food you're inviting into your life.

What's in your fridge? What's in your closet? What's in your bed? Who's in your bed?!

Who are you BEing that ends up as that other person in your bed?

not realize the miraculous possibilities of

along with a single thought. This then turns into a declaration that comes out of our

mouth; then we speak it to ourselves, and we

tell it to other people. And then that speech, that declaration, falls into our lap as a

possibility. It could be a great possibility, and it could be a possibility to our detriment. That possibility falls up into our lap, and then it

shows up as events and circumstances, for better or for worse.

And then, we shake our heads and wonder, "Why are these crazy things are happening in our world. How did this happen? How could this have been? How could this come to be?"

Well, the truth is, if you really go back and

When, if only we could sit up and notice that

trace your actions back, maybe there was a

this. This doesn't feel good", that's where we

think about it or trace your thoughts back, thought that you had in the back of your head, a long time ago.

Yes, sometimes those thoughts happen in

the dream state; even while we're awake, they happen in the dream state. I often say, "When we're awake, we're asleep, and when we're asleep, we wake up". We wake up to all

those things that are hidden from our

when we get an emotion of "Oh, I don't like can question it. We













should be asking ourselves that question at every minute of every day. And not just when

we're feeling smug because we 'attracted' something really cool.

cognitive brain.

We should ask it when things are difficult,

So how are we able to tune in to the


thoughts or the feelings or the creation that we're creating? Because our bodies are

antennas, the emotion, which I call 'energy in motion', is usually the easiest piece we connect to.

Our emotions are here to inform us what's





When we BE guilt, we make others feel guilty and bad and wrong.

So what are you creating in moments when you're all lit up, and your negativity is on fire?

happening inside our bodies. If something

That's the place where we can all wake up.


guilt to greatness.

doesn't feel joyful or happy or elated or or

something wrong.




As fast as it takes to let an emotion wash

over us, a chasm is built between our natural

We can wake up and choose to go from

Because we can all help and support one another to greatness every day.

state of humanity, which is joy and what's

And the first sister that you say that to is your

should, could, most probably will be joyful.

guilt? Or are you choosing her greatness?

going on. For 95 per cent of the time, it

Life is meant to be joyful! But those other

percentages that dictate the dissonance, the detrimental the uncomfortable - the chasm

between joy and chaos, we accept and call "normal daily lives".

own sister in the mirror. Are you choosing her Can you choose a beingness of greatness now?

Because 'That which is like unto itself is drawn'.

So what's it going to be? Which thought and which action and which desire and which creation is it going to be that you're

choosing today? My invitation to all of us is to choose greatness rather than guilt. And become an attraction superstar.

Recognize that we are the center of our universe, like a battery in a sleek, expensive car or a rocket, because everything we create in our lives is launched by rockets of our desires and then brought to us by our beingness.

There they go! Look at them now - those rockets of desire shot forth into the universe, into our universe, into the world that we live in - The One Unto Which Itself Is Drawn.

So go BE the greatness you wish to see in your world. Liana Chaouli

Liana Chaouli is a best-selling author, Founder of Image Therapists Int'l Inc., global thought leader, S.T.Y.L.E. Sage™ educator and innovator. She has spent 4 decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self‐ image. As the developer of the process of Image Therapy™, she provides transformation through the empowerment of language, wardrobe and selfbeliefs by using analysis, physical appearance, and education to up level their self‐esteem and overall sense of worth

Liana Chaouli, Founder / President

Claim Your Free Gift Here! Discover Your Essential Formula™ Masterclass The different components of YOUR Essential Formula™ The blueprint of what makes you brilliant. How to determine YOUR unique color palette, so you can choose clothes that really make you shine How to pick clothes for your body structure, so you can pick clothes that FEEL great on you (Feel Great = Look Great) How your voice, your eyes and your movement are all connected to your personal style. (And what that means for your wardrobe) How to embody and embrace ALL of who you are, so you show up as the BEST version of you, no matter where you go.

Biskind DAME SANDRASandra BISKIND Helping Humanity Heal in Wellness and Prosperity

Click here:

Meet Dame Sandra Biskind Exclusive interview with Jenni P After 50 years as a global award winning business entrepreneur and spiritual leader, Dame Sandra Biskind continues her mission to help end suffering by empowering people to live as the best version of who they are! Sandra is an energy master who is known as the leaders leader who solves seemingly unsolvable problems. Sandra will share with you how she uses LifeWave Technology that she calls “Healing by the Speed of Light” as the perfect high frequency partner to bring about miraculous shifts in people’s lives.

JENNI P also shares her experience of this life-changing technology. Please email me for a personalised information pack.

Sandra Biskind Dame Sandra Biskind is a global spiritual teacher, key note speaker and co author of 4 international #1 best selling books including CODEBREAKER: Discover The Password To Unlock The Best Version of You. A global award-winning business woman, Sandra inspires, enlightens and empowers people to fulfill their extraordinary human potential so they can be more prosperous, fulfilled, and have a greater impact in the world. Knighted in 2017 for her work to help end suffering, she is known as a profound energy master and transformational leaders’ leaders. Sandra has the ability to access the human emotional field to reveal your core soul issues and delete their dysfunctional impact on your life. For the past 40 years Sandra has attuned people to the enlightenment frequency of unconditional love which changes brain state — facilitating higher levels of awareness and success “Sandra is the real deal…I highly recommend them and their work…they have an amazing ability to shift energy and remove blocks on very deep levels,” says Jack Canfield, featured teacher in the film The Secret and co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles.

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

ENDURANCE PRINCIPLE "Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".



January, 2022

Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance. It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again

Lying in late is not necessarily good for improving waking up early habits! Unless it’s important for your couple life (understandable!), keep your rising time the same as the week and take delicious naps!

When in supermarkets or other low-frequency environments, keep your headphones on with meditational nature sounds such as waves on the shore or birdsong. Make the inside of your car feel like a spa avoid chemicals. Put cotton pads sprinkled with essential oils in the front of your ventilators.

Buy a back support and/or beaded seat pad to stimulate circulation. Keep an object of protection in there - a crystal or other object of meaning. On every journey, visualise a bubble of light around the car and bless it to get you back safely.









Alice e l d r i g e c Bra

What do you think of when you hear the word

What was most intriguing about this group of

images, because our collective consciousness

late 70s and early 80s, what many would call the

'crone'? I bet it conjures up some very unpretty has attributed a slightly scary and very false myth about the stage of femininity known as The Crone or the Cailleach.

Let's take this myth down from its archaic

shadows, to embrace the beautiful step of a women’s life as a Sage.

Last weekend I was having lunch in a little restaurant with my hubby. We love to go for drives in the countryside on Sundays to take in

the gorgeous scenery, maybe go to a Farmer's

Market and stop for a bite somewhere new. On

women was that they were all obviously in their ‘Crone’ stage of life. Of course, there should be

nothing exceptional or surprising about a group of older women having lunch together. But in this

day and age, the truth is that we don't often see

women of this age out in groups being so animated! And as my husband whispered, 'stop

staring!' for the third time, I realized that as a woman approaching my 50th year, I have very

few elder female role models whom I look up to

and who inspire me to age in a way that feels empowered. (Besides my own amazing mother, that is!)

this particularly wintery yet sunny day, we found

And so, these women, with their vibrant energy

8 very lively women. They were sitting around

lunch on a Sunday, was inspiring to me, and I

ourselves seated directly across from a group of

their table, all leaning in, all 100% engaged in the conversation as they nibbled on fries and sipped their tea. They talked about their children,

lockdowns, gender pronouns and the weather. Yes, I was eavesdropping, as I believe most

and the fact that they were gathered together for could not keep my eyes off them. Thankfully they were so engrossed in their conversation about

'she, he, they, them' that they didn't notice me or anyone else ogling them.

people within a few meters were. They were

What was not surprising about these women was

rest of the patrons as they chatted on and on in

were dressed very similarly. Short, unstyled grey

fascinating to watch and clearly oblivious to the

their own little glorious bubble. Every once in a while, an eruption of laughter filled the sunlit space.

that they all looked remarkably the same and hair, slacks, button-down shirts or sweaters and

sensible shoes. Modest makeup and a small

necklace or two were the only hints of selfadornment.

As I continued to observe in my eagle eye Virgo

Despite the women's movement, sexual freedom,

of another generation. They were a generation that

of 'slut shaming', we still have not reached a place in

manner, it occurred to me that these women were

was not encouraged to embrace their femininity past childbearing years.

Rarely if ever, have I seen a woman of this age

body positivity, gender diversity and the repudiation our evolution where it's welcomed or accepted, let

alone encouraged for older women to overtly express their sensuality, sexuality and femininity.

exuding sensuality. It's not that these ladies were

As I'm sure you are well aware, we idolize the

must have long hair or flowing gowns to express

the wise sages of our world are sequestered away in

masculine looking, and I'm not saying that anyone their inner feminine essence.

But what I was craving to behold was the kind of

feminine energy that I've come to experience and value. An energy that I plan to cultivate and express until the day I take my last earthly breath.

plumpness of youth to the point of obsession, while

care homes on too many pharmaceutical drugs to

keep track of. We've been programmed to abandon, hide and silence our bodies once they start to

wrinkle and sag, as if taut, thin thighs, perfectly plum lips








prerequisites for being relevant, wise and powerful.

In fact, when a woman of Sage age has long hair, is

However pervasive this narrative may be, the tide is

adorning herself beyond the basics and exuding

pad generations', shed the power suit of productivity

wearing obvious makeup, showing her curves,

sexual or even sensual energy, she ends up as a

meme on social media or at the very least turning heads everywhere she goes.

slowly turning as we, the daughters of 'the shoulder and commit to retaining our sensual, feminine essence.

A woman who is past 60 and obviously still

Even when grandchildren are imminent and our

as a spectacle. This needs to change.

being called to prolong their femininity as a whole

embracing her sensual side is sadly most often seen

blessed Collagen levels start to drop, women are woman!

We witness how our mothers and grandmothers

As we age, if we do not remain in touch with the Yin,

their work and their families, and we see how in many

trauma settles in our pelvis, our hearts and our being.

sacrificed their own health, passions and desires for

cases, they abandoned their true feminine nature in the name of career and 'liberation'.

So what does it mean to embrace one's 'true feminine nature' as we age? What does it mean to embody our

feminine aspects of our being, the weight of our life's

Our bodies and minds literally begin to harden and calcify. Our emotions become frozen in time. We close

off parts of ourselves and forget what it means to feel empowered and connected to Source.

feminine essence and the sexy Goddess within, past

But it doesn't have to be this way. Let's look at how the


with our beautiful sensuality and Yin essence intact.

menopause while surrounded by a society that reveres poreless,

above all?




My experience working with thousands of women around the world, of all ages but mostly women from

4 Feminine Fundamentals can support us in aging

Intuition - The voice of the soul being translated through the body.

40-70, has shown me that aging like a Goddess at any

As we age, we tend to disconnect from the body, give

and cultivating the 4 Feminine Fundamentals in our

accept decline and disability as a 'natural' part of the

age, from maiden to sage, means getting in touch with body and our life; intuition, beingness, receptivity & collaboration!

These 4 Feminine Fundamentals are all polarized to the Yin








up our sovereignty to the experts' diagnosis, and

journey. By trusting the body's voice, listening to her symptoms rather than silencing them, we stay

present in our sacred earthly vessel and retain a clear channel through which the soul may speak.

consciously, at any age, connect us with our own soft

Through this channel, the wisdom of staying healthy,

culture built upon masculine fundamentals ~ intellect,

and ease in our body in a way that only Feminine

yet powerful Yin essence within. We live in a dominator doingness, resistance and competition ~ all important

and wonderful, but not currently being balanced by their complimentary feminine counterparts. We negate the body, the emotions, and the softness of our beings,

and in doing so, we negate our feminine core. Taking a stand for our own Feminine being is a revolutionary act

and one that will empower and inspire in ways we are only beginning to see.

vital and juicy will be transmitted, and we will find flow wisdom can offer.

Beingness: The wise woman never hustles. Every season has a reason, and when we reach the

Collaboration - Aging in the age of agelessness is a journey we must all take.

season of the sage, we are meant to naturally slow

And to do it in the Feminine way, is to acknowledge

disengage or become passive, dormant or irrelevant. It

matter how fierce and self-sufficient the Feminine

down. This doesn't mean that we get less done,

means that we allow the natural rhythm of internal and external seasons to guide us, and we take action that

is conscious, intentional and on purpose. No time is wasted, no energy leaked. The Feminine is present. She

feels and then acts. She knows that doing the right thing means being in the right moment.

Receptivity - Opening, allowing and creating from within.

that this is not a journey we must take alone. No warrior








collaborating with her sisters and brothers will always be more fulfilling than walking the path on her own.

Independence is overrated. We need each other, and

as we age, this need increases. We must eradicate any shame around this and allow the circle of support that is our birthright to be wide and replete with other wise





embodiment and reverence.




