The Daily Dispatch - Sunday, September 6, 2009

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ap photo/sTePheN BrAsheAr

ection D D program for ection ReSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program client Ben Alexander listens to music in his room at the program’s facility in Fall City, Wash. ReSTART is the residentialSStreatment Sunday unday, September 6, 2009 S , September 6, 2009 online addicts, and is the first of its kind in the United States.

Addicted to the Internet

Are you addicted?

It’s no longer a joking matter, as a Washington clinic shows Showcase, Page 1C


Oxford location for early voting changed Public Records, Page 6A

Teen: Brother innocent in mobile home slayings

Shaun Draughn and UNC steamroll The Citadel.

Sports, Page 1B

(252) 436-2700

FALL CITY, Wash. — Ben Alexander spent nearly every waking minute playing the video game “World of Warcraft.” As a result, he flunked out of the University of Iowa. Alexander, 19, needed help to break an addiction he calls as destructive as alcohol or drugs. He found it in this suburb of high-tech Seattle, where what claims to be the first residential treatment center for Internet addiction in the United States just opened its doors. The center, called ReSTART, is somewhat ironically located near Redmond, headquarters of Microsoft and a world center of the computer industry. It opened in July and for $14,000 offers a 45-day program intended to help people wean themselves from pathological computer use, which can include obsessive use of video games, texting, Facebook, eBay, Twitter and any other timekillers brought courtesy of technology. “We’ve been doing this for years on an outpatient basis,” said Hilarie Cash, a therapist and executive director of the center. “Up until now, we had no place to send them.” Internet addiction is not recognized as a separate disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, and treatment is not generally covered by insurance. But there are many such treatment centers in China, South Korea and Taiwan — where Internet addiction is taken very seriously — and many psychiatric experts say it is clear that Internet addiction is real and harmful. The five-acre center in Fall City, about 30 miles east of Seattle, can handle up to six patients at a time. Alexander is the first patient of the program, which

“Among psychiatrists there is general recognition that many patients have difficulty controlling their impulses to chat online, or play computer games or watch porn,” Block said. “The debate is how to classify that.” Cash, co-author of the book “Video Games & Your Kids,” first started dealing with Internet addiction in 1994, with a patient who was so consumed by video games that he had lost his marriage and two jobs. Internet addicts miss out on real conversations and real human development, often see their hygiene, their home and relationships deteriorate, don’t eat or sleep properly and don’t get enough exercise, Rae said. Alexander is a tall, quiet young man who always got good grades and hopes to become a biologist. He started playing “World of Warcraft,” a hugely popular online multiplayer role playing game, about a year ago, and got sucked right in. “At first it was a couple of hours a day,” he said. “By midway through the first semester, I was playing 16 or 17 hours a day. “School wasn’t interesting,” he said. “It was an easy way to socialize and meet people.” It was also an easy way to flunk out. Alexander dropped out in the second semester and went to a traditional substance abuse program, which was not a good fit. He graduated from a 10-week outdoors-based program in southern Utah, but felt he still had little control over his gaming. So he sought out a specialized program and arrived in Fall City in July. He thinks it was a good choice. “I don’t think I’ll go back to ‘World of Warcraft’ anytime soon,” Alexander said.

