CMYK Pair arrested in Spring Street shooting
N.C. terror suspects moved to Va. jail
LaRaia’s long road to recovery
From Page One, Page 3A
State & Nation, Page 7A
Sports, Page 1B FRIDAY, August 7, 2009
Volume XCV, No. 183
(252) 436-2700
50 cents
Charter school wins approval
Murder suspects arrested
Henderson Collegiate makes final cut, but progress will be reviewed in March From STAFF REPORTS
The State Board of Education has given preliminary approval for a second charter school in Vance County, one of the school’s founders said Thursday. Eric Sanchez said their application for Henderson Collegiate won the second highest number of votes By AL WHELESS from the board and was Daily Dispatch Writer first choice for 4 of its 9 members. Two suspects — one alBefore final approval, ready in jail and the other the school’s progress arrested Thursday in Ratoward developing bylaws, leigh — have been accused Daily Dispatch/ASHLEY STEVEN AYSCUE policies and procedures of first-degree murder will be reviewed in March in the June 14 shooting2010, he said. death of David Hicks at Sanchez, who will be America’s Best Value Inn the principal, expects the Jordan Hogge slides along an inflatable water slide as Jake Wiggins takes off right behind on Parham Road. school to open in August him outside First Baptist Church Thursday morning. According to Rusty Edwards, minister of Tevin Lee Daye, 16, of 2010. Christian formation, about 25 kids participated in the church’s summer camp where campers Oakridge Church Road in Plans call for opening learned about missionaries’ efforts to bring water to Malawi, a landlocked country in Africa. Kittrell, was apprehended with only a fourth grade The water fun day was the culmination of the church’s Watering Malawi program. at an apartment comwith 100 students and plex on Calvary Road by then adding a grade each members of the Henderson year, he said. The first Police Department and the year will require 5 teachRaleigh Police Department ers, 4 of whom will teach Fugitive Task Force. reading, writing, math Brooks Montel Jones, 19, and nonfiction studies. of 1644 S. Lynnbank Road The fifth will be a special in Kittrell was indicted by education teacher. a Vance County grand jury The focus of the school on June 27 for first-degree will be on students who murder in the case. for the high figure was are doing so are at risk of underachievHoops Both are being held because the complex much the ing, he said. Transportawithout bond. hosted a district competidepartment tion for students will be court Appearances in Vance tion and was able to collect has difficulprovided, as will breakfast trouble, County District Court gate fees. And Caudle said and lunch. ty keeping Page 4A there will be tournaments are scheduled for Sept. 1 up. Sanchez said he and the for Jones and Aug. 17 for scheduled for almost every school’s 9-member board “MarketDaye. weekend up to November. of directors are looking at ing is always an issue By WILLIAM F. WEST Anyone with informaCantley wanted to know locations for the school, here,” Caudle said. Daily Dispatch Writer about projected costs to The department has which will be in downtown tion related to the shootreceived a mini grant maintain the facility per Henderson. ing is asked to contact OXFORD — Plans are from the Granville County year. Caudle said the Henderson Police at (252) expected to be in the works Tourism Development Au- department has those 438-4141. Callers can also for a Town Hall type of figures, but she did not reach Crime Stoppers at meeting to engage citizens thority and will use funds to upgrade the departimmediately have them in (252) 492-1925. to offer ways to help the ment’s Internet site. hand for the committee. City Recreation DepartWhen Powell asked “Are we going to break Contact the writer at awhement with coaching, marCaudle about what needs even?” Cantley asked. keting and volunteering. to happen for the depart“We will never break City Commission Recment to get better at mareven,” Caudle said. reation Chairman Steve By AL WHELESS keting, she said, “It’s just “So we’re going to lose Powell brought up the idea Daily Dispatch Writer dollars and cents. It’s the money,” Cantley said. near the end of an approxitimes. It’s the economy.” “We will always lose Our Hometown . . . . . 2A mately hour-long commitWhile the $1.5 million Caudle faced extensive money in parks and rec,” Business & Farm. . . . 5A tee meeting on Monday renovation of the Vance questioning throughout Caudle said. Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . 8A afternoon, noting such a County Jail should be City Manager Mark Light Side . . . . . . . . . 9A future gathering would not the committee meeting. completed within a year, Committee member Donham said part of the Sheriff Peter White said Sports. . . . . . . . . . 1-4B be “a gripe session,” but concept behind the facility Thursday, more money Walter Cantley noted Comics . . . . . . . . . . . 