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“Marching into the Future” with The Henderson Family YMCA Celebrating 30 Years of Serving our Community.....

“We Build Strong Kids, Strong Families, Strong Communities”





Henderson Family YMCA: past, present, and future “Our new secretary, W.A. Welch of Jackson, Miss., will arrive in Henderson about Sat., Oct. 20, to take up the work as successor to Secretary Fesperman. Welch comes to us as a man who has had wide experience in most phases of YMCA work.� — from The News Bulletin of the Henderson Community YMCA, dated Oct. 18, 1923. BY WOODY CAUDLE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO HENDERSON FAMILY YMCA

Bet you didn’t know that the Henderson Family YMCA is the second YMCA to serve this community! The historical bulletin we have here at the YMCA speaks about activities like the Older Boy’s Conference, the HI-Y Club, a special Bible sale, and the Employed Boy’s Brotherhood. The YMCA worked in cooperation with the schools, the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs, and the churches. Yes, the YMCA was deeply rooted in the community working hard to serve needs even in 1923. I might note that back in 1923, being the Young Men’s Christian Association, all YMCA work was devoted to helping and developing the young men of the area. All YMCAs now are dedicated to serving all people. The Henderson Family YMCA supports this inclusion of all people starting with its mission statement — “to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy body, mind and spirit for all.â€? Now the second YMCA to serve the area was officially started on March 18, 1980, with an approved Articles of Incorporation as the “Henderson Young Men’s Christian Association Inc.â€? The first minutes were recorded by Nancy Noel, secretary, at the first official meeting of the board of directors on May 20, 1980, where the first officers of the YMCA were elected, the by-laws and constitution were approved, the officers were elected, and committee chairmen were appointed. The officers and committee chairmen were as follows: r 0GGJDFST ĂŁ #SZTPO 5 %JDLFSTPO QSFTJEFOU 4JPO #FMM WJDF QSFTJEFOU /BODZ /PFM TFDSFUBSZ BOE 4UFWF Moss, treasurer. r $PNNJUUFF DIBJSNFO ĂŁ #PC $BUIFSXPPE MFHBM %FOOJT 5IBSSJOHUPO QVCMJDJUZ .JLF 8JMMJBNT DIBSUFS NFNCFSTIJQ 3JDIBSE -BXTPO HFOFSBM NFNCFSTIJQ 3PCFSU 1FOMBOE JOEVTUSJBM BOE DPNNFSDJBM GVOEJOH 4UFWF .PTT GJOBODF BOE 4JPO #FMM BOE - ) )BSWJO +S planning. 4P UIF )FOEFSTPO :PVOH .FO T $ISJTUJBO Association Inc. was off and running. Immediately, a fund-raising effort was put in place to raise operating capital. In March 1983, the YMCA hired its first executive director, Charles Glass. Glass was an experienced YMCA director returning to North Carolina from Kirksville, Mo. He graduated from high school in Charlotte and then graduated GSPN 8BLF 'PSFTU 6OJWFSTJUZ )F MFE UIF :.$" JO establishing business operations as a “non-facilityâ€? or “storefrontâ€? YMCA in space provided by NCNB bank JO EPXOUPXO )FOEFSTPO PO (BSOFUU 4USFFU 5IF :.$"

The Henderson Family YMCA’s Campaign Cabinet is shown in this photo originally published in the Henderson Daily Dispatch on March 30, 1988. The council was meeting to coordinate activities for the upcoming “Y� Capital Campaign. On the cabinet were (standing, from left) Jack Bush, Hartwell Wright, Donald Seifert, Mike Williams, Elaine Simmons and Jeannette Cash, YMCA secretary; and (seated, from left) Mary Bush, Jessie Harvin, Doug Durrette, Tem Blackburn and Michele Burgess. Harvin was fund-raising campaign chairman while Durrette was president of the YMCA board. Also on the cabinet was Billie Rose Petrou. The “Y� cabinet set an immediate goal of $1.5 million and an ultimate goal of $3.5 million to build and complete the YMCA facility on Ruin Creek Road.

later relocated to an old school building on N. Garnett 4USFFU 5IF :.$" CFHBO PGGFSJOH NBOZ QSPHSBNT MJLF swimming lessons (taught in local motel pools), youth sports, exercise classes and YMCA Indian Guides. The :.$" SFDFJWFE JUT OBUJPOBM DIBSUFS PO +VOF BOE the operating name of Henderson Family YMCA was BQQSPWFE PO 4FQU The Henderson Family YMCA now was recognized CZ UIF :.$" PG UIF 64" IBE B GVMM UJNF EJSFDUPS BOE was firmly established in the community. As the YMCA began to grow, the board of directors turned its attention to finding a location and constructing a facility, with members of the board assigned to identifying a location for the proposed full-service facility. The campaign and facility planning progressed UISPVHI CVU TBEMZ PO %FD (MBTT SFTJHOFE his position as executive director to take another YMCA director’s job in another state. An immediate search for a new executive director began and Ann Hughes from the 8FTU 5BNNBOZ :.$" JO .BOEFWJMMF -B XBT IJSFE BT UIF TFDPOE EJSFDUPS PO +VOF 5IF DBQJUBM DBNQBJHO GPS B GBDJMJUZ XBT XFMM VOEFSXBZ BOE PO %FD Maria Parham Hospital donated the land on Ruin Creek Road for the new YMCA facility. On March 28, 1989, with contributions from 184