The myth that women are barren beyond the

As we finished up our burgers and onion rings, the

pervasive and damaging myths that the dominant

headed for the door. As the last woman approached

childbearing years is perhaps one of the most narrative perpetuates. The reason we buy into it is that

all too often, by the time we reach what could be our most creative and fulfilling years, we have depleted ourselves to the point of burnout. Dis-ease has taken

hold, leaving us exhausted and in pain. By allowing ourselves to open and receive the support and healing

lovely ladies next to us also gathered their purses and the exit, I heard a gentleman at a nearby table make a friendly remark as she passed by. "Ah yes, it takes time

to get us all moving," she replied with a wide smile. "We call ourselves the Ancients."

I smiled too as I watched them all disperse into the

life offers us, we will find the third stage of our lives

parking lot, and I felt a new sense of hope arise. The

shields down and lessen the resistance, we are in our

a great sense of humour and her day to rise is coming

much more fruitful and fulfilling. When we let our feminine essence where we can be resourced and

energized to once again create and produce from a place of abundance.

wise woman sage is alive and well among us; she has soon. And what a glorious day it will be.

BELLYFIT ~ WHERE SACRED FEMININE FLOW MEETS STRUCTURED FULL BODY FITNESS. Experience the Holistic Fitness phenomenon that is exploding around the world! Created on the West Coast of Canada, in beautiful British Columbia, Bellyfit® now has hundreds of certified instructors in over 30 countries and is setting new standards in women’s fitness. Our unique, seamless blend of body-positive Belly Dance, Fitness & Yoga inspired moves, is intelligently designed for the female body and delivered in a beautifully compact 60 minutes. Set to a soundtrack of the best electronic dance music available, this is more than a fitness class, it’s an opportunity to rock your feminine energy and truly love how you feel.

Alice Bracegirdle is a maverick entrepreneur, champion of the Feminine and a master of holistic movement design. Specializing in movement that honours, cultivates and expresses the Sacred Feminine for over 15 years, Alice has inspired thousands of women around the world to move & live in a way that’s strong, sexy & sacred. She has attained innumerable movement certifications in fitness, dance and Yoga and is a sought after international presenter. In 2007, alongside her husband Dj Rowan, she founded Bellyfit® Enterprises Inc., now the world’s leading holistic fitness system for women and a channel through which she brings her unique brand of Feminine empowerment to the mainstream. When she’s not with her amazing daughter, husband or baking delicious Paleo treats, she serves as Bellyfit® CEO and mentors hundreds of Bellyfit® Instructors in over 30 countries around the world who are moving & inspiring thousands of women every day.

Embodied Goddess artwork above by Autumn Skye

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January, 2022

Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you. You need nothing else except the code to access them. To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy. You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius. Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

Make your weekly or monthly accounting high frequency and fun! Use colours, or be creative with it with your accounting! Some people love excel sheets; some loathe them. Track your money in a way that feels aligned with your highest money goals!

Before handling any money transactions, create a ritual that makes you feel like a Goddess and get into a high vibe flow. Even in the grocery store, remember how abundant your life is. Give thanks for so many things to buy for our delight!

Set up a small, manageable monthly donation to a cause you hold dear. Do your research to make sure the money is used wisely. Even a few dollars a month can change lives and tell the Universe you have plenty more coming in!



How to repel money. Or not. Since we first heard the phrase ‘Law of

Now you may be wondering why the heck I

money and achievement has shifted. Before

rather than How to Attract Money? It’s because






the hit film the Secret swept the planet, we

thought of money in terms of ‘work for’, ‘earning’ and ‘striving for’, getting, running after,

deserving and appropriating. We were told

that money was an end result of a straight line set of actions, which mostly involved a lot of effort and resistance.

Now, as heart-led and spiritual entrepreneurs we







‘alignment’ ‘magnetise’, ‘visualisation’, ‘allow in’, ‘affirmation’ and ’attraction’. They are the new ‘money speak’. We






omnipresent, infinite, circular, and responds best to understanding it as both a frequency and a physical medium for exchange of value.

But just because we are familiar with this more

energetic vocabulary does not mean that we master it. We may ‘speak’ the new language but not ‘do’ the new language.

would use the question about repelling money, I want to tell you how most people are repelling

money all the time even though they think they are talking the new language of attraction!

And when they become aware of how they’re repelling it they can reverse it immediately to attract it!

My Conscious Wealth Code™ explains this in detail, so today I want to share with you one of the most fundamental aspects of the code -

the thing that most causes you to repel money. Ok, you might think that it’s your childhood education that’s holding you back, or that much-used




beliefs’. Well, I need to be honest - I don’t buy

those ideas. They’ve become a bit of a cliché and had people running to therapists to get

healed or re-programmed, when they don’t need to be! Without wishing to berate the

therapists, I want you to know, it much simpler than that!

So simple you probably won’t believe me, but here goes:

Stop doing what you don’t want to do.













saying is ‘I've got to do this, so I can't do what I want’. You are far from free!

Obligation vibrates at a frequency that is the direct opposite to freedom, and you can't

exist in two vibrations. You can't create from Yeah, that’s it.

You may be rolling your eyes now, or having a good belly laugh, but if you’re still reading, let’s take this apart.

Ask yourself how many times a day you use the phrases of ‘must do,’ ‘have to’, ‘should do’,

and ‘got to’. Any sentence or any task that you

are doing, any action that you are taking, that in your mind you are prefixing with the words ‘have to’, ‘got to’, ‘must do’, or ‘should do’, right

there, it's an obligation. I have to do this. I

have to do that. I've got to go and do this. I must do that. I should be doing that. I really ought to…(fill in the blank!)

Any of those states of thinking naturally

vibrate at the energy of obligation. And the

reason why this particular energy is so toxic to our businesses, is because it literally does

vibrate at the opposite end of the spectrum

of freedom. Freedom is choice. Freedom represents everything that you can choose to do or not to do. That's what freedom is.

Freedom is what every entrepreneur says they are in business for. (See the joke already?)

there. That is anti-attraction.

You cannot be in the energy of obligation and

the energy of freedom at the same time. Do

you see? They are at opposite ends of the money spectrum.

Now, you may be thinking that life is not possible with no ‘shoulds and ought to’s.

You may be thinking that it is impossible to run a business without ‘must do’s. But I assure you lovely, that that is exactly why you’re not at the level you want to be. I assure you that you need to understand the energy behind those ‘must dos’ in order to quantum leap.

When you recognize and you have the

awareness around exactly what obligation looks like and how toxic and destructive it is

to your business and your money and your

life, then you can then start to make new choices.

By carrying out your life and business with the shoulds and ought tos, you are living with a negative repellant energy.

Here’s the thing: If the Big U had a human

brain and could react and understand that when we do obligation, that we don't actually

like it, then it would say “Yes” to us not liking it. But the universe doesn't judge. It doesn’t

understand. It doesn’t say “Ok girl, I realise

that you don’t really want to do this thing, not really. So I’ll give you freedom”. It just reads the






underneath the task that we've set ourselves

and responds to that. Which is anti-freedom and therefore anti-money.

So this is where choice comes in. Not just a decision but following through with action.

To change things so that you are choosing

more freedom instead of more obligation, you are actually moving the needle of alignment right there. If you're clued in, if you

know what to do, if you've got systems and

tools in place, things are going to shift and upgrade rapidly for you. The most important

thing is to be aware and to understand how destructive obligation can be if you don't.

And because the Universe reacts very, very quickly, there are ways that you can leverage

the laws around the energy of obligation. This is the good news. This works in our favour,

because what it means is we may have to

do this thing, this one thing that we've committed to but the outcome will be favourable.

Say there is a thing that for whatever reason, has been left to the 11th hour, and it's got to

be done. It’s GOT to happen. We've set that bar. You know that you are going to follow

thorugh to completion. But we can mitigate

the effect of the obligation energy behind that.

What we can do in the meantime and in the

weeks coming up, we can start leveraging the law in other areas. We can ask ourselves, okay, well, what other areas of my life am I

shooting myselfby saying ”I've got to do this, have to do this, must do this, when actually I really don't?”

“And actually I could let some things go, or actually I could delegate. I could get some

support from somebody else. I could set

some firmer, clearer, and honor some much more powerful boundaries than maybe I've done in the past. Although that will be uncomfortable, ultimately it will give me more freedom to be able to do what I want to do.”

So you follow through with that big project

that needs completion but you re-balance

the obligation in as many other areas of your life that you can. The








that, on



spectrum to freedom. It responds to the freedom frequency and starts bringing you more


instead of obligation.




And of course, obligation will continue to

And, as I say, this isn't going to happen

ourselves, “Okay, in this instance, is there

amount of obligation going on, and tweaks

pop up, but we just notice it and we ask anything I can do about this? Could I say

no? Or could I extract myself from some

other things because this needs me to see to it.”

However it’s key to remember this: there's

not going to be any room for ‘happythought -thinking’, freedom and then doing

obligation anyway. That does not work,

because what you are doing there is you are trying to bypass universal law, and you

cannot bypass universal law. You also can't BS universal law.

So if you are trying to force this by saying

“I've got to do this thing, (whatever it is) and then you are going into it with an energy of

overnight. Something like this, and the

that maybe need to be made, maybe more support being called in, looking at how you are going to leverage the law in other life areas as well around obligation, this is

potentially going to be a work in progress for the next three to six months.

I talk about vibrational shift being available

for everyone every three to five months. Well, when I talk about vibrational shift, what I'm talking about is grounding in a new normal.

So now, you know that you’d like freedom as your normal and not obligation - stop doing what you don’t want to do.

“La la la la la, happy, happy, happy, freedom,

freedom, freedom freedom”, the Universe isn't going to read the “Happy, happy, happy, freedom, freedom freedom”, because it's not

true. It's not real. The obligation energy is still

there, and that's the only energy that the Universe will react to.

So you can't happy-thought-think your way

out of this. You need to choose, and choices

happen at a third dimensional level. A choice isn't actually a choice until you've done something.

Love, Love, Love Karen

Free Money Momentum Assessment You want to break through to the next level of income, you can feel it, you can taste it, you know it is right there. It’s within touching distance but you can’t seem to get your hands on it, no matter what you do. You’re spending a lot of time doing things that warrant little return and don’t create actual results. It feels like 200 steps forward and 300 steps back. That tipping point continues to illude you, somehow. And I know you’re doing all of the things that you’ve been told to do in your business, the proven steps you need to take to build your business. But let me ask you, how is that working out for you so far? Perhaps you know that something is missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You know you want to make an impact in the world – a global impact. You know you want financial freedom and not just a bank account that looks like a mobile phone number, but money you can actually use because you have the time freedom to use it!


“ Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see.”

Karen Baines Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and loves to work with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances. I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business. Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development. A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach how you simply cannot compartmentalise energy. A vital component of running a business is your finances – your income - money. Understanding your own alignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that illusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy by-product of Alignment, and the best definition of Alignment is YOU Do YOU!

Dawn Grossart Conscious Capitalism & Co-Creative Wealth

The New Frontier in Feminine Conscious Capitalism an Adventure into Co-Creative Wealth As women evolve their personal power in a rapidly

The heart-centred women entrepreneur is not only

occurring wealth shift, there is a new frontier opening

driven to impact and change the lives of clients in a

for women everywhere to make a massive impact in

new way, she wants to participate in a global

the world in ways that have never been so accessible

economy where 1+1 = 3. i.e. You win, I win, and

up until very recently.

together we co-create the means for someone or community project to also win.

A rising collective of conscious women is gathering to co-create the vision held by so many, for so long - the

When the Dalai Lama said ‘The world will be changed

transformation of communities and projects by the

by the western woman”, back in 2010, to many, it was

hand of individual women or groups of female

an inspiring phrase that held promise, but no real

entrepreneurs, committed to being a source for real,

sense of exactly HOW it would look. We just knew

meaningful and tangible change.

that in some way, it was true.

Visionary women entrepreneurs driven by new KPI’s of

Business models are ever-evolving, and these days,

impact as a measure of success, as well profitability,

collaboration and sharing are a leading focus, which is

innovation and brand value, want to bring a tsunami

how women, in particular, are leading the way with

of wealth flow into the projects and places where it is

conscious contribution. The financial world is changing

needed most.

rapidly too, and new wealth mechanisms allow conscious women to divert the flow into money-

In the recent past, contribution has most often been

parched projects and communities - especially those

measured by donation and giving, whereas a new era

that have suffered since 2020.

of empowering women and families has begun by seeding wealth creation into the heart of communities

Leading a business with a vision for impact alongside

with a passive wealth flow, allowing a new phase of

growing a business, means considering which aspects

creativity to evolve as a result.







innovation you want to fund and then establishing the We know that the old ways of business and life are

relationships on the ground that open the doors to

changing, and these times of uncertainty for many,

deliver contribution. Transformation on a global scale

bring tremendous opportunities for women to shape

is possible when large numbers of women collaborate

the future.

in new ways, committed to creating a wealth shift.