Nation, Page 7A

11 signs that you might be a little too connected to the Internet

Signs of Internet addiction, accordImperfections Design. Imperfectionscan canbebethe theperfect perfectaccent. accent.Interior InteriorbybyRegina-Andrew Regina-Andrew Design. ing to Hilarie Cash, executive director of the ReSTART center for Internet addiction near Seattle. Three of the following symptoms suggest abuse, five Tips Tipsfor forChoosing Choosing Furniture ss the there’s Furniture the saying saying goes, goes, there’s no no place place like like home. home.And Andthese thesedays dayspeople peopleare arelooking looking or more addiction: for for ways ways to to make make their their home home aa more more enjoyable enjoyableliving livingspace. space. Measure, Measure,measure, measure,measure! measure! “Rather “Rather than than flipping flipping homes, homes, like like people people did did when when the thehousing housingmarket marketwas wasstrong, strong, Too many people don’t Too many people don’tmeasure measure we’re seeing more we’re• seeing more and and more more families families embracing embracing what whatthey theyalready alreadyhave,” have,”says saysBob Bob their -Increasing theirrooms, rooms,doorways doorwaysand andstair stair Maricich, Center eptember Maricich, president president and and CEO CEO of of World World Market Market CenterLas LasVegas. Vegas.“The “Theidea ideaofofrefreshing refreshing ways waysbefore beforebuying buyinga afurniture furniture one’s one’s environment, environment, even even in in the the smallest smallest ways, ways, can can have haveaarestorative restorativepower powerand andtransform transform piece. piece.Make Makesure sureititwill willnot notonly only aa house to aa home.” house to home.” fit in the room, but will fit amounts ofsaytime fit in the room, but will fitthrough through Home that Home furnishing furnishing experts experts say that it’s it’s important important toto recognize recognizethat thatit’s it’sthe thelittlest littlestthings things allallthe doorways itittakes totoget into the doorways takes get into that that matter matter when when you’re you’re making making enhancements enhancements toto your yourhome. home.Simple Simpletouches touchesofofaanew new the theroom. room. sofa rug even sofa or or end end table, table,on rug or or Internet. even aa decorative decorative lamp lamp shade shadewill willcreate createaadifferent differentlook lookand andfeel feel spent to Color to aa room room or or space. space. This This isis aa small small lifestyle lifestyle change, change, and andnot notan anunobtainable unobtainableluxury. luxury. ColorTrial: Trial:Just Justbecause becauseyou youlike like the Black goes outout of of style. thecolor colorininthe theshowroom showroomdoesn’t doesn’t Blackand andwhite whitenever never goes style. mean Timeless Trends Côte byby Amity Home. meanyou’ll you’lllike likeititininyour yourhouse. house. Timeless Trendsattempts • Failed CôtededeRhône Rhônebedding beddingensemble ensemble Amity Home. Lighting Nancy Lightingand andsurrounding surroundingelements elements Nancy Robinson Robinson and and Julie Julie M. M. Smith, Smith, of of Nine Nine Muses Muses Media, Media,have haveput puttogether togethersome sometime time- can less trends that will help you visualize and explore the possibilities for updating your home. canchange changea acolor colordrastically. drastically.Get Get less trends that will help you visualize and explore the possibilities for updating your home. color swatches and live with them toCalmcontrol behavior. color swatches and live with them for a few days before making a for a few days before making a Calm Yourself Yourself final decision. Living with a neutral interior palette is like being enveloped by a cloud. Get the look by final decision. Living a neutral interior palette is like being enveloped by a cloud. Get the look by • with Heightened blanketing rooms in the softest neutral shades: cream, mocha and, most especially (and Reality Check: Think through how blanketing rooms in the softest neutral shades: cream, mocha and, most especially (and Reality Check: Think through how perhaps surprisingly), gray. “A dash of a neutral metallic accent, such as silver, adds a this piece of furniture will be used perhaps surprisingly), “A dash of like a neutral metallic accent, suchthe as clouds.” silver, adds a thiswho piece of be furniture be used welcome sparkle,” saidgray. Robinson. “It’s sunlight peeking through and will using it.will Small welcome sparkle,” said Robinson. “It’s like sunlight peeking through the clouds.” and whopets, will shoes be using it. Small euphoria while on children, on the children,snacking pets, shoes on the Distressed ottoman, in front of the Distressed to to Impress Impress ottoman, in front of and the Modern Country is ageless and exudes a comforting charm that takes imperfection to TV — theysnacking all can cause wear Modern Country is ageless and exudes a comforting charm that takes imperfection to TV — they all can cause wear Internet. new heights. Natural finishes, heavily distressed surfaces, reclaimed woods, rattan, tear on furniture. Light colored and new heights. Natural finishes, heavily distressed surfaces, reclaimed rattan, tear ondelicate furniture. Light colored wicker and other natural textures are livable finishes for busy families.woods, And the look fits fabrics, construction and wicker andstyle otherornatural livable fabrics, delicate farmhouse urban textures loft withare equal ease.finishes for busy families. And the look fits fine finishes mightconstruction just have toand give farmhouse style or urban loftmore with equal ease. finetofinishes might just have to give • Craving way more practical concerns. way to more practical concerns. Ethnic Inspiration Ethnic Inspiration Far-reaching global influences are no longer far flung. Ethnic-inspired time on the Internet, Far-reaching global influences are no longer far flung. Ethnic-inspired fabrics are turning up all over