charter members and many local businesses, along with HFOFSPVT EPOBUJPOT GSPN 3PTFT 4UPSFT *OD BOE )BSSJFU Henderson Yarns, construction on the new facility began. The new 25,205 square-foot facility opened on Feb. 3, 1990. The new YMCA boasted a full-sized gymnasium, a sixlane 25-yard competitive swimming pool with a hot tub, steam room and sauna on deck, a wellness center, aerobics room and locker rooms. Athletic fields and a community walking track were also opened to support the programs and the community. The YMCA was designed to support 900 membership units and quickly reached its capacity. In late 1991, Hughes resigned her position as executive director and Tommy Tucker from the Charleston YMCA JO $IBSMFTUPO 4 $ XBT IJSFE BT UIF UIJSE FYFDVUJWF director. Tucker led the YMCA until November 1998 and oversaw a Phase II expansion in 1993 which added another 10,359 square feet to the existing facility. A new aerobics room, a children’s gym, a squash court, two racquetball courts, and supporting locker rooms were added. The YMCA was then serving over 1,200 membership units. In March 1999, I was hired as the fourth executive director of the YMCA, and due to the growing membership, the YMCA went through another expansion

and major renovation in 2000. The Phase III project added another 4,390 square feet to the facility. By adding another new aerobics room and multi-purpose room, the YMCA was able to greatly expand the existing wellness center, convert the existing aerobics room to a new free weight center, upgrade and replace much of the exercise and mechanical equipment, and replace the EFIVNJEJGJDBUJPO TZTUFN JO UIF TXJNNJOH QPPM BSFB 4JODF the 2000 Phase III project, the YMCA has experienced continued growth and now the YMCA serves over 1,550 membership units equaling over 5,500 adults and children, not including the many non-members who participate in many YMCA programs and special events. The Henderson Family YMCA has been blessed throughout the past 30 years by the continued support of the community through visionaries, contributors, members, program participants, volunteers, and the YMCA staff — both past and present. I have been involved with the Henderson Family YMCA since 1983 when I learned my high school friend, Charlie Glass, had been hired to be the first executive director. Naturally, Charlie insisted I become involved and our youngest son, %BWJE BOE * QBSUJDJQBUFE JO UIF :.$" *OEJBO (VJEF PLEASE SEE PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, PAGE 3





PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, from page two program Charlie started in 1984 — a program for fathers and sons and/or fathers and daughters that we need to reactivate in our community. I have a history with YMCAs as my father got me involved as a child in the Raleigh YMCA. The YMCA was a big part of my life growing up with my first “real job� being a YMCA youth counselor. It has been an honor and a privilege to return to the YMCA and lead this organization for the past 11 years. %VSJOH NZ UJNF BT EJSFDUPS * IBWF DPNF UP SFBMJ[F KVTU how special and unique this YMCA is to our community. I have learned that it is very rare for a community the size of ours to have a full service YMCA facility, and we have had one for 20 years. In doing some research for this brief history, I have been reminded how much work, how much time and how many people it took to open the facility and then keep it strong through the years. In the JOGBOU ZFBST OBNFT MJLF /PFM 8JMMJBNT (PPEXJO )BSWJO $PPQFS .PTT /PSXPPE .FBEPXT %VSSFUU +FOLJOT "EBNT #MBDLCVSO ;PMMJDPGGFS 4FJGFSU )BSQFS 4UBSL $BSWFS 1FBSTPO %PSTFZ 1BMBNBS (BSSFUU $BUIDBSU $IVSDI (BSSFUU 8FTUFS -FHHFUU #VTI 8BULJOT $SFFDI $BTI 4JNNPOT #PZE $BUIFSXPPE 5IBSSJOHUPO 4UPUU 'SB[JFS BOE TP NBOZ NBOZ NPSF QFPQMF XFSF instrumental in beginning this first 30 years of history. It just shows what a community effort the YMCA has been and continues to be. The YMCA cannot exist without the entire DPNNVOJUZ T TVQQPSU 4FWFSBM ZFBST BHP XIFO UIF National YMCA was doing a community assessment of this YMCA, one of the participants may have paid the YMCA the highest complement it could receive. The participant stated that the “Henderson Family YMCA was the only local community organization he knew of that truly served the entire community and was the

