Stephen DeMeulenaere - An Overview of Parallel, Local and Community Currency Systems (101 pages)

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An Overview of Parallel, Local and Community Currency Systems by Stephen DeMeulenaere, 1998 Contents Introduction Acknowledgements Parallel, Local and Community Currencies The Challenge to Find Long-Term Solutions An Introduction to Money and the Conventional Economy A Brief History of Pre-Money Currency Creation of Money in the Conventional Economy Fiat Parallel Currencies at the National Level The Functions of Money Problems with Conventional Money The Misallocation of Money in the Conventional Economy The Misallocation of Human Resources The Misallocation of Environmental Resources Usury: Christian and Islamic Views Introduction to Parallel Currencies The Economic Theory of Parallel Currencies Regional, Local and Community Currencies Fiat, Backed and Mutual Credit Currencies General Benefits of Parallel Currencies Increased Volume of currency in a local area Increased Liquidity in a local area Increased Access to the Local Market Increased Possibility of Local Import Substitution Increased Employment Opportunities Increased Importance of Traditionally Undervalued Activities Discouragement of environmentally destructive activities Increased Support for Small Enterprise Development Increased Strengthening of Social Relationships Exhibition of a counter-cyclical economic tendency Arguments Against Parallel Currencies Cause a reduction in economic efficiency Parallel currency systems are a source of inflation Parallel currency systems encourage tax evasion Parallel currency systems abuse the Social Security System Parallel currency systems are unable to finance investments Parallel currencies are easily counterfeited Lead to an Informalization of the Economy Bad parallel currency drives out good conventional currency

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