in American homes. “The organic fabrics are turning up all over in homes. organic patterns, vibrant color palettes andAmerican handcrafted looks“The create an aura of Volume XCV, No. 209 patterns, vibrant color palettes and What handcrafted create inspired an aura of sophisticated warmth,” said Smith. to looklooks for: motifs by restless when not sophisticated warmth,” saidsusani Smith. What to lookCentral for: motifs traditional African design; patterns from Asia; inspired ikats andby traditional design; patternswood fromprints Central ikats and batiks fromAfrican Indonesia; and susani handblocked fromAsia; India. batiks from Indonesia; and handblocked woodprints from India. there. Power Play Power Play A smaller footprint, lighter weight and better performance are important A smallerconsiderations footprint, lighter weight anda better performance arethings important when buying new laptop. The same • when Neglecting fampurchase considerations buying a newInlaptop. The sameand things purchase $1.25 matter buying homewhen office furniture. fact, Robinson Smith matter when buyinghave homebecome office furniture. In fact, home Robinson and Smith note that as laptops the most popular computing note that as laptops have become popular home choice among consumers, so, too, the havemost writing tables and computing petite desks ilymoved and friends. choice among consumers, so, too, have writing tables and petite to the fore. Unlike their executive suite predecessors, thesedesks moved to scaled the fore. Unlike theirdon’t executive predecessors, these modestly workstations take upsuite an entire room. Instead, modestly scaledinto workstations don’tproviding take up anneeded entire workspace room. Instead, they easily most without •slipupLying tointeriors, others they slip easily into space most interiors, needed workspace without taking too much — or too providing much money. taking up too much space — or too much money. Seeing Black and White about use. Seeing andcloset White Bring the world home with ethnic-inspired fabrics. Smaller desks pack big benefits. The go-toBlack item in your may be the little black (or white, dependthe world ethnic-inspired Smaller big benefits. Theon go-to itemdress. in your IconBring Collection, Larryhome Laslowith Designs for Robert fabrics. Allen. Origins laptopdesks deskpack by aspenhome. ing season) In closet may be the little black (or white, dependIcon Collection, Larry Laslo Designs for Robert Allen. Origins laptop desk by aspenhome. ing• onfurnishings, season) dress. home it’s In Internet interhome furnishings,ofit’s the combination the the combination the two that offers theofmost two thatIt’s offers thethe most jobWin Big During National Home Furnishings Month impact. twice fering with and Win Big During National Home Furnishings Month impact. It’s great twice pro thelook in one September marks the first “National Home Furnishings Month” — and it’s look in great pro duct, andone it never goes first “National Furnishings Month” aSeptember great timemarks to get the inspiring ideas (andHome big values) for your home.— and it’s duct,ofand it never school. out style. Smithgoes and a great time to get inspiring big values) win a features newideas ideas(and for home trendsfor andyour a chance out of style. Robinson saySmith to conand features new forofhome trends and chance to win a room makeover. Throughout theideas month September, fivealucky winners Robinson sayatostate con-sider roombemakeover. Throughout monthcash of September, winners will awarded with athe $5,000 prize. Therefive willlucky also be a 10•making Feeling guilty or weekly sider making a state ment with a black and willindustry-wide be awarded weekly a $5,000 prize. will also be a 10day event, with September 19 cash through 27,There with in-store ment with a black and white combo in bedding day industry-wide event, September throughthroughout 27, with in-store promotions and sales events offered at19retailers the country. white combo in bedding ensembles, window promotions and sales events retailers throughout the country. Find participating stores near offered you withat the on-line Store Locator tool. ashamed ensembles, wallpaper window of behavtreatments, Find participating stores near you with the on-line Store Locator tool. To kick of National Home Furnishings Month, interior designer and or upholstery fabric. treatments, wallpaper lifestyle expert MonicaHome Pedersen will be offering personal designand tips to To kick of National Furnishings Month,her interior designer or upholstery fabric. help consumers recreate Pedersen and redecorate homesherin personal a whole new way. lifestyle expert Monica will betheir offering design tips to ior. Refreshing your nest Whether big or small improvements, Monica share ideasnew at way. help consumers recreate and redecorate their will homes in aherwhole doesn’t have toyour be out Refreshing nestof how improvements, to update your Monica home furnishings Whether big oronsmall will shareand her make ideas itata reach. few doesn’tWith havea to besimple out of bigger part of your everyday lifestyle. on how to update your home furnishings and make it a Changes inbigger changes it’s to reach.• With apossible few simple Monica Pedersen For great ideas andeveryday your chance to win, visit part of your lifestyle. fall in love your to changes it’swith possible Monica Pedersen For great ideas and your chance to win, visit home over again. fall in all love with your sleep patterns. For all more inspiration home over again. andFor tips, visitinspiration A dash of silver adds sparkle. more Star chest, tableAand chairs by Bolier Co. and tips, visit dash of silver adds & sparkle. • Weight Star chest, table and chairs by Bolier & Co. es, backaches, in the release, had been employed at the Roses headaches, carpal interviewed, and the inWarehouse. tunnel. vestigation is ongoing. A complete obituary for • Withdrawl from other activities. No foul play is suspectMr. Satterwhite appears