Back in 2013, a Harvard Business Review article showed that companies that practice “Conscious Capitalism” perform ten times better than their peer. We are naturally wired to want to support and contribute to others. Still, We often feel we don’t have the capacity to make a significant impact alone, or have enough over-flow to give away what we’d really like to. Yet, we know that our deepest joy and sense of fulfilment comes from contribution and touching the

A Forbes article in 2019 cited:

lives of others - and there are SO many ways that we 42 people hold the same wealth as 3.7bn of the

can make a real difference.

worlds poorest (Oxfam International) 82% of the global wealth generated in 2017 went

If you run a business, what is it that your customers or

to the most wealthy 1% (Oxfam International)

clients are most concerned about from the perspective


of causes or impact projects?






worldwide (Habitat for Humanity) 1 in 10 people in the world are malnourished (UN

* What does your brand represent that can drive

Food and Agriculture Organisation)

change for a new level of related social-environmental

1.3 billion tons of food produced (30% globally, and


40% in the richest countries) - gets lost or wasted (UN Food and Agriculture Organisation)

* Are you establishing impact-creating relationships

1 in 9 people lack access to clean water, and 1 in 3

that contribute growth and change both inside and

lack access to a toilet (

outside of your company?

With statistics like this, which will have changed since

* If anything was possible and you could seed a

published, it’s clear that radical change has never been

wealth flow into a project or a community, what would

more needed.

you choose?

Core Values and Impact As entrepreneurial leaders seek to “find their tribe” and build their communities, thriving in a new economy comes from the open and honest exchange of ideas, collaboration and co-creation for the greatest impact. Evolving is the nature of humanity, after







contribution at the centre of business purpose. How would that change the world we live in? We don’t have the luxury of waiting anymore. It’s time to act and “be the change” right now. Globally, there are 252 million women entrepreneurs. (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) so women represent a mighty, growing force for co-creative change. In the UK, 4 in 10 (40%) charities said they expect fewer donations in the next year. However, the models for money flow from individuals, businesses and projects can be radically energised with new financial models and wealth creation mechanisms - it simply requires the mindset and heart-set to lead the way. Conscious marketing and the attraction of your ideal-client tribe, means that awake, women-led businesses can now make new practical, impactful choices. Becoming educated in the new possibilities for financial flow and contribution means you will be on the leading edge of socio-economic transformation and a cocreator of the new earth. In 2022, we stand at the frontier of tremendous opportunity for innovation, social wealth creation, entrepreneurial impact and visionary leadership. Heart-centred business will have new meaning over the coming months and years, and we are excited to reveal more as the year unfolds. There will be more to come in future issues on growing a conscious business in 2022 and beyond and what that means in practice, from branding to sourcing materials to conscious leadership. What would you most like to read about? Apply to learn more about The House of Pre-Eminence Co-Creative Wealth Impact Project

Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Coach Transformational Business Coach & Women’s Financial Freedom Mentor After a career in global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women’s freedom and fulfilment as a personal empowerment coach, business coach and leadership mentor. She has helped thousands of women to create change and establish a path to financial independence. Her greatest passion now, is helping others to create their best life - especially helping them build confidence, self-esteem AND become financially generative with ease. Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path of their choosing. She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personal development world in her online events and is committed to leading women to new heights in personal and financial freedom. With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multimillion global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creating impactful marketing and a resilient, success oriented mindset. Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100% passive income in a post-Covid economy, which facilitates greater personal autonomy and true time freedom.

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

RENOWN PRINCIPLE "People will not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel".



January, 2022

An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions. Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans. Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-win-win ethics. Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen. Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them.

Have you looked at coauthoring a book? Co-authoring is a wonderful way to get published, and that coveted title as author while organised by someone else!

Brainstorm with your highest self, 10 ways to grow your tribe, community, email list or client base. Don’t be logical - just let inspiration flow. Pick 3 things and make this month all about that.

How long is it since you updated your Social Media profiles and thumbnail pictures? Many people’s profiles do them a disservice! Give your profile a makeover!


5 ways to be undeniably magnetic By Dr Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.

My husband, myself, my 10-year-old

The book became irresistible. So I

Nadrah and my 3-month-old baby

listened to it on our trip. By the end of it,

son Abrar, my 7-year-old daughter Rayhan






destination in my book tour in the summer of 2021.

During our trip, we listened to Jack Canfield's audiobook on The Success

Principles. As soon as it was finished, I

wanted to choose the next audiobook when suddenly this book just "pops" up

"There's no plan B for your A-game" by Bo Eason.

At first, I thought, "Who is this guy Bo

immediately bought the book and my




amazing storyteller!". That's







magnetism. It is a strong pull that is so

irresistible that you can't seem to take

your eyes off it. As a result, you're called to a particular set of actions.

In my case, I bought the book despite the author being completely unknown to me.

Eason?". Then when the title says,

As a PhD holder in computer science



"There's no plan B?" what does that

"No way! You gotta have a backup!". Even though I had never heard of the author before this moment, there was

something that "pulled" me towards it,

and I couldn't seem to take my eyes off it.

and now a media expert as well as a #1



author, I've learned a lot in the last 20

years about magnetism and irresistible attraction. When used consciously with the





extraordinary results in your life.


Here are 5 ways that you can become undeniably magnetic in your life, business, and career. #1- Big and Bold History has shown that people are attracted to people who have

big and bold dreams. For example, Serena Williams wants to be the best tennis player in the world. Oprah wants to be the media

queen, and Lady Gaga wants to be the best performer. When you

see them perform in their elements, you can't take your eyes off them.

So set yourself the biggest, scariest and craziest dreams. Something that is going to challenge and move you. Yes, it will be scary and maybe a little bit stressful, and that's normal. It means that you're living and growing,

As a media and publicity expert, I recommend that you set yourself

the following goals so that you can solidify yourself as the #1 go-to expert in your field:

Bestselling Author Get in the media

Featured in global magazines Get featured in TV

High profile interviews

High profile publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Oprah Speak on the TED stage

#2- Commitment

#3- Physicality

When you've set yourself a big dream,

Have you met with someone that you

going to take you to be who you have

There's something about the way they

you need to up your commitment. It's

never been before. You'll be taking big, bold, and scary actions that are going to

shake up your world and society. Because of that, there's a sense of expansion within you that becomes so attractive.

In the process, you'll attract the best

people to help you make your dreams come true. There's an expression that

says, "When a student is ready, the teacher will appear". It starts with you

making that decision and commitment towards your dreams.

My dream was to be the best TED

speaker. I wanted to stand on that prestigious






can't seem to take your eyes off of?

move, walk, talk, speak, smile that's just so

magnetic. It's not about them wearing skimpy outfits or putting heavy makeup on. It's just the way that they are BEING.

When I was practising to be the best TED speaker, I had to train on my physicality

so that people had their eyes on me all the time as I shared my heart and my

message. Standing, posture, movements, gestures, and eye contact are all part of my physicality.

Here are some rituals that you can use to help you to purity and strengthen your physicality:

powerful message that will plant the

Daily prayers or meditation


a crystal on the ground and step on it

seeds of positivity in people's hearts. Yet I know






accomplish that. But I stayed loyal to my

dreams and, along the way, attracted the

best trainers and coaches to make my dreams come true.

After multiple rejections and persistent

effort, I proudly spoke on the TED stage on 4th December 2021. You can check out

my TED talk on "Coming To America: A Story Of A Hijab-Wearing Woman" here: of






attracted the best people along the wayclients, influencers, and change-makers.

Grounding work- I like to put a rock or Be with nature and walk barefoot on the ground if possible

Do some tapping to clear off any blocks

Declare positive affirmations like "I'm the PRIZE."

#4- Courage

#5- Authenticity

Courage is the thing that is going to carry

Contrary to public belief, the real you is

Courage is simply fear plus commitment

create a "persona" that they believe

you through adversities and challenges. plus courage. A lot of people tell you to 'be fearless'. I don't know if you can be genuinely fearless. Rather than banishing

fear, I would say use that as rocket fuel






people will like. For example, wearing

certain clothes, talking a certain way, or looking "polished" all the time.

for your dreams.

What connects you to people's hearts is

What I've found that has helped me

Immigrant, hijab-wearing Muslim woman.

overcome my fear is breaking it down into small steps. Whenever I've conquered those small steps, I gain confidence and

a sense of achievement. By consistently taking one small step at a time, that big thing that looked so scary suddenly looks achievable and easy.

the authentic version of you. I'm an Asian,

In the past, I've been scared of who I am because




notions. So I wanted to be like everybody else, which is bonkers because I am not. I come from a different culture, heritage, and




mainstream business and media.



I remembered when I first wanted to do a

Once I step into my power, it becomes

judgments and of messing up. But I knew


LIVE on social media. I was so scared of

that I needed to use video so my

message could be heard effectively. All I

easier and more aligned to tailor my heritage.






did was just focus on doing a live a day

For example, on Forbes, I showcased my

thousands of LIVES and videos, and I'm so

entrepreneur and shared my message on

to build up that muscle. Now I've done much better at it. So have the courage to

do one thing at a time but build up consistency.

expertise as a hijab-wearing Muslim

navigating the mainstream business and

media by leveraging on my heritage. Check out my Forbes article here.

People are going to notice your courage

I thought that Forbes didn't want people

make you so attractive. Courage is when

publication. But actually, I'm considered

and consistency, and that's what will you show up no matter what, even when it's




collaborators will show up when you are courageous and consistent.

like me because they are a mainstream as a "hot property" in the business, as I'm courageously trailblazing a path for other marginalized women. So keep showing up as the real you; that's who people really, really, really want to see.

Coming To America: A Story Of A Hijab-Wearing Woman

Watch Izdihar's inspiring story and know that anything is possible!

Click above to watch!

Preeminence Rising Featured Contributor Interview

Izdihar shares her

personal story and

journey of her rise to influence

with Jenni P.

She encourages any

woman to claim their voice, whatever their background

and circumstances. Click left to watch.

Dr Izdihar Jamil’, Ph.D. Dr Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D. is an immigrant, Asian, hijab wearing Muslim computer scientist turned media expert. She is an 9 x #1 International Bestselling Author of It Is Done, Yes I Can! And Women Who Lead and has spoken on hundreds of prestigious events and interviews all around the world. She was featured on Forbes, Fox TV, NBC, CBS, ABC, CW, Thrive Global and hundreds of media and publications. In 2021, Izdihar was inducted into the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who biography in recognizing her contribution as the top 5% in the industry with Warren Buffet and Oprah. She is also an upcoming TEDx presenter sharing her idea to inspire marginalized women to be confident with their heritage and roots. She is an influential trailblazer and an inspirational leader in helping female entrepreneurs to be the #1 go-to expert in their fields with her simple, no-fuss methods. She has helped over 100 people to be a #1 international bestselling author, get in the media, magazines, high profile interviews and publications. Izdihar lives in California with her husband and three kids and in her spare time she loves reading and baking for her family.

Free Gift and how to woek with me!

Just Give Me 1 Hour....

The Top Authority Activation Retreat Become the #1 Go-To Expert In Your Field WITHOUT a Big Following.. Do you want to book speaking gigs, media (Forbes, Entrepreneur etc), TV, Magazines and TED and become the #1 Go-To Expert in your field faster than you thought possible? Sign up for Dr Izdihar Jamil's most popular FREE training for women "The Top Authority Activation Retreat" today!

I'll show you the step-by-step formula to ACTIVATE your TOP Authority Mindset &

Genes and position yourself as the Go-To Expert and Influencer in your field.. From

ZERO To Top Authority WITHOUT having a big following or a high profile PR Agency!

I'll be showing you thehacks and shortcuts on







experience toelevate your brand, authority and credibility with ease while still being

you. And convert your followers into paid

clients with confidence by solidifying and accelerating your credibility and authority as the Top 5%!


PEERLESSNESS "PRINCIPLE "There is no-one in the world like you. Rejoice in your glory. You are a natural genius and the world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess".



January, 2022

Find your genius Believe in your super-powers Conduct yourself like nobility Be fascinated by others Keep a beginner's mind Wear your heart on your sleeve Avoid crowds Think before speaking Breathe integrity Cultivate charm Choose your own values Avoid wearing black Practice playfulness

If you do so, commit to stop swearing or talking about anyone behind their back, unless it’s genuinely kind. It’s a prevalent habit of the online, social media world, but the Universe is always eavesdropping.

Ooze fabulousness

And too many F-bombs are not Preeminent! Make a commitment to uphold your boundaries this year.

Read ‘Boundary Boss’ by our September cover guest, Teri Cole, if you think your boundaries are in place! Peerlessness happens because you decide your boundaries are more like divine light than a warning sign.


A Timeless Attitude

The Fountain of Youth and Agelessness Of all the 'secrets' to eternal youth and the

In my life, I have mostly dated men younger

possible, there is none so effective as keeping

years older. I lived with a boyfriend who was

quest to stay in our prime for as long as an attitude of timelessness. All the 'elixirs' in the Universe cannot equal that of the elixir of an

attitude of agelessness. And it is my delight to share my secret with you.

As of my birthday in January 2022, I am now

75 years old. I don't usually tell people that, as

truly, I can get away with most people thinking I am years under 60. I even changed the birth

date on some of my social media sites to keep my cover if I wanted to register for a date match up and pretend I was a bit younger. Lol. But this goes deeper - much deeper. I

am blessed




transcends most people's beliefs!


