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W ing 3 Foormingg macchine Wik Capture more C m value e out of Your Y produ uction by L Looking into our Wik king 3 Form ming tech hnology

The Wik king 3 opera ates by means of mec chanical priinciples, witth gentle and precise product handling g. Its mecha anical operration gives a number of o unique advantages a over hydra aulic and more co omplex form ming machines, which are invaluable when fo orming/shap ping produc cts. The con nstruction of o the Wiking 3 make es it easy to operate e with accu uracy, service and mainten nance. It is quick q and easy e to change forming g devices. The Wiking 3 is exce ellent for forrming produ ucts like: v a and pastriess • meat, fish, vegetable • delicate d pro oducts thatt requires ve ery low presssure when forming f

Formcook AB A PO Box 610 P 0 S-251 06 He elsingborg, SWEDEN

Tel: +46 (0 0) 42 400 28 30 Fax: +46 (0) 42 29 30 0 09 http://ww ww.formcoo

Wiking 3 Description: * Hopper 150 liters * Strokes per minute, max, 60, depending on product * Effective forming plate area, 275 x 130 mm * Maximum product thickness, 40 mm * With doubler the effective product width is 560mm * With shuttle the effective product width is 400mm and up. * Extra; meatball rolling device and uptaking conveyor.




Technical specifications Model Wiking 3

Width(A) mm 830

Length(B)mm Excl doubler 2040

Height(C)mm 187

Capacity: Capacity up to. 1000 kg/h depending on product Patties: Up to 12,000 pcs/hour Meatballs: Up to 30,000 pcs/hour

Pictures show doubler.

Our Test Centre offers Facilities for Full scale tests with Your own products to optimize best possible cooking Result and to discuss new processing ideas.

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