only organization where everyone seemed to get along.� Now the YMCA is not the only local organization to accomplish that type of harmony, but his statement and observation of the YMCA was truly appreciated and is a testimonial to the fact that the Henderson Family YMCA is accomplishing its purpose and mission — to include and serve all. Now remembering that YMCA still stands for Young Men’s Christian Association, I would be remiss if I did not briefly address the history of the national organization with which we are associated. The Young Men’s Christian Association is a Christian-based organization originally GPVOEFE JO UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT JO UIF NJE T UP TFSWF young men leaving the farms and moving into the larger cities looking for work. Needless to say, the YMCA has changed over the years, adapting to the changes in the society. It is still an association of people, but no longer just serves men nor does it limit itself to just serving young people. But the YMCA does proudly continue its Christian heritage and traditions. The YMCA does not require a person to be a Christian to become a member, but it does require a person to respect the Christian values the YMCA promotes — caring, respect, honesty, responsibility and faith. The doors of the YMCA are open to all people and all faiths as long as they remember and respect the values the YMCA promotes and practices. Yes, it is hard to believe it has been 30 years since a few people had a vision of a YMCA to serve the Henderson DPNNVOJUZ BOE UIF TVSSPVOEJOH BSFBT 8IFSF IBT UIF time gone since the facility opened on Feb. 3, 1990 — 20 years ago? As you can see, there is a proud history surrounding this YMCA, but we cannot rely on the past to move forward into the future. In 2009, the YMCA Board PG %JSFDUPST BEPQUFE B TUSBUFHJD QMBO UP IFMQ HVJEF UIF

YMCA forward. The strategic plan identified four priority areas: r WPMVOUFFS EFWFMPQNFOU r DPNNVOJUZ BXBSFOFTT r GJOBODJBM EFWFMPQNFOU r TBUFMMJUF PVUSFBDI TFSWJDF Each priority area has a vision statement and a key measurement. This strategic plan should prepare and position the YMCA for continued growth and success TFSWJOH 7BODF (SBOWJMMF 8BSSFO 'SBOLMJO BOE UIF bordering Virginia counties. The YMCA will continue to work hard to meet the needs of these communities, providing all types of exercise programs and opportunities, swimming lessons, after-school and summer day camps, youth and adult sports, racquetball and squash, stress relief activities, special programs and events, and rehabilitation programs with our very good partner, Maria Parham Medical Center. The Henderson Family YMCA is prepared to begin the next 30 years. New volunteers to help run programs and serve on the board of directors will be needed. The facility will need to be maintained and updated. Possible growth in surrounding areas with programs and facilities will need to be considered. Maintaining and hiring a well trained staff to operate the YMCA and provide the many program and services will be needed. But most of all, the continued support of the community that built this wonderful organization will be needed. The Henderson Family YMCA is now one of the largest not-for-profit organizations in our community, serving over 10,000 people per year through membership and programs. The YMCA will need your continued financial support to move forward and I hope you will be willing to support the YMCA so it can continue serving UIF DPNNVOJUZ 8JUI ZPVS TVQQPSU UIF :.$" QMFEHFT to be a good steward of the resources and use the funds to continue its mission — a mission that was actually begun way back in the 1920s when the Henderson Community YMCA served the community. I’m sure those volunteers, YMCA professionals, members and program participants of almost 90 years ago would be proud to know that the YMCA still is making a difference in our community.

Current YMCA Executive Director Woody Caudle is shown participating with son, David, in the “Y� Indian Guides program in the 1980s.

Congratulations to the YMCA and thank you for making a difference in Vance County for 30 years!! We appreciate all of the services you have to offer the community.





for your 30 years of professional service to our community! DAILY DISPATCH PHOTO/RICKY STILLEY

In this photo originally published in the Henderson Daily Dispatch on April 23, 1986, local officials stand beside a sign that promoted the seven-acre site for the new full-service Henderson Family YMCA facility. The land gift from Maria Parham Hospital’s board of directors had been announced the previous Wednesday in a 3:30 p.m. ceremony at the site on Ruin Creek Road, as the sign was unveiled. Pictured (from left) are YMCA Executive Director Charlie Glass, Site Selection Committee Chairman M.R. Williams, Maria Parham Hospital Board Chairman John T. Church, Henderson Mayor R.G. (Chick) Young, and Donald Seifert, vice president the of Henderson Family YMCA Board of Directors.

Thank you for providing the sources to help us to be healthier, stronger citizens and an extended thank you for allowing us to take care of your fencing needs!!!


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Congratulations YMCA!




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Henderson Pediatrics would like to congratulate the YMCA for 30 years in Vance County!

After School Camp participants (from left to right) Marissa Vaughan, Rebekah Ratliff and Mary Stewart Mills. The camp provides after-school care for boys and girls ages pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade.