Still enjoying the energy of a 40-year old, retirement is not in my vision. I travel the world, leading







seminars, training hundreds of people in 3-day



Always ready to party at the end to celebrate graduation with the participants, my friends call me the 'energizer bunny'.

than me, though my first true love was five more than 30 years my junior for ten years. His grandmother told me I was the best thing that

ever happened to him. I travelled with him on all his family cruises and to all the family gettogethers. Everyone accepted that we were

meant for each other at that time. While in Mexico, his brother even included me in a trip to a strip bar, where we drank beer together,

watching the girls do pole dances. And at some







bounced up on stage and did my own pole

dance, though I must admit I was dressed in lots more clothing than the other girls! I'm not a stripper - lol - just young at heart!

Every once in a while, when I am facilitating Leadership




executives, one of the participants will moan over their despair that they are "so old". When I

ask them their age, they reply 45 or 38 or 52,

and I scream with laughter and belt out spontaneously my age at the time, which is

always at least 20 years older than the one

who is whining. Then the whole group lets out an audible GASP, and the room goes quiet for a time.

During the workshop breaks, there is always a

Some seem prudish, never wanting to talk

of them has the same question

many have all sorts of rules about what they

line of women waiting to talk to me, and each

"How do I look like you and have your energy when I am your age?"

about sex, which I love to talk about - lol - and can and can't do, or can and can't wear, or what is right and wrong.

Many have stopped dancing, except for doing

a slow waltz once a year while at a wedding. The men my age seem uninterested in sex.

Many women my age have already stopped wearing




I used to get mad at my sister for putting my

blouses, or fun dresses.

me Happy Birthday. I kept telling her, "Karen,


Then most recently, I started feeling a bit more

would be silly. I'm just saying that it seems that

age on her Facebook posts when she wished







please don't write my age for everyone to see!"

inappropriately or act like a teenager. That

proud of my age rather than hiding it.

people get 'less fun' as they age and are less

Most recently, I've begun to ask myself the

say it is because they are now "too old" for

willing for adventure, mystery and magic. They

same question - what have I done in my life to

whatever 'that' is. Why is that?



So I've done some really hard looking at the

younger. Both young people and elders seek

keeps you so young?" And in analyzing, I

enthusiastically, without any thought of my

causes of my youth, my vitality, my never-

still look and act this way at this age? With the vitality,




possibility of someone at least 20 years

question people keep asking me - "What

my company, and I am always included

realized there are many things I feel are the


ending energy, and my zest for life even


though I now enter the last quarter of my life. I







sometimes they seem old, frail, out-of-date, and no-fun. Many of them have some ailment, are sick, use canes or wheelchairs, or are stooped over and walk slowly.








answers to the question, and the secrets I

believe are at the source of the secret to staying young - at least, for me.

positivity: There are many ways to look at life, but I choose to see life in a positive

light. I consider that all things are possible, that





happening for my better good. It's not that I

don't see things as they are or that bad things don't happen in my life - I, too, get sad and upset. I, too, know frustration and

anger. But at the same time, I do my best to consider that my experiences are a GIFT to me, offered to me for my own good and growth. So I welcome my experiences

instead of resisting them or wishing them away.

Good healthy whole foods and fine dining:

I love vegetables, fresh fruit, lots of greens, and nuts and seeds. Mostly I'm a salmon

eater, with a bit of chicken and a steak once in a while. I love pasta. I've never really liked sweets, candy or sugar - not

even chocolate when I was small. The only kind of ice cream that sounds good to me is Vanilla and in small amounts. I love

smoothies with lots of berries and fresh orange juice. I don't eat fast food, and fastfood restaurants are a No. Pizza is a once-

a-year event. I like haute cuisine foods fine dining, and lashings of fine sauces. I

love a Mediterranean diet - Italian, French, Japanese and Chinese too.

connected to all living things, the rivers, the

trees, the sky, the stars, the animals, the

A mindset and attitude of optimism and


Faith in a Higher Power: I believe that I am

minerals, and every other human being. I believe the same ethers that create life

flow through all and everything, and that I

am aligned with the energy that Yoda calls 'The Force'. I







expression of a greater whole - much like

the waves that leap out of the ocean and form their own shape are still a part of the

bigger vast body of water. Or like the fingers







expression of the ecosystem of the whole body. I come into the world FROM God not into the world SEARCHING for God. I am connected. All is One.

Laughter and joy: I love a good belly laugh - loud and raucous, and I do my best to

find humor and fun in everything. Even amid sadness or regret, I sit in my joy. Joy

for me isn't an event that happens to me; it's a place I come from. I bring my

happiness to the situation; I don't get my

happiness from my circumstances. And because I am joyous at the foundation of who I am, I laugh a lot and find humor in it

all. I always say, "Life is a joke, but you have to stand back far enough to be able to see the punch line."









understanding that sex is good, fun, and an expression of love and unity. Not to take it

so seriously, and at the same time to understand it is sacred. And the willingness

to be sensual, even if I am not having sex

with the person. Sensuality and seduction are marvellous - rejoicing in the power to

attract, to play with one's energy and to flirt shamelessly.

A Purpose in life that is bigger than just me and my personal desires: I think it is essential








difference in life and contribute. To give

back, do something that helps others, and leave the world a better place from having lived a life.

Music, Singing, Dancing and Movement: I

love moving my body, being swung around on a dance floor, using my voice, listening

to thunderous rock songs, and being lulled

to sleep by classical music. It is all Food for the Soul. Everyone has heard they need to

exercise, but what is really important is movement itself. Move your body. And Dance and Sing. Dance often, and sing loud. Move your body to the rhythm of life.

Swearing: I love saying Fuck, & Goddamn, and Oh Hell! Something is freeing about that.

Meditation: I started meditating when I was twelve years old, and I meditate daily to

this day. There is something special about closing my eyes, taking a deep breath,

relaxing my body, clearing my mind, and connecting with my inner source of light.

Taking risks and having adventures: I

loved the times I was scuba diving in the

ocean, sailing a boat on 30 feet seas, riding on a runaway horse, and speaking on a

stage to 20,000 people, even though they all terrified me at the time - the terror was part of the fun of it. Like an electric bolt to

the system, a way to really feel you are alive is to be terrified.

Gratitude: I am so thankful for my life, for

my journey, for the world I live in. It hasn't always been easy, and if I focused on it, I

could probably find lots of things to be angry or sad about. But I don't focus on

those things. I intentionally, and with rigor and determination, focus on the things that

I am grateful for, and I give thanks for those things continuously.

Breathing deeply: I do breathwork every

day. I take long and deep breaths and exult in the fact I am alive and breathing. I pretend






furthest horizon in front of me, and I

breathe out until I feel I've breathed it back to the most distant horizon. Breath is no small matter to me. It is the thing that

connects me to everything else in the

Universe. When I breathe deeply, I take a moment to celebrate that I am alive.

Drinking good wine: The feel of holding a pretty wine glass at dinner, sipping a cold

Chardonnay or a smooth Merlot and getting a little buzz on - nothing better.

Water with lemon: Water, water, water! I

Enjoy whatever age you are: I love this

water. I love a big wine glass filled with

age I am.

drink lots of water. And I drink good, pure sparkling water splashed with lemon juice.

time in my life. I enjoy myself at whatever

And my morning routine is to down a whole

Those are the things that keep me young. I

do anything else after I wake.

of Youth, but I know they work for me. And I

glass of still water and lemon juice before I

Listening and presence: I feel I am a

human being - not a human doing. Every

don't know if they make up the actual Fountain notice enough people notice that there is something magical about my 'youthening'.

day, I practice being still, and I listen. I listen

When I see old friends, they say, "Oh my God,

creek, to the rustling of the leaves in the


to the birds, to the sounds of water in a

trees, and to other human beings who

you haven't aged a bit! You actually seem

need to be heard. I consider listening to be

Well, dear friends, that's my secret to the

speak if you must, but listen first. And

good care of my body, mind, and spirit the

more important than speaking. Listen first, always listen to the voice inside calling you forth to do things of good purpose.

Fountain of Youth - a timeless attitude, taking best I can, and enjoying wherever I am at this moment. That is agelessness.

Love and hugs: I love being loved and

loving others. Let yourself love hard. At times, it might end in heartbreak, but it will

be worth the tumble. Be in love with someone or something. Love the flowers.

Love the animals. Love another human

being. Love the journey. Love the ups and downs of life. Love that you are alive.

n i t r a M Marcia

Do you love the idea of being paid for who you are?

Do you wish your current life included your passions, unique gifts and talents? There has never been a better time! Why not make a list of all those things you loved as a child or young adult, but which have been hidden away because life got too busy. Journal or meditate on this and see what comes up. As the world opens up again, it’s an invitation to reinvent ourselves in this new Renaissance era. As I said, the problems of the world need solving with new approaches. What can you imagine when you think about your ideal world? You too can have a diverse and rich lifestyle! Come and be part of the Brave New World by joining my Membership Club! It’s full of resources gleaned from all my above adventures, and the skillsets needed to create your own magical life. I can’t wait to see you in there!


Global speaker, corporate executive coach, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin has trained over 300,000 people around the globe how to look in a very direct way at the prison they have created in life that limits them from reaching their full potential. Dame Marcia (knighted in 2008) spends her time consulting entrepreneurial and corporate companies in leadership, communication, collaboration and championship performance including Capital One, Hard Rock International, Warner Bros., InterContinental Hotels, McCain Foods, and Evian Water. As one of the Founding Members and Sr. Vice President of Erhard Seminars Training est - (later known as Landmark Forum), Marcia Martin was personally mentored by innovative academic thinker Werner Erhard for 10 years in the art and technology of Self Transformation and Human Development, and helped take the est organization from inception to millions of graduates worldwide. She has consulted, trained or coached some of the greatest thought leaders and authors of our time including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki. Her programs teach all aspects of The Golden Triangle of Personal Power Communication Mastery, Relationship Competence, and Enrollment Prowess.


I’m personally inviting you to be a part of my Private Transformation Club an online treasure vault of my forty years’ training and resources that I have used to help transform over 300,000 people over the globe. Those people include some of the world’s top leaders and influencers and the great names of personal development. This invitation is for you to benefit from the same resources that have helped many of the leaders you know and love, to greatness. Come and join the club! It's just $10 per month! See what is in store for you by clicking below.

Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time.

JOIN ME IN THE HALL OF LEGENDS and access the content of one of the world's best loved 'influencer's influencer' for $10 per month!


DREAM BOLD NETWORK A Co ns c i o us Me di a Pl a t f o r m


How to be magneti c to the thi ngs and peopl e you desi re

Magnetic is our Natural State Dear humanity, We all have desires—and we have experiences and things that we want to attract. However, most of us weren't taught how to harness our innate superpowers of creation. We are all energy beings, in an energy world, and we have the ability to cultivate electromagnetic energy and magnetize our desires. Globally, we are tapping into and exploring our quantum potential to manifest limitlessly. It's time for all of us to get excited about our inner magnetism so that we can consciously attract our desires. So how do we become more magnetic? The first step is to think of everything as energy, frequency and vibration. This includes your thoughts, emotions, actions, relationships, environment and even physical matter. It's all energy and when we understand this we start to navigate life with more awareness. The next step is to use daily affirmations, guided meditations and cognitive rewiring techniques to instill a more empowering programming. Our brains are similar to computers so we want to be conscious about updating the system that we are running on. Most of our programming exists in the subconscious mind and this is significantly impacting what you magnetize into your life. Your belief system is directly related to your inner magnetic state so ask yourself the right questions; "Am I aligned with what I desire?" "Am I acting as if I already have what I desire?" and "Am I generating magnetic energy to fuel my desires?" It's also important to educate yourself about the Law of Attraction and methodologies that activate more life force energy. Examples would be breathing techniques, Qi Gong, Yoga, dancing, working out and sound healing. Nature is magnetic so we want to match and mirror nature as we harmonize with the flow state. Slowing down and having more inner awareness is imperative for increasing our magnetic field. What does your energy field communicate to other people and to the bio-field? It's beneficial to visualize your mind and heart as magnets that are attracting the people and things you want to experience. Imagination guides the life force energy of creation so give yourself permission to dream boundlessly. From there take inspired action and only speak, think and act in a way that is aligned with the reality of already having what you want to attract. Some other techniques that are key in the Law of Attraction are creating regular vision boards, writing your dreams down, modeling those who have achieved what you desire and surrounding yourself with people that are aligned with your vision. It's similar to acting because you are getting into the character of who you would be if you already had what you want to attract—you have to be it, until you see it. A common misconception about the Law of Attraction is that it's all about thinking about what you desire. That's part of it but it's really about emotionalizing those thoughts and elevating your mood. When you celebrate what you desire before it shows up in the physical world you speed up how quickly it will manifest. Have fun unleashing your inner powers of magnetism—and dream bold! ~Kate Yurenda, Dream Bold Network

Be a Magnet

Magnetic Mind

Magnetize Anything The only limits to what you can attract into your life are the ones that you create. It's an infinite universe and we magnetize what we expect and feel worthy of. Do you believe that you are worthy of abundance and magnificent experiences? Try stripping away any thoughts that are not aligned with you being a confident, magnetic being that deserves anything you desire!

