The Daily Dispatch - Saturday, December 5, 2009

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Inside Today SATURDAY, December 5, 2009

Volume XCV, No. 285

(252) 436-2700

Suspect in murder arrested Attempted robbery at Jokers ended with shotgun blast By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer

Investigators have arrested a 20-year-old man suspected of fatally shooting a customer Oct. 20 during an attempted robbery at Jokers Bar & Lounge on U.S. 1/158. Vance County Sheriff Peter White said Robert Maguel Brodie Jr. of 722 Young Ave. in Herderson is accused of causing the death of David D. Perry, 43, of 861 No Bottom Road in Warrenton. Brodie was charged with first-degree murder, robbery with a dangerous weapon, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a stolen firearm. White said Brodie is in the Vance County Jail with no bond on the murder charge. Bonds on the other three charges total $75,000. The defendant is scheduled to appear in District Court on Dec. 14. The investigation is continuing, and more arrests could follow, according to the Sheriff. Not long after the incident occurred, White gave an account of what had

By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer

Vance Commissioner Danny Wright confirmed Friday the rumor that he won’t seek another four-year term in the District 7 seat he has already occupied for 27 years. The next election will be held in November of 2010, at the end of his seventh term. Wright “My priorities have shifted more toward my family,” said the 65-year-old certified public accountant who

Outstanding County Commissioner Award winner serving seventh term

plans to spend more time with his grandchildren. He and his wife, Betty, have six. Three of them live in Wake Forest. “Betty is the best grandmother in the world and I want to be the best granddaddy,” Wright explained. “My grandchildren worship the ground I walk on,” Wright said during a telephone interview. Chuckling, he added: “I’ve got

them fooled. I plan to fool them some more.” Being a county commissioner has limited the number of hours he has been able to spend with his family, according to Wright. “When Betty goes to Wake Forest to see them, they ask ‘Where is Grandy?,’” he said. “The response is usually ‘Grandy is in a meeting,’” Wright added. “I just need to change that.”

Parading the season in Oxford


Riders wave from the Cornerstone Christian Preschool float Friday night as it travels along Williamsboro Street during the Oxford Christmas Parade. To view or purchase photos, visit us on the Web at

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Rain likely


Miss North Carolina Katherine Elizabeth Southard waves to the crowd Friday night on the side of the parade route during the Oxford Christmas Parade. To view or purchase photos, visit us on the Web at

A tired dancer from Ballet Arts gets a lift in a wagon along the parade route Friday night during the Oxford Christmas Parade. To view or purchase photos, visit us on the Web at

Details, 3A


Members of the J.F. Webb U.S. Army JROTC, right, march in the Oxford Christmas Parade Friday night. To view or purchase photos, visit us on the Web at www.

Obituaries, 4A

Vietnam vet Granville chamber speaker By WILLIAM F. WEST Daily Dispatch Writer

A Vietnam veteran who today says he serves in the Lord’s Army will give the keynote address to the Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s 68th annual banquet, which is set for Jan. 25 at VanceGranville Community College’s main campus. Former Marine Lt. Patrick Cleburne “Clebe” McClary was wounded in combat on March 3, 1968. McClary lost his left eye and his left arm, spent more than two years in military hospitals, underwent more than 30 surgeries and spent numerous hours in

physical therapy. McClary received the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. McClary, in his biography, said he McClary was raised on a 10,000 acre plantation in South Carolina’s Low Country, had fulfilled a dream of becoming a college coach and had plans to marry a Southern Belle. Two weeks before the wedding, McClary said he saw the burning of an American flag on a college campus by students protesting the conflict in Vietnam.

Barron Stainback said Friday morning he will run for the Vance County Board of Commissioners’ District 7 seat held by Scott Hughes and already sought by Tommy Hester. The second challenger announced his intentions after both Hughes and Hester stated that they plan to file again in a story published Friday by The Daily Dispatch. Stainback Stainback said Friday that he is a friend of Hughes, and is certain the current commissioner will be able to carry out his plan to go into the military after he is cleared of a criminal misdemeanor charge facing him in Craven County. “We (he and Hughes) are covering the Democratic Party” to make sure that it has a candidate in the District 7 race, Stainback said Friday morning. Please see STAINBACK, page 3A


Butner Jodie O. Wrenn, 49 Conyers, Ga. Artis A. Hargrove, 70 Henderson James E. Blackwell, 82 Antonia P. Burchette, 41 Hezekiah Johnson Jr., 78 Ruth C. Nelson, 80 Kittrell Polly J. Moore, 87 Macon Monica Donoughue, 66 Norlina Randolph Fogg, 58 Oxford Willie M. Harrington, 63

Stainback joins battle in District 7

Kittrell man arrested on drugs charges


High: 47 Low: 30

Please see WRIGHT, page 3A

By AL WHELESS Daily Dispatch Writer

Our Hometown . . . . . 2A Business & Farm. . . . 5A Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . 8A Light Side . . . . . . . . . 9A Sports. . . . . . . . . . 1-4B Comics . . . . . . . . . . . 5C Classifieds. . . . . . . 6-8C

Sunny day

Whether he could or couldn’t win another four-year term is a question that had no part of his decision not to run again, Wright replied Friday when asked just that. On Aug. 29, he was one of two people to receive the Outstanding County Commissioner Award for 2008-2009. It was presented in Hickory during the 102nd Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC). The first Vance commissioner to win the award, Wright has

Incumbent, two challengers vie for Vance board



50 cents

Veteran Wright won’t seek re-election

Please see SUSPECT, page 3A

High: 43 Low: 26

McClary, dismayed by the lack of support for the U.S., said he resigned from his coaching position, volunteered for the Marine Corps, completed officer training at the Marine Corps base at Quantico, Va., and served as platoon leader of the 1st Recon Battalion in Vietnam. McClary, a graduate of Erskine College in South Carolina, has been married 35 years to Deanna McClary. He is the father of two children and a grandfather of four. The Chamber banquet will be at 6:30 p.m. in Vance-Granville’s Please see SPEAKER, page 3A

A 24-year-old Kittrell man has been arrested by the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Vice/Narcotics Unit, Sheriff Peter White said Friday. James Sellars Floyd III of 123 Van Dyke Road was charged with: • Felony possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver cocaine. • Felony possession with intent to manufacture cocaine. • Felony sell and deliver cocaine • Felony possession of cocaine. • Felony maintaining a vehicle for keeping and selling cocaine. Floyd is being held in the Vance County jail in lieu of $50,000, pending a court appearance on Dec. 28. Send comments to

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