Real Estate, Page 1D




ap photo/sTePheN BrAsheAr

ReSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program co-founder Cosette Dawna Rae helps client Ben Alexander of Iowa City, Iowa, cook bacon for a dinner of hamburgers at the program’s facilities in Fall City, Wash. Cooking meals is among the activities that help patients recover. uses a cold turkey approach. He spends his days in counseling and psychotherapy, doing household chores, working on the grounds, going on outings, exercising and baking a mean batch of ginger cookies. Whether such programs work in the long run remains to be seen. For one thing, the Internet is so pervasive that it can be nearly impossible to resist, akin to placing an alcoholic in a bar, Cash said. The effects of addiction are no joke. They range from loss of a job or marriage to car accidents for those who can’t stop texting while driving. Some people have died after playing video games for days without a break, generally stemming from a blood clot associated with being sedentary. Psychotherapist Cosette Dawna Rae has owned the bucolic retreat center since 1994, and was searching for a new use for it when she hooked up with Cash. They

decided to avoid treating people addicted to Internet sex, in part because she lives in the center with her family. According to Dr. Kimberly Young of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery in Bradford, Pa., addiction warning signs are being preoccupied with thoughts of the Internet; using it longer than intended, and for increasing amounts of time; repeatedly making unsuccessful efforts to control use; jeopardizing relationships, school or work to spend time online; lying to cover the extent of Internet use; using the Internet to escape problems or feelings of depression; physical changes to weight, headaches or carpal tunnel syndrome. Exactly how to respond is being debated. For instance, Internet addiction can be a symptom of other mental illness, such as depression, or conditions like autism, experts say. “From what we know,

many so-called ‘Internet addicts’ are folks who have severe depression, anxiety disorders, or social phobic symptoms that make it hard for them to live a full, balanced life and deal faceto-face with other people,” said Dr. Ronald Pies, professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y. “It may be that unless we treat their underlying problems, some new form of ‘addiction’ will pop up down the line,” Pies said. There is debate about whether to include Internet addiction as a separate illness in the next edition of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” due in 2012, which determines which mental illnesses get covered by insurance. Pies and Dr. Jerald Block, of Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, said there is not enough research yet to justify that.

6, 2009

Senior citizen found shot dead in woods

Tobacco Road wife looked for husband when he didn’t return from daily walk; target-shooting accident blamed From STAFF REPORTS

An 85-year-old Vance County man was apparently accidentally shot and killed Friday as he went for his daily walk near his home. John Thomas Sat-

terwhite of 750 Tobacco Road was found by his wife about 2:30 p.m. on a private path near his residence, Sheriff Peter White said in a press release Saturday night. The death appeared to have been caused by

Accident victim upgraded to fair condition

a single gunshot wound to the upper torso, White said. An investigation found that three individuals had been having target practice near the area in which Satterwhite was walking. According to White,

Satterwhite had been taking his regular walk on his property through a wooded area. When he didn’t return after three hours, his wife, Dixie, had gone to look for him. White said the individuals, who were not named

ed, White said. — The AssociATed Press Mr. Satterwhite was a Navy veteran of World War II and had during his working career was

‘Sturgeon moon,’ midnight


Duke University Medical Center has upgraded a 23-yearold Oxford woman’s condition from serious to fair after she was injured late last week in a one-vehicle wreck on N.C. 50 on the Granville County side of the Granville County-Wake County line. Erin Gore, who was not wearing a seatbelt, suffered a blackout Friday while driving a 2006 Chevrolet Equinox north on the hilly, two-lane highway between Old N.C. 21 and Beaver Dam Road, the N.C. Highway Patrol has said. The vehicle went to the left of center and off the pavement, Gore came to, overcorrected, the vehicle overturned and Gore was ejected, the patrol has said. Gore ended up in the roadway and the vehicle went to the right and came to rest upright in a ditch, the patrol has said. The patrol cited Gore, of 604 E. Spring St., for careless and reckless driving and for failing to wear a seatbelt. A hospital patient in fair condition is one whose vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Send comments to the newspaper at