5B rather with the purpose is to attract people to the Caudle said she was gocould be required to add Classifieds. . . . . . . 6-8B of helping enhance the local hotels and restauing to have half a dozen bed space “in the not-toodepartment and services. rants. And Caudle said major tournaments at the distant future.” Although no specific the Comfort Inn and the new Oxford Park Athletic The project, which time, date and location Complex off Horner Siding Econo Lodge were full the recently got under way, Today were set, Recreation Direc- Road. Cantley wanted to weekends of both tournawill not generate any new tor Mary Caudle said she know whether this was go- ments. beds, but will allow again is agreeable to the session. ing to come to fruition. Sunny Committee member the use of 38 in the old jail. Powell made the suggesHigh: 92 Bob Shope asked whether That will bring the numCaudle said the departtion moments after asking ment was only able to have Oxford was able to acLow: 63 ber of beds to 150. Caudle for an update on commodate attendees and two because of the late Also called the annex, the department’s marketparticipants with both opening of the facility, but the facility was shut down Saturday ing. hotels and Caudle said no, by White in May of 2007 she said the department “Oh, we’re behind, still, due to unsafe and unprompting Shope to say generated approximately of course,” Caudle said, healthy conditions. this is financially feeding $3,000 in revenues from Cloudy speculating the reason is He said the renovation both events. High: 95 Please see FEEDBACK, page 3A will bring the jail up to par because she and staffers Low: 72 Caudle noted the reason
Charges stem from June shooting at Henderson motel
Learning of Malawi
Powell wants feedback to help Rec Department But commissioner doesn’t want Town Hall gripe session
Additionally, he said, he will create a Web site, submit an application for nonprofit status, search for grants and recruit the staff. The application process started in February, Sanchez said. That was followed by an interview by an SBE committee in May and then the vote on Thursday. Henderson Collegiate will be the second charter school in Vance. The other is Vance Charter, which is located in the Henderson Mall complex on Dabney Drive. A charter school is a publicly funded school that operates under a private, nonprofit board rather than under the authority of the local board of education. Charter schools are allowed to operate under a locally tailored set of rules rather than the more rigid structure that traditional public schools must follow. Henderson Collegiate competed Thursday with six other schools. North Carolina has a limit of 100 charter schools statewide, so new proposals are only considered when schools that were already in business are closed. Three closures created the opportunity for Henderson Collegiate’s supporters. Send comments to news@
Vance jail renovation completion within year
Details, 3A
Deaths Henderson Talmadge W. Ayscue, 62 Kittrell Monique D. Powell, 48 Warrenton John W. Eaton, 94
Obituaries, 4A
and in compliance with State rules and regulations. “Much of this expenditure ($1.5 million) can be attributed to antiquated materials and improper maintenance over the years,” White explained. “Additionally, we will be able to provide a higher level of safety and security for both the staff and inmates in our facility, along with a better environment in which to coexist,” the Sheriff said. “While this will most certainly not end our woes as it relates to overcrowding, it is a positive step in the right direction,” White said. Contact the writer at
Crime Stoppers asks for help with 2 cases By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer
Crime Stoppers is looking for anonymous tips to help Henderson Police arrest some furniture thieves and a purse-snatcher. About $10,000 worth of furniture was stolen July 21 from Furniture Concept at 50 Americal Road after someone broke out the front door glass at the
warehouse. Investigators had no suspects as of Wednesday. In a separate case, a strongarm robbery occurred on Thurston Street about 9:30 p.m. on July 7. The victim, Lillie McKnight, told police she had just returned home when she saw a black male riding a bike. When she approached her
house, McKnight said, her pocketbook was grabbed by a black male about 16 to 17 years old, 5-foot-10 inches, with light skin and a slim build. McKnight said the thief ran to the back of the residence, got on a bike and left the scene, headed toward Water Street. Information can be placed on the web site at www. or tele-
phoned to detectives at 438-4141. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of persons responsible for these and other criminal offenses. The phone number for Crime Stoppers is 492-1925. Callers do not have to give their names. Contact the writer at awheless@