After School Camp provides opportunity for learning and exploration The Henderson Family YMCA provides afterschool care for boys and girls ages pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade. Currently the YMCA buses QJDL VQ DBNQFST GSPN "ZDPDL $MBSL 4USFFU & . 3PMMJOT & 0 :PVOH 1JOLTUPO 4USFFU BOE ;FC 7BODF FMFNFOUBSZ TDIPPMT ,FSS 7BODF "DBEFNZ 7BODF $IBSUFS 4DIPPM $SPTTSPBET $ISJTUJBO 4DIPPM BOE &BUPO +PIOTPO BOE )FOEFSTPO NJEEMF TDIPPMT %BCOFZ &MFNFOUBSZ 4DIPPM CVTFT DBNQFST UP UIF :.$" As campers arrive, they are provided a cubby for their book bags and personal items. Each day, the program provides an afternoon snack, devotion, swimming, games and activities, optional homework time, some arts and crafts, and a playground with swings. The staff promotes the YMCA’s character traits of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith in daily activities. The staff is carefully selected and trained. All staff members are CPR certified. The YMCA is proud to work toward a ratio of one counselor to six campers JO UIF ZPVOHFS DBNQ POF DPVOTFMPS UP DBNQFST JO UIF NJEEMF DBNQ BOE POF DPVOTFMPS UP DBNQFST JO the older camp. Each child’s safety is one of the staff’s primary objectives.

)PVST PG PQFSBUJPO BSF Q N .POEBZ through Friday. On teacher workdays and extended IPMJEBZ CSFBLT UIF QSPHSBN JT PQFO GSPN B N UP Q N To be a participant in the Henderson Family YMCA "GUFS 4DIPPM $BNQ QSPHSBN ZPV KVTU OFFE UP SFHJTUFS BU UIF GSPOU EFTL CFUXFFO B N BOE Q N 5IFSF JT B OPO refundable $25 registration fee per child. The monthly fees and payment schedule are as follows: r :.$" NFNCFS POF DIJME QFS NPOUI EVF CZ the first of the month. r /PO NFNCFS POF DIJME QFS NPOUI EVF CZ UIF first of the month. %JTDPVOUT BSF BWBJMBCMF GPS BEEJUJPOBM DIJMESFO JO UIF same family. Teacher workdays and early dismissals are included in the monthly fee. In an effort to include all children, the YMCA has a financial assistance program. This program uses a sliding fee scale for membership and childcare based on need. For more information, call the Henderson Family YMCA at (252) 438-2144. The staff at the Henderson Family YMCA believes that character counts and kids can make a difference in the world because they are our future leaders!

8dc\gVijaVi^dch on 30 Years

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Congratulations to the YMCA for 30 years of service! We truly appreciate the dedicated and continued service that you offer the citizens in Vance County! PINNELL INSURANCE AGENCY



8dc\gVijaVi^dch id i]Z NB86 for 30 wonderful years in Vance County!!!

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“The YMCA actually provides a little something for everyone. I can get a good workout here in a clean, safe environment, and the sta is always pleasant! Ahmad, my four-year-old son, always enjoys his time here and it promotes a healthy lifestyle for him.â€? — Pam Cordell







Adult fitness programs offer something for everyone The Henderson Family YMCA is committed to providing an enriching environment for all its members by offering programs that are designed to expand members beyond their comfort zones in a range of fitness activities including aerobics, spinning, yoga BOE QJMBUFT 8IFUIFS B OFX NFNCFS PS TPNFPOF XIP has been active in the YMCA for many years, the staff strives to offer specific programs, activities and clinics throughout the year that are designed specifically for BEVMU NFNCFST XIP BSF MPPLJOH CFZPOE UIF 8FMMOFTT Center towards a more fulfilling YMCA experience. In the area of aerobic classes, the YMCA’s offerings include: r 8BUFS "FSPCJDT ã For those who find floor exercise too stressful on bones and joints, water aerobics offers a total fitness program that builds heartlung endurance, muscle flexibility, strength and endurance. r $BSEJP #PEZ 1VNQ ã A cardiovascular class that combines low and high impact exercise. r ;VNCB ã Combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations. You don’t have to be able to dance to participate. r 4UFQ "FSPCJDT ã A high energy, high intensity multiimpact class designed to increase or maintain fitness

Participants take part in a step aerobics class.

level which safely and effectively burning fat and toning muscles.

r $PSF USBJOJOH ĂŁ %FWFMPQ B IFBMUI NJE TFDUJPO VTJOH a variety of exercises and movements.