Your inner story is what determines what you attract. What could your life look like if you upgraded your story and restyled your life? Can you imagine yourself as an attractor beam for the things and people you want to manifest? Do you feel worthy?

Fierce Magnetism Be a fiercely magnetic being that commits to mastering the Law of Magnetism. Live your life with bold confidence in your natural abilities to attract anything you desire and want to experience.

Dream Bold Network Art

Magnetic Energy Consciously generate more energy to become a more powerful attractor beam We are all made of atoms, which generate waves of energy. We are all in a constant state of giving off and absorbing energy. How cool is that? Every potential is a frequency and we can consciously create the energetic vibration of what we want to manifest. We cannot create a new future by holding onto the emotions of the past. We often get stuck in mind movies of past experiences but this holds us back from amplifying our energy field. To generate more energy, you must release lower frequencies that don't serve you. When you're visualizing, add movement. When we move our bodies we activate more life force energy. Tantric heart meditation is a great way to increase your heart's magnetic field. The heart is the source of creation so visualize through your heart center and see the heart as a magnet. Every cell is an electrical battery. We have 50 trillion cells in our bodies so this means that we have 100's of trillions of volts of electricity to create with. Our minds direct and Have a clear intention, an

guide this electro-magnetic energy—so we are designed to

elevated emotion, a

be powerful, magnetic creators.

grateful heart and a focused mind to increase your magnetic state.

Believe in yourself, your dreams and your innate abilities to co-create. We attract what we repeatedly think about and emotionalize. Choose a belief system and supercharge it with positive emotions if you want to increase your magnetic frequency to attract what you desire.

Dream Bold Network Art

Magnetism Affirmations I am grateful for my innate powers of creation. I am magnetic, aligned and worthy of my desires. I am an attractor beam with exponential powers. I am aware of the relationship with my inner and outer world. l am so proud of myself for committing to my superpowers. I am consistently becoming more aware of my magnetism. I am living my best life and celebrating what I have. I am more magnetic everyday and trust the process. I am free to be the true me—a magnetic creator.

"I am a magnetic superhuman"

Magnetic Lifestyle Have you taken the time to write down the lifestyle that you want to create? When we make a vision board and write out our dreams the process of creation has started. Imagining and emotionalizing what we desire fuels our intentions. Once you have made a list and a clear vision of what you want your life to be like, it's time to evaluate how aligned your current lifestyle is. Are you dressing like the version of you that you want to become? Are you walking and talking like you have already attracted your desires? We have to embody the frequency of what we want to attract and who we want to evolve into. Then we must make sure that our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions are in alignment with that vision. Be it internally, until we see it externally! So what does your best self and life look like? Have you mentally rehearsed it? Do you believe that you already have it? Are you grateful for it as if you have already received it? Are you worthy of your best life?

Dream Bold Network Art

Dream Bold Network Art

Magnetic Medicine As you learn more and more about the power of energy, you will come across energy medicine. We all have healing powers that are aching to be explored. When we learn how to activate, circulate, store and cultivate energy—we tap into our innate abilities. With practice, you can learn how to guide, direct, project and transmit energy across time and space. This means that you can learn how to heal others with focused intention and the power of the mind. How amazing is that? Energy medicine is one of our greatest solutions and it teaches us to harmonize with nature. Everything within and around is made of chi, or life force energy. When you figure out how to use the energy body to heal the physical, you feel empowered. We all deserve to feel powerful, connected, harmonized and supercharged. Trust your quantum abilities to create and heal so that you can live your best life. Science has proven that with thoughts alone we can make ourselves sick or heal ourselves— we might as well choose thoughts that are magnetic.

"I trust my innate abilities to attract anything I desire into my life!"

Magnetic Instincts One of the greatest assets that you have are your instincts. Always listen to what your body is trying to communicate with you. Trust those inner nudges, knowing sensations, magnetic pulls and divine whispers— because instincts are your superpower!

Magnetic Beings in a Magnetic World

Dream Bold Network Art

Trust your superpowers of creation and innermagnetism

Dream Bold Network Art

Increased Magnetism Everything in the universe is energy, frequency and vibration. When we lay down new circuitry in our minds and rehearse our future, we increase our magnetic signature. We act differently when we install new neurological hardware. Upgraded thoughts lead to elevated emotions. Connect with the emotions of your future as if it already happened and the mind won't know the difference between real and imagined.

"You are a magnet for anything you want and desire!"

Dream Bold Network Art

Magnetic Vibes What is the vibration that you're emitting at this very moment? Do you feel magnetic? Do you feel energized and empowered? As we think, we feel. As we feel the frequency of our emotions, we radiate. As we radiate magnetic energy, we create. What is your vibe creating? Have you noticed patterns of things that have shown up in your life? What thoughts could you rewire to increase your magnetism? Do you feel mentally bulletproof from disempowering thoughts? Retraining your thought patterns and upgrading your belief system takes time, so be patient. Magnetic is your natural state so experiment with the art and science of magnetism.

"Be the frequency of what you desire"

Dream Bold Network Art

Magnetic Courage Something that is almost never discussed in the Law of Magnetism is the courage it takes to explore and trust your abilities to create anything you want and desire. Faith in the process and the timing of manifestation will help you to have more patience. It takes courage to believe in something that you can't see yet and it takes confidence to even consider yourself to be a magnetic field of infinite possibilities. So please find the courage to trust the natural design of creation.

"You are ready to unleash your inner powers of magnetism!"


Visit Dream Bold Network and enjoy our conscious media platform

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Kate Yurenda, Founder of Dream Bold Network Dream Bold Network is a company that I started to share conscious media that empowers humanity. It’s a platform that showcases my greatest passions, including graphic art, interviews, Qi Gong, my books, conscious products, spoken word and inspiring writing. Dream Bold Network consists of thought-leaders, artists, filmmakers, authors, mindset coaches, healing practitioners and bold visionaries. We are all dedicated to the art and science of intentional magnetism, ancient healing modalities, quantum creation and unity consciousness. I became interested in this because of my own personal healing journey and the more I learned about ancient healing, the more I knew the world needed someone to translate it— with a bold and innovative approach. It was a calling that I am so grateful I answered. Dream Bold Network is on a mission to empower humanity and to reconnect us to our innate abilities. Our intention is to tap us back into superhuman consciousness so that we can make a quantum shift in the direction of world peace. Our plan is to teach this wisdom in a playful, sensual, artistic and entertaining way. We are conducting a global energy experiment and truly believe that we just need enough of us to vibrate high enough to nullify the lower frequencies that are holding humanity back. Our vision is to teach the world how to heal and create on a quantum level so that we can manifest freedom, equality, harmony and spiritual evolution. We are all motivated to build a bridge back to divine source energy so that we can reconnect with infinite intelligence and consciously create a better world for our children.

Free Introduction Qi Gong Routine: Be sure to check out Kate's e-book, Spiritual Foreplay— available at




January, 2022

To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same. Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world. Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity.

Make a commitment to outsourcing something in your business that would free up your time and enable you to make more money? There are so many ways to delegate and outsource for very little cash so make this year the one you will grow your team and your income!

Every morning, write down 3 ways you can be a leader or will be a better person, and in the evening, 3 ways you know you have inspired or helped others.

What 3 ideas did you have last year that you didn’t follow through on that would have elevated your business and lifestyle? Schedule them in before the end of this month.



Social Justice



Dawn's February Adventures “Into the heart of adventure goes the wild woman, embracing the call from deep within her. There is nothing and no one to stop her because the winds of change are strong, pushing her into this

adventure because without both the push and the adventure, she will be left with a gaping hole within her that will slowly fill with regret.

This adventure isn’t just for her. The Gods and Goddess, the ancients, along with humanity need

her to fulfil her destiny because only then will she realise her full potential, which in turn will fulfil the destiny of humanity”.

This may read like a magical fairy tale, but when that call comes, and you find yourself on your knees

in the bathtub crying your eyes out, declaring to the Universe from a space within you which you didn’t know existed, “I can’t do this anymore!” as I did back in 2016, you know it is time to pack your bags and take off.

Time to take off the cloak of darkness that surrounds you. Take off the shackles of life which had been holding you back, even though you live life at full speed. Take off that invisible blanket of fear which you have been holding onto so tightly for comfort. Take off the badge of Mummy Martyrdom because that serves no one, especially not the children. And take off the veils of judgements and return each one to the sender from which it came.

Back in December 2017, my two sons and I

flew to New Zealand for a five-week holiday. Little did we know back then that it would be

our last family holiday together. In January

2018, they flew back to the UK by themselves aged just 11 and 15, with the knowledge that I

was about to embark on a global sailing expedition around the world.

because, in just two days, it will be my

youngest son’s 15th birthday. When this article goes to print, it will be my eldest son’s

19th birthday. I have not seen my youngest for over a year, and my eldest for three years. Unless the global situation changes, I am unlikely to see them again in person.

I had no idea how it would happen; I just knew that no matter what happened, I had to go, and I had to lead these two young

men whom I loved with all my heart by example.

The pain and the loss I have been through on this journey has been immense. The

feelings of Mama Guilt have driven me crazy and down into the depths of despair on occasion.

If I wanted them to live their dreams, I had

to live mine. If I wanted them to fulfil their purpose,

As I write this, I feel a twinge of sadness





showed up for them, then I had to fulfil mine.

I also knew that if I was ever going to heal the wounds of the previous five years, then I had to take time out for myself and focus on myself.

Back then, we had no idea a global plandemic was imminent, one which would

destabilise economies, prevent people from

leaving their homes and have the masses

living in either fear and confusion, or disbelief that so many people had fallen for the tyrannical games unfolding.






climbing out on the darkness stronger and wiser, I am grateful for each opportunity to turn inwards and create a new sense of power and commitment to being the very

best version of myself for myself, for my boys, for women, and parents everywhere.

There have been days when we have stayed in our beds on opposite sides of the world, having a ‘duvet day’ watching all our

favourite movies together. I’ve attended parent’s evening by video call, been in the virtual kitchen helping them to cook dinner

whilst singing our favourite songs. We have

created many beautiful memories and moments together.

Missing my eldest son’s 18th birthday just

And the people who inspire me most are

the UK was incredibly difficult for me until he

tirelessly in harsh conditions on community

because there were no flights in and out of told me “Don’t worry about it. Who said the

18th birthday was special anyway? The Hallmark Card Company? Let’s do what you

always do, make up a new rule that works for us”.

those I meet on my travels who work

projects, often without funds or recognition

because the mainstream population are too sensitive






happening behind the smokescreen of corruption.

I looked at him and smiled as he told me

Adventures may be the stuff of dreams,

good”. It was his turn to call me forward

adventure is the one of pursuing your

“You got this, and we got this, so it’s all because








adventure, there would be a part of me that





contentment that being on the ocean gives me.

My youngest then joined the conversation

travel and exploration, but the biggest

highest self, regardless of whether society deems your views, ideas and vision as

acceptable. The pursuit of brilliance is often lonely and confronting, and you need to be

all in with every beat of your heart and vibration of your soul.

with his regular cheek. “Like I’ve said before, if

Travelling throughout South America during

old, especially for the jet skiing”. Apples

the world, I have confronted, inspired and

you don’t do this now, mother, you’ll be too never fall far from the tree, do they?

Honouring the call of the wild woman within

me and heading off on this crazy adventure

with no idea where I was heading to next, even more so now with so many travel

the last two years, ‘the worst hit’ countries in

liberated many women along the way

simply by remaining true to myself, focusing

on fulfilling my purpose, making my children

proud of me, and ignoring the mainstream media.

restrictions being put in place, has not only

The more I stayed in my zone of genius,

but it has also seen my two sons grow into

narrative, the easier it became to travel. No

served me, my writing and my business well,

two of the most inspirational humans I know. Many


















tremendous amount of respect for them,

my greatest motivation is my role as a mother to my beloved sons.

ignoring the fear-mongering of the global mask, no injection and no problems – well, other than once in the North of Brasil where

the fear had gripped the upper-middleclass white folks when a Perfect Peter and

Vigilante Vera chose to assert their selfimportance and inner dictator.

Was it scary when the Perfect Peter called the police, and 4 armed police officers arrived? Yes, it was, but no law had been passed in the country mandating masks or vaccines, so the police could do nothing. So they left, leaving a trail of confusion in their wake within those who had witnessed what had happened.

It takes strength and commitment to stand in our power, truth and purpose; So does being

the best mother, leader and version of self. We all have this courage and strength within us; it just needs unleashing to transcend the limitations imposed upon us and embrace our own dignity.

