The Daily Dispatch - Sunday, September 13, 2009

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Section c Sunday, September 13, 2009

u Celebrate, 2-4C u bookS & leiSure, 5C u light Side, 6-7C u a to Z kidS, 8C

Flu shots for senior citizens now available Our Hometown, Page 2A

Sizzle continues at third annual Hot Sauce Festival Local News, Page 12A

KVA soccer wins Burger King Classic Sports, Page 1B

‘Vague’ clear and ofpurpose bandvision marks release album Blended beauty: Teach your decor a few new tricks moniker;Local

Viking Emily Ellington spikes the ball in 3-0 win over KVA.

Real Estate, Page 1D

Sports, 1B

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Vague-Us recently released their debut album “All In” (above) during a performance at Lindy’s Oxford Bar & Grill on Aug. 22. The members of the group (on right, from left) are Chris Renn, Chris Moore, Justin Barker, Chuck Galantis and Jeremy Jones.

Officer of Month had busy August By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer

Joseph Gwinn, the Henderson Police Department’s Officer Of The Month of August, wants to get his criminal justice degree, but he has already had quite an education. From 2000 to 2008, he was a prison guard for eight years at the Warren Correctional Institution. Gwinn reached the rank of sergeant. Gwinn He graduated from Basic Law Enforcement Training at Vance-Granville Community College. Since first putting on a Henderson Police uniform in December of 2008, Gwinn has been assigned to the Operations Division. In August, Gwinn compiled a lot of statistics during the 31-day period. He made 19 arrests which included a felony, a misdemeanor and serving 17 warrants. Also, Gwinn investigated 33 incidents and wrote 44 citations. He answered 152 calls for service and assisted on 31 other calls.

Vague-US, after years of struggle and line-up changes, released their first album, ‘All In’, to an enthusiastic crowd during a show last month at Lindy’s Oxford Bar & Grill. The buzz about the concert, the CD and the band in general has been huge. Success for this rock band from the Raleigh Triangle area of North Carolina appears imminent. Drummer and Founder Chuck Galantis spelled it out to me: “We’re bringing back the arena sound. We’d be stupid... to drop the ball right now. We’d be complete fools to just say ‘Okay, we’re not gonna take it any further; we’re gonna let this album do what it can do and hope to God it makes us some money.’ No, dude — we just opened the door!” ‘All In’ was released by the band (they are as yet unsigned). It has been in the works for three years: lineup changes, family issues and life in general delayed its completion. It was self-produced by the band, recorded and mixed by Sean Loepp at Boneyard Studios in Cary, NC, and mastered by Brent Lambert at the Kitchen in Carrboro, NC Galantis was gracious enough to meet with me recently to discuss all things Vague-Us. Guitarist Chris Renn and newly acquired bassist Justin Barker surprised me with their presence at the interview as well. Champs Sports Bar, within the Triangle Town Center complex in Raleigh, provided the proper mood (and the beer) for a relaxed yet candid conversation: Galantis described how he felt when the band finally wrapped up the recording: “It was a journey man. I’ll tell you this now — any album that you put together is never finished. It’s done but it’s not finished. A lot of the weight was put on my shoulders at one point to produce it.” He and producer Loepp butted heads for a long time before the band finally encouraged Galantis to just take the reins and finish the work. “We trust you; we’re gonna lay the chips on your table,” he quoted the other members. “After it was Dylan Shawn over it was a damn wilSon sense of relief,” he added. But it was SpeCial FeatureS definitely worth it. aSSiStant “Man, I bleed music,” Galantis said. “It (the album) gave me everything I wanted it to give me. When it got finished it was heaven on earth.” “At the end of it, being a hellacious task, those smiling faces, those records leaving the table (at the release party), those people asking us to sign them... (it was) proof in the puddin’ man,” he stated proudly. “Just seeing the people that can relate to those songs... or brighten up their day” made it all worth it. Interestingly, the very first recording for the album actually took place at guitarist Chris Renn’s trailer out of concerns about being interrupted by family (Renn is unmarried) and neighbors complaining about the volume. “Chuck, he’s pretty much the backbone of the band. He brings in just about all the tunes... either you’re born with it or you’re not,” Renn said, lauding over the drummers’ penchant for coming up with potent riffs and lyrics. “He’s blessed with songwriting (ability); he’s got a vision. It’s like that Cadillac you want to ride in, you know. You just jump on his back and go.” Yet, Renn stresses the fact that Galantis makes sure his band mates are not left out of the process. “He can foresee stuff and once he shows it, puts it out on paper and brings in a tune, everybody jumps in and puts their two cents worth on it and make it ours,” Renn explained. “It’s five pieces to the puzzle and everybody fits in and does their own thing — that’s what makes it click.” As far as how Vague-Us ultimately decides what gets used or tossed, Galantis suggested that Barker, the bassist and newest band member, tackle that question. “Being the new guy, in previous bands that’s usually a mess,” Barker answered. “It’s about the model of efficiency in Vague-Us.