r #PEZ 4DVMQU ã -PX JNQBDU BFSPCJD NPWFNFOUT combined with hand weights, balls and bands. All done with high energy, fun music! r .VTDMF 'MFY ã Improve cardiovascular endurance with movement to high-energy music. Also includes muscle toning with weights to improve bone density. r #FHJOOFST 4QJO ã An introduction to the YMCA’s one-hour high intensity spin class. Thirty minutes of low intensity riding with a focus on correct form and becoming familiar with the high-tech spinning bike. r 4QJOOJOH ã One hour of high intensity riding using high tech stationary bikes. Helps participants burn fat, build and tone muscle, and increase aerobic strength. r 1JMBUFT ã Addresses balance while working the entire muscular-skeletal system as well as impacting the circulatory and lymphatic system. Class is for all levels of expertise. r :PHB ã Increase muscle tone and flexibility by learning to relax and focused. (A non-member yoga class is available on Mondays at 5:30 p.m.) r $BSEJP $PSF BOE 'MPPS ã This class focuses on flexibility and endurance using low impact cardio movement, strengthening with weights, and stretching and relaxation.


and Thanks to ALL the Staff and Management for a Job Well Done!



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Henderson Family YMCA Staff Brent Adcock

Brittany Alexander

William Bartholomew

Ida Bishop

Candace Bray

Matilda Bullock

Lillie Bush

Woody Caudle

Jasmine Cheek

Ellen Currin

Bryan Cuthriell

Kim Davis

Morgan Davis

Allen Dunaway

Lea Eatmon

Bradley Edwards

Sandy Elliott

Jermod Ellis

Jeff Faulkner

Pat Forehand

C.J. Fuller

Mary Grissom

Heath Haithcock

Alex Hardesty

Maria Hardesty

Doris Hargrove

Lillie Hargrove

Sandra Harris

Nita Henderson

Tandra Henderson

Thomas Hicks

Brenda Hoyle

Sam Jarell

Vanessa Jones

Jenna Kelsey

Julia Langston

Kathy Larmon

Sandra Layne

Chris Leas

Bobbie Lequire

Sarah Linsmeyer

Jesse Matthews

Sherri Moore-Mott

Mike Moss





Jan Murray

Nora Norwood

Josh Peoples

Hannah Perkinson

Greg Perry

Melvin Perry

Shanice Pritchard

Ben Pulley

Cynthia Ratliff

Tiffany Richardson

John Rowan

Donna Schafer

Teri Spence

Ethan Stokes

Bonny Strange

Melvin Thompson

Nancy Whitt

Darlene Williams

The following staff members were not available to have their photos taken: Jean Bell, Lisa Blalock, Anitra Crow, Ingrid Duke, Mary Jane Fink, Barbara Harris, Kimberly Harrison, Anna McClaughtery, Stephanie Norwood and Jason Stokes.

YMCA of Henderson





Youth sports teams find home at the ‘Y’ The Henderson Family YMCA offers a number of organized youth sports teams that children in the community can participate in. The cost for members is $25 ($40 for non-members). Among the team offerings are: r (JSMT CBTLFUCBMM The season is made up of two practices and six games. Teams are organized for 4-5 year-olds, ZFBS PMET BOE ZFBS PMET (BNFT XJMM CF QMBZFE JO UIF :.$" HZNT PO 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOHT 5IF season begins Feb. 20 and continues through April 10. Registration deadline is Feb. 15. r #PZT CBTLFUCBMM The season is made up of two practices and six games. Teams are organized for 4-5 year-olds, ZFBS PMET BOE ZFBS PMET (BNFT XJMM CF QMBZFE JO UIF :.$" HZNT PO 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOHT 5IF TFBTPO CFHJOT /PW BOE DPOUJOVFT UISPVHI +BO Registration deadline is Oct. 30. r 4QSJOH TPDDFS CPZT BOE HJSMT The season is made up of two practices and six games. Teams are organized for ZFBS PMET ZFBS PMET BOE ZFBS PMET (BNFT will be played at the YMCA on Tuesday and Thursday Challenger British Soccer camp participants from 2004. evenings depending on the age group and number of r 5 #BMM CPZT BOE HJSMT The season is made up of two JO UIF :.$" HZNT PO 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOHT 5IF participants. The season begins May 3 and continues practices and six games. Teams are organized for 4-5 TFBTPO CFHJOT 4FQU BOE DPOUJOVFT UISPVHI 0DU UISPVHI +VOF 3FHJTUSBUJPO EFBEMJOF JT "QSJM ZFBS PMET BOE ZFBS PMET (BNFT XJMM CF QMBZFE BU Registration deadline is Aug. 31. Games canceled due to bad weather will be played the the YMCA field on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. following Monday. Games canceled due to bad weather will be played r $IBMMFOHFS #SJUJTI 4PDDFS $BNQ +VOF 4JHO UIF GPMMPXJOH .POEBZ 5IF TFBTPO CFHJOT +VMZ BOE up online at www.challengersports.com or pick up a continues through Aug. 19. Registration deadline is brochure at the YMCA before April 30 and receive a +VOF HBNF KFSTFZ 'PS BHFT ZFBST B N ZFBST r 7PMMFZCBMM The season is made up of two practices and B N OPPO ZFBST B N OPPO ZFBST GPVS HBNFT 5FBNT BSF PSHBOJ[FE GPS ZFBS PMET Q N BOE ZFBST B N Q N 3FHJTUSBUJPOT year-olds, and 9-10 year-olds. Games will be played received after April 4 will have a $10 late fee added.

