Auto dealer in racial discrimination lawsuit
An old face returns to Atlanta
Airport chapels haven to diverse faiths
Business & Farm, Page 5A
Sports, Page 1B
Faith, Page 1C SATURDAY, August 1, 2009
Volume XCV, No. 178
(252) 436-2700
Man dies when tree falls on him Windy conditions cited in 84-year-old’s accident From STAFF REPORTS
WILTON — An 84-yearold man died on a windy Friday afternoon after a large pecan tree fell on him while he was on a tractor at a farm off Grove Hill Road near the Wilton community in the southeastern part of Granville County, Sheriff Brin Wilkins said. L.B. Strother was bushhogging with a 135 Massey Ferguson and was beside a tobacco packhouse when the accident occurred, Wilkins said. One of the neighbors found Strother, Wilkins said. Emergency 911 received the call at approximately 3:40 p.m. This is the second time a county resident has died as a result of an accident involving a tree. The previous one happened Feb. 23 west of Oxford and claimed the life of 65-year-old James Duke Bradsher. He had sawed down a pine tree when the top of another tree popped out, fell and struck him. Send comments to news@
Vance man shot at home in burglary From STAFF REPORTS
David Lee Hargrove, 44, was shot about 3 a.m. Friday during a burglary attempt at his home at 2697 Morgan Road, according to a Sheriff’s report.. Sheriff Peter White had not returned a reporter’s phone call by press time, and other details are unknown. Send comments to news@
Index Our Hometown . . . . . 2A Business & Farm. . . . 5A Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Light Side . . . . . . . . . 7A Sports. . . . . . . . . . 1-4B Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5C Comics . . . . . . . . . . . 6C Classifieds. . . . . . . 7-9C
Weather Today T-storms High: 90 Low: 69
Sunday Stormy
High: 85 Low: 70
Details, 3A
Deaths Henderson Ernestine C. Cannady Warrenton Ernestine B. Moore, 76
Obituaries, 4A
Gang graffiti litters the side of the former Burkart Carolina building on J.P. Taylor Road Friday morning. Owners of the building found the graffiti Wednesday and reported it to the Vance County Sheriff’s Office. Vulgar writing has been purposely blurred.
Graffiti marks gang territory Former owner: Defaced building case closed day after report
50 cents
Panel passes on EDC choices Filling 6 seats goes to board By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer
Instead of coming up with recommendations Friday, a Vance Commiswork until the business’ From STAFF REPORTS sioners’ committee will recent closure. With a let the full board make “For Sale” sign in front, The former owner of a choices next Monday night Chastain believes, thugs local business that closed to fill six seats on the new up shop March 31 couldn’t must have considered the Economic Development building to be completely believe her eyes when Commission. vacant and moved in to she returned this week The original list of leave their mark. to the building where she candidates could be shorter “It is horrible,” Chastain continues to maintain a when presented at the part-time office. said Friday. “It is beyond board meeting, if two of the Patricia Chastain found horrible.” potential EDC members that graffiti had been The vandalism was are determined not to live spray-painted along two reported Wednesday. in Vance. sides of the large strucWhen Chastain went to Questions raised at the ture. She said sheriff’s ofthe Vance County SherPlanning and Environmenficers told her the painting iff’s Office on Thursday to tal Committee session Friwas probably the work of get a copy of the report, day focused on Claiborne gang members marking it reflected that the case Woods, who has a Manson their territory. — in which there were no address, and Curtis White, And then the case was known suspects — was who has no known local closed. already considered closed. residence. The former Burkart “I turned it in WednesThe other names up for Carolina facility at 254 Daily Dispatch/ASHLEY STEVEN AYSCUE day and by Thursday it consideration next Monday J.P. Taylor Road was sold was an inactive case,” night are Sam Watkins, about two years ago to a Gang graffiti covers a wall near the office entrance to the Chastain said. Dennis Tharrington, Curtis foreign company for which former Burkart Carolina building on J.P. Taylor Road Friday Tyndall, Tom Anderson, Please see GRAFFITI, page 3A morning. Chastain continued to Richard Brand, John Bunch, Tommy Hester, Thomas Church, John Foster, Paul Harris, Donald Matthews, Allison Rivers, George Rush and Charles Teeter. The Planning and Environmental Comseven weeks of negotiations would found spending cuts by increasing By GARY D. ROBERTSON mittee — consisting of signal this year’s session is about to the average class size by three stuAssociated Press Writer Chairman Dan Brummitt, end. dents, saving as much as $323 milTerry Garrison and Danny The final sticking point worked lion annually by eliminating money Wright — wants all of the RALEIGH — House and Senout publicly stemmed around public for 6,000 teacher positions. ate Democrats completed a tentaVance Commissioners to school spending cuts, which fellow But those offers were replaced tive budget agreement for the next draw names out of a hat Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue with Friday’s final decision. two years Friday evening, almost to determine which of the demanded needed to minimize damThe level of those spending reduca month after a plan to run North County’s EDC members age to classroom operations. Perdue tions weren’t immediately available Carolina state government was supwill have three, two or onewill be asked to sign the budget into Friday night. More details — such posed to be in place. year terms. law. It wasn’t immediately clear if as how many hundreds of state posiLawmakers said they had The committee will tions would be eliminated — would wrapped up their work on a proposal she was ready to support the final recommend that Garrison, product. be provided Monday when the budexpected to spend roughly $19 bilwho was on the County lion for the fiscal year that started The agreement by Democrats get is finalized and the bill released. EDC, will serve the threeJuly 1, not including more than $1 controlling both chambers wouldn’t The agreement would give schools year term on a sixth seat billion in federal stimulus money require class sizes to increase in flexibility to use other pots of money set aside for a commissionthat would help ease the state’s kindergarten through sixth grade — to hire as many teachers as possible, er on the new Hendersonworst fiscal crisis in a generation. meaning districts would get money such as state money for textbooks. Vance Economic Develop“It’s really been a hard year, and to hire teachers this fall using the Perdue had said for weeks she ment Commission. that’s why it’s taken us so long,” said same student-teacher ratio as last wouldn’t accept a budget that damThe date of the organiSen. Linda Garrou, D-Forsyth, one year. But the 115 school districts aged the public schools. zation’s first meeting will of the Senate’s top negotiators. and charter schools would be responIn a statement late Friday, also be chosen by the entire The first of two required votes on sible to find spending cuts in grades Perdue said there were still some board next Monday night. the final budget bill in each chamber 7-12. negotiations this weekend and “I Brummitt and Garrison could come as early as Tuesday. The The budget proposals approved Please see BUDGET, page 3A went along with Wright’s budget’s passage after more than by the House and Senate each had opinion that it would be more democratic to let all of the commissioners make choices, instead of voting on recommendations from the committee. Daily Dispatch/William F. West Watkins — the current EDC chairman — and Interstate 85 northbound Tharrington, Hester and traffic was slowed on FriTeeter — three current day evening after the two EDC members — were vehicles, shown here, among those overlooked ended up in a wreck just last Monday night when north of the I-85/U.S. the Henderson City Coun158/Oxford interchange. cil chose James Kearney No information was and Andrea Harris for immediately available, two of its three Economic but state troopers at Development Commission the scene said there seats. was no fatality. Antioch Kearney’s name was and Oxford firefighters submitted by Mayor Pro responded to the wreck, Tem Lonnie Davis. Michael which happened at apRainey, a member of the proximately 6:30 p.m. Please see EDC, page 3A
Dems’ budget agreement tentative K-6 class sizes would remain same; districts to find cuts in grades 7-12
Rain slick wreck on I-85