Showcase, Page 1C

cian; whether they’re a girl, a guy; you’re Basically everything gets voted in: just major- see us to capture that emotion.” into rock or country, whatever. I’m really, By the same token, he mentioned that ity rules... and nobody takes anything perreally amazed at how much it just kind of 96-Rock, among others, has played songs sonally; (you) check your ego at the door.” transcends the demographics.” from their ‘04 demo. With the upgrade in Galantis followed up immediately: “That’s Playing with other bands from different sound quality now available with the new what has gotten us the snowball now (refergenres makes their fan base even that much album, even more stations should soon start ring to the band’s surge in popularity and more diverse. playing their material. the release of the album). It’s amazing how “A lot of the guys you know (S.I.K., Barker was ecstatic to even be in the well these five guys, including myself, work Omega Project, etc...) are from around the band, much less on the album. Being the together.” area that we’re from and been in and out of newest member, he has not been around “The democracy of Vague-Us shines the same bands that a lot of us have been very long. through like any government could never in,” explains Renn. “It’s a respect thing, you “These guys don’t mess around,” he do,” he continued. “We solidify a decision know. Of course, everybody’s friends and of exclaimed. “Y’all didn’t just take the first and we stand on it and that’s it. I think course everybody likes music no matter how guy you found off the street. I audition for a it’s the heartbeat of the band: it keeps us heavy or how light it is... even some country little over a month, month-and-a-half, two rolling.” people here or there.” months... Anybody I was up against I was “It’s so easy to get caught up in egos and Renn then posed this question: “Why gonna outwork them... I probably racked petty stuff and then everybody just carrygo out and get somebody you don’t know up a couple hundred plays on the MySpace ing around that baggage,” Barker pipes in. and jam out with them when you can get page.” Thankfully, this band just doesn’t seem to go together with somebody that you know and “I felt really blessed to be a part of the through those squabbles, in his mind. As a you know their roots and they know your result, they’re “not going through any of that band,” he summed up. After hearing the roots and you can have fun with it? So, even finished product he felt as though he had really; it just saves a lot of time. Everybody though the the genre — it might be hard “stepped into that pot of gold.” gets along pretty good because of it.” rock, it might be southern rock, then again According to Galantis though, the ‘pot of Then, all of a sudden, Barker adds “I get it might be metal — it’s still a bunch of musigold’ is quite fragile. along with everybody.” This causes the other cians that are friends, having a good time, “The next step we take right now is crititwo members, the camera man and yours having fun. And then when you present that cal,” he stressed. He hopes that in a year or truly to erupt with laughter. Immediately in front of a diverse afterwards, he says with crowd — whether you’re feigned resignation “I white, black, hispanic; just got voted out of whether you like counthe band. It’s been nice try, you like rock or you knowing y’all.” like rap — it all goes Renn quickly brings over so well.” the discussion back to a When such a large serious tone. and diverse group of “Before every show, people start interactI don’t know what it ing in a positive way, is... we’re the band that a sense of community tends to plan way far begins to emerge. And ahead but kind of put it this band went out of (the actual preparaits way to initiate that tions) off ‘till the last communal spirit within minute,” he said. In the its fan base. meantime, the band “We changed our members start critiquwhole attitude in Vagueing each other during Us from previous bands practice for the smallest that I’ve been in to things. But that is only where they’re no longer because they want to fans. We started calling give the audience a little them ‘family,’ ” Galantis something more than made clear. “When that what they may expect hit, when that hit, when from another band. that hit — I’ll stress And the reward for A perfect example of how Vague-Us treats their “family.” A lucky fan it once more — when all this effort is priceless. Renn explained that all (among many) got the members to autograph the back sleeve of their that hit the damn of the friends and family debut album (above) after their set at the Oxford Bar & Grill in August. airwaves, when that hit MySpace, when that hit of the band members Facebook, when that hit the Vague-Us site... two Vague-Us is with “a label that is willing showing their support is great, of course. Yet it exploded!” to back us