Youth sports team sponsors needed 8PVME ZPVS DPNQBOZ MJLF UP SFDFJWF SFDPHOJUJPO earn a tax deduction and do something wonderful for the youth in the community? Become a youth sports sponsor at the YMCA! For a $1,000 contribution, the YMCA will display a company’s name on a weatherresistant sign. The sign can be hung on the fence around

the track or in the gym. The sponsoring company’s logo will also be printed on hundreds of participants’ t-shirts. This is a great way to advertise and participate in helping the children of our community to learn sound fundamental skills, build confidence and increase self-esteem.

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%QPITCVWNCVKQPU on your 30 years of continued success!

Thank you for being such a great asset to Vance County!

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Karate classes available Tuesdays and Thursdays 4FOTBJ 5FE /FXUPO JOTUSVDUT B DMBTT JO 4FJCVLBO LBSBUF every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the Henderson

Family YMCA. Non-members are welcome. Classes are available for four-year-olds through adults.

“I come even when I don’t feel like it because it’s important to try and to do what you can to be healthy. That’s what it’s all about, not giving up.�


— Bobby W. “The Y gives me a reason to get out of my house everyday, where I can control my weight and I always feel much better afterwards.� — Edna Hargrove

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Community-wide Weight loss class begins on Feb. 10 8dc\gVijaVi^dch TO THE open house will celebrate 20 years at current location Membership information/hours of operation 5IF :.$" XJMM PGGFS B DMBTT PO i5VSOJOH 8FJHIU -PTT *OUP " )FBMUIZ -JGFTUZMFu CFHJOOJOH 'FC BU Q N $MBTTFT BSF MJNJUFE UP QBSUJDJQBOUT BOE enrollment is first come, first serve.

The Henderson Family YMCA will hold a communityThe Henderson Family YMCA is open Monday XJEF PQFO IPVTF PO 8FEOFTEBZ UP DFMFCSBUF UIF through Thursday from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays from organization’s 20th anniversary in the current building B N UP Q N 4BUVSEBZT GSPN B N UP Q N BOE on Ruin Creek Road. The event kicks off the YMCA’s 4VOEBZT GSPN Q N year-long celebration of its 30th year serving the local community. Mike and Audrey with 98.3 FM will be on site live from “(I come to the Y) to work out B N 8FEOFTEBZ 5IF i:u (VZ BOE UIF $IJDL and stay in shape and have free fil-A cow will be dropping by during the morning hours. time to clear my mind.� At 12:15 p.m., a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held, followed by a light lunch. Tours of the facility will — Lance Lickness CF PGGFSFE PO UIF IPVS UISPVHIPVU UIF BGUFSOPPO -JHIU “(I come to the Y) to stay in shape, refreshments will be served throughout the day. To stay looking young, and to live a celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Ruin Creek location, healthy lifestyle.� the joining fee for new members will be reduced to $20 QMVT UIF NPOUIMZ EVFT PO 8FEOFTEBZ +PJOJOH GFFT BSF — Jerome Haywood normally $100 for individuals and $125 for families. Existing members can enjoy children’s activities in the “I come to the Y because I have CJH HZN GSPN Q N 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO DBMM health issues and I know that (252) 438-2144 or e-mail julial@henfamymca.org.



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This is a doctor assisted program that will look at issues related to exercise, diet and healthy weight loss. Call the YMCA at (252) 438-2144 for more information or to sign up.

Individual and family memberships are available. For more information, call they YMCA at (252) PS WJTJU UIF PSHBOJ[BUJPO T 8FC TJUF BU XXX hendersonymca.org. exercise is the key to better health. It makes me feel great!�


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— Carolyn K. “(At Summer Day Camp,) I especially like the Christian atmosphere. The children are exposed to a variety of activities; therefore, everybody gets to do something they really like to do.� — C. Pittard




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Congratulations, YMCA for 30 Years of Service to Henderson Henderson Louisburg Wake Forest 252-430-0900 919-496-2011 919-556-1111 Nashville Wendell Spring Hope 252-459-7034 919-365-0520 252-478-4626

would like to congratulate the


for their 30 years of service in Vance County!

Thank you for making a difference and helping us to be a happier, healthier community!!