Daily Dispatch/GLENN CRAVEN

The moon was all but full as it peeked through breaks in the cloud cover — and tinted those clouds in several hues — in the wee hours of Friday morning. Friday night’s moon was full, but contrary to most Septembers was not the “harvest moon,” which is the full moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox on Sept. 22, the first day of autumn. About every four years, including this year, the harvest moon falls in October. This full moon, the one prior to the harvest moon, is known in various locales and cultures as the “corn moon,” “barley moon,” “fruit moon” or, among fishing Indian tribes, the “sturgeon moon.”

Today Mixed

High: 88 Low: 60

Monday Ditto

High: 80 Low: 65

Deaths Henderson Octavia E. Howard, 81 John T. Satterwhite, 85 Oxford Missouri G. Thorpe, 68 Soul City Frank Hill, 57

Obituaries, 4A

Sports, Page 2B

Candidates critical of Black Caucus By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

Details, 3A

Brandon Jackson and East Carolina score early and often, but almost let the game slip away against App. State.

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Garrison denies ‘arrogance’ alleged by Coffey, Ringley


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on page 4A of today’s edition.

Health care reform topic in polite town hall meeting By DAVID IRVINE Daily Dispatch Writer

WARRENTON — State Senator Doug Berger presided over a lively but polite town hall meeting on health care reform Thursday evening. More than 60 people filled a Warren County Court Room for the event. There were disagreements but no shouting, as the pros and cons were discussed. N.C. Representative Michael Wray added his welcome to the group but said he was there to listen. “This is Sen. Berger’s meeting.” Berger set the tone of the meeting, asking the participants to keep an open mind and “listen to each other.” “For some people,” Berger said, “the issue is: Should government be involved in health care?” He compared the current charges of government involvement as socialism to the charges that President Franklin Roosevelt faced in passing legislation to fight the Great Depression. He pointed out that the government already has three health care programs: Medicare, for senior citizens

and people with disabilities; Medicaid, for people with incomes below $8,000; and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, familiarly known as CHIP. Berger said that North Carolinians should be interested in federal health care plans because much of the state budget is devoted to health care. “That’s why we have to get in the game.” Berger introduced three experts he had invited to the meeting. Chris Collins, Deputy Director of the N.C. Office of Rural Health and Community Care, described work with local leaders to strengthen health care in communities. She said the office has developed 14 networks of health care providers to work in rural communities to coordinate services. One result has been to reduce the number of asthma cases admitted to hospitals by 36 percent. Anne Braswell, senior analyst in the same office, said that the HealthNet program was originally funded by the federal government to provide access Please see HEALTH CARE, page 4A

The leader of the HendersonVance Black Caucus denies claims that City Council candidates Sara Coffey and Cathy Ringley were “ejected” from a recent meeting at which Ringley wanted to know how the organization could have chosen to support a list of municipal candidates without hearing from her. The Black Caucus leader, Vance County Commissioner Terry Garrison, additionally denies Coffey’s claims of being “arrogant” in manner in saying the meeting was closed to the public Garrison and denies Coffey’s claims of “discrimination” because Coffey and Ringley are white women. Garrison said both black and white candidates were endorsed. “I mean, we are advocates for desegregation and affirmative action” and any action of bias on the organization’s part would be something the members would “absolutely deplore and object to,” Garrison added. The dispute stems from the Black Caucus having had an election planning and action matters meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Elks Lodge at 326 Rockspring St. northeast of the central business district. An advance announcement in the “Mark It Down” section of the Dispatch said, “Members are encouraged to attend.” Ringley told the Dispatch that she misread the announcement as saying the meeting would start at 7 p.m. and that she and Coffey, both of whom are neighbors, arrived at 7:10 p.m. and that they were invited to sit down. Coffey is again opposing Ward 1 At-Large Councilman Bernard Alston, while Ringley, who serves on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, is opposing Ward 1 Councilwoman Mary Emma Evans. Alston and Evans are black. The citywide election for mayor and all eight council members is Oct. 6. Please see CAUCUS, page 3A

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