because if we can do what we did the band can almost expect it from them. “Once people understood that Vague-Us with... X-amount of dollars on an album, “But there is nothing like seeing a total was about ‘You are a part of this band,” it what can we do with a hundred grand?” stranger... standing in front of you singing just took off, he explained, “because without “You kill for what you love,” he stated, the song that you wrote, patting you on the them we’re nothing. And our challenge is to holding nothing back. “I’m killing this music leg, (yelling) ‘throw me a pick,’ ” he hamkeep our sisters, our brothers, our mothers, canvas. I’m bangin’ away at the door because mered home. “Everything is written from the our fathers, our girlfriends, our wives happy I’m just not gonna be turned away. I’ve been heart... there is nothing better than seeing by saying ‘here’s another nice song; here’s going since ‘89 and it’s time to bring the people that you don’t know giving it back another good representation of what you felt ship in.” And the other members are equally to you.” like yesterday when your boss tried to fire committed. When asked about the overall message you; here’s a good representation of what “These guys that are with me right now that the band wants to convey, Renn simply it felt like when your grandmother passed states five poignant words: “Life, Death, Love are the guys that want more,” he added. “They’re not the watchers; they’re the doers... away.’ We touch those spots: we capitalize and Hate.” And judging by the satisfaction on those spots.” However, they don’t do so And no matter who gets upset about it or of the band with the completed disk, that solely for profit. message and their music in general may soon who doesn’t like the way it goes, we’ve got “And it’s not just because we want to 500 screaming fans that love it.” be heard by a lot more people. Galantis envisay ‘hey, buy our records, buy our records.’ Speaking of the fans, when asked about sions big things on the horizon for the band. Hell, we sell it for hardly nothing...,” he their response to the album, Galantis beams. “When they (the Kitchen) gave the mascontinued. “We want to get the record in “It’s been phenomenal, reason being is tering to us, the overriding feeling I got from their hands man because if it saves a life or because you don’t expect it,” he explains. “It the album was ‘gold,’ ” he explains. “This is brightens somebody’s day... we’ve met the something we need to ride. This is something doesn’t seem real.” challenge.” Speaking more specifically about the we need to push... I think the whole music And they can meet that challenge regardrevolution as it tends to make a cycle: Seattle music itself, Galantis prodded Barker to relate less or whether a member of the ‘family’ another story about his wife’s reaction when rock goes out; Arena rock comes back in — listens to the album or attends one of their she learned about him auditioning. we’re standing on the threshold of that.” shows... like the one they put on last month “I was practicing the rough cut (from the Galantis is matter-of-fact with his predicat Oxford Bar & Grill. demo) of ‘Remember Me’ and I had it turned tion for the band’s future success. “In the “We’ve played there twice,” said Renn, up on my surround sound system, playing coming years, I see Vague-Us being up in “and I’ve been in there with some other big along with it, and she comes up the stairs,” the top notch bands. I see it as something bands with some big events going on and Barker recalled. “She’s like ‘Oh yeah, I love important; something very high standing; to see that whole area filled up, plus the something where we’re gonna be having a lot that song; that’s really good. Who is that?’ extra area — see nothing but heads; no of plays on some radio stations, making some I’m like ‘This is Vague-Us: this is the band floor — it’s just amazing... To see that many I’m trying out for...’ She was definitely taken loot hopefully.” people come to see something that’s original, Meanwhile, Renn, though equally psyched aback by it. I may as well have been trying something that they’re not hearing all over out for a national act.” about the disk, qualifiess that enthusiasm by the radio stations, seeing all over the videos And the band’s catalog holds appeal for a stressing the superiority of the experience by is awesome. wide variety of listeners. a fan of seeing them perform live. Galantis then chimed in with an interest“The songs musically, they’re challeng“I love it; I’m totally satisfied. The only ing note. ing,” Barker begins. “But to just a regular thing I would say is that you would have to “Justin’s first show with us was the CD reperson — you know, people can get turned see us,” he explains. “Yeah, you can hear it lease,” he revealed, as he turned toward him. onto Vague-Us whether they’re a musiand it sounds great but you’d really have to