101 Eastern Minerals Rd. Henderson, NC 27537





Summer Day Camp provides day-long recreational and learning activities The Henderson Family YMCA provides all-day care in the summer for children from pre-kindergarten through SJTJOH FJHIUI HSBEF )PVST PG PQFSBUJPO BSF B N UP p.m., Monday through Friday. The YMCA provides a safe environment for campers, including daily devotions and fellowship, organized games and activities, arts and crafts, daily snacks in the morning and afternoon, swimming and weekly field trips, and lots of fun! The YMCA provides lunch every Friday and on most field trips. Other weekdays, campers must bring lunch. The Friday lunches include pizza, subs, hot dogs, hamburgers, spaghetti and chicken nuggets. Microwaves are available for heating up lunches. Each camper is asked to bring a swimsuit, comb and towel daily. The Y staff asks that campers wear closed toe shoes for safety reasons, and asks that all toys, games and electronic games be left at home. Every day, the YMCA’s character traits of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith are emphasized in the daily activities. The staff encourages campers to share, be kind to one another, build friendships, and build self-esteem and confidence — values that last a lifetime. The YMCA staff is

carefully selected and trained. Every staff member is CPR certified. The safety each participant is one of the YMCA’s primary objectives. The staff strives for a ratio of one counselor to six campers in the youngest camp, one counselor to 10 campers in the middle camp, and one counselor to 12 campers in the oldest camp. Campers receive a camp bag and camp T-shirt to be worn on field USJQ EBZT 4VNNFS %BZ $BNQ SFHJTUSBUJPO begins March 15. There is a non-refundable $25 registration fee per child. 5IF 4VNNFS %BZ $BNQ JT EJWJEFE into three sessions with three weeks in each session. The sessions are as follows: r 4FTTJPO 0OF +VOF +VOF +VOF +VMZ DMPTFE +VMZ r 4FTTJPO 5XP +VMZ +VMZ +VMZ r 4FTTJPO 5ISFF "VH "VH "VH In an effort to include all children, the Henderson Family YMCA has a financial assistance program that uses a sliding scale, based on need. For more information, please contact the YMCA at (252) +PJO UIF :.$" TUBGG GPS 4VNNFS %BZ $BNQ and let your child have the experience of a lifetime!

The Medical Staff & Employees of Maria Parham Medical Center would like to congratulate the

Henderson Family YMCA for

30 Years of Simply Being the Best!

Friendship Club offers fun and fellowship The YMCA’s Friendship Club meets the second 8FEOFTEBZ PG FBDI NPOUI BU Q N .FNCFSTIJQ EVFT BSF $1 for each club meeting attended. Club activities include line dancing, guest speakers on topics of interest, two trips a year, bingo, sing-a-longs and more! Members can also

WPMVOUFFS BU UIF :.$" T .FNCFSTIJQ 4FSWJDFT %FTL The club was created 10 years ago and has 32 members. Membership is open to women 55 years of age and older. For more information, contact Brenda Hoyle at (252) 438-2144.

“To me, (the Friendship Club) means wonderful fellowship with a remarkable group of young/old ladies with hearts of gold, filled with love and deep appreciation of each other. The warm greetings, hugs, attitudes and caring acts of kindness shown are magnificent!â€? — Louise Kelley “I retired in 1990 and immediately started going to the YMCA. It is such a wonderful place for meeting new friends and renewing old acquaintances. We are so fortunate to have such a nice facility in our community. They oer so much for everyone. Years ago a Friendship Club was started. We enjoy the fun, fellowship and food so much. We have some great speakers that inform us of things that will be helpful to us.â€? — Gertrude Harris

566 Ruin Creek Road Henderson, NC 252.438.4143 www.mariaparham.com





Water aerobics, swim lessons provide aquatic option for YMCA members The Henderson Family YMCA offers a water aerobics program for those people who find floor exercise to be too stressful for bones and joints — or who just simply love the water! The emphasis is on total fitness, including heartlung endurance, muscle flexibility, strength and endurance. Among the classes offered are: r "DBDJTF ã An energetic, water-supported exercise class using water resistance to increase cardiovascular endurance, muscle tone and flexibility. Classes are .POEBZT 8FEOFTEBZT BOE 'SJEBZT GSPN B N r #MBTU PG 4QMBTI ã This class uses rhythmic body movements as well as dance steps that need to be done JO UIF XBUFS $MBTTFT BSF .POEBZT BOE 8FEOFTEBZT GSPN Q N r )ZESPGJU ã A shallow water fitness class that offers a complete workout, covering cardio endurance, muscle endurance, strengthening, toning and flexibility. Classes are Mondays and Fridays from 8:45-9:30 a.m. r 8BUFS %ZOBNJDT ã Also a shallow water fitness class that offers a complete workout, covering cardio endurance, muscle endurance, strengthening, toning and flexibility. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15-9:15 a.m. r 4JMWFS4QMBTI¥ ã Participants do not need to know IPX UP TXJN UP QBSUJDJQBUF JO UIF 4JMWFS4OFBLFST XBUFS FYFSDJTF DMBTT " 4JMWFS4OFBLFST LJDLCPBSE JT VTFE GPS stability and balance in the water. Those who have arthritis or other joint conditions will find the water comforting and the non-impact workout stimulating.