To assist you on your way to unleashing your inner wild so you can embark on your most

extraordinary adventure, I invite you to spend some time journaling around these questions,

and when you are ready to embark on your own adventure, book a call with me to discover what’s possible

1. Soul of a Warrior: To embody the soul of a warrior, you must tap into your inner strength, fight for what you

believe in and be relentless in the pursuit of freedom. When you read these words together, what do they mean to you? When you close your eyes and declare out aloud, “I have the

soul of a warrior”, how does it feel? Do you feel empowered? If not, why not? Write down what comes up for you. Keep repeating this exercise until you can project it loudly and proudly, believing each and every word. 2. Heart of a lioness: To embody the heart of a lioness, you must embrace your inner wild, your natural elegant and feminine leadership, and you must be prepared to protect your cubs with all your

might, even if it means a fight to the death. When you close your eyes and ask, “Where is my

inner wild?” Notice where you feel this in your body. What sensations do you experience? What images appear to you? Write all these down. Now write down what your own idea of

‘natural, elegant and feminine leadership’ looks like for you. Not the one imposed upon us by society, but your very own view. Once you have written it down, close your eyes and ask yourself if this definition is true for you by how it makes you feel. If it isn’t, revisit the task and

repeat the process. Now, what or who are you prepared to fight for? What or who are you

willing to give your life for? Write down why you would give your life for these causes and

people. Read the words out loud. How do they make you feel? If there is fear, as yourself, why? Whose fear is it? Who or where can you return it to?

3. The humility of a Tibetan monk: To be humble is to be grateful and accepting of life itself in all its simplicity and wonder. To embody

humility, we need to understand that whilst we may make great plans, the Creator, Gods and Goddesses, the Universe all have a much greater plan than we can

ever comprehend. When you look at each area of your

life, where are you attempting to control something or someone? Get present to why are you trying to control

this situation. What can you let go of? To be humble

also means to have faith, so where can you step into

faith trusting that everything is working out, and will work out for your greatest self to emerge?

Dawn Bates aka Ms. Mermaid

Human rights, social justice and real freedom for all are what excites me. It always has done.

I’ve always disliked bullies and I will not

stop my relentless mission to give a voice

to the voiceless through my books, your books, podcasts and articles until I stop seeing these injustices the world over.

This means there’s a lot of work to do,

books to write and voices to be given a

microphone to. Dive into real conversations here:

To get your hands on the

first books in The Sacral Series head on over here:

where you can also listen to




accompany each book.

If you are wanting to get your own game changing

book written and published

then PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE so we can discuss the








vision and your legacy.

See all my published works here:

Work with Dawn If you are wanting to learn how to create a powerful and profitable legacy, believe you are ready to learn from and with me, collaborate and change the world together, start by reading my books, listening to my podcasts and if what you see here on my website inspires you, send me a message and let’s see where this journey takes us.

To write a book of substance in any genre is to go deep, so if you work with me, we will go deep, because we are creating your legacy. We are working towards your legacy being a source of powerful and positive change in the world for everyone; and this work is not for everyone, even though many would like to think it is. Contact me here:

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

TRANSCENDENCE PRINCIPLE "Believe in the possible, Trust in the infinite, Reside in the limitless"



January, 2022

All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you. Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending. Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.

When faced with overwhelm, stuckness or challenge, ask yourself what the 9 Graces would do? The Graces hold the wisdom of Preeminence and will guide you from your highest self!

What 6 habits, if you kicked them out, would be game-changers for your life and business this year? Will you commit to doing so whatever it takes?

What are you doing to transcend the very challenging times we live in so that you can stay in appreciation of your life? How can you bring excitement and fun into every day?



Yvette Taylor How many times have you heard that calling in your heart? It starts as a nudge, then becomes a thud, before booming loud like steel drums. At night it wakes you from your dreams, with the clearest insight, epiphany or downloads. Like a divine gift. You KNOW inside that you’re meant to take action on it. You KNOW in your soul it’s what you are here for. You KNOW it is yours and only yours to follow through. You feel the flutter in your heart, you listen to that truth from your soul, the goosebumps creep across your skin, those bubbles in your belly. You can hear you soul screaming a big YES from the dark depths inside. You can barely contain that squeak inside you as you tap into the power of something which is so much more. Once again you remember who you are. Then the phone rings. You get distracted by an email, you have a conversation with someone which lowers your vibe, brings you down to earth with a bang. ‘You can’t do that’, 'you're not good enough for that’, ‘that feels so far out of your reach’ says the voice in your head. You dare to share it with someone and their response is “Oh. Really? Why would you want to do that?” You feel the doors which had been blown wide open on your heart instantly slam shut in their face, you shut down, deflated and back into THAT way of life once more. Once again that dream, that voice that knowing in your heart is gone.

So how do we get back to that place again, to listen to our heart? To live in that place and listen to those nudges more and more everyday. What you’re truly FEELING when you follow your heart is your life being on purpose, yourself in alignment, in the flow state where you are on the ‘right path’. MOST PEOPLE NEVER HEAR THEIR HEARTS CALLING Do you know that nearly 84% of people never find, let alone live their passion in life? Now this is more than just your work or what you do. It’s really about being tapped into your heart. How many people do you think even know what those signs of the flutter and goosebumps are? Sadly for many these are brief or fleeting moments. They are unaware that it is a state which you can CHOOSE to live in by listening to and following your heart every day. Your heart guides you in all kinds of situations. The right meeting with people, a new relationship, taking the right action, saying yes to the right invitations, saying no when something feels off. YOUR HEART IS SACRED SPACE Throughout many religions, communities our heart is often held to be a sacred place, in chinese medicine it is said to be where your soul resides. We even use these words in every life, “I follow my heart'' or “I listen to my inner self”. It is often where we tap into that ‘knowing’ a sense of something which seems to just become clear. You didn’t ‘learn it’, ‘hear it’ or see it anywhere, you just knew. There is no logic or practical insight it just IS. As we grow we’re also often taught to ignore those signs, we’re told that we must trust our logic, think about what we’re doing or only trust the ‘facts’ or the new one, ‘trust the science’. (Don’t even get me started on that!) As if what someone else says, or has proven to be ‘correct’ is more truthful than ourselves. Who are they to decide what is right or true? Who are you and I to ignore our hearts calling? When these thoughts or beliefs are drummed into us enough, we stop listening to ourselves, that voice which ALWAYS wants what is best for you. It only ever has intentions for your highest good.

WHAT STOPS US LISTENING TO OUR HEART It usually comes down to fear, betrayal, hurt, loss or trauma. In fact any situation which causes us to shut down in order to protect ourselves. Especially where we endure long


This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®.

periods of stress, overwhelm and busyness.

EAM is an accredited modality that bridges

now, no wonder people are losing connection to

teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple

With everything happening in the world right

themselves. It’s self protection, self preservation. These all put us into a state of incoherence,

being out of flow, where the emotional turmoil and noise of that internal chatter all feel too big to overcome.

Some people can live their whole life this way,

signs we’re not tuned to our heart can be,

science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of

transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts



you face in life.

Here’s a simple insight into the 5 STEPS Step 1 - You Ask

unhappy with, attracting more and more poor

Step 2 - You Move

life situations.

What if we could find a way to stop all of those things? Tune ourselves back into our heart

where we can listen to that voice inside and trust ourselves to be guided every step of the way. Imagine how divinely guided you would be.

How much quicker you would manifest life

events. How much quicker we would all change


yourself to create a flow state around anything

anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, ill health, poor relationships, staying in jobs we are


to ask a question

Tap into our subconscious


Your energy field will

Step 3 - You Experience affects your energy

Get clear how it

Step 4 - You Transform stands in your way

Step 5 - You Manifest thought,




Release what Create a new emotion


the planet.

Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5 on

The amazing news is that we can. I would live to

tune in, listen to yourself and stay on track with

guide you through a short exercise now for

exactly how we can, by tapping back into our flow state.

connecting back into your heart, so you can your life. .

What the ENERGY ALIGNMENT METHOD EAM® is, and what it can do for you.

This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®. EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life. Here’s a simple insight into the 5 STEPS Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your EMBODYING YOUR GODDESS. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.


EXPERIENCE Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype. What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has. Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.


TRANSFORM Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below. ‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’ Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5.


MANIFEST Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new. Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times. ‘I AM ready to allow (e.g. myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’ BE IT EVERYWHERE Tune into these archetypes and start to recognise as you flow through your day, which one of these empowered goddesses will I be; this is how you live your life as a goddess in a worn-out world. It’s time to birth the new one. Are you ready?

Give yourself a moment. Just for today, tune in. Give yourself a moment to follow these steps above and see how divinely guided you always are. We all are when we take that moment to stop listening outside and connect within. Your heart is one of many on this planet right now, which is calling out loud to be heard. Imagine what will happen as more and more hearts begin to wake up to ourselves and allow ourselves to follow our hearts calling. That is when we will all live a preeminent life.

Yvette Taylor Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life. Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide. She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and sevenfigure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

Follow EAM

Follow Yvette

Work with Yvette

Learn the 5 Steps of EAM Complimentary Video & Chapter of the new book


Change your energy, change your life!




January, 2022

Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our hearts desires. But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back. The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on. Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up. When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace.

Start taking supplements and/or superfoods with your meals. Unless you eat home grows or organic foods of a wide variety, you may well be missing vital nutrients that add to your optimum health. Read last month’s issue to find which superfoods you can easily add to your meals.

When you’re working at your desk, put on a Pomodoro timer. Get up every 25 to 30 minutes and move for 5! By the end of the day, you will have burned more calories, increased your mobility and have enough time to do multiple mini workouts!

The most energy comes from peace of mind, inspiration and selflove. So make sure you prioritise those every day!


Getting Ready for the Adventure that is 2022 It's February.

My tickets were booked to return home in

It's cold.

time to enjoy the English spring golden

It's still winter.

daffodils in late March and early April. I found those weeks travelling in the bright

If you live in the cooler climates of the





northern hemisphere, then this might be your

experiences, were really nourishing for my


soul. It was a period in my life when travel was paramount, and I thrived on all the new

Does this month feel like one to be survived

ideas I was exposed to. All the varied life

and got through somehow, or can you use it

discoveries I made broadened my horizons

in your preparation for spring and the start

and helped me see the world differently.

of a new cycle? Since 2016 my practice of escaping the For me, February was the month that I used

winter has been replaced by settling down in

to abandon. By the end of January, I could

one place. In fact, during the last two years,

not tolerate any more cold or dark nights or

while we've had a global pandemic, I have,

grey skies.

in effect, been grounded like everyone else. I've got used to being in one place, literally in

I had worked out that this was the month

one town rather than simply in the UK, and

when I was most vulnerable, and I needed to

moving up and down to London from my

get away, really to support my mental health

Yorkshire base. So now, I am living through

and wellbeing.

and processing all the seasons and the shifting energy they bring. I value the energy

So for a whole decade, each February 1st, or


thereabouts, I'd get on a plane to Sydney for

wellbeing, and I understand what they are






several weeks of bone-warming sunshine.

doing to support the process of my life.

Befriending February When I escaped the cold weather in the northern hemisphere, I nourished myself on the other side of the world in the abundant light and heat of Australia. Although I miss my friends and communities over there, I have learned to work with the energy of winter and befriend it. I am not resisting the winter months but taking the best that each one has to offer and going with the flow to get through to the spring and feel replenished by the dark rather than the light. The dark has power and helps us with our inner work of transformation. If you can be patient with February, it will bring rewards in the year ahead. If you managed to have a quieter January, as I advocated in my last column, you might feel tempted to launch ahead with bustling activity. Stay steady and continue the inner work. The rest of the year will actually be more productive for you with this continued slowness. If you spent time in January setting intentions and perhaps creating a vision board for your life and your business, then February is an excellent month to refine the blueprint for your year.

Trust Nature. You look outside the window and see the bare ground and grey landscapes, and perhaps you forget that underneath the soil, much is happening. That tiny seed that will one day grow into a magnificent plant or mighty tree is doing its final preparations before launching out of the ground in the spring. That launch might be a bursting through or a tentative step, but it is powered by the information crystallised within the seed and the prompts given to it by Nature herself. So what you need to focus on now, in whatever way works for you, is to refine that blueprint of yours







transformation work that will power the seed of your business or life this year.

Here are my tips for chilly February that will help prepare for the next season and strengthen the foundation of the next cycle: 1. Enhance the light: You might find, like me, that your tolerance for darkness needs support. Some folks are more sensitive to the lack of daylight and need to invest in a lightbox. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is where your energy drops; you can feel sluggish and listless and experience persistent sadness. It can be really debilitating and can occur after just a few weeks of winter or creep up on you in February when you might feel that winter will never end.