SUNDAY, September 13, 2009

Volume XCV, No. 215

“You’re gonna play in front of 300 screaming people and see how you handle it.” “No pressure; no pressure,” Barker added dryly. However, his tone became more serious as he continued: “The next day was pretty surreal because I felt like it never happened.” “Nothing beats a natural high,” Renn explained, alluding to the fact that he has partied hard for a long time. However, “No drugs, no alcohol... (can) touch that feeling... of brethren.” Nonetheless, the high can still sometimes be even better. On that night in Oxford in particular the band unveiled a new level of creativity. From the projector they used add a visual element to certain songs and having a trivia contest with prizes during the short intermission halfway through the set to Galantis stepping away from the drum kit and strapping on an acoustic guitar for some ballads, the fact that this show marked the release of their first album was not lost on the band. It had to be special. “We don’t want to be that band that when you go you know what you’re gonna see,” Renn declared. “We always want to throw that left hook.” The biggest punch on this night was the inclusion of an instrument for one song (‘If ever you should want me’, which is, unfortunately, not on the album) that is rarely, if ever, used in rock music. Enter an elementary school teacher from Wake County, violinist Melissa Taylor. “I wanted to show the crowd, you know, that we have a soft side,” explained the drummer. “We had a side of Vague-Us that was... a little bit more apt to spread the good love versus, you know, just power on through with a lot of heavy chords.” “I wrote that song in 1995,” he continued. “I really didn’t have what I needed for the song; it never met what I wanted to bring out” of it. Taylor’s work with her fingers and a bow supplied the missing element to a tune that Galantis had only played live twice before that night back in August. “People that heard it during sound check were ready to go hug their kids, ready to go tell their wife they loved them or ready to go pay vigil to a passed family member,” he said. He wrote the song passing by Sunset Graveyard. His father actually planted the seed for the song, having once spoken these words to him: “If ever you should want me, I’m right over your shoulder.” Galantis broke down the meaning of the song: it’s the belief that “no one’s ever dead, no one’s ever gone, no one’s ever miles away — they’re just right over your shoulder; in spirit, mind. They may not be there physically but they’re there.” The band is now debating whether or not to go back into the studio and record the song as a CD single. “Melissa is the angel amongst many devils,” Galantis said as a compliment to Taylor’s skill and character. Recalling the session they had in order to arrange the song, he admitted that “I lost my footing on my guitar. I couldn’t even play and I told her during sound check — I said ‘Whatever you do, don’t look at me. Because if you look at me and I start listening to what you’re playing, I’m done!’ ” And he foresees even more collaborations down the road. “I want to try a harp; I want to try a cello; I want to try horns...,” he stated. “I want to try it all because like I said, it’s almost like ‘you don’t tap the well unless you drop the bucket.’ You never know what you might stumble upon.” Moreover, the individual members are extremely focused on the band’s future. Except for their individual families, the Vague-Us ‘family’ is their top priority. “I’m like the jack of all trades, master of none,” Barker admitted. Yet now, “Since I got in the band, (I) just fine tuned it all the way, just Vague-Us — just concentrate on this.” “I don’t have any kids, I’m not married,” added Renn. “But Vague-Us, that’s my baby,” Galantis has never second-guessed himself. And even when he starts secondguessing the other band members, the rest of the band restores his confidence when they say things like: “I’m with you all the way. DLet’s ailyrun Dthis ispatch thing/AL intoCREWS the grave.”


Colorfall Festival benefits disabled ARC. Estella Vacher of Norlina, who helped staff the Special Olympics table, displayed the two gold medals she won in volhe Ballet Arts All-stars ley ball. tapped and kicked off The organization will offer opthe annual Colorfall Festival portunities for people with intelin downtown Henderson on lectual disabilities to participate Saturday. in bocce this fall and in basketThey were just one of the ball during the fall and winter. organizations supporting the effort of The ARC of Vance County Potential volunteers, coaches and athletes may obtain more to call attention to, and raise information by money for, individuals with Event sponsor The ARC of Vance calling (252) disabilities. County is an advocate for the rights 431-6091. Another orStretched of disabled children and adults ganization adacross the dressing needs intersection of individuals with disabilities, of Breckenridge and Wyche Community Workforce Solutions streets, commercial food and served hotdogs and provided merchandise vendors were information about their efforts interspersed among numerous to train their clients to be selfcommunity organizations. The ARC of Vance County ad- supporting. The hotdog stand serves the vocates for the rights of children and adults with intellectual and dual purposes of raising money for the program and training developmental disabilities. participants to work in the foodThe organization works to service industry. improve services, connect famiCWS Director Sandra Waverlies and influence public policy. More information is available by ly said the organization operates the hotdog stand on Mondays, calling (252) 438-7627. Tuesdays and Wednesdays on Special Olympics of Vance the patio outside the Vance County shares many goals with By DAVID IRVINE Daily Dispatch Writer


Charlie the horse and friend Trip Parker of Saddle Rock Farms of Henderson provide festival-goers a clip-clop ride Saturday at the Colorfall Festival. County Courthouse when court is in session and at other times at its facility at 602 South Garnett Street. Mark Ellis and Patricia Ellis fixed the hotdogs, while George Rodwell served drinks to customers.

