borealis adventure
Š Emmanuel BERTHIER /
Lapland :
It is beyond the Arctic Polar Circle, north of Norway, Sweden and Finland that Lapland is stretching out over 400 000 km2 of Boreal Forest, mountains, fjords and tundra brushed by the icy winds. A true wild land, without a doubt, the most preserved in Europe, which is even more impressive to travel all over in winter. It is, indeed, when the taiga is caught by the cold, that the plentiful of snow is polishing the reliefs and covers the numerous lakes that the feeling of immensity and serenity seized the most the visitor. December and January are the months of the Polar night; the sun stays underneath the skyline 24 hour a day and a strange blue light plunges the landscapes in an unreal atmosphere. Then the warm Scandinavian light enlightens the frozen landscapes from the end of January to March, period then favorable to the practice of many Northern activities like: sled dog, snow-bike, skiing, rackets, ice fishing‌ the opportunity to discover a unique natural environment, to observe the rare species which stay to brave the Lapland winter among which the owl, the elk, the reindeer, the otter, the Royal eagle‌ and to come home in a typical nice and warm log cabin for a sauna and a glass of blueberry Vodka. For the ones who wish to continue their Lapp experience until the end, you still have to spend a night at the Ice hotel (Ice Hotel, Jukkasjarvi, Swenden) rebuilt every year in a different way and mold by artists from all over the world or in an glass igloo (Hotel Kakslauttanen, Saariselka, Finland) to have the unique privilege to observe from your cozy bed the magic spirals of aurora borealis‌
HEMIS_255544 : Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, taiga
HEMIS_255465 Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, taiga, snowshoe hike
HEMIS_255509 Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Alesjaur, hiking trail of Kungsleden, aurora borealis, sled dog
HEMIS_255534 Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, area listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, Stora Sjรถfallet National Park, Elk (Alces alces)
HEMIS_337948 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Mont Kaunispaa, paysage de taiga
HEMIS_337879 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, bouleau enneige
HEMIS_255426 Finland, Lapland Province, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
HEMIS_337943 Finlande, Laponie, Kilpisjarvi, E8 route des Aurores boreales
HEMIS_337950 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Mont Kaunispaa, paysage de taiga
HEMIS_255523 Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, snowed in road
HEMIS_255455 Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, chalet in the taiga
HEMIS_337942 Finlande, Laponie, Kilpisjarvi, E8 route des Aurores boreales
HEMIS_255542 Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, sunrise over the taiga
HEMIS_337947 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, station de ski de Saariselka, Mont Kaunispaa
HEMIS_337962 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Parc National d'Urho Kekkonen, centre montagnard de Kiilopaa, piste de ski
HEMIS_337946 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, station de ski de Saariselka, Mont Kaunispaa
HEMIS_337881 Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, chalet en rondin dans les environs de Saariselka
HEMIS_337921 : Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Igloo de verre
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Igloo de verre
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Igloo de verre
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Igloo de verre
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, Ice Church, design Marjolein Vonk, Cindy Berg, Marinus Vroom, Jan Willem & Maarten Meijer, property release ok pour presse et media
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Chapelle de glace, design Barbro Behm
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Chapelle de glace, design Barbro Behm
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Hotel Kakslauttanen, property release ok, Chapelle de glace, design Barbro Behm
Finlande, Laponie, Saariselka, Parc National d'Urho Kekkonen, centre du parc a Tankavaara
HEMIS_255468 Finland, Lapland Province, Pallas Yll채stunturi National Park, open wilderness hut
HEMIS_255444 Finland, Lapland Province, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
HEMIS_255537 Finland, Lapland Province, Urho Kekkonen National Park, Sompio Reserve, open wilderness hut, hikers
HEMIS_255446 Finland, Lapland Province, Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
HEMIS_255433 Finland, Lapland Province, Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)
HEMIS_337896 Finlande, Laponie, Chouette lapone (strix nebulosa)
HEMIS_255437 Finland, Lapland Province, Bohemian Waxwing (bombycilla garrulus)
HEMIS_255451 Finland, Lapland Province, Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
HEMIS_255419 : Finland, Lapland Province, Pallas Yll채stunturi National Park, aurora borealis