2. Time Outdoors:

5. Chinese New Year:

Lucky you if you live in a more temperate climate, but if

This special day falls on February 1st. It marks the

not, don't let the cold or wet weather stop you from

start of a new cycle and the beginning of new energy

getting outside and walking. Resist the temptation to

coming in. 2022 welcomes in the Year of the Tiger.

avoid the cold, wrap up and tell yourself that you are

What a beautiful animal .. powerful, strong, ferocious,

boosting your much-needed Vitamin D levels…. which

regal. How will you use that energy this year? Think

you are. Stepping out in the cold is good medicine.

about how you will express your power in the year ahead? In fact, are you using your power, or are you

3. Welcoming Fire:

allowing others to have power over you? Who is the

I light my log fire most nights, even when it is just me,

Tiger in your life? Make sure it is you.

and I have central heating, so I don't necessarily need a fire for warmth. But I love the energy and aliveness it

6. Warm Foods:

brings into my space. I take the time on a dark evening

Spend time in the kitchen making nourishing foods.

to enjoy sitting in the quiet, reading and looking into

This is not yet the time to introduce salads, juices and

the flames. It really does help spark new ideas. I made

raw foods back into your diet. Keep putting heat into

the creation of a fireplace in my home an absolute

your body and keep your inner furnace going with

priority. There is nothing like sitting by a real fire, and it

vegetable soups. Plenty of root veggies plus some

is even more enjoyable when you have come in from

greens, and get some beef bones from the butcher to

that cold walk.

make some bone broth to use in as many meals as possible. That bone-deep nourishment is really going

4. Brightness:

to give you a good foundation for the year ahead. The

Once the red, gold and shiny Christmas decorations

stronger your foundation, the higher you can leap and

have been put away for another year, your rooms

the further you can stretch.

might look a bit cheerless, by comparison. I enhance the brightness level in my home with strands of LED

7. Quiet Space:

lights that I keep up after Christmas. I keep a dried

This is the last month where there is natural quiet.

wreath of red berries as a piece of winter decor; I make

March will herald in the surging energy of springtime,

sure dark corners have lamps that I turn on each

and that will be like lighting the blue touch paper to

evening. I use my gold china for everyday meals … you

life. Until then, you have a few more weeks to enjoy

can find your own ways of bringing brightness and

stillness and peace. Do you have a quiet room or area

more light into your home. You need it to get you

in your home where you can just sit? Was it Winnie the

through to the Spring Equinox in March.

Pooh who said, "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits"? See if you can create a place without a computer or TV. When you sit there, you can read quietly. If there is space for two, you can create the possibility for companionable silence or deeper conversation to emerge that gets missed out in the rush of the normal day or in the busier corners of the house.

Take time to be truly ready for your next adventure. Our modern cultures are addicted to action. So few societies value rest, yet … without the time to rest and recuperate, we damage the next cycle. I can recall years ago the TV news reporting on the increasing length of time that British people took as holiday over the Christmas and New Year period. What used to be a couple of days off for family gatherings had gradually become a 10-day vacation. The news narrative presented this with a guesstimate of how many millions of pounds had been lost in production with this new downtime. How lazy and unproductive of us to take the darkest days at the end of a long year to rest! That perspective has changed, and as a society, we are increasingly seeing the value of rest and time off to nourish the next phases of the cycle. Do you need me to give you permission to keep your foot off your accelerator? If so, I give you permission to continue the slow speed as I encourage myself to take my own advice. Everything you need is inside you. Time invested now in stepping back and tuning in will reap dividends and help you fulfil the year's promise. That is the feminine way, and Mother Nature is your guide and mentor. Know that you will have a stronger foundation for whatever adventure you are creating this year if you are flexible with your speed as each season dictates.

Work with Gina

Gina Lazenby - Healthy Living Activist, Feng Shui Expert, Gina’s beautiful hilltop home in the Yorkshire Dales, featured on many TV programmes and the inspiration for her Healthy Home book, is now let as a retreat house to facilitators of yoga, transformation work and wellness. It’s also a special place to hire for family gatherings and celebrations. She has always understood the management and care of a home as a highly feminine skill set. Her work in the last twenty years has been in the exploration of the changing nature of gender roles and the value of home-making in our lives. Her feng shui skill set enabled her to teach hundreds of students the value of aligning your home for success and wellness. She has also produced and presented a radio series called ‘The Rise of the Feminine’ exploring the shift in values in the world and the unique contribution of women. Gina is a veteran conference speaker and has led gatherings for women entrepreneurs all over the globe. Most recently, she has taken on the role of global host for Conscious Café, a consciousness-raising initiative, and hosts the northern community group based in Skipton. Gina is a born organiser and has created thousands of events since she was a small child and led birthday parties for her reluctant toddler brother. You can join her online or in-person at one of the many gatherings she creates around her passions of conscious conversation, feminine leadership, wholefood cooking, Feng Shui, living well and wisdom. Her Healthy Home podcast is about to be launched from the Retreat House with tips for making your home the foundation of your abundance and health.

Photo credit: Henry Archer

The Healthy Home: Creating The Foundation For Your Abundance For the Book CLICK HERE

Visit the Real Healthy Home: Watch the beautiful video! Click here:

Gina has since sold over half a million books on feng shui and healthy living and has hosted several courses in her home using it as a backdrop for teaching people about using natural materials, non-chemical housekeeping, wholefood cooking and sacred space. Located in the hills above Skipton with breath-taking views down the Airedale valley, Gina has attracted friends and business contacts from all over the world for meetings and gatherings. For all its remoteness, they have entertained visitors from China, Japan, North America and New Zealand. In 2003 work started on creating another building with a meeting room for gatherings, courses and retreats. It was finished in 2005. New Healthy Home building is now open to host retreats. New Building: The new building is the culmination of two and a half years of construction. It has been created as a teaching, gathering and community space for learning, spiritual nourishment, transformation and inter-faith dialogue. Gina offers events on healthy homes, natural wholefood cookery, meditation, healthy decoration, feng shui and residential wellness retreats for women.

Dancing as the Goddess The Key to Awakening our powers of Manifestation - Allison Stillman

Nearly 30 years ago I began to host a retreat called

Those retreats have morphed into a retreat called

Dancing with the Goddess. It was a retreat for women

Swimming in Love, because truly that’s what happens

held on the island of Hawaii, and we spent days

when you let go of old ideas about yourself and allow

immersed in ceremony and intentional practices. It

for a deep immersion into love.

would often culminate swimming in the warm tropical

We are very much in an evolutionary process as a

waters with wild dolphins.

species now and we’re all going through a powerful awakening, both within and without in the world.

To call in the dolphins we all had to come together as a pod, a unified community of empowered and

Much like childbirth, it’s not fun, it’s painful and there

powerful women who had paid homage to the

are times when we ask ourselves, can we keep going,

Goddess. It wasn’t until we let go completely of the

it’s been such a long time now, and so many are

outside world that we would begin to come into unity

suffering so deeply, and each of us is being called to

consciousness and harmony with each other, we

go even deeper within now.

would find magic afoot. Each woman was deeply held in sacred space and honored for who they were and

We’re being asked to take a deep look at how we’ve

where they were on their journey of life. And within

been operating in our lives and let go of the old ways,

that sacred space the release of old beliefs and

to make room for the new epoch unfolding in the

paradigms was much easier for us all.

coming days. This moment in history has been foretold by many traditions. In astrology, we have entered the

The freer we became the deeper we could go in

Age of Aquarius, leaving behind the dark ages of the

ceremony and in the water with the dolphins. In the

Piscean Age. In the Aquarian Age, the focus becomes

beginning of the week, the dolphins would come, but

more about the bigger picture, unity consciousness,

the encounters would be surface for the most part. It

and coming together as one.

was as if they knew we weren’t completely in harmony with ourselves and each other as a unified pod. We spent the week becoming a pod of love, and the dolphins intuitively knew when we were ready for encounters that some would have called otherworldly. We had magical encounters with many tears, and everyone fell deeply in love with their sisters, the earth, the waters, and the angelic messengers of the sea, the dolphins. To say that it was the most powerful week of our lives was to try and capture the whole of the sky into words.

“Come on people now, smile on your brother,

We bought into the belief we had to work hard to

everybody get together, try to love one another right

make ourselves worthy or to gain power and


acknowledgement from outside ourselves. The truth is we were worthy all along, we just chose to forget who

We stand at the precipice of great change, in Buddhist

we were to know the experience of separation,

traditions we are moving from a 26,000-year cycle

separation from the truth of who we really are.

called the Kali Yuga (Kali is the Goddess of destruction) into a new 26,000-year cycle of a Satya Yuga, or a

When we begin to recognize this truth, the power to

Golden Age.

manifest anything we want in life begins to become available to us. The world of Quantum Physics is a

Both are transitioning right now, which is why we’re

wonderful validation of this truth, and while that’s who

going through an intense awakening, and process of

we truly are, the Goddess in human form, born to

birth internally and externally. Again, it’s not fun, and

dance and awaken a new Golden Age, all of our

it’s not easy, but what we’re giving birth to is

programming and belief systems must undergo

magnificence and we’re the ones to give birth to that


magnificence, and first, it must be birthed within us. It requires a dedication and practice to begin to own It is the Goddess who must rise now. And you are that

the true essence of our Divine nature, because

Goddess, we are that Goddess! Never have you been

everything inside us, our subconscious programming

so needed to rise into the most magnificent version of

and the neurons of our brain are wired to stay the

who you are meant to be. And within that lies the key


to humanities awakening. We were all born as the face of the Divine in feminine form, and through the

We must be voracious in our desire to change, to grow

thousands of years of repression, we can no longer

and evolve beyond all the limiting beliefs and

bow to that in acceptance. It’s time to claim ourselves

programs we borrowed on this journey of our lives.

as the Goddess, and Dance as the Goddess, not with her, but as her!

We are the Goddess reborn to show the world how to lead with love and compassion, cooperation instead of

We have the power to create a golden Satya Yuga,

competition, unity instead of separation, harmony

and age of love and compassion, and collective unity

instead of chaos, peace instead of war, and each of us

and harmony. We were born as Source Supreme

holds sacred codes within us of this wisdom.

power, the feminine face of the Divine, and along the way we chose to buy into belief systems that took away our power, made us to feel as if we were not good enough or were separate from Source.

It’s time for us to gather the deep healing power of

I was told it was time for the Divine Masculine to step

Mother Earth and bring it up through our feet, into our

to the rear and act as support now, so that the Divine

bodies and allow her to heal the old wounds of

Feminine could lead and come into power. It was to be

separation and move back into a time of unity within,

a sacred marriage, partnership where the Masculine

so that we can show the world what we as women

fully supported with strength and power, the intuitive

have always known, LOVE is the answer, it is the key

Feminine who could become the example of love and

to manifesting a new Golden Age for our children and

compassion made manifest.

their children to come. It was no longer about making things happen, it was I was born an Aries, a double Aries in fact, with Mars

about allowing things to happen. I needed to become it

(the God of War) as my ruling planet. For my entire life,

to manifest it. Through the many mentors and teachers

I was always a super achiever, the go getter who

since that time, I’ve learned what truly is the Universal

could always get things done. I didn’t need help and

Law of manifestation, we must become the frequency

most often didn’t ask for it. Straight A student, honor

of that which we wish to manifest and allow the

roll, president of the class and the yes girl. I could make

Universe to manifest through us. And it is a journey, a

things happens.

process of becoming, and it is for each of us. s

Many years ago, running a thousand miles an hour,

Never has it been more apparent than the times we

with multiple businesses, a marriage, a dying Mother I

find ourselves navigating now, we are being called to

was caring for, and not enough hours in the day, I

step into the empowered roles we were meant to

broke my left big toe. I stumbled while out for a hike

serve, to truly Dance as the Goddess. WE are the

and could barely walk back home.

Goddess reborn, the feminine face of the Divine and we must now give birth fully to the magnificence of

But I splinted that toe up and kept on moving. A week

who we’re meant to be. I honor and bow to the grace,

later, I fractured my left shin, and this time, I had no

wisdom, beauty, love, and abundance that you are,

choice, I had to stop. I sat in meditation asking why I

that we all are!!

was hurting the left side of my body, and why I was stopped in my tracks. The answer came in loud and clear! My entire life, I had allowed the masculine aspect of who I am to run the show, the go-getter, super achiever was in charge. It was now time to change, as it was diminishing to the point of destruction the feminine aspect of who I am, the Divine Creator who wanted to manifest as the Goddess.

- Allison

Allison Stillman Allison Stillman is an author, teacher, transformational coach, and an acclaimed Aromatic Alchemist. She’s been a student of aromatherapy, alchemy, and spirituality for 45 years, and has been deepening her connection to Love her entire life. Her book the “Sacred Art of Anointing” was the first of its kind when it was published, and continues to educate people about the ancient art of anointing. “The Sacred Art of Anointing” was admitted to the Harvard Divinity School Library, as it’s a deep exploration of the spiritual and religious use of essential oils throughout history, and is a reference for awakening consciousness and deepening Love. Allison has been featured in numerous books including, “Love for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff, “More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul” by Arielle Ford and “Insights from the Coffeehouse” by Jonathon Collins. She’s also been featured in magazines, and on radio shows across the globe, and as a speaker at global conferences & events. Allison has worked with people from around the world individually through private anointing rites of passage, coaching and mentoring individuals, as well as teaching large events for 30 years, and is dedicated to changing and empowering people through the gift of Aromatic Alchemy and Conscious Alchemy Coaching.

Work with Allison Hi I’m Allison, Master of Aromatherapy, Alchemy, and Spirituality I’ve been helping people around the world transform their lives for over 40 years through ancient alchemical practices, and deep inner transformational techniques. My book, The Sacred Art of Anointing was the first of its kind, and I’ve been featured in numerous NY Times bestselling books, podcasts, radio shows, and magazines as an acclaimed aromatic alchemist and transformational coach. I share wisdom gathered from around the world, and decades of practices to help people truly create the life of their dreams!