Orlander Bullock, owner of the Bullpen Sports Bar & Grill at the corner of Breckenridge and Garnett streets, opened his doors at noon, two hours after Please see COLORFALL, page 3A

Please see OFFICER, page 3A

Index Our Hometown . . . . . 2A Business & Farm. . . . 5A Opinion . . . . . . . . . . 10A Sports. . . . . . . . . . 1-6B Showcase. . . . . . . . . 1C Celebrate. . . . . . . . 2-4C Books & Leisure . . . . 5C Light Side . . . . . . . 6-7C A to Z Kids. . . . . . . . . 8C Real Estate . . . . . . 1-2D Classifieds. . . . . . . 3-5D

Weather Today Mostly

High: 86 Low: 58

Monday Sunny

High: 89 Low: 64

Details, 3A

Deaths Henderson Ellen Winstead Paynter, 83 George A. Wright, 82 Warrenton Walter Emmanuel Yates

Daily Dispatch/AL CREWS

A train ride and other amusements keep youngsters busy Saturday at the Colorfall Festival. The festival, a benefit for persons with disabilities, is sponsored by The ARC of Vance County.

Daily Dispatch/AL CREWS

Youth from Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Gillburg perform Saturday. The group was one of many helping at the Colorfall Festival to call attention to persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Granville manager: Think high-speed rail Alligood says Interstate 85 won’t meet all investors’ transportation needs By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

OXFORD — Granville County Manager Brian Alligood urged the need to think globally in competing for business and industry, particularly when nations such as France and Great Britain have invested enormously in passenger rail service while the U.S. and the region remains car oriented. Alligood was commenting

Friday morning at the Chamber of Commerce’s Government Forum Committee meeting, at which County Economic Development Director Jay Tilley was the speaker. “And for us, we go, ‘Wow, that’s great. We’ve got an interstate. That’s wonderful’,” Alligood said. “And they (potential investors) may look at it and go, ‘You don’t have mass transit where I can get on and go from here to there.’”

And Alligood emphasized that while the county is in a great location being up from the Research Triangle area, even the Tar Heel State’s most densely populated area — Charlotte — has only had light-rail service since November 2007. Tilley was quick to agree about the situation. “And we have GM and Ford and those guys to thank for it,” Tilley said. “And so that’s another

generational turning-on-a-dime transition.” “And one reason Charlotte is beating our butts in a lot of areas is they have more flights,” Tilley added. “And Atlanta is the same way.” Tilley was quick to note one can buy a ticket for a non-stop flight from Raleigh-Durham International Airport to London Please see RAIL, page 3A

Evans to miss forum because of prior commitment By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

Ward 1 City Councilman Mary Emma Evans told the Dispatch Obituaries, 4A she will be unable to participate in the Sept. 20 forum for candidates for mayor and the council. Evans, who is pastor of Room at the Cross Pentecostal Holiness Church, cited a prior commitment to go to Antioch United Church of

Christ, which is just on the Vance County side of the North Carolina-Virginia border. Evans said the pastor of Antioch is reaching his first anniversary there. “It’s not personal, but I don’t turn down Sunday engagements for a political forum,” Evans said. Evans, when asked whether she would have participated in the forum had the forum been at another date, replied, “Yeah, I

probably would have.” “I’ve been around for a long time,” Evans said. “I’m not a nervous person when it comes to debating.” Evans, whose service on the council dates back to 2003, is being challenged by Cathy Ringley, who serves on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Dispatch is joining the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, radio station WIZS

and the Home in Henderson Web site in hosting the forum, which will be from 3 p.m.-5:15 p.m. in the Vance County Commission meeting room at 122 Young St. In addition to the city chief executive’s position, five of the eight council positions are being contested in the Oct. 6 election. Contact the writer at

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