HEMIS_337961 Finlande, Laponie, Sizerin (? blanchatre ou flamme, a confirmer)
HEMIS_255420 Finland, Lapland Province, Pallas Yll채stunturi National Park, aurora borealis
HEMIS_255545 Finland, Lapland Province, Kuusamo, taiga, snowshoe hike at night
HEMIS_255423 Finland, Lapland Province, Pallas Yll채stunturi National Park, open wilderness hut
Finland, Lapland Province, Urho Kekkonen National Park, Sompio Reserve, open wilderness hut
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Abisko, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog tour
HEMIS_255479 Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Abisko, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog tour
HEMIS_337886 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, Reserve naturelle de Parlalvens, chien de traineau
HEMIS_255482 Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Abisko, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog tour
HEMIS_337888 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, Reserve naturelle de Parlalvens, chien de traineau
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Alesjaur, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog, Siberian husky
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Alesjaur, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog tour
HEMIS_359451 Sled dog tour with Siberian Huskies in Kiruna, Lappland, North Sweden, Sweden
HEMIS_337969 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, montagnes suedoises, paysages entre Kvikkjokk et Pieskehaure
HEMIS_255510 Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Alesjaur, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog tour
HEMIS_241811 Red trail marker, lonely fell landscape, Abisko National Park, Lapland, Sweden
HEMIS_255475 : Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Abisko, hiking trail of Kungsleden, sled dog, Siberian husky
Abisko, Sweden. The Abisko Ark Hotel with Lapporten, Swedens's most famous landmark, in the background. Doug McKinlay/Axiom
Abisko, Sweden. Snow and sauna at the Abisko Lodge in Abisko National Park, 200 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle. Doug McKinlay/Axiom
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, Ice Church, design Marjolein Vonk, Cindy Berg, Marinus Vroom, Jan Willem & Maarten Meijer, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, bar de l'hotel Absolut Ice Bar, Artwork by Lena Kristrรถm & Mark Armstrong, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, Ice Church, design Marjolein Vonk, Cindy Berg, Marinus Vroom, Jan Willem & Maarten Meijer, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, Ice Church, design Marjolein Vonk, Cindy Berg, Marinus Vroom, Jan Willem & Maarten Meijer, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, chambre Memories of Paradise, artists Natalia Chistyakova and Karlis Ile, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, property release ok pour presse et media
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, chambre Paradise Apple Tree artist Kestutis Musteikis, property release ok pour presse et media
HEMIS_337917 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, ICEHOTEL a Jukkasjarvi, bar de l'hotel Absolut Ice Bar, Artwork by Lena Kristrรถm & Mark Armstrong, property release ok pour presse et media
HEMIS_337938 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, randonnee en motoneige de Kvikkjokk a Pieskehaure
HEMIS_337941 Sweden, Laponie, Rennes (Rangifer tarandus)
HEMIS_337953 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, Arjeplogsfjallen, Nordkalottleden (chemin de grande randonnee)
Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, Arjeplogsfjallen, trail Nordkalottleden (chemin de grande randonnee) près du refuge de Pieskehaure
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Parc National d'Abisko, hiking trail of Kungsleden, refuge of the Korsavagge Valley
HEMIS_255531 : Norway, Lofoten Islands, Moskenesoya Island, fjord
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, Alesjaur, hiking trail of Kungsleden, Alesjaur refuge
Sweden, County of Norrbotten, Lapland, area listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, Stora Sjรถfallet National Park, snowshoe hike
HEMIS_337878 Suede, Laponie, Norrbotten, Reserve naturelle de Parlalvens, Aurore boreale
HEMIS_359452 Northern Lights, aurora borealis, sweden, swedish lappland
HEMIS_255528 Norway, Lofoten Islands, road and bridge between Moskenesoya and Flakstadoy
HEMIS_337960 Norvege, iles Lofoten, ile de Moskenesoya, village de A, sechoirs a morue
HEMIS_255524 Norway, Lofoten Islands, Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)
HEMIS_255519 Norway, Lofoten Islands, Moskenesoya Island, cod heads
HEMIS_255522 Norway, Lofoten Islands, Moskenesoya Island, cod fish on dryer
HEMIS_340230 Sami Man in Traditional Dress, Inari, Lemmenjoki National Park, Arctic Circle, Lapland, Finland
HEMIS_359449 Honeymoon-room in an igloo, Snow Hotel, Kirkenes, Finnmark, Lapland, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe