The Daily Dispatch - Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Page 1

CMYK New ABC Store consolidates stores, warehouse, offices

Local Options

Business & Farm, Page 4A

Faye and Kermit Thompson sit on the tailgate of their pickup truck as their wares of peppers, cherry tomatoes, pears and pickled peppers are on display at the YMCA farmers’ market Wednesday morning. If you’re cooking up a great meal at home, local produce is a fresh, healthy choice.

Study finds mood improves with end-of-life counseling Nation, Page 10A

Northern Vance Vikings volleyball wins opener Sports, Page 1B

Good Taste, 1C

WEDNESDAY, August 19, 2009

Volume XCV, No. 193

(252) 436-2700

Southerland’s Mill Pond offer $55,000

Property owner wants to discuss compliance



Thursday ...humid High: 92 Low: 74

Details, 3A

Deaths Greensboro Victoria M. Ratliff, 82 Henderson Bettie E. Wright, 96

Obituaries, 4A


The foggy result

Fog begins to form in a field near the intersection of Vance Academy Road and U.S. 158 Business Monday night. Heavy rain moved through the area during the late afternoon after temperatures soared into the low 90s.

Library open at temporary location Thornton facility to be renovated and expanded By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

OXFORD — The relocated Richard H. Thornton Library opened Tuesday morning at the former 84 Lumber at 208 E. Industry Drive, with Granville County Chief Librarian Tresia Dodson saying this will be the library’s location for a year to a year and a half. “It took us 10 days,” Please see BID, page 3A Dodson said of the change to clear the way for the expansion and renovation of Thornton, which is at 210 Main St. Our Hometown . . . . . 2A “We moved approxiBusiness & Farm. . . . 5A mately 55,000 volumes,” Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . 8A Dodson said. “I was very Light Side . . . . . . . . . 9A pleased with how the floor Sports. . . . . . . . . . 1-3B plan came together.” “You have to be exGood Taste . . . . . . 1, 3C tremely well organized,” Comics . . . . . . . . . . . 2C Dodson said of what she Classifieds. . . . . . . 4-7C learned from the move. “I really don’t think we could have done it in two weeks had we not been.” Today Voters countywide in November overwhelmingly approved an $8 million Not ‘n’... bond issue that includes High: 94 Low: 68 transforming the more


50 cents

Beacon Light meeting

Another bidder for city tract

A $55,000 bid has been submitted on the Southerland’s Mill Pond tract in the southeastern part of Vance County. The counteroffer by Bier Haus LLC is $5,000 higher than the bid submitted by Elissa Yount, a former Henderson city councilwoman. Assistant City Manager Frank Frazier said the deadline to submit counteroffers was 5 p.m. Tuesday. Frazier did not have any information about the identity of Bier Haus. Robert Southerland, a former councilman whose family once owned the land, has bid $43,000. The city acquired the property in 1952 for $51,000, which prompted a dissent by Councilman Garry Daeke at the July 27 council meeting about the city selling land at $8,000 less than what the city paid for more than a halfcentury ago. The council on July 27 voted 7-1 for a resolution stating the city’s intent to sell the land. City Attorney John Zollicoffer at the July 27

Daily Dispatch/William F. West

Richard H. Thornton Library patron Betty Finch enjoys looking at a book by Karen Kingsbury in the library’s temporary location, which is at 208 E. Industry Drive between N.C. 96 and U.S. 15. The library’s permanent home, which is located at 210 Main St. in the city center, is going to be expanded and renovated. than 45-year-old ThornThornton facility, said, ton. “Oh, I think it’s just overTerms of the referenwhelming.” dum additionally speci“And I think they did an fied replacing the town excellent job,” Taylor said. of Stovall’s branch with a “Oh, I think it looks larger one, replacing the great, absolutely great,” branch inside Vance-Gran- patron Betty Finch said. ville Community College’s “I just couldn’t believe it South Campus building when I walked in.” with a larger, standalone The 208 E. Industry structure and modernizing Drive location is 10,600 the hand-me-down-looking square feet in size and is interior of the branch at owned by Rosemyr Corp. the Berea community. of Henderson. The 210 Library Trustee Richard Main St.. location was just Taylor, when asked about over 12,000 square feet, factoring in a single car the work in relocating the