Begin Your Transformation Today Download your free gift: How to Transform Your Life What if there were one thing you could do every day that would have a massive impact on your life, and allow you to feel happier, more abundant and more excited about every area of your life? And just imagine that one thing would only take 5 minutes to do! It turns out there is, and this guide will share with you that magical practice! Download your free gift and learn this simple alchemical practice to really propel your life forward and create a life you’ve always dreamed of!

Eat your way to Agelessness

Your self-care and nourishment is key to you optimizing your beauty. And even more critical your nutrition is key to maintaining your natural charms for as long as possible! Much has been researched and documented on the oxidative effects of the modern lifestyle on the body, health, face, and organs. As a certified fitness instructor and awardwinning chef, I have been passionate about the link between food and staying young, for as long as I can remember! The words anti-ageing, pro-youthing and so on, I find contrary to the ageing process's inevitability. We cannot delay or turn back time. But we can improve our health to stay active and vibrant for as long as we have the will. Such as it is with beauty. Even with technological and scientific advances on cell ageing, one day it will be our last! And with beauty being subjective, how can we not admire







octogenarians and even, centenarians. It is then we realize that beauty really does come from within. Having said that, I want to stay as lovely as possible for as long as possible and have made it my life-long daily study! Here is a quick round-up of my general approach - one that I know contributes to me being told I look at least ten years younger. I am proud to say, my body's physical appearance defies my chronological age.

Prepare your body to be beautiful 1 Start your day giving your body an alkaline environment. Before having any coffee, tea or any food, flush out your body with some hot water and lemon juice. Alkalinity is key to re-balancing your gut and general body health. It also boosts your energy, immune system, promotes healthy skin, supports weight regulation, and so many other benefits. Or, take it up a notch as I do and add something genuinely potent like the following supplements: wheatgrass powder for its chlorophyll-rich anti-oxidants and multi-vitamin content, activated-charcoal powder to help de-tox and support the body's digestive processes. I now take collagen to support the integrity of cartilage in my body, skin, hair and nails. I also add Vitamin E, B6 and any plant essences I may be taking for the season. I regularly take plant essences to support liver and kidney function or a de-tox. With ageing, the body needs help to resist the inevitable cell and telomere degeneration. I give my body all the help it needs! I drink a large glass of this super-cocktail whilst wondering around to warm my body up. At the very least take hot water and lemon juice. Then you can have your tea or coffee! If you avoid those two as I do, try an anti-oxidant rich infusion such as a flavoured Rooibos /Green Tea mix. I love green Earl Grey or orange and cinnamon. I drink a litre of this over 2 hours. Or I pour the rest into a flask for later. It is not tannic and caffeine-laden like black tea and coffee. I've nothing against coffee, it just doesn't suit me, but there are many satisfactory cereal substitutes. My favourite is chicory which is caffeine-free and full of fibre and minerals.

Listen to your body and set your own meal-times Don't eat if you're not hungry. There is no need to eat just because it's 'mealtime'. Your body is the best person to let you know if it needs fuel and if it doesn't give it a rest! It will thank you for it.

Get your circulation moving and don't stop After drinking that lot in the morning, I'm pretty full until 11 am or 12 pm, which is my ideal time for a morning snack. I'm a fan of intermittent fasting, but I don't stick to it to lose weight, simply because I tune in to my body's need for rest from digestion. Move, move, move all day and every day! Get a productivity app and Pomodoro Timer on your device and begin to reverse intersecting a sitting day with exercise with intersecting an exercising day with sitting! Seriously, sitting is A KILLER. A KILLER! Not taking this seriously is equivalent to you committing slow suicide. I cannot say it more strongly, sedentarism is the anathema to our well-being. The scourge of our modern techie age! There is no excuse not to move more than you do now. Any counter excuse to that is simply admission to your lack of respect for your body. The Pomodoro timer and app are a simple way to add little movement islands for as little as 5 minutes into your day. See my article on Movement and Manifestation in this issue!

Conscious drinking Infuse your water bottle or flask with the power of intention. Nearly everyone has heard of the famous research carried out by Dr Emoto who subjected water to negative emotions, shouting and low-frequency sounds. And similarly, he subjected other samples to classical music, words of love and uplifting intentions. On freezing the samples, the water crystals showed remarkably different patterns - strange contorted, dissonant ones for the negatively charged water, and exquisitely harmonious ones for the positively charged water. Since we are made up of 55% to 75% water imagine the effect negative energies have on your body

So you can positively charge your own water with high frequency by pasting or writing a message of love on it or a fabulous affirmation, or even by speaking your gratitude and intentions to it! Try and it and see!

High vibe salad I do the same with my food—especially salads and raw foods high in water content. I send an intention that the ingredient serves my highest nourishment. Staying with salad, it's a good idea to eat salad or raw vegetables in some form before every meal. Not only does your body get the benefits of the vitamins and minerals before you consume less nutrient-dense foods, but it also fills you up, so you eat less of what's coming!

Eliminate the enemy and welcome your beauty angels You are what you eat, so eliminate poison from your diet: white sugar or its derivatives, industrial foods, processed foods and junk. Nothing else to say there really, is there? Fill your pantry and fridge with skin-loving foods: vitamin e rich avocados, omega3 rich flax seed (ground), chia, aloe vera gel (can be applied or ingested - both are recommended!) lemons, coconut oil, turmeric, sweet potatoes, berries, wild salmon, pumpkin seeds, kimchi, sauerkraut and natural yoghurt, and as much fresh, organic fruit and veg as you can eat! These are your beauty angels! I highly recommend learning about food combining. Food combining is the term for the idea that certain foods pair well together, while others do not. According to the Hay diet made famous in the 1990s, combining foods improperly is a common reason for weight problems, digestive challenges, and even disease. Food combining principles first appeared in the Ayurvedic medicine of ancient India. The principles of food combining became more widely popularized in the mid-1800s under the term trophology, or "the science of food combining."

Mistress of Change 2019

Get savvy about the reality of what you eat The rules of food combining are mostly based on two tenets: The first is that, because different food types are digested at different speeds, combining a fast-digesting food with slow-digesting food causes a "traffic jam" in your digestive tract. This leads to negative digestive and health consequences. The second belief is that different foods require different enzymes to be broken down. These enzymes work at different pH levels — levels of acidity — in your gut. The approach is that if two foods require different pH levels, the body cannot efficiently digest both at the same time. Proponents of foodcombining diets believe that these principles are essential to proper health and digestion. These principles have become the bases for many more recent diets. Even though I'm not a fan of the word 'diet', this explanation makes good sense; alleviate the effort your body takes to digest and reduce oxidation and cell ageing. Ayurveda is a sophisticated science of food combining; it is a mighty philosophy and well-being science originating in India, that deserves much respect. Personally, I have adopted the Ayurvedic approach naturally by listening to my body. Proteins with starches wipe me out. Anything that wipes me out is going to have an effect on my face! I don't deny myself any foods but take them at different times. Since I have been doing this, I have never had to monitor my weight. There is bucket loads of evidence and information out there to inspire you. One thing is for sure - a body that is regularly labouring in its digestion system is not going to be conducive to your radiant beauty! Have your naughty-but-nice treats early in the day when you can burn them off, and your digestive system is at an optimum.

Take time to care Splash, pat and massage. I start the day with a lot of cold water splashed on my face. Sometimes I will even fill the bowl with cold water and immerse my face in it for as long as I can hold my breath! This disperses the lymph that accumulates in the face overnight and closes the pores. Sometimes, if I have time, I splash, dry with a warm towel, wait, and repeat the process twice! It certainly wakes me up. Stretching and spending some time upside down - bending, or if you're supple, a shoulder stand - encourages circulation to all the organs, especially the face. Face slapping. This was something I found in a Youtube Video of Asian women's beauty secrets. Gentle slapping (not on the eyes) around the checks and jawline is also great for de-puffing the face and keeping muscle tone— likewise massage. I take time to massage in my creams, especially in the areas where the elasticity is waning! Does all this take a long time? It depends on your priorities. Mine begins with self-care and staying beautiful for a long time. Drinking lots of healthy tea at the same time, listening to a podcast, or chanting affirmations makes this 'me-time' sacred and feel like a million dollars. I will not forgo that ritual! Beauty really does start from within. So the best beauty treatment of all is you believing that you are beautiful, confirming it to yourself in the mirror and then following through with your self-care. Will you upgrade yours this year?

Jenni P's Beauty Manifesto Beauty is in the 'I' of the beholder, the one who looks in the mirror everyday Your attitude about your food will affect the energetic qualities of the food. Love it and bless it! Eat to gain life, not to lose weight. A beautiful table is a prayer to all that is divine. The law of attraction works through your food as well as your thoughts! You cannot take too much time to make the right shopping decisions for your health. Always favour simplicity and quality over indulgence and extravagance. Love, gratitude and clarity are energetic vitamins to be taken daily without moderation

Why holistic wellness is vital for your success and who am I to talk about that? 40 year's experience in healthy nutrition and healthy gastronomy, plus dedication to being in peak condition, slowing down the ageing process and living in tune with the planet - yes I am passionate about healthy living! As an award-winning healthy gastronomy chef with 15 years experience of professional finedining business, food author and TV host, a certified fitness instructor , a former dancer and all round well-being junkie, combined with my passion for style, image, holistic home-steading...WELLthy™ is my middle name! But over the decades, something that I knew instinctively when I began this path, was revealed to me scientifically in my researches.

Aged 26

Wellness plays a vital part in our ability to attract our desires and dreams. Let me repeat. VITAL. The energetic links between health and wealth, vibe, biology have been proven by a myriad of respected organisations, the world’s top performance and productivity experts and fitness ‘ninja’s. Well-being has saved my life, my sanity and my dreams over and over. Mostly, I follow this path because I know we are born to divinely thrive, naturally.

Aged 62

d r a o b d o o m h Marc n o i t a r i insp

Re-align to your greatest potential OUR FAVORITE COLOURS THIS MONTH

Moolah, Magic and Miracles RECAPTURING THE JOY OF LIVING Grounding in prosperity with the earth.



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As mission_led change-makers, so many women have yet to own their power and sovereignty in business. Not to mention unleashing their genius, creativity and feminine glory on a world that needs it so badly. Lofty words, but we still have daily reality to cope with including its full array of messy challenges. All the more reason to be led and inspired daily by a vision so great, it cannot be relegated to less than the petty minutiae of habits and routines that dull our spark of greatness to the point of extinction. To-do lists should never prevent us from touching daily moments of grace. In this online marketing jungle, messengers crave to get their voice heard so badly and to be able to be effective in making a difference. But the truth is many women don’t actually do anything of great consequence, because they are disconnected from their true identity, their real message, their genius and their ability to create vitality, freedom and abundance. Preeminence is an unashamedly idealistic vocational lifestyle ethos that embraces our deep desire for fulfilment, but also our need for sisterhood and planetary healing. . But we are in an age where ideals must not just be raised but implemented. For that, you need a rock-solid foundational structure and support system. Preferably an inspiring, fun and profitable one! Welcome to the Guild of Preeminence where you are invited to step into a radical commitment to your limitless feminine potential, whilst being an activist for change.

mission To co-create a global, feminine achievement and enlightened collaboration community where ethics, planetary and humanitarian values reign alongside exceptional personal aspiration and self mastery.

News, Events and Resources FEBRUARY

Doing Life Happier is a pioneering interview series of honest, reality check-ins on various topics. that all contribute to a happier life! If you are yearning for breakthroughs that can truly help you along this year, this series will set you off to a great start! Even if you upgrade your life with just 1% a day… You'll be able to tap into powerful wisdom nuggets from authors, actors, journalists, coaches, musicians, entrepreneurs and doctors from various fields that want to share lifechanging perspectives with you! The mission behind the project is to help you realize that your future lies in your hands. Click here to register - it's FREE!


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How to release the unspoken word to help you unblock the energy of words you haven't been able to verbally express to someone in your life. Click above.

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VOICE AND SOUND ALCHEMIST FREE Kailani Healing Sound Bath Click on the gift box left.

"My mission is dedicated to a life in service to Mother Earth and all her children, supporting raising the frequency of the planet through the sharing of the powerful healing frequencies encoded within her voice, as well as guiding others into conscious connection with the powerful magic encoded within their own" Francesca J Littman

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INTENTIONAL CREATIVITY A QUICK IMPRESSION Click above Photo credit: Aneta Jeremiasova

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Preeminence Rising Ambassadors ARAH BRIGID BROWN "I help sensitive, empathic men and women remove past conditioning and the fears and doubts that have been put on them."



“My mission is to teach them to be their best selves by tuning into their heart, doing what they’re naturally good at and freeing themselves from external expectations." Sarah Brown

AREN ECCLES How to gain mastery of your mind and control of your body with a 20 minute Pilates workout

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“My mission with 'Pilates From Within' is supporting others and sharing our experiences and knowledge we will continue to learn and to grow as individuals and as a community"



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