Henderson Family YMCA 2010 Board of Directors Wayne Adcock Jimmy Adams Tem Blackburn Tim Baynes Garry Daeke Trudy Cook Williard Haithcock Fern Ellington Linwood Jarrell Paul Harris Marion Lark Emilee Johnson John Metzger Kirt Meadows Hal O’Geary John Norwood Francis Powell Jeff Perry Keith Taylor Sr. John Stott Gene Thompson John Terry Bev Tucker

"WBJMBCMF "QSJM /PWFNCFS PO 8FEOFTEBZT BU B N The YMCA also offers a wide selection of swim classes for all ages and skill levels. Classes include: r 1BSFOU $IJME BHFT TJY NPOUIT UP ZFBST The goals PG UIF 6OEFS 5ISFF 1SPHSBN BSF UP JODSFBTF UIF MFWFM of trust between parent and child, to create a positive experience for the child in the water, and to introduce basic aquatic safety. This class helps parents form reasonable and healthy expectations of their child’s progress through songs, games and fun activities. r 1JLF &FM 3BZ BOE 4UBSGJTI DMBTTFT BHFT ZFBST This program is designed to introduce children to the fundamentals of swimming, boating and water safety, providing an opportunity to develop social skills, body awareness and independence. The goal is to create a pleasant, fun atmosphere and build self-confidence without parental participation. r 1PMMJXPH (VQQZ .JOOPX 'JTI BOE 'MZJOH 'JTI DMBTTFT BHFT ZFBST This program is designed to introduce the fundamentals of swimming, boating and water safety, providing an opportunity to develop social skills, body awareness, and independence. The goal is to create a pleasant, fun atmosphere and build self-confidence without parental participation. r "EVMU TXJN JOTUSVDUJPO This class is designed for adult men and women, and multi-level swim instruction for

— Mary J.

Congratulations, YMCA! . #OOPER $RIVE s Henderson, NC 27536 s &AX %MAIL .3% VANCE NET 7EBSITE WWW .ORTHSIDE%LECTRONICS COM

#ONGRATULATIONS ON YEARS of dedicated service in 6ANCE #OUNTY We appreciate all that you do for our community!


Calling Henderson ‘Home’ for 29 Years

Congratulations, YMCA on 30 years in Henderson

Chief Volunteer Officer: Wayne Adcock Vice Chief Volunteer Officer: Marion D. Lark Secretary: Jeff Perry Treasurer: John Norwood Past Chief Volunteer Officer: Bev Tucker Counsel: Tem Blackburn

“I love the Y because I can tell a dierence in my stability and strength when I come and exercise. When I stay and work out, I goof o and have fun!â€?

high-school age swimmers. Instructors will teach correct swim techniques, basic life saving skills, and safety. For those who have never learned how to swim, the class QSPWJEFT B HSFBU TUBSU -FWFMT PGGFSFE JODMVEF CFHJOOFS through advanced. r i5FSSJGJFE PG 8BUFSu DMBTT This class is for adults that are terrified of the water. Participants must be willing to trust the instructor. The class will be held on Tuesdays CFHJOOJOH 'FC GSPN Q N GPS FJHIU TFTTJPOT 5IF DPTU JT B DPOUSJCVUJPO UP UIF :.$" i-FBSO UP 4XJN 'VOE u r 1SJWBUF TXJN MFTTPOT Private swim lessons are available for $25 per 30-minute session with a minimum of four sessions. 5IF :.$" BMTP QSPWJEFT MJGFHVBSE USBJOJOH %VSJOH UIF training, participants learn first aid training and professional rescuer CPR, techniques to rescue someone on land and in the water, how to recognize and prevent injuries, ways to handle tough situations and how to work as part of a team, and important decision-making and leadership skills. -JGF HVBSEJOH JT BO JNQPSUBOU KPC UIBU GJMMT B WJUBM OFFE in the community. It is a job with many benefits but it also IBT B MPU PG SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ -JGFHVBSET BSF SFTQPOTJCMF GPS UIF safety and well-being of everyone in and around the water. A lifeguard never knows when he or she may have to use the skills they learned during training to save a life.



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YMCA Mission Statement: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

YMCA Character Traits: Caring s Honesty s Respect Responsibility s Faith

The is Fun and Fitness for everyone!

Time to Get Healthy and get into the “healthy habit.” The YMCA can help you have FUN getting healthy.

Wellness Center • Free Weight Center • Indoor Cycling (Spinning) • Aerobics Studio • Swimming Pool • Swim Lessons • Sauna • Hot Tub • 2 Gyms • Racquetball • Squash • Youth & Adult Sports • Kids After School Camp • Kids Summer Day Camp • Nursery • Walking Track • Wellness Assessments • Personal Coaching • Special Family Events

380 Ruin Creek Road, Henderson, NC 27536 (252) 438-2144 visit our website @ www.hendersonymca.org

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