garage used as storage. The County Commission on June 15 gave the go-ahead to having Storr Office Environments of Raleigh move the contents of Thornton to 208 E. Industry Drive at a cost of $56,073. Dodson said approximately 10,000 volumes are in storage in Raleigh. An increase of 2.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation is needed to provide for the repayment of the bond issue. And on June 15, the commission, with one member absent, approved an additional 4.5-cent tax increase for education, meaning county residents are now paying 82.5 cents on the hundred. The commission received good news when Resolute Building Co. of Chapel Hill submitted a bid of $2,089,300 for the Thornton project. The estimated cost was $2.75 million. The commission accepted the bid on Aug. 3. Dodson said she is anticipating a groundbreaking ceremony next month for the to-be-transformed Thornton.

als,” several prepaid cell phones, “militant documents,” and five newspapers regarding the 2001 terrorist attacks, according to documents. The warrant allowed investigators to search Boyd’s home south of Raleigh and four vehicles. Some of the items detailed in the warrant were taken during Boyd’s arrest last month. Federal investigators said Boyd, a drywall contractor, was the ringleader of a small North Carolinabased terrorist group, involved in three years of nefarious international travel, gun buys and military-style training trips. Authorities claim the group, including an eighth suspect believed

The owner of the former Beacon Light apartment complex wants to meet with the Henderson City Council’s Land Planning and Development Committee about the council’s recent actions and about how to bring the property back into compliance with municipal codes. The session is set for 4 p.m. Friday in the conference room of City Hall, 134 Rose Ave. The council, with one member absent at its Aug. 10 meeting, approved a set of documents that included giving City Manager Ray Griffin full authorization to work with the property owner, Sharif Abdelhalim, to establish a “reasonable timetable” to bring the shabby 318 Boddie St. location into compliance, along with a conversion to homeownership. Griffin has said Abdelhalim will have to present a letter of credit to the city in an amount of 1 1/2 times the amount of the city’s estimate to demolish and clear the property. Moving forward with Please see BEACON LIGHT, page 3A

On the Net: Contact the writer at bwest@

Feds seize guns, cash from terror suspect RALEIGH (AP) — Federal agents seized several rifles and other guns, $14,000 cash and newspaper clippings of the Sept. 11 attacks from a man accused of plotting international terrorism, according to a warrant unsealed Tuesday. The search warrant shows investigators seized dozens of items from Daniel Patrick Boyd, 39. The FBI had previously said agents seized some two dozen guns and more than 27,000 rounds of ammunition. Those are described in greater detail in the warrant, which lists crates of ammunition, several rifles and at least one AK-47-style gun. Agents also took “military manu-

By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

to be in Pakistan, were gearing up for a “violent jihad,” though prosecutors haven’t detailed any specific targets or timeframe. Boyd and seven others, including two of his sons, have been charged with plotting to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons in a foreign country. One of the eight men, Jude Kenan Mohammad, remains at large. The seven men in custody must remain in jail until their trials because a judge deemed them flight risks. A second warrant unsealed Tuesday shows agents also searched the apartment of suspect Hysen Sherifi. Investigators seized a computer and several books and videotapes, including at least two regarding jihad.

Wanted This break-in suspect caught on camera at the Vanco Mill Shell Car Wash about 11 p.m. on Aug. 4 is being sought by investigators with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office. They’re hoping someone will be able to put a name to the face. The man, whose arm was injured when he broke into the control box, was on the scene for 33 minutes. Anyone with tips can contact the Sheriff’s Office at (252) 738-2200 or Crime Stoppers at (252) 492-1925. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible.

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